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  感恩,就是对别人所给的帮助表示感激,也是指对他人帮助的回报。那么,你知道感恩的英语怎么说吗?现在跟我一起来学习关于感恩的英语知识吧。   感恩的英文释义   thanksgiving   owes   owed   give thanks   owe   感恩的英文例句    感恩节 在美国,一部分是宗教的节日,一部分是狂欢的节日。   Thanksgiving in the United States is partly a religious festival, and partly a gala day.   承蒙帮助,感恩不尽。   We owe you a debt of gratitude for you help.   我们邀请她和我们一起吃感恩节晚餐。   We invite her to have Thanksgiving dinner with us.   感恩节的日期每年不同。   Thanksgiving is a movable holiday.   感恩。感恩是心灵开出的最美丽的花朵。   Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.   感恩的心是一颗敬拜的心;对神充满爱慕和感恩带来敬拜。   The grateful heart is evidence of a worshipping heart.   如果你想培养出一个会感恩的孩子,你也必须时时展示感恩之情。   If you want a grateful child you must show gratitude.   为送出的礼物感恩,也为收到的礼物感恩。   Be thankful for the gifts you gave as much as the gifts you received.   其实,有最多事情值得感恩的人,却最不会感恩。   Sometimes those who have the most reason to give thanks are the least thankful.   没有什么比一颗感恩的心更值得尊重。   Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart.   但是我们应该感恩的。   But we should be thankful.   我应该对什么报以感恩的心呢?   What do I have to be thankful for?   而你对她的感恩回报,就是跳下车头也不回地就走了。   You thanked her by jumping out of the car and never looking back.   让他们知道他们得到了一个感恩的国度的尊重和支持。   Let them know that they have the respect and support of a grateful nation.   感恩和动机。   Gratitude and motivation.   那些参与活动的人们感到他们认识我,因为我的心,真实的自我,我的感恩,全都投入在这件事情上。   People who participate feel like they know me, because my heart, my authenticself, my gratitude, is all up in this thing.   而你对她的感恩回报,就是请她坐到另一排去。   You thanked her by asking to sit in a row.   那就感恩你有工作。   Be grateful you have work.   无论在你生活中发生了什么,你的家人始终是你的家人。如果他们在你周围,你应该为此而感恩——去问问那些失去了亲人的人。   Whatever happens in life your family remains your family and if you have themaround you then you should be thankful for that u2013 just ask someone who has lostfamily members.   感恩是双份幸福,因为它同时祝福给予者和接受者。   Gratitude is double happiness because it blesses both the giver and the receiver.   或许,你可以找个安静的地方坐下来,找张纸、找支笔,然后写下你这一生中所有想要表示感恩的东西,他们可小可大,也可以是愚蠢的,也可以是值得让你骄傲的。   Sit down with a piece of paper and pen somewhere quiet, and write down all thethings in your life that you want to say thank you for. They can be little or big, sillyor profound.   而你对她的感恩回报,就是问她能否掏钱让你去欧洲旅行。   You thanked her by asking whether she could pay for a trip to Europe.   我们可以失去工作,但会为拥有爱人而感恩不已;   We can lose our jobs,but be grateful for our spouses.   我认为感恩还与这样的人生相关联——一生都意识到美好的事物就在我们身边。   I think gratitude also relates to a full life spent in awareness of all the good thingsthat surround us.   这是感恩的力量和疗伤作用。   There is power and healing in gratitude.   由于上帝的恩惠,我现在可以把心思集中在感恩上了。   Through the grace of God, I am now able to focus on my gratitude.   当我们定期对我们拥有的事物进行感恩的动作时,我们会更加欣赏他们。   When we regularly take time to be thankful for the things we have, we appreciatethem more.   我学会了感恩与宽恕。   I learned gratitude and forgiveness.   我将我所有的感恩和愉悦注入到走路中。   I gather all my thanksgiving and delight into my walking.   感恩的人并不会拒绝或者忽略生活消极的侧面。   Grateful people do not deny or ignore the negative aspects of life.   关于感恩的 英语阅读 :懂得感恩的人会做这10件事   1. Journal.   1.记 日记 。   Research has shown that writing down what you"re thankful for can lead to a multitude of wellness benefits. In order to reap the full benefits of journaling, Emmons,a gratitude researcher and psychology professor at the University of California, recommends writing for five to 10 minutes every other day. "You really need to commit to doing it, and if you write it down eventually it will become more automatic," Emmons says. "It"s like exercise, you need to have a plan. You need to have a gratitude action plan, whether it"s waking up and writing in the morning or in the evening before you go to sleep."   研究显示记下你所感激的东西对健康大有益处。为了充分发挥记日记的好处,加利福尼亚大学的感恩研究员兼心理学教授埃蒙斯建议每隔一天写5-10分钟日记。埃蒙斯说:“你真的需要专心投入,如果你都写下来,最终会成为习惯。就像做锻炼需要有一个计划,你要有一个感恩行动计划,无论是早起写日记还是晚上睡前写都可以。”   2. Don"t avoid the negative.   2. 不会躲避消极的东西。   Expressing gratitude may generate more optimism, but thankful people also don"t shy away from the negative. Emmons says that while we often associate gratitude with focusing on the good and avoiding the bad, the key to leading a thankful life is embracing setbacks as part of your overall journey. Emmons suggests recalling a hard time you once experienced -- chances are, you"ll start to feel grateful for your current state and overcoming former challenges.   表达感恩会产生更多乐观情绪,但感恩的人也不会躲避消极情绪。埃蒙斯称,我们总是觉着感恩就是关注好事、躲避坏事,但生活中感恩的关键是把挫折视为整个生命旅程的一部分。埃蒙斯建议你回忆曾经历过的一段困难时期,然后你可能就会开始因目前的状态和成功应对了之前的挑战而感恩。   3. Spend time with loved ones...   3. 和爱的人在一起u2026   Thankful people know they didn"t get to where they are by themselves -- and they make it a habit to spend time with those people who matter most. "Gratitude really helps us connect to other people," Emmons says. "It actually strengthens relationships and relationships are the strongest predictors of happiness and coping with stress."   感恩的人知道走到现在不是靠他们自己——他们养成了和对他们最重要的人在一起的习惯。埃蒙斯说:“感恩真的能帮我们和其他人联系在一起,真的增强了人际关系,而人际关系是幸福和应付压力最强有力的预示。”   4. ...And tell them you love them.   4....还要告诉他们你爱他们。   Expressing appreciation for loved ones can also help create a closeness by allowing others to see how you look at them. And stating how much you appreciate your loved ones pays off. A recent study published in the journal Personal Relationships found that couples who expressed gratitude in their relationship had better marriages.   对你爱的人表达感激让他们知道你多在乎他们,这也有助于增进感情。向你所爱的人表达你的感激也会有回报,最近的一项发表在《人际关系》杂志上的研究发现,夫妻相处时表达感激会提高婚姻质量。   5. Use social media mindfully.   5. 谨慎使用社交网络。   Emmons says, thankful people mindfully take advantage of social media. "[Thankful people] use whatever cues that exist in everyday environments to trigger grateful thoughts," he says. Research has found that positive thoughts shared on social media spread faster than than negative. Emmons suggests assembling an archive of postings on Facebook and Instagram to pull from when you need a reminder to be grateful. This method will help you cue happy memories through pages that you normally visit on a daily basis. "Technology and devices are criticized because you"re less connected, but if used correctly I think it can be the opposite," Emmons said.   埃蒙斯说:“感恩的人谨慎利用社交网络。u2018感恩的人u2019会把生活环境中一切情绪都转化为感恩。”研究发现社交网络上分享的积极思想比消极思想传播得更快,埃蒙斯建议搜集大量Facebook和Instagram上的帖子来提醒你要感恩。这个 方法 能通过你每天都访问的那些页面给你带来幸福回忆的暗示。埃蒙斯说:“现代技术和设备之所以受到批判,是因为你与身边人的联系减少了,但如果使用得当,我认为它们会有相反的效果。”   6. Know the value of the little things...   6.知道小事的价值u2026   There"s power in the small, ordinary moments, like catching the subway before the doors close or your pet greeting your happily when you get home. Look for a few things to add to your gratitude lis.   细微的普通瞬间蕴含力量,像关门之前挤上地铁或者到家时宠物给你快乐的问候。寻找一些小事来感恩吧。   7. ...Then help others appreciate them, too.   7....而且帮助别人也来对这些小事感恩。   Small acts of kindness make a difference in a big way when it comes to cultivating gratitude. Thankful people make it a habit to acknowledge and pay forward each bit of kindness that comes their way, whether it"s a simple compliment, help on a task or getting flowers. Research shows this type of kindness makes both you and the other person happier.   培养感恩时,小的善举会有大的影响。感恩的人会养成一种习惯,承认并传播一切他们见识到的善意,无论是简单的称赞、帮助完成任务还是收到鲜花。研究表明这种善良使你和他人都更幸福。   8. Volunteer.   8. 做志愿者。   Everyone needs a little help sometimes -- and grateful people know there"s no other way to acknowledge this than by actively doing something about it. In his book Thanks!, Emmons wrote,"Since service to others helped them to ufb01nd their own inner spirituality, they were grateful for the opportunity to serve". As research published in BMC Public Health points out, volunteering can result in lower feelings of depression and increased overall well-being.   每个人有时都需要一点帮助,而感恩的人知道只有通过积极帮助别人才能意识到这一点。埃蒙斯在他的《感谢》一书中写道:“为他人服务帮助他们发现内在精神,因此他们会感恩为他人服务的机会。”正如《BMC公共健康》上发表的研究所指出的,志愿者工作会减少沮丧的感觉,提升整体幸福感。   9. Get moving.   9. 行动起来。   They may not seem similar, but gratitude and fitness can go hand-in-hand. According to Emmons"s 2003 study, people who practiced gratitude also engaged in more exercise. The results also found that study participants had fewer dietary restrictions and were less likely to smoke or abuse alcohol.   感恩和健康可能看起来没什么相似之处,但它们确实息息相关。根据埃蒙斯2003年的研究,经常表达感恩的人也会积极投身运动。研究结果也发现,研究对象没那么多饮食限制,也很少吸烟酗酒。   10. Love yourself.   10. 爱自己。   Grateful people know that their thankful attitude can also fuel self-compassion. A study published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences found that higher levels of gratitude were associated with greater self-esteem. And it"s no wonder: When your well-being is a priority, you can"t help but feel great. Thankful for being the person that you are? That should be at the top of your gratitude list.   感恩的人知道他们感恩的态度也会使他们产生自我怜悯。一项发表在《人格与个别差异》杂志上的研究发现,高度感恩与高度自尊有联系。难怪当你把幸福列为头等大事时,你就会感觉良好。感谢自己成为现在这样的人?这应该是你最该感恩的东西。 猜你喜欢: 1. thanks为题目英语作文 2. 关于感恩的英语格言 3. 关于感恩的英语名言 4. 关于感恩的英文句子 5. 表达感恩的英文句子 6. 关于感恩的英文句子

端午节快乐用英语怎么说 端午节快乐英文例句

1、端午节快乐英语:Happy Dragon Boat Festival。 2、例句,记住:你微笑时我的世界也微笑,祝端午节快乐!Remember: you smile smile of my world, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy! 3、让这件外套紧紧伴着你度过每分每秒,祝端午节快乐!Let this coat tightly with pass every minute near you, wish Dragon Boat Festival is happy!


试试看、尝试一下…英文 要怎么说?比方说如果你的朋友很害怕尝试某些东西,你该怎么用英文鼓励对方试试看、尝试一下没试过的东西呢?本篇文章教你各种英文口语说法,让你可以用来鼓励你那些胆小的朋友,让他们勇于尝试不同的事物。 下面会教学各种「试试看、尝试一下」的口语英文说法,如果你还不知道这些例句、口语英文是什么意思,那就赶快学起来吧! 内容目录 1.Have a go at it. 试试看、试一试 Have a go at it. 是指「试试看」的意思,这里的 a go = a try。所以其实意思等同于 Have a try at it.。 例: Come on! Have a go at it. 来吧!试试看。 类似的说法还有很多。 例: Take a shot at it. 试试看。 这里的 a shot = a try。 例: Take a stab at it. 试试看。 这里的 a stab = a try。 类似的说法还有下面两句。 例: Take a crack at it. Have a crack at it. 试试看吧! 这里的 a crack = a try。 2.It won"t hurt you to try it. 试试看,不会伤到你的 这句话特别适合用来鼓励别人尝试一些新东西,尤其是对方没做过的事,你就可以这样说。 例: It won"t hurt you to try it. 试试看,不会伤到你的 你也可以这样说。 例: Everybody"s doing it. Everyone else is doing it. 大家都这样做。 3.It"s all the rage. 这现在很流行 Be all the rage 是一个英文片语,要记下来唷,Be all the rage 是指「风靡一时,非常时兴,十分流行」的意思。 例: It"s all the rage. 这很潮。 这里的 the rage = the current fad,也就是指最近流行的东西。 例: Long hair for women was all the rage in the 60s. 在60年代,女人留长发风靡一时。 4.try your luck 碰碰运气、试试看 try your luck 是指试试看、碰碰运气的意思,即便很可能失败。 例: Why not try your luck? 为何不试试运气呢? 5.See what you can do. 试看看你能做什么 See what you can do. 跟字面上的意思一样,就是指「看一下你能做什么」的意思。 当你的朋友没尝试过某样东西,而你想鼓励对方试试看,你就可以说:Let"s see what you can do.。 例: Why not see what you can do? 为什么不试看看你能做些什么? 上面就是当你想鼓励朋友、鼓励别人试试看、尝试一些东西时,你可以用的常见口语说法,赶快学起来,下次用来对你朋友说吧。 总结 下面整理常见口语英文,你可以拿来鼓励你的朋友试试看某些新事物。 1.Have a go at it. 试试看、试一试 2.It won"t hurt you to try it. 试试看,不会伤到你的 3.It"s all the rage. 这现在很流行 4.try your luck 碰碰运气、试试看 5.See what you can do. 试看看你能做什么。 尝试 英文, 尝试一下 英文, 试一试 英文, 试试看 英文


MonkeyKing的例句是:TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的例句是:TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的意思是n.美猴王(指孙悟空)。一、网络释义点此查看MonkeyKing的详细内容 孙悟空孙悟空(MonkeyKing):斗克服佛;猪八戒(Pig):净坛使臣; 美猴王美猴王(MonkeyKing):JasperNationalPark,Canada 西游记更多相关信息在百度搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在谷歌搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在雅虎搜西游记-孙敬修播讲(MonkeyKing)的信息在搜狗搜西游记... 猴王这节目讲的是猴王(MonkeyKing)的故事。。二、例句TheMonkeyKingisnotjustanynormalmonkey.美猴王不是普通的猴子。Fouryearslater,hebegantolearntoperformtheMonkeyKing,atraditionalcharacterfromtheChineseclassicstoryJourneytotheWest.四年后,他开始学习表演中国经典故事《西游记》中的传统角色美猴王。TheMonkeyKinghasamagicstick.齐天大圣有一根魔杖。MonkeyKing的相关临近词monkey、monkeypod点此查看更多关于MonkeyKing的详细信息


1.Simile 明喻明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性. 标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等. e.g. He is something of a political chameleon. 他有点像政治上的变色龙。 2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻 隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成. 1>.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper. 有的时候希望越大,失望的痛苦就越深。 2>.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. 有一些书浅尝即可,有一些可以囫囵吞枣,还有一些应该慢慢咀嚼消化。 3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻 借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称. I.以容器代替内容,例如: 1>.The kettle boils. 水开了. 2>.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着. II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如: Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说. III.以作者代替作品,例如: a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如: I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱. 4.Synecdoche 提喻 提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般. 1>.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体) 他的厂里约有100名工人. 2>.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般) 他是本世纪的牛顿. 3>.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分) 这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配. 5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉 这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉”。比如朱自清《荷塘月色》里的“ 微风过处送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的”。 1>.The birds sat upon a tree and poured forth their lily-like voice.(用视觉形容听觉,鸟落在树上,由它发出的声音联想到百合花)鸟儿落在树上,倾泻出百合花似的声音. 2>.Taste the music of Mozart.(用嗅觉形容听觉)品尝Mozart的音乐. 6.Personification 拟人 拟人是把生命赋予无生命的事物. 1>.The night gently lays her hand at our fevered heads.(把夜拟人化) 2>.I was very happy and could hear the birds singing in the woods.(把鸟拟人化) 7.Hyperbole 夸张 夸张是以言过其实的说法表达强调的目的.它可以加强语势,增加表达效果.. 1>.Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars. 2>.When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out. 8.Parallelism 排比, 平行 这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的短语.句子排列成串,形成一个整体. 1>.No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy. 2>.In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours, the last of your bad race, to answer for them. In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I sum


