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Close与Closely的用法区别 (1) close adj. 靠近;接近;亲密;密切 短语:get/be close to 靠近;亲近 The church is close to the shops. Are you a close friend of theirs? (2) close adv. 靠近;接近 (表具体意义) 短语:hike/walk/run/sit/stand close to... He was standing close to the door. (3) close v. 关上;关闭(不开发);结束 She closed her eyes. / Her eyes closed. (闭上) (4 ) closely adv. 紧密地;仔细地;密切地(表抽象意义) He got closely in touch with the magazines of today. The little baby was closely looked after by her. [比较] (1) close 与 closely 作副词时,close含具体之意,closely 含抽象之意。 (2) 类似的词组有 high (高) -- highly (高度地),deep (深深地) -- deeply (深入地), wide (很开,宽) -- widely (广泛地),low (低的)-- lowly (低贱的) (作形容词) The kite flies high.(具体) They spoke highly of the brave young man.(抽象) He often dives deep into the sea.(具体) I"m deeply moved by the moving film.(抽象)close adj. 近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的 adv接近, 紧密地 close修饰具体的事物,stand close;sit close closely adv. 接近地 仔细地 修饰抽象事物

closely close的区别

close与closely作副词时,close含具体之意,closely含抽象之意。1.用于本义,表示“接近地”、“挨近地”、“紧紧地”,两者都可用。close通常放在动词之后,但在过去分词之前要用closely。2.用于引申义,表示“仔细地”或“紧密地”,通常用closely。可放在动词之后或之前,或过去分词之前。 Close用法: adj.紧密的;亲密的;亲近的;vt.关;结束;使靠近;vi.关;结束;关闭;adv.紧密地;n.结束; 用作动词(v.) 用作不及物动词 S+~(+A) The door closed quietly. 门无声地关上了。 用作系动词 S+~+adj. The door closed tight. 门关得很紧。 用作及物动词 S+~+n./pron. Would you please close the door?请把门关上好吗? 用作形容词(adj.) 用作定语 ~+n. I shall become your close neighbour soon. 我就要成为你们的近邻了。 用作表语 S+be+~ The two buildings are close together. 这两座建筑物距离很近。 S+be+~+prep.-phrase He is close about it. 用作宾语补足语 S+V+O+~ Keep a matter close. 秘而不宣。 用作名词(n.) The day had reached its close. 天已经黑了。 He is approaching the close of Prime Ministership. 他的首相任期即将结束。 Toward the close of the year the British achieved other victories over the Turks. 接近年底时,英国取得了对土耳其的其他胜利。 High buildings, at the close of business, pour streams of people into traffic. 下班时,人流从高楼里涌上街头。 1.Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people. 3枚迫击炮弹落在人群旁。 2.Warm weather has attracted the flat fish close to shore. 煦暖的气候将比目鱼引到了近海。 3.An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport. 一架大型客机在飞近希思罗机场时差点儿发生空难。


closely 是形容词, 靠近;接近;亲密;密切的意思。

close closed closely的用法




close的副词是什么啊? close和closely意思不是不一样的吗?

closely 和close 都可以做副词,但是close比closely的意义更抽象,除了可以表示空间的距离之外,还可能表示两个人的关系亲密,而closely没有这个意思.

关于英语的小问题 我一直不懂 close closed closely 的区别

close作形容词的意思是“靠近的,附近的;亲密的;仔细的”等. closed作形容词意思是“关闭的”,可以认为是close这个动词的被动态,并且是状态被动态,就是关闭着的这个状态. closely是副词,意思跟close有些像,只不过用来修饰动词或形容词.

nearly 和closely的区别

nearly ad.几乎,差不多 closely ad.接近地 这两个意思其实很接近的. 给你几个例句,你自己感受一下: The train was nearly full.火车差不多满座了. Hope can cure nearly anything.希望,可以治好几乎所有的病症. Our hearts are closely linked.我们的心是紧紧相连的. The situation closely resembles that of Europe in 1940. 这种形势与1940年的欧洲十分相似.



close closed closely 的区别

close关闭 动词 closed关闭的,关着的;不公开的 形容词或动词的过去式或过去分词 closely 紧密地;接近地;严密地;亲近地 副词

closely的比较级是哪个? 举个例子看看!

closely副词,比较级只能用more closely,最高级是most closely close形容词,比较级是closer,最高级是closest.





close 与 closely 的区别?(求教一道英语题)



close 副词 接近地,紧紧地 follow close behind closely 副词 靠近地 come closely

英语 close和closely的区别

这两个词的区别在于当副词的时候 两者区别是:当它们都作副词用时,close是距离上的接近,而closely是感情关系上的亲近.close表示“靠近”、“紧紧地”,closely则表示“紧密地”、“严密地”、“密切地”.如: I went closer,and saw clearly a tall man in the moonlight. Come close,I want to tell you something important. The policeman followed the strange man closely. The scientists got closely in touch with the astronauts





关于close 于 closely的区别




close 与 closely 的区别?(求教一道英语题)

是这样的。close 和closely都有副词的含义。然而close主要表示距离上的靠近,是实实在在的,可以感觉到的,而closely表示的靠近主要指心灵上的贴近或者是指抽象化的严密的。这道题中walk close是指距离上离窗户近,是形象的,而watch closely是不可能指真的很近的看那个男人,只能是严密的观察,是一种抽象化了的近。

close closed closely的具体区别?

close 当动词时是 “关、闭上”的意思 例如:close the door; close your eyes ... 当形容词则为“亲近、亲密”的意思 例如:Tom and I were really close when we were in high school. closed 主要就是形容 xx 是“关着的、封闭的、不在营业中” 例如:The library is closed on Sunday. closely 主要是副词功能,用来修饰动词时表达“很接近地、紧密地、密切地” 例如:The crowd closely watch the players" every move as the clock winds down. 三个词各有各的基本功能,必须根据语境试着去理解揣摩.上面提供的只是在常态下的用法.,10,close closed closely的具体区别 不要直说动词名词,我想要具体点的解释,比如哪个只有意义上的亲密的而无实际上的关着 紧闭着的,哪个是都有的等.



close closely 的区别

close closely的区别如下:1、这两个词最主要的区别就在于它们用作副词时的意思不一样,当close作为副词时,它主要是指两个实体在位置、距离上的接近,比如我们形容两个人站得很近时就可以用close。而closely则更常用于表示两个人在情感上、关系上更加的亲近或者是紧密,它翻译成中文有“紧密地”、“密切地”的意思,而close翻译成中文则主要是指“靠近”。2、表示“接近地”“挨近地”“紧紧地”,两者都可用。close通常放在动词之后,但在过去分词之前要用closely。如:He was standing close to the door. 他靠门站着。3、表示“仔细地”或“紧密地”,通常用 closely。可放在动词之后或之前,或过去分词之前。如:He closely studied this problem. 他仔细研究过这个问题。Close与Closely的用法区别1. close adj. 靠近;接近;亲密;密切 短语:get/be close to 靠近;亲近The church is close to the shops. Are you a close friend of theirs?2.close adv. 靠近;接近 (表具体意义) 短语:hike/walk/run/sit/stand close to...He was standing close to the door.3. close v. 关上;关闭(不开发);结束 She closed her eyes. / Her eyes closed. (闭上)4. closely adv. 紧密地;仔细地;密切地(表抽象意义) He got closely in touch with the magazines of today. The little baby was closely looked after by her.5.close 与 closely 作副词时,close含具体之意,closely 含抽象之意。 类似的词组有 high (高) -- highly (高度地),deep (深深地) -- deeply (深入地),wide (很开,宽) -- widely (广泛地),low (低的)-- lowly (低贱的) (作形容词)The kite flies high.(具体)They spoke highly of the brave young man.(抽象)He often dives deep into the sea.(具体) I"m deeply moved by the moving film.(抽象)close adj. 近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的 adv接近, 紧密地。close修饰具体的事物,stand close;sit closeclosely adv. 接近地 仔细地 修饰抽象事物。

close 与 closely 的区别?(求教一道英语题)

close和closely都有副词的词性. close作副词的时候,意思是“接近,靠近,紧挨地,不远地”,它表示一种具体的距离上的近(与near词义相近)如:They sat close together.(他们紧挨着坐在一起.做的距离很近,是可以具体看到的,所以用close而不是closely) 再如:Don"t e too close.(不要靠得太近.这个“近”也是具体的可以看到的,所以也用close.)另外,close to 是固定搭配,意思是“在很近处,很近地”,例句:The picture looks very different when you see it close to.(这幅画贴近看时就很不一样.) closely是指一种抽象的“近”也可引申为“亲密;仔细”等意思.如:你的句子中watch closely the short man(仔细看看那个矮个男人),这时就是一个抽象的“近”,就不能用close. 这样的词还有不少,例如常见的high.high和highly都可做副词.high指的是具体的高,如初中学的句子:The kites fly high in the sky.这里的“高”就是具体的,所以用high;highly是抽象的,引申为“很;高级地,大量地;钦佩地,赞赏地”等意思,如:His teachers think very highly of him.(老师们很欣赏他.)老师对他评价很高,这里的“高”是抽象的,所以用highly. 这一类词的辨析也是高中的知识点之一,我们老师也是重点讲的,你能主动发现非常好,希望我的解释你能明白.加油!↖(^ω^)↗


