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NOthing is impossible fora willing heart这句话是什么意思啊?

其实就是有志者事竟成的意思。nothing is impossible就是说-没有什么不可能for a willing heart就是说-对于一个有决心的人引申一下就是第一句话了。

关于我的英语演讲稿……Nothing is impossible.when most people are facing?

我好好地看了一下,帮你改了错字.缜加了一些内容.When most people are facing difficulty,they would choose to give up.Why?Because they think it"s too difficult to overe.But why not try?You just have to have enough confidence.Don"t be afraid of failure,you should know that failure is the mother of success.However,if you fail,you can learn from it and do better next time,isn"t it? If you feel disappointed when you failed something,you can tell your parents,teachers or friends,and get help from them. It"s not hard that you fail,it is fearful if you have the fear to try again.e on!You just need *** ile and then nothing can beat you .Believe in yourself,as long as we worked hard,nothing is impossible.,1,文法错误昨天好像帮你改过了。关于主旨,首先你要摆明立场:比如说,你认为凡事皆有可能,就把它作为论点摆出来,而后用两到三个事例论证,最后做小结。这是比较合理的写法。,2,英文作文,1,关于我的英语演讲稿…… Nothing is impossible. when most people are facing difficulty,they would choose to give up because they think it"s too difficult to overe.But why not try?You only have enough confident.Don"t be afraid of failure,you should know that failure is the mother of success.If you fail,you can learn from it and do better next time,isn"t it? If you feel disappointed,you can tell your parents,teachers or friends,and get help from them. e on!You just need *** ile and then nothing can beat you .Believe in yourself,as long as we worked hard,nothing is impossible.主旨不明确,还有语法.

if引导的条件状语从句问题 nothing is impossible if you try yo


“Nothing is impossible” 这句话是谁说的?


Nothing is impossbile if you use you heart into it 是什么意思

世上无难事 只怕有心人

nothing is impossible if you put

"世上无难事,只怕有心人";"只要你用心没有什么是不可能做到的" 我觉得事在人为了

中英文对照演讲稿 nothing is impossible

Nothing is impossible可以参考下内容:)Nothing is impossible to a willing mind, I always say "Nothing is impossible"You never look smart,You never say anything, One day, you are rocking on stage,I"m just the common one in the crowd looking at you,I ask you why?You say "Impossible is nothing, if you persist in what you love"Well, yeah, nothing is possible, I was right.But most importantly, you have to believe Impossible is Nothing. In China,we know the sentence : Time can change everything.and it really is.There is no useless substance, but brains and sights.Everything is possible. Nothing is impossible.happiness is a good thing and easy to achieve.felicity is a fine thing and worth fighting for.create new things. when new things are created, it becomes very useful in that job and it saves time and energy to everyone and the creater is celebrated. But in total, it is the same treditional way that gave you the strength to make new ideas and ways on the same subject. For everything what we need is the Base, which is the pillar. With the help of this pillar, you are constructing the ideas. “Impossible Is Nothing”还是Adidas广告语:)~~没有什么是不可能的没有什么是不可能的,一愿心, 我总是说: "没有什么是不可能的"你永远看起来聪明,你永远不会说什么,有一天,你是摇滚舞台上,我只是普通一在人群中寻找你,我想问你,为什么呢?你说"不可能是什么,如果你坚持你的爱"好,嗯,没有什么是可能的话,我是right.but最重要的是,你必须相信不可能是什么。 在中国,我们都知道一句话:时间可以改变everything.and真is.there是没有无用的实质内容,但开动脑筋, sights.everything是可能的。什么是impossible.happiness是一件好事,且易于achieve.felicity是一个很好的事情,值得打for.create新的东西。当新事物创造的,它变得非常有用的那个职务,并可以节省时间和精力,每个人都与创业是庆祝。但在其中,它是同时绘画的方式给你们有实力的企业到新的思路和方法,就同一议题。一切我们所需要的是基础,是支柱。与帮助这一支柱的,你是构建思路。 "不可能是什么" ,

帮忙翻译 Nothing is Impossible 歌词


Nothing is inpossible是什么意思


Nothing is impossible的英语故事

There is a handsome boy who was born into a wealthy family. He didn"t care about anything; he wanted only to get good grades to get his fathers attention. One day while he was swimming, he saw a little boy younger than him crying. He went up to that little boy and ask him," why are you crying?" The little boy answered,"I tried learning how to swim because my classmates are laughing at me that I can"t swim, but i don"t think it"s possible for me to swim." The handsome boy said to the little boy,"It"s okay! Let me teach you how to swim. It is possible for you to swim, trust me." The little boy learned how to swim, and his classmates never laughed at him again. The little boy learned that nothing is impossible.

英语谚语:Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart) 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart) 中文意思: 有志者事竟成。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: The best horse needs breaking and the aptest child needs teaching 玉不琢不成器。 The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good 要求过高反难成功。 The best is yet to be 好戏在后头。 The best man stumbles 智者千虑,必有一失。 The best mirror is an old friend 老朋友是最好的镜子。 The best of all governments is that which teaches us to govern ourselves 最好的 *** 是教导我们管理自己。 The best of friends must part 莫逆至交,终有一别。 The best remedy against an ill man is much ground between 敬而远之。 The best *** ell is bread the best savour salt the best love that of children 面包的气味最香,食盐的滋味最鲜,儿童的情爱最纯。 The best teacher one can have is necessity 我们能得到的最好教师是“需要”。 英语谚语: Nothing is impossible to willing mind (or heart) 中文意思: 有志者事竟成。

nothing is impossible什么意思

1. 情意拳拳...代表影片:鬼域 (Recycle Bin),单身部落 (Single Blog),森冤 (Forest of Death),昭君出塞,情意拳拳 (Nothing Is Impossible)在地铁站被星探发掘做兼职模特儿,之后被金牌经理人黄柏高看中,中学毕业后即投身娱乐圈发展,加盟正东唱片。2. 凡事皆可能FRAGILE HEART 易碎的心EVERY LITTLE THING YOU DO 你的一举一动3. 一切皆有可能如果把主语和宾语对调一下就变成了李宁的广告语 Nothing is Impossible (一切皆有可能),看上去语气软弱了不少,似乎有很多不确定因素,也就失去了水星天蝎座那锐利的锋茅。4. 不可能的

nothing is impossible什么意思

nothing is impossible没有什么是不可能的双语对照词典结果:Nothing Is Impossible[电影]情意拳拳; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The story of one little hobbit named frodo baggins succeeding where immortal elves ornoble kings have failed gives us a very truthful message that literally nothing isimpossible. 这个故事讲述了一个叫弗罗多巴金斯的霍比特小矮人做到了精灵或者国王都没能做到的事,给我们的启示就是,没有什么是不可能的。

nothing is impossible和anything is possible有什么区别?


nothing is impossible反义疑问句

nothing is impossible,isn"t it?

Nothing is inpossible是什么意思

Nothing is impossible没有什么是不可能的双语对照词典结果:Nothing Is Impossible[电影]情意拳拳; 例句:1.With grace, nothing is impossible to overcome. 有了慈悲,没有过不去的坎。 2.But china is a nation on the cusp of change, where it seems nothing is impossible. 但中国是一个正处于变化关头的国家,在这里,没有什么不可能

nothing is impossible反义疑问句

前面主句表达的是否定的意思,所以反义疑问句应该是is it. 可能你的疑问在于Nothing和Impossible都是否定词,这样就是双重否定,就是肯定的意思,应该用isn"t而不是is it. 但是Nothing是主句中的主语,故后面的要用肯定形式is it.

带英文的励志说说:Nothing is impossible!

