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large中文翻译: 英 [lɑd] 美 [lɑrd] adj。 大的;多数的;广博的 adv。 大大地;夸大地 n。 大 n。 (Large)人名;(英)拉奇;(法)拉尔热 短语: Large myotis 中华鼠耳蝠 large quantity 大数量 ; 大量 ; 产品数量 ; 年夜数量 large assortment 各式俱全 ; 百般俱全 ; 花色齐备 large prawn 大对虾 large scale 大规模的 ; 小规模地 ; 大型的 ; 大比例尺 large 英语反义词参考: small 的反义词是 large small: 小的 large: 大的∕big large—grained 的反义词是 fine fine: adj。好的" adv。很好,妙 large—headed 的反义词是 headless headless: a。 无头的,无领导者的,无知的 bantam 的反义词是 large bantam: n type of small domestic fowl 矮脚鸡: [attrib 作定语] bantam cocks 矮脚公鸡。 large: adj。大的;巨大的 bittie 的反义词是 large large: adj。大的;巨大的

英语on a large scale怎么翻译?

英语on a large scale的翻译为大规模的

on a larger scale是什么意思


in large scale词组意思


at a large scale是什么意思










a large scale of修饰可数还是不可数

A 本题考查“许多;大量的”表达方式。句意:儿子,你有足够的时间去做,所以我建议你把它做好。plenty of(足够的)可修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词,但一般不用于否定,疑问句中;a large number of修饰复数可数名词;many a修饰单数可数名词。

on a larger scale是什么意思


英语At large scale construction sites怎么翻译?



large-scale 英[lɑ:du0292 skeu026al] 美[u02c8lɑrdu0292u02c8skel] adj. 大规模的,大范围的; 大比例尺的; 巨型的; 声势浩大; [例句]The United States is making preparations for a large-scale airlift of 1,200 American citizens美国正在为运送1,200名美国公民的大规模空运做准备。


应是open wide, 形容瞪大眼睛是用wide 的,因为相对於narrow, 形容蒙着眼睛是用narrow的u2027不用large 的原因是: large 是用来形容眼睛本身的大小,large 和small 相对,是拥有一双大或小的眼睛,而不 是眼睛睁得大或小,表情上的形容就用wide 和narrow

登录不上55BBS 为什么老显示400 Bad Request Request Header Or Cookie Too Large


The tiger is the largest wild cat in the world.这句话是什么意思


新概念英语3第一课a puma at large 的summary50字


a puma at large,一处语法拆分

英语文章的标题通常是省略动词的。就是这个原因。其实中文也是如此。比如 ‘关于矛盾的论述"。这里论述是名词。标题里没有动词。

关于新概念英语第三册 “a puma at large"的一个时态问题


谁能帮我做一下新概念英语第三册第一课A PUMA AT LARGE 的课文分析啊,不是语法和词汇欧,谢谢欧


a puma at large句句语法分析

这是新概念第三册第一课的标题a puma at large at large是一个习惯短语,它的含义为:1、在逃, 逍遥法外The escaped prisoner is still at large.那个逃犯仍逍遥法外。2、一般说来, 随便地The people at large want peace.总的来说人民是渴望和平的。They wandered at large over the country side.他们在乡间随便地漫游。3、详细地She talked at large about her plans.她详细地谈了她的打算。

老版新概念三第一课[A Puma at Large]课后练习题求解1

b) On being observed 这里的on是指在被发现的这种情况下~c中没有在这种情况下的意思~而只是一句陈述它被发现的事实

这句话at large 是什么意思?A puma at large

at large; not confined; at liberty自由地;未被捕;逍遥法外*The criminal is still at large.那个罪犯依然逍遥法外。*It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.在宁静的乡村里有一只危险的野兽依然肆意逍遥,想起来未免令人忐忑不安。 a whole;altogether普遍的;一般的;整体的*The country at large is hoping for political and economic reforms.全国人民普遍希望进行政治和经济改革。*He was elected congressman at large.他被全体选民选为议员。*All peoples at large are for peace.各国民众全都赞成和平。3.fully; completely详尽地*Please explain the passage at large.请详细地讲解这篇短文。*There is no time to discuss the subject at large at this meeting.这次会上,我们没有时间充分讨论这个问题。

新概念英语3第一课“A puma at large”

书里面讲了美州狮不到走投无路不会攻击人,在课文里有具体的体现experts confirmed that a puma will not attcck a human bing unless it is cornered.

