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英语More hostiles怎么翻译?

英语More hostiles可以翻译成 更多的歹徒。

glader 还是more glad????


glader 还是more glad?

glader是 glad的比较级, gladest是最高级. 所以要讲较高兴,可用more glader ,而不是单独在more 后加glade.或单独使用glader.

glam more是什么牌子


she’s miss glamor啥意思 求句子结构分子


Glamor Perfume香水中文名字是什么大约多少钱?

Glamor Perfume是法语,翻译过来的意思是魅力香水。50ML大概130块RMB左右,希望可以帮到您


glamorous是来自国外的一个快时尚品牌,这个牌子的衣服都设计的很适合年轻人,款式非常好看,和topshop这类风格差不多。下面我给大家讲讲glamorous是什么牌子?glamorous是什么档次? glamorous是什么牌子 glamorous这个服装品牌在年轻人里面还是很受欢迎的,由于价格不贵、款式丰富,一直卖的很火,有很多设计都可以媲美大牌。 Glomorous 在2007年创立于英国。从身边的人物、地点、新旧事物中摄取灵感,为18到30岁的年轻女性展现了一个走在世界潮流前沿的服饰品牌。随着品牌的逐之壮大,Glamorous的零售点已经遍及包括加拿大、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、意大利和德国等在内的30个国家。而在全球著名网络零售商Bloomingdales, Nordstrom, Zalando, Peek & Cloppenburg, ASOS 和 Nasty Gal上也有销售。Glamorous在创立之后,迅速在时尚圈卷起一阵旋风,不仅成为像Kendall Jenner 和 Jessica Alba等时尚It Girl们的心头好,还成为了时尚blog中的常客,就例如著名时尚博客Song of Style和Atlantic Pacific中,你可以随处看到blogger们演绎的Glamorous Style。glamorous是什么档次 Glamorous的中文意思是绚丽的意思,Glamorous服装想让每位穿上Glamorous衣服的顾客一种耀眼而华丽,崭新而绚丽的感觉,满足每位顾客对时尚的品位追求Glamorous品牌是为20~40岁之间的女性设计,以高雅、耀眼华丽的女性形象进行设计。价格在200到4000元之间。可在其官网购买,近几年在大力开拓中国市场,我想说快来吧。glamorous怎么样 glamorous荷叶边连衣裙,topshop折扣时入的,其实发现glamoros有很多仙仙的连衣裙,这一款虽然透但是是今年流行的款哈哈,捡到宝。 Glamorous亮片五角星链条手拿包包,今天带我家臭狗狗来美容…带了这只小包,如果出门目的很简单,只是放钥匙零钱手机,这容量足够了,链条也可以拆下来改手拿小包。天气暖了,blingbling也可以回归了。 连衣裙GLAMOROUS,水袖设计,时尚感+1。袖管除有一些小镂空,精致感+1。一体式直筒设计,遮肚子又显瘦!要不是我妈硬阻止我说太冷了!不许这样穿出门我就………科科~搭了Charles Keith的手包和new look的平底鞋~~全部都是橙色系,然后突发奇想的说配上Armani401就成一套了!于是果断去抹口红~~~嘿嘿。 其实拍这套look的时候,北京还没那么冷,谁知道直接略过秋天进入冬天。今年10大流行色之一是蓍草粉红,接近这件牛仔外套的颜色,在牛仔里并不常见。内搭一件纯紫色吊带裙,中和帅气,多了一丝温柔。燕子包多次出镜了,耐造百搭,每次都是点睛之笔。颜色够多,就用棕色短靴做打底。外套:GLAMOROUS,吊带裙:悟空自制(tb店)。疯狂熬夜的几天,今天开始我要早睡了…今天选择了有层次感的穿搭,卫衣,牛仔裙,打底裤,所以在衣服颜色的选择上尽量挑了不是那么撞色的。我习惯了露脚踝,如果怕冷的mm可以选择短袜来裹住脚踝,起到保暖的作用,袜子颜色可以选择显眼一点,实在不知道搭哪个颜色,就挑自己全身穿着里有的颜色喽。白色的运动鞋和黑打底裤之间露一截袜子,会给整体造型增分不少呢。 去旅游前跟朋友逛街,商场都上了秋装新品,刺绣是大热啊,一眼就看到这件glamorous的娃娃裙,是我风格,价格也便宜,颜色很衬气质,刺绣也很精致,喜欢。回去翻饰品的时候发现以前在周庄古镇里买的小手链跟衣服挺搭,手链是奶奶给我买的,说是还有什么辟邪还是幸运的作用,说来也巧,来之前查天气预报的时候说我们去迪士尼那天有大雨,结果进去没多久就晴天了,也是幸运呢。

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gpu glamor作用




hotpot has more than 2000years history句式对吗?

