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sumitomo 伺服马达为什么要电气角归零


sumitomo(日本住友) 轮胎怎么样??

我觉得好便宜 太便宜!!!你在那里买的介绍下 我给你进货算了






就是 住友的意思











急求英语口语考试中三人对话,主题分别是traveling .dormitory life.gender life.

college life(自己把两个人的对话分下,就可以三个人了,以下都一样)Todd: Miki, you went to UC Berkeley, a very famous university in the U.S. What is your university like? Why is it famous?Miki: Why is it famous? Well, I suppose historically it"s kind of famous, recent history, because it was a center for the freedom of speech movement in the 1960"s and the civil rights movement, and it"s pretty much where multi-culturalism, feminist studies and those sorts of so called liberal political movements were born and they"re still quite strong today on campus and so students kind of get drawn to that, the political aspect of it I suppose, also the, it"s a research university and it attracts nobel laureates, very famous professors, at the top of their field, it"s also quite a beautiful campus, I love the campus, it"s not, it"s not, how do you say?Todd: It"s not like maybe a college town, or?Miki: Ah, no, it"s not really a college town, of course, because it"s right smack in the middle of a metropolitan area which is the Bay Area, and just right across the bay from San Francisco. The natural scenery is quite beautiful. There"s the ocean to the west. There are mountains to the east and just beautiful gorgeous sunsets going down into the Golden Gate. The natural scenery is just beautiful, and the architecture of the campus is quite beautiful too, and apparently during the war, World War II, a number of tests were done on campus in terms of integrating floral species with each other, and so you have firs next to cedar which is a strange combination. The idea was would they kill each other.Todd: Oh, Wow! That"s awful!Miki: Yeah, no, so there"s some scientific engineering going on on campus.Todd: But the trees survived?Miki: Yes, as a matter of fact.Todd: Well, that"s good. You can"t fool nature.Miki: No. no, but it is a beautiful campus, and I went there for four years as an undergrad. I lived in the dormitory for the first year and I lived in the co-ops from the second through the fourth year and the co-ops are kind of a housing community that"s owned by students, it"s run by students and is there for quite cheap so it attracts poor students who work, while they go to school at the same time, and that"s who I was. I worked at a restaurant, I worked at a sandwich shop, I worked at a toy store, I worked as a secretary to put myself through school and lived quite cheaply in these co-ops which incidentally also had marvelous parties and almost every weekend there was some party somewhere that one of these co-ops was putting on, and it was really wonderful.Todd: Wow! Sounds like a good time.Miki: Yeah!TRAVELINGTodd: So, Jeyong, you were telling me that you like to travel.Jeyong: Yes, very much.Todd: Now, this is interesting. Who do you normally travel with?Jeyong: You would be kind of surprised to hear this, but then, I normally travel with my dad.Todd: Wow. That"s so cool. Why is that?Jeyong: That will be first of all because my dad goes on a business trip very often and I ask him if I can follow him most of the time and he would say yes, and I would just have time with him on his business trip and traveling around.Todd: That"s really cool. What kind of business does your father do?Jeyong: He"s in apparel.Todd: Apparel.Jeyong: ExportTodd: Oh, really.Jeyong: Yes.Todd: So does he teach you the secrets about business?Jeyong: Not that much about business, but then traveling around he teaches me about differences between all the cultures of countries.Todd: That"s fantastic.Jeyong: How importat that is.Todd: So what countries have you been to with your father?Jeyong: A lot to name, actually. Do you want me to name all those?Todd: Well, how about which ones do you remember the most?Jeyong: I remember the most about Europe. I went to France, England, Switzerland and Roma so those four places were very interesting for me, and other than that, I went to Cambodia, Vietnam, Guam, and so on.Todd: What was Cambodia like?Jeyong: Cambodia is a really memorable trip for me with my dad because it was really interesting how many people in boats on the water. There"s a society in Cambodia like that and then it was really sad looking at them how they own much money and they have to spend their day using a dollar.Todd: So not very much, but did the people seem happy in Cambodia?Jeyong: They did look happy, happier than the people where I come from.Todd: That"s kind of interesting. Yeah, I used to live in Thailand and I kind of felt the same way to, although Thailand is very developed. Any other places that you"ve been to?Jeyong: Other places? Maybe in The States.Todd: Oh, really. Where did you live in the States? Or what did you do in the States?Jeyong: When I was in elementary school, I lived in Ann Arbor, Michigan, for five years but after that I also went travelling around the other states, such as San Francisco in California, Los Angeles and New York City, where I like the most and Florida. All the beaches.Todd: Now, I"m from San Francisco and you said you like New York better that San Francisco, so I have to ask why.Jeyong: Why? Because the people in New York, how they live their life, it looks cool.Todd: Yeah, New Yorkers are pretty cool. OK, well thanks Jeyong. Thanks a lot.Jeyong: No problem. Thank you.gender differenceTodd: So, Kadi, you are from Estonia. Can you talk about gender roles for the new generation compared to the older generation?Kadi: Yes, in Estonia, we have this kind of Western type of family, a woman doesn"t have to be a housewife. She can work. She can do whatever she likes. Even maybe the tendency right now is that women are becoming more masculine. Often it happens that women make more money than men do and they"re the ones who bring the bread in the house. Yeah, compared to Eastern society where usually women are considered as housewives, they just have to clean and cook and raise the kids, and in my country ... no ... there"s not such a thing and I think it always has been like that. I"m not quite sure but...Todd: Who does the chores like cooking and cleaning?Kadi: Yeah, I think we all do it. We don"t have that kind of rule that women only have to clean and cook. Of course in some families, it is like that because women are better cleaning especially, rather than men are, but yeah, men are quite good cooks.Todd: What do people do for childcare? Like who takes care of the children?Kadi: Nannies. Yeah. We have nannies for working mothers, they usually like hire people to watch over their children and just they play with them and also like kindergarten, like children start going to kindergarten in Estonia when they"re really, really young, maybe from three months I think even, yeah, you can go to work when your child is like half-a-year old. Just go to work. Take a child there, and people are going to care about her.Todd: Is the nanny expected to cook and clean as well?Kadi: It depends of on the contract. It depends on the contract. Yeah, if you hire a person who that you say you"re gonna pay him or her, usually her, like for cleaning, cooking, taking care of the children, whatever, it depends on the contract.dormitory lifeTodd: Miki, when you were in college where did you live?Miki: My first year I lived in the dormitory that was quite close to the campus. It was about a five minute walks so it was very convenient but I"m not sure that that many people actually enjoyed living in the dormitory because there were so many of us packed into such a small space that one did not get a sense of privacy at all. I shared a room with two other girls and 24 hours a day there was always someone near you, next door, down the hall if not in your own room, and a very small space. In Japan perhaps this wouldn"t have been such a large problem because the sense of personal space and privacy perhaps isn"t as strong growing up, but really in the United States if you grow up with you own room, it you grow up with your own sense of self and if, you know, you have personal space that you define just instinctively which, you know, maybe three feet in front of you, a meter, or if you have your own personal room itself, it"s very difficult to move from that sort of sense of individuality and personal private space, to move into the dorms, and to have to share, all of that, and then always have a smile on your face, if you don"t want to be considered a bitch.Todd: Yeah, so what about food? What did you eat for food? Did you have a kitchen? Did you cook?Miki: In the dormitories, no! We had a dining hall. I don"t quite remember what it was called, but it was a common area where everyone went downstairs at the same time. It was only open, three hours in the morning, 3 hours in the evening, and we all shared our time together, kind of like a family, I suppose, and we must have eaten just normal American food. I don"t remember.Todd: Yeah! Yeah! How about your laundry? How would you wash your clothes?Miki: That I forget! I think we had laundry machines every other floor in the dorm building. But I actually don"t remember. Sorry!Todd: And what would students do for fun? for socializing?Miki: Oh, I think the bigger question is whether students did anything besides socialize, you know, right, I mean, if you"re a freshman the chances of you actually doing work are actually quite small, especially in that sort of a social setting where,Todd: Even at Beckley?Miki: Oh, are you kidding me? Yes! Berkley is highly competitive but it"s also highly, it"s a highly social atmosphere, especially in the dorms, well, and then once you move into a communal area, if you"re there with your friend, then I don"t think a whole lot of studying goes on.Todd: Wow! That"s funny! Oh, thanks!Miki: Surely!



