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是否写错? 应该是symmetry (对称性, 对称)

Emery的《Scissors》 歌词

歌曲名:Scissors歌手:Emery专辑:We Do What We Want (Deluxe Edition)sllipknot - ScissorsI play doctor for five minutes flatBefore I cut my heart open...and let the air outThree bugs, a pound of dustSome wind spilled before meIn the strangest manner that hadBroke away my tear spoutAS I LIE THEREWITH MY TONGUE SPREAD WIDE OPENA BLACK WIDOW HAD OFFERED MEA SWEETHEART TUBEAS I INJECTEDTHE CANDIED HEART THAT I SELECTEDShe said don"t hesitateJUST DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO ME!..It"s hard to stay between the lines of skinJust cuz I have nerves, don"t mean that I can feelI wasn"t very much fun to be with anywayJust let the blood run red CUZ I CAN"T FEEL!Biding my time until the time is rightBiding my time...It"s time x3BIDING (my time)BIDING...






Fragrance 较正式的典雅用词,常指花妆品、花朵和香料等发出的令人感到新鲜、 愉快的香味。 n.芳香,芬芳;浓馥,香气;香水,常用于广告语 vt.使...散发香气词根: fragrantadj. fragrant 芳香的;愉快的 n. fragrancy 芬芳 eg:The flowers sent forth a delicate fragrance. 花儿散发着清香。Perfumery n.香水,香料店,一种香水;[总称]香料;香水类,香料制造法eg:Where is the nearest perfumery? 最近的香料店在哪?

Wes Montgomery的《People》 歌词

歌曲名:People歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Movin" WesThenewno2 - PeopleSeeing thingsBristlyI don"t believeThis imagerySeeing thingsDifferentlyI don"t believeThis imageryWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, inflated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, peopleFortune tellers predict bad weatherStock market sellers huddle togetherLost in the thick of itNow things are differentAnother day tripMust be the governmentWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, overrated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, peopleWhat goes on behind your closed doors, people?Office bores and industry whores, peopleCreep around your Hollywood malls, inflated peopleBullied for your blue uniform, people

JOY MERY注册过商标吗?还有哪些分类可以注册?

JOY MERY商标总申请量1件其中已成功注册0件,有1件正在申请中,无效注册0件,0件在售中。经八戒知识产权统计,JOY MERY还可以注册以下商标分类:第1类(化学制剂、肥料)第2类(颜料油漆、染料、防腐制品)第3类(日化用品、洗护、香料)第4类(能源、燃料、油脂)第5类(药品、卫生用品、营养品)第6类(金属制品、金属建材、金属材料)第7类(机械设备、马达、传动)第8类(手动器具(小型)、餐具、冷兵器)第9类(科学仪器、电子产品、安防设备)第10类(医疗器械、医疗用品、成人用品)第11类(照明洁具、冷热设备、消毒净化)第12类(运输工具、运载工具零部件)第13类(军火、烟火、个人防护喷雾)第14类(珠宝、贵金属、钟表)第15类(乐器、乐器辅助用品及配件)第16类(纸品、办公用品、文具教具)第17类(橡胶制品、绝缘隔热隔音材料)第18类(箱包、皮革皮具、伞具)第19类(非金属建筑材料)第20类(家具、家具部件、软垫)第21类(厨房器具、家用器皿、洗护用具)第22类(绳缆、遮蓬、袋子)第23类(纱、线、丝)第24类(纺织品、床上用品、毛巾)第26类(饰品、假发、纽扣拉链)第27类(地毯、席垫、墙纸)第28类(玩具、体育健身器材、钓具)第29类(熟食、肉蛋奶、食用油)第30类(面点、调味品、饮品)第31类(生鲜、动植物、饲料种子)第32类(啤酒、不含酒精的饮料)第33类(酒、含酒精饮料)第34类(烟草、烟具)第35类(广告、商业管理、市场营销)第36类(金融事务、不动产管理、典当担保)第37类(建筑、室内装修、维修维护)第38类(电信、通讯服务)第39类(运输仓储、能源分配、旅行服务)第40类(材料加工、印刷、污物处理)第41类(教育培训、文体活动、娱乐服务)第42类(研发质控、IT服务、建筑咨询)第43类(餐饮住宿、养老托儿、动物食宿)第44类(医疗、美容、园艺)第45类(安保法律、婚礼家政、社会服务)

