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◆always 频率最高,表示动作重复、状态继续,表示“一直、总是”,其反义词为never。always等与not连用时,表示部分否定。如:The rich are not always happy. 有钱的人并不总是快乐的。如果要变为否定句,应将always改为never才能全部否定。如:Li Ping is always late for school. 李平上学总是迟到。Li Ping is never late for school.(全部否定)Li Ping is not always late for school. (部分否定)频度副词通常和一般现在时连用,表示动作发生的频率。但always与进行时连用时,并不强调动作正在进行,而是表示赞叹、厌烦等情绪。如:He is always thinking of others. 他总是想着别人。(赞叹)She is always asking silly questions. 她总是问些愚蠢的问题。(厌烦)◆usually意为“通常”,表示习惯性动作或状态,很少有例外。如:We usually go to school at seven in the morning. 我们通常在早上七点上学。My mother and I usually go shopping on Sundays. 我和妈妈通常在星期天去买东西。◆Often意为“经常,时常”,表示反复性的动作或状态,中间有间断,不如usually那么频繁。其反义词是seldom。often在句尾时常被very或quite修饰。如:It often rains here in April. 这儿四月份常下雨。The boys often eat noodles and the girls sometimes eat them. 男生经常吃面条,女生有时吃。I often chat with my friends under the big tree. 我经常在这棵大树下和朋友聊天。He writes to his friends quite often. 他常给他的朋友写信。◆sometimes意为“有时”,频率不及often,表示动作偶尔发生,间断时间较长。其位置比较灵活,放在句首、句中、句末都可。如:Sometimes we go to the cinema and at other times we go for a walk.有时我们去看电影,有时我们去散步。I sometimes watch TV in the evening. 我有时晚上看电视。My father has lunch in the factory sometimes. 我父亲有时在工厂吃午饭。◆seldom意为“很少”,这个副词表示否定意义,动作几乎不会发生。如:He seldom eats breakfast. 他很少吃早餐。The little girl seldom goes out. 这个小女孩很少外出。I will never forget your kindness. 我永远忘不了你的好意。◆hardly具有否定意义,表示“几乎不、简直不”,除非特殊情况,否则不会发生。如:The boy is so young that he could hardly understand it. 这个孩子太小了,不可能懂得这件事。◆never意为“从不”表示动作不会发生.例如:I never go to school by taxi.我从不坐出租车去上学。The boys never eat chocolate and the girls seldom eat it. 男生从不吃巧克力,女生很少吃。◆对上述频度副词提问时,用how often。如:I write to my brother sometimes.How often do you write to your brother?


两者几乎是相同的, 用词有不同,见下:1). seldom:They seldom speak.他们很少说话。I"ve seldom felt so happy.我很少感到过这么快乐了。2). hardly:I hardly know you.我几乎不了解你。I"ve hardly slept in three days.我3天之中几乎没睡。

only 11 people ______the shipwreck.


I never get up early on Sundays.为什么Sunday后面要加s

on Sundays (通常)在星期日

歌词里有fly away的一首英文歌,是什么歌啊?

Taylor Swift --Ronan

polymer Chemistry with editor一般会持续多久


Polymer Engineering & Science多久会发录用通知


Technopolymer 是中国的那种材料 是属于什么英文术语?


li-polymer battery是什么意思


acrylic polymer是什么意思

acrylic polymer英 [u0259u02c8kru026alu026ak u02c8pu0254lu0259mu0259] 美 [u0259u02c8kru026alu026ak u02c8pɑlu0259mu025a] 词典丙烯酸类聚合物,丙烯酯类聚合物1Study on the modification of acrylic polymer tanning agent with Mannich reaction 丙烯酸类聚合物鞣剂的Mannich反应改性研究2The influence of the amount of DAAM on styrene-acrylic polymer emulsion was studied. 研究了DAAM的用量对苯丙乳液的影响。

super absorbent polymer 是什么化学品

super absorbent polymer [释义] 高吸水性高分子; 全部释义>>[例句]Application of super absorbent polymer in the desert control高吸水聚合物材料在防沙治沙中的应用高吸水树脂(Super Absorbent Polymer,SAP)是一种新型功能高分子材料。它具有吸收比自身重几百到几千倍水的高吸水功能,并且保水性能优良,一旦吸水膨胀成为水凝胶时,即使加压也很难把水分离出来。因此,它在个人卫生用品、工农业生产、土木建筑等各个领域都有广泛用途。



