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Exotic Goods and Foreign Luxuries: The Ancient Roman Marketplace

论坛一词是拉丁语,表示“公共开放空间”. 在古罗马,论坛通常位于城市的中心,并且经常被一些其他建筑包围,例如寺庙、大教堂(在这方面,是公共法庭建筑)和商店. 因此,论坛被认为是罗马城市宗教、公民和经济生活的中心. 然而,论坛的主要职能是为城市人民提供市场,有人指出,理论上,罗马参议院议员及其家属被禁止从事任何形式的贸易. 另一方面,马术骑士团成员被允许从事商业活动,尽管他们的阶级价值观强调追求军事和休闲活动. 然而,在罗马世界的市场上,摊位和商店通常由平民或自由民占据和管理,而大部分的艰苦工作是由大量奴隶完成的. 这些商人被称为商人. 除了集市,商人们在路边出售他们的货物,在战役期间也出现在罗马军营附近,向罗马士兵出售食物和衣服,并向他们购买战利品. 这是庞贝城的一幅壁画,描绘了罗马集市的日常活动. 准备好的食物,如面包、鹰嘴豆和糕点,在这些市场上会很常见. 例如,在罗马,甚至有一个专门的市场叫做“丘比特论坛”(Forum Cuppedenis)(位于圣器通道和泥盆之间),那里出售各种美味佳肴. 罗马的其他专门市场包括博厄姆论坛、圣殿论坛和比萨宫论坛. 第一个是牛市,最初从Velabrum的边界延伸到Tiber. 第二个是蔬菜市场,就在Carmentalis门的外面. 第三个是鱼市,和蜈蚣论坛一样,也位于Sacra Via和Argiletum之间,意大利波佐利塞拉皮斯神供奉的古罗马市场和神庙(公共领域),除了这些日常用品外,古罗马的市场上也出售异国商品. 罗马人以修路闻名,据说修路是为了连接军事哨所,而不是为了运输贸易货物. 还有人指出,正是公元前2世纪罗马海上贸易路线的兴起,促进了不同罗马地区之间的商品运输. 虽然这些海上贸易航线最初位于地中海,但由于罗马人民口味的变化,它们后来也会向外扩展到印度洋. 随着罗马帝国的兴起,罗马社会的富裕阶层开始对外国奢侈品产生兴趣,这是由海上运输的外国商品和著名的丝绸之路来实现的,这些外国商品包括丝绸、香料、象牙和珠宝. 罗马的贸易伙伴之一是印度,在该国南部发现了一些有罗马遗骸的遗址. 例如,在金奈坦巴拉姆附近一个名为纳杜维拉帕图的遗址发现了罗马陶器遗骸,人们猜测,罗马商人前往内陆,甚至可能在那里有临时定居点. 这些商人会把他们的商品带回罗马,在那里出售,商人在罗马市场(公共领域),其中一个地方出售这样的奢侈品是一个复杂的建筑,在20世纪初被称为“图拉真市场”. 这座建筑群建于公元107年至公元110年的图拉真统治时期. 这个建筑群坐落在俯瞰论坛的小山上,呈半圆形,共有六层. 据说这个市场有150多块地,其中许多被认为是商店,尽管有些被用作的办公室. 这些商店被认为出售来自帝国各地的产品,包括异国情调的香料、葡萄酒和石油. 另外,据说有一层叫做比贝拉蒂卡大道,有酒馆. 一些人认为图拉真市场是世界上最古老的购物中心,图拉真市场,意大利罗马(公共领域),特色图片:罗马鱼市场. 奥克塔维乌斯拱门(公共领域),作者是一名大学学生,获得考古学学士学位. 我的兴趣从对考古/文本/图片数据集的“传统”到“激进”解释. 我相信,来自两个极端的倡导者的智力投入将有助于.阅读Mor.

