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LUN是Logical Unit Number的简写,即逻辑单元号,为某个目标的内部逻辑单元的SCSI标识符。发音与LAN有些相近,但含义毫无瓜葛。


  上面一个山字头,下面一个仑,是  读音为:lún,是“仑”的类推简化字。  其郑码输入法为:XMMJ。  其来自于词语:“昆仑”  昆仑:亦作“崐仑”。也写作:  指昆仑山 。在 新疆西藏之间,西接帕米尔高原,东延入青海境内。势极高峻,多雪峰、冰川。最高峰达七七一九米。古代神话传说, 昆仑山上有瑶池 、阆苑、增城 、县圃 等仙境。


1.存储上的限制,比如DS4300上,对单个LUN的限制是2TB2.考虑操作系统的限制,比如AIX 5.2 ,VG中单个PV的限制是1016PP,每个PP最大1024MB3.尽量每个LUN放在不同的控制器上,比如需要获得一个比较大的容量的盘,分别在不同的控制器上的RAID组中划分小的LUN,通过卷管理软件LVM,合并成需要的容量。



RAID Group、LUN、Storage Pool、Storage Group有什么区别?有没有专家解释下?

RAID Group:简单来说,RAID Group就是将多个硬盘组合起来的一个集合,以实现更大容量、更快读写速度、更高冗余度等目的。LUN:LUN是位于RAID Group之上的逻辑结构。LUN可以被添加进主机中,并被主机视作物理硬盘使用。Storage Group:为了实现LUN Masking (LUN的安全屏蔽机制,即1. 仅将LUN分配给特定的主机;2. 阻止主机看到存储中所有的LUN),需要有一个容器来”存放”LUN与主机的关系,这个容器就是Storage Group。Storage Pool:Pool的概念是为了实现存储虚拟化(Storage Virtualization)而诞生的。对CLARiiON来说,就是其引入的Virtual Provisioning (虚拟资源分配)功能。该功能可以帮助在Pool中创建Thin或者Thick LUN来分配存储资源。EMC中文支持论坛的这篇帖子挺详细的。








1.存储上的限制,比如DS4300上,对单个LUN的限制是2TB2.考虑操作系统的限制,比如AIX 5.2 ,VG中单个PV的限制是1016PP,每个PP最大1024MB3.尽量每个LUN放在不同的控制器上,比如需要获得一个比较大的容量的盘,分别在不同的控制器上的RAID组中划分小的LUN,通过卷管理软件LVM,合并成需要的容量。


一 带lun字的成语 道长论短 高谈大论 经邦论道 讲古论今 就事论事 阔论高谈 大路椎轮 大败亏轮 拨万轮千版 只轮无反 美轮美权奂 匹马只轮 天伦之乐 无与伦比 语无伦次 超类绝伦 超世绝伦 绝伦逸群 经纶满腹 纶巾羽扇 大展经纶 满腹经纶 羽扇纶巾 经纶济世 沦落风尘 浑沦吞枣 浃沦肌髓 浃髓沦肤 沦浃肌髓 永劫沉沦 浑抡吞枣 囫囵吞枣 囫囵半片 鹘仑吞枣 二 有什么四字词语含有拼音(lun)或者谐音如题 无与伦比 [拼音] wú yǔ lún bǐ [释义] 伦比:类比,匹敌。指事物非常完美,没有能跟它相版比的。 [出处] 唐·韩愈权《论佛骨表》:“数千百年以来,未有伦比。” 三 以轮开头的成语 还有.轮流坐庄:不用解释了. 出自<<官场现形记>> 轮扁斫轮 轮扁:春秋时齐国有名的的造车工人;斫轮:用刀斧砍木制造车轮。指精湛的技艺。 轮焉奂焉 形容房屋高大众多。 四 lun音开头的成语 论甘忌来辛 说到甘甜的就忌讳自辛辣的。比喻有所好而偏执。 论功行赏 按功劳的大小给于奖赏。 论黄数黑 数:数落,批评。背后乱加评论,肆意诽谤别人。 论辩风生 议论辩驳,极生动而又风趣。 论长道短 议论别人的是非好坏。 论长说短 议论别人的是非好坏。 论道经邦 研究治国之道,以经营治理国家。 论德使能 选拔有道德的人和使用有才能的人。论,通“抡”。 论短道长 议论别人的是非好坏。同“论长说短”。 论高寡合 言论高超,投合者少。 论功封赏 论:按照。按功劳的大小给于奖赏。 论功受赏 评定功劳,接受赏赐。 论功行封 评定功劳之大小给予封赏。 论黄数白 ①指任意评论是非好坏。②点了黄金又数白银。极言财富之多。 五 包含lun的成语 论辩风生 议论辩驳,来极生源动而又风趣 论长道短 见“论长说短” 论长说短 议论别人的是非好坏 论道经邦 研究治国之道,以经营治理国家 论德使能 选拔有道德的人和使用有才能的人。论,通“抡” 论短道长 见“论长说短” 论甘忌辛 南朝梁江淹《杂体》诗序:“至於世之诸贤,各滞所迷,莫不论甘而忌辛,好丹而非素。”意为说到甘甜的就忌讳辛辣的。后因以“论甘忌辛”比喻有所好而偏执 论高寡合 言论高超,投合者少 论功受赏 评定功劳,接受赏赐 论功行封 评定功劳之大小给予封赏 论功行赏 犹论功行封 道长论短 高谈大论 经邦论道 讲古论今 就事论事 阔论高谈 大路椎轮 大败亏轮 拨万轮千 只轮无反 美轮美奂 匹马只轮 天伦之乐 无与伦比 语无伦次 超类绝伦 超世绝伦 绝伦逸群 经纶满腹 纶巾羽扇 大展经纶 满腹经纶 羽扇纶巾 经纶济世 沦落风尘 浑沦吞枣 浃沦肌髓 浃髓沦肤 沦浃肌髓 永劫沉沦 浑抡吞枣 囫囵吞枣 囫囵半片 鹘仑吞枣 六 以读音为lun开头的成语 沦落风尘 论道经邦 论功行赏 论黄数白 论议风生 七 lun开头的成语 论辩复风生 议论辩驳,极制生动而又风趣 论长道短 见“论长说短” 论长说短 议论别人的是非好坏 论道经邦 研究治国之道,以经营治理国家 论德使能 选拔有道德的人和使用有才能的人。论,通“抡” 论短道长 见“论长说短” 论甘忌辛 南朝梁江淹《杂体》诗序:“至於世之诸贤,各滞所迷,莫不论甘而忌辛,好丹而非素。”意为说到甘甜的就忌讳辛辣的。后因以“论甘忌辛”比喻有所好而偏执 论高寡合 言论高超,投合者少 论功受赏 评定功劳,接受赏赐 论功行封 评定功劳之大小给予封赏 论功行赏 犹论功行封 八 拼音lun开头的字都哪些 拼音lun开头的字,如下图中所示 九 以读音为lun开头的成语 伦理道德,德才兼备 轮扁斫轮 轮扁:春秋时齐国有名的的造车工人;斫轮:用刀斧砍木制造车轮。指精湛的技艺。 轮焉奂焉 形容房屋高大众多。 十 与lun相关的成语 高谈阔论是一个汉语成语,拼音是:gāo tán kuò lùn,释义:指漫无边际地大发议论(多含贬义)。




