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he goes quake和he goes quickly哪个是对的

对,也可以放在后面. he got on the bus quickly .

shiny 和sparkly 的区别

shiny 英[ˈʃaɪni]美[ˈʃaɪni]adj. 发光的,光亮的; 闪耀的; 磨亮的; 磨损的;[网络] 新力; 发亮的; 闪亮;[例句]Her blonde hair was shiny and clean.她的金发干净而有光泽。[其他] 比较级:shinier 最高级:shiniestsparkly 英["spɑ:klɪ]美[ˈspɑrkli][词典] 闪耀的;[网络] 耀眼的;[例句]Her eyes were sparkly.她的眼睛闪闪发亮。[其他] 形近词: sparkle sparked sparker

the tide swept in quickly at the beach 中的 in 是介词还是副词?为什么?

the tide swept in quickly at the beach 中的 in 是介词还是副词?为什么swept in做了谓语动词,这俩是个整体,in搭配的是swept。


It is hard for energetic, quick-minded people to waste time, so they are often tempted to finish a job before setting out to keep an appointment.——《新概念英语》虽然quick也可以作副词,但用quickly这种只能做副词的词不是更不容易引发歧义吗?

Joshua quickly finished his homework and went out

to play目的状语为了出去玩




迅速的英文quickly例句1.The two ambulance attendants quickly put Plover on a stretcher and got him into the ambulance.两名救护人员迅速地将普洛弗放到担架上抬进救护车里。2.Yes, my advanced age must factor into the equation, in part because of my inability to access the information as quickly.是的,我年长的年龄在等式中起到了作用,部分是由于我无法迅速地获取信息。3.We have had to adapt quickly to the new system.我们不得不迅速适应新制度。4.The great thing is to get it done quickly.重要的是尽快将它完成。5.Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly.现代计算机能迅速处理大量的信息资料。6.Computers can now output data much more quickly.现在计算机能更快地输出数据。7.How ever did you get here so quickly?你怎么这么快就过来了?8.I want it done as quickly as possible.我希望这件事尽快完成。9.You"ll quickly adjust yourself to student life.你将很快适应学生生活。10.The play got terrible reviews and quickly died a death.这出戏被批得一无是处,很快就收场了。

strong opinions,weakly held 什么意思


Try to workout a weekly schedule of

尽力拟出你每一周的计划表. 很高兴为你解答! 请及时采纳哦!多谢你的问题!

The news __(spead) quickly

is spread消息是人为传播的,不像疾病等,可以是自然传播或人为传播。




要用an用冠词a 还是an 要看紧跟冠词后的那个词的第一个音标或者发音,不看字母的。这里unlucky 发啊的音,是元音,所以要用an比如hour也用an,university,虽然第一个字母是u,但是它发 由的音,不是元音,所以用a。如有疑惑请继续提问。如果觉得我的回答对您有帮助,请及时采纳哦。

unluckly 是什么意思

好像没有这个词吧? 有unlucky和unluckily,两者的词根都是luck(luck运气, 幸运; 好运;吉祥之物, 带来运气的东西 bad [hard, ill, tough] luck 不幸, 倒霉 good luck 幸运),前者是luck的形容词的反义词,后者是luck的副词的反义词。


要用an 用冠词a 还是an 要看紧跟冠词后的那个词的第一个音标或者发音,不看字母的. 这里unlucky 发啊的音,是元音,所以要用an 比如hour也用an, university,虽然第一个字母是u,但是它发 由的音,不是元音,所以用a. 如有疑惑请继续提问. 如果觉得我的回答对您有帮助,请及时采纳哦.

时间过得很快 用英语怎么说 是time fly quickly 还是 time fly fast 为什么?


英语单词解释 fast与quickly意思都是快地,迅速的.那么在句子中怎么用.

fast是形容词也是副词,以"快"这意思来说~ ->作形容词(修饰名词)-指那样被修饰的东西可以移动得很快 the fast train(中译"快车",停的站少) fast cars 跑车 fast food 速食 快餐 ->做副词时(修饰动词):指(动作)~得快 run/drive/act fast--跑/开(车)/反应 快 run faster跑更快点 drive too fast开太快 但quickly只做副词,他的形容词一般是quick quickly通常用来催促人"快些", 叫人快一点就可以直接用"quickly" 但是~两个如果放在选择题里,就文法位置和语义来说, 应该都对

