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have known为什么需要加to

在章振邦教授主编的《 新编英语语法教程》 (第四版)学生用书第328页中有一条语法规则是这样描述的:“在have known+宾语之后用不带to不定式。例如:(1)Ihaveneverknownthat man smile.(2)Have you ever known him tell a lie?如果是被动态,则用带to不定式。例如:The man has never been known to smile.”(无独有偶,2008年第4期《科技英语学习 》上(《浅谈不定式符号to的省略 》一文也提到“在have known+宾语之后用不带t0的不定式”。)根据这条规则的表述,笔者可以将它理解为“只要have known是主动语态,其后必须跟不带t0的不定式结构作宾补”。请问这条规则具有普遍的适用性吗?  为了搞清楚这条规则的适用性,笔者查阅了几本国内较权威的词典,发现词典中know词条所提供的例句(have known是主动语态时)大多数与这条规则不符。现将这些例句整理如下:  1.I"ve never known him to iron anything.  我从来没有见到过他熨衣服。  2.I have known her to sing better.我曾听过她  唱得更好。  3.I"ve never known it(to)snow in July before.  我从未听说过有七月下雪的事。  4.Ihaveneverkn own aman(to)dieoflove,but I have known a disappointed lover(to)lose weight.  我从未看到有人因恋爱而死,但我曾看到失恋的人消瘦。  5.I"ve never known her to be late before.  我以前从不知道她迟到过。  6.I have never known her to lose her temper.  我从没见她发过脾气。  7.I have never known her to tell lies.  我从来没有听到过她说谎。  以上这些例句中,只有(《牛津高阶英汉双解词典 》中的例句表明have known之后可以接不带to的不定式作宾补,其他的无一例外地都接带t0的不定式作宾补。  在薄冰教授主编的《高级英语语法》 (第414页)中有关于此用法的相关描述“在动词know后用作宾语补语的不定式有时也可不带tO。”在张道真教授主编的 现代英语用法词典 中针对这一用法是这样描述的:“know的完成时态后可用其他动词的不定式(多带to,有时也可不带to)。”  后来笔者又查阅了赵振才教授编著的 英语常见问题解答大词典 ,在该词典的第633页提到“在know之后使用不带t0的动词不定式,仅仅限于英国英语,并且动词know常常采取完成体的形式have known。但是在被动语态中,know必须跟带to的动词不定式。”例如:  Have you ever known her lose her temper?  你看到过她发脾气吗?  I have known John give better speeches than that.  我知道约翰发表过比这更好的演说。  I have neverknown him make a mistake.我从  未看到过他犯错误。  通过比较,我们不难发现大多数的词典和语法工具书认为have known之后动词不定式作宾补时应带to,当然在某些情况下也可不带t0,但笔者认为这并不能作为唯一的规则让学生学习和记忆。此外,词典和工具书中有关在被动语态中know必须跟带to的不定式的说法是一致的。例如:  He"S been known to eat a whole pizza himself.  据说他自己可以吃下一整张比萨饼。  He"S sometimes been known to sit there all day.  有时能见到他整天坐在那里。  3.He never has been known to lose his quiet,dignified manner in a crisis.  从未有人见过他在紧急关头失去泰然又庄严的神态。

as is known,it is known不同用法?

As is known to all 是由as引导的定语从句的形式 It is known to all 是由It做形式主语而引导的句子 如 As is known to all,the 2008 Olympic Games was a great success.总所周知,2008奥运会取得巨大的成功. 此时AS是作为非限制性定语从句的引导词 It is known to all that the 2008 Olympic Games was a great success.总所周知,2008奥运会取得巨大的成功.此时it只是个形式主语,真正的主语是由后面that引导的句子.

be known as中的known是名词吗

不是是过去分词,在这里作形容词来用,意为“以……而著名”,等同be famous as.

请问一下be known as ,be known for,be known to分别是什么意思?


be known by是什么意思

be known as 什么样的名人 She is known as a known for 因什么而出名 She is known for her great known to 做什么出名 He is known to eat a lot. be known by 在什么人中有名 He is known by his classmates as a singer.

be known for与 be known of ,,,be known to,,


be known as和be known for有什么区别

be known as 作为...有名

be known as, be known for, be known to的区别?

问:be known as, be known for, be known to 的意义和用法有什么不同? 答:be known as 意为“被称作”、“被认为”: These chocolate bars are known as something else in the US, but I can"t remember what. 这种巧克力棒在美国有别的叫法,但我记不起来叫什么了。 be known for 意为“因…… 而著名”: He was known for his frankness. 他以坦率而著称。 be known to意为“为……所知”: He is known to the police because of his previous criminal record. 他因以前的犯罪记录而为警察所知。

known,to be known用法

known: 形容词。知名的可以用在be known for ... 因…而著名。 be known to... 为…所知 或: a well known writer. 直接修饰名词。一个著名的作家

