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求sistar 孝琳和zico合作曲red lipstick(口红)的罗马音

孝琳 - Red Lipstick (fest.Zico) -- lala .浓抹口红,剪头发。在镜中的我喜欢现在你删了显然这是乐园。走着走着,陡峭的悬崖四周,我独自站着。刚开始看一次呜咽着不拍电视剧。黑白的周边离合的重复是成熟了,只是下分别对双线红的。又不认识我。爱与爱。我的心就失去了红浓抹口红,剪头发。在镜中的我喜欢现在的你删了爱(爱)爱(爱)相信爱情的我我Actually,Actually is over,没有is over)现在我知道你讨厌我爱情不是你想消失也就活了。一块大石头心里的感觉完全不一样,我的心脏在镜子前牵强的微笑,默默的话。我的戏不再悲伤的间隙位置。我Actually,is over红的。又不认识我。爱与爱。我的心就失去了红浓抹口红,剪头发。在镜中的我喜欢现在的你删了爱是你给了我爱,我怎么能得到。红浓抹口红,剪头发。在镜中的我喜欢现在的你删了爱就爱就爱就爱了就相信了我。现在我知道你讨厌我然后hurting each other"reI am about to lose my mind然后can"t go for so long,please -- lala

where can a lipstick bring us语法是否有误

where can a lipstick bring us?语法是否有误 先把句子还原回陈述句的语序,应该是: a lipstick can bring us where 句子的主谓宾和时序都是正常的. where是补语 通常bring的用法是:bring sb to some place 如果对some place提问,就用: which place.bring sb to? 如果对 to some place提问,当然用: where.bring sb ? 所以这个句子语法是正确的.

matte lipstick口红什么牌子?




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Amandalipstick 什么意思呢

Amanda lipstick 全部释义和例句>>阿曼达口红lipstick 英[ˈlɪpstɪk]美[ˈlɪpˌstɪk]n. 口红; 唇膏;vt. 涂口红于;vi. 涂口红;[网络] 口红,唇膏;[例句]Linda, a platinum blonde, heavy on the lipstick琳达,一位口红涂得很厚的银发女郎[其他] 复数:lipsticks 形近词: mopstick dipstick lopstick





求安室奈美惠Neonlight Lipstick中文歌词。

Neonlight Lipstick歌手:安室奈美恵作词:Steven Lee・Lasse Lindorff・Charli Taft・TIGER作曲:Steven Lee・Lasse Lindorff・Charli Taft・TIGERTonight we hit the spotやめられないshotEverybody 大胆にThe flashing lights on me既に we on the topもう谁にも can"t stopBeautified, electrified, we nationwideI"m the most styleliciousI can see you looking at me谁もがみな wanna be meI"m the most deliciousI"m gonna show you my tricks like Ra Cha ChaStylelicious试したら? haha 早く虏になるまで you can"t quitYou gonna miss me このhot lipsWe all got the spark, we"re glowing in the darkWe"re gonna light up the skyShining bright like a neon lightWhen the lights go down I shineNeonlight LipstickEverybody loves my styleNeonlight LipstickI"m a goddess when I rock itI"m the hottestHigh voltage amplifiedI"m chemical tonightNeonlight LipstickTonight I"m in the mood探す something newEverybody 大胆にThe flashing lights on me闻かせてよ wow见せるわ some mo"Blue, green, pink, red, whiteとまらないall nightI"m the most styleliciousI can see you looking at me谁もがみな wanna be meI"m the most deliciousI"m gonna show you my tricks like Ra Cha ChaStylelicious试したら? haha 早く虏になるまで you can"t quitYou gonna miss me このhot lipsWe all got the spark, we"re glowing in the darkWe"re gonna light up the skyShining bright like a neon lightWhen the lights go down I shineNeonlight LipstickEverybody loves my styleNeonlight LipstickI"m a goddess when I rock itI"m the hottestHigh voltage amplifiedI"m chemical tonightNeonlight LipstickWhen I walk, talk, the boys go shhhhI can stop them in their tracks "cause I"m outrageousI"m the greatest, nobody shines like I dowhen I step out on the sceneI got my ladies now I"m gonna make you lovesickSo you can see me on the billboard with my glamorous toxicWhen the lights go down I shineNeonlight LipstickEverybody loves my styleNeonlight LipstickI"m a goddess when I rock itI"m the hottestHigh voltage amplifiedI"m chemical tonightNeonlight Lipstick

