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为什么 Mount Tai lies on Shandong.的lie要加s


第三个印错了,我觉得是have,masses of=lots of

mountain light和mountain trail的区别


tourism mountain是什么意思

求详细解答:Huge amounts of oil


Manuel & The Music Of The Mountains的《Carnival》 歌词

歌手:?????(Super Junior)歌曲:Carniva(嘉年华)(晟敏)专为你准备的今天 甩掉所有不愉快的事(奎贤)我想用幸福回忆 填满你的心(东海)闭上眼睛 抓住我的手(丽旭)跟着我 相信我(ALL)蔚蓝大海和白沙滩 温暖的阳光 椰子 小岛(韩庚)更耀眼的是 你的笑容(ALL)Summer carnival哦耶哦 哦耶哦 你是我的太阳(丽旭)这甜蜜的感觉 我是第一次啊 我的心 扑通扑通跳I want kiss kiss kiss(强仁)我想用甜蜜回忆 填满你的心(始源)闭上眼睛 抓住我的手(艺声)跟着我 相信我(ALL)蔚蓝大海和白沙滩 温暖的阳光 椰子 小岛(艺声)更耀眼的是 你的笑容(ALL)Summer carnival哦耶哦 哦耶哦 你是我的太阳(奎贤)Summer carnival(ALL)哦耶哦 哦耶哦 你是我的太阳(银赫)RAP Uh 其实呀 我真的想不到 任何动听的话我对你的爱愈来愈深 已无法言喻 Love you girl你像阳光般耀眼 我像海浪般勇往直前就像我们眼前的大海般 无尽无边Carnival~(ALL)蔚蓝大海和白沙滩 温暖的阳光 椰子 小岛(利特)更耀眼的是 你的笑容(ALL)Summer carniva(ALL)蔚蓝大海和白沙滩 温暖的阳光 椰子 小岛更耀眼的是 你的笑容(ALL)Summer carniva(银赫)Say 哦耶哦 好好享受吧 用这首歌 Uh UhhLike this like that everybody crazy我要将这晚的回忆 埋藏在此处(神童)Island 初次相遇时的心悸 就发生在此处相信我 Follow follow meOne two three go

fails by a large amount 是什么意思 在线等



《Let"s Make History》德国乐坛奇迹盲人女歌手琼娜与拉丁元老大卫共创神作《人类创造历史》 Here I am 我在这 Feel my heart overflow 感觉心情很洋溢 I know the road I\"e taken 我知道我将要走的路 Will lead me to the top 将会带我去顶峰 And if we all stick together 如果我们永远在一起 We can make it last forever 我们会永远持续下去 And the light will shine until the end (yeah) 所有的光都在闪耀直到我们到达尽头 So join in trust and love 所以用相信和爱加入 Take my hand 握住我的手 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 Only you and me 只有你,还有我 From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all 这个目的也是我们的 Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的山峰 Let\"s Make History. 让我们创造历史 For too long 在很长的一段时间里 I\"e been wasting my time 我都在浪费时间 I tried to do it my way 我想用我的方式在做 For the winners to stand alone 想成为唯一的赢家 Every night was lonely and cold 每一夜,都感到孤独和冷 I had no one to talk to 我没有人可以说话 And a place I could go home 没有一个地方,让我觉得是回到了家 You changed my life for the better 你改变了我的生活,使他变得更好 All this hopeless chance still matters 使本来变得没有希望的事,变得再次有希望 I will take this chance and never let go 我将会抓住这个机会,永远不会让这个机会溜走 I have prayed, I was heard 我祈祷,我聆听 Now I know 现在,我知道 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 Only you and me 只有你,还有我 From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all 这个目的也是我们的 Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的山峰 Let\"s Make History. 让我们创造历史 Never give up 从来不放弃 Look ahead 向前看 Even when times are getting rough 即使时间紧迫 Don\"t ever stop 从不停止 When your best still isn\"t good enough 当你感觉最好的时候,仍然不是完美的 Get back on, 回到起点 Try again 再试一次 And you will reach 你们将会达到你们的目的 (Chorus) Let\"s Make History (History) 让我们创造历史(历史) Only you and me ( Only you and me ) 只有你,还有我 (只有你和我) From now on it\"s all for one 从现在开始,我们只为了这个目的 And one for all (one for all) 这个目的也是我们的 (是我们的) Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的天空 Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史 (Repeat) Let us reach out for the sky 让我们能触摸到天空 There\"s no mountain too high 这里没有我们无法触及的天空 Let\"s Make History 让我们创造历史

lofty mountains是什么意思

lofty mountains词典山岳网络巍峨的群山双语例句 1The lofty mountains were crowned with snow.高山顶上积满了雪。2Weihai Liugongdao,“ end of heaven ”, Bible Hill, iron lofty mountains, Chishan France and China Institute.威海刘公岛、“天尽头”,圣经山,铁嵯山,赤山法华院。

急求The way to rainy mountain的英文阅读!! 作者是N.Scott Momaday,谢啦!

