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lucky 是什么意思啊




Lucky 是什么意思 ?



幸运的意思……恩……翻译成谐音好听一点中文名是么 那就“乐琪”吧 ^o^


lucky 英[u02c8lu028cki] 美[u02c8lu028cki] adj. 运气好的,侥幸的; 兆头好的,吉祥的; 〈俚〉难得; 很恰当的; [例句]I am luckier than most. I have a job我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作。


lucky[英][u02c8lu028cki][美][u02c8lu028cki]adj.运气好的,侥幸的; 兆头好的,吉祥的; 〈俚〉难得; 很恰当的; 最高级:luckiest比较级:luckier例句:1.Your new granddaughter is a lucky girl. 你新诞生的孙女是个幸运儿。2.Occupy wall street should be so lucky. 占领华尔街应该是幸运的。


"Lucky"是英文中的一个词汇,通常被翻译为“幸运的、好运的”。其特殊含义可以因语境和文化背景的不同而有所不同:在西方文化中, "lucky"通常指一些幸运的事情或人,比如赢了彩票、得到了心仪的工作、抽中了奖品等等。在中国文化中,"lucky"通常与吉祥物、吉祥数字、吉祥颜色联系在一起,例如"红色、龙、鸡、兔"等,人们相信这些事物会带来好运和幸福。在信仰上帝的宗教中,"lucky"可能指上天的眷顾和祝福,被人们认为是一种灵性的幸运。总体来说,"lucky"是一个积极向上的词汇,与幸福、成功、吉祥等意义紧密相关,代表人们对生活中积极、顺遂的期盼和向往。



Luck 和lucky是区别是什么啊.



幸运的。一般用:Lucky girl.(幸运的女孩)Good lucky.(祝你好运)




您好,lucky是形容词adjective,可以修饰名词或者在系动词后边当表语。如:He is lucky。或者He is a lucky boy。luckily是副词adverb,可修饰动词,也可以放在句首。



luck lucky luckly luckily的区别

luck指运气,是名词。 good lucklucky 是指好运的luckly是没有的= =。。。没这个单词luckily是指幸运的是或者副词,如果放在开头一定是Luckily指幸运的是,动词后用luckily

luckily, lucky, luck分别是什么意思?

这三个词都是从 "luck" 这个单词衍生而来的不同形式,它们的含义和用法有所不同:"luck" 是指好运或命运的一种力量。常用于表达幸运或不幸的情况,例如:I had good luck and found my lost key.(我非常幸运,找到了丢失的钥匙。)"lucky" 是 "luck" 的形容词形式,可以用来形容一个人或事物具有好运、走运或幸运的状态。例如:She is a lucky person and always wins prizes in the lottery.(她很幸运,总能在彩票中赢得奖品。)"luckily" 是 "luck" 的副词形式,意思是 "幸好" 或 "万幸"。该词通常用于表达某个意外事件最终以好的方式结束的情况。例如:Luckily, we were able to catch the bus just in time.(万幸的是,我们能够准时赶上公交车。)需要注意的是,这三个词虽然来源相同,但在使用时要根据语境和句子结构进行判断。例如,在下列句子中分别使用了这三个词:Luck plays an important role in our success.(好运在我们的成功中起着重要作用。)She felt lucky to have such supportive friends.(她感到很幸运有这样支持性的朋友。)Luckily, nobody was hurt in the accident.(万幸的是,在这次事故中没有人受伤。)


这两个词汇在词性方面以及语法方面都是不同的,读音也是不一样的。除了lucmily, Lucky还有一个词叫做 luck。Luckily是副词,意思就是幸运地的意思。luck其实是一种名词,指的是幸运,Lucky是一种形容词,指的是幸运的。词性质不同Luckily是副词,意思就是幸运地的意思。luck其实是一种名词,指的是幸运,Lucky是一种形容词,指的是幸运的。语法不同Luckily其实可以用来修饰一些动词和句子,luck是形容词的后面,Lucky一般是用来形容修饰名词的定语,或者是用在动词的后面当做表语。读音不一样Luckily英音是,美音是。Luck的英音是,美音是。Lucky英音是,美音是。列句很幸运的是,那头牛并没有冲过来。Luckily, the rhinoceros didn"t charge.她的运气可不怎么样。She hasn"t had much luck.我真的是很幸运。I"d been devilish lucky.学习英语技巧1,碎片时间学习大多数的人都很抵触拿出大量的时间去学习英语,也确实没有时间去上课,如果课程无聊一些,那就更没有办法了,所以平时可以利用碎片化的时间,就比如说早上起床的时候可以去学习。晚上睡觉之前可以先背上一段语言,是用来沟通的一种工具,最关键的就是要学会表达才对。1 阅读记忆法 也就是把词汇的记忆融入阅读之中,在看一篇文章的时候,遇到不认识的单词先做记号,并猜测它们的含义,等到把全文看完后再从字典上把它们的意思找出来。这种方法不枯燥,记得比较牢,但缺点是记忆的词汇量比较少,而且耗时也比较长,不适合想求速成的同学。2 笔记记忆法 灵感来源于一篇文章,说某君从不背书,只抄书,每一本书都被他 抄了几遍,这样最后全数的内容都印在了他的脑海中。这大概是书上的铅字经自己用笔抄下来后,好象就成了自己的东西,对自己就没有排斥反应了。具体做法是找一本笔记本,把它的一页按中间对折,然后从字典上把英汉意思抄上去,英语单词或词组抄在左边,汉语意思抄在右边。


luck、名词‘ 幸运", 用在形容词后,如:Gook luck 祝你好运lucky、形容词‘ 幸运的"修饰名词作定语或用在系动词后作表语,如 He is so lucky that he have a chance to go abroad .luckily副词‘幸运地" 用来修饰动词或句子. 如 Luckily , he didn"t hurt badly .如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!




lucky,作形容词时意为“幸运的;侥幸的”。lucky 变化形式:比较级: luckier最高级: luckiestlucky 用法和例句:We are not usually so lucky .我们通常却没有那么幸运。I was lucky the chameleon didn "t turn blue .幸运的是,当时它没有变成蓝色。Seven lucky elephants , a notebook in a drawer .七个可带来好运的大象,抽屉里还有个笔记本。A lucky number in china , but perhaps a tough sell .这在中国是个吉利数字,但或许很难卖出去。Visitors bitterly considered themselves lucky to find any rooms at all .游客们虽一肚子苦水但仍对自己能找到房间感到侥幸。


lucky英 [u02c8lu028cki] 美 [u02c8lu028cki] adj.有好运的;运气好的;幸运的;好运带来的;带来好运的。

lucky 是什么意思







词典解释形容词 1. 幸运的,好运的[+to-v][+(that)] A lucky person won the contest. 一个幸运儿赢了比赛。 You are lucky to be alive. 你活着算是幸运的了。 2. 碰巧的,侥幸的 a lucky escape from death 侥幸逃脱死亡 3. 带来幸运的,吉祥的 I always carry my lucky penny. 我的吉祥钱币时刻不离身。 以下结果来自互联网网络释义 lucky 1. 但俺不信总是不 看看强人写的英语 - 谈天说地 - 冶思智... 但俺不信总是不lucky, 2. 幸运的;侥幸的 lucky 幸运的;侥幸的 Lucky 1. 乐凯 胶卷 中国 Lucky 乐凯 胶卷 中国


拉kei 没有对应的汉子


幸 运


ucky[英]["lu028cku026a] [美][u02c8lu028cki] 生词本简明释义adj.运气好的,侥幸的;兆头好的,吉祥的;〈俚〉难得;很恰当的比较级:luckier最高级:luckiest以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义 短语词组 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED幸运的;走运的You say that someone is lucky when they have something that is very desirable or when they are in a very desirable situation. I am luckier than most. I have a job... 我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作。I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth...我认为自己是地球上最幸运的人。He is incredibly lucky to be alive...他能活下来真是命大。


lucky 英[u02c8lu028cki] 美[u02c8lu028cki] adj. 运气好的,侥幸的; 兆头好的,吉祥的; 〈俚〉难得; 很恰当的; [例句]I am luckier than most. I have a job我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作。[其他] 比较级:luckier 最高级:luckiest



lucky 吉他谱Glee版本的要有左手和右手按的那种!谢谢!