JOY MERY女鞋是哪国的


joy mery女鞋什么牌子,档次咋样

几个品牌的定位是差不多的。。在中国鞋业里 星期六是排在第三位。。。。呵呵 给我的感觉 星期六最大的特点就是 鞋形好走路不累。。款式的话感觉和 百丽 tata 的没太多区别。。






NKASMERY手表是一家国内知名的高端手表品牌,成立于2005年。品牌以“实力派”为主打,注重制表工艺和设计的完美结合,创造出了众多经典时尚款式。 NKASMERY手表的设计风格独具匠心,时尚大气,符合现代都市人的审美需求。每一款手表都蕴含着品牌精湛的工艺和潮流趋势,彰显了NKASMERY的品牌价值和文化内涵。 除了设计,NKASMERY还注重手表的品质和性能。每一颗机芯都是经过严格测试和精密调校的,确保手表的精准度和可靠性。同时,品牌还不断引入新技术和新材料,不断提升手表的性能和品质。 作为国内高端手表品牌的代表,NKASMERY手表一直秉承着“品质至上,创新引领”的品牌理念,致力于为消费者提供更高品质的手表产品和服务。无论是商务场合还是休闲场合,NKASMERY手表都能为您带来不一样的风采和品味。 总体来说,NKASMERY手表是一家具有实力、品质和设计感的高端手表品牌。无论是从品牌历史、设计风格还是产品品质来看,都值得消费者的信赖和选择。

谁帮我翻译下mery jane的中文歌词,英语的我贴上来




mery christmas歌词(exo)


Mery Christmas写错了怎么圆回来



无线路由器设置,打开浏览器进入192.168.1.1 (账号和密码路由器背面有),一般新的路由器,进入后就会自动进入“设置向导”,其他的不会改,点下一步,填上上网账号和密码就可以用了,如果是无线路由器,还要填上无线账号(SSID)和密码,-账号和密码由自己设置。就可以无线上网了。 上网账号和上网密码也可在“网络参数”-“WAN口设置”,选上自动连接,以后上网就不需要再输账号和密码了。 可参见


Mary highly recommended you to me.or, You were highly recommended to me by Mary.

废柴兄弟5Mery老师的扮演者是谁 揭饰演者张馨元资料

  网剧《废柴兄弟5泰爽》正在爱奇艺热播,剧中Mery老师这个角色备受关注,剧中Mery是谁扮演的呢?据悉,Mery老师是张馨元扮演的。下面,的我为大家介绍一下张馨元的个人资料。   《废柴兄弟5泰爽》由爱奇艺出品,尹琪编剧导演,孙艺洲、张海宇主演的新都市情感喜剧。该剧讲述了嘴炮王江上饮混不吝史飞楼人间精品;在泰国遭遇了一系列令人啼笑皆非,惊诧不已的事件[1-2] 。该剧于2017年5月15日爱奇艺播出。   剧中Mery这个角色是由演员张馨元扮演的,原名张丽颖,毕业于中国传媒大学,中国内地女导演、编剧、演员。代表作品有《天才进化论》、《快乐汉语》、《东边西边》、《家有儿女4》、《喜羊羊与灰太狼》等。



3d渲染时会显示叉号(there is not enough memery for the...,就停止渲染是为什么

您好!是内存不足了。there is not enough memory for the...意思是:没有足够的内存为...所应用请采纳,谢谢!

我完CF的时候老是出现 out of memery几乎完一局掉一次 烦死了 怎么回事

我的也是出现out of memory复制去Google翻译翻译结果

在dos下运行一个比较老的游戏 出现“program too big to fit in memery”

DOS下的“基本内存”(暂时这么叫吧)是640k系统启动后会占用一些,尽量往高位内存加载。把下面的设置加到DOS下的CONFIG.SYS里面devicehigh=d:doshimem.sys devicehigh=d:dosemm386.exedos=high,umb,auto 这样占用基本内存会减少很多以前玩仙剑的时候好像就是这么设置的或者:device=c:himem.sys /testmem:off device=c:emm386.exe noems novcpi i=b000-b7ff device=c:smartdrv.exe files=45 buffers=45 dos=high,umb stacks=9,256 lastdrive=z

this is home where we are memery never change英语歌

Foolish Games (LP Version)播放歌手:Jewel语言:英语所属专辑:Pieces Of You发行时间:1995-02-28

开机提示cpu or memery changed怎么解决?


out of memery出现的原因和解决的办法?


