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更新1: 如果条款是先落订金, 让供应商安排日后事宜, 但现因环境有变, 我方无法对现订货条款 (问题出自我方), 最后也会是去了 BAD DEBT ? ,最后也会是去了 BAD DEBT ? 答: 这是错误的。 何谓坏帐(BAD DEBT) ? 坏帐: 就是一间公司销售产品或服务给客户时, 对方没有依据合约付款, 在会计上的处理, 把没法收回的款项, 记录在坏帐的帐户里。现在客观的情况 - 如果条款是先落订金, 让供应商安排日后事宜, 但现因环境有变, 我方无法对现订货条款 (问题出自我方)。 由于购买货物和销售, 本身已是两码子的事情, 因此, BAD DEBT是错误的处理。应该如何? 或以一个小例子陈述; 假设, 购置机器的金额是$500,000, 首付2成金额, 8成金额在货物到后付清; 现放弃首付, 有关的记录如下: 首付当日的记录Deposit-Machinery……….$100,000 Cash/Bank………………$100,000放弃首付, 解除购买机器合约Operation Loss…………………$100,000 Deposit-Machinery…………….$100,000 2012-07-22 20:48:23 补充: Operation Loss…………………$100,000 There is no such item in Statement of Comprehensive Ine. Moreover, this is not a good aount name in the Chart of Aounts 看来阁下真的要集思广益了, Operation Loss是under extraordinary item, 如有需要, 请参阅 Review of the Ine Statement。 2012-07-22 23:06:02 补充: 在大学里, 读会计学科的人, 是应该懂得 extraordinary item中的operation loss, 除非, 是那些只为考LCCI的课程。,参考: 小鱼枪手,一般收取按金时候会:Dr. Trade Deposit Paid Cr. Bank当供应商唔肯出货,咁就要睇你订货条款点写:1. 保留追究责任─从第二个供应商攞货然后将差额同埋订金一齐追讨:Dr. Temporary Payment Cr. Trade Deposit Cr. Purchases;2. 唔赶就等出货,同时搞清楚几时出(Dr. Temporary Payment Cr. Trade Deposit);3. 如果唔一定要批货,就商讨赔偿Dr. Temporary Payment Cr. Trade Deposit。在任何情况下都唔会即刻将订金冲销(Dr. Bad Debt Cr. Trade Deposit)─咁即系自动放弃!仅供参考!,If this is recoverable, then trfer this to Trade Deposit Recoverable aount, pending the repayment of the deposit. If no repayment be made thereafter, then charge it to Sundry Expenses aount with full narration. ,

write down,write off,有啥区别?impairment 是什么意思

write-down跌价A write-down becomes a write-off if the entire balance of the asset is eliminated and removed from the books altogether.write-off报废(跌价跌到0元,就成了wite-off)A write-down is performed in accounting to reduce the value of an asset to offset a loss or expense.


painter 英["peu026antu0259(r)] 美[u02c8pentu025a] n. 画家,着色者;油漆匠;(系船的)缆绳;破诡计 名词复数:painters [例句]Murakami is a tender painter of negative spaces.村上春树是一个温柔的、描画负空间的画家。


paint英 [peu026ant] 美 [pent] 过去式: painted 过去分词: painted 现在分词: painting 第三人称单数: paints






l want a pair of sneaker for my son 单词找错,

sneaker 改为sneakers 运动鞋是两只,为复数.a pair of sneaker “一双运动鞋”


不是吧,有差别pain 痛苦(身体受到)sorrow悲伤(心里受到)

这句英语怎么翻译呢strap on a pair

像个男人,勇敢一点。。a pair 就是男人大腿间那一对樱桃小丸子。

glasses谓语动词用单数还是复数?a pair of glasses 谓语动词用单数还是复数?

glasses用复数,a pair of glasses用单数

Make an int from each pair by sticking the bits

Make an int from each pair by sticking the bits from the first letter in front ofthe bits from the second letter. 从每对(字节)凑出一个整型数据,其中前一个字符的(8个)位始终保持在后一个字符的(8个)位之前。(范畴:大端模式)

a pair of的指示代词用什么

a pair of做主语谓语动词用单数。

two pair of的用法归纳高中

pair可以用作名词: pair的基本意思是“一双,一对,一副”,可指连在一起共同使用的由相同、相通或相关的两部分构成的单件物品,如:glasses, scissors等; 也可指两件虽分开但有密切关系的物体,如:chopsticks, socks; 还可指有共同特征或相互关联的两个人或物。 扩展资料   pair用作名词的用法例句   These two cups will make a pair.这两个杯子可以配成一对。   The newly married couple are really a happy pair.那对新婚夫妇真是快乐的.一对。   This pair of shoes is durable.这双鞋很耐磨。   pair可以用作动词   pair的基本意思是使单个事物配成双、配成对,引申可作“交尾”解。   pair既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,后可接名词或代词作宾语。   pair后接off表示“成双,结对”; 接up表示“结成对”; 接with表示“与…配成对”。   pair用作动词的用法例句   The teacher paired us off for the purpose of the exercise.为了做练习,老师把我们分成一对一对。   Pair the socks and put them in the drawer .把袜子配成双,然后放到抽屉里。   I"ll pair up you and her for the dance.这个舞会上,我把你和她配成对跳舞。

a pair of可以表示一对吗?

a pair of不仅可以表示“一对”,还可以表示“一副”。用法:1、a pair of后面可以接由两部分构成的单件事物名词,例如trousers,scissors,glasses,spectacles,jeans等。例句:My father has small eyes, wear a pair of glasses, looking more gently.我的父亲有一双小小的眼睛,戴着一副眼镜,看上去很温和。2、a pair of后面可以接包括两件东西且习惯上一起使用的名词,例如shoes,boots,gloves,socks,earrings,chopsticks等。例句:It"s cold, I need a pair of gloves.天气冷,我需要一副手套。扩展资料:couple,pair这两个名词均有“一对,一双”之意。1、couple多指在一起或彼此有关系的两个人或两个同样的事物。2、pair含义广泛,可指人或物。用于物时,指两个互属的事物,缺此或失彼都会失去使用价值,或指由相对称的两部分构成的一件东西。例句:These two cups will make a pair.这两个杯子可以配成一对。

a pair of的用法归纳高中

a pair of不仅可以表示“一对”,还可以表示“一副”。 用法: a pair of后面可以接由两部分构成的单件事物名词,例如trousers,scissors,glasses,spectacles,jeans等。 扩展资料   a pair of后面可以接包括两件东西且习惯上一起使用的`名词,例如shoes,boots,gloves,socks,earrings,chopsticks等。   例句:It"s cold, I need a pair of gloves.   天气冷,我需要一副手套。   couple,pair这两个名词均有“一对,一双”之意。   1、couple多指在一起或彼此有关系的两个人或两个同样的事物。   2、pair含义广泛,可指人或物。用于物时,指两个互属的事物,缺此或失彼都会失去使用价值,或指由相对称的两部分构成的一件东西。   例句:These two cups will make a pair.   这两个杯子可以配成一对。

a pair of shoes后面跟is还是are?