A FMdo ya hear me talking to you BM E CMAcross the water, across the deep blue ocean FM BMUnder the open sky, oh my EBaby I"m trying A FmBoy I hear you in my dreams Bm EI feel your whisper across the sea CM FMI keep you with me in my heart BM E E7 FMYou make it easier when life gets hardFM BM ELucky I"m in love with my best friendA FMLucky to have been where I have been BM ELucky to be coming home againA Fm Cm EOoooh ooh-oooooh ooh-ooooooh....BM FMThey don"t know how long it takesE BMWaiting for a love like thisFM E BMEvery time we say goodbye, I wish we had one more kissFM E E7 FMI"ll wait for you, I promise you, I will-ill-ill



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跪求PSP天神乱漫天神乱漫 Happy Go Lucky!!的BGM修正版~~ 实在找不到 邮箱


英语作文 myluckyday

My Lucky DayToday is a fine day.And I am very lucky. In the morning,I"m go fishing in a river with my parents.As time goes by,I am fishing a big fish.I am very happy,but my parents have no one fish.Next,I am fishing a small fish,but I still happy.Because my parents still have no one fish.It"s time to go home,I am fishing ten fishs,but my parents are only fishing a small fish.In the afternoon,I am playing football with my buddies.MingMing has the ball,he is kicking it to me.I am kicking the ball.It"s a beautiful goal. Next, PingPing has the ball,he is kicking to Mike.Now,Mike has the ball,he is kicking it.It"s a goal.Now,we are winning. Today I am very lucky.And I am so happy

能发下Sora Aoi - Happy Go Lucky-1的种子或下载链接么?


go– lucky policy怎么翻译


Happy Go Lucky完整版电影

蒼井そら(02-04)[]原创首发_[KA-2080]Happy Go Lucky! (2002年7月30日、アリスJAPAN)_蒼井 Sora Aoi - Happy Go Lucky.mpeg希望采纳

变身!偶像公主《happy go lucky 》的翻译

  歌词:  いちばん好(す)きなアップルパイ  i chi ban su ki na a pu ru pa i  最喜欢的苹果派  ポチャリたくないけど止(と)まんない ><  po cya ri ta ku nai ke do to man na i  不想吃太多但是又停不下来  ガラスのくつ はきわすれて  ga ra su no ku tsu ha ki wa su re te  玻璃鞋干脆地忘记了  カボチャの马车(ばしゃ)にスルーされた orz  ka bo cya no ba sya ni su ru sa re ta  坐上南瓜马车急忙走了  満月(まんげつ)にうっとりしてたら  man ge tsu ni u tto ri shi te ta ra  明明是满月的夜晚  いきなりざーざー雨(あめ)もよう TT  i ki na ri zaa zaa a me mo yo u  突然淅淅沥沥地下起雨来  みんなで力(ちから)を合(あ)わせて  min na de chi ka ra o a wa se te  大家把力量集中起来  けーせーぎゃくて?ん!  kee see gya ku te?n!  决战吧  いつだってココロに  i su da tte ko ko ro ni  任何时候心中  大(おお)きな梦(ゆめ) だから前(まえ)向(む)いて  o o ki na yu me da ka ra ma e mu i te  都有远大的梦想 所以向前进吧  キセキをえがくよ  ki se ki o e ga ku yo  奇迹会出现  ぷりぷり リルぷりっ  pu ri pu ri ri ru pu ri  公主公主 偶像公主  「リルぷりっひめチェン!」  ri ru pu ri hi me chen  偶像公主 变身  梦(ゆめ)见(み)るオンナノコ  yu me mi ru o n na no ko  看得见梦想的女孩  だれでもプリンセス  da re de mo pu rin se su  谁都是公主  恋(こい)するオンナノコ  ko i su ru o n na no ko  去恋爱吧 女孩  ホンキ! ムテキ! カンペキ!  ho n ki mu te ki ka n pe ki  认真的 无敌的 完美的  かならずかなえるよ  ka na ra zu ka na e ru yo  一定会实现  わがままプリンセス  wa ga ma ma pu ri n se su  任性的公主  あなたにドキドキ ハッピ→  a na ta ni do ki do ki ha ppi  给你带去心跳的幸福  おとぎ话(ばなし)より  o to gi ba na shi yo ri  比童话故事更  ステキなでんせつ!? はじまる予感(よかん)  su te ki na den se tsu ha ji ma ru yo kan  美的传说 要开始的预感

美妙旋律里happy go lucky歌词的中文翻译


变身偶像公主第二首歌happy go lucky中文谐音


Happy Go Lucky 歌词

歌曲名:Happy Go Lucky歌手:Marvin Gaye专辑:Love Songs気取っちゃイケないよ キミらしくひらめきを大切にモヤモヤ待ち远しい焦らず耐える事も大切にDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopもっともっと飞べるハズDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopそうさそうさ 思うがままにHappy Time! Wow Oh! 手をつなぎ合えばいいHappy Day! Wow Oh!笑颜が続きマス様に...Ahたまには自由に羽広げ游ぶ事も必要さ今しか出来ない事ってなぁに??见つけたら即実行OKDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stop空へ云へ 飞んでゆけDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopなにもなにも 怖くなんかないHappy Time! Wow Oh! 肌寒い季节でもHappy Day! Wow Oh! 太阳が沈まない様に...YeahDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopもっともっと飞べるハズDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopそうさそうさ 思うがままにHappy Time! Wow Oh! 手をつなぎ合えばいいHappy Day! Wow Oh!笑颜が続きマス様に...Uh

Happy Go Lucky,是什么意思

  Happy-go-lucky是个相当古老的习惯用语,沿用至今有三百来年了。听到这个习惯用语包含happy和lucky这两个词,你也许在揣摩它一定用来描绘一个无忧无虑的幸运儿。你这是只猜对了一半。 我们看个例子来进一步体会happy-go-lucky,这个习惯用语的含义究竟是什么吧。他要告诉我们他朋友Bob的事儿。Bob可不是什么幸运儿。恰恰相反,Bob刚丢了工作,女朋友又跟他吹了,如今连房租都付不起,到处欠人的钱。然而他却说Bob is happy-go-lucky,你看看他为什么这样说。 In Bob"s place I"d never get out of bed. But he"s happy-go-lucky as ever, greets you with that big smile, tells a few jokes, then invites you for a drink. What a guy! 要是我处在Bob的地位我管保消沉得都不想起床了。但是Bob仍然是一如既往的乐天派。他满面笑容地跟你打招呼,说说笑笑,再请你喝上一杯。 可真有他的! 刚才说过Bob遇上了一连串的倒霉事儿,但是他却还是兴高采烈的,可见他是个乐天派。这种人即使在困境中也无忧无虑,因为老确信自己会时来运转。所以happy-go-lucky这个习惯用语的意思就是乐天知命,随遇而安的。


Happy Go Lucky的意思:乐天知命,随遇而安,逍遥自在。Happy-go-lucky是个相当古老的习惯用语,沿用至今有三百来年了。happy的基本意思是“幸福的”“快乐的”,指人在各种状态(如事事顺利)下的愉快、快乐或满足的心理状态。lucky的意思是“幸运的”,在句中用作表语时,可接介词短语、动词不定式或that从句。Happy-go-lucky? Well I know you"re always happy but I"m not sure about lucky!无忧无虑?嗯,我知道你总是很“快乐”但“幸运”我就不确定了!扩展资料:happy在句中可用作定语、表语,必须以人作主语,不用于以it充当形式主语的结构中。happy表示“乐意的”作表语时,其后可接动词不定式、现在分词短语、过去分词短语或that从句表示原因。happy后还常接about, at,in,with等引导的介词短语表示“因…而高兴,对…满意”。happy在句中还可用作宾语补足语。happy, cheerful, glad, joyful这组词都有“高兴”的意思。辨析如下:1、happy指心情舒畅、事事顺利或对他人表示良好祝愿时的幸福、愉快心情,可指一般的高兴; cheerful指表露出来的欢悦,是乐观天性的自然流露,特别是在令人不快的情况下仍保持欣悦的心情; joyful程度最强,指心情极好或得到了强烈的满足。2、happy和glad都含有“快乐的”的意思, happy常指因某一特定的事或原因而“快乐”,且一般只作表语。3、happy有“幸福”之义,而glad没有此义。

《天神乱漫》lucky or unlucky和happy go lucky有什么区别?