close 是指距离、场所、地点等的“接近,靠近”,可以说是一种实际意义上的“接近”。close to有“接近,几乎,大概,差不多”的意思。例如:We live close to the church。closely 是指抽象意义上的“接近”,多用比喻意义,有“亲密地,严密地,仔细地”等意思。例如:The secret must be closely guarded.这个秘密要严加保守。 Close与Closely的用法区别 1. close adj. 靠近;接近;亲密;密切 短语:get/be close to 靠近;亲近 The church is close to the shops. Are you a close friend of theirs? 2.close adv. 靠近;接近 (表具体意义) 短语:hike/walk/run/sit/stand close to... He was standing close to the door. 3. close v. 关上;关闭(不开发);结束 She closed her eyes. / Her eyes closed. (闭上) 4. closely adv. 紧密地;仔细地;密切地(表抽象意义) He got closely in touch with the magazines of today. The little baby was closely looked after by her. 5.close 与 closely 作副词时,close含具体之意,closely 含抽象之意。 类似的词组有 high (高) -- highly (高度地),deep (深深地) -- deeply (深入地), wide (很开,宽) -- widely (广泛地),low (低的)-- lowly (低贱的) (作形容词) The kite flies high.(具体) They spoke highly of the brave young man.(抽象) He often dives deep into the sea.(具体) I"m deeply moved by the moving film.(抽象) close adj. 近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的 adv接近, 紧密地 close修饰具体的事物,stand close;sit close closely adv. 接近地 仔细地 修饰抽象事物


close 是指距离、场所、地点等的“接近”,可以说是一种实际意义上的“接近”。closely 是指抽象意义上的“接近”,多用比喻意义,有“亲密地”等意思。 例句: The door closed with a click. 门咔嗒一声关上了。 She closely resembles her sister. 她和她姐姐很像。 扩展资料   The result is going to be too close to call.   双方实力非常接近,因此结果无法预料。   Would you be kind enough to close the window?   请把窗子关上好吗?   I sat and watched everyone very closely.   我坐着仔细观察每一个人。   The animals were reared in conditions which approximated the wild as closely as possible.   这些动物是在尽量近似自然的环境下饲养的。

closely close的区别

Closely和close都是形容词,前者意为“紧密的”,后者意为“关闭的”。Closely还可以作副词使用,表示“近距离地”、“密切地”。“Closely”体现了一种紧密的关系或联系,而“Close”则强调的是位置间隔。在语境上,两者有时可以起相同的作用,但通常具有不同的含义和用法。Closely和close的区别取决于上下文中它们的位置、含义及所传达的信息。在某些情况下,两者可能具有相同的意思的和应用的范围的。此外,closely也可以表示行动的和关注方面更为密切,而close则更着重于物理空间的接近或关闭。总从意义上的来看,closely强调的是密切的关系或联系,而close则强调的是位置的间隔。在使用时需要结合的语境进行理解的和判断的。举个例子,如果我们说两个人关系“closely”,那表示他们之间有着紧密的联系和密切的关系,比如亲密的朋友或伴侣。而“close”则更多地指涉物理、位置接近,比如“这两个办公室很close”。这里的close强调的是两个办公室距离很接近。此外,closely也可用于描述行动或关注方面的紧密性,如:听得很closely(听得很仔细);watching closely(密切关注)。而close则可以形容关闭的状态,如:close the door(关门)。总之,在使用closely和close时需要注意上下文及所要表达的意思,从而选择最恰当的词汇。




closely 来自《麦克米伦英语词典》接近地; 紧密地; 严密地; 密切地close·ly / `klou028asli / adverb ***1 in a way that is very similar to something or has an obvious or strong connection with it:The Northern Ireland economy is closely linked to that of the rest of the United Kingdom.closely resemble something: Soldiers will train under conditions that more closely resemble real combat.2 in a way that involves careful attention to every detail:Inspectors will examine the accounts very closely.2a. in a very careful and strict way:The movement of information across the border was closely regulated.3 in a way that involves sharing ideas, thoughts, or feelings:We are all working closely with each other.4 with very little time or distance between one thing and another:closely followed by: She left the room, closely followed by her husband.


close和closely 就象deep和deeply一个修饰具象形容词/动词,一个修饰抽象形容词/动词 close 修饰具象词 1. 接近,靠近地[(+to)] They live close to the museum. 他们住在靠近博物馆的地方. 2. 紧密地,紧紧地 Anna followed close behind. 安娜紧随在后. closely修饰抽象词 1. 接近地 He resembles his father very closely. 他非常像他的父亲. 2. 紧密地 Good teaching and good testing are closely related. 出色的教学工作与完善的测试制度密切相关. 3. 亲近地,亲密地 They are closely related. 他们是近亲. 4. 严密地,仔细地 The prisoners were closely guarded. 囚犯受到严密监视. 5. 节省地;吝啬地

linda sundblad-lose you 的歌词中文意思?

From: VIFC-jayneM-07. I don"t wanna lose you你的温柔 你的纯真与你相伴的时光 已不复存在?你的微笑 你的侧脸对我的爱意 也已消失?(Is this meant to be?)早有预感 「再见」的Mail(In time you will see)不知为何 渗入著「什麼都不要 只要有你…」到现在才能率直说出不需对星许愿现在马上传达给你飞奔而出将黄昏街道抛在身后I don"t wanna lose you 前往你身边喜欢孤独 自由比较好违心之论的态度 I"m sorry已结束的恋情 心头的伤都有你掩埋 my life(Is this meant to be?)不是自吹自擂(My insecurity)误会了「坚强」的意思夏末令人悲伤地秋风会染上心头现在才能率直面对悔恨之累渗入心头飞奔而出通往你的道路I don"t wanna lose you 带著这份心意我是如此喜欢你明明心里就明白总是 让你哭泣呢「再见」如利刃般斩落「什麼都不要 只要有你…」到现在才能率直说出不需对星许愿现在马上传达给你飞奔而出将黄昏街道抛在身后I don"t wanna lose you 前往你身边夏末令人悲伤地秋风会染上心头现在才能率直面对悔恨之累渗入心头飞奔而出通往你的道路I don"t wanna lose you 带著这份心意


  Free Loop (管不住的音符)  I"m a little used to calling outside your name  如果不喊出你的名字,我在窗外会有点难受  I wont see you tonight so I can keep from going insane  今晚若再见到你,我可能无法控制自己  But I don"t know enough, I get some kinda lazy day  我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢  Hey yeah  嘿耶  I"ve been fabulous through to fight my town a name  为小镇博取声名,我因此光芒万丈;  I"ll be stooped tomorrow if I don"t leave as them both the same  如果我不离你而去在人群中随波逐流,终究只会碌碌无为  But i dont know enough, I get some kinda lazy day  我不明白这是为什么,时间开始变得有点缓慢  Hey yeah  嘿耶  Cause it"s hard for me to lose  因为失去你是一种煎熬  In my life I"ve found only time will tell  我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切  And I will figure it out that we can baby  宝贝,我会找到答案的  We can do a one night stand, yeah  至少我们可以一夜相拥  And it"s hard for me to lose in my life  因为失去你是一种煎熬  I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire  我发现你被遗弃街头,外表憔悴不堪将要毁灭  That we can baby  宝贝,我们可以  We can change and feel alright  扭转一切,共度难关  I"m a little used to wandering outside the rain  我已习惯在雨中漫步  You can leave me tomorrow if it suits you just the same  如果你找到依赖,大可天明就离我而去  But I don"t know enough, I need someone who leaves the day  但我不明白这是为什么,我需要有人和我一起遗忘这一天  Hey yeah  嘿耶  Cause it"s hard for me to lose  因为失去你是一种煎熬  In my life I"ve found only time will tell  我发觉在我的生活中只有时间才能证明一切  And I will figure it out that we can baby  亲爱的,我会弄明白的  We can do a one night stand, yeah  至少我们可以一夜相拥  And it"s hard for me to lose in my life  因为失去你是一种煎熬  I"ve found outside your skin right near the fire  我发现你被遗弃街头,外表憔悴不堪将要毁灭  That we can baby  宝贝,我们可以  We can change and feel alright  扭转一切,共度难关


so close and so far如此近又如此遥远;若即若离close 英[klu0259u028az] 美[klou028az] adj. 亲密的; 紧密的; 亲近的

closely connected是什么意思





要区分它们的不同用法,最好的办法就是看各自的英文解释,那样会一目了然:attached:1. If you are attached to someone or something, you like them very much非常喜欢…的,热爱…的She is very attached to her family and friends.她非常热爱家人和朋友。2. If someone is attached to an organization or group of people, they are working with them, often only for a short time(通常只是短时间)从属于…的,为…工作的Ford was attached to the battalion"s first line of transport.福特曾在该营的第一运输队服役。3. If one organization or institution is attached to a larger organization, it is part of that organization and is controlled and run by it隶属于…的;附属的a think-tank, attached to the Academy of Sciences为科学院出谋划策的智囊团At one time the schools were mainly attached to the church.这些学校曾一度归教会主管。enclosed: An enclosed community of monks or nuns does not have any contact with the outside world与外界隔绝的;封闭的monks and nuns from enclosed orders与世隔绝的修道士和修女The rules state that samples must be enclosed in two watertight containers.规则要求样本必须装在两个水密容器中。实际上,enclosed作为形容词的用法在现代英语中还没有旁边接受,只能从它作为过去分词的角度来考虑它的用法。而attached已经在现代英语中专门用作形容词了。因此,很多英语词典中收录了attached作为单独的形容词词条来进行解释,并列出具体用法;而enclosed只能从动词enclose的词条中推测过去分词的用法。