正确的表达是:Hot pot has more than 2000 years in history.意思是:火锅有2000多年的历史。

glamour glamor

是的,一种是美式写法(glamor),一种是英式写法。就象 color 和 colour 一样。


glamor 同:glamour 魔法;魔力;魄力 glamorise 美化;使有魅力;使有刺激性

more than加形容词

more than加形容词more than+形容词:“很,非常”If you tell your father what you"ve done, he"ll be more than a little angry.假如你把你做的事情告诉你父亲,他不只是生气而已。形容词:表示事物的形状、性户归质和状态等。如"大、高、认真、生动、美丽、精明、可爱、冰凉、初级、高级、简单、复杂"。一、描述形容词表示名词的性质、颜色、大小和状态等的形容词。如:He bought some new books. 他买了一些新书。These books are new. 这些书是新的。She wrote the letter with blue ink. 她用蓝墨水写了那封信。The ink is blue. 这些墨水是蓝色的。二、物质形容词由物质名词充当或物质名词转换而成的形容词。如:This glass dish looks very fragile. 这个玻璃盘子看起来很容易碎。It"s a glassy substance. 这是一种像玻璃一样光滑的物质。三、数量形容词1)不定数量形容词:不定代词之后接名词时即成为不定数量形容词。如:、We got there without any trouble. 我们顺利到达那里。We"ll see some friends tomorrow. 我们明天将去看一些朋友2)数词。如:A square has four corners. 正方形有4个角。Please accent the first syllable. 请重读第一个音节。3)倍数词。如:The river is half a mile across. 江面宽半英里。They bought a double bed. 他们买了一张双人床。四、专有形容词由专有名词转换而成的形容词如地名、国名等。如:He is a Chinese ambassador. 他是中国的大使。He was born in Shanghai. 他出生于上海。五、物主形容词包括人称代词的所有格(形容词性物主代词)和名词的所有格。如:My room is just above. 我的房间就在楼上。Acquaint him with your plans. 把你的计划告诉他。六、指示形容词指示代词this,that,these,those之后接名词或one/ones,成为指示形容词。如:This book of Joe"s is very amusing. 乔的这本书非常有趣。I dislike man of that type. 我不喜欢那一类型的人。七、疑问形容词疑问代词which,whose,what之后接名词或代词,成为疑问形容词。如:Whose bike is it? 这是谁的自行车?What books have you read on this subject? 你读过哪些关于这方面的书?八、关系形容词关系代词which,whose,what之后接名词,成为关系形容词。如:The men whose names were called left the room. 哪些被叫到名字的人离开了房间。九、动词形容词由动词转化成的形容词,即动名词、现在分词、过去分词。如:In spring we uncover the swimming pool. 春天我们移去游泳池的覆盖物。There is running water in the kitchen and the bathroom. 厨房和卫生间都有自来水。

越来越普遍用英文怎么说more and more p什么


less is more 是什么意思

1、《less is more》的意思是:简单的东西往往带给人们的是更多的享受。同时《less is more》也是一首很火的歌曲。2、《less is more》歌词:夏季人特别贪 日要长夜未减於换季时乱拣衫换了纯净白衫 没有多少可以递减穿着自然可又嫌清淡人太多贪新厌旧 不希罕不接受什麽着起看得多都不永久行货太滥太快易到手 连换换鞋袜也内咎多多都不够 遗下废物的理由如果积小渐变多 细心体贴别过火放手无谓的拔河 想知道如何什麽可得着最多 越少相见越爱我收起怕吵的耳朵 原因喜欢Less is More路过繁闷日间 下午人患未减心静清凉没界限换了纯净白衫 静看风景瓢过路间喜爱步行可又嫌太慢谁爱清风吹两袖 不贪新不厌旧什麽着起看得多都可永久行李太重过重便放手 情感的错失有没有不好不追究 宁愿爱像氢气球如果积小渐变多 细心体贴别过火放手无谓的拔河 想知道如何什麽可得着最多 越少相见越爱我收起怕吵的耳朵 原因喜欢Less is MoreLess is more扩展资料:Less is more这首歌是黄铠晴演唱的粤语歌曲,由陈浩峰作词,谢杰作曲,收录于2008年11月28日发行的专辑《明日经典》中。参考资料:百度白科-less is more

2 in the moring 中文歌词

I know you must have had a long day 我知道这一天对你来说很漫长Cause at six o"clock I heard you say,因为在6点的时候我听到你说 There was something that was on your mind 一些东西一直困扰着你But you ain"t told me and it"s almost nine 但是你不告诉我 现在已经快九点了Now it"s nine o"clock and I thought we could talk 现在已经九点了 我想我们已经可以和对方谈谈了But you ain"t givin" it, girl 但是你却不想 女孩Will this ever end? Girl, it"s almost ten 我们就这样结束吗..? 女孩 现在已经快十点了Gotta know if you"re mad at me before Grey"s Anatomy 想要知道你是否还在因为GREY的事情生我的气Cause we could drag this out all night, until... 我们可以就这样磨蹭一晚上 直到..It"s 2 in the morning 凌晨两点钟Girl, what do you wanna do? 女孩 你到底想要做什么Do you wanna fight? Wanna say goodnight? 你想吵架吗..?还是你想和我分手If you tell me you want it, this could be over... 如果这就是你想要的..那我们现在就可以结束Cause it"s 2 in the mourning 因为已经凌晨2点钟了Lights are out, don"t wanna wake you so, I"m creepin" in 光线照进来..、不想吵醒你 我沉醉在其中I know you"re hurt cause baby, I"m not sleepin" in 我知道你受伤了..亲爱的 我一整晚都没有睡My favorite pair of boxers that you make look so hot, girl 我最爱的拳击手套 你让他看起来更火辣 女孩Girl, you look asleep but I know that you"re not, girl 女孩 你看起来睡着了 但是我知道你醒着And now it"s 12 o"clock and I thought I should talk 现在已经12点了 我想我们应该谈谈了But girl, you"re not listening 但是女孩 你没有在听Here we go again, you know I like it when... 好吧 你知道我喜欢...You got your back to me,你又背对着我But now when you"re mad at me 但是现在 你什么时候开始生我的气Please look at me and say goodnight 求求你看着我 对我说再见It"s 2 in the morning 现在已经凌晨2点I wanna come over, baby, turn over 我想重新来过 宝贝 转过身来Girl, I"ve been laying up all night, 女孩 我已经等了一晚上了Just waiting for your kiss goodnight 只是为了等你的晚安吻Even if you"re mad at me, 就算你还在生我的气You know we shouldn"t go to bed angry 你应该知道 我们不应该在上床睡觉的时候还生气 (床头吵架 床尾和)We could work it out, We could work it out 我们可以想办法 我们可以想办法We could work it out, I wanna come over... 我们可以想办法 我想重新来过We could work it out, We could work it out We could work it out, I wanna come over... 那个,是不是这首诶?自己翻译的,不大准来着,将就着看吧。

