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primarily可以和firstly同义转换吗?比如Firstly, it is useful



primarily英 ["prau026am(u0259)ru026alu026a; prau026a"mer-]美 [prau026a"mu025bru0259li]adv. 首先;主要地,根本上更多释义>>[网络短语]primarily 主要地,首先,主要的Student primarily 学生为主primarily responsible 主要负责,主要责任


晕死,这两个跟本用法不一样的嘛,前面的只是单纯的祝语,就是客套话,后者YOURS FAITHFULLY后面直接是你的名字啦~~~你可以这样用,最近比较流行的:Thanks & Best Regardssincerely Panda Qi

平和英语号称English only,是只能说英语的意思吗?

你好,高兴为你回答。请采纳,谢谢!!English only.字面意思是:只有英语可以理解为只能说英语,也有可能指 只教英语




JL4G15D是CVVT 。JLγ-4G15是D-CVVT技术,除此以外,硬件上没有任何区别。看参数的话,发动机超过copy3500转以后,jly-4g15的参数会好看一点。顺便说一下5挡3000转,满载时候相当于160迈左右。 160迈已经属于超速了,要被扣分的。刚才说的是理论参数,实际应用时候,市区大多数时候发动机还是在2000转上下的,这时,二种发动机没有区别。而且,D-CVVT所谓的高转速省油,其实只比CVVT节省zd一丁点点而已,少到让你都可以忽略的程度。最后,就耐用性来说,还是JL4G15D更加耐用,技术也更加成熟,保有量也更多。没必要追求最新的,适合的你的就是最好的。

polypropylene fibre是什么面料


polypropylene homopolymer是什么意思

polypropylene foam聚丙烯泡沫如果您有什么疑问和不解之处,欢迎追问我!如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

polypropolene 什么材料


100% Polypropylene 是啥布料啊!



聚丙烯。。。简介聚丙烯,是由丙烯聚合而制得的一种热塑性树脂。按甲基排列位置分为等规聚丙烯(isotactic polyprolene)、无规聚丙烯(atactic polypropylene)和间规聚丙烯(syndiotactic polypropylene)三种。甲基排列在分子主链的同一侧称等规聚丙烯,若甲基无秩序的排列在分子主链的两侧称无规聚丙烯,当甲基交替排列在分子主链的两侧称间规聚丙烯。一般工业生产的聚丙烯树脂中,等规结构含量约为95%,其余为无规或间规聚丙烯。工业产品以等规物为主要成分。聚丙烯也包括丙烯与少量乙烯的共聚物在内。通常为半透明无色固体,无臭无毒。由于结构规整而高度结晶化,故熔点可高达167℃。耐热、耐腐蚀,制品可用蒸汽消毒是其突出优点。密度小,是最轻的通用塑料。缺点是耐低温冲击性差,较易老化,但可分别通过改性予以克服。共聚物型的PP材料有较低的热变形温度(100℃)、低透明度、低光泽度、低刚性,但是有更强的抗冲击强度,PP的冲击强度随着乙烯含量的增加而增大。PP的维卡软化温度为150℃。由于结晶度较高,这种材料的表面刚度和抗划痕特性很好。PP不存在环境应力开裂问题。PP的熔体质量流动速率(MFR)通常在1~100。低MFR的PP材料抗冲击特性较好但延展强度较低。对于相同MFR的材料,共聚型的抗冲强度比均聚型的要高。由于结晶,PP的收缩率相当高,一般为1.6~2.0%。


polypropylene 英[u02ccpu0252liu02c8pru0259u028apu0259li:n] 美[u02ccpɑ:liu02c8prou028apu0259li:n] n. 聚丙烯; [例句]The heterogeneous graft copolymerization of α-methylacrylic acid withpolypropylene powder was studied.研究了α-甲基丙烯酸对聚丙烯的接枝共聚反应。




polypropylene聚丙烯双语对照词典结果:polypropylene[英][u02ccpu0252liu02c8pru0259u028apu0259li:n][美][u02ccpɑ:liu02c8prou028apu0259li:n]n.聚丙烯; 例句:1.That would be a real advance on polypropylene and sheep"s gut. 相对于聚丙烯和羊肠子来说,这的确是一个进步。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


polypropylene英 [u02ccpu0252liu02c8pru0259u028apu0259li:n] 美 [u02ccpɑ:liu02c8prou028apu0259li:n] n.聚丙烯双语例句 The heterogeneous graft copolymerization of α-methylacrylic acid with polypropylene powder was studied. 研究了α-甲基丙烯酸对聚丙烯的接枝共聚反应。