1.If you don"t fight for e people are like dark clouds. plicated.生活一直都很简单,但是我们也一直都忍不住要把它变得很复杂。 5.Emancipate urself from ur past. The only ebody else does, I guess you do have a problem. 如果你的快乐与否取决于别人做了什么,我想,你真的有点问题。 14.Better by far you should forget and smile than that you should remember and be sad.与其伤心回忆,不如微笑遗忘。 15.So orrow if you don"t stop thinking about yesterday. 如果你无法忘掉昨天,就不会有一个更好的明天。 17.Nothing is impossible! 没有什么不可能! 18.Never underestimate your power to change yourself! 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力! 20.Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.生活,就像骑单车。要保持平衡,就得不断往前走。 带翻译的英文励志说说短语 一、You are not brave, no one for you to be strong. 你不勇敢,没人替你坚强。 二、Bravery never goes out of fashion。勇敢永远不过时! 三、Dont let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life. 不要让糟糕的一天让你误以为有个糟糕的人生。 四、Nurture passes nature。教养胜过天性。 五、Only they of success。人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。 十三、They todays sun. 不必因昨天的眼泪湿了今天的太阳。 二十八、Sow nothing, reap nothing。春不播,秋不收。 二十九、The best hearts are always the bravest。心灵最高尚的人,也总是最勇敢的人。 三十、Do what you say,say what you do 做你说过的,说你能做的 三十一、Although again sweet candy, also has a bitter day。即使再甜的糖,也有苦的一天。 三十二、When all else is lost the future still remains。就是失去了一切别的,也还有未来。 三十三、Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind。青春不是一段年华,而是一种心境。 三十四、In the bitter have to insist, in the tired also want to fight. 在苦也要坚持,在累也要拼搏。 三十五、i know that my future is not just a dream. 我知道我的未来不是梦。 关于爱情的励志说说带英文 1、爱可以简简单单,但不能随随便便。 Love can be simple, but not casual. 2、我为你付出的一切,请你原封不动的还给我。 All I have done for you, please give it back to me intact. 3、短暂的离别会促进爱情,长久的分离却会将它扼杀。 A short separation e together. 12、不要再冷了,时间久了,我害怕自己再也融化不了你那颗心了。 Dont be cold anymore. Its been a long time. Im afraid I cant melt your heart anymore. 13、以后你会不经意地想起我,请别忘记我曾那样深深地爱过你。 In the future, you ise and the ans life, but only an episode in a mans life. 43、你说吧,你是想死呢还是不想活了? You say, do you want to die or dont want to live? 44、其实不是因为她漂亮才喜欢她,而是喜欢她后才发现她漂亮。 Actually, it is not because she is beautiful that she likes her, but because she likes her that she is beautiful. 45、爱情就像财富,有赖于命运之轮,它始终处于剧烈的上下颠簸之中。 Love is like wealth. It depends on the wheel of fate. It is always in a violent ups and downs. 46、习惯就是习惯,谁也不能将其扔出窗外,只能一步一步地引下楼。 Habits are habits. No one can throw them out of the window. They can only lead them downstairs step by step. 47、我想你,我念你,我爱你。 I miss you, I miss you, I love you. 48、对不起,我真的不能爱你太久,我只能爱你一辈子而已。 Sorry, I really cant love you for too long. I can only love you for life. qq签名英文带翻译励志 1、我之所以能,是因为我相信能。 I can, because I believe that I can. 2、只要你相信,奇迹一定会实现。 As long as you believe, miracles etimes you have to jump out of the another angle, it is still round. 8、努力吧,只有站在足够的高度才有资格被仰望。 pany, to a tiger a dog to a human, from the people to become God said is a myth. 46、随随便便浪费的时间,再也不能赢回来。 Casually groe people think that it others. 75、时间象弹簧,可以缩短,也可以拉长。 Time like a spring, can be shortened, but also can be extended. 76、智者养生也,必须四时而调寒暑。 The health is also four years, must sometimes tune. 77、一个懂你眼泪的朋友,胜过一群只懂你笑容的朋友。 A friend who knows your tears is better than a group of friends who only know your smile. 78、我不知道,我已经付出的我所有的微笑。 I dont know, I have to pay all of my smile. 79、如果你想有伟大的成就,先在内心根植强烈的动机。 If you want to have a great achievement, first you have a strong motivation to be rooted in your heart. 80、我甚至连他的一张照片都没有。他只活在我的记忆里。 I dont even have a picture of him. He only lives in my memory.

Nothing is lmpossible ,这个是什么意思?


Nothing is impossible

It"s very easy to give up, but it will be very cool to stay on. So the harder you work, the luckier you will get in the end. ——Listen to me, whenever, keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hardwork, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe it. Anything is possible, and that"s something we should not lose sight of. The inspiration and the permission to dream is huge and huge. Be strong, be fearless, be beautiful. And believe that anything is possible when you have the right people there to love you, to accompany you, to support you…… And you"re the best in their eyes, also in your deep heart. So trust me, baby! Life needs a sustenance, which hope is more important than liking.——

中英文对照演讲稿 nothing is impossible 5分钟左右,一定要有中英文对照,

Nothing is impossible可以参考下内容: Nothing is impossible to a willing mind, I always say "Nothing is impossible"You never look smart,You never say anything,One day,you are rocking on stage,I"m just the common one in the crowd looking at you,I ask you why?You say "Impossible is nothing,if you persist in what you love"Well,yeah,nothing is possible,I was right.But most importantly,you have to believe Impossible is Nothing. In China,we know the sentence :Time can change everything.and it really is.There is no useless substance,but brains and sights.Everything is possible.Nothing is impossible.happiness is a good thing and easy to achieve.felicity is a fine thing and worth fighting for.create new things.when new things are created,it becomes very useful in that job and it saves time and energy to everyone and the creater is celebrated.But in total,it is the same treditional way that gave you the strength to make new ideas and ways on the same subject.For everything what we need is the Base,which is the pillar.With the help of this pillar,you are constructing the ideas. “Impossible Is Nothing”还是Adidas广告语: 没有什么是不可能的 没有什么是不可能的,一愿心, 我总是说:"没有什么是不可能的"你永远看起来聪明,你永远不会说什么,有一天,你是摇滚舞台上,我只是普通一在人群中寻找你,我想问你,为什么呢?你说"不可能是什么,如果你坚持你的爱"好,嗯,没有什么是可能的话,我是right.but最重要的是,你必须相信不可能是什么. 在中国,我们都知道一句话:时间可以改变everything.and真is.there是没有无用的实质内容,但开动脑筋,sights.everything是可能的.什么是impossible.happiness是一件好事,且易于achieve.felicity是一个很好的事情,值得打for.create新的东西.当新事物创造的,它变得非常有用的那个职务,并可以节省时间和精力,每个人都与创业是庆祝.但在其中,它是 同时绘画的方式给你们有实力的企业到新的思路和方法,就同一议题.一切我们所需要的是基础,是支柱.与帮助这一支柱的,你是构建思路. "不可能是什么" ,

Nothing is impossible!什么意思啊?求翻译。


nothing is impossible是什么意思


nothing is impossible 什么意思


Nothing is impossible 是什么意思?


are you sure that there is serious nothing为什么错?


