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Rome wasn’t built in a day. Work harder and practice more. Your hardworking will be rewarded by Go


Good deeds are rewarded with kindness_2000字

Because the ant fell into the river and was in danger, the big bird gave the ant a *** all kindness of wood, in exchange for the big bird to be safe in the difficult place. This is called good deeds and good rewards. There is a boy, in his hunger and cold, no one to help the situation, he desperate to the street to the last home for help. At this time, he fot that he was standing in front of the door to beg. Did not expect the girl said: you wait a moment, she handed the boy towel, let him dry the rain wet hair, and handed him a cup of hot milk. A few years later, the boy became a famous doctor. Once, he was surprised to find that a patient to be operated on was actually the angel, but the medical operation cost was beyond her affordability. The doctor immediately operated in person. After the operation was successful, the girl opened the medical bill and could not help crying. Medical expenses - a cup of hot milk. It never occurred to the girl that a *** all act of kindness many years ago turned out to be the bill to save her life. This can‘t help but remind me of the story about the shipbuilder and the shipowner. A *** all act of kindness of the boatman received gratitude and reward from the shipowner. Of course, good deeds and good rewards are beeen o people. There are also many people who do good deeds but can not get good rewards. Can"t help the old lady, let a person feel cold, why do their good behavior can‘t get return and affirmation, but let people sue in court? The “mind my own business” victims are not grateful to those who are desperate to save themselves, but are indifferent. If everyone does not have a sense of gratitude, who dares to do good things if it goes on like this for a long time? Good deeds and good retribution, first of all, es from the kindness of one side, but also from the gratitude of the other side. Without this gratitude, it is very difficult to have a good reward. The good deeds emphasized here are not material thanks. Those who do good deeds often need a kind of affirmation from the heart. With these affirmations, good deeds will be recycled again, and goodness will begin to pass on. The world will not bee indifferent and cold-blooded. Life is like wine, or strong, or fragrant, because good deeds and good rewards, it bees mellow; life is like a song, or high, or low, because it is good at good retribution, it bees melodious; life is picturesque, or bright, or elegant, because it is good at repaying, it bees beautiful. Being good at repaying is related to the harmonious society and the *** ooth realization of the Chinese dream. Let"s start philanthropy, let‘s leverage the Chinese dream! Let"s start good report, let‘s realize the Chinese dream!

thrill seeking是什么意思

a goal for extreme happiness 寻求极端快乐/刺激的目标 thrill-seeking是定语,寻求刺激的 这句话大概就是说,那些寻求极端快乐的人也同样是自寻冒险的人.



Hermes Kelly和BIRKIN哪个更好呢?

这两款都是Hermes旗下的两个系列。至于更好,不能这样比较啊。只能看你更偏爱哪种风格。Hermes kelly :爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 就是远在一公里外也能被雷达扫描出来。爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 成名于1956年的《Life》杂志,当时杂志上刊登了摩洛哥王妃Grace Kelly 怀着身孕拎着爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 的照片,而原名为“Hight Bag”的爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 也因此而卷起了狂潮。爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 最早是为狩猎者设计的马鞍袋,是HERMES 皮具中最早的单品,爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 1892年面世,并在1930年修改尺码,方便配合仕女们携带,当时已是HERMES 的限量发行品。  而1970年后所制造的爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 均拥有一个独一无二的标记于背带内,当中纯字母代表工厂,之后为年分,最后的代表制造工匠的编号。当爱马仕“凯莉”包 需要维修时,便依此编号交回该工匠处理。事实上,每个HERMES 手袋的售价,已包括为顾客缝上英文名字简写和每年一次的简单维修服务。而每一个爱马仕“凯莉”包均由同一位专业工匠,利用十三小时才完成。  爱马仕“凯莉”包 (Hermes Kelly) 最初只有28厘米、32厘米和35厘米三种型号。1968年时“凯莉”包面世,到了1980年“凯莉”包又增加了40厘米的新款。Hermes birkin:Birkin,在法国猫王Serge Gainsbourg的怀抱里,她就是Jane,羞涩又放荡的女孩儿Jane。在全世界时尚拜物狂眼中,是Hermés最热销的Birkin Bag。在音乐圈,她是软性性感的代名词,呻吟般的歌唱、沙哑的嗓音带着孩童般的纯天然性感。在70年代的时尚记忆里,她是短发平胸的中性偶像。  正是这种无拘无束的个性给了当时Hermés总设计师Dumas灵感。1984年,Dumas在飞机上遇到Jane,Jane苦于新生孩子的随身物品储放问题而苦恼,向总裁抱怨找不到做工精良又实用的大提包,他们在Kelly Bag的基础上合作设计了Birkin Bag。这款包相对于Kelly Bag精致得一丝不苟,就像注入了Jane Birkin那无拘无束的灵魂——包永远敞开着,里面的物品仿佛多得要掉出来,但这正是Birkin女郎们所不在意的,她们相信即使只穿着最普通的T恤和牛仔裤,只要有这款包,就永远都是人群的焦点所在。  Kelly与birkin两款手袋是从Hermer传统的马鞍上得到灵感,就像双生儿一样。相同的是,两款手袋通常都是采用稀有皮革中的上等皮革制作,过程一丝不苟,自然价格也不菲。另外,同样相像的就是两款手袋长长的预定名单,一年半载也算不上太久。因为诸多相似的特质,若不经意间有时人们会混淆两者。其实最简单的方法,就是通过手袋的手柄来辨认。单柄的手袋一定是Kelly,那么两个手柄的便是Birkin了。


