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Guy de Maupassant isa French writer, known as the short story master and representative of the "necklace" "suet ball", etc


女主人公是一个小公务员的妻子。一次,接受了部长举办的晚会的邀请。罗瓦赛尔太太由于虚荣心作祟,向一个贵妇人借了一条项链。后来这条项链不慎在舞会上丢失,罗瓦赛尔太太为了赔给朋友一模一样的项链,落入高利贷的陷阱,就此开始了艰辛的生活,葬送了十年的青春。最后,当她在还清欠款后,偶遇那位贵妇人时,妇人却告诉她那条项链其实是假的。 英文介绍:The story takes place in Paris. One day, Pierre gets an invitation to a palace ball. He thinks it important to him, and decides to go to the party with his wife Mathilde. But Mathilde is worried, because she has no new dress and no jewellwey to wear. Her husband spends 400 francs on a new dress and she herself borrows a diamond necklace from her good friend Jeanne. The young couple go to the ball and has a very good time here. On their way back after the ball, Mathilde finds that the necklace is no longer around her neck. They rush back to the palace and look for it. But they can"t find it; it is lost.The young couple borrow a great deal of money and buy a necklace that is exactly like Jeanne"s. It costs them 36000 francs. So they have to work day and night to pay back the money they have borrowed. After ten years of hard work, they at last pay back all the money, but now Mathilde looks so old that Jeanne even can"t recognize her when they meet.When Jeanne hears the story, she tells Mathilde that the necklace she has borrowed isn"t a real diamond necklace. It isn"t valuable at all. It is worth 500 francs at the most.

莫泊桑 项链 我们要演英语剧 要人物简介、人名要剧中的英文名字、简介要中文的。

This is a one-act play, which is based on Maupassant"s best-known story The Diamond Necklace. There are three characters in the play: Mathilde Loisel, a young woman;Pierre Loisel, Mathilde"s husband, a government worker; Jeanne, Mathilde"s good friend.中文介绍:女主人公是一个小公务员的妻子。一次,接受了部长举办的晚会的邀请。罗瓦赛尔太太由于虚荣心作祟,向一个贵妇人借了一条项链。后来这条项链不慎在舞会上丢失,罗瓦赛尔太太为了赔给朋友一模一样的项链,落入高利贷的陷阱,就此开始了艰辛的生活,葬送了十年的青春。最后,当她在还清欠款后,偶遇那位贵妇人时,妇人却告诉她那条项链其实是假的。英文介绍:The story takes place in Paris. One day, Pierre gets an invitation to a palace ball. He thinks it important to him, and decides to go to the party with his wife Mathilde. But Mathilde is worried, because she has no new dress and no jewellwey to wear. Her husband spends 400 francs on a new dress and she herself borrows a diamond necklace from her good friend Jeanne. The young couple go to the ball and has a very good time here. On their way back after the ball, Mathilde finds that the necklace is no longer around her neck. They rush back to the palace and look for it. But they can"t find it; it is lost.The young couple borrow a great deal of money and buy a necklace that is exactly like Jeanne"s. It costs them 36000 francs. So they have to work day and night to pay back the money they have borrowed. After ten years of hard work, they at last pay back all the money, but now Mathilde looks so old that Jeanne even can"t recognize her when they meet.When Jeanne hears the story, she tells Mathilde that the necklace she has borrowed isn"t a real diamond necklace. It isn"t valuable at all. It is worth 500 francs at the most.

《the necklace》英语原文,莫泊桑写的

Life, always have, as necklace said: the story of a young and happy woman in pursuit of a moment of luxury and pride, but in exchange for 10 years of hard labor costs, and finally get is not to think Festival Madame the cruel answer, read here, can"t help thinking, vanity then, this article reveals the reality as worthy of study, in the capitalist society the existence of such things is not rare, it is one of the capitalist class vanity corrosion caused loss of the tragic image of youth! The vanity. In fact, everyone has, the difference is, some people are very small, and some people are many, like show around people praise and have cast envious eyes was satisfied, and the necklace deep to expose the fact, vanity is very terrible, when a person has a vanity, he will do many surprising things, like Madame Loisel, for 10 years to pay off this should not he to repay the debt, the life is so strange, so changing all the time, and some people rich overnight, some people overnight bankruptcy...


Maupassant (Guy de Maupassant ,1850-1893) August 5, 1850 Province, was born in Normandy, called noble descent, in fact, only a restoration time of their grandfather, a tax officer, his father was a loafer, not regular employment of the dandy. Guy de Maupassant in the Normandy countryside and spent his childhood town, 1,859 to 1,861, the annual sojourn to Paris with his parents, studied at Napoleon Middle School, after his father was no line, her parents divorced the mother"s return to Normandy. Home life and beautiful nature to Maupassant deeply influenced his later literary creation as an important source.1850 Born in Normandy in northwest France, a decline of provincial noble family.To Paris to study law in 1870, coincides with the Franco-Prussian War, then joined the Army. After military service, worked in the Navy Department and the Ministry of Education office.