华为FreeBuds Lipstick测评-值得购买吗

华为FreeBuds Lipstick口红耳机的外观还是非常好看的,感觉就像是失传的技术又找回来了,以前流行过一阵子,下面就一起来了解一下华为FreeBuds Lips。tick测评。 如果说包包是女生出街最重要的时尚单品,那么一支必不可少的口红耳机则是整套时尚穿搭的点睛之笔。 11月17日华为召开全场景智慧生活新品发布会,发布了一款足以媲美时尚奢侈品的TWS耳机华为FreeBuds Lipstick口红耳机。要说这款耳机最大的特点,一定是与众不同的外观,当别家还在想方设法把耳机充电盒做扁做薄时,华为已经率先把无线耳机带进了时尚美学领域。 我有幸拿到了一款银色的口红耳机,充电盒与耳机本体都是亮银色,今天咱们就一起好好把玩一下这款颠覆传统、极具奢华感官、主打女性用户群体的时尚科技单品。 革命性外观美学,提前锁定年度时尚科技单品 其实如今很多的TWS耳机外观已经足够好看了,普遍拥有精致小巧的外观,多元丰富的配色,用户也越来越离不开TWS耳机了。但华为深刻明白逆水行舟不进则退的道理,用户的口味每时每刻都在变化,只有产品不断创新变化,才有可能把握住用户的心。 口红耳机就是在这样的理念下诞生的一款新品,与其说口红耳机是面向女性用户的高端TWS耳机,不如说每个女孩的包包里,都需要一支口红耳机。 上手口红耳机的那一刻,你并不会觉得自己握在手里的是一款耳机,它太像高端口红了,与口红如出一辙的立体感方条形设计精致小巧,亮银配色如珠宝般璀璨,辨识度直接拉到满分。口红耳机的颠覆性设计由华为巴黎美学研究中心的设计师亲自操刀,经过了长达4年的孕育,才有了眼前融合东方古典元素和西方奢华元素的口红耳机。 谁能想到华为另辟蹊径,直接把耳机充电盒做成了口红形状,这在业内绝对是独一份。为了尽显奢华品质,华为口红耳机也用了更加贵重的奢侈品级精钢作为充电盒材质,口红耳机的表面经过多次抛光打磨,光滑如镜面,并采用了PVD微米级真空镀膜工艺,充电盒盖和主体之间利用磁吸力营造出了一种独特的咔哒声,听上去类似女生脚下那双性感的高跟鞋轻触地板所发出的声音。如果用四个字对口红耳机的外观进行评价,那么我会说一见倾心,它的确太适合男生买来作为情人礼物送给女朋友了。 不是花瓶, 口红耳机兼具动人脸庞和魅力内涵 虽然口红耳机的外观已经足够让人惊艳,但它还有一颗强大的音频内核。不出所料,口红耳机依然诚意满满地带来了半开放主动降噪2.0技术,华为一直认为主动降噪是TWS耳机的标配,因为它真的很实用。 华为通过AEM人耳自适应降噪技术,使口红耳机能够智能检测当前的佩戴环境,从超过10种降噪模式中切换到最优配置,实现舒适降噪。 口红耳机依然是半入耳设计,耳机本体的轮廓设计基于华为万人万耳的数据结果而定,单耳重量仅有4.1g,长时间佩戴依然轻若无物,毫无违和感。 音质方面,华为口红耳机同样表现均衡,它支持三种EQ调节,分别是三频均衡、低音增强、高音增强,我平时喜欢听一些流行经典歌曲,比如周董的歌、孙燕姿的歌等等,用口红耳机试听调到三频均衡模式,歌曲中的乐器和人声表现比较突出,不夸张地说,在比较安静的环境下,能听到普通耳机无法表现的声音细节。 华为口红耳机采用的是14.3mm大直径LCP振膜,所以中高频声音的表现比较好,频响范围能达到40Hz,即便开启降噪,音质也不受太多影响。不过对音质的感官每个人都不太一样,这种体验见仁见智,大家有机会还是需要自己感受一下。 HarmonyOS2加持,音频体验更加智能 华为口红耳机同样获得了HarmonyOS2的智慧加持,通过超级终端可以实现音频自由流转,声音能在手机、PC、平板、智慧屏之间无缝切换。首次打开耳机充电盒时,耳机会自动进入配对状态,在弹窗中点击连接就可以。 此外,华为口红耳机还支持双设备同时连接,免去了一部耳机需要在多个终端设备之间来回断开再连接切换的烦琐操作,直接在音频连接中心里点目标设备完成切换即可。 华为口红耳机还可以录制48kHz采样率的高保真声音,日常拍视频需要收音时正好可以派上用场,打开清晰人声模式,周围的噪音能被大幅度削弱,你的声音可以被它清晰收录到视频中。 如果你也是爱打游戏的女生,那么口红耳机也能帮你更好发挥。它支持低时延电竞模式,可实现90ms全链路游戏时延,按下开枪键耳机内就可以听到枪声,毫无延迟,有了它就不用担心听不准敌人的脚步声了。 总结 TWS耳机颜值天花板,女生值得拥有 科技和时尚的结合如果足够用心的确能让人眼前一亮,华为口红耳机的设计的确惊艳到了我,本以为TWS耳机的外观已经遇到了瓶颈,但华为还能带来了惊喜和突破。作为TWS耳机颜值天花板级的产品,华为口红耳机有实力提前锁定年度最时尚科技单品,外观、佩戴、音质、体验多方面表现极为均衡,更是眼下少有主打女性用户的一款耳机,总的来说非常值得女生入手,更适合男生买来送女友。 目前华为口红耳机已于2021年11月17日21:08时开启预约,售价1699元。11月26 日00 :00正式开售,用户可通过华为官方商城、各大授权电商、华为体验店及授权零售商进行购买。

