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offshore 和 near shore 区别

offshore是浅海的意思,它是海里边了,是海水比较浅的地方off shore则属于陆地,海岸线附近~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~祝你进步,如对你有帮助,请及时采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

nowhere near是什么意思

离得远 差得远 不着边 直译就是不在附近

nowhere near是什么意思

nowhere near 常搭配在一起表示差得远、远不及或谈不上。其实用在句子中这两个词是分属不同的成分。nowhere 表示 “到处都没有、不起作用、在遥远之处”;near 表示 “在接近…的方面”。例如:It"s nowhere near the color I"m looking for.  主要成分:It"s nowhere 这种东西毫不顶用  附加成分:near the color I"m looking for 在接近我要找的那种颜色方面。  也就是 “这种颜色跟我找的那种差远了”。She"s nowhere near as clever as her sister. 她远不如她妹妹聪明。  主要成分:She"s nowhere 她无济于事  附加成分:在差不多和他妹妹一样聪明方面  也就是 “她远不如她妹妹聪明”。

polly is sitting near her uncle这句话对不对?

没有语法错误 Polly is sitting near her uncle.near 在……附近

求《a place nearby》的英文歌词及中文翻译!

A place nearby-Lene Marlin 天渊若比邻(琳恩·玛莲) I entered the room.我走进房间。 Sat by Ur bed all through the night.整夜坐在你床边。 I watched Ur daily fight.我看着你每天与病魔搏斗。 I hardly knew.我仅仅知道。 The pain was almost more than I could bear.那样的痛苦我所难以承受的。 And still I hear.我仍然能听见。 Ur last words 2 me.你给我的临终遗言 Heaven is a place nearby.天堂是一个很近的地方。 So I won"t be so far away.所以我将离你不远。 And if U try & look 4 me.如果你尝试着寻找我。 Maybe U"ll find me someday.也许某天你将会找到我。 Heaven is a place nearby.天堂是一个很近的地方。 So there"s no need 2 say goodbye.所以没有必要说再见。 I wanna ask U not 2 cry.我想要告诫你不要哭泣。 I"ll always be by Ur side ! 我将一直在你身边! U just faded away.你还是逐渐衰弱下去。 U spread Ur wings U had flown.你已经展翅飞离。 Away 2 something unknown.离开我去到那未知的地方。 Wish I could bring U back.我希望能把你带回来。 U are always on my mind.我一直惦念着你。 About 2 tear myself apart.为我与你的分离去而哭泣。 U have Ur special place in my heart.你在我心中有特别的意义。 Always heaven is a place nearby.天堂一直很近! I"ll always be by Ur side ! 我将一直在你身边! And even when I go 2 sleep.即使我睡着了。 I still can hear Ur voice.我仍然能听到你的声音。 And those words.你的那些话语。 So I won"t be so far away.所以我将离你不远。 I never will forget.我从未忘记。 Heaven is a place nearby.天堂是一个很近的地方。 So I won"t be so far away.所以我将离你不远。 And if U try & look 4 me.如果你尝试着寻找我。 Maybe U"ll find me someday.也许某天你将会找到我。 And if U try & look 4 me.如果你尝试着寻找我。 Maybe U"ll find me someday.也许某天你将会找到我。 Heaven is a place nearby.天堂是一个很近的地方。 Heaven is a place nearby.天堂是一个很近的地方。 So there"s no need 2 say goodbye.所以没有必要说再见。 I wanna ask U not 2 cry.我想要告诫你不要哭泣。 I"ll always be by Ur side ! 我将一直在你身边!

A great way for teens to cool off during the summer is at water parks. If you live near a water...

小题1:C小题2:A小题3:C小题4:B小题5:D 试题分析:本文是建议青山年夏季可以做的事情。如果要凉爽可以去水上世界。有些青少年喜欢做兼职,你可以去遛狗、送报纸、喂猫、清理垃圾、浇花,看房子等。喜欢自由的青少年可以让夏季直通车帮忙去商场、电影院、动物园、海滩、野餐、保龄球场和游乐园玩。小题1:推理判断题。根据A great way for teens to cool off during the summer is at water parks. 可知本文在建议青少年在夏天去水上公园凉爽。故推断这是为青少年写的。故选C。小题2:细节理解题。根据You can walk dogs, bring in the newspapers, feed the cats, collect rubbish, water flowers, etc.可知青少年可以找的兼职有:遛狗、送报纸、喂猫、清理垃圾、浇花等。不包括洗车,故选A。小题3:推理判断题。根据For example, one ticket to Water World, a water park, is only $5.可知去水上世界的门票是每人5美元,如果你和你的两个朋友去,共三个人,因此是5×3=15美元。故选C。小题4:推理判断题。根据Sure you would like to get to such places as the small, movie theaters, the zoo, the beach, picnic, bowling and local amusement park instead of staying home all summer. Then a summer bus pass will be helpful. 可知青少年在夏天想去商场、电影院、动物园、海滩、野餐、保龄球场和游乐园,这些户外娱乐方式,夏季直通车将会有帮助的。故选B。小题5:概括归纳题。本文主要围绕着青少年在夏天可以去水上世界玩,可以做兼职,可以到户外娱乐场所玩,故概括为青少年在夏季可以做的事情。故选D。

Her mother lives a ____town.(A.nearby C.nea

选A ! 还说我简略

Mik nearly fell ( )为什么填asleep

这里fall是系动词,后面要跟形容词构成“系表结构”。解释:fall asleep 表示“入睡,睡着”,这里fall 是系动词,后面接形容词asleep 作表语;而sleep是动词,结构不对(动词fall 的后面不能再加动词了)。常见的其他系动词:be ,look(看起来),sound (听起来),smell(闻起来),taste (尝起来),feel, seem...表语:常由形容词充来当。满意请采纳!

to the nearest tenth.这句英文,请问需要四舍五入吗


这句话in towns that are near the sea?

in towns that are near the sea.这是一个介词短语, that引导的定语从句。意思是:靠近海边的村镇。感觉也可以用:in towns near the sea.

