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“道真仡佬族苗族自治县仡佬学研究会” 这句话英语怎么翻译?

道真仡佬族苗族自治县仡佬学研究会Daozhen Gelao and Miao Autonomous County Gelao Studies Association


The Miao族, also known as Hmong, are an ethnic group primarily located in southwestern China, with smaller populations in other parts of Asia, as well as in Mexico and Central America. They are one of China"s 56 official ethnicities. The Miao people are known for their traditional costumes, which include embroidered caps and colorful skirts. They are also known for their music and dance, which are an important part of their cultural heritage. The Miao people have their own language, which belongs to the Hmong-Mien language family. It is a tonal language with a rich vocabulary, including many words specific to their traditional way of life. The Miao people have a long history of migration and cultural exchange, which has left them with a rich and diverse cultural heritage.


翻译如下:Southeasten Guizhou Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture of Guizhou Province


NDOX JANGS DEB JEL朵疆氐际Ndox Jangs haik:朵疆说:Ndox Jangs zhit muax naf,朵疆没有妈妈哟,Ndox Jangs muax ib ienx rongt naf but gaot Gif Deb Ghak,朵疆好妈妈睡在隔地嘎。Deb Jel haik:氐际讲:Deb Jel zhit muax zid,氐际不得爹得哟Deb Jel muax ib lenx rongt zid but gaot Gif Deb Jik.氐际哈破爹爹睡在隔地济Ndox ndros deb lot luad,苍天连接着大地Deb ndros ndox lot lit,大地紧挨着苍天Ndox Jangs naf das jaik dout ndox,朵疆妈妈隔开了天Hot Ndox Jangs sheud lol zhux ndox.喊朵疆起来管天Deb ndros ndox lot lit,大地与苍天紧相连Ndox ndros deb lot luad,苍天和大地紧相依Deb Jel zid das jaik dout deb,氐际爹分开了地 Hot deb Jel sheud lol zhux deb.叫氐际起来治地Ndox Jangs naf das:朵疆妈妈讲:God jaik dout ndox,我把天隔开了Shait nzhik sheud lol zhux ndox mangl Ndox Jangs.快起来管天啊朵疆Deb Jel zid das:氐际爹得说:God jaik dout deb,我把地分开了Shait nzhik sheud lol zhux deb mangl Deb Jel.快起来治地嘛氐际Ndox Jangs sheud lol zhux ndox,朵疆起来管天Muab ndox jaik uat juax jouf juax jeuk.把天分为九十九层Yat zhaot dex dlex nangs denb drout ndax deb,要放雨水在世上Yat zhaot dlouk nbot denb drout deb ndraos.要将冰雪飘落人间Deb Jel sheud lol zhux deb,氐际起来治地Muab deb jaik nat juax jouf juax jeuk,把地分为九十九层Yat zhaot bangt dlex nqot ndaot ndox,要放水汽飘上天Yat zhaot bangt nangs nqot ndaot ndox.要放云雾升上天Ndox Jangs haik Deb Jel:朵疆告诉氐际God jaik ndox jaik dout juax jouf juax jeuk,天我分为九十九层Keuk ib jeuk drout gaox bangt dlex.用一层装你的水汽Keuk ib jeuk drout gaox bangt nangs,用一层装你的雨汽Keuk ib jeuk drout gaox bangt huab.用一层装你的云雾God draod jaik dout bib cab drout buat hnob ghob,我隔得星星三千六百颗呀Jaik dout lek yaos ndax deb nenb lek blis.隔得了世上人的魂Ndax deb nenb dout hnob ghob duax uat yeus,世上人得来做朋友Ndax deb nenb let jongb nbouf nblongx xongb.世上人昌盛如竹叶God draod jaik dout bib cab drout buat hnob ghob,我分得星宿三千六百个Jaik dout yaos ndax deb nenb lek plot.分得了世上人的魄Ndax deb nenb dout hnob ghob duax uat luas,世上人得来做伴侣Ndax deb nenb let ndout nbouf nblongx ndongt.世上人兴旺如树叶Deb Jel haik Ndox Jangs:氐际告诉朵疆God jaik deb jaik dout juax jouf juax jeuk,地我分为九十九层Keuk ib jeuk drout bil,将一层装你的岭Keuk ib jeuk drout drongb,将一层装你的山Keuk ib jeuk drout daox.将一层装你的破Yat zhaot bangt dlex nqot ndaot ndox,要放水汽飘上天哟Yat zhaot bangt nangs nqot ndaot ndox,要让雨汽升天去God jaik dout juax jouf juax zhangd nongb ghongb,我分得九十九样粮种给世上Ndax ndax deb nenb jaox jaos bod drongb,人们把粮种啊载满山岭 Ndax dob nenb dout naox,人们有了吃Ndax deb nenb dout duax bul chongb,人们得来商量嫁娶God jaik dout juax jouf juax zhangd nongb zhangd,我隔得九十九样粮种给人间Ndax deb nenb jaox jaos bod ndol,人们把粮食种满山湾Ndax deb nenb dout houk,人们有了喝哟Ndax deb nenb dout duax bul gol.人们拿去商议婚姻


  苗族,是一个古老的民族,散布在世界各地,主要分布于中国的黔、湘、鄂、川、滇、桂、琼等省区,以东南亚的老挝、越南、泰国等国家和地区。  根据历史文献记载和苗族口碑资料,苗族先民最先居住于黄河中下游地区,其祖先是蚩尤,“三苗”时代又迁移至江汉平原,后又因战争等原因,逐渐向南、向西大迁徙,进入西南山区和云贵高原。自明、清以后,有一部分苗族移居东南亚各国,近代又从这些地方远徙欧美。  苗族有自己的语言,苗语属汉藏语系苗瑶语族苗语支,分湘西、黔东和川黔滇三大方言。由于苗族与汉族长期交往,有一部分苗族兼通汉语并用汉文。苗族的宗教信仰主要是自然崇拜和祖先崇拜。  苗族在上古时代有“荆楚”、“荆蛮”、“南蛮”等的得名,便是如此。禹伐“三苗”的残酷战争以后,中原文献不再有“三苗”的记载。荆楚、楚荆、荆蛮、南蛮等不同的呼唤,都是泛指苗族人们的共同体,他的前身,还是三苗,历商、周至战国后期,三苗后裔在“荆”、“楚”、“蛮”的抽象掩盖下,又出现于史册。这些称呼把苗和其他族称混同在一起。宋以后,苗才从若干混称的“蛮”中脱离出来,作为单一的民族名称。  参考资料:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=cwJJ3BDXEl6JtE2n4NrWD8VucaTfzfUUtqW60Q4OyrGjZym4C6agPf1KjC6HYGkolBQ7TQ_TDvFnbagRO06h5a  土家族是中国历史悠久的一个民族,世居湘、鄂、渝、黔毗连的武陵山区。  土家族人自称为“毕兹卡”。“土家族”是汉族对“毕兹卡”的称呼。土家族北支(湖南省湘西州,张家界市以及湖北省恩施州、宜昌市的五峰、长阳,渝东南,贵州黔东北)自称“毕兹卡、毕基卡、密基卡等等”。南支土家族仅分布于湖南湘西州泸溪县内的几个村落。自称“孟兹”,南支土家语与北部土家语不能通话,现只有泸溪的九百余人使用。  土家语属汉藏语系藏缅语族,土家语支,也有人认为归入缅彝语支,是藏缅语族内一种十分古老独特的语言。绝大多数人通汉语,如今只有为数不多的几个聚居区还保留着土家语。没有本民族文字,现时使用1984年创制的拉丁文字。通用汉文。崇拜祖先,信仰多神。  1956年10月,国家民委通过民族识别,确定土家族为单一民族。  历史上,土家族先民被称为“蛮”或“夷”。宋代以前,居住在武陵地区的土家族与其他少数民族一起,被称为“武陵蛮”或“五溪蛮”。宋代以后,土家族就单独被称为“土丁”、“土人”、“土民”或“土蛮”等。改土归流后,随着汉族移民的增加,“土”、“客”、“苗”往往对举,以对武陵地区的土家、汉、苗三族进行区分。“土家”作为族称,是在较晚时期出现的。民国时期的《咸丰县志》将土司后裔的“支庶之家”称为“土家”,而将当地汉族移民称为“客家”。土家族大姓主要有田、向、覃、彭、冉、李、杨、刘、王、陈、赵、黄等。  参考资料:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=0QbMlzliAFSmFO1nCZR-JyQFL1aBL1SmsLGEjRBte-axQDypWuQGGUQCoYEk7hOu6a4oNd5DHFb2_1z9Tcp7pK


