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沈锦华焦点科技董事长本词条是多义词,共2个义项展开沈锦华,男,江苏盐城人,焦点科技股份有限公司创始人,现任公司董事长兼总经理。2019年10月10日,沈锦华以27亿元位列《2019年胡润百富榜》第1433位[1]。中文名沈锦华国籍中国籍贯江苏盐城出生日期1967年2月毕业院校上海交通大学,东南大学职业企业家主要成就焦点科技股份有限公司的创始人任焦点科技股份有限公司的董事长出生地上海学位硕士职务董事长快速导航焦点科技董事长神化与质疑跨界投资热水器“要先种好自己的一亩三分田”简介沈锦华沈锦华身份:焦点科技股份有限公司董事长持股市值:65亿元出生于1967年2月,籍贯为上海市。1987年,毕业于上海交通大学,获工学学士学位。1990年,毕业于东南大学,获工学硕士学位。历任南化集团化工机械厂技术员、南京方正新技术有限公司经营部副主任。沈锦华先生为焦点科技的创始人,现任本公司董事长兼总经理。焦点科技董事长2009底,42岁的沈锦华带着他的焦点科技终于上市。这个被人称作“小马云”的企业家,其实是先发后至,他在电子商务领域已经拼了12年,甚至早于马云。从电子商务到在线下投资生产热水器,他很早就不满足于仅仅在网上为商人们牵线搭桥,这恰恰是新经济企业家们都在做的事情。沈锦华:别叫我“小马云”“有媒体称我为‘小马云",真是让人哭笑不得!”沈锦华说,“马云只比我大3岁,我的中国制造网创办一年后,他才有了成立阿里巴巴的想法。”沈锦华是2009年12月9日于深圳上市的焦点科技董事长,旗下的中国制造网为中国第三大B2B公司(前两家为在香港上市的阿里巴巴和在美国纳斯达克上市的环球资源网)。上市当天,焦点科技股价冲破80元,按收盘72.18元计,沈锦华身家超过50亿元。沈锦华原先不知道沈锦华的人,以为他是业界突然蹿出的黑马。在一个崇尚暴富的年代,人们对一些平常事反而连表诧异:沈锦华耕种中国制造网12年方上市,做“老三”的耐心从何而来?“ 我同样也不喜欢被人称‘老三",B2B市场的蛋糕足够大,没必要论资排辈。不过我喜欢马云,他是我们这个行当的‘代言人"。”2009年12月25日,42岁的沈锦华对南方周末记者说。这是焦点科技上市后沈锦华首次接受媒体专访,他表现得随意、轻松,不知道是刚休假回来的原因,还是受圣诞气氛的感染。沈锦华神化与质疑有人希望被符号化,有人对之反感。沈锦华显然是后一种。他觉得更为夸张的是,自己是江苏盐城人,有媒体却称他是“正宗的上海人”,并结合中国制造网诞生在南京的事实,模仿两年前上海市委书记俞正声“上海为何出不了马云”的口吻称,“‘上海出不了马云"事件再发生”。沈锦华“可能是从招股书上我身份证的信息判断我是上海籍,那是因为1983年我到上海读大学时,中国刚刚开始有身份证。”沈锦华说。从上海交大到东南大学读研究生,到南化集团机械厂做技术员,再到南京方正公司经营部副主任,直到1994年离开方正,及两年后成立焦点科技至今,这是沈锦华40载人生路线图。或许在象牙塔和国有企业压抑太久了,他当初选择创业的原因只是为了“不做任由他人压榨的奴隶”。1996年沈锦华成立焦点科技琢磨着为企业提供网上信息管理服务的时候,马云正在北京推销他的黄页。那是一个以孕育为主题的年份。不过马云后来在募资和团队上大步流星,而沈锦华走得趔趄,2004年底才开始盈利。互联网公司征战江湖往往打的是个性牌,就像人的个性一样,张朝阳的张扬、丁磊的圆润、马化腾的内敛、陈天桥的霸气对比鲜明。但在B2B领域,由于没有“C”的参与,尽管商业模式各有千秋,譬如

Bananain蕉内为什么这么火 ?


Bananain蕉内为什么这么火 ?

Bananain蕉内能和用户玩的起来,用户营销做的比较好,而且Bananain蕉内首次提出的“无感内衣”概念打破了常规,取消了洗水唛带来的不好的体验感,真正洞察用户需求来打造产品。Bananain蕉内内衣品牌自2016年11月29日天猫上线以来,保持了令行业惊讶的增长速度,截至2017年11月种子用户突破25万,营收突破5000万。全年访客数突破600万。2018年618狂欢季18天超额完成1200万的任务目标,2018年双十一当天营业额实现3576万元的历史性突破。扩展资料系列产品蕉内的每个产品都有一个坐标,由产品等级(3 5 7)、元素周期序列号(01 02 03...)和体验设定(Air Pro Standard...)组成。357系:蕉内产品等级的划分遵循工业设计的秩序感,3系“更基本”、5系“更丰富”、7系“更未来”三类,以简洁清晰的生活方式和人群应用场景作为区隔。元素周期序列号:蕉内用大自然的基本元素,构建了蕉内的整套产品线,每一个元素周期序列号对应一个产品(01 02 03...)。体验设定:蕉内将体感与情感结合进行体验设定(Standard、Pro、Element、Air、Hormone、Bodyknit、Color)。