Expiry place进口写国内吗

最好选择国内。place of expiry最好规定是在国内哦,规定信用证国外到期, 有关单据必须寄送国外, 我们无法掌握单据到达国外银行所需的时间且容易延误或丢失,有一定的风险.通常我们要求在国内交单付款.若信用证中规定的31D的EXPIRY PLACE为 CHINA,41A规定为”ANY BANK BY NEGOTIATION“这其中,首先虽然41A规定为”ANY BANK BY NEGOTIATION“,但这其中的”ANY BANK“是否受31D的EXPIRY PLACE的限制可以是任一银行,不受影响的。但单据需在LC规定的交单期及有效期内交至中国银行 开证行 的柜台。

信用证中Date and place of expiry是什么意思

信用证中Date and place of expiry是什么意思 Date of expiry是指信用证的有效期; Place of expiry是指信用证的有效地点: 希望回答对您有帮助! 信用证中Date and place of expiry——这是信用证的一个重要条款,意思是:信用证的有效期和到期地点——也就是受益人不能够迟于这个日期交单,且必须在这个指定地点交单。 信用证的有效期和到期地点。出口商应该在效期内将信用证要求的单据提交给开证行/指定银行。如果超过有效期,会造成不符点,开证行/指定行可以拒付/ 这是信用证有效期的到期地点和日期,也就是信用证的单据必须在这个日期之前或者当日抵达这个地点。如果超过了这个时间,银行将会拒绝接受单据。 信用证中Date and place of expiry意思是信用证有效期和有效地点。也就是信用证的单据必须在有效期之前当日抵达这个地点。如果超过了这个时间,银行将会拒绝接受单据。 在国际贸易活动,买卖双方可能互不信任,买方担心预付款后,卖方不按合同要求发货;卖方也担心在发货或提交货运单据后买方不付款。因此需要两家银行做为买卖双方的保证人,代为收款交单,以银行信用代替商业信用。银行在这一活动中所使用的工具就是信用证。 信用证的date and place of expiry是啥意思 字面意思是信用证的有效期及有效地点,实际操作中是指,在不晚于这个日期时,信用证下的单据要交到指定的这个地点,不然就是不符点 togetherwithpeipei@163. 信用证中的expiry date 中表示的是 60CT10是什么意思 1、EXPIRY DATE:60 CT 10的意思是信用证有效期为2010年10月6号,一般后边还会有到期地点,最好加上受益人所在的国家。 2、只要在Expiry date之前把单据之内的弄好交单就可以了,一定要确保单据无任何不符点,确保单单一致,单证相符。否则信用证马上要到期的时候,才把单证交上去,出现了不符点的话,如果再来修改很可能时间上不允许了,所以这个交单期一定要把握好。 expiry date是什么意思 expiry date 截止日期 双语对照 词典结果: expiry date[英][iku02c8spaiu0259ri deit][美][u026aku02c8spau026ari det] 有效期限,满期日,终止日期; 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句: 1. One extreme possibility would be to stamp cash, putting an expiry date on banknotes that would force their holders to pay a fee equivalent to the negative interest rates. 一个极端可能性是,给现金做上标记,给纸币设定一个到期日,迫使持有者支付一笔相当于负利率的费用。 到期/过期日期

信用证中Date and place of expiry是什么意思

  信用证中Dateandplaceofexpiry意思是信用证有效期和有效地点。也就是信用证的单据必须在有效期之前当日抵达这个地点。如果超过了这个时间,银行将会拒绝接受单据。  在国际贸易活动,买卖双方可能互不信任,买方担心预付款后,卖方不按合同要求发货;卖方也担心在发货或提交货运单据后买方不付款。因此需要两家银行做为买卖双方的保证人,代为...  信用证中Dateandplaceofexpiry意思是信用证有效期和有效地点。也就是信用证的单据必须在有效期之前当日抵达这个地点。如果超过了这个时间,银行将会拒绝接受单据。  在国际贸易活动,买卖双方可能互不信任,买方担心预付款后,卖方不按合同要求发货;卖方也担心在发货或提交货运单据后买方不付款。因此需要两家银行做为买卖双方的保证人,代为收款交单,以银行信用代替商业信用。银行在这一活动中所使用的工具就是信用证。全部

信用证中Date and place of expiry是什么意思


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信用证中Date and place of expiry是什么意思


信用证中Date and place of expiry是什么意思


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关于dynEd的placement test考试成绩等级划分问题!