Miao dress the dress with woven from dyed since cotton is given priority to, silk, linen less. Not only has the gender, age, and distinguishes costumes, pack and portions, is more a paperback regional differences, especially women"s clothing, very colorful, as many as 100 kinds. In the past, some works according to the women"s clothing, headwears will miao miao is divided into BaiMiao, red miao and flower seedlings, big flower seedlings, beanstalk, long skirt seedlings, short skirt seedlings, slanting comb seedlings and so on, this method to partition, obviously not science, but from a flank reflects the miao nationality clothing, region, and because of the different braches shows rich diversity. In modern times, the miao people"s basic costumes are: men wear short trousers or cloth long gown. Youth is DuiJin or cloth coat, big dang pants. During festivals wear sleeveless without collar, opening front the embroider big flower color "BaiDiaoYi" or white gown. Some long gown is DuiJin long-sleeved, without buckle, sagging many rectangle broadband, embroidered with decorative pattern design. Some still wear color, is full of decorative pattern design shawls. The old man wearing a blue gown. Miao man head multi-purpose long cloth baotou. Crus wear gaiters. Women"s clothing in common is wearing hat or cloth baotou, foot wear shoes wore silver, etc. The others will vary from region to region, the pattern basically divided into the following five kinds of: 1, qiandongnan area into YouRen, wear long-sleeved half body brought clothes; Or DuiJin without buttons, long sleeve, big bring jackets. Jin, sleeves are all full lace or clothing embroidery pattern. Wear pleated skirts, the length of 3 class - long to feet, The to the knees, Short only and the mid thigh. Plants and fit design. Much silver. 2, the northeastern guizhou province and xiangxi area, worn on a round collar, cloth, wide sleeve DuanYi, shoulder, jin, sleeve and hem embroider wide lace. Wear pants (original feet wide red skirt), long and heel, also add embroidery pattern. Head bag palmer. Pattern fold branch flowers and birds. Qiandongnan areas, wear clothing, which brought DuiJin big match accessories. Wear long pleated skirts, with picked, set fill, batik technics, add adorn many design, from inside to outside. JuanXing present more heavy 3, hainan area, worn on a round collar, right PianJin, long and knee ChanYi, black, getting, sleeve, jin diamond-studded red cloth to narrow edge. Wear short skirt, ornamental design batiks cloth less. Gird red ribbon. 4, qianxi, north guangxi, yunnan area and identified.and worn on a round collar, and long sleeves, DuiJin DuanYi or YouRen cloth coat, the lower left front inclined to the right, wrapped cuffs/wide cloth. Wear batiks or cyan plait skirt. After WeiYao, waist is vertical picked ribbon, bring embroidery. Da is less. 5 and guizhou zhongnan district, wear clothing, which brought DuiJin big match accessories. Wear long pleated skirts, with picked, set fill, batik technics, add adorn many design, from inside to outside. JuanXing present more heavy At present, the miao ethnic costumes except dress their outside, the han nationality ZhongShanZhuang, western suit and various kinds of fashionable dress also in miao regions from spreading. 有介绍文化,服饰的,翻译的话你采纳的话一并发过去