微笑着表演快乐要分享happy go lucky me这个是歌词但是不知道这首歌叫什么名字

歌曲名:Happy-Go-Lucky-Me歌手:Paul Evans专辑:Pecker気取っちゃイケないよ キミらしくひらめきを大切にモヤモヤ待ち远しい焦らず耐える事も大切にDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopもっともっと飞べるハズDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopそうさそうさ 思うがままにHappy Time! Wow Oh! 手をつなぎ合えばいいHappy Day! Wow Oh!笑颜が続きマス様に...Ahたまには自由に羽広げ游ぶ事も必要さ今しか出来ない事ってなぁに??见つけたら即実行OKDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stop空へ云へ 飞んでゆけDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopなにもなにも 怖くなんかないHappy Time! Wow Oh! 肌寒い季节でもHappy Day! Wow Oh! 太阳が沈まない様に...YeahDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopもっともっと飞べるハズDon"t worry! Don"t give up! Don"t worry! Don"t stopそうさそうさ 思うがままにHappy Time! Wow Oh! 手をつなぎ合えばいいHappy Day! Wow Oh!笑颜が続きマス様に...Uh

《天神乱漫》lucky or unlucky和happy go lucky有什么区别?

《天神乱漫》lucky or unlucky 是天神乱漫的PC版 《天神乱漫》happy go lucky是天神乱漫的PSP版 两者主要剧情是基本相同的 但是还是有区别 主要有两点第一 前者PC版对应人群为18岁以上 内含H镜头 而后者PSP版则对应人群为16岁以上 最过激的场景也只有接吻 就是和谐版和非和谐版的区别第二 后者PSP版在前者PC版的基础上新增加了两个人物 新增了一个可攻略角色 以上~

求 Happy GO Lucky! ~ハピ☆ラキでゴー!~ 【星光少女】中文/罗马歌词

青春就是 快乐和幸福 只要尽情去做想做的事 all right 也许心情会有些急切 但不用担心 青春就是快乐和幸福 让我们一起为之奋斗吧 总有一天这些珍贵回忆会回到我们身边 回头看下吧谐音happy go lucky 帰り道 スレ违う瞬间 その眼差し kaerimichi sure jigau shunkan sono manazashi ルール违反じゃない? 駆け引きはしないタチだけどね ruru ihan janai? kakehiki washinai tachi dakedone 仕方ないから 受けて立とうじゃない! 简単! shikata naikara uke te tatou janai ! katan! 无邪気な恋见せるのは 魂胆? mujyaki na koi miserunowa kontan ? みえみえな little girl miemiena 若干… ムリめなストーリー 圧巻!? jakan ... muri mena story akan !? あっけらかんとキモチ打ち明けて akerakanto kimochi uchi ake te 青春ならば Happy Go Lucky! seishun naraba Happy Go Lucky! ナイものねがり All right nai mononegari All right ピュアなハートを见せればいんじゃない? pyua na heart wo miserebainjanai ? その场しのぎで!? sono to shinogide !? 青春なんて Happy Go Lucky! seishun nante Happy Go Lucky! うまく行くかわかんない umaku iku kawakannai だけどcuteなセオリー见せつけて dakedo cute na seori^ ki setsukete 振り向かせるよ furimuka seruyo 胸騒ぎ 声を闻くたびに munasawagi koe wo ki kutabini 駆け寄りたい キモチになるけど kake yori tai kimochi ninarukedo 负けられない!恋のポーカーゲームは makerarenai ! koi no pookaageemu wa 一か八かで 赌けてみようじゃない? ichi ka hachi ka de de ketemiyoujanai ? 爱情! 谁よりもあるけれど ai jou! dale yorimoarukeredo 友情? なくしたくないよ yuujou ? nakushitakunaiyo 纯情… ホントーのトコロは ju jou ... hontoo no tokoro wa 根性!! がんじがらめのハート受け止めて konjou !! ganjigarameno ha^to uke tome te 青春ならば Happy Go Lucky! seishun naraba Happy Go Lucky! なるようになる All right naruyouninaru All right メタルなキモチ one way 过ぎるけど metaru na kimochi one way su girukedo 気にしないでね kini shinaidene 青春なんて Happy Go Lucky! seishun nante Happy Go Lucky! スナイパー気取り Get you! sunaipa^ kidori Get you! いつかcoolなメモリー焼きつけて itsuka cool na memori^ yaki tsukete 振り向かせるよ furimuka seruyo 青春ならば Happy Go Lucky! seishun naraba Happy Go Lucky! ナイものねだり All right nai mononedari All right ピュアなハートを见せればいんじゃない? pyua na ha^to wo ni serebainjanai ? その场しのぎで!? sono to shinogide !? 青春なんて Happy Go Lucky! seishun nante Happy Go Lucky! うまく行くかわかんない umaku iku kawakannai だけどcuteなセオリー见せつけて dakedo cute na seori^ ki setsukete 振り向かせるよ furimuka seruyo

天神乱漫的happy go lucky 和 lucky or lucky 是一个游戏么?还是不同的2个游戏?

不是,lucky or lucky 是pc上的。。。happy go lucky 是psp上的。。你要是想要的话留邮箱吧,我都发你。。。

变身偶像公主happy go lucky的中文歌词

这就是青春,快乐又幸福 ,尽情去做想做的事,ALL RIGH可能心情急切,但是不用担心青春就是幸福和快乐我们一起朝这个方向努力总有一天这个回忆会到来我们身边回头看下吧 (应该是这样)

天神乱漫的happy go lucky 和 lucky or lucky 是一个游戏么?还是不同的2个游戏?

天神乱漫 LUCKYORUNLUCKY!?是柚子社在2009年pc平台上的一部galgame。。而天神乱漫happygolucky!!是天神乱漫的psp版本。。由于规定。。psp版删减了pc版的18x的h内容。。并且作为代替增加了一些新的内容来补充空隙。。另外psp版还比pc版多增加了一个人物。。并且可作为主角进行攻略。。两个游戏并不是完全相同。。虽然在共同路线上几乎一样。。但是在许多个人路线上的情节两者还是有许多不同的。。如果还有什么问题。。欢迎向我提问。。我会尽量帮您解答。。


曲名:Happy go lucky 歌手:Steps 望采纳

美妙旋律happy go lucky歌词


Happy-Go-Lucky 歌词

歌曲名:Happy-Go-Lucky歌手:Paradise Go!!Go!!专辑:Paradise Go!!Go!!Love,all my love was yours,Of this I was so sure,I guess I never saw it coming baby,But now I"m over the surprise,I"m wearing this disguise,So everyone can think I"m having fun baby,The world only sees me smiling,My pillow knows the truth at night,"cause that"s where I hide my sorrow,And they call me happy go lucky,They don"t know my heart is dying inside,A smile"s a frown turned upside down,I do my happy go lucky so well,I"m even fooling myselfBut now I"ve put it to the test,I know it"s for the best,In fact it"s good you walked out on me baby, I,I"ve learned how to survive,Without you in my life,So why am I still talking "bout you baby,The world only sees me smiling,My pillow knows the truth every night,"Cause that"s where I hide my sorrow,And they call me happy go lucky,They don"t know my heart is dying inside,A smile"s a frown turned upside down,I do my happy go lucky so well,I"m even fooling myselfAll my love yours, ahI guess I was so sure,When I see the morning light,I put on this facade,It"s all I have to protect my pride,It"s all I"ve got, this smile is all I"ve got,And they call me happy go lucky,They don"t know my heart is dying inside,A smile"s a frown turned upside down,I do my happy go lucky so well,I"m even fooling myself



happy go lucky是什么意思

happy-go-lucky adj.逍遥自在的;无忧无虑的例句用作形容词 (adj.)That girl is the most happy- go- lucky person I know.那个女孩是我所认识的人当中最无忧无虑的人。He began to talk and laugh, in happy, thoughtless, boyish fashion, as we walked along, and made himself old friends with me at once.我跟他往前走着,他就谈笑起来,高高兴兴的,无忧无虑的,非常孩子气,还真是跟我一见如故。