英语中的说话很快 里的"快" 要用fast还是quickly



很快的英语quickly的读音为:[ˈkwɪkli]。quickly是一个英语单词,可以用作副词,可以翻译为立即、马上、迅速地,等等。比较级为:more quickly;最高级为:most quickly。双语例句:1、Japan is quickly falling behind other countries.日本正在迅速地落后于其他国家。2、He"s fast and registers changes quickly.他思维敏捷,反应迅速。3、Change will not come quickly.改变不会来得太快。4、You must resolve the situation quickly.你必须快速化解这个问题。5、Depression quickly overcame her entiredivision.消极的态度马上充斥着她的整个部门。

promptly与 quickly的区别

prompt与 quickly的区别1.词性就不同quickly是副词,如果你要说"购买东西快"就说"Somebody buys things quickly"prompt是形容词,副词是promptly2.侧重点不同quick指速度快,迅速Good ware makes quick markets.货好销得快。Call and ask them to be quick.打电话叫他们赶快。She made a quick calculation.她做了一次很快的计算。prompt是偏重于反应快,意思是敏捷的,立刻的,立即的Could you make prompt deliery?可以即期交货吗?She"s always prompt to criticize other people"s ideas.她对别人想出的主意总是迫不及待地批评。He is always prompt in answering letters.他总是迅速回复来信。




qui k ,li

types quickly是什么意思

types quickly 打字速度快types 英["tau026aps] 美["tau026aps] n. 类型; 类型( type的名词复数 ); 铅字; (印刷或打印的) 文字; 于…类型的; quickly 英[u02c8kwu026akli] 美[u02c8kwu026aklu026a] adv. 迅速地; 立即; 马上;

my hoilday__ (*/were)pasted quckly,but i did not send __(*/cards) to my friend.

My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send cards to my friends. On the last day I made a big decision. I got up early and bought

weekly vlog是什么意思?

weekly是每周的,vlog是现在流行的短视频。weekly vlog就是周更的短视频啦。


一、表达意思不同1、weak:虚弱的,无力的;不牢固的;懦弱的;穷人,弱者,病人;隐约的;无活力的,无生气的。2、weakly:虚弱地;无力地;软弱地;有病地;虚弱的;软弱的;(英)威克利。二、词性不同1、weak:通常在句中既可以作形容词,也可以作名词。2、weakly:通常在句中既可以作形容词、副词,也可以作名词。近义词介绍:loose读音:[luu02d0s]表达意思:未固定牢的,松动的;零散的,松脱的;不受束缚的;释放,发泄;松开,解开;发射;宽松地;在逃;(箭的)发射;放纵。词性:通常在句中既可以作形容词、副词,也可以作动词和名词。例句:The investigation had aimed at a loosely organized group of criminals.该调查曾是针对一群组织松散的罪犯的。

you must specify a day for weekly rollover from 0 to 6怎么解决

you must specify a day for weekly rollover from 0 to 6你必须指定一天每周翻转从0到6


soon 指时间.eg See you soon. Please write soon. quickly.强调动作快. He had breakfast quickly. The monkey quickly got up in the tree.猴子很快的爬上树. fast 强调速度. He runs fast enough to catch up with them A car runs faster than a bus.

An old man died and left his son a lot of money. But the son was a foolish young man,and he quickly


英文作文 介绍ocean park(quickly!)

Today is such a beautiful day my parents decided to take me to Ocean Park. I was very excited and kept talking non-stop in the car.I talked and talked about what rides should we play first and what should we eat for lunch. When we finally get there I took hold of both my parents hands and drag them quickly to the tickets booth.And in no time we were in. I decided to see the famous sea creatures in ocean park for the morning and then to the exciting rides after lunch.So according to plan we went to the jellyfish aquarium to see the beautiful jellyfish.The jellyfish swam in their tanks like jelly and it"s really funny. I went to see the shark aquarium the sea lion aquarium and was totally amazed.And then we went to have some lunch at a restaurant. After lunch we rode on a cable car to go up hill.I had a go on the scary rollar coaster ride.I got my dad to ride with me but in the middle of the ride he was violently sick and some poor soul behind us got splashed. Dad has gone off playing any thrilling rides with me so I got in the arcade saw a 3D movie and played lots of games in the game stands.I won a huge pink teddy bear there! I was having so much fun i nearly fot the time.My parents nearly have to pull me out to the exit.I had a lot of fun today.I wish it"d never ended. 图片参考:imgcld.yimg/8/n/HA05206864/o/701011280070313873417620 胶. thanks a lot! Ocean Park have many people go there every day because there have many animals. Many people must go to see the pandar because they are lovely. Ocean Park have many animals so the people also see the animals and buy something in the Ocean Park. Ocean Park I think is a good place to give the people. 参考: My

The man running away quickly must be a thief.