The boy hurt himself badly this morning为什么用badly?

hurt badly表示伤地很重

Therearemorethan15miIlion people ln Beijing这是什么时态

此句子是一般现在时。一般现在时态is, am, are there is (are);一般过去时态was, were there was (were);一般将来时态will be there will be;一般过去将来时态would be there would be;

one or more objects arecurrently isolated是什么意思


3D打开出问题one or more objects are currently Isolated什么意思?


a machine shupoown has occurred press (nesp) for more是什么意思?


胡里奥baila morena歌词

《Baila Morena》播放添加歌手: Zucchero语言:英语所属专辑:Zu & Co.Creo en los milagros desde que te viEn esta noche de tequila boom boomEres tan sexy eres sexy thingMis ojos te persiguen solo a tiY debe haber un caos dentro de tiPara que brotes de una estrella que bailaInfierno y paraiso dentro de tiLa luna es un sol mira como brillaBaby the night is on fireSeamos fuego en el cieloLlamas en lo obscuro what you sayBaila baila morenaBajo de esta luna llenaUnder the moonlightUnder the moonlightVen chica ven loca dame tu bocaEn esta noche cualquier cosa te tocaMi corazon se revienta y no aguantoMorena rebuena te quiero yo tantoBaby the night is on fireSeamos fuego en el cieloEscandalo en lo obscuro what you sayBaila baila morenaBajo de esta luna llenaUnder the moonlightY baila under the moonlightBajo de esta luna llenaBaila morenaYeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeahYeah yeah yeahYou got me huting so bad so badYou let me so so baWhat you sayWhat you sayBaila baila morenaBajo de esta luna llenaUnder the moonlight under the moonlightY baila baila under the moonlightBajo de esta luna llena baila morenaBaila morena come on baby come onBajo de esta luna llenaBajo de esta luna llenaBajo de esta luna llenaUnder the moonlight

balla morena 歌词 急!

Balla BallaAha, Aha … Aha, AhaEverybody"s here, it"s time to celebrateyou can see it"s clear, you know I just can"t waitit is destiny, feel the energycan you see the moon is shining brightlet the rhythm be your guide tonightBaila, Baila dance with me, ohBaila, Baila"s got to be, ohtake me to the edge of heaven,aiaiaiaiBaila, Baila you and I, ohbaby we can touch the sky, ohI know that it"s now or never, aiaiaiaiaiAha, Aha… Aha, AhaAha, Aha… Aha, AhaCome let"s have some fun, the party" just beganit"s hot like the sun, we feel the heat is onit"s like mystery, feel the energycan you see the moon is shining brightlet the rhythm be your guide tonightBaila, Baila dance with me, ohBaila, Baila"s got to be, ohtake me to the edge of heaven, aiaiaiaiBaila, Baila you and I, ohbaby we can touch the sky, ohI know that it"s now or never, aiaiaiaiaiAha, Aha… Aha, AhaAha, Aha… Aha, AhaBaila, Baila dance with me, ohBaila, Baila"s got to be, ohtake me to the edge of heaven,aiaiaiaiBaila, Baila you and I, ohbaby we can touch the sky, ohI know that it"s now or never, aiaiaiaiaiAha, Aha… Aha, AhaAha, Aha… Aha, AhaAha, Aha… Aha, AhaAha, Aha… Aha, Aha

求译胡里奥BAila Morena歌词

Bajando la laderaPor el camino viene bailandoArrastra la sandalia,La polvareda va levantandoMoviendo la cinturaY las caderas como ningunaTiene la piel morena,Sonrisa clara,Color de luna.Tiene cosas de blancaTiene cosas de negraTiene cosas de indiaBonita mezcla que da esta tierraBaila morena, bailaQue tu044a lo bailas como ningunaMoviendo las caderas,Moviendo la cintura.Baila morena, bailaQue tu044a lo bailas como ningunaArrastra la sandalia,Llu0439vame en tu locura.Baila morena, bailaQue tu044a lo bailas como ninguna.La noche es una niu0441aQue va pasando, que va creciendoLa mu044asica no para,Sigue bailando, se va encendiendo.El sudor de su cuerpo le pone brillo a su piel canelaLa blusa colorada, la madrugada y esa morena.Tiene cosas de blancaTiene cosas de negraTiene cosas de indiaBonita mezcla que da esta tierraBaila morena, bailaQue tu044a lo bailas como ninguna...