如果你看过Seinfeld宋飞正传的话,里面有段经典对话帮助你理解here we goNaomi: I thought you liked to laugh. I thought you were happy-go-lucky.Jerry: No, nah. I"m not happy and I"m not lucky, and I don"t go. If anything I"m sad stop unlucky.Happy-go-lucky是个相当古老的习惯用语,沿用至今有三百来年了。听到这个习惯用语包含happy和lucky这两个词,你也许在揣摩它一定用来描绘一个无忧无虑的幸运儿。你这是只猜对了一半。 我们看个例子来进一步体会happy-go-lucky,这个习惯用语的含义究竟是什么吧。他要告诉我们他朋友Bob的事儿。Bob可不是什么幸运儿。恰恰相反,Bob刚丢了工作,女朋友又跟他吹了,如今连房租都付不起,到处欠人的钱。然而他却说Bob is happy-go-lucky,你看看他为什么这样说。 In Bob"s place I"d never get out of bed. But he"s happy-go-lucky as ever, greets you with that big smile, tells a few jokes, then invites you for a drink. What a guy! 要是我处在Bob的地位我管保消沉得都不想起床了。但是Bob仍然是一如既往的乐天派。他满面笑容地跟你打招呼,说说笑笑,再请你喝上一杯。 可真有他的! 刚才说过Bob遇上了一连串的倒霉事儿,但是他却还是兴高采烈的,可见他是个乐天派。这种人即使在困境中也无忧无虑,因为老确信自己会时来运转。所以happy-go-lucky这个习惯用语的意思就是乐天知命,随遇而安的。


Lucky Brand 是美国Liz Claiborne Inc旗下的品牌,总部设于纽约,成立于1976年,主要是设计与行销广泛的女装、男装与配件产品,适于从正式到休闲等各种场合穿着。美国的一个著名中产阶级品牌,简称LIZ,一般都会在其首饰刻印品名缩写Lc.。LUCKY BRAND最早是以摇滚风格的牛仔裤起家, 它的创始人是Gene Montesano和Barry Perlman, 二人从儿时就是好朋友, 都对摇滚有着浓厚的兴趣。70年代二人都经历了嘻皮运动, 21岁的Gene和17岁的Barry, 还有他们的朋友Bill Rudnick, 早在1972年就在佛罗里达开了一家牛仔裤店。扩展资料:Lucky Brand 通过现有贷方——富国银行(Wells Fargo Commercial Capital)旗下投资部门 Wells Fargo Capital Finance 与商业贷款公司 Gordon Brothers Finance Company 扩大了第一顺位抵押权贷款(First Lien Term Loan)的规模。同时,也通过私募股权投资公司 Lantern Capital Partners 与 Restore Capital 旗下合资公司提供的第二顺位抵押权贷款(Second Lien Term Loan)为现有第二顺位抵押权贷款提供了更多资金。在提供资金的同时,这家合资公司也收购了 Lucky Brand 的少数股权。2013年12月,美国私募股权投资公司 Leonard Green & Partners 从 Kate Spade 品牌原来的母公司、美国服饰集团 Fifth & Pacific 手中以 2.25亿美元的价格收购了 Lucky Brand。参考资料来源:百度百科——LUCKY BRAND

money funny lucky怎么翻译?


英语作文my lucky day怎么写?

  写my lucky day英语作文带翻译的过程中相信会是一个美好的过程,因为写的是好的经历。下面是我给大家整理的my lucky day英语作文带翻译的相关知识,供大家参阅!   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇1   I cann"t never belive that it is so a lucky what I face today. for what? You know that I felt upset for the pass day because I cann"t find a work which working on summer holiday.But now I get a workand get it by unexpectedly.   This morning I got on the bus to the middle of the city to look for the job when I sat down I saw a woman who seem sick get on the bus but that time there aren"t free seatsthought for a moment I stand up to let the woman sit downthe woman seem felt gratefuland we started to talk . When I told her that I wanted to look for a job which working on the holidaythe woman smile and she told me that her company wanted to recruit several employees if I wanted she can introduce me to her company. Lessoning this information I felt so exciting that time. And now I feel so a lucky day ot is this day.   我不能永远相信它是如此一个幸运的今天我的脸。为了什么?通过天你知道我感到难过因为我不能找到一个工作在暑假。但是现在我得到一个工作并获得意外。   今天早上我在公共汽车上中间的城市找工作当我坐下时我看见一个女人看起来生病的上车但是没有免费的座位想了一会儿我站起来让女人坐下来女人似乎感到感激我们开始说话。当我告诉她我想要寻找一个在工作假期女人微笑她告诉我她的公司想要招聘几个员工如果我想她可以把我介绍给她的公司。减少这些信息我感到很兴奋。现在我觉得这是幸运的一天不一天。   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇2   Today, I wake up early in the morning, because it is the New Yearu2019s Day, when I go out and say hello to the eldership, they will give me the lucky money, I have receive a lot of lucky money.   Whatu2019s more, when I go to the street, I happen to meet my old friends, we have lost touched for many years, it is a surprise for me.   今天,我早早就起来了,因为今天是新年的第一天,在我走出去的时候,我对长辈打招呼,他们就会给我利是钱,我已经收到了很多利是钱。   而且,在我走上街的时候,偶然间遇到了我的老朋友,我们已经很多年没有联系了,这对我来说真是个惊喜。   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇3   Remember the first time to go skiing a super cool episode happened.   In preparing to take a cable car up the hill ski resort in the thick white snow I inadvertently looked down at: "twinkle twinkle little star what"s that?"   I can"t help but wonder began to dig up where day! Is really to treasure. That is the five one round coin also don"t know who is out so qiao is snow buried by half the curious baby observant discovered by me little hair a windfall I was so happy. So ah! Curiosity is very useful! Hee hee!   Put the lucky coin pocket slip through the snow I immediately rushed to shopping in a souvenir shop. Bought a packet of milk slice and it is a bumper harvest.   Back to the hotel dad said take out your milk tablets to treat to share my lucky.   Eating the milk tablets hard my sweet in my heart always can"t help but want to smile!   记得第一次去滑雪,发生了一件超级酷的插曲。   在滑雪场准备要搭缆车上山的时候,就在厚厚的白雪堆里,我不经意的低头看着:“那是什么,一闪一闪亮晶晶?”   我忍不住好奇的动手挖了起来,天哪里!真是捞到宝了。那是五个壹圆的硬币,也不知道是谁掉的,就这么巧,被雪埋了一半,被我这个好奇宝宝眼尖发现了,小小的发了一笔横财,我开心极了。所以啊!好奇心是很有用处的呢!嘻嘻!   把这个幸运的硬币放在口袋里头,滑完了雪,我立刻冲进纪念品店血拼。买了一包牛乳片,真是大丰收。   回到饭店,爸爸说把牛乳片拿出来请客,跟大家一起分享我的幸运。   吃着那个硬硬的牛乳片,我的心里甜甜的,一直忍不住想笑呢!   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇4   Today is my lucky day want to know how lucky I am method? Listen to me say.   Mother in a good mood today my homework is finished she is ready to take me out to play we first went to the countryside to play to brother home I rush in suddenly "wang wang! Wang!" Two under my ass (not really pee just describe) originally was a big dog home brother this only big German shepherd can be fierce! Every time I couldn"t close to it. My brother in the home to eat something is boring then walked up and down to see a small hut and went in "very smelly!!" This room is a pigsty "how lovely!" Originally gave birth to a litter of old piglets "shout" a voice suddenly old sow angry because I disturb their nap I frighten away then I also want to go in to play but I dare not call daddy accompany me to go in father was very lazy then said: "be careful" swine flu "" I was afraid of again mother said:" nonsense! Now China hasn"t "swine flu"." I"m so relieved went in out to be honest I was a bit afraid.   Next let"s go back to suzhou have a "chicken" then went shopping for a long time just go home to bed.   今天是我的幸运日,想知道我怎么个幸运法吗?就听我细细说。   妈妈今天心情好,我作业也写完了,她就准备带我出去玩,我们先去了乡下玩,到了哥哥家,我一下冲进去,突然“汪汪!汪汪!”两声,把我下得屁滚尿流(不是真的尿尿了,只是形容一下)原来是哥哥家的大狼狗,这只大狼狗可凶了!每次我都不敢靠近它。我在哥哥家吃了一些东西,就没劲了,便走来走去,看见一个小草屋,便走了进去,“好臭啊!!”原来这屋子是猪圈,“好可爱!”原来老母猪生了一窝小猪,突然“呼”一声,老母猪生气了,因为我打扰了它们的午觉,我吓得逃走了,后来我还想进去玩玩,可我不敢,就叫爸爸陪我进去,爸爸好懒,便说:“小心u2018猪流感u2019”我又怕了,妈妈说:“瞎说!现在中国还没有u2018猪流感u2019。”我就放心了,就进去看了看,出来了,说实话我的却有点怕。   接下来,我们回到苏州,去吃了顿“肯得鸡”,又去购物了好一会儿,就回家睡觉了。   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇5   Today this thought it was a bad day but now has become a lucky day.   Yesterday evening I live in grandmother home found no school uniform. School uniforms may embellish city home but father and mother did not come back. So can only wear other clothes today.   One came into the classroom. Ah! The students have a lot of people have to wear school uniforms. Those who wear the uniform of the girl run to come over to ask me why not to wear uniforms. I"m not happy be a ask again even worse but bad attack again had to silence. But those female students just don"t give up asked. My mouth not to say can the in the mind scold a way: "what are you doing not what paparazzi again asking her out!" So I continue to silence they can"t ask the answer just ended. I heaved a sigh started early read in my heart full of worry afraid of the teacher will criticize me.   It is strange that the teacher morning reaidng don"t say "go to the nursing home" the second quarter the third class also made no mention of "go to the nursing home." But I have been uneasy heart still did not settle down. "It may be in the afternoon?" I thought reading a bit absent-minded has been entangled with the "today whether to go to a nursing home" problem.   In the afternoon until the school the teacher didn"t mention "to a nursing home" I think today is definitely not to go! Also wonder that students who wear the uniform why does the teacher speak not count? They particularly disappointed I comfort they said: "maybe next Thursday. They said: "maybe".   Today"s lucky day!   今天,本以为是倒霉的一天,可现在竟成了幸运的一天。   昨天晚上,我住在奶奶家,没有找到校服。校服可能在润城新家,可爸爸妈妈没有回来。所以,今天只能穿别的衣服了。   一走进教室。啊!同学们有好多人都穿了校服。那些穿了校服的女生跑过来问我,为什么没有穿校服。我本来就不开心了,再被一追问,更难受,但又不好发作,只好沉默不语。可那些女同学就是不放弃,追问到底。我嘴上不说,可心里骂道:“你们又不是什么狗仔队,干嘛刨根究底呢!”于是我继续沉默,她们问不到答案,就不欢而散了。我长吁了一口气,开始了早读,可心里充满了担心,害怕老师会批评我。   真奇怪,老师早读课,没有说“到养老院去”,第二节、第三节课也只字未提“去养老院”。可我一直忐忑的心还是没有安定下来。“可能是下午吧?”我心里想着,读书都有点心不在焉了,一直纠结着“今天是否去养老院”的问题。   到下午了,一直到放学,老师还是没有提到“去养老院”,我想今天是肯定不去了!那些穿了校服的同学也很纳闷,为什么老师说话不算数?她们特别失望,我安慰她们说:“可能是下个星期四吧”。她们说:“可能吧”。   今天真是幸运的一天!   