这里running away是做定语用的,当用进行时当形容词来用。翻译过来就是那个快速逃跑的男人应该是个贼。他不见得要表示正在进行的逃跑。你加上be句式就有问题了,要你那么表达,就该写The man is running away quickly,he must be a theif



weekly planner把它翻译成中文是什么意思?


the river runs too quickly是暗喻吗



quickly slowly carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly

为什么quickly when we cross the road

quickly 修饰动词,形容词,副词都用副词. 本题修饰动词walk,所以用quickly.

time goes quickly还是went

Time went by slowly.时光慢慢流逝. 对现实的虚拟,实际时间消逝的速度是一样的,不变的.所以用过去时态. Time goes by quickly on vacation.假期的时光飞快 主语time是第三人称单数(它),所以谓语动词用单数形式goes.

My most unluckly moment 英语作文初二100字。

My most unluckly moment Today is my most unlucky day.I got up late because of my stomachache.When I got up,I didn"t take my umbrella.I rush to the bus stop,the rain became heavily!However, because of the rain and water, the buses were blocked and I didn"t see any buses!Then I thought I had to take a taxi, unfortunately, there was no taxi either.After about 30mins later, a fucking slow bus was coming, but it was too late then.When I got to school,the classes was begin.After I sitting on my chair,I found that I didn"t bring my text book,and I didn"t take my meals.After school,I couldn"t enter home because I forgot to take my keys.Today is a really unlucky day!译文: 我最不幸的时刻 今天是我最倒霉的一天。我由于胃痛起床晚了。当我起床的时候,我没有带我的伞。我冲到巴士站,雨变得很大!然而,由于雨水,公共汽车被封锁,我没有看到任何巴士!然后我想我只好乘出租车,不幸的是,也没有出租车。经过约30分钟后,一个缓慢的巴士来了,但已经太迟了。当我到学校的时候,已经开始上课了。我坐在我的椅子上后,我发现我没有带我的课本,也没有带我的饭菜。放学后,我进不了家因为我忘了带钥匙了。今天真是倒霉的一天!

bite,hit, finish,quickly中i读音不同的是?



《A Scanner Darkly》(Dick, Philip K.)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1dIvOUg0Hwx59VN6JpfohPQ 提取码:1nxp书名:A Scanner Darkly作者:Dick, Philip K.出版年份:1999-10页数:224内容简介:Substance D -- otherwise known as Death -- is the most dangerous drug ever to find its way on to the black market. It destroys the links between the brain"s two hemispheres, leading first to disorentation and then to complete and irreversible brain damage. Bob Arctor, undercover narcotics agent, is trying to find a lead to the source of supply, but to pass as an addict he must become a user, and soon, without knowing what is happening to him, he is as dependent as any of the addicts he is monitoring.

go by对应fast还是quickly?为什么?

go by对应quickly修饰动词应该用副词。

Time go fast,Time go quickly哪个对?为什么

time go fast 是对的,quickly是副词,形容行为动作的快的。

time flies quickly

Time flies quickly and everything__sure___changes


你好rook 翻译成中文是:白嘴鸦--------------供参考,希望帮到你。

They were running through thickly forested country,and nervousness began to mount in the car.后半句

您好,楼主!!mount是动词 蔓延的意思

quickly prompt区别

1.词性就不同quickly是副词,如果你要说"购买东西快"就说"Somebody buys things quickly"prompt是形容词,副词是promptly2.侧重点不同quick指速度快,迅速Good ware makes quick markets.货好销得快。Call and ask them to be quick.打电话叫他们赶快。She made a quick calculation.她做了一次很快的计算。prompt是偏重于反应快,意思是敏捷的,立刻的,立即的Could you make prompt deliery?可以即期交货吗?She"s always prompt to criticize other people"s ideas.她对别人想出的主意总是迫不及待地批评。He is always prompt in answering letters.他总是迅速回复来信。

quickly prompt区别


【英语作文】假如你是李华,请根据下表提示写一封120词左右的信给ENGLISH WEEKLY,呼吁大家来“保护大熊猫”

As we all know,the wolong nature reserve is China"s largest giant panda nature reserve, but it was badly damaged by the environment, so the number of them is reducing because each year too many visitors occupy most of the reserves; Human cut down the trees as raw materials and other purposes .But the fact is that the giant panda has become more and more rare. So we should take immediate action to protect pandas.First we should stop occupying and destroying their residence. Second all people should be aware of the importance of protecting pandas. Third, Perfect laws and regulations should be passed and severely punish those who destroy the giant pandas living environment. Finally we should work together to provide a good environment for the giant panda. Only in this way can we protect pandas.