8 Ways Billionaires & Elite Athletes Perform At The Highest Level

By Benjamin Hardy Average is over. The middle-ground has all but dissolved, leaving you in one of two positions: among the leading few or mediocre many. Your relationship with technology will either facilitate unthinkable opportunity and growth or keep you on the wrong side of average. As Cal Newport has said in his recent book, ***Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World:**** Success has never been so attainable, thus making many of us spoiled and lazy. But the following eight strategies are intended to shake up your approach, challenging you to work and live at a higher and more conscious level. Here we go: 1. Don"t Be Afraid Of Making An “Ugly” Move Until recent history, certain chess strategies were unquestioned dogma among the world"s elite. They were written in books and taught to all rising padawan learners. But the validity of these strategies have come into question as computers have been programmed to consistently beat top players. While analyzing the computer"s strategy, players have been shocked and amused by the computer"s use of certain “ugly” movesu200a—u200awhich no trained chess player would ever dou200a—u200athat utterly clash with conventional wisdom. Rather than finesse and aesthetics guiding their strategy, the computer"s brute calculations allow it to examine every position concretely. In response to the surprising insights learned from computers, chess players have been forced to question their long-held assumptions. As Magnus Carlsen , the World Chess Champion, explained in an interview with Business Insider: “ You cannot rely on what has been taught in booksu200a—u200athat this is good, this is badu200a—u200athere are always exceptions and every situation is different. Even if something looks bad, it doesn"t look right, you calculate it, it works and… there you go! It"s just forcing us to look a bit further, to look away from what the books used to teach us. It"s forcing us to break the rules.” No matter what field you are in, there are rigid norms guiding your thinkingu200a—u200athe rules considered “best practice.” However, life (and chess) is messy and complex, and every situation calls for a more contextual analysis. What is right in your situation may not be right in mine. For example, it makes little sense to most people why I"m getting a PhD. Many would consider it an “ugly” move. And perhaps, to most people pursuing my aims, it is an ugly move. But given my situation and personal calculations, it"s a strong strategic decision. The ugly zig while most are zagging. There are always exceptions. And rather than obsessing how your decisions are perceived, make the best possible decisions you canu200a—u200awhether standard or anomaly. Your calculations are solid, and like the computers in chess, you"ll be able to “connect the dots looking backwards.” What may look ugly to others in the moment will be your victory in the end. 2. Realize That You"re Not “Way” Behind In sports and all other forms of competition, people perform best when the game is close. Which is why big magic happens at the end of games, like on-sides kicks retrieved followed by 30 second touchdown drives. But when the contest is decidedly in one opponent"s favor, neither side acts with the same effort. When you"re winning big, it"s easy to get lax and overconfident. When you"re losing big, it"s easy to give up. Sadly, you probably perceive those at the top of your field “in a different league” altogether. But when you do this, you perform with less intensity than you would if you perceived the “game” to be closer. When you elevate your thinkingu200a—u200aand see yourself on the same level as those at “the top”u200a—u200ayou quickly become disillusioned by the fallibility of those you once perceived as immortal. They are just people. Most importantly, you will begin playing with an urgency that often surpasses even them. The game is close. The game is close. 3. Do More With Less We have all become addicted to input. As a culture, we"ve developed cognitive dependencies in order to sustain even lackluster performance. For example, although people think they perform better on caffeine, the truth is, they really don"t. We use it to merely get back to our status-quo. When we"re off it, we underperform and become incapable. A current Kickstarter campaignu200a—u200aa rug alarm-clock that literally makes you get out of bed and stand on it to disarm itu200a—u200ais another example. Although clever and funny, I personally would not want to depend on a rug to get me out of bed. We can move beyond the dependencies of constant training, spiritual assurances, and external reinforcements. We can learn to be agents that act rather than objects that are acted upon. We shouldn"t need the best software to start a business, or the best guitar to play guitar. As Jason Fried and DHH have said in Rework: “Guitar gurus say, “Tone is in your fingers.” You can buy the same guitar, effects pedals, and amplifier that Eddie Van Halen uses. But when you play that rig, it"s still going to sound like you. Likewise, Eddie could plug into a crappy Strat/Pignose setup at a pawn shop, and you"d still be able to recognize that it"s Eddie Van Halen playing. Fancy gear can help, but the truth is your tone comes from you. Many amateur golfers think they need expensive clubs. But it"s the swing that matters, not the club. Give Tiger Woods a set of cheap clubs and he"ll still destroy you.” Detach yourself from your dependencies. Try going running without all the running gear. Try waking up without a Ruggie. Try living a day without caffeine. Try outputting without having to “inspire” yourself. Do more with less. 4. Increase Your Responsibility Uncle Ben once told Peter Parker, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Unfortunately, he had it backwards. The constraints of responsibility force you to think more creatively. Responsibility qualifies you to show up at a higher level. I never thought parenting three foster children would increase my productivity, but it has. Failure on my part doesn"t impact only me anymore. Similarly, chess players are at their toughest when it matters most, when everything is on the line. If you *must *perform to provide for your family, you"ll get it done. If it"s a matter of life or death, you"ll do whatever it takes. If your vision is compelling enough, you"ll avoid distractions. Taking on the right forms of responsibility can put life on easy-mode. It"s like injecting yourself with motivation steroidsu200a—u200aurgency and desperation. When you"re desperate to be healthy, you eat right and exercise. No excuses. When you"re desperate to be successful, honing your craft is far more appealing than mindlessly surfing Facebook. 