polymer testing 是sci吗

不是polymer testing 网络 聚合物检测;[例句]The Research of Horizontal Analysis on Exterior Insulation and Finish with Polymer Mortar Adhesive Strength Testing Method外墙外保温用聚合物砂浆粘接强度检验方法的分析研究

polymere是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

adj. 【化学】聚合的polymèreadj. 多矿质的polymèrem聚[合]物, 聚合体




你说的是polymer journal 吧,那个期刊绝不是nature的子刊,只是挂在nature出版集团下边,由nature出版集团负责发行。它是由日本人主办的高分子领域期刊,大概相当于中国的高分子学报,影响因子当然低了。

Polymer Chemistry 这个杂志怎么样

Polymer Chemistry是非常不错的高分子领域杂志!Polymer Chemistry 是英国RSC集团新出的杂志,由于RSC之前没有关于高分子这类的专业期刊,其目标定位在ACS中macromolecules这样档次期刊名 POLYMER CHEMISTRY 出版周期: 月刊 中科院杂志分区 2 区期刊 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 5.368 5.231 5.321 无




锂聚合物电池(Li-polymer,又称高分子锂电池):具有能量密度高、更小型化、超薄化、轻量化,以及高安全性和低成本等多种明显优势,是一种新型电池。在形状上,锂聚合物电池具有超薄化特征,可以配合各种产品的需要,制作成任何形状与容量的电池。该类电池可以达到的最小厚度可达0.5mm。相对于锂离子电池,锂聚合物电池的特点如下: 1. 无电池漏液问题,其电池内部不含液态电解液,使用胶态的固体。 2. 可制成薄型电池:以3.6V400mAh的容量,其厚度可薄至0.5mm。 3. 电池可设计成多种形状。 4. 电池可弯曲变形:高分子电池最大可弯曲900左右。 5. 可制成单颗高电压:液态电解质的电池仅能以数颗电池串联得到高电压,高分子电池。 6. 由于本身无液体,可在单颗内做成多层组合来达到高电压。 7. 容量将比同样大小的锂离子电池高出一倍。

Polymer Chemistry 这个杂志怎么样

非常不错的高分子领域杂志!Polymer Chemistry 是英国RSC集团新出的杂志,由于RSC之前没有关于高分子这类的专业期刊,其目标定位在ACS中macromolecules这样档次期刊名 POLYMER CHEMISTRY 出版周期: 月刊 中科院杂志分区 2 区期刊 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 5.368 5.231 5.321 无

polymer 杂志的网址是什么【高人请帮忙】



专业名词解释 polymer-rich phase什么意思


我想知道 "dry polymer"的准确中文意思


Polymer concrete是什么材料




polymer journal 是哪个国家的

  日本的Polymer Journal (PJ) 【出版者】 Society of Polymer Science, Japan【语种】 English 【内容简介】 First Published in 1970, English, Published Monthly(every 15th of the month) Polymer Journal (PJ) has been international high quality journal published monthly in English by SPSJ since 1970. PJ presents you up-to-date results of scientific research and new information in all the fields of polymer science. PJ includes Regular Articles, Notes, and Short Communications. Review Articles and Invited Papers are occasionally accepted on invitation. PJ covers the whole range of polymer science: Polymer Syntheses and Reactions, Polymer Structures, Physical Properties of Polymers, Functional Polymers, Biopolymers, and Polymer Engineering.