In towns that are near the sea, 这里的that是什么用法


请帮忙给我分析这个英语句子?In towns that are near the sea…………

which 指的是前面的 lanterns.


near the seaside 和 at the seaside 的意思不完全一样。near the seaside 表示靠近海边,但不一定在海边,而 at the seaside 表示在海边,可以看到海水。例如:1.We live near the seaside, but we rarely go to the beach. 我们住在靠近海边的地方,但我们很少去海滩。2.We spent our summer vacation at the seaside. 我们在海边度过了暑假。

Near my God to thee God是上帝的意思!

thee 是古英语的 you. Nearer my God to thee 的意思是 “上帝,我们想靠近你”.x05 这是19世纪英国诗人 S.F.亚当斯 (Sarah Flower Adams) 写的基督教赞美诗, 据说这是泰坦尼克号的乐队在邮轮沉没时演奏的最后一首歌.


nest:词典释义]n. 1. 巢;窝;穴;(鸟等的)一窝,一群 2. 安乐窝,舒适之处 3. (盗贼等的)巢窟;(罪 1. 筑巢;巢居;伏窝 2. 找鸟巢,摸鸟蛋 3. (物体)相互套叠 vt. 1. 使入巢;为...筑巢 2. 把(物件)按大小顺序套叠在一起 [网络释义]nest 1.嵌套后进先出 2.插孔,座 ②一套,群,组 3.筑巢 4.巢状 5.巢造巢成堆near:词典释义]a. 1. 近的 2. (关系、程度上)接近的;近似的 3. (两者中)较近的[Z][B] 4. 几乎 1. 近,接近 2. 几乎,差不多 prep. 1. 在...附近 2. 近似于 [网络释义]1.靠近....。 2.在...附近



one day I( )a newspaper article about the retirement of an English progessor a nearby state college







pear [pu03b5u0259]

在会计里为什么 unearned revenues 是一个负载??


英语谚语:Diligence is near success 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Diligence is near success 中文意思: 勤奋近乎成功。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: An artist lives everywhere 艺人处处可安家。 An ass endures his burden but not more than his burden 驴子能负重,但不堪超过力之所及。 A near friend is better than a far-dwelling kin *** an 远亲不如近邻。 An empty hand is no lure for a hawk 空手诱不来老鹰。 An empty purse frightens many friends 曩中无分文,亲友不上门。 An empty sack cannot stand upright 空麻袋,立不直。 An enemy"s mouth seldom speaks well 狗嘴里吐不出象牙。 An evening red and a morning grey is a sign of a fair day 晚霞红如火,晓色青如灰,定是晴朗天。 An evil chance seldom es alone 祸不单行。 An evil lesson is soon learned 学坏容易。 英语谚语: Diligence is near success 中文意思: 勤奋近乎成功。

live near the river是什么意思中文翻译


线性近似法local linearization


unearned revenues在balance sheet 里面的current assets 还是current liabilitie

预收帐款(unearned revenues)当然是流动负债(current liabilitie)

"我回来了"英语怎么说?还有"The end is near"是什么意思?

1.I"m back!2.就快结束了。

The settlement is home to nearly 1000 people,many of_____left their village homes for a better life