5. Every Billionaires Secret: ** Build A Team Around You Sooner Than You Feel Comfortable** “The bigger your dream, the more important your team.”u200a—u200aRobin Sharma According to Alex Charfen, CEO of Charfen consulting services and founder of the Entrepreneurial Personality Typeu2122 (EPT), the one thing billionaires have in common is that they are comfortable. And by comfortable, he doesn"t mean they wear comfy slippersu200a—u200ahe means they barely lift a finger except when they"re doing what they do best. In order to do so, they build a team around them to take care of the rest. When most people hear this, they initially think, “Of course, they are billionaires.” However, the truth is that this is why they are billionaires. When Charfen was in his 20"s, he was at a friend"s (a billionaire) and was surprised to see a staff of two people working at his house, and a team of 30 people, including a driver. Charfen couldn"t help but ask his friend: “Is it ever embarrassing to have so much help and so much fuss as you go through the day and get around? I mean at least 10 people have helped us so far and it"s only 11 A.M.” His friend responded: “It would be irresponsible for me to do anything that you observed any member of my team doing today. They are there for me and I am there for them. We have grown together and we built everything together. If I had done anything that one of my team members had done today they would"ve been uncomfortable and worried. Each one of them is here for a reason and many of them played a role in training and hiring each other. They know that the more they help me get accomplished, the more secure we all are and the more we can grow our foundation.” High performers build a team around them much sooner than they are comfortable with. They are willing to think big, take on greater responsibility, and focus in on their superpower. The sooner you can remove all of the personal pressure and noise the faster your income will skyrocket. Thus, increasing your responsibility is not about *doing *more. It"s about leading more. 6. How Much Are You Willing To Put On The Line? Elon Musk is considered eccentric in many ways. One of which is how uncomfortably long-term his thinking is. The man is trying to change the world and populate Mars. He"s willing to make any sacrificeu200a—u200ano matter how difficultu200a—u200atoday, to manifest his worldview in the long-awaited future. Musk sunk all of his own money into his companies. Most of his decisions make little sense to other people. He"d rather wait to have his company go public if going public means stalling or misdirecting his mission to populate Mars. But he"s calculating. He"s willing to make ugly moves because he is not flinching on his long-term vision. Dramatic risks accompany everything Musk does. His propensity for risk does not come from insanity. But rather, from a level of conviction so intense as to be off-putting to some. When asked , “How much are you willing to put on the line?” he responded: “Everything that other people hold dear. I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact. Ideally, I"d like to go for a visit, come back, and then go there when I"m like 70 or something and just stay there. If things go well, that would be the case. If my wife and I have a bunch of kids, she would probably stay with them on Earth.” 7. Short-Term & Low Cost Experiments Tim Ferriss doesn"t do what he thinks will make him happy. He does what excites him. Although his overarching vision remains consistent, Ferriss doesn"t have long-term plans . Instead, he does 3–6 month “experiments,” which he puts all of his energy into. He has no clue what doors may open as a result of these experiments, so why make long-term plans? He"d rather respond to the brilliant and best opportunities that arise, taking him in now unforeseen directions. I"ve recently adopted Ferriss" concept of doing short-term experiments. This has changed my approach to my work. For example, a few months ago I stumbled upon a personal development article that had over 1,000,000 social shares. I decided to perform an experiment to attempt creating an article that would also get 1,000,000 shares. The result was this article. Although the article wasn"t shared a million times, the results were profound and unexpected. An editor at *TIME *asked if they could syndicate the article. Additionally, the article brought several thousand new readers (including some of my favorite authors & researchers) and subscribers to my blog. Lastly, it brought on several new coaching clients. That was just one short experiment that took a week to perform. Experiments are a fun way to pursue goals because they allow you to get innovative and bold. Experiments are short-termu200a—u200aand thus relatively low risku200a—u200athus, they should be “moon shots.” Why play small? What"s the worst that could happen, you waste a few months and learn a lot while doing it? 8. Stay In The Zone As Long As You Can We have an addiction to input. If given a few spare moments, we hastily resort to our devices. Half of Americans couldn"t make it 24 hours without their smartphones. According to research , most men and a large portion of women would rather experience painful electric shocks than sit alone with their thoughts. However, the longer you can stay in *the zone, *the greater will be your reward and impact in the current economy. “The only way I"ve found to get over this is to sit with the discomfort. Like most creatives, I"m at my best when there"s a bit of fear and a lot of uncomfortableness thrown into the mix. Being alone with my own thoughts is truly frightening, but truly necessary.”u200a—u200a Paul Jarvis Connect Deeper If you resonated with these ideas, please subscribe to my blog . You will get a free copy of my eBook Slipstream Time Hacking, which blends ideas from astrophysics, psychology, and entrepreneurship and will teach you how to: Thanks for reading!