RS-485 通讯中的“Memery parity error ”如何解决


vidio memery蓝屏


我的电脑开机时显示memery text fail 进不了系统 怎么解决呢 谢谢大家帮忙了


Error 29:selected item cannot fit into memery电脑开机出现此问题


手机JAVA下游戏出现out of memery,怎么解决


高人指点 MCU(只支持5V供电)和flash memery(只支持3.3V供电)采用用SPI通讯方式的连接电路。


高人指点 MCU(只支持5V供电)和flash memery(只支持3.3V供电)采用用SPI通讯方式的连接电路。

很多(Flash memery 只支持3.3v供电)都允许直接与5V MCU的IO直接连接,不通讯时保持低电平即可。还有一方法就是中间串个470R的电阻。

电脑开机红屏显示CRUB4DOS 0.4.4 2009-09-03,Memery:630k/245


使用U盘给笔记本安装centos7系统,出现out of memery的问题,怎么解决?

out of memory 意思是:内存溢出1.试试增大虚拟内存右击我的电脑,单击属性,选择“高级”标签,选择第一个“设置”,在“性能选项”选择“高级”标签,单击“更改”,调整虚拟内存大小,通常自定义大小初始大小为实际物理内存,最大值为实际物理内存的1.5倍,最后单击“设置”,确定完成2.如果还不行的话,就是楼下说的去买更大内存条来替换。

vmware 出现out of memery怎么办?

out of memory显然是内存出现了问题.就是内存溢出的意思.这个一是内存不够,可以用内存整理软件来清理一下.或加内存条.还有就是系统的问题,在分配内存的时候出现了错误.这个跟物理内存没有关系.出现这种情况最好是重装一下系统.把凌乱的系统整理一下.你的这种情况很可能是系统有问题,建议你重装系统,系统在内存分配时出现了错误.

memery 和 memory 的 memery什么意思哦

存储器 如内存RAM 和ROM之分RAM是随机存储 ROM是只读存储

will you mery me是什么意思

YES , 他少了字母! marry如果女的对你说 你会取我为妻吗如果男的对你说 你会嫁给我吗

mary 和mery有什么区别

一、Mary 英["meu0259ru026a] 美["meu0259ru026a] n. 玛丽; (女子名) [网络] 的昵称; 圣母玛利亚; 马利亚; [例句]Please, Mary, this is all so unnecessary.玛丽,请不要这样,这完全没必要。二、Meryn.(Mery)人名;(西、捷)梅里网络法国; 春丽; 与玛丽

will you mery me是什么意思


Meryl Amber 唱的 Call Me 歌词

Hey how long I"ve been waitin" for a love so tenderhey hey hey how long can I stay without your touch I wonderyou you you you tell me you can ever know oh lonelinesshey my love no no don"t leave me on my own pleasecall me call mebaby baby call me nowcall me call med-d-do it baby pleasehey I can wait but I beg you babe don"t lose my numberI tell you babe call me now coz I"m losin" slumberi"ll u u u use all my fantasy to dream about youhey my love I can"t resist here all alone pleasecall me call mebaby baby call me nowcall me call med-d-do it baby pleasecall me call mebaby baby call me nowcall me call med-d-do it baby pleasebaby call me now I"m all alonetalk to me darlin" all night longcall me call me baby when you wantuh when you want baby pleasecall me call mebaby baby call me nowcall me call med-d-do it baby pleasecall me call mebaby baby call me nowcall me call med-d-do it baby please



Mery christmas不如Marry me

Hilary duff ;last christmas ;Taylor swift ;last christmas ;歌词都一样Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tears I"ll give it to someone specialOnce bitten and twice shyI keep my distanceYou still catch my eyesTell me baby, do you recognize meWell it"s been a yearIt doesn"t surprise meMerry ChristmasI wrapped it up and sent itWith a note saying I love you I meant itNow I know what a fool I;ve beenBut if u kiss me now I know you;ll fool me again Last Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone specialLast Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone special Crowded roomFriends with tired eyesI"m hidding from you and your soul vivalMy god i thought you were Someone to rely on MeMay I guess I was a shoulder to cry on A face on a lover with a fire in his heartA gril under cover but you tore her apartMaybe next year, Maybe next year, I"ll give it to someone specialCause Last Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tears I"ll give it to someone specialLast Christmas I gave you my heartBut the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone special Last Christmas This year Wanna be anything leanning, anything leanning Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it awayThis year to save me from tearsI"ll give it to someone special是防弹的歌吗