"be known as"和"be known for"的区别是什么

be known as和be known for的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同 known as意思:以...知名; 被认为是; 称为 known for意思:因...而著名二、用法不同 known as用法:know的基本意思是“知道”“认识”“听说”,指直接了解某事物,也可表示“领会,懂得”,指通过体验或传授而获得知识。know既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 known for用法:know是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,通常不用于进行体。作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时,to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。三、侧重点不同 known as侧重点:因为做什么职业而出名,后面一般接人物的职业或称号。 known for侧重点:因为什么事情或者事儿出名,后面一般接具体的技能能名词。



关于know的词组辨析 known for 2.known to 3.known as known as 意为“被称作”、“被认为”: These chocolate bars are known as something else in the US,but I can"t remember what.这种巧克力棒在美国有别的叫法,但我记不起来叫什么了. known for 意为“因…… 而著名”: He was known for his frankness.他以坦率而著称. known to意为“为……所知”: He is known to the police because of his previous criminal record.他因以前的犯罪记录而为警察所知. (跟famous用法差不多)


know是动词+宾语从句/代词known是被动语态前面要加动词be known as 以...知名; 被认为是; 称为



known as 和known to be的区别,求教

be known as + 身份 作为……而出名Zhang Jie is known as a known to 以做……出名He is known to eat a lot. The panda is known to be cute.

Konw和Know的区别. 好像都有‘知道’的意思啊。



know后接疑问词(why 除外)+不定式; know的基本意思是“知道”“认识”“听说”,指直接了解某事物,也可表示“领会,懂得”,指通过体验或传授而获得知识。 扩展资料   know既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。   作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时,to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的时间时,须用不定式的"完成式,且不可省略。   在对话回答语中,如know的宾语表示的是整个事实(如that-clause),则宾语可省略,如know的宾语是一个具体事物,则通常以it代替之。   know是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,通常不用于进行体。


know后接“疑问词(why 除外)+不定式”; know的基本意思是“知道”“认识”“听说”,指直接了解某事物,也可表示“领会,懂得”,指通过体验或传授而获得知识。 扩展资料   know既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词作“知道,懂得”解时,可接表示事物的名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式、that或疑问词引导的从句作宾语,也可接以“(to be/as+) n./adj./prep. -phrase. ”或动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。   作“认识,了解”解时,可接表示人或物的名词作宾语。know可用于被动结构。know接to be作宾语补足语时,to be常可省略,但当to be表示的时间先于know表示的.时间时,须用不定式的完成式,且不可省略。   在对话回答语中,如know的宾语表示的是整个事实(如that-clause),则宾语可省略,如know的宾语是一个具体事物,则通常以it代替之。   know是表示思想状态的动词,指思维活动的结果,通常不用于进行体。


known的用法搭配如下:1.Hebecameoneofthebestknownactorsofhisday.他成了他那个时期最著名的演员之一。2.HeisbetterknownforhisfilmandTVwork.他的影视作品更为出名。3.ThePrimeMinisterhasletitbeknownthatheisagainstit.首相对此明确表示反对。4.You "ve never known yourself either .你自己也永远不会知道。5.The first person known to have a prosthesis .这是已知的第一个安义肢的人。6.This prescription-only medicine is best known as a treatment for acne .这种纯处方药最著名的用途是治疗痤疮。7.Real-time bidding helps solve these problems by allowing marketers to buy known audiences .实时竞价系统通过允许市场营销人员购买已知的人群信息解决了这个问题。8.Before long he became the best known boss in the country .不久,他就成为了全国最知名的老板。known,是一个英文单词,形容词译为已知的,大家知道的,知名的, 向某人作自我介绍,动词译为知道( know的过去分词 ),看到过, 听到过, 经历过。


不能 known [n?un] adj.大家知道的;已知的;知名的 v.知道(know的过去分词)


复数:knowns 同义词 adj. acknowledged,branded,notorious,well-known,famous 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 known



knew known有什么区别?

knew是过去式,known是过去分词,可以做定语,表示被动或者完成.如: a known city.


know[英][nu0259u028a][美][nou028a]v.知道; 了解; 认识; 确信; n.知情; 第三人称单数:knows过去分词:known现在进行时:knowing过去式:knew例句:1.Does your wife know you"re here? 你妻子知道你在这儿吗?

famous known honor三者相同吗?

不一样。他们的意思相似但不一样。famous是有著名/受欢迎的。known,一般配合 “well known” 或 “widely known” 意思是被广泛认知而著名。honor 是荣耀/有头有脸的。三者比较:比如说某某大学食堂的网红菜可以用famous。一家家传户晓的百年老店可以用known,这里注意这家店不需要说很受欢迎,只要是人人知道即可。honor 一般呢就是用来说人的。因为honor带有荣耀的意思,famous和known的人不一定是honored,反之亦然。

known,to be known用法


be known as的用法和意思是什么

be known as 作为....被人们所知(被动语态)He is known as a good teacher. 他作为一个好教师被人们所知。




v. 了解, 知道, 认识 例:What do you know about us?你对我们有什么了解?n. 了解, 知识【词源解说】直接源自古英语的cnawan。【词形变化】形容词: knowable 名词: knower动词过去式: knew 动词过去分词: known动词现在分词: knowing 动词第三人称单数: knows【词义辨析】know, learn, comprehend, understand这些动词都含“懂、知道、明了”之意。know: 普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接知道的意味。learn: 通常指通过他人而获得消息或情况,侧重从不知到知的变化过程。comprehend: 侧重熟悉了解的过程。understand: 指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。

know - knew - known 什么时候怎么用 有什么区别么?