英语some gloomy Monday morning怎么翻译?


the greater the struggle,the more glorious the triumph句子结构怎么分析

此句有省略,完整形式是:The greater the struggle is , the more glorious the triumph will be.这是主将从现句的一种变换形式,从句得分析: The greter the struugle is, 来源于,the greater 是表语, the struggle, 主语,助动词is 省略,主句的分析: the more glorious 是表语, 主语 the triumph +助动词(省略)



安室奈美惠 Sexy Girl和Do me more 的中文歌词???

Sexy Girl*Hey baby ley see your sexy sexy back to me Hey baby tell me see your pretty pretty eyes on me Hey baby 抛开害羞的自已更大胆一点 keep It. (heep on moving) **Hey baby ley see your sexy sexy hips no me Hey baby tell me see your shiny shiny lips on me Hey baby 要更强烈地把 your own style 表现出来 keep it. (we"re gonna keep It comin) 不要只甘於当某人的Honey I won"t Lose my may 与大家不同的价值观 Don"t hurry 你那笔直的眼神 必定可以带我找到答案 Ladies 为了不要随波逐流 Now ladies 为了可以做我自已 So you can find out that... *Repeat  **Repeat 为了可以让你做你自已 Don"t lose your mind 经过百年也不腿色的feeling Give your best shot 虽说女性是坚强的 Every gurlie, tough ain"t enough but you"ve got me by your side now ladies 不要放弃 Now ladies 不要停下脚步 So you can find out that... *Repeat  **Repeat (Pride means never having regret hold you) 抬起头来 我会陪伴著你。。。 (Take any chance 就近在眼前) I Believe you"ll never stop and stay, It"s gonna happe to you *Repeat  **Repeat Do me more 你是否受到 甜蜜的香味所吸引而来? 你是否因为 一路寻找面包屑而迷途? 从刚才起就一直很好奇 You wanna Know what"s in the BOX? a rich one? acheap one? 你说你想继续做一个害羞的男孩 are you? 其实脸上明白写著你想要 隐去的脚步声 危险的mission 难度相当高 But I"ll be there You don"t have to worry no more 漂荡在空中 Are we flyin? 想做些什麼? It gest deeper in the dream world 深沉的睡眠 潮湿的肌肤 抚过的小指头导向的目的地 *即使闭上眼也不会消失的 Fantasy 梦 - 现实 界限如此的暧昧 Bass Line 在这个世界是带路人 诡异而闪耀的 R&Me 假装自已迷了路 You what me more 不断地 Feel that you love me more 糖果搭建的城堡 You wanna give me more, more, more Do me more It;s deeper,sweeter, do me more(重复4次) Your red shinin" lips like aqueen butterfly 如次大胆的邀约其实我并不排斥 若你渴望暸解我更深 question 回答我 Hoe you feel good? "I feel good" 无意识中追求著最顶级 比起任何事物更clean且确实 Time刚刚好 高昂的表情 已呈现中毒症状 不需要更多 You don"t have to cry 难道不是吗? 红色的气球 飘起来了you say 「你优先」 It gest deeper in the dream world 危险的命运 在视线当中 只要看见的那扇门能打开 * repeat 浮出的line比今宵的明月还 sexy 眼光追寻所到之处弥漫著淡淡的 incense (C"mon) 有如迷宫般的世界 Every way that you choose 哪个才是正确答案?(你说呢?) 答案全部 on your mind 接下来才精采 kick the floor (yeah) 假如有太多的不顺心 何不想像自已成了另一个人? 因为这里是 Special Dreamin"World * repeat


The more you eat, the fatter you will get.你吃得越多就越胖。固定用法The +比较级,the+比较级越……越……

是more fat还是fater

fatter lazier good>better 剩下的是more 多音节的都用more 单音节是e


8.A.Good.I"llbuyit.B.Seeyoulater. C.Youcansaythatagain.D.Sure,sitdown,please. 9.A.Theoneinthebluetrousers?B.That"sapity.I"msorrytohearthat. C.No,nothim.Theotherone.D.Itdoesn"tmatter.Goahead. ...20、 Talk to you later 待会儿见 二、再见英语有几种说法? 再见英语的说法有:bye、good bye、good-bye、see you、see you again/later/soon、So long、take care、I have to go、Cheerio。 8.A.Good.I"llbuyit.B.Seeyoulater. C.Youcansaythatagain.D.Sure,sitdown,please. 9.A.Theoneinthebluetrousers?B.That"sapity.I"msorrytohearthat. C.No,nothim.Theotherone.D.Itdoesn"tmatter.Goahead. ...20、 Talk to you later 待会儿见 二、再见英语有几种说法? 再见英语的说法有:bye、good bye、good-bye、see you、see you again/later/soon、So long、take care、I have to go、Cheerio。

形容词比较级 and 形容词比较级 和 more and more 形容词比较级 的同义句转换

she is becoming much more beautiful.