Dormitory Life 范文

li hai!

Vomitory的《The Voyage》 歌词

歌曲名:The Voyage歌手:Vomitory专辑:RedemptionThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo


IIMK是衣都锦,日本的QS秸熙服饰有限公司 企业详细资料 该企业所有职位 通讯地址 杭州市板桥路12号,浙派外贸城三区207 邮编 310000 电话 87921747 所属行业 批发/零售 传真 87922836 地区 浙江 网站 类型 私营/民营 电子邮件 您登录后才可见 联系人 余小姐 企业简介 秸熙品牌女装,总公司设在成都,分别在沈阳、北京、杭州、武汉、贵阳、重庆、设有办事处,

mitoo 是什么意思

 “Metoo” 咪兔是深圳市汇森玩具有限公司创立的毛绒玩具自主品牌


正确书写方法是me too。Metoo(我也是),是女星艾丽莎·米兰诺(Alyssa Milano)等人2017年10月针对美国金牌制作人哈维·韦恩斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)性侵多名女星丑闻发起的运动,呼吁所有曾遭受性侵犯女性挺身而出说出惨痛经历,并在社交媒体贴文附上标签,藉此唤起社会关注。相关信息:自2017年10月5日《纽约时报》发布的调查报告详细记述了好莱坞制片人哈维·韦恩斯坦(HarveyWeinstein)收到的长达数十年的性骚扰指控后,社交媒体为妇女讨论自身经历提供了一个鼓励性的平台。Twitter通过在旗下策划故事的平台时刻(Moments)上的推广,支持了#MeToo这一话题。该公司指向其上周发表的声明,称它“为能够帮助并支持我们的平台上的声音,特别是那些面对权势说出真相的声音而自豪。”声明同时指出,其首席执行官杰克·多西(JackDorsey)已经发布了有关该公司为处理网站上的虐待现象所做的努力的推文。

