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citrus zinger柠檬杯的鉴别方法

正品Citrus Zinger柠檬杯是通过美国食品药品管理局(FDA)认证的,不含对人体健康有潜在危害的BPA(双酚A)。专家表示选购水杯时注意材质,没有检验标准的塑料杯可能就含有有害物质,长期使用对健康有影响。

如何分辨大热的Citrus Zinger柠檬杯真假

外包装字体:正品外包装的字体比假货粗且黑,条形码之类的质地上就能看出来印刷比较好。外包装图片:正品外包装上的柠檬明显印刷效果比假货逼真很多,正品底色偏绿,假货底色偏黄。杯底对比:正品Citrus Zinger突出感比较明显,比假货看起来干净利落很多。杯盖对比:杯口正品除了颜色,尺寸也比假货小,相应地边缘宽度也不同。汁器对比:正品榨汁器菱角分明,边缘锋利,而假货则边缘呈椭圆形,做工很粗糙。杯身对比:正品杯身切口出非常光滑、透明。而假货则是暗淡颜色,用手机去触摸杯口都会感觉像刀割一样,会弄破手。防滑条对比:正品压印图案精细无毛刺,假货字体较细。表面处理工艺粗糙,凹凸不平。杯口对比:正品杯盖硅胶会覆盖内环,防漏设计很恰当。


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citrus zinger柠檬杯的主要功能

citrus zinger柠檬杯简化榨水果汁的很多程序,杯子底部带有一个榨汁区域,切半个柠檬进去,在底部有个突出的区域旋转两下,柠檬汁就出来了。除了柠檬,也可以放其他水果进去。 柠檬杯,是美国的牌子,叫Citrus Zinger,因为韩国热播综艺节目《Running man》里,几个欧巴带着柠檬杯上节目,令这款水杯迅速在韩国走红,也令很多人以为柠檬杯是韩国产品。





我的答铃 my darling 有英文版吗 ?

有的。演唱者:Ann Winsborn(波兰) 歌曲名:《La La Love On My Mind 》 歌词: La la la la la la… Mhmm... You"re the la love of my life One way ticket and of life to live Pockets full of sunshine Lots of love to give Longing for your kisses Longing for your arms to be holding me. I took the Friday night flight Paris here I come Couldn"t live without you You"re the only one Got the note you wrote me – know it all by heart Oh nothing"s gonna keep us apart. There is only... La la love on my mind, Gonna leave my la la love on the line, Baby just surrender, you"ll be la lucky tonight. Looking out for ooh la la la l"amour And I"m gonna la la love you toujours. There"s no doubt about it, You"re the la love of my life. Don"t care about my suitcase, Gonna grab a cab, Let your arms unfold me Give you all I have Boy you got me dreamin" You"re a kiss away In your arms I"m going to stay There is only... La la love on my mind, Gonna leave my la la love on the line, Baby just surrender, you"ll be la lucky tonight. Looking out for ooh la la la l"amour And I"m gonna la la love you toujours. There"s no doubt about it, You"re the la love of my life. There"s no doubt about it You"re the la love of my life

求东方Dreaming 的歌词罗马拼音

梦を追う乙女たち yume wo ou otome tachi すべてが消えて行く前に subetega kie te iku mae ni ときめきも忘れそう tokimekimo wasure sou すべてを失う前に步くわ subetewo ushinau mae ni 步 kuwa 涌き出す梦を追い続け waki dasu yume wo oi tsuduke 季节を越えて戦うわ kisetsu wo koe te tatakau wa 未来のことは见えないわ mirai nokotoha mie naiwa 壊れぬ様に先を见て koware nu youni saki wo mite 零度の心あなたには reido no kokoro anataniha 愈すことさえ出来なくて yu sukotosae dekina kute 无駄なことなど无い筈よこの道 muda nakotonado nai hazu yokono michi 梦を见る乙女たち yume wo miru otome tachi 悲しむことさえ忘れて kanashi mukotosae wasure te 私から谛めず watashi kara akirame zu この道、ずっと信じて进むわ kono michi , zutto shinji te susumu wa 涌き出す梦を追い続け waki dasu yume wo oi tsuduke 季节を越えて戦うわ kisetsu wo koe te tatakau wa 未来のことは见えないわ mirai nokotoha mie naiwa 壊れぬ様に先を见て koware nu youni saki wo mite 零度の心ぶつけるわ reido no kokoro butsukeruwa 愈すことさえしないから yu sukotosaeshinaikara 无駄なことなど无い訳よ私に muda nakotonado nai wake yo watashi ni もう、すべて消えていく mou , subete kie teiku 梦だけ枯れ果てて yume dake kare hate te もう、梦を追い切れず mou , yume wo oi kire zu 今更、谛める? imasara , akirame ru ? まだ、梦を见ているの? mada , yume wo mite iruno ? 终わりは见ないから owari ha mina ikara 梦は消えない yume ha kie nai 梦を追う少女たち yume wo ou shoujo tachi すべてが消えて行く前に subetega kie te iku mae ni ときめきも忘れずに tokimekimo wasure zuni すべてを失う前に步くわ subetewo ushinau mae ni 步 kuwa 涌き出す梦を追い続け waki dasu yume wo oi tsuduke 季节を越えて戦うわ kisetsu wo koe te tatakau wa 未来のことは见えないわ mirai nokotoha mie naiwa 壊れぬ様に先を见て koware nu youni saki wo mite 零度の心あなたには reido no kokoro anataniha 愈すことさえ出来なくて yu sukotosae dekina kute 无駄なことなど无い筈よこの道 muda nakotonado nai hazu yokono michi もう、すべて消えていく mou , subete kie teiku 梦だけ枯れ果てて yume dake kare hate te もう、梦を追い切れず mou , yume wo oi kire zu 今更、谛める? imasara , akirame ru ? まだ、梦を见ているの? mada , yume wo mite iruno ? 终わりは见ないから owari ha mina ikara 梦は消えない yume ha kie nai 私は watashi ha 今、妖の地にいても ima , you no chi niitemo まだ、梦消さないわ mada , yume kesa naiwa 私まだ、追い続け watashi mada , oi tsuduke 消えるの?消させない! kie runo ? kesa senai ! 今、梦を见ているの? ima , yume wo mite iruno ? 终わりは见ないから owari ha mina ikara 梦は消えないyume ha kie nai