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Miao People in the Qin and Han Dynasty live in the "Cliff" area, term of the present western Hunan, eastern Guizhou and other places. Classics in ancient China, there are about 5000 years ago have long records of Miao People, that is, until the Yangtze River from the south of the Yellow River known as the "southern barbarian" of the clan and tribe. Miao has a long history, its ancient ancestors may be part of the three South. One that originated from the Yin and Zhou era of "mane" man. Qin, living mainly in Western Hunan, eastern Guizhou area, including "Changsha, the Wuling change "or" Wu Xi Man "into the name, and then gradually move to spread around the mountains in the Southwest. Also considered and the ancient" textual criticism "The. Sichuan, Guizhou, Hunan Miao have to Chi as their ancestors. legend Chi is a" textual criticism "of the monarch, in 5000 years ago, Jiuli tribes and tribal conflict in the Yellow Emperor, defeated and out of the Yellow River, Yangtze River in the occupied downstream. gradually, "San Miao." After the 2nd century BC, most of the Miao ancestors moved to Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places. Hainan Miao is the sixteenth century to the soldiers from Guangxi. Mainly inhabited by the Miao in southeast Guizhou Province, Guangxi Miao Shan, Hainan and Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi and other provinces in the border area, population: 970,000 people. Miao has a long history in Chinese ancient books, the early settlers about 5000 years ago, the record of the Miao, that is until the Yangtze River from the south of the Yellow River known as the "southern barbarian" of the clan and tribe. Miao, no words, Hmong is Sino-Tibetan language family Hmong Miao-Yao branch. Hmong living in the alpine zone, dominated by agriculture, crops are upland rice. Corn, buckwheat son, potatoes and beans, crops are hemp, hemp is usually their own species, their textiles. Miao people have a wealth of folk oral literature, such as the old song, poetry, love songs and so on. Miao has good dance, Lusheng dance the most popular. Yunnan Miao population 907,000, accounting for 12.2% of China"s Miao population. Mainly live in the Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, and Zhaotong Wuding, Luquan counties. Miao a native language. Hmong have their own language, Hmong has three major dialects: Western, Eastern Guizhou and Sichuan, Guizhou and Yunnan. In 1956, the design of the Latin form of writing programs. As a long-term exchanges with the Han Miao, a large part of the Incorporation of Chinese and Miao Using Chinese. Miao region dominated by agriculture, supplemented by hunting. Miao"s cross-stitch, embroidery, tapestry, batik, paper cutting, jewelry making and other arts and crafts and colorful, world famous. Among them, the Miao batik process has been thousands of years. Costumes up to more than 130 kinds, can any one nation in the world comparable to the clothing. Miao is an ethnic singing and dancing, especially love songs, songs wine reputation. Miao Hmong are the most representative musical instrument. To sing and dance known Miao Miao folk songs, particularly rich in two days of the first lunar month every year, or May 5 Huashan Festival (the foot of Huashan), young men and women all together step drum, dance Lusheng dance, antiphonal singing lyric, for spouses, same time shot at climbing flowers, accounting for competition fighting. Ma Miao good stain weaving, embroidery, batik, exquisite workmanship, won praise at home and abroad. Hi young men and women wear the "Five stain clothing", set batik, embroidery in one, bright and colorful. Miao is mainly engaged in family business. In the past, hunting was a major sideline, used crossbows, firearms hunting prey, the implementation of "Geranium Strictipes shooting, see a portion" of the distribution. Some of the Miao and Christian polytheistic folk religion. 】 【Etiquette Miao great emphasis on etiquette. Visitor hospitality will slaughter ducks, if all the way to the guests, the Miao people used to invite guests to drink alcohol horn. Eat chicken, the chicken head to the guests to respect the elderly, chicken legs to give youngest guests. There are points in some places the custom heart-shaped, that is the oldest home owner or the duck with chopsticks to heart-shaped heart twist to the guests, but guests are neither eat chicken heart must be divided equally to the present age. * Hold if the guests do not like fat meat, can explain the situation, the owner is not forced, but does not satiate, were looked down