Making Love Out Of Nothing At All的翻唱

美国乡村音乐凯莉·安德伍德林志炫 谢霆锋 李玖哲 林志炫情感纯粹、音乐简洁、旋律抒情优美是Air Supply最大的特点。因为纯净,所以强烈,直击人心。天使般纯净而激情的歌声,已经成为我们内心最深处的风景,与我们的生命同行。歌声响起,如烟往事穿越时空,穿越身边的声嚣光影、车水马龙,为我们筑起一道屏风。在渴望简洁的今天,Air Supply总能解脱我们。带我们到一个单纯唯美的爱情世界。林志炫在2009 新专辑《擦声而过2》中翻唱版本,林志炫的高音无疑给这首音乐增加一种鼓舞人心的力量,结合这首歌的意义使人想起自己在爱情中的伟大。在2分16秒到30秒及2分53秒后的混音更是这受首歌的高潮所在,相比Air Supply版本与欧美乡村版本的这首歌,林的连贯性很强,纯净而激情的歌声得到了表达与升华,当然应当承认,他对情感的表达和发音的自然还是较土生土长的欧美人是差些的,而且真假音切换的很娴熟的另一个结果就是真假音色差别大,在连续的两句话间无过渡,显得唐突。不过林的高音演唱使这首歌带有乐观的完结之感,是可以同林在优客李林时代中《knife》,《take it on the run(抉择)》相比的经典翻唱。林志炫在在国内著名live秀《我是歌手》中同样翻唱了此歌曲,不仅在当场拿下第一,在此后更是好评不断。主持人胡海泉说:“是林志炫让这首老歌重新焕发了魅力。”事实上也是如此,林志炫以其高亢明亮的独特嗓音重新演绎了这首世界名曲。网友纷纷议论说,个别网友说这首歌甚至超过了原作。正如著名音乐评论家山河:“可能大家都不知道歌词在写什么,不用说什么,节奏,旋律,音色,已经代表一切了。”但其实真正在长期生活国外其实就会发现他的一个弱点,这也是国人唱外国歌的一个通病,对情感的表达和发音的自然是不够的,对英语无真实的质感和思维方式的感悟,难免表达上要弱。林志炫坦言,相比观众对他的接纳程度,他更关注的还是他的音乐是否能深入人心。“我做音乐相对其他歌手来说比较自我,我可能不太会去关注观众喜欢什么、时下流行什么。我喜欢按照自己的节奏走。”林志炫表示,“如果用数字来比喻的话,我可能有百万张销售、可能有数十万歌迷。但其实我最在意的是一个两位数,那就是希望我的音乐可以让大家听几十年。”

《making love out of nothing at all》歌词的翻译

英文歌词  :   I know just how to whisper and I know just how to cry.   I know just where to find the answers and I know just how to lie.   I know just how to fake it and I know just how to scheme.   I know just when to face the truth and then I know just when to dream.   And I know just where to touch you and I know just what to prove.   I know when to pull you closer and I know when to let you loose.   And I know the night is fading. And I know the time"s gonna fly.   And I"m never gonna tell you everything I gotta tell you,   But I know I"ve got to give it a try.   And I know the roads to riches. And I know the ways to fame.   I know all the rules and then I know how to break "em   And I always know the name of the game.   But I don"t know how to leave you and I"ll never let you fall.   And I don"t know how you do it, making love out of nothing at all.   (Chorus)   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun are all streaming through the waves in your hair.   And every star in the sky is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.   The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.   You can take the darkness from the pit of the night,   And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.   I gotta follow it cause everything I know,   Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you.   I can make the runner stumble. I can make the final clock.   And I can make every tackle at the sound of the whistle.   And I can make all the stadiums rock.   I can make the night forever or I can make it disappear by the dawn.   And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.   And I can make all your demons be gone.   But I"m never gonna make it without you.   Do you really wanna see me crawl?   And I"m never gonna make it like you do,   Making love out of nothing at all.   (Chorus)   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (04:28)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love)   (Making love)   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love) Out of nothing at all.   (Making love)   (Making love)   (Making love)   (Making love)中文翻译词  让爱凭空而生   我明白如何耳语   也明白如何哭喊   我知道哪里可以找到答案   也知道如何去说谎   我知道如何捏造事实   也知道如何阴谋策划   我知道何时该面对真相   也知道何时该去做梦   我知道如何让你感动   也知道该去证明什么   我知道何时该将你拉近一些   也知道何时该放手   我知道夜晚即将结束   也知道时间正在飞逝   而我绝不会告诉你任何必须告诉你的事   但我知道该试试看   我知道致富之道   也知道成名的捷径   我知道所有的游戏规则,也知道如何打破规则   我总是知道游戏的名称   但我不知道如何离开你   我永远不会让你流泪   我不明白你是怎么做到的   让爱凭空而生(让我无缘无故,不可救药的爱上你)   凭空而生,凭空而生,   ……   凭空而生,凭空而生   让爱凭空而生   当每一次我看见你的时候   太阳所有的光线   流过你波浪般的发间   天上的每颗星星   都像聚光灯一样对准了你的双眼   我的心跳快如鼓点,它早已迷失   它正寻觅你的节奏   你能将夜晚的黑暗   转化成无尽燃烧的烽火   我必须追随着它,因为我知道这一切   如果没有把它交给你,一切都是徒然   我能够让奔跑者摔倒   我可以制造最后的障碍   然后我可以阻挡进攻,在哨声响起之际   我能够让整个运动场沸腾起来   我能够让今晚成为永恒   或者我能让他在黎明前消失   我能为你实现每一个曾经许过的承诺   我能为你驱走所有的恶魔   但是如果没有你我绝不会去做   难道你真的想要我跪在你面前   我却无法像你那样   让爱凭空而生(让你无缘无故不可救药的爱上我)   凭空而生,凭空而生   凭空而生,凭空而生   凭空而生,凭空而生   让爱凭空而生   注:Out of 有因为的意思

谢霆锋making love out of nothing any all的意思和它英文歌词及中文歌词是?

意思是让爱一切成空 中文歌词是我懂得如何轻声低诉也懂得如何放声高呼我知道答案所在何处也知道撒谎言辞含糊我懂得如何捏造事故也懂得如何策划企图我清楚何时应该面对现实的残酷亦明白何时可以迷恋梦境的虚无我知道哪里是我能触及的领域也知道我要证明什么疑虑我知道何时应该将你拉得更近也知道何时不要过分绷紧春宵将尽良辰飞逝而我绝不会向你透露任何隐瞒的事实但我知道我应该尝试我知道致富之道也知道成名之路我熟悉所有的游戏规则更熟悉打破规则的模式 到要怎样离开你我真的不懂我永远不会让你跌倒摔痛我不明白你怎能无动于衷让爱一切成空一切成空 一切都成空一切成空 一切都成空让爱一切成空每次我看见你的倩影所有的阳光都如波浪般亲吻你发间的柔情天上的每一颗星星都像聚光灯一样对准你的眼睛我狂乱的心是迷失的鼓点寻觅着你节奏的和应你可以从长夜的坑洞中吸取黑暗将它燃成长明的信号灯 散发无尽的光亮与耀眼我必将追随它的内涵因为我熟知的一切没有你的谱写 都将永远湮灭我可以让奔跑者摔倒我可以发动攻势也可以让进攻完全虚耗但耳际响起鸣哨我能够让整个运动场沸腾热闹我能让今夜成为永恒也能让它在黎明前消失我能为你实现每个许下的诺言我能为你去走所有的恶魔但是没有你 我什么都不屑去做难道你真的要看我在地上匍匐堕落?我决不能像你一样从容让爱一切成空一切成空 一切都成空英文歌词的是I know just how to whisperAnd I know just how to cryI know just where to find the answersAnd I know just how to lieI know just how to fake itAnd I know just how to schemeI know just when to face the truthAnd then I know just when to dreamAnd I know just where to touch youAnd I know just what to proveI know when to pull you closerAnd I know when to let you looseAnd I know the night is fadingAnd I know the time"s gonna flyAnd I"m never gonna tell you everything I"ve gotta tell youBut I know I"ve gotta give it a tryAnd I know the roads to richesAnd I know the ways to fameI know all the rules and then I know how to break"emAnd I always know the name of the gameBut I don"t know how to leave youAnd I"ll never let you fallAnd I don"t know how you do itMaking love out of nothing at allOut of nothing at all, out of nothing at allOut of nothing at all, out of nothing at allMaking love out of nothing at allEverytime I see you all the rays of the sunAre streaming through the waves in your hairAnd every star in the skyIs taking aim at your eyes like a spotlightThe beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lostAnd it"s looking for a rhythm like youYou can take the darkness at the pit of the nightAnd turn into a beacon burning endlessly brightI"ve gotta follow it"cause everything I knowWell, it"s nothing "till I give it to youI can make the runner stumbleI can make the final blockAnd I can make every tackleat the sound of the whistleI can make all the stadiums rockI can make tonight foreverOr I can make it disappear by the dawnI can make you every promise that has ever been madeAnd I can make all your demons be goneBut I"m never gonna make it without youDo you really wanna see me crawlAnd I"m never gonna make it like you doMaking love out of nothing at allOut of nothing at all, out of nothing at all 不知道这个答案怎样,我也很喜欢这首歌,霆锋唱的很有激情

