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Almost everyone likes dogs, and almost everyone likes to read about dogs. I have friend. He has...

小题1:B小题2:A小题3:D小题4:D小题5:C 试题分析:小题1:理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知,这位客人在我朋友家里呆了很长的时间故选B。小题2:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Soon it was time for my friend to take Jack for walk. But the visitor still stayed. Jack became much worried.”理解可知。Jack生气的主要原因就是他该去散不了,故选A.小题3:理解推测题,根据文中语句理解可知,Jack坐在客人面前的主要原因就是让客人赶快离开,故选D。小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“But the visitor paid no attention to Jack. He went on talking.”理解可知。客人继续谈话的原因就是他没有注意到Jack已经很不耐烦了,故选D.小题5:细节理解题,根据文中语句“but this time he took the visitor"s cap in his mouth.”理解可知。最后Jack把客人的帽子叼了起来,故选C.点评:答题前一定要读懂全文,注意整个故事的发展进程,把握好整个故事的来龙去脉。然后带着问题再读全文,找出相关语句,分析比较,完成阅读。

be almost give it up和be about to give it up区别

1、be almost give it up表示的是“几乎”,但是并不是太绝对的。语气方面比较委婉一些。比如写作业的你总说“我要写不下去了”,但实际你还可能会继续写。2、be about to give it up表示即将放弃,be about to 表示即将到来的将来,板上钉钉的事。比如:The train is about to start火车要开了,这就不能用be almost。如果能帮助你,别忘记采纳!

the most respectable of可以在句中充当什么成分?

the most respectable of最令人尊敬的可以在句中充当定语或者说是表语。

电脑开机老出现CMOS fail 怎么回事


电脑开机老出现CMOS fail 怎么回事

电脑开机老出现CMOS fail是怎么回事? 问题分析:电脑开机自动进入主板CMOS界面,如果排除人为误操作进入(可按ESC键退出),则说明电脑开机通电自检未通过,一般为CMOS参数出错或硬件出现故障。常见现象有电池失效、配置错误、内存或硬盘接触不良等等,需要逐一排查。 处理办法: 1、电池失效:导致电脑调用CMOS默认参数,如果与本机硬件环境不符,则无法正常启动电脑。可购置主板电池进行替换,再开机连按DEL键(笔记本为F2或指定的其它热键)进入CMOS界面,并重新设置正确的参数,最后按F10保存退出重启。图示系统时间准确,可排除此项。则重点考虑硬盘问题。 2、配置错误:由于人工配置CMOS参数与本机硬件环境不符,也会出现此种情况。一般情况下,可根据屏幕黑底白字的提示信息,按F1键跳过非致命错误直接启动电脑,或按DEL键进入CMOS后,再按F9装载预定义参数或选中Load Optimized Defaults(载入高性能缺省值)或Load Fail-Safe Defaults(载入故障安全缺省值),再按F10保存退出重启。 3、硬件故障:如果以上操作无效,则说明硬件存在问题,一般为内存和硬盘接触不良或硬盘主引导记录损坏,需要重新插拔内存或硬盘,或者修复硬盘主引导记录或重装系统或更换硬盘。 电脑开机老出现ctri+Ait+Del怎么回事 开始/控制面板/管理工具/本地安全设置/本地策略/安全选项/交互式登录:不需要按ctri+Ait+Del 选择禁用 电脑开机出现dhcp怎么回事 因为BIOS设置了优先从网卡启动,而网卡则试图从DHCP获取IP地址并连上服务器再读取操作系统开机。 BIOS里面把硬盘启动调到前面就行,或者开机的时候拔了网线 电脑开机出现STOP怎么回事 你好 可以开机后 到系统选择那里 按f8 选 起作用的最后一次正确配置(可以解决因驱动装错造成的错误)和带网络连接安全模式(进去后是有网络的,再用360软件弄下),可能就可以修复。 还有就是,内存条进灰尘,拆开机箱,拆下内存条,清洁下内存金手指,重新装回去,再开机试 以上都处理了,还是不行的话,不用追问了,直接重装或恢复系统吧。没有其他办法的。 请选为满意答案哈 电脑开机出现not found怎么回事 中毒后遗症,用360安全卫士清理一下启动项。 电脑开机出现Floppy disk(s) fail(40) cmos checksum error Defailts loaded,要按F1键继续,是怎么回事? 是你机子 软驱 错误的意思~ 你开机 按DEL 进第一个选项~ 然后 把Floppy disk 点DISADLE就可以了~ 电脑开机老是出现蓝屏怎么回事 以下内容为百度知道操作系统分类管理员Ctangel个人总结,并非网络复制,全是个人日常工作中遇到并且明确确定原因的。如需复制请注明出处。 这里列举几个典型的蓝屏故障的原因和解决办法。 一、0X0000000A 这个蓝屏代码和硬件无关,是驱动和软件有冲突造成的,最早发现这个代码是因为公司的DELL机器的USB键盘和QQ2007的键盘加密程序有冲突发现的这个问题。也在IBM T系列笔记本上装驱动失误产生过。 如果您的机器蓝屏了,而且每次都是这个代码请想一想最近是不是更新了什么软件或者什么驱动了,把它卸载再看一下。一般情况下就能够解决,如果实在想不起来,又非常频繁的话,那么没办法,重新做系统吧。 二、0X0000007B 这个代码和硬盘有关系,不过不用害怕,不是有坏道了,是设置问题或者病毒造成的硬盘引导分区错误。 如果您在用原版系统盘安装系统的时候出这个问题,那说明您的机器配置还是比较新的,作为老的系统盘,不认这么新的硬盘接口,所以得进BIOS把硬盘模式改成IDE兼容模式。当然了,现在人们都用ghost版的操作系统,比较新的ghost盘是不存在这个问题的。 如果您的操作系统使用了一段时间了,突然有一天出现这个问题了,那么对不起,病毒造成的,开机按F8,选择最后一次正确的配置,恢复不到正常模式的话那么请重新做系统吧。 三、0X000000ED 这个故障和硬盘有关系,系统概率比较大,硬盘真坏的概率比较小。我弄过不下二十个这个代码的蓝屏机器了,其中只有一个是硬盘真的有坏道了。剩下的都是卷出了问题,修复即可,这也是为数不多的可以修复的蓝屏代码之一。 修复方法是找原版的系统安装盘(或者金手指V6那个pe启动界面里就带控制台修复)。这里说用系统盘的方法,把系统盘放入光驱,启动到安装界面,选择按R进入控制台修复,进入控制台后会出现提示符C: 大家在这里输入 chkdsk -r 然后它就会自动检测并修复问题了,修复完成之后重新启动计算机就可以进入系统了,进入系统之后最好先杀毒,然后再重新启动一下试一下,如果正常了那就没问题了,如果还出这个代码,那就说明硬盘有问题了,需要更换,或者把有问题的地方单独分区,做成隐藏分区,用后面的空间来装系统。 四、0X0000007E、0X0000008E 这俩代码多是病毒造成的,杀毒即可。正常模式进不去可以开机按F8进安全模式。当然也有可能是内存造成的,可以尝试重新插拔内存,一般这代码内存损坏概率不大。 五、0X00000050 硬件故障,硬盘的可能性很大。如果每次都出这一个代码,首先换一块硬盘试一下机器能不能正常启动,如果测试硬盘没问题,再试内存,内存也试过的话,换CPU,总之这必是硬件故障。 六、coooo21a C开头的故障,它报的错很邪乎,报未知硬件故障,不过出这类C开头的代码多半与硬件无关。基本是与系统同时启动的一些驱动!或者服务的问题,举一个例子,一次我给一个笔记本的F盘改成了E盘,结果再启动就出这类C开头的代码,最后发现插上一个U盘就能正常启动,因为插上U盘系统里就有F盘了,然后我发现了隐藏的文件,是开机的时候系统写入的。我拔掉这个U盘这问题就又出现,后来把E盘改回F问题就没有了,想来是什么和系统一起启动的软件留在F盘一些文件,没有了它就会自己建,但是连F盘都没有了,也就只能报错了,所以看到这类蓝屏可以照比。 七、每次蓝屏的代码都不一样 这样的问题,基本上是硬件造成的,尤其以内存为第一个需要怀疑的对象,更换内存尝试,第二可能性是CPU虽然这东西不爱坏,可是从06年到现在我也遇到俩了,其他硬件基本上不会造成蓝屏代码随便变的情况。 八、偶尔蓝屏,而且代码一闪而过重新启动的问题 这个是有有两种可能 1、以XP为例,在我的电脑上点击鼠标右键选择属性,找到高级选项卡,找到下面的启动和故障修复项,点击设置。再弹出的窗口里找到中间‘系统失败"处有三个选项,第三项自动重新启动,把这项的勾选取消掉,以后再出问题蓝屏就会停住了。 2、已经做过上面的设置,但是还是会一闪而过重新启动的,那就是显卡或者CPU过热造成的,打开机箱查看散热风扇和散热器的状态吧。 另外开机就蓝屏看不见代码一闪而过然后自己重新启动的情况。这个时候已经不可能在系统里进行第一步的设置了,那么就要在机器启动的时候按F8,选择启动失败后禁用重新启动这项,选择之后启动失败了,系统就会停在蓝屏代码那里了,这样大家就可以照着蓝屏代码来查看问题了。 九、其他蓝屏代码 参考第七项,一般首先做系统确认是不是系统的问题,然后以以下顺序测试硬件,首先是内存可能性最大,然后是CPU,之后是硬盘,最后是显卡,主板基本不会蓝屏。 电脑开机出现 please waiting 怎么回事 360我用了好长时间了,我WIN7系统,估计不是360的问题。 最近开机速度有变化么? 还是就是这个提示导致占用开机启动时间比较长? 完后,机器启动好之后你看下一分钟内CPU高的夸张不?恢复的速度快不? 你的机器是不是启动项太多了,优化下!360就有,把没用的都开除! 建议你用WIN7优化大师(如果你的系统是WIN7)或windows优化大师(是别的系统的话如XP、vista),用相应的推荐优化下。这两款相应的软件也有清理项,在优化完毕后,用该软件清理下……重启! 可以用系统自带的磁盘清理工具清理,你可以在“搜索”中输入“磁盘清理”完了把快捷方式复制到桌面;也可以在:开始→附件→系统工具→磁盘清理