the jewels译文莫泊桑



Bel - Ami Maupassant 漂亮朋友 莫泊桑 Bel - Ami By Guy de Maupassant Georges Duroy, a former soldier, had only three francs in his pocket when he met his former brother officer, Charles Forestier, in Paris one evening. Forestier, an editor of the daily newspaper, La Vie Francaise, unhesitatingly lent Duroy money to buy suitable clothes and invited him to come to dinner the following evening to meet the owner of the paper. The Forestiers" party was a success for Duroy. M. Walter hired him as a reporter to write a series of articles on his experiences in Algeria. It was not easy for Duroy to adapt himself to his new job. His first article was due the day following the dinner party. Unable to write it in proper form, he was forced to hurry to the Forestier home early in the morning to seek stylistic advice. Forestier, just leaving, referred Duroy to Mme. Forestier for help. Together they turned out a successful piece. With her help Duroy slowly built a reputation as a clever reporter, but his salary remained small. Two months after the Forestiers" dinner party Duroy called on Mme. de Marelle, who had been among the guests that evening. Duroy"s friendship with Mme. de Marelle quickly developed into an affair. De Marelle was often away from home, so that his wife had ample time to see her lover, at his lodgings at first and then at an apartment which she rented for their rendezvous. Duroy objected mildly to having Mme. de Marelle bear this expense, but it was not long before he found himself regularly accepting small sums of money from her. It was Mme. de Marelle"s daughter Laurine who first called him " Bel-Ami ," a nickname gradually adopted by most of his friends.M.Forestier suffered from a bronchial ailment. As his health grew worse, his disposition became unbearable at the office. Duroy determined to avenge himself by attempting to seduce Mme. Forestier. She gently rebuffed him, but agreed that they could be friends. Duroy was brash enough to propose that she become his wife if she were ever widowed. At Mme. Forestier"s suggestion Duroy began to cultivate Mme. Walter. The week following his first visit to her he was appointed editor of the "Echoes," an important column. He had barely assumed this position when the editor of a rival newspaper, a Plume, accused him falsely of receiving bribes and suppressing news. For the honor of La Vie Francaise Duroy was forced to challenge his disparager to a duel. Though neither he nor his opponent was injured, M. Walter was pleased with Duroy"s spirit. Duroy moved into the apartment Mme. de Marelle had rented for their meetings after he had promised that he would never bring anyone else there. Shortly afterward Forestier became seriously ill, and Duroy received a telegram asking him to join the Forestiers in Cannes, where they had gone for the invalid"s health. After Forestier"s death, as he and Mme. Forestier kept a vigil over the corpse, Duroy proposed once more. The widow made no promises but stated the next day that she might consider an alliance, though she warned her swain that she would have to be treated as an equal and her conduct left unquestioned. Mme. Forestier returned to Paris. A year later she and Duroy were married. Georges du Roy de Cantel, as he now called himself at his wife"s suggestion, and his bride had agreed to spend their honeymoon with his parents in Normandy. However, Mme. de Cantel spent only one day with his simple, ignorant peasant family in their tiny home. The newspaper man found in his wife a valuable ally who not only aided him in writing his articles but also, as the friend of influential men, helped him to find a place in political circles. Unfortunately, friction soon developed between them. After he had moved into his wife"s home, de Cantel found that its comforts had been designed to please its old master, and he soon found himself pushed gently into the niche his friend had occupied. Even the meals were prepared according to Forestier"s taste. To pique his wife de Cantel began to call Forestier "poor Charles," always using an accent of infinite pity when he spoke the name. Not long after his marriage de Cantel resumed his relationship with Mme. de Marelle and at the same time began an affair with Mme. Walter. He had briefly bemoaned the fact that he had not married wealthy young Suzanne Walter, but he soon became intrigued with the idea of seducing her mother, a pillar of dignity. His conquest was not a difficult one. Mme. Walter began to meet her lover at his rooms and to shower affection