Nothing‘s ever built to last.什么意思?


Making love out nothing at all用中文唱的歌词

Making love out of nothing at all(让爱一切成空)by:Air Supply(演唱:空气补给乐队)I know just how to whisper(我知道怎样细声耳语)and I know just how to cry.(也知道如何放声哭喊)I know just where to find the answers(我知道如何寻找解答)and I know just how to lie.(也知道如何违心欺骗)I know just how to fake it(我知道怎样伪善)and I know just how to scheme.(也知道怎样暗算)I know just when to face the truth(我知道何时该面对现实)and then I know just when to dream.(也知道何时该去追逐梦想)And I know just where to touch you(我知道该怎样感动你)and I know just what to prove.(也知道什么才该去证实)I know when to pull you closer(我知道何时该拉近你)and I know when to let you loose.(也知道何时该与你说再见)And I know the night is fading. (我知道夜色即将褪去)And I know the time"s gonna fly.(也知道时光匆匆飞逝)And I"m never gonna tell you(而我绝对不会告诉你)everything I gotta tell you,(任何该告诉你的事情)But I know I"ve got to give it a try.(哪怕我知道至少我应该去试一试才行)And I know the roads to riches. (我知道如何才能变得腰缠万贯)And I know the ways to fame.(更知道如何功成名就)I know all the rules(我知晓所有的规则)and then I know how to break "em(也知道如何打破那些规则)And I always know the name of the game.(我总是能够看穿他人的花招)But I don"t know how to leave you(但是,我不知道怎样才能离开你......)and I"ll never let you fall.(我本来绝对不会让你沦陷)And I don"t know how you do it, (然而我不知道你却怎样做到了)making love out of nothing at all.(让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all. ((让爱)一切成空)Everytime I see you well the rays of the sun(每次当我看见你,所有的阳光)are all streaming through the waves in your hair.(都梳理过你波浪般的发间)And every star in the sky(然后天上每颗星星)is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight.(都如聚光灯一样,照耀着你的双眼)The beating of my heart is a drum and it"s lost (我的心跳就像鼓声一样,开始错乱)and it"s looking for a rhythm like you.(并开始跟随你的节奏,一起律动)You can take the darkness from the deep of the night,(你能将深夜中的黑暗带走)And turn it to a beacon burning endlessly bright.(然后将它点燃成不熄的明灯)I gotta follow it cause everything I know,(而我则必须追逐着它,因为我所拥有的一切)Well, it"s nothing "til I give it to you. (如果没有给予你的话,都将毫无意义)I can make the runner stumble.(我会令追逐者跌倒)I can make the final block.(我会制造终结的障碍)And I can make every tackle(我会制造所有的麻烦)at the sound of the whistle.(在一切终结之前)And I can make all the stadiums rock.(我会令赛场沸腾)I can make the night forever (我会让今夜永恒)or I can make it disappear by the dawn.(也能让它在拂晓前消失)And I can make you every promise that"s ever been made.(我能实现所有许下的承诺)And I can make all your demons be gone.(我能为你击溃所有的恶魔)But I"m never gonna make it without you.(但是如果没有你,我什么都不会做)Do you really wanna see me crawl?(你真想看到我卑微地哀求你么?)And I"m never gonna make it like you do,(我绝对不会像你做的一样)Making love out of nothing at all. (让爱一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love) Out of nothing at all.((让爱)一切成空)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)(Making love)(让爱)

to say nothing of是什么意思及用法

to say nothing of没什么好说的双语对照词典结果:to say nothing of[英][tu: sei u02c8nu028cθiu014b u0254v][美][tu se u02c8nu028cθu026au014b u028cv]更不必说; 以上结果来自金山词霸网络释义1. 更不用说2. 何况收起例句:1.The reason is that earnings--to say nothing of profit margins--are already atall-time highs. 但这是不可能的,原因是利润已经处于历史最高点,更不要说利润率了。2.Yet the culture of, to say nothing of the union influence on, the socialdemocrats is against competition and private provision of public services. 不过,社民党的文化则是反对竞争和私人提供公共服务,更不必说工会的影响。3.In some countries the current figure could double by 2050, to say nothing ofthe cost of private pensions and extra spending on health and long-termcare. 数据显示,到2050年某些国家这一开销将极有可能翻倍,更不用说私人养老金以及在健康及长期个人保健上的开销了。

如何优雅的回应"You know nothing,John Snow

----- I don"t think so.

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义

You know nothing, John Snow这是 冰与火之歌 里一句经典台词饮意思就是:“你什么都不懂,琼恩·雪诺。”

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义

“you know nothing john snow“你不知道约翰雪例句:Do you know john brown? 你认识约翰布朗先生吗?

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义

You know nothing ,John Snow.约翰·斯诺,你什么都不知道。很高兴为你解答!如有疑问,欢迎随时追问!如果满意,欢迎尽快采纳!你们的采纳是我们不竭的动力!O(∩_∩)O~

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义


“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义

囧 的女人临死前那句you know nothing, john snow.解释1.你根本不知道你爹是雷加·坦格利安,你娘是莱安娜·史塔克 解释2.山有木兮木有枝,心悦君兮君不知 解释3. 你个雏儿,懂个球 解释4.囧斯诺,你根本不造老娘多稀罕你 解释5.法海你不懂爱

野女和红女都说 You know nothing,John Snow.到底啥意思

John Snow,you know nothing:你什么都不知道,约翰·斯诺。这句话在《权利的游戏》里面的意思:这是耶哥蕊特对斯诺说的,耶哥蕊特是自由民(长城以南的人称他们为野人),而斯诺是守夜人,耶哥蕊特深深地爱着斯诺,但是斯诺因为守夜人的誓言和自己背负的责任不可能和耶哥蕊特长相厮守。两个相爱的人处在敌对的两个阵营,所以耶哥蕊特对斯诺总是忽冷忽热,耶哥蕊特对斯诺说”你什么都不知道“其实是一种无奈,无奈自己与斯诺不能长相厮守,同时也包含对斯诺不理解耶哥蕊特的抱怨。希望对你有帮助

“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义


“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义


“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义


“you know nothing john snow” 什么含义


为什么那姑娘老老说“John Snow,you know nothing”

人叫jon snow,你们真行,都给改成john了。

nothing at all 是什么意思?


jay sean--all of nothing 中文歌词?