谁能帮我写一篇the best way to keep a harmonious relationship in dormitory,用英文写的作文,谢谢

To live in dormitory needs to get on well with the roommates,otherwise,something bad like conflicts will occur,which will influence one"s daily life a lot.In this case,to keep a harmonious relationship in dormitory is really very important.But how?As this question arise,ways to keep harmony can be various.However,the best is among your different chioces.Communicating is always the bridge of getting to know someone else.....(举例,bed talking等等)Uniting is the key to keep the same pace of you and your roommates...(举例,hanging out together等等)Most importantly,respecting the other...(举例,no disturbing等等)On the summary, to keep a harmonious relationship in dormitory involves plenty work.All you have to do is to have a little patience and a little tolerance.Then the harmony of the dorm is never hard to keep..... (自己写的,打字都打累了。。选我做最佳答案哦!先谢谢啦~)



percentage labeled mitoses (PLM)疑问

- -|||不是说的很清楚了么。。。。


Badminton began in India with a game known as poona. Poona was a competitive sport that British Army officers learned and brought back to England. Badminton is a sport similar to tennis. It is played by either two opposing players (singles)or two opposing pairs (doubles). Players are positioned at the opposite ends of the court, aiming to hit a shuttlecock over the net so that it lands inside the marked boundaries of the court, and their opponents from doing the same. Only the server can win points. Just like tennis, there are five main categories in badminton: men"s singles, women"s singles, men"s doubles, women"s doubles and mixed doubles (each pair is composed of one man and one woman). A game of badminton is played on a court measuring 6.1 m/20 ft by 13.4 m/44 ft. There is a net (0.8 m/2.5 ft deep and a height of 1.52m/5 ft) stretched across the middle of the court where the shuttlecock must be sent over.

palmitoleic acid是什么意思

palmitoleic acid 英     美    9-十六碳烯酸Palmitoleic acid is 52.14% of total oil and fat. According to the results of identification, the strain is considered of belong to species Saccharomyces cerevisiae.该菌株产油脂量为菌体干重的32.The weight of oil and fat producing by fusants was 48.5% of dried cell. Palmitoleic acid was 47.29% of total oil and fat, which accounted for 22.95% of dried cell.产脂和产棕榈油酸分析表明palmitoleic acid, cis-9-hexadecenoic acid棕榈油酸ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF YEAST PRODUCING PALMITOLEIC ACID产棕榈油酸酵母菌的分离和鉴定The contents of myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic acids and four isomers of tocopherols declined while stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids increased as the extraction time extended.随着萃取时间的延长,油中肉豆蔻酸、棕榈酸和棕榈稀酸及4种生育酚含量逐渐降低,而硬脂酸、油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸和总类胡萝卜素含量增加。He gave me a taste of his acid wit.他让我尝到了他敏锐尖刻之机智的滋味。


dormitory英["d:mtr] 美[drmtri,-tori]n.(学校等的)宿舍; 集体寝室; (在市内 工作的人的)郊外住宅区adj.住宅区的复数:dormitories词语用法1、dormitory在英式英语中多指“集体寝室”,在美式英语中多指“学校的宿舍楼”“郊外居住区”。2、非正式口语中常用dorm。扩展资料:相关例句1、He hangs out in the school dormitory.他留在学校的宿舍里。2、Every girl must sign in when she comes back to the dormitory.每个女生回到宿舍的时候都必须签到。3、He soon gets accustomed to dormitory life and make two or three friend.他不久就逐渐习惯了宿舍的生活并交了两三个朋友。4、There is a garden in front of the dormitory.宿舍前面是花园。5、Over there stands the dormitory for you to live in.那边就是给你们住的宿舍。

Dormitory 有英文缩写吗,如果有,是什么?





dorm n.[美口]=dormitory 简明英汉词典dorm n.<俗> 宿舍(=dormitory)


dorm和dormitory的区别是用法不同。dorm用作名词的意思是集体宿舍(尤指大学院校的学生宿舍)。dormitory作名词时意为宿舍,学生宿舍,作形容词时意为住宅区的。 扩展资料 例句:I registered for school and for my dorm yesterday. The freshmen in my dorm kept my secret.我的宿舍中的新生保守了我的`秘密。我昨天到学校和宿舍注册了。She lived in a college dormitory.她住在大学宿舍里。The latest refugees were housed in makeshift dormitories. 新来的难民被安置在临时的集体寝室里。
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