A single knoll rises out of the plain in Oklahoma, north and west of the Wichita Range. For my people, the Kiowas, it is an old landmark, and they gave it the name Rainy Mountain. The hardest weather in the world is there. Winter brings blizzards, hot tornadic winds arise in the spring, and in summer the prairie is an anvil"s edge. The grass turns brittle and brown, and it cracks beneath your feet. There are green belts along the rivers and creeks, linear groves of hickory and pecan, willow and witch hazel. At a distance in July or August the steaming foliage seems almost to writhe in fire. Great green and yellow grasshoppers are everywhere in the tall grass, popping up like corn to sting the flesh, and tortoises crawl about on the red earth, going nowhere in the plenty of time. Loneliness is an aspect of the land. All things in the plain are isolate; there is no confusion of objects in the eye, but one hill or one tree or one man. To look upon that landscape in the early morning, with the sun at your back, is to lose the sense of proportion. Your imagination comes to life, and this, you think, is where Creation was begun. I returned to Rainy Mountain in July. My grandmother had died in the spring, and I wanted to be at her grave. She had lived to be very old and at last infirm. Her only living daughter was with her when she died, and I was told that in death her face was that of a child.I like to think of her as a child. When she was born, the Kiowas were living the last great moment of their history. For more than a hundred years they had controlled the open range from the Smoky Hill River to the Red, from the headwaters of the Canadian to the fork of the Arkansas and Cimarron. In alliance with the Comanches, they had ruled the whole of the southern Plains. War was their sacred business, and they were among the finest horsemen the world has ever known. But warfare for the Kiowas was preeminently a matter of disposition rather than of survival, and they never understood the grim, unrelenting advance of the U.S. Cavalry. When at last, divided and illprovisioned, they were driven onto the Staked Plains in the cold rains of autumn, they fell into panic. In Palo Duro Canyon they abandoned their crucial stores to pillage and had nothing then but their lives. In order to save themselves, they surrendered to the soldiers at Fort Sill and were imprisoned in the old stone corral that now stands as a military museum. My grandmother was spared the humiliation of those high gray walls by eight or ten years, but she must have known from birth the affliction of defeat, the dark brooding of old warriors.Her name was Aho, and she belonged to the last culture to evolve in North America. Her forebears came down from the high country in western Montana nearly three centuries ago. They were a mountain people, a mysterious tribe of hunters whose language has never been positively classified in any major group. In the late seventeenth century they began a long migration to the south and east. It was a journey toward the dawn, and it led to a golden age. Along the way the Kiowas were befriended by the Crows, who gave them the culture and religion of the Plains. They acquired horses, and their ancient nomadic spirit was suddenly free of the ground. They acquired Tai-me, the sacred Sun Dance doll, from that moment the object and symbol of their worship, and so shared in the divinity of the sun. Not least, they acquired the sense of destiny, therefore courage and pride. When they entered upon the southern Plains they had been transformed. No longer were they slaves to the simple necessity of survival; they were a lordly and dangerous society of fighters and thieves, hunters and priests of the sun. According to their origin myth, they entered the world through a hollow log. From one point of view, their migration was the fruit of an old prophecy, for indeed they emerged from a sunless world.Although my grandmother lived out her long life in the shadow of Rainy Mountain, the immense landscape of the continental interior lay like memory in her blood. She could tell of the Crows, whom she had never seen, and of the Black Hills, where she had never been. I wanted to see in reality what she had seen more perfectly in the mind"s eye, and traveled fifteen hundred miles to begin my pilgrimage.


mount hole 就是安装孔的意思, 电源地和信号地要分开的


pole电极电磁的意思,mount是装备装置,以……为骨架的意思。因此这个词语意思是装备电磁装置的……,或者电气的……。比如说Exterior Pole-Mounted Lighting Systems外向电气灯系统

装红旗linux6时,fail to mount driver disk。(求助!!!)


为什么不能用sheer 形容mountain?

日常生活中你说sheer mountain老外也明白。要严格讲的话,sheer的不是山,而是山的一部分-山崖。sheer cliff就可以。国内的考试嘛,不是为了让咱学到有用的知识的,只是刷人系统,淘汰人用的。你明白的。

mount&blade with fire and sword是什么意思

mount&blade with fire and sword用火与剑骑马与砍杀sword英 [su0254:d] 美 [su0254:rd] n.剑,刀; 武力,战争; 兵权,权力网络基本剑术; 刃; 武士刀复数: swords


mountain的记忆方法:1、词根分解法Mountain这个单词来源于拉丁语的montanea,意思是山。通过对这个单词进行分解,可以很容易地记忆词根,并帮助拓展词汇。其中,mont这个词根意为山,来自于拉丁语的mounticulus,monte,例如:Montenegro(黑山)、Monterey(蒙特雷)、Mont Blanc(白山)等等。2、图像联想法这种方法是将单词和一个形象、生动的场景联系起来,利用视觉印象使单词更容易被记住。我们可以想象一个非常高的山,它的巅峰云雾缭绕,鹰隼在上面飞翔,山麓下是茂密的森林和清澈的河水。这种视觉印象将帮助我们更加深入地理解单词,对记忆也大有裨益。3、关联词汇法把与Mountain相关的词汇列出来,提高记忆力。例如:山地地(Mountainousterrain)-是一种地形类型,通常由山脉和山谷组成。山地旅游(Mountaintourism)-这是一种旅游形式,游客来到山区,参观地形景观和文化风俗。山顶(Mountain peak)-山顶是山的最高点,悬崖峭壁和浓雾都可以在这里看到。登山运动(Mountainclimbing)-登山是一种广泛的户外运动,需要爬越陡峭的山岭和绝壁,不仅对体力和技能要求很高,对勇气和毅力也有很高的要求。mountain 造句:1、两个人在山上被冻死了。(Two men were frozen to death on the mountain。)2、美国最高的山是什么?(What"s the highest mountain in the US?)3、我们雇了一位当地向导帮我们穿过山区。(We hired a local guide to get us across the mountains。)4、有三个人在山上的袭击中死亡。(Three people died during an assault on the mountain。)5、我们这个夏天要去山上散步。(We"re going walking in the mountains this summer。)

《The Piperonthe Mountain》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Piper on the Mountain》(Peters, Ellis)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: vbhi书名:The Piper on the Mountain作者:Peters, Ellis出版社:Grand Central Pub出版年份:1996-3内容简介:When Herbert Terrell falls off a mountain during a vacation in Czechoslovakia, accidental death is the verdict. Then his step-daughter Tossa receives a note suggesting Terrell was murdered--turning Tossa"s long-planned European holiday with college friends into a hunt for the killer.

people mountain people sea 是什么意思


mountain valley是什么意思

mountain valley 山谷短语mountain and valley winds 山谷风Mountain-valley wind 山谷风Under Mountain and Valley 山谷之下 ; 山壳之下双语例句 1.Such a small mountain valley is the best place for us to update your diary. 跟读这样的小山谷对于我们来说是更新日志最好的地方。article.yeeyan.org2.Fora crazy moment he imagined Alice with himself living in the mountain valleytogether. Always. 一时间,他竟荒唐地想象着爱丽丝和自己一起居住在这个山谷,直到永远。*******************************您好,答案已经给出,请您浏览一遍有什么不懂的地方欢迎回复我!如果满意请及时点击【采纳为满意答案】按钮或者客户端的朋友在右上角评价点【满意】您的采纳,是我答题的动力也同时给您带来知识和财富值***************************************************