A puma at large|翻译分析|发音实战|新概念英语

01 身为英语专业,却从来没有学习过《新概念英语》,我始终觉得是个遗憾。因为多年之前我还在上大学,教笔译课的老师毕业于北外高翻,她在课上介绍翻译的宗旨是 “ 说人话” 、“ 得意忘形” ,即欧式外壳的翻译腔不可取,理解原语的意思后用地道的目标语再表达出来;同时她推荐了反向进英和《新概念英语》的中文翻译。 这本教材的英文十分经典,自不必多言,多少人从背诵新概念踏上英语学习正循环之路。但似乎关注中文翻译的人就少了很多,其实中文译者是北外教授何其莘老师,他的译文有许多值得学习之处。那么,不如借此机会,打开尘封的新概念,目光聚焦之前受人冷落的中文翻译,学习“得意忘形说人话”。 02 学习方法: 先不看译文,自己把英文翻译成中文,再与书上所印何教授的译文对比分析。PS这个翻译可以根据自己的习惯来,选择先听做笔记、做视译、翻字典写译文都可以。学有余力还可以反向进英。Pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America. 03 发音实战。 第一步划出重读 ,即找实词、核心词,发现主句中large 和从句中found 可担当重任;因此这两个单词要读得饱满充分、元音时间长。相对地,其余词可以读的轻快。 第二步找到辅音群、失爆、连读、弱读。 失爆是找辅音+辅音,发现cat-like的t和后面的l这两个辅音,前面的辅音t要读得轻快、甚至保留发音位置不发音。弱读一般是be动词、介词、连词等非实词,发现are、which、are和in,弱读之后要在注意连读。连读是找辅音+元音或者元音+元音,发现pumas 的s 和后面的are 、found in America的d 和i 以及n 和A。注意,连读可以选择连,也可以选择不连读,并且要是同一意群才可以。 第三步看停顿 。Which 引导定语从句,需要在主句与从句之间停顿,即which之前。此外,逗号句号等标点出现也要停顿。 第四步划分意群 。意群比较灵活,一般按句子成分划分,因此这句的意群用斜线表示如下:Pumas// are large, cat-like animals which //are found //in America.意群之前可以略微停顿。如果选择意群间停顿,那么原本可以连读的部分要取消连读。 第五步确定语调。 首先陈述句,降调;出现从句,看情况。如果从句在前主句在后,那么句首的从句可以读升调,表示一种悬念。而此句从句在主句后,因此一直降调。总体上来说,声调在重读单词的重读音节上体现,句子前段可以略微升调,中间到结尾层层下降。Pumas are large,cat-like animals which are found in America. 美洲狮是一种体形似猫的大动物,产于美洲。 04 翻译分析。这句难点在于名词-like 和定语从句,如何能翻译的简洁、地道。字对字的翻译(注意字对字的翻译生硬、不可取,需要调整):美洲狮是一种体型大、外形似猫的动物,被发现于美洲。书中译文的优点在于定语从句被动态转化成主动句,地道的中文里被动句的频次并不高。 此外,美洲大陆和美国要区分,虽然两者都可以用America这个单词。首先,要知道新概念课文选自报刊,正式书面语中使用the United States of America、the USA、the US表示美国。其次,野生动物可不会看国境线,所以常理推测也不是只在美国境内生存却不会跑到美洲大陆其他国家。 我个人觉得“大动物”和“产于”有点奇怪。想想赵忠祥老师的动物世界,可能“大型(猫科)动物”更地道一点。“产于”似乎适用于工厂生产商品,原文是“发现”,如果翻译成“栖息于美洲”是地道但又有点脱离原文。翻译艰难啊。