专四英语中19种修辞及例句   引导语:专四英语中19种修辞及例句,由应届毕业生培训网整理而成,谢谢您的阅读,祝您阅读愉快   1.Simile 明喻   明喻是将具有共性的不同事物作对比.这种共性存在于人们的心里,而不是事物的自然属性.   标志词常用 like, as, seem, as if, as though, similar to, such as等.   例如:   1.He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.   2.I wandered lonely as a cloud.   3.Einstein only had a blanket on, as if he had just walked out of a fairy tale.   2.Metaphor 隐喻,暗喻   隐喻是简缩了的明喻,是将某一事物的名称用于另一事物,通过比较形成.   例如:   1.Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper.   2.Some books are to be tasted, others swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.   3.Metonymy 借喻,转喻   借喻不直接说出所要说的事物,而使用另一个与之相关的事物名称.   I.以容器代替内容,例如:   1.The kettle boils. 水开了.   2.The room sat silent. 全屋人安静地坐着.   II.以资料.工具代替事物的名称,例如:   Lend me your ears, please. 请听我说.   III.以作者代替作品,例如:   a complete Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集   VI.以具体事物代替抽象概念,例如:   I had the muscle, and they made money out of it. 我有力气,他们就用我的力气赚钱.   4.Synecdoche 提喻   提喻用部分代替全体,或用全体代替部分,或特殊代替一般.   例如:   1.There are about 100 hands working in his factory.(部分代整体)   他的厂里约有100名工人.   2.He is the Newton of this century.(特殊代一般)   他是本世纪的牛顿.   3.The fox goes very well with your cap.(整体代部分)   这狐皮围脖与你的帽子很相配.   5.Synaesthesia 通感,联觉,移觉   这种修辞法是以视.听.触.嗅.味等感觉直接描写事物.通感就是把不同感官的感觉沟通起来,借联想引起感觉转移,“以感觉写感觉”。   通感技巧的运用,能突破语言的局限,丰富表情达意的审美情趣,起到增强文采的艺术效果。比如:欣赏建筑的重复与   变化的样式会联想到音乐的重复与变化的节奏;闻到酸的东西会联想到尖锐的物体;听到飘渺轻柔的音乐会联想到薄薄的   半透明的纱子;又比如朱自清《荷塘月色》里的“ 微风过处送来缕缕清香,仿佛远处高楼上渺茫的歌声似的”。   例如:   1.The birds sat upon a tree and poured forth their lily like voice.(用视觉形容听觉,鸟落在树上,由它发出的声音联想到百合花)鸟儿落在树上,倾泻出百合花似的声音.   2.Taste the music of Mozart.(用嗅觉形容听觉)   品尝Mozart的音乐.   6.Personification 拟人   拟人是把生命赋予无生命的事物.   例如:   1.The night gently lays her hand at our fevered heads.(把夜拟人化)   2.I was very happy and could hear the birds singing in the woods.(把鸟拟人化)   7.Hyperbole 夸张   夸张是以言过其实的.说法表达强调的目的.它可以加强语势,增加表达效果..   例如:   1.I beg a thousand pardons.   2.Love you. You are the whole world to me, and the moon and the stars.   3.When she heard the bad news, a river of tears poured out.   8.Parallelism 排比, 平行   这种修辞法是把两个或两个以上的结构大体相同或相似,意思相关,语气一致的短语.句子排列成串,形成一个整体.   例如:   1.No one can be perfectly free till all are free; no one can be perfectly moral till all are moral; no one can be perfectly happy till all are happy.   2.In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon you and yours, to the last of your bad race, to answer for them. In the days when all these things are to be answered for, I summon your brother, the worst of your bad race, to answer for them separately.   9.Euphemism 委婉,婉辞法   婉辞法指用委婉,文雅的方法表达粗恶,避讳的话.   例如:   1.He is out visiting the necessary. 他出去方便一下.   2.His relation with his wife has not been fortunate. 他与妻子关系不融洽.   3.Deng Xiaoping passed away in 1997. (去世)   10.Allegory 讽喻,比方(原意“寓言”)   建立在假借过去或别处的事例与对象之上,传达暗示,影射或者讥讽现世各种现象的含义。   英文解释:an expressive style that uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor 摘自英语专业《大学英语教程》一书   这是一种源于希腊文的修辞法,意为"换个方式的说法".它是一种形象的描述,具有双重性,表层含义与真正意味的是两回事.   例如:   1.Make the hay while the sun shines.   表层含义:趁着出太阳的时候晒草   真正意味:趁热打铁   2.It"s time to turn plough into sword.   表层含义:是时候把犁变成剑   11.Irony 反语   反语指用相反意义的词来表达意思的作文方式.如在指责过失.错误时,用赞同过失的说法,而在表扬时,则近乎责难的说法.   例如:   1.It would be a fine thing indeed not knowing what time it was in the morning.   早上没有时间观念还真是一件好事啊(真实含义是应该明确早上的时间观念)   2"Of course, you only carry large notes, no small change on you. "the waiter said to the beggar.   12.Pun 双关   双关就是用一个词在句子中的双重含义,借题发挥.作出多种解释,旁敲侧击,从而达到意想不到的幽默.滑稽效果.它主要以相似的词形.词意和谐音的方式出现.   例如:   1.She is too low for a high praise, too brown for a fair praise and too little for a great praise.   2.An ambassador is an honest man who lies abroad for the good of his country.   3.If we don"t hang together, we shall hang separately.   13.Parody 仿拟   这是一种模仿名言.警句.谚语,改动其中部分词语,从而使其产生新意的修辞.   例如:   1.Rome was not built in a day, nor in a year.   2.A friend in need is a friend to be avoided.   3.If you give a girl an inch nowadays she will make address of it.   14.Rhetorical question 修辞疑问(反问)   它与疑问句的不同在于它并不以得到答复为目的,而是以疑问为手段,取得修辞上的效果,其特点是:肯定问句表示强烈否定,而否定问句表示强烈的肯定.它的答案往往是不言而喻的.   例如:   1.How was it possible to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worth of note?   2.Shall we allow those untruths to go unanswered?   15.Antithesis 对照,对比,对偶   这种修辞指将意义完全相反的语句排在一起对比的一种修辞方法.   例如:   1.Not that I loved Caeser less but that I loved Romemore.   2.You are staying; I am going.   3.Give me liberty, or give me death.   16.Paradox 隽语   这是一种貌似矛盾,但包含一定哲理的意味深长的说法,是一种矛盾修辞法..   例如:   1.More haste, less speed.欲速则不达   2.The child is the father to the man.(童年时代可决定人之未来)三岁看大,四岁看老。   17.Oxymoron 反意法,逆喻   这也是一种矛盾修辞法,用两种不相调和的特征形容一个事物,以不协调的搭配使读者领悟句中微妙的含义.   例如:   1.No light, but rather darkness visible.没有光亮,黑暗却清晰可见   2.The state of this house is cheerless welcome.   18.Climax 渐进法,层进法   这种修辞是将一系列词语按照意念的大小.轻重.深浅.高低等逐层渐进,最后达到顶点.可以增强语势,逐渐加深读者印象.   例如:   1.I am sorry, I am so sorry, I am so extremely sorry.   2.Eye had not seen nor ear heard, and nothing had touched his heart of stone.   19.Anticlimax 渐降法   与climax相反的一种修辞法,将一系列词语由大到小,由强到弱地排列.   例如:   1.On his breast he wears his decorations, at his side a sword, on his feet a pair of boots.   2.The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes. ;


that,which在从句中坐动词宾语时,常常可以省略;但作介宾时则不能省。 2.which只可指代物,that则指代人或物。(在定语从句中都作主语、宾语、表语) 3.在定从中,关系代词that不能用在介词前,这时应用which。如果将介词放在定从的其他位置(一般是动词后或句末),则引导的关系代词两者皆可,甚至可以省略。 4.that和which都可以指物,这时一般都可通用,但当先行词为all,everything,something,nothing,anything等不定代词,或先行词被形容词最高级或the very,the only或first ,second,last等序数词修饰时通常用that,不用which。 5.在非限制性定从中,不用that,只能用which。

放风筝用英语怎么说 例句展示

1、“放风筝”的英文表达法:baifly a kite、fly kites 2、例句展示 : Let"s head for the mountain and fly a kite. 我们去山上放风du筝吧。 What can you do in fall? I can fly kites. 秋天你可以zhi干什么?我可以放风筝。 Do you want to fly to kite? 你想去放风筝吗? Lets fly a kite together at the weekend! 这个周末我们一起去放风筝吧!

儿童基金会的英文翻译 儿童基金会英文怎么说 儿童基金会的英文例句

儿童基金会的英文翻译与发音 儿童基金会 儿童基金会的中英文例句与用法 提交更多儿童基金会的相关例句 儿童基金会的相关词汇及其英文翻译 儿童基金会的英文翻译与发音 [értóng jījīnhuì] UNICEF (United Nation"s Children"s fund) unicef [ju:nisef] United Nations International Children"sEmergency Fund,联合国儿童基金会 united [ju"naitid] adj.联合的,团结的,一致的 nation [neiu0283(u04d9)n] n.国家,民族 children [tu0283ildru04d9n] n.(pl.)孩子,孩子们 fund [fu028cnd] n.资金,基金 v.支助,投资 儿童基金会的中英文例句与用法 儿童基金会知名人士支助者指导方针;Guidelines for unicef celebrity supporters;儿童基金会营养支助方案;Unicef joint nutrition support programme;儿童基金会政策和程式手册;Unicef policy and procedures manual;各国儿童基金会委员会全球会议;Global reunion of unicef national mittees;联合国儿童基金会是个国际慈善组织。Unicef is an international charity.詹娜这本书的部分收益将捐给联合国儿童基金会。Some of the book proceeds will go to unicef.驻巴尔干地区波兰儿童基金会Poiish unicef deiegation in the baikans. 提交更多儿童基金会的相关例句 儿童基金会的相关词汇及其英文翻译 儿童基金会 UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会 United Nations Children""s Fund


  welcome有欢迎;受欢迎的等意思,那么你知道welcome的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   welcome的用法:   welcome的用法1:welcome的意思是“欢迎”,可以表示欢迎某人,也可表示对某事物作出的反应,引申可表示“对某事物感到愉快或满意”“乐于接受,希望有”等。   welcome的用法2:welcome是及物动词,接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。welcome接动名词作宾语时,该动名词可加名词或代词的所有格或宾格表示其逻辑主体。   welcome的用法3:welcome用作形容词的意思是“受欢迎的,令人愉快的”,指心理活动,表示无形的欢迎,是持续的状态,在句中可用作定语或表语。   welcome的用法4:welcome也可作“可随便占有的,可随便做的”解,在句中只用作表语,其后多接动词不定式或介词to引起的 短语 。   welcome的用法5:welcome可用very修饰。   welcome的用法6:welcome用作名词的意思是“欢迎,迎接”,指亲切或热情的招呼、接待或招待,表示欢迎的行为,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。   welcome的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   welcome back (v.+adv.)   welcome in (v.+adv.)   welcome to (v.+prep.)   welcome with (v.+prep.)   用作形容词 (adj.)   as welcome as the flowers in May   You are welcome   用作名词 (n.)   outstay one"s welcome   wear out one"s welcome   welcome的用法例句:   1. Cranston and others were improperly trying to weigh in on the decision.   克兰斯顿和其他人都不合时宜地想在这个决定中发表高见。   2. I learned how to weigh out packages of seed.   我学会了如何称出袋装种子的重量。   3. I agreed to help him weigh it out.   我答应帮他称一下。   4. You always weigh less in the morning.   早晨体重总是会轻一些。   5. His remarks does not weigh with me at all.   他的话对我一点也不重要.   6. Weigh that loaf of bread on the balance , please.   把那块面包放在秤上称一称.   7. Please weigh the above points and see if they are practicable.   以上几点意见是否可行,请酌定.   8. At birth, most babies weigh between 6 and 8 pounds.   大多数婴儿出生时的体重在6磅到8磅之间.   9. When did you weigh last?   你上次是什么时候称体重的?   10. The ship is about to weigh anchor.   船将启碇.   11. Don"t let it weigh on your mind.   你不要因此背包袱.   12. His years weigh him down.   年岁使他衰颓.   13. How many pounds do you weigh?   你体重多少磅?   14. Weigh this in your hand.   掂掂这有多重.   15. Do you often weigh yourself?   你常称体重吗?

粉色怎么读英语单词 粉色英语例句介绍

1、粉色的英文是:pink。音标:英[p??k];美[p??k]。 2、双语例句 Im going to paint the walls white and the ceiling pink.我打算把墙壁刷成白色,把天花板刷成粉红色。 She was dressed in pink.她穿着粉红色的衣服。 Mr. Long was now cutting himself a piece of the pink cake.朗先生正在给自己切一块粉色蛋糕。






很多场合都会需要人们打扮起来,可能是希望你穿 *** art casual ,也有可能需要你穿 evening wear,到底这些什么 work attire 是什么意思呢?英文老师 Benjamin 在 Engvid 上分享了一连串跟「穿衣」有关的用法,从怎么叫别人穿着正式服装,到怎么赞美别人的衣服,应有尽有! 1. 如何叫别人穿特定服装出席 Dress up! 请盛装出席! Vamp it up! 打扮好再来! 这是一个派对用语,大部分是对女生说的,因为 Vamp it up 包含化妆的部分,说话者会期待对方完妆出现。 Put your glad rags on! 请盛装出席! 这也是派对用语,男女通用,意思就是希望对方要打扮好来参加派对。 Wear… / Put on… 请穿着 … 出席。 这是一个比较基本的用法,适用于各种场合。 2. 衣着种类 Sunday best 最好的服饰 这个用法源自于礼拜天做礼拜时,人们会穿上最好的服饰出席,所以如果要对方穿 Sunday best 出席活动时,就是希望对方要穿着最好的服饰出席。 Smart casual 体面的衣服 *** art casual 是要对方穿着体面,可以展现出专业的一面。 Evening wear / black tie tuxedo 晚礼服;(晚宴会穿的)衣服 / 燕尾服 晚宴都办在晚上,所以 evening wear 就是出席晚宴会穿着的正式服装。 Professional work attire 上班正式衣着 这个是指上班会穿的正式服装或套装。 3. 赞美怎么说 Great outfit! 你的衣服真好看! That goes really well with … / It goes really well with your hair / eye colour. 这跟你的…真配! You are looking so *** art / dapper / so elegant! 你穿得真帅 / 整齐 / 真优雅! 4. 批评怎么说 I"m sorry but those color don"t work on / suit you. 很抱歉但这些颜色跟你很不搭。 You don"t really pull that off. 你穿这个真的不好看。 A bit last season 过时了 faded 褪色的 torn / ripped 破掉的 句子, 单字, 对话, 服装, 服饰 英文, 穿衣, 英文, 衣服 英文

求suspect 用法 例句

suspect英音:[su0259s"pekt]美音:[su0259"spu025bkt]suspect的中文翻译以下结果由译典通提供词典解释suspect1及物动词 vt. [W]


  有种纠结叫做别人不信的事儿,可你偏偏信了。作为相信真理掌握在少数人手中的你知道有哪些表达肯定的英语说法吗?下面来学习一下吧。    表达肯定的英语说法:   1. (There are) no two ways about it   英文中这个短语表示“没有第二种选择”、“不可能有两种意见”,强调一件事“毫无疑问”,“别无选择”!   例:It was the wrong decision—there are no two ways about it.   这个决定毫无疑问,肯定是不对的!   2. You can bet your life   都说生命诚可贵,如果一件事到了能拿命赌的地步,说明这件事已经非常肯定了。   例:You can bet your life that he"ll be late.   你放心吧,他不迟到才怪呢。   3. Make no mistake about it   为了强调一件事的真实性和准确性,你可以在表达中加上这个短语,表示“绝对就是这样”,“完全可以肯定”。   例:Make no mistake (about it), if we don"t address these problems now, they will only get worse.   如果我们现在不解决问题,事情只会越来越糟,肯定就是这样。   4. Put/set the seal on sth   英文中seal有“盖章”的意思。西方签署正式文件的时候,都会用蜡油盖章封印。通常事情进行到这一步,就板上钉钉了!英文里也用这个短语表示事情已经很明确了。   例:The goal set the seal on their victory.   这次攻门确定了他们的胜利。   5. Beyond a shadow of a doubt   看到事情跳出疑云,昭然若揭,说明你已经十拿九稳,相当肯定。   例:She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was lying.   她十分肯定就是他在撒谎。    肯定的相关例句:   1. I would imagine she"s quite lonely living on her own.   我猜想她一个人过肯定很孤独。   2. But legal experts are not sure if such a charge can stick.   但法律专家们不能肯定这一指控是否成立。   3. I believe he is most painfully anxious about Diana.   我相信他肯定非常担心黛安娜。   4. If something"s a sure-fire hit then Radio One will play it.   如果哪首歌一定会火,那么第一频道肯定会播出。   5. They are bound to take time to readjust after a holiday.   他们肯定需要时间重新适应假期结束后的生活。   6. If there was any disappointment it was probably temporary.   即便有点儿失望,也肯定是暂时的。   7. I feel certain that it will all turn out well.   我觉得最后肯定会皆大欢喜。   8. There are thousands of students absolutely gagging to come to this university.   肯定有成千上万的学生都渴望到这所大学念书。   9. He has almost certainly blown his chance of touring India this winter.   他几乎肯定失去了今冬去印度旅行的机会。   10. The uncertainty created by this situation must be confusing for you.   这种局面所造成的不确定性肯定让你感到困惑。   11. The ethnic populations are so intermingled that there"s bound to be conflict.   各民族人口如此杂居,肯定会发生冲突。   12. I"mdefinitely going to get in touch with these people.   我肯定会跟这些人取得联系。   13. One thing I am sure of was that she was scared.   有一点我能肯定,那就是她当时被吓到了。   14. I"ll show it to Benjamin. He"s bound to know.   我会把它给本杰明看,他肯定会知道。   15. Come on now. You know you must be hungry.   好,来吧,你肯定已经饿了。

scramble down什么意思啊?顺便给个例句。


请教emphasize以及同义词的详尽解释和英文例句,可以是中文解释, 另外,例句比解释更重要.

emphasize: [ "emfu0259saiz ] v. 强调,着重 同义词:stress, emphasise, punctuate, accent, accentuate vt. 强调 同义词:underscore, underline, emphasise 例句与用法: 1. I would like to emphasize that we are ready to meet the management at any time. 我想着重指出,我们愿意在任何时候与管理部门会谈. 2. He emphasized the importance of careful driving. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性. 3. Which word should I emphasize? 我应该重读哪个词? 4. He emphasized the importance of careful driving/that careful driving was important. 他强调小心驾驶的重要性[小心驾驶很重要]. 5. We cannot emphasize too much the importance of learning English. 我们再怎样强调学英文的重要性也不为过. 6. She stabbed at the air with her finger to emphasize what she was saying. 她手指一戳一戳的, 强调她说的话. 7. He banged his fist on the table to emphasize his argument. 他用拳头敲著桌子为自己的辩驳助威.




