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一首英文歌,以once开头,歌词中还有“a better tomorrow”“to fing my love”,知道的朋友请告诉我!

Eversleeping 歌手:Xandria 专辑:Eversleeping Once I travelled 7 seas to find my loveAnd once I sang 700 songsWell, maybe I still have to walk 7000 milesUntil I find the one that I belongI will rest my head side by sideTo the one that stays in the nightI will lose my breath in my last words of sorrowAnd whatever comes will come soonDying I will pray to the moonThat there once will be a better tomorrowOnce I crossed 7 rivers to find my loveAnd once, for 7 years, I forgot my nameWell, if I have to I will die 7 deaths just to lieIn the arms of my eversleeping aimI will rest my head side by sideTo the one that stays in the nightI will lose my breath in my last words of sorrowAnd whatever comes will come soonDying I will pray to the moonThat there once will be a better tomorrow I dreamt last night that he came to meHe said: "My love, why do you cry?"For now it won"t be long any moreUntil in my cold grave we will lieUntil in my cold grave we will lie

more and more coOL 和 cooler and cooler意思相同?

more and more cool的用法是错误的,因为cool不是多音节形容词,只有多音节形容词才用“more and more +形容词”的形式,比如beautiful,就是用“more and more beautiful”。单音节的形容词都只用“形容词末尾+ er”形式,即:“形容词+ er and 形容词+ er”。如cooler and cooler。它的意思是“越来越冷,越来越凉爽”。


within temptation——memory歌词:In This World You Tried,Not Leaving Me Along BehindThere No Other WayI Prayed To The Gods Let Him StayThe Memories Ease The Pain Inside,Now I Know WhyChoursAll Of My Memories Keep You NearIn Silent Moments Imagine You HereAll Of My Memories Keep You NearYour Silent Whispers,Silent TearsMade Me Promise I"d Try To Find My Way Back In ThisLifeI Hope There Is A Way To Give Me A Sign You"re OkReminds Me Again It"s Worth It All So I Can Go OnAll Of My Memories Keep You NearIn Silent Moments Imagine You HereAll Of My Memories Keep You NearYour Silent Whispers,Silent TearsTogether In All These MemoriesI See Your SmileAll The Memories I Hold DearDarling,You Know I Will Love You Until The End Of TimeAll Of My Memories Keep You NearIn Silent Moments Imagine You HereAll Of My Memories Keep You NearYour Silent Whispers,Silent TearsAll Of My Memories....

more cool

I want to breathe more cool air.我想呼吸更多凉爽的空气this game is cooler than that one.这个游戏比那个游戏更爽所以在某些情景下 是有more cool的用法不过前者是more修饰 cool air

cool 的比较级是cooler还是more cool? 谢谢!




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理想主义和现实主义这两种力,在一切人类活动里,个人的、社会的,或民族的,都互相牵制着,而真正的进步便是由这二种成分的适当混合而促成。模糊而缺乏批判精神的理想主义,是极为可笑的。这种理想主义的成分如果太多,于人类颇为危险,它使人徒然地追求虚幻的理想。幸而人类也赋有一种幽默感,其功用,是在纠正人类的梦想,而引导人们去和现实世界相接触。人类不可没有梦想,可是他也不能不取笑他自己的梦想,两者也许同样的重要。说笑话者虽常常残酷地使理想主义者感到幻灭,但是在另一方面,却完成了一种极重要的任务,这足以使理想主义者不至于把头碰在现实的墙壁上,而受到一个比幻灭更猛烈的撞击。我时常想到一些机构公式,想把人类进步和历史变迁明确地表示出来。这些公式仿佛如下: “现实”减“梦想”等于“禽兽”reality-dream=animal “现实”加“梦想”等于“心痛”reality+dream=idealism (普通叫做“理想主义”) “现实”加“幽默”等于“现实主义”(普通叫做“保守主义”)reality+humor=comservatism “梦想”减“幽默”等于“热狂”dream-humor=enthusiasm “梦想”加“幽默”等于“幻想”dream+humor=fantasy “现实”加“梦想”加“幽默”等于“智慧”reality+dream+humor=wisdom 这样看来,智慧或最高型的思想,它的形成就是在现实的支持下,用适当的幽默感把我们的梦想或理想主义调和配合起来。人类的尊严是由放浪者(中国文学上所尊敬的人物)的四种特质所造成。就是:一种嬉戏的好奇心,一种梦想的能力,一种纠正这些梦想的幽默感,一种在行为上任性的、不可测度的质素。


MorethanIrealized,Dadhashelpedmekeepmybalance.WhenIwasgrowingup,Iwasembarrassed(尴尬的)tobeseenwithmyfather.Hewasseverelydisabledandvery___1___,andwhenwewouldwalktogether,hishandonmyarmfor___2___,peoplewouldstare.Iwouldinwardlyfeeluncomfortableattheunwanted___3___.Ifheevernoticedorwasbothered,henever___4___thatheknew.Itwas__5___tocoordinate(cooperate)oursteps—hishesitant,mineimpatient—andbecauseofthat,wedidn"t___6___muchaswewentalong.Butaswestartedout,healwayssaid,"Yousetthe___7___.Iwilltrytofollowyou."Ourusualwalkwastoorfromthesubway,whichwas___8___hegottowork.Hewenttoworkdespiteillnessandnastyweather.Healmostnevermissedadayandwould___9___ittotheofficeevenifotherscouldnot.Amatterof___10___.Henevertalkedabouthimselfasanobjectofpity,nordidheshowanyenvyofthemorefortunateor___11___.Whathelookedfor___12___otherswasa"goodheart",andifhefoundone,the___13___wasgoodenoughforhim.NowthatIamolder,Ibelievethathisideaisaproper___14___bywhichtojudgepeople,eventhoughI___15___don"tknowexactlywhata"goodheart"is.___16___IknowthetimesIdon"thaveonemyself.Hehasbeengonemanyyearsnow,butIthinkofhimoften.Iwonderifhe___17___Iwasunwillingtobeseenwithhimduringour___18___.NowthatIamolder,I"msorrythatInevertoldhimhowsorryIwasformyfeeling___19___bewithhiminpublicandhowunworthyIfelttobehisdaughter.IthinkofhimwhenIcomplainabouttrifles(somethingunimportant),whenIamenviousofanother"sgoodfortune,andwhenIdon"tpossessa"goodheart".AtsuchtimesIputmyhandonhisarmto___20___mybalance,andsay,"Yousetthepace.Iwilltrytofollowyou."1.A.strongB.energeticC.shortD.handsome2.A.balanceB.strengthC.comfortD.courage3.A.careB.attentionC.situationD.friendship4.A.hopedB.foundC.likedD.showed5.A.easyB.difficultC.possibleD.necessary6.A.seeB.payC.sayD.give7.A.ruleB.timeC.stepD.pace8.A.howB.whyC.whenD.where9.A.getB.makeC.takeD.walk10.A.joyB.faithC.beliefD.pride11.A.richB.successfulC.ableD.hardworking12.A.onB.inC.atD.with13.A.ownerB.keeperC.winnerD.other14.A.methodB.valueC.standardD.level15.A.yetB.alsoC.everD.still16.A.AndB.ButC.NowD.Then17.A.sensedB.smelledC.agreedD.recognized18.A.walksB.talksC.staysD.visits19.A.afraidB.proudC.ashamedD.disappointed20.A.findB.keepC.refillD.regain :1—5CABDB6-10CDABD11-15BBACD16-20BAACD

hearts lives more than one什么意思


翻译The more words and idioms you know, the easier


moron在用法上相当于普通话的的什么,与fool stupid等等的一些有什么区别呢



idiot/moron- 白痴retarded-智障

是heathier and heathier还是more and more heathy

much healthy 或 better

contentment is nothing more than idleness and loss of ambition 是什么意思

contentment is nothing more than idleness and loss of ambition知足不过是的好闲和失去志向罢了

翻译:the moral lesson of the ant and the grasshopper is :idleness brings want


英语谚语:One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters 中文意思: 一个父亲胜于一百个教师。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: I count myself in nothing else so happy as in a soul remem-bering my good friends 我认为,只有在脑海中想起好朋友时我才会那样快乐。 Ideals are like the stars -- we never reach them but like mariners we chart our course by them 理想好像星星,不能摘到,但我们犹如水手,可借它指引航向。 Idle folks have most labour 懒汉总嫌活太多。 Idle folks lack no excuses 懒汉辩解,何患无词。 Idleness is the key of beggary and the root of all evil 懒惰是行乞的敲门砖,是万恶的根源。 Idleness is the root (or mother) of all evil (or sin or vice) 懒惰是万恶之源。 Idleness is the rust of the mind 懒惰使脑子生锈。 Idleness rusts the mind 懒惰使人的头脑迟钝。 Idle young needy old 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 If a donkey bray at you don"t bray at him 傻瓜惹著你,你别跟他缠。 英语谚语: One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters 中文意思: 一个父亲胜于一百个教师。

这是什么歌 Time and tide wait for no man. 岁月无情。 时不待人。 The morning sun never lasts a day.