这是星期的简写。手表上星期的显示有几种不同的语种,分别是:英语:MON 周一、TUE 周二、WED 周三、THU 周四、FRI 周五、SAT 周六、SUN 周日西班牙语:LUN 周一、MAR 周二、MIER 周三、JUEV 周四、VIER 周五、SAB 周六、DOM 周日德语:MON周一、DIE周二、MIT周三、DON周四、FRE周五、SAM周六、SON周日法语:LUN周一、MAR周二、MER周三、JEU周四、VEN周五、SAM周六、DIM周日意大利语:LUN周一、MAR周二、MER周三、GIO周四、VEN周五、SAB周六、DOM周日


纶巾读lun错的。纶是一个汉字,读作guān,lún,名词读作guān,是指用青丝带做的头巾;动词读作lún,是指整理丝线。该文字在《诗·小雅·采绿》和《与朱元思书》等文献均有记载。例如:羽扇纶巾,谈笑间,樯橹灰飞烟灭。——宋· 苏轼《念奴娇·赤壁怀古》又如:纶羽,指的是头戴纶巾,手执羽扇。多形容飘逸潇洒或儒雅风流的风度。锦纶:一般指尼龙尼龙是美国杰出的科学家卡罗瑟斯(Carothers)及其领导下的一个科研小组研制出来的,是世界上出现的第一种合成纤维,尼龙是聚酰胺纤维(锦纶)的一种说法。尼龙的出现使纺织品的面貌焕然一新,它的合成是合成纤维工业的重大突破,同时也是高分子化学的一个非常重要里程碑。


L U N 还有一声,就是4 个音素。


LUN的全称是Logical Unit Number,也就是逻辑单元号,是SCSI中的概念。 我们用Target ID(也有称为SCSI ID的)来描述这些设备,设备只要一加入系统,就有一个代号。LUN ID的作用就是扩充了Target ID。每个Target下都可以有多个LUN Device,我们通常简称LUN Device为LUN,这样就可以说每个设备的描述就有原来的Target x变成Target x LUN y了,那么显而易见的,我们描述设备的能力增强了,同时也能对存储空间内的磁盘进行单独的管理。区别实现LUN masking和LUN mapping有三种方法:一个是基于存储控制系统来设置,一个是基于存储交换系统来设置,一个是基于服务器OS来设置。基于存储控制系统的设置,是比较常见的设置,比如很多磁盘阵列的控制系统,本身就能设置LUN被某服务器看到。比如FastT的partition功能。基于存储交换系统的设置,也是一种常用的方法,比如常说的zoning。基于服务器OS的设置,比较少采用,一般采用安装某些操作系统上安装某些软件来实现,因为这个方法全靠服务器自觉,所以比较少用。


lun是两拼音节。两拼音节是由一个声母和一个非介母韵母组成的音节。比如”liu“,声母是l,韵母是iu ,中间没有介母,“liu”里虽然有i ,但是这里的iu 是连在一起的,是复韵母,相关的拼读方法如下:声韵两拼法——把韵母当作一个整体,拿来跟声母相拼。如:h-ào→(浩)。发音方式:“前音(声母)轻短后音(韵母)重,两音相连猛一碰。”拼音时要牢记普通话声母和韵母的配合规律:声母n及零声母与开口呼、齐齿呼、撮口呼都有拼合关系。声母f、g、k、h、zh、ch、r、z、c、s只同开口呼、合口呼相拼。声母j、x、q只同齐齿呼、撮口呼相拼。声母b、p、m、d、t不同撮口呼相拼。开口呼、合口呼韵母同除去j、q、x外的其他声母都有拼合关系。撮口呼韵母只同j、q、x、n、l及零声母有拼合关系。