(1)Icebreaker(入门,简称ib): 0 能够使用少量的词汇和语法,进行一些简短的日常对话。 (2)Threshold(基础,简称th): 0-0.2 能够了解少量的语言模式,就自己的兴趣和见解进行简单的英语对话。 (3)Beginner(进阶,简称b): 0.2-1.0 能够运用正确结构的简单句表达有关个人的信息,具备在国外生活的基本语言能力。 (4)Lower Intermediate(中级,简称li): 1.0- 1.5 运用简单句型描述日常生活,可自由与外国人进行日常交流。 (5)Intermediate(中高级,简称i): 1.5-2.0 能够在任何场景中进行交流,熟悉语言结构并掌握在工作环境中运用英语的能力。 (6)Business-intermediate(商务进阶,简称bi): 2.0-2.5 将在典型的商务环境中提高和加强商务用词,内容涉及:公司介绍、产品介绍、销售、客服、商务谈判等等。 (7)Business-Advanced(商务高级,简称ba): 2.5-2.7 运用更复杂和逻辑性更强的句子,围绕商务的需要:例如商务旅行、策略制定、保险与银行、市场调研等等进行学习和表达。同时更注意了商务的写作能力。 (8)Advanced(专家级,简称a): 2.7-3.2 语言以达到一般外国人的水平,不仅日常用语表达自如,且能够进行复杂的学术性探讨。