A puma at large的疑问


a puma at large 中文翻译为什么是逃遁的美洲狮

At large 固定短语,在新概念三册第一课有详细解释。

新概念3中第一课 A puma at large中,HAVE的用法疑惑


1.Puma at Large

Puma are large cat like animals which are found in America. When report s came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted 45 miles south of London . They , they were not taken serious. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt oblige d to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinary extraordinarily similar. The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw "a large cat" only five yards away from here. It immediately ran away when she saw it , and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being s unless it"s cornered. The search proved to be difficult, for the puma was often found observed at one place in the morning and at another place 20 miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind it a trail of dead dear and small animals like rabbits. Paw print s were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of " cat like cat-like" noises at night and a business man businessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from? As no puma was reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one must be in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks and , but the puma was not caught. It"s disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quit countryside.

a puma at large 中文翻译为什么是逃遁的美洲狮


puma at large什么意思,怎么翻译?

未被捕获的美洲豹。。或者说 在野外的美洲豹PUMA就是“彪马”啦~记得那个商标吗?

新概念3第一课中,a puma at large是什么意思

at large:详尽的;未被捕的,整个的 大多数[CET4-词汇语法]英语四级常用短语汇总. ... at intervals 不时,每隔... at large 大多数,未被捕获的 at least 至少 ...主题:不容错过的四级常用短语 intervals 不时;每隔...时间/距离at large 自由行动的;详尽的;一般的at last 终于 ...经贸词汇接龙 ...普通贷款 normal credit tranche普通的 at large ;common ;quotidian ;workaday普通的成本核算方法 normal cost accounting method ...At Most Large Companies在大部分公司Look At A Large一下一大片at-large无任所大使

英文:the redwood tree is one off the largest plantsin in the can gorw very tall.

the redwood tree is one of the largest plants in in the world 红杉树是世界上最大的植物之一.it can gorw very tall. about 85 meters它可以长得很高--大约85米. it can live a very long life 它寿命很长. some redwood trees are 2000 years old 有些红杉树能存活2000年.it has cones. that"s the fruit ,just as an apple is the fruit of an apple tree.(这句话有毛病)他可结果,就像苹果树上结的苹果一样

you can large your vocabulary

you can enlarge your vocabulary by study hard! 1.ONLY 放于句首作状语时,通常要用倒装结构. EG.1.Only god can help us. 2.Only in this way can you solve the problem. 3.Only if you study hard can you pass the exam. 4.Only then did I realize my mistake. 2.not only...(but also)出现在句首时,如果架连接的是两个句子,常用倒装 EG 1.Not only did we lose all our money,but we also came close to losing our lives.

The British isles is made up of two large islands: One is called Ireland and the other

The British isles is made up of two large islands①: One is called Ireland and the other 1 . Britain, or Great Britain, is the larger of these two islands, and it is 2 into three parts: Scotland , Wales and England.   The United Kingdom is that 3 of the British isles ruled over by the Queen. It is made up of Scotland, Wales and England, that is, the 4 of Britain, and also about oneue011sixth of Ireland, the Northern part. The 5 of Ireland is selfue011governing. The 6 name of the United Kingdom is 7 “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”.  8 is larger and richer than Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and has the most 9 of the United Kingdom, so people often use the 10 “England” and “English” when they 11 “Britain” and “British”. This sometimes makes the Scots and the Welsh a little 12 . The Scots in particular are very 13 of their separate nationality. The Welsh too do not regard 14 as English, and have a culture and even a 15 of their own.   Ireland became part of the United Kingdom in 1801, but for forty years the “Irish 16 ” was the greatest headache of the United Kingdom. 17 , Ireland is divided into two: Northern Ireland still 18 to the United Kingdom, and in 1922 the rest of Ireland 19 to found an Irish Free State, later called Eire and now the Republic of Ireland.   The Republic of Ireland does not regard itself as part of Britain②, and is not now even a supporter of the Commonwealth of Nations (英联邦). Unlike the major Commonwealth countries it did not lift a finger to 20 British in the Second World War and now wants the whole of Ireland to be a republic.