Mortgage Banker是什么意思?


Mortgage Banker 是什么意思啊啊?

mortgage banker 房地产抵押银行家;按揭银行家;抵押贷款银行家例句筛选1.If you"re not a mortgage banker or a home builder, maybe your current positionis perfectly "safe. "如果你不是一个按揭银行家或是建筑商,或许你的位置还是很「安全」。2.Kevin Hall started a new job as a mortgage banker about 18 months ago.在18个月前开始了作为抵押银行经理的新工作。

Mortgage Banker是什么意思?






一句英语翻译:When Xiao Bao was born he weighed just a little more than 1 Kg.


if you fell awkward being humorous是什么语法,尤其是其中的being作什么词性

iF 引导的假设性语句,假如你被别人幽默的时候感到尴尬,BEING这里是被动的意思, 就是说你被别人开玩笑的时候感到尴尬。望采纳!!

高中英语《A Master of Nonverbal Humor》教案

Teaching goals: 1. The students will be able to know some words and expressions to describe a person"s appearance. 2. The students will be able to know something about Charlie Chaplin"s life experiences, charming character and convincing performance. 3. The students will be able to further understand the meaning of laughter. 4. The students will be able to have a better command of summarizing a short passage by picking out key words from the passage. 5. The students will be able to master a framework of introducing a person. 6. The students will experience the reading strategy of summarizing, analyzing, inferring, and evaluating. Teaching process: Step 1: lead-in Have a taste of English humor by introducing two letters between Albert Einstein and Charlie Chaplin. Albert Einstein: You are really great. Everyone understands your film although there is no line. Charlie Chaplin: You are even greater although nobody understands your theory. 设计意图:教师用简短的语言概括了爱因斯坦和卓别林之间的一次书信交往。爱因斯坦在书信中高度赞扬了卓别林的艺术成就,引入课文话题。随后,引导学生猜测卓别林作为一个幽默大师会如何回应,激发学生的兴趣。最后,教师让学生看卓别林的回信,让学生体会了“英式幽默”。 Step 2: Describe the little tramp and read for more information (para. 3) Level 1: physical appearance Wear large trousers, worn-out shoes and a small round hat Wear a moustache Carry a walking stick Level 2: general impression A poor man A homeless man A social failure An underdog Level 3: inner quality He is a little tramp but he is kind, charming and entertaining. It was his optimism and determination to overcome all difficulties that made him charming. He was kind even when others were unkind to him. 设计意图:延续第一环节中卓别林的话题,根据课文插图提问。由于卓别林扮演的流浪汉形象太深入人心,大部分人会将其和卓别林本人弄混。教师引导学生对该人物进行口头描述,最后让学生看第三段回答问题,潜移默化中培养了学生预测-验证-修正的阅读策略,对人物描写的写作手法也进行了渗透。 Step 3: Appreciate the convincing acting of Chaplin (para. 4) Tasks: 1. Ask students to circle the verbs. 2. Ask students to retell the scene with the help of the verbs: Boil…cut off…share…cut and chew…pick out…eat …as if it were the finest steak …as if it were spaghetti 3. Ask students to discuss: what made it possible for Chaplin to give such convincing performances? 设计意图:放手让学生先看文本,指导学生在阅读过程中圈画出能体现卓别林精湛演技的动词,让学生体验阅读过程中的“标注”策略。后设置一个开放性的问题,激发同学们的思考和探究,引导学生带着问题回看第二段,帮助学生体验阅读过程中需要具备的预测、推断、联系上下文及归纳总结等阅读策略。 Step 4: summarize the life experiences of Charlie Chaplin (para. 2) Task: Find out the topic sentence and paraphrase the sentence. 1. Not that his own life was easy. His own life was not that easy. Q: Can you find out the facts to support the idea? Acting family: He was born in an acting family whose income was often uncertain. Early training: He was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk. Unfortunately, his father died, leaving the family even worse off. Hard childhood: Charlie spent his childhood looking after his sick mother and his brother. Q: Do you think his poor childhood helped him in work? Why? Q: Why was Charlie Chaplin and the little tramp popular at that time? Q: What did Charlie Chapin"s performance bring to the audience during the hard days? 设计意图:学生通过对这一环节的学习,增强了对文本的概括提炼能力,也体验了阅读过程中的分析、推理和评价等需要深入思维的阅读策略。 Step 5: understand the great achievements of Chaplin (para. 1 &5) T: what great achievements did Chaplin achieve in his lifetime? … T: In a word, he is a master of nonverbal humor and brings people laughter. Up to now, we have learned a lot about Charlie Chaplin, who is a master of nonverbal humor. Can you summarize different aspects in describing Chaplin as a master? 设计意图:训练学生对人物的评价,引导学生的英语思维能力以及释义能力。(paraphrase) Step 6: Draw out the outline of the text Q:Can you summarize the main idea of each paragraph and understand the title from different aspects? Para. 1: Chaplin"s popularity Para. 2: Chaplin"s childhood Para. 3: Chaplin"s famous film character Para. 4: An example of Chaplin"s film Para. 5: His achievements Q: Why is Charlie Chaplin considered as a “master”? His astonishing training (para. 2) His entertaining performance (para.2 ) His charming character (para. 3) His convincing acting (para. 4) His outstanding work (para. 5) 设计意图:以“形容词+名词”这样的形式来解读master一词,即高度概括文章的内容,同时又让学生体验了文章的主要内容可用“提炼名词”和“提炼形容词”来表达。 Step 7: imitate the quotation: T: Now we"ve found out why Chaplin is considered a master of nonverbal humor. And humor can bring us laughter. Just as Victor Hugo once said, “Laugher is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” I think this can be the exact comment for Chaplin"s great contributions to the society. As a saying goes, “Happiness shows up for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched and those who have tried, for only they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives.” Can you imitate the sentence pattern and create a similar sentence to show the true meaning of happiness? Laugher is the sun that drives winter from the human face. –Victor Hugo Laughter is __________ that _____________. 设计意图:让学生更好地明白laughter的含义,明白“苦难中的笑声”含义。开放性的仿写设计让学生可以借着这个简单的定语从句句型自由发挥。