The plot of The Great Gatsby The film is told us the story of Gatsby by Nick"s tone. Nick came to New York from his hometown, and he rent a small house nearby Gatsby"s luxurious mansion where hold a grand banquet every night. The story began with the meet between Nick and Gatsby. Nick had an exploratory interest to Gatsby and understood that there was a lost love in Gatsby"s deep heart. Gatsby and Daisy loved each other when Gatsby was young, but because of Gatsby"s poor family they were broken up. Then G. joined the First World War. While Daisy was married to Tom who was a rich dandy, but her marriage was not happy because Tom had a mistress. Therefore, the material couldn"t satisfy her spiritual empty.Gatsby was very painful and he believed that Daisy betrayed the pure heart for the money, so he resolved to be a man of wealth and a few years later he managed it. What"s more, in the opposite direction of Daisy"s house Gatsby built a mansion. In order to attract Daisy and aroused the lost love, Gatsby spent money like water. Nick was moved by Gatsby"s passion of love, so he visited to his young female cousin Daisy and told her Gatsby"s mind. Then Gatsby made date with Daisy, often. Finally, Gatsby found Daisy"s vanity, vulgar and selfish. Gatsby"s pink dream finally broke up, but he still insisted it, still retained any illusion about Daisy, and even led to his tragedies. One day Daisy was in a drunken driving Gatsby"s car ran over and caused an accident that killed Tom"s mistress, and she planned a plot with Tom to put the crime to Gatsby. It led to the mistress" husband shot Gatsby. Gatsby died, only his father and Nick attended the funeral. Nick witnessed the virtual mood of human reality. At the end, Nick backed to his hometown with a tragedy mood.

Wes Montgomery的《S.O.S》 歌词

歌曲名:S.O.S歌手:Wes Montgomery专辑:Jazz Six Pack09.S.O.S.独自坐在雪柜 挡不到雨水 便是xx各转找到不药水跳入马路里 钻入的士里 望着转动水杯有避难地吗xxxxxx与漫游电话 现在站着英国不禁想回家再遇上暴雨 你话多可怕 避你避到这里也是懦弱吗*平时在笑着看着坐着跳着 原来是我在嗌着救命  呼叫着找医生你吗 他说病人请归家 平时在笑着看着坐着跳着 原来是我在嗌着救命 抢救步队急需你吗 当你密谋得到他夜夜亦是雨夜 都憾称壮举 电视剧集他与他街中玩水往日我共你 也像这一对 学习住进德国 雨又落下吗多一个人 逃避为了留下 就算 我也会吗救命救命救命 他说病人请归家为何没有人救命 谁人又有空救命 这个病人请归家谁人灰旅途索命 谁人没有心救命 给撇下谁也害怕



《Lucy Maud Montgomery 1905to1906》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories》(Lucy Maud Montgomery)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: fw19书名:Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories作者:Lucy Maud Montgomery出版社:Dodo Press出版年份:2008-3-28页数:260内容简介:Lucy Maud Montgomery, (always called "Maud" by family and friends) and publicly known as L. M. Montgomery, (1874-1942) was a Canadian author, best known for a series of novels beginning with Anne of Green Gables (1908). In 1893, following the completion of her grade school education in Cavendish, she attended Prince of Wales College in Charlottetown. Completing a two year program in one year, she obtained her teaching certificate. In 1895 and 1896 she studied literature at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia. After working as a teacher in various island schools, in 1898 Montgomery moved back to Cavendish. For a short time in 1901 and 1902 she worked in Halifax for the newspapers Chronicle and Echo. She returned to live with and care for her grandmother in 1902. Montgomery was inspired to write her first books during this time on Prince Edward Island. Her works include: The Story Girl (1911), Chronicles of Avonlea (1912), The Golden Road (1913), Anne of the Island (1915), Anne"s House of Dreams (1917), Rainbow Valley (1919), Further Chronicles of Avonlea (1920) and Rilla of Ingleside (1921).

