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中国明代杰出的小说家,是中国四大名著之一《西游记》的作者。他生于一个由学官沦落为商人的家族,家境清贫。吴承恩自幼聪明过人,晚年因家贫出任长兴县丞,由于看不惯官场的黑暗,不久愤而辞官,贫老以终。Chinese Ming Dynasty distinguished novelist, is one of China"s four famous "journey to the west" of the author. He was born in a county reduced to merchant family, the family was poor. Wu Cheng"en since childhood clever, old age because of poverty became Changxing Xiancheng, dark because dismissive of officialdom, soon angrily resign, poor old with the end.