Navigate来自Band Of Skulls

Day after Tomorrow的Starry Heavens的音译歌词

  早上好!  给您Day after Tomorrow的Starry Heavens的音译歌词  Starry Heavens  歌:Day After Tomorrow  作词: misono  作曲: 铃木 大辅  夜空を翔る流れ星を今  yozora wo kakeru nagare boshi wo ima  见つけられたら 何を祈るだろう?  mitsukeraretara nani wo inoru darou?  旅立つ君と交わした约束  tabi datsu kimi to kawashita yakusoku  心の中にいつもある  kokoro no naka ni itsu mo aru  眠れない夜に 聴きたいのは君の声  nemurenai yoru ni kikitai no wa kimi no koe  朝日が来るまで语り明かした  asahi ga kuru made katari akashita  隣で梦中に话す横颜は 辉いていたよね  tonari de muchuu ni hanasu yokogao wa kagayaite ita yo ne  梦を追う君と见守る仆に  yume wo ou kimi to mi mamoru boku ni  同じ星の光りが降り注ぐ  onaji hoshi no hikari ga furi sosogu  振り返らずに歩いて欲しいと  furi kaerazu ni aruite hoshii to  涙こらえて见送った  namida koraete mi okutta  夜空を翔る流れ星を今  yozora wo kakeru nagare boshi wo ima  见つけられたら 何を祈るだろう?  mitsukeraretara nani wo inoru darou?  旅立つ君と交わした约束  tabi datsu kimi to kawashita yakusoku  心の中にいつもある  kokoro no naka ni itsu mo aru  いつでも包んであげられる仆でいたい  itsu demo tsutsunde agerareru boku de itai  募る寂しさはそっと隠して  tsunoru sabishisa wa sotto kakushite  あれから时间(とき)の流れがもどかしく  are kara toki no nagare ga modokashiku  感じ始めたけど  kanji hajimeta kedo  眩い星に想い重ねれば  mabayui hoshi ni omoi kasanereba  强い爱へと変えていけるから  tsuyoi ai e to kaete ikeru kara  君が自分で歩んだ轨迹も  kimi ga jibun de ayunda kiseki mo  确かなものにきっとなる  tashika na mono ni kitto naru  夜空を翔る流れ星を今  yozora wo kakeru nagare boshi wo ima  见つけられたら 何を祈るだろう?  mitsukeraretara nani wo inoru darou?  「どこにいたってつながっているよ」  "doko ni itatte tsunagatte iru yo"  君の言叶が苏る  kimi no kotoba ga yomigaeru  梦を追う君と见守る仆に  yume wo ou kimi to mi mamoru boku ni  同じ星の光りが降り注ぐ  onaji hoshi no hikari ga furi sosogu  振り返らずに歩いて欲しいと  furi kaerazu ni aruite hoshii to  涙こらえて见送った  namida koraete mi okutta  夜空を翔る流れ星を今  yozora wo kakeru nagare boshi wo ima  见つけられたら 何を祈るだろう?  mitsukeraretara nani wo inoru darou?  旅立つ君と交わした约束  tabi datsu kimi to kawashita yakusoku  心の中にいつもある  kokoro no naka ni itsu mo aru  中文翻译如下--  歌曲名 - STARRY HEAVENS - DAY AFTER TOMORROW - PRIMARY COLORS  d ay after tomorrow - starry heavens  作词:misono  作曲:铃木大辅  歌名翻译为starry是布满星星的意思  heavens是天空的意思  根据句义可以形象地翻译成 繁星点点的夜空  繁星点点的夜空  作词:misono  作曲:铃木大辅  若能找到飞过夜空的流星  此刻要许个什麼愿望才好?  与踏上旅途的你所约定的承诺  永远在我的心中  失眠的夜里 想听听你的声音  与你畅谈竟夜直到破晓  身旁你热心谈话的面容  是那样的闪耀  追梦的你和守望著你的我  同样的星光洒在我俩身上  希望你不要回头勇敢往前走  我只能含泪目送  若能找到飞过夜空的流星  此刻要许个什麼愿望才好?  与踏上旅途的你所约定的承诺  永远在我的心中  我期许自己能够永远包容你的所有  悄悄藏起日增的寂寞  我已经开始感觉到  从那天以后时间变得很难熬  只要把情感加诸於耀眼的星光  从此它将化作强烈的爱  所以说你自己所走过的轨迹  相信一定也会成为明确的事物  若能找到飞过夜空的流星  此刻要许个什麼愿望才好?  「无论身在何处我们的心都连在一起」  你所说过的话浮现在脑中  追梦的你和守望著你的我  同样的星光洒在我俩身上  希望你不要回头勇敢往前走  我只能含泪目送  若能找到飞过夜空的流星  此刻要许个什麼愿望才好?  与踏上旅途的你所约定的承诺  永远在我的心中  。。。希望您满意。。。



bloodline --Matt Morris歌词求解释。。

好吧。。我想偷懒找现成的翻译。。结果没有,那就手翻吧。。LZ等等哦。。 ——(请先看:有关翻译,从没听过这歌,刚听了,觉得调子很抒情,可歌词完全不是这个意思,网上有人说只是被男人抛弃了,不过我自我理解的意思应该是女主被强 X了,被神……也就是他是圣母玛利亚,不过不是自愿的。以下是翻译)bloodline-血统/世系(以下均翻为血统)She was a girl living in the city clinging to old religion她是个住在城里的女孩,紧握古老的信念Praying for electricity to keep it warm for the little ones她祈祷能够给小不点们保温(1)Nobody made her wise to the things a girl might find没人教她一个女孩该知道的事情In a belly of a hungry man who don"t care nothing about his bloodline在一个饥渴男人的肚子里,那个毫不在乎血统的男人She got lost in the bloodline她迷失于血统里Heavy cost of a bloodline代价沉重的血统She goes on she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline深夜她哭泣,她延续他的血统(2)So much riding on a bloodline骑来骑去的血统(3)Why is he hiding from the bloodline?为何他要躲避那血统It ain"t right she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline这样不对。她不该为了延续他的血统在夜晚哭泣She heard heaven is invite-only reserved for Christian soldiers她听说天堂只接受定好位的基督徒们Not unwed girls living in the city asking for change from strangers而不是她这种住在城市里,向陌生人要零钱的未婚女孩。But father said Jesus loves her even though she never married但神父说耶稣爱她,即使她没结过婚God loves her more than the Christians do she"s part of his holy bloodline神爱她胜于爱那些基督徒,她是他(神)血统的一部分She got saved in the bloodline她在血统中被拯救The price he paid for the bloodline他为血统所付出的代价(4)Changed her life, she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline这改变了她的一生。她在夜晚哭泣,延续他的血统。(5)She believes in the bloodline她相信这个血统。Lives and breathes by the bloodline她的生活和呼吸都附于这个血统。With all her might she cries at night and keeps alive his bloodline她用尽全身的力量在夜晚哭泣并延续他的血统Ohhhhhhhhhh oooooooooooo哦。…………I know I should have never left her to shoulder all the burden我知道我从不应该让她去背负所有的重担。She probably won"t forgive me god might not even她估计不会原谅我,或许神也不会。I made a cross and lay it on her back我做了个十字架,放在她背上。But I never broke her spirit and she owes that to her bloodline我从未折伤她的灵魂,她要感谢她的血统。She stayed strong for the bloodline I did wrong by the bloodline为了血统,她很坚强。我做错的血统。(6)She went on she cried at night and kept alive her bloodline夜晚,她继续哭着,然后延续她的血统。(7)Sacrificed for the bloodline paid the price for the bloodline为了血统而牺牲,也付出了代价。For all her life she cried at night and kept alive her bloodline她哭了一生的夜晚,然后延续了她的血统Ohhhhhhhhhh she cried at night and kept alive her bloodline ooooooooooooo哦~她哭一整晚,延续了她的血统。哦~其实!!我翻到这里…………要更改一下。。kept alive his bloodline 大概不是我之前译的‘延续血统"而是‘让这个血统活下去"不过我就不改了,LZ知道意思就好了……大概是要让她和他的孩子活下去吧。1.这句里有electricity,也就是电,不过我觉得加了中文这个词怪别扭。2.‘延续血统",听起来有那么个意思吧……3.‘骑来骑去"riding是骑的意思……夜晚里,这……4.这句里的‘他"是替众人被钉在十字架上的神(毕竟说了代价?)也就是说歌词里所有提过的‘他"都是神???5.这里我开始N怀疑女主是圣母玛利亚- -。。6.后半句我费解。7.注意,变成‘她"了,不再是‘他"



A horse is __ than a dog. A. much heavy B. more heavier C. much heavier D. more heavy


morbid angel的《blasphemy》 歌词

歌曲名:blasphemy歌手:morbid angel专辑:altars of madness(Music: Azagthoth)I am the god of godsMaster of the artsI desecrate the chasteWrithe in the fleshBlasphemyChant the blasphemyMorbid AngelMockery of the messiahWe curse the holy ghostEnslaver of the weakGod of lies and greedGod of hypocrisyWe laugh at your bastard childNo god shall come before meBlaspheme the ghostBlaspheme the ghostBlaspheme the ghostBlasphemy of the holy ghostDo what thou wilt shall be the whole of the lawRebel against the churchDrink from the chalice of blasphemyRise up against the enslaverRepeat 2nd verseRepeat chorus(Solo: Azagthoth)Repeat 2nd chorus

骑动感单车 听到一首英文歌 高潮部分一直重复 more more more

nicki minaj -starships ?