  “单身狗”是一个网路俚语,特指没有恋爱物件或者没有结婚的人,与“光棍”近义。那么,你知道单身狗的英文单词怎么写吗?现在跟我一起了解有关单身狗的英语知识吧。   单身狗的英文释义   Single dog   单身狗的英文例句   在此之前,她每年只举办一次针对年轻单身养狗者的派对。   Schlansky, who previously only hosted an annual party for young, single dogowners.   可能如果当我在单身的时候养一条狗的话,它将帮助我为一种关系付出做好准备。   PERHAPS if I"d had one while I was single, it would have helped prepare me forthe demands of a relationship.   舒兰斯基说,借助这个活动,我们得到很多新客户。在此之前,她每年只举办一次针对年轻单身养狗者的派对。   "We got a lot of new customers out of it," says Ms. Schlansky, who previously onlyhosted an annual party for young, single dog owners.   首都东京"新宿御苑"将于7月举办相亲会,邀请单身男女带宠物狗参加。   A blind-date party will be held in Tokyo"s Shinjuku Gyoen Park in July, and the organizer is inviting people to bring their pet dogs.   还有“JennyJohnson10”,自称是“一个在健身中心从事全职工作的单身女人”,并且“拥有两只猫、一只狗、一条蛇”,注册成为Twitter使用者之后就开始关注沥青砂了。   And there"s JennyJohnson10, "a single woman that works full time at a fitnesscenter" and has "2 cats 1 dog and 1 snake" but only tweets about the tar sands.   单身养狗一族可要注意了。   Single dog owners, take note. article.yeeyan   他是单身,妻子两年前去世了。他已经有很长一段时间不能照顾他的狗“佩佩”了,这只狗今年16岁***相当于人112岁***,很小,长得像老鼠一样,动不动就叫个没完。   He had long since given up being able to care for his pet dog "Pepper", a *** all,rat-looking, yappy dog who was 16 ***112 in dog years*** herself.   我认识的另一位单身女士认为如果她的马耳他狗在约会的时候去咬她的物件,那这个人可能就不适合她***这叫作“撕咬”评判***。   Another single woman I know thinks that if her Maltese snaps at someone she"sdating, he"s probably not right for her. ***Talk about snap judgments.***   我认识的另一位单身女士认为如果她的马耳他狗在约会的时候去咬她的物件,那这个人可能就不适合她***这叫作“撕咬”评判***。   Another single woman I know thinks that if her Maltese snaps at someone she"sdating, he"s probably not right for her. ***Talk about snap judgments.***   关于单身狗的英文阅读:找个不懂你的人还不如做只单身狗   Single or in a relationship — it"s the status that divides society, whether we care to admit it or not.   单身还是恋爱?——无论我们愿意承认与否,这个社会的世俗眼光就是按你是否单身把我们进行归类。   Regardless of which category you fall into, there will always be someone judging your choices. But lucky for you, it"s your life, and other people"s opinions are quite irrelevant.   无论你归为哪类,总有人议论你的选择。不过,还好这是你自己的生活,与别人的意见毫不相干。   At the end of the day, it"s about what you feel, which is why if you choose to be in a relationship, you better make sure it"s a great one.   说来说去,还是要看你自己的感觉,这就是为什么如果你选择恋爱,你最好确定那是个对的人。   Too many people settle because they feel as if that"s what they"re supposed to do.   很多人选择确定关系结婚过日子,只是因为觉得貌似这才是自己应该做的事情。   They put aside their priorities, their feelings, their goals and their dreams just to assuage expectations society has forced upon them.   他们把自己的优先权,自己的感觉,自己的目标,自己的目标放在一边,只是为了迎合社会世俗的偏见看法而已。   How does this make any sense? Shouldn"t you want to be happy on your own? Isn"t it better to be fortable with who you are than to worry about appeasing someone else?   请问这有什么意义呢?让自己快乐不才是重要的吗?不是让自己舒服比考虑讨好别人更重要吗?   How can you even be in a successful relationship if you aren"t fully secure with yourself?   如果你给不了自己一份绝对的安全感,连自己都保护不了那你怎么能处理好一段婚姻关系呢?   If that wasn"t convincing enough, here are some more reasons it"s better to be single than with a person who doesn"t really understand or appreciate the real you.   如果这还不够有说服力的话,那么下面的理由能说服你选择单身其实要好过凑合一个不了解不欣赏真实的你的人。   You won"t feel bad about your lifestyle choices   自己选择的生活,总是不会觉得糟糕   Wouldn"t you rather spend your time developing yourself rather than defending yourself to someone else?   难道你宁愿不取悦自己而牺牲自己的幸福快乐去迎合别人?   If your partner is mitted to misunderstanding you, why are you even with him or her in the first place? That"s just a plete and utter waste of both of your time.   如果你的另一半一直在误会你的话,为什么还要和他或她在一起呢?这样纯属在浪费两个人的青春。   You"re not seeking approval   你不必寻得他人的认可   An unhealthy relationship is one that requires you to seek approval in anything and everything you do.   一段不健康的感情关系就会让你无论做什么事都想寻得支援。   Why do you need approval from a partner in order to pursue any endeavor that"s important to you?   ,为什么要通过伴侣的支援,去获得对自己意义重大的努力呢?   You"re not walking on eggshells   你还不至于到了如履薄冰的处境   There"s no worse feeling than being uneasy and unfortable around someone you"re in a relationship with.   你在一段恋爱交往关系中感觉不舒服不自在才是自己最糟糕的处境。   Isn"t the entire point of being with someone the fact that you can feel pletely confident around him or her?   与对方恋爱交往过程中,你可以感到自信满满不才是最重要的吗?   You don"t have to constantly explain yourself and your decisions   你不必不断地向别人解释自己的所作所为   A decision is a decision, and that"s it. If it"s something you feel strongly enough about, that should be reason enough for your counterpart"s support.   决定就是决定,而且是对的。如果你觉得某件事你需要强大的支援,那也应该来自你的合作伙伴。   Sure, it"s natural to ask questions, but that"s quite different than constantly having to defend yourself.   当然,提问是很正常的,但这与不断不得不捍卫自己完全是两码事。   You don"t question yourself so much   你不会过于怀疑自己   The sign of an unhealthy relationship is one in which you never really feel confident in any decision or thought you make or have.   一段不健康的恋爱关系的一个标志就是你从不会对自己的决定和想法真正有信心。   If you are constantly wondering if you are good enough, then you need to nix the source of these concerns, and if it"s your partner, so be it — you"ll be better off without him or her.   如果你经常考虑自己做得是否够好的话,那么你需要找出这些问题的根源,如果问题出在你的伴侣身上,那你还是放手吧!—没有他/她你会过得更好。   You can say whatever is on your mind without being judged   你可以洒脱地说出自己的想法   Your thoughts, beliefs and ideas are your own, so you should feel free to express them in any manner you deem fit. If someone has a problem with that, he or she can leave.   你的思想、信念和想法是你自己的内心感受,所以你应该以自己认为合适的方式表达自己的感受。如果对方不认同的话,他/她自然就会离开你。   You create your own happiness   自己的幸福自己把握   Your happiness is based solely on you and what you bring to your life.   你的快乐仅仅建立在你自己以及对生活的付出。   It"s not dependent upon another person, especially when that person can"t even understand the choices you make in your life.   你的幸福是完全基于你自己的生活,与他人无关,尤其是当这个人竟然无法理解你对你的生活所做出的选择。   Your life choices are contingent upon you — and only you   你的人生选择只掌握在你的手中   When you"re single, your choices pletely revolve around you and what you want to do.   你在单身时,你的选择完全掌控在你自己的手中。   If you"re in an unhealthy and non-understanding relationship, why would you even want to base your choices on someone else?   如果你处于一段不健康对方根本不懂你的交往关系中,你为什么还要在乎别人对自己幸福的看法呢?   You don"t feel constantly disrespected   你不会总觉得自己不受尊重   There is absolutely no reason to keep a person in your life, whether it"s a friend or significant other, who disrespects you.   无论是朋友也好还是对你很重要的人,公不尊重你的话,绝对没有任何理由继续让她/他走入你的生活中。   The only way for relationships to grow and prosper is if there is mutual respect for both parties.   培养和发展一段交往关系的唯一途径在于双方是否互相尊重。 1.18的英文怎么读 2.关于单身狗的句子 3.qq单身一个人的说说 4.单身狗搞笑的签名 5.单身的人感叹的经典说说 6.船的英文怎么读


  foster;   train;   develop;   educate;   cultivate:   bring up ;   扩展阅读:培养的英语例句   1.要做到这一点,需要培养“专业技能”。   To do that, you need to develop "expertise."   2.培养他对别人的尊重。   Foster his respect for others.   3.培养表达创造性的渠道。   Cultivate outlets for creative self-expression.   4.实验室的技术人员正在检查盘尼西林培养瓶。   Laboratory technician examining flasks of penicillin culture.   5.我想培养我的学生去思考什么东西重要——人们非常容易在象牙塔里迷失方向。   I try to train my students to consider what matters--it"s so easy to get lost inthe ivory tower.

relieved 的简单例句?

My headache has been relieved.我的头痛已经轻些了。We were relieved to hear you were admitted to a university.听说你考上了大学我们就放心了。


形容词 adj. * 1.宽慰的,减轻的,解除的 I am relieved to hear that this isn"t true. 听到这不是真的,我感到宽心了。 I was relieved to see that he seemed almost himself again. 看到他又恢复理智,我总算放心了。 Having gone a long time without scoring,he was relieved to find the net again. 他好长时间没有得分,因而有了投篮的机会时觉得欣慰。




【 #英语资源# 导语】need有需要;必需等意思,那么你知道need的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】need的用法   need的用法1:need用作实义动词的基本意思是缺少急切需要的东西,强调急需。   need的用法2:need是及物动词,可接名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式或过去分词充当补足语的复合宾语。   need的用法3:need用作实义动词时,可用于肯定句、否定句、疑问句等各种句式,有动词的全部变化形式。   need的用法4:need用作实义动词其主语在逻辑上是宾语所表示的对象时,宾语可用主动形式的动名词或名词表示,而不可用被动形式的动名词。   need的用法5:need用作情态动词时没有人称、时态及语态的变化,后面须接不带to的动词不定式一起用作谓语,表示“必须,必要”。一般只用于否定句或疑问句中,也可用于含有否定意味的肯定句中。   need的用法6:need not后可接动词不定式的被动式、进行时及完成时。当接动词不定式的完成式时常表示“做了本来不必做的事情”。   need的用法7:need用作名词作“需要,需求”解时,其后常接介词for或of短语作其定语,当表示“责任,必要”时,其后常接动词不定式。   need的用法8:need的复数形式needs可以表示多种需要。 【篇二】need的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   if need be   如果需要的话i 【篇三】need的用法例句   1. Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.   不要等待好事降临,你要向幸福进发。   2. You"ll need to get on the right side of Carmela.   你得讨卡梅拉的欢心。   3. You will need a pot of broth for poaching.   你需要一锅汤来煮。   4. What is right for us need not be right for others.   对我们来说是对的东西,对别人来说未必正确。   5. Mommy, you don"t need to stay while we talk.   妈妈,我们谈话时你不必陪着.   6. There is a pressing need to modernise our electoral system.   我们的选举制度迫切需要现代化。   7. You need hard currency to get anything halfway decent.   你得有硬通货才能买到还算不错的东西。   8. Businesses need to train their workers better, and spend more on R&D.   各企业需要更好地培训工人,并且在研发方面加大投入。   9. Firms need a breathing space if they are to recover.   这些公司需要短暂休整才能恢复元气。   10. They will need a reasonable amount of desk area and good light.   他们将需要一个面积较大的摆放办公桌的地方和充足的照明。   11. If ever a man needed your love, I need it.   如果说真有一个男人需要你的爱,那就是我。   12. Adults need to live their own lives and that"s difficult with children.   大人需要过他们自己的生活,但有了孩子就很难做到了。   13. What we need is not manifestos of pious intentions, but real action.   我们需要的不是善意但难以实现的宣言,而是实际行动。   14. There are many emergencies which need prompt first aid treatment.   有很多紧急情况需要进行迅速的急救处理。   15. Make a checklist of the tools and materials you will need.   把你需要的工具和材料开一张单子。


Because of..........cause.....


【篇一】shave的用法   shave的用法1:shave的意思是“(用剃刀)刮(胡须等)”“刨”,引申可表示如刮脸般轻轻而贴近地“掠过”“擦过”。还可指“减价”。本词可用于表示危险地抵近或侥幸逃过,但不含有擦伤的意思。   shave的用法2:shave既可用作不及物动词,又可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。   shave的用法3:shave的过去式是shaved,过去分词是shaved或shaven。   shave的用法4:shave还可用作名词,作“剃,刮”解,一般用于单数形式。例如:A sharp razor gives a close shave.剃刀锋利刮得就干净。 【篇二】shave的常用短语   用作动词 (v.)   shave off1 (v.+adv.)   剃,刮,削平 cut off close to the skin; remove from any surface   shave sth u21d4 off   shave off2 (v.+prep.)   剃,刮,削平 cut off close to the skin; remove from any surface   shave sth off sth 【篇三】shave的用法例句   1. Monks shave their heads, as do devotees of the Hare Krishna movement.   和尚要剃度,克利须那派教徒也一样。   2. If you have long curly hair, don"t shave it off.   如果你有一头卷曲的长发,不要剪掉。   3. Body builders shave their chests to show off their muscles.   健美运动员剃去胸毛以展示肌肉。   4. She had to call a barber to shave him.   她不得不叫个理发师来给他刮脸。   5. He was conscious of the faint, musky aroma of after-shave.   他注意到了须后水淡淡的麝香味。   6. He never seemed to need a shave.   他似乎从不需要刮脸。   7. Many women shave their legs.   很多女性都刮腿毛。   8. He was badly in need of a shave.   他早就应该刮一下胡子了。   9. I lathered my face and started to shave.   我往脸上涂了皂沫,然后开始刮胡子。   10. The barber gave him a shave and a haircut.   理发师给他修面理发.   11. A sharp razor gives a close shave.   剃刀锋利刮得就干净.   12. I"ve decided to shave away my beard.   我已决定把胡须剃掉.   13. I need [ want ] a shave.   我要修面.   14. He was expected to shave and to bath.   要求他刮刮脸,洗个澡.   15. My beard had started to grow, and I had unwillingly complied with the order to shave it off.   我的胡子开始长出来,而我不得不服从命令把胡子刮掉。


表示请求、命令、建议、祝愿、邀请或要求的句子叫祈使句。用于祈使句句首的动词总是用原形,不能用其他形式。如:Shut the door! 把门关上!Have a cup of coffee! 喝杯咖啡吧!Let them go by train. 叫他们坐火车去吧。祈使句的主语通常为第二人称(you),但一般都被省略,只有在特殊的情况下才把主语(you)补充出来。如:You be quiet! 你安静! You go and tell him, Chris. 克立斯,你去告诉他。You wait here for a moment. 你在这儿等一会儿。有时祈使句的主语也可以是everybody, somebody, anybody, nobody等不定代词。如:Stand up, everybody! 全体起立!Nobody move. 任何人都不许动。


祈使句英语结构和例句如下:一、肯定1、表示祈愿May you have a happy new year.祝你新年快乐Have a good day,sir!祝你愉快,先生2、表示恳求、建议或邀请peak more slowly,please.请讲慢些Make yourself at home.请随便,不要客气Look after this cat,please.请照看一下这只猫3、表示命令Be quiet!安静Go to the headmaster"s office immediately.立刻去校长办公室4、表示指示、提示Make sentences after the model.根据例句造句Take off your muddy shoes before you get inside.进来之前把你的泥鞋脱掉5、Let+宾语+动词原形+其他部分,构成析使语气,通常用于第一和第三人称的祈使句中Let me look at the map!让我看看地图Let us have something iced to drink.我们喝点冷饮吧Let"s not waste our time discussing such a thing.咱们别浪费时间讨论这件事了6、肯定祈使句的被动语态:let+宾语+be+过去分词Close the door.关上门Let the door be closed.关上门7、由动词原形+and+动词原形构成的祈使语气Wait and see.等着瞧二、强调Do what I told you.照我说的做Do give me a call.一定给我打电话Do be quiet a moment.一定要安静一会儿三、否定Don"t be so nervous!别那么紧张Don"t touch me!不要碰我四、疑问Why not do as your teacher tells you to?为什么不按你们老师吩咐的去做呢?Would you close the door, please?请把门关上


英语祈使句例句20个简单如下:一、表肯定。1、表示祈愿。May you have a happy new year.祝你新年快乐!Have a good day,sir!祝你愉快,先生!2、表示恳求、建议或邀请。Speak more slowly,please.请讲慢些。Make yourself at home.请随便,不要客气。3、表示命令。Be quiet!安静!Go to the headmaster"s office immediately.立刻去校长办公室。4、表示指示、提示。Make sentences after the model.根据例句造句。Take off your muddy shoes before you get inside.进来之前把你的泥鞋脱掉。5、Let+宾语+动词原形+其他部分,构成析使语气,通常用于第一和第三人称的祈使句中。Let me look at the map!让我看看地图!Let us have something iced to drink.我们喝点冷饮吧。6、肯定祈使句的被动语态:let+宾语+be+过去分词。Close the door.关上门。7、由动词原形+and+动词原形构成的祈使语气。Wait and see.等着瞧。二、表强调。祈使句以do开头,则表示强调。Do what I told you.照我说的做。Do give me a call.一定给我打电话。Do be quiet a moment.一定要安静一会儿。三、表否定。否定祈使句的构成通常为don"t+动词原形,但有时也用never+动词原形构成。Don"t be so nervous!别那么紧张!Don"t touch me!不要碰我!Never do that again!别再那么做了!四、表疑问。Why not do as your teacher tells you to?为什么不按你们老师吩咐的去做呢?Would you close the door,please?请把门关上?祈使句的特点:1、祈使句的作用是要求、请求或命令、劝告、叮嘱、建议别人做或不做一件事。2、祈使句的句末一般用感叹号,但是有些祈使句的语气较弱,可以用句号结尾。3、祈使句可以用语气词“吧”,“吗”作结尾,也可以不用语气词。4、祈使句可以表示发出命令或指示,提出要求、建议、劝告等的句子。5、祈使句表示请求、命令、建议等等。谓语动词一律用原形。句子中通常不用主语,句末用惊叹号或者句号,用降调。6、祈使句中的主语常常被省去。

骑自行车用英语怎么写 骑自行车英语及例句

1、骑自行车:ride on a bicycle; bicycle riding; 2、例句:那辆车横冲过马路,撞上了一个骑自行车的人。 The vehicle careered across the road and hit a cyclist.


