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英文问题!Past tense 同 present prefect tense

Present Perfect Tense It is used when something has happened and it is related to the present time.(指示发生了的事情和现在有关) e.g. I have lost my keys. Have lost 是present perfect tense 虽然丢失锁匙已发生 但现在仍然是丢失中 言下之意即是说还没有找到. e.g. My parents have been married for 10 years. (for example 1998-2008) Have been married 是present perfect tense 即是说我的父母到现在 (2008) 已结了婚10年.言下之意是说还没有离婚. Simple Past Tense It is used to indicate something happened NOT related to the present time. (指示发生了的事情和现在无关) e.g. I lost my keys. Lost在这句子中是past tense(已过去) 意思是丢失锁匙与现在无关 言下之意即已找回锁匙. e.g. My parents were married for 10 years. (maybe from 1994-2004) Were married 是past tense(已过去) 意思是我的父母曾经结过婚10年.言下之意即现在已离婚了. 有时候无提到个timing会比较 mon 用 present perfect tense 是因为有个 assumption- 把发生了的动作当作与现在有关. 如果发生了的动作是跟现在无关的话 就须要指明时间才可配合用past tense. 当然这个assumption并不是绝对的 很多时候无指示 timing 也可用past tense. 不同的Tenses 的分别主要是implied message 不同. 主要是这些分别 如有further questions 请再发问. 我们使用当前官员时态,当我们想要注重的事实时 we做了行动。 we用途过去时,如果我们什么时候强调行动完成。 例如,我做了我的家庭作业。 意味我想要 to重音家庭作业完成。 我们说的if,我昨天做了我的家庭作业。 意味我要对 stress我什么时候做了家庭作业。 If the newspaper said instead A German woman confessed ...... The English-speaking reader expects that the newspaper will immediately say WHEN she confessed. If the important thing is that she confessed and not when she confessed it is strange to use simple past. we use present prefect tense when we want to stress the fact that we have done the action. we use past tense if we stress what time the action is done. for example i have done my homework. it me i want to stress the homework is done. if we say i did my homework yesterday. it me i want to stress what time i have done the homework.

歌词中有this is my only this is my prefect的是什么歌

perfect moment 但里面的歌词是this is my moment this is my prefect moment with you不知道是楼主要找的歌不、

求一首英文歌,女唱的,很有热带风情,歌词好像有一句是"yeah!this is prefect",

Perfect Moment ?

my prefect house 原文带翻译

My house is perfect. By great good fortune I have found a housekeeper no less to my mind, a lowvoiced, light-footed woman of dicreet age, stronge and deft enough to render me all the service I require, and not afraid of loneliness. She rises very early. By mybreakfast-time there remains littles to be done under the roof save dressing of meals. Very rarely do I hear even a clink of crockery; never the closing of a door or window. Oh, blessed silence! My house is perfect. Just large enough to allow the grace of order in domestic circustance; just that superfluity of inner space, to lack which is to be less than at one"s ease. The fabric is sound; the work in wood and plaster tells of a more leisurely and a more honest age than ours. The stairs do not creak under my step; I am attacked by no unkindly draught; I can open or close a window without muscle-ache.As to such trifles as the color and decive of wall-paper, I confess my indifference; be the walls only plain, and I am satisfied. The first thing in one"s home is comfort; let beauty of detail be added if one has the means, the patience, the eye. To me, this little book-room is beautiful, and chiefly beacause it is home. Through the greater part of life I was hmeless. Many places have I lived, some which my soul disliked, and some which please me well; but never till now with that sense of security which makes a home. At any moment I might have been driven forth by evil accident, by disturbing necessity. For all that time did I say within myself: Some day, perchance, I shall have a home; yet the "perchance" had more and more of emphasis as life went on, and at the moment when fate was secretly smiling on me, I had all but abandoned hope. I have my home at last. This house is mine on a lease of a score of years. So long should I have the money to pay my rent and buy my food. I am no cosmopolite. Were I to think that I should die away from England, the thought would be dreadful to me. And in England, this is the place of my choice; this is my home.是这一篇吗?是的话我再给你翻译。