and attentions upon him so heavily that he quickly became bored. Among Mme. de Cantel"s political acquaintances was the foreign minister, Laroche-Mathieu, who supplied news of government activities to La Vie Francaise. Because the minister was also a close friend of M. Walter, it was not difficult for de Cantel"s new paramour to learn the state secret that France would soon guarantee the Moroccan debt. Mme. Walter planned to buy some shares of the loan with the understanding that de Cantel would receive part of the profit. While Mme. Walter was carrying on her speculations, the de Cantels received a windfall in the form of a bequest from the late Count de Vaudrec, an old family friend of Mme. de Cantel. De Cantel objected to the Count"s bequest of one million francs, however, on the grounds that appearances would compromise her. He allowed her to accept the money only after she had agreed to divide it equally with him, so that it would seem to outsiders as if they had both received a share. De Cantel profited handsomely when France assumed the Moroccan debt, but his gains were small compared to those of Laroche-Mathieu and M. Walter, who had become millionaires as a result of the intrigue. One evening he and his wife were invited to view a painting in the Walters" magnificent new mansion. There de Cantel began a flirtation with Suzanne Walter; his own wife and Laroche-Mathieu had become intimates without attempting to conceal their friendship. That evening de Cantel persuaded Suzanne to agree never to accept a proposal without first asking his advice. At home after the reception he received with indifference the cross of the Legion of Honor which the foreign minister had given him. He felt that he was entitled to a larger reward for concealing news of the Moroccan affair from his readers. That spring he surprised his wife and Laroche-Mathieu at a rendezvous. Three months later he obtained a divorce, causing the minister"s downfall by naming him correspondent.A free man again, de Cantel was able to court Suzanne Walter. It was simple for him to persuade the girl to tell her parents she wished to marry him, to have her go away with him until they gave their consent to the match. Mme. Walter was the only one at the magnificent church wedding to show any signs of sadness. She hated the daughter who had taken her lover, but at the same time she was powerless to prevent the marriage without compromising herself. M. Walter had managed to resign himself to having a conniving son-in-law, had, in fact, recognized his shrewdness by making him chief editor of the newspaper. Suzanne was innocently happy as she walked down the aisle with her father. Her new husband was also content. Greeting their well-wishers in the sacristy after the ceremony, he took advantage of the occasioin to reaffirm, with his eyes, his feelings for Mme. de Marelle. As he and his wife left the church, it seemed to him that it was only a stone"s throw from that edifice to the chamber of deputies (来源:英语博客 http://space.englishcn.com)





关于福楼拜 莫泊桑 都德 左拉 伊万·屠格涅夫的资料

伊万.屠格涅夫 伊万u2022谢尔盖耶维奇u2022屠格涅夫(1818~ 1883)俄国19世纪批判现实主义作家,出生于世袭贵族之家,1833年进莫斯科大学文学系,一年后转入彼得堡大学哲学系语文专业,毕业后到德国柏林大学攻读哲学、历史和希腊与拉丁文。1843年春,屠格涅夫发表叙事长诗《巴拉莎》受别林斯基好评,二人建立深厚友谊。1847~1851年,他在进步刊物《现代人》上发表其成名作《猎人笔记》。以一个猎人在狩猎时所写的随笔形式出现的,包括25个短篇故事,全书在描写乡村山川风貌、生活习俗、刻画农民形象的同时,深刻揭露了地主表面上文明仁慈,实际上丑恶残暴的本性,充满了对备受欺凌的劳动人民的同情,写出了他们的聪明智慧和良好品德。该作品反农奴制的倾向触怒了当局,当局以屠格涅夫发表追悼果戈里文章违反审查条例为由,将其拘捕、放逐。在拘留中他写了著名的反农奴制的短篇小说《木木》。19世纪50至70年代是屠格涅夫创作的旺盛时期,他陆续发表了长篇小说:《罗亭》(1856)、《贵族之家》(1859)、《前夜》(1860)、《父与子》(1862)、《烟》(1867)、《处女地》(1859)。其中《罗亭》是他的第一部长篇小说,塑造了继奥涅金、皮却林之后又一个“多余的人”形象,所不同的是,罗亭死于1848年6月的巴黎巷战中。《父与子》是屠格涅夫的代表作。它反映了代表不同社会阶级力量的“父与子”的关系,描写亲英派自由主义贵族代表基尔沙诺夫的“老朽”,塑造了一代新人代表——平民知识分子巴札罗夫。但巴札罗夫身上也充满矛盾,他是旧制度的叛逆者,一个“虚无主义者”,否认一切旧传统、旧观念,他宣称要战斗,但却没有行动。小说问世后在文学界引起剧烈争论。从60年代起,屠格涅夫大部分时间在西欧度过,结交了许多著名作家、艺术家,如左拉、莫泊桑、都德、龚古尔等。参加了在巴黎举行的“国际文学大会”,被选为副主席(主席为维克多u2022雨果)。屠格涅夫对俄罗斯文学和欧洲文学的沟通交流起到了桥梁作用。屠格涅夫是一位有独特艺术风格的作家,他既擅长细腻的心理描写,又长于抒情。小说结构严整,情节紧凑,人物形象生动,尤其善于细致雕琢女性艺术形象,而他对旖旎的大自然的描写也充满诗情画意。作品《春潮》介绍写于1871年的《春潮》没有表现重大的社会政治问题,从情节看似乎只是一个感人的爱情故事。 1840年5月屠格涅夫在游历了意大利和瑞士回柏林途中来到德国城市法兰克福。 1840年5月屠格涅夫在游历了意大利和瑞士回柏林途中来到德国城市法兰克福。 在那里他偶然踏进一家糖果店想喝杯柠檬汁,适遇店主的女儿向他呼救,请他帮助抢救突然昏厥的弟弟。 女郎的美貌和气质使他产生爱慕之心,只是由于匆匆离去,爱情种子未及萌芽便夭折了。 这成了30年后创作《春潮》的基础。这成了30年后创作《春潮》的基础。 小说开始部分的情节与作者的经历几乎毫无二致。 但不能说这是自传体小说,因为作者只是采用了自己经历中的一件事作为小说的引子。值得注意的是尽管《春潮》发表后受到广泛欢迎,被译成多种文字在国外出版,俄国评论界的反应则褒贬不一,后来的文学史家和传记作者在论及屠格涅夫创作时对它较少提及或几乎不提。 究其原因,大概就如本段开始所说的那样,小说不像作者其他许多小说那样总是反映重大社会政治问题。 不过《春潮》在艺术上仍是成功之作。 无论杰玛这个从外表到内心都美的少女形象,还是萨宁这个青年贵族的多余人的虚弱性格,甚至波洛索夫太太这个外表华美内心丑恶的坏女人形象,都刻画得极为成功。代表作《父与子》


