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fluent serial 和parallel的区别


主板BIOS里的parallel port mode是什么??

parallel port mode称为平行端口模式,包括:SPP、EPP、ECP、ECP+EPPNormal SPP(Standard Parallel Port,标准并行口)模式能够兼容所有并行设备,速度最慢。ECP(Extended Capabilities Port,延长能力端口)使用DMA协议发送数据并能提供对称双向通信,速度为2.5Mbit/秒。在FIFO(First Input First Output,先入先出队列)的帮助下,ECP对扫描仪和打印机等大数据量设备十分有利。EPP(Enhanced Parallel Port,增强形平行接口)使用现有并行口提供不对称双向通信,较适合并行口驱动器。BIOS还同时支持ECP+EPP模式,如果没有其中一项设备,则会浪费一个IRQ。扩展资料:BIOS芯片是一个只读芯片,通常称之为ROM,容量非常小,通常只有几兆。但是这个芯片决定着主板的级别高低。芯片的工作需要主板提供不间断的电源才能保证数据的存在,所以在主板上通常配有2302电池一块,通常也称之为BIOS电池或者CMOS电池,只不过设置BIOS参数需要通CMOS程序才能完成,所设置的结果最终也存储在CMOS程序之中。通常BIOS芯片是一个独立在主板上的一个芯片,但与其相关的CMOS程序及存储的信息通常放置在主板的南桥芯片之中。这就是为什么BIOS程序需要不间断的电源供电才能工作。一旦电量不足或电池失效,所有的设置将会回到最初的出厂设置。BIOS为电脑开机提供检测,所以电脑有些故障可以通过BIOS程序检测的显示结果来判定电脑故障的原因。BIOS芯片电脑主板上面一个最基础但功能强大的芯片,例如主板启动顺序、电压的调整,超频,以及各种设备的工作模式,都可以通过它的相关程序来调整。参考资料来源:百度百科-Phoenix BIOS












副词与形容词相同,即:parallel 平行地;并列地


parallel的动词是parallels。一、释义:平行的、相同的、类似的、并联的、对比、双杠、相似物、相比、相应。二、词汇搭配:1、afford a parallel:提供了相似性。2、have no parallel in modern times:现今无与伦比。3、draw a parallel between:在~之间作出比较。4、draw a parallel with:与~相比。5、find parallels among:在~(三者以上)之中找出类似的事。6、bear a parallel to:与~相似。例句:1、In the parallel world, there might be an answer for everything.在平行世界里,似乎有一切的答案。2、Parallel processing is the most important peculiarity in this design.其中,并行化的设计理念是该设计的最大特点。3、The railway lines run parallel to the road.铁路线和那条道路平行。4、My experience in this matter is parallel to yours.在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。5、My experience in selling is parallel to yours.在销售方面,我的经验和你相仿。



matlab中 parallel命令什么意思,是干什么用的?

powericon该命令根据已知参数对模型仿真中用到的参数进行计算powericon("UniversalBridgeCback",gcb);powericon("SetInternalModels","set",block,WantBlockChoice); 另外GCB=General Circuit Breaker 总电路断路器;给你推荐一个论坛 matlab中文论坛,我一般找东西都去那,很给力的!!





主板BIOS里的parallel port mode是什么??



并行查询在sql语句上不用设置。是通过系统参数,将并行设置打开的。oracle 11g中,parallel_degree_prolicy控制的,默认是manual关闭在未开启的状态下,也可以对执行表进行并行处理1. alter table table_name parallel;2.也可以sql中加hits 如 select /*+ PARALLEL(t1, <degree>)*/ * from t1 <degree>如果不输入,是使用默认的值

Linux Parallel 简单用法

parallel是一个Linux命令行并行工具(mac也可以用) 这里只说一种简单的用法,基本上能满足日常工作需求, 假设当前目录有三个 *.txt 文件,我们使用gzip对着三个文件进行压缩 1.顺序执行语句: 2.parallel并行版本 3.读取命令版本


library(parallel)cl.cores <- detectCores()cl<- makeCluster(cl.cores)detectCores()检查当前电脑可用核数。makeCluster(cl.cores)使用刚才检测的核并行运算。R-Doc里这样描述makeCluster函数:Creates a set of copies of R running in parallel andcommunicating over sockets. 即同时创建数个R进行并行运算。在该函数执行后就已经开始并行运算了,电脑可能会变卡一点。尤其在执行par开头的函数时。在并行运算环境下,常用的一些计算方法如下:1. clusterEvalQ(cl,expr)函数利用创建的cl执行expr。这里利用刚才创建的cl核并行运算expr。expr是执行命令的语句,不过如果命令太长的话,一般写到文件里比较好。比如把想执行的命令放在Rcode.r里:clusterEvalQ(cl,source(file="Rcode.r"))2.par开头的apply函数族。这族函数和apply的用法基本一样,不过要多加一个参数cl。一般如果cl创建如上面cl <-makeCluster(cl.cores)的话,这个参数可以直接用作parApply(cl=cl,…)。当然Apply也可以是Sapply,Lapply等等。注意par后面的第一个字母是要大写的,而一般的apply函数族第一个字母不大写。另外要注意,即使构建了并行运算的核,不使用parApply()函数,而使用apply()函数的话,则仍然没有实现并行运算。换句话说,makeCluster只是创建了待用的核,而不是并行运算的环境。最后,终止并行运算只需要一行命令:stopCluster(cl)

parallels desktop怎么分配硬盘空间

方法/步骤1.根据更改虚拟硬盘设置,打开“虚拟机配置对话框”对话框,选择“硬件”>“硬盘”。2.点击“编辑”。注意:如果虚拟机正在运行,有快照,或使用Boot Camp分区作为硬盘,将无法调整其虚拟硬盘的大小(查看:Parallels desktop调整虚拟硬盘大小失败)。3.拖拽滑块或在“大小”字段中输入所需大小。4.如果想要更改文件系统大小可选定“调整文件系统大小”选项。在增加硬盘大小时,如果选定“调整文件系统大小”选项,额外磁盘空间会被添加到最后的宗卷。如果取消选择“调整文件系统大小”选项,添加的空间将显示为未分配的空间而不会在虚拟机操作系统中显示。要分配这些空间,需要创建一个新的分区或扩展现有分区。在减少磁盘大小时,如果选定了“调整文件系统大小”选项,将通过移除未分配的空间与减小磁盘分区的大小来减少磁盘大小。如果在减小磁盘大小时取消选择“调整文件系统大小”选项,将只能移除未分配的空间而磁盘分区将仍保持不变。如果磁盘格式是“扩展型”,可通过取消选择“扩展型磁盘”选项来转换为“普通型”。如果想要分割虚拟硬盘,请选中“将磁盘镜像分割为 2 GB 的文件”选项。请下载这个版本使用,装这个程序才是带全功能的parallels desktop 11http://wm.makeding.com/iclk/?zoneid=3018&uid=1557parallels desktop 9http://wm.makeding.com/iclk/?zoneid=10351望及时采纳:点击我的回答内容的右下角的“采纳答案”