真实赛车3的Mount Panorama赛道各位大侠用奥迪R8 V10 BMW M3 保时捷918RSR LP 700-4最快单圈能跑多少?


access denied by server while mounting 怎么解决

从出错日志可以看出,mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting 被拒绝的原因是因为使用了非法端口,功夫总没白费,终于在一个linux技术论坛上找到了答案:I googled and found that since the port is over 1024 I needed to add the "insecure" option to the relevant line in /etc/exports on the server. Once I did that (and ran exportfs -r), the mount -a on the client worked.//如果端口号大于1024,则需要将 insecure 选项加入到配置文件(/etc/exports)相关选项中mount客户端才能正常工作:查看 exports 手册中关于 secure 选项说明也发现确实如此[root@lzgonline init.d]# man exportssecure,This option requires that requests originate on an Internet port less than IPPORT_RESERVED (1024). This option is on by default. To turn it off, specify insecure.//secure 选项要求mount客户端请求源端口小于1024(然而在使用 NAT 网络地址转换时端口一般总是大于1024的),默认情况下是开启这个选项的,如果要禁止这个选项,则使用 insecure 标识修改配置文件/etc/exports,加入 insecure 选项/home/lzgonline/rootfs *(insecure,rw,async,no_root_squash)保存退出然后重启nfs服务:service nfs restart然后问题就解决了

请问,“在山上”翻译成英文是in the mountain还是on the mountain?两个的区别是什么?


Standing On The Mountain Top (Feat. Ace Hood & Pooh Bear) 歌词

歌曲名:Standing On The Mountain Top (Feat. Ace Hood & Pooh Bear)歌手:DJ Khaled专辑:We GlobalDJ Khaled Feat. Ace Hood & Pooh Bear - Standing On the Mountain TopPooh Bear:Standing on the mountain topCountin all this MoneyLaughin at you HaterzAin"t Nothing Gonna Save youDJ Khaled:Yeah,Welcome BackAnother small BuyWe globalFeel my painThe internet can"t deal with a nigga like meCus I keep it so hood, yeah I keep it so StreetThe industry hate but they gotta see meTurn your tvs on bet all u see is meNah I ain"t playing why you trying to blame meMight as well hate the world instead of hating on mePooh Bear:And we taking over, One label at a timeDJ Khaled:I need that clearenceFeed me moreCome and think about it you need it moreUhh I am miamiI do this for miami,24 and 7 traysYeah nigga we born and raisedSee this, we showed themJoe Crack we showed themDamn right I"m so conceitedI know it made you sick,Guess what it made me richShout out to all my DJ"sProjects I know you feel meThank God for rubber bandsThanks for brown paper bagsPhantoms" our paper tagsThis one"s for all the fansPooh Bear:Standing on the mountain topCountin all this MoneyLaughin at you HaterzAin"t Nothing Gonna Save youStanding on the mountain topCountin all this MoneyLaughin at you HaterzAin"t Nothing Gonna Save youDJ Khaled: I Introduce you toAce Hood: Ace Hood!DJ Khaled: Get Em.Ace Hood:Mo money mo problemsThey Holla I get em I got emI"m bout a da bougatiesThe beasts that I feasts of the bottomYoungens they charge feeding heat with the teeth of the lautterAce stopping I"m Steady MoppinLeave you at Side of the CoffinBitch I am Ace that"s the Ace of the Double O DAnd When you Mention Greatness Bitch you better me mentioning meAnd when you say The best you definitely mentioning weThey said I couldn"t do itProove it I"m Ludacris NiggaSo doubted the music They influenced and movin through meI"m Times 3Hit a fiend and it"s deeper than meCall me Young HOV they way I change and I bank on the beatMy Album coming tell em pussies they stayin asleepIt"s TUTTAye I serve em as raw as the beefMy replication of this creature I mention it"s meMy Album Droppin see this dead will be living through meThat means greatnes is bigger than Pac decasedEndDJ Khaled Feat. Ace Hood & Pooh Bear - Standing On the Mountain Top

Mountain Top 歌词

歌曲名:Mountain Top歌手:AMY GRANT专辑:The Storyteller CollectionMountainGood CharlotteAll these dreams and all these plansI built them all with these two handsEverything I"ve realized my dreamsThe city lights shine downAnd they blind me sometimesBut through it allI was lost but I found my wayTell me what you want"Cause I would give you anythingTell me what you need and I"ll go get it.I"d give up all these dreamsTo have you in my arms right nowI"d give up everything and I don"t care it wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came to meAll my life"s been wastedChasing shallow dreamsHere we are, let me lift you upAnd show you this world over meAnd all these dreams, and what I"ve gainedAnd what I"ve savedCan"t compare to the loveThat you could give to meSo,Tell me what you want"Cause I would give you anythingTell me what you need and I"ll go get itI"d give up all these dreamsTo have you in my arms right nowI"d give up everything and I don"t careIt wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came to meAll my lifes been wastedChasing shallow dreamsYears go by and nothing"s slowing down the timeYears go by and then they"re wastedAll this time, I thought that I gave everythingBut you"re not mine, and I"m so emptyIt wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came, when it came to meAll my lifes been wastedChasing shallow dreamsSo please come back to meI"ve been waitingSo please come back to me...

mountain top什么意思

为您解答如下:mountain 英[u02c8mauntin,u02c8mau028antu0259n] 美[u02c8mau028antu0259n] n.1.山,高山,山岳 2.山脉 3.许多,大量 名词 n.1.山,高山,山岳 There is a high mountain at the back of the house.房子的后面有座高山.2.山脉 The Rocky Mountains lie in the west part of America.落基山脉位于美国西部.3.许多,大量mountain ["mauntin]n.山,山岳; 高山; [pl.]山脉巨大如山的东西大堆,大量; 巨大的障碍[the Mountain ]山岳党(1793年法国资产阶级革命时期据议会最高席位的左派政党)the Himalayan Mountains喜马拉雅山脉mountains of difficulties重重困难mountains of work大量工作The waves were like mountains.波浪象群山. -----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

mountain top 怎么读


旧金山可以说成old gold mountain吗?