LUN的全称是Logical Unit Number,也就是逻辑单元号。LUN是为了使用和描述更多设备及对象而引进的一个方法而已,一点也没什么特别的地方。LUN ID不等于某个设备,只是个号码而已,不代表任何实体属性,在我们的实际环境里,我们碰到的LUN可能是磁盘空间,可能是磁带机,或者是media changer等等。比如一个阵列柜,主机那边看作是一个target device,那为了某些特殊需要,我们要将磁盘阵列柜的磁盘空间划分成若干个小的单元给主机来用,于是就产生了一些什么逻辑驱动器的说法,也就是比target device级别更低的逻辑对象,我们习惯于把这些更小的磁盘资源称之为LUN0,LUN1,LUN2……什么的。而操作系统的机制使然,操作系统识别的最小存储对象级别就是LUN Device,这是一个逻辑对象,所以很多时候被称之为Logical Device。




lun拼音的汉字有:仑、论、伦、沦、芲、纶、囵、抡、陯、伦、菕、沦。1、仑【lún】条理、伦次。2、论【lún】【lùn】分析判断事物的道理:论断、论点、论辩、论据、论者、议论、讨论、辩论;分析阐明事物道理的文章、理论和言论;学说,有系统的主张;看待;衡量,评定;按照;姓。3、伦【lún】辈,类; 人与人之间的关系;条理,次序;姓。4、沦【lún】水上的波纹;沉没(mò),降落。5、芲【lún】古书上说的一种树。6、纶【guān】【lún】钓鱼用的线;古代官吏系印用的青丝带;现用作某些合成纤维的名称。7、囵【lún】〔囫囵〕见“囫”。8、抡【lún】【lūn】手臂用力旋动。9、陯【lún】山阜塌陷;古山名。10、伦【lún】见“伦”。11、菕【lún】见“芲”。【lún】生僻字。12、沦【lún】见“沦”。13、囵【lún】见“囵”。14、埨【lǔn】垄,在耕地上培成的一行一行的土埂,在上面种植农作物:“移栽之法,锄地分埨,使无积水,于埨背分行栽之。”15、婨【lún】古女子人名用字。16、崘【lún】同“仑”。

什么之LUNZ? 什么是LUNZ?

"SCSI-3(SCC-2)定义了一种机制:应用程序使用一个逻辑单元号(Logical unit number)与SCSI存储设备进行通信,从而确定附加到(attach)其上的逻辑单元(Logical Unit)信息,并能对其进行配置。LUNZ就是逻辑单元号为0的设备,对于VNX或CLARiiON来讲,当主机端没有物理逻辑单元0时,LUNZ便会作为一个虚假的逻辑单元0呈现给主机,从而为主机软件提供一条路径来发送命令给SCSI设备(存储阵列)。例如,运行在主机上的Navisphere/Unisphere Agent使用LUNZ或其他存储设备与存储系统进行通信,注册initiator的信息(IP,主机名,failover mode等)。如果CLARiiON没有绑定(bind)任何LUN,那么LUNZ就使得主机操作系统以及Powerpath可以看见并操作CLARiiON;如果绑定一个LUN给主机且设置HLU=0,那么LUNZ便会被其所替代。以后,Agent就将与该设备(LUN)通信,而不是LUNZ。可见,LUNZ的目的是为主机与存储系统提供一条路径,使得它们能够在设备层面进行通信。其实这也仅仅是在系统初始配置时才有意义,因为此时还没有配置任何的LUN给到主机。一旦主机得到真正的LUN0之后,LUNZ设备便会消失。EMC中文技术支持论坛的文档里面蛮详细的。

求james blunt的carry you home的中文歌词

我是他的歌迷,找到的翻译 Trouble is her only friend,麻烦是她唯一的朋友and he"s back again她又回来了Makes her body older than it really is她看起来比她实际年龄还要老And she says it"s high time she went away,她说这是她走的时候了no one"s got much to say in this town这小镇的人没话可说Trouble is the only way is down, down down麻烦是唯一的出路As strong as you were, tender you go因为过去你坚强,现在你变得软弱了I"m watching you breathing, for the last time我最后一次看你呼吸了A song for your heart, but when it is quiet,为你的心而作的歌曲,但安静的时候I know what it means and I"ll carry you home,我明白它的意思,我会带你回家I"ll carry you home.我会带你回家If she had wings she would fly away如果她有翅膀,她会飞走了and another day God will give her some某天上帝又会给她一些Trouble is the only way is down, down down.麻烦是唯一出路As strong as you were, tender you go因为过去你坚强,现在你变得软弱了I"m watching you breathing, for the last time我最后一次看你呼吸了A song for your heart, but when it is quiet,为你的心而作的歌曲,但安静的时候I know what it means and I"ll carry you home,我明白它的意思,我会带你回家I"ll carry you home.我会带你回家And their all going crazy in New York City at night他们在纽约的夜晚变得放纵And someone"s little girl有人的小女孩was taken from the world to light从这世界走向光明Under the stars and stripes在星空下As strong as you were, tender you go因为过去你坚强,现在你变得软弱了I"m watching you breathing, for the last time我最后一次看你呼吸了A song for your heart, but when it is quiet,为你的心而作的歌曲,但安静的时候I know what it means and I"ll carry you home,我明白它的意思,我会带你回家I"ll carry you home.我会带你回家