John Michael Montgomery的《I Swear》 歌词

I Swear演唱:John Michael MontgomeryI see the questions in your eyesI know what"s weighin" on your mindBut you can be sure I know my part"Cause I"ll stand beside you through the yearsYou"ll only cry those happy tearsAnd though I"ll make mistakesI"ll never break your heartI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI"ll give you everything I canI"ll build your Dreams with these two handsWe"ll hang some mem"ries on the wallAnd when there"s silver in your hairYou won"t have to ask if I still care"Cause as time turns the pageMy love won"t age at allI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swearBy the moon and the stars in the skyI"ll be thereI swearLike the shadow that"s by your sideI"ll be thereFor better or worseTill death do us partI"ll love you with every beat of my heartI swearI swear



寻找原版John Michael Montgomery演唱ISwear歌词

John Michael Montgomery - I SwearI see the questions in your eyes I know what"s weighing on your mind That you can be sure I know my heart `Coz I"ll stand beside you through the years You"ll only cry those happy tears And though I make mistakes I"ll never break your heart I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like a shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear I"ll give you everything I can I"ll build your dreams with these two hands We"ll hang some memories on the walls And when just the two of us are there You won"t have to ask if I still care `Coz as the time turns the page, my love won"t age at all I swear by the moon and the stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like the shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear I swear by the moon and stars in the sky I"ll be there I swear like the shadow that"s by your side I"ll be there For better or worse, till death do us part I"ll love you with every beat of my heart I swear, I swear

《I swear 》- John Michael Montgomery 歌词翻译

I Swear 演唱:John Michael MontgomeryI see the questions in your eyes我看见了你眼中的疑惑I know what"s weighin" on your mind我知道在脑中权衡之事But you can be sure I know my part但你可放心我深知自己的角色"Cause I"ll stand beside you through the years因为不论岁月变迁我将依旧伴于你身侧You"ll only cry those happy tears你必将喜极而泣And though I"ll make mistakes虽然我可能将会犯错I"ll never break your heart但我绝不会令你伤心I swear我保证By the moon and the stars in the sky如同皓月繁星永久闪耀在这天际I"ll be there我将在此I swear我保证Like the shadow that"s by your side如同那伴你身侧的影子I"ll be there我会在此For better or worse无论顺境逆境Till death do us part除非直到死亡将我俩分隔I"ll love you with every beat of my heart我的爱都如心跳的律动一般永不停息I swear我保证I"ll give you everything I can我将给你我所有一切I"ll build your Dreams with these two hands我将用双手成就你的梦想We"ll hang some mem"ries on the wall我俩一起在墙壁上挂上我们的回忆And when there"s silver in your hair当银发悄然出现之时You won"t have to ask if I still care你不需问我是否介意"Cause as time turns the page虽然时间又翻开了新一页My love won"t age at all但我的爱一如当年I swear我保证By the moon and the stars in the sky如同天空上挂着永恒的皓月和繁星I"ll be there我必在此I swear我保证Like the shadow that"s by your side我必如同你的影子永不分离I"ll be there不离不弃For better or worse无论顺境逆境Till death do us part直至死亡将我两分开I"ll love you with every beat of my heart只要一息尚存我都会爱你至死I swear我保证I swear我保证By the moon and the stars in the sky如同天空上挂着永恒的皓月和繁星I"ll be there我必在此I swear我保证Like the shadow that"s by your side我必如同你的影子永不分离I"ll be there不离不弃For better or worse无论顺境逆境Till death do us part直至死亡将我两分开I"ll love you with every beat of my heart只要一息尚存我都会爱你至死I swear我保证翻译:xion516 非常抒情的一首情歌,我也试着抒情了一把~