英语作文 my prefect holiday

My perfect holidayEverytime when I stay in a very very quiet night,I always think about something perfect and hope for it.For example,a perfect holiday.Once,after I finish all my homework,I lay in the bed.And though,if I have a vacation,I must spend all my free time on it.First,I would buy a air ticket to the USA.I would take my clothes,shoes and glasses leave for there.I like America,so I"d like to go to New York.I"d like to know that Americans how to change their life richer and richer.Then,I"d visit Washington.I"d also like to go to Los Angeles.I"d like to visit Hollywood and meet some film stars.If I can have some free time after it,I would stay there and learn some pressional English.I think that can help me in the future.So this is my perfect holiday.I am looking forward to it.Although I know that it is so so far from me!我们刚好这个星期也有布置这个作业 上面是我即兴写的一篇 不知道能不能帮上忙

past tense 与 present prefect tense的分别

Simple Past (简单过去式): Subject + Verb (动词过去式) 当一件事情在过去已经发生并完成左(不论系一秒前 或一万年前) 例句: I just missed the bus! Now I"m going to be late for school. When dinosaurs walked the earth there were no hum. Present Perfect Tense (现在完成式): Subject + have/has + past participle of verb (过去分词) a. 一件事开始时是过去 一直持续到现在 She has worked on the same job for 20 years. (佢20年前开始做呢份工 做到今日仲做紧 所以用现在完成式) b. 一件事在过去已经完成 但可能会再发生 We have had three tests this semester. (由学期开始到而家已经有3 个测验 由于学期未结束 可能仲有更多测验) c. 一件事在过去已经完成 但无确实讲明系几时完成(或根本唔重要) I have seen that movie. He has read that book. 但当如果有问几时 个答案就会变成简单过去式. 如: A: I have seen that movie. B: When? A: I saw it yesterday. Past tense 用法简单 它是表示过去的动作 状态 事实 大致和表示过去的副词如: yesterday last week 等连用 而Present prefect tense 1. 它表示动作刚刚完成的动作或状态 e.g He has left for China 他刚去了中国 2. 凡表示过去 到现在已完成或还在继续 须用 Present prefect tense e.g. I have stuided English for five year. 我英文读了五年了. (虽然已经读了五年 现在却还在继续读。) Hope these are useful for you <>??

Head Prefect的中文是甚么﹖

更新1: 如果head prefect是首席学生长/领袖生,那么vice head prefect呢? 首席学生长/&lt;---我学校系咁叫ge 首席领袖生/ 首席风纪&lt;---呢个应该唔太常用la而家 2007-08-09 18:35:40 补充: 以上系中学普遍通用的称呼小学会用&quot;领袖生队长&quot;/&quot;风纪队长&quot;ge 参考: 自己 Prefect In Chinese 参考: head prefect 系 领袖生长 风纪 队长 9 2 . 风纪队长 * 参考: me~


prefect英 ["priːfekt]美 ["prifɛkt]n. 长官,地方行政长官;级长[网络短语]Prefect 级长,长官,班长Prefect Gravity 重全重美canon prefect 知藏另外,有一个词“perfect”和它形近,很容易搞错。要注意辨认,并正确使用。perfect 纠错英 [ˈpəːfɪkt; (for v.) pəˈfekt] 美 [ˈpɝfɪkt; (for v.) pɝˈfɛkt] adj. 完美的;最好的;精通的vt. 使完美;使熟练n. 完成式perfect ["pə:fikt; pə"fekt]adj.完美的;无瑕的;完整无缺的;理想的极好的;美好的;完善的;最好的;尽善尽美的正确的;精确的;忠于原文的完备的;完全的;绝对的;毋庸置疑的熟练的;精通的【印刷】两面印的;无线胶订的法律上有效的;合法的【语法学】完成的;完成时的;完成体的


Prefect中文意思:地方行政长官;警察局长;教务长,院长Prefect 的拓展内容如下:1. 可数名词(尤指英国学校的)级长(协助管理低年级学生的高年级学生)In some schools, especially in Britain, a prefect is an older pupil who does special duties and helps the teachers to control the younger pupils. 2. 可数名词地方行政长官;地方政府部门领导In some countries, a prefect is the head of the local government administration or of a local government department.3.例句:He was a prefect and house captain.他是班长兼社长。

prectice makes prefect 翻译成 熟能生巧 还是 练习造就完美?


School Prefect的汉语是什么?

prefect 是学生中的值日生,或者组长,队长之类的,可以管其他的学生,保持纪律之类的求采纳


most perfectmore perfect不是没有比较级和最高级是单词没有变化


意思都不一样,plan 是计划的意思,第二个应该是学长,第三个favor,喜好,赞同,victory中文意思是胜利,fail代表失败。明显这几个词,意思都不一样,词性上来说,只有prefect和victory是纯名词,剩下的都有动词的成分,这个完全可以用字典查一下,不明白的可以继续追问,知无不言,满意望采纳,谢谢



it means prefect语法点对吗?