爱马仕Birkin和Kelly的价格根据皮质和款式不同,存在较大的差异。虽然我无法给出二者哪个更贵,但我可以将二者价格高低的一些情况列举如下:1. 在一般情况下,Birkin的价格相对更高。然而,这并不意味着所有Birkin都比所有Kelly贵,因为具体的价格取决于包款的材质、尺寸和配置等因素。2. 皮质 Birkin 和皮质 Kelly 的价格比较类似,而特殊皮质的包款价格尤其昂贵。例如,鳄鱼皮Birkin和Kelly的价格均非常高,其中以鳄鱼皮Birkin更贵。总之,要判断哪个包款更贵,需要根据具体包款的属性和配置进行比较。


加拿大退货没有问题,但是你说的那个牌子。。。。。首先我对化妆品不熟悉,其次,你所说的这个牌子在哪里有卖的?我查到amazon有卖的,其他好像渠道就没了。可以去网上买,也有私人代理。你找的估计就是私人代理,而且没有打折的。515美元,如果在加拿大,要有13%的税,再加上运费。如果国内给到你手上就3800.一点儿都不贵。按现在的兑换,税前是3168人民币,如果你用人民币兑换,估计要3500-3600人民币(如果你去人民银行)。因为国内这种进口东西要有30%的增值税。当年一瓶香水国外卖80加币税后,相当于500人民币。国内卖600多近700.再有,在哪里买,就跟哪里的购物制度。但是你是私人的,不是说sandra的店。就更没有可否退货这么一说了。加拿大就算有保护你,也就是7天内能给予你一定的权限。其次你不是跟加拿大买的,所以退货返修就是由卖家说了算,跟加拿大的退货制度没有任何关系。有一点,那东西叫Nu Skin ageLOC Galvanic Spa吗?

baking powder 和 baking soda 2者的区别..?

泡打粉 (baking powder) 由苏打粉配合其他酸性材料,并以玉米粉为填充剂的白色粉末。 泡打粉在接触水分、酸性及碱性粉末,同时溶于水中起反应,有一部分会开始释放二氧化碳,同时在烘焙加热的过程中会释放出更多的气体,这些气体会使产品达到膨胀及松软的效果。 所以做蛋糕用的是这个,蛋糕需要比cookie更加蓬松柔软。但是过量使用反而会使成品组织粗糙,影响风味甚至外观,因此使用上要注意分量,泡打粉在保存时应尽量避免受潮而提早失效果。 苏打粉(baking soda)就是普通食用碱,和酸反应能生成气泡支撑体积,但不柔软。所以cookie酥酥脆脆的,用的就是这个啦。baking soda 是一种碱,通过和酸反映生成气泡,达到支撑蛋糕体积的效果。baking powder是由1/2的baking soda+1/4的酒石英(cream of tartar,一种酸)再加上吸潮的分如淀粉等制成的。baking powder根酵母不一样,一遇液体就开始作用,因此使用bakingpowder制作的糕点,都不能过分搅拌,而且要马上烹调,否则气泡就跑光了,烤出来的东西很硬。市面上还有双重效果的baking powder,能够在烤的过程中继续放出气泡。 有的时候说中文好不好!!这个满帮你找的 老同学 哈哈··

servoking 舵机怎么样

你好!国产的servoking 舵机性能和做工很一般。KST之前貌似是给servoking 舵机代工的,SK用的就是KST的板子,加上现在KST高端舵机也用进口电机了,性能上应该还不错吧,但是价格开始不亲民了。而servoking 舵机却很尴尬了! 性能做工和进口的差距大,价格也优惠不见。没特色了。

关于日本的working holiday






the two men are talking用加ing吗?