Moods sort of drift from person to person unconsciously不懂。不要机器翻译的。老托074



polypropylene是[高分子] 聚丙烯


聚丙烯(Polypropylene,简称PP)是一种半结晶的热塑性塑料。具有较高的耐冲击性,机械性质强韧,抗多种有机溶剂和酸碱腐蚀。在工业界有广泛的应用,是平常常见的高分子材料之一。主要用于各种长、短丙纶纤维的生产,用于生产聚丙烯编织袋、打包袋、注塑制品等用于生产电器、电讯、灯饰、照明设备及电视机的阻燃零部件,东标检测中心提示:PP不存在环境应力开裂问题。密度小,可浮于水面,耐温-20 - 120度,是最常见的微波炉用塑料之一。PP材料日用品塑料中比较安全的塑料,一般食品上的包装袋就是用它来做的。




polypropylene是聚丙烯材料:polypropylenen.聚丙烯; [英][u02ccpu0252liu02c8pru0259u028apu0259li:n][美][u02ccpɑ:liu02c8prou028apu0259li:n]聚丙烯,是由丙烯聚合而制得的一种热塑性树脂。按甲基排列位置分为等规聚丙烯(isotactic polyprolene)、无规聚丙烯(atactic polypropylene)和间规聚丙烯(syndiotactic polypropylene)三种。甲基排列在分子主链的同一侧称等规聚丙烯,若甲基无秩序的排列在分子主链的两侧称无规聚丙烯,当甲基交替排列在分子主链的两侧称间规聚丙烯。一般工业生产的聚丙烯树脂中,等规结构含量约为95%,其余为无规或间规聚丙烯。工业产品以等规物为主要成分。聚丙烯也包括丙烯与少量乙烯的共聚物在内。通常为半透明无色固体,无臭无毒。由于结构规整而高度结晶化,故熔点可高达167℃。耐热、耐腐蚀,制品可用蒸汽消毒是其突出优点。密度小,是最轻的通用塑料。缺点是耐低温冲击性差,较易老化,但可分别通过改性予以克服。共聚物型的PP材料有较低的热变形温度(100℃)、低透明度、低光泽度、低刚性,但是有更强的抗冲击强度,PP的冲击强度随着乙烯含量的增加而增大。PP的维卡软化温度为150℃。由于结晶度较高,这种材料的表面刚度和抗划痕特性很好。PP不存在环境应力开裂问题。PP的熔体质量流动速率(MFR)通常在1~100。低MFR的PP材料抗冲击特性较好但延展强度较低。对于相同MFR的材料,共聚型的抗冲强度比均聚型的要高。由于结晶,PP的收缩率相当高,一般为1.6~2.0%。


polypropylene英 [,pu0252lu026a"pru0259u028apu026aliu02d0n] 美 ["pɑlu026a"propu0259"lin] n. [高分子] 聚丙烯【词组短语】polypropylene fiber 聚丙烯纤维;丙纶,丙纶纤维polypropylene glycol 聚丙二醇polypropylene oxide 聚环氧丙烷【例】1.First, put on a thin layer of synthetic material, such as polypropylene, which draws sweat away from your body. 首先,穿上一薄层合成材料,比如丙纶,这可以使汗水迅速远离你的身体。2.Polypropylene, wool or other fabrics that wick moisture away from the skin and retain insulatingproperties keep the body warm when wet. 丙纶、羊毛或其他可吸汗和具保温性能的织物,这样就可在身体潮湿的情况下保持暖和。