该句子的主语是the settlement,人只有用宾格


nearly的读音是:英["n??li]。nearly的读音是:英["n??li]。nearly的例句是用作副词(adv.)Nearly all of them kept aloof from such doctrines.他们几乎都不接受这种教条。nearly的意思是adv.几乎;差不多;密切地。一、详尽释义点此查看nearly的详细内容adv.(副词)几乎,差不多,大约将近,接近,近似密切地,亲密地节俭地,吝啬地快,快要二、词典解释1.几乎;差不多Nearly is used to indicate that something is not quite the case, or not completely the case.e.g. Goldsworth stared at me in silence fornearly twenty seconds...将近20秒的时间,戈兹沃思就那么一声不响地盯着我看。e.g. Hunter knewnearly all of this already...这事亨特几乎已全知道了。2.即将;就要Nearly is used to indicate that something will soon be the case.nearlye.g. It was alreadynearly eight o"clock...已经快8点了。e.g. I wasnearly asleep...我差不多都睡着了。3.远远不;根本不;远非You usenot nearly to emphasize that something is not the case.nearly的反义词e.g. Father"s flat in Paris wasn"tnearly as grand as this...爸爸在法国的公寓远不如这处宽敞。e.g. Minerals in general are notnearly so well absorbed as other nutrients...总体来说,矿物质远远不如其他营养成分好吸收。三、网络解释1. 差不多:I live in a nearby house. 我住在附近的一所房子里.|nearly 差不多 | The job isnearly finished. 这工作差不多就完成了.2. 将近;几乎:nearby 附近的 |nearly 将近,几乎 | neat 整洁的;灵巧的3. 程度副词:7 连接副词 how, when, where, why, whether, however, meanwhile | 4 程度副词 almost,nearly, very, fairly, quite, rather | 8 关系副词 when, where, why四、例句Nearly all of them kept aloof from such doctrines.他们几乎都不接受这种教条。That fever nearly finished him off.那场热病几乎送了他的命。He plays golf nearly every weekend.他差不多每个周末都打高尔夫球。They sat so close that their heads nearly touched.他们坐得那么近,头都差不多碰到一起了。This matter concerns you very nearly.此事与你密切相关。五、常用短语用作副词(adv.)not nearly远非,完全不 far from; much less than六、词汇搭配用作副词 (adv.)动词+~die nearly几乎死掉end nearly将近结束forget nearly几乎忘掉go nearly几乎死掉guess nearly接近猜中~+名词nearly a hundred将近100nearly a month later大约在一个月后nearly equal amounts几乎相等的数值nearly evening将近黄昏nearly time快到时候~+副词be nearly impossible几乎不可能be nearly ready差不多准备好了nearly identical差不多一样七、词义辨析adv.(副词)nearly, almost这两个词的共同意思是“几乎,差不多”。下列情况下常可互换:1.在一般肯定结构中。例如:There are almost〔nearly〕 enough people here to do the job.做这项工作,这些人手差不多够了。2.在表达时间时。例如:Well, it happened almost〔nearly〕 ten years ago.这差不多是十年以前的事了。3.在all, always, every等词前。例如:Almost〔nearly〕 every student spoke.几乎每个学生都发了言。He almost〔nearly〕 arrived late.他几乎总是迟到。其区别是:1.从含义上说, almost强调“十分接近”,而nearly强调“尚有不足”,所以在表示“想要做而没做成”“很可能发生但还未发生”时,要用nearly; 而表示“简直”“像”等意思时,要用almost。例如:I nearly committed a great error.我几乎犯了大错。Please wait a minute.I"m almost out of breath.请等一下,我简直喘不过气来了。It was almost like a dream.这简直就像一场梦。试比较以下两句:I nearly fell off my bike.我差一点没从自行车上掉下来。I almost fell off my bike.我几乎从自行车上掉下来。另外,修饰表示思想感情的动词时,只能用almost。例如:He almost dreaded a visit to the doctor.他几乎害怕去看病。She almost wanted to leave here.她几乎想离开这里。2.从程度上说, almost比nearly更接近。例如:We"re nearly there.我们快到了。We"re almost there.我们马上就要到了。I"m nearly as clever as you.我快赶上你那么聪明了。I"m almost as clever as you.我差不多和你一样聪明了。It is nearly time for class.快到上课的时间了。(如8点上课,现在是7:50)It is almost time for class.差不多是上课的时间了。(如8点上课,现在是7:58)3.从使用场合上说,在有趋势向某个目标发展的情况下,两者可互换。而在没有这种趋势或根本不可能达到的场合下,则只能用nearly而不能用almost。例如:我们这只猫什么都懂,快赶上人了。[误] Our cat understands everything— she"s almost human.[正] Our cat understands everything— she"s nearly human.我姑姑说话简直像个外国人。[误] My aunt almost sounds foreign.[正] My aunt nearly sounds foreign.4.从语气上说, almost只是一般陈述; 而nearly则具有较明显的惊讶、抱怨等感情色彩。试比较以下两个句子:差不多花了我一百元钱。It cost me almost a hundred yuan .(说说而已)It cost me nearly a hundred yuan .(太贵了)It"s almost 40 minutes" walk to the park.走到公园差不多要40分钟。(陈述事实)It"s nearly 40 minutes" walk to the park.走到公园差不多要40分钟哩!(太远了)5.与no, none, nothing等连用,只能用almost而不能用nearly; 反之,与not, never连用,只能用nearly而不能用almost(但美式英语可说almost never)。例如:There are not nearly enough people here to do the job.干这活儿,这些人手还远不够。We almost never traverse tortuous paths.(AmE)我们难得走弯路。6.在more than, too前用almost,不用nearly。例如:That"s almost too much!那简直太过分了!This is almost more than we feared.这简直远远超过我们所害怕的情况。7.nearly可加very, pretty等修饰,而almost不可。almost,nearly,about,approximately,around,roughly这些副词均有“大约,差不多”之意。almost指在程度上相差很小,差不多。nearly与almost含义基本相同,侧重指数量、时间或空间上的接近。about常可分almost和nearly换用,但about用于表示时间、数量的“大约”时,实际数量可能多也可能少。approximately多用于书面语,指精确度接近某个标准以致误差可忽略不计。around多用于非正式场合,常见于美国英语。roughly指按粗略估计,常代替about。nearly的相关近义词about、all but、almost、closely、prettynearly的相关临近词neat、nearby、nearly new、nearly blind、nearly every、nearly erect、nearly empty、nearly ready、nearly convex、nearly forget、nearly double、nearly wilting点此查看更多关于nearly的详细信息

lt’s near the copputer怎么读

lt"s near the computer 近似的汉语读音是:【一此 捏 (字恶) 康目(批又)特】()中的字要拚读成一个音。

please sit near the table怎么读

please sit near the table请坐在桌子旁生词table 英[u02c8teu026abl]美[u02c8tebu0259l]n. 桌子; 表,目录; 手术台,工作台,游戏台; 平地层;vt. 制表; 搁置; 嵌合; 搁置;adj. 桌子的;[例句]She was sitting at the kitchen table eating a currant bun.她正坐在餐桌旁,吃着葡萄干圆面包。


what is near the light 光附近有什么? 读 沃特 意思 逆耳 得 莱特


near[英][niə] [美][nɪr] adv.(空间)在近处;在附近;(时间)临近;(程度)几乎prep.(表示程度)接近;(表示位置)靠近;(表示时间)将近;接


near英语发音为:英[nu026au0259(r)];美[nu026ar]。1、详细释义:(1)adv.(空间)在近处;在附近;(时间)临近;(程度)几乎。(2)prep.(表示程度)接近;(表示位置)靠近;(表示时间)将近;接近于(某种状态)。(3)adj.近的;近似;(亲属关系)近亲;亲密的(指亲近密切的人)。2、near变化形式:(1)比较级:nearer。(2)最高级:nearest。(3)易混淆的单词:NEAR。3、短语:(1)Near East:近东;近东地区;东时代;东地区。(2)NEAR Shoemaker:会合;尼尔;近地小行星交会探测器;舒梅克号。(3)far and near:远近;注意事项;四面八方。(4)near-earth asteroid:近地小行星。(5)near death experience:濒死经验;濒死体验;濒死经历;濒死状态。(6)Near-Ring:近环;关于拟环;关于近环。(7)near-open vowel:次开元音;次元音。(8)near-front vowel:次前元音。(9)near-far problem:远近问题;远近效应。亲密爱人之间进行互动。near例句:1、But we"re nowhere near laffer country now .而现在我们完全不靠近拉弗国家。2、Interest rates have been near zero for 18 months .利率已连续18个月接近于零。3、Over enlargement,that moment may be near .欧盟扩大的时刻可能近在眼前。4、People will buy darn near anything on ebay .人们几乎会买ebay上所有的东西。5、New screens began arriving at the plant near midnight .新的手机屏幕在临近午夜时才抵达工厂。