know一般是在句子是一般现在时且没有三单的时候用 knew当句子是过去式时用 known是当句子是完成时或者是被动的时候用,或者是过去分词做定语

as we all know还是known?

aswe all know正确。原因分析:as是连词,后接句子,而as we all known中known是过去分词不能做谓语,这就不是句子。重点词汇:know英[nu0259u028a]释义:vt.知道;认识;懂得vi.了解;熟悉;确信[第三人称单数knows;现在分词:knowing;过去式:knew;过去分词:known]短语:You Know你知道;你要知道;你了解;我说扩展资料:词语辨析:know,learn,comprehend,understand这些动词都含“懂、知道、明了”之意。1、know普通用词,多指通过学习、经验或他人传播而得到知识,含直接知道的意味。2、learn通常指通过他人而获得消息或情况,侧重从不知到知的变化过程。3、comprehend侧重熟悉了解的过程。4、understand指对事物已有彻底的认识,不仅知其性质、含义和细节,而且了解其内外的关系。

know与known的用法 举例

know是动词原形 known是过去分词, 可以做被动句的动词,如be known 可以做形容词,如known knowledge

"be known as"和"be known for"的区别是什么?

"be known as"和"be known for"的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、be known as:被称为zd。2、be known for:以...而闻名。二、用法不同1、be known as:“以某种知识、技能而闻名”,基本意思是“著名的”,用于人、事、地或物,指受到公众的认可并为公众熟悉、热爱、尊敬,可有天下闻名、举国皆知的含义,并含有称颂的意味,多用来指好的人或物。2、be known for:“以某种身份专出名”,指受到公众广泛的公认,并为大家所熟悉、热爱和尊敬,含有名气、名声在外的意思,可用属于人、事物等。三、侧重点不同1、be known as:因为自己的某方面才能而出名。2、be known for:因为自己的事迹而出名。




可以添加副词来做known的比较级和最高级。例如,Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his____one.better-known B. well-known C. best-known D. most-knownbest-known是well-known的最高级,意为“最著名的”。根据所提供的情景“all of the songs he has written”可判断出要用形容词的最高级,表示“这可能是他最著名的一首歌”。better-known是well-known的比较级,用于比较两者哪一个更著名。

为什么用known?不用to be known

在这儿known并不是动词。是形容词用法,表示大家知道,已知的意思。同时,从句意来看,已经发生的事情,用to do不合适。


I konw are known by me.一个用在主动,一个用在被动



known as 和known to be的区别,求教

known as = named 被称为,亦称为known to be = acknowledged as 作为...被熟知,众所周知的是...