一、教学目标 1.认识资本主义社会人与人之间赤裸裸的金钱关系。 2.学习本文构思的巧妙及情节的曲折。 3.学习通过表情、行动、心理、语言描写来刻画人物性格的手法。 二、难点、重点分析 1.本文的写作特点是什么? 分析:莫泊桑短篇小说的成就最为突出。他擅长从平凡琐屑的事物中截取富有典型意义的片断,以小见大的概括出生活的本质。他的短篇小说侧重描写人情世态,构思布局巧妙,故事情节曲折起伏,善于用精练笔墨揭示人物的内心世界,《我的叔叔于勒》也是这样的一篇小说。 通过人物的语言、行动、表情揭示人物心理,刻画人物性格。 人物的心理描写,有人物内心独白和作者从旁描述等方法。本文主要是采用作者从旁描述的方法,也就是作者通过对人物的语言、动作、表情的描写,来揭示人物的内心世界,刻画出人物的性格特征。如写菲利普忽然看见两位先生在请两位打扮漂亮的太太吃牡蛎,他被这种高贵的吃法打动了,”走到其妻子和女儿身边问:“你们要不要我请你们吃牡蛎?”菲利普夫人则怕花钱,迟疑不决,“很不痛快地说:‘我怕伤胃,你只给孩子们买几个好了,可别太多,吃多了要生病的。”这些语言、动作,揭示了菲利普装阔气好虚荣的心理,菲利普夫人虚伪、爱面子的心理。 如菲利普认出了卖牡蛎的穷水手就是于勒时,“突然好像不安起来”、“向旁边走了几步”,是想躲开穷水手,怕他(于勒)认出来;“瞪着眼看了看”穷水手旁的女儿女婿,是怕被女儿女婿发现这秘密。“他的脸色十分苍白,两只眼也跟寻常不一样。”“他低声对妻子说: 真奇怪!这个卖牡蛎的怎么这样像于勒?”这相遇对菲利普来说太意外,看到的于勒的境况太凄惨,菲利普一家十多年来的美梦突然破灭了。菲利普还害怕这个穷弟弟又要拖累他。突然遭到沉重、痛苦的打击,内心充满了恐惧和希望破灭后带来的慌乱痛苦。 《我的叔叔于勒》这篇小说,作者通过语言、动作、表情等把主人公菲利普夫妇的内心世界、性格特征刻画得透彻深刻惟妙惟肖。小说开始时,热切盼望于勒回来,老说“那句永不变更的话”。在船上遇见时,看到于勒那贫穷的样子,就像躲瘟疫那样躲开他。这对夫妇对于勒的态度的变化,由于于勒穷富的变化,可截然不同的分为三个阶段:穷 富 穷。 作者刻画人物的复杂心理,很有层次感,就以菲利普在船上撞见穷水手这段为例: 菲利普无意中刚遇见于勤时,突然好像不安起来,向旁边走了几步,“脸色十分苍白,两只眼也跟寻常不一样”,低声对其妻说:“真奇怪!这个卖牡蛎的怎么这样像于勒?” 他还是放心不下,让妻子亲眼去看看,把事情弄个清楚。 菲利普向船长打听于勒情况后,脸色煞白,两眼呆直,哑着嗓子,神色张皇狼狈,低声嘟哝着:“出大乱子了!”表现出丧魂失魄、惊恐狼狈的神态。 2.本文的构思十分巧妙。 分析:①选材巧。A.先请学生口述课文大意。注意以下几个方面:时间、地点、人物;故事的起因、发展、高潮和结局。B.根据学生叙述、讨论,明确:这篇小说写的事情很平常,人物也很普通,像于勒这样的在家中挥霍钱财的浪荡子,出外冒险、升降浮沉的人,在资本主义社会屡见不鲜,可以说是见怪不怪了,作者却能在这极为常见的普通人的遭遇里,集中笔墨写出反映当时社会人情冷暖,揭露社会病态的文章,以小见大,以个别见一般。 ②处理安排巧。小说题目叫“我的叔叔于勒”,可是文章对于勒并没有作正面描写,试问:重点描写的人物是谁?为什么作这样的安排?明确:如正面描写于勒,只能说明一个人在资本主义社会的遭遇,反映不出一般人的生活悲剧。本文则着重写人与人之间关系的变化。随着于勒的暴发与沦落,我们看到的是菲利普夫妇的冷暖炎凉。作者从解剖一个家庭成员的关系入手,着重描写菲利普夫妇对于勒的态度变化,让我们深刻感受到资本主义社会中“人和人之间除了赤裸裸的冷酷无情的现金交易的利害关系,就再也没有别的联系了”。 ③小说自始至终都有一个“我”存在。这也是小说构思的特点之一。明确:A.“我”是小说事情叙述者,但又不同于《竞选州长》中的“我”,这“我”不是主人公,只是以“我”的见闻来展开情节,起着穿线的作用。B.因为“我”是于勒的侄儿,由“我”来叙述“叔叔”的遭遇,父母的态度变化,使人感到更真切,意义更深刻。C.“我”是家中唯一同情于勒的人,设置这个对立面,可使菲利普夫妇的态度变化显得突出。 ④双线交织,情节完整而紧凑。A.提问:于勒到美洲前后经济上发生了哪些变化?同学发言后,老师归纳明确:穷——富——穷。提问:伴随于勒经济上的变化,菲利普夫妇对他的态度发生了哪些变化?同学发言后,老师归纳明确:撵——盼——怕——躲。边讲析边写出下面板书内容。 可见本文情节是由于勒与菲利普夫妇这两条线交织发展构成的,围绕着于勒身世的浮沉来展开菲利普夫妇的态度前后不同的变化。B.根据以上板书内容,由学生自己划分段落,教师巡回指导,最后归纳明确:第一部分(1~4段),开端,全家盼望于勒从海上归来;第二部分(5~19段),发展,全家夸赞于勒去美洲后赚了钱;第三部分(20~47段),高潮,船上巧遇于勒,得知其沦落的底细。第四部分(48~49段),结局,全家躲开于勒。 3.本文的情节有什么特点? 分析:全文情节总体上是大起大落,这急骤变化,不使人感到突然,却让人感到真切、可信,这就是“曲折”的妙用了。讨论要点: (1)开头写了菲利普一家的境况之后,并不忙着介绍于勒,却突然用了一句“可是每星期日……”,像电影的短镜头似的吸引了读者的注意力。人们不禁要问:于勒是谁?他在哪里?为什么这一家都盼望他回来?于勒的情况就是用这种曲折的设置悬念的方式引出的。 (2)接下去,作者又回过头来,前后对比着介绍于勒。值得注意的是:这个介绍是介于同样两个镜头之间(“每到星期日”——“于是每星期日”),是插叙。既简洁交待了事情因果,又使我们产生了不得不看下去的欲望。这插叙的内容本身,就形成了情节的“曲折”。 (3)一般说,接下来就可以直接告诉读者,这一家人终于见到了于勒或没有见到手勒,但这样一来未免直露了,使文章故事一览无余。这里需要“曲折”的布置。而“乘船游玩”这一情节就是“曲折”的设计。开辟了一个让人物充分表现自己的舞台,让希望的肥皂泡一直吹到最大限度,再突然破灭、消失,使故事更加强烈、感人。 (4)于勒的出现,如果用兄弟俩突然撞见的方式就没戏可看了,不吸引人。作者故意安排吃牡砺这个小插曲,让人物有更多的表演余地,这里面又可设计更多的波澜。 (5)船上相遇,由“我父亲突然好像不安起来”到“出大乱子了!”突出了菲利普夫妇一系列心理变化过程:(父亲)猜测——否定——不放心——与船长搭话——真相大白。(母亲)莫名其妙——伯——哆嗦——马上回答——暴怒。人物感情变化曲折复杂。如果直面相对,一下认出来,内容就简单直露了,人物也显得单薄。 4.本文是怎样巧设悬念引人入胜的? 悬念是欣赏小说、戏剧、电影或其他文艺作品时的一种心理活动,即关切故事发展和人物命运的紧张心情。作家和导演为体现作品中的矛盾冲突,在处理情节结构时常用各种手法引起读者或观众的悬念,以加强文艺作品的艺术感染力。在章回小说中,往往在情节紧要关头或人物命运起落之时,作者来个“欲知后事如何,且听下回分解”,这就是故意设置的悬念。 在《我的叔叔于勒》中,莫泊桑巧妙地运用了悬念,不仅把读者紧紧地吸引住了,而且将故事一步步地推向高潮。故事一开始,作者抓住几件琐细的小事,渲染了菲利普拮据的家境后,立刻引出“父亲总要说他那句永不变更的话”。“唉!如果于勒竟在这只船上,那会叫人多么惊喜呀!”为什么“父亲”急切地盼望于勒归来?于勒归来会改变他们家的境况吗?于勒现在在哪里?他是干什么的?这一连串的问号,就是作者设下的一个个悬念,它让读者怀着迫切的心情急于看下文。接下去作者写于勒两次来信,说他发了财,“已经租了一所大店铺,做着一桩很大的买卖”。可是一转眼10年过去了,菲利普一家人望眼欲穿,但仍不见于勒归来,这又是为什么呢?作者再次设下悬念,把读者的胃口吊足。最后菲利普一家在去哲尔赛岛游玩的渡轮上遇到了一个衣衫褴楼的老水手,他很像于勒,可那人究竟是否是于勒呢?他怎么会在渡轮上卖牡蛎呢?又一个悬念产生了。至此,作者把故事情节推向了高潮,任何一个读者都已欲罢不能了。 三、教学过程设计 (一)理解全文内容,理解主题思想。 1.读课文。 教师范读,或播放录音。 提出听读时的思考题: 于勒是怎样一个人? 菲利普夫妇一家为什么盼望于勒回来? 小说的结局是菲利普夫妇一家人躲开了日夜盼望的于勒。这是什么原因? 这篇小说揭示了怎样的主题思想? 说明:让学生带着问题听读课文,有益于集中注意力思考,同时,几个问题又暗示了阅读本文的重点。 2.讨论问题。 可先由学生以小组形式(两三个人)议论,然后,全班讨论。 于勒是怎样一个人? 最终使学生明确:于勒年轻时,是个浪荡子。他把自己所得的遗产花光了,又花了哥哥菲利普一些钱,因而被家里的人看不起,甚至视为全家的“恐怖”。终于,他被送到美洲。后来,据说他在那里作生意赚了钱,并且给菲利普夫妇去信说,打算发了财回法国来跟哥哥同住。于是,哥哥、嫂子把他看作全家的“希望”和“福音”。但是,于勒在美洲阔了一阵之后,重又潦倒落魄下来,沦落成一个穷光蛋,被法国船长带回来,在船上摆摊靠卖牡蛎过日子,跟讨饭差不多,他又重新成为哥哥、嫂子的“恐怖”,被弃之家门外。 说明:这个问题不难答。要指导学生认真读课文,从课文中归拢起于勒的“简历”。从“于勒”入手理解全文内容,既切合题目,顺应学生阅读心理流向,又为理解菲利普夫妇性格特征,进而理解全文主题思想做了较必要的准备。同时,也为后面理解本文“谁是主人公”的问题做了铺垫。 菲利普夫妇一家为什么盼望于勒回来? 最终使学生明确:菲利普是个小公务员,一家人生活十分拮据,不仅“样样都要节省”,甚至连女儿都嫁不出去。但是,他们知道了以前被视为“全家的恐怖”的于勒,在美洲发了财,“做着一桩很大的买卖”,而且准备回到故乡,和哥哥菲利普一家“一起快活地过日子”。于是“大家认为分文不值的于勒,一下子变成了正直的人,有良心的人。”菲利普一家朝思暮想,眼巴巴地盼望于勒归来,并对“这桩十拿九稳的事”、“拟定了上千种计划,甚至计划要用这位叔叔的钱置一所别墅”,“我”的二姐也因这一“福音”订了婚。 小说的结局是菲利普夫妇一家人躲开了日夜盼望的于勒。这是什么原因? 最终使学生明确:直接原因是菲利普夫妇只认识钱和于勒又沦落为穷人,其根本原因是那个金钱至上的社会制度。 说明:回答这个问题,学生由于是初步接触课文,思考问题或许过于表面化。教师要善于启发、引导。从教学实践来看,学生会得出如下分析结果,提出来,供备课时参考。 (l)是那个女婿造成的。菲利普夫妇怕女婿知道了于勒的情况,于婚事不利。 (2)是于勒的为人造成的。如果于勒是一个品德很好的人,则菲利普夫妇不会如此。 (3)是于勒贫穷造成的。如果于勒此时很富有,菲利普夫妇一定和他相认。 (4)是菲利普夫妇经济不富裕造成的。如果他们很有钱,就会认下于。 (5)是菲利普夫妇的虚荣心造成。如果他们不是那么好面子,则结局不会如此。 (6)是菲利普夫妇的思想意识造成的。在他们的头脑中只认识钱。 (7)是那个社会制度造成的。在资本主义社会里,人与人之间的关系就是金钱关系。 这篇小说揭示了怎样的主题思想? 明确:小说写一个普通小市民家庭的日常生活。作者运用对比手法,充分描述了菲利普夫妇对待亲兄弟于勒的前后截然不同的态度,画出了一幅资本主义社会里贫穷则兄不认弟的触目惊。动的惨象,艺术地揭示了资本主义社会人与人之间的关系是“纯粹的金钱关系”的主题思想。 说明:学生不必这样答,只要回答出揭示了资本主义社会人与人之间的关系是“纯粹的金钱关系”,就行了。 3.归纳概括。 在上面讨论的基础上,请学生将4个讨论分析的结果进行归纳,使之成为一个完整的答,用一段话表述清楚。 说明:这个环节,是将前面分点、分角度的讨论进行综合整理。学生理解本篇课文,从听读开始,是整体感知;分成4个问题讨论,是化整为点,深入理解;现在综合起4个答题内容,将对课文的理解又回到整体上去,形成较为完整的认识。同时,又能起到训练听说能力的作用。可请班里一两位口头表达能力较好的同学回答。 (二)重点阅读,了解小说刻画人物时运用的主要方法。 在前面基本理解了小说主要内容的基础上,下面重点阅读菲利普夫妇一家在船上巧遇于勒情节里的片断。 1.读课文“我父亲突然好像不安起来……给了我一个5法郎的银币,就走开了。” 提示学生听读时注意:作者利用人物语言和神态刻画人物的心理活动。听读时,注意这一点。 2.请几个学生说一说各自找出的例子,说明人物的语言或神态表现了怎样的心理活动。 说明:可以结合课后练习四作点分析,使学生体会到人物语言在刻画人物时的作用(也包括神态、动作描写)。具体内容参见《教师指导用书》,此略。 (三)研讨本课的主人公是谁。 这篇小说的题目是《我的叔叔于勒》,但是对于勒却仅有几笔直接描写,多是侧面写,而对菲利普夫妇的性格刻画用了很多笔墨。谁是本文的主人公呢? 最终明确:小说题为《我的叔叔于勒》,于勒却是作为暗线,略写和虚写了他的过去和未来。他的出现只是在海轮上卖牡蛎那短短的一瞬。作者把笔墨凝聚在“我”的一家旅游哲尔赛岛在海轮上巧遇于勒这一件事上,集中表现菲利普夫妇对于勒态度的骤然变化上,从而刻画出他们贪婪、自私、势利的性格特征。小说正是通过刻画菲利普夫妇的性格特征,从而揭示全文主题思想的。因此,本文的主人公是菲利普夫妇。 说明:小说中的“我”作为叙事的主体贯穿全篇。其他人物的态度和行动,都是从“我”的眼里看到的;对其他人物的感受和评述,也都是从“我”的角度表示的。在“我”身上,寄托着作家的褒贬、爱憎、喜怒和哀乐。 对小说主人公的研讨,目的是进一步从全文出发深入理解内容,体会写作特点。这个讨论不必占用过多时间,也不必一定统一答案,允许学生将于勒视为主人公,因为也有这样的观点。 (四)做想象性的口头作文。 1.由教师提供下面一段情境,学生口头续写。 游船在翡翠般的大海上继续向哲尔赛岛前进。…… 父亲急忙向我们跑来。“克拉丽丝?克拉丽丝!”他眼睛里放着光,脸涨得红红的,像熟透的苹果。“快去看啊,那个吃牡蛎的极有风度的先生怎么那么像于勒!在他身旁还有一位高贵的妇人呢!”显然是由于狂喜,父亲抑制不住激动大声说道。“是吗?太好了!上帝保佑!可把他盼回来了!”母亲一时不知用什么语言来表达她与丈夫的同情的心情。“快,快去……看看咱们的亲弟弟……” 2.假设破了产,又重新穷困潦倒的于勒找到菲利普一家的门上,将是怎样一种情景。口头叙述,适当描绘。 说明:这个练习有益于培养学生创造性思维,也易激发其兴趣,口头表达能力也得到了训!练。 为了让更多学生有练习的机会,可采用小组形式先说(四人左右一组),再推选说得好的三四位同学,在全班说。条件允许也可以直接在班上说。 以上两个练习,酌情任选一个。 (五)分角色朗读课文。 请5位同学分别读“我”、菲利普、菲利普夫人、船长、于勒。 要求读出对人物的理解。 布置作业 1.将口头作文写成书面作文。 2.用录音机录下朗读全文的录音,也可以几个同学自愿组成小组,将课文改成广播剧,能配乐更好,录制下来。全班评比。 课堂教学设计Ⅰ 一、教学目标 (同“课堂教学设计Ⅰ”) 二、难点、重点分析 (同“课堂教学设计Ⅰ”) 三、教学过程设计 (-)快速精读测试。 1.这篇小说的中。动事件是: 2.这篇小说的主要人物是: 3.这篇小说安排故事情节线索是: 4.这篇小说的主题是: 5.写出这篇小说的故事情节: 开端: 发展: 高潮: 结局: 测试记录: 快速“概括与提炼” 5题用时:______________分钟 快速“概括与提炼”速度:_____________题/分钟 快速“概括与提炼”正确率:________% 快速“概括与提炼”效率:___________题/分钟 (二)激疑质疑。 l、关于“训词与析句”。 (1)下面三组句子,各表现了母亲在希望破灭时怎样的心理和感情? ①母亲也怕起来,吞吞吐吐地说:“你疯了,既然你知道不是他,为什么这样胡说八道?” 答: ②母亲回来了。我看出她在哆嗦。她很快地说:“我想就是他。去跟船长打听一下吧………” 答: ③母亲突然暴怒起来,说:“我就知道这个贼是不会有出息的,早晚会重新回来拖累我们的……” 答: (2)“我心里默念道:‘这是我的叔叔,父亲的弟弟,我的亲叔叔。”"这默念的三句话意思有什么异同?为什么重复写?这表现“我”什么心理? 答: (3)辨析下列各组两个词的含义,分别造句 ①恭维 ②郑重 恭敬 慎重 ③端详 ④阔绰 端量 阔气 2.关于“鉴赏与评价”。 这篇小说的故事情节安排得十分巧妙,使故事曲折,引人入胜。仔细阅读课文,回答下面几个问题,深刻体会这一特点。 (1)文章开头在写了菲利普一家的家境后,不接着就介绍于勒,而是写他们一家星期天到海边栈桥散步的习惯,写父亲永不变更的话。这样写的好处是什么? 答: (2)文章中关于于勒去美洲前后的情况,是运用什么方法交待的?这部分内容对故事情节的发展起什么作用? 答: (3)写二姐婚事的成功,全家决定举行婚礼之后到哲尔赛岛旅行。这与整个故事情节有什么关系? 答: (4)安排两位先生请两位打扮得很漂亮的太太吃牡蛎这样一个细节,作用是什么? 答: (5)“我”给于勒叔叔十个铜子的小费一段描述,对表现主题起什么作用? 答: (三)精读导引。 第1段: (1)通过对人物语言的揣摩,分析人物内心活动和性格特征。 (2)通过揣摩人物语言来理解其中深层的含义,加深对小说内容的理解。 第2题: (1)体会小说通过对人物表情、动作、言谈的描写来揭示人物内心世界的写法。 (2)体会小说构思的特点。 (四)疑难讨论。 第1题: (1)①虽然母亲听到了那个穷水手就是于勤的消息,但发财梦使她不愿相信这是真的,于是“吞吞吐吐”的责怪丈夫“胡说八道”。 ②等她亲自看清楚那卖牡蛎的果真是于勒以后,也惊恐的“哆嗦”起来,但仍存一些希望,所以叫丈夫再去向船长打听。 ③当最终证实那穷水手就是于勒时,看到丈夫“神色很狼狈”,想起于勒从前占有过他们应得的一部分遗产,而以后又给过他们发财的“希望”,现在这种希望竟成了泡影,于是旧怨新仇一齐发作,“突然暴怒起来”,破口大骂。她那自私、冷酷、唯利是图的性格特征,随着她的语言和心理变化,一层层的发展,至此毕露无遗。 (2)这默念的话中“我的叔叔,父亲的弟弟,我的亲叔叔”,从字面的人物关系看:“我的叔叔”也就是“父亲的弟弟”,意思没有什么不同。但是,从排列的)顺序分析,作者是很具匠心的,最后重复“我的叔叔”,其中却加上一个“亲”字,反映了“我”对处于贫困的于勒叔叔深切的同情和对父母六亲不认的困惑、苦闷及不满。这是一句包含讽刺意味的。心里话。 (3) ①恭维:为讨好而赞扬(含贬义)。 恭敬:对尊长或宾客严肃而有礼貌(含褒义)。 ②郑重:严肃认真。 慎重:谨慎认真。 ③端详:仔细地看。 端量:端详打量。 ④阔绰:排场大,生活奢侈。 阔气:豪绰奢侈。 (造句略) 第2题: (1)这样的叙述是在设置悬念,使读者急于知道于勒是谁?他在哪里?为什么菲利普一家人都急切盼望他归来?使故事情节的发展更有吸引力。(2)插叙。介绍于勒的经历,交待了事情的前因后果,更突出菲利普一家盼望于勒归来的急切心情,为情节的发展做了铺垫。 (3)二姐婚事的成功,引出了去哲尔赛岛旅行,这才创造遇见于勒的机会,把故事引入对中心事件的叙述。(4)这一细节牵动了菲利普的虚荣。乙,使他也产生了请家人吃牡蛎的念头。而由此才使菲利普与于勒进一步接近,并终于认出了于勒,使故事情节急转而下,同时也增强了故事的戏剧性。(5)这段描述把故事情节推向高潮,把菲利普夫妇冷酷无情、唯利是图的本质暴露得十分充分。 〔快速精读测试参考答案〕 1.利普夫妇随于勒生活变化所表现出来的不同态度。 2.利普夫妇。 3.勒的贫富变化。 4.揭露资本主义社会里人与人之间赤裸裸的金钱关系。 5.开端:哲尔赛旅行;发展:发现于勒;高潮:证实于勒归来;结局:躲开于勒。 【小资料】 一、作者·背景。 居伊·德·莫泊桑(1850~1893),19世纪后半叶法国著名的批判现实主义小说家。出身于没落贵族家庭,在母亲和一位中学教师的教导、鼓励下,很早就开始学习写作。1870年中学毕业以后,到巴黎学法律。不久普法战争爆发,应征入伍。战后长期在海军部和教育部当小职贝。 莫泊渠先后结识了法国的批判现实主义小说家福楼拜,以及左拉、都德和旅居法国的俄国作家屠格涅夫等人,得到他们的指导帮助。1879年,他发表了第一部小、说《羊脂球》,立即轰动了法国文坛。以后,他共写了20O多篇中短篇小说、六部长篇小说、三本游记,以及许多文学、政治和时事评论。 莫泊桑生活在代表大资产阶级利益的第三共和国时代。面对风起云涌的阶级斗争,他一方面看到了人民群众日益高涨的爱国热情,另一方面进一步认识了资本主义壮丽面上的裂纹,加深了对当时社会的不满,并在作品中揭露了资本主义社会日益腐化的现象。 莫泊桑获得了世界短篇小说巨匠的美名。他多次以普法战争为题材,热情歌颂法国人民高尚的爱国主义精神,鞭答资产阶级的怯懦与自私,留下了《羊脂球》《菲菲小姐》《米龙老爹》等名篇传世。他还大量地以城市中小资产阶级的生活为题材,披露那些人极力向上层社会钻营的丑态,讽刺他们庸俗而可悲的虚荣心,如《项链》《骑马》《绳子的故事》等。《我的叔叔于勒》也属于这类作品。 本篇小说1883年8月7日首次发表于巴黎《高卢工人报》,写的是法国西部哈佛尔海港菲处普家的故事。 二、重点内容图示。 (2) 三、有争议的问题。 1.怎样认识本篇的主题。一说,这是一篇伦理小说,揭示了生活中某一类人物极端势利的嘴脸。势利,作为人类普遍的劣习和商品社会必然会衍生的生活现象,是超越时代、地域的,“菲利普”永远不会绝迹。小说是一面“生活的镜子”,可以借来透视当代某些人的丑陋的灵魂,有助于提高青少年的鉴别力和道德水准。 2.谁是小说的主人公,多数研究者认为是菲利普夫妇。亦有认为是于勒的,理由:“于勤”置于标题之中,题文相谐属基本的美学原则;主人公出场可早可晚,关键在他是否处于中心位置,而本篇情节和人物活动都以于勤作为枢纽、基点,借以揭示主题;创作本篇时,“菲利普”式的文学人物已经很多了,作者着意塑造了悲剧性更为深刻的另一类人物。 3.课文删节的得失。编者共删到20余处,1500余字。一般认为,删去原作头尾,不取大故事套小故事的结构,这对教学有利。研究者也提出,某些内容颇有分量,删去实属不妥,比如:(1)第43段之后:“说话的语声是穷人接到施舍时的语声。我心想他在那边一定要过饭。”(2)第48段之后。“当船驶到栈桥附近的时候,我心里产生了一种强烈的愿望:我想再看一次我的叔叔于勤,想走到他身旁,对他说几句安慰和温暖的话。可是他已经不见了,……这个可怜的人!”(3)第49段之后:“此后我再也没见过我父亲的弟弟。”