英语near the end怎么翻译?




be 和near 的e读音有什么区别?

be 音标 inear l 会多一r的音,所以是lu0259


near the chair 匿尔则切儿


near 英[nu026au0259(r)] 美[nu026ar] adv. (空间) 在近处; 在附近; (时间) 临近; (程度) 几乎; prep. (表示程度) 接近; (表示位置) 靠近; (表示时间) 将近; 接近于(某种状态); adj. 近的; 亲密的; 近似; (亲属关系) 近亲; [例句]Don"t come near me别靠近我。[其他] 比较级:nearer 最高级:nearest 第三人称单数:nears现在分词:nearing 过去式:neared

near怎么读 近音的正确发音方法?




near怎么读音 near读音

1、near英[nu026au0259(r)]美[nu026ar]。 2、adj.近的; 接近; 距离近; 不远; 不久以后; 随后; 3、adv.几乎; 距离不远; 在附近; 不久以后; 差不多; 4、prep.靠近; 接近; 临近; 在…附近; (用于数词前)大约,上下; 5、v.(时间或空间上)接近,靠近,临近; 6、[例句]There was nowhere near enough for everybody.没有离每个人都近的地方。 7、[其他]比较级:nearer 最高级:nearest 第三人称单数:nears 现在分词:nearing 过去式:neared。

near 怎么读


Error (10170): Verilog HDL syntax error at fdiv.v(2) near text "input"; expecting "

问题在于你的第一句后没有加分号,就是input前面 加分号 。修改后module fdiv(clk_in,out1,out2,out3) ;input clk_in; output reg out1,out2,out3; integer cnt1=0,cnt2=0; always@(posedge clk_in) begin if(cnt1<9) begin out2<=out2; cnt1=cnt1+1; endelse begin out2=~out2; cnt1=0; end end always@(posedge out2) begin if(cnt2<9) begin out3<=out3; cnt2=cnt2+1; end else begin out3=~out3; cnt2=0; end end endmodule

near video on demand中文翻译

Ob near video on demand 准视频点播 Dvn has so far installed over 20 digital broadcasting systems in more than 10 municipapties and provinces to enable the rollout of a range of channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , onpne information , interactive advertising and tv - merce services 集团已在中国十多个省市建立了二十多个数码广播系统,以低廉的成本向电视观众提供视频点播网上讯息互动广告电视商务等一系列的数码电视增值服务。 Dvn has so far installed over 20 digital broadcasting systems in more than 10 municipapties and provinces to enable the rollout of a range of channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , onpne information , interactive advertising and tv - merce services 集团已在中国十多个省市建立了二十多个数码广播系统,以低廉的成本向电视观众提供视频点播、网上讯息、互动广告、电视商务等一系列的数码电视增值服务。 A range of digital tv services are provided at affordable costs which include channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , t - merce etc . in 2004 , dvn s set top box won awards within china for its quapty and popularity 集团已在中国十多个省市建立了二十多个数码广播系统,以低廉的成本向电视观众提供视频点播网上讯息互动广告电视商务等一系列数码电视增值服务。 A range of digital tv services are provided at affordable costs which include channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , t - merce etc . in 2004 , dvn s set top box won awards within china for its quapty and popularity 集团已在中国十多个省市建立了二十多个数码广播系统,以低廉的成本向电视观众提供视频点播、网上讯息、互动广告、电视商务等一系列数码电视增值服务。 A range of value added services are currently being provided by dvn on digital tv platform at affordable cost for channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , tv - merce etc . based on the prc s nationwide survey report " economic research *** ysis of digital set top box technology for cable tv operators " conducted by the academy of broadcasting science , sarft of china in 2002 , the dvn s brand set top boxes ranked the highest in the adoption rate amongst the tv operators in china 集团已在中国十多个省市建立了二十多个数码广播系统,以低廉的成本向电视观众提供视频点播、网上讯息、互动广告、电视商务等一系列的数码电视增值服务。根据中国广播科学研究院二零零二年的《有线数字电视机顶盒技术经济分析研究报告》 ,天地数码的柏视通机顶盒为各地运营商选用率最高的终端产品品牌。 A range of value added services are currently being provided by dvn on digital tv platform at affordable cost for channel rebroadcasts , near video on demand , on - pne information , interactive advertising , tv - merce etc . based on the prc s nationwide survey report " economic research *** ysis of digital set top box technology for cable tv operators " conducted by the academy of broadcasting science , sarft of china in 2002 , the dvn s brand set top boxes ranked the highest in the adoption rate amongst the tv operators in china 集团已在中国十多个省市建立了二十多个数码广播系统,以低廉的成本向电视观众提供视频点播网上讯息互动广告电视商务等一系列的数码电视增值服务。根据中国广播科学研究院二零零二年的有线数字电视机顶盒技术经济分析研究报告,天地数码的柏视通机顶盒为各地运营商选用率最高的终端产品品牌。


near 英[nu026au0259(r)] 美[nu026ar] adv. (空间) 在近处; 在附近; (时间) 临近; (程度) 几乎; prep. (表示程度) 接近; (表示位置) 靠近; (表示时间) 将近; 接近于(某种状态); adj. 近的; 亲密的; 近似; (亲属关系) 近亲; [例句]Don"t come near me别靠近我。[其他] 比较级:nearer 最高级:nearest 第三人称单数:nears现在分词:nearing 过去式:neared sure 英[u0283u028au0259(r)] 美[u0283u028ar] adj. 确信的,确实的; 有把握的; 无疑的; 一定的; adv. 当然; 确实地; 无疑地; [例句]He"d never been in a class before and he was not even sure that he should have been teaching他以前从未教过课,甚至不确定自己该不该教课。[其他] 比较级:surer 最高级:surest