不可以,有专门的说法San francisco

为什么泰山(Mount Tai)前面不加the?

他是人名 ,就像XiaoMing (小明) , 加的话是the XiaoMing ,不对赛

mountain tai怎么读


关于去黄山旅游的英语作文 开头是、we are going to visit Mount Huang in three days

黄山是我国十大风景名胜区之一,她坐落在安徽省南部黄山市境内,黄山四周弥漫着云海.她被誉为“天下第一奇山”的美称,因为她以奇松、怪石、云海、温泉“四绝”闻名于世. 黄山“四绝”中的奇松,形态各异,千姿百态.有的或屹立,或斜出,或弯曲;或仰,或俯,或卧;有的郁郁葱葱,有的饱经风霜,还有的粗如铁柱······(省略号)其中,最引人注目的是凤凰松.她生长在悬崖峭壁上,常年生存在恶劣的环境下,形成了独特的形态;特别是黑虎松,他高大苍劲,虎气凛凛,很威风的样子. 黄山“四绝”中的怪石,形态千奇百怪、形象逼真.有的像凶猛残暴的野兽,有的向活泼开朗的小男孩,还有的像顽皮可爱的小鸟······(省略号)苏轼曾经写过一句话“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高低各不同.”黄山石“怪”就怪在从不同的位置看,就有不同的形状.他们惟妙惟肖、千奇百怪,形成了“一绝”的情景,构成了一幅幅天然的山石画卷. 黄山不仅有怪石,还有著名的云海,云海瑰丽壮观,有植物状的,有动物状的,还有物体状的······(省略号)其中最引人入胜的是那海浪状的云海.一阵微风拂过,这群云海便波涛滚滚、奔涌如潮、浩浩荡荡的;特别是飞流直泻的云雾,白浪排空、惊涛拍岸.看着这些壮观的景象,仿佛来到了人间仙境之中.黄山“四绝”之一的温泉——(破折号)朱砂泉,泉水质以含重碳酸为主,对消化、精神、心血管、皮肤病均有一定的治疗效果. 黄山是举世闻名的旅游胜地,这里的奇松、怪石、云海、温泉,真是大自然的鬼斧神工的“杰作”啊!参考资料:参考资料:我自己写的,被老师评为优等作文,希望能被采纳.


mountain在英语中的发音为:[ˈmaʊntɪn]。1、“mou” 部分的音近似于单词 “cow” 中的 [aʊ] 音。2、“n” 部分发 [n] 音。3、“tain” 部分发 [tɪn] 音。mountain的用法1、Climb a mountain: 爬山,攀登山峰。例句:We decided to climb the mountain this weekend。2、Mountain range: 山脉。例句:The Himalayas is the highest mountain range in the world。3、Mountain peak/summit: 山峰,山顶。例句:They reached the summit of the mountain just before sunrise。4、Mountain pass: 山口,山道。例句:The hikers crossed the mountain pass to reach the other side。5、Mountain biking: 山地自行车运动。例句:He enjoys mountain biking on the weekends。6、Mountainous: 多山的,山地的。例句:They had to traverse through a mountainous region to reach their destination。7、Mountain climber: 山岳爬行者。例句:He is an experienced mountain climber and has conquered several peaks。8、Mountain retreat: 山区度假胜地。例句:They spent their vacation at a beautiful mountain retreat。

mountain grown

1.planning 2.spread 3.mountainous 4.grown 5.the scenicest 6.scenery 7.the most popular 8.traveller/visitor I am sure of my answer!I am a teacher!

英语 假如我想表达 山一般的。怎么说 。mountainlike?


mountain area与mountainous area哪个对?

两个都可以,后一个好一些,都有山区的意思,前者一般用于指某个地方,比如,Xuedou Mountain Scenic Area 雪窦山风景区Rooster Mountain Scenic Area 鸡公山风景区后者,是一般意义上的山区,比如,The south of Jinan is a mountainous area, which means that the application of gravity retaining wall is very common. The thesis may offer some help to the designs of large retaining walls.济南南部为山区,重力式挡土墙应用非常广泛,本文对于高大挡土墙设计具有一定的借鉴作用。

跪求解惑 She has a of dirty clothes. A. mountain B. mountainous C. mountainless D. hill

a mountain of

hilly和mountainous 两个单词的区别,意思都是多山的,怎么用

① hillya) Having many hills - 很多hill;b) Similar to a hill; steep. - 像hill一样的, 陡峭;② mountainousa) Having many mountains. - 很多山;b) Resembling a mountain in size; huge: - 像山一样的大;所以区别还要看hill和mountain; 主要区别:hill是山丘; mountain是大山; hill = A well-defined natural elevation smaller than a mountain. 已表明自然的隆起但幅度比山小;所以hilly是“(多)山丘的”;而mountainous是“群山的”。


mountainy 多山的,住在山区的


mountainous美式读音[u02c8mau028ant(u0259)nu0259s],英式读音[u02c8mau028antu026anu0259s]。mountainous英语单词,形容词,意思是“多山的;巨大的;山一般的”。mountainous的短语搭配:mountainous debt负债累累、mountainous district山区多山地区、In mountainous山岭重丘。mountainous的双语例句:She poured all her love and energy into the education of these mountainous children.她把自己全部的爱和精力都倾注到对这群山村孩子们的教育上。There are many differential in urban plaza construction between mountainous city and plain city because of landform undulation.山地城市由于地形起伏,在城市广场建设中与平原城市有许多不同的地方。


多山的; 巨大的; 山一般的

notional amount是什么意思

notional amount名义金额

busybox mount -o remount,rw / 挂载什么?

