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comingcome的尾字母为不发音的e,应去e加ing。所以come的ing形式为coming。“辅元辅”是指单词本身为辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母,如cut-cutting,put-putting,而come本身结构不是辅元辅。动名词的规则变化1、一般情况下,直接在动词后加-ing (现在进行时)work ---- working study ----- studying2、动词以不发音的-e结尾,要去-e加-ing take ----- taking make ----- making3、重读闭音节的动词,要双写词尾字母,再加-ing cut ----- cutting put begin4、以-ie结尾的动词,把变成y再加-ing lie ----- lying tie ----- tying die ----- dyingcome的常见用法1、come的基本意思是“朝某中心点接近、到达某地点或达到某种状态”。2、come可以表示“来临,降临”,常用以指时间或事件按规律或自然法则等“顺理成章”地到来,也可指和他人在一起来参加某活动。3、“come+静态动词的不定式”构成复合谓语,可表示一种情况变化的过程,如由“不知”到“知之”,由“不清楚”到“清楚”,由“不理解”到“理解”,即给静态动词一个起点,而使其具有动态意义,且具有“终于”的意味。4、现在分词与come连用,可表示伴随动作〔状态〕,指某人或某事物按某种方式行进或某人在行进中做某事,也可表示目的。5、come在祈使句中一般不接动词不定式表示目的,而多用“come and to/ - v ”结构,在美式英语中,尤其是口语中and常可省略。6、come可以用作系动词,接形容词作表语,意思是“变得,成为”,常常指好的事情。7、除在成语或谚语中外一般不用于被动结构,但其过去分词可和be连用构成系表结构。

come表示将来时,是be coming还是be coming to


coming什么意思 解释coming一词的含义?

2. coming-of-age:指一个人成年或者某个事物成熟的过程。例如:“The novel is a coming-of-age story set in the 1960s.”(这本小说是一个发生在20世纪60年代的成长故事。)总之,coming是一个非常常用的英语单词,可以用来描述时间、事件或者人物的到来。同时,它还有一些常见的搭配词组,需要我们在学习和应用中注意掌握。3. homecoming:指回家或者回归的过程。例如:“The town is preparing for the annual homecoming parade.”(这个城镇正在为每年一度的回家游行做准备。)coming是一个英语单词,表示“到来”的意思。这个词通常用来描述时间、事件或者人物的到来。

coming什么意思 解释coming一词的含义?

此外,coming还可以用作名词,表示“到来”或“未来”的意思。例如:“The coming year will be full of challenges.”(未来的一年将充满挑战。)总之,coming是一个非常常用的英语单词,可以用来描述时间、事件或者人物的到来。同时,它还有一些常见的搭配词组,需要我们在学习和应用中注意掌握。作为一个动词,coming通常用在进行时态中,表示正在到来或即将到来的状态,例如:“The train is coming.”(火车即将到站了。)1. up-and-coming:指正在崛起的、有前途的人或事物。例如:“He is an up-and-coming young artist.”(他是一个有前途的年轻艺术家。)1. up-and-coming:指正在崛起的、有前途的人或事物。例如:“He is an up-and-coming young artist.”(他是一个有前途的年轻艺术家。)在英语中,coming还有一些常用的搭配词组,例如:




1、coming的中文意思是将来的。2、读音:英 [km]、美[km]。3、含义:n. 来临,adj. 就要来的;将来的,动词come的现在分词。4、例证:The calm sea gives no hint of the coming storm.平静的大海根本没有暗示一场暴风雨就要来临。5、词汇搭配:comings and goings 来来往往(各种活动)... coming of age 成熟 ,up and coming 精力旺盛的。


coming可作形容词,也可作名词和动词,具体释义如下:adj. 即将发生的,下一个的;有希望成功的,有前途的v. 来;到达;延伸到(come的现在分词形式)n. 到来,来临例句:We have a full order book for the coming year.我们来年的订货簿已经记满了。With the coming of modern technology, many jobs were lost.随着现代技术的到来,许多工作岗位不复存在。She began by thanking us all for coming.她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。来到旅游景点







coming是come的现在分词coming翻译成中文是即将到来词语分析:音标:英[u02c8ku028cmu026au014b]美[u02c8ku028cmu026au014b]n.(新事物的)到来,来临;adj.即将发生的;下一个的;v.来;来到;到达,抵达(某地);来做;来取;来拿;短语搭配:1、is coming 正过来2、coming from来自;由……开来3、coming back回去例句:1、I was beginning to think you"d never come.我开始以为你是不会来了。2.、She didn"t even call to say she wasn"t coming.她甚至没打电话来说一声她不来了。3.、This will be a problem for some time to come.这将是未来一段时期里的一个问题。同义词:adj.即将到来的;接着的;前途有望的following/oncomingn.来到;到达arrival/arrived at


com ingcom ing是来了、来到、来临、到达u22efu22ef


coming英 ["ku028cmu026au014b]美 ["ku028cmu026au014b]n. 来到;到达v. 来(come的ing形式)adj. 即将到来的;接着的;前途有望的




We will buy a new car in the coming year.

[英语] Coming 它的进行时表示什么? 将来?