know 的用法

know [no; nou] (knew[nu,nju; nju:]; known[non; noun]) 1 知道,懂得 a.知道,知悉,了解 He s the truth of the matter. 他知道事情的真相 I all about that. 那件事我全都知道 You ought to your place. 你应该认清自己的身分 (低) (应该懂 (对待尊长的) 礼节) He s all the answers.( 口语)他 (似乎) 无事不知(万事通) The space shuttle as we it is still imperfect. 像现在有的 [目前的这种] 太空梭仍然不完美 b.知道… I that she was once a singer. 我知道她从前是个歌手 You must that.. 你必须知道… c.[I don"t ] (口语)不以为…,以为不… I don"t that I will attend the party. 我想我不会出席这次聚会 d.知道… Please let us when you are coming. 请告诉我们你什麼时候来 There is no ing what may happen to them. 我们无法知道他们将发生什麼事 She doesn"t what she is talking about. 她不知道她自己在讲些什麼 Poor Mother didn"t whether [if] she was coming or going. 可怜的母亲弄得不知如何是好 Do you how to drive a car?. 你知道怎样驾驶汽车吗? I just didn"t which way to turn. 我完全迷失了(不知该转向那一边) e.知道…是… I him to be a great reader. 我知道他是个博览群书的人 He was known as a reliable man. 他以可信赖的人著称 (cf.known adj.2) 2 与相识 [熟悉] I her by sight [by name,to speak to]. 我跟她只是面熟 (并不相识) [知道她的名字,在遇到她时会讲几句话的泛泛之交而已] I have known him since he was a child. 我从他小时候就认识他 They each other very well. 他们彼此很熟 3 a.熟悉,精通,懂 She s French. 她懂[会]法语 He s his business. 他精通 [熟悉] 他的业务 b.(去过多次而) 熟悉 I the place well. 我对那地方很熟悉 c.背会 The actor s his lines. 那名演员熟记台词 4 [用完成式或过去式] 看[听]过… I have never known him tell a lie.(. 据我所知) 他没有说 过谎言 I never knew her to come on time. 我从没见她准时来过 Rules have been known to be broken. 法规常遭破坏 5 a.尝受 ,经历,体验 She knew many sorrows in her early life. 她早年曾有过许多不幸的遭遇 I have seldom known such bitter weather. 我很少碰到过如此严寒的天气 b.(凭经验) 知道… He s what it is to go hungry. 他知道挨饿是怎麼一回事 c.经历,体验 The country has known no war for many centuries. 好几百年以来这个国家未曾发生过战争 6 a.分别出,辨识出!(recognize) I knew him at once. 我马上认出他 I a lady when I see one. 真正的淑女我一看就看得出来 b.[由…]辨认…[by] A tree is known by its fruit. 树可由其果实辨别 c.辨别… ,识别[from] She did not fact from fiction. 她分辨不清事实和虚构 →not know a person from ADAM. 7 知道 His ambition s no bounds. 他的野心无止境 1 a.知道 He thinks he s better than anybody. 他以为他知道得比谁都多 I don"t .=I wouldn"t . 我不知道,我不清楚 b.[同意对方的发言] (确实) 知道 "Tomorrow"s a holiday."-I .". “明天放假”“我知道” 2 知道 [关于…的事] ,听说 过[about] I don"t about that. 那件事我不清楚; 嗯,这事我不确实知道 Do you about him?. 你知道 [听说 过] 他的事 [一些有关他的风言风语] (cf.Do you know him? → v.t.2) 3 (虽非直接) 间接地知悉 [听说 过] […的事] [of] I of him,but I don"t know him. 我听说 过他的事 (间接地知道) ,但并不认识他 This is the best method I of. 这是我所知道的最好的方法 →Not that I know of all one knows (1) 全力 I did all I knew. 我尽了全力 (2) 全力地 and I don"t know what [who] (else) (口语)还有许多 [各式各样的] 东西[人] before one knows where one is (口语)刹那间,一眨眼工夫; 不知不觉地 Don"t I know it! (口语)很不幸,我知道了; 我还会不知道吗 (用以表示必须做或已做了不情愿做的事) I"ve got to wash all those dishes,. 这些盤子我都得洗,我还会不知道吗 ! for all [(古.文语)aught] know (不太清楚,不过据我所知) 大概,也许 He may be a good man for all I . 他也许是个好人(我不太清楚) God [Heaven] knows (1) 上帝知道…,我发誓…,的确是… God s that it is true. 我对天发誓那是真的 (2) 上帝才知道…,天晓得 [没有人知道] … God s where he fled. 没有人知道他逃到哪里 The man has gone God s where. 没有人知道那个人的下落 (3) 我不知道 (I don"t know)


known,“知名的,被认可的”,北京话叫“混个脸熟的”;famous则是“出名的,著名的”,孰大孰小一目了然。known想要混到famous境界,那一定要戴顶好帽子就是well,到了 well known,两个家伙基本可以平起平坐了,好好干吧


understand是理解 know是知道,了解 相对来讲understand比know跟严肃,程度更深,也更正式一点。比如你去参军,教官问你懂不懂,你应该用I understand而非 I know。 两个词的词义略同,适当的情况下根据自己的判断措词就行了,而且你的问题太简略的,请把你对understand & know用法中不理解的地方做补充。


1.known是know的过去分词; 2.known作形容词的意思是“知名的,大家知道的”


known只能加 more 或 most 来表示它们的比较级和最高级。所以known的最高级是most known.单词的比较级和最高级变化形式规则如下构 成 法 原 级 比 较 级 最 高 级① 一般单音节词末尾加ue011er 和 est strong stronger strongest② 单音节词如果以ue011e结尾,只加ue011r 和ue011st strange stranger strangest③ 闭音节单音节词如末尾只有 一个辅音字母,须先双写这个辅音字母,再加ue011er和ue011est sadbighot sadderbiggerhotter saddestbiggesthottest④ 少数以ue011y,ue011er(或ue011ure),ue011ow,ue011ble结尾的双音节词,末尾加ue011er和ue011est(以ue011y结尾的词,如ue011y前是辅音字母,把y变成i,再加ue011er和ue011est,以ue011e结尾的词仍只加ue011r和ue011st) angryclevernarrownoble angriercleverernarrowernobler angrestcleverestnarrowestnoblest⑤ 其他双音节和多音节词都在前面加单词more和most different moredifferent most形容词比较级或最高级的特殊形式:1. 三个或三个以上音节的形容词只能加more和most只能说 more beautiful而不能说beautifuller; 只能说the most beautiful而不能说beautifullest.但是,以形容前缀ue011un结尾的三音节形容词不适合上述情况,如unhappy,untidy,我们可以说:unhappier→unhappiest, untidier→untidiest2. 由ue011ING分词和ue011ED分词演变过来的形容词(包括不规则动词如know→known)只能加more或most来表示它们的比较级和最高级more(most) striking, more(most) interesting, more(most) wounded, more(most)worn等.4) The drawings 〔A〕 of the old masters 〔B〕 are among the treasuredest 〔C〕 works in museums 〔D〕 .3. 英语里有些形容词由于其词义而不可能有比较级形式absolute fatal main right universalchief final naked simulta- utterentire foremost perfect neous vitaleternalue5f1inevitableue5f1possibleue5f1sufficientue5f1wholeue5f1excellent infinite primary supreme wooden但是有些单词是特殊的,如good的比较级是better,最高级是best以下是一些比较特殊的单词:原形 比较级 最高级good better bestill&bad worse worstfar farther farthestfurther furthestmany more mostlittle less least