电脑开机老出现CMOS fail是怎么回事?

问题分析:电脑开机自动进入主板CMOS界面,如果排除人为误操作进入(可按ESC键退出),则说明电脑开机通电自检未通过,一般为CMOS参数出错或硬件出现故障。常见现象有电池失效、配置错误、内存或硬盘接触不良等等,需要逐一排查。 处理办法: 1、电池失效:导致电脑调用CMOS默认参数,如果与本机硬件环境不符,则无法正常启动电脑。可购置主板电池进行替换,再开机连按DEL键(笔记本为F2或指定的其它热键)进入CMOS界面,并重新设置正确的参数,最后按F10保存退出重启。图示系统时间准确,可排除此项。则重点考虑硬盘问题。 2、配置错误:由于人工配置CMOS参数与本机硬件环境不符,也会出现此种情况。一般情况下,可根据屏幕黑底白字的提示信息,按F1键跳过非致命错误直接启动电脑,或按DEL键进入CMOS后,再按F9装载预定义参数或选中Load Optimized Defaults(载入高性能缺省值)或Load Fail-Safe Defaults(载入故障安全缺省值),再按F10保存退出重启。 3、硬件故障:如果以上操作无效,则说明硬件存在问题,一般为内存和硬盘接触不良或硬盘主引导记录损坏,需要重新插拔内存或硬盘,或者修复硬盘主引导记录或重装系统或更换硬盘。

电脑开机老出现CMOS fail是怎么回事?

问题分析:电脑开机自动进入主板CMOS界面,如果排除人为误操作进入(可按ESC键退出),则说明电脑开机通电自检未通过,一般为CMOS参数出错或硬件出现故障。常见现象有电池失效、配置错误、内存或硬盘接触不良等等,需要逐一排查。x0dx0a 处理办法:x0dx0a 1、电池失效:导致电脑调用CMOS默认参数,如果与本机硬件环境不符,则无法正常启动电脑。可购置主板电池进行替换,再开机连按DEL键(笔记本为F2或指定的其它热键)进入CMOS界面,并重新设置正确的参数,最后按F10保存退出重启。图示系统时间准确,可排除此项。则重点考虑硬盘问题。x0dx0a 2、配置错误:由于人工配置CMOS参数与本机硬件环境不符,也会出现此种情况。一般情况下,可根据屏幕黑底白字的提示信息,按F1键跳过非致命错误直接启动电脑,或按DEL键进入CMOS后,再按F9装载预定义参数或选中Load Optimized Defaults(载入高性能缺省值)或Load Fail-Safe Defaults(载入故障安全缺省值),再按F10保存退出重启。x0dx0a 3、硬件故障:如果以上操作无效,则说明硬件存在问题,一般为内存和硬盘接触不良或硬盘主引导记录损坏,需要重新插拔内存或硬盘,或者修复硬盘主引导记录或重装系统或更换硬盘。



求一首英文歌,男唱高潮baby i love you baby i need you音很高,最后结尾好像是almost i love you之类的

我也听过,只不过忘了,我记得是有一个女的在配音的,一个男的使劲唱,当唱到baby i love you baby i need you的时候几乎是说的而不是唱的,只是我也不记得歌名,不过我电脑上有这首歌,我也很喜欢

quite a few与the most of的区别


quite a few与the most of的区别


Most of the artists ______ to the party were from South Africa. be invited B.invited .

B 试题分析:考查分词做定语。本题中的名词artist与动词invite之间构成被动的关系,故使用过去分词的形式做定语,修饰名词就相当于定语从句who were invited to the party。句意:被邀请来参加会议的大多数艺术家都是来自于南非。故B正确。考点:考查分词做定语点评:当名词与动词构成主动关系的时候,使用现在分词做定语;如果二者构成被动关系,使用过去分词做定语。

most chinese people属于名词短语么?

most Chinese people属于名词短语。其意思是“大多数中国人”。most和Chinese都是形容词,均修饰名词people。

我这电脑能玩”极速快感17:新全民公敌“(Need for Speed: Most Wanted)吗?