polypropylene 中文的意思是 聚丙烯,聚丙烯是由丙烯聚合而制得的一种热塑性树脂。通常的常识认为是以下三种,即等规聚丙烯(isotactic polypropylene)、无规聚丙烯(atactic polypropylene)、间规聚丙烯(syndiotactic polypropylene);但劲胜塑胶认为按甲基排列位置可分为等规聚丙烯(isotactic polypropylene)、无规聚丙烯(atactic polypropylene)、间规聚丙烯(syndiotactic polypropylene)、复合聚丙烯材料和发泡低密度聚丙烯 五种。聚丙烯材料为无毒、无臭、无味的乳白色高结晶的聚合物,密度只有0. 90--"0. 91g/cm3,是目前所有塑料中最轻的品类之一。它对水特别稳定,在水中的吸水率仅为0. 01%,分子量约8万一15万。成型性好,但因收缩率大(为1%~2.5%).厚壁制品易凹陷,对一些尺寸精度较高零件,很难于达到要求,制品表面光泽好。




polypropylene[英][u02ccpu0252liu02c8pru0259u028apu0259li:n][美][u02ccpɑ:liu02c8prou028apu0259li:n]n.聚丙烯; 网络聚丙稀; 百折胶; 聚肉烯; 形近词:tetrapropylenetripropylene





求butterfly歌词 应该是一部动漫里的歌曲。 请把日文罗马拼音和中文一一对应起来~

数码部龙主题曲好想化做一只蝴蝶 乘著微风振翅高飞 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 烦心的事放在一边 如果忘记那也无所谓已经没有多馀的时间可以浪费似乎有 WOW WOW~ 什麼事会在这片晴空下出现就算是 WOW WOW~ 面对未知的明天勇敢去冒险在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输给自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 oh My Love仿佛蝴蝶展开双翼 一路迎著微瞠飞行直到我和你 相见约定不再分离对你倾吐我的心意 没想到你真的愿意陪著我一起 沉醉在幸福的旋律好像有 WOW WOW~ 什麼声音悄悄从这街角向起而现在 WOW WOW~ 不想再空等让憧憬变成泡影在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验朝著梦勇往直前 On My Love在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输纪自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 Oh Year~在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验Goki kenna chouni natte kirameku kaze ni notte Ima sugu kimi ni ainikou Yokeina koto nante wasureta houga majisa Kore ijou jare deru jigan hanai Nani ga wow wow~ kono soreni todoku no darou Dakedo wow wow~ ashita no yotei monakaranai Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE Utareta chouni natte ichizuna kaze ni no natte Doko mademo kimi ni aini ikou Aimaina koto batte igai ni benri date Saken deru hitto sonku kikinagara Naniga wow wow~ kono machi ni hibi kuno darou Dakedo wow wow~ kitai shite temo shi kata nai Mukentai na yume atono yaru senai yono naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ninaru kedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno ikuji nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa OH YEAH~ Mukentai na yume atono yaru senai yono naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ninaru kedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE

Butter Fly罗马发音?

