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figure ; billion ; billionaire 这英语用谐音怎么读?

figure翻译为:n. 数字;人物;图形;价格;(人的)体形;画像vi. 计算;出现;扮演角色vt. 计算;认为;描绘;象征[网络] 体形[专业] 人物 [艺术学];数字 [计算机科学技术];图形 [语言学]读作:飞哥儿billion翻译为:n. 十亿;大量num. 十亿adj. 十亿的n. (Billion)人名;(法)比利翁[网络] 万亿;盛永达读作:北林~billionaire翻译为:n. 亿万富翁[网络] 富豪;亿万富豪读作:北林尼儿






不知道你说的是不是这部,因该是韩国片该剧以韩国SBS电视台为故事发生背景,主要讲述了发生在经纪人张基俊、当红艺人吴笙雅、电视剧导演李庆民以及名编剧徐英恩之间的故事。  SBS电视台的年度颁奖礼上,当红艺人吴笙雅突然拒绝上台领奖,因为她得知自己和别人同时分享一个奖项,心中感到十分不快.  吴笙雅是韩流中心的顶尖明星,身为演员, 虽然拥有非常高的人气, 但是在演技方面却获得极低的评价, 是个总在艳丽背后感到孤独, 喜欢沉溺在自我耻辱感当中的人物。内心是梦想成为真正演员的人。但是很多人看到的只是风光的表面,这让她时不时感到痛苦。也就是从这时起,做为名编剧,曾创下收视神话的徐英恩,在与吴笙雅的合作过程当中,发生了许多冲突故事……大结局:以大多数观众期望的大团圆结局落幕,剧中两队情侣金荷娜与李范基,宋允儿与朴龙河在一起了.


Release Date: 2008/4/29 Record Label: SonyBMG 01 ) uc12c - uc774ubc94uc218ub178ub798 岛 - 李凡秀 02 ) Sky Love - uae40ud558ub298ub178ub798 Sky Love - 金荷娜 03 ) ub0b4uac8c uadf8ub7f0 uc0acub78c - uc2e0ub514ub178ub798 像我这样的人 - Cindy 04 ) uc0acub791uc744 ud574uc694 (Bossanova Ver) ucd5cud6c8 去爱 - 崔勋 05 ) ud55cuac00uc9c0ub9d0 (Guitar Ver) 一个字 吉他版 06 ) ud558ub298uc744 uac00ub974uba70 天空 07 ) Rainbow Soap 08 ) ub450ub824uc6c0 uc55euc5d0uc11c 畏惧前方 09 ) uc57cub9acuc57c uc5f0uc8fcuace1 夜里呀 演奏曲 10 ) Think About You mp3格式: 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 迅雷专用高速下载 未收录-夜里呀(剧中截取演唱版) 迅雷专用高速下载 转自韩星论坛--- 路径目前不太稳定..建议用flashget下载,不要使用迅雷下载!





韩剧OnAir(主要演员:李凡秀 朴龙河 金荷娜 宋允儿)中客串与金荷娜拍化妆品广告的男演员的名字?



