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With a moderate to fairly high net energy yield

1、主干句:these systems emit no heat-trapping carbon dioxide or other air pollutants and need no water for cooling. — 主语:these systems:这些系统 — 并列谓语部分 —— * emit no heat-trapping carbon dioxide or other air pollutants and 不放射出吸热的二氧化碳或者其他空气污染物 * need no water for cooling. 无需冷却水。2、附加成分:With a moderate to fairly high net energy yield 对相当高纯的能量产额具有一种稳定性的情况下 * 核心词:a moderate * 后置定语:to fairly high net energy yield (修饰 moderate,) 其中——核心词是energy yield,形容词net 是它的定语(即纯能量产额),副词high 修饰形容词 net(即高度纯的),另一个副词修饰fairly, 修饰副词 high(即非常高度地),整个意思是“相当高纯的能量产额”。参考译文:对相当高纯的能量产额具有一种稳定性的情况下,这些系统不散发吸热的二氧化碳或者其他空气污染物,无需冷却水。

moderate risk什么意思

moderaterisk中度危险  例句:  Sincetheyhavealowormoderateriskdesignation,thisiswhatwe"releftwith.  低和中等危害度,这些就是剩下的。

By advocating moderate change, they think that they can keep consumer costs low.


moderate ability中文翻译

If you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你能力一般,勤勉能补足你的缺陷 If you have great talents , industry will improve them ; if you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使你完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉能补足你的缺陷。 If you have great talents , industry will improve them ; if you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使其更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。 If you have great talents , industry will improve them , if you have but moderate abipties , industry will supply their deficiency 如果你很有天赋,勤奋会使其更加完善,如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。

medium 和moderate 有何区别

medium n.媒体, 方法, 媒介adj.中间的, 中等的, 半生熟的moderate adj.中等的, 适度的, 适中的v.缓和


关于moderate怎么记忆,回答如下:moderate 读作 ["mɑdu0259ru0259t]。Moderate 这个单词在英语中表示"适度、中等的、温和的",可以作为形容词或动词使用。例如,作为形容词,可以说 "He has a moderate income" (他的收入适中);作为动词,可以说 "We need to moderate our spending"(我们需要限制开支)。1、适度的;中等的that is neither very good, large, hot, etc. nor very bad, small, cold.2、温和的;不激烈的;不偏激的having or showing opinions, especially about politics, that are not extreme3、适中的;合理的staying within limits that are considered to be reasonable by most people再举个例子,在英语中,我们常听到 "moderate exercise"(适量运动)的说法,这表示运动时不要过度的劳累自己,保持一个适当的强度即可。希望这个单词的解释能够帮助到你。


moderate英 [u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259t] 美 [u02c8mɑ:du0259ru0259t] adj.有节制的; 稳健的,温和的; 适度的,中等的; <美俚>慢吞吞的vt.使和缓; 主持; 节制vi.变缓和; 作主持人网络温和; 适度; 中等第三人称单数: moderates 现在分词: moderating 过去式: moderated 过去分词: moderated 双语例句 1He was an easygoing man of very moderate views. 他的观点非常温和,容易相处。2While a moderate amount of stress can be beneficial, too much stress can exhaust you. 适度的压力是有好处的,但是压力太大会把人压垮。




有节制的快板、中庸的 moderato与其它速度标记连用时,含有加以节制的意思,即快或慢都要有所节制。如有节制的快板(allegro moderato)比快板(allegro)稍慢些 =100我就不懂了 望采纳



在吉他独奏谱中,一开头Moderate u266a=100是什么意思



moderate是适度的, 稳健的, 温和的, 中等的意思,一般形容一些性情的东西,或者一些温度啊,气候适中,脾气比较温和之类。common指比较常见,比较通常的东西区别还是很大的。价格适中可以用前者。手机价格普通,用中文说也很怪吧。


这个词形容人时,一般表示这个人性格“稳重,平稳”。例如: a moderate politician 一位稳重的政治家如果想表示一个人性格“温和,脾气好,有亲和力”,一般用:friendly , nice , kind , warm-hearted , easy-going如有帮助,请采纳一下,谢谢



不的读音 不五笔怎么打 moderate是什么意思

拼音: bù 不五笔: GIImoderate 温和的,适度的

moderate 的反义词

反义词有pride; arrogant; conceited; snooty网络Pride; proud; be proud of等。因为本身有谦虚的意思。反义pride;arrogant;conceited;snooty网络Pride; proud; be proud of等。因为本身有谦虚的意思。


【形容词】有节制的、稳健的、温和、中等的、适度的。例如moderate politicians 稳健的政治家a moderate income 稳定的收入at moderate speed 中等的速度moderate prices 公道的价格【名词】稳健的人, 温和主义者【使役动词】使...缓和、使...减轻(速、少)、节制。例如:moderate one"s voice 降低讲话声音moderate the convention 主持大会 (即节制会议)

moderate 造句

He is moderate in character. 他性格温和。


moderate 英 [u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259t] 美 [u02c8mɑdu0259ru0259t] adj.有节制的; 稳健的,温和的; 适度的,中等的; <美俚>慢吞吞的;vt.使和缓; 主持; 节制;vi.变缓和; 作主持人;


moderate 英[u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259t]美[u02c8mɑdu0259ru026at]adj. 有节制的;稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;<美俚>慢吞吞的vt. 使和缓;主持;节制vi. 变缓和;作主持人[例句]Many moderate democrats have been purged.许多温和的民主党人遭到了清除。