Jay Sean-Maybe Beep Beep On It Now There Goes My Phone 哔哔,铃声响起 ,是我的电话 And Once Again Im Just Hoping Its A Text From You 我再一次期望那会是来自你的短信 It Aint Right i read your Messages Twice thrice Four Times A Night Its True 我知道一晚上读你的短信两遍三遍四遍是不对的,但事实上我却这样做了 Everyday I Patiently Wait 每天我都在耐心地等待 Feeling Like A Fool But I Do Anyway 就像一个傻瓜一样,但是无论如何我都愿意这样做 Nothing Can Feel As Sweet And As Real As Now That I Wouldve Waited One Day 没有什么别的事能像这样等待一天让我感觉到既甜蜜又真实 And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too 也许再过一会你也会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想 Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺 I Always Connected Online 我总是连着网 Watching My Space All The Time 一直浏览着我的空间 Hoping That You"ve Checked My Profile 希望你曾来点击过我的个人信息 Just can"t help wondering why you play it cool but sometimes I just keep falling for you 忍不住地想知道你为什么总是耍酷 但有时我就是情不自禁被你迷住 Every night Im on the phone and I loving you and I know you that you like it girl, now dont keep it inside what"s in the night. 每天晚上我都打着电话,我爱你,我知道你喜欢这样,女孩 现在不要再隐藏夜色中的秘密 Now come say what your trying to hide. 现在就来告诉我你隐瞒了什么 And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too 也许再过一会你也会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想 Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺 Like I really want you, I think I need you, Maybe I miss you, Im thinking of you 就像我真的渴望着你,我知道我需要你,也许我想念你,我正在思念着你 And Maybe Its True Oh (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的,噢(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 (Maybe Yeh)Maybe In A While You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too (也许)也许再过一会你也会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong (Maybe yeh)Its All,In My Head (oh no) 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想(噢,不) Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺 And Maybe Its True (may be its true) Im caught Up On You 也许这是真的(也许这是真的)我会追得上你的脚步 Maybe there"s a chance You"ll Be Stuck On Me Too 也许你也有可能会被我迷住 So Maybe Im wrong Its All,In My Head 所以也许我错了,一切只是我的空想 Maybe We"ll Await On Words We Both Hadnt Said 也许我们都在等待那些从未说出口说出的承诺


None和Nothing的区别:含义不同、用法不同、形式不同。1、含义不同“None”表示没有或没有一个,用于指代数量为零或不存在的情况。“Nothing”表示没有任何东西或没有东西可供考虑或讨论。2、用法不同“None”通常用作代词,表示没有任何东西或没有一个人/物。它通常用于句子的主语或宾语位置。“Nothing”通常用作代词,表示没有任何东西或没有事情可做。它通常用于句子的主语或宾语位置。3、形式不同“None”是一个复合词,由“not”和“one”组成,表示“不是一个”或“没有一个”。“Nothing”是一个简单的词汇,表示“没有任何东西”或“没有事情”。None和Nothing造句一、None造句1、There were none of the cookies left in the jar.罐子里一块饼干都没有留下。2、None of the applicants met the minimum requirements for the job.没有一个申请者符合该职位的最低要求。3、The teacher asked a question, but none of the students could answer it.老师提了一个问题,但没有一个学生能回答。二、Nothing造句1、There was nothing in the fridge, so I had to order takeout for dinner.冰箱里什么都没有,所以我只能点外卖晚餐。2、She looked everywhere for her missing necklace, but found nothing.她到处找她丢失的项链,但什么都没找到。3、After the storm, there was nothing left of the old house but rubble.暴风雨过后,老房子只剩下了一片废墟。

_____ my love of landscape, nothing could persuade me to spend another day in the Highlands.


“The best or nothing”是什么意思?


_____ nothing I want to say about it. 用nearly还是almost? 请说明原因


All Or Nothing At All 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing At All歌手:Danny Williams专辑:Collection-= Bobby Caldwell 《 All Or Nothing At All 》 =-Every day we go throughI do something that"ll please you babyAnd I know, Having you aroundKeeps me groundedIf I get jealous, If I act like a foolIt"s an over reaction to loving youI want it all or nothing at allThat"s what I need from you and baby it"s trueI"ll be there whenever you callBut I need all or nothing at allOther men try for youThey won"t give you what I do now babyI won"t share Want you to myselfAnd I"ll keep tryingGonna make my lovin" , The best it can be"Cause I need your devotion desperatelyAll or nothing at allThat"s what I need from you and baby it"s trueI"ll be there whenever you callBut I need all or nothing at allJust tell me now there"s no other man"Cause I don"t want my heart broken up againAnd when you say that you"ll never let goOnly then will I know

(爱情是什么?爱情是ALL OR NOTHING ! 如果不是全部就什么都不要说了)翻译成日语


All or Nothing at All 歌词

歌曲名:All or Nothing at All歌手:Sara Gazarek专辑:YoursSara Gazarek - All or Nothing at AllAll or nothing at allHalf a love never appealed to meIf your heart, it never could yield to meThen I"d rather have nothing at allIf it"s love, there is no in-betweenWhy I begin then cry for something that might have beenNo I"d rather have nothing at allPlease don"t put your lips so close to my cheekDon"t smile or I"ll get lost beyond recallThe love in your eyes,the touch of your hand makes me weakAnd my heart,it may grow very dizzy and fallAnd if I fall under the spell of your callI would get lost in the undertowSo you see, I"ve got to say "No, no, no"And the taste of metalWhich our bodies do not like,And the paper sky,And the body up electric.I"ll have nothing to doWith you or your eyesAlways asking "Do you dare?"Always asking, and asking.And the quick greenand the cold panting songs,And the words unsaid,And the words unsaid.With you,with you or your eyes"Do you dare?"Always asking.If I fall under the spell of your callNothing at all

All Or Nothing At All 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing At All歌手:Danny Williams专辑:Moon River/Swinging For You-= Bobby Caldwell 《 All Or Nothing At All 》 =-Every day we go throughI do something that"ll please you babyAnd I know, Having you aroundKeeps me groundedIf I get jealous, If I act like a foolIt"s an over reaction to loving youI want it all or nothing at allThat"s what I need from you and baby it"s trueI"ll be there whenever you callBut I need all or nothing at allOther men try for youThey won"t give you what I do now babyI won"t share Want you to myselfAnd I"ll keep tryingGonna make my lovin" , The best it can be"Cause I need your devotion desperatelyAll or nothing at allThat"s what I need from you and baby it"s trueI"ll be there whenever you callBut I need all or nothing at allJust tell me now there"s no other man"Cause I don"t want my heart broken up againAnd when you say that you"ll never let goOnly then will I know

All Or Nothing At All 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing At All歌手:Ella Fitzgerald专辑:Lady Time豆豆,我们相爱一年了,OH YEAHAll or nothing at allHalf a love never appealed to meIf your heart never could yield to meThen I"d rather have nothing at allAll or nothing at allIf it"s love there ain"t no in-betweenWhy begin and cry for something that might have beenNo I"d rather have nothing at allPlease don"t put your lips so close to my cheekDon"t smile or I"ll be lost be on recallThe kiss in your eyes the touch of your hand makes me weakAnd my heart may grow dizzy and fallAnd if I fell under the spell of your callI would be caught in the under toeSo you see I"ve got to say noAll or nothing at all豆豆我们要永远在一起哦,我们相爱一年了,我们要一直爱下去哦,不管有什么困难,我们一定能克服的我们会有很多新的一年,相信我们自己吧,我们会这样做的Please don"t put your lips so close to my cheekDon"t smile or I"ll be lost be on recallThe kiss in your eyes the touch of your hand makes me weakAnd my heart may grow dizzy and fallAnd if I fell under the spell of your callI would be caught in the under toeSo you see I"ve got to say noAll or nothing at all