Taylor的the lucky one 歌词

  歌曲:The lucky one  演唱:Taylor Swift  专辑:《Red》  歌词:  New to town with a made up name  In the angels city she"s in fortune and fame  And camera flashes make it look like a dream  You hadn"t figured out since you"re in school  Everybody loves pretty, everybody loves cool  So overnight you look like a sixties queen  Another name goes up in lights  Like diamonds in the sky  And I tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Yeah, they"ll tell you now, you"re the lucky one  But can you tell me now, you"re the lucky one  Oh...oh...oh...  Now it"s big black cars and ???  And your love and foyeur doesn"t even know you  And your secret sender splashed on the news front page  And they tell you that you"re lucky, but you"re so confused  Coz you don"t feel pretty, you just feel used  And the young things line up to take your place  Another name goes up in lights  You wonder if you make it out alive  And I tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Yeah, they"ll tell you now, you"re the lucky one  But can you tell me now, you"re the lucky one  Oh...oh...oh...  Oh...oh...oh...  It was a few years later, I showed up here  And they still tell the legend of how you disappear  They took the money and your dignity got the hell out  They say you bought a bunch of lamps somewhere  Shows the Rose Garden over Madison Square  And it took sometime, but I understand it now  Coz now my name is up in lights  But I think you got it right  Let me tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Let me tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Let me tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Oh...oh...oh...  Yeah, they"ll tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Yeah, they"ll tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Let me tell you now, you"re the lucky one  Oh...oh...oh...  Oh...oh...oh...


Lucky Brand 是美国Liz Claiborne Inc旗下的品牌,总部设于纽约,成立于1976年,主要是设计与行销广泛的女装、男装与配件产品,适于从正式到休闲等各种场合穿着。美国的一个著名中产阶级品牌,简称LIZ,一般都会在其首饰刻印品名缩写Lc. 就目前来说它拥有全美最大的销售网络,2000年民意调查中品牌位居中高档的第一位。 Liz Claiborne的设计含蓄却又非常大方,质料裁工也不含糊,。Liz以职业和充满活力的女性为对象,适用于任何季节的经典风格,提供最好最新的选择,也提供持久不褪流行经典款式。 美国Liz Claiborne Inc.是全世界最大的多品牌公司之一,旗下有十几个品牌,销售产品包括服饰、饰物,提包,鞋子及香水等。其中 Liz Claiborne、 Marvella, Mexx, Monet, Monet 2, Villager、Axcess, Bora Bora, Claiborne, Crazy Horse, Curve, Dana Buchman, Ellen Tracy, Elisabeth, Emma James, ENYCE, First Issue, Intuitions, J.H. Collectibles, Jane Street, Juicy Couture, Lady ENYCE, Laundry by Shelli Segal, Lucky Brand Dungarees, Mambo, Realities, Sigr 等都是它下属的品牌

谁有jason mraz lucky西班牙语版歌词?我想要啊~~~~

Do you hear me? I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky oh my, baby I"m tryingSe que quiero cuando te vassupe desde tiempo atras,es que mi corazon no sabequeres hasta volverte a verSuerte que despierto junto a ti,Suerte que senti lo que sentisuerte que regresas para miUhhhh Uhhhhh UhhhhhhNadie tiene la razonde que exista el amorsolo hay un tu y yola promesas de los dosme esperaras, aqui estarelo seeeeeeeeSuerte que despierto junto a ti,Suerte que senti lo que sentisuerte que regresas para miSuerte que hay mas para conocerSuerte que contigo crecereSuerte que te tengo al volverAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music, feell the airI put a flower in your hairTodo tiene final felizdesde que te conocino hay mas que las ganasde estar y volver a empezarSuerte que despierto junto a ti,Suerte que senti lo que sentisuerte que regresas para miSuerte que hay mas para conocerSuerte que contigo crecereSuerte que te tengo al volverUhhhhh Uhhhhhhh UHhhhhhhUHhhhhhh UHhhhhhh UHhhhhhhhhh


Do you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh oohThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI"ll wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music fill the airI"ll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI"m lucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