if you could build a bridge,what people or place you want to connect? 英语演讲

How to build a global brandBranding is more than just a business buzzword. It has become the crux of selling in the new economy. If the old marketing mantra was," Nothing happens until somebody sells something," the new philosophy could be" Nothing happens until somebody brands something." In its simplest form, a brand is a noun. It is the name attached to a product or service. However, upon close inspection, a brand represents many more intangible aspects of a product or service: a collection of feelings and perceptions about quality, image, lifestyle and status. It creates in the mind of customers and prospects the perception that there is no product or service on the market that is quite like yours. In short, a brand offers the customer a guarantee and then delivers on it. You might infer, then, that if you build a powerful brand, you will in turn be able to create a powerful marketing program. However, if you can"t convince customers that your product is worthy of purchasing, no amount of advertising dollars, fancy packaging or public relations will help you achieve your sales goals. Therefore, successful branding programs begin with superior products and services, backed by excellent customer service that permeates an entire organization. Forty years ago, there were only a handful of truly global brands and they were made up of only the biggest corporations — Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Colgate-Palmolive, IBM, Shell. Then a rash of upstarts came along, such as Nike, Microsoft, Apple, and Honda, and pushed their brand reputation further than their actual sales footprint. But now that barriers to international trade have come down and the Internet has helped small and mid-sized companies compete on the global stage, building an international brand is a realistic goal for more and more businesses.Only in the last 10 years has global business become the benchmark for how you do business these days, says Hayes Roth, chief marketing officer for Landor Associates, a strategic brand and design consultancy that has worked on international branding with such companies as BP, Panasonic, and KFC. Thanks to the Internet it"s hard to keep your brand just localized. Once you"re on the Web, you"re accessible pretty much anywhere in the world. It doesn"t necessarily make you a global brand but you have to be mindful of the implications.The following pages will detail what an international brand is, how to build a brand internationally, and how to build brand awareness in new international markets.How to Build a Brand Internationally: What a Global Brand IsIn starting a new business or seeking to increase growth at your current business by expanding into international markets, establishing and building a brand identity becomes essential.Branding involves what people think about your business and your products. Think of a brand as a reputation, says Paul Williams, founder of the international marketing firm Idea Sandbox, which helps companies build their brands. Building a reputation in any new market, including overseas, involves a first impression, which comes from the initial interactions someone has with your company, products, and services.Businesses can attempt to shape or form the branding of their company or products in many ways, including advertising, media, word-of-mouth, and contact with your products or services. A lot of thought and effort goes into branding, including naming products, designing logos, and ensuring that service is uniform throughout the business. Through continued exposure over time, your brand — or your reputation — is formed with potential and existing customers. A brand is essentially a short cut, it is a way for a customer to get an instant recognition on what the promise is of a product or service and how that will benefit them, Roth says.The reason businesses spent time and money developing brand recognition is so that they can charge a premium for a product or service. People will pay more for a brand name product or service if it is recognized as a leader and a trusted brand and they know what they will get. Apple, for example, can charge more for its computers than some other companies because of its brand reputation for offering innovative design and quality electronics. The same can be said about Mercedes or BMW automobiles.How to Build a Brand Internationally: What You Need to ExpandWhen businesses try to expand their brand globally, those goals don"t change. But there are several steps you should take to make sure that your products or services will have a market overseas, that you can maintain quality in delivering and/or distributing your goods or services, and that your business or product branding meets cultural expectations — and doesn"t insult anyone — in different parts of the world.The secret is doing your homework, Williams says. Like any long distance relationship, it"s got to be managed and needs more work than something you can see and physically touch, but it"s not impossible.The following steps may help you in building an international brand:Make sure you have a market. Proven success with your current target audience doesn"t automatically mean that your new target will connect in the same way with your products or services, Williams says. Ask your new market the questions you used to build your initial business plan. First and most important, he says, you"ll want to determine if a market exists for your product. If so, make sure the want or need isn"t already being well met by someone else. If there are existing competitors, what (in the perspective of your potential customers) makes you remarkably different? If there is a market and there are no competitors, make sure you find out why — are there laws against distributing your products or can consumers buy them through other means? Make sure you can deliver. Make sure you can get your product to, or manufactured within, the new market. Import and manufacturing laws vary from country to country, Williams says. Ensure you can make your products reliably and consistently available to your new target markets. Investigate the local laws. You need to make sure your products meet the local standards for construction of components, use of chemicals, disposal of goods, proper labeling of products, etc. Re-examine your business and/or product names. In choosing a name for your business or product, you need to be culturally sensitive if you intend to sell in foreign markets. Make sure product names make sense to customers in your new markets, both in English and in the local translation. Williams, who has done international branding work with Starbucks, recalls how a holiday favorite in the U.S., the Gingerbread Latte, didn"t sell well in Germany even though gingerbread was a favorite holiday cookie in that country. Sales of the drink increased dramatically when Starbucks began using the German word for gingerbread and rebranded the drink, the Lebkuchen Latte. If you are considering translating names, don"t rely on computer translation. You don"t want what you think is an effective name to mean something opposite or offend potential customers, Williams says. Work with someone locally who can help make sure you communicate what you intend. Give your logo another look. Similarly, review your logo to make sure that you don"t use any wording or symbols that would offend in a foreign market. Ensure that any logos or symbols you use make sense and don"t offend, Williams says. Do an international search to make sure your logo isn"t similar to that of another international company. For example, if you are selling products in some Middle Eastern markets, a logo featuring the face of a woman might not be appropriate. The best way to understand these cultural sensitivities is to consult a branding or design firm — either a local one or an international firm that can research cultural sensitivities. Understand packaging requirements. If you"re selling a product, you need to consider the laws and customs and packaging requirements in your new markets before deciding on packaging for your products. Your packaging may use a clear plastic shell that hangs from a rod, but your competition may package their product in a box that can go on a shelf, Williams says. This may put you at a disadvantage. If you"re selling a packaged product around the world there are incredible hurdles, Roth adds. Shipping food across borders may require you to provide more nutritional information on packaging, in more languages, and there may be laws prohibiting the use of certain products in some markets — even New York City has a ban on trans fatty acids, for example. Learn the local standards and ensure your packaging includes any necessary regulatory information and meets transportation standards. Register trademarks and domain names. Follow the process in your new market to ensure you preserve patent and trademarks. Thanks to the NAFTA Treaty your marks should already be protected in Mexico and Canada, Williams says. If you"re doing business in the European Union filing for a Community Trade Mark (CTM) will protect you. Another consideration is making sure the Internet domain name for your company and product are available. You still want to register a dot-com, which is the most popular domain worldwide for businesses. But you may also consider registering domains using specific country codes — .nl for the Netherlands or .br for Brazil — if you are targeting only one or two local markets and plan on providing up-to-date translations of your websites into the local languages. In taking these steps to building a brand internationally, it almost always helps to find local resources to help you understand and enter new foreign markets. You might consider entering into business with a local distributor or retailer in this new market. It is nearly impossible to understand local culture simply by visiting a country, Williams says. Find local customers, local translators. Just because you took two years of French in high school doesn"t make you qualified to understand the French market nor do French translations. Just as consumers" needs are different in Rhode Island from those in Florida and California, so are the needs of consumers in Paris different from those in Marseille.
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