his sense of humor 中有冠词吗?


how would you define humor雅思

How would you discribe your sense of hunor? 你会如何描述你的幽默感? 有不明白的地方欢迎追问,

great sense of humor什么意思?


every man in his humor 并详细解说一下为什么这么翻译

humor ["hju:mu0259] n.幽默,诙谐;心情 in a good humor 心情好心情不错 in his humor类似,表示每个人心情都不错 因此every man in his humor 人人开心,是莎士比亚的一部名剧

1. How do you define humor? What is the value of humor in interpersonal relationships?


能不能快点给我提供一写关于”the importance of humor"的看法,要英语的

The Importance of HumorHave you ever thought about how important humor is to your life? In thinking about the subject for the past few days, I found myself reflecting on how critical humor really is in our lives.I can"t imagine going through a day without laughter. In fact, when I think about those times in my life that were the most difficult, I find myself remembering how somber things seemed. There was little humor and not much laughter. Conversely, when I think about those times from the past when I was most alive, I immediately begin to recall experiences that made me laugh.Certainly one of the best ways to ruin your life would be to take everything too seriously, especially yourself. Have you ever noticed how really successful people are able to laugh at themselves? I don"t think I"ve ever met anyone worthy of modeling who didn"t make humor an integral part of his or her life.While much has been written over the years about how to be happy and successful, most people shy away from talking about how to be unhappy and unsuccessful. But, of course, studying contrasts can be very enlightening.When it comes to being unhappy or miserable, I think I"ve learned a formula that never fails. See what you think. It"s simply this: Remove humor from your life. Don"t laugh. Don"t look for the humor in the experiences you go through on a daily basis. That"ll do the trick don"t you think? All you have to do to add unhappiness and misery to your life is to remove humor. That will undoubtedly help you find your way to total misery.Luckily, the reverse is also true and I think we all know it deep down. So the question is: Why don"t we laugh more? Why don"t we look for ways to lighten up and find more levity and have more fun? I think like a lot of good things in life, we tend to forget what works and we need to be reminded of the simple truths.Humor will make every part of your life better. It will help you through difficult times and it will help you make the good times even better. It will attract good people and good situations to you. You"ll become a magnet for positive experiences. And it"s well documented that daily laughter will make you healthier.But, of course, there is a downside. You may start to lose some people in your life. People who don"t have a good sense of humor will probably start avoiding you. They"ll probably start to wonder if you"ve joined some kind of weird cult. And, of course, you"ll have to decide how to handle this. Should you try to change them or try to get them to laugh once and awhile? Sure. It might help. But don"t be surprised if they fail to see the humor and continue on with their sour way of looking at the world. Ultimately, we can"t change others, we can only change ourselves.Besides, have you ever noticed how some people wouldn"t be happy if they weren"t miserable? There may actually be something humorous about that.

写一篇题为“Why We Need Humor in Our Life”的短文!

Why We Need Humor in Our Life A suspicious customer murmured, “I wonder if this milk is fresh.” The quick-witted waiter answered, “Fresh? Three hours ago it was GRASS!” See? A humorous response may solve your problem. Someone asked a young artist, "Did you sell any of your paintings at the art show?" "No, but I am encouraged," he replied. "Somebody stole one." And years later he became world known. Humor may sustain us in hard times and bring happiness in everyday life. Once my neighbor told me that he shaves fifty times a day. Was he crazy? Of course not—he is a barber. So, my dear friends, remember, we need humor and try to be humorous in your life. Next time, when you are asked, “How can I stop water from coming into my house?” Say, “Don"t pay the water bill.”

sense of humor什么意思


humor helps us bear our burdens这句话为什么有俩个谓语动词?

help sb do sth,后面的to do做宾补,可以省略to。

以humor and my life 为题,写一篇150词左右的英语作文~~急急急!!!!

There is always humor in my life.Humor is a sort of wisdom. it is one attitude towards life. it is the easy solution for life only after experiencing. Humor makes me get out of anxiety, and makes people around me feel happy. it affects not only me but my friends. so my friends gave me a nickname as "happy bean". i know hardships are always ahead, but humor injects me the courages and power to continue. i am not along, coz my friends will always stay with me, we are a happy group. This is me, you may call me "happy bean", i wish to know more friends and let people know more about me, i will show you my humor, or you may show yours. this happy group needs you and me. we are happy coz we enjoy humor.