Food that( )easily must reach the market and the dinner table as quickly as possible.

【答案】:CD.rot和B.decay都指“腐烂”,“腐朽”,rot=decay by process of nature,如:rotten eggs臭鸡蛋;rotten apples烂苹果。一般说来,经过加工的食物或泛指食物“变(腐败)”用spoil或go bad;未加工的用rot。A.damage“损害”,不用来指食物。





颂恩·宋帕山和婉娜拉·宋提查的关系 (是否是情侣???)哈哈哈 quickly



luck的副词是luckily。 解释: luck 英[lu028ck] 美[lu028ck] n. 运气; 好运; 机遇; 命运; vi. 交好运,走运; 侥幸成功; [例句]I knew I needed a bit of luck to win 我知道自己要赢需要点运气。 [其他]





luck lucky luckly luckily的区别

luck指运气,是名词。 good lucklucky 是指好运的luckly是没有的= =。。。没这个单词luckily是指幸运的是或者副词,如果放在开头一定是Luckily指幸运的是,动词后用luckily

Promptly 同 Quickly 用法有咩野分别?

我谂你唔会满足于list字典既definition挂.... 而系想知promptly同quickly系用法上有咩真正既唔同 promptly系立即 而quickly系快 咁即系点? 即系话 promptly通常用黎describe你完左一样野之后"即刻"做另一样野 例如 he did his homework promptly after dinner 这个example唔系好好 因为用quickly都ok 试多几句你可能会好d: he promptly give the wallet to the police 即系话佢拾到个银包之后就即刻俾警察 如果用quickly就只系话佢快 但系交代唔到即刻果个意思 he promptly returned the phone call 都系用promptly会好过用quickly quickly系话快 用黎describe个行动本身快 而promptly就冇咁既意思 例如: a jaguar runs very quickly 当然唔可以写成a jaguar runs very promptly啦 但系如果想讲只豹一见到人就走左 就应该用promptly: the jaguar disappeared promptly after it noticed the presence of a hunter 我谂好多时 用quickly去replace promptly系ok既 不过冇咁靓 而promptly就唔系成日都可以用黎replace quickly喇 尤其是如果你只系想形容一样野好快 用promptly就唔o岩 参考: myself I live in US Promptly (adjective ) 1. done performed delivered e at once or without delay: a prompt reply. 2. ready in action; quick to act as occasion demands. 3. quick or alert: prompt to take offense. Quickly (adverb) 1. with speed; rapidly; very soon 参考: dictionary 都系 basically 快 d 咁解.. Promptly - 敏捷地;迅速地;立即地 Quickly - 快 迅速地 立即 马上 参考: Yahoo dictionary and myself


quickly的比较级是more quickly,因为quickly是多音节单词,所以在前面加more,例如more beautiful,more difficult等。

quickly和rapidly辨析 英语周报上一道题 欢迎有致之士回答

quickly快速的,强调动作. rapidly程度大于quickly,一般急流的用它




Fast, quick, rapid & swift 这四个形容词都可以表示人或物运动速度是“快的、迅速的”,但含义稍有区别。 Fast表示“快的”,强调动作、速度迅速的。还可表示“紧的”、“牢固的”。例如: I took a fast plane.我搭乘一起速度很快的飞机。 He is very fast in reading.他的阅读速度很快。 My watch is a little fast.我的表稍快了一点。 Quick表示“迅速的”、“快的”、“敏捷的”、“灵活的”,含有动作快、时间短、毫不延迟等意味。强调行动的机敏,而不是动作的频率,比如快速的看一眼。例如: He is quick at figures.他计算很快。 He is quick walker.他是个走路速迅速的人。 He is quick to learn.他敏于学习。 rapid和swift是两个较正式的用语,它们同样指突然的或持续性的动作。Rapid有一种特殊含义,即指有益的高速度,而quick和fast可指灾难性的急速, 它更多表示的是物体或者说是事情变化得快,比如价格涨的快,社会变革快,学习进步快等。 Swift可指平稳,不受干扰的,不中断的,似乎毫不费力快速运动。例如: a rapid river 一条水流湍急的河流 a swift change of mood 情绪突然变化 a swift runner 跑得很快的运动员 a rapid recovery from his illness他迅速恢复 rapid progress in English study英语学习方面快速进步 a swift decision 立刻决定


