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The Imperial Palace和Summer Palace它们的区别

The Imperial Palace 指故宫,是皇家的宫和主要政治活动场所。Summer Palace 指颐和园,属于供皇家休闲的场所。

the summer palace什么意思


summer palace是什么意思?

Situated in the western outskirts of haidian district, the summer palace is 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from central beijing. having the largest royal park and being well preserved, it was designated, in 1960 by the state council, as a key cultural relics protection site of china. containing examples of the ancient arts, it also has graceful landscapes and magnificent constructions. the summer palace is the archetypal chinese garden, and is ranked amongst the most noted and classical gardens of the world. in 1998, it was listed as one of the world heritage sites by unesco. Constructed in the jin dynasty (1115-1234), during the succeeding reign of feudal emperors; it was extended continuously. by the time of the qing dynasty (1644-1911), it had become a luxurious royal garden providing royal families with rest and entertainment. originally called "qingyi garden" (garden of clear ripples), it was know as one of the famous "three hills and five gardens" (longevity hill, jade spring mountain, and fragrant hill; garden of clear ripples, garden of everlasting spring, garden of perfection and brightness, garden of tranquility and brightness, and garden of tranquility and pleasure). like most of the gardens of beijing, it could not elude the rampages of the anglo-french allied force and was destroyed by fire. in 1888, empress dowager cixi embezzled navy funds to reconstruct it for her own benefit, changing its name to summer palace (yiheyuan). she spent most of her later years there, dealing with state affairs and entertaining. in 1900, it suffered again, being ransacked by the eight-power allied force. after the success of the 1911 revolution, it was opened to the public. 颐和园是我国现存规模最宏大、最完好、的古代园林。位於北京市海淀区境内,距天安门20馀公里,占地290公顷。 颐和园原为封建帝王的行宫和花园,远在金贞元元年 (1153年)即在这里修建『西山八院』之一的『金山行宫』。明弘治七年(1494年)修建了园静寺,后皇室在此建成好山园。1664年清廷定都北京后,又将好山园更名为『瓮山行宫』。清乾隆年间,经由15年的修建工程,将该园改名为『清漪圆』。此时的清漪园,北自文昌阁至西宫门筑有围墙,东、南、西叁面以昆明湖水为屏障,园内修建了狠多亭台楼阁,桥廊斋榭,山净水秀,富丽堂皇。咸丰十年(1860年),英法联军疯狂抢劫并焚烧了园内大部门建筑,除宝云阁(俗称『铜亭』)聪明海、多宝 琉璃塔幸存外,至宝被洗劫一空,建筑夷为一片废墟。光绪十四年(1888年)慈待太后挪用海军经费3000万两白银,在清漪园的废墟上兴建起颐和园。光绪二十六年(1900年)颐和园又遭八国联军的野蛮破坏,后慈禧又动用巨款重新修复。数百年来,这里一直是封建帝王、皇室的享乐之地,解放辟为公园。1961年国务院宣布颐和园为全国重点文物保护单位。 Composed mainly of longevity hill and kunming lake, the summer palace occupies an area of 294 hectares (726.5 acres), three quarters of which is water. guided by nature, artists designed the gardens exquisitely so that visitors would see marvelous views and be amazed by perfect examples of refined craftwork using the finest materials. Centered on the tower of buddhist incense (foxiangge) the summer palace consists of over 3,000 structures including pavilions, towers, bridges, and corridors. the summer palace can be divided into four parts: the court area, front-hill area, front-lake area, and rear-hill and back-lake area. Front-hill area: this area is the most magnificent area in the summer palace with the most constructions. its layout is quite distinctive because of the central axis from the yard of kunming lake to the hilltop, on which important buildings are positioned including gate of dispelling clouds, hall of dispelling clouds, hall of moral glory, tower of buddhist incense, the hall of the sea of wisdom, etc. Rear-hill and back-lake area: although the constructions are fewer here, it has a unique landscape, with dense green trees, and winding paths. visitors can feel a rare tranquility, and elegance. this area includes scenic spots such as garden of harmonious interest and suzhou market street. Court area: this is where empress dowager cixi and emperor guangxu met officials, conducted state affairs and rested. entering the east palace gate, visitors may see the main palace buildings: the hall of benevolence and longevity served as the office of the emperor, the hall of jade ripples where guangxu lived, the hall of joyful longevity, cixi‘s residence, the hall of virtue and harmony where cixi was entertained. Front lake area: covering a larger part of the summer palace, opens up the vista of the lake. a breeze fluttering, waves gleam and willows kiss the ripples of the vast water. in this comfortable area there are the eastern and western banks, the seventeen-arch bridge, nanhu island, and so on. on the western bank float six distinct bridges amongst which the jade-belt bridge is the most beautiful. 颐和园包括万寿山、昆明湖两大部门,园内山水秀美,建筑雄伟。全园有各式建筑3000馀间,园内布局可分为政治、糊口、游览叁个区域。政治流动区,以仁寿段为中央,是过去慈禧太后和光绪天子办理朝事、会见朝臣、使节的地方。糊口栖身区,以玉澜堂、宜芸馆、乐寿堂为主体,是慈禧、光绪及后妃栖身之地。风景游览区,以万寿山前山、后山、后湖、昆明湖为主, 是全园的主要组成部门。 在世界古典园林中享有盛誉的颐和园,布局和谐,浑然一体。在高60米的万寿山前山的中心,纵向自低而高排列着排 云门、排云股、德辉殿、佛香阁、聪明海等一组建筑,依山而立, 步步高升,气派雄伟。以高大的佛香阁为主体,形成了全园的中央线。沿昆明湖北岸横向而建的长廊,长728米,共273间, 像一条彩带横跨於万寿山前,连结着东眼前山建筑群。长廊中有精美柁画 14000多幅,素有『画廊』之美称。位於颐和园东北角,万寿山东麓的谐趣园,具有浓重的江南园林特色,被誉为 『园中之园』。 占全园总面积四分之叁的昆明湖,湖水清澈碧绿,景色宜人。在广阔的湖面上,有叁个小岛点缀,其主要景物是西堤、西堤六桥、东堤、南湖岛、十七孔桥等。湖岸建有廓如亭、知春亭、凤凰墩等秀美建筑,其中位於湖西北岸的清晏舫(石访)中西合璧,精巧华丽,是园中闻名的水上建筑。后山后湖,林茂竹青,景色幽雅,到处是松林曲径,小桥流水,风格与前山迥然不同。山脚下的姑苏河,曲折蜿蜒,时狭时阔,颇具江南特色。在岸边的树丛中建有多宝琉璃塔。后山还有一座仿西藏建筑——香岩宗印之阁,造型奇异。姑苏街原为宫内的民间买卖街,现已修复并向游人开放。拥山抱水,绚丽多姿的颐和园,体现了我国造园艺术的高超水平。