你这个配置没问题。 这个游戏本人觉得很好玩,你也玩玩 真的 可以,就是跟极品飞车16相比 17画面没什么亮点,我在玩的呢,推荐你玩玩!

NFS Most Wanted 极品飞车9 窗口化问题

可以。 要下载一个窗口化的软件。 到网上搜索一下。

极品飞车17:最高通缉《Need for Speed Most Wanted》开头曲


这个图是Need For Speed 17 Most Wanted的主题壁纸.主题图.求这个图大图

为什么我c盘没有NFS Most Wanted文件夹?

桌面上的文档里有这个文件,如果没有 ,你进一下游戏,随便跑跑 让游戏自己生成存档文件夹,就有了

[D42] When asked _____ they needed most, the kids said they wanted to feel important and loved.

A.what 所需要的

Most of them wanted to be like Mickey. (改否定句)

Most of them 【didn"t want】 to be like Mickey. 【None】 of them wanted to be like Mickey. 很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑 如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,

most of them wanted to be like mickey第几种简单句

当人们说“文化,”我们想到艺术和历史。但是美国文化里的一个有名的标志是卡通。我们都知道而且喜欢黑色的带着两只圆耳朵的老鼠 - 米老师。80多年前,它第一次出现在Steamboat WIllie (威利蒸汽船, 是电影)里。当这个卡通在1928年11月18日出现在纽约的时候,它是第一部没有声音没有音乐的卡通。米老鼠背后的男人是Walt Disney。他变得很有钱很成功。在1930年,他用米老鼠话了87部卡通一些人可能会问这个卡通动物怎么这么受欢迎。一个主要原因是米老鼠是一个不同人,但是他经常尝试面对危险。在他早期电影里,米老鼠很不幸而且有很多问题譬如丢了房子 丢了女朋友 米妮。但是,他一直准备好尽最大的努力。人们去电影院看“小人物”成功。他们中的大多数想要成为米老鼠。在1978年11月18日,米老鼠成了好莱坞星光大道上的第一个卡通形象的星星。现在的卡通不像米老鼠这么简单,但是人们仍然知道和喜爱它。谁有一对比米老鼠更有名的圆耳朵?

most 前面可以用a修饰 吗

可以的 要看不同的情况具体问题具体分析

Need for speed most wanted Save Editor


Need For Speed Most Wanted PC DVD.ISO怎么安装


极品飞车9:最高通缉(Need for Speed Most Wanted)【中文版修改器】V1.6 及完美存档!!~


Need for Speed Most Wanted 极品飞车9 完全硬盘版怎么汉化?

极品9汉化的方法有两个 方法一:注册表法(注册表丢失,一般重新安装系统会丢失) 下载注册表:然后双击确定即可先看看游戏里面除了安装好的文件外还有没有其它压缩包什么的?找找!!有的话,点击运行它方法二:补丁法(原来就是英文版的请使用)复制即可下载:一定要放到游戏目录里面,也就是游戏的文件夹,随便什么都行希望对楼主有帮助!

极品飞车9 Most Wanted,服务器怎么架设?


求谢霆锋Most Wanted霆锋精辑专辑 无损音乐百度云下载

谢霆锋歌曲大全在线听免费,百度网盘下载资源:链接: 提取码:ukx8谢霆锋热门歌曲曲目: 活着Viva、谢谢你的爱1999、因为爱所以爱、黄种人、玉蝴蝶、无声仿有声等;







东京漂移DJ Shadow feat. Mos Def "Six Days" 的歌词(含中间RAP)

《Six Days》是速度与激情3东京漂移的主题曲,速7也使用过。歌手:Dj Shadow&Mos Def作词:Davis & Farrell & Olivieri作曲:Josh Davis & Dennis Oliv所属专辑:The Private Press发行时间:2002年06月04日互译歌词:At the starting of the week 在一个礼拜的开始 At summit talks you"ll hear them speak 领导讲话你必须要认真的听 It"s only Monday 现在只是礼拜一 Negotiations breaking down 谈判崩溃 See those leaders start to frown 领导开始表示不满 It"s sword and gun day 这个充满火药味的一天 Tomorrow never comes until it"s too late 明天直到很晚才会到来 You could be sitting taking lunch 你可能坐在餐桌前用餐 The news will hit you like a punch 新闻猛烈的冲击你 It"s only Tuesday 现在只是礼拜二 You never thought we"d go to war 你从不觉得我们将要进入战斗 After all the things we saw 在我们所看到的一切以后 It"s April Fools" day 今天是愚人节 Tomorrow never comes until it"s too late 明天直到很晚才会到来 Tomorrow never comes until it"s too late 明天直到很晚才会到来 You hear a whistling overhead 你听到空中一声口哨 Are you alive or are you dead? 你活着还是死了? It"s only Thursday 现在只是礼拜四 You feel a shaking on the ground 你感到地动天摇 A billion candles burn around 成千上万的蜡烛在燃烧发光 Is it your birthday? 今天是你的生日么?

that most touched my heart为什么touch要加ed?




at least at most 在句子中的的位置。比如The girl is 7 at least 。还是The girl is at least 7.


at least和 in least是同义词吗 加不加the有什么区别 ?at least 和at most 是反义吗 也可以加the 吗

at least是至少 in least是一点,丝毫,极少 二者不是同义词,加不加the没有区别,at least 和 at most (至多)是反义词,都可以加the,little-less-the least many/much-more-the most

at least at most 在句子中的的位置。比如The girl is 7 at least 。还是The girl is at least 7.

at most 和at least 都是介词短语,在句中做状语,修饰数量或程度的词语。的确,一般说来, 状语,尤其是表示方式的状语,往往出现在被它修饰的动词后,或干脆在句尾,如:He spoke highly of his professor.He does everything carefull. 但也有很多状语人们倾向于前置,尽管后置按语法也对,例如频率状语:He often works late into night.He is sometimes least 和 at least 就是这样的,放在它们所修饰的表示数词或程度的词语前。所以最为常用的词序应该是:The girl is at least 7. The pencil costs at most five yuan。需要说明的是 --- 前面提到过 --- 换个词序在语法上还是允许的;而且,有时候为了强调,或加强状语的预期,说话者还故意把他们放到一个不同寻常的位置,如句尾:The girl is 7 at least。 The pencil costs five yuan at most,

at least和at most的区别

at least=至少 The old man is at least 80 ayears old. at most =最多 You can play computer games for at most 3 hours a day.

