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Such aggregate Capital Commitments shall be increased at each Subsequent Closing 翻译一下

1 aggregate Capital Commitments 总资本承诺汇款 2 每一次交易结束时

法律名词: condition precedent 和 condition subsequent是什么意思?

condition precedent: must be satified before a contractual duty coms into existencecondition subsequent: after condition precedent actor must fulfill this condition for duty to arise




形容词consequent表示“因……而引起的”[resulting],指前后因果;而subsequent却表示“后来的”,“继起的”,“随后的”[later,following,coming after],指前后顺序.举例:1.The flooding of large areas of land was consequent upon the heavy rain.由于雨量很大,大片土地被水淹没.2.There was severe trade depression consequent upon a number of serious strikes.几次大**导致了严重的贸易萧条.3.We made plans for a visit but subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it.我们本来计划去参观,但后来汽车出了毛病而没有去成.4.His misbehaviour and subsequent dismissal from the firm was re-ported in the newspaper.报纸报道了他的不端行为及后来被公司开除的消息.


【记】词根记忆:[sub-(下)+sequ+-ent]a.随后的,后来的:events that happened subsequent to that accident在那场事故之后发生的事情例句: The chairman will be pleased to discuss the matter with you subsequent to lunch .主席很快乐能与你在吃过午餐之后讨论这个事件。例句: Subsequent events proved me wrong .後来发生的事证明我错了。




subsequent[英][u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259nt][美][u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bnt, -kwu0259nt]adj.后来的; 随后的; 作为结果而发生的; 附随的; 例句:1.During the subsequent school year, she continued to enjoy and excel at mathematics. 随后的一个学年里,她一直乐于学习数学,而且成绩出色。2.Subsequent developments strongly support this argument. 随后的发展强烈支持这种观点。


subsequent[英][u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259nt][美][u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bnt, -kwu0259nt]adj.随后的; 后来的; 作为结果而发生的; 附随的; 例句:1.The engineer confirmed the practice in a subsequent email. 该工程师在随后的一封电子邮件中证实了这一做法。2.But the response and subsequent growth have created boom times for alberta. 但市场反应及随后的增长为阿尔伯塔创造了一个繁荣期。

subsequent to 后边接动名词吗?

subsequent to 后可加名词,后面接动词原形。ceasing与the partner 有关,partner与cease 是主动关系,所以就要用现在分词来表示,如果是被动的关系就要用ceased

如何解决ACCA F8中的Subsequent Events难题

IAS10 Subsequent Events是这样定义的:Subsequent events are events occurring betweenthe date of the financial statements and the date of the auditor"s report, andfacts that become known to the auditor after the date of the auditor"s report.它指的是subsequent events是那些发生在报表日和审计日这两个时间点之间发生的所有事项。其次再来解释什么是adjusting events.Adjusting events的定义是An event afterthe reporting period that provides further evidence of conditions that existedat the end of the reporting period, including an event that indicates that thegoing concern assumption in relation to the whole or part of the enterprise isnot appropriate.因此,adjusting events的成立有两个条件:它是subsequent events,意即它发生在报表日和审计师出报告日之间。它提供的是financial reporting date之前就已经存在的公司某些状况的相关信息。所以,判断一件事是不是adjusting events的黄金法则就是:看它提供的信息所反映的事件是不是在财务年度的年底就已经发生了(虽然事后才发现)。换而言之,如果它提供的信息反映的是在财务年度的年底没有发生的事情,则为non-adjustingevents.

subsequent measurement是什么意思

subsequent measurement后续计量例句If the offset current is relatively constant, this value can then be subtracted from subsequent measurements.如果偏移电流相对稳定,则可以从随后的测量值中减去该值。Once the leakage current in a given pathway is known and remains consistent, it can be subtracted fromsubsequent measurements.一旦知道了给定通路的漏流,并保持稳定,即可从随后的测量值中减去该值。International accounting theory circles have formed a series of perfect ways about the recognition of goodwill, measure, subsequent measure, devalue and reporting.对于商誉的确认、计量、后续计量、减值处理和列报等问题,国际上已经形成了较为完善的做法。Subsequent events vindicatedhis suspicions.後来的事实表明他的怀疑有道理。Subsequent events proved me wrong.後来发生的事证明我错了。如有疑问,请追问~如果有帮助,请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~


subsequent-sales后续销售The money will not be wasted if the launch is well handled and the cost will bejustified by subsequent good sales figures. 如果发布会成功举办,这些钱就不会被浪费,而且随后良好的销售记录将证明这笔费用是值得的。很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

请问ensuring 和 subsequent 为什么是同义词

是ensuing 不是ensuring

单词successive , subsequent , significant , since


subsequent events是什么意思

subsequent events[英][u02c8su028cbsikwu0259nt iu02c8ventu0283][美][u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bnt u026au02c8vu025bntu0283]财务报表编制后发生的事项; 例句:1.Subsequent events showed that I was right. 随后的事件显示我是对的。2.Subsequent events proved me wrong. 后来发生的事证明我错了。


later adv.较晚地;以后,过后;后来;随后 adj.后来的;以后的;接近末期的;晚年的subsequent adj.后来的;随后的;作为结果而发生的;附随的

从构词角度辨析 subsequent和consequent的区别,并且搞清楚他们表示的概念?