【 #英语资源# 导语】service有服务;发球;服役;公务部门;保养;维护等意思,那么你知道service的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】service的用法大全   service的用法1:service作名词的基本意思是“服务”,可指商店、旅馆或餐馆对顾客、旅客的服务,也可指社会等公益事业服务机构为人们所提供的服务,还可指某人为别人〔社会、政府〕所采取的行动、工作或帮助。引申可指“公用设施”“公用机构”。   service的用法2:service也可作对机器的“维修,保养”、网球中的“发球”或宗教中的“仪式,做礼拜”解。   service的用法3:信末署名的yours是your service的意思,只取your四个字母和service的第一个字母,计五个字母。   service的用法4:service作动词的意思是“修理,向…提供服务”,是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,其宾语一般为物。   service的用法5:service也可作“支付利息”解。可用于被动结构。 【篇二】service的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   at sb"s service   be of service to   press into service   see service 【篇三】service的用法例句   1. It"s an open secret that the security service bugged telephones.   安全部门窃听电话是人人皆知的秘密。   2. The plane has been kept in service far longer than originally intended.   这架飞机已经超期服役很长时间了。   3. The intelligence service conceived a grand design to assassinate the War Minister.   情报机构策划了一项暗杀陆军部长的重大计划。   4. She conceded just three points on her service during the first set.   她在第一盘自己的发球局仅失了3分。   5. In some stores we were undermanned and customer service was suffering.   有些店我们人手不足,对顾客照顾不周。   6. Banks spent his national service in the Royal Navy.   班克斯在皇家海军服过兵役。   7. Secret Service officer Robin Thompson spoke on behalf of his colleagues.   特工处官员罗宾·汤普森代表他的同僚发表了讲话。   8. In April 1944 he was killed on active service.   1944年4月他在战时服役中阵亡。   9. They were convicted of affray and received community service sentences.   他们因殴斗滋事被判决为社区义务服务。   10. The service covers contraceptive advice and health checks, and is available free.   服务项目包括避孕建议和健康检查,并且免费提供。   11. We have been successful because we are offering a quality service.   我们因提供的服务水准一流一直经营得很成功。   12. Hotels operate a collection service for their guests from the airports.   宾馆为客人提供机场接机服务。   13. Is the National Health Service safe with the Conservative party?   保守党能否继续实行国民医疗保健制度?   14. I thanked them for their long and loyal service.   对于他们长期以来忠诚的效力我非常感谢。   15. He boasts of dodging military service by feigning illness.   他炫耀自己通过装病来逃避服兵役。






  定语从句例句1   限制性定语从句   Can you tell me the date on which the accident happened?   你能告诉我这起事故发生的日期吗?   Here is the young man about whom we have heard so much.   这就是我们经常听说的那位年轻人吗?   The school where /in which we are studying is callled the First Middle School.   我们就读的那所学校叫第一中学。   We"ll go to the place where /at which the accident happpened.   我们将要去事故发生的那个地方。   The way in which you are doing it is completely crazy.   你做这件事的方式非常疯狂。   The boss in whose department Mr. King worked had heard about the accident.   金先生工作部门的经理听说了关于这次事故的情况。   This is the book for which you asked.   这就是你要的那本书。   The man who talked to you just now is an engineer.   刚才和你说话的那个人是一位工程师。   I enjoyed the evening that we spent together by the sea.   我们一起在海边度过的那个晚上,我过的很愉快。   Here is the pen that you lost the day bofore yesterday.   这是你前天丢失的那支笔。   He is the person I meet in the park yesterday.   他就是我昨天在公园里遇到的那个人。   The lady who came to our class is from Australia.   那位来过我们班的女士来自澳大利亚。   The man who shook hands with our teacher just now is Li Lei"s father.   刚才和我们老师握手的那个人是李雷的父亲。   The book you need is sold out.   你需要的那本书卖完了。   I"ll never forget the summer holiday I spent with you.   我绝不会忘记和你一起过的那个暑假。   She is one of the students in our class who are good at English.   她是我们班上英语很好的学生之一。   He is the only one of my friends who comes from a foreign country.   他是我唯一一个来自外国的朋友。   That is the place which they just now talked about.   那就是他们刚才讨论的地方。   You can keep any books that you find.   你可以保留你找到的任何书。   Is this the only thing that he does for his daughter.?   那就是他为女儿做的唯一一件事吗?   The storybook I have just read cannot be easily forgotten.   我刚才看到的那本故事书不容易忘记。   Do you know the person I spoke to just now?   你认识刚才和我说话的那个人吗?   The first lesson that Miss Lee gave us in the school is unforgettable.   李老师在学校给我们上的第一节课令人难忘。   Everything that we saw there was interesting.   我们在那儿看到的东西都很有趣。   Who is the lady that is standing over there withAnn?   何安一起站在那儿的那位女士是谁?   Wuhan is the hottest city that I have been to.   武汉是我去过的最热的城市。   I"m interested in all that I have seen。   我对我所看到的一切都很感兴趣。   Is he the man that talked with your teacher yesterday?   他就是昨天与你老师谈话的那个人吗?   Have you got the book that you need。   你得到你需要的那本书吗?   She was not on the train which arrived just now.   她不在刚到的这趟火车上。   It sounded like a truck that was going by my house.   听上去像是一辆卡车正从我家旁边经过。   Have you got something that he wanted。   你有他要的东西吗?   It is the sillest argument that I have heard.   那是我听过的最愚蠢的争论。   He wants the same book that I have.   他想要我有的那本书。   The first thing that she would do is to have her hair fixed.   她应当做的第一件事情是做个发型。   The passengers and the suitcases that were still waiting had to be transferred to another place.   仍在等待的乘客和行李只得被转移到另一架飞机上。   I will tell you all that I know.   我会把我知道的一切都告诉你。   The very thing that brought about a complete change in her life was the liberation.   正是解放给她的命运带来了彻底的`转变。   That is the very thing I"ve been looking for.   那正是我要找的东西。   This is the same girl that came to borrow an English book two days ago. 这个女孩就是两天前来借英语书的那个。   Rose told me all that had happened to Oliver.   露西把奥利佛所发生的事情都告诉了我。   Because of my poor memory,everything that you told me has been forgotten.   由于我的记忆力不好,你告诉我的所有事情都忘记了。   Is there anything that I can do for you?   有什么需要我帮忙的吗?   These are the happiest hours that we have ever spent.   这些都是我们曾一起度过的最快乐的时光。   There"s no film that you ‘ll feel interested in.   没有你会感兴趣的电影。   Mr. Liu wants to talk to the students whose homework has not been handed in.   刘老师要和那些没有交作业的学生谈话。   Can you tell me the name of the factory you visited last week.   你能告诉我上星期你参观的那家工厂的名字吗?   I don"t like the way you speak to her.   我不喜欢你对她说话的方式。   The most important thing that we should pay attention to is the first thing that I have said.   我们应该注意的最重要的事情就是我说过的第一件事。   She spent the whole evening talking about things and people that none of us had heard of.   她整晚都在谈论那些我们谁也没听说过的人和事。   He makes good use of the time that he can spare.   他充分利用他能抽出来的时间。   He is the only one of the three who has got the new idea.   他是三个人中惟一一个想到了这个新主意的人。   All that are present burst into tears.   所有到场的人都突然大哭起来。   He was the only person in his company that was invited.   他是他那个公司里惟一一个被邀请的人。   The people that were mentioned by him were honest.   他所提到的那些人都很诚实。   I shall do it in the same way that you did.   我要按你的方法去做。   Anyone who does this kind of job shouldn"t be careless.   谁干这种工作,谁都疏忽不得。   Who that has seen him doesn"t like him.   见过他的人谁不喜欢他呢?   Which is the magazine that you borrowed yesterday?   哪本是你昨天借的杂志?   I"ll tell you all that I know   我会把我知道的一切都告诉你。   This is the best movie that I have ever seen   这是我看过的最好的电影。   You can take any room that you like.   你随便要哪个房间都行。   Guilin is a beautiful place that people from all over the world want to visit.   桂林是个漂亮的地方,全世界的人们都想去游览。   There are moments when I forget all about it   有时候我完全忘记了这一切。   The film brought the hours back to me when I was taken good care of in that far-away villiage.   这部电影使我想起了我在那个遥远的村庄里被悉心照顾的那段时光。   My girl friendtold me that December 20 is the day when she was born   我的女朋友告诉我说12月20日是她出生的日子。   He will never forget the day when he began to learn English.   他永远不会忘记他开始学英语的那一天。   July and August are the months when the weather is cold in New Zealand.   七,八月份是新西兰天气很冷的月份。   Do you stilll remember the hours when we had a party in the park?   你还记得那次我们在公园开晚会的时光吗?   Don"t you remember that day when we first came here?你不记得我们第一次来这儿的那一天了吗?   I can never forget the days when we worked together and the days we spent together.   我永远忘不了我们一起工作和一起度过的时光。   This is the house where I once lived.   这就是我曾经住过的房子。   The town where my father grew up is not far from here.   我爸爸长大的那个小镇离这儿不远。   After living in Paris for fifty years he returned to the small town where he grew up as a child.   在巴黎生活50年后,他回到了儿时生活的那个小镇。   You should make it a rule to leave things at a place where you can find them again.   你应该定下个规矩把东西放在你以后能找着的地方。   The house in which I spent my childhood isn"t far away.   那间让我度过了童年的放在离这儿不远。   “The days when /on which I met that famous pop star was the greatest of my life.”said the fan.   这位歌迷说:“见到这位著名歌星的那天是我一生最棒的日子。”   In the dark street ,there wasn"t a single person to whom she could turn for help.   在黑暗的街道上,没有一个她可以寻求帮助的人。   非限制性定语从句   In fact the Swede didn"t understand the threee questions,which were asked in French.   事实上,那位瑞典人不理解那三个用法语问的问题。   Tracy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which,of course , made the others unhappy.   特雷西总是夸耀她在戏中的角色,这当然令其他人不高兴。   He marrried her,which was natural.   他和她结婚了,这是很自然的事。   He said he had never met her,which is not true.   他说他从未见过他,这不是真的。   The weather turned out to be very good,which we hadn"t expected.   结果天气非常好,这是我们没有预料到的。   I tried to get out of the business,which I found impossible.   我试图从这件事中脱身出来,但我发觉这很难。   I have bought such a watch,which was advertised on TV.   我买了一块手表,它在电视上做了广告的。   He succeeded in the compotition,which made his parents very happy.   他在竞赛中取得了成功这让他的父母非常高兴。   This summer I want to go to Hangazhou, where there is a beautiful lake.   这个夏天我想去杭州,那里有个美丽的湖。   Miss Green woirks in a hospital,which is only a 10-minute walk from here.   格林小姐在医院工作,那里离这儿只有10 分钟的路程。   I came to London,where I found him   我来到了伦敦,在那儿我找到了他。   Tom hid himself behind the door ,from where he could hear the steps of his mother clearly.   汤姆藏在门背后,从那里他能清楚的听到他妈妈的脚步声。   She will never forget September 1,when she had her first history lesson as a teacher.   她永远也不会忘记9月1日。那天她第一天当老师,上的是一节历史课。   Mery Smith,who is standing on the cornber,wants to meet you.   玛丽.史密斯—在那个角落里站着的那个人——想见你。   Her brother,who is a teacher,is strict with her.   她的哥哥是位老师,对她要求很严格。   We shall have to make a decision about Ms.King ,whose story I"ve just told you.   关于金女士,我们得做个决定,她的情况我刚才已经告诉你们了。   Have you seen the film, whose leading actor is world famous?   你看过《泰坦尼克号》吗?片中的男主角世界闻名。   He paid the boy $50 for washing ten windows,most of which had not been cleaned for at least a year.   他付给那个男孩50美元洗10个窗子,大部分窗子至少有一年没有洗了。   Mr. Brown has written a novel,the name of which I"ve completely forgotten.   布朗先生写了一部小说,书名我完全忘记了。   Mr. White wrote many articles ,some of which were translated into Chinese.怀特先生写了不少文章,其中一些被译成了中文。   He has some novels,all of which are written in Russian.   他有一些小说,都是用俄语写的。   This kind of book is for children,the native language of whom is Chinese.   这种书是供母语是汉语的儿童看的。   定语从句例句2   例句:   1.He was a man whom all his friends admired and who won the respect even of his enimies. 他是个令其朋友全都钦佩的,甚至赢得敌人尊敬的人。   2.He wants you to know that anyone who chooses the path he has chosen is sure to have periodic holiday in jail.他希望你了解,凡是选择了他所选择的那条道路的人,肯定会要定期地到监狱里去度假的。   3.I am the infamous creature you have heard of that lives among the thieves. 我就是你们曾经听说过的那个声名狼藉,跟盗贼为伍的女人。   4.Just consider that we use hardly one hundred thousandth of the heat that there is in coal and could be extracted from it. 请想一想,储藏在煤里并可以提取的热量,我们用的还不到十万分之一   5.He"s the person (whom)I meet at the club every day and whom I"ve invited home to dinner tonight. 他是我每天在俱乐部碰到的那个人,我已邀请他今晚到我家进餐。   定语从句误区提醒:   1)当表示时间或地点的名词作先行词时,要判断出它们在从句中作状语还是主语或宾语。作状语时用关系副词,反之用关系代词。   典型例题:I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.   A. when; which B. which; when C. what; that D. on which; when   答案:A   解析:两个先行词the day都是表示时间的名词,但第一个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作状语,因此要用关系副词when. 第二个空白处要填的关系词在从句中作动词spent的宾语,因此要用关系代词which或that来引导定语从句.   2)当主语为物时,不能用what   3)there be句型中,指人用who指物用that。   4)当主句中缺少主语或表语时,用the one。   5)当出现先行词+介词时,关系词只能用whom或which   6)当出现先行词+介词时,注意判断介词与从句谓语是否有关系,以确定为定语从句




普通用于第一人称,表示一般将来时态]将要,计划,打算: 例句:We shall go to see you tomorrow. 我们明天去看你. 用于表示将来的条件状语从句中]将: 例句:if he shall come 如果他来的话 只能输入这么多


shall 用在陈述句中,表达的是自己肯定会去做的事;shall 用在问句中,表示征求对方的意见;shall 也可以用于其它人称,表示“不可避免”、“一定会”。 Shall的用法 Shall作为助动词,一般用于第一人称Ⅰ和We,表示一个将来的动作,构成将来时态。Shall后面接动词原形。 例句: (1)I shall think it over and Let you know my idea. 我将考虑一下此事,然后告诉你我的想法。 (2)We shall have a good time in the park. 我们在公园里会玩得很高兴的。 Shall的特殊用法 1、Shall用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意愿。 例句: What shall we do this evening? 2、Shall用于第一、第三人称疑问句中,表示说话人征求对方的意见或向对方请示。 例句: Shall we begin our lesson? When shall he be able to leave the hospital? 3、Shall用于第二、第三人称,表示说话人给对方命令、警告、允诺或威胁。 例句: You shall fail if you don"t work harder. (警告) He shall have the book when I finish reading. (允诺) He shall be punished. (威胁)