At least与at most的区别是什么

At least, 最起码 At most, 顶多

LIbera的Voca me歌词中lacrymosa dies illa是什么意思啊 拉丁文

Lacrymosa dies illa的英文解释为That tearful day,直译为“含泪的那天”或“垂泪的那天”放个voca me的翻译:Voca me(呼唤我) As secret as a dream you call.(就像你召唤的梦一样私密) As silent as the night for all you cry(就像所有你为其哭泣的黑夜一样静默) Lacrymosa(垂泪) Lacrymosa dies illa(为那一天悲伤) Dolorosa Domine(上主也哭泣) Voca(呼唤) Voca me(呼唤我) You whisper in my silent sleep(你在我沉睡时向我低语) You answer to my call when lost I cry(你回应我的呼唤在我迷失时哭泣) Lacrymosa(垂泪)

英语翻译 For most of us, work is the central,

For most of us, work is the central, dominating fact of life. We spend more than half our conscious hours at work, preparing for work, travelling to and from work. What we do there largely determines our standard of living and to a considerable extent the status we are accorded by our fellow citizens as well. It is sometimes said that because leisure has become more important the indignities and injustices of work can be pushed into a corner; that because most work is pretty intolerable, the people who do it should compensate for its boredoms, frustrations and humiliations by concentrating their hopes on the other parts of their lives. I reject that as a counsel of despair. For the forseeable future the material and psychological rewards which work can provide, and the conditions in which work is done, will continue to play a vital part in determining the satisfaction that life can offer. Yet only a small minority can control the pace at which they work or the conditions in which their work is done; only for a small minority does work offer scope for creativity, imagination, or initiative.对于多数人来说,工作是首要的,在现实生活中起主导作用。我们花费超过一半的时间在工作上,为工作做准备,并往返于工作之间。我们所做的工作大部分取决于我们的生活标准,很大程度上也取决于我们的同胞所赋予我们的社会地位。 人们常说由于休闲变得越来越重要工作中的屈辱和不公被弃置一旁;那是因为多数工作令人难以忍受,工作于其中的人们只好寄希望于生活的其他方面来抵消工作带来的无聊、失望和耻辱。我不认为这是一种自暴自弃的态度。在可预见的未来里,工作可提供的物质和心理回报以及工作完成的情况将继续在决定生活的满意度上起至关重要的作用。但是只有极少数人能控制好他们工作的速度和工作完成的情况。只有极少数人的工作为他们提供了创造力、想象力和主动性的空间。Inequality at work and in work is still one of the cruelest and most glaring forms of inequality in our society. We cannot hope to solve the more obvious problems of industrial life, many of which arise directly or indirectly from the frustrations created by inequality at work, unless we tackle it head-on. Still less can we hope to create a decent and humane society.工作和工作中的不平等仍然是我们社会中最残酷、最明显的不平等形式之一。除非我们迎头解决它,否则我们无法希望解决工业生活中最明显的问题,多数问题或直接或间接地由工作不平等所造成的失望引起。更不用说我们希望创造一个体面和人道的社会。The most glaring inequality is that between managers and the rest. For most managers, work is an opportunity and a challenge. Their jobs engage their interest and allow them to develop their abilities. They are constantly learning; they are able to exercise responsibility; they have a considerable degree of control over their own and others" working lives. Most important of all, they have the opportunity to initiate. By contrast, for most manual workers, and for a growing number of white-collar workers, work is a boring, monotonous, even painful experience. They spend all their working lives in conditions which would be regarded as intolerable for themselves -- by those who take the decisions which let such conditions continue. The majority have little control over their work; it provides them with no opportunity for personal development. Often production is so designed that workers are simply part of the technology. In offices, many jobs are so routine that workers justifiably feel themselves to be mere cogs in the bureaucratic machine. As a direct consequence of their work experience, many workers feel alienated from their work and their firm, whether it is in public or in private ownership.最明显的不平等是管理者和其他人之间的不平等。对于许多管理者来说,工作既是机会又是挑战。工作激发了他们的兴趣,提高了他们的能力。他们不断地学习;他们能够承担责任;他们在很大程度上控制着自己和他人的工作生活。最为重要的是,他们有机会创业。相反,对多数体力劳动者和越来越多的白领来说,工作是一种无聊、单调甚至痛苦的经历。他们在自己认为无法忍受的条件下度过了所有的工作生涯——那些让这种情况继续下去的人做出了决定。大多数人对自己的工作几乎没有控制权;它没有给他们提供个人发展的机会。通常情况下,生产是这样设计的,工人只是技术的一部分。在办公室里,许多工作都是例行公事,员工们理所当然地会觉得自己只是官僚机器上的小齿轮。由于他们的工作经验,许多工人感到与他们的工作和他们的公司疏远,无论是公有或私有。Rising educational standards feed rising expectations, yet the amount of control which the worker has over his own work situation does not rise accordingly. In many cases his control has been reduced. Symptoms of protest increase -- rising sickness and absenteeism, high turnover of employees, restrictions on output, and strikes, both unofficial and official. There is not much escape out and upwards. As management becomes more professional -- in itself a good thing -- the opportunity for promotion from the shop floor becomes less. The only escape is to another equally frustrating manual job; tile only compensation is found not in the job but outside it, if there is a rising standard of living.不断提高的教育标准助长了不断提高的期望。然而工人对他们的工作状况的控制程度没有相应提高。许多情况下,他们的控制力已经减弱。抗议活动的征兆增多——生病和旷工率上升,员工流动率高,产量受限,以及非官方和官方的罢工。没有太多的逃离和向上。随着管理层变得越来越专业——这本身是件好事——从基层晋升的机会就越来越少。唯一的出路是另一种同样令人沮丧的体力工作;如果生活水平不断提高,就只能在工作之外找到补偿。adopt a counsel of despair 采取自暴自弃[不顾一切]的态度

需要一篇the most interesting place l have ever been to的英语作文 最好地点是上海的 七八十字~

The most interesting place l have ever beenZhouzhuang lies between Shanghai and Jiangsu. The village has a long history,and it is "China"s Water Village".My family and I went there in my early tens. l was happy to go there for the first time. My father drove our car on the express way. l opened the window, and l felt a nice breeze. We spent about two hours to get* there. The village was different from Shanghai. There weren"t any skyscrapers ,there were only small bridges for people. The air was fresh, and the view was nice. We didn"t come back until it was dark.I think whenever my family goes together, every place is an interesting place. 另赠一篇:I like travelling around, this way i can find out what are the good things to do..the best place ive been to is New york!! its an amazing city!! ive never heard anyone dissapointed with new york.. always find new things to do. we went to times square, central park, art museum, roccafella centre, took the ferri, twin buildings, macy"s top of the empire state building was amazing.. grand central station..and many more... everything was amazing希望对你有帮助



the most patient和 the more patient区别

1,Of the two teachers.the lady in red is _____ A,more patient B.the more patient C,the most patient D,very patient 两者是用the+比较级?本题请四个一一排除 答:A. 译:在这两个老师中,穿红衣服的那位更耐心. 析:这里的patient是形容词,耐心的,不是名词‘患者". 如果你当它是名词,则是一个可数名词,应说 the more/most patients,所以排除BC the more serious patient of the two.两个老师中病得更严重的那个病人.这才是正确的表达. 因为要在两个人当中进行比较,所以排除D 所以最佳为A. 2,Lucy was _____ to see her freind off at the airport. A,a little more than sad B,more than a little sad C,sad more than a little D,a little more sad than 看到这四个选项蒙住了 怎么区别啊? 答:人工考句,是蛮搞脑子的! 简化一下:Lucy was more than sad to see her freind off at the airport. 译:Lucy 为她朋友在机场送行,太伤心了! 此题句不妥!I am sorry to hear that.不定式表示发生情感的原因!不能说因为去送行而more than sad 改一下:to hear the news that her son was killed in the battle. 增加句子的难度:A.more than sad,就是比sad还要sad,表示非常sad了.再加上一个a little,比sad稍微更sad一点点?没听说过!不想选它. 2.Lucy was not a little sad to .也表示非常sad... 感觉more than a little的意思和not a little 有点接近.可能是它! 没见过C这样的. more sad than angry,如其说是生气,不如说是悲伤.这是有的. 但这里than后却是个不定式.不对. 所以最佳选项是B,我猜测.