  【主 演】:   金荷娜 饰 吴升雅   朴容夏 饰 李庆民   李凡秀 饰 张基俊   宋允儿 饰 徐英恩   韩艺媛 饰 Cherry/柳胜子  第1集  2007年韩国SBC演技大奖颁奖现场。仪式在一片欢乐气氛中进行。大奖获奖人吴承雅得知自己要和竞争对手楚延宇一同被颁奖,愤愤离去,让主办方尴尬不已。李庆民追着来到了停车场,结果两个人还是闹得很不愉快。与此同时,擅长培养新人明星的经纪人张基俊和公司高层在电视台里乱了阵脚。  SBC电视台内部就是这样的终日不得安宁。5月份的剧流产,不得不向明星作家徐英恩求助,当得知自己要和李庆民导演一起合作时,徐英恩感到十分不快。后来极不情愿地去见演员,没想到竟然是吴承雅——五年前给她难堪的丫头!两个人在饭桌上开始了一场激烈的唇枪舌斗。最后,徐英恩对宋舒哲导演说不做这部电视剧了。  第2集  送走儿子之后,徐英恩想要去台湾。姜局长得知英恩拒绝了秀哲的要求后,立即决定更换主创班子,要庆民接替导演的工作。而庆民却因为之前与英恩的误会而担心,接受了局长嘱托的庆民,怀着复杂的心情搭上了去往台湾的飞机。张基俊的经纪公司遭遇财政危机,他所带的无名小明星陪着他借酒消愁。吴承雅与SW公司的合约到期,并不再续约,找到了破产的张其俊,两个人回想起7年前的事:吴承雅想要当演员却陷入骗局,被张基俊识破,并给了她打车的钱和雨伞。承雅让其俊准备好合同带到自己家里。  在台湾的英恩和庆民也打的不可开交,庆民整日跟着英恩,并训斥了她一番,英恩把状告到姜局长那里,局长说要开了庆民,庆民气愤不已,把英恩推下了日月潭......救上来后,英恩为表达歉意要请庆民吃饭,庆民提出了要拍《Ticket to the moon》的想法。  第3集  庆民没能说服英恩,只能自己回国。江局长要庆民辞职,而庆民却提出版权的问题,坚持要制作自己的电视剧,英恩得知作品中途被抢,立即飞回韩国,英恩找到江局长之后,又愤愤不平的去找庆民谈判。基俊怀着一颗忐忑不安的心找到承雅,承雅对合同的所有条款都表示满意,但是却唯独在最后添上一句“有权在任何时候废止该合同”,这一句话令基俊再次心生不安。升雅与基俊的合作令尚宇感到不爽,他决定报复承雅。承雅与英恩冤家路窄在大学路的剧院相遇,一场大战不可避免的爆发了。  第4集  庆民总是在不停的给英恩的作品挑刺,这令英恩感到十分的不满,二人再次起争执,为了刺激英恩创作,庆民提出干脆住到一起,英恩感到十分意外,庆民要英恩去订酒店,最后二人来到了英恩的工作室。  承雅与基俊发生口角,承雅十分伤心。基俊感到十分自责,却找不到承雅。基俊最后只得说要承雅把七年前借走的雨伞还给自己,这才让承雅露面。从前骗过承雅的一个骗子再欺骗另外的女孩子,承雅和基俊一同去教训了他。  承雅让基俊去找庆民,要求见面,基俊感到十分意外。不料庆民有事推迟了约会,承雅脾气一上来,说无论如何都要见到庆民。  第5集  庆民为了让恩英和承雅和解而安排她们见面,英恩转身就走,结果却与刚刚进来的基俊撞了个满怀,二人相见甚欢聊的热乎,庆民和承雅感到有些失落。虽然英恩一再下逐客令,但是庆民坚持要在英恩的工作室呆着。最后二人一同搞定了最新的企划案。  升雅同时接到两个剧本的邀请,为了气气基俊和英恩,升雅决定要个另一部戏的导演见面。庆民和英恩慌了手脚,不停的和一线女星们见面,但是结果却令人十分意外。  第6集  上司驳回了英恩的剧本,庆民在读完剧本后决定亲自去找英恩交涉。不料英恩发起小姐脾气,坚持躲在家里不出来见庆民,忙碌了一天的庆民苦苦的守候在英恩的家门口。基俊得知这次的选角风波是尚宇在背后搞鬼,于是故意让承雅得知实情。承雅主动去找庆民,要出演庆民的新作,但是前提是要更换编剧。在承雅的安排下,四个人一同去唱卡拉OK,结果还没开始唱,英恩与承雅便开始了新一番的争吵。  第7集  承雅得知自己早些时候被尚宇蒙骗着签了同档期的电影,因此不能出演新剧,感到十分角色,基俊打算通过法律途径来解决问题,不过唯一的方法就是支付巨额的赔偿金。承雅怒气冲冲的去找尚宇算账。庆民担心制作方与投资方之间的矛盾会影响作品的拍摄,不料英恩却认为庆民另有别的打算。英恩得知承雅要改变剧本的主线,于是再次找到承雅理论,却与之前落得个同样下场。  经过一系列的风波,英恩、庆民、承雅以及基俊终于可以踏踏实实的为新剧的拍摄重新坐在一起了,不过这次基俊却先开口了。  第8集  新剧终于得以顺利开机,经过一系列的争论,最后英恩和庆民决定将海外拍摄地定在台湾,不过台湾旅游部门却要承雅出任旅游大使。抵达台湾后,升雅是媒体和影迷们关注的焦点,每天不停的接待记者,庆民到处摄影选择场景,悠闲的基俊和英恩喝茶叙旧,拍摄过程中,他们每个人都留下了美好的回忆。  第9集  承雅头上戴着庆民的帽子出现,令英恩和庆民感到意外和尴尬,英恩想避开大家,但是最后还是四个人一起去泡桑拿。  原定出演《通往月亮的门票》的男主角邱研雨突然变卦要去演《海女》,英恩和基俊大吃一惊。承雅出面解决问题,却意外的见到了赫善和秀研,秀研看上了承雅,赫善将这些都看在眼里。  赫善背后算计陈代表,陈代表欲推荐新人替代邱研宇,基俊去找瑞珍,不料再度遭到拒绝,基俊无功而返。  第10集  庆民决定启用新人出演男一号,但是却遭到了英恩的坚决反对,二人再起争执,正好被姜台长撞到,姜局长找到慧净,讨论要不要更替导演。承雅的英语老师艾敦感到在韩国发展不力,准备回到美国,于是去公司找承雅和基俊告别,基俊看到艾敦后,次日立即追到机场留下他带他去见导演庆民。  第11集  基俊将艾敦即将出演男一号的消息告诉了承雅,承雅找到英恩,问她怎么可以让自己和一个新人搭档。基俊和艾敦签订了演出合同,但是承雅表示坚决不会接受,庆民和英恩在修改剧本的问题上又出现了分歧。  承雅拿到了剧本,虽然经过波折大家都很开心,但是承雅却打不起精神。  第12集  庆民的母亲玉新在英恩家当钟点工,玉新要英恩多多关心儿子俊熙,俊熙将妈妈的剧本随手放在桌子上,玉新看到导演是李庆民,一下子慌了神。承雅去做美容,遇到了惠珍,惠珍对承雅冷嘲热讽,要她好好演戏,不要辜负大家,升雅听后十分恼火。英恩被三位主演搞得疲惫不堪庆民决定带着惠珍去看樱花。晚饭时,大家一起玩真心话的游戏,大家心底的问题一个个都被问了出来。  第13集  电视剧终于开始拍摄,第一场戏在肥皂店拍摄,舍利和承雅穿着同样的衣服出现,庆民要承雅换下衣服,承雅却大发脾气,非要舍利让步。基俊努力摆平此事,不料媒体还是将此曝光。  剧组到台湾开始拍戏,承雅和舍利都很快进入角色,由于拍摄超时,台湾方面的工作人员宣布撤出,庆民立即要求英恩修改剧本。  第14集  基俊责怪英恩和庆民,不抓紧写剧本,编剧不说明中间剧情,导演也不指导如何表演,只会接连几个小时责备演员。剧组回到韩国,基俊约英恩喝茶;庆民无车可搭,承雅邀请他搭自己的车。英恩感谢基俊对自己的帮助。临别时,基俊递给英恩要送给俊熙的礼物。  第15集  姜局长叫来庆民,让他再延长前两集的播出时间。英恩得知还要多写剧本,在编辑室里盘算着并不充裕的时间,突然听说广告尚卖出不足一半,担心起来。制作发表会就要开始了,贤秀得知送来的大型海报不是C方案,而是没有艾敦的B方案,万分惊讶。  第16集  英恩急于知道首播收视率,还好首播收视率超过了预期,庆民英恩才长舒了一口气。英恩来到电视台,姜局长见了热情地称她为SBC的救世主。餐桌上惠京请姜局长增加制作费投入,姜局长听了马上紧蹙眉头。第七集剧本中舍利只有几场戏分,尚宇很生气,来找英恩抗议,英恩毫不示弱地回应,如果舍利演技仍不见提高,她就考虑换人。  第17集  播出第三集时,《ticket to the moon》收视率下降,《海女沈清》人气上升,英恩和承雅开始锁紧眉头。舍利没有按时来片场,承雅等的不耐烦。这是消息传来,舍利将放弃出演,剧组乱了阵脚。尚宇提出,英恩如果不修改剧本,舍利就离开剧组。  第18集  SW的演员被禁止参演《ticket to the moon》,SBC电视台封杀SW艺人的事件被曝光,英恩的电话响个不停,媒体不停的炒作。鹤善说自己看过承雅被偷拍的录像,基俊心烦意乱,不知应不应该向承雅问个明白。  第19集  承雅被偷拍的事情终于被曝光,记者们纷纷跑来参访,电视剧没法继续拍摄,英恩立即修改剧本,承雅在人前装的若无其事,却反而让其他人更加的信以为真。基俊找到尚宇,追问关于偷拍的事情。  第20集  英恩对大结局感到十分突兀,要求重拍,庆民见英恩对自己的作品有意见,于是跟英恩讨论重拍的原因。英恩将重拍后的剧本递给庆民。庆民感到很惊讶。庆民想演员们征求重拍的意见,承雅说如果大家愿意,她也没问题。剧组人对承雅态度的转变感到意外。承雅淡然一笑。尚宇来找基俊,奉劝他与其做一个无能的男人,不如留下继续做经纪人。基俊听了尚宇的话后反复思索,萌生离开笙雅身边的想法。  第21集  基俊不见了,承雅在办公室苦苦的等基俊的消息,基俊看着承雅,想跟承雅道歉,却又舍不得。庆民请妈妈吃饭,告诉妈妈自己有喜欢的人了。庆民说对方离婚了,还有孩子,妈妈开始沉思起来。在庆功宴上,承雅还在等基俊。听说基俊要离开,承雅立即跑到机场去追。基俊离开前将承雅托付给尚宇,而承雅却还在苦苦的等着基俊。升雅追基俊到机场,基俊进了登机口,听到升雅哭着呼唤也不禁泪流满面。  第22集  庆民和英恩有情人终成眷属,基俊回到韩国,准备带承雅参加国际知名导演的面试。在机场,四人含笑道