1、She was shaping to hit her second shot. 2、Shape the dough into a ball. 3、Shape a pot on a wheel 扩展资料   Red blood cells are roughly the shape of a disk.   红细胞大致呈圆盘状。   I like to keep in shape.   我喜欢保持健康。   The pool was in the shape of a heart.   游泳池呈心形。


  shape做动词有塑造;定形;使 ... 成形等意思,那么你知道shape的过去式是什么吗?下面是我整理的shape的过去式和用法例句,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   shape的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: shaped   过去分词: shaped   现在分词: shaping   shape的用法:   shape的用法1:shape用作动词的意思是“制成(某种)形状”,用于具体物品时,常指将原料用刀具切削或加工制成有用的物品,其材料可以是金属,也可以是黏土、塑料等,强调制成某种特殊形状。引申可指“培养塑造(人的思想、性格)”“影响…的发展”“决定…的进展”等。   shape的用法2:shape还可表示“使(服装等)合身”,一般用于被动结构。   shape的用法3:shape既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时主动形式含有被动意义。   shape的过去式例句:   1. Stan Dean, easily identifiable by his oddly-shaped hat, sat in a doorway.   斯坦·迪安坐在门口,他那顶奇形怪状的帽子一下子就让人认出他来。   2. As the wheel turned, the potter shaped the clay.   轮子一边转动,制陶工人一边拉坯。   3. The skeleton consists of differently shaped bones held together by ligaments.   人体骨架是由依靠韧带连接的形状相异的骨头构成。   4. He feared his career had gone a bit pear-shaped.   他害怕自己的事业已经出了点儿问题。   5. This beautiful and curiously shaped lake lies at around fifteen thousand feet.   这个形状奇特的美丽湖泊周长约有15,000英尺。   6. Located off-center in the irregularly shaped lake was a fountain.   在这个形状不规则的湖泊的湖心以外的地方有一眼喷泉。   7. Martin"s upbringing shaped his whole life.   马丁的家庭教养影响了他的一生。   8. The eye first appears as a cup-shaped outgrowth from the brain.   眼睛开始是从大脑长出,呈杯状。   9. a huge balloon shaped like a giant cow   形似一头巨牛的大气球   10. This dress is shaped at the waist and doesn"t need a belt.   这件连衣裙腰部合身,不需要腰带.   11. The leaves of evergreens are often shaped like needles.   常绿植物的叶常是针形的.   12. The rocks were shaped by sun, wind and rain.   太阳, 风和雨使岩石变形了.   13. Christianity is a living faith which has shaped the history of Britain.   ____塑造了英国的历史,而且至今还有人信奉.   14. The potter carefully shaped the vase.   那个陶工精心地制作了这个花瓶.   15. Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.   记忆会受到后来经历的深刻影响.


  share有分享,共享;分配;共有等意思,那么你知道share的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    share的用法大全:   share的用法1:share用作名词时,可表示“分得或应承受的一份”,其后常接of或in。   share的用法2:share在英式英语中还可指“股票”,是可数名词,而在美式英语中“股票”一般说stock。   share的用法3:share有时可置于另一名词前作定语。   share的用法4:share的基本意思是“分享”,即指某物最初的所有人或持有人允许别人使用、分享或占有其中一部分,可指接受者部分的使用、分享或占有属于或来自他人的东西,也可指为一群人集体共用。   share的用法5:share用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,与in连用,后可与抽象名词连用(如the cost, the joys, the fun, troubles, the happiness等)。    share的常用短语:   share and share alike   share in (v.+prep.)   share out (v.+adv.)   share with (v.+prep.)    share的用法例句:   1. There are intangible benefits beyond a rise in the share price.   除股价上升之外还有无形利益。   2. I drain the pasta, then I share it out between two plates.   我将意大利面滤干,然后平分到两个盘子里。   3. Share prices and trading have been dulled by worries over the war.   股票价格和交易因人们对战争的忧虑而走低。   4. It can be beneficial to share your feelings with someone you trust.   向自己信任的人倾诉感情是很有益处的。   5. I have had more than my full share of adventures.   我已经有了太多丰富多彩的历险。   6. Do women really share such stupid jokes? We suspect not.   女人们真的会觉得如此愚蠢的笑话好笑吗?我们想不会。   7. Sri Lankans share a common ancestry with their Indian brethren.   斯里兰卡人和他们的印度兄弟有共同的祖先。   8. They do, however, share a mutual interest in design.   不过他们确实都对设计感兴趣。   9. Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.   大多数人猜测买方出价可能为每股380便士。   10. They can transfer or share the contract with whosoever they choose.   他们可以与他们选择的任何人交换或分享这份合约。   11. The company has steadily been losing market share to Boeing and Airbus.   该公司的市场份额持续不断地被波音公司和空中客车公司抢走。   12. Share prices would have sunk — hurting small and big investors.   股票价格就会下跌——大小投资者均会遭受打击。   13. The firm"s top managers share the same open-plan office.   该公司的高层管理人员共用一间开敞式办公室。   14. Women must receive their fair share of training for good-paying jobs.   女性必须获得她们理应得到的高薪工作培训。   15. The FT 30 share index was up 16.4 points to 1,599.6.   《金融时报》30股指上涨16.4点,收于1,559.6点。


  shift有移动;改变;换挡;字型转换等意思,那么你知道shift的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!   shift的用法:   shift的用法1:shift的基本意思是“搬动,移动”。指从一处转移或使转移至另一处,强调场所或方向的变化,含有不确定、不稳定的意味。有时可表示位置的一次性移动。引申可作“快速行进”或“去掉”解。   shift的用法2:shift可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   shift的用法3:shift for oneself作“自谋生路”解; shift the blame on〔onto〕 sb 的意思是“把罪责推到某人的身上”。   shift的常用 短语 :   用作动词 (v.)   shift about (v.+adv.)   shift away (v.+adv.)   shift down (v.+adv.)   shift for oneself (v.+prep.+pron.)   shift from (v.+prep.)   shift off1 (v.+adv.)   shift off2 (v.+prep.)   shift onto (v.+prep.)   shift the blame〔responsibility〕 on〔onto〕 (v.+n.+prep.)   shift to (v.+prep.)   shift的用法例句:   1. The result reflects a modest rightward shift in opinion.   结果显示舆论出现一定程度的右倾。   2. The night shift should have been safely down the mine long ago.   上夜班的矿工应该早就安全地到达井下了。   3. Their success does not necessarily reflect a leftward shift in politics.   他们的成功并不一定表示政治气候转向亲左。   4. Tory-bashing or Labour-bashing will not be enough to shift bored, suspicious voters.   抨击保守党或工党并不足以改变那些心生厌倦、心存怀疑的选民的态度。   5. The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift.   这些木头在吱吱嘎嘎作响,木地板有些摇晃。   6. Some suppliers were selling at a loss to shift stock.   一些供应商赔本销售存货。   7. There has been a shift from smokestack industries into high-tech ones.   产业结构已由烟囱工业转向了高科技产业。   8. They see the shift to the right as a worldwide phenomenon.   他们认为政治上的右翼倾向是一个世界现象。   9. a rightward shift in voting patterns   选举格局的右倾化转变   10. a seismic shift in the political process   政治进程中的剧变   11. You have to shift down when you climb up steep hills.   开车爬陡峭的山坡时,你得换低速挡.   12. The thieves couldn"t shift any of those stolen colour televisions.   这伙盗贼无法把任何一部偷来的彩色电视机脱手.   13. Lend me a hand to shift this box, will you ?   来帮一下忙,把这箱子搬开, 好 吗 ?   14. A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm.   风向的突然改变预示暴风雨来临.   15. When do you check on for your night shift?   你几点钟上晚班?

「七夕情人节、情人节快乐」英文怎么说? 几个英文例句搞懂!

情人节 英文 是Valentine"s Day ,那么中国的七夕情人节,用英文该怎么说呢?情人节快乐的英文又该怎么说呢?其实很简单啦,就是 Chinese Valentine"s Day ,前面加个Chinese 就可以了,而情人节快乐英文则是Happy Valentine"s Day。 当然,七夕情人节还有另一种英文说法是「Double Seventh Day 」,也就是直接翻译七月七号(七夕)的意思,指的就是 Chinese Valentine"s Day。 下面列举出几个七夕情人节的英文例句,赶快学起来吧! 1. Chinese Valentine"s Day 七夕情人节 Valentine"s Day 是指情人节的意思,而七夕情人节则要说 Chinese Valentine"s Day 。 例:He gave his girlfriend 999 roses on Chinese Valentine"s Day. 他七夕情人节送给女友999朵玫瑰。 例:Today is Chinese Valentine"s Day. 今天是七夕情人节 2. Happy Valentine"s Day 情人节乐 例:What"s your plan on Valentine"s Day. 你情人节有什么计划? 例:Happy Valentine"s Day. 情人节快乐! 七夕 情人节 英文, 七夕 英文, 七夕情人节 英文, 情人节 快乐 英文, 情人节 英文, 情人节 英文例句, 情人节外乐 英文, 情人节快乐 英文



英语 through词性 用法 例句

through prep(连词). (1)从……通过,穿过 e.g.The River Thames flows through London.泰晤士河流经伦敦. 比较:across是从平面或表面穿过,如across the street,而along 是沿着……走. (2)在……中,一直到 e.g.She nursed me through my long illness.我病了很长时间,她都一直护理着我. (3)经历,经受 e.g.He was through too much during the war.战争中他经历了太多. (4)通过 e.g.We got the news through our friend.我们通过朋友得到了这个消息. He got the job through his uncle.他通过他叔叔得到了这份工作. (5)(指原因、理由)由于,因为,相当于because of 和as a result. e.g.We missed the plane through being held up on the motorway. 由于高速公路上交通堵塞,我们误了班机. e.g.I lost the job through no fault of mine.我失去了工作并不是由于我自己的原因.


  shop做动词有逛商店;购物;买东西等意思,那么你知道shop的过去式是什么吗?以下是我为大家带来的shop的过去式和用法例句,欢迎各位同学们学习!   shop的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: shopped   过去分词: shopped   现在分词: shopping   shop的用法:   shop的用法1:shop用作动词的意思是“(到u2026)去买东西〔购物〕”。   shop的用法2:shop可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   shop的用法3:shop在英国 俚语 里也可作“告发”解,尤指向警方告发某人。   shop的用法4:shop的基本意思是“商店,店铺”,一般指零售的小商店,在美国也可指专业商店或大店内的专业零售部。   shop的过去式例句:   1. Jeff had shopped extravagantly for presents for the whole family.   杰夫花了很多钱为全家人买礼物。   2. Fraudsters are often shopped by honest friends and neighbours.   诈骗犯经常会被正直守法的朋友和邻居告发。   3. He shopped around for a firm that would be flexible.   他到处寻觅一家可灵活变通的公司。   4. We shopped all the main shops.   我们把主要的商店都逛遍了.   5. She lunched and shopped and went for fittings for clothes she didn"t need.   她吃完午饭后去购物,试穿了一些她并不需要的衣服。   6. His father was so disgusted to discover his son was dealing drugs he shopped him to police.   他父亲发现儿子在贩毒时深感憎恶,就向警察告发了他。   7. He always shopped at the Co-op.   他一直在合作社买东西。   8. The gang leader was shopped by one of the robbers.   有个劫匪向警方告发了匪首.   9. I shopped several department stores.   我光顾了几家百货商店.   10. We window - shopped along Madison Avenue.   我们沿着麦迪生大道逛商店.   11. They shopped all morning for musical instruments.   他们整个上午都在买乐器.   12. She had shopped hard and bought well ; but now charges of extravagance crept into the papers.   她费尽心力进行购买,务求物美价廉; 可是逐渐有人在报上指责她挥霍浪费.   13. Available only to those that shopped on at least five continents.   仅仅给那些在世界上至少在五个不同大陆上买过范思哲产品的客户.   14. Likewise, in Beijing, I shopped at stores with Western groceries.   同样, 在北京的时候, 我也会去西式的杂货店购物.   15. I shopped at the foreclosure department of a bank.   而我是在一家银行的破产清偿部购买的.

romane是什么意思 romane的中文翻译、读音、例句?

romane通常被翻译为”小说”的意思,其次还有”新奇”的意思,单词读音音标为[romane],romane在德语中经常以名词形式出现,在《现代德语词典》中,共找到46个与romane相关的同义词和例句。1. Am liebsten historische Romane.2. Alle Romane basieren auf Wahrheit, oder?3. ich habe uber 40 Romane geschrieben.4. Sie hat so viele Romane gelesen, so viele verschiedene Romane hier.5. dass meine Romane nicht erfolgreich waren,6. Mag einer von euch die Romane von John Grisham?7. ich liebe… alle ihre Romane!8. Oh, er hat Romane geschrieben?9. ich kenne all diese wunderbaren Romane nicht.10. ihre Romane sind sehr beeindruckend, Hr. Michima.11. Du musst nur schlechte Romane schreiben.12. konnen Tote Romane erzahlen.13. Sie mogen solche Romane auch.14. Bei ihrer Fabulierkunst sollten Sie Romane schreiben.15. Darauf beruht die Starke der Romane von Oe.romane作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有Romans、Romane、Romanen等。自考/成考有疑问、不知道自考/成考考点内容、不清楚当地自考/成考政策,点击底部咨询官网老师,免费领取复习资料:https://www.87dh.com/xl/


  shop有逛商店;购物;买东西等意思,那么你知道shop的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    shop的用法大全:   shop的用法大全:shop用作动词的意思是“(到u2026)去买东西〔购物〕”。   shop的用法大全:shop可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词或代词作宾语。   shop的用法大全:shop在英国俚语里也可作“告发”解,尤指向警方告发某人。   shop的用法大全:shop的基本意思是“商店,店铺”,一般指零售的小商店,在美国也可指专业商店或大店内的专业零售部。   shop的用法大全:shop也可作“办事处,机构,企业”解。   shop的用法大全:在口语里, shop可作“工厂,车间,作坊”解,尤用于构成复合词。    shop的常用短语:   all over the shop   set up shop   shut up shop   talk shop   go shopping   shop around (v.+adv.)    shop的用法例句:   1. The victim was outside a shop when he was attacked.   被害人遇袭时正在一家商店的外面。   2. The shop assistant received me indifferently while leaning on a counter.   商店售货员靠在柜台上漫不经心地招呼我。   3. It"s a new shop selling discounted lines and seconds.   这是家新开的商店,出售打折商品和等外品。   4. The woman in the shop had looked at them curiously.   商店里的那个女人曾经好奇地看着他们。   5. He had an urge to open a shop of his own.   他很想自己开一家店。   6. The news from Body Shop rattled the rest of the retail sector.   从“美体小铺”传来的消息令整个零售行业不安。   7. This Islington shop is a treasure trove of beautiful bridalwear.   这家位于伊斯灵顿区的商店里汇聚了各种漂亮的新娘服装。   8. They trekked from shop to shop in search of white knee-length socks.   他们拖着步子从一家商店走到另一家,寻找齐膝的白袜子。   9. The shop is devoted to a new range of accessories.   该商店专营新的一系列配件。   10. He set up shop as an independent PR consultant.   他自己开公司,做起了独立公共关系顾问。   11. The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper.   商店货品齐全,从香烟到再生厕纸应有尽有。   12. Sock Shop was one of the high-street success stories of the 80s.   “袜铺”是20世纪80年代商业成功的范例之一。   13. Auntie and Uncle suggested she serve in the shop.   阿姨和叔叔建议她去商店工作。   14. I paid a visit to my local print shop.   我去了我们当地的照片冲洗店.   15. His shop is open Monday through Friday, 9am to 6pm.   他的店周一到周五、每天上午9点到下午6点对外营业。

shower在不同词性时的例句 最好标注一下是什么词性

shower 英["u0283au028au0259] 美["u0283au028au025a]n. 淋浴;(倾泻般出现的)一阵,一大批;阵雨vt. 大量地给予;把……弄湿vi. 淋浴;下阵雨I said that if I was really hygienic, and you can now wonder about how often do I shower?但是这真的很棒,对不对?,那么为什么我要说这些呢?,我说过如果我真的很讲卫生的话?You have those shower moments or you"re walking at midnights in some town in New York City and you"ve got this amazing brand-new ideas.你在洗澡的时候,或是你在午夜的纽约城里的小镇,漫步的时候,你会得到很新奇的点子。


  小姑娘们都喜欢穿裙子,那么裙子的英文是什么呢?英语栏目为您带来“裙子的英语表达及相关例句”,一起来看看吧!    裙子的英文说法1   skirt   英 [sku0259:t] 美 [sku025at]   裙子的英文说法2   underdress   英 [u02c8u028cndu0259u02c8dres] 美 [u02c8u028cndu025au02ccdru025bs]    裙子的相关英文表达   draped skirt   褶皱的裙子   a full skirt   有宽褶的裙子   skirt shop   裙子商店   裙子的英文说法例句   1、她穿着一条细棉布的裙子。   She wears a skirt of cambric.   2、她的裙子上有个细长的开口。   Her skirt has a long slit.   3、她的裙子有非常精致的花边。   Her skirt has very exquisite lace.   4、我的裙子是背后扣扣子的。   My skirt buttons at the back.   5、钉子勾破了她的裙子。   She tore her skirt on the nail.   6、把裙子给我吧,你可以再去挑其它的你喜欢的裙子。   Just leave the dress with me while you find one that you like.   7、裙子的腰部有弹性,可作为一个条纹裙子扭转。   The skirt has an elastic waist and can be reversed as a striped skirt.   8、这种发型可以搭配无肩带裙子或细肩带裙子。   Double buns are great with strapless or spaghetti strap dresses.   9、这花布做裙子一定很好看。   This piece of cotton print would surely make a very beautiful skirt.   10、他倾听她裙子的窸窣声。   He listened to the rustle of her skirts.   11、这些裙子被改短了一两英寸。   The skirts were shortened an inch or two.   12、伊莎贝尔穿着素净的针织套衫和裙子。   Isabel had on a simple jumper and skirt.   13、奇德拿走了我带过去的裙子样品,而且保证届时在我访问公司时给我准备好裙子的版型。   Chid took the sample skirt I brought to dinner, and promised to have a prototype ready when I visited.