"known"的读音是/nou028an/。1、英音和美音的发音不同英国人一般会把known"读成“no-n”(/nu0259u028an/),而美国人则更倾向于将其读作“no-un”(/nou028an/)。2、音标解释/nu0259u028an/翻译成音标:[nu0259u028an],其中,"u0259u028a"代表长元音o,/ou028a/,"n"代表音/n/。/nou028an/翻译成音标:[nou028an],其中,"ou028a"代表连读音/du0361u0292/,/no/能否听到/du0361u0292ou028an/这个类似于John的发音,而"n"代表音/n/。3、词源分析"known"一词来自于古英语中的"cnawan",最初的含义是"to perceive,recognize,or understand",后演变为今天的意思,也就是“知道,认识”。4、近义词选用在某些情况下,"known"可以用"famous"或"noted"替换。但要注意,这两个词更强调名声和名气的因素,有时与知名度不同。5、常见搭配well-known:非常出名的、众所周知的。known as:被称作,也可以是“被认为是”、“作为...而闻名”,例如“Bob is known as an excellent teacher.”make known:宣布、公布,例如“make known one"s decision”6、读音练习为了熟练掌握"known"的发音,在网上可以找到各种制作良好的音频或视频素材进行练习。同时,通过尝试认读其他单词的"-own"结尾部分,例如:"own"、"blown"、"thrown"等可以帮助提升对"known"的准确发音。


known的意思是大家知道的;已知的;知名的。known是一个英文单词,形容词译为已知的,大家知道的,知名的,向某人作自我介绍,动词译为知道(know的过去分词),看到过,听到过,经历过。短语搭配1、be known as 作为…而闻名遐迩,被称为…2、be known for因…而众所周知3、known to为…所知4、known for因…而闻名5、be known to为…所知6、be known已知双语例句1、He became one of the best known actors of his day。他成了他那个时期最著名的演员之一。2、He is better known for his filmand TV work。他的影视作品更为出名。3、He is better known for his film and TV work。他更为著名的是影视作品。4、You"ve never known yourself either。你自己也永远不会知道。



known怎么读 known英语怎么读

1、英[nu0259u028an] 美[nou028an] 2、adj.知名的; 出了名的; 已知的; 3、v.知道; 知悉; 了解; 认识到; 懂得; 意识到; 确信; 确知; 肯定; 4、[词典] know的过去分词; 5、[例句]I know these events arent cheap, especially when the speakers somebody well known.我知道参加这些会议并不便宜,尤其是当演讲者是某位知名的人士的时候。





一首中文歌女的唱的,歌词里有I know you.dont wanna know.

Dog days are over

Just To Know You 歌词

歌曲名:Just To Know You歌手:GB5专辑:Unbreakable BondBeckah Shae - Just to KnowI know what I want, it"s YouAnd I know what I need, it"s YouI wasn"t always this sure of You, it"s trueBut I came to know You well, know You betterAnd now You"re all I wanna know!You"re the song my heart singsAnd I"d give up everythingJust to know You betterThis world has nothing for me, I count it all as lossJust to know You wellAnd I wanna feel Your heartbeatI"ll be Your hands and feetJust to know You betterThis world has nothing for me, I count it all as lossJust to know You wellI know there"s moreTo what I"m seein, to what I"m feelinAnd I know that You"reBigger than my dreams, greater than our needsAnd no matter what, I"m confident You are with meAnd I know that I don"t understand everythingBut I know what I need, it"s You!My life means nothing to meUnless I know You wellWilling to take the blow, be accused, abused or moreWhatever it takes, I just wanna knowCause Your grace amazes meAnd Your love, oh how it saved me from myselfNow I can"t help, just to know!