英语作文《the summer palace》

In the Old Summer Palace, there are magnificent halls, exquisite pavilions, shopping streets symbolizing lively markets, and mountain and rural wild gardens symbolizing pastoral scenery. Many scenery in the wild gardens are built in imitation of local scenic spots, such as Anlan garden in Haining, Lion Forest in Suzhou, West Lake Pinghu in Hangzhou, autumn moon, and many scenery are built in accordance with the poetic and picturesque feelings of ancient scholars, For example, in Yaotai Wulin spring garden, there are not only national buildings,

颐和园的英文名为什么叫summer place?

1860年圆明园被烧毁之前,还没有颐和园这一称谓,当时的颐和园叫做清漪园(Garden of Clear Ripples),也一同被烧毁。那时西方把圆明园称为Summer Palace。圆明园被烧毁28年后(1888年),慈禧太后以筹措海军经费的名义动用3000万两白银重建清漪园,改称颐和园,其宏大华丽堪比圆明园,此后西方人始称颐和园为Summer Palace,而称被烧毁的圆明园为Old Summer Palace。将颐和园译为Summer Palace的说法一直延续至今。

summer palace是什么意思

Summer Palacen.颐和园; 例句1.A friend of my cousion"s sent me some photos of the summer palace.我表哥的一位朋友给我寄来了一些颐和园的照片。2.Talking about coincidence, I met a childhood friend yesterday at the summer palace.要说巧,我昨天在颐和园碰上了一个儿时的朋友。3.Summer Palace where there are many attractions follow the Jiangnan garden was some merit.颐和园里有许多景点是效法了江南园林的一些优点。

summer palace是什么意思


summer palace什么意思

summer palace颐和园双语对照词典结果:Summer Palacen.颐和园; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In december 1998, unesco included the summer palace on its world heritage list. 1998年12月,颐和园被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。

summer palace是什么意思?

实际上圆明园和颐和园都是清代皇家避暑的地方,而summer palace就是夏宫的意思。颐和园,中国清朝时期皇家园林,前身为清漪园,坐落在北京西郊,距城区15公里,全园占地3.009平方公里(其中颐和园世界文化遗产区面积是2.97平方公里),水面约占四分之三。相关信息:1961年3月4日,颐和园被公布为第一批全国重点文物保护单位,与同时公布的承德避暑山庄、拙政园、留园并称为中国四大名园,1998年11月被列入《世界遗产名录》。2007年5月8日,颐和园经国家旅游局正式批准为国家5A级旅游景区。 2009年,颐和园入选中国世界纪录协会中国现存最大的皇家园林。

summer palace怎么读

summer palace颐和园双语对照词典结果:Summer Palacen.颐和园; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.In december 1998, unesco included the summer palace on its world heritage list. 1998年12月,颐和园被列入联合国教科文组织世界遗产名录。