The meaning of "a five-sail junk"?

美国口语junk可以指人,a junk是骂人垃圾。five-sail或许是“走到哪都没人要的”。a five-sail junk估计是说一个人是垃圾中的极品!

jung是什么意思啊 谢谢


求高人~I walked too much yesterday and ___are still aching now.


全新福特Ranger Raptor假想图 或搭载3.0T V6发动机

易车讯 近日,我们从相关渠道获得了全新福特Ranger Raptor假想图,该车将于2022年2月全球首发,是此前全新福特Ranger的高性能版车型,或将搭载3.0T V6发动机,不仅拥有更强的动力表现,还会拥有性能更强大的悬架系统和底盘调校。外观方面,全新福特Ranger Raptor前脸进气格栅上大概率会拥有醒目的“FORD”字母标志,并且会拥有标志性的“C型”LED日行灯,同时车身也会采用硬朗的线条,为了突出Raptor身份,或在一些细节方面更加突出性能属性。动力方面,全新福特Ranger Raptor可能会搭载3.0T V6发动机,预计最大功率298千瓦,最大扭矩563牛·米,匹配10挡自动变速箱,同时新车预计还会拥有能增强越野性能的强悍四驱系统。



英语翻译 Unit 2 reaching out across the ocean

第二单元 超越极限 READING 跨海越洋 贸易与好奇常常成为人类最伟大努力的基础.对于早期文明的人类来说,世界地图是一大谜.马可?波罗的故事激励了克里斯朵夫?哥伦布和其他欧洲探险家去探寻通向遥远而富庶的亚洲大陆的通道.然而,在此之前很久,勇敢的商人就已经成为西大洋的真正探险家了. 众所周知,非洲从早时开始,就已经同印度和红海文明有过接触.中国的丝绸通过丝绸之路由陆路运往印度、中东和罗马,用来交换香料和玻璃.丝绸生意还沿着印度洋的海岸在进行.锡兰位于中心位置,是中国商人同阿拉伯商人会合的地方,在这里他们听到了西方最远的大陆情况.这样,汉朝人民才知道非洲,也才有了描述非洲海岸和红海各王国的书籍.在公元97年,中国使者甘英从陆路抵达东罗马帝国,回洛阳时带回了非洲国王送的礼物——犀牛角. 在随后的几百年中,斯瓦西里王国和非洲沿海的一些岛屿发展成为世界贸易中心,出售象牙、香料、犀牛角、贝壳、兽皮和糖等货物.这些商品都卖给来自阿拉伯、埃及、希腊、罗马、印度、锡兰以及中国的商人. 阿拉伯与非洲海岸的接触导致了后来黑人同一位中国人的会面.在"751年,中国旅行家杜环被阿拉伯军队俘获了.他设法逃跑,经过长途跋涉,穿过许多阿拉伯国家,于762年乘小船回到祖国.回来后他写了一本叫《经行记》的书,介绍了中亚、阿拉伯和非洲国家的情况. 在1 1世纪时,非洲人多次通过海路来到宋朝朝廷.非洲人外出抵达中国,这是一次重大的发展.在非洲发现的最早期的亚洲文物也是从这个时期开始的.一座小型的狮子青铜像在斯瓦西里王国的尚加城中发现.在东非还没有发现过类似的东西. 中国和非洲之间经过几个世纪的接触了解到了对方的存在,但是仍然没有印度洋沿岸国家的精确地图.到15世纪初,大型聚会的时机成熟了.在东非,沿海城市的势力达到了的顶峰.在东方,中国在新朝代统治下繁荣昌盛.明朝政府有了一支庞大的海军,并且有意要使用这支部队. 在1405到1433年期间,七支大型的宝船西渡重洋,进行贸易和探险活动1在郑和的指挥下,船队从南中国海出发,穿过印度洋,到达红海口,然后再向南航行,发现了非洲东海岸. 郑和恢复了同东非沿海各王国的关系.一个非洲国王送给明朝皇帝一件皇家礼物———头长颈鹿.这件绝妙的礼物以及同黑人朝廷的接触强烈地激起了中国对非洲的好奇心,以致于郑和向这位国王和其他非洲国家发出了邀请,请他们派使者来,并在明朝京城北京开设使馆.非洲统治者的反应非常慷J溉.他们送给皇帝的东西有斑马、长颈鹿、贝壳、象牙和药材犀牛角.作为回礼,明朝朝廷回赠了金子、香料、丝绸和许多其它的礼物.商品交换所具有的象征意义远远超过了商品本身的价值.通过同船队做生意,非洲国王表达了对中国皇帝的友谊. 很可能是因为经济方面的原因,船队作过几次远洋航行之后停止了探险活动.在一短段期时期内,中国统治着海洋.到1433年以后,明朝的朝廷才认识到最大的挑战和机遇是在国内.