Enclosed和attached有分别吗? 工作上,很多时候需要把其它文件随信寄出,在这种情况下,多用to attach和to enclose两词,如Enclosed/Attached is/are.一位朋友问,究竟这两词是否同义,我们试在这里讨论一下. To attach原指『钉或夹在一起』,用钉书机把文件和信函钉(夹)在一起,就是attach;例:Details of my qualifications and experience are on the attached sheet.应征信和履历一般分别写在不同的纸张,严格来说,如把信函和附件钉或夹在一起,该照前面例句,用attached一词,如果信函和附件只是放在一起寄出,就该用enclosed.两词用法分明,主要是看信函和附件是否钉或夹在一起.试看有附件的信函,不难发觉,在现代英语中,enclosed和attached的用法已无分别.两者已被当作同义词,这是语文转变的另一例子.其实,假如附件不是文件,而是一件或一小箱东西,就该用enclosed,如:Enclosed are half a dozen samples of the AH19004 combs you requested.因不能把梳子的样本夹在信函上,因此不应用attached. 此外,有些人喜欢用比较传统的句法;例:Please find enclosed/attached our latest catalogue for your reference.比较简单但效果相同的写法是:Enclosed is our latest catalogue for your reference.或I enclose our latest catalogue for your reference.也有些人喜欢在enclosed或attached后面加上herewith这比较官样及古老的词.Herewith是with this letter的意思;例:Enclosed herewith are details of our latest range of video games.既然已有enclosed或attached,加上herewith在这里是画蛇添足.



There is a closet in the bedroom.对a划线提问

How many closets are there in the bedrooms?


1. mystudyplan英语作文怎么写 I go to school at half past seven every morning. 我每天早上7点半上学. When i get to school, i have to do the cleaning with my clas *** ates. 当我回到学校的时候,我要和我的同学一起做值日. After that i have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon. 紧接着,我上午要上4节课,下午要上两节课. The school is over at about half past four. 下午四点半放学 My favourite teacher is my english teacher and of course my favourite subject is also english. 我最喜欢的是英语老师,所以我最爱的科目也当然是英语. My maths is just a mess. I can"t understand what the teacher is talking about. 我的数学比较差.因为我听不明白老师上课讲什么. I don"t know how to solve this problem. 我不知道要怎么去解决这个问题. Anyway, i enjoy my school life. 但无论如何,我很享受学校的生活 I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there. 我每周参加英语角.我可以跟许多其他学生用英语交流. It"s very interesting and exciting. 很有趣也很兴奋 We play basketball,volleyball, ping-pong at the rest time. They are very relaxing. 在空余时间我们会打篮球.排球和兵乓球.它们都可以让我感到放松. I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. 我喜欢我的课程,朋友和老师. All in all, I love my school. 总而言之,我很爱我的学校. I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful. 我发现我的学校生活越来越有意义和丰富多彩. My school life is wonderful. 我的学校生活很精彩.。 2. 英语作文《chineseskylanterns》”怎么写 The Blue Sky Restaurant is a restaurant of mine.It locates besides the lake and the view is really nice and attractive.We serve a lot of different kinds of food here.The food we provide are healthy and have a practical price.Our staffs are friendly and kind,and they wil serve you with the best attitute.Don"t hesitate and e,we promise that you will be satisfied with our service and food.。 3. 用there be句型写篇my home的英语作文,急用 My home This is my family. There are three people in my family. My father, my mother and me. My fater is a policeman, my mother is a doctor. I am a student in No. 2 middle school. I love them, and they love me,too. There is a set of furniture in my family. There is a TV, a fridge, a set of sofa in the livingroom. There is a puter on my desk, and there is a chair, a picture of zhoujielun on the wall, and there are many books in the bookcase in my bedroom. I like reading, and I usually do my homework in it. I love my family. 4. 以atriptoshanghai写一篇英语作文50一60字 您好: I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than o hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor. On the first day, I just stayed in the hotel and rested. On the second day, my brother and I went to Nanjing Road. It"s the busiest street in Shanghai. When we got there, there were lots of people. We walked from one shop to another. I bought o T-shirts and o pairs of trousers for the ing summer. The T-shirts and trousers I bought are all white because white is my favourite colour. My brother also bought some clothes. On the third day, my mother took me to Jinjiang Entertainment Centre. It was full of people. I played many kinds of games there. I had a good time. The other days, I went to some other interesting places, such as the Oriental Bright Pearl TV Tower, the Huangpu River and Shanghai International Conference Centre. I didn"t fet to do my homework in the evening. I had a full and happy holiday. 希望对您的学习有帮助 【满意请采纳】O(∩_∩)O谢谢 欢迎追问O(∩_∩)O~ 祝学习进步~ 5. 以howtoleamenglishwell How do i learn English I have been study English for 5 years,and I really love it.I get the champion of the school"s English speaking contest last week.I study English by reading English magazines.I think that memorizing the words of magazines is helped a lot.And I also watch the Enlish language program,I can listen to the people say the words,it helps me to improve my pronouncation.I have a pen pal from Amercia,we use English to write e-mail each other.I love English.。 6. 以"springeat"为题写—篇英语作文 I am born and live in a *** all country. It is far away from the city. So, its scenery is still natural, not being reformed yet. It is beautiful, especially the mountain next to my house. There are many green trees, beautiful flowers, active birds and clean rivers. Besides, there is a wonderful and natural waterfall. I think it will be a famous scenic sport once it is developed. I firmly believe on it.。 7. 初中英语作文myafterschoollife怎么写 My life after school My life after school is very simple, I don"t do other stuff than just do homework. I have tons of homework to do, it"s tough, much, and plicated. I love to listen to music and go online, but because of this limitation I have to stay with homework all day long, but it"s OK, because if I get into a good college it would be worth. 8. TheCounsideorCity英语作文怎么写 Countryside is more beautiful than citys,I like living in the countryside.There are a lot of trees and flowers on the both sides of the roads,and I can usually see some animals,they are lovely and interesting.The air is so clean in the countryside and I can enjoy it every morning.Thats so good! Living in the countryside is very interesting,so I like living in the countryside! 9. 用“myeatinghabing”写篇英语作文60词左右 MY EATING HABITS Let me tell you something about my eating habits。My favorite food is vegetables and fish。I like many kinds of vegetables,such as,tomatoes,poatoes,onions,cabbages, and so on。I seldom eat meat ,but I like eat chicken。I often eat fruits when I am free,for example,I like eat apples after school I always eat chocolates and cookies when I feel sad。This is my eating habits,I will try my best to form the good habits of eating。 10. mybusyday英语作文范文 mybusyday英语作文怎么写 Now, it"s the middle of summer vacation, but all my homework are left to be done. Therefore, I have to spend most time in study since now. However, I can"t study all day long because I have to do something else. Like today, I get up early in the morning and cook breakfast for myself and my little sister. My parents have gone to work. And then I do some housework, clean the floor. It almost takes me o hours until I can do my homework. About elve o"clock, it"s time for lunch. I cook noodles for me and my sister. After that, I watch TV for a while and have a short rest. In the afternoon, I do homework with my sister together. When she has problems, she would ask me. So I have to put down my work to help her. Luckily, when my parents e back, I don"t have to take care of so many things. I can focus on my own matters.。

walk-in closet是什么意思

walk-in closet 步入式衣橱[例句]The bonus room can be used as a5th bedroom and has custom built-in cabinetry and a full walk-in closet.奖金室可以作为有5间卧室和定制的内置壳体和全面步入式衣橱。