嗯,coming,指的是接着的,即将到来的,新的开始,尤其是有些事情将导致很多的变化。例如,with the coming of heavy winds. new moderate rain has started. 随着大风来临,一场新的中雨开始了。coming需要接 of something /somebody.此外,coming,接在名词之前,意思就是即将发生的,做形容词,在英语中属于非正式的表达方式。incoming,指的是正到达的,正来临到一个地方,进来的,只用在名词之前,不能用于比较关系中。例如 incoming tides cause some heavy problem s in many river s. 即将来临的潮水导致了许多河水出现了一些严重的问题。从中可以看出,这两个词的用法和区别还是很明显的,可以根据例句,或者上下文来做出一些理解,尤其是coming后面要接固定的结构,incoming,就不需要,但是必须用在名词前面。

coming怎么读 英语coming怎么读

1、coming英[u02c8ku028cmu026au014b]美[u02c8ku028cmu026au014b]n.(新事物的)到来,来临;adj.即将发生的; 下一个的;v.来; 来到; 到达,抵达(某地); 来做; 来取; 来拿。 2、[例句]With the coming of modern technology, many jobs were lost.随着现代技术的到来,许多工作岗位不复存在。

coming soon是什么意思


Comes, will come, coming, be coming 有什么区别?

comes是一般现在时will come 是将来时coming动名词be coming 是现在进行时

be coming和will come的区别

I"m coming:我来了。I will come:我会来的。

be coming to表将来那come表进行用什么?







mid grey 的中文翻译



是coming。come的尾字母为不发音的e,应去e加ing。辅元辅是指单词本身为辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母,如cut-cutting,put-putting,而come本身结构不是辅元辅。coming的用法coming的意思、解释。复数形式comings;,coming基本解释。形容词即将到来的,下一个的,将要遭到报应,自食恶果。名词尤指新事物的,到来,到达。动词来come的现在分词,到达,达到,认识、理解或相信的程度,出生。coming相关例句。National Day is coming。国庆节快到了。名词 With the coming of winter the days get shorter。随着冬天的到来,白昼短了。With the coming of spring days get longer。随着春天来临,白昼逐渐变长了。Excuse my coming so late。恕我来迟。

coming什么意思 coming的意思是什么

1、coming的中文意思是将来的。 2、读音:英 [km]、美[km]。     3、含义:n. 来临,adj. 就要来的;将来的,动词come的现在分词。 4、例证:The calm sea gives no hint of the coming storm.平静的大海根本没有暗示一场暴风雨就要来临。 5、词汇搭配:comings and goings 来来往往(各种活动)... coming of age 成熟 ,up and coming 精力旺盛的。

come soon 和 coming soon 的区别




coming什么意思 解释coming一词的含义?

2. coming-of-age:指一个人成年或者某个事物成熟的过程。例如:“The novel is a coming-of-age story set in the 1960s.”(这本小说是一个发生在20世纪60年代的成长故事。)作为一个动词,coming通常用在进行时态中,表示正在到来或即将到来的状态,例如:“The train is coming.”(火车即将到站了。)3. homecoming:指回家或者回归的过程。例如:“The town is preparing for the annual homecoming parade.”(这个城镇正在为每年一度的回家游行做准备。)总之,coming是一个非常常用的英语单词,可以用来描述时间、事件或者人物的到来。同时,它还有一些常见的搭配词组,需要我们在学习和应用中注意掌握。在英语中,coming还有一些常用的搭配词组,例如:


coming n. & adj. n. 英文解释是:the time when sth new begins.(新事物的)到来,来临,通常用词组 the coming of sth。例句: With the coming of modern technology, many jobs were lost.随着现代技术的到来,许多工作岗位不复存在。adj. 仅仅用于名词的前面,英文解释是:happening soon; next 。即将发生的,下一个的。例句:in the coming months 在随后的几个月里This coming Sunday is her birthday. 这个星期天是她的生日oncoming adj. 仅仅用在名词前面,英文解释是:coming towards you。意思是 迎面而来的;即将来临的, 接近的; 同义词是 approaching。例句:Always walk facing the oncoming traffic. 走路一定要面向驶来的车辆。the approaching election 即将到来的选举upcoming adj. 仅在名词前使用,英文解释是:going to happen soon。意思是 即将发生(或来临)的。the upcoming presidential election 即将举行的总统选举a single from the band"s upcoming album 选自该乐队即将发行的专辑的一首单曲综上:1、三个词中,仅仅 coming 可以作名词使用。2、三个词,都做形容词的时候,只能用于名词之前;在意思上,略有细微的差别,但是当“即将到来的”讲的时候,三个词可以互换使用。在细微的差别方面,coming 有下一个的意思,oncoming 有接近的意思,upcoming 是即将发生的,时间很短,比如就不可以说 the upcoming months,但是用 the coming months 就可以。






coming英[u02c8ku028cmu026au014b]美[u02c8ku028cmu026au014b]adj.即将到来的; 下一个的; 将要遭到报应; 自食恶果n.(尤指新事物的)到来; 到达v.来( come的现在分词); 到达; 达到(认识、理解或相信的程度); 出生网络来到; 来临






coming 英[ˈkʌmɪŋ] 美[ˈkʌmɪŋ] n. (新事物的)到来,来临; adj. 即将发生的; 下一个的; v. 来; 来到; 到达,抵达(某地); 来做; 来取; 来拿; [词典] come的现在分词; [例句]With the coming of modern technology, many jobs were lost.随着现代技术的到来,许多工作岗位不复存在。[其他] 原型: come 复数:comings



on my mind和in my mind意思有什么区别

on my mind 是 使人担心, 惦念 牵挂的意思 in my mind 是 在我心里 在我的想法里 在我看来的意思

Cisco VLAN里,dynamic和TRUNK的区别是什么啊?