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表示放置时一样put 英[pu028at] 美[pu028at] vt. 放; 表达; 给予(重视、信任、价值等); 使处于(某种状态); vt. 使感觉到; 使受到…的影响; vi. 说; 猛推; 将…送往; 使与…连接; [例句]Leaphorn put the photograph on the desk利普霍恩把照片放在书桌上。[其他] 第三人称单数:puts 现在分词:putting 过去式:put 过去分词:put place 英[pleu026as] 美[ples] n. 地方; 位; 职位; 座位; vt. 放置; 获名次; 投资; 评价; vi. 得名次; 名列前茅; [美国英语][赛马] 得第二名; 准确把…推到预定地点; [例句]We"re going to a place called Mont-St-Jean.我们要去一个叫蒙圣让的地方。[其他] 第三人称单数:places 复数:places 现在分词:placing 过去式:placed


顺手采纳答案place是可数名词例句:there are many places to go有很多的地方可以去的。

another places对吗

正确答案是----鼓声------D! A不对,因为another是指单一的地方,但是随后是places复数 B不对,因为在此无需强调、特指,所以不用the C不对,others概括后面名词复数,在这里和PLACES重复

英语作文people and places




place怎么读 place的英语读音介绍

1、place,英式读音为:[pleu026as];美式读音为:[pleu026as]。 2、place,当名词时,意思是:位置;地点;场所;地方;城镇(或建筑物等);有某用途的建筑(或土地)。当动词时,意思是:(小心或有意)放置,安放;使(人)处于某位置;安置;安顿;以某种态度对待(或看待)。 3、例句: (1)This would be a good place for a picnic.这可是个野餐的好地方。 (2)I cant remember all the places we visited in Thailand.我记不清在泰国参观过的所有地方。 (3)We were looking for a place to eat.我们想找个吃饭的地方。


表示地点的词: park restaurant gym supermarket cinema library


a good place to have fun


The assistant curator of the museum came to the head curator with a couple of problems.”Sir, the mummy is damp and getting moldy, and the white mouse in the maze exhibit has developed dry skin.”博物馆馆长助理找到馆长反映了一个问题:“先生,木乃伊现已受潮开始发霉了,但在迷宫中展览的小白鼠的皮肤变得越来越干澡。”The head, curator thought a minute,then advised, "Put your mummy where your mouse is.”馆长听后,想了一会儿,说:“把木乃伊放到白鼠那儿去吧。”




感谢你上次的邮件,我对你们国家购物的地方很感兴趣,你们国家的食物超市听上去很大,我想我可能会迷路! 在上次的信中,你问我是不是喜欢购物。不,我不是太喜欢购物,商店里面总是很挤。很多人推搡着去找他们想要的物品,其他人试图向你兜售你不要的东西。许多欧洲国家有着固定价格,所以你享受不到讨价还价的乐趣。 但是有的时候我还是挺享受购物的,我喜欢在超市里对那些蔬菜和水果讨价还价。我也喜欢去二手商店买衣服和书。在这种商店里,他们销售曾经被用过但仍然很新的商品,福利商店用这些钱去救助穷人,我觉得这些店是很不错的主意!在他们那里,我们可以使用旧的东西而不是把他们扔了! 最后一句: They are places where we can take our old things instead of thowing them away . places表示这种商店有很多,要用复数! 全是自己翻译的哦,希望楼主满意~~ places 表示地方 他们是那些地方→在那里可以使用旧的东西而不是把他们扔了→他们(places)是那些我门可以使用旧东西,而不是扔掉(旧东西)的地方(places) 这样楼主可以理解?


这里的some place不是指一些地方,而是指不确定的某个地方,因此还是用单数形式.place这个词有复数,places,加s即可





英语读音 place 加S 就是places 读是读/pleisz/





place属于规则变化以“ce” 结尾加 s 名词的数:可数名词有单数和复数两种形式,单数变复数有规则和不规则两种变化。另外,有些词的单复数同形。拓展一下其它的规则变化∶1、 一般情况下直接加s eg:maps bags2、以ce、se、ge 结尾加 eg:places pages3、以s、x、ch、sh 结尾加 es eg:buses watches boxes brushes但stomach[k]加s-stomachs4、 以f或fe结尾,去掉f或fe后再加 veseg:leafleaves knife knives 但以下以f或 fe 结尾的名词变为复数时,直接加 sroofs、qulfs(海湾)、chiefs(首长)、belifs(信念)、briefs(摘要)、proofs(证据)、safes(保险箱)、handkerchiefs或 handkerchieves5、 以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i再加 eseg:factory factories city cities 6.以元音字母(a、e、i、o、u)加 y 结尾的名词或以辅音字母加y结尾的人名、地名,直接加 s eg: boys rays Marys Germanys7、 以辅音字母加o结尾的名词,加 eseg:negroes heroes tomotoes potatoes echoes tobaccoes8、以元音字母加 o 结尾的名词以及某些以 o 结尾的外来词直接加 seg:radiosvideos autos(汽车)memos(备忘录) 但某些o结尾的名词两种形式都可以zeros/zeroes volcanos/volcanoes mottos/mottoes(格言)mosquitos/mosquitoes(蚊子)