“a pair of shoes”后面的谓语动词是单数形式,所以要用“is”而不是“are”。一双鞋子的“一”表示的是单数,虽然鞋子是复数形式,因为一双鞋子有两只,而整体表示的是“一双”,所以是单数形式,要用“is”。一副眼镜的英语为“a pair of glasses”,后面也是跟“is”,和“a pair of shoes”同理,表示的整体为单数,所以用“is”。“a pair of”的同义词辨析:1、a couple of 两(或几)个…辨析:意思广泛而模糊,既可指两个,也可指多个。指同类中的两个时,不强调成对,也不构成一个整体,谓语动词一般用复数。例句:I found a couple of boots in the bedroom but they don"t make a pair.我在卧室里找到了两只靴子,但它们不是一对。2、a pair of 一对…,一双…辨析:指由同一种材料制成的两个配套的物体,属于一个不可分割的整体,缺少其中之一则无法使用,谓语动词用单数还是复数取决于这两者是一个整体还是两个事物或人的组合。例句:She is going to buy a pair of jeans.她想去买一条牛仔裤。

英语谚语:It is not every couple that is a pair 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: It is not every couple that is a pair 中文意思: 成双并非皆配偶。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Friends must part 天下无不散之筵席。 From a little spark may burst a mighty flame 星星之火可以燎原。 From hearing es wisdom; from speaking repentance 多听增智慧,多言生后悔。 From saving es having 富有来自节约。 From short pleasure long repentance 痛快一时,悔恨终身。 From the father es honour; from the mother fort 荣誉由父次,安慰由母与。 Frugality is an estate alone 仅仅节约就是一笔财产。 Fruit ripens not well in the shade 阴凉处的果子不会成熟。 Full belies make empty skulls 大腹便便,头脑空虚。 Gain got by a lie will burn one"s fingers 靠欺骗得来的利益会使自己受害。 英语谚语: It is not every couple that is a pair 中文意思: 成双并非皆配偶。

a pair of shoes后面接is还是are?

“a pair of shoes”后面的谓语动词是单数形式,所以要用“is”而不是“are”。一双鞋子的“一”表示的是单数,虽然鞋子是复数形式,因为一双鞋子有两只,而整体表示的是“一双”,所以是单数形式,要用“is”。一副眼镜的英语为“a pair of glasses”,后面也是跟“is”,和“a pair of shoes”同理,表示的整体为单数,所以用“is”。扩展资料:“a pair of”的同义词辨析:1、a couple of 两(或几)个…辨析:意思广泛而模糊,既可指两个,也可指多个。指同类中的两个时,不强调成对,也不构成一个整体,谓语动词一般用复数。例句:I found a couple of boots in the bedroom but they don"t make a pair.我在卧室里找到了两只靴子,但它们不是一对。2、a pair of 一对…,一双…辨析:指由同一种材料制成的两个配套的物体,属于一个不可分割的整体,缺少其中之一则无法使用,谓语动词用单数还是复数取决于这两者是一个整体还是两个事物或人的组合。例句:She is going to buy a pair of jeans.她想去买一条牛仔裤。

a pair of的用法归纳是什么?

a pair of一双;一对;一副a pair of 后面接可数名词复数形式。

C++中如何如果定义一个关联容器map< int,vector > 如何用make_pair()给该容器插入元素

不知道你到底要把什么放map中,很明显语法上应该是 data_m.insert(make_pair(i, data));这才对。或者map<int, ID_Card> data_m2, 然后 data_m2.insert(make_pair(i, data[i]));





we confirm supply of 1000 pairs of the shoes at the prices stated in your or




mend repair fix的具体区别+短语

这几个词语都含有“修理、修补”的意思,有时可以通用,但也有些区别。 1) repair的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损失或失灵的东西恢复其形状或功能。 如:Who has repaired the broken leg of the table? 谁把桌子的断腿修好了? 2) mend的意思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针、线来缝补),一般指较小之物。 如:This shirt is too old to mend. 这件衣服太旧不能补了。 (1) fix 具有mend和repair这两个动词的一般含义,差别在于fix是个非正式用语 The tap is leaking. We must fix it. 水龙头在漏水,我们得把它修一修。 A friend of the family came and fixed things between the girl and the angry parents. 这个家庭的一位朋友来了以后,把这姑娘和她生气的父母之间感情和好了。 (2) mend 可以用来表示对打破、撕破、穿破等物或衣服进行修理或修补,也可以表示治愈创伤,矫正过错或使破裂的感情重归于好 The workmen are mending the road. 工人们正在修路 We must do something to mend his reputation. 我们必须想办法恢复他的名誉。 The least said, the soonest mended. ( 谚语)多说反而坏事。 (3) repair 在表示修复这一含义时,可以和 mend 互换使用。 但是, 当一种比较复杂的东西部分损坏了或损伤的范围大时,如果表示把它修复起来,最好用repair … ,如 but he has never managed to get enough money to have the church clock repaired. 但是他从未能够弄到足够的钱来修理教堂的大钟。 举例如下:repair a machine 修理一台机器 repair a house 修理房屋 repair one"s shoes 修理鞋 This TV set has to be repaired. 这台电视机必须修理. Mend指"修理","修补"或"织补"某一损坏穿破了的东西.也指"补救"过错等. 如:He mended the broken toy. 他修理了损坏的玩具. The worker offered to mend the window for us. 那种人主动提出要帮我们修理窗户. Mother mended my socks yesterday. 昨天妈妈补好了我的袜子. 由此可见,这三个词的主要区别在于:fix使用范围比较广,且不正式;repair多用于指修理物体比较庞大或复杂的东西之上;mend多用于指修理结构简单的小东西.



repair, fix和mend的区别是什么呢?