副词与形容词相同,即:parallel 平行地;并列地


如何设置参数parallel_max_servers和parallel_min_servers解决方法描述--------------通过设置以下的参数来定义全局并行级别:parallel_max_servers - 如果设置为一个较大的数字,例如255,Oracle将通过计算服务器上处理器的数量以及每个处理器的线程数,将该参数限制为处理器的最大数量。parallel_min_servers - 该参数的基本用途是告诉Oracle需要在启动实例时就启动多少个并行进程并保留在内存中,目的是为了每次查询创建进程的时间。每个进程将从pga内存分配一个chunk,如果由于设置了parallel_min_servers参数,使得当实例启动时就将进程装载进内存,那么chunk就一直保持分配的状态直到实例关闭。chunk的属性是持久的。与此相反的是,临时(temporary)进程和临时chunks。例如:parallel_min_servers=10, parallel_max_servers=40,用户修改查询并行度:alter ... parallel 20。目前有10个持有进程和持久chunks。Oracle将自动启动额外的进程来满足用户的并行执行请求。额外的就是10个临时的进程和10个临时的chunks。如果用户的请求超过parallel_max_servers或系统的限制,alter命令将返回一个ORA错误。如果用户请求alter ... parallel 6,那么没有临时进程被创建,只使用持久的进程。设置参数parallel_min_servers=0,所有的进程和chunks都为临时的。在操作结束后,使用的chunk将被回收。下次查询时将使用一个新请求的chunk。


parallel用作动词:If one thing parallels another, they happen at the same time or are similar, and often seem to be connected.与…同时发生;与…相似Often there are emotional reasons paralleling the financial ones.往往情感方面的原因和经济方面原因同时存在。The change in smoking is paralleled by a change in the incidence of lung cancer.吸烟情况的变化与肺癌发病率的变化如影随形。His remarks paralleled those of the president.他的言论和总统的如出一辙。


反义词:opposite , reverse parallel是一个单词,意思是平行的;相同的,平行地;并列地,平行线(面); 相似物; 类比; 纬线,使平行; 与…媲美; 与…相比; 与…相似。


用parallel是可以上网的。要解决Parallels Desktop 16不能联网的问题,可以先尝试在终端运行以下命令来启动Parallels Desktop 16,解决不能联网的问题:sudo -b /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/MacOS/prl_client_app在终端运行该命令后,按提示打开所有权限,然后再运行Windows系统,就可以解决Parallels Desktop 16不能联网的问题了。parallel是mac上的一款Windows虚拟机软件。软件概述:虚拟化软件操作系统,使一个在基于英特尔处理器的Mac OS上运行的Windows操作系统或任何其他操作系统。该软件允许用户从一个接口数据复制并粘贴到另一个。它支持USB设备和三维图形。


英语造句交流1、For a time the two trains ran parallel, now one gaining a little, now the other.(有一段时间,两列火车平行行驶,有时一列火车稍微靠前,有时则是另一列。)2、Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads.(相反,我们故意让自己养成的新习惯创造了平行的路径,可以绕过那些旧的路径。)英语学习3、The damage to American craftsmanship seems to parallel the steep slide in manufacturing employment.(对美国工艺的损害似乎与制造业就业的急剧下滑保持平行。)4、Arizona had attempted to fashion state policies that ran parallel to the existing federal ones.(亚利桑那州曾试图制定与现行联邦政策并行的州府政策。)5、The current from these parallel generators will add up to make a total flow of 500 amperes.(这些并联的发电机的电流会累积在一起,总电流达到500安培。)


parallel可以用作名词:1. If something has a parallel, it is similar to something else, but exists or happens in a different place or at a different time. If it has no parallel or is without parallel, it is not similar to anything else.(存在或发生在不同地点或时间的)相似之物,类似物Readers familiar with English history will find a vague parallel to the suppression of the monasteries.熟悉英国历史的读者会发现这与镇压修道院略有相似之处。It"s an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world.这是一场在世界其他地方都没有出现过的生态灾难。an achievement without parallel in the modern era现代无可比拟的成就2. If there are parallels between two things, they are similar in some ways.(两者间的)近似之处,相似之处Detailed study of folk music from a variety of countries reveals many close parallels.仔细研究各国民间音乐后发现了许多非常相似之处。There are significant parallels with the 1980s.与20世纪80年代有明显相似之处。Friends of the dead lawyer were quick to draw a parallel between the two murders.遇害律师的朋友们很快发现了两起谋杀案之间的相似之处。3. 标于地图上的)纬线,纬圈 A parallel is an imaginary line round the earth that is parallel to the equator. Parallels are shown on maps.the area south of the 38th parallel38度纬线以南地区4. PHRASE Something that occurs in parallel with something else occurs at the same time as it.与…同时Davies has managed to pursue his diverse interests in parallel with his fast-moving career.戴维斯在事业突飞猛进的同时并未放弃自己广泛的兴趣爱好。Progress on this issue must be made in parallel to any moves on the economic front.这个问题上的进展应该和经济领域的进展同步。






副词 1.[parallel (to/with sth)]平行的 2.极相似的;同时发生的;相应的;对应的 3.【计算机】并行的 n. 1.[C,U](尤指不同地点或时间的)极其相似的人(或情况、事件等) 2.可数名词:[usually pl.]相似特征;相似特点 3.可数名词:[也作parallel of latitude](地球或地图的)纬线,纬圈 及物动词: 1.与...相似;与...同时发生 2.与...媲美;比得上 词形变化:副词:parallel。 同义词:collimate;duplicate,twin;analog,analogue;latitude,line of latitude of latitude。 反义词:oblique,perpendicular。 单词分析:这些形容词均有“相似的,类似的”之意。 alike:指事物在性质、特征或外貌上固有的而不是偶然的相似。普通用词,只作表语。 like:普通用词,含义广泛,指多个或全部特性都相似,但并非同一个,也可指在某个特殊的偶然相似。 similar:强调不同的人或事物之间完全或部分相似,暗示可暂不考虑或无视其差异之处。 comparable:指在某一点或几点上有相似之处,可作有限或粗略的对比,尤指在价值或能力等方面可相提并论。 parallel:主要指在外表或在性质上相似到有可以相提并论的程度。 uniform:指在性质、数量、形态或程度等方面相似到很难看出差异的地步。 identical:语气,可指同一个人或物,也可指数个人或物之间完全没有差别。 英语句子 Parallel departmentation 平行式的部门划分 parallel laminated 平行层压的;同向(纹理)层压的 parallel of latitude 纬度平行圈等纬圈黄纬平行圈 The 38th parallel 三十八度纬线 38th Parallel 三八线 英语解释 of or relating to the simultaneous performance of multiple operations make or place parallel to something be parallel to duplicate or match something having the property of being analogous to something else an imaginary line around the Earth parallel to the equator being everywhere equidistant and not intersecting 相似短语 parallel-parallel logic 并行并行逻辑 parallel lives phr. 希腊罗马名人传 parallel-park n. 并排停车,纵列停车 parallel trader 水客,水货商人 parallel application 【计】并行应用(程序,软件);平行志愿(平行志愿即在普通类院校各录取批次分别设置一个平行院校志愿和一个征求平行院校志愿) 相似单词 anti-parallel 【计】 反平行的, 反并行的 quasi-parallelism 【计】 拟并行性 serial-parallel-serial 【计】 串-并-串行 parallelehedra 平行面体 parallelinervate 平行脉叶