i have an evil monkey in my closet什么意思



closet造句如下:1、The bathtub is dirty. The water closet is dirty.浴缸是脏的。抽水马桶是脏的。2、She closed the closet door.她关上了橱门槐羡模。3、Most trendy Marslings at this point have a whole closet full of nice headphones.大多数时尚的火星人在此刻有一整柜子各种各样漂亮的耳机。4、I moved all of my nice shirts and sweaters from the hall closet to the guest room closet.我把我所有好的衬衣、毛衣从客厅衣柜移到了客房的衣柜。5、A raunchy closet full of dirty socks.一个满是臭袜子的脏脏小室。6、I have a blanket in the closet if you get cold.要是你觉得冷的话,衣柜里有一条毯子。7、I saw it go into your closet yesterday.我昨天看到它走进你的壁橱里。8、I suspect he"s a closet fascist.我怀疑他是秘密的分子。9、You prescribe brandy for them, and I"ll end up with a wardroom of closet drunks.你替他们开白兰地的方子,结果我的军官室里岂不都挤满了醉鬼了吗?10、I am ready to take your idea and stick it in your closet on a hanger.我准备采取你的想法,坚持在您的衣柜衣架上。11、The pulpit can be a shop-window to display our talents; the closet speaks death to display.讲坛是一个展示我们才能的橱窗;可是我们不为人知的生活却扼杀我们的展示。12、If your answer is no, you are a closet dualist.如果铅缓你的回答是不,那你私下里就是个二元论者。13、Painting the closet was a tough nut to crack.给壁橱刷漆不是件容易事。14、He doesn"t have a closet full of shoes, or the latest in trendy clothes.他们没有满满的一橱柜鞋子,或一些流行的衣着。15、Marty is a closet chocolate fiend.马蒂暗地里是一个瘾君子。

Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 11) 歌词

歌曲名:Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 11)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1-12[ti:trapped in the closettrapped in the closetby r. kellyalbum:seven o"clock in the morningand the rays from the sun wakes mei"m stretchin" and yawnin"in a bed that don"t belong to meand a voice yells, "good morning, darlin", from the bathroomthen she comes out and kisses meand to my surprise, she ain"t younow i"ve got this dumb look on my facelike, what have i done?how could i be so stupid to be have laid here til the morning sun?must of lost the track of timeoh, what was on my mind?from the club, went to her homedidn"t plan to stay that longhere i am, quickly tryin" to put on my clothessearching for my car keystryin" to get on up out the doorthen she streched her hands in front of itsaid, "you can"t go this way"looked at her, like she was crazysaid, "woman move out my way"said, "i got a wife at home"she said, "please don"t go out there""lady, i"ve got to get home"she said, her husband was comin" up the stairs"shh, shh, quiethurry up and get in the closet"she said, "don"t you make a soundor some shit is going down"i said, "why don"t i just go out the window?""yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor""think, think, quick, put me in the closet"and now i"m in this darkest closet, tryin" to figure outjust how i"m gonna get my crazy ass up out this housethen he walks in and yells, "i"m home"she says, "honey, i"m in the room"he walks in there with a smile on his facesayin", "honey, i"ve been missin" you"she hops all over himand says, "i"ve cooked and ran your bath water"i"m tellin" you now, this girl"s so good that she deserves an oscarthrows her in the bedand start to snatchin" her clothes offi"m in the closet, like man, what the fuck is going on?you"re not gonna believe itbut things get deeper as the story goes onnext thing you know, a call comes through on my cell phonei tried my best to quickly put it on vibratebut from the way he act, i could tell it was too latehe hopped up and said, "there"s a mystery going onand i"m gonna solve it"and i"m like, "god please, don"t let this man open this closet"he walks in the bathroomand looks behind the doorshe says, "baby, come back to bed"he says, "bitch, say no more"he pulls back the shower curtainwhile she"s biting her nailsthen he walks back to the roomright now, i"m sweating like hellchecks under the bedthen under the dresserhe looks at the closeti pull out my barettahe walks up to the closethe comes up to the closetnow he"s at the closetnow he"s opening the closet...http://music.baidu.com/song/1247584

Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1) 歌词

歌曲名:Trapped In The Closet (Chapters 1)歌手:R. Kelly专辑:Trapped In The Closet Chapters 1-12[ti:trapped in the closettrapped in the closetby r. kellyalbum:seven o"clock in the morningand the rays from the sun wakes mei"m stretchin" and yawnin"in a bed that don"t belong to meand a voice yells, "good morning, darlin", from the bathroomthen she comes out and kisses meand to my surprise, she ain"t younow i"ve got this dumb look on my facelike, what have i done?how could i be so stupid to be have laid here til the morning sun?must of lost the track of timeoh, what was on my mind?from the club, went to her homedidn"t plan to stay that longhere i am, quickly tryin" to put on my clothessearching for my car keystryin" to get on up out the doorthen she streched her hands in front of itsaid, "you can"t go this way"looked at her, like she was crazysaid, "woman move out my way"said, "i got a wife at home"she said, "please don"t go out there""lady, i"ve got to get home"she said, her husband was comin" up the stairs"shh, shh, quiethurry up and get in the closet"she said, "don"t you make a soundor some shit is going down"i said, "why don"t i just go out the window?""yes, except for one thing, we on the 5th floor""think, think, quick, put me in the closet"and now i"m in this darkest closet, tryin" to figure outjust how i"m gonna get my crazy ass up out this housethen he walks in and yells, "i"m home"she says, "honey, i"m in the room"he walks in there with a smile on his facesayin", "honey, i"ve been missin" you"she hops all over himand says, "i"ve cooked and ran your bath water"i"m tellin" you now, this girl"s so good that she deserves an oscarthrows her in the bedand start to snatchin" her clothes offi"m in the closet, like man, what the fuck is going on?you"re not gonna believe itbut things get deeper as the story goes onnext thing you know, a call comes through on my cell phonei tried my best to quickly put it on vibratebut from the way he act, i could tell it was too latehe hopped up and said, "there"s a mystery going onand i"m gonna solve it"and i"m like, "god please, don"t let this man open this closet"he walks in the bathroomand looks behind the doorshe says, "baby, come back to bed"he says, "bitch, say no more"he pulls back the shower curtainwhile she"s biting her nailsthen he walks back to the roomright now, i"m sweating like hellchecks under the bedthen under the dresserhe looks at the closeti pull out my barettahe walks up to the closethe comes up to the closetnow he"s at the closetnow he"s opening the closet...http://music.baidu.com/song/1247549

和MJ一起排《IN THE CLOSET》MV的那个黑美人叫什么?

腾讯音乐 《In The Closet》里面的的那个黑人模特(纳奥米 坎贝尔)以前是拳王泰森的女朋友,90年代三大超模之一,就是脾气太火暴,到处打架,有四分之一中国血统。1995年,黑人超级模特娜奥米·坎贝尔成为欧美身价最高的世界级顶尖模特儿,一次出场费便高达两万美元。这位“黑色维纳斯”的肖像频繁地出现在各种杂志的封面上。 娜奥米·坎贝尔平时除了活跃在摄影师的闪光灯前,还爱唱、爱跳,并灌制了个人唱片,目前她正打算撰写一部系列小说。不甘寂寞的娜奥米·坎贝尔还与同伴们合资经营着大西洋彼岸的一家跨国公司,尽管她只有25岁。 娜奥米·坎贝尔在谈到关于保持体型和塑造体型时,说她其实没遵守过什么饮食制度,运动也不见得特别多,但这位当红名模从小就养成了每天跳几个钟头舞蹈的习惯。并且长期保持着良好的心境。她有大自然营造出来的微妙性感,天真无邪、慵懒或者虚无缥缈的姿态,让她咄咄逼人。她还是第一位登上《时代》封面的黑人模特,也是第一位登上《Vogue》英国和法国封面的黑人模特,她代言过诸多品牌,包括Codice,Iceberg,Kenar,Nars,Olympus Cameras,Prada,Pupa,Ralph Lauren,Revlon,Swish Jeans,Valentino,Versace等。

求:In The Closet的歌词

"In The Closet"[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]There"s SomethingI Have To Say To YouIf You Promise You"llUnderstandI Cannot Contain MyselfWhen In Your PresenceI"m So HumbleTouch MeDon"t Hide Our LoveWoman To Man[Michael]She"s Just A LoverWho"s Doin" Me ByIt"s Worth The GivingIt"s Worth The TryYou Cannot Cleave ItOr Put It In The FurnaceYou Cannot Wet ItYou Cannot Burn ItShe Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)Dare Me(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)She Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)It"s Just A FeelingYou Have To Soothe ItYou Can"t Neglect ItYou Can"t Abuse ItIt"s Just DesireYou Cannot Waste ItThen, If You Want ItThen, Won"t You Taste ItShe Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)Dare Me(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)She Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]One Thing In LifeYou Must UnderstandThe Truth Of LustWoman To ManSo Open The DoorAnd You Will SeeThere Are No SecretsMake Your MoveSet Me Free[Michael]Because There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyJust Promise MeWhatever We SayOr Whatever We DoTo Each OtherFor Now We"ll Make A VowTo Just Keep It In The ClosetIf You Can Get ItIt"s Worth A TryI Really Want ItI Can"t DenyIt"s Just DesireI Really Love It[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]"Cause If It"s AchingYou Have To Rub It[Michael]She Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)She Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh, She Wants To Give It)[Princess Stephanie of Monaco]Just Open The DoorAnd You Will SeeThis Passion BurnsInside Of MeDon"t Say To MeYou"ll Never TellTouch Me ThereMake The MoveCast The Spell[Michael]Because There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantJust Promise MeWhatever We SayOr Do To Each OtherFor Now We"ll MakeA Vow To JustKeep It In The ClosetBecause There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouBecause There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouSomethin" About You BabyThat Makes Me WantJust Promise MeWhatever We SayOr Whatever We Do ToEach OtherFor Now We"ll Make A VowTo JustKeep It In The Closet(She Wants To Give It)Dare Me(Aahh)Keep It In The Closet ...