ingenuous 和 naive 的区别?

ingenuous adj. 天真的;坦白的;正直的;朴实的 坦白 诚朴的naive adj. 天真的,幼稚的 天真的 纯真

“Stay simple,stay naive”用中文怎么说

Stay simple,stay naive保持简单,保持天真


【 #英语口语# 导语】无论学任何语言,最终都要落实到实践中去,尤其练英语口语,熟练运用才是不二之道!下面 给大家总结了50个课本上学不到的英语口语表达,收藏起来慢慢学! 1. I was like,“what?!” 口语中用来表达某人的一种反应,比如说的话或思想活动。 He was like, "hold on, wait for me!" 他说,等下,等等我。 2. That takes guts! 做某事需要勇气。guts本意是内脏,引申为胆量。 Being a police officer takes guts, for sure. 显然,当警察很需要勇气。 3. All right, so much for that one... 人们放弃做一件事或者努力泡汤的时候经常说的一句话。 It"s already ten thirty? So much for getting an early start! 都十点半了!得了,不用想早起的事了。 Oh no! He saw us? So much for keeping it a surprise! 哦,他看见我们了? 好吧,什么惊喜都没了。 4. We nail it! *完成某件事或说的非常正确。nail本意是钉钉子。 That"s so true. He nailed it! 确实如此,他的观点一针见血。 注:kill it 也可以指事情完成得超乎意料得好。 He has been killing it! 干得漂亮! 5. I knew you"d give me a hard time about it! 跟某人过不去,嘲笑某人,难为某人。 When I was growing up , the other kids used to give me a hard time because my weight. But I just tried to ignore them. 小时候由于我的体重,其他的孩子一直在取笑我,但是我尽量不理他们。 6. I might be 90 years old, but I"m still young at heart! 也许……但是……,可以用来委婉地否定别人的观点。 Paris might be popular, but I don"t want to live there. 巴黎可能是一个很受欢迎的地方,但是我不想住在那里。 7. I couldn"t agree more. “不能更同意”,表示强烈同意对方的观点。 强烈不同意也能说couldn"t disagree more。 I couldn"t agree more. 完全赞同。 8. Just do it already! 赶紧的做某事!这个短语一般都是在抱怨对方反应太慢,表现一种不耐烦的态度。 I"ve been hearing about this girl for weeks. Just ask her out already! 我听你念叨这个姑娘已经好几周了,求你快约她吧! 9. Strangely enough, I just bought a bike. 遇到巧合或惊讶的事时的表达,可以翻译为真巧、真稀奇。 如果你和小李同时找到了新工作,就可以说: Strangely enough, I just got a new job as well. 真巧,我也刚找到一份新工作。 10. Could you give me a few pointers? 给某人一些建议。Pointer指建议、提示、线索。 You"re not holding that quite right. Do you want me to give you a few pointers? 你握的方式不太对,你要我给你一些建议吗? 11. Yeah, it"s decent. 不错,挺好的。 This soup isn"t bad at all! Yeah, it"s decent. 这汤味道还不错嘛! 嗯,挺好的。 12. Who are you to talk? 表示某人没有资格发表意见或批评别人,因为他/她自己也做得不够好。 Who are you to talk? You"re just as messy as me. 你有啥资格说我?你跟我一样邋遢。 13. Is it just me, or is it hot in here? 这是一种委婉的抱怨,一般都是在看对方是否有同样的意见。 Is it just me, or are these seats even more cramped than normal? 是只有我一个人这么觉得么,这个座位是不是比一般的更挤啊? 14. Did I leave my book at your place, by any chance? 口语中常用这一表达来询问是否有某种可能。 Are you by any chance free tonight? 你今晚有没有空呀? 15. The last thing I want is to hurt you. 我最不愿意做的事情就是…… The last thing I want is to cause an argument on your birthday, but this is a serious problem. 我很不想在你的生日争吵,但这是一个很严重的问题。 16. Are tomatoes still in season? 表示某种蔬果是当季的。 I think pears are in season soon. 我觉得吃梨的季节要到了。 也可以说It"s... season: It"s strawberry season. We should go pick some at the farm down the road. 到了吃草莓的季节了。我可以去农场采摘草莓了。 17. Don"t get all impatient. 在口语表达中,形容词前加一个all,可以增强感*彩,通常是表达负面情绪。 He gave me his old computer, but it"s all old and crappy. 他把自己的旧电脑给我用,但是那电脑又老又破。 18. Summer will be over before you know it. 表示事情过得非常快。 Before you know it, you"ll be finished with school. 很快的,你就会毕业了。 19. I"ve never gotten into baseball for some reason. 对某事感兴趣。 I"ve been getting into history lately. 我近来对历史大感兴趣。 20. Man! You"re on fire! 本意是着火了,引申意是指人的状态特别好。 Lewandowski is on fire, scoring five goals in nine minutes. Lewandowski状态神勇,在短短九分钟内就打进五颗球。 21. I find it hard to relate to him sometimes. 理解、接受某人某事,与之有同感、有共鸣。 I can relate to this story. Same thing happened to me. 我对这个故事非常有共鸣,同样的事情也发生在我身上过。 22. I report to John. 向某人汇报,这一表达常用来说明某人的直接上司是谁。 Jane reports to the Sales Manager. Jane的直接领导是销售经理. 在某人手下干活,就可以说work under: Do you still work under John? 你的领导还是John吗? 23. You bet! 意思是“You can bet money on that”(你可以压钱赌一把),说明你完全同意对方的观点、提议等。 Are you coming to the party? 趴体你会来吧? You bet! 当然来! May I borrow your hammer? 可以借你的锤子用下么? You bet! 当然! 24. Good thinking! That would be great. 好主意,跟good idea同意。 Why don"t we take a rest? 我们休息一下吧? Good thinking. 好主意。 25. It"s way past your bedtime! Way相当于"far",这个表达是远远超过某个点的意思。 There"s no use apologizing now. We"re way past that point. 现在道歉已经没意义了。太晚了。