修改一下就可以了——It means being prefect.

Prefect 和 Perfect有什么关系 前者能翻译成完美吗?

prefect 长官 ,各类官员的意思perfect 完美的, 理想的




prefect 英[u02c8pri:fekt] 美[u02c8priu02ccfu025bkt] n. 地方行政长官;警察局长;教务长,院长 名词复数:prefects [例句]The requirement of host demand is so easy . If can give the more detail requirement and supply the picture it will prefect.楼主要求的条件太笼统了,能再详细一点。然后最好能有张照片贴出来就更完善了。


读音:["pu025cu02d0fu026akt]释义:adj.完美的;完全的;完满的;十足的;理想的vt.使完美;使完全造句 :Carpet tiles are perfect for kitchens because they"re easy to take up and wash方块地毯非常适用于厨房,因为其便于揭起来清洗。Use only clean, Grade A, perfect eggs. 只用表面干净、无磕碰的A级鸡蛋。


孩子 你可以下个有道字典吗 词直接滑到单词上就显示出来了 名词 长官的意思




prefect读音为英["priu02d0fekt],美["priu02d0fekt]。prefect解析如下:一、读音英式发音:/u02c8priu02d0fekt/美式发音:/u02c8priu02d0fekt/二、释义n. 领袖;学生管理人员;监督员三、词形变化复数:prefects四、常用短语prefecture:n. 省;州prefectural:adj. 省级的senior prefect:高年级学生管理人员五、用法prefect作为名词,可以指领袖、学生管理人员或监督员。在英国的公立学校中,prefect通常是高年级学生中的领袖,负责管理学校事务,如监督学生行为、组织活动等。六、例句The school prefects are responsible for maintaining discipline in the school.(学校的学生干部负责维护学校纪律。)She was appointed as the prefect of her class.(她被任命为她班级的班长。)The prefects organized a charity event to raise money for the homeless.(学生干部组织了一场慈善活动,为无家可归的人筹集资金。)The prefects were given special privileges, such as being allowed to leave school early.(学生干部被赋予特殊的特权,比如被允许提前离校。)The prefects had to attend a meeting with the principal every week.(学生干部每周都要与校长开会。)



问:请问日本的 prefecture -- 中文译名是 ?

很简单 都道府县


prefecture[5pri:fektjuE, -tFuE]n.地方官的任期, 辖区


prefecture[英][u02c8pri:fektu0283u0259(r)][美][u02c8priu02ccfu025bktu0283u025a]n.地方官的任期,辖区; 复数:prefectures例句:1.All of it is generated outside kansai, in fukui prefecture. 所有的电力都由关西之外的福井县提供。2.Xishuangbanna prefecture encompasses the subtropical lowlands of yunnan. 西双版版纳自治州包括云南的亚热带低洼地区。3.Advance units arrived in battered iwate prefecture on the same day of the quake. 先遣队在地震当天就抵达了遭受重创的岩手县。4.Japan already hosts an x-band radar in the northern prefecture of aomori. 日本北部的青森县已经部署了一个x波段雷达。5.Fortune--in ordinary times, minamisoma ( "south" minami) is a bustling little city of about 71,000 that sitsalong the pacific coast line in japan"s fukushima prefecture, about 150 miles north of tokyo. 南相马位于日本福岛县,从东京往北约150英里,人口7.1万。

autonomous prefecture是什么意思

你好,很高兴为你解答!autonomous prefecture是什么意思_百度翻译[英][u0254:u02c8tu0254nu0259mu0259s u02c8pri:fektu0283uu0259][美][u0254u02c8tɑnu0259mu0259s u02c8priu02ccfu025bktu0283u025a]自治专区;州[例句]Gannan tibetan autonomous prefecture, where the disaster struck, is located on the qinghai-tibetan plateau in southwest gansu and is predominantly grasslands. 灾害发生地甘南藏族自治州位于甘肃西南部的青藏高原,主要是草原。 更多例句百度翻译望采纳,谢谢