谁有迈克尔杰克逊的in the closet的歌词?

there"s something i have to say to youif you promiseyou"ll understandi cannot contain myselfwhen in your presencei"m so humbletouch medon"t hide our lovewoman to manshe"s just a loverwho"s doin" me byit"s worth the givingit"s worth the tryyou cannot cleave itor put it in the furnaceyou cannot wet ityou cannot burn itshe wants to give it(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)dare me(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)she wants to give it(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)it"s just a feelingyou have to soothe ityou can"t neglect ityou can"t abuse itit"s just desireyou cannot waste itthen, if you want itthen, won"t you taste itshe wants to give it(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)dare me(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)she wants to give it(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)[princess stephanie of monaco]one thing in lifeyou must understandthe truth of lustwoman to manso open the doorand you will seethere are no secretsmake your moveset me freebecause there"s somethingabout you babythat makes me wantto give it to youi swear there"s somethingabout you babyjust promise me whatever we sayor whatever we do to each otherfor now we"ll make a vowto just keep it in the closetif you can get itit"s worth a tryi really want iti can"t denyit"s just desirei really love it[princess stephanie of monaco]"cause if it"s achingyou have to rub itshe wants to give it(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)she wants to give it(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)(she wants to give it)(aahh, she wants to give it)[princess stephanie of monaco]just open the doorand you will seethis passion burnsinside of medon"t say to meyou"ll never telltouch me theremake the movecast the spellbecause there"s somethingabout you babythat makes me wantto give it to youi swear there"s somethingabout you babythat makes me wantjust promise mewhatever we sayor do to each otherfor now we"ll makea vow to justkeep it in the closetbecause there"s somethingabout you babythat makes me wantto give it to youbecause there"s somethingabout you babythat makes me wantto give it to youi swear there"s somethingabout you babythat makes me wantto give it to youi swear th

skeleton in the cupboard/closet 的由来

  碗橱里的骨架   引申为:不为人知的家丑   -----------------   Skeleton in the cupboard是一条起源于英国的成语.关于这条成语,还流传著一个故事.   传说有一个年轻貌美的女人,因丈夫长年在外,不堪寂寞,于是趁丈夫不在之时,每晚在家和情人幽会.有一天晚上,正当她和情人幽会之时,她的丈夫突然回来了,妻子大惊失色,手忙脚乱地把情人藏入了家中的一个大木柜中.丈夫进得屋来,二话不说用砖把木柜垒在一堵墙内.天长日久,那位情人变成了一具骷髅.   所以,Skeleton in the cupboard的含意就是“不可外扬的家丑,隐情”.   ----------------   句子的原意是,壁橱中有架骷髅   据说,当年这个习语产生的时候,指的是那些有钱人家谋杀了一个人,把骸骨暗藏在壁橱中,不让外人知道.从此 skeleton in the closet 就成了那家人的秘密.后来这个短语用来指不可或不愿外扬的家丑,简称作family skeleton.现在,这个句子还有个转义:家家有本难念的经.   ------------------   我国俗语说:‘家丑不可外扬."不宜外扬的家丑,英文叫做a skeleton in the cupboard(橱柜里的骷髅)或a family skeleton(家中骷髅).‘骷髅"和‘家丑"有什么关系呢?要回答这个问题,得谈谈意大利一个不怎么浪漫的爱情故事了.   那个故事说,从前,人们觉得世上烦恼太多,怀疑天下有没有一个真正无忧无虑的人.经过多方察访之后,他们终于找到了一个生活似乎非常幸福的女人.这个女人回答所有问题都回答得十分美满.可是,她跟着却带领众人到她家里,打开橱柜,里面赫然藏着一具骷髅.她告诉大家说:那是她从前一位恋人的骸骨.她丈夫在决斗中杀死了她这位恋人,把骸骨藏在橱柜里,每天晚上都要她亲吻这骸骨.原来这个‘幸福"的女人也有一本难念的经,只是她一直不告诉外人罢了!她橱柜里的骷髅,渐渐成了‘家丑"的代名词

迈克尔杰克逊在IN THE CLOSET MTV里穿的是什么靴子?


clothes in the closet的作文

There are many clothes in the closet.

与迈克尔杰克逊合拍In the closet的MV的那个女的是谁?要一些资料。

那位女主角是全球最著名超模之一的“黑珍珠”Naomi.Campbell(娜奥米.坎贝尔),被誉为“黑色维纳斯”,1970年5月22日出生于伦敦,身高177CM。她就是著名“血钻”的受赠者,于1997年在南非接受利比里亚前总统泰勒赠送的钻石。1995年她就成为了欧美身价最高的世界级顶尖模特儿,同时她还是第一位登上《时代》封面的黑人模特,也是第一位登上《Vogue》、英国和法国封面的黑人模特,她代言过诸多品牌,包括Codice,Iceberg,Kenar,Nars,Olympus Cameras,Prada,Pupa,Ralph Lauren,Revlon,Swish Jeans,Valentino,Versace等。娜奥米·坎贝尔平时除了活跃在摄影师的闪光灯前,还爱唱、爱跳,并灌制了个人唱片、参演了一些电影,目前她正打算撰写一部系列小说。而与Michael合拍的《in the closet》是在1991年完成的。

迈克尔杰克逊的歌:In the closet的MV是和黑珍珠拍的,那这首歌是不是他和黑珍珠唱的?


Michael Jackson 的那首《In the closet》MV里的那个女的是谁啊?

姓名:纳奥米·坎贝尔 英文:Naomi·Campbell 性别:女 生日:1970-05-22 角色:演员 眼睛:黑褐色 头发:黑褐色 身高:5"10 三围:34-24-34 居住:纽约 代理公司:[纽约] 国籍:英国Streathem 相关介绍: 纳奥米·坎贝尔5岁时,在学校附近的CoventGarden公园被Elite公司的一位模特经纪人发掘。从小就在英国最著名的艺术学校---ItaliaConti学习古典舞。喜欢意大利食物。最喜欢的作家是美国小说家ToniMorrison。 星路历程: ·纳奥米·坎贝尔988年8月---成为第一个上法国《时尚》杂志(FrenchVogue)封面的黑人,也是第一个上英国《时尚》(BritishVogue)和《时代》(Time)杂志封面的黑人。 ·影片《寻火》(QuestforFire)。 ·电视节目theCosbyShow的嘉宾。 ·与MichaelJackson合拍HerbRitts导演的《在密室中》(IntheCloset)。 ·在影片《冷若冰霜》(CoolasIce)中扮演一名歌手。 ·参与乔治 ·迈克的电视节目《自由》(Freedom)。 ·影片《迈阿密狂想曲》(MiamiRhapsody)、《拉链拉下来》(Unzipped)、《6号女朗》(GirlSix)、《侵犯隐私》(InvasionofPrivacy)。 ·与名模KathyIreland和Vendela一起出现在Lay薯条的商业广告中。 ·《名模》(TopModelMagazine#3)为其发行专刊。 ·因在米兰的一次时装表演上身穿毛皮,被“人道对待动物”委员会(PETA)解除了其作为PETA代言模特之职。这也不是她第一次犯错,上次曾因身穿毛皮,被谴责为无知。 ·合著小说《天鹅》(Swan)。 ·首张音乐专辑《小妇人》。 ·并出过一本时装画册。 ·曾与意大利制片人LucaOrlandi有过一段罗曼史,现任男友是JoaquinCortes。

杰克逊《IN THE CLOSET 》MV中女主角简介

纳奥米·坎贝尔她有着神秘莫测的个性和迷人的笑容。她热情又充满活力,以自信和挑逗的风格形象出现在各大杂志的封面上。她是第一位成为《时代周刊》(Time)杂志封面的黑人模特,也曾是英国、法国《vogue》杂志的封面人物,毫无疑问,她是众人倾慕的对象,是一位名副其实的媒体明星,她的美丽,不再是传统中人们认为的那种“黑人的美丽”,早已经超越了种族和肤色的界限。作为一名杰出的超级模特儿,她在服装界开创了一个全新的Naomi时代。她不仅是世界新女性的成功典范,也是深受世界人民的喜爱和尊敬、传播真与善的美丽使者。 中文名:纳奥米-坎贝尔 英文名:Naomi Campbell 出生地:英国 生日:1970年5月22日 星座:双子座 身高:177cm 三围:34-24-34.5