不知道你说的是不是这部,因该是韩国片该剧以韩国SBS电视台为故事发生背景,主要讲述了发生在经纪人张基俊、当红艺人吴笙雅、电视剧导演李庆民以及名编剧徐英恩之间的故事。  SBS电视台的年度颁奖礼上,当红艺人吴笙雅突然拒绝上台领奖,因为她得知自己和别人同时分享一个奖项,心中感到十分不快.  吴笙雅是韩流中心的顶尖明星,身为演员, 虽然拥有非常高的人气, 但是在演技方面却获得极低的评价, 是个总在艳丽背后感到孤独, 喜欢沉溺在自我耻辱感当中的人物。内心是梦想成为真正演员的人。但是很多人看到的只是风光的表面,这让她时不时感到痛苦。也就是从这时起,做为名编剧,曾创下收视神话的徐英恩,在与吴笙雅的合作过程当中,发生了许多冲突故事……大结局:以大多数观众期望的大团圆结局落幕,剧中两队情侣金荷娜与李范基,宋允儿与朴龙河在一起了.


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onair韩剧介绍 onair韩剧剧情简介

1、《爱情正在直播》是韩国SBS电视台于2008年3月5日在水木档播出的电视剧,由申宇哲执导,金恩淑编剧,金荷娜、朴龙河、李凡秀、宋允儿主演。 2、剧情简介:屡创收视不败神话的人气编剧徐英真,影视界的黑马导演李庆民,韩国当代最上镜的女演员吴承雅,带出过大量明星的经纪人张基俊。四个人为了拍一部既非浪漫的灰姑娘童话,又非大赚泪水的绝症故事《Ticket to the moon》走到了一起。他们当中,徐英真个性张扬,吴承雅比起来也毫不逊色。李庆民是第一次执导,张基俊对演员特别有人情味。除了四人之外,还有众多的剧组人员,在韩剧边拍边播的体制下,他们制作电视剧的过程中发生的故事。




ONAIRabbr.Overseas National Airways <美国>海外国家航空公司;

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能买的,而且还是比较靠谱的。 Refurbished有两种,一种是Factory Refurbished 工厂翻新,一般指原厂翻新,另一种是Manufacturer Refurbished,一般指认证的工厂或者垃圾处理商翻新的,也就是非原厂但是经过原厂认证过的翻新。  还有一种是Certified Refurbished,一般也指原厂翻新,不过要具体看商品描述。  因为题主提及的不确定是哪种情况下的Refurbished,所以具体还是要保修期,每种商品和厂商对Refurbished的保修期不一样。要选择Refurbished最好是选Factory Refurbished并且有保修期的,当然更好的选择是Factory Reconditioned的。



帮忙找下歌名 谢了

. 第一首歌的名子 是神马阿


I wish I_____ a millionaire so that I could help you.

so that:以便;以致could(用于虚拟语气,表示与事实相反的设想):能,可以选B

《Secretsof Millionaire Investors》txt下载在线阅读,求百度云资源

《Secrets of Millionaire Investors》(Adam Khoo)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 72sz书名:Secrets of Millionaire Investors作者:Adam Khoo出版社:Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group Pte Ltd出版年份:2007-5页数:263

贫民富翁slumdog millionaire主持人为什么要给错误答案?