upon as the master. Miao pay attention to the real thing, very passionate, very sensitive to vanity and hypocrisy. Guest host Lu-yu does not take away the first step, do not walk in front; conversation using honorific title; welcoming to wear costumes; to await the arrival of guests to give a feast to Zhaiwai; guests to the door, man of the house to Jiao Men, this home The hostess, the hostess opened the door to sing welcoming; in front of guests, the hostess did not climb stairs; dinner with chicken, duck hospitality for the food, especially heart, liver and the most valuable, first to give the guests or elderly Guests were given to everyone to enjoy, long after the order is the first child. Not to host guests said, "seedling" they would like to call themselves "Mongolia." 【Apparel】 Fond of wearing jewelry is the nature of Hmong girl, they pull the hair on the head, put on about 20 centimeters high, beautifully crafted silver Corolla, Corolla 6 inserted in front of the level of missing Yinqiao wing, most are made in the above Erlongxizhu pattern. Some areas, silver crown on the addition of silver chip inserted, has inserted about 1 meter high silver horn, horn tip line color drift, even more noble Wealthy. Along the Silver Crown, Silver Flower Ring with hanging, hanging a row of small Yinhua fall, wearing a silver collar around his neck have a lot more With silver pieces are made in sets of flowers and even made a small silver rings. Silver locks and silver chest pressure collar, chest, back wearing a silver cape, hanging many small silver bell. Earrings, bracelets are silver products. Only two sleeves to fire red only shows the main tone of the embroidery, but the cuff is also studded with a wide silver ring. Miao girls dressed in costumes often several kilograms of weight, some accumulation of several generations inherited. Known as "hanai Silver Race angel" reputation. Miao silver in the process, gorgeous elegant, wonderful workmanship, it shows the wisdom and talents of Hmong people. Miao costumes are not exactly the same all over, men cloth, Baotou, wearing short pants, but the Hmong women"s wear in general more stress, especially the dress, very beautiful, the flower of things, there are 40 multi-layer skirt, hence the name " pleated skirt. " Above the embroidered dresses of various patterns, antique, colorful. Women good at textiles, embroidery, batik, craft is exquisite. Custom】 【 Miao people in the guest, remember not to eat folder beheaded. Guests can not common folder liver, Dirty, and chicken legs, chicken guts, Dirty to respect of women, chicken is left to children. Miao host family when you leave, be sure to politely say "wow Week", which means "thank you", thanks for your hospitality Miao. Some Miao areas, avoid drinking any time scrubbing steamer, rice bags, Fan Pen, only eat when new rice washing, to show to welcome the old meters meters. Scrubbing will wash away the family wealth at any time, not enough food to eat. Avoid drinking unboiled water in the mountains to drink, must first beat straw to kill disease show a ghost. Others put on anti-handling street clothes, in order to avoid transmission of leprosy. Avoid chaos at home did little tricks kids bow and arrow, shot in the fear of the ancestors. Avoid cross-head child, or children Zhangbu Gao. Taboo women sit on a bench with their elders. Wedding】 【 Miao is monogamy, marriage of young men and women have traditional social activities. Such as "will be girls" is the way of free love Hmong youth. Miao"s traditional festival is the annual Huashan Festival (fifth day of the first lunar month was held, also known as "step Huashan"), which is height of the holiday Hmong people during the holiday season, dressed in their holiday best young men and women congregated in antiphonal singing, performing step drums, dancing lions and Lusheng dance, great excitement. Love in the young men and women are essential to the process of food is sticky rice. Chengbu Hmong to draw a duck in the glutinous rice cake as a keepsake and exchange gifts; wedding, the bride and groom drink wedlock, master of getting the bride and groom eat doll painted dragon and phoenix patterns and instructions from glutinous rice cake. 】 .