li-polymer Battery电池是锂电池还是锂聚合物电池

li-锂离子polymer 聚合物Battery电池锂聚合物电池

简述化学高分子(指用高分子化学手段聚合得到的chemical polymer)与蛋白质分子的本质区别



BA是丙烯酸丁酯结构式为H2C=CHCOOCH2CH2CH2CH3。一般用作有机合成中间体、粘合剂、乳化剂、涂料EVA:乙烯-醋酸乙烯共聚物。有不同牌号的,可以根据用途选择。VA:你这个VA,应该不是聚合物,有很多缩写都是VA,比如乙烯醇vinyl alcohol

polymer material是什么意思

聚合材料polymer: n. 【化学】聚合体,聚合物,多聚物。 material: adj. 物质的例:High strength polymer materials for making space cable制造太空缆的高强度聚合物材料





silicone polymer是什么意思

silicone polymer 英[u02c8su026alu026au02ccku0259u028an u02c8pu0254lu0259mu0259] 美[u02c8su026alu026au02cckon u02c8pɑlu0259mu025a] [词典] [医] 硅酮聚合物; [例句]Preparation and application of tea-seed saponin modified silicone polymerquaternary ammonium salt茶皂素有机硅季铵盐的合成及其在洗发香波中的应用




polymer n.聚合体






polymer意思:聚合物; 多聚体;双语例句The nature of the polymer is currently a trade secret.这一聚合物的性质目前是个商业机密。The invention relates to a cationic polymer dehydrator for sludge.本发明涉及一种用于污泥脱水的阳离子型聚合物脱水剂The videodisc is made of liquid crystal polymers.影碟是由液晶聚合物制成的。polymer 双语例句1. polymer的意思1. Effect of salinity, sodium silicate, mixed alkaline, promoters and polymer on dynamic interfacial tension were studied.考察盐、碱、助剂、聚合物对表面活性剂的动态界面张力的影响。2. The current experimental results show that the content of leached alumino-siliceous residue distilled from the kalisalt was the primary effective factor on the mechanical properties of the products.High performance mineral polymer can be prepared while the content of sodium silicate in the alkaline liquid and the standard sand in the solid materials are both kept around 70%.结果表明:干燥的提钾滤渣在粉体物料中的比例对制品的力学性能影响最大;硅酸钠水玻璃在液相中的比例约为70%,且标准砂占固相的比例为70%左右时,可制得力学性能良好的矿物聚合材料。3. Mineral polymer was prepared using fly ash, one of the industrial solid wastes, andmetakaolinite, standardized sand, sodium silicate and alkaline solution in this study.本项研究利用工业固体废弃物之一粉煤灰,配以变高岭石、标准砂、硅酸钠水玻璃和氢氧化钠溶液制备得到矿物聚合材料制品。


是英文:聚合物 的意思,具体要看哪种聚合物

推特上的Only User Streams running是什么意思?

—— 英文:Only User Streams running 仅用户流在运行。

daily plog是什么意思?


daily plog是什么意思?

"Daily plog"是由“planning”和“log”两个词合并而来的,是一种日常计划和记录的方法。它通常是指在每天开始之前,对当天的工作、学习、生活等进行详细的规划和安排,并在当天结束时记录下来。在实践中,daily plog通常包括以下几个步骤:1.规划:在每天开始前,制定当天的工作、学习和生活计划,包括具体的任务和时间安排。2.记录:在当天结束时,记录下当天完成的任务和工作进展情况,以及遇到的问题和困难等信息。3.反思:根据当天的记录和总结,反思自己的表现和工作效率,思考如何改进和优化自己的计划和工作方式。通过使用daily plog这种方法,人们可以更好地规划自己的时间、提高工作效率,以及更好地掌控自己的工作和生活。此外,daily plog也可以帮助人们更好地记录和总结自己的工作经验和知识,从而提高自己的职业素质和竞争力。总之,daily plog是一种日常计划和记录的方法,可以帮助人们更好地规划时间、提高工作效率,并记录和总结自己的工作经验和知识。

daily plog是什么意思


daily plog什么意思?


什么是daily plog?

"Daily plog"是由“planning”和“log”两个词合并而来的,是一种日常计划和记录的方法。它通常是指在每天开始之前,对当天的工作、学习、生活等进行详细的规划和安排,并在当天结束时记录下来。在实践中,daily plog通常包括以下几个步骤:1.规划:在每天开始前,制定当天的工作、学习和生活计划,包括具体的任务和时间安排。2.记录:在当天结束时,记录下当天完成的任务和工作进展情况,以及遇到的问题和困难等信息。3.反思:根据当天的记录和总结,反思自己的表现和工作效率,思考如何改进和优化自己的计划和工作方式。通过使用daily plog这种方法,人们可以更好地规划自己的时间、提高工作效率,以及更好地掌控自己的工作和生活。此外,daily plog也可以帮助人们更好地记录和总结自己的工作经验和知识,从而提高自己的职业素质和竞争力。总之,daily plog是一种日常计划和记录的方法,可以帮助人们更好地规划时间、提高工作效率,并记录和总结自己的工作经验和知识。