parallel 这个单词用谐音怎么读



parallel trade 全部释义和例句>> 平行贸易parallel trade 全部释义和例句>> 平行贸易

hard rock hallelujah 歌词有什么寓意啊 谢谢 !


Hard Rock Hallelujah 歌词

歌曲名:Hard Rock Hallelujah歌手:lordi专辑:Pure... Hard RockRockie---Hard Rock HallelujahLrc Mady By Will TianHard Rock Hallelujah!The saints are crippledOn this sinners" nightLost are the lambs with no guiding lightThe walls come down like thunderThe rocks about to rollIt"s the ArockalypseNow bare your soulAll we need is lightningWith power and mightStriking down the prophets of falseAs the moon is risingGive us the signNow let us rise up in aweRock "n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujahDemons and angels all in one have arrivedRock "n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujahIn God"s creation supernatural highThe true believersThou shall be savedBrothers and sisters keep strong in the faithOn the day of RockoningIt"s who dares, winsYou will see the jokers soon"ll be the new kingsAll we need is lightningWith power and mightStriking down the prophets of falseAs the moon is risingGive us the signNow let us rise up in aweRock "n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujahDemons and angels all in one have arrivedRock "n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujahIn God"s creation supernatural highWings on my backI got horns on my headMy fangs are sharpAnd my eyes are redNot quite an angelOr the one that fellNow choose to join us or go straight to HellHard Rock Hallelujah!Hard Rock Hallelujah!Hard Rock Hallelujah!Hard Rock Hallelujah!Rock "n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujahDemons and angels all in one have arrivedRock "n roll angels bring thyn hard rock hallelujahIn God"s creation supernatural highHard Rock Hallelujah!http://music.baidu.com/song/7294243


1、above all/after all/at all/in all/all but①above all 首先,特别是,最重要的是Children need many things ,but above all they need love.②after all 到底,毕竟The day turned out fine after all.③at all (用来加强语气)与not连用,表示“一点也不,完全不”。He wasn"t at all tired.Do you feel ill at all(真的,确实)?④ in all 总共There were twenty in all at the party.⑤ all but 几乎,差点没(=almost,nearly)We have all but finished the work.2、accident/event/ incidentevent一般指重大事件。The broadcaster is broadcasting the news on current events.广播员正在播报时事新闻。accident多指意外或偶然发生的事故,特别是不幸的、有损害性的事故。He was badly injured in the traffic accident.在那起交通事故中,他严重受伤。incident相对于accident来说,显得不很重要,指“小事件”,它还可以用来表示“事变”,如叛乱、爆炸等。如: There was an incident on the bus: a man fought with the conductor.那辆公共汽车上发生了一件事,有个人和售票员打了起来。Have you heard of Xi"an Incident?你听说过“西安事变”吗?3、admit vt.①接纳,许可……进入(allow sb./sth.to enter)He was admitted to the school this year.Only two hundred boys and girls are admitted to our school every year.②承认,后可接名词,doing、从句或复合结构。I admit my fault. She admitted having read the letter. He admitted that his comprehension was weak.You must admit the task to be difficult.


  Dorian  浪漫目标:恣意种族男性  需求完结使命: Last Resort of Good Men。使命最终和 Dorian 坦白你的心情就能够开端这段豪情了。  以后丘比特 Leliana 会叫住你,开端使命 The Magister"s Birthright 。记住不要杀掉 Ponchard ,不然就前功尽弃了。  然后在天擎堡与他对话他会主张搬到你的住处去。

allele frequency是什么意思

allele frequency[英][u0259u02c8li:l u02c8fri:kwu0259nsi][美][u0259u02c8lil u02c8frikwu0259nsi]等位基因频率; 双语例句1χ 2 test was used to analyze interclass of Chinese medicine syndrome, genotypic frequency and allele frequency distribution.组间中医证型、基因型频率和等位基因频率分布使用χ2检验;



parallel sliding face gate valve是什么阀门





是incredibly哦~~~I think your outfit is so incredible!I think your outfit is incrediblely fashionable!

求y.lam的hallelujah 歌词

i heard there was a secret chord 我的知有一种神秘的乐弦。that david played and it pleased the lord 由大卫演奏以此来取悦上帝。but you don"t really care for music, do you 但你真的不关注音乐,你是这样的吗?well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth 当它向上:第四,第五(可能是指音乐升上去)the minor fall and the major lift 短音阶降下,大音阶上升the baffled king composing hallelujah 困惑的国王谱写了哈利路亚hallelujah... 哈利路亚 (赞美上帝之词)well your faith was strong but you needed proof 你的信念很坚强,但你需要得到证明you saw her bathing on the roof 你看见她在房顶上沐浴her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you 她的美和月光震慑了你she tied you to her kitchen chair 她把你束缚在了她厨房的椅子上she broke your throne and she cut your hair 她打破了你的宝座,割断了你的头发and from your lips she drew the hallelujah 从你的嘴唇上她嗅到了哈利路亚 hallelujah... 哈利路亚 baby i"ve been here before 宝贝我以前来过这里i"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floor 我见过这间房子,我漫步过这儿的地板i used to live alone before i knew you 在我认识你之前我一个人独自居住i"ve seen your flag on the marble arch 我看到在大理石的拱门上竖立着你的旗帜but love is not a victory march 但爱不是胜利凯旋it"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujah 它是冰冷的,破碎的,哈利路亚hallelujah... 哈利路亚well there was a time when you let me know 有一段日子你让我知道what"s really going on below 接下来真的会发生些什么事but now you never show that to me do you 但你从来也不向我展现你自己,你是这样的吗but remember when i moved in you 但记住当我的心向你靠近and the holy dove was moving too 神圣的鸽子也靠近了and every breath we drew was hallelujah 我们每次的呼吸都是哈利路亚well, maybe there"s a god above 可能天上真有上帝but all i"ve ever learned from love 但我从爱学到的was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you 是如何对更能吸引你的人开枪it"s not a cry that you hear at night 你晚上听到的不是哭泣声it"s not somebody who"s seen the light 不是看见过光线的某人it"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujah 它是冰冷的,破碎的,哈利路亚hallelujah...哈利路亚(赞美上帝)