(表示你绝对不会原谅他了……) 26. What? That"s nuts! Nuts是非常口语化的表达,表示“crazy”疯了。 We hiked 45 miles in two days. 我们两天徒步走了45英里。 Whoa, that"s nuts! Really? 哇~太疯狂了!真的吗? 27. Oh, that sucks! 在谈论糟糕的、让人失望的、不幸的事情时,人们常用这个表达。正式场合慎用。 My computer sucks! I need to get a new one. 我的电脑糟糕透了!我要买个新的。 28. So, what"s your story? 人们常用这一表达来询问不太熟悉的人的信息。相当于说, "Tell me more about that person",再说说那人的情况吧。 You know that guy you introduced me to at your party? What"s his story? 你在派对上介绍我认识的那个人,你很熟吗?跟我说说他吧? 如果你对某人说,what"s your story?意思就是让对方自我介绍一下。 29. I didn"t mean to walk in on you. 走进一个地方打扰了里面的人或正在进行的事,通常是些尴尬的事…… Someone walked in on me while I was in the bathroom. 我在浴室的时候突然有人走进来…… 30. He"s around fiftyish, I"d say. 口语中,在一个词后面加-ish,就等于说"a little bit" ,"kind of",给人一种大约的、模糊的、不确定的感觉。 Come over at 12-ish. 12点左右过来。 That color is blue-ish. 颜色是类似蓝色的那种。 31. There"s not much to it. There"s not much to it:很容易,没什么难的。通常在讲解如何操作某种东西时使用。 You just flip that switch and wait. There"s not much to it. 只要拨一下开关,然后就等着,没什么难的。 32. All right, whatever. Suit yourself. Suit yourself: 随你便吧,你自己决定。这可以是中性的表达,但如果语气重一点,就是在说,爱咋咋地,我不管了。 I"m too tired to go out tonight. 我今晚太累,不想出去玩了。 Suit yourself. 随你便。 33. Can you Cc me and Eddie when you send that? Cc (someone) : Cc 是 Carbon copy的缩写,是在写邮件中所用到的“抄送”。 I"ll Cc you when I send it. 我会在发邮件的时候抄送给你。 34. I"m so out of it this morning. (someone) is out of it :指某人不在状态。 You seem kind of out of it today. 你今天看起来好像不太在状态啊。 35. There"s a fine line between helping your kids with their homework and doing it for them. There"s a fine line between: 这个表达用于指两件事很相似,以至于容易混淆,指微妙的差别。 There"s a fine line between a frown and a grimace. 皱眉和做鬼脸,两者之间有微妙差别。 36. You can tell that she"s had work done. (someone) has had work done : 这句话是指某人做过了整形手术。 Amy said she"s never had work done on her face. Amy说她从来没整过容。 37. I don"t know off the top of my head, but I"ll shoot them over to you this afternoon. Off the top of my head:当场就能想到,即兴说出。如果用在否定意义的句子里,多半是用来暗示需要再多一点时间思考。 I can think of two people who might be interested, off the top of my head. 我现在只能想到两个可能会感兴趣的人。 38. If you"re feeling under the weather, by all means go home and get some rest. By all means:请务必,一定要做某事。也可以在回答提议时说,相当于“当然”。 “May I make a suggestion?” “By all means.” 我能提个建议吗? 当然。 39. Can you please cut it out. Cut it out: 当别人在做一些令你心烦的事情,你就可以让他cut it out,意思就是你能停下来吗。 I"m sick of that joke. Cut it out, will you? 我不喜欢那个玩笑,你能不能别说了? 40. Let"s crack open the window and have some fresh air. Crack open the window : 这个表达和“open the window” 很像,但程度不同,crack open the window是指把窗户打开一道缝隙。 It"s a bit stuffy in here, let"s crack open the window. 这里面有点闷,我们开一点点窗吧。 41. You"re gonna screw up that test. Screw up:把事情搞砸。 I had a perfect chance, but I screwed up. 我本来有一个特别棒的机会,但是我把它搞砸了。 42. I was on the verge of going to sleep at a point. At a point / at some point:在某个时刻,其中at a point 更强调是在某一个特定的时刻。 You will have to do your homework at some point. 你迟早是要做作业的。 I was so close to beat the record at a point. 我有一次差点就打破纪录了。 43. Get over it! Get over it: 指忘掉烦心事,相当于forget about it。 It"s not a big deal, so get over it. 多大点事,别想它了。 44. I wound up going over to James"s place. Wind up: 结果;最终变成的样子。 He overspent and wound up in debt. 他大手大脚地花钱,结果负债累累。 45. I"m working the night shift tomorrow. Work … shift:表示上…班,work the night shift是指上晚班。 I"m working the morning shift today. 我今天上早班。 46. They"ve been getting a bit of media attention lately. Get media attention:得到媒体的关注,媒体曝光率高,也就是所谓的“红”。 She"s getting all the media attention recently. 她最近可红了。 47. I thought it was a really original take on the play. A take on something:对某事物的见解、诠释。上面的例句可以理解成对这部话剧的全新有创意的演绎。Original指独创、新颖的。 So what"s your take on this new book? 你对这本新书有什么看法吗? 48. Go easy on me! Go easy on (someone):手下留情,别太狠。 Go easy on me, I just started a month ago. 对我手下留情啊,我才开始一个月。 49. Just ease into it. Ease into it:意思是“慢慢来”,一般用于劝别人放松心情。 Don"t try so hard, ease into it. 不要那么拼命,慢慢来。 50. I"m going to head off to bed. Head off to (somewhere):指出发去某个地方。 We are heading off to school. 我们要去上学了。