Switch(config-if)#switch mode ? access Set trunking mode to ACCESS unconditionally dynamic Set trunking mode to dynamically negotiate access or trunk mode //动态协商 trunk Set trunking mode to TRUNK unconditionally //无条件地Switch(config-if)#switch mode dynamic ? auto Set trunking mode dynamic negotiation parameter to AUTO desirable Set trunking mode dynamic negotiation parameter to DESIRABLE动态协商还有两种模式,一种是自动的,既不主动也不被动;一种是期望,也就是主动的。一般来说,dynamic用得很少。

[Economist] 商业化自动驾驶:缓步而行(上)

Commercialising autonomous vehicles:Gently does it A six-month trial in Texas focuses on what self-driving technology can do now 在得克萨斯州一项为期六个月的试验将检验自动驾驶技术能做到什么 NOBODY likes it when a taxi takes longer than expected to arrive. But that is what is happening with self-driving cars. Building a vehicle that can handle a busy street, with cyclists, pedestrians, roadworks and emergency vehicles, is a tall order. In March a pedestrian was killed in Tempe, Arizona when a self-driving Uber vehicle failed to spot her as she wheeled her bicycle across an empty road at night, and the vehicle"s safety driver failed to hit the brakes. There is a growing sense that the technology has, so far, over promised and under delivered. So a trial of self-driving vans that began in Frisco, Texas on July 30th is notable for its realistic approach to what the technology can do today. Drive.ai, a startup, has deployed seven minivans to transport people within a limited area of the city that includes an oufb03ce park and a retail area. “We are identifying a valuable use case that we can deploy with today"s technology,” says Andrew Ng, a board member and a pioneer of “deep learning”, the technique that underpins the current boom in artifcial intelligence. As the technology evolves, he says, so will autonomous-vehicle services. For now, though, Drive.ai is keeping things simple. All pick-ups and drop-oufb00s happen at designated stops, to minimise disruption as passengers get on and oufb00. Riders hail the vans using an app and go to the nearest stop; a vehicle then appears to pick them up. (The vehicles do not circulate continuously like shuttle buses, but wait to be called, and plan their routes dynamically.) Use of the service is free of charge for now. The vans are painted a garish orange and clearly labelled as self-driving vehicles. “We weren"t going for pretty, we were going for distinctive,” says Mr Ng, who draws an analogy with yellow school buses: people understand that some kinds of vehicles behave in particular ways, and accommodate them accordingly. Screens mounted on the vans" exteriors let them communicate with pedestrians and other road users, for example to tell a pedestrian that it is safe to cross a road. Rather than trying to build a vehicle that mimics a human-piloted one, Drive.ai is making the self-driving nature of its vehicles explicit.

歌词tell me i can do是什么歌,好像是tao mi lai du du。拜托了

歌名:come baby come歌手:K7Yeah,Bounce, Come on Bounce (2x)Someone"s always in control,you know what I"m sayinI slam the door - Boom!When I come into the bedroom Wham! Bam!"cause I"m the king of the castlena na na turn me on turn me loosecome on, come on try to hit it, it"s a hasslecome get some of this "cause we got the innuendoplay me like Nintendo, never ever let go (no!)keep it so loud you hit "em the crescendoDo Ra Mi Fa So La Ti Do2 - Come baby come baby baby come come (2x)when you gotta give me lovin" then you gotta give me some(you gotta give me lovin" and you gotta give me some)(are you tired?Give me love)Well, I can hear the ring ring ringthe telephone goes ringHello, Hello, but we"re still getting busypum pump pump - hua!Now your getting" busyI can slow it down so you can pump it (pump it)better move it fast so you can thump it (thump it)two balls and a bat, a pitcher wears a hatslidin" into home base, trying to hit a home run, (hua!)swing batta" batta" batta" batta" batta" swing!(rpt 2)break it down, break it down, come onBounce! Move it all around, Move it all around Bounce!Pump it up and down (2x) Bounce!Move it all around, Move it all around Bounce!Tell me do you like it? Yeah, YeahDo you want a little more? Yeah, YeahNow tell me do you love it? Yeah, Yeah3 - Come on! Do do you love me? Ha! I can feel itHua baby baby, come on, ha baby baby, let it goHua baby baby, come on, ha baby baby, give it to meha baby come on, ha baby, give it to meHa! Straight up, now tell meGive me love(rpt 1, 2, 3, 2, 2)all together now