Butter Fly的罗马音应该是"bata fura"。

Butter Fly歌词中文谐音 自己看去


日语+中文+罗马音。。~ゴキゲンな蝶になって きらめく风に乗って今すぐ キミに会いに行こう余计な事なんて 忘れたほうがましさこれ以上 シャレてる时间はない何が WOW WOW~ この空に届くのだろうだけど WOW WOW~ 明日の予定もわからない无限大な梦のあとの 何もない世の中じゃそうさ爱しい 想いも负けそうになるけどStayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの 頼りない翼でもきっと飞べるさ On My Loveウカレタ蝶になって 一途な风に乗ってどこまでも キミに会いに行こう暧昧な言叶って 意外に便利だって叫んでる ヒットソング聴きながら何が WOW WOW~ この街に响くのだろうだけど WOW WOW~ 期待してても仕方ない※无限大な梦のあとの やるせない世の中じゃそうさ常识 はずれも悪くはないかなStayしそうなイメ-ジを染めた ぎこちない翼でもきっと飞べるさ On My Love无限大な梦のあとの 何もない世の中じゃそうさ爱しい 想いも负けそうになるけどStayしがちなイメ-ジだらけの 頼りない翼でもきっと飞べるさ Oh Yeah~ =========================好想化做一只蝴蝶 乘著微风振翅高飞 现在马上只想赶快和你见面 烦心的事放在一边 如果忘记那也无所谓已经没有多馀的时间可以浪费似乎有 WOW WOW~ 什麼事会在这片晴空下出现就算是 WOW WOW~ 面对未知的明天勇敢去冒险在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输给自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 oh My Love仿佛蝴蝶展开双翼 一路迎著微瞠飞行直到我和你 相见约定不再分离对你倾吐我的心意 没想到你真的愿意陪著我一起 沉醉在幸福的旋律好像有 WOW WOW~ 什麼声音悄悄从这街角向起而现在 WOW WOW~ 不想再空等让憧憬变成泡影在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验朝著梦勇往直前 On My Love在无限延伸的梦想後面 穿越冷酷无情的世界不想要输纪自己 有你的美丽记忆会让我更加努力相信爱永远不会止息 即使偶尔会遇上难道一定能化险为夷 Oh Year~在无限延伸的梦想后面 纵然世界再虚假多变不应该隐瞒欺骗 抱著得过且过的想法太可怜相信希望有天会实现 真心能度藜重重考验Goki kenna chouni natte kirameku kaze ni notte Ima sugu kimi ni ainikou Yokeina koto nante wasureta houga majisa Kore ijou jare deru jigan hanai Nani ga wow wow~ kono soreni todoku no darou Dakedo wow wow~ ashita no yotei monakaranai Mugen daina yume no atono nanimonai yo no naka ja Sousa itoshii omoi mo makesou ni narukedo STAY shigachina ime-jidarakeno tayori nai tsubasa demo Kitto toberusa ON MY LOVE

数码宝贝1OP 主题曲《Butter-Fly》和田光司演唱的,就是这首歌用普通话说出日语

这个 -- 无语啦 不好弄啊 希望你不要抱太大的希望!



怎么合理利用时间 How to Use Time Effectively

Today our topic is how to take full use of your spare time. In our life, some of students go to Internet bar and gradually get addicted to computer games. others may spend much of spare time in watching TV, which is a waste of youth. I think we should make the best of our spare time and try the best to beautify our life. Therefore, I think in the spare time, we can read books to enrich our knowledge. What"s more, doing some sports is a good choice. After all, a good body is the base of everything else. In addition, we can also take part in some classes for interests, like piano class or painting class. All in all, it is highly important that we make the most of our spare time.

The union representative put across her argument very effectively.

【答案】:B【题 干】工会代表非常有效地解释了她的观点。A.发明 B.解释 C.考虑 D.接受【解 析】本题考查动词词组。划线词组put across的意思是“解释,陈述”,与explain意思相近,故本题选B。

How to learn English Vocabulary effectively?




make sth后面是只能加形容词吗?比如make my work more effectively 这是错的吗

make my work more effectively 这是错的! 可以改成:make me work more effectively (在这里effectively修饰动词work)或者make my work more effective(在这里effective补充说明名词work)

How to communicate with others effectively

How to Communicate Effectively There are seven essential elements to an effective communication:1. Structure;2. Clarity;3. Medium.StructureHow you structure your communication is fundamental to how easily it is absorbed and understood by your audience.Every good communication should have these three structural elements:an openinga bodya closeClarityBe clear about the messaqe you want to deliver, as giving a confused message to your audience only ends up with them being confused and your message being ignored.MeduimThere are a plenty ways for you to deliver your message—the trick is to use the right one.