单词拼写。 1. The proposal _____ (支持) by a large majority of the?

1. supported 2. announcement 3. applied 4. fiction 5. aboard 6. permanent 7. relationship 8. relatively 9. variety 10. latest,1,单词拼写。 1. The proposal _____ (支持) by a large majority of the teachers was accepted. 2. We were shocked by the ________ (声明) that the mayor was resigning. 3. He spent a lot of time learning _______ (应用) chemistry. 4. I prefer _______ (小说) to poetry. 5. All the passengers ______ (在船上) were waiting for the ship to land at the port. 6. She thought she got a _______ (固定的) job, but now she has been fired again. 7. Density is the ________(关联)between mass and volume. 8. Water has a _________ (相对) high freezing point. 9. A great _____ (各种各样)of reasons were given for his failure. 10. He used the ________(最新的) ideas and technical inventions of his day in his books.

谁能讲讲短语 by and large 的用法.最好给几个例句.

by and large 大体上,总的来说 用作状语 by and large:taking everything into consideration 大体上; 一般而论; 总的来说: By and large,the company"s been pretty good to me.总的来说,公司对我一直很好.

as large as life是什么意思?

as large as life翻译之后,他的意思就是:和生命一样大

But now American and British English may be growing closer together. One 42 is the large amount``

42 应该选 C.


英语单词large的用法和解析   “large”大家都知道是“巨大的、宽大的”等意思,可是在不同的语境中还有其他的意思哦!下面是我为大家整理了英语单词large的用法和解析,希望能帮到大家!    一、详细释义:    adj.    大的,宽大的;大规模的    例句:   I want a large box. This is too small.   我要一个大盒子。这个太小了。    例句:   There may be large changes around here generally.   这里将会有全面的大改革。    多的,多量的,多数的    例句:   The concert drew a large audience.   音乐会吸引了大量的观众。    例句:   He tried to earn more money to provide for a large family.   他设法多挣钱以供养一个子女众多的家。    广博的;广泛的    例句:   The President is a man of large experience.   总统是一位经验丰富的.人。    adv.    大,大大地    例句:   Do not write so large.   不要把字写得这么大。    夸大地    例句:   He tends to talk large.   他喜欢讲大话。    二、词义辨析:    big,large,great,grand   这些形容词均含“大的”之意。 big常用词,使用广泛,较口语化。多指体积、重量或容量等方面的“大”,有时也用于描写抽象之物。 large普通用词,含义广,指体积、面积、容量、数量以及程度等方面的大,具体或抽象意义均可用。 great普通用词,可指具体东西的“大”,但更常指事物的重要,人的行为、品格的伟大等,带一定的感情色彩。 grand侧重指盛大、绝大,有气派。    三、相关短语:   at large   a. 1.(囚犯)在逃,逍遥法外 2.一般说来,随便地,整个,全部,总的 ad. 1.详细地   by and large   ph. 大体上,基本上,总的说来,全盘看来,大概   extra large   特大号   large calorie   大卡   large intestine   n.[解]大肠   large-toothed aspen   大齿白杨   law of large numbers   大数定律   bulk large   显得大 显得重要   large order   n. 艰巨的工作   large white   英国大白猪   writ large   用鲜明字体写出的 显而易见的, 容易识别的    四、参考例句:   My room is large.   我的房间很大。   Large means big.   大的就是巨大的意思。   A large vote was polled.   投票踊跃。   The large dog deterred trespassers.   那条大狗吓住了擅自进入者。   He administers a large department.   他管理一家大型商场。   A stag has large horns.   牡鹿有很大的角。   The park is very large.   这个公园很大。   He commands a large vocabulary.   他掌握了大量的词汇。   Beijing is a large city.   北京是一座大城市。   He dissipated his large inheritance.   他挥霍掉他的大笔遗产。 ;


large 英[lɑ:dʒ] 美[lɑ:rdʒ] adv. 大大地; 夸大地; 详细地; 顺风地; adj. 大的; 大规模的; 大型号的; 广泛的; v. 玩个痛快; (尤指跳舞和饮酒) 作乐; [例句]The Pike lives mainly in large rivers and lakes狗鱼主要生活在大江大湖中。 比较级:larger 最高级:largest

in turn ,if anything by and large,

by and large 一般是放在句首意为总的说来 这样更好 by and large,if anything in turn. 一般说来,风水轮流转.