线动量(linear momentum)

解释桌球的线动量不守恒。 The linear momentum ( 线动量) of the billard ball was not conserved because there was external force acting on the ball when it collided with the side pad of the table. If you resolve the original linear momentum into o directions one is parallel to the side of the table and the other perpendicular to it. The momentum that is parallel to the side of the table would not be affected by the collision but there is a change of momentum for the one peprpendicular to the side pad when collision occurs. Because the side-pad is *** ooth the collision is perfectly elastic. The impact force given by the side-pad onto the ball just reverses the direction of the perpendicular velocity without cause any change to its magnitude. Thus the speed of the ball is unchanged after collision but there is a change of velocity hence a change of perpendicular momentum. This change of perpendicular momentum resulted in a change of the final momentum of the ball. 有没有线动量的守恒的例子!?如何判断!? When a rigid billard ball collides with another rigid billard ball momenta of the o balls before and after collision are conserved. 因为桌球反弹后的方向不是原来射入的方向﹐既然速度向量不同﹐故线动量不守恒。 桌球加球台则符合线动量守恒。

立即在湖边搭起了一个帐篷.英语we ___ ___ ___ ___ near the lake at once

set up a tent

linearly polarized是什么意思

linearly polarized 线极化; [机] 线式偏振的;1. Linearly polarized light will in consequence become elliptically polarized on total reflection. 因此,线偏振光径全反射后将变成椭圆偏振光.2. The reflected light is weak and completely linearly polarized. 反射光较弱,且是完全线偏振的.


on 在.上面in 在.里面at 在.旁边near 在.附近over 跨越. ,在.上面(跨越的那种)under 在.下面with 伴随.


全是表示方位的副词on表示在……上面 例onthetable在桌子上面in表示在……里面(中间) 例inthebox在盒子里面at表示在具体的某个位置 例atthepoint在这个点上near表示在……附近 例nearmyhouse在我家附近over表示覆盖在……上 例oilisoverthesea油覆盖在海面上under表示在……下面例undertheground在地底下with表示和……一起例Iamhappywithyou和你在一起很开心


全是表示方位的副词on表示在……上面 例on the table 在桌子上面in表示在……里面(中间) 例in the box 在盒子里面at表示在具体的某个位置 例at the point 在这个点上near表示在……附近 例near my house 在我家附近over表示覆盖在……上 例oil is over the sea 油覆盖在海面上under表示在……下面 例under the ground 在地底下with表示和……一起 例I am happy with you 和你在一起很开心

near和next to有什么区别吗?

near和next to的区别如下:1、next to 意思是“与……相邻,紧靠着”与be close to 很接近,但next to 强调距离上“紧邻”。① Our school is next to a supermarket. 我们学校紧挨着一家超市。② Our school is close to a supermarket. 我们学校距离一家超市很近。2、near表示“在……附近”,表示的距离比by和beside稍远些,也时常换用。There is a theatre near his home. 他家附近有一家剧院。Don"t play near the road. 不要在马路附近玩。扩展资料1.Withinthenextcoupleofweeks.未来几个星期之内。2.Tomorrowornextweek,whoknows?但是谁能知道明天或者下周会是什么情况?3.Q:whodoyoupredictwillwinthenextworldcup?问:你觉得下届世界杯上哪只球队能夺冠?4.So,seeyouatthenextstartline.那么,下次在起跑线再见。