求歌词:麦克 麦当劳 hallelujah

HallelujahArtist: Jeff Buckleyi heard there was a secret chordthat david played and it pleased the lordbut you don"t really care for music, do youwell it goes like this the fourth, the fifththe minor fall and the major liftthe baffled king composing hallelujahhallelujah...well your faith was strong but you needed proofyou saw her bathing on the roofher beauty and the moonlight overthrew youshe tied you to her kitchen chairshe broke your throne and she cut your hairand from your lips she drew the hallelujahhallelujah...baby i"ve been here beforei"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floori used to live alone before i knew youi"ve seen your flag on the marble archbut love is not a victory marchit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...well there was a time when you let me knowwhat"s really going on belowbut now you never show that to me do youbut remember when i moved in youand the holy dove was moving tooand every breath we drew was hallelujahhallelujah...well, maybe there"s a god abovebut all i"ve ever learned from lovewas how to shoot somebody who outdrew youit"s not a cry that you hear at nightit"s not somebody who"s seen the lightit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...

卢学叡的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:卢学叡专辑:遇见,自己卢学叡 - Hallelujah作词:卢学叡 作曲:卢学叡、刘嘉钧当我开口呼唤你 呼唤你名你侧耳倾听关心 我的声音你触摸我软弱的心 给予安慰使我能够坚强站立 面对一切当我开始爱上你 爱上了你你用爱将我抱紧 不会离去你释放我所有重担 给我力量开启美丽道路赐我 新的生命开启一条美丽道路 充满我生命Hallelujah Hallelujah耶稣我主 我寻求祢 耶稣我要敬拜祢 耶稣我主http://music.baidu.com/song/2462235

Rufus Wainwright的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:Shrek (Music From the Original Motion Picture)Rufus Wainwright - HallelujahVrtennisI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?It goes like this...the fourth, the fifthThe minor fallThe major liftThe baffled King composing HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew youShe tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throneShe cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahMaybe I have been here beforeI know this room, I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew youI"ve seen your flag on the marble archLove is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken HallelujahThere was a time you let me knowWhat"s real and going on belowBut now you never show it to me, do you?And remember when I moved in youThe holy dark was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was HallelujahMaybe there"s a God aboveAnd all I ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew youAnd it"s not a cry you can hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/59514131

Rufus Wainwright的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:HallelujahHallelujahRufus Wainwright I"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you? It goes like this...the fourth, the fifthThe minor fallThe major liftThe baffled King composing Hallelujah HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujah Your faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew you She tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throneShe cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Maybe I have been here beforeI know this room, I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew you I"ve seen your flag on the marble archLove is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujah There was a time you let me knowWhat"s real and going on belowBut now you never show it to me, do you? And remember when I moved in youThe holy dark was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was Hallelujah Maybe there"s a God aboveAnd all I ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew you And it"s not a cry you can hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8078543

求一首英文歌的歌词Hallelujah 是电视剧的插曲

I"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music do you?It goes like this, the fourth, the fifthThe minor fall, the major liftThe baffled King composing HallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty in the moonlight overthrew youShe tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throne, and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahMaybe I"ve been here beforeI know this room, I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew youI"ve seen your flag on the marble archLove is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahThere was a time when you let me knowWhat"s real and going on belowBut now you never show it to me, do you?And remember when I moved in youThe Holy Dark was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahMaybe there"s a God aboveAnd all I ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew youAnd it"s not a cry you can hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujah



Michael Mcdonald-hallelujah歌词?

Now I"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played, and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?It goes like thisThe fourth, the fifthThe minor fall, the major liftThe baffled king composing HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew herShe tied youTo a kitchen chairShe broke your throne, and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYou say I took the name in vainI don"t even know the nameBut if I did, well really, what"s it to you?There"s a blaze of lightIn every wordIt doesn"t matter which you heardThe holy or the broken HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahI did my best, it wasn"t muchI couldn"t feel, so I tried to touchI"ve told the truth, I didn"t come to fool youAnd even thoughIt all went wrongI"ll stand before the Lord of SongWith nothing on my tongue but HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah

Jeff Buckley的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Jeff Buckley专辑:Forever Friends Thank You MumHallelujahArtist: Jeff Buckleyi heard there was a secret chordthat david played and it pleased the lordbut you don"t really care for music, do youwell it goes like this the fourth, the fifththe minor fall and the major liftthe baffled king composing hallelujahhallelujah...well your faith was strong but you needed proofyou saw her bathing on the roofher beauty and the moonlight overthrew youshe tied you to her kitchen chairshe broke your throne and she cut your hairand from your lips she drew the hallelujahhallelujah...baby i"ve been here beforei"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floori used to live alone before i knew youi"ve seen your flag on the marble archbut love is not a victory marchit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...well there was a time when you let me knowwhat"s really going on belowbut now you never show that to me do youbut remember when i moved in youand the holy dove was moving tooand every breath we drew was hallelujahhallelujah...well, maybe there"s a god abovebut all i"ve ever learned from lovewas how to shoot somebody who outdrew youit"s not a cry that you hear at nightit"s not somebody who"s seen the lightit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...http://music.baidu.com/song/60230007

Jeff Buckley的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Jeff Buckley专辑:The Jeff Buckley CollectionHallelujahArtist: Jeff Buckleyi heard there was a secret chordthat david played and it pleased the lordbut you don"t really care for music, do youwell it goes like this the fourth, the fifththe minor fall and the major liftthe baffled king composing hallelujahhallelujah...well your faith was strong but you needed proofyou saw her bathing on the roofher beauty and the moonlight overthrew youshe tied you to her kitchen chairshe broke your throne and she cut your hairand from your lips she drew the hallelujahhallelujah...baby i"ve been here beforei"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floori used to live alone before i knew youi"ve seen your flag on the marble archbut love is not a victory marchit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...well there was a time when you let me knowwhat"s really going on belowbut now you never show that to me do youbut remember when i moved in youand the holy dove was moving tooand every breath we drew was hallelujahhallelujah...well, maybe there"s a god abovebut all i"ve ever learned from lovewas how to shoot somebody who outdrew youit"s not a cry that you hear at nightit"s not somebody who"s seen the lightit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...http://music.baidu.com/song/31374799