三个词都含有“修理、修补”的意思,有时可以通用,但也有些区别。 1) repair的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损失或失灵的东西恢复其形状或功能。如:Who has repaired the broken leg of the table? 谁把桌子的断腿修好了?2) mend的意思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针、线来缝补),一般指较小之物。如:This shirt is too old to mend. 这件衣服太旧不能补了。3) fix用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来。用于美国口语中,与repair无多大区别。Can you fix the broken chair? 你能修理那把坏了的椅子吗?


mend repair fix 都表修理.用法和意义有什么不同 1、repair:“修理”的对象着重于破损、毁坏或发生故障不能正常使用的物体.例如: When I got home, my brother was repairing his radio.   当我到家的时候,哥哥正在修理收音机.   2、mend:“修理”的对象是一些琐碎的物品.如粘贴的小用具、玩具,要缝补的衣物等.例如:   My kite is broken. Can you mend it?   我的风筝坏了,你能修吗?   3、fix:用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来.例如:   Please fix a lid on the box. 请给这盒子装上盖子.


这三个词都含有“修理、修补”的意思,有时可以通用,但也有些区别。 1) repair的对象范围很广,从房屋、道路、机器到日常生活必需品,是使受到一定损失或失灵的东西恢复其形状或功能。 如:Who has repaired the broken leg of the table? 谁把桌子的断腿修好了?2) mend的意思是恢复某物原来的样子(包括用针、线来缝补),一般指较小之物。 如:This shirt is too old to mend. 这件衣服太旧不能补了。3) fix用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来。用于美国口语中,与repair无多大区别。 Can you fix the broken chair? 你能修理那把坏了的椅子吗?

repair 与mend 的不同

repair较为精细的修理mend 修补

fix repair mend的区别

fix意为“修理”经常指修理小东西,例如:钟表、自行车和小电器等,fix一般都可以与repair和mend通用。 repair意为“修理”,多指修理损坏和破旧的物品,也指修理结构复杂和损坏较大的东西。 mend意为“修补;修理”,特指修理有破洞和裂痕等的东西,例如:衣服、袜子和鞋子等。 扩展资料   My parents had fixed ideas about what I should become.   父母对我应该成为什么样的人有定见。   We need to fix a date for the next meeting.   我们得为下次会议定个日期。   Further, it is important to consider the cost of repairs.   此外,重要的是要考虑修理费用。   The building is in a bad state of repair.   那座房子年久失修。   Does he believe the economy"s really on the mend?   他相信经济确实在复苏吗?   He"s mending slowly after the operation.   手术后,他正在缓慢好转。




mend repair fix 都表修理.用法和意义有什么不同 1、repair:“修理”的对象着重于破损、毁坏或发生故障不能正常使用的物体.例如:When I got home,my brother was repairing his radio.  当我到家的时候,哥哥正在修理收音机.  2、mend:“修理”的对象是一些琐碎的物品.如粘贴的小用具、玩具,要缝补的衣物等.例如:  My kite is broken.Can you mend it?  我的风筝坏了,你能修吗?  3、fix:用于需要重新“调”物体的结构,把松散的部件固定结实,将分离的物体各部分装配起来.例如:  Please fix a lid on the box.请给这盒子装上盖子.



pity的音标/'piti/汉语拼音谐音是pai tei,音标的i是发“衣”啊,我拼的是“皮提”

是pi ti啊

设f(x)=∫(上限x 下限pain) sint/t dt , 计算 ∫(上限π 下限0) f(x) dx

∫(上限π 下限0) f(x) dx (分布积分法) =xf(x)|(上限π 下限0)-∫(上限π 下限0) x f"(x) dx =0-∫(上限π 下限0) x* sinx/x dx (可知f(pai)=∫(上限pai 下限pain) sint/t dt =0) =cos x|(上限π 下限0)=-2

设f(x)=∫(上限x 下限pain) sint/t dt , 计算 ∫(上限π 下限0) f(x) dx

∫(上限π 下限0) f(x) dx (分布积分法)=xf(x)|(上限π 下限0)-∫(上限π 下限0) x f"(x) dx =0-∫(上限π 下限0) x* sinx/x dx (可知f(pai)=∫(上限pai 下限pain) sint/t dt =0)=cos x|(上限π 下限0)=-2

phantom pain中文歌词

Phantom Pain - T.M.Revolution 作词:Akio Inoue 作曲:Daisuke Asakura 折れた刃の様に 痩せ细る月が 如钩新月越过你的肩头 君の肩越し 深く胸に刺さった 如折断的刀刃深深刺入我的心 どうしたら 谁も泣かずに 要怎么做才能没有任何人哭泣 君を夺い去れる 就这么将你夺走 めの奥で 揺れる波纹が 在眼瞳深处泛起涟漪的波纹 ゆらりと伝えてく 轻轻传递而来 …惑いまで …直到不知所措 见つけて 手にした ただ一つを 去找寻那份唯一而后紧握在手心 爱じゃないものに 壊してしまった 却遭到并非爱情的事物的破坏 确かめ 切れずに まだ焦がれる 去确认斩不断的思慕情意 痛みのありかを 今も捜せない 痛楚之所在如今依旧寻不到 酸性の雨 缓ゆるく溶かしてく 酸雨缓慢融化 伤付く事に 既に惯れた世界を 深知这是个早已习惯受伤的世界 知ってても あすは无くても 哪怕再没有明天 仆ら ただ濡れてた 我们 任雨水打湿全身 时间毎に 止まる喷水 随时间而停止的喷泉 そこだけ 永远が 貌似唯有那里 …あるような …才有永恒的存在 抱えた 守れる 物を総て 紧拥在怀的能够守护的所有的一切 恋に触れた时 失くしてしまった 在触碰到爱情之时却突然间荡然无存 窓越し 远くで 昙った梦 透过窗户在远方朦胧不清的梦境 仆らは二人で 何を视ている? 我们眼里看到的是什么? 踊る风 无邪気なままで 起舞的风依旧纯真无暇 微笑みながら 追い挂けてる 面带微笑一路追寻 季节の过ぎる 目映さに酔って 季节悄然流逝耀眼光芒教人沉醉 见知らぬ森に 迷い込んでゆく 渐渐迷失在陌生的森林 …惑うまま …依旧不知所措 见つけて 手にした 唯一つは 去找寻那份唯一而后紧握在手心 爱には成れずに きっと最後まで 肯定到最后都不可能是爱情 抱えた 守れる 物を総て 紧拥在怀的能够守护的所有的一切 恋に触れた时 失くしてしまった 在触碰到爱情之时却突然间荡然无存 确かめ 切れずに まだ焦がれる 去确认斩不断的思慕情意 痛みの在処を 今も捜せない 痛楚之所在如今依旧寻不到