目的:使根目录可写由于/etc/fstab文件编辑错误 而引起的不能正常进入系统解决方法就是修改/etc/fstab文件成原来正常格式 删除错误的或者是不存在的挂载目录操作:根据提示进入修复模式 Login incorrect.(Repair filesystem) 1 # vi /etc/fstab但是修复模式下(read-only system) 文件是被保护的不能修改 运行下面命令 把系统文件权限改成可读写(rw)(Repair filesystem) 1 # mount -o remount,rw /使根目录可写.即可以修复/etc/fstab文件,使之可写.然后就可以vi修改了保存 wq(Repair filesystem) 1 #reboot


mountain怎么读:英[u02c8mau028antu0259n],美[u02c8mau028antn]。一、mountain怎么读英语mountain,读音:英["mau028antu0259n],美["mau028antu0259n]。释义:n.大量;山;山脉;高山。形容词:mountainy。相近词rocky怎么读:英[u02c8ru0252ki],美[u02c8rɑu02d0ki],岩石的;多岩石的;不稳定的;困难的;难以维持的。二、短语1、on the mountain在山上;a mountain of一大堆;2、barren mountain荒芜的山;scale a mountain登山;3、mountain climber爬山运动员;at the foot of the mountain在山脚下;三、例句1、He got lost in the mountain forest.他在山林里迷了路。2、I drove along sinuous mountain roads.我行驶在蜿蜒的山路上。3、They were climbing up a narrow mountain road.他们正沿一条狭窄的山路向上爬。4、The truck sways wildly, careening down narrow mountain roads.卡车疯狂地左摇右晃,从狭窄的山路上急冲而下。5、Searchers have found three mountain climbers missing since Saturday.搜救人员已经找到了周六失踪的3名登山者。6、We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge.我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。7、Typically, the Norwegians were on the mountain two hours before anyone else.像往常一样,挪威人比其他所有人都提前两小时进山。8、Mount Marcy is the highest mountain in the Adirondacks.马西山是阿迪朗达克山脉中最高的山。

amount of free time怎么读

amount 英[u0259u02c8mau028ant] 美[u0259u02c8mau028ant] n. 量,数量; 总额; 本利之和; 全部效果,全部含义; vi. (在意义、价值、效果、程度等方面) 等于; 等同,接近; 合计,总共; 发展成为; [例句]He needs that amount of money to survive.他需要那样一笔钱以生存下去。[其他] 第三人称单数:amounts 复数:amounts 现在分词:amounting过去式:amounted 过去分词:amounted形近词: dismount unmount paramount 双语例句 柯林斯词典 英英释义 百度百科free time 英[fri: taim] 美[fri tau026am] [词典] 免费时间,非工作时间,空闲时间; 闲空; 暇; 空暇; [例句]Everyone needs some free time for rest and relaxation.每个人都需要一些休息和放松的自由时间。双语例句 英英释义 百度百科 百度知道

为什么英文中的去爬山是go mountain climbing

go mountain climbing可以作谓语,和go shopping这类短语的构成是一样的,你可以说“Let"s go mountain climbing”或者变换时态“I went mountain climbing yesterday.”但climbing mountain是不可以这么用的.go moun...

照相的英文 take photos 和爬山的英文 climb mountian ,为什么要加“s”,能不加吗?


Lonestar的《Mountains》 歌词

歌曲名:Mountains歌手:Lonestar专辑:Playlist: The Very Best Of LonestarMountainGood CharlotteAll these dreams and all these plansI built them all with these two handsEverything I"ve realized my dreamsThe city lights shine downAnd they blind me sometimesBut through it allI was lost but I found my wayTell me what you want"Cause I would give you anythingTell me what you need and I"ll go get it.I"d give up all these dreamsTo have you in my arms right nowI"d give up everything and I don"t care it wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came to meAll my life"s been wastedChasing shallow dreamsHere we are, let me lift you upAnd show you this world over meAnd all these dreams, and what I"ve gainedAnd what I"ve savedCan"t compare to the loveThat you could give to meSo,Tell me what you want"Cause I would give you anythingTell me what you need and I"ll go get itI"d give up all these dreamsTo have you in my arms right nowI"d give up everything and I don"t careIt wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came to meAll my lifes been wastedChasing shallow dreamsYears go by and nothing"s slowing down the timeYears go by and then they"re wastedAll this time, I thought that I gave everythingBut you"re not mine, and I"m so emptyIt wasnt all on the mountainsWhen it came, when it came to meAll my lifes been wastedChasing shallow dreamsSo please come back to meI"ve been waitingSo please come back to me...

be of paramount importance的问题?

因为这是一种语法结构,be of +名词 = be + 形容词

“This woman is of paramount danger.”这句be动词后为何加of?




医院的paramount bed是什么意思?

paramount bed是一家日本公司的名称,成立于1947年,专门生产医院用的病床和护理用床。于1995和2004分别在印尼和中国设立子公司。paramount bed产品有如下几大类:普通病房用床、加护病房用床、急诊室用床、担架、轮椅、儿科用床等等。paramount bed 译成汉语:派拉蒙医用床paramount adj. more important than anything else; supreme最重要的;至高无上的,头等的。



guaranteed to a fixed amount.什么意思

你好。guaranteed to a fixed amount.翻译成中文是:保证固定金额。——————希望帮到你,满意请采纳。

Smoky Mountain Memories 歌词

歌曲名:Smoky Mountain Memories歌手:David Archuleta专辑:american idolYou ought to go north somebody told usCause the air is filled with gold dustAnd fortune falls like snow flakes in your handsNow I don"t recall who said itBut we"d lived so long on creditAnd so we headed out to find our promised landJust poor Smoky Mountains farm folkWith nothing more than high hopesSo we hitched our station wagon to a starBut our dreams all fell in on usCause there was no land of promiseThough it"s a stuggle just keepin" sight of who you areOh and these northern nights are drearyAnd my southern heart is wearyAs I wonder how the old folks are back homeBut I know that they all love meAnd they"re all thinking of meThe Smoky Mountains memories keep me strongYou know I"ve been thinkin" a whole lot latelyAbout what"s been and what awaits meIt takes all I"ve got to give what life demandsYou go insane if you give in to itLife"s a mill and I"ve been through itI"m just thankful I"m creative with my handsOh and these northern nights they"re drearyAnd my southern eyes are tearyAs I wonder how the old folks are back homeBut I"ll keep leanin" on my JesusHe"ll love and guide and lead usThe Smoky Mountains memories keep me strongIf I"ll keep looking to the fatherKeep our heads above the waterWhile the Smoky Mountains memories keep me strong

smoky mountain是什么意思


boy point toy mountain o发的不同的读音是


寻找一首歌曲 有一句歌词是when i climb the mountain

you raise me up

GMAT考试SC语法题The Glass House Mountains求解答


《a view of mountains》课文如何翻译?