有首歌有几句词是什么start ship one more time的 求歌名

Nicki Minaj 的 Starships歌词如下:Let"s go to the beach, eachLet"s go get awayThey say, what they gonna say?Have a drink, clink, found the bud lightBad b-tches like me, is hard to come byThe patron on, let"s go get it onThe zone on, yes, I"m in the zoneIs it two, three? Leave a good tipI"mma blow off my money and don"t give two sh-tsI"m on the floor, floorI love to danceSo give me more more, till I can"t standGet on the floor, floorLike it"s your last chanceIf you want more, moreThen here I amStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyCan"t stop, "cause we"re so highLet"s do this one more timeStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyLet"s do this one last timeCan"t stop..(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)Jump in my hoopty hoopty hoopI own thatAnd I ain"t paying my rent this monthI owe thatBut f-ck who you want, and f-ck who you likeDance our life, there"s no end in sightTwinkle, twinkle, little starNow everybody let me hear you say ray ray rayNow spend all your money "cause they pay pay payAnd if you"re a G, you a G,G,G!My name is Onika, you can call me NickiGet on the floor, floorLike it"s your last chanceIf you want more, moreThen here I amStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyCan"t stop, "cause we"re so highLet"s do this one more timeStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyLet"s do this one last timeCan"t stop..(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)Starships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyCan"t stop, "cause we"re so highLet"s do this one more timeStarships were meant to flyHands up, and touch the skyLet"s do this one last timeCan"t stop..(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)(We"re higher than a motherf-ck-r)



La Oreja de Van Gogh的《Inmortal》 歌词

歌曲名:Inmortal歌手:La Oreja de Van Gogh专辑:Top Latino 4La Oreja De Van Gogh - InmortalTengo aquí bajo el vestido bien escondiditostus besos malditosMariposas que al alba de regreso acasa se venían conmigoYo tengo aquí bajo la cama cada madrugadaque la desdimosTengo tantas cosas y ninguna esta en su sitioTengo aquí dentro de un vasola primera ola de aquella mananaTengo en uno de mis rizos el ritmo del tangoque siempre bailabasYo tengo escrito en un suspiro aquellas palabrasque nunca dijimosTengo tantas cosas y ninguna esta en su sitioDespués de ti entendíque el tiempo no hace amigosQue cortó fue al amory que largo el olvidoSeré tu luzseré un disfrazuna farola que se encienda al pasarCualquier mariposala estrella polarque viene sola y muy solita se vaSeré el saborde un beso en el marUn viejo proverbio sobre como olvidarSeré inmortalpor que vivo en tu destinoTengo aquí bajo mi almohada tu fotografíafrente a santa claraDice más que mil palabras y yo le contestoque también te amabaYo tengo abierta la ventanapor que así se escapa el tiempo sin verteTengo tantas cosastengo todas en mi menteDespués de ti entendíque el tiempo no hace amigosQue cortó fue el amory que largo el olvidoSeré tu luzseré un disfrazuna farola que se encienda al pasarCualquier mariposala estrella polarque viene sola y muy solita se vaSeré el saborde un beso en el marUn viejo proverbio sobre como olvidarseré inmortalSeré ese lunarque adorne tu pieluna paloma cerca de donde estésUn golpe de suerteel café de las tresalguna mirada que te haga enloquecerSeré la vozque avise en el trenun presentimiento de que todo ira bienSeré inmortal(Wo-oh)Seré inmortal(Wo-oh-oh)Seré inmortalPor que vivo en tu destino

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Thrift Shop (feat. Wanz) Macklemore

ey Macklemore! Can we go thrift shopping?嘿,Macklemore! 咱俩去趟二手店呗?What, what, what , what, what, what, what... [x20][Hook]I"m gonna pop some tags 哥想血拼Only got twenty dollars in my pocket 可兜里只有20块钱I - I - I"m hunting, looking for a come-up 我,我,我找个地儿,寻么个能让我血拼的地儿This is fucking awesome 这可真特么的爽歪歪[Verse 1]Walk up to the club like, "What up, I got a big cock!" “怎么着哥就是个大屌”的范儿走进夜店Nah, I"m just pumped about some shit from the thrift shop 没啦,哥只是刚从二手店里淘到一些好货Ice on the fringe, it"s so damn frosty 这衣服的边角 已经太特么灰白That people like, "Damn! That"s a cold ass honkey." 大家都目瞪口呆“我擦,这简直就是只白腚白种猪”Rollin" in hella deep, headin" to the mezzanine, 哥左摇右摆,直往豪华包厢而去Dressed in all pink, "cept my gator shoes, those are green 穿了一身的粉,除了绿色的鳄鱼皮靴Draped in a leopard mink, girls standin" next to me裹了一条貂皮披肩,有个妞儿正好站我旁边儿Probably shoulda washed this, smells like R. Kelly"s sheets (Piiisssssss)这件衣服可能该洗洗了,闻起来好像Kelly的床单,艹!(Kelly:歌手,美版冠希哥)But shit, it was ninety-nine cents! (Bag it)但是这披肩才特么99美分啊好吗!(果断买了!)Coppin" it, washin" it, "bout to go and get some compliments买下来洗洗就能穿出门装BPassin" up on those moccasins someone else"s been walkin" in看见一双鹿皮靴,被谁穿过的破鞋Bummy and grungy, fuck it man烂的跟乞丐一样,尼玛I am stuntin" and flossin" and我犹豫啊踌躇啊 决定Savin" my money and I"m hella happy that"s a bargain, bitch买这种便宜货能给我省钱我应该高兴才是啊,艹!I"ma take your grandpa"s style, I"ma take your grandpa"s style,江南style算什么?哥是你爷爷的styleNo for real - ask your grandpa - can I have his hand-me-downs? (Thank you)哥没跟你开玩笑——去问问你爷爷,哥能把他不要的衣服撸过来么(谢谢!)Velour jumpsuit and some house slippers天鹅绒的连身裤,室内棉拖鞋Dookie brown leather jacket that I found diggin"哥在衣服堆里挖出一件棕色皮夹克啊好吗!They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard二手店里有个烂键盘,我就买下这个烂键盘I bought a skeet blanket, then I bought a knee board顺手还捎上条毛毯,还有个冲浪板Hello, hello, my ace man, my Miller你好,你好,我最牛B的亲,我最坚挺的亲John Wayne ain"t got nothing on my fringe game, hell no约翰·韦恩也没法在淘东西上跟我比肩,没门儿(约翰·韦恩,以演西部牛仔著名)I could take some Pro Wings, make them cool, sell those我还能再弄双阿迪王,山寨一下,高价倒卖The sneaker heads would be like “Aw, he got the Velcros”把鞋帮子山寨得让人惊叹“嗷嗷,穿阿迪的,这哥们儿可真是高富帅”[Hook x2]I"m gonna pop some tags哥想血拼Only got twenty dollars in my pocket可兜里只有20块钱I - I - I"m hunting, looking for a come-up我,我,我找个地儿,寻么个能让我血拼的地儿This is fucking awesome这可真特么的爽歪歪[Verse 2]What you know about rockin" a wolf on your noggin?你丫懂不懂头上顶着一只狼毛帽子有多牛BWhat you knowin" about wearin" a fur fox skin?你丫更不懂身穿狐皮大衣的优越I"m digging, I"m digging, I"m searching right through that luggage我挖,我挖,我在垃圾里翻找着One man"s trash, that"s another man"s come up甲之砒霜,乙之蜜糖,懂吗孩子Thank your granddad for donating that plaid button-up shirt谢谢你爷爷把那件带扣的格子衬衣捐给二手店"Cause right now I"m up in here stuntin因为我现在正穿着它得瑟I"m at the Goodwill, you can find me in the bins我在Goodwill(店名)里淘货,你能在箱子中间看到哥的英姿I"m that, I"m that sucker searchin" in that section (Uptons)寻寻觅觅Your grammy, your aunty, your momma, your mammy感谢你奶奶你姑姑你妈妈你家保姆I"ll take those flannel zebra jammies, second-hand这件二手法兰绒斑马纹睡衣哥就收了I"ll rock that motherfucker穿上绝对亮瞎你的狗眼The built-in onesie with the socks on that motherfucker哥穿着连袜子都特么带的套入式连体衣I hit the party and they stop in that motherfucker进了夜店他们都停下来盯着我They be like, "Oh, that Gucci - that"s hella tight."“我艹,那件古奇——古奇居然还特么出紧身衣?”I"m like, "Yo - that"s fifty dollars for a T-shirt."哥就说“要要要切克闹——的确是古奇,贵着呢花了哥50大洋!”Limited edition, let"s do some simple addition再补充一小句——还是限量版的!Fifty dollars for a T-shirt - that"s just some ignorant bitch (shit)其实古奇一件何止50——这熊孩子还真是无知啊艹I call that getting swindled and pimped (shit)哥管这个叫做红果果的抢劫I call that getting tricked by a business哥管这个叫做奸商的骗局That shirt"s hella dough这破衬衫是特么金子做的吧!And having the same one as six other people in this club is a hella don"t在夜店里跟六个人撞古奇的衫是错误的打开方式啊同学Peep game, come take a look through my telescope来透过哥的望远镜看看吧Trying to get girls from a brand? Then you hella won"t想用你身上的古奇来泡妞儿?歇菜吧你!Then you hella won"t歇菜吧你!(Goodwill... poppin" tags... yeah!)在Gowill...血拼...哦也爽啊![Hook]I"m gonna pop some tags哥想血拼Only got twenty dollars in my pocket可兜里只有20块钱I - I - I"m hunting, looking for a come-up我,我,我找个地儿,寻么个能让我血拼的地儿This is fucking awesome这可真特么的爽歪歪[Bridge x2]I wear your granddad"s clothes哥穿着你爷爷的衣服I look incredible哥看起来帅呆了I"m in this big ass coat哥穿着的这件碉堡大衣From that thrift shop down the road可是胡同里内间二手店里买来的![Hook]I"m gonna pop some tags哥想血拼Only got twenty dollars in my pocket可兜里只有20块钱I - I - I"m hunting, looking for a come-up我,我,我找个地儿,寻么个能让我血拼的地儿This is fucking awesome这可真特么的爽歪歪Is that your grandma"s coat?