Low [Feat T-Pain] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Low [Feat T-Pain] (Album Version)歌手:Flo Rida专辑:Mail On SundayLowFlo Rida、t-painThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IDid I think I seen shorty get lowAin't the same when it's up that closeMake it rain, I'm makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI'm into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain't a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low low what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that'll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that's three grand)What you think I'm playin baby girlI'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bandsThat's what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn't control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain't want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of bubba cray,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI'm zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn't stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC'mon

Low [Feat T-Pain] (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Low [Feat T-Pain] (Album Version)歌手:Flo Rida&T-Pain专辑:LowLowFlo Rida、t-painThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowShawty had them Apple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowI ain't never seen nuthin that'll make me go,this crazy all night spendin my doughHad a million dollar vibe and a bottle to goDem birthday cakes, they stole the showSo sexual, she was flexibleProfessional, drinkin X and oooHold up wait a minute, do i see what I think IDid I think I seen shorty get lowAin't the same when it's up that closeMake it rain, I'm makin it snowWork the pole, I got the bank rollImma say that I prefer them no clothesI'm into that, I love women exposedShe threw it back at me, I gave her moreCash ain't a problem, I know where it goesShe had themApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low low what I gotta do to get you homeMy jeans full of gwapAnd they ready for ShonesCadillacs Maybachs for the sexy grownPatrone on the rocks that'll make you moanOne stack (come on)Two stacks (come on)Three stacks (come on, now that's three grand)What you think I'm playin baby girlI'm the man, I'll bend the rubber bandsThat's what I told her, her legs on my shoulderI knew it was ova, that Henny and ColaGot me like a SoldierShe ready for Rover, I couldn't control herSo lucky oo me, I was just like a cloverShorty was hot like a toasterSorry but I had to fold her,Like a pornography posterShe showed herApple Bottom Jeans JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the straps With the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smack AyyShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowWhoaShawtyYea she was worth the moneyLil mama took my cash,and I ain't want it back,The way she bit that rag,got her them paper stacks,Tattoo of bubba cray,I had to handle that,I was on it, sexy woman, let me showninThey be want it two in the morninI'm zonin in them rosay bottles foaminShe wouldn't stop, made it dropShorty did that pop and lock,Had to break her off that gwapGah it was fly just like my glockApple Bottom JeansBoots with the fur With the furThe whole club was lookin at herShe hit the flo She hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowThem baggy sweat pantsAnd the Reeboks with the strapsShe turned around and gave that big booty a smackShe hit the floNext thing you knowShawty got low low low low low low low lowC'mon

T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti的《Church》 歌词

歌曲名:Church歌手:T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti专辑:ChurchChurch T-Pain、Teddy VersetiLadies and GentlemenYou already know what it isOk, Yea, Aw。。。。。。。。。 shitIm tryin to run in this motherfuckaIm tryin to anywaysGot two hard lookin motherfuckersCa monI was tryin to enjoy ma night but you then came hereTurned around looked mighty happy fore you came hereI then turn into a rude dudeWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsYou aint doin nuthing but runnin ya yapp yappYou got to got to go get a couple homeboy i am strapped strappedI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsDope little lady tryin to hold you back you better listen to herShe better not talk that shit ima have to put some thin'straight through herI done turned into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights...Ca monYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchIts a Sunday at the park im chillin trying to get ma swerve onSome little lane trying to run that game trying to get his serve onI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offYou aint doin nuthing but runnin your pie holeYou gon" make me do somethin thatta get eye swolln"I dont wanna be a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offIf thats your car you need to go ahead and get into itBetter not talk that shit you gonna get bust something through itI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park gotta put you in the dark lights on lights offYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchThose niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Im like those niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)dis stupidYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to church

T-Pain的《Fly Away》 歌词

fly away歌手:梁静茹Snake这一次是我自己为自己下的决定很小心你说慢慢来别怕来不及如果我还有一点点不安或者迟疑我不会对你的反应那么好奇多远啊其实也很不愿意其实也不想回忆谁没等到错过了流星我们啊交集在这意外的假期一定那里见过你一定曾经梦见你fly away 无穷无尽是你深邃的眼睛看着你就可以让我茫茫人海里感到安定fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻有一个人有一颗心才仅默默之中在那里这一次连我自己都说我毫不悔意爱上你终于我发现我还有勇气为你我觉得遗憾的是我不够自信不了解你说了一些话的用意几乎是所有时间在想你快乐之后是压抑有没有过这样的呼吸幸福啊只要一个眼神的交集我们拥抱着自己我们渴望着相遇fly away 无穷无尽是你深邃的眼睛看着你就可以让我茫茫人海里感到安定fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻有一个人有一颗心才仅默默之中在那里fly away 无穷无尽是你深邃的眼睛看着你就可以让我茫茫人海里感到安定fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻有一个人有一颗心才仅默默之中在那里fly away 当我不顾一切无止尽追寻是你的人是你的心日日夜夜陪我在这里

T-Pain&Chris Brown的《Freeze》 歌词

歌曲名:Freeze歌手:T-Pain&Chris Brown专辑:FreezeFreezePain Ft. Chris BrownHaha I get down on the dance floorWatch this, heyYou don"t even know girlHeh, Come HereYou know what I do (do)If you can do it too (too)Then That"s just something that makes me more attracted to youAnd I and I wanna see you break downFor me (ha)Yes we in this private(party)Girl I like your body (body)But can you tick tick tick tick tick tick pop lock and drop itCause I, and I wanna see you break it downFor meWatch thisGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah, now freeze, like me, ooohShawt-a-yGirl I wanna battleMeet me downstairsBring your dancing shoes and something to tie you hairCause I cause I"mAbout to break it down on youI see you with your friendsYou dont wanna get embarrassedI know you see my bling blingCause I, I"m... bout to break it down on youGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah freeze, like me aahhhhGirl lets get it poppin (Cracking)Tell me how you feel (feel)Lets get up on this floor and do this thing for real (wooh)Cause we (we), you and me(me) can really break it down, togetherWatch me slide on ya (on ya)Watch me ride on ya (on ya)You aint gotta say itYou think I"m fly, dont chaCause we (we), you and me(me) can really break it down oh oh ohGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah, now freeze, like me, aooohhYeah lamborghini breezyor graffiti breezyHaha its easyHeyI just want you to relaxAnd all my laddies pop, poppinDrop droppin1,2,3,4...FreezeHaGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah, now freeze, like me