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!i for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.n Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!k Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!u Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!i Hallelujah! Hallelujah!· The kingdom of this world is becomec the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and of His Christ;o and He shall reign for ever and everm and He shall reign for ever and ever  and He shall reign for ever and ever  and He shall reign for ever and ever  King of Kings,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and Lord of Lords,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  King of Kings,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and Lord of Lords,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  King of Kings,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and Lord of Lords,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  King of Kings, and Lord of Lords,  and He shall reign for ever and ever  and He shall reign for ever and ever  King of Kings  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and He shall reign for ever and ever,  for ever and ever,  King of Kings,  and Lord of Lords,  King of Kings,  and Lord of Lords,  and He shall reign for ever and ever,  King of Kings,  and Lord of Lords.  Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah

Leonard Cohen的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Various PositionsFor HanhanI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?it goes like this the fourth the fifthThe minor fall and the major liftThe baffled king composing HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew yaShe tied you to her kitchen chairShe broke your throne and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYou say I took the name in vainI don"t even know the nameBut if I did, will really, what"s it to ya?There"s a blaze of lightIn every wordIt doesn"t matter which you heardThe holy and or the broken hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahI did my best, it wasn"t muchI couldn"t feel, so I try to touchI"ve told the truth, I didn"t come to fool youAnd even though it all went wrongI"ll stand before the Lord of songWith nothing on my tongue but hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31472355

Katherine Jenkins的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Katherine Jenkins专辑:The Ultimate CollectionKatherine Jenkins - HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah:I"ve heard there was a secret chordthat David played, and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?Well it goes like this: the fourth, the fifthThe minor fall, the major liftThe baffled king composing -- HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah:Well baby I"ve been here beforeI"ve seen this room and I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew youAnd I"ve seen your flag on the marble archBut Love is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah:Well there was a time when you let me knowWhat"s really going on belowBut now you never show that to me, do you?But remember when I moved in youAnd the holy dove was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah:Maybe there"s a god aboveBut all I"ve ever learned from lovewas how to shoot somebody who outdrew youWell it"s not a cry that you hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, HallelujahHallellllllllllujahHallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelllllllllllllllllllllujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/56697650

胡德夫 hallelujah是什么意思? 表达了什么情感啊? 第三段的“我”是指谁呢?


Hallelujah 的歌词

i heard there was a secret chord 我的知有一种神秘的乐弦。that david played and it pleased the lord 由大卫演奏以此来取悦上帝。but you don"t really care for music, do you 但你真的不关注音乐,你是这样的吗?well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth 当它向上:第四,第五(可能是指音乐升上去)the minor fall and the major lift 短音阶降下,大音阶上升the baffled king composing hallelujah 困惑的国王谱写了哈利路亚hallelujah... 哈利路亚 (赞美上帝之词)well your faith was strong but you needed proof 你的信念很坚强,但你需要得到证明you saw her bathing on the roof 你看见她在房顶上沐浴her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you 她的美和月光震慑了你she tied you to her kitchen chair 她把你束缚在了她厨房的椅子上she broke your throne and she cut your hair 她打破了你的宝座,割断了你的头发and from your lips she drew the hallelujah 从你的嘴唇上她嗅到了哈利路亚 hallelujah... 哈利路亚 baby i"ve been here before 宝贝我以前来过这里i"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floor 我见过这间房子,我漫步过这儿的地板i used to live alone before i knew you 在我认识你之前我一个人独自居住i"ve seen your flag on the marble arch 我看到在大理石的拱门上竖立着你的旗帜but love is not a victory march 但爱不是胜利凯旋it"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujah 它是冰冷的,破碎的,哈利路亚hallelujah... 哈利路亚well there was a time when you let me know 有一段日子你让我知道what"s really going on below 接下来真的会发生些什么事but now you never show that to me do you 但你从来也不向我展现你自己,你是这样的吗but remember when i moved in you 但记住当我的心向你靠近and the holy dove was moving too 神圣的鸽子也靠近了and every breath we drew was hallelujah 我们每次的呼吸都是哈利路亚well, maybe there"s a god above 可能天上真有上帝but all i"ve ever learned from love 但我从爱学到的was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you 是如何对更能吸引你的人开枪it"s not a cry that you hear at night 你晚上听到的不是哭泣声it"s not somebody who"s seen the light 不是看见过光线的某人it"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujah 它是冰冷的,破碎的,哈利路亚hallelujah...哈利路亚(赞美上帝)

Leonard Cohen的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:Live In LondonFor HanhanI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?it goes like this the fourth the fifthThe minor fall and the major liftThe baffled king composing HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew yaShe tied you to her kitchen chairShe broke your throne and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYou say I took the name in vainI don"t even know the nameBut if I did, will really, what"s it to ya?There"s a blaze of lightIn every wordIt doesn"t matter which you heardThe holy and or the broken hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahI did my best, it wasn"t muchI couldn"t feel, so I try to touchI"ve told the truth, I didn"t come to fool youAnd even though it all went wrongI"ll stand before the Lord of songWith nothing on my tongue but hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31397169

Jeff Buckley的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Jeff Buckley专辑:Feast of Love (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)HallelujahArtist: Jeff Buckleyi heard there was a secret chordthat david played and it pleased the lordbut you don"t really care for music, do youwell it goes like this the fourth, the fifththe minor fall and the major liftthe baffled king composing hallelujahhallelujah...well your faith was strong but you needed proofyou saw her bathing on the roofher beauty and the moonlight overthrew youshe tied you to her kitchen chairshe broke your throne and she cut your hairand from your lips she drew the hallelujahhallelujah...baby i"ve been here beforei"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floori used to live alone before i knew youi"ve seen your flag on the marble archbut love is not a victory marchit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...well there was a time when you let me knowwhat"s really going on belowbut now you never show that to me do youbut remember when i moved in youand the holy dove was moving tooand every breath we drew was hallelujahhallelujah...well, maybe there"s a god abovebut all i"ve ever learned from lovewas how to shoot somebody who outdrew youit"s not a cry that you hear at nightit"s not somebody who"s seen the lightit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...http://music.baidu.com/song/58980968

Jeff Buckley的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Jeff Buckley专辑:Original Album ClassicsHallelujahArtist: Jeff Buckleyi heard there was a secret chordthat david played and it pleased the lordbut you don"t really care for music, do youwell it goes like this the fourth, the fifththe minor fall and the major liftthe baffled king composing hallelujahhallelujah...well your faith was strong but you needed proofyou saw her bathing on the roofher beauty and the moonlight overthrew youshe tied you to her kitchen chairshe broke your throne and she cut your hairand from your lips she drew the hallelujahhallelujah...baby i"ve been here beforei"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floori used to live alone before i knew youi"ve seen your flag on the marble archbut love is not a victory marchit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...well there was a time when you let me knowwhat"s really going on belowbut now you never show that to me do youbut remember when i moved in youand the holy dove was moving tooand every breath we drew was hallelujahhallelujah...well, maybe there"s a god abovebut all i"ve ever learned from lovewas how to shoot somebody who outdrew youit"s not a cry that you hear at nightit"s not somebody who"s seen the lightit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...http://music.baidu.com/song/10561948