以What would I do if I were a millionaire?为题写一篇英语作文

What would you do if you were a million- aire?Many people would buy a house or travel the world.As for me,I would start a school.If I had a school,I would be able to educate many children and teach them right from wrong.Anyone will tell you that chil- dren are a country"s future.If my dream comes true,I will be very happy because I will be doing my country a good service

if i were a millionaire演讲稿

If I were a millionaire, I"ll set up a café designed and decorated by myself. The lights, the chairs, the curtains are through my carefully selection. I"ll keep various kinds of fishes and cultivate diverse flowers to create a warm and romantic atmosphere. There is no denying that the flavor of coffee is the core of a café, therefore, I"m going to use super ingredients to make a cup of coffee, including terrific coffee beans, milk and cream. Of course, each kind of coffee possesses an utterly unique name. With abundant money, I can realize my dream to travel to the places I used to wish for. I will buy distinctive things representing every place I have been, then I can put these souvenirs on display in my café. What"s more, I will take photos and make postcards by myself to send to my customers as a small gift. I believe that I"m going to encounter different people with different experience, and I"m honor to listen to their stories. They may be tired and frustrated questing their dreams, so I hope they can take refuge in my café. Running my café, I can live a simple and colorful life.

The Millionaire Waltz 歌词

歌曲名:The Millionaire Waltz歌手:Queen专辑:Deep CutsBring out the charge of the love brigadeThere is spring in the air once againDrink to the sound of the song paradeThere is music and love everywhereGive a little love to meTake a little love from me,QueenI want to share it with youI feel like a millionaireOnce we were mad, we were happyWe spent all our days holding hands togetherDo you remember, my loveHow we danced and playedIn the rain we laidCould stay there, forever and everYou are so far awayI sit counting the hours day by dayCome back to me, how I long for your loveCome back to me - be happy likewe used to be Come back to me, oh my loveHow I long for your love - won"t you come back to me, yeahMy fine friend - take me with you and love me forever -My fine friend - forever - ever(Repeat verse)Come back, come back to me, make me feel - Like a millionaire



!!!本人急求一首英文歌,以you开头 与百万富翁有关 貌似是you are one/a millionaire 谢谢了,请大家帮帮


If you were a millionaire,how would you spend your money


If I were a millionaire为题,作文怎么写

If I were a millionaire, I would do a lot of interesting things that I can not do right now.First, I would like to donate part of the money to those poor children so they can get better education , because they deserve a better future.Second, I would buy a big house and lots of gifts for my parents.Third, I would travel all over the world to see architectures different from my own country. and learn different cultures.Last but not least, I would buy lotteries every week for more chance to gain more and more money.如果我是一个百万富翁,我会做很多有趣的事情,我现在不能做。首先,我要捐出一部分钱给那些可怜的孩子,使他们能够得到更好的教育,因为他们得到一个更好的未来。第二,我会买一个大房子和我的父母很多礼物。第三,我将周游世界看到不同于自己的国家体系。学习不同的文化。最后但并非最不重要,我将彩票更多的机会获得更多的钱购买的每一周。




billionaire的意思是巨富,亿万富翁。一、英英释义:a very rich person whose material wealth is valued at more than a billion dollars。二、例句1、I do not believe that billionaire and I have unattainable distance。我不相信亿万富翁与我有不可企及的距离。2、But the guy whose Internet start-up made him a billionaire at 25?那么一个25岁靠网络白手起家的亿万富翁呢?3、Apparently, for billionaire adventurer Richard Branson, space is no longer the final frontier。对于亿万富翁探险家理查德·布兰森(Richard Branson)来说,太空显然已不是什么终极的探索前沿了。三、近义词:millionaire、capitalist、tycoon、agnate、fat cat、moneybags 。





millionaire怎么读 用中文读

millionaire[英][u02ccmilju0259u02c8nu025bu0259] [美][u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8nu025br] n.百万富翁;大富翁;大财主;有钱人 adj.100万以上人口的 复数:millionaires;


millionaire: n. 百万富翁;大富豪 | adj. 100万以上人口的




billionaire[英][u02ccbu026alju0259u02c8neu0259(r)][美][u02ccbu026alju0259u02c8ner]n.亿万富翁; 巨富; 网络亿万富豪; 复数:billionaires 双语例句 1Maybe we should take a leaf out of Branson"s book. It"s easy to see how he became a billionaire.也许我们应该效法布兰森。我们都不难看出他是怎样成为亿万富翁的。2It was my first encounter with a Russian billionaire.这是我首次与一位俄罗斯亿万富翁会面。



Millionaire (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Millionaire (Album Version)歌手:musiq soulchild专辑:LuvanmusiqMusiq Soulchild - Millionaire只听欧美滴!I could"ve bought me a G4 by nowSo I would never have to wait at the gateI could"ve checked in a 5-star palaceAnd would"ve got the whole floor for my stayAnd if I really really really wanted toPrint my own money with my own face in my own state like Prince AkeemLiving like a king but my heart said(wait) for just something a little better(wait) don"t settle for whatever just(wait) for somoene that can bring me everything I want and need(if I had) a dollar for every time I heard a yes I would be(a millionaire) but I"d settle for whatever, as long as I could get with (you)I"ll settle for a maybe (from you)Even an I"ll think about it baby (cause you)Looking at chu, got me acting all crazyBut I"d settle for whatever as long as I could get with (you)I could have had some drawz on call y"allI"m talking one for every day of the weekEven on Mondays would have been crazy and stayed the same up till Friday (don"t forget the weekends)I mean really really honestly and true could have been someone you"d love to hate but its OK(girl I"m not that way)Cause every time I"d try to be something just kept telling me(wait) for just something a little better(wait) don"t settle for whatever just(wait) for somoene that can bring me everything I want and need(if I had) a dollar for every time I heard a yes I would be(a millionaire) but I"d settle for whatever, as long as I could get with (you)I"ll settle for a maybe (from you)Even an I"ll think about it baby (cause you)Looking at chu, got me acting all crazyBut I"d settle for whatever as long as I could get with (you)(I mean) I mean it baby(for less) I"d settle for less(don"t need) I"m so serious lady(a yes) said I don"t need a yes(maybe) maybe you should give this(a try) a try(you never know) cause you never know and I"m try"na to find out with you cause(if I had) a dollar for every time I heard a yes I would be(a millionaire) but I"d settle for whatever, as long as I could get with (you)I"ll settle for a maybe (from you)Even an I"ll think about it baby (cause you)Looking at chu, got me acting all crazyBut I"d settle for whatever as long as I could get with (you)(if I had) a dollar for every time I heard a yes I would be(a millionaire) but I"d settle for whatever, as long as I could get with (you)I"ll settle for a maybe (from you)Even an I"ll think about it baby (cause you)Looking at chu, got me acting all crazyBut I"d settle for whatever as long as I could get with (you)ShaGuar 制作