one more 问题: one more的歌曲原唱是?

Problem"(feat. Iggy Azalea)[Iggy:]Uh huh, it"s Iggy IggzI got one more problem with you girlAye[Ariana:]Baby even though I hate ya亲爱的,有时我会讨厌你I wanna love ya内心深处却渴望爱你I want you you you得到你And even though I can"t forgive ya我无法忘记你I really want to我真的很想和你在一起I want you you you 得到你Tell me, tell me baby亲爱的,告诉我,Why did you leave me为何你要离开我Cause even though I shouldn"t want it我难道原本不该奢望I gotta have it我想得到你的爱I want you you you得到你Head in the clouds飘飘欲仙got no weight on my shoulders所有的负担都抛却I should be wiser我本应更聪明一些and realise that I"ve got意识到我早就得到你[Big Sean:]One less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less, one less problem[Ariana:]I know your never gonna wake我知道你永远不会理解I gotta give up我想要放弃But it"s you you you但你却让我着迷I know I shouldn"t ever call back我知道不应该再打电话给你Or let you come back祈求你回来But it"s you you you但你却让我无法放手Every time you touch me你的每次触摸And say you love me说你爱我 I get a little bit breathless我感动的无法呼吸I shouldn"t want it 我本该不奢求这些But it"s you you you但你却让我着迷Head in the clouds飘飘欲仙got no weight on my shoulders所有的负担都抛却I should be wiser我本应更聪明一些and realise that I"ve got意识到我早就得到你[Big Sean:]One less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less, one less problem[Iggy:]It"s Iggy Iggz, uh这里是iggyWhat you got?你获得了什么?Smart money bettin智慧 金钱 赌注I"ll be better off without you没有你我会更好In no time。I"ll be forgettin" all about you我会忘记关于你的一切You saying that you know你说你知道答案But I really really doubt you但我真的,真的怀疑你的爱Understand my life is easy我的生活变得轻松When I ain"t around you当我不在你身边时Iggy IggyIggy IggyToo biggie to be here stressing无限的压力I"m think I love the thought go you我认为我更爱你的内心More than I love your presence比你的外貌更加美好And the best thing now这就是最美好的事情Is probably for you to exit这也许会让你离开I let you go我让你离开Let you back又渴望你回来I finally learned my lesson我终于懂得了No half-stepping没有回头路Either you want it or you just keep playin"你想得到我的爱,抑或是玩弄我的感情I"m listening to you knowin"我会聆听你的谎言I can"t believe what you"re sayin"不会相信你说的鬼话Theres a million you"s baby boy你有这么多的女孩So don"t be dumb别傻了I got 99 problems我有很多麻烦But you won"t be one你却影响不了我的生活Like what!就如同。。[Ariana:]One less, one less problemOne less, one less problemHead in the cloudsgot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserand realise that I"ve got[Big Sean:]One less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less, one less problem[x2]

One More Time(feat. Iggy Azalea)什么意思?

Uh huh!It"s Iggy Iggs!I got one more problem with you girl女孩 我俩间的问题越来越多了One less, one less!又一个 又一个AyeProblem[Ariana Grande:]Hey baby even though I hate ya!嘿宝贝尽管有点讨厌你I wanna love ya我还是想爱你I want you! (you you)想要你And even though I can"t forgive you甚至忘不掉你I really want ta真的好想I want you! (you you)好想得到你Tell me, tell me baby快说 快说 宝贝Why can"t you leave me?你怎能离的开我Cause even though I shouldn"t want it我明明知道不可强求I gotta have it一定要强力抗拒I want you! (you you)但还是好想要你Head in the clouds开始幻想我俩的未来Got no weight on my shoulders肩上的压力随之消去I should be wiser我该明智点And realize that I"ve got该意识到你早已是我的[Big Sean:]One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I know you"re never gonna wake up我知道你永远都活在虚幻I gotta give up我该放弃的But it"s you! (you you)但是是你耶 I know I shouldn"t ever call back我知道 我不能回你电话Or let you come back或让你重回我的怀抱But it"s you! (you you)但是是你耶Every time you touch me每一回你触摸我And say you love me说你爱我I get a little bit breathless就让我有些脸红心跳I shouldn"t want it我不该要你But it"s you! (you you)但是是你耶Head in the clouds开始幻想我俩的未来Got no weight on my shoulders肩上的压力随之消去I should be wiser我该明智点And realize that I"ve got该意识到你早已是我的One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦[Iggy:]It"s Iggy Iggs!Uh!What you got?你有啥本钱Smart money bettin"聪明的下赌I"ll be better off without you没了你生活过更好In no time马上应验I"ll be forgettin" all about you马上把你忘光光You saying that you know你说你懂But I really really doubt you但我强烈强烈的质疑Understand my life is easy了解我的生活很容易When I ain"t around you当我不在你身边Iggy IggyToo biggie to be here stressin"这小意思 我不需在这强调I"m thinkin" I love the thought of you我想我爱你的思想More than I love your presence胜过你的风度And the best thing now最棒的是Is probably for you to exit你就快滚了I let you go我允许你滚Let you back又让你回来I finally learned my lesson!我终於学会了No half-stepping做事一鼓作气Either you want it or you just keep playin"你是想要我还是想玩玩I"m listening to you knowin"我洗耳恭听I can"t believe what you"re sayin"你的回答我不可置信There"s a million you"s baby boo像你这种人渣多的是So don"t be dumb所以快打破沉默I got 99 problems我有很多的问题But you won"t be one但你不是其中一个Like what!怎麼样[Ariana Grande:]One less, one less problem少了个 少了个麻烦One less, one less problem少了个 少了个麻烦Head in the clouds开始幻想我俩的未来Got no weight on my shoulders肩上的压力随之消去I should be wiser我该明智点And realize that I"ve got该意识到你早已是我的One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!I got!没了你 少了个麻烦One less problem without ya!没了你 少了个麻烦[Ariana Grande:]I got one less, one less problem没了你 少了个麻烦

one more是什么意思,在哪里可以查到?