如何看待华为发布口红耳机 FreeBuds Lipstick?

美学团队?没错,为什么外型类似,但华为P50 Pro与荣耀50的视觉感受就是不一样呢,魔鬼就在审美与执行力的细节里。把TWS耳机打造成轻奢品的样子,试问之前有哪个手机品牌做过?即使脱离手机品牌,把眼光放宽到众多的专业声学品牌,TWS耳机的容器外观依旧都大同小异,不是短胶囊型(主流型)就是长胶囊型(类似眼镜盒型),为什么不把思路设置得激进一些呢究竟是调研团队与美学团队不感性?还是美学团队没话语权,这种更严重的问题?其实大家骨子里都想玩溢价,品牌支撑力是一方面,美学团队能不能放开手做是另一方面。在几次交流中,我认为至少在华为内部,对设计美学的重视程度是很多品牌无法比拟的。1699元,贵吗?贵。但作为圣诞 / 过年礼物送给已经有华为手机的女生,这个礼物又显得不贵了。很可惜,几乎没有一款TWS耳机的外观设计能让人联想到“礼物”。这就是FreeBuds Lipstick这款耳机厉害与精准的地方。

lipstick Elise Estrada 中英文歌词

I knew the lipstick won"t fix itBut I gotta put my game face onI wish mascara could mask thisUntil all the tears are goneI gotta paint the pain awayMake like I"m okayPretend I don"t wanna stayAct like this ain"t killing meI"ve tried 1 2, 3 too many timesI"ve heard 1 3, 3 too many liesSo I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss youGotta pretend that this is what I wanna doI gotta pretend when I walk out the doorThat I don"t love you anymoreGotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing meGotta play the part, when you try stopping meHide what"s written on my faceDig deep in the makeup caseAnd cover it with lipstickI"m sick of looking in the mirrorCause my mirror sees right throughMAC ain"t got enough concealerTo hide how much I miss youI"ve gotta cover up my hurtNo more getting burntI really need to let you goCause my heart can"t take no moreI"ve tried 1 2, 3 too many timesI"ve heard 1 3, 3 too many liesSo I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss youGotta pretend that this is what I wanna doI gotta pretend when I walk out the doorThat I don"t love you anymoreGotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing meGotta play the part, when you try stopping meHide what"s written on my faceDig deep in the makeup caseAnd cover it with lipstickIt"s the hardest role I"ll ever have to playIt"s the hardest lie I"ll ever have to makeTo look you in the eye and not break down and cryWhen I say goodbyeSo I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss youGotta pretend that this is what I wanna doI gotta pretend when I walk out the doorThat I don"t love you anymoreGotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing meGotta play the part, when you try stopping meHide what"s written on my faceDig deep in the makeup caseSo I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss youGotta pretend that this is what I wanna doI gotta pretend when I walk out the doorThat I don"t love you anymoreGotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing meGotta play the part, when you try stopping meHide what"s written on my faceDig deep in the makeup caseAnd cover it with lipstick