“nice talking to you ”和“nice talk to you”有什么区别?

回答如下:其实两者之间差别不大。然而必须在两者之间作出区别,我要说,“Nice to talk to you” 通常被用来当您你开始跟对方说话时用。 “To talk”表示谈话将很快开始,因此不宜在谈话结束用。另一方面,“Nice talking to you” 通常是在谈话结束用, Talking表示谈话正在进行或已经发生。现在时和现在进行时的区别。概念不同一般现在时表示现在的状态;表示经常的或习惯性的动作;表示主语具备的性格、能力等。现在进行时表示现在某一时刻或某段时间正在进行的动作或存在的状态。结构不同1. 一般现在时的结构(以肯定句为例)有以下几种形式:⑴ 动词be第一人称单数用am,第三人称单数用is,其他的一律用are。例如:I am a student. 我是个学生。He is an American. 他是个美国人。They are good friends. 他们是好朋友。⑵ 动词have除了第三人称单数用has外,其他一律用have。例如:He has two brothers. 他有两个兄弟。We have English classes every day.我们每天都上英语课。⑶ 实义动词除第三人称单数在动词原形后加-s或-es外,其他一律用动词原形。例如:His mother works in a hospital.他母亲在一家医院工作。Children like to play this game.孩子们喜欢玩这种游戏。2. 现在进行时的结构为:助动词be(am/is/are)+ v-ing形式。例如:We are singing and they are dancing.我们在唱歌,他们在跳舞。时间状语不同1. 一般现在时的时间状语通常为often,always,usually,sometimes,every day/week/month等。例如:I get up at six every day. 我每天六点钟起床。He often goes to school on foot. 他经常步行上学。Sometimes they play football after school. 有时他们放学后踢足球。2. 现在进行时的时间状语通常为now;有时有look, listen等词语提示。例如:What are they doing now? 他们现在在干什么?Look! The bird is flying in the sky. 看!鸟在空中飞行。

he is talking这个句子对吗?

He is talking about......

talk about sth with sb和talking about sth with sb 的区别

两者无意义上的区别,只不过是动词的形式不同。前者是动词原形,可在句子里充当谓语;后者是动词ING形式,可在句子里充当定语、宾语、状语等。用法:1.Wouldyouliketotalkaboutitwithme?(谓语)你乐意跟我说说这事吗?2.Ienjoytalkingabout itwithyou.(宾语)我很乐意跟你说说这事。3.Doyouknowthemantalkingaboutthematterwithme?(定语)你认识那个和我说事的人吗?

为什么是A talking robort而不是talk?


是 no talk 还是no talking

no 是形容词,形容词接名词所以talk动词要变成名词形式,也就是talking,而not是副词可以直接修饰动词,所以talk不要变形。

nice talking to you 和nice talk to you有什么区别

应该是nice to talk to you“Nice to talk to you” 和 “Nice talking to you” 之分别:其实两者之间差别不大。然而必须在两者之间作出区别,我要说,“Nice to talk to you” 通常被用来当您你开始跟对方说话时用。 “To talk”表示谈话将很快开始,因此不宜在谈话结束用。另一方面,“Nice talking to you” 通常是在谈话结束用, Talking 表示谈话正在进行或已经发生。 “Nice talking with you” 和“Nice talking to you” 之分别两者之间差别不大。“with” 倾向于建议两个人之间的谈话是对话方式,而“To” 是指你单一方面说有如独白,讲学,就我个人而言,我会在谈话结束之前说“Nice Talking to You" . 很简单和有礼貌 , 我不会担心该句语法或实际意义。



talking to和talking for 有什么区别??