place什么意思 place怎么造句呢

1、place(1)n.位置; 地点; 场所; 地方; 城镇(或建筑物等); 有某用途的建筑(或土地);(2)v.(小心或有意)放置,安放; 使(人)处于某位置; 安置; 安顿; 以某种态度对待(或看待); 2、[例句]At that time London was the place to be.那时候伦敦是不可不去的地方。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:places 复数:places 现在分词:placing 过去式:placed




place的用法包括用作名词或动词,名词的意思是位; 地方; 职位; 座位;动词的意思是放置; 获名次; 投资; 评价。例如I don"t have money to go places.我没有钱到处旅行。She returned to his place on the sofa她坐回到沙发上自己的位子。I found a place to park我找到了一个停车位。 扩展资料 place的.用法包括用作名词或动词,名词意思是位; 地方; 职位; 座位;动词意思是放置; 获名次; 投资; 评价。例I don"t have money to go places.我没有钱到处旅行。She returned to his place on the sofa她坐回到沙发上自己的位子。

place什么意思 place怎么造句呢

1、place(1)n.位置; 地点; 场所; 地方; 城镇(或建筑物等); 有某用途的建筑(或土地);(2)v.(小心或有意)放置,安放; 使(人)处于某位置; 安置; 安顿; 以某种态度对待(或看待); 2、[例句]At that time London was the place to be.那时候伦敦是不可不去的地方。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:places 复数:places 现在分词:placing 过去式:placed


【 #英语资源# 导语】place有地方;地位;职位;放置;安排;订货等意思,那么你知道place的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】place的用法   place的用法1:place是可数名词,基本意思是“地方,场所,所在地”,引申可表示“城,村,镇”“家,房屋,住所”等,也可表示用于某种特殊目的或发生某事的“建筑物,场所”,常与介词of搭配使用。   place的用法2:place也可表示物体表面的“某点”或“某处”或书、戏剧等的“某段落”或“某点”。   place的用法3:place还可指某人、车等保留或占据的“座位,位置”,引申可表示“自然或恰当的位置〔地方〕”“职位,职务,学习的机会”“等级,地位,身份”等,作“等级,地位,身份”解时常用于单数形式。   place的用法4:place还可作“(小数点后的)位”“获胜者的名次”解。   place的用法5:Place还有“广场”“山庄”的意思,多用单数形式,尤用于英国。例如:Langham Place兰厄姆广场; Wakehurst Place韦克赫斯特山庄。   place的用法6:place用作动词的基本意思是“将(某物)置于某处”“将(某物)放在应放之处”,引申可表示“安排”“使(某人)处于某处境或环境”,还可表示“记住”“凭记忆或经验辨认”“确定名次”“投资”“发订单,打赌”等。place表示“确定名次”时,在英国指“(赛马等比赛的)前三名”。   place的用法7:place主要用作及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以名词、形容词、副词、as短语或其他介词引导的短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 【篇二】place的常用短语   all over the place   be sb"s place   fall into place   from place to place   give place to   go places   in high places   in place   in place of   in the first place   know one"s place   out of place   place in the sun   pride of place   put in one"s place   put in sb"s place   take one"s place   take place   take sb"s place   take the place of 【篇三】place的用法例句   1. The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place.   美国计划加大现有经济制裁的力度。   2. He kept encouraging Rosie to find a place of her own.   他不断鼓励罗茜为自己找个住处。   3. Did she usurp his place in his mother"s heart?   她取代了他在他母亲心目中的地位吗?   4. Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.   将煎蛋饼放在烤架下用文火烘烤,直到表面凝固。   5. The mother provides the embryo with nourishment and a place to grow.   母亲为胎儿提供营养和成长的空间。   6. In a few words she had put him in his place.   她简单几句话就杀了他的威风。   7. Britain has dropped from second to third place in the league.   英国在联赛中的排名从第二位降到了第三位。   8. I must have driven past that place thousands of times.   我得有上千次开车经过那里。   9. England will have to settle for third or fourth place.   英格兰将只好接受第三或第四的排名。   10. My understanding was that we"d meet at her place.   我的理解是我们在她那儿见面。   11. He was in contention for a place in the European championship squad.   他有望在欧洲锦标赛代表队中获得一席之地。   12. West was wilfully blind to the abuse that took place.   韦斯特对发生的虐待行为故意视而不见。   13. My personal life has had to take second place to my career.   我的私人生活不得不让位于事业。   14. There are reports that round ups of westerners are still taking place.   据报道,强行将西方人驱集到一起的事件仍在发生。   15. "Let"s get a coffee somewhere."—"I know just the place."   “我们找个地方喝杯咖啡吧。”——“我知道个好地方。”