Might Get Lucky 歌词

歌曲名:Might Get Lucky歌手:Darius Rucker专辑:Charleston, SC 1966 (Deluxe Edition)Darius Rucker - Might Get LuckyI"ll chase the kids around the yard all afternoonPut away the dishes so she don"t have toFix the screen door on the porch like I said I"d doTell her I don"t know how you do it baby when I"m goneDance her "round the kitchen to a George Strait songSneak a kiss on the back of the neck like we were aloneAnd if I"m right on the moneyYou know I might get luckyThere"s a window of opportunity betweenWhen the kids are tucked in and a half glass of ChardonnayShe knows what I"m thinking reads me like a bookBut the key to get a second lookAnd a come here honeyIs treat her right in the daylightAnd I might get luckyWell I work out on the road and it wears us thinShe wonders when I"m leaving even when I"m walking inSo we set aside time to get to know each other againAnd if I play my cards rightI know it sounds kind of funnyBut I might get luckyThere"s a window of opportunity betweenWhen the kids are tucked in and a half glass of ChardonnayShe knows what I"m thinking reads me like a bookBut the key to get a second lookAnd a come here honeyIs treat her right in the daylightAnd I might get luckySomeday she might wake up and seeShe"s way out of my leagueBut then againMaybe she won"tYou know I might get luckyThere"s a window of opportunity betweenWhen the kids are tucked in and a half glass of ChardonnayShe knows what I"m thinking reads me like a bookBut the key to get a second lookAnd a come here honeyIs treat her right in the daylightAnd I might get luckyI might get luckyI might get luckyI might get lucky

my lucky day英语作文带翻译

  写my lucky day英语作文带翻译的过程中相信会是一个美好的过程,因为写的是好的经历。下面是我给大家整理的my lucky day英语作文带翻译的相关知识,供大家参阅!   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇1   I cann"t never belive that it is so a lucky what I face today. for what? You know that I felt upset for the pass day because I cann"t find a work which working on summer holiday.But now I get a workand get it by unexpectedly.   This morning I got on the bus to the middle of the city to look for the job when I sat down I saw a woman who seem sick get on the bus but that time there aren"t free seatsthought for a moment I stand up to let the woman sit downthe woman seem felt gratefuland we started to talk . When I told her that I wanted to look for a job which working on the holidaythe woman smile and she told me that her company wanted to recruit several employees if I wanted she can introduce me to her company. Lessoning this information I felt so exciting that time. And now I feel so a lucky day ot is this day.   我不能永远相信它是如此一个幸运的今天我的脸。为了什么?通过天你知道我感到难过因为我不能找到一个工作在暑假。但是现在我得到一个工作并获得意外。   今天早上我在公共汽车上中间的城市找工作当我坐下时我看见一个女人看起来生病的上车但是没有免费的座位想了一会儿我站起来让女人坐下来女人似乎感到感激我们开始说话。当我告诉她我想要寻找一个在工作假期女人微笑她告诉我她的公司想要招聘几个员工如果我想她可以把我介绍给她的公司。减少这些信息我感到很兴奋。现在我觉得这是幸运的一天不一天。   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇2   Today, I wake up early in the morning, because it is the New Yearu2019s Day, when I go out and say hello to the eldership, they will give me the lucky money, I have receive a lot of lucky money.   Whatu2019s more, when I go to the street, I happen to meet my old friends, we have lost touched for many years, it is a surprise for me.   今天,我早早就起来了,因为今天是新年的第一天,在我走出去的时候,我对长辈打招呼,他们就会给我利是钱,我已经收到了很多利是钱。   而且,在我走上街的时候,偶然间遇到了我的老朋友,我们已经很多年没有联系了,这对我来说真是个惊喜。   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇3   Remember the first time to go skiing a super cool episode happened.   In preparing to take a cable car up the hill ski resort in the thick white snow I inadvertently looked down at: "twinkle twinkle little star what"s that?"   I can"t help but wonder began to dig up where day! Is really to treasure. That is the five one round coin also don"t know who is out so qiao is snow buried by half the curious baby observant discovered by me little hair a windfall I was so happy. So ah! Curiosity is very useful! Hee hee!   Put the lucky coin pocket slip through the snow I immediately rushed to shopping in a souvenir shop. Bought a packet of milk slice and it is a bumper harvest.   Back to the hotel dad said take out your milk tablets to treat to share my lucky.   Eating the milk tablets hard my sweet in my heart always can"t help but want to smile!   记得第一次去滑雪,发生了一件超级酷的插曲。   在滑雪场准备要搭缆车上山的时候,就在厚厚的白雪堆里,我不经意的低头看着:“那是什么,一闪一闪亮晶晶?”   我忍不住好奇的动手挖了起来,天哪里!真是捞到宝了。那是五个壹圆的硬币,也不知道是谁掉的,就这么巧,被雪埋了一半,被我这个好奇宝宝眼尖发现了,小小的发了一笔横财,我开心极了。所以啊!好奇心是很有用处的呢!嘻嘻!   把这个幸运的硬币放在口袋里头,滑完了雪,我立刻冲进纪念品店血拼。买了一包牛乳片,真是大丰收。   回到饭店,爸爸说把牛乳片拿出来请客,跟大家一起分享我的幸运。   吃着那个硬硬的牛乳片,我的心里甜甜的,一直忍不住想笑呢!   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇4   Today is my lucky day want to know how lucky I am method? Listen to me say.   Mother in a good mood today my homework is finished she is ready to take me out to play we first went to the countryside to play to brother home I rush in suddenly "wang wang! Wang!" Two under my ass (not really pee just describe) originally was a big dog home brother this only big German shepherd can be fierce! Every time I couldn"t close to it. My brother in the home to eat something is boring then walked up and down to see a small hut and went in "very smelly!!" This room is a pigsty "how lovely!" Originally gave birth to a litter of old piglets "shout" a voice suddenly old sow angry because I disturb their nap I frighten away then I also want to go in to play but I dare not call daddy accompany me to go in father was very lazy then said: "be careful" swine flu "" I was afraid of again mother said:" nonsense! Now China hasn"t "swine flu"." I"m so relieved went in out to be honest I was a bit afraid.   Next let"s go back to suzhou have a "chicken" then went shopping for a long time just go home to bed.   今天是我的幸运日,想知道我怎么个幸运法吗?就听我细细说。   妈妈今天心情好,我作业也写完了,她就准备带我出去玩,我们先去了乡下玩,到了哥哥家,我一下冲进去,突然“汪汪!汪汪!”两声,把我下得屁滚尿流(不是真的尿尿了,只是形容一下)原来是哥哥家的大狼狗,这只大狼狗可凶了!每次我都不敢靠近它。我在哥哥家吃了一些东西,就没劲了,便走来走去,看见一个小草屋,便走了进去,“好臭啊!!”原来这屋子是猪圈,“好可爱!”原来老母猪生了一窝小猪,突然“呼”一声,老母猪生气了,因为我打扰了它们的午觉,我吓得逃走了,后来我还想进去玩玩,可我不敢,就叫爸爸陪我进去,爸爸好懒,便说:“小心u2018猪流感u2019”我又怕了,妈妈说:“瞎说!现在中国还没有u2018猪流感u2019。”我就放心了,就进去看了看,出来了,说实话我的却有点怕。   接下来,我们回到苏州,去吃了顿“肯得鸡”,又去购物了好一会儿,就回家睡觉了。   my lucky day英语作文带翻译篇5   Today this thought it was a bad day but now has become a lucky day.   Yesterday evening I live in grandmother home found no school uniform. School uniforms may embellish city home but father and mother did not come back. So can only wear other clothes today.   One came into the classroom. Ah! The students have a lot of people have to wear school uniforms. Those who wear the uniform of the girl run to come over to ask me why not to wear uniforms. I"m not happy be a ask again even worse but bad attack again had to silence. But those female students just don"t give up asked. My mouth not to say can the in the mind scold a way: "what are you doing not what paparazzi again asking her out!" So I continue to silence they can"t ask the answer just ended. I heaved a sigh started early read in my heart full of worry afraid of the teacher will criticize me.   It is strange that the teacher morning reaidng don"t say "go to the nursing home" the second quarter the third class also made no mention of "go to the nursing home." But I have been uneasy heart still did not settle down. "It may be in the afternoon?" I thought reading a bit absent-minded has been entangled with the "today whether to go to a nursing home" problem.   In the afternoon until the school the teacher didn"t mention "to a nursing home" I think today is definitely not to go! Also wonder that students who wear the uniform why does the teacher speak not count? They particularly disappointed I comfort they said: "maybe next Thursday. They said: "maybe".   Today"s lucky day!   今天,本以为是倒霉的一天,可现在竟成了幸运的一天。   昨天晚上,我住在奶奶家,没有找到校服。校服可能在润城新家,可爸爸妈妈没有回来。所以,今天只能穿别的衣服了。   一走进教室。啊!同学们有好多人都穿了校服。那些穿了校服的女生跑过来问我,为什么没有穿校服。我本来就不开心了,再被一追问,更难受,但又不好发作,只好沉默不语。可那些女同学就是不放弃,追问到底。我嘴上不说,可心里骂道:“你们又不是什么狗仔队,干嘛刨根究底呢!”于是我继续沉默,她们问不到答案,就不欢而散了。我长吁了一口气,开始了早读,可心里充满了担心,害怕老师会批评我。   真奇怪,老师早读课,没有说“到养老院去”,第二节、第三节课也只字未提“去养老院”。可我一直忐忑的心还是没有安定下来。“可能是下午吧?”我心里想着,读书都有点心不在焉了,一直纠结着“今天是否去养老院”的问题。   到下午了,一直到放学,老师还是没有提到“去养老院”,我想今天是肯定不去了!那些穿了校服的同学也很纳闷,为什么老师说话不算数?她们特别失望,我安慰她们说:“可能是下个星期四吧”。她们说:“可能吧”。   今天真是幸运的一天!   