望远山乔纳森·谢尔1 1945年8月9日,一颗原子弹投向长崎。当天,在日军中服役的摄影师山端庸介被派遣到这座已遭毁灭的城市。他第二天拍摄的百来张照片可谓现存最完整的核毁灭威力的影像记录。此前3天也遭遇毁灭的广岛在轰炸的第一天基本没被相机拍摄下来。山端碰巧有条不紊地用伟大而简洁的艺术手法记录下了核武器爆炸后仅仅数小时对人类的影响。山端的部分照片展示了被核火球以其独特的方式烧焦了的尸体。他们是被光烧焦的——用专业术语来说,他们是被“热脉冲”烧焦的——尸体通常都烙上了衣服的图案,因为不同的颜色吸光程度不同。一张照片拍下了一匹身形扭曲的马儿蜷缩在它拉的大车下面。另一张显示了一堆悬挂在突出物上面伸进沟渠的东西,看得出这也是一个人的遗骸。第3张照片中有个小女孩站在防空洞入口处,不知何故她虽经历劫难却毫发无伤。她脸上露出诡异的笑容,令人震撼。如果不是这张照片,在我们现在见证的场景中,原先的日常生活已一去不返。大片茫茫的废墟瓦砾一直伸向远方,残火零落其间,而这片景象的背景则是绵延的大山。我们能遥望远山,正因为整个城市已化为焦土。城市的灰飞烟灭比断壁残垣更能说明问题的核心本质。这一事件的真正效应不在于城市还剩下什么,而在于消失的一切。2 美国使用世界上第2颗原子弹将长崎夷为平地仅仅用了几秒钟,然而,山端拍摄这一事件的照片从长崎辗转回到美国却用了50年之久。照片第一次在美国展出是在1995年,展出地点是纽约国际摄影中心。迟到了半个世纪,这些照片仍然带有新闻效应。这些照片展示的是单个城市的命运,但却带有普遍意义,因为在我们这个核武器时代,发生在长崎身上的灾难也可能在转瞬之间发生在世界任何一个城市身上。通过这些照片,长崎为自己正名。它一直存在于广岛的阴影中,因为似乎人类的想象力到达广岛这第一个被毁灭的城市的废墟之后便裹足不前、消失殆尽了,以至于连长崎的边缘都到达不了。然而,长崎的灭顶之灾在某些方面恰恰是笼罩在我们头顶上的核威胁阴云的更有力的象征。它证明人类一旦大开核武器杀戒,就会重蹈覆辙。它带来了系列破坏的概念,就是说,有成千上万的核武器持续存在,我们每个人都有可能受到威胁。(第2颗原子弹原定是投向小仓的,只是后来因为天气恶劣,空中视线不佳,这才使小仓免遭长崎的厄运。这说明了核武器系列性威胁捉摸不定、难以预测的性质。)因此,与其说每张照片似乎记录了半个世纪之前发生的景象,还不如说它是嵌在摄影中心墙上的一扇窗户,透过它人们能看到也许很快就会轻而易举地发生在纽约的事情。而且,无论这些展品到达何方,这些“视窗”展示的遭受威胁的未来景象都大致准确,因为尽管每个完好无损的城市和其他城市都大不相同,任何遭遇核毁灭打击的城市面貌都将相差无几。3 山端的照片使人们对世界末日可以管中窥豹。然而,在这个时代,我们的挑战不仅是认识核威胁的存在,还要抓住这个天赐良机彻底消灭核威胁。所以,除了这些照片,我们还需要其他照片来抵消遭受毁灭的长崎带来的负面感受;我们需要的照片所展示的不是我们通过失败会失去的事物,而是通过成功我们能得到的东西。但是,这该是什么样的照片?你如何展示和世界末日截然相反的另一面?是长崎在投弹前完好无缺、生机勃勃的照片吗?抑或是逃过一劫的小仓?或者是一个儿童,还是一位母亲和她的孩子,抑或是地球本身?没有一张能充分达到目的。原因是我们如何能以有限之形式来展现现在和将来气象万千的全人类生机无限的一个个鲜活生命?面对世界末日或世界未来,想象力的确力不从心。只有行动能令人满意。4 过去,新生代降临人世乃自然而然之事。现在,他们只有依靠今人充满信仰的行动和集体意志才能到来,我们必须保障他们存在的权利。当今世人最重大的责任就是采取这样的行动。时间的礼物永远是生命的礼物,前提是我们必须懂得如何接受这样的礼物。原文A View of MountainsJonathan Schell1.On August 9, 1945, the day the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki, Yosuke Yamahata, aphotographer serving in the Japanese army, was dispatched to the destroyed city. The hundred or so pictures he took the next day constitute the fullest photographic record of nuclear destruction inexistence. Hiroshima, destroyed three days earlier, had largely escaped the camera"s lens in the first day after the bombing. It was therefore left to Yamahata to record, methodically -and, as ithappens, with a great and simple artistry – the effects on a human population of a nuclear weapon only hours after it had been used. Some of Yamahata"s pictures show corpses charred in the peculiar way in which a nuclear fireball chars its victims. They have been burned by light – technicallyspeaking, by the “thermal pulse” -and their bodies are often branded with the patterns of theirclothes, whose colors absorb light in different degrees. One photograph shows a horse twisted under the cart it had been pulling. Another shows a heap of something that once had been a human being hanging over a ledge into a ditch. A third shows a girl who has somehow survived unwoundedstanding in the open mouth of a bomb shelter and smiling an unearthly smile, shocking us with the sight of ordinary life, which otherwise seems to have been left behind for good in the scenes we are witnessing. Stretching into the distance on all sides are fields of rubble dotted with fires, and, in the background, a view of mountains. We can see the mountains because the city is gone. That absence, even more than wreckage, contains the heart of the matter. The true measure of the event lies not in what remains but in all that has disappeared.2.It took a few seconds for the United States to destroy Nagasaki with the wo rld"s second atomicbomb, but it took fifty years for Yamahata"s pictures of the event to make the journey back fromNagasaki to the United States. They were shown for the first time in this country in 1995, at theInternational Center for Photography in New York. Arriving a half-century late, they are still news.The photographs display the fate of a single city, but their meaning is universal, since, in our age of nuclear arms, what happened to Nagasaki can, in a flash, happen to any city in the world. In thephotographs, Nagasaki comes into its own. Nagasaki has always been in the shadow of Hiroshima, as if the human imagination had stumbled to exhaustion in the wreckage of the first ruined city without reaching even the outskirts of the second. Yet the bombing of Nagasaki is in certain respects the fitter symbol of the nuclear danger that still hangs over us. It is proof that, having once used nuclearweapons, we can use them again. It introduces the idea of a series -the series that, with tens of thousands of nuclear weapons remaining in existence, continues to threaten everyone. (The unpredictable, open-ended character of the series is suggested by the fact that the second bomb originally was to be dropped on the city of Kokura, which was spared Nagasak i"s fate only because bad weather protected it from view.) Each picture therefore seemed not so much an image of something that happened a half-century ago as a window cut into the wall of the photography center showing what soon could easily happen to New York. Wherever the exhibit might travel, moreover, the view of threatened future from these “windows” would be roughly accurate, since, although every intact city is different from every other, all cities that suffer nuclear destruction will look much the same.3.Yamahata"s pictures afford a glimpse of the end of the world. Yet in our day, when the challenge is not just to apprehend the nuclear peril but to seize a God-given opportunity to dispel it once and for all, we seem to need, in addition, some other picture to counterpoise against ruined Nagasaki -one showing not what we would lose through our failure but what we would gain by our success. What might that picture be, though? How do you show the opposite of the end of the world? Should it be Nagasaki, intact and alive, before the bomb was dropped -or perhaps the spared city of Kokura?Should it be a child, or a mother and child, or perhaps the Earth itself? None seems adequate, for how can we give a definite form to that which can assume infinite forms, namely, the lives of all human beings, now and in the future? Imagination, faced with either the end of the world or its continuation, must remain incomplete. Only action can satisfy.4.Once, the arrival in the world of new generations took care of itself. Now, they can come into existence only if, through an act of faith and collective will, we ensure their right to exist. Performing that act is the greatest of the responsibilities of the generations now alive. The gift of time is the gift of life, forever, if we know how to receive it.