place用英语读法音标是【pleu026as】;释义是指地方,住所,座位。双语例句1、There was a fire in this place。这个地方曾经发生过一场火灾。2、I placed this bottle of water on the table。我把这瓶水放在了桌面上。3、The young horse racer placed in this competition。这名年轻的赛马运动员在本次比赛中获得名次。4、There are several places of interest to visit in the area。该地区有一些旅游胜地值得游览5、This place has great Monday night food specials!这家店周一晚上有很好吃的特价菜!6、Where is your current place of residence?你目前住在哪里?


places n. 地方; 位( place的名词复数 ); 职位; 座位;[例句]He"s been to a great many places.他到过的地方多了去了。


英 [pleu026as]     美 [pleu026as]    n.地方;地位;职位;获奖的名次v.将(某物)放置;安排;订货;寄托;辨认;获得名次释义常用度分布图海词统计地方地位订货职位安排辨认寄托形容词: placeable 名词: placer 过去式: placed 过去分词: placed 现在分词: placing 第三人称单数: placesnewplace是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:详尽释义n.(名词)位置,场所,地点,地方,座位身分,地位寓所,住所广场资格建筑物地区村,镇空间页哗握【数】位职务查看更多v.(动词)任命,任命...为(牧师),使(人)处于某位置放置,安置,安顿,安放,安排,放想起看清,认出,识别,辨认【赛马】跑赢排列喊芦消整顿使就(职)贷(款)投(资)发出(订单)订(货)交...出版名列前茅,得名次将...寄托于开出(订单)定出名次存(款)以某种态度对待使…处于某处境查看更多双解释义行业释义英英释义place的用法和样例:郑知例句用作名词 (n.)We must find a place for this new picture.我们必须找一个地方放这张新照片。Put everything away in its correct place.把东西放到该放的地方去。Geoffrey Chaucer occupies a unique place in English literature .杰弗里·乔叟在英国文学中占有独一无二的地位。She hopes to get a place in the Civil Service.她希望获得一份公职。I won the first place in the English Oratorical Contest of our university in 1994.我于1994年获得校英语演讲比赛第一名。查看更多用作动词 (v.)He placed the books in order on the shelf.他把书按顺序摆在书架上.You place me in a very difficult position.你使我非常为难。请点击输入图片描述(最多18字)










这里只是指他们家的地方 而不是当作一个泛指的地方




音标大概就是它/pleisis/吧汉语就这么读:谱累C死 重音在前面


Plants and green grass are very important to small dry places..














可以泛指地方,如:places of Roman,翻译为吃在罗马(即 罗马的小吃地点)。还可以做“就座”的缩写。(take your) places.places,有时在口语中简写

place 是什么意思

place作名词时意思是“地方、住所、座位”,作及物动词时意思是“放置、任命、寄予”,作不及物动词时意思是“名列前茅、取得名次”。基本用法:1、place用作名词的基本意思是“地方,场所,所在地”,引申可表示“城,村,镇”“家,房屋,住所”等,也可表示用于某种特殊目的或发生某事的“建筑物,场所”,是可数名词,常与介词of搭配使用。2、place也可表示物体表面的“某点”或“某处”或书、戏剧等的“某段落”或“某点”。3.place还可指某人、车等保留或占据的“座位,位置”,引申可表示“自然或恰当的位置〔地方〕”“职位,职务,学习的机会”“等级,地位,身份”等,作“等级,地位,身份”解时既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。4、place还可作“(小数点后的)位”“获胜者的名次”解。5、place用作动词的基本意思是“将(某物)置于某处”“将(某物)放在应放之处”,引申可表示“安排”“使(某人)处于某处境或环境”,还可表示“记住”“凭记忆或经验辨认”“确定名次”“投资”“发订单,打赌”等。place表示“确定名次”时,在英国指“(赛马等比赛的)前三名”。6、place既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以名词、形容词、副词、as短语或其他介词引导的短语充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。双语例句:1、I used to live in York and I"m still fond of the place.我曾住在约克郡,现在仍然喜欢那里。2、The town has many excellent eating places.本镇有许多上好的餐馆。3、He broke his arm in three places.他胳膊上有三处骨折。4、I don"t want to lose my place in the line.我可不想失去排队的位置。5、He is assured of his place in history.他相信自己一定会在历史上占有一席之地。

places 怎么读



places是place 的复数意思是 地方如There are many places of interest in China




place的复数形式是places。复数名词是指英文体系中可数名词的复数形式,而不可数名词则没有复数形式。当要表现某个可数名词所表示的数量大于一时,就要用到该名词的复数形式。 扩展资料 可数名词的复数形式分为多种,最常用的形式是在名词后直接加s或是es。英语上名词按可数与否可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词按数目又可分为单数名词和复数名词两类。(注:不可数名词没有复数形式如water(水)。)