stay simple stay naive 是谁说的


Too young,Too simple,Too naive;是什么意思


关于so simple so naive 和 too young too naive 哪个说法更地

这一看就是从中国合伙人里看到的吧 说实话我觉得应该是 too young too innocent 更合适 naive这个词虽然也有天真的意思 但是我觉得作为naive art表达更加合适请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的...



too naive怎么读

土 拿易午




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ko wa la nai yo lu ni,si a hu le lu,ko xi no nai so la ni ka ga ya ku hi ka li wa,mo do le nai

这是一首名为《六等星之夜》的动漫ED、由Aimer演唱,是人气TV动画《未来都市NO.6》的片尾曲。“歌词的话~你可以百度一下~你提供的罗马音不太完整,全文应该是终(お)わらない夜(よる)に 愿(ねが)いは一(ひと)つo wa ra na i yo ru ni ne ga i wa hi to tsu永不完结的夜 愿望只有一个星(ほし)のない空(そら)に 辉(かがや)く光(ひかり)をho shi no na i so ra ni ka ga ya ku hi ka ri wo在没有星星的天空中点亮那璀璨的光辉戻(もど)れない场所(ばしょ)に 舍(す)てたものでさえmo do re na i ba sho ni su te ta mo no de sa e已回不去的地方就连那已被舍弃的事物

She Was A Boy -- Yael Naim 歌词

she was a boy, it wasn"t easy for herI was a child to see itshe came alone to build her storyI was so young and loved hergo on you"ll seeall that you want to bewhile everybody"s sayinghold on, you"ll seeyou"ll never be freebut we just kept on growingshe was a boy with some feelings for meI was too wild and missed itI came alone to hear her storywhile no one else was worriedgo on she saidor else you will grow saidwhile everybody doubtedhold on, they sayone day you"ll have to paybut i was so afraid to gohold on you"re scaredyou only need to darewhile everybody"s laughinggo on, you"ll seeone day you"ll be freeand you will understand whyshe was a boy, she was a boy, she was a boyhiding in herself butshe was a boy, she was a boyshe knew that everyone was saying ithow much you want to seehow much you want to behow much you want to live, see her growinghow much you want to seehow much you want to behow much you want to live feel like fallinghow much you want to seehow much you want to bewishing everyday you could see her face againhow much you want to givehow much you want to liveshe was a boyshe was a boybut she was there for mei was a child andshe was a boy

questionary 和questionnaire区别

questionary[英]["kwestu0283u0259nu0259ru026a][美]["kwestu0283u0259nu02cceru026a]n.调查表,问卷; adj.质问的; questionnaire[英][u02cckwestu0283u0259u02c8neu0259(r)][美][u02cckwestu0283u0259u02c8ner]n.调查问卷; 调查表;两者意思是一样的,后者是法语的单词转变成英语的单词