shell脚本文件中的 > 和>>是什么意思? echo "$(date) mounting...


negative amounts are not allowed。什么意思?


I am certain by no means ________ his word since he has promised an amount of money to the poor...

B B 句意:我确信既然他答应捐一笔钱给穷人,他绝不会食言的。by no means(绝不)为表示否定意义的介词短语,置于句首时,其后面的主谓语要倒装,根据句意可知设空处需用一般将来时,故答案为B项。

Mountain and river do not meet 从此山水不相逢,不问旧人长与短

一生很长,而爱无疆 Life is very long, and boundless love. 与你同行,不介路远 With you, not far away. 南风未起,念你成疾 Have you read from the south. 喜你为疾,药石无医 Love you for disease, medicine without doctor. 心事很多,你别戳破 A lot of things you don"t break. 一别两宽,各自生欢 One is two wide, and each is happy. 我爱过你,利落干脆 I love you, and it"s crisp. 不谈亏欠,只谢遇见 If you don"t owe you, thank you. 从此山水不相逢,不问旧人长与短 From then on, the mountains and rivers do not meet, not the old man and the short.

请问 the boundless amount of 可修饰人用来表示众多的人,如:众多的外国朋友

为您解答可以修饰人的众多,没问题。比如It"s insane to watch, to witness how these songs impacted such a boundless amount of people at the height of their novelty.


Blue mountain

求BrandonHeath唱的Blue Mountain 的歌词

Cool fog in the morningLike cotton on the treesQuiet enough to hear a songIn the humming of the beesFloating out from the highwaySaying, come on up my wayThrough the tall grass in the valleyWhere the earth and Heaven meetWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainAbove the clouds and busy crowdsIt"s where you wanna beWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainWhere the time crawls and the water fallsBlue Mountain majestySend a postcard to your sweetheartTake a picture by the signSee all the way to seven statesAnd the coast if the weather"s rightIt"s always right, it"s paradiseIt"s like you"ve never seenTake a nap under a hickoryAnd wake up in a dreamWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainAbove the clouds and busy crowdsYou swear you"ll never leaveWon"t you come on up to Blue MountainWhere the time crawls and the water fallsBlue Mountain majesty中文让我翻译一会百度HI给你,分给我吧~


刷很多ROM的时候都要求WIPE之后 点 mount system等等之类的,mount system这个选项点一下就会变成unmount system那么点mount system的意思 是要把所有的都点成 mount XX 还是把所有的都点成unmount xx翘首企盼指点中。

填上一个适合的单词组成词组1.【 】stamps 2.[ ]chess 3.[ ]a mountain 4.[

collect stamps play chess climb a mountain

Mountains High Valleys Low 歌词

歌曲名:Mountains High Valleys Low歌手:Phillip Larue专辑:Let The Road Pave ItselfPhillip LaRue - Mountains High Valleys LowMountains highValley"s lowThese are the thingsThat makes us growBut I"ll want to knowIs if you can hear meAll I want to knowIs if your still thereSo I could feel your loveWash over like rainI could feel your joyIn the midst of this painCan you shine?Shine on meAnd give me the faithI long to believeSeason"s changeWell I change tooLike spring and summerAnd I fall to youAnd all I want to knowIs if you can heal meAnd all I want to knowIs if your still listening GodAnd all I want to knowIs if your still there GodSo why don"t you shineCome on Shine on meeAnd give me the faith I want to believeI believeI said I believeNo one"s gonna take that from meSo why don"t you shineCome on Shine on meI know you will shine on meI know your going to shine on meAnd you"ll give me the faith I know to believe