求罪恶王冠的拔剑神曲βu03afοu03c2 (feat.Mika Kobayashi |小林未郁 各种版本

呃 我只有两个版本 不过肿么发给你呢。。



smith waterman算法中的动态规划中怎么将所有的路径显示出来

function fib(n) var previousFib := 0, currentFib := 1 if n = 0 return 0 else if n = 1 return 1 repeat n-1 times var newFib := previousFib + currentFib previousFib := currentFib currentFib := newFib return currentFib在这两个例子,我们都只计算fib(2)一次,然后用它来计算fib(3)和fib(4),而不是每次都重新计算。2. 一种平衡的0-1矩阵考虑n*n矩阵的赋值问题:只能赋0和1,n为偶数,使每一行和列均含n/2个0及n/2个1。例如,当n=4时,两种可能的方案是:+ - - - - + + - - - - +| 0 1 0 1 | | 0 0 1 1 || 1 0 1 0 | | 0 0 1 1 || 0 1 0 1 | | 1 1 0 0 || 1 0 1 0 | | 1 1 0 0 |+ - - - - + + - - - - +问:对于给定n,共有多少种不同的赋值方案。至少有三种可能的算法来解决这一问题:穷举法(brute force)、回溯法(backtracking)及动态规划(dynamic programming)。穷举法列举所有赋值方案,并逐一找出满足平衡条件的方案。由于共有C(n, n/2)^n种方案(在一行中,含n/2个0及n/2个1的组合数为C(n,n/2),相当于从n个位置中选取n/2个位置置0,剩下的自然是1),当n=6时,穷举法就已经几乎不可行了。回溯法先将矩阵中部分元素置为0或1,然后检查每一行和列中未被赋值的元素并赋值,使其满足每一行和列中0和1的数量均为n/2。回溯法比穷举法更加巧妙一些,但仍需遍历所有解才能确定解的数目,可以看到,当n=8时,该题解的数目已经高达116963796250。动态规划则无需遍历所有解便可确定解的数目(意思是划分子问题后,可有效避免若干子问题的重复计算)。通过动态规划求解该问题出乎意料的简单。考虑每一行恰含n/2个0和n/2个1的k*n(1<=k<=n)的子矩阵,函数f根据每一行的可能的赋值映射为一个向量,每个向量由n个整数对构成。向量每一列对应的一个整数对中的两个整数分别表示该列上该行以下已经放置的0和1的数量。该问题即转化为寻找f((n/2,n/2),(n/2,n/2),...,(n/2,n/2))(具有n个参数或者说是一个含n个元素的向量)的值。其子问题的构造过程如下:1) 最上面一行(第k行)具有C(n, n/2)种赋值;2) 根据最上面一行中每一列的赋值情况(为0或1),将其对应整数对中相应的元素值减1;3) 如果任一整数对中的任一元素为负,则该赋值非法,不能成为正确解;4) 否则,完成对k*n的子矩阵中最上面一行的赋值,取k=k-1,计算剩余的(k-1)*n的子矩阵的赋值;5) 基本情况是一个1*n的细小的子问题,此时,该子问题的解的数量为0或1,取决于其向量是否是n/2个(0, 1)和n/2个(1, 0)的排列。例如,在上面给出的两种方案中,向量序列为:((2, 2) (2, 2) (2, 2) (2, 2)) ((2, 2) (2, 2) (2, 2) (2, 2)) k = 4 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1((1, 2) (2, 1) (1, 2) (2, 1)) ((1, 2) (1, 2) (2, 1) (2, 1)) k = 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1((1, 1) (1, 1) (1, 1) (1, 1)) ((0, 2) (0, 2) (2, 0) (2, 0)) k = 2 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0((0, 1) (1, 0) (0, 1) (1, 0)) ((0, 1) (0, 1) (1, 0) (1, 0)) k = 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0((0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0)) ((0, 0) (0, 0), (0, 0) (0, 0))动态规划在此的意义在于避免了相同f的重复计算,更进一步的,上面着色的两个f,虽然对应向量不同,但f的值是相同的,想想为什么吧:D。该问题解的数量(序列a058527在OEIS)是1, 2, 90, 297200, 116963796250, 6736218287430460752, ...下面的外部链接中包含回溯法的Perl源代码实现,以及动态规划法的MAPLE和C语言的实现。3. 棋盘考虑n*n的棋盘及成本函数C(i,j),该函数返回方格(i,j)相关的成本。以5*5的棋盘为例:5 | 6 7 4 7 84 | 7 6 1 1 43 | 3 5 7 8 22 | 2 6 7 0 21 | 7 3 5 6 1- + - - - - -| 1 2 3 4 5可以看到:C(1,3)=5从棋盘的任一方格的第一阶(即行)开始,寻找到达最后一阶的最短路径(使所有经过的方格的成本之和最小),假定只允许向左对角、右对角或垂直移动一格。5 |4 |3 |2 | x x x1 | o- + - - - - -| 1 2 3 4 5该问题展示了最优子结构。即整个问题的全局解依赖于子问题的解。定义函数q(i,j),令:q(i,j)表示到达方格(i,j)的最低成本。如果我们可以求出第n阶所有方格的q(i,j)值,取其最小值并逆向该路径即可得到最短路径。记q(i,j)为方格(i,j)至其下三个方格((i-1,j-1)、(i-1,j)、(i-1,j+1))最低成本与c(i,j)之和,例如:5 |4 | A3 | B C D2 |1 |- + - - - - -| 1 2 3 4 5q(A) = min(q(B),q(C),q(D)) + c(A)定义q(i,j)的一般形式:|- inf. j<1 or j>nq(i,j) = -+- c(i,j) i=1 |- min(q(i-1,j-1),q(i-1,j),q(i-1,j+1))+c(i,j) otherwise.方程的第一行是为了保证递归可以退出(处理边界时只需调用一次递归函数)。第二行是第一阶的取值,作为计算的起点。第三行的递归是算法的重要组成部分,与例子A、B、C、D类似。从该定义我们可以直接给出计算q(i,j)的简单的递归代码。在下面的伪代码中,n表示棋盘的维数,C(i,j)是成本函数,min()返回一组数的最小值:function minCost(i, j) if j < 1 or j > n return infinity else if i = 1 return c(i,j) else return min(minCost(i-1,j-1),minCost(i-1,j),minCost(i-1,j+1))+c(i,j)需要指出的是,minCost只计算路径成本,并不是最终的实际路径,二者相去不远。与Fibonacci数相似,由于花费大量时间重复计算相同的最短路径,这一方式慢的恐怖。不过,如果采用自下而上法,使用二维数组q[i,j]代替函数minCost,将使计算过程快得多。我们为什么要这样做呢?选择保存值显然比使用函数重复计算相同路径要简单的多。我们还需要知道实际路径。路径问题,我们可以通过另一个前任数组p[i,j]解决。这个数组用于描述路径,代码如下:function computeShortestPathArrays() for x from 1 to n q[1, x] := c(1, x) for y from 1 to n q[y, 0] := infinity q[y, n + 1] := infinity for y from 2 to n for x from 1 to n m := min(q[y-1, x-1], q[y-1, x], q[y-1, x+1]) q[y, x] := m + c(y, x) if m = q[y-1, x-1] p[y, x] := -1 else if m = q[y-1, x] p[y, x] := 0 else p[y, x] := 1剩下的求最小值和输出就比较简单了:function computeShortestPath() computeShortestPathArrays() minIndex := 1 min := q[n, 1] for i from 2 to n if q[n, i] < min minIndex := i min := q[n, i] printPath(n, minIndex)function printPath(y, x) print(x) print("<-")if y = 2 print(x + p[y, x]) else printPath(y-1, x + p[y, x])