1. 我觉得和他说理是无用的 ---- I think it"s useless talking reason with him.2. 你继续跟那个固执的人争辩是无用的 ---- It"s useless arguing with that stubborn person.3. 对于这个问题,再想下去也是无用的 ---- It"s useless thinking further about this issue.4. 在这个情况下,插手也许是无用的 ---- It may be useless getting involved in this situation.5. 他非常顽固,所以讲道理对他来说是无用的 ---- It"s useless reasoning with him, as he is very stubborn.


remaining是形容词,表示“剩下的”、“余下的”,修饰单个名词作定语,置于该名词之前作前置定语。 例句: He gulped down the remainder of his coffee. 他一口喝完了剩下的咖啡。 The remainder were local people. 其余的都是当地人。 扩展资料   He kept his word for the remainder of the year.   他在这一年余下的日子里信守诺言。   One-third of the pawpaw is for the dish, the remainder is for you.   这个木瓜三分之一用来做菜,其余的"都是你的了。   I kept some of his books and gave away the remainder.   我保留了一些他的书,其他的都送人了。   Efforts to persuade the remainder to follow suit have continued.   说服其余的人也跟着做的努力在继续。


护士 [词典] nurse; nana; [例句]很多医生和护士已经夜以继日地工作数周了。Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks


【篇一】sick的用法   sick的用法1:sick的基本意思是“有病的”,在英式英语中只用作表语,而在美式英语中则既可用作表语,也可用作定语,常用于修饰人,偶尔也用于修饰事物如sick leave(病假)。   sick的用法2:sick有时可指与“呕吐”有关的具体症状,如“恶心的,想吐的”。用于比喻可指“讨厌的”“渴望的”“心烦意乱的,恼火的”等。作“腻烦的,厌恶的”解时,常后接介词of。   sick的用法3:sick不受heavily修饰,表示“病重”,可用seriously。   sick的用法4:sick的比较级是sicker,级是sickest。   sick的用法5:sick用作名词的基本意思是“呕吐物”,一般用于口语中,是不可数名词。   sick的用法6:sick前常加定冠词the表示“病人”,为总称,在句中作主语时,其谓语动词通常用复数形式。   sick的用法7:sick在非正式文体中偶尔也可用作动词,通常与up连用,表示“呕吐出…”。例如:The baby sicked up a little milk.婴儿吐出了一点奶。 【篇二】sick的常用短语   用作形容词 (adj.)   as sick as a parrot   非常失望、妒忌等 【篇三】sick的用法例句   1. I get sick of being thought of as a political automaton.   我讨厌被看作政治机器。   2. When we are off sick, we only receive half pay.   我们请病假的时候只能拿一半薪水。   3. He was worried sick about what our mothers would say.   对于我们双方的母亲会说什么他十分担心。   4. I really don"t feel a bit sick, no night sweats, no fevers.   我真的感觉一点毛病也没有,没盗汗也不发热。   5. There are no paid holidays or sick leave if you are self-employed.   如果你是个体户,就没有带薪休假或病假。   6. The average Swede was off sick 27 days last year.   去年瑞典人平均休病假27天。   7. Are you all right? You look terrible. Are you sick?   你没事儿吧?你的脸色很难看,生病了吗?   8. The sight of George shedding crocodile tears made me sick.   看到乔治假慈悲,我感到恶心。   9. He got sick of hanging around waiting for me.   他等我都等烦了。   10. It makes me sick that people commit offences and never get punished.   一些人屡屡犯罪却从未受到惩戒,这真让我气愤。   11. She got up and was sick in the handbasin.   她起身在洗手池里吐了起来。   12. I"m sick of reading headlines involving the Kennedys in sex scandals.   关于肯尼迪家族性丑闻的新闻标题都让我读得腻烦了。   13. I felt sick to my stomach with sadness for them.   我为他们感到十分痛心。   14. He felt sick and dizzy and then passed out.   他感到恶心、眩晕,然后就昏了过去。   15. All the years he was sick my mother had nursed him.   他生病的这些年来,我妈妈一直照料着他。


讨论、探讨的英文是discuss,discuss泛指讨论、探讨、商谈…等意思。 下面列举出discuss的英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来,下次就会罗。 discuss 三态: 过去式: discussed 过去分词: discussed 现在分词: discussing 1. discuss 讨论、探讨、商谈 例:I will be discussing the situation with colleagues tomorrow. 明天我会和同事讨论一下情况。 例:Can we have a meeting to discuss that? 我们可以开个会讨论那件事吗? 例:I"m very interested in your idea, shall we discuss it over lunch? 我对你的想法很感兴趣,要不要吃个午餐探讨它? 例:There"s nothing to discuss 没有甚么好讨论的。 discuss, discuss 中文, discuss 意思, discuss 翻译, 探讨 英文, 探讨 英文例句, 讨论 英文, 讨论 英文例句


在英语中,我们总是遇到一些陌生的单词,这时应了解单词的意思和理解它的用法,下次遇到就会使用它了,知道sight这个单词吗?下面是我给大家带来的sight的用法和例句_sight的用法大全,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ sight的解释 n.视觉;视力;看得到的东西;情景;景象;瞄准器;观测器;看;看见;风景 v.看到;观察;初次瞥见;瞄准;观测;调整(火器)的瞄准器;调整(光学仪器)的观测器 复数: sights 第三人称单数: sights 现在分词: sighting 过去式: sighted 过去分词: sighted ▼ sight的用法大全 sight的用法1:sight用作名词的基本意思是“视力,视觉”,也可指“看见,瞥见”“视域,眼界”等,是不可数名词。引申可表示“情景,景象”,是可数名词; 还可指“风景,名胜”“(步枪等的)瞄准器,观测器”,常用于复数形式。 sight的用法2:sight作“视域,眼界”解时,常与介词in(to)连用。 sight的用法3:a sight除了可用于表示“一处景象”或“一个瞄准器”之外,在口语中还可指“显得滑稽可笑的、不整洁的人或物”“非常,很多”等。作“非常,很多”解时,其后常接介词of。 sight的用法4:at (first) sight〔on sight〕 的意思是“乍一看,初看起来”; at the sight of的意思是“一见(就)”; catch sight of意思是“发现,突然看见”; lose sight of的意思是“忽视,忘记”“看不见”“失去联系”等; out of sight意思是“看不见,在视野之外”。 sight的用法5:sight用作动词时基本意思是“看见,发现”,尤指观望一阵之后才得以“看见或发现…”,此时通常用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。 sight的用法6:sight还可表示“(用仪器)瞄准〔观测,察看〕”,既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词,用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语。 sight的用法7:sight有时还可表示“调整(枪、炮等的)瞄准器”,用作及物动词。 ▼ sight的常用 短语 at (first) sight〔on sight〕 at (the) sight of catch sight of in〔into〕 sight in sb"s sight〔the sight of〕 keep in sight keep sight of lose sight of out of sight sight unseen take a sight ▼ sight的用法例句 1. They observed the comet for 70 days before it faded from sight. 他们观察了这颗彗星70天,直至其慢慢从视线中消失。 2. A bright shooting star, or meteor, is an unforgettable sight. 明亮的流星,或者说陨石,是番难忘的景象。 3. We encountered the pathetic sight of a family packing up its home. 我们目睹了一家人正在收拾家当准备离开的凄惨景象。 4. The Atlantic coast is within sight of the hotel. 从宾馆可以看见大西洋海岸。 5. Although people sometimes buy property sight unseen, it"sa remarkably bad idea. 尽管人们有时没看房就买了房,但这真是一个很糟糕的主意。 6. I didn"t so much as catch sight of him all day long. 我一整天都没见他人影。 7. He was trying to keep out of the bird"s line of sight. 他试图躲到那只鸟看不到的地方。 8. The sight of him entering a room could flood her with desire. 见到他进入房间会让她心中欲望澎湃。 9. The sight of George shedding crocodile tears made me sick. 看到乔治假慈悲,我感到恶心。 10. The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run. 她一走出众人的视线就开始飞奔起来。 11. Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her. 杰茜卡看到了洛伊丝,就冲她挥手致意。 12. He caught sight of his hair in a mirror. 他从镜子里看见了自己的头发。 13. Surgeons were hopeful of saving the sight in Sara"s left eye. 外科医生有信心保住萨拉左眼的视力。 14. My sight is failing, and I can"t see to read any more. 我的视力在下降,看不了书了。 15. His twenty-five-foot boat was moored within sight of West Church. 他那条25英尺长的小船停泊在看得见西教堂的地方。 sight的用法和例句相关 文章 : ★ sight的用法和例句 ★ sick的用法和短语例句 ★ bright的用法和短语例句 ★ sick的用法和例句 ★ coast的用法和例句 ★ catch的用法和短语例句 ★ desire的用法和例句 ★ view的用法和短语例句意思及词汇辨析 ★ simple的用法和例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?6990a94c9bf3cca817150d7468a26be6"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


  signal做动词有通知、表示等意思,那么你知道signal的过去式是什么吗?下面是我整理的signal的过去式和用法例句,欢迎各位同学们学习!   signal的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: signalled   过去分词: signalled   现在分词: signalling   signal的用法:   signal的用法1:signal用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词或that/wh从句作宾语。signal还可接双宾语,常以带或不带疑问词的动词不定式作直接宾语,其间接宾语可以由介词to引出, to可以省略。不用于被动结构。   signal的用法2:signal还可用作形容词,意思是“明显的,(非常)显著的,非凡的”。   signal的过去式例句:   1. Cabinet ministers signalled their determination to tough out the controversy.   内阁大臣们表明他们将不顾争议坚持下去。   2. The marriage signalled James"s embrace of the Catholic faith.   这桩婚姻标志着詹姆斯皈依了天主教.   3. A police car drew abreast of us and signalled us to stop.   一辆警车开过来与我们并排,示意我们停下来。   4. The visIt"signalled the normalization of relations between the two countries.   这次 访问显示 两国关系已经正常化.   5. He has, by submitting his resignation, signalled his unhappiness with the government"s decision.   他以辞职来表示自己对政府决定的不满。   6. She signalled a passing taxi and ordered him to take her to the rue Marengo.   她招手打了一辆路过的出租车,让司机载她去马伦戈街。   7. When all the instruments had been checked out, the pilot signalled that he was ready for takeoff.   所有仪表都检查过之后, 驾驶员发出起飞准备就绪的信号.   8. I"ve tipped you a wink or signalled to you on the sly many times, but before you took the hint others had already noticed.   我多次向你使眼色,又给你递暗号,别人都明白了, 你却没有反应.   9. The man signalled for me to gather the children together.   那人示意让我将孩子们召集起来。   10. The visit signalled the normalization of relations between the two countries.   这次访问显示两国关系已经正常化。   11. The ship signalled her sister ship and then stood on.   那船向它的姐妹发了信号,然后继续往前驶去.   12. She signalled that he was about to turn left.   她打手势表示他就要转到左面去了.   13. He signalled to the driver to stop the car.   他示意那位司机停车.   14. Benson signalled the auctioneer quietly and kicked the bid up another thousand.   本森悄悄地向拍卖人做了个手势,然后把出价又抬高了一千元.   15. The policeman signalled the children to cross the road.   警察向孩子们做手势,叫他们过马路.




  silent有安静的;不吵闹的;沉默的等意思,那么你知道silent的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    silent的用法:   silent的用法1:silent的基本意思是“寂静的,无声的”。引申可作“沉默的,只字不提的”解,可指习惯上非绝对必要的话不说,也可指在特殊场合因特殊原因而对讲话有节制。   silent的用法2:silent还可作“不发音”解,作此解时无比较级和最高级形式。   silent的用法3:silent在句中常用作定语或表语,偶尔也可作宾语补足语。silent作表语时,后常接介词on〔about〕引起的短语,表示“对u2026保持沉默,对u2026未提到”。    simply的常用短语:   用作形容词 (adj.)   silent about   silent as the grave   silent on    silent的用法例句:   1. Gail was silent for a moment, regarding Harry with his steady gaze.   盖尔镇定地注视着哈里,沉默了片刻。   2. He spoke no English and was completely silent during the visit.   他不会说英语,参观过程中一言未发。   3. The forest was dark and silent, haunted by shadows and unseen presences.   这个森林黑暗寂静,经常有幽灵和看不见的鬼怪出没。   4. He looked back at the abject, silent girl and repeated his question.   他转过头看着这个噤若寒蝉的女孩,又重复了一遍他的问题。   5. She was a small, silent woman with pinched features and thin hair.   她是一位瘦小、沉默的女子,面容消瘦,头发稀疏。   6. The administration has recently become silent about abuses in Haiti.   最近政府对发生在海地的虐待事件绝口不提。   7. Garbo made two dozen films, first silent pictures then talkies.   嘉宝拍过24部电影,先是无声的,后是有声的。   8. The attacker still stood there, watching her with silent contempt.   袭击者还站在那里,用一种鄙夷的眼神一言不发地看着她。   9. Douglas was noticeably silent about his feelings for his father.   道格拉斯明显不愿提及自己对父亲的感情。   10. I made a silent vow to be more careful in the future.   我暗暗发誓,日后要倍加小心。   11. Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remain silent.   由于不确定这句话究竟是什么意思,赖尔选择了保持沉默。   12. They had remained silent until they were well away from the house.   他们直到离那所房子很远后才开口说话。   13. She was silent for a moment, lips tight shut, eyes distant.   她沉默了一会儿,嘴唇紧闭,眼神茫然。   14. The three men remained silent.   这3个人保持着沉默。   15. The room was silent except for John"s crunching.   屋子里一片寂静,只有约翰发出的咀嚼声。


  听听的英文:   lend an ear to ;lent an ear to   参考例句:   Just listen to her sass!   你听听她那些无礼的话!Please have a listen to this.   请听听这个吧。Listen to the roll of the drum.   听听擂鼓声。 Listen to the advice of your elders and betters.   听听上司的意见吧!But listen to the voices around you. Listen to your own voices.   但是听听你周围的.声音吧。听听自己的心里话。Get a load of what she is saying.   注意听听她在说些什么。 Read me back that telephone number.   把那个电话号码念给我听听。To listen to a conversation between others;eavesdrop.   偷听听别人的谈话;偷听We"d like to hear what you say concerning the matter of packing.   我很想听听你们就包装问题发表意见。I "d be grateful to have your view on the event .   我很高兴听听您对这次事件的见解。lend是什么意思:   v. 贷款;借出;提供;使适合;使有帮助;增添   Distance lends enchantment to the view   距离让景色增添魅力The library will lend you this book on request.   只要你提出要求,图书馆就借给你这本书。Show it to those who will lend an ear.   出示给那些人,他们还愿意倾听。ear是什么意思:   n. 耳朵;耳状物;听觉;倾听;报头;穗   v. 结穗   Walls have ears   隔墙有耳This is an ear scoop.   这是扣耳勺。The belly has no ears   食欲不长耳lent是什么意思:   [lend] 的动词过去式、过去分词形式   My house has lent money to kings.   我们家族曾借钱给帝王。 The use of dialect lent great charm to the work .   方言的运用给这部作品增添了巨大的魅力。They lent all-out support to our factory.


det., adv.1 happening or coming before all other similar things or people; 1st: his first wife It was the first time they had ever met. I didn"t take the first bus. students in their first year at college your first impressions She resolved to do it at the first (= earliest) opportunity. King Edward I (= said as ‘King Edward the First") the first of May / May 1st His second book is better than his first.2 the most important or best: Your first duty is to your family. She won first prize in the competition. an issue of the first importance there"s a first time for everything (saying, humorous) the fact that sth has not happened before does not mean that it will never happen—more at order n. adv.1 before anyone or anything else; at the beginning: ‘Do you want a drink?" ‘I"ll finish my work first." First I had to decide what to wear. Who came first in the race (= who won)? It plunged nose first into the river.2 for the first time: When did you first meet him?3 used to introduce the first of a list of points you want to make in a speech or piece of writing firstly: This method has two advantages: first it is cheaper and second it is quicker.4 used to emphasize that you are determined not to do sth: She swore that she wouldn"t apologize—she"d die first! at first at or in the beginning: I didn"t like the job much at first. At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people. (saying) If at first you don"t succeed, try, try again. note at firstly come first to be considered more important than anything else: In any decision she makes, her family always comes first. first and foremost more than anything else: He does a little teaching, but first and foremost he"s a writer. first and last in every way that is important; completely: She regarded herself, first and last, as a musician. first come, first served (saying) people will be dealt with, seen, etc. strictly in the order in which they arrive: Tickets are available on a first come, first served basis. first of all1 before doing anything else; at the beginning: First of all, let me ask you something.2 as the most important thing: The content of any article needs, first of all, to be relevant to the reader. note at firstly first off (informal, especially BrE) before anything else: First off, let"s see how much it"ll cost. first up (BrE, informal) to start with; before anything else put sb/sth first to consider sb/sth to be more important than anyone/anything else: She always puts her children first.—more at foot n., head n., safety noun1 the first [C] (pl. the first) the first person or thing mentioned; the first person or thing to do a particular thing: I was the first in my family to go to college. Sheila and Jim were the first to arrive. I"d be the first to admit (= I will most willingly admit) I might be wrong. The first I heard about the wedding (= the first time I became aware of it) was when I saw it in the local paper.2 [C, usually sing.] an achievement, event, etc., never done or experienced before: We went on a cruise, a first for both of us.3 (also first gear) [U] the lowest gear on a car, bicycle, etc. that you use when you are moving slowly: He stuck the car in first and revved.4 [C] ~ (in sth) the highest level of university degree at British universities: She got a first in maths at Exeter.—compare second, third first among equals the person or thing with the highest status in a group from the (very) first from the beginning: They were attracted to each other from the first. from first to last from beginning to end; during the whole time: It"s a fine performance that commands attention from first to last.