matlab多个for循环同时执行要怎么写 for i=1:length(HO01A05L_x)-1;for i=1:length(NSl01A05L_p)-1;

for i=1:length(HO01A05L_x)-1 for j=1:length(NSl01A05L_p)-1 HO01A05L_x(i)表示当前i值, NSl01A05L_p(j)表示当前j值 endend

Kool & The Gang的《Joanna》 歌词

歌曲名:Joanna歌手:Kool & The Gang专辑:Celebration: The Best Of Kool & The Gang (1979-1987)Hawk Nelson - JoannaJoanna sits on her porch, what am I to doI once was her boy but now we"re done I"m feeling blueI"m getting out this town, Starbucks drive-thruI reach for my cash and only find pictures of youShould I call or should I run?Turn around or just move on?Either choice I make I"m scared will still be wrongTake, take, take it till I just can"t take it from you (Joanna)Fake, fake, fake it till I just can"t make it with you (Joanna)Say goodby a hundred times, but never see it throughThe hardest way to say Joanna, I need youTook a trip out west, went to SaskatoonTo clear all the thoughts in my head, the only thoughts I knewTurned on the radio, a stupid thing to doCuz all the songs I hear remind me of youShould I call or should I run?Turn around or just move on?Either choice I make I"m scared will still be wrongTake, take, take it till I just can"t take it from you (Joanna)Fake, fake, fake it till I just can"t make it with you (Joanna)Say goodby a hundred times, but never see it throughThe hardest way to say Joanna, I need youThey say that lvoe is more than a feelingBut you gotta hear me outTake, take, take it till I just can"t take it from you (Joanna)Fake, fake, fake it till I just can"t make it with you (Joanna)Say goodby a hundred times, but never see it throughThe hardest way to say Joanna, I need you

Kool & The Gang的《Joanna》 歌词

歌曲名:Joanna歌手:Kool & The Gang专辑:Colour CollectionHawk Nelson - JoannaJoanna sits on her porch, what am I to doI once was her boy but now we"re done I"m feeling blueI"m getting out this town, Starbucks drive-thruI reach for my cash and only find pictures of youShould I call or should I run?Turn around or just move on?Either choice I make I"m scared will still be wrongTake, take, take it till I just can"t take it from you (Joanna)Fake, fake, fake it till I just can"t make it with you (Joanna)Say goodby a hundred times, but never see it throughThe hardest way to say Joanna, I need youTook a trip out west, went to SaskatoonTo clear all the thoughts in my head, the only thoughts I knewTurned on the radio, a stupid thing to doCuz all the songs I hear remind me of youShould I call or should I run?Turn around or just move on?Either choice I make I"m scared will still be wrongTake, take, take it till I just can"t take it from you (Joanna)Fake, fake, fake it till I just can"t make it with you (Joanna)Say goodby a hundred times, but never see it throughThe hardest way to say Joanna, I need youThey say that lvoe is more than a feelingBut you gotta hear me outTake, take, take it till I just can"t take it from you (Joanna)Fake, fake, fake it till I just can"t make it with you (Joanna)Say goodby a hundred times, but never see it throughThe hardest way to say Joanna, I need you







saya`s song的中文歌词和罗马音

saya`s song的中文歌词和罗马音それはもう 雪のような冷たさで sorewamou yuki noyouna tsumeta sade この心の 热を徐々に夺ってく kono kokoro no tsu wo jojo ni wuma tteku 何もかもを知って 全てを失くして nanimo kamowo shitte subete wo naku shite それでもいいと 掴もうとしてみた soredemoiito tsukamo utoshitemita ひとつめは 眩しさ hitotsumewa mabushi sa ふたつめは 温かさ futatsumewa atata kasa それ以上はもう わがままになる sore ijou wamou wagamamaninaru ありがとう 优しさの中にある辉きを arigatou yasa shisano nakani aru kira kiwo これだけあるなら もう充分だよ koredake a runara mou juubun dayoどこに行こう ずっと迷い続けてた dokoni iko u zutto mayoi tsuduke teta 歩いてきた道も振り返ると消え arui tekita michi mo furikaeru to kie 真っ暗な世界に灯る火を见つけた makkura na sekai ni akaru hi wo mi tsuketa 走り出した その光に向かい washiri dashi ta sono hikari ni mukai ひとつだけ誓うよ hitotsudake chikau yo 去り际は洁く sarii waraisa iyoku なんの未练も残さないでゆく nanno rene mo nokosa naideyuku ひとは皆繋がれる hitowa mina tsunaga reru 温かな手のひらで a kana teno hirade あまのじゃくだったこんな手でも amanojaku datta konna tede mo 春が终わる waru nano waru 长い梦と过ぎ去った naka i yume to sumii satta 夏も秋も natsu mo aki mo ほんとはみんなと居たかった hontowaminnato ita katta ありがとうたくさんの arigatou takusanno ありがとう思い出を arigatou omoide wo これ以上はもうわがままになる kore ijou wamou waga mamaninaru ありがとうきみたちの中にある辉きを arigatou kimi tachino nakani aru kakaya kiwo こんなにくれたらもう十分だよ konnanikuretara mou juubun dayo 中文それはもう雪のような冷たさで 那已如雪一般的寒冷 この心の热を徐々に夺ってく 渐渐夺走了心的热度 何もかもを知ってすべてをなくして 什么都了解,却失去了一切 それでもいいと掴もうとしてみた 即使这样也想试着抓住 ひとつめは眩しさ 首先是眩目 ふたつめは温かさ 然后是温暖 それ以上はもうわがままになる 除此之外已变的任性 ありがとう优しさの中にある辉きを 感谢温柔中特有的光辉 これだけあるならもう十分だよ 虽仅有这些却已足够 どこに行こう ずっと迷い続けてた 要去哪里? 一直彷徨迷茫 歩いてきた道も振り返ると消え 即使是曾经走过的路,再回首也会消失 真っ暗な世界に灯る火を见つけた 在漆黑的世界里发现了灯火的光亮 走り出した その光に向かい 于是向着那束微光跑去 ひとつだけ誓うよ 仅发此一誓! 去り际は洁く 在我离去的时候是纯洁的 なんの未练も残さないでゆく 不留任何依恋的走 ひとは皆繋がれる 人们总是紧密相连 温かな手のひらで 用温暖的手掌 あまのじゃくだったこんな手でも 即使有过摩擦也用这双手紧密相连 春が终わる 春天过去了 长い梦と过ぎ去った 和长梦一起离我而去 夏も秋も 夏天秋天亦如是 ほんとはみんなと居たかった 其实我想和大家在一起 ありがとうたくさんの 很多很多的感谢 ありがとう思い出を 感谢美好的回忆 これ以上はもうわがままになる 除此之外已变的任性 ありがとうきみたちの中にある辉きを 感谢你们的光辉 こんなにくれたらもう十分だよ 给我这些已经足够