family rules 英语作文10句

My Family RulesMy parents are very strict.Because I have so many family rules.For example,i can"t go out with my friends at school nights.On weekends, i have to go home before nine p.m. It"s strict, but i think it"s necessary.And i must finish my homework in time. I can"t play computer games. I have to wash clothes by myself.I have to get up at six o"clock every morning.And i have to be in bed by ten o"clock.Thanks to these rules.I can live health.But i think to be in bed by ten o"clock is unfair! Students need nine hours sleep!And i think play some computer games is not badly. Soi think the family rules can make some change.我的父母非常严格.因为我拥有如此多的家庭规则。举例来说,夜晚我不能去我的朋友在学校.在周末,我回家之前, 9时有严格的,但我认为这是必要的。我必须完成我的功课的时间。我不能玩电脑游戏。我要自己洗衣服。我不得不起床六点钟每早晨.和我必须在床上的十点钟。由于这些规则.I能够生活健康.但是我认为要在床上的十点钟是不公平的!学生需要9个小时的睡眠!我觉得玩一些电脑游戏不严重。瑞认为,家庭规则可以作出一些改变。

ERROR 1802:Unauthorized network card is plugged in-Power off and remove the miniPCI network card

尊敬的联想用户您好!  针对这个报错可以尝试复位和恢复bios默认设置试试  复位:关机之后卸下电池,之后把外接设备拔掉,断开拔掉电源适配器,按开机键三十秒,之后您再开机试一下  恢复BIOS默认设置的方法:  恢复前请您确认BIOS中没有设置密码。  1、开机出现ThinkPad标志时,连续点按F1进入BIOS设置界面;  2、点击F9,弹出恢复BIOS的英文提示框,选择Yes或OK完成默认设置。  3、按F10,弹出保存退出的英文提示框,选择Yes或OK保存退出。  注:若恢复BIOS后无法进入系统或出现蓝屏,需将BIOS的硬盘模式修改为兼容模式,修改方法:进入BIOS界面---选择Config---选择Serial ATA (SATA),把“SATA Cmntroller Mode Option”这项后面的AHCI改为Compatibility。然后按F10保存退出。  可通过如下链接获取更多Think资料  http://think.lenovo.com.cn/support/knowledge/knowledgehome.aspx?intcmp=thinkbd期待您满意的评价,感谢您对联想的支持,祝您生活愉快!

Speed Limit 歌词

歌曲名:Speed Limit歌手:Kerli专辑:2011年1月欧美新歌速递2Speed LimitOh what a rideI wanna make you mineSpending my timeIn the waiting lineOh what a rideI don"t think you should lieEvery green lightThere is a warning signLet"s speed limit like a … from the roadLike 5 o"clock traffic on a FridayI know where I wanna goBut the road seems to be curvySpeed up slow downGet away come aroundNo stopping no turningI am sick of all my CdsAnd the radio is not playing CurlyI don"t know where we end upBut this journey gets me downOh what a rideI wanna make you mineSpending my timeIn the waiting lineOh what a rideI don"t think you should lieEvery green lightThere is a warning signLet"s speed limit like a … from the roadLike 5 o"clock traffic on a FridaySpeed up get aheadNo passing on redShow me the finger baby.. too hot.. like a parking lotPlease stop driving me crazyHate me break meRoll …This is about to get hazyFeels like time is passing me byWhile i am standing stillOh what a rideI wanna make you mineSpending my timeIn the waiting lineOh what a rideI don"t think you should lieEvery green lightThere is a warning signLet"s speed limit like a … from the roadLike 5 o"clock traffic on a FridayCan"t get through to youI can"t get through to youCan"t get through to youI can"t get through to youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/20796401

英语mild winter怎么翻译?

“mild winter”翻译成中文是:温和的冬天;温暖的冬季双语例句:The area is famous for its very mild winter climate. 这个地区以其非常温暖的冬季气候而闻名。

soft commission怎么翻译啊?是“软佣金”?具体支付形式是什么呢?谢谢~

Soft commission 指的是非现金形式支付的佣金或者手续费。比方说某家机构向别家企业提供咨询服务,以换取免费交易。值得注意的是这种佣金形式不算非常规范,容易引起利益冲突。