后果的? 有一些派生词要靠理解的 一般字典都查不到 这样的词很多


作形容词没有区别,但分词ensuing来自于动词ensue,可以作谓语动词。eg.because of trade imbalance,a trade war is ensuing.因为贸易不平衡,一场贸易战即将来临。




subsequent 后来的,随后的following 下面的,其次的,接着的精 锐




subsequent英[u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259nt]美[u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bnt, -kwu0259nt]adj.随后的; 后来的; 作为结果而发生的; 附随的双语例句 Loss of workspace changes can also result if, in subsequent synchronizations, the corresponding modeling changes are accepted.在随后的同步中接受建模更改也会导致工作空间更改的损失。


形容词consequent表示“因……而引起的”[resulting],指前后因果;而subsequent却表示“后来的”,“继起的”,“随后的”[later,following,coming after],指前后顺序.举例:1.The flooding of large areas of land wa...


subsequent英[u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259nt]美[u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bnt, -kwu0259nt]adj.随后的; 后来的; 作为结果而发生的; 附随的1Loss of workspace changes can also result if, in subsequent synchronizations, the corresponding modeling changes are accepted.在随后的同步中接受建模更改也会导致工作空间更改的损失。


随后的; 后来的; 作为结果而发生的; 附随的;



_________[A] subsequently [B] presently [C] previously [D] lately



subsequently Adverb 连续地,相继地 happening at a time subsequent to a reference time; "he apologized subsequently"; "he"s going to the store but he"ll be back here later"; "it didn"t happen until afterward"; "two hours after that" (synonym) later, afterwards, afterward, after, later on (pertainym) subsequent


subsequently不可以放在句首subsequently 释义:adv.随后;后来;之后;接着


adj. 后来的,随后的n.后来者,后来的事物subsequent to “在……以后”【同义词】following  later 【反义词】preceding  previous 


subsequent随后的双语对照词典结果:subsequent[英][u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259nt][美][u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bnt, -kwu0259nt]adj.后来的; 随后的; 作为结果而发生的; 附随的; 同反义词1.ADJ随后的;后来的You use subsequent to describe something that happened or existed after the time or event that has just been referred to.语法信息...the increase of population in subsequent years...随后几年人口的增长subsequentlyShe subsequently became the Faculty"s President...她随后成了系主任。Subsequently the arrangement was terminated.后来这个计划被终止了。2.PHRASE在…之后;继…之后If something happened subsequent to something else, it happened after that thing.语法信息They won only one more game subsequent to their Cup semi-final win last year.继去年在杯赛半决赛中获胜后,他们仅又赢过一场比赛。收起例句:1.During the subsequent school year, she continued to enjoy and excel at mathematics. 随后的一个学年里,她一直乐于学习数学,而且成绩出色。2.Subsequent developments strongly support this argument. 随后的发展强烈支持这种观点。3.The subsequent recession fixed that. 后来的经济萧条转变了这个局面。4.But whatever the starting point, subsequent educational success is more likely to go to those with affluent,middle-class parents. 但不管你刚开始干得如何漂亮,其后的学术成就往往伴随着那些白领殷实家庭出来的小孩。5.Subsequent events have proved him right. 随后的事情发展验证了他的看法。




subsequently 是副词,意为:随后,后来,之后,接着副词修饰动词,时态只在谓语动词上作变化,和副词无关,严格来说所有时态都可以用,不过按照意思来判断,该词一般用于一般过去时。望采纳


subsequently 英[u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259ntli] 美[u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bntlu026a] adv. 其后,随后,接着; “subsequent”的派生; 嗣后; 尔后; [例句]Avon made a settlement offer to the Department of justice and SEC in June for$ 12 million, which was subsequently rejected.今年6月,雅芳向美国司法部(Department of Justice)和美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提出1200万美元的和解提议,结果遭到拒绝。-------------如有帮助请采纳, 如需帮助可追问,谢谢。


subsequently[英][u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259ntli][美][u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bntlu026a]adv.其后,随后,接着; “subsequent”的派生; 嗣后; 尔后; 例句:1.Mr thain subsequently named him chief financial officer of the nyse. 塞恩随后任命他为纽约证交所首席财务官。2.His post was subsequently deleted. 他的帖子后来遭到删除。3.Having been forced to grow up fast, he subsequently seemed to want to protect his childlike imagination against all comers. 这些经历迫使他快速成长,其后,他似乎是想要护住自己天真烂漫的想象力而防备着一切来者。4.Ecuador subsequently expelled the ambassador. 厄瓜多尔后来驱逐了这名大使。5.Both trades were subsequently canceled. 这两种交易在随后都被取消了。


subsequently随后双语对照词典结果:subsequently[英][u02c8su028cbsu026akwu0259ntli][美][u02c8su028cbsu026au02cckwu025bntlu026a]adv.其后,随后,接着; “subsequent”的派生; 嗣后; 尔后; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Platinum equity purchased the division from kodak in november 2011 and subsequently launched truesense. 2011年11月,私募基金公司Platinum Equity收购了该部门,随后成立了Truesense公司。