saya sayang awak是什么意思呢?

saya是我的意思了sayang 在马来语中相当于英文的dearawak是马来语中你的另外的一种说法了所以意思就是我爱你

我有一点点Python的基本知识(非常基本) ,想学一下Django, 请推荐几本入门的Django教程,谢谢


anything unusual和unusual anything的区别

anything unusual是 unusual去修饰 anything,意思为不平常的任何东西unusual anything是anything去修饰unusual,任何不平常。希望能帮到你。

120字英语作文early steady dating

Early steady dating 怎么来说早结婚是一件好事情呢? 辩证的来说,我是持反对意见的。4比6,我占六层反对。 现在说说早结婚的好处,两个人相对来说感情比较的浓烈,如果两个人是真心相爱的话。其实,我觉得也不错。 下面我不得不说其中的坏处,若其中的一方没有经历过其他的感情,互相相对来说在早年的时候就容易分道扬镳,无疾而终。虽然,我这样说,似乎显得有些不尽人情,但是,事实就是这样,看到社会上太多的情感悲剧走在两个未成熟的人之间。(而有一些经历,女人会相对来说,比较的懂得男人的思维模式,男人会比较懂得女人的思维模式。) 总的来说,无论什么时候结婚,我觉得都会遇见一些小的烦心事情,俗称:小麻烦。那么,其实很少人真正遇上了很大的麻烦(婚姻中的婚外情除外,这属于非正常现象。)那么,能从相爱走到结婚,无论是哪一种,我觉得,不管是早婚也好,晚婚也罢,都是一件值得感恩的事情。(既然已经结婚,就两个人好好的在一起,其他的杂七杂八的想法也不要有,能够在一起,就已经很好,所以,要学会珍惜眼前人。)我还是相对来说,会赞成,成熟以后的瓜熟蒂落,相对来说,两个人都会靠谱一些,之前也经历过一些情感的经验,承受力也相对来说会好一些,(待人也会相对来说温韵,知冷暖,婚姻的缔结会相对来说靠谱一点。)How early marriage is a good thing for it? Dialectic, I was dissenting. 4 to 6, I took six opposition. Now talk about the benefits of early marriage, two people would be more emotional relatively strong, if two people really love words. In fact, I think it is good. Now I have to say that one of the disadvantages, if one of the parties did not experience the other"s feelings, relatively speaking to each other at an early age when it is easy to split, die a natural death. Although, I say, may seem endless favors, but the fact is that, seeing too much emotion on social tragedy walking between two immature people. In general, no matter what time of marriage, I think will meet some of the small things bother, commonly known as: little trouble. So, in fact, very few people truly encounter a lot of trouble (except cheating in marriage, which is a non-normal.) Then go from love to get married, no matter what kind, I think, whether it is early marriage Ye late marriage worth mentioning are the one thing to be thankful for. I"m still relatively speaking, favor, after mature fruition, relatively speaking, two people will fly some prior experience also experienced some emotional endurance is relatively better.

we can see a lot of _____swimming in the B.a fish C.fishs D.the fish

A 翻译:我们能看见许多鱼在河里游. 解析:1、fish,鱼,可数名词,此时单复数是一样的. 2、鱼肉 ,此时不可数名词,没有复数. 3、鱼的种类,可数名词,复数为fishes 此题中前面用a lot of,许多鱼,所以是A 排除B 如果前面是all kinds of ,就该选C 意思是各种各样的鱼. D 指鱼这个种类.这里不必要强调鱼的种类,而是说数量很多的鱼 无疑后请采纳. 书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟. -----------与君共勉-----------





Angel A Shotgun 用中文唱怎么唱 不是歌词翻译!