All Or Nothing At All 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing At All歌手:Karrin Allyson专辑:Ballads: Remembering John Coltrane豆豆,我们相爱一年了,OH YEAHAll or nothing at allHalf a love never appealed to meIf your heart never could yield to meThen I"d rather have nothing at allAll or nothing at allIf it"s love there ain"t no in-betweenWhy begin and cry for something that might have beenNo I"d rather have nothing at allPlease don"t put your lips so close to my cheekDon"t smile or I"ll be lost be on recallThe kiss in your eyes the touch of your hand makes me weakAnd my heart may grow dizzy and fallAnd if I fell under the spell of your callI would be caught in the under toeSo you see I"ve got to say noAll or nothing at all豆豆我们要永远在一起哦,我们相爱一年了,我们要一直爱下去哦,不管有什么困难,我们一定能克服的我们会有很多新的一年,相信我们自己吧,我们会这样做的Please don"t put your lips so close to my cheekDon"t smile or I"ll be lost be on recallThe kiss in your eyes the touch of your hand makes me weakAnd my heart may grow dizzy and fallAnd if I fell under the spell of your callI would be caught in the under toeSo you see I"ve got to say noAll or nothing at all

岚(arashi)all or nothing歌词

All or Nothing谐音歌词

Westlife - All Or Nothing I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他 That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离 I thought with time you"d realize Its over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束 It"s not the way i choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式 But something, somewhere"s got to give 但毕竟我有所付出 As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时 You know i"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过 But how can i fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢 I"ve had the rest of you 我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否 Chorus(合唱): Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友? Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结? You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开 There are times it seems to me 有很多时候 I"m sharing you in memories 我在回忆中思念你 I feel it in my heart But i don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来 Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我 As though i"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一 Those times i don"t believe 我虽然不相信 its right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了 Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守 I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。 Cause you and i Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了 if you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。

all of nothing和all is nothing的区别?


All or Nothing 歌词

歌曲名:All or Nothing歌手:Jay Sean专辑:The Best of Jay SeanJay Sean - All Or Nothing只听欧美滴!oh...Baby...oh..Ye... wasn"t anything I didn"t love about u,You"d do some stupid things and I"d laugh at those too,And we went together like the summer in JuneBut who"d have known that it"d rain so soonThought I"d be the only one that"d make u smile,Thought I"d be the only one that"d really know howBut u showed me different and I know better now,I gotta get u out my system somehowI replay it over and over againU were my girl, now we "ain"t even friends,U could"ve been my all or nothing, all or nothing,Now to me your nothing, girl u r nothing, now your nothingPut u on a pedestal, girl I held u so highWas never too good at finding the words to describe,Just how I felt for u but u know that I tried,But somehow we went and changed insideU damn near were my everything your still on my mind,But I"d rather be here all alone and I"m doin just fineGotta take it back to the days before we metAnd live our lives as strangers againI replay it over and over againU were my girl, now we "ain"t even friends,U could"ve been my all or nothing, all or nothing,Now to me your nothing, girl u r nothing, now your nothingI replay it over and over againU were my girl, now we "ain"t even friends,U could"ve been my all or nothing, all or nothing,Now to me your nothing, girl u r nothing, now your nothingDecember days, my summer turned to winterWhen u went away - I can"t help but wonderWas he worth my pain - U shud know better - and I shouldve tooAnd I cried, and u cried and we tried to make it work,Almost died while we tried, is that what our love was worth,If I cud do it again, I would be a better man,Now I"m living with just memoriesI replay it over and over againU were my girl, now we "ain"t even friends,U could"ve been my all or nothing, all or nothing,Now to me your nothing, girl u r nothing, now your nothingI replay it over and over againU were my girl, now we "ain"t even friends,U could"ve been my all or nothing, all or nothing,Now to me your nothing, girl u r nothing, now your nothingShaGuar制作

All Or Nothing 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing歌手:The Subways专辑:All Or NothingThe Subways - All Or NothingFall out of love to fall back inTo reach the end only to start againMy friends say get a clueIt"s just something we all go thoughOh Lord!Avoiding luck was something more to proveI"d like an option but I hate to chooseBut those days are dead and goneand its time we all move onOh Allah!So sadThe way we hold our heads in handsRegretsAre old excuses to be badThese days its all or nothing nowAnd I can"t go on thinking of howThings changeAnd now there getting strangeWant to be good, want you to see me shineI"d make you proud if you give me the timeBut what"s a boy to do?When there"s nothing left to looseGenesha!Climb down from your high horseWorse happens in cold warsDon"t think that I don"t see youWatching me as I watch youMistaken for somethingMuch smarter then I amDon"t think I don"t see youFall out of love only to fall back inWhen there"s nothing left to loose?



谁有O-Town乐团唱的歌曲《All Or Nothing》的歌词?

歌手:O - Town All Or NothingO-TownI know when he"s been on your mindThat distant look is in your eyesI thought with time you"d realize it"s over, overIt"s not the way I choose to liveAnd something somewhere"s gotta giveA share in this relationship gets older, olderYou know I"d fight for youbut how could I fight someone who isn"t even thereI"ve had the rest of you nowI want the best of you I don"t care if that"s not fairCuz I want it allOr nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallWhen you reach the bottom it"s now or neverIs it allOr are we just friendsIs this how it endsWith a simple telephone call You leave me here with nothing at allThere are time it seems to meI"m sharing you with memoriesI feel it in my heart but I don"t show it , show itThen there"s times you look at meAs thought I"m all that you could seeThose times I don"t believe it"s right I know it , know itDon"t make me promises babyyou never did know how to keep them wellI had the rest of you nowI want the best of you it"s time to show and tellCuz I want it allOr nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallWhen you reach the bottom it"s now or neverIs it allOr are we just friendsIs this how it endsWith a simple telephone callYou leave me here with nothing at allCuz you and ICould lose it all if you"ve got no more roomNowhere inside for me in your lifeCuz I want it allOr Nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallIt"s now or neverIs it allOr Nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallWhen you reach the bottom it"s now or neverIs it allOr are we just friendsIs this how it endsWith a simple telephone callYou leave me here with nothing at allby luneTHE END

o-town 的《all or nothing》中英文歌词。

I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他 That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离 I thought with time you"d realize Its over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束 It"s not the way i choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式 But something, somewhere"s got to give 但毕竟我有所付出 As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时 You know i"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过 But how can i fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢 I"ve had the rest of you 我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否 Chorus(合唱): Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友? Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结? You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开 There are times it seems to me 有很多时候 I"m sharing you in memories 我在回忆中思念你 I feel it in my heart But i don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来 Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我 As though i"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一 Those times i don"t believe 我虽然不相信 its right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了 Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守 I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了 Cause you and i Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了 if you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 It"s now or never 那是永远的决定

o-town 的《all or nothing》中英文歌词。

I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他 That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离 I thought with time you"d realize Its over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束 It"s not the way i choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式 But something, somewhere"s got to give 但毕竟我有所付出 As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时 You know i"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过 But how can i fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢 I"ve had the rest of you 我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否 Chorus(合唱): Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友? Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结? You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开 There are times it seems to me 有很多时候 I"m sharing you in memories 我在回忆中思念你 I feel it in my heart But i don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来 Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我 As though i"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一 Those times i don"t believe 我虽然不相信 its right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了 Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守 I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了 Cause you and i Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了 if you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 It"s now or never 那是永远的决定