daily plog什么意思

"Daily plog"是由“planning”和“log”两个词合并而来的,是一种日常计划和记录的方法。它通常是指在每天开始之前,对当天的工作、学习、生活等进行详细的规划和安排,并在当天结束时记录下来。在实践中,daily plog通常包括以下几个步骤:1.规划:在每天开始前,制定当天的工作、学习和生活计划,包括具体的任务和时间安排。2.记录:在当天结束时,记录下当天完成的任务和工作进展情况,以及遇到的问题和困难等信息。3.反思:根据当天的记录和总结,反思自己的表现和工作效率,思考如何改进和优化自己的计划和工作方式。通过使用daily plog这种方法,人们可以更好地规划自己的时间、提高工作效率,以及更好地掌控自己的工作和生活。此外,daily plog也可以帮助人们更好地记录和总结自己的工作经验和知识,从而提高自己的职业素质和竞争力。总之,daily plog是一种日常计划和记录的方法,可以帮助人们更好地规划时间、提高工作效率,并记录和总结自己的工作经验和知识。

the lonely shepherd简谱粗横线上边有个4什么意思


求一首英文歌,只记得歌的开头是 lonely ,I am so lonely,I know nobody…… 是有点搞怪的英文歌!!谢




wide swimming pools are usually divided into什么?


英国影片《真爱至上》中的过气老歌手Billy Mack没有出演过?

billy mackBill Nighy  中文名:比尔·奈伊  英文名:Bill Nighy  生 日:1949年 12月12日  出生地:英国萨里  星 座:射手座  身 高:188cm  在电影《真爱至上》(Love Actually)中扮演著名音乐人Billy Mack,片中演唱的曲目“Christmas is all around”给观众留下了深刻的印象。黑夜传说中的Viktor更是生动传神。  比尔·奈伊参与的电影:  《黑夜传说前传:狼族再起/黑夜传说3 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans 》 (2009) ...Viktor  《妈妈咪呀 Mamma Mia! 》 (2008) ...(rumored)  《刺杀希特勒 Valkyrie 》 (2008) ...Friedrich Olbricht  《加勒比海盗3:世界尽头 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World"s End 》 (2007) ...Davy Jones  《热血警探/终棘警探 Hot Fuzz 》 (2007) ...Metropolitan Chief Inspector Kenneth  《鼠国流浪记 Flushed Away 》 (2006) ...Whitey (voice)  《风暴突击者 Stormbreaker 》 (2006) ...Alan Blunt  《加勒比海盗2/神鬼奇航2:聚魂棺 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man"s Chest 》 (2006) ...Davy Jones  《丑闻笔记 Notes on a Scandal 》 (2006) ...Richard Hart  《黑夜传说2:进化/决战异世界2:进化时代 Underworld: Evolution 》 (2006) ...Viktor  《神奇的旋转木马 The Magic Roundabout 》 (2005) ...Dylan (voice: English version)  《不朽的园丁 The Constant Gardener 》 (2005) ...Sir Bernard Pellegrin  《银河系漫游指南 The Hitchhiker"s Guide to the Galaxy 》 (2005) ...Slartibartfast  《 Friends & Crocodiles 》 (2005) ...  《饮食店女孩 The Girl in the Café 》 (2005) ...Lawrence  《 The Evening Standard British Film Awards 》 (2005) ...Himself  《 "Meerkat Manor" 》 (2005) ...Narrator (26 episodes, 2005-2006)  《爱无可忍/ 爱到永远 Enduring Love 》 (2004) ...Robin  