Angel With A Shotgun 歌词

歌曲发行时间:2011-08-23所属专辑:《Symphony Soldier》歌手:The CabThe Cab是一支来自拉斯维加斯的流行朋克摇滚乐队,组建于2004年。2011年8月第二张专辑《Symphony Soldier(交响士兵)》问世,随即被AbsolutePunk网站评为“大作”。歌词:An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, shotgun,An angel with a shotgun, shotgun, Get out your guns, battles begun,are you a saint, or a sinner?If loves a fight, than I shall die,with my heart on a trigger.They say before you start a war,you better know what you"re fighting for.Well baby, you are all that I adore,if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.I"m an angel with a shotgun,fighting til" the wars won,I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.Don"t you know you"re everything I have?..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.Sometimes to win, you"ve got to sin,don"t mean I"m not a believer...and major Tom, will sing along.Yeah, they still say I"m a dreamer.They say before you start a war,you better know what you"re fighting for.Well baby, you are all that I adore,if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.I"m an angel with a shotgun,fighting til" the wars won,I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.Don"t you know you"re everything I have?..and I, wanna live, not just survive, tonight.ooooohhhhhhhh, ooooooohhhhhwhoa whoa oooh whoaI"m an angel with a shotgun..fighting til" the wars won..I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back..I"m an angel with a shotgun,fighting til" the wars won,I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.Don"t you know you"re everything I have?..and I, want to live, not just survive, tonight.not just ..and I"m gonna hide, hide, hide my wings tonight.They say before you start a war,you better know what you"re fighting for.Well baby, you are all that I adore,if love is what you need, a soldier I will be.

求 angel with a shotgun 的中文歌词

Get out your guns, battles begun, are you a saint, or a sinner?——持枪上膛,战役已经打响。你是一个圣人,还是一个罪人?If loves a fight, than I shall die,with my heart on a trigger——如果爱是一场战役,那我也会拼尽全力扣下扳机,即便我会因此死去。They say before you start a war, you better know what you"re fighting for.——他们说“在你开始一场战役前,你最好知道自己为何而战。”Well baby, you are all that I adore, if love is what you need, a soldier I willbe.——宝贝,你是我的挚爱,如果爱是你所要的,那我将成为你披上戎装。I"m an angel with a shotgun, fighting til" the wars won, I don"t care if heaven won"t take me back.——我是个持枪上膛的天使,为了胜利奋战到最后,我不在乎天堂是否会就此抛弃我。I"ll throw away my faith, babe, just to keep you safe.——我将抛弃我的信仰,宝贝,仅仅是为了你的安全。Don"t you know you"re everything I have?——你是否知道,你是我所拥有的一切?Sometimes to win, you"ve got to sin,don"tmean I"m not a believer.——彼时胜利,你被定罪,并不意味着我不是信徒。and I"m gonna hide, hide, hide my wings,tonight.——今晚,我将藏起我的羽翼。资料:

angel with a shotgun出自哪部动漫


using both the rifle and shotgun,claim one trophy with each firearm是什么意思

using both the rifle and shotgun,claim one trophy with each firearm使用步枪和猎枪,声称一个奖杯,每个枪支

shotgun wedding是什么意思

shotgun wedding [英]u02c8u0283u0254tu02ccgu028cn u02c8wediu014b [美]u02c8u0283ɑtu02ccɡu028cn u02c8wu025bdu026au014b n. 强制婚姻,勉强的妥协 [例句]My friend announced her shotgun wedding this morning.今天早上我的朋友宣布她要奉子成婚。

What are you doing this weekend,Scott ………整片课文的翻译


求angel with a shotgun的MP3


riding shotgun是什么意思


红磨坊 Your Song 中英文对照歌词

Elton John的歌啊 译了整首歌的歌词,你要的红磨坊的那部分是括号【】里的 Your song: It"s a little bit funny, this feeling inside 内心觉得这有点好笑 I"m not one of those who can easily hide 我不是能轻易隐藏情绪的人 I don"t have much money. But boy if I did 我没有很多的钱,但是如果我有 I"d buy a big house where we both could live 我买一栋我们两人住的大房子 If I was a sculptor, but then again no 如果我是雕刻家 Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show 或是个巡回表演的魔术师 然而我都不是 I know it"s not much but it"s the best I can do 我知道这样不够 但我已尽力了 【my gift is my song and this one is for you 我的礼物就是我的歌 这一首歌是献给你的 you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌 it may be quite simple but now that it"s done 也许歌词,旋律很简单 但是我已将它写完了 i hope you don"t mind 我希望你不要介意 i hope you don"t mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来 how wonderful life is while you"re in the world 世上有了你 生活多么美好 I sat on the roof and I kicked off the moss 我坐在屋顶,脚踢着青苔 Well a few of the verses well 脑海中浮现出一些韵律 they"ve got me quite cross 令我不太高兴 But the sun"s been kind 但是阳光和熙 while I wrote this song 在我写下这首歌的时候 It"s some people like you that keep it turn to 只有像你这样的人才能令这首歌动听So excuse me forgetting, but these things I do 原谅我的遗忘 但是我现在要做的事情 You see I"ve forgotten if they"re green or they"re blue 你看 我已忘记了你的眼睛是绿色还是蓝色的了 Anyway the thing is what I really mean 不管怎样 我的意思是 Yours are the sweetest eyes I"ve ever seen 你的眼睛是我见过的最美的眼睛 and you can tell everybody this is your song 你可以告诉大家这首歌是属于你的歌 it may be quite simple but now that it"s done 也许很简单 但是我已将它写完了 I hope you don"t mind 我希望你不要介意 I hope you don"t mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来 how wonderful life is while you"re in the world 世上有了你 生活多么美好】 I hope you don"t mind 我希望你不要介意 I hope you don"t mind that i put down in words 希望你不要介意我以文字记述下来 how wonderful life is while you"re in the world 世上有了你 生活多么美好