求杰克逊的in the closet的歌词

There"s Something I Have To Say To You If You Promise You"ll Understand I Cannot Contain Myself When In Your Presence I"m So Humble Touch Me Don"t Hide Our Love Woman To Man She"s Just A Lover Who"s Doin" Me By It"s Worth The Giving It"s Worth The Try You Cannot Cleave It Or Put It In The Furnace You Cannot Wet It You Cannot Burn It She Wants To Give It (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) Dare Me (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) She Wants To Give It (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) It"s Just A Feeling You Have To Soothe It You Can"t Neglect It You Can"t Abuse It It"s Just Desire You Cannot Waste It Then, If You Want It Then, Won"t You Taste It She Wants To Give It (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) Dare Me (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) She Wants To Give It (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) One Thing In Life You Must Understand The Truth Of Lust Woman To Man So Open The Door And You Will See There Are No Secrets Make Your Move Set Me Free Because There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You I Swear There"s Something About You Baby Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We"ll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet If You Can Get It It"s Worth A Try I Really Want It I Can"t Deny It"s Just Desire I Really Love It "Cause If It"s Aching You Have To Rub It She Wants To Give It (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) She Wants To Give It (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) (She Wants To Give It) (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) Just Open The Door And You Will See This Passion Burns Inside Of Me Don"t Say To Me You"ll Never Tell Touch Me There Make The Move Cast The Spell Because There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You I Swear There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Do To Each Other For Now We"ll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet Because There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You Because There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You I Swear There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You I Swear There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You I Swear There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You Somethin" About You Baby That Makes Me Want Just Promise Me Whatever We Say Or Whatever We Do To Each Other For Now We"ll Make A Vow To Just Keep It In The Closet (She Wants To Give It) Dare Me (Aahh) Keep It In The Closet 有些事情 我不得不告诉你 如果你允许的话 你就会明白我不能控制自己 当我看见你时 我显得如此卑微 抚摸我 不要抑制 我们的爱 男和女她 只是一个城心的情人 使我充满幻想 值得去给予 值得去尝试 你不能太冷淡 或过于火热 她想要给予挑逗我啊,她想引诱我 这只是一种快感 你需要冷静下来 你不能疏忽你 也不能放滥 这只是一种欲望 而已你不要轻易丢弃到那时 如果你想要到那时 你会尝试 她要我给予 她挑逗我 生命里有件事 你必须明白 真实的欲望 男和女之间打开大门吧 你将看到没有任何秘密 随心所欲自由的释放 因为宝贝这在于你使我想要给予 我敢发誓真的是在于你 只需保证 无论我们说过什么做过什么 现在我们将发誓 保持最亲密 如果你懂得那值得去尝试 我真的很想要 不要再抗拒 这是一项请求 我是真心诚意的 如果有伤痛 你可以抹去 她想要给予 打开门你将会看见激情在燃烧 在我的心里 不要和我 说你永远都不会说抚摸我那儿 随心所欲 深深的呼吸 因为宝贝这在于你使我想要给予 我敢发誓真的是在于你 只需保证无论我们说过什么做过什么 现在我们将发誓保持最亲密。


00:00.00]In The Closet[00:07.17]Michael Jackson[00:10.94]QQ:619458989 lrc:Terrylin[00:17.26]She"s Just A Lover[00:19.24]Who"s Doin" Me By[00:21.43]It"s Worth The Giving[00:23.54]It"s Worth The Try[00:25.72]You Cannot Cleave It[00:27.74]Or Put It In The Furnace[00:30.06]You Cannot Wet It[00:32.22]You Cannot Burn It[00:34.38]She Wants To Give It[00:35.71]She Wants To Give It[00:37.13]Aahh She Wants To Give It[00:38.95]Dare Me[00:39.46]She Wants To Give It[00:41.28]Aahh She Wants To Give It[00:43.39]She Wants To Give It[00:45.82]Aahh She Wants To Give It[00:47.73]She Wants To Give It[00:49.79]Aahh She Wants To Give It[00:52.70]One Thing In Life[00:54.10]You Must Understand[00:56.66]The Truth Of Lust[00:58.45]Woman To Man[01:00.98]So Open The Door[01:02.52]And You Will See[01:04.58]There Are No Secrets[01:05.27]Make Your Move[01:06.73]Set Me Free[01:09.18]Because There"s Something[01:10.48]About You Baby[01:12.29]That Makes Me Want[01:13.96]To Give It To You[01:16.98]I Swear There"s Something[01:19.49]About You Baby[01:23.25]Just Promise Me[01:24.49]Whatever We Say[01:25.31]Or Whatever We Do[01:26.06]To Each Other[01:27.78]For Now We"ll Make A Vow[01:28.93]To Just[01:29.36]Keep It In The Closet[01:39.40]If You Can Get It[01:40.90]It"s Worth A Try[01:42.95]I Really Want It[01:45.17]I Can"t Deny[01:47.23]It"s Just Desire[01:49.47]I Really Love It[01:51.79]"cause If It"s Aching[01:53.77]You Have To Rub It[01:57.83]She Wants To Give It[01:58.46]She Wants To Give It[01:59.20]Aahh She Wants To Give It[02:01.21]She Wants To Give It[02:02.81]Aahh She Wants To Give It[02:05.19]She Wants To Give It[02:07.19]She Wants To Give It[02:08.20]Aahh She Wants To Give It[02:09.71]She Wants To Give It[02:11.32]Aahh She Wants To Give It[02:14.33]Just Open The Door[02:15.59]And You Will See[02:18.45]This Passion Burns[02:19.94]Inside Of Me[02:22.68]Don"t Say To Me[02:24.07]You"ll Never Tell[02:25.36]Touch Me There[02:27.37]Make The Move[02:28.56]Cast The Spell[02:30.48]Because There"s Something[02:33.53]About You Baby[02:34.20]That Makes Me Want[02:38.02]To Give It To You[02:38.58]I Swear There"s Something[02:39.73]About You Baby[02:42.62]That Makes Me Want[02:44.56]Just Promise Me[02:45.49]Whatever We Say[02:46.47]Or Do To Each Other[02:48.15]For Now We"ll Make[02:49.37]A Vow To Just[02:50.33]Keep It In The Closet[02:56.26][03:13.35]Because There"s Something[03:14.34]About You Baby[03:16.77]That Makes Me Want[03:18.81]To Give It To You[03:21.40]Because There"s Something[03:22.47]About You Baby[03:23.50]That Makes Me Want[03:26.81]To Give It To You[03:30.04]I Swear There"s Something[03:31.25]About You Baby[03:34.12]That Makes Me Want[03:36.13]To Give It To You[03:38.62]I Swear There"s Something[03:39.90]About You Baby[03:41.27]That Makes Me Want[03:45.02]To Give It To You[03:48.28]I Swear There"s Something[03:49.84]About You Baby[03:51.41]That Makes Me Want[03:52.93]To Give It To You[03:56.87]Somethin" About You Baby[04:00.06]That Makes Me Want[04:02.60]Just Promise Me[04:03.28]Whatever We Say[04:04.09]Or Whatever We Do To[04:04.86]Each Other[04:05.96]For Now We"ll Make A Vow[04:07.31]To Just[04:08.11]Keep It In The Closet[04:10.79][04:12.51]She Wants To Give It[04:13.75]Dare Me[04:14.57]Aahh[04:17.31]Keep It In The Closet[04:18.82]She Wants To Give It[04:22.19]Aahh She Wants To Give It[04:23.46]She Wants To Give It[04:24.70]Aahh She Wants To Give It[04:27.23]She Wants To Give It[04:32.77]She Wants To Give It[04:33.40]Aahh She Wants To Give It[04:35.99]She Wants To Give It 用千千静听自己就下歌词