Montgomery Gentry的《One Trip》 歌词

歌曲名:One Trip歌手:Montgomery Gentry专辑:Back When I Knew It AllMontgomery Gentry - One TripI met an old man on a GreyhoundOn my way down to New OrleansHe started talkin" in the backseatHe pulled out a flask and passed it to meHe said, "Someday you"ll be my ageAnd start lookin" back on where you"ve beenYou"ll get a little sad and just a little madWhen it hits you, you can"t do it all again??So order up the good wineSoak up the sunshineAnd don"t forget to take timeTo try to love someone"Cause life"s just a crazy ride on a runaway trainAnd you can"t go back for what you missedSo make it good, make it last "cause it all files by so fastAnd you only get one tripI got off in Jackson and I started thinkin"Starin" out the window at the rainAnd I been livin" like a man sleep walkin"There"s a lot of things that I"m gonna changeI"m gonna order up the good wineStart soakin" up the good timesWon"t let another day go byWithout lovin" someone"Cause life"s just a crazy ride on a runaway trainAnd you can"t go back for what you missedSo make it good, make it last "cause it all files by so fastYou only get one tripLife"s just a crazy ride on a run away trainYou can"t go back for what you"ve missedSo make it count, hold on tight find a way to make it rightYou only get one tripSo make it good, make it last "cause it all flies by so fastYou only get one trip







跪求Angel form montgomery歌词(要带中文的)

I am an old womanNamed after my mother,My old man is anotherChild that"s grown oldIf dreams were lightningAnd thunder were desireThis old house would have burnt downA long time agoMake me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to goWhen I was a young girlI had me a cowboyHe weren"t much to look at,Just a free ramblin" man.But that was a long timeAnd no matter how I try,The years just flow by Like a broken down dam.Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to goThere"s flies in the kitchenI can hear "em in there buzzin"And I ain"t done nothin" Since I woke up today.How the hell can a personGo to work in the mornin"Come home in the evenin"And have nothin" to say?Make me an angel that flies from Montgomery,Make me a poster of an old rodeoJust give me one thing that I can hold on to,To believe in this livin" is just a hard way to go

Montgomery Ward是什么意思

Montgomery Ward[英][mu0259ntu02c8ɡu028cmu0259ri wu0254:d][美][mɑntu02c8ɡu028cmu0259ri wu0254rd]蒙哥马利—沃德公司(美国芝加哥的一家大百货公司); 例句:1.Sears roebuck and montgomery ward catalogs were read more than anybook other than the bible. 除了圣经外,西尔斯罗巴克和蒙哥马利沃德百货公司的商品目录是人们最常阅读的东西。2.Groupon"s corporate headquarters are in the old montgomery ward building,which should be reminder enough of the dangers of neglecting thecustomer"s desires. groupon的公司总部在以前montgomery ward旗下的建筑里,这绝对够得上是对忽略消费者口味带所引起的危险的最好提醒。

montgomery gentry的《Scarecrow》 歌词

歌曲名:Scarecrow歌手:montgomery gentry专辑:My TownNinety four degrees as far as the eye can seeCorn is blowing in the windSeven days a week out here in this heatA gentle rain my only friendSometimes when the sun goes downThe moon is full the stars come out I look out across this landI"m proud of what I do but I bet I"m a lot like youI want to be more than who I amOne of these days I"m gonna runI"m gonna leave these fields behind to find what"s over the horizonOne of these days I"m gonna goWhen you look at me you"re not gonna seeA scarecrowIt"s a simple life I lead not much out here to bother meJust an occasional stubborn crowI should be satisfied or so it seems I got lots of time to dreamAbout all I"m gonna do when I turn down this roadOne of these days I"m gonna runI"m gonna leave these fields behind to find what"s over the horizonOne of these days I"m gonna goWhen you look at me you"re not gonna seeA scarecrowOne of these days I"m gonna runI"m gonna leave these fields behind to find what"s over the horizonOne of these days I"m gonna goAnd when you look at me you"re not gonna seeA scarecrowJust a scarecrowJust a scarecrow



Emery的《Walls》 歌词

歌曲名:Walls歌手:Emery专辑:The Weak S EndEmery-WallsAre you listening?We write a thousand pages,they"re torn and on the floor.Headlights hammer the windows,we"re locked behind these doors.And we are never leaving,this place is part of us.And all these scenes repeating are cold to the touch.My hands seem to deceive meWhen I"m nervous or when I"m healthy.The scenery"s all drawn.They hang here from the walls dear,Painting pictures, bleeding colors,Blanket the windows.Sometimes it gets so hard to breathe.Your eyes can see right through me.These fights with your arms left beside.It"s one thing and one more says goodnight.You"ve got the map come get to me.These knuckles break before they bleed.Tear out these veins that own my heart.This skin that wears your lasting marks.I"ve built these walls come get to me,come get to me.Is this your lesson, a slight discretion,The lines that keep you, the lines that sweep you.Lock the doors from the inside.Your face is so contagious, it wears announcements,It leaves me breathless,I won"t forget this,I won"t forget.Sometimes it gets so hard to breathe.Your eyes can see right through me.Let the walls have their say.Have their say.There"s no conversation,words without remorse.And this television drowns the only source.Wake from these dreams of you in my arms.Go to the staircase where you hold my heart.This place, these walls mean everything to me.ScreamoPierre