T-pain的she got it 歌词帮我翻译一下

合唱: 我知道她这造成她lookin我就像她想它(希望) 她辍学它低,使我常常想扔一些德科技(嘿) 你所不知道的斜面阻止它,她的事业得到lowww 当她那极,并表示,让我明白她听错× 10 ( psst )哇,她得到它, shawty ,她gottt ittt 韵文1 : 对不起,为什么让我谈一谈,以雅为第二, 律妈妈这么细,她却让整个sqar sweatin , 妈,你如何适应所有在DEM的牛仔裤之后的问题是,我问之后,让我买你喝,喝年轻的老板宝宝我对待茶"治疗茶" ,以微细的东西颈部盲,手腕盲,结婚戒指, nah的IM playin 也许轻,你的颈部或手腕但查了正确的尼斯dicket , ugh 以知识产权与? ? ? 她得到它(她)的她(她) thats什么疼痛sayin 他们其他niggas跛脚男子,律乳房我得到了游戏计划2支手枪,我和你的老板,我心甘情愿的,而他们谈ridin六日的,而他们走路合唱团韵文2 : 女孩,你知道你了, 可爱的脸和所有一个地狱的一个机构garb"er当她走我的话,我耳语在她耳朵放手让私人你知道达夫脱,女孩,你这么软和它的A布勒辛看到她机智所有他们脱衣服宝宝照顾好他们的衣服上它的等,律妈妈,所以长大宝贝,可爱的动摇与他们尼斯大腿和一个漂亮的一套tities ,瘦腰,与他们borwn眼睛在这里,您fuckin与权利佬继续进行,并给予它给我,而不是后来宝宝,现在看看在她动摇,它是啊Makin ) ,我不用想是否可以有(是否可以哪里) 这我的计划,当我看到一条陈休假周,如果我能是啊我有个老太太,你得到这个老头子女孩明白,我们是不是gatta牵手事业,这是不爱其直,情欲我有你,早在今天上午之前他醒来来临之际,但愿她恭被布特它引起真正的强硬shawty ,肯定nuff听错究竟是什么宝宝合唱团她得到它,她知道畲族灵魂(她它) (她它) (她) 优秀的身体,我所见过的前(她它) (她) (她) 她得到它,她知道她的灵魂(她它) (她它) (她) (淡出)最优秀的机构,我所见过的前数我的话couldnt得到,但你去。 Brah

T-Pain&Teddy Verseti的《Church》 歌词

歌曲名:Church歌手:T-Pain&Teddy Verseti专辑:EpiphanyChurch T-Pain、Teddy VersetiLadies and GentlemenYou already know what it isOk, Yea, Aw。。。。。。。。。 shitIm tryin to run in this motherfuckaIm tryin to anywaysGot two hard lookin motherfuckersCa monI was tryin to enjoy ma night but you then came hereTurned around looked mighty happy fore you came hereI then turn into a rude dudeWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsYou aint doin nuthing but runnin ya yapp yappYou got to got to go get a couple homeboy i am strapped strappedI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsDope little lady tryin to hold you back you better listen to herShe better not talk that shit ima have to put some thin'straight through herI done turned into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights...Ca monYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchIts a Sunday at the park im chillin trying to get ma swerve onSome little lane trying to run that game trying to get his serve onI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offYou aint doin nuthing but runnin your pie holeYou gon" make me do somethin thatta get eye swolln"I dont wanna be a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offIf thats your car you need to go ahead and get into itBetter not talk that shit you gonna get bust something through itI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park gotta put you in the dark lights on lights offYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchThose niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Im like those niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)dis stupidYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to church


流氓歌词 你说你在俱乐部遇到个漂亮的妞 你会怎么样... 第一句就简单了 shawty=kind of bitch(或者靓妞),Apple Bottom Jeans Jeans是描述穿的裤子 boots=不良少年 flo=经期。。 then next thing...你应该明白吧

T-Pain Featuring Akon的《Bartender》 歌词

歌曲名:Bartender歌手:T-Pain Featuring Akon专辑:The InstrumentalsT-Pain Ft. The-Dream & Akon - Bartender (Remix)The-Dream:(Envy) Radiio Killer, Young Dream Dreamer OooooooThe-Dream:I"m In The Playboy Comp With A Fresh Pap J"s On My Feet (Fress J"s On My Feet)Dark Blue Deniim Rolled UpI Got A Wrist Full Of Diamonds Worth Bout 2oo G"sAnd Iim Just Keepin It Real Ah HuhRolled Up In My Grill And Im Like Girlfriend You Oready Know Me (Oready Know Me)Ive Been Number 1 On The Charts For Oooooo The Past 6 Weeks !She Say Ooooo Ii Know Your Name & Where You From Shorty Im From The AAnd Then I Put Her Under My Umberella And She Wos Like Eh Eh Eh EhThe-Dream:We Had Drinks At The Drink And I Drunk And I Got Fucked UpAnd I Was In The Club Acting Like A Mutha Fuckiin FoolShe Winked And I Winked Back Thats All I Remember Mann We Really Must Of Got Fucked UpLast Niight !The-Dream:Woke Up With The Bartender She Was Puting Moves On MeIm At The Bar With HerIm Like The Carpenter, She Nailed The Boy Down !See Ii Woke Up In Her Bed To Her Rubbing On My DickYou Were Right I Said Im Ok AyyT-Pain:Got a brand new girl so I"m feeling all good inside (all good inside)Feel like I put some brand new 24"s on a brand new ride (on a brand new ride)Triple shot of patron on the rocks with a little bit a lime (with a little bit a lime)I"m just keeping it real (Uh-huh)Baby still working at the club so I"m getting in free (so I"m getting in free)Wednesday night I"m on the list T-Pain plus 3 (T-Pain plus 3)Everytime I hit the spot baby girl taking care of me (taking care of me)How do you think I feel?The-Dream:We Had Drinks At The Drink And I Drunk And I Got Fucked UpAnd I Was In The Club Acting Like A Mutha Fuckiin FoolShe Winked And I Winked Back Thats All I Remember Mann We Really Must Of Got Fucked UpLast Niight !The-Dream:Woke Up With The Bartender She Was Puting Moves On MeIm At The Bar With HerIm Like The Carpenter, She Nailed The Boy Down !See Ii Woke Up In Her Bed To Her Rubbing On My DickYou Were Right I Said Im Ok AyyAkon:Shorty I"m sure you heard that I rarly never come out (never come out)Unless I"m in the M6 doing tricks freeway burnt out (freeway burnt out)Got a passenger side that"s empty wanting it to be your spot (be your spot)But you on my billboard we can act like the charts "gon end up on top (end up on top)Don"t smoke don"t drink that"s why I don"t be by the bar baby (baby)Just lookin" at you from a distance looking like a god damn star baby (baby)So my girl don"t see me T-Pain can I get those keys to the car? (those keys to the car?)"Bout to go and Bang Bang Boogie with my cutie and I"ll see you tomar" (see you tomar")The-Dream:We Had Drinks At The Drink And I Drunk And I Got Fucked UpAnd I Was In The Club Acting Like A Mutha Fuckiin FoolShe Winked And I Winked Back Thats All I Remember Mann We Really Must Of Got Fucked UpLast Niight !The-Dream:Woke Up With The Bartender She Was Puting Moves On MeIm At The Bar With HerIm Like The Carpenter, She Nailed The Boy Down !See Ii Woke Up In Her Bed To Her Rubbing On My DickYou Were Right I Said Im Ok AyyEndT-Pain Ft. The-Dream & Akon - Bartender (Remix)