  滇东南苗族姓名文化初探  侯 健  苗族与藏族、彝族、蒙古族、维吾尔族等民族一样,有自己的姓和名,而现当代苗族在书面上所反映出来的却是汉姓汉名,那苗姓苗名到哪里去了呢?苗族为什么不用自己的姓和名?难道苗族的姓名消失了吗?回答是否定的。千百年来,由于苗族历史上的不断迁徙和对统治者的惧怕,不得不隐姓埋名,改用汉姓汉名,导致苗族姓名文化濒临消亡的境地。然而,位于云南省东南部的文山壮族苗族自治州的苗族同胞除了书面上使用汉姓汉名以外,在民间至今还继续使用自己的苗姓苗名,将自己的姓名文化继续延伸下去。因此,苗族的姓名文化与其它文化一样,同样有着较高的研究价值和历史意义。  一、 苗族姓名的使用状况  在云南省滇东南地区(文山壮族苗族自治州、红河哈尼族彝族自治州),居住着70余万苗族同胞,其语言为汉藏语系苗瑶语族苗语支川黔滇方言川黔滇次方言第一土语,即西部方言苗语。居住在越南、老挝、泰国、美国、加拿大、法国、澳大利亚和阿根廷等国家的苗族与滇东南地区苗族同源,人口近100万人,也操此方言。苗族的姓氏,从现象上看,其使用的历史是较为悠久的。由于苗族历史上没有文字记载和苗族的长期的迁徙,导致苗族的姓与名在史籍文献中没有任何记载,这对研究苗族姓名文化带来诸多问题和困难,可是,我们不能因为苗族姓氏没有文献记载而否认它的存在,苗姓的存在是客观的,因此,笔者在研究苗族姓名文化中发现,姓氏的源流可以折射出苗族历史的某个侧面,而且在这些苗族的姓氏称谓方式基本不属于汉族百家姓的范畴。下面列举苗族姓氏和苗族使用汉姓的情况作个比较:  汉姓  王  杨、韩  陶、吴  李  罗  张  古  项  侯  熊  马  宋  康、邹、朱  周  苗姓(苗文)  vos  yeus  dlob  jait  chib  nyangb  nguk  dangs  dluas  hmaob  rangs  gongt  bluat  nzhif  汉语译音  沃  尤  哚  皆  蚩  娘  古  党  德瓦  峁  冉  工  巴瓦  址  同时,苗族在使用汉姓中还有少部分姓蔡、徐、刘、黄、顾、谢、蹇、灰、艾等,这种情况在他们的家族中也很难说清楚自己的苗姓是什么,有的认为自己的家族是从汉族演变而来。  读解苗族的姓和名,有着它极其深刻的文化内涵,主要表现在纪念前辈,祈求健康,兴旺发达等方面。同时,在取名时,使通过深思熟虑的,既不重复,又有一定的象征意义。就滇东南苗族而言,由于苗族多居住于崇山峻岭,其名字的含义多与所处的自然环境有关。如女性的取名一般以花草树木、生活用具为主。花草树木类为如“Bangx”(汉意:花儿)、“Nzhuab”(汉意:绿色)等,生活用具类为“Vangb”(汉意:簸箕)、“Chouk”(汉意:筛子)、“Geuf”(汉意:篮子)等,其它类为“Ncaik”(汉意:姑娘)、“Nzeuf”(汉意:幺女)、“Gob”(汉意:金子)、“Hnob”(汉意:太阳)等;男性的取名一般为威武、健壮、机灵为主。如“Zhod”(汉意:老虎)、“Ncut”(汉意:大象)、“Nyox”(汉意:牛)、“Dled”(汉意:小狗)等,其它类如“Yaob”、“Nzheus”(汉意:幺儿)、“Nyax”(汉意:银子)等。苗族名字中带有金光物体的一般为女性,银光物体的一般为男性,如“金子”一般用于女性名字,“银子”一般用于男性名字。更有意思的是苗族认为“太阳”是女性,“月亮”是男性,因此,在苗族民歌中经常出现“太阳妹妹”(ngoux hnob)、“月亮哥哥”(ndrous hlit)的词汇,这就是苗族在自然、宇宙和审美领域认识上与汉族的异同,为何异同?另文探讨,这里不宜多谈。偶尔,有的家庭因所生的孩子都是女孩或男孩而希望得到一男孩或女孩,则将最小的女孩或男孩的名取为男孩或女孩的名字。在取老名时,更注重其名字的文化内涵,同时考虑到其历史和有纪念意义的名字。或者说,苗族在取名时,对求名者或家族是带着美好的祝愿和愿望的。如:“Nof”(苗音:诺)、“Zhud”(苗音:主)等,意为希望今后能出人头地。“Nyax”(苗音:年)、“Vangf”(苗音:旺)等,意为希望今后财源滚滚。