for prep. 介词时(表示目的)为了, 因为, 至于, 对于, 适合于 例句:I will wait for you.conj. 连词时因为 例句:Einstein received worldwide praise for his scientific prep. 介词to的用法 一:表示相对,针对 be strange to 二:表示对比,比较 1:以-ior结尾的形容词,后接介词to表示比较 senior,junior 2: 一些本身就含有比较或比拟意思的形容词 A is similar to B in many ways. 3:表示一些先后顺序的形容词 they returned to their hometown 4: to也偶尔出现在个别动词之后,与动词形成固定词组,表示比较 compare to sth. 5: to与及个别的名词构成比较之意, Going to an under water concert is a great alternative to going to dinner. 三: 表示修饰关系 1: 表示回复,反应意思的词 answer to question 2: 表示建筑构件的词汇 the approach to science 3: 表示人物职位和官衔的词 assistant to manager 4: 表示权利和许可的词汇 Everyone has an equal right to 5: 表示栅栏或障碍的词汇 the barrier to progress 6: 表示与书籍,文本相关的词 introduction to passage 7: 表示恭喜或是祝贺 Let"s drink to Dick"s success in business 8: 另外还有一些名词符合这种用法,有的具有两者息息相关,缺一不可的含义 guide to action 四: to还具有依据,伴随,和着节奏的含义 sing to piano (一):表示相关联,相连接 be related to (二):表示反对和赞同 1:to引导的表示反对,抗拒,对抗意义的词组 Be opposed to 2: to引导的表示同意,赞同意义的词组 The employer consented to give him a salary raise 3: 表示投降,屈服,服从的含义 confess to 五: 表示趋势或倾向, tend to 六: 表示对事情的坚持与执着 He still holds on to his original views 七: 表示约束,局限 limit to 八: 表示一种习惯或是一种适应性 get (be) to 九: 表示起因和原由 due to 十: 表示目的或结果 lead to of prep. 介词...的, 由...制成的, 离, 关于, 对于用法 1: 表示剥夺,除去 clarify the river of flowing rubbish 2: of接直接宾语 remind sb. of his duties 3: of接间接宾语 ask a question of sb 4: of表示人物的特性,籍贯,特性或出生等 He is of Irish descend 5: 固定词组 The room smells of stale cabbage.供您参考

谁知道you are talking的意思?


不要讲话是no talking 还是not talking


不要讲话是no talking 还是not talking?

不要讲话是no talking 还是not talking祈使句用 No + 动名词 或者说 No +动名词构成否定祈使句例如: No parking here (这里不能停车/ 禁止停车 )不要讲话,属于祈使句,因此需要用No talking 祈使句否定另外一种 Don"t +动词原形Do not leave your seat until the plane is airborne. 机升空时不要离开座位。 Don"t talk in class 不要在课堂上讲话not +非谓语动词 (用作句子的状语)Not wishing to antagonize her further, he said no more. 他不愿惹她更生气,便不再说话。 The teacher asked us not to be late for school这个老师要我们不要上学迟到.not +谓语动词 He"s not very good at arithmetic. 他不太擅长算术。He didn"t always win the arguments, but he often was right... 他并非在争辩中总是能赢,但他经常是对的。Eva was adamant that she would not come. 伊娃坚决不来。

talking to是什么意思


a talking robot为什么用talking

talking robot说话机器人,这是一个短语,talking在这里是动名词形式,用以修饰robot

for all my talking是啥意思

for all my talking 全部释义和例句>>我所有的谈话talking 英["tu0254:ku026au014b] 美["tu0254:ku026au014b] n. 讲话; (表示对所说的事情感兴趣) 你这话说着了; 提起; 说到; adj. 会说话的; 讲话的; 饶舌的; 富于表情的; v. 说话; 讨论; 说( talk的现在分词 ); (用以强调款额、情况严重程度等) 讲的是; [例句]That"s my wife you were talking to.刚才和你说话的人是我老婆。

talking quietly和talk quiet

A 考查固定搭配。Stop to do sth.停下来开始做另一件事;stop doing sth.停止做某事;根据句意,应是老师来了。请停止讲话,保持安静。所以第一空用talking;keep后跟形容词,表示保持某种状态。所以选A。

Keep Talking 歌词

歌曲名:Keep Talking歌手:Pink Floyd专辑:PulsePink Floyd: Keep TalkingFor millions of years mankind lived just like the animalsThen something happenend which unleashed the power of our imaginationWe learned to talkThere"s a silence surrounding meI can"t seem to think straightI"ll sit in the cornerNo one can bother meI think I should speak now. (Why won"t you talk to me?)I can"t seem to speak now. (You never talk to me.)My words won"t come out right. (What are you thinking?)I feel like I"m drowning. (What are you feeling?)I"m feeling weak now. (What are you thinking?)But I can"t show my weakness. (You never talk to me.)I sometimes wonder, (What are you feeling?)Where do we go from here? (What are you feeling?)It doesn"t have to be like thisAll we need to do is make sure we keep talkingWhy won"t you talk to me? (I feel like I"m drowning.)You never talk to me. (You know I can"t breathe now.)What are you thinking? (We"re going nowhere.)What are you feeling? (We"re going nowhere.)Why won"t you talk to meYou never talk to meWhat are you thinkingWhere do we go from hereIt doesn"t have to be like thisAll we need to do is make sure we keep talking


报时/贪睡 键

but i think 后为什么要加talking?