Place Call 具体是什么意思?



places用英语说为【u02c8pleu026asu026az】。places:n.地点,地方,位置,位数(名词place的复数形式);v.放置(动词place的第三人称单数形式)。place短语搭配:all over the place到处、change places with与......交换位置、fall into place逐渐被理解、give place to让位给;被......代替、in place在适当的地方;适当的、in place of代替、in the first place首先、in the next place其次、know one"s place知道自己的身份;知趣。make place for为......腾出地方;让位给、out of place不在适当的位置;不合适的,不恰当的,不相称的、take one"s place准备好;各就各位、take place发生;举行、take the place of代替、a place in the sun有发展前途的地位,有利的地位,显要的地位。a raw place疼痛处,易受伤的地方、a tight place险境,困境、any old place任何一个地方、bit of a place一个小小的地方、fall into place变得清清楚楚、feel out of place感到拘束、find one"s place找到职业、go places到处旅行,(即将)获得成功等。places造句:1、Her leg fractured in two places.她的腿有两处骨折。2、It"s a physical impossibility to be in two places at one time.同时在两地是自然规律上不可能的事。3、Only a limited number of places are available.只有少数地方可供使用。4、Most Moslem women wear veils in public places.大多数穆斯林妇女在公共场所都戴着面纱。5、Our English course places great emphasis on conversational skills.我们的英语课程非常重视会话技能。6、The Palace Museum is one of the most famous places of interest in Beijing.故宫是北京最有名的风景名胜之一。7、The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.该代理机构每年可为约2000名秘书安排工作。8、Be sure to punctuate your sentences with the correct marks in the right places.一定要在你文章句子中的正确地方标上正确的标点符号。9、One could see that the painting had been touched up in several places.人们可以看出,这张画有几个地方是经过润色的。10、In some places, bricks are still baked in the sun.有些地方仍使用在太阳下晒干砖块的方法。11、The players on the contrary side now took their places.双方运动员开始各就各位。12、The blade is chipped in a few places.刀锋有几个地方破损。


Places n. 位数名词place的复数形式


1、places英[?ple?s?z]美[?ple?s?z]。2、n.位置; 地点; 场所; 地方; 城镇(或建筑物等); 有某用途的建筑(或土地);3、v.小心或有意)放置,安放; 使(人)处于某位置; 安置; 安顿; 以某种态度对待(或看待);4、[词典]place的第三人称单数和复数;5、[例句]What would you have done in my place, my dear?亲爱的,你如果处在我的位置会怎么做?6、[其他]原型: place。


places读音是:  英 [pleu026asu026az]     美 [pleu026asu026az]    n. 地点,地方;位置;位数(名词place的复数形式.)。v. 放置(动词place的第三人称单数形式)。Her leg fractured in two places.她的腿有两处骨折。It"s a physical impossibility to be in two places at one time.同时在两地是自然规律上不可能的事。临近单词:place 基本词汇 英 [pleu026as]     美 [pleu026as]    n. 地方;地位;职位;获奖的名次。v. 将(某物)放置;安排;订货;寄托;辨认;获得名次。We must find a place for this new picture.我们必须找一个地方放这张新照片。Put everything away in its correct place.把东西放到该放的地方去。




I am in this place with love.我在这个充满爱的地方。望采纳

"play" "plane" "plate" "place"的中文是:

PLAY vt. 游戏;扮演;演奏;播放;同…比赛vi. 演奏;玩耍;上演;参加比赛n. 游戏;比赛;剧本PLANE n. 飞机plate碟place地方

Anytime, Any Place 歌词

歌曲名:Anytime, Any Place歌手:Marcus Roberts专辑:Blues For The New MillenniumAny Time, Any PlaceJanet JacksonAny Time, Any Place - Janet JacksonIn the thunder and rainYou stare into my eyesI can feel your handMovin up my thighsSkirt around my waistWall against my faceI can feel your lipsOoohI dont wanna stop just becausePeople walkin by are watchin usI dont give a damn what they thinkI want you nowI dont wanna stop just becauseYou feel so good inside of my loveIm not gonna stop no no noI want youAll I wanna say isAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos aroundAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos aroundNononononoWeeoooh-hoooOoooooohoooHoohooDancin on the floorFeelin the slow grooveMy mind is startin to burnWith forbidden thoughtsStrangers all aroundWith the lights down lowI was thinkin maybe we knowI dont wanna stop just becausePeople walkin by are watchin usI dont give a damn what they thinkI want you nowI dont wanna stop just becauseYou feel so good inside of my loveIm not gonna stop no no noI want youAll I wanna say isAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos aroundMmmmAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos around