200 miles罗马音歌词

Just speed it up Don"t be afraidRun Run Get it start流れてく 全てがnagareteku subetega先行く云が 呼んでるsakiyuku kumoga yonderuもっと もっとmotto motto疾走 Highwayshissou HIGHTWAY并ぶ Speed gunnarabu SPEED GUN続く Crooked streettsuzuku CROOKED STREET果てない Cross road...hatenai CROSS ROAD风を裂き 駆け上がれkazewo saki kake agare一気に 云の上へikkini kumono ue e自由はこの手にjiyuuwa konoteniSpeed up Speed up Speed upJust speed it up Don"t be afraidRun Run Get it start流れてく 全てがnagareteku subetega先行く云が 呼んでるsakiyuku kumoga yonderuもっと もっとmotto motto疾走 Highwayshissou HIGHTWAY邪魔な Headwindjyamana HEADWIND诱う Traffic lightsasou TRAFFIC LIGHT騒ぎ出す Engine soundsawagidasu ENGINE SOUND眠ってる キミのSensenemutteru kimino SENSE呼び起こしてあげるyobiokoshite ageru谁も 止められないdaremo tomerarenaiSpeed up Speed up Speed upJust speed it up Don"t be afraidRun Run Get it start流れてく 全てがnagareteku subetega先行く云が 呼んでるsakiyuku kumoga yonderuもっと もっとmotto motto疾走 Highwayshissou HIGHTWAY热い Autobahnatsui AUTOBAHNDon"t Stop Never Mind 光へDON"T STOP NEVER MIND hikari eRun, Exceed the limits of youJust speed it up Don"t be afraidRun Run Get it start流れてく 全てがnagareteku subetega先行く云が 呼んでるsakiyuku kumoga yonderuもっと もっとmotto motto疾走 Highwayshissou HIGHTWAY

Ari 的 best mistake 歌词中文翻译


microsoft visual c++ runtime什么意思

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime 是微软的Visual C++运行库。 是一个经过封装的程序模块,对外提供接口,只要知道接口参数就可以自由使用。它是一个经过封装的程序模块,对外提供接口,只要知道接口参数就可以自由使用。

Microsoft visual c++ runtime错误怎么办?

"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误是 Windows 操作系统中的一种错误提示,通常会在运行某些应用程序时弹出。这种错误提示是由于应用程序运行所需的 Visual C++ 运行库(或称为 VC++ redistributable)未能正确安装、升级或配置所致。以下是一些解决方法:安装或升级 Visual C++ 运行库下载并安装最新版的 Visual C++ 运行库,可能会解决该问题。你可以在 Microsoft 的官方网站上找到适合你的操作系统和应用程序的最新版本。如果你已经安装了 Visual C++ 运行库,那么你可以尝试升级到最新版本。重装应用程序如果只有某个应用程序出现了 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误,那么你可以尝试卸载并重新安装该应用程序。卸载应用程序时,请确保将其所有文件和设置都删除。运行 SFC 扫描SFC(System File Checker)是 Windows 自带的一个工具,可以扫描并修复操作系统中的损坏或缺失文件。你可以使用该工具来扫描系统文件,并修复所有受损或缺失的文件。运行 DISM 工具如果 SFC 扫描无法修复损坏的文件,那么你可以尝试运行 DISM(Deployment Image Servicing and Management)工具。该工具可以从 Windows 安装媒体中获取所需的文件,以修复损坏的系统文件。检查电脑是否感染病毒恶意软件和病毒也可能导致 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误。你可以使用防病毒软件对电脑进行全面扫描,以查找和清除可能的恶意软件和病毒。以上是一些可能解决 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误的方法。

为什么电脑出现" microsoft visual c++ runtime"?

"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误是 Windows 操作系统中的一种错误提示,通常会在运行某些应用程序时弹出。这种错误提示是由于应用程序运行所需的 Visual C++ 运行库(或称为 VC++ redistributable)未能正确安装、升级或配置所致。以下是一些解决方法:安装或升级 Visual C++ 运行库下载并安装最新版的 Visual C++ 运行库,可能会解决该问题。你可以在 Microsoft 的官方网站上找到适合你的操作系统和应用程序的最新版本。如果你已经安装了 Visual C++ 运行库,那么你可以尝试升级到最新版本。重装应用程序如果只有某个应用程序出现了 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误,那么你可以尝试卸载并重新安装该应用程序。卸载应用程序时,请确保将其所有文件和设置都删除。运行 SFC 扫描SFC(System File Checker)是 Windows 自带的一个工具,可以扫描并修复操作系统中的损坏或缺失文件。你可以使用该工具来扫描系统文件,并修复所有受损或缺失的文件。运行 DISM 工具如果 SFC 扫描无法修复损坏的文件,那么你可以尝试运行 DISM(Deployment Image Servicing and Management)工具。该工具可以从 Windows 安装媒体中获取所需的文件,以修复损坏的系统文件。检查电脑是否感染病毒恶意软件和病毒也可能导致 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误。你可以使用防病毒软件对电脑进行全面扫描,以查找和清除可能的恶意软件和病毒。以上是一些可能解决 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误的方法。

骑马与砍杀战团进去后总是弹出microsoft visual C++ library runtime 错误


骑马与砍杀出现了这个Microsoft Visual C++Runyime Library Runtime


Microsoft Visual C++ running time library报错


电脑出现microsoft visual c++ runtime library 的窗口,显示runtime error

  方法一:  1:打开ie浏览器,选择工具-》internet选项。2:打开internet选项-》高级-》在下方点击“还原高级设置重置”  2个按钮。低版本的浏览器只需要点击重置按钮就可以了。  方法二:  1:打开360安全卫士进行系统修复1打开360安全卫士点击“系统修复”,选择"常规修复"。  2等待常规修复出示修复提示,点击立即修复按钮进行全面修复。修复完毕重启计算机。  方法三:重新下载Microsoft Visual C++安装  一般的Microsoft Visual C++常见的版本有2005,2008,2011,2012的。你只需要打开控制面板看看电脑安装的是哪个版本,然后对应去官网或其它网站下载就可以了。不放心的话,所有的版本都安装好。  如果不想去网上找Microsoft Visual C++ 组件,可以直接在360搜索软件里找,找到后并安装好,重启电脑后再打开浏览器试试看是否已经成功了。  Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error!这个出错的原因基本上都是以下几个造成的:  一、系统Microsoft Visual C++运行库版本旧,而软件或网站所需要的运行库需要较新的版本,尤其是玩新游戏的时候。  二、系统Microsoft Visual C++运行库被病毒或木马损坏了。  三、软件所需要的运行库跟系统自带的Microsoft Visual C++运行库不一致。

Microsoft Visual C++Runtime报错怎么弄?

"Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误是 Windows 操作系统中的一种错误提示,通常会在运行某些应用程序时弹出。这种错误提示是由于应用程序运行所需的 Visual C++ 运行库(或称为 VC++ redistributable)未能正确安装、升级或配置所致。以下是一些解决方法:安装或升级 Visual C++ 运行库下载并安装最新版的 Visual C++ 运行库,可能会解决该问题。你可以在 Microsoft 的官方网站上找到适合你的操作系统和应用程序的最新版本。如果你已经安装了 Visual C++ 运行库,那么你可以尝试升级到最新版本。重装应用程序如果只有某个应用程序出现了 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误,那么你可以尝试卸载并重新安装该应用程序。卸载应用程序时,请确保将其所有文件和设置都删除。运行 SFC 扫描SFC(System File Checker)是 Windows 自带的一个工具,可以扫描并修复操作系统中的损坏或缺失文件。你可以使用该工具来扫描系统文件,并修复所有受损或缺失的文件。运行 DISM 工具如果 SFC 扫描无法修复损坏的文件,那么你可以尝试运行 DISM(Deployment Image Servicing and Management)工具。该工具可以从 Windows 安装媒体中获取所需的文件,以修复损坏的系统文件。检查电脑是否感染病毒恶意软件和病毒也可能导致 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误。你可以使用防病毒软件对电脑进行全面扫描,以查找和清除可能的恶意软件和病毒。以上是一些可能解决 "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime" 错误的方法。

with a hole in the middle是什么意思


Mixed Emotions 歌词

歌曲名:Mixed Emotions歌手:The Rolling Stones专辑:The Rolling Stones Singles Box Set (1971-2006)Rolling Stones - Mixed Emotions(Jagger/Richards)Button your lip babyButton your coatLet"s go out daancingGo for the throatLet"s bury the hatchetWipe out the pastMake love togetherStay on the pathYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanThis coming and goingIs driving me nutsThis to-ing and fro-ingIs hurting my gutsSo get off the fenceIt"s creasing your buttLife is a partyLet"s get out and strutYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanYou"re not the only oneThat"s feeling lonesomeYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneLet"s grab the worldBy the scruff of the neckAnd drink it down deeplyLet"s love it to deathSo button your lipAnd button your coatLet"s go out and dancingLet"s rock and rollhttp://music.baidu.com/song/7359616

谁能给我EMINEM的那首hey lady 绝对没人能有 一般人我看听不到!跪求歌词

切!百度上就能找到的歌,还“绝对没人能有 一般人我看听不到”!BSLZ!

Mixed Emotions 歌词

歌曲名:Mixed Emotions歌手:The Rolling Stones专辑:Live At The Tokyo DomeButton your lip babyButton your coatLet"s go out dancingGo for the throatLet"s bury the hatchetWipe out the pastMae love togetherStay on the pathYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanThis coming and goingIs driving me nutsThis to-ing and fro-ingIs hurting my gutsSo get off the fenceIt"s creasing your buttLife is a partyLet"s get out and strutYou"re not the only oneThat"s feeling lonesomeYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneYou"re not the only oneLet"s grab the worldBy the scruff of the neckAnd drink it down deeplyLet"s love it to deathSo button your lipAnd button your coatLet"s go out dancingLet"s rock "n" rollYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionsYou"re not the only shipAdrift on this oceanYou"re not the only oneThat"s feeling lonesomeYou"re not the only oneWith mixed emotionshttp://music.baidu.com/song/52803035





MAN WITH A MISSION的《Emotions》 歌词

歌曲名:Emotions歌手:MAN WITH A MISSION专辑:Emotions歌:Emotions呗:MAN WITH A MISSION映画『 HK / 変态仮面 』主题歌sm19970502编集:LyiceThis is the message for tomorrowIt"s the beginning of our new daysHope is all in ourselvesI will rise bestir myselfTHIS TIME !!!!Without the light in darkBut I feel the deepset emotionsThrough out the fight with mindI don"t care about the lapse...Believe your voice and smilesI"ll be going there with my motionBlow out the feeling deadI don"t care about the past...Killing the emotion of mineand I just use my mind forget my lifeApathy ,impassivity and indifferece of all the cautions to my lifeYou were alive and saidWe"re the ones who changes the world we know by our handsYou"ld always saved , rescued and loved your neighbors as yourselfCome and see , just call my name孤独(こどく)に别れ(わかれ)を手(て)を広げ(ひろげ)高く(たかく)空(そら)へ叫ぶ(さけぶ)Without the light in darkBut I feel the deepset emotionsThrough out the fight with mindI don"t care about the lapse...Believe your voice and smilesI"ll be going there to liveNothing but the emotions in motionWow....Wow....Sailing the emotion of mineI go paint it black again and againScare by all the things I faceand the future that just leads to the white world"s endBut you just tool my hand , and you took me all aboveWe"re the ones who changes the worldI close my eyes and urge myself to determine my faith.....FAITH....手(て)を広げ(ひろげ)高く(たかく)空(そら)へ飞ぶ(とぶ)だけ目(め)を闭じ(とじ)心(こころ)の声(こえ)を叫ぶ(さけぶ)Without the light in darkBut I feel the deepset emotionsThrough out the fight with mindI don"t care about the lapse...Believe your voice and smilesI"ll be going there to liveNothing but the emotions in motionWow....Wow....http://music.baidu.com/song/55443940