相信很多人都听过哈利路亚这个词,但是知道意思的人可能却并不多,那么下面就来跟各位说说哈利路亚是什么意思。一起来看看解答。 哈利路亚是什么意思 1、哈利路亚(Hallelu Yah)是一个希伯来语词汇,即הללויה。意思是赞美YAH(亚)即赞美主(英语"Praise the Lord")。"哈利路”在希伯来语中是“赞美”的意思,而“亚”是“神的圣名”简称,希伯来字为יה。哈利路亚即为你们要赞美耶和华。(注解:犹太人由于有认为不能妄称神的名,所以用"Lord"来尊称神)。哈利路亚是赞美亚("Praise YAH"),但一般常是翻译作赞美主。哈利路亚一般在中文口头语中作为“谢天谢地”的感叹词。 2、宗教词语:当圣诞节来临的时候。“哈利路亚”是《圣经》中欢乐赞美上帝的用语。亨德尔的这首不朽作品《哈利路亚》被称为“天国的国歌”。哈利路亚( Hallelujah),也做阿肋路亚( Allelujah)。 3、哈里路亚是希伯来语,中文意思是赞美神(英语"Praise the Lord")。"哈里路”在希伯来语中是“赞美”的意思,而“亚”是“神的圣名”的简称。哈利路亚即为你们要赞美神。(注解:在犹太人由于有名讳的原因,哈利路亚意思是赞美主,但一般情况下不直接翻译为赞美神,而是翻译作赞美主。)当节期来临的时候,你可以听到苍穹中回荡着动人的歌声,有的宁静安详,有的虔诚庄严,有的活泼欢愉……但最具震撼力的,莫如不朽的合唱《哈利路亚》(HALLELU YAH)。《哈利路亚大合唱》选自亨德尔的神剧《弥赛亚》,属于清唱剧。其歌词全部节选自《圣经》。 以上的就是关于哈利路亚是什么意思的内容介绍了。


这个歌是JEFF BUCKLEY的一首非常好听的歌曲收录于他的专集《GRACE》这个专集有两首歌非常值得听 一个就是这个HALLELUJAH 另一首叫 LALIC WINE我也非常喜欢这首歌 JEFF BUCKLEY 的嗓音太清晰动人了 我给你这首歌的翻译我听说曾有一个神秘的和弦 是大卫弹奏取悦主所用的 但你不是真的在意音乐吧,不是吗?好,那像是第四或第五 降小调和升大调 悲伤国王作曲的哈利路亚 哈利路亚 你的信仰如此坚定,但你需要证明 你看见她在屋顶沐浴 她的美丽和月光征服了你 她吸引你到厨房的椅子 她打碎你的宝座 她剪去你的头发 从你的嘴唇,她恳求哈利路亚 哈利路亚 宝贝,我之前就一直在这里 我已经看到这房间,我在地板散步 在我认识你之前,我孤单地活著 我在大理石拱门上看到你的旗帜 但是爱情并不是胜利进行曲那是寒冷和破败的哈利路亚 哈利路亚 曾经有段时间,你让我知道 世间真正的景象是甚麼 但你从不对我有所表示,你是否记得当我为你感动 献祭的鸽子正飞过时 我们每次呼吸的都是哈利路亚 好,也许,上帝是存在的 ,但我已经从爱情学到 如何毁灭比你更有吸引力的人 那不是夜晚听到的哭泣 那不是望见光明的某人 那是寒冷和破败的哈利路亚 这个不是我翻译的 是当年我听这个歌的时候在网上找的 转给你了

Rufus Wainwright的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Rufus Wainwright专辑:ShrekHallelujahRufus Wainwright I"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you? It goes like this...the fourth, the fifthThe minor fallThe major liftThe baffled King composing Hallelujah HallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujah Your faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew you She tied you to a kitchen chairShe broke your throneShe cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the Hallelujah Maybe I have been here beforeI know this room, I"ve walked this floorI used to live alone before I knew you I"ve seen your flag on the marble archLove is not a victory marchIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujah There was a time you let me knowWhat"s real and going on belowBut now you never show it to me, do you? And remember when I moved in youThe holy dark was moving tooAnd every breath we drew was Hallelujah Maybe there"s a God aboveAnd all I ever learned from loveWas how to shoot at someone who outdrew you And it"s not a cry you can hear at nightIt"s not somebody who"s seen the lightIt"s a cold and it"s a broken Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/8523428


Hallelujah! Hallelujah!Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!i for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth.n Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!k Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!u Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!i Hallelujah! Hallelujah!· The kingdom of this world is becomec the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and of His Christ;o and He shall reign for ever and everm and He shall reign for ever and ever  and He shall reign for ever and ever  and He shall reign for ever and ever  King of Kings,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and Lord of Lords,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  King of Kings,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and Lord of Lords,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  King of Kings,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and Lord of Lords,  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  King of Kings, and Lord of Lords,  and He shall reign for ever and ever  and He shall reign for ever and ever  King of Kings  for ever and ever. Hallelujah! Hallelujah!  and He shall reign for ever and ever,  for ever and ever,  King of Kings,  and Lord of Lords,  King of Kings,  and Lord of Lords,  and He shall reign for ever and ever,  King of Kings,  and Lord of Lords.  Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah

Kathryn Williams的《Hallelujah》 歌词

演唱者:Kathryn Williams歌名: Hallelujah编辑歌词者: 园园I heard there was a secret chordThat david played and it pleased the lordBut you dont really care for music do youhWell it goes like this the fourth the fifthThe minor fall and the major liftThe baffled king composingHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahhallelujahWell your faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew youAnd she tied you to her kitchen chairShe broke your throne and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the hallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahBaby I ve been here beforeI ve seen this room and I ve walked this flooryou knew I used to live alone before I knew youI ve seen your flag on the marble archBut love is not a victory marchIt s a cold and it s a brokenHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahWell there was a time when you let me knowWhat s really going on belowBut now you never show that to me do youBut remember when I moved in youAnd the holy dove was moving tooAnd every breath we drew wasHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujahHallelujah掌声………………………………………………http://music.baidu.com/song/582531