Fast, quick, rapid & swift 这四个形容词都可以表示人或物运动速度是“快的、迅速的”,但含义稍有区别。 Fast表示“快的”,强调动作、速度迅速的。还可表示“紧的”、“牢固的”。例如: I took a fast plane.我搭乘一起速度很快的飞机。 He is very fast in reading.他的阅读速度很快。 My watch is a little fast.我的表稍快了一点。 Quick表示“迅速的”、“快的”、“敏捷的”、“灵活的”,含有动作快、时间短、毫不延迟等意味。强调行动的机敏,而不是动作的频率,比如快速的看一眼。例如: He is quick at figures.他计算很快。 He is quick walker.他是个走路速迅速的人。 He is quick to learn.他敏于学习。 rapid和swift是两个较正式的用语,它们同样指突然的或持续性的动作。Rapid有一种特殊含义,即指有益的高速度,而quick和fast可指灾难性的急速, 它更多表示的是物体或者说是事情变化得快,比如价格涨的快,社会变革快,学习进步快等。 Swift可指平稳,不受干扰的,不中断的,似乎毫不费力快速运动。例如: a rapid river 一条水流湍急的河流 a swift change of mood 情绪突然变化 a swift runner 跑得很快的运动员 a rapid recovery from his illness他迅速恢复 rapid progress in English study英语学习方面快速进步 a swift decision 立刻决定



如何区分 fastly,rapidly,quickly

  没有fastly这个词,fast的副词就是fast,我帮你比较它们的形容词词性  repidly也没有,应该为rapidly.  fast“快”,一般指动作迅速;  quick“迅速地,快地”,普通用语,强调行动的敏捷;  swift“飞快、灵敏的”,含有平稳、马上、优美的意思;  rapid“快的,陡的”,一般用来形容流水或山势.  fast表示的是物体的运动速度很快,比如汽车开的快,人走的快,时间过的快,都可以用fast来形容.rapid表示的是物体或者说是事情变化得快,比如价格涨的快,社会变革快,而quick用来表示动作很快,一下就结束了,比如快速的看一眼,快速阅读等等

rapidly 与quickly与 promptly区别

rapidly adv. done or happening very quickly and in a very short time 如: The patient was sent to hospital rapidly. quickly adv. fast; after only a very short time ; for a short time 使用较常见promptly adv. 使用较生僻,侧重于“及时的”如: Your purchases will be delivered promptly .



1.It was because I like you _____I speak out frankly. A.that B.why C.because D.who

A.that典型的是强调句,强调"because I like you"I speak out frankly我坦白地毫无顾虑地说出事实。

少年Weekly Jump动漫社除了:许斐刚《网球王子》;鸟山明《龙珠》;岸本齐史《火影》;久保代人《死神》;

名侦探柯南 青山刚昌



可不可以说i can run five times as quickly as them?

可以说 "I can run five times as quickly as them",其中"as quickly as"是一个比较等级的结构,表示某个方面的比较。在这个句子中,“five times” 表示你跑的速度是对方的5倍。但是,需要注意的是,如果“them”指的是单数第三人称,那么应该使用“him”或“her”代替“them”,以配合单数人称的语法形式。此外,在口语交流中,也有可能用“five times faster than them”来代替这个句子。

翻译:I want you to work correctly and add up all the amounts quickly .


The dog ran quickly to the card,picked it up by its mouth.


quickly和hurry up的区别

quickly是副词I went there quickly.Hurry up 是动词词组Hurry up! You are going to be late望采纳谢谢


quick adj. 迅速的 quickly adv.迅速地


quick和quickly的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1、quick:迅速地;快速地;敏捷的;快2、quickly: 迅速地;立刻




一般quickly是指动作迅速地,敏捷地fast表示速度快 多指“运动的人或物” 还有 quickly是副词 fast是形容词,也可以作副词用



so quick 和so quickly的区别

用so quickly 修饰come一般来说quick是形容词 修饰名词(有副词用法 但少用) quickly是副词,修饰动词或者形容词fast形容词副词词性都有 用作副词的时候更多fast更强调“速度快”比如He moves so fast.quick更突出“时间短”比如We need a quick answer.这道题里如果用quickly 就表示战争在很短时间内就开始了 用中文可能没那么好理解


quickly是副词,修饰动词、形容词,例如跑得快 run quickly;quick是形容词,修饰名词,例如快速的步伐 quick step。


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