高档。华为FreeBuds Lipstick作为华为首款面向女性用户的高端TWS耳机,lipstick属于高档,也用惊艳的海外首秀吸引了国内用户的关注。




retromattelipstick的牌子是MAC。这款属于是MAC retromatte lipstick ruby woo,魅可子弹头哑光唇膏ruby woo.M·A·C彩妆是出自于加拿大的彩妆品牌,它以其耀眼光芒在品牌建立的初期吸引了雅诗兰黛集团的注意将其收入集团内。同时在雅诗兰黛集团的协助与支持之下,M·A·C的优异特质才得以被发掘、散播,从北美地区远扬至欧亚各国。

Red Lipstick 歌词

歌曲名:Red Lipstick歌手:Arno专辑:Jus De BoxTrey Songz - Red LipstickOh, oh, ohCome here girlGive me a kiss, yeahValentine"s Day came early (yeah)And whatever you wantGirl you deserve it (yeah)Cause you warmer in the summer timeSo I hold you through the winter timeAnd the love inside your eyesCould turn a cloudy day to sunshineI make a moveThen you make a moveI wanting your love with nothing to loseI"m in the modeIf you in the modeTo go in the room and do what we do (yeah)It"s going down (it"s going down)I want your body in my arms right now (now, now)Want your pretty red lips, red lipsGirl you know what you do to meYou got that red lipstick onBaby kiss me til your lipstick goneRed lips, red lipsYou got that red (red, red)You got that red (red, red)You got that red lipstick onBaby kiss me til your lipstick goneYou be my number oneYou be my number oneTell me how you want it done(Tell me how you want it done)See baby you my favorite melodyThe sound of you is heavenlyI say thank you to the heavensCause I listen to my angel singI make a moveThen you make a moveI wanting your love with nothing to loseI"m in the modeIf you in the modeTo go in the room and do what we doIt"s going down (it"s going down)I want your body in my arms right now (now, now)Want your pretty red lips, red lipsGirl you know what you do to meYou got that red lipstick on (on, on)Baby kiss me til your lipstick gone (OOo)Red lips, red lipsYou got that red (red, red)You got that red (red, red)You got that red lipstick onBaby kiss me til your lipstick goneOoh, nothing ever felt to so rightCause I never knew that a touch could tasteAnd a kiss could feel so good(There is nothing like)There"s nothing like your lipstickTaste like candyMakes me want to workTo make you happySo please put it onI love when it"s onNow I kiss you girl it"s gone(Red lips) Girl you knowGirl you know what you do to me (you do)When you got that red (red) lipstick on (on, on)Baby kiss me til your lipstick goneOOo, girl you got that red, red, redYou got that red, (red, red)You got that red, red, (red)You got that red (red) lipstick on (lipstick on)Baby kiss me til your lipstick gone (Ooh)Want your pretty red lips, red lipsGirl you know what you do to me (do)You got that red lipstick on (know you got it on baby)Baby kiss me til your lipstick gone (kiss me, ooh)Red lips, red lipsYou got that red (red, red)You got that red (red, red)You got that red lipstick onBaby kiss me til your lipstick gone