英语初三悬赏50英语 He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth,spreading love and jo


She treats him as if he was a stranger改错词



zinc clear plating 电镀光亮锌。

Selena Gomez - Bang a Drum的歌词

You caught my eye and I"m tryin" to holler at "chaYou"re walkin" by and I trip on the furnitureI"m on a ride that won"t stop movin"And I don"t know exactly what I"m doin"I see you shake, shake and I"m spinnin"It"s like I won the race, yeah I"m winningI"m all dizzy when you"re here with meSo let"s bring the heat"Cause there ain"t nothing to it, just got to do itYou"ve got to own it, own itWelcome to the beat of your own drumAnd you got it like that, burn it up like thatWelcome to the beat of your own drumIf you got it like that, yeah, it"s hot like thatEh, eh, yeah, I"ll will make you say, eh, ehSo bang a drum, bang a drumYou got me floatin" ten feet off the groundIt"s like whoa, I"m not backin" downMy hearts pumpin" and it"s workin" over timeI got the crazy butterfliesWe"re doin" it right when we"re togetherWith you by my side it only gets betterYour on my team, we got it figured outIt"s you and me no doubtThere ain"t nothing to it, just got to do itYou"ve got to own it, own itWelcome to the beat of your own drumIf it"s hot like that, burn it up like that[From:]Welcome to the beat, you gotta dip it down lowIf you got it like that, yeah, it"s hot like thatEh, eh, yeah, I"ll will make you say, eh, ehSo bang a drum, bang a drumYeah, bang a drum, turn it up, bang a drumYeah, bang a drum, turn it up, bang a drumYou caught my eye and I"m tryin" to holler at "chaYou"re walkin" by and I trip on the furnitureI"m on a ride that won"t stop movin"And I don"t know exactly what I"m doin"I see you shake, shake and I"m spinnin"It"s like I won the race, yeah I"m winningI"m all dizzy when you"re here with meSo let"s bring the heatThere ain"t nothing to it, bang a drumJust got to do it, bang a drumYou"ve got to own it, own itWelcome to the beat, you gotta dip it down lowIf you got it like that, burn it up like thatWelcome to the beat of your own drumIf you got it like that, yeah it"s hot like thatEh, eh, yeah, I"ll will make you say, eh, ehSo bang a drum, bang a drumYeah, bang a drum, turn it up, bang a drumYeah, bang a drum, turn it up, bang a drumBang a drum, turn it up, bang a drumYeah, bang a drum, turn it up, bang a drum

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Surp lating令人惊讶的迟到

学习PCB外贸,Wrap Plating是什么意思?谁能翻译下面这句?

wrap plating:包覆电镀PCB制造商是否在外层用70um铜箔,电镀孔35um壁厚,无包覆电镀?我认为应该需要包覆电镀,这样能确保产品在热循环/热处理工艺循环中的稳定性.

Rhodium Plating 是什么电镀?



外层铜厚1/3 OZ底铜 加 镀铜厚

titanium plating是什么意思

titanium plating钛镀双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 镀钛例句:Clinical application of miniature titanium plating for metacarpal and phalangeal fractures. 微型钛板在掌指骨骨折中应用。

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1/3 oz+plating1 / 3盎司+电镀

AMP端子 Plating A 、Plating B、Plating C是什么意思,有什么区别?

人想通过我的精神不再使自己受到惩罚。你已做了一桩神奇的事。再度为人类绽放 和枕木的颤动中伸展开去,溅射在你的恶意的毒工具上,他正在你的你的觅觅,哈哈


plating和electroplating的区别两个单词词义相近, 前者主要指被镀上去的金属表层,后者指电镀的过程.platingn. 电镀,被覆金属;v. 镀( plate的现在分词 ); 为…加设护板; 给…制铅版(或电铸版); 用金属板固定(装饰);electroplatingn. 电镀,电镀术;v. 电镀( electroplate的现在分词 );


at the same time的意思是“与此同时”,同时进行的动作要加-ing,已经完成的动作加-ed。

laid. laying.lay.lain.lying.lied 这些词怎么造句??

Iwaslaidupwithacold.我因感冒而卧床休息。Thehenswerelayingatthesamerateasusual.母鸡产蛋率和平常相同。Pleaselaythepackagesonthetable.请把包裹放在桌上。Ihavetowarnyouthathismotiveshavelainhidden我不得不提醒你他的动机还不明。 Lyingnorthofthechurchisagirls"seniorhighschool位于这座教堂以北的是一所女子高中。Hewasashamedthathehadlied他很惭愧他说了谎。 如果满意,谢谢采纳

lie/ lied/ lain/ lying的区别

放置/产卵:lay-laid-laid——laying说谎:lie-lied-lied——lying躺下:lie-lay-lain——lying例句:1.放置/产卵①He laid his shoulder on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的肩上。②Don"t lay the glass on the corner of the table.别把玻璃杯放在台角上。③Mother laid the baby gently on the bed.母亲把婴儿轻轻放在床上。④John laid the table. 约翰摆好餐具。⑤The hen is laying an egg. 母鸡在下蛋。2.说谎①He wasn"t telling the truth. He lied again/He was lying.他没讲实话,他又撒谎了。/他在撒谎。②She lied to us about her job. 她就她的工作对我们撒了谎。③Your watch must be lying. 你的表肯定不准。3.躺下①He"s still lying in bed. 他还躺在床上。②He felt tired, so he went and lay down for a rest.他感到疲劳,所以去躺下休息了。