Pink的《fuckin prefect》的歌词

Made a wrong turn,Once or twice不止一次,我误入歧途 Dug my way out,Blood and fire为了生存,血流不止 Bad decisions,That"s alright那些愚蠢的决定,已无所谓 Welcome to my silly life欢迎光临我糜烂的生活 Mistreated misplaced,Misunderstood虐待,欺骗,误解,如影随形 Miss "No way,it"s all good" It didnt slow me down.怀念“不行,还好”这样的话,但并未减缓我的步伐 Mistaken,Always second guessing,Underestimaten误解,反复的猜疑与轻蔑伴随着我 Look,I"m still around看,我依然站在你面前 Pretty, pretty,please女孩,女孩,求求你 Dont you ever ever feel难道你总觉得 Like you"re less than Fucking perfect觉得你还不够他妈的完美 Pretty, pretty please女孩,女孩,别这样 If you ever, ever feel如果你能永远觉得 Like you"re nothing觉得你清新脱俗 You"re fucking perfect to me在我眼里,你就真他妈的最完美 You"re so mean When you talk About yourself, you were wrong当你说自己错的时候,你是如此卑微 Change the voices in your head请不要这样的自责 Make them like you instead让它们同你的过往一起烟消云散 So complicated那么复杂吗? Look how we all make it看我如何做到 Filled with so much hatred Such a tired game充满憎恨的无聊游戏 It"s enough够了 I"ve done all I can think of我已经完成我想做的一切 Chased down all my demons捕获了我内心所有的恶魔 I"ve seen you do the same却看着你重蹈覆辙 Oh Pretty, pretty please女孩,女孩,求求你 Don"t you ever, ever feel难道你总觉得 Like you"re less than Fucking perfect觉得你够他妈的完美 Pretty, pretty please女孩,女孩,别这样 If you ever, ever feel如果你永远觉得 Like you"re nothing觉得你清新脱俗 You"re fucking perfect to me在我眼里,你真他妈的完美 The whole worlds scared So I swallow the fear整个世界都惊慌失措,只有我故作镇定 The only thing I should be drinking Is an ice cold beer我唯一想的就是喝一杯冰啤酒 So cool in line And we try, try, try我们一样的冷酷,我们一直努力努力努力 But we try too hard And it"s a waste of my time但我怎么努力都是徒劳 Don"t looking for the critics Cause they"re everywhere不要在乎指责你的人,因为这样的人随处可见 They don"t like my jeans他们看不惯我的牛仔裤 They don"t get my hair他们不接受我的发型 Exchange ourselves And we do it all the time换位思考,其实我们一直都在这样做 Why do we do that?为什么我们要这么做? Why do I do that?为什么我要这么做? Why do I do that?为什么我要这么做? Yeeeeaaaahhh Oooooooh Oh baby pretty baby噢宝贝,漂亮的宝贝 Pretty, pretty please女孩,女孩,求求你 Don"t you ever feel难道你总觉得 Like you"re less than Fucking perfect觉得你不够他妈的完美 Pretty, pretty please女孩,女孩,别这样 If you ever, ever feel如果你永远觉得 Like you"re nothing觉得你清醒脱俗 You"re fucking perfect to me在我眼里,你真他妈的完美 You"re perfect, you"re perfect你天真无邪,你完美无瑕 Pretty, pretty please女孩,女孩,求求你 If you ever, ever feel如果你能永远觉得 Like you"re nothing觉得你清新脱俗 You"re perfect to me在我眼里,你就是完美!满意请采纳



表示行政区划的单词: district; region; prefecture;有哪些区别?

district和region两个词区别不是很大,严格来说,district指有官方指定范围的那种区域,而region多指那些没有确定范围的区域。district多指那种小型的区域,比如一个邮区、税务区等,region指的是那种比较大的区域,例如“世界各个国家和地区......”这个意思就可以表达成“countries and regions around the world.”。prefecture n. (法、意、日等国的) 地方行政区域; 省; 县; [例句]He was born in Yamagata prefecture, north of Tokyo.他出生在东京以北的山形县。


这两个都有县的意思,但是county 偏向于有 ”州“ 的含义,在美国用的多些。prefecture偏向于”都道府“的含义,在日本用的多些。

英语作文 a prefect day in collage

Perfect in my mind that schools should be so. Schools a lot, very beautiful, and very spacious. What facilities are on campus, such as: swing, slide, swimming pool, badminton courts, table tennis ... ... My mother"s high school, one where there are swimming pool Anshan. I think since we have so many schools, students who like to swim, why schools do not build a swimming pool? There are many students also enjoy playing badminton and table tennis, why schools do not give us both build a play table tennis, badminton can also place? Since the school so many students like to go to Li-Hong Park, play equipment there, why not build our school do? "Naughty pack horse jumping a small jump of the television," Ma-ri-hop, and his five fellow students formed a school TV station, why do we not? Perhaps these aspirations that we face a high age students in primary school can not be achieved, but the middle grades and low grades are possible.