by and large一般用在什么场合

用在会议或叙述事情上。by and large 大体上,总的来说 用作状语,会议或者对某事或某物的叙述上。

请问a large proportion of 后加单数还是复数?

当proportion作“部分”解时,如a (the) proportion of N 作主语,其谓语动词的数取决于名词的数: The greater proportion of the land is still uncultivated.大部分土地还未耕种. A large proportion of my time is spent in studying.我的大部分时间都用在学习上. A large proportion of students are workers and peasants.大部分学生是工人和农民. 当proportion作“比率;之比”解时,其谓语动词用单数.例如: The proportion of women in the total work-force has risen.妇女在整个劳动力中所占的比率已经提高. The proportion of men to women in the population has changed so that there are now fewer women and more men.人口中的男女比例改变了,现在是女的少,男的多. The proportion of boys to girls in our class is three to one.我们班上的男、女生比例是3:1.

谁能讲讲短语 by and large 的用法。最好给几个例句。谢了!

对不起!无力解答 就只知道是它的意思是总得来说。

by and large放在作文中怎么样


by and large是什么意思

by and large大体上; 总的来说,大体而言; 大致如此例句:1、We find that, by and large, China has good laws and regulations, comparable to those of many OECD countries.我们发现,中国有很好的环保法律法规,可以与许多经合组织国家的法律法规相媲美。2、By and large, the only companies ( and by extension their bankers and existing VC backers) attempting IPOs are ones that have viable businesses of meaningful scale.通常来说,公司(以及他们的投资银行家和当前的风投投资者)只有具备相当规模、可靠的商业模式才会考虑尝试。

a large proportion of谓语动词用单数还是复数?

a large proportion of谓语动词用单数还是复数? 都可以,取决于后面的名词是可数还是不可数。 a proportion of谓语动词用单数还是复数 都可以。 my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间都用在学习上。 A large proportion of students are workers and peasants. 大部分学生是工人和农民。 当proportion作“比率;之比”解时,其谓语动词用单数。例如: The proportion of women in the total work-force has risen. 妇女在整个劳动力中所占的比率已经提高。 The proportion of men to women in the population has changed so that there are now fewer women and more men. 人口中的男女比例改变了,现在是女的少,男的多。 The proportion of boys to girls in our class is three to one. 我们班上的男、女生比例是3:1。 the proportion of谓语动词用单数还是复数? 1、当proportion作“部分”解时,如a (the) proportion of N 作主语,其谓语动词的数取决于名词的数: The greater proportion of the land is still uncultivated. 大部分土地还未耕种。 A large proportion of my time is spent in studying. 我的大部分时间都用在学习上。 A large proportion of students are workers and peasants. 大部分学生是工人和农民。 2、当proportion作“比率;之比”解时,其谓语动词用单数。例如: The proportion of women in the total work-force has risen. 妇女在整个劳动力中所占的比率已经提高。 The proportion of men to women in the population has changed so that there are now fewer women and more men. 人口中的男女比例改变了,现在是女的少,男的多。 The proportion of boys to girls in our class is three to one. 我们班上的男、女生比例是3:1。 a large quantity of谓语动词用单数还是复数? A large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir用的单数 large collections of information 后谓语动词用单数还是复数 强调的是用information则用单数。强调collections用复数,这里用单数 a large sum of money后谓语动词用单数还是复数, one of谓语动词用单数还是复数 单数 a large body of 做主语谓语动词用单数还是复数 要看of后面接的是单数还是复数,比如a large body of information作主语谓语就要用单数,a large body of facts作主语谓语就要用复数。 clothes谓语动词用单数还是复数 clothes N-PLURAL 衣服;服装,为复数,谓语动词不用单三 surroundings谓语动词用单数还是复数? 您看surroundins这个词,他是已经加了s的,代表已经为复数,所以他的谓语动词也是复数