Anytime, Anyplace 歌词

歌曲名:Anytime, Anyplace歌手:Tom Scott专辑:The Very Best Of Tom ScottAny Time, Any PlaceJanet JacksonAny Time, Any Place - Janet JacksonIn the thunder and rainYou stare into my eyesI can feel your handMovin up my thighsSkirt around my waistWall against my faceI can feel your lipsOoohI dont wanna stop just becausePeople walkin by are watchin usI dont give a damn what they thinkI want you nowI dont wanna stop just becauseYou feel so good inside of my loveIm not gonna stop no no noI want youAll I wanna say isAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos aroundAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos aroundNononononoWeeoooh-hoooOoooooohoooHoohooDancin on the floorFeelin the slow grooveMy mind is startin to burnWith forbidden thoughtsStrangers all aroundWith the lights down lowI was thinkin maybe we knowI dont wanna stop just becausePeople walkin by are watchin usI dont give a damn what they thinkI want you nowI dont wanna stop just becauseYou feel so good inside of my loveIm not gonna stop no no noI want youAll I wanna say isAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos aroundMmmmAny timeAnd any placeI dont care whos around



Chris Wallace 的I’ll be there 的歌词


怎么区分situated, placed, stand还有position?

A 坐落The house is situated in the suburbs我认为是AB 放置 强调放在某一地点、位置 we can understand a word better if it"s placed in contextC 这个词明显不对。表示“位于”是不及物动词,不能用被动结构 be stood in;而这句显然是动词变成分词做定语 可以说The national Geographic Society headquarters stands·in Washington, DCD 放置 和B相似 The table is positioned/placed in the center of the room 都是放在什么地方


They visited lots of places in China.他们访问了中国很多地方。



this place hotel 歌词

歌曲名:This Place Hotel歌手:The Jacksons专辑:《Triemph》发行时间:1981年9月This Place HotelThe Jacksonslive in sinten years ago on this daymy heart was yearningi promise i would never ever be returningwhere my baby broke my heart and left me yearningas we walked to the roomthere were faces starringglaring, tearing through mesomeone said welcome to your doomthen they smiled with eyesthat looked as if they knew methis is scaring mewe walked up the stairsstill concealing gloomthere were two girls(sitting in my room)she walked up to my facesaid this is the placeyou said meet you right here at noonthis is heartbreak hotelwelcome to heartbreak hotelso this is heartbreak hotelthis place is heartbreak hotelhope is deadshe thought that i had cheated for another loveri turn my back to see that i am undercovernow i can"t convince this girl there ain"t no othersomeone"s evil to hurt my soulevery smile"s a trial thoughtin beguile to hurt methis is scaring methen the man next door had toldhe"s been here in tears for fifteen yearsthis is scaring mewe came to this placewhere the vicious dweltfound that wicked women(run this strange hotel)there was sefra and sueevery girl that i knewand my baby said love is throughthis is heartbreak hotelwelcome to heartbreak hotelso evil(heartbreak hotel)this place is heartbreak hotelsomeone scare my heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)ten years ago today(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)someone scare my heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)ten years ago today(heartbreak hotel)hurting my mind(heartbreak hotel)you break my baby"s heart(heartbreak hotel)this is heartbreak hotel(heartbreak hotel)just welcome to the scene