帮忙翻译一下Natalia - 《All Or Nothing》歌词

纳塔利娅-全有或全无 歌词由巴彦流行 不要试图否认,我的信仰是你的痛苦 所以如果我的出现可能优雅杂志 噢婴儿放弃它,不要试图控制箱 我敢打赌,你已经受够了恐惧在我的命运 停止想你 我开始思考 不能给你我的爱无条件 导致它的全有或全无 (全有或全无) 我不能在这里为你 如果您是没有什么,我需要 所以请你记住,或你会更好地认为 这是全有或全无 (全有或全无) 那么,为什么批评我的生活方式的奢侈品 这是如此清晰,干扰是一种浪费能源 那么,婴儿放弃它,不要试图控制箱 我敢打赌,你已经受够了这个愚蠢 停止想你 我开始思考 不能给你我的爱无条件 导致它的全有或全无 (全有或全无) 我不能在这里为你 如果您是没有什么,我需要 所以请你记住,或你会更好地认为 这是全有或全无 为什么您应该采取最好的我 Ohh婴儿,婴儿,婴儿 你带我爱我 Ohhh为什么我必须说, Ohhh婴儿,婴儿,婴儿 我是谁 停止想你 我开始思考 不能给你我的爱无条件 导致它的全有或全无 (全有或全无) 我不能在这里为你 如果您是没有什么,我需要 所以请您记住,我说你最好相信 这是全有或全无 (全有或全无) 孩子放弃了,不要尝试 刚刚放弃了 您已经受够了 我不能左右你 孩子放弃了,不要尝试 你最好相信 您已经受够了 这是全有或全无 孩子放弃了,不要尝试 停止想你 您已经受够了 法改会的巴彦由白斑歌词组

All Or Nothing 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing歌手:Cher专辑:Live- The Farewell TourI"ve been standing out in the rainI"ve been calling your nameGot that lonely feeling againcalling out your nameDo you hear me?Do you want me?Baby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing nowI"ve been trying to get to your heartbut I"m chasing shadowsWe keep falling further apartso near and you"re so farDo you care now?Do you know how?Baby it"s all or nothing nowBaby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,Baby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing nowbaby it"s all or nothing nowSometimesWhen you touch meI just can"t help myselfCan you listenDo you care now?Do you know how?Baby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everBaby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing now

英语all or nothing,now or never怎么翻译?


westlife的or all nothing歌词翻译

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 不好意思,我查了下,歌名好象是这个. All Or Nothing I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他 That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离I thought with time you"d realize Its over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束 It"s not the way i choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式 But something, somewhere"s got to give 但毕竟我有所付出 As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时 You know i"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过 But how can i fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢 I"ve had the rest of you 我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否 Chorus(合唱): Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友? Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结? You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开 There are times it seems to me 有很多时候 I"m sharing you in memories 我在回忆中思念你 I feel it in my heart But i don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来 Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我 As though i"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一 Those times i don"t believe 我虽然不相信 its right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了 Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守 I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。 Cause you and i Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了 if you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。

Jay sean的All or nothing歌词。

All Or Nothing   I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他   That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离   I thought with time you"d realize It"s over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束   It"s not the way I choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式   But something, somewhere"s gotta give 但毕竟我有所付出   As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时   You know I"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过   But how can I fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢   If I had the rest of you 我拥有过你   Now I want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你   I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否   Chorus(合唱):   Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开   There are times it seems to me 有很多时候   I"m sharing you with memories 我在回忆中思念你   I feel it in my heart But I don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来   Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我   As though I"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一   Those times I don"t believe 我虽然不相信   It"s right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了   Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守   I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你   Now I want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你   It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了   Chorus(合唱)   Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing 你孑然一身地离开   Cause you and I Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了   If you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause I want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Chorus(合唱)   Is it all Or nothing at all 是你的全部,还是什么也没有   There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择   When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定   Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友?   Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结?   You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开

all or nothing 歌词中文对照

Westlife - All Or Nothing I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道你心里有了他 That distant look is in your eyes 你眼中的疏离 I thought with time you"d realize Its over, over 让我意识到我们之间已经结束 It"s not the way i choose to live 这并非我选择的生活方式 But something, somewhere"s got to give 但毕竟我有所付出 As sharing this relationship gets older, older 在我们携手共老的同时 You know i"d fight for you 你清楚我为你奋斗过 But how can i fight someone who isn"t even there 你若离开了,你让我为谁而努力呢 I"ve had the rest of you 我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 I don"t care if that"s not fair 不管这对你公平与否 Chorus(合唱): Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 When you reach the bottom It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Is it all Or are we just friends 是那样的吗?还是,我们就仅仅是朋友? Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call 你一个电话就让我们的一切终结? You leave me here with nothing at all 你孑然一身地离开 There are times it seems to me 有很多时候 I"m sharing you in memories 我在回忆中思念你 I feel it in my heart But i don"t show it, show it 我用我的心去体会,我不会表露出来 Then there"s times you look at me 又有很多时候,你看着我 As though i"m all that you can see 仿佛我是你眼里的唯一 Those times i don"t believe 我虽然不相信 its right I know it, know it 但我确实感受到了 Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well 不要轻易对我言诺,因为你根本不知道怎么去遵守 I"ve had the rest of you我拥有过你 Now i want the best of you 如今我更要一个完整的你 It"s time to show and tell 因此是时候把我的心意表露了 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。 Cause you and i Could lose it all 我们可能就这样完了 if you"ve Got no more room No room inside for me in your life 如果你把我永远地逐出你的生命 Cause i want it all Or nothing at all 要么是你的全部,要么我什么也不要 There"s nowhere left to fall 你再没别的选择 It"s now or never 那是永远的决定 Chorus(合唱) 。。。。。。

All Or Nothing 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing歌手:Cher专辑:GoldI"ve been standing out in the rainI"ve been calling your nameGot that lonely feeling againcalling out your nameDo you hear me?Do you want me?Baby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing nowI"ve been trying to get to your heartbut I"m chasing shadowsWe keep falling further apartso near and you"re so farDo you care now?Do you know how?Baby it"s all or nothing nowBaby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,Baby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing nowbaby it"s all or nothing nowSometimesWhen you touch meI just can"t help myselfCan you listenDo you care now?Do you know how?Baby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everBaby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing now

All Or Nothing 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing歌手:Rex Smith专辑:ForeverI"ve been standing out in the rainI"ve been calling your nameGot that lonely feeling againcalling out your nameDo you hear me?Do you want me?Baby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing nowI"ve been trying to get to your heartbut I"m chasing shadowsWe keep falling further apartso near and you"re so farDo you care now?Do you know how?Baby it"s all or nothing nowBaby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,Baby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing nowbaby it"s all or nothing nowSometimesWhen you touch meI just can"t help myselfCan you listenDo you care now?Do you know how?Baby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everBaby it"s all or nothing nowI don"t wanna run and I cant walk outyou"re breaking my heart if you leave me nowdon"t wanna wait for everdon"t wanna wait for everWho do you think you"re foolingWho do you think you"re foolingBaby it"s all or nothing,baby it"s all or nothing now