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[eminem]This motherfucker here, just wont shut up will you?Talk about i owe you, bitch you owe mePromote me right nowMan lets put the nail in his coffin[chorus]I dont want to be like thisI dont really want to hurt no feelinsBut im only bein real when i say nobody wants to hear their grandfather rapOld men have heart attacksAnd i dont want to be responsible for that soPut the mic down and walk awayYou can still have a little bit of dignityI would never claim to be no great benzinoAn 83 year old fake pachinoSo how can he hold me over some balconyWithout throwin his lower back out as soon as he goes to lift mePlease dont, youl probably fall with meAnd our asses will both be historyBut then again youl finnally get your wishCuz youl be all over the street like 50 centFuckin punk pussy fuck you chumpGimme a one-on-one see if i dont fuck you upTryin to jump the ruff ryders and they cut you upAnd you put jada on a track thats how much you suckDuck in the industry, swear that you in the streets hustlinYou sit behind a fuckin desk at the source butt-kissinAnd beggin motherfuckers for guest appearencesAnd you can even get the clearances cuz real lyricistsDont even respect you or take you seriousIts not that we dont like you, we hate you - periodTalk about a mid-life crisis damnLast week you was shakin obie trice"s handNow hes a busta? what the fucks with that?Get on a track dissin us kissin 50"s assAnd askin me what i know about inditements-bite meBitch i got two cases, and probation - fight me!What do i know about standin in front of a judge like a manReady to take whatever sentence he handsWhat you know about your wife slicin her wristsRight in front of the only thing you have in this world - a little girl?And i put that on her, when this is all overI would never try to make her a star and eat off herI dont know shit about no shoppin rocksBut what you know about hip-hop shops rockin spots?When your the only white boy in that bitch just rippinPressin up your own flyers and your stickers stickinThem bitches up after spendin six hours at kinkosJust makin copys of your covers of casette singlesAnd sell them out the trunk of your tracerSpendin your whole paycheck at disc makersWhat you know about bein bullied over half your life?Oh thats right, you know what thats like, your half whiteVanilla ice,spill the beans and rice, im eaten you alive insideJesus christ, if your that much of a gangster, put the mic downYou should be out killin motherfuckers right nowKill a motherfucker dead, kill"em dead bitchShoot"em in the fuckin head, go ahead bitchSlap my mom, slap the f*ck outa her!She cant sue you, she wouldnt get a buck out of youCuz your broke as fuck you suck your a fuckin jokeIf you was really sellin coke, well then what the fuckYou stop for dummy? if you slew some crackYou"d make alot more money than you do from rapYou never had no security, you"ll never be famousYou"l never now what its like to be rich, lifes a bitch aint it?Raymond, here, let me break this shit down in lamensTerms for you just to make sure that you can understand thisAnd canibus they usin too many complicated fuckin words for youHere then let me slow it down for youSo you can understand if i say it slower:Let it go dawg it"s over[chorus]I dont want to be like thisI dont really want to hurt no feelinsBut im only bein real when i say nobody wants to hear their grandfather rapOld men have heart attacksAnd i dont want to be responsible for that soPut the mic down and walk awayYou can still have a little bit of dignity[eminem talking]HahaTalkin bout i have motherfuckers callin your cribBitch you aint even got a fuckin cribYou aint even got a fuckin phone, fuckin punkThreatened to shut me down at your little fuckin source magazineIf i come back then you would attack me, bitch you attacked me firstTake it like a man and shut the fuck upAnd fuck your little magazine tooI dont need your fuckin magazine, i got xxl number anywayzAnd yall cant stand it cuz there gettin bigger than yallOh, and by the way, howed i look on the vmas?When you was watchin me from whatever fuckin tv you was watchin me from in bostonThe mean streets of boston, fuckin sissyLike you got us scared in the motherfucker, suck our motherfuckin dicksOh, and for those thats dont know, dont get it twisted yo, the source has a white owner很全的Eminem歌词网站

We are too young too naive的发音就好了。我是英语文盲的


too young too naive 什么意思


too young too naive什么意思

too young too naive太年轻,太天真例句:1.I fell for this once when I was young and naive. 我被这个问题搞过一次,当时我很傻,很天真。2.Then wouldn"t I be too young? 那我不是变得太年轻了?

too young too naive什么意思

too young too naive太年轻太天真双语对照例句:1.I fell for this once when I was young and naive. 我被这个问题搞过一次,当时我很傻,很天真。祝你英语学习成功!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~如有疑问请继续追问,望采纳,谢谢,您的采纳是我的力量!

too young too naive 什么意思

too young too naive 什么意思too young too naive是太年轻,太天真太年轻,太幼稚的意思

too young too naive是什么意思


too young too naive什么意思


这些财务用语什么意思?flowchart , narrative notes , internal control questionnaire . . . .

flowchart , 流程图,表示事物各个环节进行顺序的简图,一般用来些标准流程的,约束财务动作。narrative notes 记事薄,这个就不要用说明了吧。 internal control questionnaire 内部管控调查问卷,这个是各个公司根据实际的需求,由相关部门发起的问卷调查,结果用于信息反馈和决策。亲,以上是个人意见,全是手写的哦,如满意就给分吧。

英语作文:What would you do if you were a millionaire?