“Nqaid”(苗音:阶),意为纪念芦笙祖师董阶施以,“Nzhuab”(苗音:妆),意为绿色生命。年轻人对长辈的尊称都以“蚩尤”的“尤”字来称呼,因此,“蚩尤”一词在滇东南苗族语言中就成了“长辈”、“祖辈”的代名词。苗族的取名艺术在少年期的名字以自然物、崇拜物的词汇居多,成年期则以象征性、内涵深的词汇居多。由此可见,苗族的取名是一个比较严肃和庄重的礼仪过程,这个过程反映了古代苗族的人生观和价值观,也体现苗族尊老爱幼的传统美德。  苗族的取名有其独特的规律,这是与苗族的传统文化有很大联系的。在滇东南苗族中,有几个支系的苗族至今还存在着一种古老的取名习俗,苗族将这种名字称之为“取老名”。这种取名习俗主要流行于自称为蒙抓(Hmongb Nzhuab)、蒙豆(Hmongb Dleub)、蒙诗(Hmongb Shib) 的苗族之中。而且,这种古老的取名方式在苗族社会生活中所取的作用是举足轻重的,因为它的形成与一个人的地位、身份有着密切的联系。  苗族的取名习俗分为三个阶段。  第一阶段为乳名。乳名是家庭新成员诞生后的第一个人生礼仪,在苗族的社会生活里,必须通过巫师进行法事,正式接纳其为家庭的新成员。婴儿出生的第三天早上必须请巫师来为家庭新成员招魂,意为家族添新丁,告诉祖先认可,香火不断。婴儿由父母为之取名。如男婴一般取名为“咪保”(Mid Baok)、“咪亚”(Mid Yal)、“咪洛”(Mid Lox)等,女婴一般取名为“咪奏”(Mid Nzeuf)、“咪彩”(Mid Ncaik)、“咪汪”(Mid Vangb)等。婴儿长成少男或少女后,则自然去掉“咪”字,而加上其姓氏进行称呼。西部苗族的姓名一般是名前姓后。如“保哚”(Baok Dlob)、“罗皆”(Lox Jait)、“彩德瓦”(Ncaik Dluas)等,“哚”(Dlob)即苗族的“陶姓”,“皆”(Jait)即苗族的“李姓”,“德瓦”(Dluas)即苗族的“侯姓”;而“Baok”(保)、  “Lox”(罗)、“Ncaik”(彩)等为名。小孩若是经常夜里哭闹或多病,就请巫师来求神算卦,根据巫师卜卦的情况,认为小孩需要认“干爹”。或到岔路口“搭桥”接“干爹”,第一个路过者便成了“干爹”,将“干爹”接回家后,把情况向“干爹”说明,孩子的父亲就抱着婴儿向“干爹”下跪,乞求“干爹”为孩子改名;或去拜祭岩石,认岩石为“干爹”,婴儿的名字就被重新更名为“Reb”(汉意:石头), “干爹”给孩子改名后,原来的名字就逐步淡出这个家庭的生活圈。  第二阶段为父子连名与母子连名。滇东南地区苗族的父子连名与贵州黔东南苗族的父子连名制是不同的,滇东南苗族的父子连名只针对父亲母亲,与儿子无关,也和祖辈无关,而且,这种父子连名的称呼是自然形成,不需要举行任何仪式,结婚生子后即可称呼。例如,某小伙或姑娘结婚生小孩后,就自然地将小孩的名字和父亲的名字或母亲的名字连在一起称呼,如“保哚”婚后有一子取名为“东”(Dongs),众人则将保哚称为“东孜保”(Dongs Zid Baok),意为东的父亲是保,对其妻子则称为“东那彩”(Dongs naf Ncais),意为东的母亲是彩,等等。但不与祖辈的名字相连。如果说一个村里有两对父与子的名字相同,那么在称呼时必须加上其姓氏来进行区分。  第三阶段为取老名。取老名是滇东南苗族最为重要的人生礼仪,是苗族成年男性从幼稚走向成熟的一个重要标志。一般情况下,在生下第一个小孩满月后或者过一段时间后再定,日子选定后,要杀猪宰鸡,举行仪式,邀请岳父岳母或本家族的长辈来为其取老名,举行取名仪式时,让老人或岳父坐在上席,求名者必须端着双杯酒分别敬给长辈和岳父,并在下方下跪乞求长者或岳父赐给一个老名,岳父则要问起其家族中都有哪些取过什么样的老名后,经过一番思考,给其女婿取老名。例如“保哚”,就会取名为“奏保”(Zeux Baok),其妻也被称为“那奏保”(naf Zeux Baok),外人则称其为“奏保哚”(Zeux Baok Dlob),这样就将其姓氏也连在一起了。如果说家族中对这次取名的目的为纪念某个祖宗的话,就会将的老名取为这个祖宗的名字,以示纪念。