  这是我们组在网上看了些和自己修改出来的,网上没现成的.我们本来要演的,结果现在又不演了   Necklace   剧情:玛是个家境一般却渴望过贵妇生活的女子.去参加一次高档舞会找朋友佛借了项链,却在舞会丢了项链,为了还债,她和丈夫辛苦工作了10年.10年将她变得又老又丑,最后却得知项链本是假的.   道具:音乐(德彪西《月光曲》)翰施特劳斯《蓝色的多瑙河》,   男士西服一套 礼服至少2套 桌子 椅子两张(单人椅) 沙发 公园长椅 门 纸做的窗户 玫瑰花   请柬 玫瑰花 珍珠项链 手链及一些首饰 梳妆盒   扫帚 抹布 水桶 “十年后”的牌子   人物:旁白 Mathilde P Forestier和她仆人 舞会4对   音乐(德彪西《月光曲》)旁白,玛蒂尔德上场,站在窗边凝视窗外,沉思,而后慢慢走向舞台中央,坐下,梦想,神情随旁白内容而变化.   [旁白]:she was one of those pretty and charming young creatures who sometimes are born, as if by a slip of fate, into a family of clerks. She had no dowry, no expectations, no way of being known, understood, loved, married by any rich and distinguished man; so she let herself be married to a little clerk of the Ministry of Public Instruction.   She dressed plainly because she could not dress well, but she was unhappy as if she had really fallen from a higher station; since with women there is neither caste nor rank, for beauty, grace and charm take the place of family and birth. Natural ingenuity, instinct for what is elegant, a supple mind are their sole hierarchy, and often make of women of the people the equals of the very greatest ladies.   Mathilde suffered ceaselessly, feeling herself born to enjoy all delicacies and all luxuries. She was distressed at the poverty of her dwelling, at the bareness of the walls, at the shabby chairs, the ugliness of the curtains. All those things, of which another woman of her rank would never even have been conscious, tortured her and made her angry. The sight of the little Breton peasant who did her humble housework aroused in her despairing regrets and bewildering dreams. 她也是一个美丽动人的姑娘,好像由于命运的差错生在一个小职员的家里.她没有陪嫁的资产,也没有什么法子让一个有钱的体面人认识她,了解她,爱她,娶她;最后只得跟教育部的一个小书记结了婚.她不能够讲究打扮,只好穿得朴朴素素,但是她觉得很不幸,她觉得她生来就是为着过高雅和奢华的生活,v   第一幕 [接到请柬]   One day, Pierrir recieved an education bureau party invitation ,and so happy to go home to prepare to show it to matilde   旁白:一天,皮埃尔拿到一封教育局舞会邀请函,高兴地回家准备给马蒂尔德   皮埃尔上场,音乐中断.   Mathilde Open the door!   皮:(兴奋地敲门——体现拿到请柬后急于要给玛看的心情),玛蒂尔德,开门!   what the hell, you have not brought the key? Open the door by your own!   玛:真是的,你没带钥匙吗!自己开!(恼怒美梦被打破)   “There,” said he, “there"s something for you.”   皮:(开门——好心情并未被破坏,走向玛)看呀,这儿有点好东西给你.(扬了扬请柬)   玛:是吗?什么东西?(边说边站起,接过请柬——感到有些意外,又非常高兴 她边走边读,慢慢的,情绪由开心转为懊恼,皮紧跟其后,伸着脖子,希望得到赞赏)   “What do you want me to do with that?”   玛:(扔请柬)你叫我拿这东西怎么办呢?(一脸懊恼的神情)   “But, my dear, I thought you would be pleased. You never go out, and here"s a chance, a fine one. I had the hardest work to get it. Everybody is after them; they are greatly sought for and not many are given to the clerks. You will see there all the official world.”   皮:(迅速小心地捡起请柬,难过地)但是,亲爱的,我原以为你一定很喜欢的,你从来不出门,这是一个机会,这个——一个好机会!我费了多大力气才弄到手,大家都希望得到,可是很难得到——它一向很少发给职员.你在那儿可以看见所有的官员.(玛任性地背着脸,皮围着玛转,体现皮讨好妻子,而玛任性,不听话的   “What do you want me to put on my back to go there?”   玛:可是,你打算让我穿什么去呢?(愤怒,瞪着皮)   “But the dress in which you go to the theater. That looks very well to me”   皮:(结结巴巴,尴尬)你上戏园子穿的那件衣裳,我觉得就很好,依我……   ( 玛哭)   What"s the matter? What"s the matter?”   皮:(不知所措,着急地)你怎么了?你怎么了?   “Nothing. Only I have no clothes, and in consequence I cannot go to this party. Give your card to some colleague whose wife has a better outfit than I.”   玛:(抑制悲痛,擦干泪,平静地)没有什么,只是,没有件象样的衣服,我不能去参加这个夜会,你的同 事,谁的妻子打扮得比我好,就把请柬送给谁去吧.   “See here, Mathilde, how much would this cost, a proper dress, which would do on other occasions; something very simple?”   皮:(难过)好吧,玛蒂尔德,做一身合适的衣服——你在别的场合也能穿——很朴素的,得多少钱呢?   "I don"t know exactly, but I think I could manage it with four hundred francs."   玛:(暗自盘算了一下,然后迟疑地)准数呢,我不知道,不过我想,有四百法郎就可以办到.   gosh, I just kept such a sum, it seems, I dream of the shotgun, which will vanish   皮:(脸色发白,面向观众,沮丧地)天啊,我恰好存着这么一笔款子,看来,我的猎枪梦,又成泡影了.   “All right. I will give you four hundred francs. But take care to have a pretty dress.”   皮:(对着玛)就这样吧,我给你四百法郎,不过你得把这件长衣裙做得好看些.   I will. It"s very nice of you. Honey   玛:(开心地跳起,热烈地)我会的!你真好,亲爱的!   三天后   ( 音乐 :舒伯特《小夜曲》尾声)   夜会的日子近了,但是她显得郁闷、不安、忧愁.(玛坐在椅子上,沉思,面带忧愁)   "What is the matter? Come, you have seemed very strange these last three days."   皮:怎么啦,看看,这三天来你非常奇怪(温柔地,关切地).   “It annoys me not to have a jewel, not a single stone, to put on. I shall look like distress. I would almost rather not go to this party.”   玛: 让我发愁的是一粒珍珠、一颗宝石都没有,没有什么好戴的,我处处带着穷酸气,我还是不去参加这个夜会了.(略带埋怨)   “You will wear some natural flowers. They are very stylish this time of the year. For ten francs you will have two or three magnificent roses.”   皮:(沉思片刻)买几朵鲜花吧,在这个季节里,这是很时兴的,花十个法郎,就可以买二三朵别致的玫瑰.   “No; there"s nothing more humiliating than to look poor among a lot of rich women.”   玛:(身子转到一边,依旧任性地)不成,在阔太太中间露穷酸相,再难堪也没有了.   “What a goose you are! Go find your friend, Mme. Forester, and ask her to lend you some jewelry. You know her well enough to do that.”   皮:( 窘迫地立在一边,绞尽脑汁)哎呀,你真傻,向你的好朋友佛莱思节夫人借几样珠宝,不就成了?你跟她很有交情,这点事满可以办到的!   “That"s true. I had not thought of it   玛:(兴奋地从座位上跳起来,拉住皮袖子)真的,我倒没想到!   第二幕 借项链   玛:“叮咚,叮咚……”(按着门铃)   佛:“玛丽,玛丽!   仆人:在,夫人.我马上去开.(放下手中的活)   玛: (微笑 )你好   Lady,this is mrs Mathilde   仆人:边让玛进门边说(夫人,是马蒂尔德太太)(见叫了两声仆人的名字没有应,从椅子里站起来,放下手中的宠物)   佛:Oh,玛蒂尔德,原来是你!   Oh, Mathilde, so it"s you!   