Problem"(feat. Iggy Azalea)[Iggy:]Uh huh, it"s Iggy IggzI got one more problem with you girlAye[Ariana:]Baby even though I hate ya亲爱的,有时我会讨厌你I wanna love ya内心深处却渴望爱你I want you you you得到你And even though I can"t forgive ya我无法忘记你I really want to我真的很想和你在一起I want you you you 得到你Tell me, tell me baby亲爱的,告诉我,Why did you leave me为何你要离开我Cause even though I shouldn"t want it我难道原本不该奢望I gotta have it我想得到你的爱I want you you you得到你Head in the clouds飘飘欲仙got no weight on my shoulders所有的负担都抛却I should be wiser我本应更聪明一些and realise that I"ve got意识到我早就得到你[Big Sean:]One less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less, one less problem[Ariana:]I know your never gonna wake我知道你永远不会理解I gotta give up我想要放弃But it"s you you you但你却让我着迷I know I shouldn"t ever call back我知道不应该再打电话给你Or let you come back祈求你回来But it"s you you you但你却让我无法放手Every time you touch me你的每次触摸And say you love me说你爱我 I get a little bit breathless我感动的无法呼吸I shouldn"t want it 我本该不奢求这些But it"s you you you但你却让我着迷Head in the clouds飘飘欲仙got no weight on my shoulders所有的负担都抛却I should be wiser我本应更聪明一些and realise that I"ve got意识到我早就得到你[Big Sean:]One less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less, one less problem[Iggy:]It"s Iggy Iggz, uh这里是iggyWhat you got?你获得了什么?Smart money bettin智慧 金钱 赌注I"ll be better off without you没有你我会更好In no time。I"ll be forgettin" all about you我会忘记关于你的一切You saying that you know你说你知道答案But I really really doubt you但我真的,真的怀疑你的爱Understand my life is easy我的生活变得轻松When I ain"t around you当我不在你身边时Iggy IggyIggy IggyToo biggie to be here stressing无限的压力I"m think I love the thought go you我认为我更爱你的内心More than I love your presence比你的外貌更加美好And the best thing now这就是最美好的事情Is probably for you to exit这也许会让你离开I let you go我让你离开Let you back又渴望你回来I finally learned my lesson我终于懂得了No half-stepping没有回头路Either you want it or you just keep playin"你想得到我的爱,抑或是玩弄我的感情I"m listening to you knowin"我会聆听你的谎言I can"t believe what you"re sayin"不会相信你说的鬼话Theres a million you"s baby boy你有这么多的女孩So don"t be dumb别傻了I got 99 problems我有很多麻烦But you won"t be one你却影响不了我的生活Like what!就如同。。[Ariana:]One less, one less problemOne less, one less problemHead in the cloudsgot no weight on my shouldersI should be wiserand realise that I"ve got[Big Sean:]One less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less problem without yaI got one less, one less problemOne less problem without yaI got one less problem without yaI got one less problem without ya I got one less, one less problem[x2]

The sick boy will soon get ( ).A.good B. well C.fine D. more


Hello Moro纪恋日属于什么档次

中端 Helo Moro纪恋日品牌介绍 Helo Moro纪恋日,是广州艾璐卡商贸有限公司旗下的内衣品牌,由国际内衣时尚品牌Helo Moro的中国区运营总部—广州艾璐卡商贸有限公司全权负责中国大陆区Helo Moro纪恋日品牌的经营与管理。 Helo Moro纪恋日品牌故事 Helo Moro纪恋日品牌内衣是为都市时尚女性设计的时尚内衣品牌。她倡导的是一种“自信、独立、健康、时尚”的生活方式。

. he is businesslike and is often ____.i hope he will have more _____at his business.

选B,第一个是选形容词, is后一般为形容词 ,第二个根据题目,是选名词

Memoria Da Noite歌词什么意思


求高人指点:Memoria da noite -Luar Na Lubre 夜的回忆(西班牙语歌)的简谱。


Morbo的《Hoy》 歌词

歌曲名:Hoy歌手:Morbo专辑:MorboHoyGloria EstefanBy: Bunnyhoney aus DeutschlandTengo marcado en el pechotodos los días que el tiempono me dejó estar aquí.Tengo una fe que maduraque va conmigo y me curadesde que te conocí.Tengo una huella perdidaentre tu sombra y la míaque no me deja mentir.Soy una moneda en la fuente,tú mi deseo pendiente,mis ganas de revivir.Tengo una ma



no more heroes 歌词

no more heroes 歌手:stranglers 专辑:no more heroes Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?He got an ice pickThat made his ears burnWhatever happened to dear old Lenny?The great Elmyra and Sancho Panza?StranglersWhatever happened to the heroes?Whatever happened to the heroes?Whatever happened to all the heroes?All the Shakespearoes?They watched their Rome burnWhatever happened to all the heroes?Whatever happened to all the heroes?No more heroes any moreNo more heroes any moreWhatever happened to all the heroes?All the Shakespearoes?They watched their Rome burnWhatever happened to the heroes?Whatever happened to the heroes?No more heroes any moreNo more heroes any more

i want 全职猎人Believe in tomorrow的歌词 我要的歌词是翻成英文的


跪求一首歌曲是DJ舞曲 里面一句是 I CAN BEY one more time one more time

bey bey bey

鸿星尔克 more in me的男模 谁有详细资料啊 他好像天天向上外国男模特辑里的乖乖王子啊

职业:模特 昵称:乖乖王子,Cute Prince,小乖,小A,乖乖,包子 粉丝名:包子兵Baozi Soldier(是Arturas自己起的,因为他超级爱包子) 语言:立陶宛语,英语,俄语 国籍:Lithuania 立陶宛 家乡:Kaunas 考纳斯 生日:1991年7月12日 身高:185cm 胸围:95cm 腰围:72cm 臀围:93cm 眸色:棕色 发色:棕色 鞋码:44 星座: 巨蟹座 信仰:东正教 影响最大的人:妈妈,上帝,马丁路德金 爱好:看电影,看动漫,烹饪,打篮球 是他没错吧。

鸿星尔克 more in me的男模 谁有详细资料啊 他好像天天向上外国男模特辑里的乖乖王子啊

职业:模特 昵称:乖乖王子,Cute Prince,小乖,小A,乖乖,包子 粉丝名:包子兵Baozi Soldier(是Arturas自己起的,因为他超级爱包子) 语言:立陶宛语,英语,俄语 国籍:Lithuania 立陶宛 家乡:Kaunas 考纳斯 生日:1991年7月12日 身高:185cm 胸围:95cm 腰围:72cm 臀围:93cm 眸色:棕色 发色:棕色 鞋码:44 星座: 巨蟹座 信仰:东正教 影响最大的人:妈妈,上帝,马丁路德金 爱好:看电影,看动漫,烹饪,打篮球 是他没错吧。

i learn more about math

try to,lifeway of


Mophine 吗啡 He got flat baby 他有气无力 宝贝 Kick in the back baby 背后一脚 宝贝 A heart attack baby 心脏病要发作 宝贝 I need your body 我需要你的身体 A hot kiss honey 热吻一个 亲爱的 He"s just a bitch baby 他真是条贱狗 宝贝 You make me sick baby 你让我恶心 宝贝 So unrelying 一点都不可靠 I"m such a swine baby 我就这样卑贱 All down the line daddy 在最底线晃荡 I hate your kind baby 我讨厌你这类人 So unreliable 一点都不可靠 A hot buzz baby 热火朝天 宝贝 He"s one of us baby 他是我们的一员 宝贝 Another drug baby 换一种药物 宝贝 You so desire 你真是饥渴 Trust in me & 信任我 Trust in me 信任我 Put all your trust in me 把你的一切都托付给我 You"re doin" morphine 他们有场子 宝贝 Kicked in the face baby 踢你脸一脚 宝贝 You hate your race baby 你厌恶你的种族 宝贝 You"re just a liar 你只是个骗子! Your every lick baby 你每舔一口 宝贝 Your dog"s a bitch baby 你让我恶心 宝贝 You soul survivor 你的魂儿还没丢 She never cut from me 她从不因为我伤心 She never cut baby 她从不伤心 宝贝 I had to work baby & 我得工作了 宝贝 You just a rival 你来竞争啊 Always to please daddy 总得去愉悦他 人Right up and leave daddy 站起来走啊 You"re throwing shame daddy 你在丢脸 So undesirable 没一点必要! Trust in me 信任我 Trust in me 信任我 Put all your trust in me 把一切都托付给我 You"re doin" morphine 你在用吗啡! Go"on babeRelax 放轻松 This won"t hurt you 这没有伤害 Before I put it in 闭上眼,数到10 Close your eyes and count to 10 我慢慢将它注射到你的身体里 Don"t cry 别哭泣 I won"t convert you 我不会改变你 There"s no need to dismay 有必要惊慌失措 Close your eyes and drift away 闭上眼睛,感觉飘远 Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁 Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁 He"s tried 他用尽全力 Hard to convince her 去向她证明 To be over what he had 他要抛弃他所拥有的一切 Today he wants it twice as bad 今天他想多用两倍(的药物) Don"t cry 别哭泣I won"t resent you 我不会恨你 Yesterday you had his trust 昨天你赢得了他的信任 Today he"s taking twice as much 今天他就要服用两倍(的剂量)Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷 丁Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 帝啊 他在使用度冷丁 Oh!He got shit baby 他知道狗屁 宝贝 Your dog"s a bitch baby 你有条贱狗 宝贝 You make me sick baby 你让我恶心 宝贝 You are a liar 你只是个骗子 Is truth a game daddy 真理就是一场 To win the fame baby 赢得名气的游戏? It"s all the same baby 全都一样 宝贝 You"re so reliable 你真可靠 Trust in me 信任我 Trust in me 信任我 Put all your trust in me 把所有的一切都托付予我 She"s doin" morphine 她在使用吗啡! Hoo!You just sit around just talkin" nothing 你四处闲逛,无话想说 You"re takin" morphine 你在使用吗啡! Hoo!Go"on baby 继续啊宝贝 You just sit around just talkin" nothing 你四处闲逛,无话想说 You"re takin" morphine 你在使用吗啡! Hoo-hoo!Just sit around just talking nothing about it You"re takin" morphine You just sit around just talking about it You"re taking morphine You just sit around just talkin" nothin"And takin" morphine……