例如,“保哚”的某个祖宗的名字叫“妆”(Nzhuab),那么“保哚”的老名将取为“妆保哚”(Nzhuab Baok Dlob),但大家称呼“妆保”的时候,就会让族内人想起本家族曾经有一个祖宗的名字叫“妆”。取了名字后,求名者必须下跪磕头,表示感谢。  二、 苗族姓氏的源流  关于苗族姓氏的源流,历史悠久,可追溯到“三苗”时期。项姓苗族认为他们是西楚霸王项羽的后裔。1 在吴姓苗族口碑材料中有部分认为自己是明朝将领吴三桂的后代。何光岳先生说:“蚩尤是苗族人一直公认的民族祖先。……后裔便姓蚩姓尤。”2 今文山苗族“罗姓”和“杨姓”,便是“蚩姓”和“尤姓”。王万荣先生研究发现,楚人的姓名称谓特点为名前姓后,与文山苗族的姓名称谓特点相一致,并认为楚人的“熊姓”,就是今文山苗族的“熊姓”。3 在苗族民间故事《兄妹造人烟》中也讲述到苗族的姓氏是由于黄水朝天后,人们被洪水淹死,只剩下兄妹俩躲在牛皮鼓里随着洪水而漂,洪水退却后,兄妹俩出来一看,世上的人已经死亡,无奈,兄妹俩只好结为夫妻,繁衍人烟。生下一个人不像人,鬼不像鬼的孩子,哥一气之下,将其子杀了,把其肉抛洒在马棚里、桃树上、李树上、岩石边等,第二天早上起来一看,马棚里、桃树李树下、岩石旁都出现了人家,这些人家就分别姓马、姓陶、姓李、姓侯……。4 笔者从多年的调查中发现,苗族姓氏称谓中的“dlob”(哚)不是“桃树”,而是“黑”;“jait”(皆)不是“李树”,而是“理”;“dluas”(德瓦)不是“猴子”;“rangs”(冉)是“驴”,与“马”相近。这个故事也可看出苗姓来源基本的源和流,但很大程度上是根据汉语直译苗语进行杜撰,与苗族姓氏本身的含义是自相矛盾的。因此,研究苗族姓氏是不能从当今苗族所使用的汉姓字面上去理解的,要从苗姓的字面和字意上去加以研究,才有可能涉及到苗族姓氏的源流。  对于这些姓氏,首先,从苗语的字面上来理解其意。Vos(王),苗语的意思是“弓箭”;Yeus(杨),苗语的意思是“祖先”,非“羊”;Dlob(陶),苗语的意思是“黑”,非“桃”;Jait(李),苗语的意思是“理”或“礼”,非“李”;Chib(罗),苗语的意思是“选拔”,非“锣”;Nyangb(张),苗语的意思是“媳妇”或“草”;Nguk(古);苗语的意思是教婴儿学舌,如“Haik nguk”,属于象声词类,在现代苗语中没有实际意义,非“鼓”;Dangs(项),苗语的意思是“亡”或“亡、完”;Dluas(侯),在现代苗语中没有实际意义,非“猴”;Hmaob(熊),苗语的意思是“蚜虫(腻虫)”,非“熊”;Rangs(马);苗语的意思是“驴”,非“马”;Gongt(宋),苗语的意思是“针”;Bluat(康、邹);苗语的意思是“瓣”,属苗语量词类,Nzhif(周),苗语的意思是一种鸟名(nongs nzhif lib),非“辣”。  其次,从苗族的历史渊源来读解。罗姓(Chib音蚩)、杨姓(Yeus音尤)是以祖先的名字命姓,纪念自己的祖先蚩尤;李姓(Jait音皆),“李”、“礼”、“理”为同音字,以礼节习俗中的论理命姓,证明苗族是一个礼仪的民族;王姓(Vos音沃),以武器命姓,说明古代苗族发明了弓箭来捍卫自己的家园;马姓(Rangs音冉),以家畜命姓,说明苗族曾在有驴的地方居住并且饲养过驴,诸如山东、山西、河北、河南等省;而项姓(Dangs音党)、侯姓(Dluas音德瓦,注:Dluas通Druas),以国破家亡来命姓,至今马关、麻栗坡县和越南北部苗族民歌中还有“Dangd nad ndox dangs njuat(意为‘天亡我也")”冠词,而且在国外苗族的传说中,项姓和侯姓原为结拜兄弟,后代不许通婚的习俗,一直延续至今。而国内苗族也有类似情况,如侯姓、徐姓和蔡姓也如此。苗族使用汉姓汉名,原因主要有两个方面,一方面是古代的民族战争,尤其是黄帝与蚩尤之间的部落战争失败后,使他们惧怕华夏族的杀戮而隐姓埋名,最后改汉姓,以免招徕杀身之祸,自己的姓氏则逐步淡出记忆而被忘却。这场部落战争迄今还在苗族的心灵深处记忆犹新。另一方面是雍正年间“改土归流”后,云贵总督鄂尔泰在陈报经理“苗疆”十一事认为,“苗人多同名”,应“各照祖先造册”,凡“不知本姓者,官为立姓,以便稽查”,强制性的政策迫使苗族不得不改名换姓。  