求t-pain的ringleader man的歌词和中文翻译!


T-Pain的《It Aint Me》 歌词

歌曲名:It Aint Me歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain - It Ain"t Me(Feat. Akon, T.I.)Thr33 RingzAy, it"s for all my cats manHave you ever been in a club and have a chick run up on you,and kinda tell you to buy her a drink, home?I mean, it ain"t what I can do, it what I will do,and attitude is everythang, you know what I"m sayin"I mean, a chick who ask for nothing will get everythingA chick who ask for everything will get nothingYou may want a man with some consideration (Consideration),Determination (Determination)I let conversation (How you Doing Baby?)And you might want a man who just say straight I"m nasty (Straight I"m nasty)From Tallahassee (It"s the 850)You"re far to classy (far too classy)So you might want a man who"s got a job (job), car (car), clothes (clothes), jewelry (jewelry)Girl I just ain"t fooling me to you (NO), to you (NO)Think that I"m that easy shawty, it can"t go that breezy shawty,Find another dude cuz it ain"t meWhat you in a rain, buy expensive thangsIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,No way, no how, uh uhhIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,I saw all your fingas take you out and make you famousIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,No way, no how, uh uhhIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,I know you thought you had a sugar daddyPlan to treat me like a herTake my money cuz I"m attractiveThen kick me off to the curveClimb in fancy restaurantsEating expensive audorbsHow I"m gonna let you get it all like thatWithout the big lipGirl that"s my word.And if you wanna ride, then I just can"t let it slideIf you plan to get me for all I got, you could start by spending the night.Otherwise let me see your head get smallLess your head to make the head get tallIf not gon get lost cuz that ain"t me(If not gon get lost cuz that ain"t me)What you in a rain, buy expensive thangsIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,No way, no how, uh uhhIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,I saw all your fingas take you out and make you famousIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,No way, no how, uh uhhIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,Hey,Shawty look so goodSo she think I shouldThrow dough to her, like it ain"t nothin" to itGet you whatever you like, I could,But all I be givin" you tonight is just woodHood, to my heart I do itHuge and your attitude just blew itSo rude that your mentality is distorting your realityActually the more you speak make me think where I"d rather beI don"t care if you hiding me, cuz I won"t sponsor shopping spreesIt"s lots of freaks that I could be showing my generosity toBoo, stop it please, I ain"t that guy,You ain"t that flyGot your head up your ass that"s whyAll you ask for is all I denyI do for you what I decideAnd I can buy all kinds of thingsGo places spend all kinds of doughMy kindness is no blindness thoughT-Pain, where you find this hoeHa ha, I know what you want me to doWhat you in a rain, buy expensive thangsIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,No way, no how, uh uhhIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,I saw all your fingas take you out and make you famousIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,No way, no how, uh uhhIt ain"t me, babe, it ain"t me, no, it ain"t me,

T-Pain的《Karaoke》 歌词

歌曲名:Karaoke歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzT-Pain - Karaoke (Feat. DJ Khaled)Dear Akon ... Forgive me for what I"m bout to say...Dear Barry Wize, I know you told me not to worry about it man but, I can"t let it ride...Dear God... Let"s make it happen (ha ha ha...)Ha Ha I"m tryna be you nigga...Yeah NiggaWatch me do me! Watch me do me!Watch me do me! Watch me do me,Yeah! (Nappy Boy... Nappy Boy)(DJ Khaled) Ay yo Pain. I want you to go in.DJ Khaled, Let"s Go Man(We The Best!) (Listenn!!!)I got up out da streetsSo I ain"t gotta stealbut listen to the radio, it"s obvious I still killBut y"all was in the game way before meso why you wanna do some shit I did in "03I"m layin low key, for a long timeBut don"t act like you know me, this is the wrong timeso grab ya microphone, set yo auto tuneand I"ma bust a verse on you ass like I outta doI ain"t no gangsta dudeAin"t got a poppin" bangabut you know I"m powerful when I"m pissin off the gospel singasI"m tryin ta feed my kids y"all niggas can die slowlyCause to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeAy yo!T-Pain, they wanna live you life manThese are bitch ass niggas manIt"s the DJ khaled, nappy boysI"m goin in! I"m goin in!Ay yo, T-PainYou know what Khaled,I know you right now.Let me get em again, though.Ay Ay listenIt ain"t all bad, some of you please meBut the only niggas that"s cool is Kanye and Lil WeezyI"m a hit maker, not a comedianThis shit will never work or one hit wonder bitchBet all the shit that you do and not make me one of thisNow why its cool for you but it"s not for meAnd why you ain"t hop on my song and make it hot for me.You"re just a swagger jackerNow I"m a certified lamborghini-st and cadillac-erCuz I"m tryin to feed my kids.Y"all niggas can die slowlyCuz just to me, it sound like a bunch of karaokeYou"re singing the same old songYou"re some karaoke niggasThis is Nappy BoyThis is DJ KhaledWe Global with this hood shitThis is what we doWhy you wanna live our lifeYou wanna live our life, STOPAy yo T-Pain,(What Up Khaled)Get EmLet me get a moment of silenceFor the late great groud that trout meY"all niggas ain"t holdin" "em downSo we had to put me at youBitch, I"m Teddy Pain, the son of Teddy RileyThe father of the game, you pussy niggas wileyHow many niggas really wanna test,Pain he originate I gotta be the bestTill a fool from a infant, style from a kid24 Years, 24 CarsBitch we the best, we got many more starThere"s been a more hits, been a more barsYayyy. That"s not cool babySo that"s not happenin"Y"all keep on stealing from meLet me try this rappin" thingI know you know I hear youIsn"t that embarassingSet the game on fire,Teddy got some lingPussy niggas step up if you really got good gameI gotta lot of shit to say about a nigga,but it"s really not good thangsIt ain"t no disrespect man, y"all keep doing your shitBut my daughter told me to tell you to get off of daddy"s dickAy yo Pain manI"ma call this niggas outI"ma pull them skirts manAy yo Let me get "emIt"s the DJ Khaled????????A.K.A we the bestA.K.A Shit On Niggas DOT comA.K.A Nappy Boy BITCHWE GLOBALWE GLOBAL