But I think后面如果接了宾语从句或宾语的话。动词作宾语就要加上ing。是它起名词的作用。给你举一个例子。 I think talking is very interesting.在这里talking必须使用动名词。因为他在这里做了宾语。

talking about、talking to和talking with的区别及用法

答:talk是“谈”,about是“关于”,to是‘对着",with是‘和...一起", 所以talk about 相当于汉语的“谈论”,宾语可以是事情,与可以是人, talk to是“对...谈话”,宾语是人,常为上级对下级. talk with是“和..交谈”,宾语是人,同辈,或当同辈来看.


talk [英][tu0254:k][美][tu0254k]v.说话; 讨论; 讲,说; 说闲话; n.交谈; 讨论; 报告; 空话

to talk=talking吗

简单点给你说吧:to talk是要说什么,talking是现在在说什么

talking about,talking to和talking with的区别及用法

talking about就是说 讲述/谈论某些事情 譬如 Mike and Jane are talking about their frist trip to China next month.Mike 还有 Jane 在谈论他们下个月的第一次中国之旅。Talking to就是向某人说话啊譬如 I talked to him about my French course yesterday.我昨天和他说了关于我法语课程的事情Talking with 就是和谁说话啊 Mr.Row is talking with his boss.Row和他老板正在聊天.


1.Football fans have been talking up the match. 球迷们一直在热烈讨论那场球赛。2.The teacher came down on her for talking in class. 老师因为她在上课时说话而严厉申斥她。3.While I was talking with her, she sprawled her legs in the sofa. 我与她闲谈时,她叉开腿懒散地躺在沙发上。


1.Football fans have been talking up the match. 球迷们一直在热烈讨论那场球赛。2.The teacher came down on her for talking in class. 老师因为她在上课时说话而严厉申斥她。3.While I was talking with her, she sprawled her legs in the sofa. 我与她闲谈时,她叉开腿懒散地躺在沙发上。

talking about什么意思

talking about表示谈论,about后面跟的是谈论的内容,如We are talking about the weather.我们正在谈论天气。

梁心颐的《Talking》 歌词

Talking演唱:梁心颐又坐在著看你的嘴巴运动它非常有把握但仔细听其实我听不太懂因为我怀疑你逻辑有点漏洞Oh yeah 我怀疑你很久你做什麼都有一百个理由没做你又能有一百个藉口我想说快一点 快一点难道真的要我戳破?Oh no 我想你一直都在talking 太多