. After you.你先请。这是一句很常用的客套话,在进/出门,上车得场合你都可以表现一下。 2. I just couldn"t help it.我就是忍不住。想想看,这样一个漂亮的句子可用于多少个场合?下面是随意举的一个例子: I was deeply moved by the film and I cried and cried. I just couldn"t help it. 3. Don"t take it to heart. 别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。生活实例: This test isn"t that important. Don"t take it to heart. 4. We"d better be off.我们该走了。It"s getting late. We"d better be off. 5. Let"s face it. 面对现实吧。常表明说话人不愿意逃避困难的现状。 参考例句:I know it"s a difficult situation. Let"s face it, OK? 6. Let"s get started.咱们开始干吧。劝导别人时说:Don"t just talk. Let"s get started. 7. I"m really dead.我真要累死了。坦诚自己的感受时说:After all that work, I"m really dead. 8. I"ve done my best.我已尽力了。 9. Is that so?真是那样吗?常用在一个人听了一件事后表示惊讶、怀疑。 10. Don"t play games with me!别跟我耍花招! 11. I don"t know for sure.我不确切知道。 Stranger: Could you tell me how to get to the town hall? Tom: I don"t know for sure. Maybe you could ask the policeman over there. 12. I"m not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。 Karin: You quit the job? You are kidding. Jack: I"m not going to kid you. I"m serious. 13. That"s something. 太好了,太棒了。 A: I"m granted a full scholarship for this semester. B: Congratulations. That"s something. 14. Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明! 15. Do you really mean it? 此话当真? Michael:Whenever you are short of money, just come to me. David: Do you really mean it? 16. You are a great help.你帮了大忙。 17. I couldn"t be more sure. 我再也肯定不过。 18. I am behind you.我支持你。 A: Whatever decision you"re going to make, I am behind you. 19. I"m broke.我身无分文。 20. Mind you!请注意!听着!(也可仅用Mind。) 模范例句:Mind you! He"s a very nice fellow though bad-tempered. 21. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。 A:Do you think he will come to my birthday party? B: You can count on it. 22. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时就可以用上这句话给他一个台阶,打破尴尬局面:Oh, don"t worry. I"m thinking of buying a new one. I never liked it anyway. 23. That depends.看情况再说。 例:I may go to the airport to meet her. But that depends. 24. Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。 25. Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。当别人尽力要帮助你却没帮成时,你就可以用这个短语表示谢意。 26. It"s a deal.一言为定。 Harry: Haven"t seen you for ages. Let"s have a get-together next week. Jenny: It"s a deal 英语口语----安慰 ●担心、惦念 你怎么了? What"s the matter? *用于对方身体不舒服或对方有什么异常时。 What"s the matter? You look sad. (你怎么了?显得这么伤心。) Nothing. I"m just tired. (没什么。我只是累了。) What"s wrong? Is anything wrong? What"s the problem? Is something bothering you? *bother “使……烦心”、“折磨”。? 你没事吧? Are you okay? *用于对方发生什么不好的事情时。 Are you all right?? 到底怎么回事? What"s going on? What"s going on? (到底怎么回事?) We were just talking. (我们只是说说。) What happened? What"s happening? 你有什么心事吗? Is something on your mind? *be on a person"s mind “有什么挂心的事”。 Do you have something on your mind? What are you worried about? (你担心什么?) What"s on your mind? (你担心什么呢?) Is anything bothering you? 我担心你。? I was worried about you. I was concerned about you.? 请不要特地为我(而麻烦您吧)。 Please don"t go out of your way. I"ll drop you off. (我送你回家。) Please don"t go out of your way. (请不要特地送我。) 你怎么那么严肃。 You look serious. You look serious. (你怎么那么严肃。) This is important. (这事很重要。) You look grave.? 你今天看上去很悲伤。 You look sad today.? 你今天怎么满脸的不高兴。 You don"t look very happy today.? 你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?? Why are you so glum? *glum “闷闷不乐的”、“忧郁的”、“愁闷的”。 Why are you so glum? (你怎么闷闷不乐的呀?) My girlfriend just dumped me. (女朋友刚跟我吹了。)*dump “抛弃”。 Why so glum? Why the long face? 你看起来很疲惫。? You look exhausted. *exhausted “精疲力尽”、“疲劳不堪”,表示在此情况下再也不能做任何事情的疲劳感。 You look very tired. You look worn-out. You look bushed. *俚语。 You look pooped. *俚语. 你该休息一会儿。(你需要喘口气。) You need a break. It"s six o"clock already. (已经6点了。) Yeah, you need a break. (是呀,你该休息会儿了。) You need a rest. You need to take a break. You should take it easy. (你该放松会儿。) 你今天有点儿不大对劲。 Something is wrong with you today. You"re not yourself today. You seem different today.? 谁让你烦躁了?? Who are you irritated with? *用be irritated with...表示“为……而急躁的”、“为……而发怒的”。 Who has irritated you? 你太紧张. You"re nervous. I think you"re nervous. (我觉得你太紧张。) No, I"m not nervous! (没有,我不紧张。) You seem nervous. (你好像很紧张。) ●同情 听到这事我很难过。 (I"m) sorry to hear that. My dog died. (我的狗死了。) I"m sorry to hear that. (听到这事我很难过。) I"m sorry about that. (That"s) too bad. That"s a pity. What a pity. How awful. (太可怕了!) How sad. (太让人伤心了!) Tough luck. Sorry. What a shame.(太遗憾了。) *shame “遗憾的事”、“倒霉的事”. 真不走运! That"s unfortunate. It rained every day while I was in Hawaii. (我在夏威夷那几天,每天下雨。) That"s unfortunate. (真够倒霉的。) I"m sorry about your misfortune. *更礼貌的说法. It"s unfortunate. 常有的事。? It happens! 这是常见的错误。 It"s a common mistake. 那你肯定很难受吧. It must be tough for you. *tough表示“困难的”、“不容易的”、“费力气的”。 She won"t talk to me anymore. (她再也不会和我说话了。) It must be tough for you. (那你肯定很难受吧。) It must be hard on you. 啊,真可怜! Oh, poor thing! *poor “可怜的”、“太惨的”。 Bob got fired. (鲍勃被解雇了。) Oh, poor thing! (哦!太惨了!) Oh, poor baby! Ah, poor Bob! (啊,可怜的鲍勃!) 我理解你的心情。 I know how you feel. My wife left me. (我妻子离开了我。) Mine, too. I know how you feel. (我也是,我了解你的感受。) I understand the way you feel. I really sympathize with you. (我真的同情你。) 英美习语麻辣烫 over Introduction: 英语学习中,真正掌握好一个单词并非易事,因为一个单词可能有很多意义,多种词性。在不同的场合可能有不同的解释。如 over 这个单词,既可理解为“在……之上”,又可理解为“分手、绝交”,也有“完成、结束”的意思。如果只知道其中一种解释,就可能造成误解。所以不熟悉的词不宜乱用。请看下面的对话: Conversation: Rudolf: I did so badly in the exam. How about you? Ma: I"m over with you. Rudolf: What? Are you serious? Did I do anything wrong and annoying? Analysis: Rudolf 问 Ma 考试成绩如何, Ma 本来想说自己的成绩与 Rudolf 相比要好些,可是他所用的英语,却词不达意。他说的“ I"m over with you. ”自然被 Rudolf 理解为“我要跟你断交”。弄得 Rudolf 一头雾水,不知道到底出了什么事情。等 Ma 知道是怎么回事后,也觉得十分尴尬。上面对话改成下面这样就没问题了。 Suggested conversation: Rudolf: I did so badly in the exam. How about you? Ma: I get a better score than you, but it"s just I"m lucky this time. Rudolf: I"m better catch up. Can I have a look at your paper and see how you tackle some of those problems? Ma: Sure, here you are. peeping Tom Introduction: 英语中常会出现与人名相联系的习惯用语,一般这样的用语背后都有一段广为传诵的传说或故事。作为初学英语的人,由于不理解这样的俚语而闹出笑话,形成尴尬场面也就难免了。请看下面的一段对话: Conversation: Zhou: I saw you comforting your girlfriend yesterday. What"s the matter? Mike: My girlfriend had a problem with a peeping Tom at her apartment. Zhou: Which Tom? Do I know him? Analysis: “peeping Tom” 源自一个著名的英语传说,一千多年前一位伯爵夫人为了惩罚丈夫,决定赤身裸体骑马绕小镇一周,于是伯爵下令,镇上所有的人紧闭门窗,可是惟独一个叫 Tom 的人躲在窗后偷窥到了伯爵夫人。从此以后,人们就用 peeping Tom 来形容那些偷窥别人的人。在上面的对话中, Mike 说自己的女友在宿舍里遭人偷窥,可是 Zhou 不懂他的意思,还以为真有 Tom 这个人存在,如果 Zhou 的回答改成下面这样,就可以消除交际问题了。 Suggested Conversation: Zhou: I saw you comforting your girlfriend yesterday. What"s the matter? Mike: My girlfriend had a problem with a peeping Tom at her apartment. Zhou: I have a good plan to solve this problem. Mike: Good, I really need your help. pick holes in Introduction: 对初学英语的人来说,有些词组搭配看似简单明了,事实上却隐含了另外的意思。要理解这些搭配的真正含义,就一定得多查多问,在语境里加以学习,才能逐渐掌握这些习惯用法。请看下面一组对话: Conversation: Suo: You"ve been depressed since you came from Professor Li"s office. Shalpin: I am worrying about my dissertation. Suo: Yeah, was Professor Li satisfied with it? Shalpin: Not really, and he picked holes in my paper. Suo: Oh, I cannot believe it! Only child picks holes in paper. Shalpin: I mean he pointed out many defects of my paper. Analysis: 习语“ pick holes in ”是指对某人的工作挑毛病,指出错误,而并非是说在纸上戳洞。上例中 Shalpin 的老师对他的论文不太满意,指出了许多不足之处。 Shalpin 为此忧心忡忡,但是 Suo 却以为教授在 Shalpin 的论文纸上戳洞,自然感到不可思议。因此对上例中 Shalpin 的话应该避免误解。 Suggested Conversation: Suo: You"ve been depressed since you came from Professor Li"s office. Shalpin: I am worrying about my dissertation. Suo: Yeah, was Professor Li satisfied with it? Shalpin: Not really, and he picked holes in my paper. He pointed out many detects of my paper. Suo: It"s not good news, and then what would you do next? Shalpin: What should I do? Rewrite it! raise the roof Introduction: 英语初学者常常会错误理解英语中的俚语,因为不熟悉这些俚语的用法而闹笑话的事也是常会发生的。由于通常组成这些俚语的单词并不复杂,但组成短语后的意思却不是各个单词原意的简单相加,这也就迫使学习者必须逐个掌握一些常用的习语。 Conversation: Gordon: My neighbors are raising the roof! I got to call the police to stop them. Cha: They are noisy, but it seems to be a grand party, instead of fixing the roof. Gordon: Oh, I"ve never said they are fixing the roof. Analysis: 在上面的对话中, Gordon 抱怨邻居家太吵,并表示要报警去制止他们,他用了一个英语俚语来形容吵闹的程度: raise the roof ,这个俚语用英语来解释就是: making too much noise, having too much fun 。通常都用来形容由于聚会而制造出过多的噪音,仿佛要把房顶掀翻。 Cha 显然不熟悉这个短语的意思,一本正经地说听声音他们不像在修房顶,弄得 Gordon 莫名其妙。上面对话中 Cha 的回答改成下面这样就没问题了。 Suggested Conversation: Gordon: My neighbors are raising the roof! I got to call the police to stop them. Cha: The noise is unbearable, but you"d better call them first, and if it doesn"t work, call the police. You are neighbors anyway. Gordon: All right. 预约 10 句 1. When do you have free time? 你什么时候有空? 2. May I arrange the time and the place, please? 能不能让我安排时间和场所? 3. I don"t think we have to meet on this subject. 关于这个问题,我认为我们没有见面的必要。 4. If possible, why don"t we meet in the hotel restaurant at nine tomorrow morning? 如果可能的话,明天早上 9 点在饭店餐厅会面如何? 5. I"d like to bring Mr. Huang and Ms. Sun with me. 我想要带黄先生和孙小姐一起去。 6. I"ll be tied up the rest of the week, I"m afraid. 这个星期我恐怕抽不出时间。 7. I"ll be there right on time. 我会准时到那儿。 8. I"d like to make our appointment 15 minutes later. 我想把我们的约会延后 15 分钟。 9. Can we reschedule our appointment? 能不能更改我们约定的时间? 10. Something urgent has come up. 发生了紧急的事情。 考试心情碎碎念 焦虑五句 I"m so worried that I won"t be abble to memorize everything. 我好怕我都记不住。 How is it that I don"t even understand one question on this test? 这个测验我怎么连一个题都不会? Man, I passed out without reading to where I had planned to last night. 糟了,昨天设定的进度还没看完我就睡着了。 How can there be so much left that I haven"t read? 我怎么还有那么多没看完? There"re still three chapters that I need to review today. I hope I can get them done. 今天还有三章要复习,希望我看得完。 放松五句 Take a few deep breaths. 来深呼吸几下。 Get up and stretch. 起来伸伸懒腰吧。 My eyes are sore. I"m going to close them for a minute and give them a rest. 眼睛好酸,我要闭上眼睛休息一下。 Lie down and take a little nap. 躺下来小睡一下好了。 Go get a glass of water or something to eat. 去喝喝水,还是吃点什么吧。 自我提醒五句 I need to concentrate! 我要专心! Can"t think about sleeping. 不可以想睡觉。 I still need to review everything one more time to be OK. 我还要再从头复习一遍才行。 I need to highlight this point. 这个重点要做记号标出来。 This part is important; I don"t want to forget it. 这部分很重要,不要忘了。 自我鼓励五句 I will definitely pass the entrance test. 我一定会通过入学测验的。 I will definitely ace this test. 我一定会考高分的。 I will get the best grade on this test for sure. 我这次考试一定会考最高分。 Don"t get nervous. There"s nothing to get nervous about. 不要紧张,没什么好紧张的。 All that work will definitely pay off. 一切的努力绝对会有回报。 日常交际用语 1. It"s up to you. 由你决定 2. I envy you. 我羡慕你。 3. How can I get in touch with you? 我怎么和你联系? 4. Where can I wash my hands? 请问洗手间在哪里? 5. What"s the weather like today? 今天天气如何? 6. Where are you heading now ? 你要到哪里去? 7. I wasn"t born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。 8. What do you do for relaxation? 你怎么放松自己? 9. It"s a small world. 世界真小 ! 10. It"s my treat this time. 这次我请客! 11. The sooner the better. 越快越好。 12. When is the most convenient time for you? 你什么时候方便? 13. Take your time. 慢慢来 / 别着急。 14. I"m mad/crazy about Bruce Lee. 我很崇拜李小龙。 15. How do I address you ?我怎么称呼你? 16. What was your name again? 请再说一次名字好吗? 17. Would you care for a cup of coffee? 要咖啡吗? 18. She turns me off. 她使我厌烦。 19. So far so good. 目前为止,一切都好。 20. It drives me crazy. 它把我逼疯了。参考资料:101远程教育网

prohibit 例句

1,Smoking is prohibited in most theaters.See Synonyms at forbid 在大多数戏剧院里禁止吸烟参见 forbid2,Modesty prohibits me from saying what happened.羞怯妨碍我说出所发生的事情你说的饿句型是对的






1. 水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度。Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.2. 一些经济学家对失业率达到前所未有的程度表示忧虑。Some economists showed their anxiety on unprecedented level of unemployment.3. 国民财富在很大程度上取决于一个国家的教育水准。National wealth depends to a high degree on a country"s educational standard.4. 他很固执,她也固执,不过程度轻些。He is stubborn, and so is she, but to a lesser degree.5. 在一定程度上,做好这项工作是他的职责。It is to a certain degree his responsibility to see that the job is done.6. 她也受到波及,但程度较轻。She had also been affected, but to a lesser degree.7. 《哈姆雷特》是今年高级程度考试中指定的必读书。`Hamlet" is a set text for A level this year.8.辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度。Radiation reached unheard-of levels.9.如果测试的范围足够大,则通过测试你还可以了解一个设计在多大程度上可以帮助用户实现其最终目标。If the scope of a test is sufficiently broad, it can also tell you how well the design helps users reach their end goals.10.此外,他的老同学在某种程度上都了解他,他不想同他们再处下去了。Besides, he would be known to a certain extent among old school-fellows, and he wanted to get away from them all.