If I were a millionaire , I would help poor people,I would give them enough money for survive and for their family.如果我是百万富翁,我会帮助贫困的人们,我会给他们足够的钱为了生存和养他们的家。If I were a millionaire ,I would buy a big house for my family because they work too hard and they really need a rest.如果我是百万富翁,我会买间大房子给我的家人住,因为他们做工太辛苦了所以他们真的需要休息。If I were a millionaire ,I would be a superstar so I will get more money to help more people.如果我是百万富翁,我想成为明星,这样我可以赚更多的钱帮助更多的人。There are a lot of poor people over the world,who really need help.这个世界上有太多贫困的人们,他们真的需要帮助。I want to be the person who can help them and want to see them smile.我想成为这样的人,可以帮助他们和看见他们的微笑。都是自己写的,希望采纳。

YG和illionaire是什么关系? 在bobby的go的歌词里看到 :我并不懂YG和illi


my dress tore when it caught on the nail. 这里怎么主动表被动是怎么理解的?

主动形式、被动意义的表达,你说的这个句子在第4点,主被动两用动词1 作系动词使用的感官动词  这类动作包括:feel感觉;look看上去;smell闻起来;sound听上去;taste吃起来等。  [例句]  The evening air feels cold.  夜晚的空气感觉很冷。  He looks to be an honest man.  他看上去是个老实人。  That story of yours doesn"t sound very likely.  你说的话听起来不大可信。2 表示事物自身性质或特征的动词  这类词包括:clean被弄干净;iron熨烫;photograph在照片上显得;play播放;prove被证明是;read读起来;sell出售;wash洗起来;wear穿起来等。  [例句]  The tape recorder won"t play.  这台录音机放出声音。  A rumor does not always prove to be a fact.  传闻不一定证明是事实。  This kind of shirt washes well.  这种衬衣耐洗。3 特定用法的动词  这类动词要求去后作宾语的动词可以使用动名词的主动形式,而表达的却是被动意义,这类词包括: bear经得起,值得,需要;demand需要;deserve\worth值得;need、require需要;等等。  [例句]  This job wants doing at once.  这工作需要马上就做。(相当于This job wants to be done at once.)  The boys deserves praising.  这个男孩值得表扬。(相当于The boy deserves to be praised.)  The matter demands looking into.  这件事学要调查。(相当于The matter demands to be looked into.)4 主被动两用动词  这类动词包括:blow被吹走,被吹响;hang被绞死;let、rent被出租;train结受训练,被培养;tear被撕裂;等等。  [例句]  If we don"t hang together, we will hang separately.  如果我们不团结在一起,我们就会被分别处死。  Whistle blew, and the train started.  汽笛鸣响,火车开动了。  My dress tore when it caught on the nail.  我的衣服钩在钉子上,被撕破了。5 用于”sth. to do ”的表达  [例句]  Man still has a lot to learn about the brain.  关于大脑,我们还有许多东西要了解。  Could you get me something to read? I have nothing to do.  你能给我点东西读吗?我无事可做。6 用于“to blame”表达  表示“该受责备”  [例句]  The weather was partly to blame for crop failure.  天气不好是庄家歉收的部分原因。  I thought the technician was to blame for the blowing of the fuse.  我以为保险丝的断裂是技术员的责任。7 用于“sth. is +形容词+不定式”句型  [例句]  The water is not clean enough to drink.  这水不够干净,不能喝。(习惯上不说The water is not clean enough to be drunk.)  If you try harder, the language is not so difficult to learn as you think.  如果你多付出一些努力,这门语言并没有你认为的那样难学。(习惯上不说If you try harder, the language is not so difficult to be learned as you think.)8 主动形式、被动意义的动词短语  这类词包括:catch on受欢迎,被接受,受雇于;come home to被完全领会,被清除的理解;dawn on 被想到;get across被理解,被接受;occur to 被想到;pass for 被错误的看作;run out被用完,被耗尽;sink in 被理解;turn up 被找到,被发现;等等  [例句]  The player caught on with a big team last year.  这名球员去年受雇于一个大球队。  It suddenly dawned on me that I"d caught the wrong train.  我突然发现自己乘错火车了。  Your advice didn"t quite sink in. You may have to talk to him again.  你的建议他没有听进去。你或许得再和他谈谈。

reconnaissance scout 区别

reconnaissance就是侦察兵的意思 Scout 除了侦察兵还有消防巡视员的意思竭诚相助,希望采纳!!!

Colbie Caillat - Try Put your make up on 换好你的装束 Get your nails done 露出你美丽


recci naivete series如何充电使用






请教一下Tough talking youth naivete

有吧, rough有坚固, 不易打破的意思, naivete就是天真, 所以我觉得可以那样理解啦

naivete naivety 的区别

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