the out man sat near the fire特殊疑问句


much, nearly, almost, not quite, not really 等等的区别





be located in 位于,坐落于, 坐落在,坐落于…位于be located in Paris 位于巴黎to be located in 位于be located in locale 案发地点位于;坐落于sit / be located on例句:Our school is located in a small suburbs.我们学校坐落在一个安静的小郊区byprep. 通过;被;依据;经由;在附近;在……之前adv. 通过;经过;附近;[互联网] 白俄罗斯的国家代码顶级域名短语by chance 偶然 ; 碰巧 ; 偶尔 ; 意外地by accident 偶然 ; 偶尔 ; 无意中 ; 意外地by heart 凭记性 ; 牢记 ; 凭记忆 ; 熟记1. 被例:The feast was served by his mother and sisters.宴席由他的母亲和姐妹们招待。I was amazed by their discourtesy and lack of professionalism.我为他们的无礼和职业精神的缺乏所震惊。2.. 由…创作例:A painting by Van Gogh has been sold in New York for more than eighty-two million dollars.一幅由梵高创作的画在纽约卖到超过八千二百万美元。3. 以…方式例:If you"re travelling by car, ask whether there are parking facilities nearby.如果你开汽车旅行,问问附近是否有停车设施。4. 通过例:Make the sauce by boiling the cream and stock together in a pan.通过将乳酪和高汤一起放在平底锅里煮来制作调味料。The all-female yacht crew made history by becoming the first to sail round the world.全部由女性组成的游艇船员通过首次环球航行而创造了历史。5.. 由于例:I met him by chance out walking yesterday.昨天出去散步时我无意中遇到了他。He opened Ingrid"s letter by mistake.他误拆了英格丽德的信。6.. 就…而言例:I am certainly lucky to have a kind wife who is loving by nature.我的确幸运有一位仁慈的妻子,她天生富有爱心。She"s a nurse by profession and now runs a counselling service for women.她是护士出身,现在经营着一家针对女性的咨询服务公司。7.. 根据例:Pharmacists are required by law to give the medicine prescribed by the doctor.根据法律,药剂师被要求只配医生开列的药。8.. 通过 (说某词或某话)例:Stella knew what he meant by "start again."斯特拉知道他说“再次开始”是什么意思。9.. 通过例:He caught her by the shoulder and turned her around.他抓住她的肩膀,使她转过身。She was led by the arm to a small room at the far end of the corridor.她被抓着胳膊带到走廊另一头的一个小屋里。10.. 独自地例:...a dark-haired man sitting by himself in a corner.…一个独自坐在角落里的、深色头发的男子。11.. 独立地例:I didn"t know if I could raise a child by myself.我不知道是否能独立抚养一个孩子nearadj. 近的;亲近的;近似的adv. 近;接近prep. 靠近;近似于near to 接近 ; 几乎要 ; 在…附近 ; 闻……不远near station 离近火车站 ; 但离市中心较远near gale 疾风 ; 七级风 ; 近东烈风 ; 附近大风1.. 离…近例:Don"t come near me.别靠近我。He drew his chair nearer the fire.他把他的椅子向炉火拉近了些。2.. 靠近例:He crouched as near to the door as he could.他蜷缩在尽可能靠近门的地方。She took a step nearer to the barrier.她向路障走近了一步。3. 靠近的例:He collapsed into the nearest chair.他瘫在最近的椅子上。The nearer of the two barges was perhaps a mile away.两条驳船中较近的一条约有一英里远。4.. 接近 (某一状态)例:After the war, the firm came near to bankruptcy.战后这家公司濒临破产。The repairs to the Hafner machine were near to completion.哈芙纳牌机器的维修工作已接近尾声。5.. 接近例:He was near tears.他几乎要流泪了。For almost a month he lay near death.他半死不活地躺了将近一个月。6. 与…相似例:It combined with the resinous cedar smell of the logs to produce a sickening sensation that was near to nausea.它与那些圆木的雪松树脂气味混杂在一起,以产生一种快要呕吐的恶心感觉。7.. 与…相似例:Often her feelings were nearer hatred than love.她的感情往往更像是恨,而不是爱。8.. 与 (某物) 最相似的例:It would appear that the legal profession is the nearest thing to a recession-proof industry.看起来司法行业最接近于一种不怕经济衰退的行业。9. 临近例:The time for my departure from Japan was drawing nearer every day.我离开日本的时间一天天临近了。10.. 离 (某一时间) 近例:Performance is lowest between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m., and reaches a peak near midday.工作状态凌晨3点到5点最差,近中午时分达到最高点。"Since I retired to this place," he wrote near the end of his life, "I have never been out of these mountains."“自从退休到这里,”他在快到生命尽头时写到,“我从没出过这些山。”11.. 接近于 (某数量或数字)例 increase manufacturing from about 2.5 million cars a year to nearer 4.75 million.…把轿车年产量从250万辆左右提高到接近475万辆。12.. 拒绝与 (某人或某物) 接触强调例:He will absolutely not go near a hospital.他绝不去医院。13. (二者中) 离得近些的例:...a mighty beech tree on the near side of the little clearing.…小片林间空地近侧一棵硕大的山毛榉树。14.. 差不多的例:She was believed to have died in near poverty.人们相信,她死时几乎一贫如洗。15.. 差不多地例:...his near fatal accident two years ago.…两年前那场险些让他丧命的事故。16. 最接近的 (对手或挑战者)例:He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.他比劲敌乔纳松·福特快约三秒钟完成了漫长的赛程。17.. 接近 (地点)例:As he neared the stable, he slowed the horse and patted it on the neck.接近马厩时,他让马慢下来并拍拍它的脖子。18.. 快到 (某个阶段或时间)例:His age was hard to guess – he must have been nearing fifty.他的年龄很难猜出来–他肯定快50岁了。You are nearing the end of your training and you haven"t attempted any assessments yet.你们的培训快结束了,而你们还未尝试做过任何评估。19.. (重要时刻或事件等) 临近例:As half time neared, Hardyman almost scored twice.中场休息临近时,哈迪曼几乎两度得分。20.. 四处例:People would gather from near and far.人们会从四面八方聚起来。21.. 在不久的将来例:The controversy regarding vitamin C is unlikely to be resolved in the near future.关于维生素C的争论近期不大可能被解决。22.. 远不强调例:They are nowhere near good enough.他们远不够好。It was nowhere near as painful as David had expected.这远远不像大卫预料的那么

Excuse me ___ is the way to the nearest supermarket

选B。which是代词,作主语。此句还可以是Excuse me,which is the way to the nearest way to the supermarket?

near和next to 在什么情况下都可以互相替换吗?supermarket和shopping mall有什么不同?