1/millionaire释义:n. 百万富翁;大富豪adj. 100万以上人口的例句:The millionaire went bankrupt because of the financial crisis.这个百万富翁因为金融危机破产了。2/millionaire的记忆方法可以是:词根助记解析aire 构成名词,表人 -> 有百万(million)的人 -> millionaire 百万富翁联想billionaire n. 亿万富翁questionnaire n. 问卷

Millionaire 歌词

歌曲名:Millionaire歌手:Beady Eye专辑:Millionairealbum: Different Gear, Still Speedingreleased on February 28, 2011Beady Eye - MillionaireSweet Cadaques to FigueresA 40 minute rideYou drive it and I spend itLooking out my windowSweet Salvador the shadowsPainted and the light he sawThe way I see it now so clear likeDiamonds on the waterA medal with me and you"ll meddleWith yourselfFor there is a higher wealthLove them like a millionaireMedals on your premonition ragsYou just need to know yourselfAnd love them like a millionaireHer faded glamour out of seasonAs the ages passDesperate for inspirationAs the months run down like rainSweet sound the door I stood outside your doorAnd saw the light out shining in the summerLike the way the light shines out the waterA medal with me and you"ll meddle with yourselfFor there is a higher wealthLove them like a millionaireMedals on your premonition ragsYou just need to know yourselfAnd love them like a millionaireLike a lover, like a lover, like a loverA medal with me and you"ll meddleWith yourselfFor there is a higher wealthLove them like a millionaireMedals on your premonition ragsYou just need to know yourselfAnd love them like a millionaireLike a millionaire


millionaire英 [u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8neu0259(r)] 美 [u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8ner]n.百万富翁; 大富翁; 大财主; 有钱人;adj.100万以上人口的;[网络]大富豪; 百万富翁,巨富;[例句]His catering business made him a millionaire at 41.他的饮食服务公司使他在41岁成了百万富翁。[其他]复数:millionaires 形近词: billionaire nillionaire zillionaire

millionaire怎么读 millionaire的意思

1、millionaire的读音:英[u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8neu0259(r)]美[u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8ner] 2、n.百万富翁; 大富豪; 3、[例句]Take it from me ─ hell be a millionaire before hes 30.不信你等着瞧,他到不了30岁就会成为百万富翁。 4、复数:millionaires


[英][u02ccmilju0259u02c8nu025bu0259] [美][u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8nu025br] n.百万富翁;大富翁;大财主;有钱人风雨兼程 学海同舟 有事说话 满意【采纳】


millionaire 英[u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8neu0259(r)] 美[u02ccmu026alju0259u02c8nu025br] n.百万富翁;大富翁;大财主;有钱人 adj.100万以上人口的 名词复数:millionaires [例句]Rent the millionaire next door has a long-term mindset. 租用邻家的百万富翁有一个长远的心态.



罗马拼音 dasuki desu kondo wa uso janai ssu是什么意思 ?






请翻译下着首诗 LIFE by Sarojini Naidu

CHILDREN, ye have not lived, to you it seems 孩子,你们尚未体验过人生,哪怕它看起来是 Life is a lovely stalactite of dreams, 人生是梦中可爱的钟乳石 Or carnival of careless joys that leap 或者是无忧无虑跳跃着的狂欢宴饮 About your hearts like billows on the deep 你的心如深渊中翻滚的巨浪 In flames of amber and of amethyst. 在琥珀色与紫水晶般的烈焰里 Children, ye have not lived, ye but exist 孩子,你们尚未体验过人生,你仅仅是存在而已 Till some resistless hour shall rise and move 直到无法抗拒的时刻来临 Your hearts to wake and hunger after love, 你的心被唤醒,且渴望着爱情 And thirst with passionate longing for the things 热切地期盼着这美好的事情 That burn your brows with blood-red sufferings. 那血色的苦难燃眉难熬 Till ye have battled with great grief and fears, 直到你们与悲伤和苦难搏斗过 And borne the conflict of dream-shattering years, 且坚韧地度过了梦幻破灭的岁月 Wounded with fierce desire and worn with strife, 因暴烈的欲望和争执而受伤疲乏 Children, ye have not lived: for this is life 孩子,你们尚未体验过生活:这才是人生


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Chamillionaire的《Rain》 歌词

歌曲名:Rain歌手:Chamillionaire专辑:The Sound Of RevengeHIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - Rain作词:HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR作曲:HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR编曲:HIGH and MIGHTY COLORDON"T BE NERVOUS. IT"s NOT THAT BADIN THE RAINY DAY.DON"T BE NERVOUS. IT"s NOT THAT BADIN THE RAINY DAY.今朝も相変わらず マニュアル通りこなしてたTVから流れる天気予报は「晴れ」マークなのに今にも泣き出しそうな空并木道の途中 突然の雨 戸惑ったついてないんだよねー今日の占いも良くはなかったしどうしたらいいのかな?最近、ほんとイライラしてる无気力でネガティブ そんな自分がいて…思うようにならない毎日ばかりこんなんでいいの?DON"T BE NERVOUS. IT"s NOT THAT BADIN THE RAINY DAY.土砂降りの周末 伞は持たずに出挂けてた予定も何もかも狂って またヤケになってる谁もが伞の中 ひとり雨に打たれていたよ大きな水溜まりもよけずにたまにはいいんじゃない!このままずぶ濡れそれも悪くないなんだか不思议だね!泥んこになった子供のようで...いつからこんなこと しなくなったのかなさっきまでの悩みも雨が全部洗い流してくれるIT"S RAINY DAY. NOT THAT BAD.DON"T BE NERVOUS.KEEP YOUR HEAD UP…ついてきたのかもね!今日の占いは悪くないかも!?いいコト见つけよう!散らかった部屋片づけようかな楽しくいかなきゃね!新しい靴で出かけてみようなんだか不思议だね!やなことなんか全て忘れてとことん打たれたら 伞の花咲いた晴れ晴れなテンションで新しい自分始めてみようDON"T BE NERVOUS. IT"s NOT THAT BADIN THE RAINY DAY.DON"T BE NERVOUS. IT"s NOT THAT BADIN THE RAINY DAY.制作おわり

Rusty nail的中文是什么意思?