请以A person I love most 为题写一篇短文,介绍他/她的情况

The person I love most is my grandfather. My grandfather also has a good heart. From him I can learn the endurance, self-discipline,courage,paticipation and positive attitude. In my childhood,he always walks with me. Our usual walk was to the park near our house. He went to work on time,and despite nasty weather.He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not. When my grandfather was young,he joined the army. I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for him to subject himself to such stress when he saw many his friends died in wars. Now my grandfather tries to partictpate in many activities. He likes to go to dances and parties. He loves travel and he always takes many photos. I love him but Iu2019ve never said”love” to him for my shame. I hope he knows that how I admire him,how I love him,How I rely on him. I think of him when I am envious of anotheru2019s good fortune, when I complain about trifles,when I want to help other people. I love my grandfather most.

求一篇写雷阿伦的英语作文!题目是The Person I Love Most 要250词左右,

there are lot of people i love in my life, among them, the basketball star in NBA Ray Allen is the person i love most. as to me, He is far more a basketball player , but also a respectful idol, who has influenced me in every aspect . Allen was selected by Milwaukee in 1996 draft ,first round, number 5 . since then ,he has played many of classic games that were collected into record. in court, he alway tries his best to help the team to win ; off court , he trains himself hard to keep a proper figure and always do charities to his munity. in public, he is described by press as a man who is very gentle. So far to today, allen has achived a succesful career in basketall for he has not only wined the 2008 world champion, the 2000 Sydney Olympic champion ,but also broke the all time 3-point record in NBA. As to me ,i shall set him as my paragon and word hard in my study to be a gentle man like him. that is my favorite person----genle ray allen!

求英语英语作文啊啊啊.The person I love most 求原创。

一、 The person I love most is my grandfather.My grandfather also has a good heart.From him I can learn the endurance,self-discipline,courage,paticipation and positive attitude.In my childhood,he always walks with me.Our usual walk was to the park near our house.He went to work on time,and despite nasty weather.He almost never missed a day,and would make it to the office even if others could not.When my grandfather was young,he joined the army.I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for him to subject himself to such stress when he saw many his friends died in wars.Now my grandfather tries to partictpate in many activities.He likes to go to dances and parties.He loves travel and he always takes many photos.I love him but I"ve never said”love” to him for my shame.I hope he knows that how I admire him,how I love him,How I rely on him.I think of him when I am envious of another"s good fortune,when I complain about trifles,when I want to help other people.I love my grandfather most. 二、 My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother.She has medium height .and beautiful face.She is a generous,good natured and warm-hearted woman.She looks like actor Wang Tang Feng. My mother has retired now.She lives on pension/social welfare and lives with us.She is good at cooking,often treat us lavish dinner,consisting of different dishes form various provinces.I like eat my mother dishes very much. She likes watch TV.My mother and I like to visit relatives together.Sometimes we go shopping together. When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best,she used to say “It don"t matter if you win or not.The important thing is to do your best and keep going”. East,West,Home is the best.I wish my mother has a happy life every day.I love my mother.It is a Chinese tradition to respect the children and support the elderly.

求一篇写雷阿伦的英语作文! 题目是The Person I Love Most 要250词左右,初三水平!!

My mother is a virtuous wife and good mother. She has medium height .and beautiful face. She is a generous, good natured and warm-hearted woman. She looks like actor Wang Tang Feng. My mother has retired now. She lives on pension/social welfare and lives with us. She is good at cooking, often treat us lavish dinner, consisting of different dishes form various provinces. I like eat my mother dishes very much. She likes watch TV. My mother and I like to visit relatives together. Sometimes we go shopping together. When I have trouble that she always encourage me to do our best, she used to say “It don"t matter if you win or not. The important thing is to do your best and keep going”. East, West, Home is the best. I wish my mother has a happy life every day. I love my mother. It is a Chinese tradition to respect the children and support the elderly

求tik tok- Voted most random 歌词

Voted most random - TiK ToK歌词Wake up in the morning feeling like P Diddy(Hey, what up girl?)Grab my glasses, Im out the door -Im gonna hit this city (Lets go)Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of JackCause when I leave for the night, I aint coming backIm talkin" bout - pedicures on our toes, toesTrying on all our clothes, clothesBoys blowing up our phones, phonesDrop-topping, playing our favorite cd"sPulling up to the partiesTrying to get a little bit tipsyDont stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDont stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohAint got a care in world, but got plenty of beerAint got no money in my pocket, but Im already hereNow, the dudes are lining up cause they hear we got swaggerBut we kick em to the curb unless they look like Mick JaggerIm talkin" bout - everybody getting crunk, crunkBoys tryna touch my junk, junkGonna smack him if he getting too drunk, drunkNow, now - we goin til they kick us out, outOr the police shut us down, downPolice shut us down, downPo-po shut us -Dont stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Ima fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDont stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohYou build me upYou break me downMy heart, it poundsYeah, you got meWith my hands upYou got me nowYou got that soundYeah, you got meYou build me upYou break me downMy heart, it poundsYeah, you got meWith my hands upPut your hands upPut your hands upNo, the party dont start till I walk inDont stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh ohDont stop, make it popDJ, blow my speakers upTonight, Imma fightTil we see the sunlightTick tock, on the clockBut the party dont stop noWoah-oh oh ohWoah-oh oh oh

Mosler MT900s有多快

 这款色彩鲜艳的Mosler MT900S。车身采用草绿色涂装,碳纤维套件和轮毂也均采用草绿色,铝圈内的制动卡钳和内饰则采用黄色涂装。经典的绿黄搭配。这辆Mosler搭载了LS7 V8引擎,最大功率550hp,最大扭矩490lb-ft,0-60mph只要3秒。由著名的Corvette Guru拥有,全美唯一的Mosler授权经销商Mike Vietro(即Corvette Mike),现在带来了它的配备了7升LS7发动机的Mosler MT900S,并绰号“红魔”,原先那微不足道的550匹在纳尔逊赛车发动机面前实在不值一提。 在增加了两个涡轮和魔棒点化之后,现在这具发动机在5600RP赐教马力拥有骇人的1635匹,而扭矩达到1481磅每英尺。输出马力相当于每增加100RPM则增加70匹,当然同时时刻保持稳定的油压与油温。后来测试在主人的要求下停止。不过根据纳尔逊赛车团队所称这款发动机是可以在6200RPM时实现1800匹以上的。最后,纳尔逊赛车部特意制造了一部低油压调校下最大马力低于1000的发动机,这种情况下这款发动机可以实现更好的泵油动作,或者可以在副油箱中加入赛车用油,这样在高油压调校下最大马力可达1800匹以上。

That is how most of the candy in the store is sold,如何翻译?有何语法?