求英语作文《ways to enlarge vocabulary》万分火急 一百二以右的单词量就好

As an English learner,vocabulary lays the foundation for further study.There are several methods of enlarging vocabulary. First and formost,reading as much as you can is an effective approach for increasing vocabulary.Through extensive reading,we can form our sensitivity to language and become more familiar with a good deal of words,from which we will benefit in future reading and writing. Secondly,it is fundamental to practise writing if we want to consolidate the memory of words.Language can be mastered only by practical usage.Thus,keep on writing will be helpful for increasing vocabulary. Apart from the above mentioned methods,memory is also necessary for enlarging vocabulary.In short,we should form a good habbit of excersing and reciting as more as we can so that to enlarge vocabulary. 大概130个词,基本比较简单,如果有需要修改的地方,你再看看.

vocabulary可数吗?我们老师说不可数。但是a large vocabulary怎么解释


求英语作文《ways to enlarge vocabulary》万分火急 一百二以右的单词量就好

As an English learner,vocabulary lays the foundation for further study.There are several methods of enlarging vocabulary. First and formost,reading as much as you can is an effective approach for increasing vocabulary.Through extensive reading,we can form our sensitivity to language and become more familiar with a good deal of words,from which we will benefit in future reading and writing. Secondly,it is fundamental to practise writing if we want to consolidate the memory of words.Language can be mastered only by practical usage.Thus,keep on writing will be helpful for increasing vocabulary. Apart from the above mentioned methods,memory is also necessary for enlarging vocabulary.In short,we should form a good habbit of excersing and reciting as more as we can so that to enlarge vocabulary. 大概130个词,基本比较简单,如果有需要修改的地方,你再看看.

vocabulary可数吗?我们老师说不可数。但是a large vocabulary怎么解释


请问 large audience还是请问 large audiences

large audience

英语任务型阅读Canada Geese are large blue and white birds.When autu?

仅供参考:1.They will die.(The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there.)2.No, he isn"t.(600 miles South of his home in Canada.)3.Because he flew there to get the geese...,2,英语任务型阅读 Canada Geese are large blue and white birds.When autumn es.they have to move to south where the weather is warmer.The winters are so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there. Last spring,Bill and a man found sixteen young Canada Geese on his farm.They had lost their way.Bill thought,"These young birds won"t know what to do in the autumn." He had a *** all plane and he decided to teach the birds to follow him.All through the summer,he went on short trips in his plane and the young geese new after him. When the cold weather arrived in the autumn,Bill flew to Virginia in the United States.600 miles South of his home in Canada.The geese followed him all the way.Bill left the geese in Virginia and he returned home. This spring,Bill was waiting for the birds to e back.They didn"t arrive,so Bill flew to Virginia to get them.He looked for them for two weeks but he couldn"t find them.When he arrived back home,he found the geese waiting for him.They had found their way home without him! 1.what will happen if canada geese stay in winter bill le *** an from the united states 3.why did bill fly back to virginia this spring? 4.did the 16 geese have a good memoty 5.what do you think of bill lishman

A very large cat was watching us intently from the top of the( )car.




a large amount of修饰可数还是不可数

a great/good many, a (large,great )number of, a great / good deal of, a great amount of, a large / great quantity of 表示“许多”的短语: 1)修饰可数名词:a great many,many,a good many,a (large,great )number of,(many a ) 2)修饰不可数名词:much,a great / good deal of,a great amount of 3)修饰可数或不可数名词a lot of,lots of,plenty of,a large / great quantity of(谓语视名词特性而定),quantities of(谓语用复数) (1) a great / good many + 名词复数,中间无“of”. A great many people have seen the film. (2) a great / good many + of + the / these / those / one"s + 名词复数 A great many of the people have seen the film.