从苗族的姓氏现象上看,这些姓氏的起源是与苗族的历史有着密不可分的关系,有的姓氏称谓显然是从古苗语中分离出来的。值得说明的是古苗语是没有现代苗语那样发达,例如1957年创制苗文时,川黔滇方言苗语的韵母只有13个(国外苗文的韵母也是13个),而今苗语却借用和吸收了汉语中的大部分韵母对自己的韵母进行充实,发展到了25个,同时苗族也学会了汉语韵母的发音(仅限于中国西部方言苗语)方法,因此使苗语显得更为丰富。所以,在苗族姓氏的某个发音中是否就是从古苗语中分离出来呢?回答是肯定的。例如:“Nguk ”(古姓),可能从“gud”(顽固、古板)分离演变过来,而“Dluas”(侯姓)则可能从“duas、druas”(死、破)中分离演变而来。这些语言如何发展演变?又如何由一个词分离成两个词?因无文献史料记载,只能从现代苗语的发音现象来推断。自从清代“改土归流”后,很多苗族姓氏被汉姓取代,苗族也开始接触汉文化,苗族的姓氏被逐步淡化。在这里,要指出的是,滇东南苗族是无家谱的民族,更没有什么“字排”,他们是以几代人来进行估算自己在某地居住历史的长短。特别是苗族迁入云南以后,基本上居住在崇山峻岭之中,与外界隔绝,接受汉文化的程度较低,又没有自己的文字记载,因此,要记录自己的家谱几乎不可能的事。出现所谓“家谱”和“字排”,是新中国建立后,苗族的后生们接受学校教育后,受到汉文化的影响后而派生的。  三、结 语  应该清楚地意识到,苗族姓名文化与苗族的服饰制作手工艺、民间歌谣、巫文化一样,正在濒临消亡,这就是苗族的传统文化危机。尽管人大已立法及许多民俗专家、学者大声疾呼保护民族传统优秀文化,但由于受现代文化的冲击和长期以来形成的社会制度对其的制约,导致了一些有价值的民俗文化被当作落后或者封建迷信而加以排斥和指责,从而加速了它的消亡。苗族民俗文化现象的日趋消亡,首先是苗族上层和苗族知识界对苗族的文化在认识上存在着差异;其次是苗族自身的文化素质普遍偏低,造成了对姓名文化认识的不到位,再次是贫困地区的政府部门的精力主要放在扶贫上,而没有认真研究如何保护开发民族文化资源,导致了苗族与其他民族被动地接受汉族的文化而渐渐放弃少数民族自身有价值的文化。如果在这样发展下去,用不了几年,苗族许多优秀的传统文化将灰飞烟灭。因此,苗族的姓名文化属于非物质文化遗产范畴,应该采取一定的积极措施,加以抢救和保护。一、政府应该鼓励和支持苗族或者其他少数民族运用自己的姓名,才能有效的保护这一悠久的民族文化;二、苗族的上层人士和在政府谋职的苗族官员应该带头使用苗姓苗名,用汉语将苗族的姓氏翻译后并规范和固定下来;三、对新出生的苗族婴儿要引导其家长改用苗姓苗名,从而逐步普及。  综上所述,尽管姓名只是一个便于人们称呼和区分你、我、他的符号,经过几千年的历史演变到今天,姓名已经成为人类生活中不可缺少的文化载体,并赋予一定宗教的神秘色彩。姓名文化是人类最具有代表性的非物质的文化,是人类脱离了原始、野蛮时代而进入文明时代的重要里程碑。姓名文化作为苗族文化领域中的重要组成部分,它与其历史的兴衰是分不开的。不难看出,姓名文化在苗族社会生活中占有相当的地位和作用,苗族姓名是与苗族的政治、历史、文化、宗教的发展是息息相关的。只要大家共努力,苗名苗姓将随着现代社会的高速发展而永远延续。  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  1 项朝宗:《记我的祖先项崇周》,载《云南文史资料选辑》第24辑  2 何光岳:《东夷源流史》,江西教育出版社1990年出版  3 王万荣:《楚苗文化关系略论》,载《中南民族学院学报》1998年第2期  4 杨光汉主编:《云南苗族民间故事集成》,中国民间文艺家出版社1990年出版  [作者简介] 侯 健,1963年出生,男,苗族,云南马关县人,民族语翻译,文山州文化局纪委监察室主任,云南省苗学研究会常务理事,文山州苗学研究会副秘书长。  (原载《文山高等师范专科学校学报》2004年第17卷 第3期,有改动)