Luna Sea的《LOVELESS》 歌词

歌曲名:LOVELESS歌手:Luna Sea专辑:LUNA SEA Guitar Solo Instruments 1Luna Sea - LovelessLove ...楽园に刻まれた 爱の诗はかき消された 都会の雑踏の中世界から 爱は消えようとしてるの 时は止まらないキミが今 最後の女神に见える 守りたいキミよキミよ贵方よ 爱に満ちた微笑みでキミよキミよ贵方よ この世界を救ってloveless lovemaking 秒読みの中loveless lovemaking 大切なものをloveless lovemaking 秒読みの中loveless lovemaking キミよ离さないで…loveless lovemaking 秒読みの中loveless lovemaking 大切なものをloveless lovemaking 秒読みの中loveless lovemaking 二人は変わらない…loveless lovemaking 消えて行くのloveless lovemaking 心かよわずloveless lovemaking キミと仆はloveless lovemaking 秒読みの中Love does not exist between themAny love does not exist between themAny love does not exist between themAny love does not exist between themAny love does not exist between themAny love does not exist between themAny love does not exist between themAny love …

英语作文being a volunteer 120字左右

  Volunteers are essential to the support that we give to victims and witnesses of crime.  As a volunteer you could help in a number of ways:  1. Working with victims in your community  As a Victim Support volunteer, we will train you to support victims from the first time you meet them until they feel strong enough to move forward on their own. You will listen to their concerns and make sure that their needs are met.  2. Help with the smooth running of the organisation  We also have various volunteering opportunities in our offices. You could assist in the delivery of our training sessions, help as an office administrator or work on specific projects, such as the delivery of theatre workshops to young people in schools.  Once you"ve registered to volunteer for us, you"ll be informed of all opportunities available in your area. This list is not exhaustive.  3. Raising much needed money or promoting our services  We need volunteers to help promote our work to businesses, community groups and to local councils. We also have a wide range of exciting opportunities to raise essential funds for our work with victims.  So if you are keen networker, or eloquent speaker, a marathon runner or love to organise fundraising events, please come and join us.  

求英语作文:My Volunteering Experience 80字左右

Last winter holiday I volunteered to work as a helper in a nursing home in our neighbourhood.During those days I often went to clean rooms for the old .Sometimes I sang some old songs or told them some funny stories.The grandpas and grandmas were very happy to be together with us .From this experience I learned a lot .I think we should respect and help the old because they are very lonely and they often need some help .

以being a volunteer为题写一篇英语作文65词

(Helping each other makes the world wonderful)  Hello, everyone. I"m Tom. In our life we need to get help from others. When we help our classmates with their studies, we can develop our friendship. If we give a hand to old people, we can understand the meaning of happiness. We"ll feel happy when we help parents. I think we can get much when we help the people around us. As the saying goes, giving is much better than receiving.  In a word, I think being a volunteer is great! (82)------------Being a volunteerVolunteers are essential to the support that we give to victims and witnesses of crime. As a volunteer you could help in a number of ways:1. Working with victims in your communityAs a Victim Support volunteer, we will train you to support victims from the first time you meet them until they feel strong enough to move forward on their own. You will listen to their concerns and make sure that their needs are met.2. Help with the smooth running of the organisation We also have various volunteering opportunities in our offices. You could assist in the delivery of our training sessions, help as an office administrator or work on specific projects, such as the delivery of theatre workshops to young people in schools.Once you"ve registered to volunteer for us, you"ll be informed of all opportunities available in your area. This list is not exhaustive.3. Raising much needed money or promoting our servicesWe need volunteers to help promote our work to businesses, community groups and to local councils. We also have a wide range of exciting opportunities to raise essential funds for our work with victims.So if you are keen networker, or eloquent speaker, a marathon runner or love to organise fundraising events, please come and join us.4. Supportline volunteerA Supportline volunteer (based in London) will offer emotional support and information to anyone affected by crime over the phone or via email. They can also put people in touch with local offices and other organisations that can help.Who can volunteer?Equality, diversity and inclusionSupport of volunteersHelp to workWho can volunteer?You don"t need qualifications or previous experience of this kind of work to volunteer for Victim Support. All you need is the willingness to help and a little time. We"ll do the rest. Age matters and, although we can engage you as early as 13, you might need to be 18+ to take on certain roles.As part of your application to volunteer for Victim Support, we have to do a check with the Disclosure and Barring Service (formally known as Criminal Records Bureau check). This is for the protection of the victims and witnesses we help.Please note, having a criminal record does not automatically disqualify someone from volunteering for our charity.Become a volunteerIf you"re interested in volunteering, please let us know by registering your interest.Equality, diversity and inclusionWe welcome volunteers from every walk of life and from every community. This helps us reach out to people in need, whatever their circumstances. That"s why we have policies in place to make sure we attract the best staff and volunteers from all communities.Find out more about our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy.Support of volunteersVolunteers are the lifeblood of our organisation. So we invest a lot of time in supporting volunteers in the knowledge that a well-supported volunteer is a tremendous asset to our organisation and our clients. So all our volunteers receive comprehensive inductions, training and ongoing support. Find out how to applyHelp to workRead our statement on our policy on help to work schemes and how we feel volunteering can help people build the skills, experience and confidence to return to work.---------Have you ever tried to get kids to volunteer? You would think they"d learned the old "first rule of the Army" - never volunteer! Most of today"s youth don"t really think about volunteering as being their thing. Volunteering is something that other people do, not them.That"s unfortunate. Volunteering teaches us to want to help other people when they are in need, and is a valuable learning experience.Volunteer work also doesn"t have any financial incentives for those who do it. Obviously you can"t get your kids to want to volunteer because of money. There are other rewards you can offer to your students, though, to motivate them to give volunteering a try.Depending on the age of your students, you might try a point system. This can be a very effective incentive plan where you offer points to students based on how much they volunteer.At the end of the year students could redeem their points for prizes, or could be awarded different certificates based on the number of points they earned. During the year, they could earn points based on how much they help others and do volunteer work.Sometimes a little friendly competition is an effective motivator. You may find that if you break up the students into groups and have them form teams, and then let the teams compete, this does wonders for enthusiasm.Don"t forget to encourage students. You want to praise students who volunteer in front of the class, and also highlight how important and significant the work they have done is. This can encourage the other students to volunteer as well.Another great way to motivate your students is to offer grade points for volunteering. The chance of improving a grade can make volunteering much more attractive.In short, if you combine praise, encouragement, and incentives, you will likely be able to effectively motivate your students to volunteer.