T-Pain的《Change》 歌词

歌曲名:Change歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzChangeT-pain(feat. Akon, Diddy, & Mary J. Blige)XeńOphObiα@L-HouseI"ll do anything for youFor you I"ll change the worldNo more warsNo more povertyNo more hurtNo more painYou showed me how to love you againFor you I change the worldPain singing...If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~Ooh there would be no more warsOpportunity knockin" on doors for us, for usNobody ain"t know each otherBuddies turning into lovers for us, for usOooh when the moonlight turns to sunshineEverybody waking up to abandon dreamsCause everybody need what they wantBut don"t want want they need let"s talk about youLet"s change~(Change to the world)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~If I could change the world I orderFor the line to be erased that the border this day (this day)(everyone deserves an opportunity)There be no new world order ifNobody wouldn"t never got slaughtered that way (that way)(That means so much more love and unity)Daughters will be close to thy mothersSons are being raised by their fathers today (today)(A good family ain"t nothing greater)Raise crumbs hate crumbs that never existI"ll turn every bullet to a hershey"s kiss (kiss)And we can eat away our fear (fear)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~There would be no self hateWe will know how to love everything about ourselvesSo we can love everyone nowNothing would hold us downBecause we love walk around with a smile and never a frownAnd every move don"t clownThere"ll be no more self-loadinEveryone will know when their hearts that they just foundAnd that"s when the light"s gonna shineEveryone will understandHad it on a tip have some piece you must believeBelieve the best in you(believe I can change)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~the world~


T-pain,原名Faheem Najm,1985年9月30日出生于塔拉哈西。来自佛罗里达州的T-Pain,从小对于音乐有着莫大兴趣,才10岁就把房间搞的像个小型录音室,只不过当时T-Pain钟情于饶舌呛声音韵,随时随地将周遭人事物随口饶唱,成为T-Pain日常生活中最大乐趣。

求《继承者们》Painful love的韩文翻译歌词

Love is painful all the love is painful바보처럼 반복 That"s what I always doBut pain is beautiful It"s same as you희망은 실망으로 소망은 절망으로사랑이 깊어질수록 아픔은 deep해 더이번엔 다를 거란 착각 혹은 기대 uhLove is painful all the love is painful像个傻瓜一样重复着That"s what I always doBut pain is beautiful It"s same as you希望变成失望 期望变成绝望爱的越深 伤痛就越deep有着这次会不一样的错觉或期待uh결국.. 몇 년이 지났을까 영원이란 건 없다결국.. 인연이 아닌 걸까 다시 혼자가 되다겨우.. 겨우.. 겨우.. 진짜 사랑을 찾은 줄 알다가결국.. 또 결국.. 이렇게 끝나버린다结果..才过了几年呢 就没有永远这件事结果..是没有缘份吗 我又变成孤单一人总算..总算..总算..以为找到了真爱结果..又一次 结果..就这样结束了내 마음은 처음부터 그대로인데 상처로 가득해 이젠 그대로 인해점점 변해가 차가운 네 목소리에 나도 식어가고멀어지는 우리 사이 되돌리기엔 아무 감정 없이 서로를 맴돌기엔힘에 겨워 나 이별을 선물하고 돌아서 I"m fallin" without you我原本始终如一的心 现在因为你的关系 遍体鳞伤渐渐的改变了 你冷漠的声音 让我也慢慢失去热情不管是要挽回渐行渐远的我们 还是毫无感情的彼此周旋都太累人了 我将离别送给你 转身离去I"m fallin" without you결국.. 누구의 잘못일까 사랑이란 건 없다결국.. 이별이 지는 걸까 지쳐 나 잠이 들다겨우.. 겨우.. 겨우..여기까지가 마지막인지 우린결국.. 또 결국.. 또 다시 남이 되나结果..到底是谁的错 我们之间没有了爱情结果..是因为离别吗 我疲倦的睡了仅仅.. 仅仅.. 仅仅..我们只能走到这里了么结果..再一次 结果..又变成了陌生人了吗내 마음은 처음부터 그대로인데 상처로 가득해 이젠 그대로 인해점점 변해가 차가운 네 목소리에 나도 식어가고멀어지는 우리 사이 되돌리기엔 아무 감정 없이 서로를 맴돌기엔힘에 겨워 나 이별을 선물하고 돌아서 I"m fallin" without youye I"m fallin" without you hey..我原本始终如一的心 现在因为你的关系 遍体鳞伤渐渐的改变了 你冷漠的声音 让我也慢慢失去热情不管是要挽回渐行渐远的我们 还是毫无感情的彼此周旋都太累人了 我将离别送给你 转身离去I"m fallin" without youye I"m fallin" without you hey..Let"s go처음에는 몰랐겠지 그녀의 빈 자리가 좋았겠지하루 이틀 모레 지나 보낸 뒤에서야 비로소 그녀가 고맙겠지몰랐겠지 네 자신에 대해 너 없이 잘 살 수 있다던 그 확신에 대해오늘과 다른 내일 벌써 1, 2년 이 시련만큼 늘어나는 미련시간이 지나면 달라지길 기도해For you my babyLet"s go一开始不知道的吧 以为没有了她会很开心吧经过了一天两天三天后 才会知道她是很值得感谢的不明暸吧 对于你自己 对于没有你也可以自信过得很好的她今天以及另一个明天 好似经过了1,2年 如同试炼一般增加的迷恋祈祷着时间可以改变一切For you my baby내 마음은 처음부터 그대로인데 상처로 가득해 이젠 그대로 인해점점 변해가 차가운 네 목소리에 나도 식어가고멀어지는 우리 사이 되돌리기엔 아무 감정 없이 서로를 맴돌기엔힘에 겨워 나 이별을 선물하고 돌아서 I"m fallin" without youye I"m fallin" without you..我原本始终如一的心 现在因为你的关系 遍体鳞伤渐渐的改变了 你冷漠的声音 让我也慢慢失去热情不管是要挽回渐行渐远的我们 还是毫无感情的彼此周旋都太累人了 我将离别送给你 转身离去I"m fallin" without

painfulness 和 pain有什么区别?