Mc法老为什么被CDC马思唯 Dzknow值Diss

在我看来中国大陆最惹不起的三个rapper是 法老 贝贝和oldschool时期的 马思维 我前天才看了广州5.20法老的show 也看过higherbro的现场 两边我都很喜欢 然后关于双方diss的作品我也是喜欢的法老和dzknow之前和好朋友 也合作过一首歌 后来dzknow在法老的朋友圈评论里骂他(法老亲口说的) 然后引发了骂战 两边都贡献了超牛逼的作品 对于只听歌不站边的人来讲 真的是太爽了

what traffic signs do you know?回答

CategoriesSign warning of cattle crossing in a rural road of Madeira island,PortugalTraffic signs can be grouped into several types. For example, Annexe 1 of the Vienna Convention on Road Signs and Signals (1968), which on 30 June 2004 had 52 signatory countries, defines eight categories of signs:A. Danger warning signsB. Priority signsC. Prohibitory or restrictive signsD. Mandatory signsE. Special regulation signsF. Information, facilities, or service signsG. Direction, position, or indication signsH. Additional panelsIn the United States, Canada, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand signs are categorized as follows:Regulatory signsWarning signsGuide signsStreet name signsRoute marker signsExpressway signsFreeway signsWelcome signsInformational signsRecreation and cultural interest signsEmergency management (civil defense) signsTemporary traffic control (construction or work zone) signsSchool signsRailroad and light rail signsBicycle signs

acknowledgement of order是什么意思


英语选择一道。The teachers wanted to know_____


The manager wanted to know_____.


急需一篇英语作文,初二基础,名字是:The best friend I know 50字?

Friend,what does that mean?This is the question I have been thinking a child,I just muddle that is just a friend,and I play together,laugh together,with crazy people,to grow up,I truly understand the significance of friends.Friend is a friend,confidant,mutual trust,mutual concern and learn from each other,to open their hearts to each other,and this is the confidant,friend.Although there are many of my friends,but it can be regarded as a friend,not a few,I only vaguely remember that a person can be said on my confidant,1,

一道英语选择题 解释一下 geometry()i know nothing ,seems a very dull subject


有首歌 男的唱的 就记住这句歌词了 when the sun goes down,everybody knows and get a celebrate

The Wanted - Glad You Came

asteroids also known as

Asteroids:小行星. Asteroids,also known as “minor planets”,are numerous in the outer space. any of numerous small celestial bodies composed of rock and metal that move around the sun (mainly between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter) comets:彗星 (astronomy) a relatively small extraterrestrial body consisting of a frozen mass that travels around the sun in a highly elliptical orbit Nebulae:星云 the body exclude of the asteroid and comets ,all of the ductile astronomical body . the Solar System:太阳系 the sun with the celestial bodies that revolve around it in its gravitational field. 以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助 杭州图书馆

求《God Knows》英文歌词翻译!!!

Gunfighter,椰子饮者不能走了我的名字 … … 现在离开黑暗和不好的日子在时间之前,还什么 catchin" 去闪耀根据塔,你失去它采取否认月亮可以活着,我给你时间 … … 的傻瓜甚至当然你悲伤的运气在某些见醒了我想要下长遗憾你看到了什么?真实是采取你甜甜圈行同样的自己上敲出欲望的意思坚持、 其它权力可以去你的照去天堂。你的心痛,你的风格中的镜像任何时间机器盖沉默新的一年只飞走了,因为我新爱你,我的脚是 leadin" 转符我跑了闭掉我的心向世界道歉-我猜我不能做任何事你永远不会留下来我知道这是因为你害怕如果你不会让我们分享我们的痛苦,我们可以治愈?我不能离开我的生活是你不只是如此空虚所以我会陪着你,我会试着生活在寂寞的线上这就是为什么我会永远跟着你即使我从来没有看到任何东西但是你痛苦因为你闪耀的吞噬了世界的黑暗现在,未来即将来临弱点侵占但我不会让是在摧毁我的灵魂路上,尽力,也就是说,我跟你一起我爱你那么"上帝祝福"!我不是一个女孩在泪水中。什么东西有歌手 eatin"纳入工作刀和叉杀和追逐中我听到冰一但你可知道,但是你可以永远唱首歌可以获取运行吗?你和说话,就是所有的吻这就是为什么我会永远跟着你即使我从来没有看到任何东西但是你痛苦因为你闪耀的吞噬了世界的黑暗现在,未来即将来临弱点侵占但我不会让是在摧毁我的灵魂路上,尽力,也就是说,我跟你一起我爱你那么"上帝祝福"!