Lunik的《Supernova》 歌词

歌曲名:Supernova歌手:Lunik专辑:AheadELLEGARDEN - SuperNova作词:TAKESHI HOSOMI作曲:TAKESHI HOSOMIMade by LagunaMy war is overNo resurrectionI guess I was scared of being that happyShe"s a supernova I was reaching out forI heard her footsteps fading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMy clumsy dancing on my tiptoeShe said she liked it and I thought she"s lyingNow I know she said that not to cheer meBut now it"s too lateFading away from meNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneMany things I left unsaidA thousand miles away you"re sleepingSometimes I can be a guy you wanted me to beBut only in my dreamsNo matter how hard I can tryI never think that I can flyAnd now she has just turned her back to meThere is nothing I can do as wellBut to dream her all the timeI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s goneShe"s goneShe"s goneI"m a fuckup and I"m nuts so she"s gone终わり

shank shin new lunch中的n哪个发音不同?


少儿英语儿歌:Bananas For Lunch 香蕉用作午餐

以下是 少儿英语频道为大家整理的《少儿英语儿歌:Bananas For Lunch 香蕉用作午餐》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站 少儿英语 频道。 英文:   A fat little monkey had bananas for lunch.   He peeled one and ate one, munch, munch, munch!   One banana, two bananas, three bananas, four...   He ate, and he ate, but he wanted more!   He peeled and he ate, and he peeled and ate.   Five bananas,six bananas,seven bananas,eight!   He peeled two more and continued to munch,   And before he knew it, he ate the whole bunch!   中文:   一只胖胖的小猴子拿香蕉作午餐。   他剥一个香蕉,用力地嚼着,嚼着,嚼着!   一个香蕉,两个香蕉,三个香蕉,四个....a..   他不停的吃,但是他还想要更多!   他剥着吃着,剥着吃着。   五个香蕉,六个香蕉,七个香蕉,八个!   他剥了两三个,继续用力嚼着,   而且在他知道这样以前,他吃了整串香蕉!



apply for being a volunteer这句话对吗(申请成为一名志愿者)

你好,谓语动词不能直接写在开头,你还要再加上主语,I apply for being a volunteer.这样子写句子就完整了,祝你生活愉快。

Lunar Dream 歌词

歌曲名:Lunar Dream歌手:神思者专辑:透明的音乐2未知一路上有你英文版My dream每天夜里,我梦着你,希望你会在这陪伴着我I dream of you everyday of my life, 梦着你 在我生命中的每一天but you don"t even know my love.但你却不懂我有多爱你Just like a friend you treat me like it should be,你真的只是把我当作朋友tell me how can I make this real告诉我怎样才梦想成真I think of you everywhere that I go无论去到哪里我都会想起你but you don"t even know I care,可你却不懂我有多在乎你oh how I wish,you are here beside me,哦 我多希望 你就在我的身旁loving you with all of my heart,用心爱着你I wish you know how much I love you,我多希望你知道 我有多爱你its been driving my heart crazy,这让我心绪不宁If I tell you`how I feel will you be here,我该不该告诉你 幻想着你在这里be here with me~~和我厮守oh am I dreaming, or just fantasy,梦着你 也许只是梦幻一场how can I know if you let me in your heart,怎么才能打开你的心扉oh am I dreaming, or just reality,梦着你 也许有一天会如愿以偿please let me hold you in my arms throughout the night请让我拥着你 时时刻刻Just like a friendyou treat me like it should be,

以my volunteer work 为题,写一篇80个词的英语作文,急。

My hobbyEveryone has his own hobby, it may give him lots of happiness. My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially the cartoon music, though I"m not good at it, I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble, music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me comfortable . When I am angry with something , it aslo can make me happy again. Listening to music keeps me in a good mood and it"s good for my health. Do you like listening to music? If not, I hope you can have a try, you will find it beneficial.My HobbyI like drawing. It does bring me happiness.As a kid, I was keen on those lines and curves drawn on paper made into animals and scenes. It really could show beauty to people and express my feelings. And then I took a course so that I could get close to it and see it well. But at that time, I just did it for fun.Years went by, I got into a long period of time filled with pressure in study. And I found it so good a way to relax. It did not any longer play an unimportant role in my living, but bacame my friend.Since that time, I have felt it like a nice person deep in my heart who can talk with me with true words and make me happy with life. This is my hobby, not just a hobby, but also a true friend.My hobbyMy hobby is lisetening to music.I like listening to music best.Because listening to music makes me relaxed.When I am tired,I will listening some quiet music,that makes me fall asleep very quickly.My favorite music is the music that has good lyrics.Good lyrics can also make me learn Chinese or English wellI love listening to music.I will keep this hobby forever.这个行吗?