动词lie作撒谎解释时过去式过去分词为lied,作躺着解释时过去式lay,过去分词lain, 动词lay是放的意思,过去式过去分词为laid,lying是lie的现在分词,laying是lay的现在分词。


虽然这里两个doing,但是在这两个句子当中的作用是不同的。第一个句子当中,是现在分词做后置定语。修饰前面的名词。第二个句子achieving前面有一个逗号,是现在分词做伴随状语。第二个句子的主语Chinese researchers,谓语动词是现在完成时, have made ,后面是个名词短语作宾语,technical breakthrough。

跪求一篇题目“overcoming obstacle”的英语作文.

overing obstacle(战胜障碍) I have a plan for overing the difficulties.I should transcend myselves before overing the difficulties.Discovering the shortings is the beginning of overing them.Overing all hardships,together we build our resistance bases.Pass into or through,often by overing resistance.My mother told me:that you need enough revision for the test.”So i studied night and day before the exams in order to pass them.As I went into the examination room,I had my heart in my boots.When I marking examination papers last, Have a card up one"s sleeve for this first time i see like that.I have succeeded 我有个克服那困难的计划,要战胜困难,首先我要战胜自己.发现缺点是改进的开端,克服所有的艰难,一起创造我们的抵抗基础.考进或者通过,经常通过战胜阻力.我妈妈告诉我说:“为了考试你需要充分的复习.”所以为了考试及格,我考试前日夜不停地学习.我进考场时心里非常紧张.第一次发现如此胸有成竹,我成功了.

在钢管中SHS according to GOST 30245-03 steel grade 3sp5 ,这里面的SHS 是什么意思啊?


The Kooks的《Killing Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Killing Me歌手:The Kooks专辑:Junk Of The HeartKilling MeRobbie WilliamsI don"t mind the abuseIt fills in timeWhen I"m not much useBut it"s killing mekilling me slowlyThey all sayI"m too restlessBut words cut deepWhen you"re defencelessAnd they"re killing mebut killing me slowlyThere was a time when we were fineAnd I could tolerate youI do believe that you should leave"cos I"ve grown to hate youShould I be weak and turn my cheek"cos I"m scared to fallBut I just don"t know youAnd you don"t know me at allI"ve been told that love"s a celebrationBut I"ve lost faith through frustrationAnd it"s killing mekilling me slowlyYou paint my picture blackThe joke"s on meAnd I don"t wanna laughRemember the good timesWon"t you bring them back someday, somehowI don"t mind feeling blueIf I could smile just like you doAnd it"s killing mekilling me slowlyI can"t go on and onPretending nothing"s wrongBaby I just want to belongSomeday, somehow, somehowOh, oh, oh, oh, oh...

killing for sport这里到底指的是什么?怎么用汉语解释

这是一篇批评狩猎行为的文章。题目“Killing for sport”,意思是“因运动而杀戮”。

Killing Spree 歌词

歌曲名:Killing Spree歌手:Death专辑:Spiritual HealingTo the world around he was the perfect personPlanning for an alibi he then starts rehearsingA human bomb just waiting to explodeThis secret rage can"t be controlledSlaughtered the dreams of othersDeathOn left to recoverSelf-inflicted woundsLife he has consumedPlanning a killing spreeVictim of a conspiracy?Getting bored with his current lifeRearranging with a knifeGreed before despair suspicion starts to growHis life was spared for this he does not knowScreams filled the air there was no way to helpThe ones he mourns he killed himselfSlaughtered the dreams of othersOn left to recoverSelf-inflicted woundsLife he has consumedPlanning a killing spreeVictim of a conspiracy?

使用adb shell提示adb server is out of date. killing...?如何才能使用adb?急.....

出现这种问题一定是你电脑上有别的软件也同时运行了adb导致端口冲突了,所有带有连接android 手机功能的软件都要关掉,比如qq,豌豆荚,阿里旺旺,等等。并且打开任务管理器,找到正在运行的进程中所有adb相关的进程并终止掉,如adb.exe,tadb.exe等等。然后再重新adb 一下应该就可以。我现在电脑上所有有这种功能的软件全卸载了。太讨厌了。qq用的TM版,别的能不用就不用。用了也尽快杀进程。