a large amount of 和 large amounts of的区别

都是修饰不可数名词: a large amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词用单数; large amounts of+ 不可数n 谓语动词用复数。

a large amount of和large amounts of有什么区别?

a large amount of 和 large amounts of的区别:1、a large amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;large amounts of+ 不可数名词, 谓语动词用复数例:A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.在这座桥上花了大量资金。例:Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.在这座桥上花了大量资金。2、偶尔也可见到a large amount of +复数可数名词的用法,large amounts of不能加复数可数名词。The shopkeeper had a large amount of oranges in his storeroom.扩展资料1、 amount用作名词其意为“数量”、“金额”“总额”等,通常用于 an amount of, a (great, large) amount of,amounts of这类结构,其后通常接不可数名词。注意:an amount of,a(large,great)amount of,amounts of 修饰名词用作主语,其谓语的数取决于 amount 的数。2. amount用作动词用作动词时意为“合计” “总计 ”addup to,makesth as a total、“等于”、“意味着”be equal toor the same as sth,通常是不及物动词,其后常接介词 to。注意:由于其后接的to为介词,所以后接动词时,该动词要用动名词。

a large amount of和large amounts of有什么区别?

a large amount of 和 large amounts of的区别:1、a large amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;large amounts of+ 不可数名词, 谓语动词用复数例:A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.在这座桥上花了大量资金。例:Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.在这座桥上花了大量资金。2、偶尔也可见到a large amount of +复数可数名词的用法,large amounts of不能加复数可数名词。The shopkeeper had a large amount of oranges in his storeroom.扩展资料1、 amount用作名词其意为“数量”、“金额”“总额”等,通常用于 an amount of, a (great, large) amount of,amounts of这类结构,其后通常接不可数名词。注意:an amount of,a(large,great)amount of,amounts of 修饰名词用作主语,其谓语的数取决于 amount 的数。2. amount用作动词用作动词时意为“合计” “总计 ”addup to,makesth as a total、“等于”、“意味着”be equal toor the same as sth,通常是不及物动词,其后常接介词 to。注意:由于其后接的to为介词,所以后接动词时,该动词要用动名词。

a large amount of修饰可数还是不可数

a large amount of修饰不可数名词(且是无生命的名词)。a large amount of“许多,大量”的意思。 amount的用法 1:amount用于表示“量”“额”,如重量、金额等。 2:amount of后一般接不可数名词,有时也可接复数可数名词,此名词被视为某一“总量”或“综述”。 3:短语in the amount of(总共为)可以of或for代之;to the amount(总共达)可以to代之。但如接款项数字大的总数,一般用in〔to〕the amount of。 4:amount用作动词的基本意思是“合计,共计”,引申可指“等同,接近”。 5:amount是不及物动词,常与介词to连用。 a large number of 和a large amount of的区别 用法不同 1.a large number of用法:通常用来指形状、面积、数量、范围或规模等方面的“大”,作“数目,数量”解,其后常与介词of连用,引申可表示语法上名词或动词的“数”或“数词”。 2.a large amount of用法:用来修饰抽象事物如程度、能力、权力等,表示“广博的,宽大的”“慷慨的,夸张的”等,用于表示“量”“额”,如重量、金额等。 使用场合不同 1.a large number of解析:a large number of+可数名词复数。 2.a large amount of解析:a large amount of+不可数名词(且是无生命的名词)。

“a large number of” 和“a large amount of”的区别?