21世纪大学实用英语综合教程第二册unit7、unit8 课本书后练习答案 急 急 急

1.react 2.tense 3.recommended 4.destructive 5. perceive6.emphasis 7.stirred 8.priority 9.attributed 10. stimulateIV.1. blow his top 2. Among other things3. take charge of 4. put emphasis on5. is attributed to 6. from my viewpoint7. substituted low-fat oil for butter 8.cut down on9. keep your audience in mind 10. out of controlV.1.N 2.E 3.G 4.J 5.I 6.A 7.C 8.L 9.D 10.OWord BuildingVI.1.endless 2. thoughtful 3. harmful 4. restless5.beautiful 6.successful 7.fearless 8.joyfulVII.realize privatize characterize socializenationalize economize normalize criticize1.nationalized 2.criticized 3.normalized 4.economize5.realized 6.socializing 7.privatized 8.characterizesSentence structureVIII.1.When you are studying abroad,misunderstandings can result from cultural differences, among ohter things.2.Online learning requires, among other things, commitment and discipline to keep up with the flow of the course.3.The research work was severely criticized for its poor management, among other things.4.They discussed, among other things, the future of the oil industry.5.The article shows, among other things, the negative effects of generation gap between parents and children.IX.1.The more often I practice, the better I play.2.The higher we got up in the air, the colder it became.3.The more carbon the steel contains and the quicker the cooling is,the harder the steel becomes.4.The more I thought about his suggestion, the more doubtful I became.5.The more he eats,the fatter he becomes.TranslationX.1.At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.2.The more I learned about the nature,the more absorbed I became in its mystery.3.The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try something new,interesting and challenging in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.4.The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it down.5.By contrast,American parents are more likely to attribute their children"s success to natural talent.6.One of a teacher"s priorities is to stimulate students" interests and their creativity.XI.1.初了其他内容,他的研究还牵涉到发展中国家与爱滋病的斗争.2.这些人明白了他们的服务越好,他们就挣得越多.3.尽管父亲似乎忧虑不安,但苏珊感觉不到他在表情或行动上有什么变化.4.能获得多少经济资助已成为学生选择上哪所学校的更重要的因素.5.她已经减少了外出和买衣服的花费,但她还是没钱开始还债.6.控制压力的方法之一是认识到生活中有很多事情是我们无法掌控的.CLOZEXII.1.D 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.BSection BComprehension of the TextII.1. F 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.TVocabularyIII.1.constant 2.ambition 3.consequence 4.evident 5. summarize6.welfare 7.schedule 8.attaining 9.loyal 10.indispensableIV.1. There isn"t anything to do other than wait to see what will happen.2. Althought Bill was going to the movies, he told Joe to the contrary.3. I wonder who it was that defined man as a rational animal.4. Traveling in that country isn"t necessary expensive;you can find reasonably priced hotels and restaurants.5. Janet tends to get angry if you bother her.6. I would rather walk there than go by bus.7. She was held for twenty days and at times she feared for her life.8. He"s been burning the midnight oil for a week now, getting ready for finals.9. For many people the only possible way to escape from poverty is to move to other countries.10. Born in Milan, he dropped out of university to devote himself to music.<EBOOK> plutommimmieb81 </EBOOK> .txz .pbz第八单元Unit 8Comprehension of the TextI.1. Today"s college beginners are more consumeristic and less at any time in the 17 years of the poll.2. It is less important than being financially well off or successful.3. Work is not the only thing they live for, and they are meant to do more.4. To help students become aware of the meaning of life.5. Education teaches us to see the connections between things as well as see beyond our immediate needs.6. We can improve our moral sense by acquiring knowledge accumulated throughout the ages.7. In the long run, education should be about teaching people how to distinguish right from wrong.8. We ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives.VocabularyIII.1. render 2. contribution 3. popular 4.institutions 5.enrolled6. diverse 7. accumulated 8. distinguish 9. puzzling 10. confineIV.1. His past record is certainly something he is proud of. 2. The members of the committee, after a two-hour discussion, finally arrived at a solution.3. If we want to arrive there in time, we have to travel by day as well as by night. 4. I was shocked when I read of his death in a newspaper.5. According to the police, the young man was arrested at the scene of the robbery.6. There is nothing more frustrating than spending hours searching for information, only to discover the information useless.7. It is unnecessary to worry a lot. In fact, things will get better in the long run.8. My smile was meant to show interest in this trip, but Carla was far too intelligent to believe it showed anything of the sort.9. The number of students who want to be enrolled in engineering courses is way up. 10. The little girl is so fond of her dog that she gives it a piece of chocolate every day.V.1. A 2. D 3. M 4. N 5. E 6. J 7. C 8. L 9. G 10. HWord BuildingVI.1. weekly 2. attractive 3. worldly 4. costly 5. secondary6. leisurely 7. earthly 8. customary 9. protective 10. progressive11. sickly 12. momentary 13. manly 14. orderlyVII.1. backward(s) 2. strangely 3. outward(s) 4. unfortunately5. homeward(s) 6. originally 7. sadly 8. inward(s)Sentence structureVIII.1. On no account will they give up the plan.2. Little does he know much his parents love him.3. Not until he read the report did he realize what a serious mistake he had made.4. Hardly could the poor old man fall asleep with a pain in his leg.5. Under no conditions will we give in to their demands.IX.1. While I agree it is a tough problem, I don"t think it cannot be solved.2. While Sara cannot come to help us, she will give us some suggestions.3. While people admit pollution is very serious, few are willing to take measures.4. While it"s raining hard now, it will clear up anytime.5. While it is true we need money badly, we cannot steal it.TranslationX.1. Little did she know that this picture would one day be worth more than a million dollars.2. While I understand what you say, I don"t agree with you on the issue.3. I think the police are meant to protect people.4. I went to see him yesterday, only to find that he had gone abroad several days before.5. At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine their remarks to the subject.6. If only I hadn"t said those silly words! I was too young then to distinguish right from wrong.XI.1. 五年前我几乎不会想到今天我会与这么多来自世界各地的学生坐在一起学习英语。2. 虽然这些职位给你带来荣耀和权力,但是它也赋予你巨大的责任。3. 从长远来看,粮食生产和人口增长之间的竞争难以轻易解决。4. 有时我们发现,自己爬上了成功的阶梯,却发现阶梯靠在错误的墙壁上。(即:我们爬上去了,却发现不是自己真正追求的东西。)5. 新计划的目的是让年轻人快速走上管理岗位。6. 这个年轻人志向高远,非常希望能有所成就,让父母为他骄傲。ClozeXII.1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. A 10. A11. C 12. C 13. A 14. D 15. D 16.B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20.AXIV.There has been a sad tendency among youngsters in valuing material things more and more. For college students, the most popular subjects that they prefer to choose are accounting, computer programming, business, etc. When they graduate from colleges, the jobs they prefer to choose are sales representative, advertisement designing, international business, etc. Fewer and fewer people are choosing teaching or social services as their life career.Section BComprehension of the TextII.1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T 6. F 7. F 8. FVocabularyIII.1. eliminate 2. displayed 3. implicit 4. promotion 5. motivated6. prospect 7. constructed 8. civil 9. preference 10. absenceIV.1. Correct form: in particular; synonym: especially/particularly2. Correct form: in short; synonym: in brief3. Correct form: are committed to; definition: promise to do (sth.)4. Correct form: based … on; definition: use… as a basis5. Correct form: By/In comparison; synonym: compared to6. Correct form: at large; synonym: as a whole; in general7. Correct form: happy with; synonym: satisfied with8. Correct form: associated with; synonym: connected with9. Correct form: ground to a halt; definition: gradually stop10. Correct form: protect… from; synonym: defend… from