talking造句 talkingの例文 "talking"是什麼意思

I would pke to talk to the manager himself . 我要和经理本人谈一谈。 Talking is one thing , doing is another . 说是一回事,做又是一回事。 You talk as if there were dangers . 你讲话好像有什么要大祸临头似的。 My will to talk to him gradually died . 我和他谈话的愿望逐渐消失了。 After the talk , he began to thaw . 谈话之后,他的态度开始缓和下来。 I have an hour "s talk in store for you . 我有一个钟头的话要跟你谈。 What kind of double talk was this ? 这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢? That"s the silly talk of scholarly people . 那是有学问的人说的傻话。 His promises were just so much meaningless talk . 他许诺的都是空话。 The reddleman suddenly ceased to talk idly . 红土贩子忽然停止了闲谈。 It"s difficult to see talking in a sentence. 用 talking 造句挺难的 A great deal of the talk was about oil . 谈话大多集中在石油问题上。 He is always ready to talk at length . 他一有机会就长篇大论讲个没完。 He"s talked with some of our research people . 他对那些研究人员说了。 All this talk seemed to me so futile . 所有这些谈话在我看来全都白费。 I know him by sight , but not to talk to . 我见过他,但没跟他说过话。 She outpned the main points of the talk . 她作了那次讲话内容的提要。 Why do you talk to me of ing together ? 为什么同我谈起合伙来了? They finally managed to talk her round . 他们最后终于设法说服了她。 Stanley pierce spits when he talks . 斯坦利庇亚斯讲话时唾沫纷飞。 He can talk people over to his own views . 他能说服别人听从他的意见。 Who was that man you were talking to ? 刚才你正和一个人说话,他是谁? She went on, talking somewhat at random . 她继续说下去,有些语无论次。 He talked of his adventure all day long . 他终日不停地谈他的奇遇。 Both of them were talking more freely . 他们两个谈起话来都比较自在了。 Let "s talk it over again some other time . 我们另外找时间再谈吧。 We talked until midnight and then separated . 我们一直谈到深夜才分手。 I "ve got something to talk over with you . 我有个事儿跟大家念叨念叨。 He immediately began to talk to drummle . 他立即和珠穆尔攀谈起来。 Do n"t talk about others behind their backs . 不要在背后议论别人。 I"m glad to hear him talking straight . 我高兴听到他直截了当地说话了。 It"s difficult to see talking in a sentence. 用 talking 造句挺难的 A few men were talking among themselves . 有几个人正自顾自在聊天。 Why do you butt in when grown people are talking ? 大人说话你插什么嘴? She wished she could talk things out with him .. 她希望能与他详谈一次。 The more they talked , the more they disagreed ... 两人越说越拧。 But you haven"t talked to my hu *** and . 不过,你还没有跟我先生讲过话呐。 I have done talking -- it is time to act . 我话已说完该采取行动了。 Then there was talk of peace and a position . 随后又有休战媾和之说。 I switch off when he starts talking about cars . 他一谈起汽车我就厌烦。 We can talk more fortably there . 我们在那里可以谈得更畅快些。 Come and talk to me when you have the chance . 有工夫来找我聊聊。 One day , i had a long talk with him . 一天,我和他作了一次长谈。 From then on he refused to talk about it . 从那以后他就不再谈这件事了。 The talks proceeded in a friendly atmosphere . 会谈在友好的气氛中进行。 The talk turned on the advantages of measles . 话题转到了出麻疹的好处。 He talked a great deal and rapidly . 他说起话来滔滔不绝,而且速度很快。 He won"t talk straight from the shoulder . 他说话从来不直截了当。 Pay attention when i am talking to you ! 我跟你说话的时候,你要留心听。 It requires a lot of talking to convince him . 要说服他很费口舌。 My love of talk still abides with me . 我还保持著喜欢谈天的习惯。 Now don"t talk stuff before aunt polly . 快别在波莉姑姑面前说这些废话。 It"s difficult to see talking in a sentence. 用 talking 造句挺难的


talk vt.说;谈话;讨论 vi.谈话;说闲话 n.谈话;演讲;空谈 talking adj.说话的,多嘴的;有表情的 n.讲话,谈论 v.谈论;讲话(talk的ing形式) talk是及物动词(vt.) 后面要跟宾语 talking 是不及物动词(vi.) 不跟宾语.


这组词的共同含义是“说,告诉”。其区别是:say指“说出”,着重指说出具体的内容,一般用作及物动词,后面的宾语是所说的话; speak指“说话,发言”,着重开口说话的动作,一般用作不及物动词,其宾语通常是表示某种语言名称的词; talk指“讲话,谈论”,意思与speak相近,在一些情况下可以通用,通常talk用作不及物动词; tell指“告诉”,是直接给对方讲或以间接的方式转诉某事,在多数情况下, tell的后面通常接双宾语,在少数情况下可用简单宾语。试体会下面这几个词的用法和含义:He had talked for a long time, but he spoke so fast that we couldn"t catch what he said.他讲了很长时间,但他说得太快了,我们没听清他讲了些什么。Mr. Green was invited to speak〔talk〕 to us on Greek philosophy.格林先生应邀给我们讲希腊哲学。He told me the news.他告诉了我这个消息。He told me that he was coming.他告诉我说他就来。望采纳




  talking英 ["tu0254:ku026au014b] 美 ["tu0254:ku026au014b]  n.讲话; (表示对所说的事情感兴趣) 你这话说着了; 提起; 说到;  adj.会说话的; 讲话的; 饶舌的; 富于表情的;  v.说话; 讨论; 说; ( talk的现在分词 ) (用以强调款额、情况严重程度等) 讲的是;  [网络]谈话; 交谈; 五月天;  [例句]When he was talking to a girl he could hardly speak, and when he did speak he talked gibberish.  他跟女孩儿讲话时几乎张不了口,即便张了口,说起话来也词不达意。  [其他]形近词: hulking walking talkies


talking [u02c8tu0254u02d0ku026au014b] v. 说话; 讲话; 谈话; 讨论,谈论,商谈,洽谈(通常指重大的事); (用某种语言) 讲,说; [词典] talk的现在分词; [例句]That"s my wife you were talking to刚才和你说话的人是我老婆。[其他] 原型: talk





it was nice talking to you为什么用 talking而不用to talk

这里的talking应该表示 谈话已经结束,是谈话结束时的用语. ing形式可用于表示 动作已结束. to do 表示事情还未发生. 就像我们常说的 forget doing 和forget to do 的区别一样. 另一方面,nice to meet you 和nice meeting you,前者表示很高兴见到你;而后者表示要再见了,说明已结束.