求Kelly Mack的one last time歌词

You were perfect even then my love我亲爱的,你是那么的完美Your little smile was so sweet.连你轻轻的一个微笑,都是那么甜蜜I would sit beside your cradle.我会坐在你的摇篮旁And watch you gently fall asleep.看着你轻轻地进入梦乡I used to hold you in my arms my child我曾经用双臂抱紧你,我的孩子And marvel at your tiny hands.对你小小的双手感到惊奇I would always watch in wonder.我会总是用那么惊奇的目光看着你As you grew from boy to man.当你慢慢地从一个小男孩长大成一个男人And if you were ever in tears如果有时你哭泣.I"d kiss you till the pain would disappear我会轻吻你直到你的伤痛消失.If only I could hold you now.如果我现在能紧抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双鼻紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking.虽然我已经心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine.你是我的Your precious hands that used to hold me你那双珍贵的手曾经拥抱过我.Nailed so tightly to the cross.紧紧地被钉在十字架上You never know how much I love you Jesus.天啊,你从来都不知道我有多么的爱你Now everything I have is lost.现在我已痛失所爱Wish that I could wipe your tears.但愿我能擦干你的眼泪I want to hold you till the pain disappears.我想紧抱着你知道你的悲痛消失If only I could hold you now如果我只能现在去拥抱你.In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去抱紧你Inside my heart is breaking.我以心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是属于我的You were mine.你是属于我的Angels promised that one day you would raise天使承诺过有朝一日你会醒过来But the greatest love flows from the greatest pain.但最伟大的爱是在最巨大的创伤中产生的If only I could hold you now.如果我只能在现在拥抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking我的内心已经破碎. Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine. 你是我的

One last time kelly mack 歌词


凯利麦克(Kelly Mack) The Only One中文歌词

歌曲名称:One Last Time(中文翻译:最后一次)歌手名称:Kelly Mack(凯利麦克.美国)You were perfect even then my love我亲爱的,你是那么的完美Your little smile was so sweet.连你轻轻的一个微笑,都是那么甜蜜I would sit beside your cradle.我会坐在你的摇篮旁And watch you gently fall asleep.看着你轻轻地进入梦乡I used to hold you in my arms my child我曾经用双臂抱紧你,我的孩子And marvel at your tiny hands.对你小小的双手感到惊奇I would always watch in wonder.我会总是用那么惊奇的目光看着你As you grew from boy to man.当你慢慢地从一个小男孩长大成一个男人And if you were ever in tears如果有时你哭泣I"d kiss you till the pain would disappear我会轻吻你直到你的伤痛消失If only I could hold you now.如果我现在能紧抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双鼻紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking.虽然我已经心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine.你是我的Your precious hands that used to hold me你那双珍贵的手曾经拥抱过我Nailed so tightly to the cross.紧紧地被钉在十字架上You never know how much I love you Jesus.天啊,你从来都不知道我有多么的爱你Now everything I have is lost.现在我已痛失所爱Wish that I could wipe your tears.但愿我能擦干你的眼泪I want to hold you till the pain disappears.我想紧抱着你知道你的悲痛消失If only I could hold you now如果我只能现在去拥抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去抱紧你Inside my heart is breaking.我以心如刀割Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是属于我的You were mine.你是属于我的Angels promised that one day you would raise天使承诺过有朝一日你会醒过来But the greatest love flows from the greatest pain.但最伟大的爱是在最巨大的创伤中产生的If only I could hold you now.如果我只能在现在拥抱你In my arms one last time.最后一次用我的双臂去紧抱你Inside my heart is breaking我的内心已经破碎Just watching you Jesus you were mine.就这样看着你,我就知道,天啊,你是我的You were mine. 你是我的 希望能帮到你~

look 后用unhappily还是unhappy


make us unhappily对吗?

