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disposable diapers是什么意思

disposable diapers 一次性尿片;免洗尿布;一次性尿布例句筛选1.But they have one great greenie flaw: they are addicted to disposable diapers.但他们也有一个环保人士的通病:他们喜欢用一次性尿布。2.After all, disposable diapers have been around since the 1940s.毕竟,一次性尿片早在1940年左右就出现了。

baby diapers是什么意思

baby diapers 尿不湿[例句]The supply of curiosity , pampers , mommy baby diapers kao.供应好奇,帮宝适,妈咪宝贝花王尿不湿。


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autoship是什么意思 diapers

auto ship汽车船双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 自动化船例句:1.Since many of them ship parts and subassemblies to the other auto makers-domestic and foreign-auto production could be crippled until the supply system was reorganized around the newly dominant foreign car makers. 由于这些供应商向国内外的汽车制造商们提供零部件,这可能导致汽车生产的瘫痪,直到新的占主导地位的外国汽车制造商们重组整个供应系统。