a large number of和a large amount of意思都是“许多,大量”,用法上的区别如下:a large number of 用来指可数名词的数量,后接复数名词。例如:He has planted a large number of trees. 他栽了很多树。There are a large number of books in this library. 这家图书馆有很多书。a large amount of用来指不可数名词的量,后接不可数名词。例如:They moved in on a large amount of cultural relics during the period of the Second World War. 在第二次世界大战期间,他们掠夺了大量的文物。It will take a large amount of money to buy the apartment.买这栋公寓要花一大笔钱。仅供参考 满意请采纳 谢谢

the number of 和a large amount of是修饰可数还是修饰不可数名词


老师 为什么a large amount of后面只能加不可数名词嘞

很难回答你为什么。大概是用法习惯吧。顺便看一下下面的。只能修饰可数名词的:a large/ great/ good number of,a good/ great many,dozens of,scores of,quite a few 只能修饰不可数名词的:a great deal of,a large amount of,quite a little,a large sum of既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的:plenty of,a lot of,lots of,a large quantity of,a good supply of祝你学习进步。加油↖(^ω^)↗

a large amount of只能修饰不可数名词么

是的,a large amount of只能修饰不可数名词。顺便总结一下l:只能修饰可数名词的:a large/ great/ good number of,a good/ great many,dozens of,scores of,quite a few 只能修饰不可数名词的:a great deal of,a large amount of,quite a little,a large sum of既可修饰可数也可修饰不可数名词的:plenty of,a lot of,lots of,a large quantity of,a good supply of希望能够帮到你,祝你进步,好好学习,天天向上哦,加油!

large amounts of和a large amount of的区别是什么?

a large amount of 和 large amounts of的区别:  1.a large amount of +不可数名词,谓语动词用单数;  例:A large amount of money was spent on the bridge.  在这座桥上花了大量资金。  2.large amounts of+ 不可数名词, 谓语动词用复数。  例:Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge.  在这座桥上花了大量资金。  3.偶尔也可见到其后接复数可数名词的用法,但不算普通。如:The shopkeeper had a large amount of oranges in his storeroom. 店主在货仓里存有大量橙子。——摘自《朗文当代高级英语词典》  Even small amounts of these substances are known to cause skin problems. 我们知道这种物质即使是一丁点也会损害皮肤。——摘自《剑桥高阶英词典》

a large number of 和a large amount of的区别

a large number of 修饰可数名词a large amount of 修饰不可数名词



在线等 请问在英语中,数字比大小,大用什么表示?large 还是 much? 比如4比3大.


larger/bigger 的区别?


big 和larger 的区别?越详细越好,谢谢!

“large”:虚拟的大,空间的大,如房间等, big”:实体的大,如苹果,盒子等,

Harry never enjoys visiting large cities because he thinks one sunch city is much like ___

the other 表示两者中的另一个the others 和others是一样的 ,表示其余的

Do you have this shirt in a large?这里为什么要用in,这个是起到一个什么作用或者说是什么意思?

in是介词表示在。。。里面 用在物身上后加名词可以表示它的属性,比如色彩 尺码 等等。这句话翻译成:你有一件在大码里的衬衫吗?虽然不能这么翻译,但是很通俗地表达了它的意思。 就像Do you have this shirt in green?是一个意思

Shanghai is larger than any city in China 改错

答案1:Shanghai is larger than any other city in China.答案2:Shanghai is larger than any cities in China.

the large city in China,不用the in China large cit


Shanghai is larger than____city in japan

A 上海比日本的任何一座城市都大。若选B表示上海属于日本,选C表特指,此处不合适,选D犯逻辑错误,others不能做定语,即不能修饰名词。

Shanghai is larger than _______________ city in Chin

B 试题分析:the other特指两个中的另一个;any other除去本身外的任何其它的;any 任何一个;all the所有的。句意:上海比中国任何其它城市都大。结合语境可知选B。

Shanghai is larger than ______ city in New Zealand


Nanjing is larger than__________city in Jiangsu.

【答案】:A[A]。考查限定词。由句意可知,这里是将南京与江苏的其他城市进行比较,实际上是用比较级形式表达最高级含意。any other强调其余中任意一个,其后跟单数名词;other指“其余的”,其后跟可数名词复数;one指不定指的“一个”。因此本题应选[A]。

Shanghai is larger than _____ city in New Zealand.A. any other &nb...

C 试题分析:句意:上海比新西兰的任何一个城市都大。分析:比较级的构成:比较级+than +any/the other +名词。联系本句比较的对象并不在同一范围,因此不能用other,故选 C
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