求歌词:邓丽君 lipstick on my collar

lipstick on your collarWhen you left me all alone at the record hopsaid that you were going out? for a soda popYou were gone for quite a while, half an hour or moreYou came back and man oh man this is what I sawLipstick on you collar, said that you were untrueLipstick on you collar, you still what i am untrueBet your bottom dollar, you and I are throughCause, lipstick on you collar told a tale on you, yeah

Lipstick On The Mirror 歌词

歌曲名:Lipstick On The Mirror歌手:Sasha专辑:Good News On A Bad DaySasha-lipstick on the mirror★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师Sunday morning and again I opened my eyesto lift my shattered head.Started mending all the piecesto explain the chaos round my bed.And I stumbled to the bathroomto wash away the demage on my face.When suddenley it hit me through the haze.There was Lipstick on the mirror,saying:"I just had to go.I realy liked to stay here, but I wasn′t sure if you would like it too.And if you ever feel like seeing me again, don′t hasitate to call.Here′s my number: 5550754"After three long days I had to call her,cause I couldn′t wait no more.So we met around the cornerand love that second sight defind the score, once more.This was just too good to be trueand I caught myself wishing that she would stick aroundThe other day I fortunatley found.Lipstick on the mirror, saying:"I love you.I′ve got a feeling this could be forever, if you feel the same way too.I finaly think, I know the meaning of `everything′s allright`.Yes, how about dinner at my place, 8 pm tonight.Monday morning and again I open up my eyeswith a smile upon my face.Full of expectations I turn around my headto find an empty space,oh no.This uneasy, funny feeling′s creeping over me.I know what′s going on.Just some steps away to prove me right from wrong.There was Lipstick on the mirror,saying:" Sorry, I really had to leave.I′m not the kind of girl that you deserve an sure I′m never gonna be.I think you′re better off without me,and I wish you luck with everything you do.Thank you, xxx, sincerely yours"I wipe the Lipstick off the mirrorThings are getting clearerEnd★ lrc 编辑:妙一法师



Lipstick (Ireland) 歌词

歌曲名:Lipstick (Ireland)歌手:Jedward专辑:Eurovision Song Contest Düsseldorf 2011Q 981626865You say you"re on it but you just don"t knowYou"re spending money like you"re on death rowYou must be mis-educatedBy all the guys that you datedYou think I"ll take the bait but I don"t think soOhhhhAm I headed for a car crash?OhhhhIm just about to meet my match, she takes theOhhhhI"m about to fall in head firstSisters let me tell you how it worksHEY!(CHORUS)She"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyOooohh, OooohhYou look at me and I got you in mindI come on over see what I could findNo appetite for delusionI could"ve been what I"m losin"You"re saying yes when it is no, no, no, noOhhhhAm I headed for a car crash?OhhhhIs this about to be my next, she takes theOhhhhI"m about to fall in head firstSisters let me tell you how it worksHEY!She"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyShe"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyIt"s not that I don"t wanna play (play, play)And then I didn"t look your way (way, way)It"s not like every girl"s the same (same, same)You gotta know just how to treat this missOr she will be dismissedHeyyyyyShe"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyShe"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyHere I comeHere I comedum da dum da dum da dumHere I comeHere I comedum da dum da dum da dumHit and runHit and rundum da dum da dum da dumThen I"m goneThen I"m goneGone, gone, gone, goneShe"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyShe"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, ey