求歌词!jason mars Lucky歌词, 弄好一点的,中英文互译

Do you hear me, 你能听到我吗 I"m talking to you 我在对你讲话 Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越过深蓝色海洋 Under the open sky, oh my, baby I"m trying 在广阔的天空下,我的宝贝,我正在尝试 Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡梦中听到你的声音 I feel your whisper across the sea 你的低吟越过海洋到达我的耳边 I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中一直在想念你 You make it easier when life gets hard 是你让枯燥的生活变得快乐 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~ They don"t know how long it takes 他们不知道过了多久 Waiting for a love like this 等待这样的爱 Every time we say goodbye 每次我们说再见 I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再来一个吻 I"ll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向你保证会等你,一定 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家 And so I"m sailing through the sea 我在大海上扬帆 To an island where we"ll meet 去我们约定相见的一个海岛 You"ll hear the music fill the air 你会听见那飘荡在空中的音乐 I"ll put a flower in your hair 我会在你头上插上一朵花 Though the breezes through trees 微风掠过树梢 Move so pretty you"re all I see 你在我眼中是如此可爱 As the world keeps spinning round 以至于整个世界都在旋转 You hold me right here right now 这一刻你紧紧抱住我 I"m lucky I"m in love with my best friend 我很幸运我爱上了我最好的朋友 Lucky to have been where I have been 幸运我所经历过的一切 Lucky to be coming home again 幸运又能回到家 Lucky we"re in love every way 幸运我们相爱 Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸运我们所停留的地方 Lucky to be coming home someday 幸运某天回到家

Lucky Dog1的主题曲

Don"t lose luckLyrics: Ippei Yoshino  Compose + Arrange:SENTIVE  Vocal:actuo  RAP:Ippei Yoshino(All right)  (Try it!)  If you have great luck, that can"t compared with other people.  What"s you gonna do?  I live a life with thrills and spills.  I get all chance to succeed and I get freedom.  Don"t miss it.  I will show you my success story.  It came over, crawls up from the hell.  say"Hello, Hey! you. Do you want the Great Luck.  Touch me. Fuck me. Try to hack me.  If it"s made, I give you Great Luck.  What"s you gonna do? What"s you wanting?  You can spend your life just as wanted.  Touch he. Fuck he. Try to get he.  You"ll see the world that your wanted world.  Step Step by surely and by lightly.  (Step! Step! You get the chance of the life maximum by the luck.  Wait Wait I waited when the big chance fell.  (Wait! Wait! Chance fell that name is Mafia"s boss.)  (Do you want? Baby.)  Don"t stop Dont stop run. Run and escape a trap.  (Don"t lose luck LUCKY DOG. Don"t lose luck LUCKY DOG.)Get Get all of chance and get all of wanting.  (Don"t lose luck LUCKY DOG.)  Don"t be slow, I"ll go.  Try it, try it. If you wanna go out side and get freedom.Choose them, soon then, get away nethermost hell.  Escaping from the guard of hell.  You are the dog. Catch bone. Scent chance. Run fast.  Don"t stop. Jump high. Enter the top.  And look down your subordinate, and you say"Can you follow me?"  歌词大意:好吧来试试如果你有与他人无法相比的好运你会做什么?我生活得刺激又汹涌我拥有所有成功的机会,我拥有自由别错过我会给你展示我的成功史来了,自地狱爬行而来说“你好,嗨,你想要那好运么“那就碰我,操我,试着破坏我若你做到,我就赐你非凡的幸运你会做什么?你想要什么?你可以过你最想要的生活碰他,操他,试着得到他你会看见你想要的世界一步,一步,确切,轻快一步,一步,你得到一生中好运最大值的机遇等着,等着,我等着那机遇降临等着,等着,到来的机会名为组织的老大你想要吗?宝贝儿跑,不要停;跑,逃开圈套别丢了你的运气,Lucky Dog得到,得到全部机会,得到所有希望别丢了好运,Lucky Dog别慢下来,我不会等试吧,试吧,如果你想逃出去,得到自由选择他们,很快就能逃脱最深层的地狱从地狱的看门人手中逃走你就是那条狗,抓住骨头,嗅到机会,快跑不要停,高高跳起,到达巅峰俯视你的属下,说跟我来吗?

Lucky one 歌词

《Lucky One》中文歌词:  Oh 天空又发亮  我把地图摊开在前方  画出座标往你的方向  No matter  注视着指南针瞄准的那个地方  天空感觉好像你 一样开朗  像昨天 和前天 每一天 耀眼光芒  你我间的平行线  我会扭转成 再相遇的交汇点  时间 危险 I don"t mind  在终点到来前 巨浪和苦难迎面来  向我席卷的瞬间  停留在我全世界 你就是 Only one  当我发现的瞬间  你更灿烂更耀眼  I"ll be the lucky one  你和我 (Living it up)  面贴面 (Just living it up)  Keep on coming (Wow wow wow wow)  同一时间地点 Oh 没有别的杂念  We"ll be the lucky ones  Girl (Oh girl)  看你小心地隐藏着心里秘密  (Just tell me right now)  偷偷地我 一小步 一小步 靠近你 baby  不可能 无可能 没可能 Never go back  只有我明白的 Rule  我会把距离 从天际变成眼前  时间 危险 I don"t mind  在终点到来前 巨浪和苦难迎面来  向我席卷的瞬间  停留在我全世界 你就是 Only one  当我发现的瞬间  你更灿烂更耀眼 I"ll be the lucky one  你和我 (Living it up)  面贴面 (Just living it up)  Keep on coming (Wow wow wow wow)  同一时间地点 Oh 没有别的杂念  We"ll be the lucky ones  推挤在人潮中我的 Lover  多幸运找到你我的 Clover  这样的你来到像这样的我  大家说太不合理了  会更了解你的 Yeah let"s go  没有不属于我们的角落  你是我 only one 我是你  lucky one cause I I I  向我席卷的瞬间  停留在我全世界 你就是 Only one  当我发现的瞬间  你更灿烂更耀眼  I"ll be the lucky one  你和我 (Living it up)  面贴面 (Just living it up)  Keep on coming (Wow wow wow wow)  同一时间地点 Oh 没有别的杂念  We"ll be the lucky ones  I am the lucky one  I am the lucky one

有没有Lucky Twice 的《Hey Girl》的歌词?