near 在...附近next to 紧靠..距离上肯定是next to近supermarket超市shopping mall 购物中心美国人喜欢用mall的

_____ nothing I want to say about it. 用nearly还是almost? 请说明原因


请问, binary tournament, n-size tournament and linear ranking.的汉语意思是什么

二进位的巡回赛, n-大小的巡回赛和线的排名

unearned和not yet received有什么区别

not yet received 是已经 earned 但是还没收到的,可能对方还没付,反正就是还没到帐的吧eared but not yet received

unearned和not yet received有什么区别

Types of Adjusting Entries Events that require adjusting entries essentially relate to the difference between expense and expenditure and between revenue and receipts, discussed in Chapter 3. Four types of such events, together with examples of each, are given below: 调整分录的类型 需要调整分录的的词条事件与区别关系在费用和开支之间和在收支和收据之间, 将在第三章中讨论。这类事件的四种类型,以及每种类型的举例讲在下面介绍。 1. Recorded costs to be apportioned among two or more accounting periods. The fuel oil transaction given above is one example. Another is insurance protection, originally recorded as Prepaid Insurance (an asset) , $800 of which becomes an expense in the current period: 1. 记录的费用被摊分在二个或更多会计年度之中。燃料油交易被给以上是一个例子。另是保险保护, 最初被记录作为被预付的保险(财产), $800 成为费用在当前: Insurance Expense Prepaid Insurance ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 800 800 When an asset is reduced, as prepaid insurance was here, it is said that there has been a write-off of part (or all) of the asset. 当财产被减少, 如同被预付的保险这里是, 据说有是部份(或所有的) 注销财产。 2. Unrecorded expenses. These expenses were incurred during the period, but no record of them has yet been made. Example: For $150 of wages earned by an employee during the period but not yet paid to the employee: 2. 未被记录的费用。这些费用被招致了在期间, 但纪录他们未被创造。例子: 为$150 薪水由一名雇员赢得在期间但不被支付对雇员: Wage expense Accrued wages ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ 150 150 3. Recorded revenues to be apportioned among two or more accounting periods. As was the case with recorded costs, there amounts were initially recorded in one account, and at the end of the accounting period must be properly divided between a revenue account and a liability account. For example, rent collected during the period and recorded as rent revenue, $600 of which is applicable to the next period and hence is a liability at the end of the current period: 记录的收支被摊分在二个或更多会计年度之中。这一点是案件伴随着记录的费用, 数额最初地那里被记录了在一个帐户, 并且在会计年度的结尾必须适当地被划分在收入帐户和负债帐户之间。例如, 租赁收集在期间和记录当租收支, $600 是可适用的对下期间和因此是责任在当前的结尾: Rent Revenue Unearned Rent Revenue ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ 600 600 4. Unrecorded revenues. These revenues were earned during the period, but no record of them has yet been made. For example, $120 of interest earned by the entity during the period but not yet received: 4. 未被记录的收支。这些收支被赢得了在期间, 但纪录他们未被创造。例如, $120 利益由个体赢得在期间但不被接受: Accrued Interest Receivable Interest Revenue

麻烦给我解释一下not nearly as

not nearly so as: conj. 远不及 not nearly so: a. 远不及 not nearly: ad. 远不及(完全不) 例句与用法: 1. He cannot compare with (ie is not nearly as great as) Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 在悲剧写作方面他根本不能与莎士比亚相比. 2. It is a well-known fact that white-collar workers are not nearly so well organized or unionized as the manual workers. 白领工人不像劳动工人那样有良好的组织,那样良好的联合,这是众所周知的事. 3. He has$20, but that is not nearly enough for the trip. 他有二十元,但这远远不够旅途费用.





The Nearness 歌词

歌曲名:The Nearness歌手:David Crowder*Band专辑:Church MusicDavid Crowder Band - The NearnessBrilliant bright, our salvationTook the fall to hold us upAll the weight of our conditionLifted away from usBlessed Love falling underSacredness taking holdSplit the air the sound of thunderHeaven begins to unfoldThe nearness of thereFeels more near, to hereWe can feel the breath of the angelsSee the walls bend and shakeThe sky"s in a trembleLet the dead wakeTo sing the songs of the heavensSee the dawn start to breakThe bond starts to loosenFeel the earth shake!Darkest night brought redemptionInnocence"s divine embraceIn the light of all creationHeaven and earth start to twistThe nearness of thereFeels more near to hereWe can feel the breath of the angelsSee the walls bend and shakeThe sky"s in a trembleFeel the ground breakWe can hear the songs of the heavensSee the world come awakeThe bond starts to loosenFeel the earth shake!Blood of a saviorPushed back the fallLove of a healerHell overcomeAnd the nearness of thereFeels more near to hereWe can feel the breath of the angelsSee the walls bend and shakeThe sky"s in a trembleLet the dead wakeTo sing the songs of the heavensSee the dawn start to breakThe bond starts to loosenFeel the earth shake!

ear near bear hear 哪一个读音不同?

ear读音:英 [u026au0259(r)] 美 [u026ar] near读音:英 [nu026au0259(r)] 美 [nu026ar]bear读法:英 [beu0259(r)] 美 [ber] hear读音:英 [hu026au0259(r)] 美 [hu026ar]

Android 如何把一个自定义的LinearLayout放入指定的fragment中

这没有什么必然联系,fragment的onCreateView用inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_base, null);这样插入一个view,就是xml生成的视图,里面是什么,有多少控件没有什么关系

在海滩上可以用near the sea吗? 我穿着毛衣保暖的英语翻译

on the beach

There is a pay phone near here?改成同义句

There is a pay phone close to here.

Imagine when you are sailing an ocean for the first time, you see a big fish swimming near your...

小题1:D小题2:B小题3:C小题4:D 试题分析:本文介绍了鲸鱼的基本信息以及鲸鱼所面临的现状。小题1:D 细节题。根据文章第二段Their body temperature stays the same和They breathe air,和Females give birth to the young.以及Although they are not covered in hair or fur like many mammals, whales have some bristles (胡子), usually on their heads.可知一共提及了4个原因说明鲸鱼是哺乳动物。故D正确。小题2:B 推理题。根据第二段3,4行Thus, they cannot afford to fall into a sleeping state for too long, since they need to be awake in order to breathe.可知鲸鱼是不可能长时间睡觉的,因为他们需要氧气。不然会被淹死的。故B正确。小题3:C 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段They communicate with each other using romantic sounds, called “whale songs”. Being so large and powerful, these sounds are also loud.可知鲸鱼是通过声音进行交流的。故C正确。小题4:.D 细节题。根据文章最后一段第一句Whales are endangered as a result of whaling (捕鲸) from the eleventh century to the twentieth.可知鲸鱼的危险主要是因为捕杀。故D正确。点评:本文介绍了鲸鱼的基本信息以及鲸鱼所面临的现状。本文考查细节题为主,细节题可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息?或是其变体。搜查信息在阅读中非常重要它包括理解作者在叙述某事时使用的具体事实、数据、图表等细节信息。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法?即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。

急、There is a pay phone near here 的同义句 There is a pay phone ( ) ( ) ( )