Honor killing 翻译成中文是啥啊 另外解释一下什么意思

“荣誉谋杀”也称荣誉杀害honor killing,是指男性成员以“捍卫家庭荣誉”为由,杀害被他们认为与男子有“不正当关系”的女性家庭成员,在伊朗、阿富汗、土耳其、巴基斯坦等地区,社会默许家族男性成员以暴力对待拒绝接受婚姻安排,提出离婚要求,遭遇性侵的女性亲人。这些社会认为,处决令家族蒙羞的女性成员是天经地义的事。根据联合国调查统计,全世界尤其中东地区每天有超过5000名妇女被近亲以维护家族荣誉之名谋杀。

killing my love翻译

翻译大意,意译,有言语不通之处还望见谅.killing my love 伤吾爱第一节you"re gonna destroy my love with your actions you destroy my heart 你将磨灭我的爱,随着你的行动,你也摧毁了我的心.you give me always bad surprises tell me tell me why 你总是给我坏的"惊喜"你告诉我,告诉我这是为什么.you treat my feelings like a toy baby make up make up make up your mind"s time wake up 你对待我就像是在对待玩具宝贝,我们和解吧,和解吧该是你的理智醒来的时候了they gave us just one life to live baby love and love and love me 我们只有一次生命所以,宝贝,爱我吧,爱我吧love is what is worthing the most important thing to give 爱在世间最为宝贵是我能给与的最最重要的东西but you"re killing my love and it will destroy me 但是你正伤吾爱而且这也会毁灭我but you"re killing my live my heart"s disappointing 但是你,正伤吾爱我真的失望了......a dream lasts forever if we dream together i don"t want to believe in love anymore 一个甜美的梦,永远的飞逝了如果我们还能梦到对方我不愿相信我们还会再爱第二节you"re gonna destroy my life i was thinking to become your wife 你将毁灭我的生活而我曾想过做你的老婆(俗了点......)you give me million of your lies tell me tell me why 你给我的却是成千上万的谎言告诉我告诉我,为什么.you think that love is not a joy baby make up make up make up your mind"s time wake up 你以为爱情并不是件乐事宝贝,咱们和解吧,和解吧是你的理智醒来的时候了.剩下的部分就是第一节后半部分的重复,就不再译了~

Soul Killing 歌词

  专辑:Sounds from Nowheresville  歌手:The  Ting Tings  歌曲:Soul  Killing  歌词如下:  Soul Killing by The Ting Tings  If this is what it is  And if that"s where  we"re about  Where we never put the rules  And we never let it  out  It"s soul killing  That"s what you need now  That"s what you need  now  It"s soul killing  That"s what you need now  That"s what you should  need  If you always have to wait  Well, in this morning we"ll be  gone  Is this what you really want ?  You should never say never never ever,  come on  If you never hold us down, they can never hold us down  If  you"re from a big city, I am from a little town  Then you never hold us down  (shoot, shoot, shoot)  Find More lyrics   Strongly come straight down the meadow  Stand up, straight as a  buddah  Hold this, act like a diamond  It"s best even if falling that you  live your personal history  All this can shine like a diamond  It"s soul  killing  That"s what you need now  That"s what you need now  It"s soul  killing  That"s what you need now  That"s what you should need  If you  never hold us down, they can never hold us down  If you"re from a big city, I  am from a little town  If you never hold us down, they can never hold us  down  If you"re from a big city, I am from a little town (keep rockin")

killing me帮我翻译一下那是什么意思


老外常说的killing me是什么意思

感动我(eg: killing me softly....)、(口语感叹)吓坏我了、笑死我了、折腾(累)死我了.......


先借用雅克比恒等式证出L[a,b]=[La,Lb].再这式子配上killing vector的定义直接得证


murder 谋杀 kill 杀

deadly fatal killing这三个词的用法有什么差别?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 也就是分别在哪些场合使用。。 解析: deadly - 指致命的,带有危及人命的倾向。这形容词也可拿来作比喻性描述。 句例: This is a deadly question. 这是一个要命的问题!This is a deadly weapon. 这是一个危害程度很大的武器。(威力很大的意思) fatal - 也是指致命的,但带有悲剧性色彩,意辞严谨。也可依循fate的直接延伸,即命运注定的。 句例: His wound is fatal. 他的伤口是致命的。(意指他会因此伤而亡故。) A fatal accident happened on the highway last night. 昨晚发生了死亡车祸。 Our union is fatal. 我们的相遇是命中注定的。 killing - 也是指致命的,但多带有戏剧性成分。因为killing从kill动词演化过来,所以一般用法仅做修饰名词来用,以免混淆。 例句: This battleground is a real killing field. 这战场真是一个大屠场。 This exam is a killing exam where few can score high marks. 这场测验是场很难,很少人能取得高分。

Killing Ground 歌词

歌曲名:Killing Ground歌手:Bogeyman专辑:There Is No Such Thing As群66032164:木偶、MMJFrozen ground,Ride with the windEmerge from the gunsmoke like demonsRehnskiold"s menCharging their flanksThe enemy trembles with fearOne by one the Saxons disbandOr die where they standKilling groundEven though you surrenderTurn aroundYou will never surviveKilling groundAt the battle of FraustadtFall in lineBattle formationsShow no fearRiding them downBreak their willShow them no mercyCaroleans attackRound them up, look into their eyesThey beg for their livesKilling groundEven though you surrenderTurn aroundYou will never surviveKilling groundAt the battle of FraustadtSee the Caroleans standing tallAll for one and one for allEnemies fall at their feetBegging for their mercySee the Caroleans standing tallConquer lands and slaughter allEnemies fall at their feetVictory and great defeatOne by one the Saxons disbandOr die where they standKilling groundEven though you surrenderTurn aroundYou will never surviveKilling groundAt the battle of FraustadtKilling groundEven though you surrenderTurn aroundYou will never surviveKilling groundAt the battle of Fraustadt珞珈山梦境联盟

just killing是什么意思?

killing or kidding

Things not killing you make you more stonger.对吗?

这句话不对。应该是Things not killing you that make you more stronger.因为not……that为固定短语搭配,不是……而是的意思。

英语的killing boys是什么意思?



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