That is how most of the candy in the store is sold.解析:这是一个由how引导的表语从句.句子的主干结构是:主语that,系动词is,表语 how most of the candy in the store is sold,因为做表语的是一个句子,所以这个...



哪位高手可以给我Pink的 most girls 的中文歌词啊·· 翻译要好哦··

MostGirls Inevercaredtoomuchforlove Itwasallabunchofmush ThatIjustdidnotwant Paidwastheissueoftheday Ifmygirlfriendsgotsomegame Couldn"tbemorefly Gettingpaidwaseverything ButI"mnoteverygirl AndIdon"tneedthatworldtovalidateme Causeshortygotajob Shortygotacar Andshortcanpayyourrent ButwhenI"mdancingbabyit"snotinmyheart Mostgirlswantamanwiththebling-bling Gotmyownthing,gottheching-ching Ijustwantreallove Mostgirlswantamanwiththemeangreen Don"twannadanceifhecan"tbe EverythingthatIdreamup Amanthatunderstandsreallove Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,o-o-h AndIwassomegirlaboutthefloss Itwasallaboutthecost Howmuchhespentonme? Seekforamanwhogotsthemeans Tobegivingyoudiamondrings It"swhateveryflygirl Couldwantorevendream ButI"mnoteverygirl AndIdon"tneednogtotakecareofme Causeshortygotajob Shortygotacar Andshortcanpayyourrent ButwhenI"mdancingbabyit"snotinmyheart,no,no Mostgirlswantamanwiththebling-bling Gotmyownthing,gottheching-ching Ijustwantreallove Mostgirlswantamanwiththemeangreen Don"twannadanceifhecan"tbe EverythingthatIdreamup Amanthatunderstandsreallove Mostgirlswantamanwiththebling-bling Gotmyownthing,gottheching-ching Ijustwantreallove Mostgirlswantamanwiththemeangreen Don"twannadanceifhecan"tbe EverythingthatIdreamup Amanthatunderstandsreallove Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,o-o-h Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,o-o-h AndI"mnoteverygirl AndIdon"tneednogtotakecareofme,no Causeshortygotajob Shortygotacar Andshortcanpayyourrent ButwhenI"mdancingbabyit"snotinmyheart,ohmostgirls Mostgirlswantamanwiththebling-bling Gotmyownthing,gottheching-ching Ijustwantreallove Mostgirlswantamanwiththemeangreen Don"twannadanceifhecan"tbe EverythingthatIdreamup Amanthatunderstandsreallove Mostgirlswantamanwiththebling-bling Gotmyownthing,gottheching-ching Ijustwantreallove Mostgirlswantamanwiththemeangreen Don"twannadanceifhecan"tbe EverythingthatIdreamup AmanthatunderstandsrealloveI, Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,o-o-h Oh,oh,oh,oh Oh,oh,o-o-h Ijustwantjustwantreallove SaidIgottahavereallove Everything,canyoubeeverythingIcancomeupwith,oh翻译如下:看我的眼神 让我乱 你从来只有轻视(小小女人 痴情的可怜女人 Whoo..)不要试着强求我 忍受任何的束缚 我不是一切要任我放肆我就是我 谁都不可以轻易代替(要我为你心动 绝没有那么容易)我只想随我心 什么都能独立(在你的背后 只听从你的女人别期待)天真的 痴心的 只爱你一人 漂亮温柔的女人只是你的幻想 也是男人最大的期望我的梦想是改变这个世界 用尽我的全部(Get it up这还不够Get it up所有一切)这世界太不象话 容忍他们特有的偏见要我活在他们定的规则里我就是我 谁都不可以轻易代替(要我为你动心 绝没有那么容易)我只想随我心 什么都能独立(在你的背后 只听从你的女人别期待)所有人都期待 我能做他们要的顺从的女人别在忍耐 不要勉强Shake it Everything, I like that...打开你的心窗吧 我们向一个方向走不是吗世界变老 我们都一样不过是性别不同为生存努力的人而已Why现在别再不认输Story.. Girls on Top!这世上一半 我们女人会用心去缔造(Go, baby! Girl, Rise up!Throw your hands up! Do you like that?)不卑不亢我只要看着远方向前向前(Go, baby! Go, baby!)我就是我 谁都不可以轻易代替(要我为你心动 绝没有那么容易)我只想随我心 什么都能独立(在你的背后 只同丛你的女人别期待)

atmospheric and oceanic science letters 是什么刊物

atmospheric and oceanic science letters 是什么刊物。具体介绍如下:期刊名称:Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters中文名称:大气和海洋科学快报(英文版)主办单位:中国科学院大气物理研究所出刊周期:双月出版地:北京市语言种类:英文国际标准刊号:1674-2834国内统一刊号:11-5693/P邮发代号:2-429历史沿革:现用刊名:Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters创刊时间:2008收录情况:中国知网、万方数据、维普数据库、龙源期刊网

And until just recently most of thought 帮忙分析下句子成分,翻译下谢谢

And until just recently主句时间状语, most of us(主句主语) thought(主句谓语) the sand had come from an ancient Mountain Range fairly close by that flattened out over time整个是宾语从句。宾从内部the sand 主语had come谓语 from an ancient Mountain Range fairly close by 地点状语(注意断句,此处断开)that flattened out over time(an ancient Mountain Range 的定从)直到最近一段时间,我们中的大部分人认为(经过研究讨论后认为)这种(些)沙子应该是在附近的一座古代山脉在岁月变迁中(over time)逐渐变平的过程(flattened out ,一种地质现象,山的底部向外延伸,逐渐变平)中被带到这里的.

And until just recently most of thought 帮忙分析下句子成分,翻译下谢谢

And until just recently主句时间状语, most of us(主句主语) thought(主句谓语) the sand had come from an ancient Mountain Range fairly close by that flattened out over time整个是宾语从句。宾从内部the sand 主语had come谓语 from an ancient Mountain Range fairly close by 地点状语(注意断句,此处断开)that flattened out over time(an ancient Mountain Range 的定从)直到最近一段时间,我们中的大部分人认为(经过研究讨论后认为)这种(些)沙子应该是在附近的一座古代山脉在岁月变迁中(over time)逐渐变平的过程(flattened out ,一种地质现象,山的底部向外延伸,逐渐变平)中被带到这里的.

求Pit Of Vimper-Simon Curtis歌词的翻译qwqqq 全部歌词 00:00/03:29  I can almost

中英文对照歌词 Flesh 肉 Simon Curtis 西蒙柯蒂斯 This is not the way into my heart, into my head Into my brain, into none of the above This is just my way of unleashing the feelings deep inside of me This spark of black that i s。

请以The most beautiful woman in my mind为题

Who is the most beautiful woman in you mind?You may say she is my girl friend,or a girl very famous on TV but you never meet.Yes,they looks good and may lead the fashion,such as the Super Girls. But beauty is more than skindeep. I think my mother is the most beautiful in my mind,not for the reality of her good apperance,even though she always looks good to me.Just because she brings me up and give me so much love.Love is the most beautiful gift in this world.So every year , we have a day call Mother"s Day to express our thanks to our mothers. So, my mother is the most beautiful woman in my mind and world.