各位高手06年宝马750有个黄色警示灯是什么意思, 英文显示 Drive control! Drive moderately

Drive control Drive moderately ( 驱动控制 驱动适度)


moderatelyadv. 适度地;中庸地;有节制地[网络短语]moderately 适度,适当地,中等地moderately bite 被咬了一下Moderately Proficient 适度精通,正在翻译,中等精通希望帮到你 望采纳 谢谢!!!


moderately[英][u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259tli][美][u02c8mɑ:du0259ru0259tli]adv.适度地; 普通地; 温和度; 不过度地; 例句:1.From this they are meant to conclude that debt is only moderately attractive. 由此他们必定会得出这样的结论:债务适度才是最吸引人的。2.Sustainable economic development needs the coordination between active fiscal policyand moderately loose monetary policy. 所以需要积极财政政策和适度宽松货币政策相结合,才能使经济更可持续发展


moderately生词本去背诵英 [u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259tli] 美 [u02c8mɑ:du0259ru0259tli]adv.适度地; 普通地; 温和度; 不过度地网 络适度;适度地;中等地;适当地双语例句1. Being even moderately overweight increases your risk of developing high blood pressure. 即使是轻度超重也会增加患高血压的风险。2. I don"t smoke and I drink only moderately. 我不吸烟,酒量也一般。3. Both are moderately large insects. 两种昆虫都是中等大小。4. Share prices on the Tokyo Exchange declined moderately. 东京股票交易所的股价小幅下跌。5. a moderately successful career 还算成功的事业




What is the difference between a major, moderate and minor drug reaction?A major drug reaction would be something that is unbearable, could be life threatening and very serious.Moderate drug reaction would be something that is bearable to some extent... in some people though it might be on the extreme and not bearable ... but not life threatening.Minor drug reaction would be something very small ... definitely bearable but maybe a bit annoying.由此可见 major>moderate>Minor




His command of English is just moderate in the class.

be moderated 有“被引见”的意思吗


moderate是什么意思 详解moderate一词的含义?

- The weather is moderate today.(今天的天气很温和。)- Please take a moderate amount of food.(请适量食用食物。)- We need to moderate the temperature in the room.(我们需要调节房间的温度。)- He tried to moderate his tone of voice.(他试图缓和自己的语气。)- The weather is moderate today.(今天的天气很温和。)- He is a moderate in politics.(他是一个政治上的中间派。)

国外论坛中经常有两个单词, "moderated " 和" thread" 是什么意思?

moderated 使……缓和,调节thread 细致地分析

moderate dysplasia,cin-2是什么意思

意思是:中度发育不良CIN-2级。重点词汇:moderate英['mu0252du0259ru0259t]释义:adj.普通的,中等的;不偏激的,温和的;有节制的,不过分的;(变化)不大的,有限的。v.缓和,使适中;主持(讨论或会议);审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致);(物理)使(中子)减速。n.持温和政见者。[复数:moderates;第三人称单数:moderates;现在分词:moderating;过去式:moderated;过去分词:moderated;比较级:more moderate;最高级:most moderate]短语:moderate price价格公道;合理价格。例句:用作形容词(adj)Moderate exercise will be of benefit to you.适度运动对你有益。Corn plants grow well in moderate weather.谷类植物在温和气候中生长繁盛。


moderate英 [u02c8mu0252du0259ru0259t] 美 [u02c8mɑ:du0259ru0259t] adj.有节制的;稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;<美俚>慢吞吞的


moderated 英["mɑ:du0259ru026atu026ad] 美["mɑ:du0259ru026atu026ad] v. (使) 减轻[缓和],节制( moderate的过去式和过去分词 ); 审核评分(查看不同阅卷人所打分数是否公平一致); [例句]Amongst relief workers, the immediate sense of crisis has moderated somewhat救援人员的紧迫危机感已经有所减弱。[其他] 原型: moderate

allegro moderate 是什么意思


怎样依次翻译“low, low to moderate, moderate, moderate to high high”


英语选词填空indicate estimate sedentary moderate obese escalate co?

1.adverse 2.indicate 3.colleague 4.estimate 5.potential 6.sedentary 7.moderate 8.obese 9.excess 10.escalate,1,英语选词填空 indicate estimate sedentary moderate obese escalate colleague potential excess adverse 1.They had to give up the expedition because of __ weather conditions. 2.The study__ a strong connection between pollution and cancer. 3.Haney and his __ recently found that the rate at which US students fail to advance to 10th grade has tripled in the last 30 years. 4.Scientists__ that *** oking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average. 5.It"s wrong to regard all soccer fans as __ trouble-makers--it"s only a *** all minority who are responsible for the violence. 6.People with__ jobs generally need to eat less than those in very active occupations. 7.The threat of unemployment also__ the wage demands of those who still held jobs. 8.He is considered to be__ and needs to lose a lot of weight. 9.You"d better cut off the__ fat from the meat before cooking. 10.Oil prices are expected to continue__ in the short term.