In The Closet的中文歌词

There"s Something I Have To Say To You 有些事情我不得不告诉你 If You Promise 如果你答应 You"ll Understand 你会明白 I Cannot Contain Myself 我不能控制我自己 When In Your Presence 当我看见你时 I"m So Humble 我显得如此卑微 Touch Me 抚摸我 Don"t Hide Our Love 不要抑制我们的爱 Woman To Man 女人和男人 She"s Just A Lover 她只是一个的情人 Who"s Doin" Me By 使我充满幻想 It"s Worth The Giving 值得去给予 It"s Worth The Try 值得去尝试 You Cannot Cleave It 你不能太冷淡 Or Put It In The Furnace 或过于火热 You Cannot Wet It 你不能熄灭它 You Cannot Burn It 你不能点燃它 She Wants To Give It 她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It)她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It)啊,她想要把她给我 Dare Me 我竟敢 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 She Wants To Give It 她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 It"s Just A Feeling 这只是一种快感 You Have To Soothe It 你需要冷静下来 You Can"t Neglect It 你不能疏忽 You Can"t Abuse It 你也不能放滥 It"s Just Desire 这只是一种欲望 You Cannot Waste It 你不要浪费 Then, If You Want It 如果你想要到那时 Then, Won"t You Taste It 那么你将不能再感受 She Wants To Give It 她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 Dare Me 我竟敢 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 She Wants To Give It 她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 One Thing In Life 生命里有件事 You Must Understand 你必须明白 The Truth Of Lust 真实的欲望 Woman To Man 男和女之间 So Open The Door 打开大门吧 And You Will See 你将看到 There Are No Secrets 没有任何秘密 Make Your Move 随心所欲 Set Me Free 自由的释放 Because There"s Something about You Baby 因为有些东西关于你的宝贝 That Makes Me Want 这让我想 To Give It To You 给你 I Swear There"s Something 我敢发誓真的是在乎你 About You Baby 关于你宝贝 Just Promise Me Whatever We Say 只需保证无论我们说过什么 Or Whatever We Do To Each Other 或做过什么 For Now We"ll Make A Vow 现在我们将发誓 To Just 为了 Keep It In The Closet 保持我们亲密 If You Can Get It 如果你能得到 It"s Worth A Try 那么值得一试 I Really Want It 我真的想要 I Can"t Deny 我不能否认 It"s Just Desire 这只是一种欲望 I Really Love It 我真的很喜欢 "Cause If It"s Aching 因为如果它很痛 You Have To Rub It 你必须要抚摸它 She Wants To Give It 她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 Dare Me 我竟敢 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 She Wants To Give It 她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要把她给我 (Aahh, She Wants To Give It) 阿,她想要把她给我 Just Open The Door 只要打开门 And You Will See 那么你会看到 This Passion Burns 热情在燃烧 Inside Of Me 在我内心 Don"t Say To Me 别告诉我 You"ll Never Tell 你永远都不要说 Touch Me There 抚摸我这里 Make The Move随心所欲 只需保证无论我们说过什么做过什么 现在我们将发誓保持最亲密。 Cast The Spell 深深的呼吸 Because There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You 因为宝贝这在于你使我想要给予(以上四段的,不能分开翻译) I Swear There"s Something 我发誓我是真的 About You Baby 在乎你 That Makes Me Want 这让我想要 Just Promise Me 答应我 Whatever We Say 无论我们说了什么 Or Do To Each Other 或者做了什 For Now We"ll Make 现在我们会做到 A Vow To Just 一个愿望只希望 Keep It In The Closet 能让我最亲密 Because There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want To Give It To You 因为宝贝这在于你使我想要给予(以上三段的,不能分开翻译) Because There"s Something About You Baby That Makes Me Want 因为宝贝这在于你使我想要给予(以上三段的,不能分开翻译) To Give It To You 给你 I Swear There"s Something 我敢发誓真的是在乎你 About You Baby 关于你宝贝 That Makes Me Want 这让我想要 To Give It To You 给你 I Swear There"s Something 我敢发誓真的是在乎你 About You Baby 关于你宝贝 That Makes Me Want 这让我想要 To Give It To You 给你 I Swear There"s Something 我敢发誓真的是在乎你 About You Baby 关于你宝贝 That Makes Me Want 这让我想要 To Give It To You 给你 There"s Something About You Baby 我在乎你 宝贝 That Makes Me Want 这让我想要 Just Promise Me 只要答应我 Whatever We Say 无论我们说了什么 Or Whatever We Do To Each Other 或做了什么 For Now We"ll Make A Vow To Just 现在我们要许个愿为了 Keep It In The Closet 保持我们最亲密 (She Wants To Give It) 她想要给我 Dare Me 我竟敢 (Aahh) 啊 Keep It In The Closet 保持我们最亲密

The yellow T-shirt is in the closet对in the closet提问

Where is the yellow T-shirt?希望能帮助你!

In The Closet 歌词

歌曲名:In The Closet歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:The CollectionIn The ClosetMichael JacksonThere"s something I have to say to youIf you promise you"ll understandI cannot contain myselfWhen in your presenceI"m so humble touch meDon"t hide our loveWoman to manShe"s Just A LoverWho"s Doin" Me ByIt"s Worth The GivingIt"s Worth The TryYou Cannot Cleave ItOr Put It In The FurnaceYou Cannot Wet ItYou Cannot Burn ItShe Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)Dare Me(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)She Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)It"s Just A FeelingYou Have To Soothe ItYou Can"t Neglect ItYou Can"t Abuse ItIt"s Just DesireYou Cannot Waste ItThen If You Want ItThen Won"t You Taste ItShe Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)Dare Me(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)She Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)One Thing In LifeYou Must UnderstandThe Truth Of LustWoman To ManSo Open The DoorAnd You Will SeeThere Are No SecretsMake Your MoveSet Me FreeBecause There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyJust Promise MeWhatever We SayOr Whatever We DoTo Each OtherFor Now We"ll Make A VowTo JustKeep It In The ClosetIf You Can Get ItIt"s Worth A TryI Really Want ItI Can"t DenyIt"s Just DesireI Really Love It"Cause If It"s AchingYou Have To Rub ItShe Wants To Give It(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)She Wants To Give It(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)Just Open The DoorAnd You Will SeeThis Passion BurnsInside Of MeDon"t Say To MeYou"ll Never TellTouch Me ThereMake The MoveCast The SpellBecause There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantJust Promise MeWhatever We SayOr Do To Each OtherFor Now We"ll MakeA Vow To JustKeep It In The ClosetBecause There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouBecause There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouI Swear There"s SomethingAbout You BabyThat Makes Me WantTo Give It To YouSomethin" About You BabyThat Makes Me WantJust Promise MeWhatever We SayOr Whatever We Do ToEach OtherFor Now We"ll Make A VowTo JustKeep It In The Closet(She Wants To Give It)Aahh(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(She Wants To Give It)(Aahh She Wants To Give It)http://music.baidu.com/song/2191516

迈克尔杰克逊的《in the closet》是讲了什么个故事?

“In the Closet”出自专辑《Dangerous》(1991)。 导演: Herb Ritts & Michael Jackson 拍摄地点及时间: 1992 内华达州拉斯维加丝外的沙漠 片长: 6"15 分 首映日期: 1992 主要演员: Michael Jackson,超级名模Naomi Cambell 简评: “In the Closet”,由素有“坏男人”之称的时尚摄影大师Herb Ritts(于2002年逝世)执导。该音乐录影以带棕色基调的黑白片拍摄手法进行拍摄,让人想起直到60年代报纸行业仍然应用的轮转影印的过程。梳着油亮马尾,身穿紧身黑色仔裤和白色V型领T恤的MJ看起来相当优雅而西班牙化。音乐录影的场景设计成一个庄园,伊比利亚舞女飘舞着她们的白色长裙。歌曲的节奏中充斥醉人的撞击声、抨击声、滴答声及玻璃粉碎声的片段。最后一分钟则完全是MJ在门口或衬着白色的石灰墙壁跳舞的镜头,这是MJ基本舞蹈理念的再一次运用——无穷的重复中产生无穷的变化。音乐录影最后以Michael重重把门关上的镜头结束。和MJ搭档拍摄的是黑人名模Naomi Campbell, 这是一部令人热血沸腾的MV,是MJ的巅峰作之一。MV里,MJ的动作健康阳光,温柔性感。你会感受到MJ的性感风格,绝对的与众不同。堪称经典。 表达的意思看歌词。 In The Closet 密爱 There"s something 有些事情 I have to say to you 我不得不告诉你 If you promise you"ll understand 如果你允许的话 I cannot control myself 你就会明白我不能控制自己 When in your presence 当我看见你时 I"m so humble 我显得如此卑微 Just touch me 抚摸我 Don"t hide our love 不要隐藏我们的爱 Woman to man 男女之间 She"s just a lover 她就是个能让我 Who makes me high 兴奋的情人 It"s worth the giving 值得去给予 It"s worth the try 值得去尝试 You cannot cleave it 你不能太冷淡 Or put it in the furnace 或过于火热 You cannot wet it 不温 You cannot burn it 不火 She wants to give it 她想要 (She wants to give it) 她想要 (Aahh, she wants to give it) Dare me 挑逗我 (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) Yea (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) It"s just a feeling 这只是一种快感 You have to soothe it 你需要冷静下来 You can"t neglect it 你不能疏忽 You can"t abuse it 也不能放滥 It"s just desire 这只是一种欲望 You cannot waste it 不要浪费 Then, if you want it 到时如果你想要 Then, won"t you taste it 你就会去品尝 She wants to give it 她想要给予 (She wants to give it) 她想要给予 (Aahh, she wants to give it) Dare me 挑逗我 (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) Yea (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) One thing in life 生命里有件事 You must understand 你必须明白 The truth of lust 欲望的真相 Woman to man 男女之间 So open the door 敞开心门 And you will see 你将看到 There are no secrets 毫无秘密 Make your move 行动起来 Set me free 自由释放 Because there"s something 因为你的魅力 About you baby 宝贝 That makes me want 让我也想要 To give it to you 委身于你 I swear there"s something 我发誓 About you baby 这是你的引力 Just promise me 向我保证 Whatever we say 无论我们说了什么 Whatever we do to each other 无论我们互相做了什么 For now we take a vow to just 现在让我们发誓 Keep it in the closet 让一切保密 If you can get it 如果你懂得 It"s worth a try 那值得去尝试 I really want it 我真的很想要 I can"t deny 无法抗拒 It"s just desire 这是一种欲望 I really love it 我真的喜欢 "Cause if it"s aching 如果有伤痛 You have to rub it 你可以抹去 She wants to give it 她想要给予 She wants to give it 她想要给予 (She wants to give it) 她想要给予 (Aahh, she wants to give it) Dare me 挑逗我 (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) She wants to give it (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it) Yea (She wants to give it) (Aahh, she wants to give it)