Hey Girl Make Your Move(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)Hey Girl Make Your MoveNow everybody"s looking for the fuel for a dance reactionYeah cuz everybody needs a little early morning ecstacyI said open up your mind and cross the line into the promised landYou can deserve a seat in heaven by becoming what you wanna beAnd I Said Hey Girl Make Your MoveEverybody Loves Those Dancing ShoesEverybody Loves The Things You Do(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)And I Said Hey Girl Make Your MoveEverybody Loves Those Dancing ShoesEverybody Loves The Things You Do(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)So get your motor running pop the hood and let me work it overJust relax I"ll tune you up in to a hoppin little dance machineWe all could use a lesson in the art of happy-go-luckyI"ll have you speeding down the highway once I pump you up with gasolineAnd I Said Hey Girl Make Your MoveEverybody Loves Those Dancing ShoesEverybody Loves The Things You Do(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)And I Said Hey Girl Make Your MoveEverybody Loves Those Dancing ShoesEverybody Loves The Things You Do(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)Play when you wanna playPut it all on the lineSay what you wanna sayYou"ll be fineAnd I Said Hey Girl Make Your MoveAnd I Said Hey Girl Make Your Move (Cmon Girl)(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)And I Said Hey Girl Make Your MoveEverybody Loves Those Dancing ShoesEverybody Loves The Things You Do(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)And I Said Hey Girl Make Your MoveEverybody Loves Those Dancing ShoesEverybody Loves The Things You Do(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)(They"re Watching You, They"re Watching You Now)

Jason Mraz与邓紫棋对唱中文版Lucky MP3 顺便加歌词~

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请问 福井舞的 Lucky 还有 逆さまの蝶的中文谐音歌词发音?谢谢啦!!!


lucky(jason mraz)的歌词

Song: LuckyWriter(s): Jason Mraz, Colbie Caillat, Timothy FaganSinger(s): Jason Mraz, Colbie CaillatReleased: January 13, 2009Album: We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.Do you hear me, I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI hear your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOooohhhhThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againlucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music, fell the airI put a flower in your hairAnd though the breeze is through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeLet the world keep spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againlucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh


Do you hear me,I"m talking to youAcross the water across the deep blue oceanUnder the open sky, oh my, baby I"m tryingBoy I hear you in my dreamsI feel your whisper across the seaI keep you with me in my heartYou make it easier when life gets hardI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh oohThey don"t know how long it takesWaiting for a love like thisEvery time we say goodbyeI wish we had one more kissI"ll wait for you I promise you, I willI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againLucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayAnd so I"m sailing through the seaTo an island where we"ll meetYou"ll hear the music fill the airI"ll put a flower in your hairThough the breezes through treesMove so pretty you"re all I seeAs the world keeps spinning roundYou hold me right here right nowI"m lucky I"m in love with my best friendLucky to have been where I have beenLucky to be coming home againI"m lucky we"re in love every wayLucky to have stayed where we have stayedLucky to be coming home somedayOoohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh oohOoooh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

福井舞的《Lucky》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky歌手:福井舞专辑:Lucky福井舞 - Lucky作词∶Maifukui作曲∶Maifukuiこの前Kissした男が间抜けに 别れたはずの彼女と阳気にWalkin"しょんぼり言叶もでない これからもっとどんどん寒くなっていくのによく偶然会うから「これは正に运命じゃない?」って言われた事もあったけLet me tell ya それはただ単に学校が狭かっただけAre you stupid?One day 买い物に行った何も买わなかった2人でいれたなら别に何もいらないもし时间を止めれたら あの时を止めたかな?でも2人の先も见たいし 别にいいやと1人で妄想相当バカみたいだったねWas it funny? 勘违いしてただけなんて本当 伤ついた どれだけ泣いたと思ってんのよMaybe I was lucky そんな事する奴だし全ての出来事に意味があるいつか自分に降り悬ってくるよ それはきっと私の阴谋でも悪く思わないで Well, don"t you know?结构 伤ついたんだからLet me tell why それはあなたの事が大大大好きだったからBaby, I"m sittin"Coffeeも无しでよく2人で话したこのベンチもういっそ燃やそうもし私があの时を 见なかった事にできたらまだあなたの事を好きでいていいかなってさえ考えたりするBaby, it"s game overI think I have to give you up right nowほんの少しでも あなた伤ついてるかなもし时间を止めれたら あの时を止めたかな?でも2人の先も见たいし 别にいいやと一人で妄想相当バカみたいだったねWas it funny? 勘违いしてただけなんて本当 伤ついた 涙も出ないくらいGood-bye my darling(バイバイダーリン)Why don"t you chase me?(追いかけてくれへんの?)Now I know that your love for me was that much, oh no(あんたの“好き”なんてそんなもんやったんか)My pure heart is cryin"(纯粋な私のハートは泣いてる)I wish I wasn"t in love with you(好きじゃなかったら)So you couldn"t hurt me so bad(こんなに伤つかずにすんだのに)(I still) Once in a while I tell myself(思い出す度に言い闻かせる)You were the worst guy ever seen(今までで会った1番最低の男やったって…)But good memory going through my head(でも良い想い出が头の中を过ぎていく…)Going through my head(过ぎていく…)Going through my head(过ぎていく…)Maybe I was lucky そんな事する奴だし全ての出来事に意味があるいつか自分に降り悬ってくるよ それはきっと私の阴谋でも悪く思わないで Well, don"t you know结构 伤ついたんだから



歌词lucky lucky lucky baby的歌名是什么 一首日文歌 幸运星的


Bon Jovi的《Lucky》 歌词

歌曲名:Lucky歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Cross Road14 DEC 2010 - BY dynoLuckyby Bon JoviShe counts the days away and waits for valentinesShe says every girl in the past is just a waste of timeYou know, whoaShe don"t believe in miracles and make-believeIf you were blind you still could seeThat she believes in me, OhhhhFeels like I found a pocket full of goldI"m lucky babySo lucky babyLucky to be with you todayLucky to be the one to say "I"m lucky baby"So lucky babyWhenever I see your smiling faceLucky to be the one to be luckyNow all of heaven"s angels have to wear their wingsShe likes cheap sunglasses and diamond ringsYou know, ohhhShe brings sunshine to a cloudy dayWhen we walk on by people stop and sayI"m lucky babySo lucky babyLucky to be with you todayLucky to be the one to say "I"m lucky baby"So lucky babyWhenever I see your smiling faceLucky to be the one to be luckyI"m lucky babySo lucky babyLucky to be with you todayLucky to be the one to say "I"m lucky baby"I"m lucky babyI got lucky when you found meIt only took one kiss to seeWhat did I do to get to be so lucky baby?I"m lucky babyLucky babyLucky babyI"m lucky babySo lucky babyLucky to be with you todayLucky to be the one to say "I"m lucky baby"I"m lucky babyWhenever I see your smiling faceLucky to be the one to be luckyPS: I am so lucky to haveyou by my side --- to my Schatzi



lucky 戚薇里英文歌词怎麽解释的

Lucky Lucky - 戚薇&李承铉Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky baby幸运幸运 你是我的幸运幸运宝贝Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky baby幸运幸运 你是我的幸运幸运宝贝Lucky lucky You"re my my my lucky lucky女)幸运幸运 你是我的 我的幸运幸运怎么形容 这种剧情完美亲密 却又独立可以爱到 百无禁忌也为了你 更好的爱自己不防疫 不怀疑So lucky lucky(所以幸运幸运)好情人也是好知己男)怎么形容 这种运气就连风雨 都是奖励当然会有 坏的事情坏的天气 两个人在一起不刻意 不逃避I never wanna to be without U(我不想失去你)千万分之一 我遇见你爱是最好的时机 最好的你你让我相信 永远不是时间 是决定I will love you to the end of time(我将爱你到时间的尽头)So lucky you & me(如此幸运的我们)合)Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky baby幸运幸运 你是我的幸运幸运宝贝Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky baby幸运幸运,你是我的幸运幸运宝贝Lucky lucky You"re my my my lucky lucky幸运幸运 你是我的 我的幸运幸运(男)一个眼神 就有默契(女)也能保有 各自脾气(合)难得是你 懂我的心小小任性 它偶尔会下雨(男)有我在 没关系(合)my lucky lucky(我的幸运幸运)千万分之一 我遇见你爱是最好的时机 最好的你你让我相信 永远不是时间 是决定I will love you to the end of time(我将爱你到时间终结)So lucky you & me(如此幸运的我们)Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky bady(幸运幸运 你是我的幸运幸运宝贝)Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky baby(幸运幸运 你是我的幸运幸运宝贝)Lucky lucky You"re my my my lucky lucky(幸运幸运 你是我的 我的幸运幸运)(女)是多么小概率的事转过路口 走到白头(男)你所有幸福 我来守候(合)谢谢你在我左右千万分之一 我爱着你爱是在对的时机 确定是你你让我相信 永远不是时间 是决定爱着你就是你因为你给我的勇气so lucky you & me(如此幸运的我们)Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky baby(幸运幸运 你是我的幸运幸运宝贝)Lucky lucky You"re my lucky lucky baby(幸运幸运 你是我的幸运幸运宝贝)Lucky lucky You"re my my my lucky lucky(幸运幸运 你是我的 我的幸运幸运)so lucky you & me(如此幸运的我们)
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