michael jackson-morphine的中文翻译



Mophine 吗啡 He got flat baby 他有气无力 宝贝 Kick in the back baby 背后一脚 宝贝 A heart attack baby 心脏病要发作 宝贝 I need your body 我需要你的身体 A hot kiss honey 热吻一个 亲爱的 He"s just a bitch baby 他真是条贱狗 宝贝 You make me sick baby 你让我恶心 宝贝 So unrelying 一点都不可靠 I"m such a swine baby 我就这样卑贱 All down the line daddy 在最底线晃荡 I hate your kind baby 我讨厌你这类人 So unreliable 一点都不可靠 A hot buzz baby 热火朝天 宝贝 He"s one of us baby 他是我们的一员 宝贝 Another drug baby 换一种药物 宝贝 You so desire 你真是饥渴 Trust in me & 信任我 Trust in me 信任我 Put all your trust in me 把你的一切都托付给我 You"re doin" morphine 他们有场子 宝贝 Kicked in the face baby 踢你脸一脚 宝贝 You hate your race baby 你厌恶你的种族 宝贝 You"re just a liar 你只是个骗子! Your every lick baby 你每舔一口 宝贝 Your dog"s a bitch baby 你让我恶心 宝贝 You soul survivor 你的魂儿还没丢 She never cut from me 她从不因为我伤心 She never cut baby 她从不伤心 宝贝 I had to work baby & 我得工作了 宝贝 You just a rival 你来竞争啊 Always to please daddy 总得去愉悦他 Right up and leave daddy 站起来走啊 You"re throwing shame daddy 你在丢脸 So undesirable 没一点必要! Trust in me 信任我 Trust in me 信任我 Put all your trust in me 把一切都托付给我 You"re doin" morphine 你在用吗啡! Go"on babeRelax 放轻松 This won"t hurt you 这没有伤害 Before I put it in 在我慢慢将它注射到你的身体里之前Close your eyes and count to 10闭上你的眼睛,数到十Don"t cry 别哭泣 I won"t convert you 我不会改变你 There"s no need to dismay 没有必要惊慌失措 Close your eyes and drift away 闭上眼睛,感觉飘远 Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁 Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁 He"s tried 他用尽全力 Hard to convince her 去向她证明 To be over what he had 他要抛弃他所拥有的一切 Today he wants it twice as bad 今天他想多用两倍(的药物) Don"t cry 别哭泣I won"t resent you 我不会恨你 Yesterday you had his trust 昨天你赢得了他的信任 Today he"s taking twice as much 今天他就要服用两倍(的剂量)Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷 丁Demerol 度冷丁啊 Demerol 度冷丁 Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁 Oh!He got shit baby 他知道狗屁 宝贝 Your dog"s a bitch baby 你有条贱狗 宝贝 You make me sick baby 你让我恶心 宝贝 You are a liar 你只是个骗子 Is truth a game daddy 真理就是一场游戏To win the fame baby 赢得名气的游戏 It"s all the same baby 全都一样 宝贝 You"re so reliable 你真可靠 Trust in me 信任我 Trust in me 信任我 Put all your trust in me 把所有的一切都托付予我 She"s doin" morphine 她在使用吗啡! Hoo!You just sit around just talkin" nothing 你四处闲逛,无话想说 You"re takin" morphine 你在使用吗啡! Hoo!Go"on baby 继续啊宝贝 You just sit around just talkin" nothing 你四处闲逛,无话想说 You"re takin" morphine 你在使用吗啡! Hoo-hoo!Just sit around just talking nothing about it四处闲逛,无话想说You"re takin" morphine你在使用吗啡!You just sit around just talking about it你四处闲逛,无话想说You"re taking morphine你在使用吗啡You just sit around just talkin" nothin"And takin" morphine你四处闲逛,无话想说只是想使用吗啡


迈亲您好!是morphine。He got flat baby 他有气无力 宝贝Kick in the back baby 背后一脚 宝贝A heart attack baby 心脏病要发作 宝贝I need your body 我需要你的身体A hot kiss honey 热吻一个 亲爱的He"s just a bitch baby 他真是条贱狗 宝贝You make me sick baby 你让我恶心 宝贝So unrelying 一点都不可靠I"m such a swine baby 我就这样卑贱All down the line daddy 在最底线晃荡I hate your kind baby 我讨厌你这类人So unreliable 一点都不可靠A hot buzz baby 热火朝天 宝贝He"s one of us baby 他是我们的一员 宝贝Another drug baby 换一种药物 宝贝You so desire 你真是饥渴Trust in me & 信任我Trust in me 信任我Put all your trust in me 把你的一切都托付给我You"re doin" morphine 他们有场子 宝贝Kicked in the face baby 踢你脸一脚 宝贝You hate your race baby 你厌恶你的种族 宝贝You"re just a liar 你只是个骗子!Your every lick baby 你每舔一口 宝贝Your dog"s a bitch baby 你让我恶心 宝贝You soul survivor 你的魂儿还没丢She never cut from me 她从不因为我伤心She never cut baby 她从不伤心 宝贝I had to work baby & 我得工作了 宝贝You just a rival 你来竞争啊Always to please daddy 总得去愉悦他人Right up and leave daddy 站起来走啊You"re throwing shame daddy 你在丢脸So undesirable 没一点必要!Trust in me 信任我Trust in me 信任我Put all your trust in me 把一切都托付给我You"re doin" morphine 你在用吗啡!Go"on babeRelax 放轻松This won"t hurt you 这没有伤害Before I put it in 闭上眼,数到10Close your eyes and count to 10 我慢慢将它注射到你的身体里Don"t cry 别哭泣I won"t convert you 我不会改变你There"s no need to dismay 有必要惊慌失措Close your eyes and drift away 闭上眼睛,感觉飘远Demerol 度冷丁啊Demerol 度冷丁Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁Demerol 度冷丁啊Demerol 度冷丁Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁He"s tried 他用尽全力Hard to convince her 去向她证明To be over what he had 他要抛弃他所拥有的一切Today he wants it twice as bad 今天他想多用两倍(的药物)Don"t cry 别哭泣I won"t resent you 我不会恨你Yesterday you had his trust 昨天你赢得了他的信任Today he"s taking twice as much 今天他就要服用两倍(的剂量)Demerol 度冷丁啊Demerol 度冷丁Oh God he"s taking Demerol 上帝啊 他在使用度冷丁Demerol 度冷丁啊Demerol 度冷丁Oh God he"s taking Demerol 帝啊 他在使用度冷丁Oh!He got shit baby 他知道狗屁 宝贝Your dog"s a bitch baby 你有条贱狗 宝贝You make me sick baby 你让我恶心 宝贝You are a liar 你只是个骗子Is truth a game daddy 真理就是一场To win the fame baby 赢得名气的游戏?It"s all the same baby 全都一样 宝贝You"re so reliable 你真可靠Trust in me 信任我Trust in me 信任我Put all your trust in me 把所有的一切都托付予我She"s doin" morphine 她在使用吗啡!Hoo!You just sit around just talkin" nothing 你四处闲逛,无话想说You"re takin" morphine 你在使用吗啡!Hoo!Go"on baby 继续啊宝贝You just sit around just talkin" nothing 你四处闲逛,无话想说You"re takin" morphine 你在使用吗啡!Hoo-hoo!Just sit around just talking nothing about itYou"re takin" morphineYou just sit around just talking about itYou"re taking morphineYou just sit around just talkin" nothin"And takin" morphine……