玛:你能借我些珠宝吗Can you lend me some jewelry?   佛:当然可以,你等着,(走向卧室去取梳妆盒)Of course, wait for me for a little while   旁白:这时的玛蒂尔德暗暗地笑了,她想象着佛来思节夫人的珠宝首饰……佛来思节夫人取来梳妆盒,放在桌子上,那是一件漂亮贵重的东西.   "Choose, my dear."   佛:(微笑着)挑吧,亲爱的.   So many jewelry!   玛:(打开梳妆盒,惊呆了)这么多珠宝啊!(她先试了试一条手链,觉得不好,又试了另一条,又觉得不好,发现一条项链)珍妮,来,快帮我戴上.   Mathilde, how beautiful you are! 佛:(为玛戴好项链,笑意盈盈)玛蒂尔德,你真漂亮!   "Haven"t you any more?"   玛:(照了照镜子,觉得项链不太高贵) 珍妮,你还有没有别的,更漂亮一点的?   I have a lot of, just choose it by yourself!   佛:多着呢,自己挑吧!   Wow, a diamond necklace! Can I wear this necklace 玛:(突然发现一个青缎盒子,赶忙拿在手里,打开一看)哇,钻石项链!(恳求的眼光望着佛):我可以戴它吗?   Of course e on, let me help you 佛:当然可以,来,我来帮你.(拿过项链,帮玛戴上)   "Will you lend me this, only this?"   玛:(盯着镜子中的她,深情地笑了,这时的她觉得好幸福,觉得自己好高贵,于是,她转过身来对佛来思节夫人)珍妮,我可以借这个吗?我只借这一件.   "Why, yes, certainly."   佛:当然,你看上去漂亮极了!   Really? You are so sweet! Thank you very much. 玛:真的吗?你太好了,太谢谢你了!(整个人跳了起来,搂住朋友的脖子,   狂吻,以示感谢,之后,迅速拿起桌上的那个青缎盒子,戴着项链跑了,并且一边跑一边向佛高声嚷)我会还给你的!   佛:(无奈地望着她的背影,笑着摇摇头)唉,这个玛蒂尔德!   第三幕 舞会(音乐起 ——约翰施特劳斯《蓝色的多瑙河》,   伴着音乐,旁白起:   The night of the ball arrived. Madame Loisel was a great success. She was prettier than any other woman present, elegant, graceful, *** iling and wild with joy. All the men looked at her, asked her name, sought to be introduced. All the attaches of the Cabinet wished to waltz with her. She was remarked by the minister himself.   She danced with rapture, with passion, intoxicated by pleasure, forgetting all in the triumph of her beauty, in the glory of her success, in a sort of cloud of happiness prised of all this homage, admiration, these awakened desires and of that sense of triumph which is so sweet to woman"s heart.   She left the ball about four o"clock in the morning.   夜会的日子到了,路瓦栽夫人得到了成功.她比所有的女宾都漂亮、高雅、迷人,所有的男宾都注视她,打听她的姓名,求人给介绍;部里机要处的人员都想跟她跳舞,部长也注意她了.她狂热地兴奋地跳舞,沉迷在欢乐里,什么都不想了.她陶醉于自己的美貌胜过一切女宾,陶醉于成功的光荣,陶醉在人们对她的赞美和羡妒所形成的幸福的云雾里.   第四幕丢项链及还债   (音乐弱)   The party is really happy today !ah Ah. 玛:(进门后,脱下旧外套,提起裙摆,跳几步华尔兹)   今天的晚会可真愉快啊!.   玛:啊呀!   "What is the matter with you?"   皮:怎么啦?(不知发生什么事,语气平缓地)   "I have--I have--I"ve lost Madame Forestier"s necklace," she cried.   玛:我……我……我丢了佛来思节夫人的项链了!   "What!--how? Impossible!" "You"re sure you had it on when you left the ball?"   皮:(急)什么!不会的!你确信你在舞会上还戴着它吗?(找妻子脱下的旧大衣)   "Yes, I felt it in the vestibule of the minister"s house."   玛:是呀,我肯定掉在舞会上了   But if you had lost it in the street we should have heard it fall. It must be in the carriage."   皮:万一掉在路上了呢,一定是掉在马车上了,马车上.   Yes, probably. it in the carriage   玛:很可能,一定是掉在马车上了.(哭,趴在桌子上)   "I shall go back on foot," said he, "over the whole route, to see whether I can find it."   皮:(沉默,吸烟)好吧,我把回来的路找一遍,再去警局问问吧.(下)   My necklace, my necklace. God bless   玛:我的项链,我的项链,上帝保佑(在胸口划十字,回忆)(坐下,哭)   旁白:He went to police headquarters, to the newspaper offices to offer a reward; he went to the cab panies--everywhere, in fact, whither he was urged by the least spark of hope.   She waited all day, in the same condition of mad fear before this terrible calamity.   Loisel returned at night with a hollow, pale face. He had discovered nothing   How?   玛:(急忙站起,走到门口,停住做一番祈祷,开门)怎么样?   皮:低下头无奈地摇摇头,   so, how could I return the necklace tomorrow? 玛:(哭)那,那我明天怎么去还项链?(坐下更大声地哭)   "You must write to your friend," said he, "that you have broken the clasp of her necklace and that you are having it mended. That will give us time to turn round."   皮:(坐下,沉默)那就先给你朋友写封信,说你把项链的搭钩弄坏了,正在修理,过几天再还,这样才能有周转的时间.   Ok   玛:好吧.,(坐下写信)   旁白:Then they went from jeweler to jeweler, searching for a necklace like the other, trying to recall it, both sick with chagrin and grief.   They found, in a shop at the Palais Royal, a tring of diamonds that seemed to them exactly like the one they had lost. It was worth forty thousand francs. They could have it for thirty-six.   然而,项链并没有找到.他们四处借钱,买了串一模一样的钻石项链还给佛莱思节夫人.之后他们开始了十年艰辛的还债生活.   第五幕【明真相】   (音乐起——马格纳《美丽的早晨》)   ( narrator ) at the end of tenth years, the debt was gone finally. One day, she went to the park for a walk, and get some rest after one weeks tired . Then, she saw a woman walking, it is the Laith "s wife, she is still young, still beautiful. Road tile plant lady get many feelings, and walked up to it 旁白)第十年年底,债务总算还请了.一天,她到公园去走走,舒散一星期来的疲劳.这时候,她突然看见一个妇人在散步,原来就是佛莱思节夫人,她依旧年轻,依旧美丽动人.路瓦栽夫人无限感慨,她走上前去   "Good-day, Jeanne."   玛:你好,珍妮.   But--madame!--I do not know--You must have mistaken."   佛:(非常惊讶,磕磕巴巴地)可是……太太……我不知道……你一定是认错人了.   who are you, dirty dead, don"t get close tou our lady! 仆人:你是谁,脏死了,别靠近我们太太!   "No. I am Mathilde Loisel."   玛:没错,我是玛蒂尔德啊!(同时用手去抓佛的手)   "Oh, my poor Mathilde! How you are changed!"   佛:(把手缩回,上下打量玛)啊!……我可怜的到蒂尔德,你怎么变成这样?   "Yes, I have had a pretty hard life, since I last saw you, and great poverty--and that because of you!"   玛:(低下头)是呀,多年不见了.(两个人同时散步,走到公园椅子边坐下)这些年来我忍受了许多苦楚,……而且都是因为你!……   "Of me! How so?"   