关于当志愿者volunteer的英语作文 不要有语法错误哒

How time flies! Three years has passed since the last Olympic Games in 2004. The most exciting time for Chinese is coming, because the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. It shows that our country is becoming stronger and stronger, and it will attract a number of foreigners to our country. It is not only a chance to show the great changes in China to the world, but also a great challenge for our country.Everyone in China is trying his best to get ready for the most important event in the near future. Look, there is an old man who is listening to the radio. Believe it or not, he is learning English instead of listening to his favorite play. As a student in a middle school, what should we do before the Olympic Games? The answer is: “Being a volunteer is great!” First of all, doing something useful to keep our environment clean is necessary. We can help the cleaners clean up the streets, parks,rivers and so on. We can also tell the little children to throw rubbish into the dustbin. Second, we must follow the traffic rules. Wait till the traffic lights turn green. Don"t jump the line when waiting for buses.Third, we should learn to be polite and friendly to others. Have you ever offered your seat to a woman with a baby? Have you ever helped an old man carry his heavy bag? And have you ever given a hand to a disabled person? Help those who are in trouble, and our society will become more and more beautiful.Finally, Learning English well is helpful. China is a great country with an old history and it has a lot of things attracting foreigners. In 2008, we can use English to help people all over the world understand more about China.The 2008 Olympic Games is the pride of us. If everyone makes his or her contribution, it will be more successful. So get ready and join us!附中文时间过得真快!自从在2004奥运会上已经三年了.中国人最激动人心的时刻的到来,因为2008奥运会将在北京举行.它表明,我们的国家越来越强大,它将吸引许多外国人来我们国家.它不仅是一个机会来展示中国巨大变化的世界,而且对我们国家也是一个巨大的挑战.在中国每个人都尽力准备在不久的未来最重要的事件.看,有一个老人正在听收音机.信不信由你,他是不是听他最喜欢玩的英语学习.作为一个中学生,在奥运会之前我们应该做什么?答案是:“做志愿者很伟大!“首先,做一些有助于保持环境干净是必要的.我们可以帮助清洁工打扫街道,公园,河流等.我们还可以告诉孩子们要把垃圾扔进垃圾桶.第二,我们必须遵守交通规则.直到交通灯转绿等.不要跳线时,等候公共汽车.第三,我们应该学会有礼貌和友好的人.你有没有给你的座位给一位妇女抱着一个婴儿?你曾经帮助一位老人带着他的沉重的袋子吗?你有没有得到手的残疾的人吗?帮助那些有困难的人,和我们的社会将变得越来越美丽.最后,学好英语是很有帮助的.中国是一个历史的伟大国家,它有许多事情吸引外国人.2008,我们可以用英语来帮助全世界人民对中国的了解.2008奥运会是我们的骄傲.如果每个人都是他或她的贡献,它会更成功.所以准备好加入我们!On every morning I went to park to help clean the park. I usually go to children‘s hospital to tell stories to children. My friends and I always bought some gifts to gave children. I think the children need help and love,so we did that. On summer holiday, I went to the old people"s home. That made me feel very happy. They are kind and friendly. I find it happy to volunteer others.Let"s help others ! 每天早晨我到公园去帮忙打扫公园.我通常去儿童医院给孩子们讲故事.我的朋友和我总是买一些礼物给孩子们.我认为孩子们需要帮助和爱,所以我们做的.在暑假,我去老人之家.这使我感到非常高兴.他们是善良和友好的.我很高兴志愿者的人.让我们帮助别人!

翻译enjoy the ride when you are screaming your lungs out at the top of ride,

你好!enjoy the ride when you are screaming your lungs out at the top of ride,享受骑当你尖叫你的肺部的顶端,

offer and volunteer的用法相同吗?

offer sth ( to sb) (for sth)/ offer sb sth,如:He offered $4000 for the car. They decided to offer Smith the job. Volunteer ( sth ) ( for/ as sth) Jill volunteered to organize a petition. Several staff members volunteered for early retirement. He volunteered his services as a driver.

做义工是volunteering work还是 volunteer work

volunteer work

volunteer in和for的区别


英语volunteer job作文

Community Service and volunteer work played an important role in my life growing up. My parents taught me that it is important to help others and not just yourself. Ever since I was young, I volunteered at my school and my church. I actually enjoyed taking part in the various events, as most of the time my friends and family surrounded me as we worked to make our community a better place. x09Irish dance has also allowed me to give back to others. Year round, my dance friends and I would take day trips to different hospitals, nursing homes, and St. Patrick"s Day events. Upon arrival we would put together a small show, lasting anywhere from half an hour to two hours. Not only was I helping put smiles on people"s faces, I was benefiting as well: dancing in front of crowds and people I didn"t know helped instill self-confidence.



volunteering 怎么翻译最恰当?


有volunteer to do volunteer doing 吗


volunteer to do还是doing

doing 自动点

volunteer 后面跟动词的什么形式

动词不定式,volunteer to do sth自愿做某事


vt.1. 自愿(做)[(+to-v)]They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady.他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。2. 自愿提供,自愿给予She volunteered the information.她自动提供了这一消息。vi.1. 自愿;自愿服务[(+for)]He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job.他自愿做这苦差使。2. 自愿当兵[(+for)]When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。3. 【植】自生自长


n.[C]1. 自愿参加者,志愿者[(+for)][(+to-v)]The volunteers for community service are doing a good job.社区服务的志愿者做得很出色。2. 志愿兵,义勇兵Many Australians fought as volunteers on the Allied side.许多澳大利亚人作为志愿兵与盟军一起战斗。3. 自生植物a.[B]1. 自愿参加的;自愿的2. 【植】自生自长的vt.1. 自愿(做)[(+to-v)]They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady.他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子。2. 自愿提供,自愿给予She volunteered the information.她自动提供了这一消息。vi.1. 自愿;自愿服务[(+for)]He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job.他自愿做这苦差使。2. 自愿当兵[(+for)]When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。3. 【植】自生自长

volunteer 后面跟动词的什么形式

volunteer后面碰到动词,要用动词的不定式,如: I volunteered to help. 这种只能跟动词不定式的动词有很多,如afford、agree、ask、claim、consent、decide、demand、deserve、expect、fail、help、hesitate、hope、learn、manage、need、offer、plan、prepare、pretend、promise、refuse、seem、want、swear、threaten、wish等.希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.