怪物史莱克1.Hallelujah是John Cale唱的,创作者Leonard Cohen。

Bigbang的hallelujah(哈利路亚啊 )韩文歌词

哈利路亚 [YB] I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" Yeah (yes) I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 Yeah 哈利路亚 (yes) I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt [GD] my soldier type Don"t touch me BIGBANG is dynamite Boom! thumbs up Rule 空无一人的凌晨街道 我孤身出动,不冷静就要失败 让我行动的命令 my soldier type Don"t touch me BIGBANG is dynamite Boom!声音响起同时丢了性命 开始的任务 处事的 Thumbs up! 对于我们来说,爱情只是奢侈品 冷血就是我们的Rule [TOP] question do nasty test me just blastin 24 又背叛了,删除残留的记忆 今日的同盟明日将是敌人 眼前的信任和背叛,冰冷的question do nasty test me just blastin 为何我无法拥有,那平凡的生活 为何无法拥有你,那已经是太迟 [YB] I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" TOP in the boom I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 TOP in the boom 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt [TOP] like a poker game pokerface son yo I"m the man TOP go stop 枪声砰砰呼啸 同时人生的钟声也当当作响,如风一般尖啸 在瞬间夺走我一切 like a poker game 越是那样 我越理智清醒 pokerface son yo 不能逃避那就享受吧,内心火热头脑冷静 将你身份隐藏吧 呼啸吧 就算不是背水一战 I"m the man TOP go 要么 stop [GD] shut up oather and go to heller catch me if you can understand we so fly good bye burned fire 徘徊寻找着猎物的孤独鬣狗 若你还巴望得到善待 shut up and go to heller 三岁小孩的技俩 catch me if you can 我在你上头玩儿呢 Understand? we so fly 朋友们啊 good bye 所有回忆 burned fire 绝对不要掉以轻心,在你晃神的瞬间,枪口已经对准你 [YB] I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" yeah GD in the boom I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 GD in the boom 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 我今天又悲喊着,向那上苍卑屈祈愿 发生在我身上的奇迹,将我推入波涛,我讨厌自己,遗失了自我 I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" yeah in the boom I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt 哈利路亚 (yes) I"m fallin" I"m fallin" fallin" 轰然倒塌的大楼里 太阳 in the boom 哈利路亚 I"m fallin" (yes)I"m fallin" (yes)fallin" shimmy shimmy yo 1,2 step action mission complete no doubt

Newsboys的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Newsboys专辑:AdorationHallelujahNewsboysAdoration: The Worship AlbumHallelujah - Newsboysby DomI"m looking upHolding outPressing forwardWithout a doubtLonging for the things unseenLonging for the things I believeMy true countryWe hope and waitFor the glorious dayAll tears will vanishWiped awayOn the saints this day already shinesOn the saints this day already shinesIt already shinesWe"ll be singing hallelujahWe"ll be singing hallelujahAt the top of our lungs, halle-le-lujahTo Your glory, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahWe"ll be singing hallelujahWe"ll be singing hallelujahWith all our breath, halle-le-lujahTo Your glory, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahAnd I know that it"s comingBut I can"t see it nowAnd I"ve touched it in momentsBut I can"t hold it yetAnd it glows in the darknessAnd it calls us awayTo our true destinationTo that glorious dayWe"ll be singing hallelujahWe"ll be singing hallelujahAt the top of our lungs, halle-le-lujahTo Your glory, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahWe"ll be singing hallelujahWe"ll be singing hallelujahWith all our breath, halle-le-lujahTo Your glory, hallelujahHallelujah, hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2550432

关于susan 的hallelujah这首歌词意思?

现在我听说有一个秘密的和弦 大卫喜欢的发挥,耶和华 但是你并不是真的关心音乐,对吗? 它是这样的 第四、五 次要的下降,主要电梯 王的困惑构成阿利路亚 阿利路亚阿利路亚 阿利路亚阿利路亚 你的信念是表现强劲,但你需要证明 你看见她沐浴在屋顶上 她的美貌和月光推翻了你 她把你 椅子进厨房 她打破了你的宝座,她把你的头发 从你的嘴唇

Jeff Buckley的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Jeff Buckley专辑:The Grace EpsHallelujahArtist: Jeff Buckleyi heard there was a secret chordthat david played and it pleased the lordbut you don"t really care for music, do youwell it goes like this the fourth, the fifththe minor fall and the major liftthe baffled king composing hallelujahhallelujah...well your faith was strong but you needed proofyou saw her bathing on the roofher beauty and the moonlight overthrew youshe tied you to her kitchen chairshe broke your throne and she cut your hairand from your lips she drew the hallelujahhallelujah...baby i"ve been here beforei"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floori used to live alone before i knew youi"ve seen your flag on the marble archbut love is not a victory marchit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...well there was a time when you let me knowwhat"s really going on belowbut now you never show that to me do youbut remember when i moved in youand the holy dove was moving tooand every breath we drew was hallelujahhallelujah...well, maybe there"s a god abovebut all i"ve ever learned from lovewas how to shoot somebody who outdrew youit"s not a cry that you hear at nightit"s not somebody who"s seen the lightit"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujahhallelujah...http://music.baidu.com/song/321092

Leonard Cohen的《Hallelujah》 歌词

歌曲名:Hallelujah歌手:Leonard Cohen专辑:COHEN LIVE - LEONARD COHEN LIVE IN CONCERTFor HanhanI"ve heard there was a secret chordThat David played and it pleased the LordBut you don"t really care for music, do you?it goes like this the fourth the fifthThe minor fall and the major liftThe baffled king composing HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYour faith was strong but you needed proofYou saw her bathing on the roofHer beauty and the moonlight overthrew yaShe tied you to her kitchen chairShe broke your throne and she cut your hairAnd from your lips she drew the HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahYou say I took the name in vainI don"t even know the nameBut if I did, will really, what"s it to ya?There"s a blaze of lightIn every wordIt doesn"t matter which you heardThe holy and or the broken hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahI did my best, it wasn"t muchI couldn"t feel, so I try to touchI"ve told the truth, I didn"t come to fool youAnd even though it all went wrongI"ll stand before the Lord of songWith nothing on my tongue but hallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, HallelujahHallelujah, Hallelujahhttp://music.baidu.com/song/32701769


"Hallelujah"为加拿大著名游吟诗人、民谣歌手Leonard Cohen在1985年创作的歌曲,收录在其专辑"Various Positions"中。其歌词充满诗意,内涵丰富,曲调缓慢忧伤,加上Leonard沧桑嗓音的低吟浅唱,演绎出了一种清淡而悠长的回味。其歌词充满诗意,内涵丰富,曲调缓慢忧伤,加上Leonard沧桑嗓音的低吟浅唱,演绎出了一种清淡而悠长的回味。扩展资料:Hallelujah的版本很多,其中最有影响力的还是美国著名创作型歌手Jeff Buckley的翻唱版本,被收录在其1994年的专辑"Grace"中。Jeff被U2的Bono形容为“噪海中的纯净一滴”,他的声音明丽甜蜜又性感缥缈,诠释起悲伤和记忆来却更令人印象深刻。Now I"ve heard there was a secret chord 我听说曾有一个神秘的和弦That David played and it pleased the Lord 是大卫王为取悦主所奏参考资料来源:百度百科-hallelujah