你知道这些口号吗 you know the slogans?什么意思?怎么读


歌词有i still miss you in my heart i dont know .一个女的唱的英文歌

when you are gone-艾薇儿

开头是i and a .... beark enjoy the sky and a sweet to me but i dont know so这是什么歌啊


Do you know where you go when you give it all away

  If You Come to Me  by Atomic Kitten 原子少女猫的  So long ago 很久以前  I didn"t have a care about me 我对自己不关心  I didn"t know my right from wrong 我甚至分不清对与错  But now I know 但现在我知道  That you left got love around me 你的爱在我周围  You know it makes me feel so strong 你知道它使我有力量  Baby if you turn around 宝贝,如果你出现  And prove to me its real 证明那是真的  Maybe we can work it out 可能我会不再烦恼  Cos this is how I feel 因为那也是我的感觉  Do you know where you go when you give it all away 你知道吗?当你给予我爱的时候,无论你去哪里  I"ll be there for you, care for you 我都会在那里等你关心你  Love you everyday oh baby 无时无刻地爱你 噢,我的宝贝  And do you feel the same for me? 你与我有同样的感应吗?  Everyday you"re away 每一天当你离开的时候  And I feel a little low 我都会有一点失落  I would cry for you, die for you 我会为你哭为你死 Just to let you know oh baby 只是为了让你知道 噢我的宝贝  And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right 如果你此时出现的话我会任何事都难不倒我  Through out all my life 我的整个一生  I never thought I"d have somebody 我从没有想过会有某个人  Someone to call my own 这个人会是属于我的  And now I"ve found 但是现在我发现  A little bit of heaven baby 一种欣慰 我的宝贝  A place to call my own 一个属于我的地方  So long ago 很久以前  I didn"t have a care about me 我对自己不关心  I didn"t know my right from wrong 我甚至分不清对与错  But now I know 但现在我知道  That you left got love around me 你的爱在我周围  You know it makes me feel so strong 你知道它使我有力量  Baby if you turn around 宝贝,如果你出现  And prove to me its real 证明那是真的  Maybe we can work it out 可能我会不再烦恼  Cos this is how I feel 因为那也是我的感觉  Do you know where you go when you give it all away 你知道吗?当你给予我爱的时候,无论你去哪里  I"ll be there for you, care for you 我都会在那里等你关心你  Love you everyday oh baby 无时无刻地爱你 噢,我的宝贝  And do you feel the same for me? 你与我有同样的感应吗?  Everyday you"re away 每一天当你离开的时候  And I feel a little low 我都会有一点失落  I would cry for you, die for you 我会为你哭为你死 Just to let you know oh baby 只是为了让你知道 噢我的宝贝  And if you come to me you know I"ll make it right 如果你此时出现的话我会任何事都难不倒我  Through out all my life 我的整个一生  I never thought I"d have somebody 我从没有想过会有某个人  Someone to call my own 这个人会是属于我的  And now I"ve found 但是现在我发现  A little bit of heaven baby 一种欣慰 我的宝贝  A place to call my own 一个属于我的地方

but you know after all,it is your life灵魂冲浪歌词,求歌名

It"s Your Life- Francesca BattistelliThis is the momentIt"s on the lineWhich way you gonna fall?In the middle betweenWrong and rightBut you know after all(Chorus)It"s your lifeWhat you gonna do?The world is watching youEvery day the choices you makeSay what you are and whoYour heart beats forIt"s an open doorIt"s your lifeAre you who you always said you would be?With a sinking feeling in your chestAlways waiting for someone else to fix youTell me when did you forget(Chorus)It"s your lifeWhat you gonna do?The world is watching youEvery day the choices you makeSay what you are and whoYour heart beats forIt"s an open doorIt"s your lifeTo live the way that you believeThis is your opportunityTo let your life be one that lights the way(Chorus)It"s your lifeWhat you gonna do?The world is watching youEvery day the choices you makeSay what you are and whoYour heart beats forIt"s an open doorIt"s your life

you know I`m not good 中英歌词


You Know Im No Good - 英文歌翻译中文词(amy winehouse)

见到你楼下的酒吧,并听取, 您卷起衣袖和您的头骨T恤, 你说“你今天跟他? ” 和嗅我想我是Tanquerary , 事业你是我家伙,我的家伙 另一方面我你的斯特拉和飞行, 的时候,我出了门, 你催泪男子像罗杰穆尔 我作弊我自己, 像我知道我会 我告诉你,我是麻烦 你知道,我没有好 楼上在床上,我的前男孩, 他在一个地方,但我不能让喜悦 思考你在最后的挣扎, 这是当我的蜂鸣器不用 用完了,以满足您,芯片和八色, 你说: “当我们结婚了, ” 原因你没有痛苦, “有没有将他没有更多” 我哭你在厨房的地板 我作弊我自己, 像我知道我会 我告诉你,我是麻烦 你知道,我没有好 甜蜜的团聚牙买加和西班牙, 我们很喜欢我们如何再次, 我在浴缸中,您的座位上, 舔你的嘴唇作为我泡我的脚 然后您发现likkle地毯烧伤, 我的肚子和我的胆量滴流失, 你耸耸肩,它的最坏的打算, 谁真正坚持在第一刀 我作弊我自己, 像我知道我会 我告诉你,我是麻烦 你知道,我没有好 我作弊我自己, 像我知道我会 我告诉你,我是麻烦 你知道,我没有好

java抛出异常: unknown

出现这个异常,表明向方法传递了不合法或不正确的参数。检查一下,是否在调用某个方法时,传递了与方法定义时不相符的参数类型。在SSM动态javaweb服务器框架中,经常看到这个异常,很多人说这是参数异常,检查自己在ioc容器中配置的参数是否正确,其实这是项目使用的Java编译器(即Javacompiler)使用的jdk版本和Java的运行环境(即jreJavaruntimeenvironment)版本不匹配造成的。扩展资料:类 Math 提供了常用的数学函数,比如正弦、余弦和平方根。类似地,类 String 和 StringBuffer 提供了常用的字符串操作。类 ClassLoader、Process、Runtime、SecurityManager 和 System 提供了管理类的动态加载、外部进程创建、主机环境查询(比如时间)和安全策略实施等“系统操作”。类 Throwable 包含了可能由 throw 语句抛出的对象(§14.16)。Throwable 的子类表示错误和异常。参考资料来源:百度百科-java.lang


intellectualadj.智力的, 有智力的, 显示智力的n.知识分子intellectiveadj.智力的“知识背景”中的知识应该翻译成knowledgeknowledgen.知识, 学问, 认识, 知道, <古>学科