painfulness 仅做名词,和pain同义,pain用的更口语化,更广。painfulness比较书面化。pain除了名词,还有及物动词:使痛 的用法。例如She was pained at his remarks.(她被他的言语所伤),和不及物动词:“作痛” 的意思。painlessness是painless(形容词,无痛的 ,)的名词形式。意思:无痛,不痛。句子:painlessness is not guaranteed(不保证无痛)

Why my heart is so painful it.意思

why my heart is so painful it.为什么我的心是如此的痛苦。heart 英[hɑ:t] 美[hɑ:rt] n. 心,心脏; 感情; 要点; 胸部; vt. 鼓励; 激励; vi. 结心; [例句]The bullet had passed less than an inch from Andrea"s heart.子弹在离安德烈亚的心脏不到一英寸的地方穿过。[其他] 第三人称单数:hearts 复数:hearts 现在分词:hearting 过去式:hearted过去分词:hearted painful 英[u02c8peu026anfl] 美[u02c8penfu0259l] adj. 痛苦的; (肉体) 疼的; 费力的,(工作)困难的; 讨厌的,使人厌烦的; [网络] 痛; 令人不快的; 难受; [例句]Her glands were swollen and painful.她腺体肿痛。[其他] 形近词: skinful gainful

proved painful

此句中prove相当于一个联系动词,等于prove to be,证明是,原来是,结果是(这样理解,但不要这样机械地翻译)。此句的结构是主语+系动词+形容词做表语。退出支配地位的确十分痛苦。

Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing


you are painfully 和 you are in pain有什么区别?

意思一样, 你很痛苦语法不一样而已望采纳哦

painfulness 和 pain有什么区别?


feel pain中pain是什么词?为什么不说feel painful呢?

painful 的意思是“使人感到疼痛的”、“使人感到痛苦的”,所以它通常只能用来说明事物,不宜用来说明人所以只能选pain

love is pain 还是love is painful?有什么区别?哪种描述更准确?


it would be painful还是it would be pained哪个正确?


feel pain 还是feel painful

feel painful是对的。pain是名词,也可以组feel pain,但多组成feel a pain feel the pain.



painful 加中文读音,不然念不来= =

呸 缶


painful初三学过。painful,英文单词,形容词,作形容词时意为“痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的”。短语搭配编辑very painful好痛苦 ; 好苦楚 ; 挺痛苦的 ; 很痛feel painful感到疼痛extremely painful极度的疼痛 ; 极度痛苦 ; 非常痛苦 ; 极端痛苦PAINFUL CHOICE苦涩的选择Painful Bond苦痛连结painful heel跟痛症 ; 足跟痛 ; 翻译painful pleasure悲喜交加 ; 悲喜交集Painful struggle痛苦挣扎 ; 浴血奋战 [1] 双语例句编辑Not your my world. Should be painful?没有你的我的世界。该是痛苦的吗?Not only that it can be painful and uncomfortable.不仅如此,它可以是痛苦和不舒服。The most painful distance, you are not with me but in my heart.最痛苦的距离,你都不和我在一起,但在我的心里。






形容词有时可以形容人,有时可以形容物,按具体情况而定painfuladj.疼痛的, 使痛苦的讨厌的, 使人厌烦的费力[心]的, 棘手的[古]细心的, 辛勤的Causing pain.引起疼痛的Full of pain.充满痛苦的Requiring care and labor; irksome:需要费心费力的;使人讨厌的:例句:painful tooth牙疼a painful experience痛苦的经历painful lessons惨痛教训be painful to sb.对某人是痛苦的with painful care煞费苦心地a painful problem棘手的问题with painful slowness慢得使人厌烦地a painful duty艰苦的任务

painful experience是什么意思

painful experience痛苦的经历很高兴为您解答希望对你有帮助 如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~


这些词的规律是:名词+词尾ful= 形容词pain+ful= painfulhurt+ful= hurtful

日之内エミ的《Painful》 歌词

歌曲名:Painful歌手:日之内エミ专辑:dramatiques日之内エミ - Painful作词:日之内エミ作曲:日之内エミ游び疲れた夜には 决まっていつも胸を急に寂しさが袭う 虚しさなのかもしれないねぇ君の心の中には 私はちゃんとるの?いつだってこんなにも 君を想っているのに広く自由な空へいつか飞び立って行きたいと愿っていた大地に足をしっかりつけてゆっくり翼を広げてみればありふれた言叶 并べただけでは届きそうにない この「爱してる」は永远にそしてまた新しい 朝はやってきて何も新しく変われない 私がいるだけいつも周りばかりを気にしていつからか自分を忘れていた一度なにもかもを忘れて自分の空を自由に飞びたいこの热い想い ムダにしたくないきっと确かだよ いつか伝わる君にも君からのone callがあるだけで颜がにやけてきちゃうでもまたすぐに寂しくなってしまうよ好きとつぶやけば 涙がこぼれたつないだこの手はどうかこのままにしておいてありふれた言叶 并べただけでは届きそうにない この「爱してる」は永远におわり

l am painful什么意思?



painful形容词 a.1. 疼痛的;引起痛苦的2. 费力的;困难的;麻烦的3. 令人不快的;恼人的hurtful形容词 a.1. 造成损害的;有害的


1、He had apainful excursion.(他经历了一次痛苦的远足。)2、It"s a play –painful, funny, and powerfully acted.(这是一出戏–令人痛苦而又逗人发笑,演得很有感染力。)3、Is your knee stillpainful?(你的膝盖还疼吗?)4、He died a slow andpainful death.(他缓慢而痛苦地死去。)5、They find the writing processpainful and difficult.(他们发现写作的过程是痛苦和困难的。)6、He is seized with apainful sickness.(他得了一种痛苦的疾病。)7、Dr. Thomas Bracken describes the case of a 45-year-old Catholic priest much given to prayer whose left knee becamepainful.(托马斯·布拉肯医生描述了那个病例:一名45岁天主教牧师由于经常祈祷导致左膝疼痛。)


distressed adj.痛苦的;忧虑的;贫困的;受损的 painful adj.痛苦的;疼痛的;令人不快的 distressed主要是用在生活上及身体外表上的,painful 主要指的是在心里的精神上的


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