我听说有一个秘密的和弦  Dtvid玩,高兴是耶和华说的  但是你不在乎对音乐,对吗?  它是这样的  第四,第五  轻微下跌,主要的提升  困惑王创作哈利路亚  哈利路亚,哈利路亚  哈利路亚,哈利路亚  你的信仰是强劲,但你需要证明  你看见她沐浴在屋顶上  她的美貌在月光下推翻你  她把你绑在厨房的椅子上  她打破了你的宝座,她剪你的头发  从你的嘴唇


i heard there was a secret chord 我的知有一种神秘的乐弦。that david played and it pleased the lord 由大卫演奏以此来取悦上帝。but you don"t really care for music, do you 但你真的不关注音乐,你是这样的吗?well it goes like this the fourth, the fifth 当它向上:第四,第五(可能是指音乐升上去)the minor fall and the major lift 短音阶降下,大音阶上升the baffled king composing hallelujah 困惑的国王谱写了哈利路亚hallelujah... 哈利路亚 (赞美上帝之词)well your faith was strong but you needed proof 你的信念很坚强,但你需要得到证明you saw her bathing on the roof 你看见她在房顶上沐浴her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you 她的美和月光震慑了你she tied you to her kitchen chair 她把你束缚在了她厨房的椅子上she broke your throne and she cut your hair 她打破了你的宝座,割断了你的头发and from your lips she drew the hallelujah 从你的嘴唇上她嗅到了哈利路亚 hallelujah... 哈利路亚 baby i"ve been here before 宝贝我以前来过这里i"ve seen this room and i"ve walked this floor 我见过这间房子,我漫步过这儿的地板i used to live alone before i knew you 在我认识你之前我一个人独自居住i"ve seen your flag on the marble arch 我看到在大理石的拱门上竖立着你的旗帜but love is not a victory march 但爱不是胜利凯旋it"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujah 它是冰冷的,破碎的,哈利路亚hallelujah... 哈利路亚well there was a time when you let me know 有一段日子你让我知道what"s really going on below 接下来真的会发生些什么事but now you never show that to me do you 但你从来也不向我展现你自己,你是这样的吗but remember when i moved in you 但记住当我的心向你靠近and the holy dove was moving too 神圣的鸽子也靠近了and every breath we drew was hallelujah 我们每次的呼吸都是哈利路亚well, maybe there"s a god above 可能天上真有上帝but all i"ve ever learned from love 但我从爱学到的was how to shoot somebody who outdrew you 是如何对更能吸引你的人开枪it"s not a cry that you hear at night 你晚上听到的不是哭泣声it"s not somebody who"s seen the light 不是看见过光线的某人it"s a cold and it"s a broken hallelujah 它是冰冷的,破碎的,哈利路亚hallelujah...哈利路亚(赞美上帝)



歌曲Shawn Mcdonald——Hallelujah中英文歌词对照翻译。 Blessed a



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如何设置Parallels Desktop从Boot Camp分区运行Windows

Boot Camp 是 Mac OS X 的一项可使 Mac 在 Windows 中启动的功能。如果您已经使用 Boot Camp 在 Mac上安装Win7,那么可以设置 Parallels Desktop 从 Boot Camp 分区运行 Windows,具体操作步骤如下:使用 Mac 现有的 Boot Camp 分区创建虚拟机。无论是您在 Mac OS X 环境下或者通过 Boot Camp 将 Mac 启动为 Windows 环境下对于 Windows 程序作出的更改都将会同时在两个地方体现。注意: Parallels Desktop 仅支持使用 Apple Boot Camp 助理创建的 Boot Camp 分区。如果您是通过其它第三方软件创建的 Boot Camp 分区,Parallels Desktop 可能会不支持。1、启动 Parallels Desktop。2、进入文件菜单 u25ba 新建3、在 Parallels 向导中,选择从Boot Camp使用Windows,然后点击继续4.如果在 Parallels 向导中没有出现选项从 Boot Camp 使用 Windows但是您又确定您的 Mac 有已安装 Windows 的 Boot Camp 分区,则请选择安装 Windows 或其它操作系统 (从 DVD 或镜像文件),然后点击 继续5.在下一页请点击手动查找6.在下一页,请勾选 没有指定源也继续 复选框7.请选择在 Boot Camp 中安装的操作系统类型8.请确保已勾选安装前设定复选框点击继续9.在 配置 中转入 硬件 选项卡 -> HardDisk1,从源下拉列表中选择您的物理 Boot Camp 分区10.关闭 配置 然后继续安装。


probablely 可能potentially副词 ad.1. 潜在地;可能地2. 【古】强有力地;权威地


最近的爬虫项目里涉及往ES中大量写入数据,因此做了一些调研。 总而言之,py-elasticsearch库推荐使用helper.bulk相关函数进行批量写入(实际是批量执行,不仅限于写入),而bulk有三个相关函数: 官方文档: https://elasticsearch-py.readthedocs.io/en/master/helpers.html#example 结论:如果对写入耗时要求不高,用bulk()即可;如果需要判断每一条写入的返回状态,用streaming_bulk();追求速度的话,用parallel_bulk()。



Alleluia (Arripe Alpestri Ad Vallem) 歌词

歌曲名:Alleluia (Arripe Alpestri Ad Vallem)歌手:Gérard Lesne专辑:MotetsMatt McCoy - AlleluiaFaithful, You are faithful to meLove never yielding, a sweet melodyIn Your eyes I can see an inviting peaceLovely, You are lovely to meAnd all of creation in sweet harmonyWith heaven we sing and worship our KingAlleluia, AlleluiaPraise to You, Praise to YouAlleluiaMighty, You are mighty to meYour name, like no other, gives strength to the weakAnd though I may fail Your love never willHoly, You are holy to meYour power surpasses all nations and kingsBut You"re not out of reach, You"re living in meAlleluia, AlleluiaPraise to You, Praise to YouAlleluiaYour mercy, Your mercyIt rains down on me and washes me cleanYour mercy, Your mercyOh it rains down on me and washes me cleanYour mercy, Your mercyYeah it rains down on me and washes me cleanAlleluia, AlleluiaPraise to You, Praise to YouAlleluiaAlleluia, AlleluiaPraise to You God, Praise to YouAlleluiahttp://music.baidu.com/song/3471723
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