这个?I knew the lipstick won"t fix it我知道我的唇膏不能粉饰它But I gotta put my game face on但是我要严肃一点I wish mascara could mask this我希望我的睫毛膏能够遮盖这些Until all the tears are gone直到所有眼泪烟消云散I gotta paint the pain away我要把这些痛苦从脸上化解Make like I"m okay好像我一切都好Pretend I don"t wanna stay佯称我不想留下Act like this ain"t killing me假装我没有受伤I"ve tried 1 2, 3 too many times我试着一次、两次、三次。。不停重复I"ve heard 1 3, 3 too many lies我听过一个、两个、三个。。太多谎言So I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss you所以我只想装出一副不想你的架势Gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do好像一切都随我心愿I gotta pretend when I walk out the door我会一直演戏,即使我走出了门That I don"t love you anymore台词是——我不爱你了Gotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing me一直演戏,好像我没有受伤Gotta play the part, when you try stopping me一直演戏,当你试图让我留步Hide what"s written on my face隐藏我脸上的表情Dig deep in the makeup case它们遮盖在浓妆下面And cover it with lipstick被我的唇膏遮掩I"m sick of looking in the mirror我厌倦了对镜梳妆Cause my mirror sees right through因为镜子里的自己好像一切正常MAC ain"t got enough concealer(MAC可能是苹果电脑的意思)我的电脑掩饰得不够To hide how much I miss you去隐藏我对你的思念I"ve gotta cover up my hurt我悄悄藏起自己的伤口No more getting burnt我的心再不会为你而觉得烧得慌I really need to let you go我真想让你滚蛋Cause my heart can"t take no more因为我的内心世界濒临崩溃I"ve tried 1 2, 3 too many times我试着一次、两次、三次。。不停重复I"ve heard 1 3, 3 too many lies我听过一个、两个、三个。。太多谎言So I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss you所以我只想装出一副不想你的架势Gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do好像一切都随我心愿I gotta pretend when I walk out the door我会一直演戏,即使我走出了门That I don"t love you anymore台词是——我不爱你了Gotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing me一直演戏,好像我没有受伤Gotta play the part, when you try stopping me一直演戏,当你试图让我留步Hide what"s written on my face隐藏我脸上的表情Dig deep in the makeup case它们遮盖在浓妆下面And cover it with lipstick被我的唇膏遮掩It"s the hardest role I"ll ever have to play这可真是我演过最困难的角色It"s the hardest lie I"ll ever have to make这也是我最难维持的弥天大谎To look you in the eye and not break down and cry就这么看着你——忍着不哭不崩溃When I say goodbye——当我向你告别So I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss you所以我只想装出一副不想你的架势Gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do好像一切都随我心愿I gotta pretend when I walk out the door我会一直演戏,即使我走出了门That I don"t love you anymore台词是——我不爱你了Gotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing me一直演戏,好像我没有受伤Gotta play the part, when you try stopping me一直演戏,当你试图让我留步Hide what"s written on my face隐藏我脸上的表情Dig deep in the makeup case它们遮盖在浓妆下面And cover it with lipstick被我的唇膏遮掩So I gotta pretend that I"m not gonna miss you所以我只想装出一副不想你的架势Gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do好像一切都随我心愿I gotta pretend when I walk out the door我会一直演戏,即使我走出了门That I don"t love you anymore台词是——我不爱你了Gotta play the part, act like it ain"t killing me一直演戏,好像我没有受伤Gotta play the part, when you try stopping me一直演戏,当你试图让我留步Hide what"s written on my face隐藏我脸上的表情Dig deep in the makeup case它们遮盖在浓妆下面And cover it with lipstick被我的唇膏遮掩


You say you"re on it but you just don"t knowYou"re spending money like you"re on death rowYou must be mis-educatedBy all the guys that you datedYou think I"ll take the bait but I don"t think soOhhhhAm I headed for a car crash?OhhhhIm just about to meet my match, she takes theOhhhhI"m about to fall in head firstSisters let me tell you how it worksHEY!(CHORUS)She"s got her lipstick onHere I come, da da dumShe"s got her lipstick onHit and run, then I"m goneCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyCheck my collar, collar, hey, hey, eyOooohh, OooohhYou look at me and I got you in mindI come on over see what I could findNo appetite for delusionI could"ve been what I"m losin"You"re saying yes when it is no, no, no, noOhhhhAm I headed for a car crash?OhhhhIs this about to be my next, she takes theOhhhhI"m about to fall in head firstSisters let me tell you how it works(CHORUS x2)It"s not that I don"t wanna play (play, play)And then I didn"t look your way (way, way)It"s not like every girl"s the same (same, same)You gotta know just how to treat this missOr she will be dismissedHeyyyyy(CHORUS x2)Here I comeHere I comedum da dum da dum da dum(x2)Hit and runHit and rundum da dum da dum da dumThen I"m goneThen I"m goneGone, gone, gone, gone

glamour lipstick le rouge是什么牌子的口红?






这是什么唇膏?上面用英文写着:collagen hydrating lipstick(胶原保湿唇膏