一、amount的用法详解 1. amount用作名词 其意为“数量”、“金额”等,通常用于 a (great, large) amount of 这类结构,其后通常接不可数名词。如: He made a large amount of money. 他赚了大量的钱。 They have to process a large amount of data. 他们得处理大量数据。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料到受到这么多赞扬。 A large amount of damage was done in a short time. 短期内造成大量损害。 I had not expected such an amount of praise. 我没料想受到这样多的赞扬。 He must memorize large amounts of material. 他必须背熟大量材料。 注意:这类结构用作主语,其谓语的数取决于 amount 的数。如: 在这座桥上花了大量资金。 正: A large amount of money was spent on the bridge. 正: Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. 比较:在 a great number of 之后通常接可数名词(用复数)。如: 2. amount用作动词 用作动词时意为“合计”、“等于”、“意味着”,通常是不及物动词,其后常接介词 to。如: Building cost amounts to six million dollars. 建筑费用达600 万元。 Her reply amounts to a refusal. 她的回答等于拒绝。 注意:由于其后接的to为介词,所以后接动词时,该动词要用动名词。如: 这等于是欺骗老师。(from 误:This amounts to cheat the teacher. 正:This amounts to cheating the teacher. 析:amount 用作动词,表示“等于”,是不及物动词,其后接的to 为介词。 二、a great/good many 非常多,许多(形容词) The young couple has travelled a great many cities since they got married. A great many college students were sent to the West to help the children there. Helen has a great many friends indeed, but she does not think she has any she can confide in. The city was even equipped with a drainage system, for a great many clay pipes were found beneath the narrow streets. He has extracted a great many examples from the grammar book. 比较: 1. many a... 许多(后接单数动词) Many a teacher has come to the exhibition. Many a woman has great influence on her husband. He beguiled us with many a tale of adventure. 2. a lot, lots of, a number of 与 a great many / a good many 意义相同。quantity 用法结论: 1.a quantity of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词。在它们分别和其后的名词构成短语作主语时,其谓语动词通常看of后名词的具体情况而采用单数或复数形式。如果是接不可数名词,则谓语用单数形式,如果是接复数可数名词,则谓语通常要采用复数形式 2.quantities of后既可接复数可数名词,亦可接不可数名词,后面的谓语都用复数形式。 1)Besides, a large quantity of mail bags were found. 2)and a small quantity of dangerous drugs were seized. 3)A quantity of fake certificates and official stamps were also seized.


quantity quantity[简明英汉词典][u02c8kwu0254ntiti]n.1 数目,数量 2 量,大小 amount amount[简明英汉词典][u0259u02c8maunt]n.1 量,数量,数额 2 总额,总数 vi.1 合计,共计 2 等同,接近 比较后可以发现它们的词意并不一样。

手机刷机E:failed to set up expected mounts for install;aborting怎么解决?


Linux Deploy 报错mounting 如图


在三星I9300中的linux deploy中安装linux时出现the container is already mounted 的提示,安装就停止了


Manuel & The Music Of The Mountains的《La Mer》 歌词

歌曲名:La Mer歌手:Manuel & The Music Of The Mountains专辑:The Very Best Of Geoff Love And Manuel And The Music Of The MountainsArtist: Sarah BrightmanAlbum: DiveTitle: La MerAncient unkown animalsOn a stormy seaLike Buddha in the waterA velvet energyAs the night takes overThe spirits of the deepMarvel at his majestyThe whale is in his sleepLa merYou"re shimmering throughLa merMagnificent blueShimmering through the waterIn search of sanctuaryCurrents travel fasterIn alien territoryDancing in the distanceIn a puff of sprayIn a single momentThe dolphin glides awayLa merYou"re shimmering throughLa merMagnificent blueLa merYou"re shimmering throughLa merMagnificent blueLa mer

carrying amount 和 residual value的区别

carrying amount 账面价值residual value 剩余价值

when the sunshine on the mountain是什么歌的歌词


the amount of students were eligible to receive would be assessed by local authority

主语从句:the amount of students were eligible to receive 学生总数有资格被选中接纳 语言点 1、本部分本身应该是由 that 引导的主语从句。引导主语从句的连接词 that 语法规定一般不能省略,不过目前有些报章上登载的政论文和科技文章,省略 that 的情况屡见不鲜。 2、短语 be eligible to do 表示“有资格被选中去做某事” 3、receive 在此处是不及物动词,属于主动形式被动意思,表示“被接纳”或者“作为一个领受者” 4、the amount of 表示“...的总量/总数/数量”谓语部分:would be assessed by local authority 会由地方当局评定 1、谓语部分说的是主语提到的那种情况“由当地政府评定” 2、be assessed 是被动语态,表示“被评定/评估” 3、local authority 指地方当局/地方政权参考译文:学生总数有资格被选中接纳的这件事将会由地方当局评价确定。

暗黑破坏神2攻略 Rescue On Mount Arreat高原拯救战怎么过?

夸尔卡克(Qual-Kehk)叫你拯救十五名被困于冰冻高原(Frigid Highlands)的野蛮人战士(Barbarian),在冰冻高原找到牢笼,救出野蛮人战士

请问number、quantity和amount 有什么区别?(希望具体点的答案)?

a great number of+可数名词复数, 如:I have a large number of books. a large amount of/amounts of + 单数名词, 如:We need amounts of money to buy the house. a great deal of+单数名词,A great deal of time is needed. a large quantity of+ 可数名词复数/不可数名词, 如:A large quantity of students are planting trees in the park. A large quantity of water is needed in th ehot summer. 但quantities of 作主语时,谓语要用复数,如: Quantities of water are needed in hot summer.,1,a large number of 修饰可数名词复数 a large amount of 修饰不可数名词 a great deal of 修饰不可数名词 a large sum of 修饰不可数名词,2,number是个数,人什么的,quantity什么都可以,amount不客属,0,a large number of 修饰可数名词复数, singular verb a large amount of 修饰不可数名词, plural verb a great deal of 修饰不可数名词, plural verb a large sum of 修饰不可数名词, plural verb 还有,英语多用 a great deal of ,而...,0,请问number、quantity和amount 有什么区别?(希望具体点的答案) 我是想弄清楚,当他们都作为代词时的区别。

amount, number和quantity用法有什么区别?

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