英语作文范文:How to Communicate Effectively

How to Communicate Effectively Communication plays a significant role in our daily life, especially in modern society. Since we get along with other people in every field, we must learn how to communicate with people effectively. Effective communication should be planned carefully. First, speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely. Second, express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth. Third, concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view. Moreover, we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening. Fourth, place ourselves in the place of others. As far as I"m concerned, I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I"m in a merry mood or not. And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely. 《英语作文范文:How to Communicate Effectively》由留学英语组我整理(

effectively 和 efficiently用法有什么区别

effectively: 有效的,能产生预期效果的,例子:Services need to be more effectively organized than they are at present. 服务的管理应该比现在更加有效。efficiently: 效率高的,效能高的,例子:I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.我工作非常有效率,处事果断,而且判断准确。这两个的区别很明显,前者就是有效的,产生效果,后者则是效率高,不光有效率,而且效率高。前者强调某物或者某事达到预期的期望,后者强调完成一件事情省时省力,效率很高。这些就是它们用法上的区别。

this seems mostly effectively






How to study effectively

From an early age we were told that learning is the result of self-discipline. As a consequence, we ought to focus on learning, and have a regular studying habit. And yet the latest scientific research tells us that these may not be a good idea. How to make learning more effective? Benedict Kaili, a famous science journalist in the New York Times", summed up the most up-to-date scientific approach to learning in his new book—— How to Learn . First, we felt we should adhere to a studying habit in the past, but this book says it is not vital. On the contrary, most people get better results because they always change their learning or training places. The more complex your surroundings are, the clearer contents you will learn . Besides, you will remember the contents longer in your mind. Meanwhile, what you will learn won"t depend on your surroundings. And your ultimate goal is to make yourself be able to perform well in any situation. Second, learn to be distracted. Having distractions is obviously wrong when you need to concentrate on your lectures. However,when you encounter a difficult problem, it"s a good method to take a few minutes to rest, surf the Internet and look at the news in order to help you break through the difficult points. The reason is that if you are constantly pay attention to the one problem, then your brain is still in the "offline" state when you are at rest. Even in the subconscious your brain keeps working , but out of the restrictions that make you thinking. Third, a deliberate pause is also a good idea. When you come across a project that involves a lot of mental effort, such as writing a job report, a thesis, etc., don"t postpone it. The sooner you begin doing it, the better it will be. Then let yourself have a rest during the process of doing it and do something else. The book says, while doing the time-consuming and complicated task, breaking in from time to time will make your brain to "activate" the subject, and let you start to see and hear anything relating to this subject in daily life. Apart from this ,it can let you be more sensitive and pay attention to those scattered information surrounded by you. 从小就有人告诉我们,学习是一个自律的结果,要专注,要有一个有规律的学习习惯。但是最新的科学研究成果告诉我们,这些未必是好办法。那如何才能让学习更有效呢?《纽约时报》顶级科学记者本尼迪克特u2022凯里在自己的新书《如何学习》里面,总结了关于学习的最前沿的科学方法。 第一点,过去我们觉得要坚持一种学习习惯,但这本书里说,这并不重要,大多数人反而会因为总是变换学习或训练场所而获得更好的效果。你练习时的周遭环境越是复杂多变,你学的内容就越能记得清楚、长久,同时你学到的东西就越不会依赖于周围的环境条件。而你的最终目的,是要让自己在任何环境中都能发挥出色。 第二点,学习要学会“分心”。当你需要集中注意力听课时,分心显然不对。但当你遇到某个难题的时候,花几分钟休息一下,上上网,看看新闻,这是一个能帮你突破难点的好办法。因为如果你真的一心惦记着某个难题,那么在休息的时候,大脑仍然会在“离线”状态下、在潜意识中继续运转,而且是跳出了那些让你受到限制的思路。 第三点,刻意停顿也是一种好办法。当你遇到某个很耗费脑力的课题时,比如写工作报告、毕业论文等,不要往后推延,越早开始越好;然后中途让自己停顿一下,去做做别的事情。书里说,把耗时而复杂的任务时不时地中断一下,会在你的大脑中“激活”这个课题,让你开始能看到、听到日常生活中任何与这个课题有关的事物,同时也会让你对周遭这些零零散散的信息更为敏感和关注。

You know, what we have here is a failed experiment in how to effectively carry a big milk bottle

You know,what we have here (S)isa failed experiment (Sc)in how to effectively carry a big milk bottlewith two tiny hands.

"to make the operation more effective" or " more effectively"?

To make the operation more effective.