Who knows most,speaks least

Who knows most, speaks least.中文意思:知道的多的人, 说的则不多.(对应俗语:满瓶不晃, 半瓶咣当)

Who knows most speaks least.用英文翻译不是中文

the more a man knows,the less he says

ltps 中pmos和nmos的区别

LTPS TFT中PMOS也叫PTFT, 源漏端是P型掺杂,栅极下面,也就是沟道中,是N型掺杂。NMOS也叫NTFT,源漏端是N型掺杂,栅极下面,也就是沟道中,是P型掺杂。*通常,N型掺杂用的是磷元素,P型掺杂用的是硼元素。一般在电路中,PTFT是负电压开启,NTFT是正电压开启。


Shatter"d播放歌手:Tynisha Keli语言:英语所属专辑:The Chronicles Of TK发行时间:2009-04-14

谁能把almost lover这个用中文谐音写出来


求推荐好听的英文歌,类似于almost lover这种

Charlie Puth/Selena Gomez - We Don"t Talk AnymoreAlan Walker - FadedCalvin Harris/Rihanna - This Is What You Came ForColdplay - Hymn For The WeekendSelena Gomez - Kill Em With KindnessSelena Gomez - Love You Like A Love SongJustin Bieber - SorryJason DeRulo - Kiss The SkyFloRida/Jason DeRulo - Hello FridayLittle Mix/Jason DeRulo - Secret Love SongMaroon 5 - SugarAdam Levine - Lost StarsJustin Timberlake - Can"t Stop The FeelingsYuna/Usher - CrushZedd - IgniteCalvin Harris/Ellie Goulding - OutsideMartin Garrix/Bebe Rexha - In The Name Of LoveOne Republic - Counting StarsThe Chainsmokers/Halsey - CloserFloRida/Robin Thicke - I Don"t Like It, I Love ItThe Chainsmokers/Daya - Don"t Let Me DownJustin Bieber - Love YourselfJustin Timberlake - MirrorsJustin Bieber - CompanyDNCE - Cake By The OceanTaio Cruz/FloRida - HangoverAlesso/Tove Lo - Heroes (we could be)Calvin Harris/Ellie Goulding - I Need Your LoveB.o.B/Bruno Mars - Nothin" On YouAdam Lambert - Whataya Want From Me

Almost A Lover 歌词

歌曲名:Almost A Lover歌手:Kylie Minogue专辑:Red Blooded WomanAlmost A Lover~~Kylie<Red Blooded Woman>B-side单曲On Valentine"s I think of youIt"s just a poor excuseYou suffer me in my mindEvery single day, it"s no useIt seems like cool sexy staresBut nothing"s been ever saidJust keeps goin" "round my headI think I"m waiting for youI think I"m waiting for youYou"re more than a friendAnd almost a loverIt feels so goodI can"t help but wonderI keep thinking oooWhen"ll you discoverWe"ve got the flameI want the fireA-a-cting cool and casualCheck in 6pm to say heyEvery dayWe"re edging closer to broken rulesAnd getting carried awayI imagine that you"ve heardEvery hidden silent wordAnd we"d take it that bit further(take it that bit further)I think I"m waiting for youI think I"m waiting for youYou"re more than a friendAnd almost a loverIt feels so goodI can"t help but wonderI keep thinking ooo(When you"ll) discoverWe"ve got the flameI want the fireIt"s getting closer toNow or never (Getting closer)It"s only us and its clear(Oooh-oh-oh)I can feel it when we"re togetherOoh you"re more than a friendAnd almost a loverIt feels so goodI can"t help but wonderI keep thinking ooo(When"ll you) discoverMmmWe"ve got the flameWe"ve got the flameWe"ve got the flameI want the fireI want the fireIt feels so goodI can"t help but wonderI keep thinking ooo(When"ll you) discoverWe"ve got the flameI want the fireI want the fireI want the fireI want the fireWonderI want the fireI want the fireDiscoverI want the fireYeah-eahOh ooYeah-eahOh ooYeah-eahWe"ve got the flameI want the fire

almost lover的钢琴谱


求把Almost lover这首歌翻译成谐音汉字U0001f64f英语不好真心不会唱u3233

求《Almost Lover》 - A Fine Frenzy 空间歌曲链接,要可以用的,非常感谢


almost lover和say something 一位女性朋友发我的很想知道什么意思,这两

almost lover 翻译成中文 :最爱的人almost lover 恋人未满(歌名)say something 翻译成中文:说些什么

almost lover是哪个电影插曲。不是命中注定那个

电影《命中注定》英文歌插曲:A Fine Frenzy 演唱的《Almost Lover》中英文歌词:歌名:Almost Lover演唱:A Fine Frenzy Your fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的 The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩摇摆 Images 这一幕 You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲 The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤 Clever trick 真是高明的手段 I never want to see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤 I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样 Goodbye, my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此 We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道 You took my hand and danced with me 你拉住我的手与我共舞 Images 这一幕 And when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇 You told me you"d never ever forget these images, no 说着你永不忘记这一幕 I never want to see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子 I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样 Goodbye, my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此 I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边 I cannot drive the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道 I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来 Without you on my mind 若我的脑海中没有浮现你的面孔 So you"re gone and I"m haunted 你已离去我却还被回忆缠绕 And I bet you are just fine 可我估计你现在过的十分自在 Did I make it that easy 是我促使你能够如此 To walk right in and out of my life? 轻易地在我生命中徘徊么 Goodbye, my almost lover 轻易地在我生命中徘徊么 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此

命中注定 almost lover 谁唱的

电影《命中注定》英文歌插曲:A Fine Frenzy 演唱的《Almost Lover》中英文歌词:歌名:Almost Lover演唱:A Fine Frenzy Your fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤 The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩摇摆 Images 这一幕 You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲 The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤 Clever trick 真是高明的手段 I never want to see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤 I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样 Goodbye, my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此 We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道 You took my hand and danced with me 你拉住我的手与我共舞 Images 这一幕 And when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇 You told me you"d never ever forget these images, no 说着你永不忘记这一幕 I never want to see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子 I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样 Goodbye, my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此 I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边 I cannot drive the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道 I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来 Without you on my mind 若我的脑海中没有浮现你的面孔 So you"re gone and I"m haunted 你已离去我却还被回忆缠绕 And I bet you are just fine 可我估计你现在过的十分自在 Did I make it that easy 是我促使你能够如此 To walk right in and out of my life? 轻易地在我生命中徘徊么 Goodbye, my almost lover 轻易地在我生命中徘徊么 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此

almost lover是哪个电影插曲。不是命中注定

电影《命中注定》英文歌插曲:A Fine Frenzy 演唱的《Almost Lover》中英文歌词:歌名:Almost Lover演唱:A Fine Frenzy Your fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的 The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩摇摆 Images 这一幕 You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲 The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤 Clever trick 真是高明的手段 I never want to see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤 I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样 Goodbye, my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此 We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道 You took my hand and danced with me 你拉住我的手与我共舞 Images 这一幕 And when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇 You told me you"d never ever forget these images, no 说着你永不忘记这一幕 I never want to see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子 I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样 Goodbye, my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此 I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边 I cannot drive the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道 I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来 Without you on my mind 若我的脑海中没有浮现你的面孔 So you"re gone and I"m haunted 你已离去我却还被回忆缠绕 And I bet you are just fine 可我估计你现在过的十分自在 Did I make it that easy 是我促使你能够如此 To walk right in and out of my life? 轻易地在我生命中徘徊么 Goodbye, my almost lover 轻易地在我生命中徘徊么 Goodbye, my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想 I"m trying not to think about you 我尽力不再想你 Can"t you just let me be? 请放过我让我独自离去 So long, my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱 My back is turned on you 我将转身离去 I should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤 Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此