关于迈克尔杰克逊的This place hotel

Heartbreak Hote 伤心旅店 live in sin 未婚同居 ten years ago on this day 十年前的这一天 my heart was yearning 我无比渴望 i promise i would never ever be returning 我发誓我永不反悔 where my baby broke my heart and left me yearning 绝不回到我的爱人让我伤心的地方并留下我一人无尽渴望 as we walked to the room 当我们走进房间 there were faces starring,glaring, tearing through me 那里有星星形状的,耀眼的,撕裂的脸穿过我的身体 someone said welcome to your doom 有人说这就是你的末日 then they smiled with eyes 然后他们用眼睛微笑 that looked as if they knew me 似乎他们认识我 this is scaring me 这让我觉得恐怖 we walked up the stairs 我们上了楼 still concealing gloom 感觉到绝望 there were two girls 有两个女孩 (sitting in my room) (坐在我房间里) she walked up to my face 她走到我面前 said this is the place 说,这就是 you said meet you right here at noon 你说过中午和你见面的地方 this is heartbreak hotel 这就是伤心旅馆 welcome to heartbreak hotel 欢迎来到伤心旅馆 so this is heartbreak hotel 伤心旅馆就在你脚下 this place is heartbreak hotel 这就是伤心旅馆 hope is dead 希望熄灭了 she thought that i had cheated for another lover 她想已经骗了骗过另一个情人了 i turn my back to see that i am undercover 我转过身发现我是一个地下情人 now i can"t convince this girl there ain"t no other 现在我不能说服自己这女孩就是她 someone"s evil to hurt my soul 邪恶的人伤害了我灵魂 every smile"s a trial thought 每个微笑都是试探 in beguile to hurt me 诱骗我,伤害我 this is scaring me 这让我觉得恐怖 then the man next door had told 站在门边的男人说 he"s been here in tears for fifteen years 他已经在这流了15年的泪了 this is scaring me 这让我觉得恐怖 we came to this place 我们来到这 where the vicious dwelt 邪恶为首的地方 found that wicked women 找到那个邪恶的女人 (run this strange hotel) (经营起这个怪异的酒店) there was sefra and sue 她们是sefra 和 sue every girl that i knew 我知道的每个女孩 and my baby said love is through 我的宝贝说 this is heartbreak hotel 爱离开了伤心旅馆 welcome to heartbreak hotel 欢迎来到伤心旅馆so evil 罪恶 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this place is heartbreak hotel 这地方就是伤心旅馆 someone scare my heart 有人把我心吓坏了 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这就是心碎酒店 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆)ten years ago today 十年前的今天 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这就是心碎酒店 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) someone scare my heart 有人把我心吓坏了 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这就是心碎酒店 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆)ten years ago today 十年前的今天 (heartbreak hotel) hurting my mind 正在伤害我的感情 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) you break my baby"s heart 你伤了我宝贝的心 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) this is heartbreak hotel 这地方就是伤心旅馆 (heartbreak hotel) (伤心旅馆) just welcome to the scene 欢迎来现场

instead of和in place of的区别是什么

1、instead of是介词短语,意思是“代替”,“而不是”,作介词短语后接名词、动名词和宾格代词;作连词短语后接不定式(一般不省略to),谓语动词、形容词、副词和介词短语等.如:John will attend the meeting instead of his manager.约翰将代替经理出席这次会议.You should have some exercise instead of staying indoors all day long.你应多锻炼身体,不要整天呆在家里.The temperature has risen up instead of fallen down.温度上升了而并没有下降.This is dull instead of interesting.这不但没趣,反倒枯燥.2、in place of介词短语“代替”,通常后接名(代)词,可与instead of互换.如:People often use plastics in place of/instead of wood or metal.人们常用塑料来代替木材和金属.但instead of sb./sth.可略去介词of及其宾语,而in place of通常不能将其省略.

attachment是不可数名词,为什么例句中给出的有a? He has a sentimental attachment to his birthplace.

attachment 是可数名词 attachments 一般用作附件

take place of和take the place of有什么不同?

英语的语法中没有take place of用法,而take the place of的意思是“代替”,是及物动词词组,相当于replace,有被动语态。其用法如下:1、Nothing can ever take the place of real love and family togetherness. 什么都不能取代真爱与家庭和睦。2、In semiconductor receivers transistors take the place of vacuum tubes. 在半导体收音机中晶体管代替了真空管。3、Helicopters can to some extent take the place of tanks by spearheading the airborne attack.直升机可以担任空中进攻的前锋,从而在某种程度上取代坦克的地位。4、"Orchards would take the place of the jungle," he rhapsodized. “要让这片丛林成为果园,”他无比兴奋地说。5、Warm air is going up, heavy cool air moves in to take the place of it. 热空气上升时,大量的冷空气填充了它的位置。6、A thousand sails pass by the sunken ship," ten thousand saplings shoot up beyond the withered tree.& new things ( or forces) will always take the place of the old ones. 沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。(刘禹锡《酬乐天》)7、I"ll take the place of my father for a while. 我将暂时代替我父亲。8、Take the place of work of someone on strike. 在罢工中取代某人的工作位置。9、A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams. 直到后悔取代了梦想,那他才真的老了。

there s a place for us 歌词

歌曲:there s a place for us 歌手:Carrie UnderwoodThere"s a place out there for us,More than just a prayer or anything we ever dreamed of.So if you feel like giving up cause you don"t fit in down here,Fear is crashing in, close your eyes and take my hand.We can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.It"s written in the stars that shine above,A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,Exactly who we are is just enoughYes there"s a place for us, there"s a place for us.Where your heart meets the sky,Where your heart is free and hope comes back to life,Where these broken hands are whole again,We will find what we"ve been waiting for,We were made for so much moreWe can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.It"s written in the stars that shine above,A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,Exactly who we are is just enough,Yes there"s a place for us, now there"s a place for usSo hold on, now hold on,There"s a place for usWe can be the kings and queens of anything if we believe.It"s written in the stars that shine above,A world where you and I belong, where faith and love will keep us strong,Exactly who we are is just enough, exactly who we are is just enough,There"s a place for us.
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