不对,应该是Make us unhappy使我们不高兴Make us happy使我们快乐/高兴图片来源网络,侵删。


只有找到罗马的拉您可以对着歌先听几遍也许能看懂的G-Dragon - Butterfly It"s all about youMy butterflyEverytime I come close to you (everytime I"m feeling you)Feel like I"m going to dream everytime (I get butterfly)Check itMusimko haneureul bwa likeNe utneun moseubeul darmaYunanhi nunbusingeol babyNae harusok neorangmanRomantic han dramaNal ulgo utge hajyoNo no no noJamdeulji motaneundeNe ireumeul bulleoboneundeNan sujubeundeut gogaereul dolligo (no matter what)Ireoke johahaneundeJomcheoreom georeummal ttelsuga eobseo(You don"t know how much I love you)Everytime I come close to you (everytime I"m kissing you)Feel like I"m going to dream everytime (I get butterfly)Beautiful girlMusimko ttangeul bwa likeNeoui ireum segeuljaNeomuna seolleneungeol babyNe jageun sangcheo hanaNaega amulge haejulgeNaui sarang geudaeYo neon machi nabicheoreomKkocheul chaja naradanineun jeo aicheoreomSunsuhan nunmangureul meogeumgo (no matter what) yeahHaneulhaneul georineun momjitAreunareunhan ni nunbitNa eotteoke dwaennabwa(You are the only one girl, one love, one life, yeah)Everytime I come close to you (everytime I"m wanting you)Feel like I"m going to dream everytime (I get butterfly)Naega yaksokhalgeYaksokhangeEogeutnadeora soktageJust another dayDa ttokgataeMwo ireoke bokjaphaeNeon namjareul motmitneundeSarangdo yeongwonhal su inneundeMilgo danggineungeon waehaneundeJom deo soljik hage gul sun eomneundeNae nuneul bwaYou see my eyesSee my lipsYou listen to my heartDeullindamyeon daphaejwoNae bore kissNae chu heartYes that be all I sayNeowa nae seolleimman gadeuk hadamyeoneunUrin never ever a breakerTrust me I make love (to you)Everytime I come close to you (everytime I"m feeling you)Feel like I"m going to dream everytime (I get butterfly)YeahYou"re special to meYour turnLa la laLa la laYeah my butterfly






shmily 是 "SEE HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU" 首字母缩写 (acronym).可以读 史玛莉 或 S.H.M.I.L.Y. shmily 接近 "smiley" -- 计算机上常用的笑脸符号 :-) [冒号减号右圆括号组成] (还有其它字符组成的笑脸符号,都叫smiley) 寻开心时读 shmily 读成 "smiley" -- 斯玛尔莉. 不算生造词,英语世界好多人用呐.



Smile、Shmily、 Smiley请问这三个单词分别是什么意思 ?



smily释义:n.微笑;笑容v.微笑;露出笑容形容词: smiley副词: smilingly名词: smiler过去式: smiled过去分词: smiled现在分词: smiling第三人称单数: smiles

who is only twenty-nine, and why is it so unclear 请问问题为什么写成is it 而不是it is?如题 谢谢了

who is only twenty-nine与 why is it so unclear 是并列的特殊疑问句,所以用 is it



Marilyn Monroe是什么意思

玛丽莲梦露双语对照词典结果:Marilyn Monroe[人名]玛丽莲梦露; 很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~

Marilyn Monroe 歌词

歌曲名:Marilyn Monroe歌手:Nicki Minaj专辑:Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded The Re-UpMarilyn MonroeI can be selfishYeah so impatientSometimes I feel like Marilyn MonroeI"m insecure yeah I make mistakesSometimes I feel like I"m at the end of the roadI can get low I can get lowDon"t know which way is upYeah I can get high, I can get highLike I could never come downCall it a curseOr just call me blessedIf you can"t handle my worstYou ain"t getting my bestIs this how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt?Must be how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt feltIts like all the good thingsThey fall apart like…Like Marilyn MonroeTruth is we mess upTill we get it rightI don"t want to end up losing my soulI can get low, I can get lowDon"t know which way is upYea I can get high, I can get highLike I could never come downCall it a curseOr just call me blessedIf you can"t handle my worstYou ain"t getting my bestIs this how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt felt?Must be how Marilyn Monroe felt felt felt feltTake me or leave meI"ll never be perfectBelieve me I"m worth itSo take me or leaveSo take me or leaveCall it a curse or just callMe blessed if you can"t handleMy worse you ain"t getting my bestIs this how Marilyn Monroe felt, feltFelt, felt? Must be how Marilyn Monroe felt,Felt, felt, feltIs this how Marilyn MonroeFelt, felt, felt, felt must be howMarilyn Monroe felt, felt, felt, felt?我自私是的,不耐烦有时我觉得自己像玛丽莲梦露我不安全,是的,我犯错误。有时我觉得自己就在路的尽头。我可以低,我可以得到低不知道往哪个方向走是的,我可以得到高,我可以得到高像我永远不会下来这叫诅咒或者叫我有福如果你不能处理我最坏的情况你没有得到我最好的这就是玛丽莲梦露感觉到的感觉吗?一定是玛丽莲梦露感觉到的感觉就像所有美好的事物它们像分离一样…像玛丽莲梦露真相是我们搞砸了直到我们把它做好我不想失去我的灵魂我可以低,我可以得到低不知道往哪个方向走是的,我可以得到高,我可以得到高像我永远不会下来这叫诅咒或者叫我有福如果你不能处理我最坏的情况你没有得到我最好的这就是玛丽莲梦露感觉到的感觉吗?一定是玛丽莲梦露感觉到的感觉带我走还是离开我我永远都不会完美相信我,我是值得的所以带我走还是离开所以带我走还是离开称之为诅咒或只是打电话我有福了,如果你不能处理更糟糕的是你没有得到我最好的这就是玛丽莲梦露的感受吗?感觉,感觉?肯定是玛丽莲梦露的感觉,毛毡,毛毡,毛毡这是玛丽莲梦露吗?感觉,感觉,感觉,感觉必须是怎样的玛丽莲梦露感到、感觉、感觉到、感觉到了吗?