in the closet翻译

你好!in the closet密爱

Warrior Soul的《the losers》 歌词

歌曲名:the losers歌手:Warrior Soul专辑:last decade dead centuryHave you ever wantedTo be someone you"re notBut you look into the worldAnd you see what you"ve gotThere"s nothing thereBut brains and gutsFinally open the doorAnd then it shutsLook to the centerAnd I think you"ll findThe people that are gettin"They are blindYou changed the channelAnd there"s nothing thereYou weren"t born prettyAnd it isn"t fair...Here"s to the losersThe substance abusersWarrior SoulTo the rejectsAll the imperfects"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautifulNo matter what anyone saysI think we"re beautifulThem most beautifulIn the worldYou try for jobsBut they say you"re strangeYou"re sportin" a styleThat they call painSo you get in troubleAnd your brain is goneYou"re cryin" out manBut the words are wrongHere"s to the losersThe substance abusersTo the rejectsAll the imperfects"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautifulNo matter what anyone saysI think we"re beautifulThem most beautifulIn the worldI know you"re tiredOf being put downAnd all the crap that"s said in townBut you"re the person that matters mostI raise my glass, and make a toastThis one"s for the losersSubstance abusersTo the rejectsAll the imperfectsTo the retardedAnd the broken-heartedTo the starving masssesAnd the lower classes"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautiful"Cause I think we"re beautifulNo matter what anyone else saysI think we"re beautifulhttp://music.baidu.com/song/14180805


命运的孩子,说我的名字 <我的名字说> 唱"命运的孩子" 合唱: 说我的名字,说我的名字 如果没有人左右你 婴儿说我爱你 如果你不是游戏runnin 说我的名字, 说我的名字 你阴阴kindaactin 我的孩子不是callin 为什么突然改变? 说我的名字,说我的名字 如果没有人左右你 婴儿说我爱你 如果你不是游戏runnin 说我的名字, 说我的名字 你阴阴kindaactin 我 的孩子不是callin 说我的名字更好! 诗一: 我想请别的日子 你说,如何以自己的日子? 但今天不是同一 每隔词 UH厉害,Yea好, 难道你 anothA与夫人是在网箱. 如果你认为我们首先 我要说,我不是一个 坐在和发挥 所以你是我自己, 还是女孩,你要求 你为什么不说Thangs 你对我说:昨天? 桥: 我知道你说我的事情后 一件的往下thats方式似乎 为什么不应该怪你行事 如果任何人对我进行你回来 我知道你的事业往往 你说什么时候给我两 为什么不能只说真话? 如果某人告诉他们, 然后 (合唱) verse2: 到了什么呢? 说实话,你们谁? 如果你喜欢 我来了我集团 现在不设法改变 看到你早就蹦 前两秒钟时 你的房子刚获得. 很难相信你 在家中,由自己 当我听到声音 听到别人的声音. 只是这个问题 为什么你觉得你是谁家? 抓好陷入你的游戏 当你不能说我的名字 (桥) (合唱) 我在那里淑女(YeaYeaYeaYeaYeaYea) 你可以说是对(YeaYeaYeaYea,YeaYeaYeaYea,YeaYeaYea) 所有女孩说(YeaYeaYeaYea,YeaYeaYeaYea) 我不能听到你(YeaYeaYeaYea) 各位女士说(YeaYeaYeaYea,YeaYeaYeaYea) 所有女孩说(YeaYeaYeaYea,YeaYeaYea) 分解ohhh::. 是否为桥区 在今后

Body Positions and Holds cpp in closed Hold 这两句英文在拉丁舞里是什么意思?

Body Positions and Holds 保持体位(这个不太把握) cpp in closed Hold 闭式握持时的反身侧行

Close long positions、Close short positions各是什么意思?

long positions是多头头寸,就是看涨头寸。short positions是空头头寸,就是看跌头寸。Close long positions就是将多头头寸平仓,Close short positions就是将空头头寸平仓。

Jane came very close ______ (win)a gold medal for Britain in the Olympics。 答案是什么?为什么?

close to doing接近于,靠近。

语法we are close to winning

close to:表示“接近” 意思是我们快要成功了或我们离成功不远了“。

the shop closes early on Fridays 里面的Friday为什么要加S??

因为那不是只在一个周五关门 或者在某个周五关门 而是在每一个周五都要关门

many even feel that they lose face if their guest

“你有几个孩子?他们多大了?”那个身为数学老师的来宾问道。 “我有三个儿子。”史密斯先生(应该是Mr·Smith)说,“他们的年龄的乘积是72,总和是街道的编号。” 那来宾走过去望了街道入口,回来说:“这问题(的答案)是不确定的” “是的,的确如此。”史密斯先生回答,“但我还是希望长子有一天能在斯坦福的竞争中胜出。” 请说出那些男孩的年龄,并说出原因。 应该是3,3,8 因为街道编号未提及,我们不妨设编号为A,A就是三个岁数之和,各种组合如下 1,1,72(A为74) 1,2,36(A为39) 1,3,24(A为28) 1,4,18(A为23) 1,6,12(A为19) 1,8,9(A为18) 2,2,18(A为22) 2,3,12(A为17) 2,4,9(A为15) 2,6,6(A为14) 3,3,8(A为14) 3,4,6(A为13) 由此可见,各种组合的和除了14有重复,其余的都是单一的,因此街道编号是14,来宾才不能确定答案是何种组合。 但最后史密斯先生说到“长子”,就证明年龄稍大的是一个,而非有两个,因此不是“2,6,6”的组合,而是“3,3,8” 另外,这道题也可以根据“斯坦福大学的竞争”,先把大儿子的年龄定位在20岁之下,即可以把前三种组合省略掉。 纯属个人推断,建议参考一下,假如回答不正确,请告诉我,谢谢!

lose the face from和with区别?

lose the face (丢脸/失去脸面),后面用from表示"源于/出自",例如: I lost the face from my poor father.后面用 with 表示"因为/由于/作为…的结果"。例如: I lost the face with my shabby clothes.

丢脸 英文是什么?lose your face 对么

不对,应该是feel shame about


lose在英语中的发音为/luz/,其中的“s”发音为/z/,读音与“choose”相似。lose是一个常用的动词,表示“失去,丢失,输掉”等意思。下面是lose的一些常见用法及其固定搭配:lose + 名词lose + 名词表示“失去某物”,例如:I lost my keys.(我丢了我的钥匙。)She lost her phone.(她丢了手机。)lose + 动词-inglose + 动词-ing表示“失去某种状态或机会”,例如:He lost his chance of getting the job.(他失去了得到这份工作的机会。)She lost interest in the project.(她对这个项目失去了兴趣。)lose + 动词不定式lose + 动词不定式表示“失去某种能力或机会”,例如:He lost the ability to walk.(他失去了行走的能力。)She lost the opportunity to study abroad.(她失去了出国留学的机会。)lose + 人称代词/名词lose + 人称代词/名词表示“输给某人”,例如:We lost the game to them.(我们输给了他们。)He lost the race to his friend.(他输给了他的朋友。)除了以上用法外,lose还有一些常见的固定搭配,例如:lose weight(减肥)lose one"s temper(发脾气)lose face(丢脸)lose track of(失去联系)lose sight of(看不见)












lose 和lose to区别为lose 释义:vt. 浪费;使沉溺于;使迷路;遗失;错过vi. 失败;受损失n. (Lose)人名;(英)洛斯;(德)洛泽例句:He lost his way in the crowd.他在人群中迷了路。词组:lose oneself迷路lose sight of忽略;不再看见lose face丢脸lose time耽误时间;走得慢;失去时机lose moneyv. 损失金钱lose to释义:败给
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