高中英语。 effective的副词形式为何不去e再加ly. 高中阶段如何分清是否去E


scholarly ,sholastic和academic的区别?


probably there is not one here

there is not one here 主谓部分 who has not in the course of the day had occasion to set in motion a complex train of reasoning,of the very same kind,though differing in degree定语从句,修饰one 其中有难词: 1.set sth in motion 开始做某事且不停地做 to start a process or series of events that will continue for some time 如 The Church voted to set in motion the process allowing women to be priests. 2.a complex train of a train of sth 一系列 a series of events or actions that are related 如:The decision set off a train of events which led to his resignation. 本句中复杂结构: 1.of the very same kind 定语,修饰reasoning 2.though differing in degree 分词短语,修饰kind 翻译:可能没有这种人,他在一天内有时间对同样一类的(事物)进行复杂的理性思考,尽管这类的思考可能程度不同. as that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena. as介词,(如同,像),that which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena介词宾语 which a scientific man goes through in tracing the causes of natural phenomena 定语从句修饰that, 翻译:比如,一个搞科学的人(不可能)整天研究自然现象的成因. 这句话是举例说明上句,所以加上了“不可能”



She ___ volleyball regularly for many years when she was young. A.was playing B.played C

B 考查时态。根据when she was young可知要用过去时态,且regularly指一般性,经常性的情况,所以用一般过去时态。选B。

it is repaired regularly是什么语态,为什么用is不是was




in regularly还是in regular

in regular 例句: We are in regular communication by letter. 我们定期通信联系。

Do yon have meals regularly的中文意思?


eat regularly


一道关于时态的英语题he ( ) football regularly for many yeas when he wa?

B 一般过去时啊,这里是描述他年轻时常做的事,并没有到过去某个时间点的延续动作.when he was young是过去时的特征词,注意比较: He played football regularly for many yeas when he was young.强调过去,所以:过去时 He had played football for three years till the end of last year.强调到去年底为止,他一直在踢足球,所以:过去完成时,1,A. 过去进行时,表示过去正在进行的动作,本句话不适用。 C. 现在完成时,不能与when引导的时间状语一起用。也不适用。 D. 过去完成时,表示年青之前做的事情,他年青之前就踢了多年的足球,这显然也不可能。 只有用过去时,才符合题意。...,2,过去完成时,表示过去的过去,需要现有一个 过去 作为参照。 这里你找不到一个 过去的过去 这种情况,这句话只是在说他年轻的时候踢了好几年足球,只存在过去时态when he was young ,只是在叙述一个过去的事情 如果你想用过去完成时就得这样写 He had played football for many years before he worked.这里worke...,2,有regularly,表示“有规律地”,使用一般时态。又由于有when he was young,是过去情况下。因此使用一般过去时态。,1,比较过去时与现在完成时 1)过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情,强调动作;现在完成时为过去发生的,强调过去的事情对现在的影响,强调的是影响。 2)过去时常与具体的时间状语连用,而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用,或无时间状语。 一般过去时的时间状语: yesterday, last week,…ago, in1980, in October, j...,1,B。因为这句话中when he was young 在他年轻的时候, 这是过去的事,使用一般过去时。 而D使用过去完成时,这是表示过去的过去,说明“踢足球”发生在“ he was young ”之前,就不符合逻辑了。,0,一道关于时态的英语题 he ( ) football regularly for many yeas when he was young .A .was playing B .played C .has played D .had played 我选的是D ,求详解

regularly 做主语时的形式


Champion ; superstitious ; regularly 这英语用谐音怎么读?


exercise regularly是什么意思

exercise regularly 定期运动; 规律锻炼; 定期锻炼; 有规律的运动; 期运动;[例句]I find it really hard to drag myself out and exercise regularly.我发现要让我自己定期出门锻炼真的很难。

regularly 的比较级和最高级

more regularlymost regularly


issue 在这里可以翻译为:题目, 话题.regularly::常常地.第一句可以翻译为:独立怼相互依赖这个题目常常让人们一书再书。

英语好的进 regularly的反义词是什么啊


apply regularly是什么意思

apply regularly定期申请-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮




regularly一共四个音节,一个元音就有一个音节它的音节划分是 re gu lar ly音标是["regju:ləli]

regularly和on a regular basis有什么区别?