Hamiet Bluiett的《Song Song》 歌词

歌曲名:Song Song歌手:Hamiet Bluiett专辑:Bearer of the Holy FlameThis thing right hereIs lettin all the ladies knowWhat guys talk aboutYou know, the finer things in lifeCheck it outOoh that dress looks scandalousAnd you know another nigga couldnt handle itSo youre shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in your eyes so devilishUh you like to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd you cruise to the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, she like her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongListen, that girl so scandalousAnd I know another nigga couldnt handle itAnd shes shaking that thing like whos the ishWith a look in her eyes so devilishShe likes to dance on the hip-hop spotsAnd she cruises through the crews like connect da dotsNot just urban she likes her popCause she was living la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttI think Ill sing it againShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?All night longLet me see that thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongGirl that dress looks scandalousI swear another nigga couldnt handle itSee ya shakin that thing like whos the ishWith that look in your eye so devilish, whatYou like to dance all the hip hop spotsCruise through the crews like connect the dotsNot just urban, you like the popCause you be livin la vida locaShe had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttIll make ya sing it againCuz she had dumps like a truck, truck, truckThighs like what? What? What?Baby, move your butt, butt, buttUh, think Ill sing it againCome on, come on, come on, come on, yeahLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)When you make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongI like it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)Baby make your booty go (Dut dun, dut dun)Girl I know you wanna show (Dut dun, dut dun)That thong, thong, thong, thongLove it when the beat go (Dut dun, dut dun)http://music.baidu.com/song/57548754

Fuck You (Lab Rat Remix) 歌词

歌曲名:Fuck You (Lab Rat Remix) 歌手:Eminem发行时间:2004-10-01所属专辑:《Off The Wall》流派:流行 发行公司:SONY MUSIC歌词:Look inside看看Look inside看看吧Your tiny mind看你那浅薄的思想Then look a bit harder放远大点吧Cos we"re so uninspired因为那里装不下灵魂So sick and tired如此恶心.让人厌倦Of all The hatred you harbour全都是罪恶So you say所以你说It"s not okay to be gay你不认同同性恋Well I think You"re just evil而我觉得你是个魔鬼You"re just some racist你就是一种种族歧视Who can"t tie my laces连鞋带都不配给我系You"re point of view is medevil你的观点已过时Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你所做的And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们言语不通And it"s getting quite late那只会耽误时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Do you get你能不能Do you get A little kick out Of being small minded你能不能从你那狭隘的思想里走出来You want to be like your father你想像你父亲那样His approval your after那就是你为了做的得到认同Well that"s not how You"ll find it那你就错了Do you你Do you really enjoy你就真的喜欢Living a life that"s so hateful这这种充满仇恨的人生嘛Cos there"s a hole where your soul因为应该有属于你灵魂的地方Should be you"re losing control of it你正渐渐失控And it"s really distasteful那可真的不妙Fuck you, (fuck you)去你的Fuck you very very much真是去你*的Cos we hate what you do因为我们讨厌你的言行And we hate your whole crew讨厌你的同伙So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck you去你的Fuck you very very much这是去你*的Cos your words don"t translate因为我们语言不通And it"s getting quite late这只是浪费时间So please don"t stay in touch所以请别再联系了Fuck youFuck youFuck youYou say你说You think we need to go to war你觉得我们需要武力解决Well you"re already in one然而你已在纷争里了Cos it"s people like you因为想你这样的人That need to get slew都需要解放No one wants your opinion没人想听你的观点Fuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos we hate what you doAnd we hate your whole crewSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you, (fuck you)Fuck you very very muchCos your words don"t translateAnd it"s getting quite lateSo please don"t stay in touchFuck you



短语a mix of emotions的意思

a mix of emotions意思:百感交集双语例句1I felt a mix of emotions such as depression, loss, and emptiness. 我百感交集,心中充满沮丧、失落和空虚感。2During the experience you probably felt a mix of emotions that threatened yourhealth. 在这个经历中,你很可能感到一种威胁你健康的错综的情感。

双名法 binomial nomenclature


求忠奸人第七集后面的英文插曲Michael orland - i want to stay


英文翻译中文词典 when you fill alone ,I would stay you arlowdy ,this is my think ,I reary miss you

when you feeling alone ,i would stay with you ,that is what in my mind ,i really miss you and care about you当你感觉孤单的时候,我会和你在一起,之就是我一直想为你而做的事,因为我真的很想你that is correct way



用 Microsoft Visual foxpro 十六进制转换成十进制的程序

手机上只有lua系统,下面程序已调试通过:-- Hello World in Luas="ffff"k=string.len(s)x=0for i=k,1,-1 do c=string.sub(s,i,i) if (c>="a")and(c<="f") then j=string.byte(c)-string.byte("a")+10 else j=string.byte(c)-string.byte("0") end x=x+16^(k-i)*jendprint(x)改成foxpro大致为:s="ffff"k=len(s)x=0for i=k to 1 step -1 c=substr(s,i,1) if c>="a" and c<="f" j=ord(c)-ord("a")+10 else j=ord(c)-ord("0") endif x=x+16^(k-i)*jend? x

Microsoft Press 出版的《Step by Step》

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