I Gotta Know Tonight 歌词

歌曲名:I Gotta Know Tonight歌手:Darius专辑:Dive InDarius - I Gotta Know TonightI feel vulnerable, I"m scared...I hang on every wordLike there"s a hidden meaning.It caught me unprepared...Now I"m climbing up the wallThat stands between us.I keep hoping it"s my imagination,Playing tricks with my heartOn this occasion,I"ve just got this sinking feelingSo whose gonna drownNow the dams about to break?Tell me if it"s meI gotta know...I"m strong enough to tell youThat it"s more than I can takeI"m just hanging by a thread,Gotta feeling I"m in over my head,Can"t wait until tomorrow...Gotta know tonight.I feel naked in your eyesI"m so outta control feels like I"m freewheelingAre we running out of time?I gotta find a wayTo stop this feeling...Cos when you pull back the covers,It"s one way or the other,Oh yeah,It"s getting closer to midnightI gotta go,Can"t wait until tomorrow...Gotta knowWhose gonna drownNow the dams about to break?Tell me if it"s meI gotta know...I"m strong enough to tell youThat it"s more than I can takeI"m just hanging by a thread,Gotta feeling I"m in over my head,Can"t wait until tomorrow...Gotta know tonight.

歌词everybody ever know a word

中文名称:勇气战胜恐惧外文名称:GutsOverFear歌曲原唱:Eminem,Sia歌词:Feelslikeaclose,it"scomingto  感觉即将走到终点  FuckamIgonnado?/It*stoolatetostartover  我该要做些什么,重头再来已是太迟  thisistheonlythingI,thingIknow  这是我唯一熟知的事情  SometimesifeellikeallIeverdois  有时候我觉得我曾做的一切  Finddifferentwaystowordthesame,oldsong  是在找寻不同的方式写同样的老歌  EversinceIcamealong  自从我独自到来  Fromthedaythesongcalled‘"Hi!MyNameIs""dropped  自从mynameis这首歌横空出世  Startedthinkingmynamewasfault  我就开始认为我的名字是个错误  Causeanytimethingswentwrong  因为每当有事情出错  Iwastheonewhotheywouldblameiton  我就是那个他们会指责的人  Themediamademetheequivalentofamodern-dayGenghisKahn  媒体将我刻画成当代的成吉思汗  Triedtoargueitwasonlyentertainment,dawg  我试图争辩,一切只不过是娱乐而已  Gangsta?Naw,courageousballs  匪帮制图,不,我只是有无畏的勇气罢了  Hadtochangemystyle,theysaidI*mwaytoosoft  我不得不改变我的风格,他们说我的唱得太软了



--- Do you know ________ girl in pink on the playground? --- Oh, yes, she is ________ honest st...

A 试题分析:句意:你知道在操场上穿粉红色衣服的那个女孩吗?噢,是的,她是个诚实的学生。她是我最好的朋友. 名词girl被介词短语in pink限定,故为特指,该用定冠词。后一空表示类别该用不定冠词,honest虽以辅音字母开头,但第一音素是元音,故该用an。所以选A。

U Know Hoo! (Lp Version) 歌词

歌曲名:U Know Hoo! (Lp Version)歌手:Coolio&W. C. Of The M.A.A.D. Circle专辑:It Takes A ThiefI Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know.I Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know.Loge far makid wowby dubble the woly here nobaby canly halowly"s.Wownagan had take don"t bihey way.flaked!conne dad.won"d bades the by lie flad land bost jonvah halu leason debe mine.Are what was Ah or the jonv.I Garde gon"na where? do U know,where? do U know,where? do U know.I Garde gon"na where? do U know,where? do U know,where? do U know(Replay)An feeger nezen guner And pey no more of sina.when"s prena miney bley gredseveybody no understarde let"s One feel lie flad land bost jonv ah halu leson debe mine.Are what was Ah or the jonv.I Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know.I Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know.Make feel leten(Rap)Loge far makid wowby dubble way,In the woly here nobaby canly halowly"s.Wownagan had take don"t bihey way,flaked!conne dad.won"d bades the by lie flad land bost jonvah halu leason debe mineAre what was Ah or the jonv.I Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know.I Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know.I Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know.I Garde gon"na where? do U know.where? do U know,where? do U know(Replay)

有一首歌里面的歌词有很多句 you know 重复的`是一个男唱的`是什么歌啊`?不知道对不对你看看吧
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