volunteer 后面跟动词的什么形式



vt. 1. 自愿(做)[(+to-v)] They volunteered to repair the house for the old lady. 他们主动提出替老太太修缮房子. 2. 自愿提供,自愿给予 She volunteered the information. 她自动提供了这一消息. vi. 1. 自愿;自愿服务[(+for)] He volunteered for the hard and unprofitable job. 他自愿做这苦差使. 2. 自愿当兵[(+for)] When the war broke out, he volunteered for the Marine Corps. 战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队. 3. 【植】自生自长

volunteer 后面跟动词的什么形式

volunteer后面碰到动词,要用动词的不定式,如: I volunteered to help. 这种只能跟动词不定式的动词有很多,如afford、agree、ask、claim、consent、decide、demand、deserve、expect、fail、help、hesitate、hope、learn、manage、need、offer、plan、prepare、pretend、promise、refuse、seem、want、swear、threaten、wish等.希望我能帮助你解疑释惑.



volunteer to do sth和volunteer for sth什么意思

比如:They volunteered to help the boy to study.=They volunteered for the boy"s study.

All of us want to be_________(志愿者),是填volunteer还是volunteers




Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts.

have volunteered 是现在完成时,表示已经自愿去…………对现在的影响用完成时态,这里用这个语法就是突出了这个影响

Tom volunteered to help us.volunteered为什么加ed



这个词可以作及物动词,这时应该有被动语态。但其实我觉得不用纠结被动语态的问题,be volunteered to do可以作为固定结构记忆,我更觉得这里可以当做形容词,自愿做...


They take the initiative to build houses for the elderly


A 因为有3500个学生所以用复数,后面用have不用has


She now helps in a local school as a volunteer three days a week.(名词)她现在作为一名志愿者每周3天在当地一所学校帮忙。Right. What I want now is two volunteers to come down to the front.(名词)对了。我现在需要的就是两个自告奋勇者到前面来。Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen.(动词)玛丽姨妈主动要求打扫厨房。He volunteered for the army in 1939.(动词)他在1939年自愿参军。

he volunteered to do it中volunteer为什么加ed?


有volunteer to do volunteer doing 吗

有volunteer to do的用法,没有volunteer doing的用法,可以在doing前加上介词for。volunteer作动词,常见搭配有:1)volunteer to do sth. 自愿/义务/无偿/主动要求做某事例如:Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen. 玛丽主动要求打扫厨房。2)volunteer for (doing) sth. 自愿做某事例如:He volunteered for the army in 1939. 他在1939年自愿参军。She worked in a restaurant and also volunteered for teaching dance classes at night.她在一家餐厅工作,也在晚上自愿教授舞蹈课程。3)volunteer sth. 主动提供例如:The room was quiet; no one volunteered any further information. 房间里很安静;没有人主动提供更多的信息。





日常项目的英语单词 (比如像:get up ,eat lunch)

get up eat breakfast/lunch/dinner go/walk to shool have Art class play football go homego to the park 去公园 go to the library 去图书馆 come back 回来music class 音乐课 at home 在家 sleep in class 课上睡觉after school 放学之后 see a movie 看电影go to a movie 去看电影go to the amusement park 去游乐场go to the museum去博物馆 by bus 乘坐公共汽车 by car 乘坐小汽 by bike 骑自行车on foot 步行take a bus 坐公共汽车 walk to school 走着去学校 enough time 足够的时间enough money 足够的钱 far away 遥远 a good idea 一个好主意ride horses 骑马 stay at home 待在家里 weather reports 天气预报 black clouds 乌云a big farm 一个大农场 a sunny day 一个晴天 listen to the weather report 听天气预报 this morning 今天早晨/上午flying kites 放风筝playing games 玩游戏

求歌 james blunt的一首歌 O字开头的- -

《stay the night》 Oh~~~~开头的对吧

When Justin didn’t ____ for lunch the next day, Mrs Foster became worried and called the police.


James Blunt的这首Stay The Night那位能人给个中文翻译。谢谢了

Wooooo 喔~~Hey 嗨~~It"s 72 degrees, zero chance of rain 今天72度,不可能下雨咯~hoIt"s been a perfect day 多赞的一天!We"re all spinning on our heels, so far away from real 我们不停的旋转着,仿佛超脱了现实世界In California 在加州We watched the sunset from our car, we all took it in 倚着坐驾上看日落,一切尽收眼底And by the time that it was dark, you and me had something, yeah! 那时天快黑了,而我们之间似乎有了些感觉,哦也~And if this is what we"ve got, then what we"ve got is gold 若要比喻一下我们之间的那种感觉,就用金子吧!We"re shining bright and I want you, I want you to know 我们是如此的炽热散发着光芒,我喜欢你!我要让你知道!The morning"s on it"s way, our friends all say goodbye 天就要亮了,朋友们都散去了There"s nowhere else to go, I hope that you"ll stay the night 仿佛没什么地方可去了,要不然……咱一起过夜吧……Wooo, you"ll stay the night 喔……留下来吧……Wooo,yeah 哦也