此句中的regular basis怎么翻译比较合适问题补充:那整句话怎样翻译比较恰当 定期的 on a regular basis就这个意思 相当于regularly


  反义词就是两个意思相反的词,包括:绝对反义词和相对反义词。下面为大家带来了regularly反义词,欢迎大家参考!   regularly反义词   irregularly不规则地;   意思:   1、有规律地,正常地,间隙均匀地   2、经常   3、均匀地,匀称地   造句:   "Moreover, renowned foreign artistes also perform here regularly."此外,国际知名的艺术家,也经常受邀前来表演。   "We do meet now and again, but not regularly.""我们有时候确实见面,但不是定期会面。"   Youshouldgargleregularly.   你应该经常漱口。   Youshouldgarglethe throatregularly.   你应该经常用含漱液漱口。


regularly 有规律地经常均匀地1.As this article explains, you get maximum benefits when you use Purify regularly and systematically.正如这篇文章所描述的,当您有规律地并系统地使用Purify时,您可以获得最大利益。2.For each work branch, CI server automatically and regularly ( if not continuously) runs integration tests and regression tests.对每个工作分支来说,CI服务器自动并有规律地(如果不能持续地)运行集成测试和回归测试。同义词adv.frequently,always,often

regularly 这个英语的音标怎么读

regularly英 /"reɡjələli/谐音“2给邮了瑞”adv.定期地;有规律地;整齐地;匀称地You should do it regularly.你应该有规律地坚持做。Yet, we doit regularly.然而,我们定期做。


regularly[英][u02c8regju0259lu0259li] [美][u02c8ru025bɡju0259lu025alu026a] 生词本简明释义adv.有规律地,按时,照例,按部就班地;整齐地,有条不紊地;经常,不断地;定期地以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词1.ADJ-GRADED定时的;定期的;有规律的Regular events have equal amounts of time between them, so that they happen, for example, at the same time each day or each week. Take regular exercise... 定期进行锻炼。Now it"s time for our regular look at the world of international sport...现在我们再来关注一下国际体坛的消息。We"re going to be meeting there on a regular basis...我们将定期在那里会面。regularly


regularly[英][ˈregjələli] [美][ˈrɛɡjəlɚlɪ] 生词本 简明释义 adv.有规律地,按时,照例,按部就班地;整齐地,有条不紊地;经常,不断地;定期地 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 同反义词 1.ADJ-GRADED定时的;定期的;有规律的Regular events have equal amounts of time between them,so that they happen,for example,at the same time each day or each week. Take regular exercise... 定期进行锻炼. Now it"s time for our regular look at the world of international sport... 现在我们再来关注一下国际体坛的消息. We"re going to be meeting there on a regular basis... 我们将定期在那里会面. regularly

triangular ;superstitious ; regularly 这英语用谐音怎么读?

你好,很高兴为您解答!triangular翻译为:adj. 三角的,[数] 三角形的;三人间的[网络] 三角形的;三角的;三者间的[专业] 三角化 [数学];三角形 [机械工程];三角晶格 [物理学]读作:踹安葛乐儿superstitious翻译为:adj. 迷信的;由迷信引起的[网络] 获读作:苏per丝嘚什丝regularly翻译为:adv. 定期地;有规律地;整齐地;匀称地[网络] 规则地;经常地;端正地读作:ruai给u了嘞谢谢!望采纳!




修饰动词read 的用副词,read regularly有规律的阅读你应该多给一些信息再问的

[A] regularly[B]actually[C] hardly[D]probably



1、强调的是过去(when he was young),而不是强调和对某一时间造成的影响. 2、强调的是孩子们玩游戏正在对其身体造成不好的影响. 3、stay相当于半系动词,后面跟形容词作表语.




补充里面没一个和regularly是同义的啊 regularly是经常的意思,这里同义说often就可以了 其它的on time是准时,on schedule也是准时的意思,哪儿挨哪儿啊,你哪儿查的什么乱七八糟的. 居然还有说是的.真无语.


regularly 定期地;有规律地;often 就是经常的意思
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