他很有幽默感 英文he is_ _ _ humor


请问humor me是什么意思


every man in his humor 并详细解说一下为什么这么翻译


sense 和 humor是不是可数名词

No one in their right senses would let a small child go out alone. 凡是有理智的人,谁都不会让那麽小的孩子独自出门。可数名词当它翻译成 感觉,了解是不可数名词humor 不可数名词

求篇"why humor is important?"的英语作文?

Great topic.

how to develop a sense of humor英语作文


humor boy 是什么意思

humor boy 幽默的男孩

you are so humor什麼意思








什么叫toilet humor是不是低级趣味的意思

  toilet humor  原意是厕所幽默, 和低级趣味的意思相同  humor 英["hju:mu0259] 美[u02c8hjumu025a]   n. 幽默,心情,诙谐;  vt. 迎合,牵就,顺应;  [例句]McGrath remembers his offbeat sense of humor, his whimsical side  麦格拉思记得他不同寻常的幽默感和他古怪的一面。  [其他] 第三人称单数:humors 现在分词:humoring 过去式:humored过去分词:humored


厉害啊 我 用五笔





幽默感 Sense of Humor

Humor is a flavor of our lives. Humor can soften relationshipbeeen people; humor can adjust the atmosphere of different occasions; humorcan bring more fun and joy to our lives.,幽默是生活的调味剂。幽默可以缓和人们的关系,调节不同场合的气氛,给我们的生活带来乐趣和快乐。,First, humor is very necessary inmunicating with others because it can soften relationship beeen people. Inthe process of getting along with others, the occurrence of difference and contradictionis inevitable. Sometimes, when we want to persuade others to agree with ourpoints, we will find that our points are easier to be accepted if we argue in ahumorous tone.,首先,幽默在与他人交流的过程中是很必要的因为它可以缓和人们之间的关系。在与他人相处的过程中,出现分歧和矛盾是不可避免的。有时候,当我们想要说服他人同意我们的观点时,如果我们采用幽默的口吻,会发现我们的观点更容易被接受。,Second, humor can adjust the atmosphere ofdifferent occasions. A person having a good sense of humor is good at adjust theatmosphere. For example, in a family, if the hu *** and has a good sense humor,their family life would be more harmonious because he can adjust the atmospherein time to avoid the occurrence of quarrel.,其次,幽默可以调节不同场合的气氛。一个很有幽默感的人很擅长调节气氛。比如说,在一个家庭中,如果丈夫很有幽默感,那么他们的家庭生活就会更加和谐因为他懂得及时调节气氛避免出现争吵。,Finally, a person having a good sense ofhumor can bring fun and joy to others. It is not difficult to find that ahumorous person is always warmly weled in any occasions because he can bringhappiness to everywhere he goes. In addition, staying with the humorous people,we will find that we will be more positive and our lives will be morewonderful.,最后,一个有幽默感的人可以为他人带来快乐。我们不难发现,一个幽默的人在任何场合都总是很受欢迎,因为他无论走到哪里,人们都能感受到他带来的快乐。另外,和幽默的人在一起,我们会发现我们会变得更加积极,生活会变得更加精彩。,Therefore, all of us need to learn someskills of humor and use them properly so that we can make our lives be more wonderful.

great sense of humor什么意思?

great sense of humor极强的幽默感双语例句1Everybody knows what a great sense of humor I have. 大家都知道我很有幽默感的。2I have a great sense of humor and people say I have a wonderful personality. 我有一个很大的幽默感和人们说我有一个极好的性格。3He found in her a great sense of humor, an enthusiastic love of life. 他发现她拥有极强的幽默感和一颗对生活充满热情的心。

Dry sense of humor是什么意思

a dry-sense-of-humor一种干燥的幽默感a dry-sense-of-humor一种干燥的幽默感




为什么有趣的事情让我发笑 Humans are not the only animals who have the ability to laugh. Smiling and laughing have been observed in non-human primate species during social play. This type of behavioral response serves as a signal to the group by spreading positive emotions, decreasing stress, and contributing to the cohesiveness of the group. Humor-evoked laughter in humans can be divided into these stages. When listening to a joke, the first part of the humor is the punch line, an incongruous ending. Second, your mind begins to problem-solve in order to interpret this incongruity or surprise. Finally, the brain is able to appreciate these steps, which together form humor and evoke a response of laughter. The neurotransmitter dopamine (a brain chemical) is responsible for allowing the brain to progress through the stages of humor. Dopamine allows us to feel good when we laugh. Some studies have demonstrated an improvement in health for chronically ill patients when they are exposed to funny stimuli. Thus the old adage “Laughter is the best medicine" probably has a note of truth in it. 并不是只有人类能够笑。在灵长目类的社会活动中可以观察到它们会微笑和大笑。这样的行为可以作为一种信号,来对自己的群体传递积极的情绪,降低压力,还有助于增加群体的凝聚力。 在人类社会中,由幽默引起的笑可以分为三个阶段。当听一个笑话时,幽默的第一部分是一个巧妙的不合常规的结尾。第二,你的头脑开始为了解释这个不合常规或者出乎意料而思考。最后,你的大脑能够欣赏这些过程,这些过程一起构成了幽默并引发了笑。 神经传递介质多巴胺(脑部一种化学物质)在人脑感受幽默的过程中起了作用。当我们笑的时候,多巴胺让我们感觉心情很好。一些研究已经证实当慢性病病人接触有趣的刺激物时,他们的健康会有逐步的改善。所以这句谚语“笑是最好的药物”也许有事实为证。