求NAS的《blunt ashes》的歌词

Nas Blunt Ashes Lyrics Intro:Yo I wonder if Langston Hughes and Alex Hailey got blazed before they told stories,Well I"m gonna get blazed before I tell y"all stories,I saw on TV today this man lost his son, his son died, So he had him cremated, took his ashes, and made it into a diamond ringNow he watch his son shine everyday,I just thought about that, while I sit here ashin in this ash trayVerse One:The makin" of a mad man who entered stories of Devante Swing,Eva Gardner, the crashin of James Dean,Bobby Brown, influenced by Rick James it goes,Prince wanted Alexander O" Neill to be Morris Day or Jerome,But Alex was puttin" coke in his nose nigga while it,Could be a myth but I swear that the source was close, Phyllis Hyman,Killed himself it was crazy, mommy was bad, they say,Donny Hathaway freefall from a balcony, he swaysChorus:As a blunt ash falls into the ashtray, I can see my whole life fly past me,Did I (Did I) keep it gangsta or keep it classy, and will the money and fame outlast me,The blunt"s ash fall down in the ash tray, will I see my whole life fly past me,I"m askin did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, (did I) anything else you wanna know, just ask me.Verse Two:Sam trusted Womack with his main lady, he tossin" in the grave like ‘this is how you repay me,"A change goin" come, wish you didn"t trust me so much,Marvin said ‘No mountains high enough," fly stuff,David Ruffin was punchin" Tammy Tyrell, gave her concussions,While, the Funk Brothers was layin" down the percussions,When Flo from the Supremes died, Diana Ross cried,Many people said that she was laughing inside (Why?).Chorus:As a blunt ash falls into the ashtray, I can see my whole life fly past me,Did I (Did I) keep it gangsta or keep it classy, and will the money and fame outlast me,The blunt"s ash fall down in the ash tray, will I see my whole life fly past me,I"m askin did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, (did I) anything else you wanna know, just ask me.Verse three:John F. Kennedy"s enemies dealt with treachery, it interests me,Julie Campbell in Gucci sandals, she"s what a temptress be,The death of Anis Cosby, what a mystery,All of Chicago and Herald Washington, someone is sabotagin" him,Watch out for the traps, Larry Troutman killed his brother, Roger Troutman, then he killed himself, that"s the end of Zapp,And I wouldn"t change a thing, mistakes of the greats,This is what came from they pain, from they hurt we gain, an unfair exchange.Chorus (background):As a blunt ash falls into the ashtray, I can see my whole life fly past me,Did I (Did I) keep it gangsta or keep it classy, and will the money and fame outlast me,The blunt"s ash fall down in the ash tray, will I see my whole life fly past me,I"m askin did I keep it gangsta or keep it classy, (did I) anything else you wanna know, just ask meI can smell old bogie"s cigars,Knall Recam"s perfumes smellin just as sweet,Me and my wife K flyin in the drop-top like Ruby and OZ Davis baby, know what I mean,Yo man, get smoked out, start thinking about Hattie McDaniels,Got an Oscar for playing Mamie in “Gone With the Wind,”And she didn"t even get allowed, wasn"t allowed to go to the premier,You believe that, couldn"t go to premier, to her joint,Man, you know they were strong back then yeah,Blunts, fallin, ashtray,


就是安装目录,比如c program files bioware dragonage bin 找见

I haved lunch in the school这句话对不对?


I is eating lunch变成一般疑问句怎么变?




ieat lunch in the是什么意思



I have lunch at school at 11:45.意思是:我11点45分在学校吃的午饭。

I had a lunch. Which is correct

1) I had a lunch. ----我过去吃过午饭了2)I am having a lunch.----我正在吃午饭3)I have a lunch.----我吃了午饭(啥时吃的不知道)4)Having a lunch----这都不是一个句子了,只能说是一个短语,表示吃午饭这件事

正在吃午饭可以用 I have lunching 么 ?



早上吃完饭后我吃了午饭。不过吃早饭一般都是have breakfast

i have my lunch _____.

A 因为lunch是午饭,所以应该是在一天的当中吃的 b是喝了很多,错误 c是在下午 d是在晚上

i have my lunch

I have my lunch.这句话是不对的.不过在有些语境下也可以使用.比如 同学问你: Do you want to go for lunch together? 你回答说: I have my lunch.意思就是你带了午饭了. I have had = I have done I have done something 相信你也懂了吧 就是我完成了什么事 我已经吃过午饭了 I have had my lunch. However,我基本没听人这么说过.一般会用在对话中起到强调的作用. 比如大家在讨论一本书,你说 I have read the book. 就是你已经读过这本书了,强调这个已经完成的状态.

有没有人说i had have lunch 或者是 i have have lunch ?

为什么有人说I have had lunch? It is because it is a common correct expression.却不说i had have lunch 或者 i have have lunch ?因为是错误的。It is because they are wrong and not acceptable.English is not as flexible as Chinese. 我吃过饭了。=饭我吃过了。=饭, 我吃过了=吃过饭了,我.But you cannot say: 饭吃我过了, or 饭吃过我了.为什么却不这样说? It is because it is wrong. No one say so!因为是错误的。然后 i had had lunch 和 I have had lunch 有什么区别吗?Yes. There are differences.I had had lunch. It is used in the past time. The good example is if the person is already dead, the sentence he said when he lived, I have had lunch should be : He said he had had lunch.I have had lunch. Means you have just finished your meal and you are not hungry any more.
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