求almost lover的歌词,外加中文翻译

Almost lover(恋人未满)——A fine FrenzyYour fingertips against my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤 The palm trees swaying in the wind in my chase 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤Clever trick 和那狡黠的恶作剧I never wanna see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤I thought you want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道You took my hand and danced with me In the shade 你拉住我的手在树荫下与你共舞And when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇You told me you"d never ever forget these images 说着你永不忘记这一幕I"d never wanna see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边I cannot try the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来Without you on my mind 若你在我心中从此消失So you"re gonna and I"m haunted 但你离去我却还留在原地And I bet you are just fine 希望你一切都好Did i make it that easy 而我是否能轻易的To walk right in and out of my life 让你走入我的生命再离开Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此

Almost Lover 歌词

歌曲名:Almost Lover歌手:A Fine Frenzy专辑:Live at the House of Blues, ChicagoAlmost lover(恋人未满)——A fine FrenzyYour fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞Images 这一幕You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤Clever trick 和那狡黠的恶作剧I never want to see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤I thought you want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道You took my hand and danced with me 你拉住我的手在树荫下与你共舞imagesAnd when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇You told me you"d never ever forgot these images 说着你永不忘记这一幕I"d never wanna see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边I cannot drive in the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来Without you on my mind 若你在我心中从此消失So you"re gone and I"m haunted 但你离去我却还留在原地And I bet you are just fine 希望你一切都好Did i make it that easy 而我是否能轻易的To walk right in and out of my life 让你走入我的生命再离开Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此

ALMOST LOVE 的中文意思是什么?


求 Almost lover 歌词

Your fingertips against my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤 The palm trees swaying in the wind in my chase 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤Clever trick 和那狡黠的恶作剧I never wanna see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤I thought you want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道You took my hand and danced with me In the shade 你拉住我的手在树荫下与你共舞And when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇You told me you"d never ever forget these images 说着你永不忘记这一幕I"d never wanna see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartbreak 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边I cannot try the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来Without you on my mind 若你在我心中从此消失So you"re gonna and I"m haunted 但你离去我却还留在原地And I bet you are just fine 希望你一切都好Did i make it that easy 而我是否能轻易的To walk right in and out of my life 让你走入我的生命再离开Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此

almost lover整首歌的汉字注音

Almost lover(恋人未满)——A fine Frenzy Your fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤 The palm trees swaying in the wind in my chase 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞 You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲 The sweetest...

Almost Lover的中文歌词

Almost lover(恋人未满)——A fine Frenzy  Your fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤  The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞  Images 这一幕  You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲  The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤  Clever trick 和那狡黠的恶作剧  I never want to see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤  I thought you want the same for me 我以为你也一样  Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人  Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想  I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你  Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去  So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱  My back is turned on you 我将转身离去  Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤  Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此  We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道  You took my hand and danced with me 你拉住我的手在树荫下与你共舞  images  And when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇  You told me you"d never ever forgot these images 说着你永不忘记这一幕  I"d never wanna see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子  I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样  Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人  Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想  I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你  Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去  So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱  My back is turned on you 我将转身离去  Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤  Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此  I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边  I cannot drive in the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道  I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来  Without you on my mind 若你在我心中从此消失  So you"re gone and I"m haunted 但你离去我却还留在原地  And I bet you are just fine 希望你一切都好  Did i make it that easy 而我是否能轻易的  To walk right in and out of my life 让你走入我的生命再离开  Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人  Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想  I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你  Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去  So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱  My back is turned on you 我将转身离去  Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤  Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此A Fine Frenzy  本名: Alison Sudol  生日: 1984年12月23日  5岁时父母离异,从此与母亲搬去洛杉矶,很少再见父亲   16岁高中毕业,她觉得自己又呆又乖,进入大学生活还太早  18岁时组建第一支乐队Monro. 从此一发不可收拾。

Almost lover歌词

Almost lover(恋人未满)——A fine Frenzy   Your fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤   The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞   Images 这一幕   You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲   The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤   Clever trick 和那狡黠的恶作剧   I never want to see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤   I thought you want the same for me 我以为你也一样   Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人   Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想   I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你   Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去   So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱   My back is turned on you 我将转身离去   Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤   Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此   We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道   You took my hand and danced with me 你拉住我的手在树荫下与你共舞   images   And when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇   You told me you"d never ever forgot these images 说着你永不忘记这一幕   I"d never wanna see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子   I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样   Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人   Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想   I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你   Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去   So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱   My back is turned on you 我将转身离去   Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤   Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此   I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边   I cannot drive in the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道   I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来   Without you on my mind 若你在我心中从此消失   So you"re gone and I"m haunted 但你离去我却还留在原地   And I bet you are just fine 希望你一切都好   Did i make it that easy 而我是否能轻易的   To walk right in and out of my life 让你走入我的生命再离开   Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人   Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想   I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你   Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去   So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱   My back is turned on you 我将转身离去   Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤   Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此

Almost Lover 歌词

歌曲名:Almost Lover歌手:A Fine Frenzy专辑:RMF FM Muzyka Najlepsza Pod Sloncem 2008Almost lover(恋人未满)——A fine FrenzyYour fingertips across my skin 你的指尖轻滑过我的肌肤The palm trees swaying in the wind 棕榈树在风中翩翩起舞Images 这一幕You sang me Spanish lullabies 你为我吟唱那西班牙摇篮曲The sweetest sadness in your eyes 你的眼中映出甜蜜的忧伤Clever trick 和那狡黠的恶作剧I never want to see you unhappy 我不愿看到你的哀伤I thought you want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此We walked along a crowded street 我们穿行在拥挤的街道You took my hand and danced with me 你拉住我的手在树荫下与你共舞imagesAnd when you left you kissed my lips 当你离开时,你吻着我的唇You told me you"d never ever forgot these images 说着你永不忘记这一幕I"d never wanna see you unhappy 我永远不愿看见你不快乐的样子I thought you"d want the same for me 我以为你也一样Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此I cannot go to the ocean 我再也无法回到昔日的海边I cannot drive in the streets at night 我再也无法行驶在午夜的街道I cannot wake up in the morning 我再也无法在清晨醒来Without you on my mind 若你在我心中从此消失So you"re gone and I"m haunted 但你离去我却还留在原地And I bet you are just fine 希望你一切都好Did i make it that easy 而我是否能轻易的To walk right in and out of my life 让你走入我的生命再离开Goodbye my almost lover 再见了,我无缘的爱人Goodbye my hopeless dream 再见了,我无望的梦想I"m trying not to think about you 我试着不再想你Can"t you just let me be? 请让我独自离去So long my luckless romance 再见了我不幸的爱My back is turned on you 我将转身离去Should"ve known you"d bring me heartache 早该知道你只能带给我无尽的心伤Almost lovers always do 无缘的爱人总是如此
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