have a talk正确还是have a talking正确

Let"s have a talk. 不用想语法那些问题,这个固定用语,记住就好


互 督由 sing克 又啊 套克因吐(这个think实在是找不到合适的中文来谐音 还有“套克因”尽量读快一点,连读,空格表示短暂的停顿)希望对你有帮助



Sometimes talking helps,为什么talk要加ing?








talking 与chatting的区别?

talking说话chatting聊天聊天 [ liáo tiān ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义 [ liáo tiān ]以轻松随便的方式谈话,不拘礼仪地,不受拘束地谈话。

was talking , has been talking , has talked ,talke 这四个的区别和意思



关系从句或者定语从句定语从句(attributive clause)也叫形容词性从句(adjective clause)或 关系从句 ( relative clause ),是一种由关系词引导的从句形式的后置修饰语.例The man whom is talking with my teacher is John"s father.和我老师说话的那个男人是约翰的爸爸。希望可以帮到您。


speak强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容 .作及物动词时,常以某种 语言作宾语.作不及物动词时,常见的搭配形式有:speak of something/somebody谈到某事(某人)speak to sb 跟某 人讲话,此外speak还可用于在较为正式的场合了表演讲或演说.Can you speak Japanese?你会说日语吗?She is speaking to her teacher.她正在跟她的老师说话.He spoke at the meeting yesterday.他昨天在会上讲了话.▲ talk 一般为不及物动词,意思是“交谈,谈话,着重强调两具之间的 相互说话.eg:She is talking with Lucy in English.她正在和露茜用英语交谈.What are you talking about?你们在谈论什么?The teacher is talking to him.老师正在和他谈话.







what is the song talking about是什么意思?

what is the song talking about翻译成中文就是:这首歌唱的是什么内容。

talking about、talking to和talking with的区别及用法

答:talk是“谈”,about是“关于”,to是‘对着",with是‘和...一起", 所以talk about 相当于汉语的“谈论”,宾语可以是事情,与可以是人, talk to是“对...谈话”,宾语是人,常为上级对下级. talk with是“和..交谈”,宾语是人,同辈,或当同辈来看.

梁静茹 talking 歌词

talking 不是梁静茹讲的一段话么 后面接着talking是静茹唱的《掌声响起》


谈话 交谈



英 [u02c8tu0254u02d0ku026au014b]美 [u02c8tu0254u02d0ku026au014b]说话原型talktalk+ing现在,正在说话。

Are you talking to your mother 里的talking是什么词?

现在分词,Be + talking


talking的英式读法为[u02c8tu0254u02d0ku026au014b],美式读法为[u02c8tu0254u02d0ku026au014b]。talking作名词时意为交谈、演讲、讨论;作形容此时意为正在谈话的;会学人语的;富于表情的。短语搭配:talking point,话题,论题;talking head,发言人特写头像;talking shop,只会清谈的一群人,清谈馆;talking book,有声读物。双语例句:1、He used the prospect of freedom as bait to trap him into talking.他用自由的前景作诱饵使他开口。2、I had been a little too copious in talking of my country.在谈到自己国家时,我有点太滔滔不绝了。3、As a matter of fact,I was talking to him this afternoon.事实上,我今天下午还在同他谈话。4、We are not talking about subtle errors of judgement,but major fumbles.我们不是在讲判断上的微小错误,而是大错。5、Talking of cards,you"d better take a couple of my business cards.谈到名片的问题,你最好拿两张我的商业名片。


talking的读音为:["tu0254u02d0ku026au014b]。一、talking的翻译1、形容词说话的;多嘴的;富于表情的。2、“talk”的现在分词,谈论,讲话。二、talking例句1、She cast her eyes down modestly while Jack was talking about her.杰克谈及她时她稍稍垂下目光。2、Nothing displeases me more than loud talking.没有比大声谈话更使我不高兴的了。3、Fred left off talking about the firm.弗雷德不再谈论那个公司了。4、We were talking when he leaped in.我们正在谈话, 他跳了进来。5、I can"t endure talking to those scoundrels.与那些无赖们交谈,我真受不了。6、The salesman has a persuasive way of talking.那推销员有一种能说服人的谈话方式。7、While we were talking, a bloke came up.我们正在谈话, 一个人走了过来。

Cook Kind和village,哪个字发音不同的?

这三个单词没有相同的元音。它们的音标分别是cook [kuk]kind [kaind]village ["vilidu0292]



街舞 breaking 有哪些知名的DJ 名字叫什么?