  《Morphine》歌词  演唱歌手: 迈克尔 杰克逊  所属专辑: 《Blood On The Dance Floor》  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  He got flat baby  Kick in the back baby  A heart attack baby  I need your body  A hot kiss honey  He"s just a bitch baby  You make me sick baby  So unrelying  I"m such a swine baby  All down the line daddy  I hate your kind baby  So unreliable  A hot buzz baby  He"s one of us baby  Another drug baby  You so desire  Trust in me  Trust in me  Put all your trust in me  You"re doin" morphine  Hoo!  They got place baby  Kicked in the face baby  You hate your race baby  You"re just a liar  Your every lick baby  Your dog"s a bitch baby  You make me sick baby  You soul survivor  She never cut from me  She never cut baby  I had to work baby  You just a rival  Always to please daddy  Right up and leave daddy  You"re thorwing shame daddy  So undesirable  Trust in me  Just in me  Put all your trsut in me  You"re doin" morphine  Go"on babe  Relax  This won"t hurt you  Before I put it in  Close your eyes and count to ten  Don"t cry  I won"t convert you  There"s no need to dismay  Close your eyes and drift away  Demerol  Demerol  Oh God he"s taking demerol  Demerol  Demerol  Oh God he"s taking demerol  He"s tried  Hard to convince her  To be over what he had  Today he wants it twice as bad  Don"t cry  I won"t resent you  Yesterday you had his trust  Today he"s taking twice as much  Demerol  Demerol  Oh God he"s taking demerol  Hee-hee-hee  Demerol  Demerol  Oh my Oh God it"s Demerol  Hee  Oooh  Oh!  He got shit baby  Your dog"s a bitch baby  You make me sick baby  You are a liar  Is truth a game daddy  To win the fame baby  It"s all the same baby  You"re so reliable  Trust in me  Trust in me  Put all your trust in me  She"s doin" morphine  Hoo!  You just sit around just talkin" nothing  You"re takin" morphine  Hoo!  Go"on baby  You just sit around just talking about it  You"re takin" morphine  Hoo-hoo!  Just sit around just talking nothing about it  You"re takin" morphine  You just sit around just talking about it  You"re taking morphine  You just sit around just talkin" nothin"  And takin" morphine  Hoo-hoo  I"m going down baby  You"re talkin" Morphine  Go"on baby!  Hoo!  Hoo!  Morphine!  Do it!  Hoo!  He"s takin" morphine  Morphine!  Morphine!

traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year , or more than 280 people each

traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year , or more than 280 people each day。there was a great n____ to change the october of 2003 ,our new traffic law became a law and it was first put into use during the may day holiday in 2004 .it has new rules for d____ and pedestrians .for exanple,drivers have to slow down when they are close to crosswalks.if people are in a crosswalk ,cars must s ____ to let them walk.and if bus drivers amoke or make phone calls while d____,they can be fined.buses that c____too many people are also against the lawneeddriversstopdrivingcover

Traffic accidents killed more than 104,000 people in China last year,or more than


翻译Traffic accidents killed more than 104000 people in China last year.


Live for Tomorrow 歌词

歌曲名:Live for Tomorrow歌手:Aethra专辑:Time and EternityShane:Can"t believe its overThat you"re leavingWeren"t we meant to be?Should"ve sensed the dangerRead the warningsRight there in front of meJust stopLets start it overCouldn"t I get one more try?All:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowShane:I forgot to be thereI was selfishI can see that nowMark:I should"ve got to known youShould"ve held youWhen your tears fell downJust stopDon"t make me beg youTell me that you"ll stay the nightAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize, I could changeI"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayI will find a wayNicky:Wait a minuteJust hear me outThis time I promise, I"ll put you firstShane:Turn around nowYour heart can"t let you walk awayI"ll do what it takesAll:Maybe tomorrow you"ll say that you"re mineYou"ll realize (realize), I could change (I can change)I"m gonna show you I"m in it for lifeI"ll get you back somedayMaybe tomorrowKian:There"s so much I wanna say nowI just wanna make a life with you (don"t walk away)There"s so much I wanna do nowI just wanna make love to youShane:Maybe tomorrow

外国乐队的一首歌,歌词是什么nobady什么anymore anymore

我估计是这首……Nobody"s Baby Anymore---The Waterboys||playBtn&fr=-1||

nobady_ any more to say ,the meeting was considered closed A have B has C havig D had 答案C为什莫


One More Night 歌词

歌曲名:One More Night歌手:Maroon 5专辑:OverexposedOne More NightMaroon 5You and I go hard,at each other like we going to warYou and I go rough,we keep throwing things and slamming the doorsYou and I get sore,then dysfunctional we stuck keeping scoreYou and I get sick,they all know that we can"t do this no moreBut baby there you again,there you again making me love youYeah I stopped using my head,using my head let it all goGot you stuck on my body,on my body like a tattooAnd now i"m feeling stupid,feeling stupid crawling back to youSo I cross my heart, and I hope to die,that i"ll only stay with you one more nightAnd I know i"ve said it a million timesBut i"ll only stay with you one more nightTrying to tell you no,but my body keeps on telling you yesTrying to tell you stop,but your lipstick got me so out of breathI"d be waking up,in the morning probably hating myselfAnd i"d be waking up,feeling sastified but guilty as hellBut baby there you again,there you again making me love youYeah I stopped using my head,using my head let it all goGot you stuck on my body,on my body like a tattooAnd now i"m feeling stupid,feeling stupid crawling back to youSo I cross my heart, and I hope to die,that i"ll only stay with you one more nightAnd I know i"ve said it a million timesBut i"ll only stay with you one more nightYeah baby give me one more nightYeah baby give me one more nightYeah baby give me one more nightBut baby there you again,there you again making me love youYeah I stopped using my head,using my head let it all goGot you stuck on my body,on my body like a tattooYeah, yeah, yeah, yeahSo I cross my heart,and I hope to die,that i"ll only stay with you one more nightAnd I know i"ve said it a million timesBut i"ll only stay with you one more night(yeah baby give me one more night)So I cross my heart, and I hope to die,that i"ll only stay with you one more nightAnd I know i"ve said it a million timesBut i"ll only stay with you one more night

one more night 的MV到底讲的是什么故事啊 看不懂


one more night中文歌词

  《One More Night》中英文歌词:  You and I go hard, at each other like we going to war  我们的关系不断僵化,在彼此看来都是紧张到一触即发  You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slamming the doors  生活变得艰难,我们唯一的交流变成了摔打东西和大力的关门隔绝彼此  You and I get sore, then dysfunctional we stuck keeping score  我们变得易怒、歇斯底里,以互踩痛处而相互较量  You and I get sick, they all know that we can"t do this no more  我们的所作所为越来越超出常规,连旁人都看不下去了  But baby there you again, there you again making me love you  但亲爱的你又再一次让我爱上了你  Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go  是的,我已经停止了思考,思考怎么放手  Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo  你紧紧的贴着我的身体,就像枚带有疼痛的印记  And now i"m feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you  现在我觉得悄悄溜回你身边的决定是如此失策  So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that i"ll only stay with you one more night  所以我以生命起誓,我只会和你再待最后一晚  And I know i"ve said it a million times  我知道我已经说过千万遍  But i"ll only stay with you one more night  但这真的是我们相处的最后一夜  Trying to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes  我试图拒绝你,可我的身体却自行接受  Trying to tell you stop, but your lipstick got me so out of breath  我试图停下,但你口红的颜色都快夺走了我的呼吸  I"d be waking up, in the morning probably hating myself  我定会在清晨醒来的时候无比的厌恶这样的自己  And i"d be waking up, feeling sastified but guilty as hell  我会在醒来的时候,心中满是满足和如临地狱的罪恶感  But baby there you again, there you again making me love you  但亲爱的,你又再一次让我爱上你了  Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go  是的,我已经放弃了思考权衡,我不会再放手  Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo  让你紧紧的缠绕着我的身体,就像枚带有疼痛的印记  And now i"m feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you  我现在真的后悔悄悄地溜回你的身旁  So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that i"ll only stay with you one more night  所以我以死起誓,只再和你共度最后一晚  And I know i"ve said it a million times  我知道我已经说了千万遍  But i"ll only stay with you one more night  到这真的是最后一晚  Yeah baby give me one more night  亲爱的再让我和你多待一夜  Yeah baby give me one more night  再给我一夜回忆  Yeah baby give me one more night  最后一夜  But baby there you again, there you again making me love you  但亲爱的你又让我再次爱上你了  Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go  我已经不能再维持理性,不能再对你放手  Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo  想让你始终待在我的身旁,像枚滴血的刺青  Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah  So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that i"ll only stay with you one more night  我以我的生命发誓,这会是你我共处的最后一夜  And I know i"ve said it a million times  我知道这句话我已说了千万遍  But i"ll only stay with you one more night  (yeah baby give me one more night)  但我只会再和你多待这最后一夜  So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that i"ll  only stay with you one more night  所以我用我的生命发誓,这真的会是最后一晚  And I know i"ve said it a million times  我知道这话我已经说过千万遍  But i"ll only stay with you one more night  但我此刻只想与你共度今夜时光  (I don"t know, whatever...)  (我不知道答案…无论如何都不能再这样下去…)