All Or Nothing 歌词

歌曲名:All Or Nothing歌手:O-Town专辑:O-Town 2All Or NothingwestlifeI know when he"s been on your mindThat distant look is in your eyesI thought with time you"d realize it"s over, overIt"s not the way I choose to liveAnd something somewhere"s gotta giveA share in this relationship gets older, olderYou know I"d fight for youbut how could I fight someone who isn"t even thereI"ve had the rest of you nowI want the best of you I don"t care if that"s not fairCuz I want it allOr nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallWhen you reach the bottom it"s now or neverIs it allOr are we just friendsIs this how it endsWith a simple telephone callYou leave me here with nothing at allThere are time it seems to meI"m sharing you with memoriesI feel it in my heart but I don"t show it , show itThen there"s times you look at meAs thought I"m all that you could seeThose times I don"t believe it"s right I know it , know itDon"t make me promises babyyou never did know how to keep them wellI had the rest of you nowI want the best of you it"s time to show and tellCuz I want it allOr nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallWhen you reach the bottom it"s now or neverIs it allOr are we just friendsIs this how it endsWith a simple telephone callYou leave me here with nothing at allCuz you and ICould lose it all if you"ve got no more roomNowhere inside for me in your lifeCuz I want it allOr Nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallIt"s now or neverIs it allOr Nothing at allThere"s nowhere left to fallWhen you reach the bottom it"s now or neverIs it allOr are we just friendsIs this how it endsWith a simple telephone callYou leave me here with nothing at all

all in nothing 怎么翻译

你应该是想问all in or nothing吧,文艺点的说法是:成王还是败寇,普通翻译:一切或一无所有。


nothing用英语的说法:[u02c8nu028cθu026au014b]。拓展资料1.Nothing的基本含义"Nothing"是英语中表示"没有任何东西"、"空无一物"的词汇。它可以指物体的缺失、某种行为的缺乏或者在某个场景中没有任何可见的事物。2.Nothing作为名词的用法名词形式的nothing表示空虚、空白或者不存在的事物。例如,"There is nothing on the table"表示桌子上没有任何物品。3.Nothing作为代词的用法作为代词,nothing可以指代一个不存在的事物,或者表示某些情况下缺乏某种特定的事物或行为。例如,"I have nothing to say"表示我没有什么可说的。4.Nothing表示否定和零Nothing还可以用来表示否定或者零。例如,"There is nothing wrong with the car"表示车没有任何问题;"I have nothing to do with it"表示我与此事无关。5.Nothing的文化意义在某些文化背景中,nothing还可以有某些隐含的意义。例如,在英语中的俚语中,"It"s nothing"常用于回答对方的感谢,并表示"没什么大不了"的意思。6.Nothing在习语中的用法Nothing也经常出现在一些习语中,具有特定的含义。例如,"All or nothing"表示只有两种选择,要么全然接受,要么完全放弃;"Much ado about nothing"表示对于无关紧要的事情过分大惊小怪。

求o town 《all or nothing》歌词翻译

《all or nothing》歌手: Glee Cast所属专辑:《All or Nothing (Glee Cast Version)》I can"t stay hereI am not the girl who runs and hides,afraid of what could beAnd I will go thereI need time but know that thingsare always closer than they seemNow I"ll do more than dreamI"m gonna fly, gonna flash right through the skygonna touch the sun, show everyonethat it"s all or nothing, all or nothingThis is my life, I"m not gonna live it twicethere"s no in-between, take it too extremecause it"s all or nothing, all or nothingor nothing at allI can"t give up, can"t just let it burnand watch the fire start it turn to dustAnd now please don"t judge metake my hand and say you"ll always wishme well and send me luckcause that would be enoughI"m gonna fly, gonna flash right through the skygonna touch the sun, show everyonethat it"s all or nothing, all or nothingThis is my life, I"m not gonna live it twicethere"s no in-between, take it too extremecause it"s all or nothing, all or nothing at allNothing can stop me nowThere was never a shadow of doubtThen I"m gonna fly, gonna flash right through the skygonna touch the sun, show everyonethat it"s all or nothing, all or nothingThis is my life, I"m not gonna live it twicethere"s no in-between, take it too extremecause it"s all or nothing, all or nothing at allcause it"s all or nothing at allnothing at allAll or nothingAll or nothing at allAll or nothing

ALL or Nothing NEVER or ever 正确翻译

all or nothing

各位仁兄,谁知道西域男孩中的All or nothing 的歌词在哪里?

I know when he"s been on your mind That distant look is in your eyes I thought with time you"d realize It"s over over It"s not the way I choose to live And something somewhere"s got to give As sharing this relationship gets older older You know I"d fight for you But how I can fight someone who isn"t even there I"ve had the rest of you now I want the best of you I dont care if that"s not fair Chorus: (first time led by Dan with Erik in background) Cause I want it all Or nothing at all There"s no where left to fall When you reach the bottom it"s now or never Is it all Or are we just friends Is this how it ends With a simple telephone call You leave me here with nothing at all There are times it seems to me I"m sharing you with memories I feel it in my heart But I don"t show it, show it And then there"s times you look at me As though I"m all that you can see Those times I don"t believe it"s right I know it, know it Don"t make me promises Baby you never did know how to keep them well I"ve had the rest of you Now I want the best of you It"s time for show and tell Chorus Cause you and I Could lose it all if you"ve got no more room No room inside for me in your life Cause I want it all Or nothing at all There"s no where left to fall It"s now or never

all or nothing歌词

系这首吗? I know when he"s been on your mind 我知道当他浮现在你脑海 That distant look is in your eyes 你的双眸也跟着出现冷漠的神情 I thought with time you"d realize it"s over over 我以为随着时间过去 你会了解情已逝 It"s not the way I choose to live 那并不是我选择生活的方式 And something somewhere"s gotta give 有时候某些事情要学着放手 A share in this relationship gets older older 在这样的关系下我尝试为你分担 却慢慢的不被你所需要了 You know I"d fight for you but how could I fight somone who isn"t even there? 你知道我很努力的追求你 但是我该如何追求一个心不在此的人呢? I"ve had the rest of you now I want the best of you I don"t care if that"s not fair 我拥有的是不完整的你 现在的我只想要最好的你 我不在乎这一切是不是不公平 Cuz I want it all or nothing at all 因为我想要全部的你 不然就等于没有你 There"s nowhere left to fall 当你触及这段情的底限 再也没有地方可以躲藏 When you reach the bottom it"s now or never 在这个千载难逢的时刻 我只想知道 Is it all 这就是我们感情的全部吗? Or are we just friends 还是我们只是朋友? Is this how it ends 就这样结束了吗? With a simple telephone call 只有一通简单的电话 You leave me here with nothing at all 留下我 而你带走了全部 一点也不剩 There are time it seems to me 曾有段时间 对我来说 I"m sharing you with memories 似乎只有我一个人在对你分享回忆 I feel it in my heart but I don"t show it show it 我深切的感觉到了 但我隐藏得很好 Then there"s times you look at me 曾经有几次你看着我 As thought I"m all that you could see 让我以为你的眼中只有我 Those times I don"t belive it"s right I know it know it 虽然我知道这并不会是真的... 我知道 我早就知道了 Don"t make me promises baby you never did know how to keep them well 不需要对我作出承诺 I had the rest of you now I want the best of you it"s time to show and tell 你从来不知道怎么好好的维持住感情 Cuz I want it all or nothing at all 因为我想要全部的你 不然就等于没有你 There"s nowhere left to fall 当你触及这段情的底限 再也没有地方可以躲藏 When you reach the bottom it"s now or never 在这个千载难逢的时刻 我只想知道 Is it all 这就是我们感情的全部吗? Or are we just friends 还是我们只是朋友? Is this how it ends 就这样结束了吗? With a simple telephone call 只有一通简单的电话 You leave me here with nothing at all 留下我 而你带走了全部 一点也不剩 Cuz you 这一切都是因为你 And I could lose it all if you"ve got no more room 如果你心中没有多余的空间容纳我 Nowhere inside for me in your life 如果我在你的生命中没有地位 我便失去了所有 参考: 网路罗
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