【重金】请问I sware的中英对照歌词!演唱者John Michael Montgomery 被All-4-One翻唱过的。中文越华丽越

英文i sweari swear by the moon and the stars in theskyand i swear like the shadow that"s by your sidei see the questions in your eyesi know what"s weighing on your mindyou can be sure i know my heartcoz i"ll stand beside you through the yearsyou"ll only cry those happy tearsand though i make mistakesi"ll never break your heartand i swear by the moon and the stars inthe skyi"ll be therei swear like a shadow that"s by your sidei"ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti"ll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari"ll give you every thing i cani"ll build your dreams with these two handswe"ll hang some memories on the wallsand when just the two of us are thereyou won"t have to ask if i still carecoz as the time turns the page, my love won"t age at alland i swear by the moon and the stars inthe skyi swear(and i swear) like the shadow that"s by your sidei"ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti"ll love you with every beat of my heartand i sweari swear( i swear) by the moon and stars in the skyi"ll be therei swear like the shadow that"s by your sidei"ll be therefor better or worse, till death do us parti"ll love you with every(single) beat ofmy hearti swear, iswear,oh... i...swear... 中文我发誓我发誓的月亮而我是天上的星星敢发誓像影子乌尔这是由溜溜的身边我看到你的问题在我知道你的体重在心头你可以相信我很了解我的心因为我你站在你们身旁通过人工鱼礁你只会因为喜悦而流泪虽然我犯了错也不会伤你的心我发誓月亮和满天的星星在我将在那里我发誓像影子一样的您的sid中é我会在那里好还是坏直到死亡将我们新突破我爱你听到每吨打我的我发誓我会给你一切我可以我将你的梦想建立房委会的NDS与这两个我们将挂在墙上的一些回忆并当只有我们两个人的不会有你要问我是否还关心怎么把时间作为翻到下一页我的爱不会在所有年龄和月亮发誓我和天空中的星星我发誓(我发誓)像影子临屋区T侧的我会在你我有好还是坏直到死亡将我们新突破"你会爱吨听到每一次跳动我发誓我发誓(我发誓)天上的月亮星星在我将在那里我发誓像影子一样IDE的通过你的S我在那里会更好或者更糟的直到死亡将我们的新突破我爱哦,对你的祝愿(单心)击败了我我发誓,iswear,...一..发誓...

Barbara Montgomery的《Carousel》 歌词

歌曲名:Carousel歌手:Barbara Montgomery专辑:Dakini Landshe can"t hide no matter how hard she triesher secret disguised behind the liesand at night she crys away her pridewith eyes shut tight staring at her insideall her friends know why she can"t sleep at nightall her family asking is she alrightall she wants to do is get rid of this hellwell all she"s got to do is stop kiddin herselfshe can only fool herself for so longare you too weak to face me?(she can only fool herself)chorusi never know just why you run so far away far away from mei never know just why you run so far away far away from mewhen it comes to how to live his life and can"t be toldsays he got everything under controlthinks he knows he"s not a problem he"s stuck withbut in reality it would be a problem to just quitan addict and he can"t hold the reignsthe pain is worse cause his friends have it the sametrys to slow down the problem he"s gotbut can"t get off the carousel untill he makes it stophe can only fool himself for so longare you too weak to face me?(he can only fool himself)i never know just why you run so far away far away from mei never know just why you run so far away far away from meinterludechorus x2i never know just why you run so far away far away from mei never know just why you run so far away far away from me

Bloody丶Mery 翻译中文是什么意思

血色玛丽 来源于英国历史上的上位疯狂复仇报复的玛丽女王 当然现在鸡尾酒也有一种叫血色玛丽的 呵呵呵

Solar Emery Air purifier是什么意思