Matthew Morrison Hey中文歌词

歌手:马修·莫里森歌曲:HeyI wonder if she"s here with someone我想知道她是否与某人在这里A girl like that can get attention一个像她一样能吸引注意的女孩I could just go walking her way我可以就远远的走她走过的路All I"ve got to do is figure out the words I need to say我想做的就是想象出那些我要说的话Woo ooh, woo ooh唔欧~~~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh呜哦呜哦~~~~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了声音以至于窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的全部就是Hey hey, I gotta be with you,嘿嘿,我要和你在一起Hey hey, you"re beautiful in every way, way嘿嘿,你在各方面都是美丽的So what I need to say is所以我要说的全部就是Hey hey, and change the world in a day嘿嘿,在一天中改变这个世界In your eyes I see you"re lonely从你的眼中我看见了孤单Look at me, I want you only看着我。我想让你成为我的唯一We belong together, this I know我们属于彼此Just gotta find the words to tell you so只是想找到我要对你说的Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了我的声音以至于窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的全部是Hey hey, I gotta be with you,嘿嘿。我要和你在一起And hey hey, you"re beautiful in every way, way嘿嘿。你在各个方面都是美丽的So what I need to say is所以我想说的就是Hey hey, and change the world in a day嘿嘿。在一天中改变这个世界I have my lines and story set我有我的台词和故事You look at me and I forget你看着我 我却忘了Thoughts are running through my head思绪在我的脑中奔跑Jumbled up and left unsaid乱七八糟 的丢了未说出口的话Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了我的声音以致窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的就是Hey hey I gotta be with you and hey hey嘿嘿 我要和你在一起 嘿嘿Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I just need an introduction我只是需要一个介绍Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~I keep coming up with nothing我什么都赶不上Woo ooh, woo ooh唔哦~~~~Why do I lose my voice and choke为什么我失去了我的声音以致窒息When all I wanna say is当我想说的全部是Hey hey,嘿嘿So what I need to say is所以我想说的是Hey hey, and change the world in a day嘿嘿 在一天中改变这个世界

Metamorphoze~メタモルフォーゼ~ 歌词

歌曲名:Metamorphoze~メタモルフォーゼ~歌手:Gackt专辑:Metamorphoze~メタモルフォーゼ~Gackt - Metamorphoze~メタモルフォーゼ~作词:Gackt.C作曲:Gackt.C编曲:Gackt.C/Chachamaru揺れる鼓动が仆を缚りつける君の破片が深い闇に落ちた逃げることさえ许されない世界で君のことだけは守りたかったのに今も… 今でも谁かの优しい言叶より君の、君だけの唇にそっと触れたい果てしないこの宙もいつかは终わりを告げるこの瞳に焼きついた君を忘れはしない君の记忆がどんなに优しい言叶より谁も消せない仆の痛みを消してくれる今は、何度も君の名を叫び続けた仆らは何度も过ちを缲り返すけれど君との交わした约束だけは守りたい今も… 今でも谁かの优しい言叶より君をこの腕でもう一度抱きしめたい今も君のため仆は戦い続けるよ君ともう一度、笑い合えるその日までおわり


Metamorphoze~メタモルフォーゼ~ 作词:Gackt.C/作曲:Gackt.C/编曲:/ 歌:Gackt 揺れる(ゆれる)鼓动(こどう) が 仆(ぼく) を 缚りつける(しばりつける) 君(きみ) の 欠片(かけら) は 深い(ふかい) 暗(やみ) に 落ち(おち) た 逃げる(にげる) こと さえ 许さ(ゆるさ) れ ない 世界(せかい) で 君(きみ) の こと だけ は 守り(まもり) たかっ た のに 今(いま) も ...今(いま) でも 谁(だれ) か の 优しい(やさしい) 言叶(ことば) より 君(きみ) の 、 君(きみ) だけ の 唇(くちびる) に そっと 触れ(ふれ) たい 果てしない(はてしない) この 空(そら) も いつか は 终わり(おわり) を 告げる(つげる) この 目(め) に 焼き(やき) つい た 君(きみ) を 忘れ(わすれ) は し ない 君(きみ) の 记忆(きおく) が どんなに 优しい(やさしい) 言叶(ことば) より 谁(だれ) も 消せ(けせ) ない 仆(ぼく) の 痛み(いたみ) を 消し(けし) て くれる 今(いま) は 、 何(なん) 度(ど) も 君(きみ) の 名(な) を 叫び(さけび) 続け(つづけ) た 仆ら(ぼくら) は 何(なん) 度(ど) も 过ち(あやまち) を 缲り返す(くりかえす) けれど 君(きみ) と の 交わし(かわし) た 约束(やくそく) だけ は 守り(まもり) たい 今(いま) も ... 今(いま) でも 谁(だれ) か の 优しい(やさしい) 言叶(ことば) より 君(きみ) を この 腕(うで) で もう一度(もういちど) 抱きしめ(だきしめ) たい 今(いま) も 君(きみ) の ため 仆(ぼく) は 戦い(たたかい) 続ける(つづける) よ 君(きみ) と もう一度(もういちど) 、 笑い(わらい) 合える(あえる) その 日(ひ) まで

Patrick Moraz And Bill Bruford的《Flags》 歌词

歌曲名:Flags歌手:Patrick Moraz And Bill Bruford专辑:Flags竞え 百花の色 映し出せ 缭乱 に戦 う本気が重なる斯くも 旗の下 沸き立った绊耀 きを刻むモノが 时代を呼べる竜巻のように荒ぶる 欲望が描かせている夜だけにギラつく虹はドギつくて なのに惹かれて固唾を呑み込む 视线のまにまに一歩も引かない 煌めきが迫る天を目挂けた集え 华の宴 咲き急げ 顶上 に岚 を明日にぶつけるよくぞ 旗の下 迸 る 魂瞬间 を疾走らなけりゃ 生命は燃えず无理やりに胸に沈めた 钢 は眠らないだろう?伤迹も丑 い闇も 见せつけて己 を示せ踌躇う背中を 运命に押されるこの世が平伏す 胜どきの为に奢り高ぶれ夸れ 夏の乱 响き合え 最强 に散らばる心 が応えるもはや 旗を背に 失くせない光超えたがる 想いこそが 时代を起こす「FLAGS」作词∶Akio Inoue作曲∶Daisuke Asakura歌∶T.M.Revolution天を目挂けて…!集え 华の宴 咲き急げ 顶上 に岚 を明日にぶつけるよくぞ 旗の下 迸 る 魂瞬间 を疾走らなけりゃ 生命は燃えず耀 きを刻むモノよ! 时代を起こせ!【 おわり 】

Patrick Moraz的《Descent》 歌词

歌曲名:Descent歌手:Patrick Moraz专辑:The Story Of IDescent (feat. Pete Steele)Doro PeschFightOne IllusionIt"s one for allwe"re gonna payToo much confusionSo much abuse can"t get awayIt"s raining bloodbefore my eyesIt"s getting dark,nowhere to hideOne life One mindWe"re so blind no one seesIt"s a slow ridebut a sure signWe"re all soon history (mes amis)Descent,We hope that somewhere,someone will stand up and fightIt"s all a big lieThe life we live issuch a crimeIt"s raining bloodbefore my eyesGlow in the dark, no place to hideOne life and One mindWe"re all blind can"t you seeIt"s a slow ridebut a sure signWe"re all soon history (mes amis)Is this the end?It"s raining bloodbefore my eyesGlow in the dark, no place to hideOne life and One mindso blind no one seesIt"s a slow ridebut a sure signWe"re all soon history (mes amis)One life One mindWe"re so blind no one seesIt"s a slow ridebut a sure signWe"re all soon history (mes amis)Descent,Descent,Descent

Patrick Moraz的《The Storm》 歌词

歌曲名:The Storm歌手:Patrick Moraz专辑:The Story Of ILook I can"t watch youSleep-walking through thisShould we find another partyI"m not shining tonight just radioactiveYou have carbonated my bloodstreamWhen I stumbleIt will be under your spell, at your commandAnd when I stumbleIt will be into your handToo much passion we wasteIn just trying to get it right one timeWith our clothes on we"re braveAnd mummified and out of sightWhen I stumbleIt will be under your spell, at your commandAnd when I stumbleIt will be into your handCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it beI"m not finished yet, I"m under constructionYou can peek behind the curtain if you wantYou watch, don"t stopMy reputation"s shotI just wanted to get it rightCan it be the storm has passedCan it beCan it be the storm has passedCan it be the storm has passed

Patrick Moraz的《Intermezzo》 歌词

歌曲名:Intermezzo歌手:Patrick Moraz专辑:The Story Of I「intermezzo」作词∶梶浦由记作曲∶梶浦由记歌∶Kalafinaライトの影には忧い颜したハーレクイン今日はね ひとりきり见たかった舞台なのにintermezzo 今はねすこし心がぽかり喜剧の幕间(まくま)には甘いお菓子を食べよう终わりはもう分かってるstory幸せごっこ嫌いじゃないよなみだがでるintermezzo さよならチョコレートもおしまい喜剧の幕开けは甘いワルツの音【 おわり 】

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帮推荐 经典歌曲英文的 类似yesterday once more 和类似西域男孩的歌曲

1.《let it be 》 ——the Beatles2.《the sound of silence》——毕业生3.《raindrops keep falling on my head 》——阿甘正传4.《love is dead》——brett anderson5.《cannonball》——damien rice6.《every breath you take》——sting7.《love of my life》——queen8.《hey soul sister》——train9.《coming home》——stratovarius10.《you are beautiful》——james blunt11.《lemon tree》

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