佛:因为我?……这是怎么讲的?   "Do you remember that diamond necklace you lent me to wear at the ministerial ball?"玛:你一定记得你借给我的那挂项链吧,就是我戴了去参加教育部夜总会的那挂.   "Yes. Well?"   佛:(想了一下)噢,记得,   (玛低下头,若有所思)   Well, I lost it.   玛:我把它丢了.   "What do you mean? You brought it back.   佛:(很惊讶)哪儿的话,你不是已经还给我了吗?   "I brought you back another exactly like it. And it has taken us ten years to pay for it. You can understand that it was not easy for us, for us who had nothing. At last it is ended, and I am very glad."   玛:我还给你的是另外一挂,跟你的完全相同,你瞧,我们花了十年功夫, 才还清了它.(佛很惊讶)你知道,像我们这样什么也没有的人,这可不容 易啊!   "You say that you bought a necklace of diamonds to replace mine?"   佛:(恍然大悟地)你是说你买了一挂钻石项链赔我吗?   "Yes. You never noticed it, then! They were very similar."   玛:(带着天真得意地笑)对呀,(抓住佛的手) 你当时没看出来吧,那简 直就是原来的那一挂呀!   Oh, my poor Mathilde! Why, my necklace was paste! It was worth at most only five hundred francs!"   佛:(感动地抓住玛的一只手,站起来)唉,我可怜的玛蒂尔德!可是,我的那一挂是假的,至多值五百法郎!……   玛:(急忙站出来,呈惊讶状)啊……




全名居基·德·莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant 1850年8月5日-1893年7月6日) :19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家,曾拜法国著名作家福楼拜为师。一生创作了6部长篇小说和350多篇中短篇小说,他的文学成就以短篇小说最为突出,是与契诃夫和欧·亨利并列的世界三大短篇小说巨匠之一,对后世产生极大影响。被誉为“短篇小说之王”。他擅长从平凡琐屑的事物中截取富有典型意义的片断,以小见大地概括出生活的真实。他的短篇小说构思别具匠心,情节变化多端,描写生动细致,刻画人情世态惟妙惟肖,令人读后回味无穷。 The full name occupied base · Germany · Maupassant (Guy de Maupassant on August 5th, 1850 - July 6, 1893): In the second half of the 19th century France outstanding critical realism writer, once did obeisance French renowned writer Flaubert was a teacher. The life has created 6 novels and more than 350 short stories, his literature achievement was most prominent by the short story, was scolds the husband and European · Henry"s compound world one of three big short story great masters with the agreement, had the enormous influence to the later generation. Is honored as “king of the short story”. He excels from the ordinary trivial thing to intercept the rich typical significance the piece, by slightly sees the earth to summarize the life the reality. His short story forms in one"s mind to have great originality, the plot is changeable, description vivid careful, the portray human sentiment ways of the world are lifelike, after making one read, provides much food for thought.


简介 莫泊桑(Maupassant 1850~1893) :19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家.一生创作了6部长篇小说和356多篇中短篇小说,他的文学成就以短篇小说最为突出莫泊桑简介,是与契诃夫和欧·亨利并列的世界短篇小说之王,对后世产生极大影响.他擅长从平凡琐屑的事物中截取富有典型意义的片断,以小见大地概括出生活的真实.他的短篇小说侧重摹写人情世态,构思布局别具匠心,细节描写、人物语言和故事结尾均有独到之处. Maupassant Guy De Maupassant--1904 Maupassant"s conception of his art is such as one would expect from a practical and resolute mind; but in the consummate simplicity of his technique it ceases to be perceptible.This is one of its greatest qualities,and like all the great virtues it is based primarily on self-denial. To pronounce a judgment upon the general tendency of an author is a difficult task.One could not depend upon reason alone,nor yet trust solely to one"s emotions.Used together,they would in many cases traverse each other,because emotions have their own unanswerable logic.Our capacity for emotion is limited,and the field of our intelligence is restricted.Responsiveness to every feeling,combined with the penetration of every intellectual subterfuge,would end,not in judgment,but in universal absolution.TOUT COMPRENDRE C"EST TOUT PARDONNER.And in this benevolent neutrality towards the warring errors of human nature all light would go out from art and from life. 这是从别处找的: 全名居基·德·莫泊桑(Guy de Maupassant 1850年8月5日-1893年7月6日) :19世纪后半期法国优秀的批判现实主义作家,曾拜法国著名作家福楼拜为师.一生创作了6部长篇小说和350多篇中短篇小说,他的文学成就以短篇小说最为突出,是与契诃夫和欧·亨利并列的世界三大短篇小说巨匠之一,对后世产生极大影响.被誉为“短篇小说之王”.他擅长从平凡琐屑的事物中截取富有典型意义的片断,以小见大地概括出生活的真实.他的短篇小说构思别具匠心,情节变化多端莫泊桑简介,描写生动细致,刻画人情世态惟妙惟肖,令人读后回味无穷. The full name occupied base · Germany · Maupassant (Guy de Maupassant on August 5th,1850 - July 6,1893):In the second half of the 19th century France outstanding critical reali *** writer,once did obeisance French renowned writer Flaubert was a teacher.The life has created 6 novels and more than 350 short stories,his literature achievement was most prominent by the short story,was scolds the hu *** and and European · Henry"s compound world one of three big short story great masters with the agreement,had the enormous influence to the later generation.Is honored as “king of the short story”.He excels from the ordinary trivial thing to intercept the rich typical significance the piece,by slightly sees the earth to summarize the life the reality.His short story forms in one"s mind to have great originality,the plot is changeable,description vivid careful,the portray human sentiment ways of the world are lifelike,after making one read,provides much food for thought. 作业帮用户2017-09-23 举报