Marilyn Monroe 歌词

歌曲名:Marilyn Monroe歌手:Ian Campbell Folk Group专辑:The Times They Are A-Changin"dala - marilyn monroeArtist:dalaSongs Title:marilyn monroe---Made by Dankie---Do do do doDo do do doDo do do doDo do do do doWell I think I look like Marilyn MonroeStanding by the subway feel the wind blowI drink for a living it's got me this farEvery day's a movie and I'm the starYou're gonna fall in love and then you're gonna fadeEverything changes in 7th gradeYou stand in a circle pretending to inhaleEvery situation your a different girlAnd I never want to lose itThis fast forward crashing momentWe're all dying just to hold onto itAnd you say you can't danceDo do do doDo do do doDo do do doDo do do do doThey're tearing down museums and putting up mallsWe'll all be in fashion in Niagara FallsYou held my hand I was a little girlEverything is sacred in a broken worldAnd I never want to lose itThis fast forward crashing momentWe're all dying just to hold onto itAnd you say you can't danceYeah you say you won't danceDo do do doDo do do doDo do do doDo do do doDo do do do (x2)Just forget about the letdownForget about the hometownYou're on your own nowAnd I never want to lose itThis fast forward crashing momentWe're all dying just to hold onto itAnd you say you can't danceAnd I never want to lose itThis fast forward crashing momentWe're all dying just to hold onto itAnd you say you can't danceYeah you say you won"t danceWell I think I look like Marilyn MonroeStanding by the subway feel the wind blow


玛丽莲·梦露(Marilyn Monroe)所以你拼错了

I realized I had only thought of people as far as what their purposes were in my life.

建议采用 张达人zhdr 的答案。要注意的是, I had ...此句不是虚拟语气,是过去完成时




怎么大家现在对韩梅梅,李磊都情有独钟啊 额 那鹦鹉没说是谁的 就突然蹦出来喊一嗓子 自由人吧~~

Pretty Polly 歌词

歌曲名:Pretty Polly歌手:Bob Dylan专辑:Live In New York: Gaslight Cafe 06/09/1961Pretty boyI lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI ve only got you inside my mindYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and prayThat you will look my wayI have all this longing in my heartI knew it right from the startOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youI used to write your nameAnd put it in a frameAnd sometime I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smileAnd what can I say to make you mineTo reach out for you in timeOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me insideMake me stay right beside youBRIDGEOh pretty boySay you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boyI need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside



( ) a nice bird. Its name is polly.括号里填how还是what?

ihavea lovelybirdcalledpolly.

问一下亲们Kistoy‌ polly二代和乐‌小伴有什么不同吗?


初中英语I am Polly是哪篇?


It is name is Polly。真句话哪错了?


polly is sitting near her uncle这句话对不对?

没有语法错误 Polly is sitting near her uncle.near 在……附近
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