在附近in the neighborhood 书上有写


LinearLayout的布局方式有两种,即由orientation属性控制,默认orientation=horizontal。在使用as作为开发工具的时候,如果在LinearLayout中出现多于两个的同级子布局时,as会强制要求设置显示设置orientation属性。 orientation属性的值有两个:horizontal和vertical 分别表示横向和纵向排列。 layout_gravity属性只有根布局是LinearLayout的情况下才能使用。表示子布局在父布局中的显示方式。 layout_gravity有以下几种值: center:居中(横向和纵向均居中) center_horizontal:水平居中 center_vertical:垂直居中 以上都是常用的属性,还有一些其他不常用的属性,就不再赘述(clip_horizontal、clip_vertical、end、start、left、right…)。 两种情况: 1、orientation=horizontal 子布局只能垂直方向的设置有效,不会水平方向的设置有效。 如果设置layout_gravity=center时,只有垂直方向的设置有效,水平方向的设置无效。 2、orientation=vertical 子布局只能水平方向的设置有效,不会垂直方向的设置有效。 如果设置layout_gravity=center时,只有水平方向的设置有效,垂直方向的设置无效。 在查看LinearLayout的源码的时候会发现,LinearLayout在测量横向和纵向的布局时,有两个方法分别为layoutVertical()和layoutHorizontal()分别用于测量横向和纵向的布局位置。 我们就其中的一个方法进行解释: layoutVertical(): 在for循环中仅仅是判断了CENTER_HORIZONTAL、RIGHT、LEFT三中情况,即在orientation=vertical时,只有水平居中和居左和居右有效,因此这就是为什么我们在设置layout_gravity=center时,只有水平方向的设置有效果了。 同理layoutHorizontal()方法也是同样的设置。


第一步;Outlook左上方的 File -> Info ->然後按Tools(顺带一提,右边的蓝色Bar是显示你现有邮箱用量。如果你是用Office 365的话,一般起第二步;选择Set Archive File第三步;选择Archive的邮箱

cell phoneareused

回答:A. 解释:用的是被动,因为后一句中的主语they指的是cell phones。这句话的意思是:现在,手机真的很有帮助,他们在日常生活中被广泛应用。 希望能帮助到您!

麻烦给我解释一下not nearly as

not nearly so as: conj. 远不及not nearly so: a. 远不及not nearly: ad. 远不及(完全不)例句与用法: 1. He cannot compare with (ie is not nearly as great as) Shakespeare as a writer of tragedies. 在悲剧写作方面他根本不能与莎士比亚相比. 2. It is a well-known fact that white-collar workers are not nearly so well organized or unionized as the manual workers. 白领工人不像劳动工人那样有良好的组织,那样良好的联合,这是众所周知的事。 3. He has$20, but that is not nearly enough for the trip. 他有二十元,但这远远不够旅途费用。



Android中的LinearGradient 各种背景渐变

这篇讲的很详细 满足日常使用

ios 怎么做到安卓的lineargradient效果

android 使用LinearGradient进行字体渐变的效果,如下图显示:就像上面的显示效果一样一束白光闪过,这种效果主要还是使用了LinearGradient类来进行的LinearGradient也称作线性渲染,LinearGradient的作用是实现某一区域内颜色的线性渐变效果它有两个构造函数 代码如下 复制代码 public LinearGradient(float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, int color0, int color1, Shader.TileMode tile) 其中,参数x0表示渐变的起始点x坐标;参数y0表示渐变的起始点y坐标;参数x1表示渐变的终点x坐标;参数y1表示渐变的终点y坐标 ;color0表示渐变开始颜色;color1表示渐变结束颜色;参数tile表示平铺方式。Shader.TileMode有3种参数可供选择,分别为CLAMP、REPEAT和MIRROR:CLAMP的作用是如果渲染器超出原始边界范围,则会复制边缘颜色对超出范围的区域进行着色REPEAT的作用是在横向和纵向上以平铺的形式重复渲染位图MIRROR的作用是在横向和纵向上以镜像的方式重复渲染位图public LinearGradient (float x0, float y0, float x1, float y1, int[] colors, float[] positions, Shader.TileMode tile);其中,参数x0表示渐变的起始点x坐标;参数y0表示渐变的起始点y坐标;参数x1表示渐变的终点x坐标;参数y1表示渐变的终点y坐标;参数colors表示渐变的颜色数组;参数positions用来指定颜色数组的相对位置;参数tile表示平铺方式。通常,参数positions设为null,表示颜色数组以斜坡线的形式均匀分布。下面这段代码是直接从git上面的项目拷贝下来的 代码如下 复制代码 package com.example.shimmer;import android.content.Context;import;import;import;import;import;import android.util.AttributeSet;import android.widget.TextView;public class MyTextView extends TextView { private LinearGradient mLinearGradient; private Matrix mGradientMatrix; private Paint mPaint; private int mViewWidth = 0; private int mTranslate = 0; private boolean mAnimating = true; public MyTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); } @Override protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) { super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh); if (mViewWidth == 0) { mViewWidth = getMeasuredWidth(); if (mViewWidth > 0) { mPaint = getPaint(); mLinearGradient = new LinearGradient(-mViewWidth, 0, 0, 0, new int[] { 0x33ffffff, 0xffffffff, 0x33ffffff }, new float[] { 0, 0.5f, 1 }, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP); mPaint.setShader(mLinearGradient); mGradientMatrix = new Matrix(); } } } @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { super.onDraw(canvas); if (mAnimating && mGradientMatrix != null) { mTranslate += mViewWidth / 10; if (mTranslate > 2 * mViewWidth) { mTranslate = -mViewWidth; } mGradientMatrix.setTranslate(mTranslate, 0); mLinearGradient.setLocalMatrix(mGradientMatrix); postInvalidateDelayed(50); } }}这段代码主要是分两步:一个是在onSizeChanged()即大小发生改变的时候,另外一个是onDraw()主要是用来做动画的效果的,
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