是不是系统本身有问题造成的,直接换个验证过的系统盘重装系统就行了,这样就可以全程自动、顺利解决 win7系统软件运行错误 的问题了。用u盘或者硬盘这些都是可以的,且安装速度非常快。具体安装方法如下: 1、U盘安装:用ultraiso软件,打开下载好的系统安装盘文件(ISO文件),执行“写入映像文件”把U盘插到电脑上,点击“确定”,等待程序执行完毕后,这样就做好了启动及安装系统用的u盘,用这个做好的系统u盘引导启动机器后,即可顺利重装系统了; 2、硬盘安装:前提是,需要有一个可以正常运行的Windows系统,提取下载的ISO文件中的“*.GHO”和“安装系统.EXE”到电脑的非系统分区,然后运行“安装系统.EXE”,直接回车确认还原操作,再次确认执行自动安装操作(执行前注意备份C盘重要资料);

periodic stocktaking, continuous stocktaking 和perpetual inventory periodic inventory 是什么关系啊

periodic stock taking,定期清点存货continuous stock taking,即时清点存货perpetual inventory, 即时盘点periodic inventory, 定期盘点

King and Lionheart 的中英歌词? over this town they should worry路过这城镇 人们忧心忡忡But these problems aside i think i taught you well.尽管困难重重 我想我们也能应对That we won"t run and we wont run and we won‘t run.我们不会逃避(x3)And in the winter night sky ships are sailing冬季的夜空下 我们乘船航行Looking down on these bright blue city lights.眺望着远方闪烁的城市灯火 And they won"t wait and they won"t wait and they won"t wait.它们不会为谁驻守Were here to stay were here to stay were here to stay.我们要在这一起停留(x3)Howling ghost they reappear in mountains that are stacked with fear游荡的幽灵又重现 山谷中弥漫着恐惧But youre a king and i"m a lionheart.A lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心 我们无所畏惧His crown lid up the way as we moved slowly在王冠照亮的道路上我们缓慢前行Pass the wondering eyes of the ones that were left behind.穿过人们迷惑的目光 将之留在身后Though far away though far away though far away目标远方(x3)Were still the same were still the same were still the same.我们一如既往(x3)Howling ghost they reappear in mountains that are stacked with fear游荡的幽灵又重现 山谷中弥漫着恐惧But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心And in the sea thats painted black creatures lurk below the deck海被染成暗黑色 所有生物蜷缩于甲板下But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心And as the world comes to an end I"ll be here to hold your hand就算世界末日 我也会在此紧握你的双手Cause you"re my king and i"m your lion-heart.A lion-heart.lionheart.A lion-heart......你是我的英勇国王 我是你的勇者之心 我们无所畏惧(x8)Howling ghost they reappear in mountains that are stacked with fear游荡的幽灵又重现 山谷中弥漫着恐惧But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心And in the sea that"s painted black creatures lurk below the deck海被染成暗黑色 所有生物蜷缩于甲板下But you"re a king and i"m a lion-heart.a lion-heart但是你是英勇的王者 我也有颗雄狮之心 我们无所畏惧(x8)


napkin和tissue的区别如下:napkin,多指西方餐桌上供应或使用的餐巾纸。tissue,多指日常生活使用的面巾纸,轻薄柔软的那种纸巾。napkin也指那种西方人进餐时候围在脖子上好像布样的东西,napkin还有尿布的意思。例句:1、He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin.他用纸巾将血迹擦去。2、Michael mopped up quick1y with his napkin.迈克尔迅速用餐巾将其揩干。各种纸的英文:paper/"perpar/:纸,纸张。主要是用来写字、画画的纸张。tissue/"trfu/:纸抽里的单张纸巾。较薄的纸巾,通常是一次性的,随用随弃。napkin/"naepkn/:餐巾,比较厚或硬的纸巾。多指西餐桌上供应的厚餐巾纸,也有可能是布料制成的。在某些国家还会用来指代婴儿的纸尿裤。paper towel:非常结实的厚纸巾,通常吸水性强,可作为厨房用纸(kitchen towel/kitchen rolls)使用。(towel/"taual/毛巾,roll卷)。toilet rolls/toilet paper:厕纸,也叫卷纸、卫生纸。handkerchief paper:手帕纸。(handkerchief / "hankartfif/手绢)。wipes/waips/:湿纸巾。通常是一次性的湿巾。



求 tissue 和 napkin 区别

napkin 可以是纸巾也可以是布料的餐巾tissue 只是纸巾
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