我今天和同学谈论音响的问题,我现在想问一下上个年代里面的箱子的比较,首先就是美国品牌 VinaI



应该是eternal 吧?eternal -- 永恒


srs curtain airbag安全限制系统帘式安全气囊

Nain is brave,but Pili is brave这个句子对吗?

不对应该是 Nain is brave ,but Pili isn"t brave.

tenaient是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉



ChamillionaireRider(*talking*) Yeah, (tell "em the name) Chamillitary mayn ha-ha When it seems like haters make up 90 percent of the population And your name, is always the subject of a hater"s conversation How do you dwal with the situation, most people call it hating But a rider, can use it as fuel and motivation Allow me to do a demonstration, (do that then) This the rider"s anthem, let"s ride let"s ride [Hook] I"m a riiiii-iiiii-der, I"m a rider I"m too tough for y"all, and I will never fall You can talk that talk, but I"ma walk that walk And I"m riding, that"s fa sho I"m a surviiiii-iiii-vor, true survivor If I walk out that do", and don"t come back no mo" Let the liquor po", and let the people know I was a rider, that"s fa sho [Chamillionaire] We them niggaz getting hated by haters, we them niggaz that done made it outrageous Stack the money in the streets nothing honey nothing sweet, I"m sick my chips contagious Animals none of y"all can"t cage us, got me feeling like the Heat and the Lakers Had to switch up my team but what do ya mean, we already traded them traitors Spend a lifetime surrounded by fakers, in the night time you high cause it"s safer Spend a lifetime to grind and get paper, while all y"all crying I"m flying to Jamaica Grinding steadily fine and cheddar he, know how to show ya the nine is deadly Wanna be a pussy nigga fine then let it be, anybody crying that"s around it"s never me Realer than the rest when it come to plex, get it off your chest if you so upset Is that what it gon be if it comes to yes, then I guess that day will become a mess They messed up when they told me the sky"s the limit, cause I"m married to my money nigga I"m committed If it"s gold at the end of the rainbow then my gang go, get up in the vehicles and ride to get it I"m a nigga that made it up from the bottom, I"m a always get into a lil" drama Y"all don"t know what it means to be a rider, gotta deal with anybody that got a problem I"ma put supreme in the Impala, I"ma put some cream up in the bomber Jack it that"s it nigga go get a dollar, looking for me I"m busy my nigga holla [Hook] [Chamillionaire] Got the weight on my shoulder like solo flex, do the drama myself that"s solo plex I don"t know what you do fo" yo checks, but my part of the do" way mo" they less I"m gripping wood I know I"m fresh, cause I am that CEO and yes The mo" I make they more upset, but I"ll be damned if a nigga don"t show respect Ask the streets in the South about the kid, and they gon tell ya I be doing my thang We could do the beef or we could do the peace, as long as you ain"t speaking my name My partna told me you was jocking homie, and my other boy said the same The result of that when I approached the cat, I gotta hit him with the pain like bang-bang Physically and mentally, a rider a nigga that"ll tell "em see I bomb on your ass it was meant to be, because I told y"all niggaz not to mess with me Do you let the beef slide, and let it die down with all your deciding In the streets they know Cha-millionaire be riding, Batman my heat riding like Robin Tell "em that I got "em if he"s on my team, cause loyalty"s something that you"re gonna need Loyalty"s something others don"t believe, like a ghost that most suckers ain"t known to seen But you know that a rider can notice hating, and use it to fuel all the motivation Success is something that"s fa sho to make em, back down they don"t then I"m gonna break em [Hook] [Chamillionaire] If you a rider let me know, (yeah I"m a rider that"s fa sho) If you a rider let me know, (yeah I"m a rider that"s fa sho) If you a rider let me know, (yeah I"m a rider that"s fa sho) Get in the car and let"s go, go, go, go - 2x

hit the nail on the head是什么意思



nailer[英]["neu026alu0259][美]["neu026alu0259]n.打钉机; 制钉者,自动敲钉机; 制钉工人; 敲钉者; 形近词:tailermailerrailer双语例句 1Foot operated insole nailer/ touch insole machine脚踏式中底机/触即式中底打钉机2The air nailer body is a kind of pressure container, it is made from aluminium alloy by die casting process.气钉枪在各行各业得到越来越广泛的应用,其中枪体是一种压力容器,由铝合金压铸而成。