大多数人认为该词为国学大师林语堂先生于1924年最先介绍入中国,对此,中国地域文化研究会委员、山东省民间文艺家协会理事张继平认为并不确切,张继平向记者介绍说,第一个将英语单词“humor”译成中文的应该是国学大师王国维,时间比林语堂首次使用“幽默”的译法早18年。  王国维在1906年出版了《屈子文学之精神》一书,书中普议及“humor”一词,并将其音译成“欧穆亚”,认为“欧穆亚”是一种达观的人生态度,但并未展开论述,以后也未再议。1924年,林语堂在《晨报》副刊上连续撰文,定“幽默”为“humor”的汉译名。因此,从严格意义上讲,“humor”一词的中文翻译第一人应该是王国维,“humor”进入中国已整整100年。  据了解,“幽默”一词在我国最早出现于屈原的《九章·怀沙》:“煦兮杳杳,孔静幽默。”此处的“幽默”意为“幽默无声”。然而,“幽默”一词作为音译的外来词,与古汉语词语“幽默”并无关系。只是随着“幽默”一词新义的淬,“幽默”作为古汉语词语的本义逐渐被新义所取代。林语堂解释道:“凡善于幽默的人,其谐趣必愈幽隐;而善于鉴赏幽默的人,其欣赏尤在于内心静默的理会,大有不可与外人道之滋味。与粗鄙的笑话不同,幽默愈幽愈默而愈妙。”  林语堂把“humor” 译为“幽默”,当时许多文化名人也持有异议。鲁迅曾认为它容易被误解为“静默”或“幽静”,而觉该译法不妥。翻译家李青崖主张译为“语妙”、但“语妙天下 ”是句成语,有“光说不做”含义。语言学家陈望道拟将其译成“油滑”,又觉不够确切,且有轻浮之嫌。后来,语言学家唐栩侯又将其译作“谐穆”,认为一“谐 ”一“穆”构成“humor”整体。最终,林语堂的翻译方法被世人所认可,一直沿用至今。  自20世纪20年代起,林语堂和中国新文学运动旗手鲁迅一起,运用幽默手法开展反帝反封建的政治、思想和文化斗争,在初中中探索幽默理论,并创造了基调高亢、语言诙谐、讽喻犀利的“语丝体”散文,而林语堂本人也被称为“幽默大师”。



feast today and feast tomorrow 什么意思





比较级:more humous 最高级 :most humoushumorous 英[u02c8hjuu02d0mu0259ru0259s] 美[u02c8hjuu02d0mu0259ru0259s] adj. 滑稽有趣的; 有幽默感的; [例句]He was quite humorous, and I liked that about him.他很幽默,我喜欢他这一点。






humorous编辑读音美式:["hjumu0259ru0259s]英式:["hju:mu0259ru0259s]21世纪大英汉词典释义形容词adj. full of or characterized by humorhumorous(1)① 幽默的,滑稽的② 诙谐的,有幽默感的③ 性情乖戾的,古怪的(古语)同近义词:witty(强调机智而饶有风趣)funny(非正式用词,通常侧重因古怪、奇特或不合适宜的举动等引起的发笑)反义词:humorless humourless unhumoroushumorous(2)① 湿润的;潮润的(古语)②【生物学、生理学】体液的

humorous 英语

humorous英语:幽默的。例句:1、You are my every morning, the first ray of sunshine,good morning. 你是我每天清晨的第一缕阳光,早上好。2、When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy and to love. 当你在清晨醒来,想想活着是一种多么珍贵的权利:你还能呼吸,还能思考,还能享受,还能去爱。3、I like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree,the herald of spring, ushering in the dawn.我喜欢看树枝上那淡淡的嫩绿,它是春天的使者,它是一天清晨的开始。4、You are the last thing I think of night, and first thing I think of in the morning. 晚上睡觉前想的最后一件事,是你, 清晨醒来想到的第一件事,也是你。5、I"d like mornings better, if my mornings started with you. 若我的清晨是与你同时开启,那我更爱清晨。6、Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, as to a certain extent sacred.不可因起床过晚而缩短了清晨时光;把清晨当成生命的典型有如某种程度的神圣。7、I"d like mornings better, if my mornings started with you. 若我的清晨是与你同时开启,那我更爱清晨。8、Do not shorten the morning by getting up late; look upon it as the quintessence of life, as to a certain extent sacred.不可因起床过晚而缩短了清晨时光;把清晨当成生命的典型有如某种程度的神圣。9、His own mornings are new surprises to God.神自己的清晨,在他自己看来也是新奇的。10、Each morning when I open my eyes I say to myself: I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be.每个清晨,当我睁开双眼,会对自己说:我,而不是我之外的什么东西,来决定我今天是快乐或不快乐。我自己能选择。
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