我是否可以释义:whether I canIf I can网络:我是否可以 I take it out我是否可以等 I can wait我是否可以出 I take it out


  sink做动词有下沉;沉没;渗透;低落;变低等意思,那么你知道sink的过去式是什么吗?下面是我整理的sink的过去式和用法例句,欢迎大家学习!   sink的过去式和其他时态:   过去式: sank   过去分词: sunk   现在分词: sinking   sink的用法:   sink的用法1:sink的基本意思是“下沉”,指逐渐下降地运动,尤指物体在空气或水中垂直下降,常指降至于地平面或水平面之下,即全部“浸没”。引申可表示“(日、月等)落下”“(头、目光等)下垂”“衰退”“(地面,建筑物等)下陷”“挖掘(井等)”“埋下”“(价格)降低”“(声音、火、风等)降低”等。引申用法中强调缓慢、逐渐地下落,而不含或少含有“浸没”意味。   sink的用法2:sink既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   sink的用法3:sink作“下沉”解时不可以同down连用,作“落下”解时可以同down连用,表示“降到下一层的水平位置上”。   sink的用法4:sink的过去式还有另一种形式sunken,只用作形容词,修饰名词,而不用于完成时中。   sink的过去式例句:   1. I held my breath and sank under the water.   我屏住呼吸沉入水底。   2. She sank into an armchair and crossed her legs.   她坐到一把扶手椅上,跷起了二郎腿。   3. He sank the spade into the ground, and went at it.   他把铁锹插到地里,开始卖力地干了起来。   4. Kate laughed, and sank down again to her seat.   凯特笑了,又坐回到她的座位上。   5. He sank two crucial putts in the last three holes.   他在最后的三洞中完成了两个非常关键的击球入洞。   6. The spade sank into a clump of overgrown bushes.   铲子插入了一丛长势旺盛的灌木丛。   7. His 36ft yacht sank suddenly last summer.   他那36英尺长的游艇去年夏天突然沉没了。   8. That night he sank into a deep coma.   那晚他陷入了深度昏迷。   9. She sank two glasses of white wine.   她一口气干了两杯白葡萄酒。   10. They sometimes sank knee-deep into the marsh.   他们不时陷入没膝的湿地。   11. The boat instantly tilted, filled and sank.   船立即倾斜,进了水,然后沉没了。   12. Her spirits sank lower and lower.   她的情绪越来越低落。   13. He sank into deep melancholia.   他陷入了深深的忧郁之中。   14. It sank in a howling gale.   它在呼啸的狂风中沉没了。   15. I sank my teeth into a peppermint cream.   我咬了口胡椒薄荷味奶油软糖。


【 #英语资源# 导语】sink有下沉;沉没;渗透;低落;变低等意思,那么你知道sink的用法吗?下面跟着 一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】sink的用法   sink的用法1:sink的基本意思是“下沉”,指逐渐下降地运动,尤指物体在空气或水中垂直下降,常指降至于地平面或水平面之下,即全部“浸没”。引申可表示“(日、月等)落下”“(头、目光等)下垂”“衰退”“(地面,建筑物等)下陷”“挖掘(井等)”“埋下”“(价格)降低”“(声音、火、风等)降低”等。引申用法中强调缓慢、逐渐地下落,而不含或少含有“浸没”意味。   sink的用法2:sink既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时接名词、代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。   sink的用法3:sink作“下沉”解时不可以同down连用,作“落下”解时可以同down连用,表示“降到下一层的水平位置上”。   sink的用法4:sink的过去式还有另一种形式sunken,只用作形容词,修饰名词,而不用于完成时中。   sink的用法5:sink用作名词时意思是“水池,水槽”,多指厨房中的洗涤槽。   sink的用法6:sink与介词of连用可表示“藏污纳垢的场所,窝”,多用在文学用语中。 【篇二】sink的常用短语   sink back (v.+adv.)   sink below (v.+prep.)   sink in (v.+adv.)   sink into (v.+prep.)   sink down (v.+adv.)   sink or swim   sink to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】sink的用法例句   1. In a naval battle your aim is to sink the enemy"s ship.   在海战中目标就是击沉敌船。   2. Make sure the draining board, sink and plug hole are regularly disinfected.   滴水板、水槽和塞孔一定要定期消毒。   3. She went to the sink and ran water into her empty glass.   她走到水槽边,把空玻璃杯灌上水。   4. The knife for cutting sausage was sitting in the sink.   切香肠用的刀放在水槽里。   5. Joanne stood with her hands on the sink, staring out the window.   乔安妮站着,两手放在水槽上,眼睛定定地望着窗外。   6. She was bent over the sink washing the dishes.   她俯在水槽边洗盘子。   7. A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float.   新鲜鸡蛋会沉下去而不新鲜的会浮在上面。   8. We squatted beside the pool and watched the diver sink slowly down.   我们蹲在水池旁,看着潜水者慢慢沉下水。   9. I was about to sink into the quicksand of sin.   我就要陷入罪孽的深渊了。   10. He decided to scour the sink.   他决定把水池擦干净。   11. The sink"s bunged up again.   水槽又堵上了。   12. At the sink, Neil noisily gargled something medicinal.   尼尔在洗脸池边用某种药液咕噜咕噜地漱口。   13. There were dirty dishes in the sink.   水槽里放着脏碗。   14. She"dsometimes sink into depression.   她有时会陷入忧郁之中。   15. The implication took a while to sink in.   其中的含意要花点时间才能完全领会。


【 #英语资源# 导语】quarrel有吵架;争论;怨言等意思,那么你知道quarrel的用法吗?下面跟着 无 一起来学习关于quallerl的用法和短语例句吧,希望对大家的学习有所帮助! 【篇一】quarrel的用法大全   quarrel的用法1:quarrel的基本意思是“争吵,吵架,不和,口角”,指两人或多人之间愤怒的辩论,常指为琐事进行的争吵。   quarrel的用法2:quarrel也可指“抱怨某人〔事物〕的原因或理由”。   quarrel的用法3:quarrel常与介词with或against连用。   quarrel的用法4:quarrel用作动词的意思是“争吵,争辩”,引申可表示“不同意或挑剔某事物”。   quarrel的用法5:quarrel是不及物动词,常与介词with搭配使用。 【篇二】quarrel的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   patch up a quarrel   pick a quarrel with   用作动词 (v.)   quarrel about〔over〕 (v.+prep.)   quarrel with (v.+prep.) 【篇三】quarrel的用法例句   1. They could quarrel quite legitimately with some of my choices.   他们大有理由不同意我的一些选择。   2. The monarchists are a small fringe group who quarrel fiercely among themselves.   君主主义者是一个内部争吵激烈的非主流的小团体。   3. It could have happened during a quarrel between them over Naomi.   这件事可能是在他们为娜奥米争吵的过程中发生的。   4. The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter.   塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人之间的争斗由来已久,而且非常激烈。   5. It would clearly be fatal for Europe to quarrel seriously with America.   欧洲若与美国反目显然会有致命的后果。   6. He was clearly in a mood to pick a quarrel with anybody.   他现在的心情明显是逮谁就想跟谁吵。   7. They never made up the quarrel.   他们再也没能和解。   8. I would quarrel with you on that figure.   在那个数字的问题上,我并不认同你的看法。   9. The quarrel tore the party apart.   这次争吵导致该党出现分裂。   10. He did not mention the quarrel with his wife.   他没有提起和妻子的争吵。   11. You can"t quarrel with the decision of the court; it"s very fair.   你不能反对法院的判决, 它判得很公正.   12. I"ve long since forgotten what our quarrel was about.   我早就忘掉我们为什么吵架了.   13. He mediated in the quarrel between the two boys.   他调解两个孩子之间的争吵.   14. That dog will pick a quarrel with anyone he meets.   那只狗碰到任何人都要吠叫.   15. The small argument boiled over into a serious quarrel.   小小的争论酿成一场激烈的争吵.


  sky有天空;天气;天国等意思,那么你知道sky的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    sky的用法:   sky的用法1:sky的基本意思是“天,天空”,指地球与其他天体之间的空间,泛指“天空”时一般要加the。sky指天空的一部分时,是单数; 指广阔的天空或某一地区的“上空,云端”时常用复数,其前有描述性定语时,可加不定冠词或定冠词。   sky的用法2:sky还可作“天气,气候,风土”解,此时常用其复数形式。   sky的用法3:sky与定冠词the连用有时可作“天国,西天,天堂”解。    sky的常用 短语 :   用作名词 (n.)   in the sky   out of a clear sky   the sky is the limit   to the skies    sky的用法例句:   1. He sat mute, speechless with ecstasy, gazing into the sky.   他静静坐着,凝视天空,一言不发,心驰神往。   2. He can"t help thinking it"s all just "pie in the sky" talk.   他禁不住想所有这些不过是“画饼充饥”的空话而已。   3. Her silk shirtdress was sky-blue, the colour of her eyes.   她一袭天蓝色的真丝衬衫式连身裙,和她的双眸颜色一样。   4. Suddenly a bolt of lightning crackled through the sky.   突然一道闪电划破长空。   5. There was a low humming sound in the sky.   空中传来一阵低沉的嗡嗡声。   6. Her silk dress was sky-blue, the colour of her eyes.   她的丝绸连衣裙是天蓝色的,和她眼睛的颜色一样。   7. The night sky was lit up by flashes of light.   一道道灯光照亮了夜空。   8. In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray.   清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。   9. Intense balls of flame rose up into the sky.   炽热的火球冲上天空。   10. The Sky News TV station is largely run by ex-BBC news staffers.   空中新闻电视台主要是由原英国广播公司的新闻工作人员运作的。   11. The apex of the flames licked the crimson sky.   火焰的舌尖舔卷着绯红色的天空。   12. The aeroplane was gyrating about the sky in a most unpleasant fashion.   飞机在空中盘旋,令人不堪忍受。   13. The plane lifted off and climbed steeply into the sky.   飞机起飞并迅速爬升至空中。   14. The sun was now high in the southern sky.   太阳正高挂在南边的天空上。   15. The sea would turn pale pink and the sky blood red.   大海会变成浅粉色,天空则变成血红色。

帮忙用 overwhelm 造例句5个(求原创句子谢谢)

overwhelm 战胜、征服的意思,是个引申意,vt.1. 战胜;征服;压倒We shouldn"t be overwhelmed by difficulties,we should overcome them.我们不应该被困难压倒,我们应该客服困难。2. 覆盖;淹没The village was overwhelmed by the flood 。村子被洪水淹没。3. 使受不了;使不知所措[H][(+by/with)]I was overwhelmed by hiskindness他的好意令我感激难言。注:whelm指普通的淹没,指具体的事物 。如例2中亦可用whelm

overwhelm 造例句5个(求原创句子谢谢)

they were overwhelmed by farewell messages. 大批道别信潮水般向他们涌来. I was overwhelmed with guilt. 我深感内疚. the Stilton doesn"t overwhelm the flavour of the trout. 斯第尔顿奶酪的气味并没有盖住鲑鱼的香味. she felt an overwhelming desire to giggle. 她感到一种无法抑制的冲动想要笑出声来. The boat was overwhelmed by the waves. 船被浪打翻了. Despair overwhelmed me. 绝望控制了我 A great wave overwhelmed the boat. 一个巨浪吞没了那只小船. I am overwhelmed with work. 我被工作压垮了. He was overwhelmed with excitement. 他极为兴奋. something akin to gratitude overwhelmed her. 她几近感激. a curious sensation overwhelmed her. 一种奇怪的感觉笼罩了她. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours. 朋友和邻居们的慷慨让我无比感动. his party won overwhelming support. 他的党赢得了压倒多数的支持.

帮忙用 overwhelmed(形容词) 造例句5个(求原创句子谢谢)

they were overwhelmed by farewell messages.大批道别信潮水般向他们涌来。I was overwhelmed with guilt.我深感内疚。the Stilton doesn"t overwhelm the flavour of the trout.斯第尔顿奶酪的气味并没有盖住鲑鱼的香味。she felt an overwhelming desire to giggle.她感到一种无法抑制的冲动想要笑出声来。The boat was overwhelmed by the waves.船被浪打翻了。Despair overwhelmed me.绝望控制了我A great wave overwhelmed the boat.一个巨浪吞没了那只小船。I am overwhelmed with work.我被工作压垮了。He was overwhelmed with excitement.他极为兴奋。something akin to gratitude overwhelmed her.她几近感激。a curious sensation overwhelmed her.一种奇怪的感觉笼罩了她。I was overwhelmed by the generosity of friends and neighbours.朋友和邻居们的慷慨让我无比感动。his party won overwhelming support.他的党赢得了压倒多数的支持。


《百万英镑》(The Million Pound Note) I must have sat there stunned and blinking at the note as much as a minute before I came rightly to myself again. The first thing I noticed, then, was the landlord. His eye was on the note, and he was petrified. He was worshiping, with all his body and soul, but he looked as if he couldn"t stir hand or foot. I took my cue in a moment, and did the only rational thing there was to do. I reached the note towards him, and said, carelessly: "Give me the change, please." Then he was restored to his normal condition, and made a thousand apologies for not being able to break the bill, and I couldn"t get him to touch it. He wanted to look at it, and keep on looking at it; he couldn"t seem to get enough of it to quench the thirst of his eye, but he shrank from touching it as if it had been something too sacred for poor common clay to handle. I said: "I am sorry if it is an inconvenience, but I must insist. Please change it; I haven"t anything else." But he said that wasn"t any matter; he was quite willing to let the trifle stand over till another time. I said I might not be in his neighborhood again for a good while; but he said it was of no consequence, he could wait, and, moreover, I could have anything I wanted, any time I chose, and let the account run as long as I pleased. He said he hoped he wasn"t afraid to trust as rich a gentleman as I was, merely because I was of a merry disposition, and chose to play larks on the public in the matter of dress. By this time another customer was entering, and the landlord hinted to me to put the monster out of sight; then he bowed me all the way to the door, and I started straight for that house and those brothers, to correct the mistake which had been made before the police should hunt me up, and help me do it. I was pretty nervous; in fact, pretty badly frightened, though, of course, I was no way in fault; but I knew men well enough to know that when they find they"ve given a tramp a million-pound bill when they thought it was a one-pounder, they are in a frantic rage against him instead of quarreling with their own near-sightedness, as they ought. As I approached the house my excitement began to abate, for all was quiet there, which made me feel pretty sure the blunder was not discovered yet. I rang. The same servant appeared. I asked for those gentlemen.





文中提到:look after 等短语不被动形式什么意思,例句里不是写被动语态了嘛 如图



【篇一】snow的用法   snow的用法1:snow的基本意思是“雪”,可指“雪花,雪片”,是不可数名词。   snow的用法2:snow表示“下雪期,积雪,积雪地区”等意思时,一般用复数snows,用作主语时,动词也用复数形式。   snow的用法3:snow可表示“一场雪”,即一次下雪过程,是可数名词,常用作复数形式。   snow的用法4:snow用作不及物动词时,表示“下雪”,此时不能用表示时间、地点的名词作主语,必须用代词it充当主语。   snow的用法5:snow用作及物动词时,表示“使…纷纷飘落,使…像雪片似地落下”,可指下雪,也可指类似于下雪的现象。   snow的用法6:在美国非正式语体中还可表示“用花言巧语欺骗、说服或赢得某人的尊敬”。 【篇二】snow的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   as pure as the driven snow   as white as snow   snow job   用作动词 (v.)   snow in (v.+adv.)   snow off (v.+adv.)   snow under (v.+adv.)   snow up (v.+adv.) 【篇三】snow的用法例句   1. The first snow came a month earlier than usual.   第一场雪比往年提早了一个月。   2. I"d been a fool letting him snow me with his big ideas.   我真蠢,居然被他的胡乱吹嘘给蒙蔽了。   3. The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down.   雪花轻盈飘落,无声无息。   4. A blizzard was blasting great drifts of snow across the lake.   暴风雪夹着大团的积雪吹过湖面。   5. He braced his shoulders as the snow slashed across his face.   雪花如刀割般刮在他的脸上,他绷紧了双肩。   6. A couple of inches of dry, powdery snow had fallen.   下了数英寸厚的粉状干雪。   7. He did not think she could recognize his car in the snow.   他觉得她在雪天里认不出他的车子。   8. The West is getting a heavy dose of snow and rain today.   西部今天将迎来一场大的雨夹雪。   9. Snow Puppies is a ski school for 3 to 6-year-olds.   “雪狗之家”是一所针对3至6岁儿童的滑雪学校。   10. The snow, except where it drifted, was only calf-deep.   除了吹得堆积起来的地方,雪只有小腿肚深。   11. Snow is sometimes found all summer long upon the highest peaks.   有时候山峰上整个夏天都有积雪。   12. He said his car had got stuck in the snow.   他说他的汽车陷在了雪地里。   13. Outside, a bitter east wind was accompanied by flurries of snow.   外面,刺骨的东风伴着阵阵小雪。   14. There was a bite in the air, a smell perhaps of snow.   空气非常寒冷,似乎有雪的味道。   15. The snow cruiser proved hopelessly unsuited to Antarctic conditions.   事实证明雪地车根本不适合在南极地区使用。


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