法文歌la Javanaise歌词翻译

《爪哇舞》据说爪哇舞是巴黎下层社会的一种舞蹈,男人把手放在女人髋骨的两边,女人把手放在男人肩上,随着音乐节奏前进后退。Serge Gainsbourg的这首歌词就像一首小诗,充满铿锵的节奏与韵律,词意更是甜蜜,是很多法国人都会唱的名曲。这首歌最早是给Juliette GRECO唱,Serge Gainsbourg自己也有唱,十几年后他又把这首歌加入雷鬼音乐的元素而更加受到欢迎。2004年Jane Birkin还在Arabesque专辑把它改成阿拉伯曲风的。------madeleine peyroux 唱的是英文版本吧。你这首是serge gainsbourg唱的,没错。"avoue /j"en ai bavé/ pas vous/ mon amour 我承认,我吃尽苦头,不是您,我的爱人avant d"avoir eu vent de vous /mon amour 在得到您消息之前,我的爱人ne vous déplaise 没有让你不开怀en dansant la javanaise 跳起一只爪哇舞nous nous aimions 我们彼此相爱le temps d"une chanson 在一首歌的时光里à votre avis qu"avons-nous vu de l"amour 在您看来,我们从爱情中看到什么de vous à moi vous m"avez eu mon amour 从您到我,您拥有了我,我的爱人ne vous déplaise 没有让您不开怀en dansant la javanaise 跳起一只爪哇舞nous nous aimions 我们彼此相爱le temps d"une chanson 在一首歌的时光里hélas avril en vain me voue à l"amour 唉,我白白的将我的四月奉献给了爱情j"avais envie de voir en vous cet amour 我曾想在您那看到这份爱ne vous déplaise 没有让您不开怀en dansant la javanaise 跳起一只爪哇舞nous nous aimions 我们彼此相爱le temps d"une chanson 在一首歌的时光里la vie ne vaut d"etre vécue sans amour 没有爱的生活不值得来过mais c"est vous qui l"avez voulu mon amour 但是您想要得到它,我的爱人ne vous déplaise 没有让你不开怀en dansant la javanaise 跳起一只爪哇舞nous nous aimions 我们彼此相爱le temps d"une chanson 在一首歌的时光里

originaiiy there are not so many sad is his affections是什么意思

您好! 意思是:原本在他的感情里是没有这么多悲伤的。 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

self-report questionnaire是什么意思

self-report questionnaire自陈式量表例:The explicit aggression is measured by self-report questionnaire measurement.内隐攻击性用IAT测量,外显攻击性用自陈式量表测量。

Nine Inch Nails的《Discipline》 歌词

歌曲名:Discipline歌手:Nine Inch NailsNine Inch Nails - DisciplineAm IAm I still tough enough?Feels like i"m wearing down, down, down, down, downIs my visciousnessLosing ground, ground, ground, ground ground?Am I taking too muchDid I cross a line, line, line?I need my role in thisVery clearly definedI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfAnd now it"s starting upFeels like i"m losing touchNothing matters to meNothing matters as muchI see you left a markUp and down my skinI don"t know where I endAnd where you beginI need your disciplineI need your helpI need your disciplineYou know once I start I cannot help myselfI. Can. Not. Stop. Myself.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you.Once I start I cannot stop myselfAnd you know.Once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myselfI need your discipline(And you)I need your help(Once I start I cannot stop myself)I need your discipline(And you know)Because once I start I cannot stop myself

Bed Of Nails 歌词

歌曲名:Bed Of Nails歌手:Alice Cooper专辑:Trash.Bed Of NailsAlice CooperBed Of NailsAlice CooperAlice talking....Yeah, were gonna fightWe do it every nightBaby, when you scratchYou know Im gonna biteYou can make me dieI can make you cryOpposites attractThats the reason whyNo one else could make you feelLike I do, I do, I doNo one ever gets as deep inside youAs I do, babyOur love is a bed of nailsLove hurts good on a bed of nailsIll lay you down and when all elseFailsIll drive you like a hammer on aBed of nailsFirst were gonna kissThen were gonna sayDirty little wordsOnly lovers sayRockin through the nightRollin on the floorWhen they hear us screaminTheyll be breakin down the doorNo one else could make you feelLike I do, I do, I doNo one ever gets as deep insideYouAs I do, babyOur love is a bed of nailsLove hurts good on a bed on nailsIll lay you down and when all elseFailsIll drive you like a hammer on aBed of nailsBed of nails, bed of nailsIll drive you like a hammer on aBed of nailsOw, ow, ow, ow, owGonna drive you like a hammerBaby, put me in your slammer, ohYeahNo one else could make you feelLike I do, I do, I doNo one ever gets as deep inside youAs I do, babyOur love is a bed of nailsLove hurts good on a bed of nailsIll lay you down and when all elseFailsIll drive you like a hammer on aBed of nailsOur love is a bed of nailsLove hurts good on a bed of nailsIll lay you down and when all elseFailsIll drive you like a hammer on aBed of nailsBed of nailsBed of nailsIll drive you like a hammer on aBed of nailsOw, ow, ow, ow, owGonna drive you like a hammerBaby, put me in your slammer, ohYeahIll drive you like a hammer on aBed of nailsOw, ow, ow, ow, ow



toki niwa haha no nai ko no youni这首歌的中文翻译

时には 母のない子のように时间就像没有母亲的孩子だまって 海をみつめていたい想默默凝视大海时には 母のない子のように时间就像没有母亲的孩子ひとりで 旅に出てみたい像独自一人的旅途だけど心は すぐかわる但是心很快改变

卤素交换反应机理 卤代烃与NaI在丙酮中发生取代反应的机理是sn1 还是sn2?

对于1‘卤代烃基本是SN2. 2"卤代烃,主要是SN2. 3‘卤代烃,这个条件下反应基本很难,有相当大的倾向发生消除副反应,即使取代发生也有很大程度的是SN1机理.




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