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西班牙语 tu madre es loca 什么意思



local people[英][u02c8lu0259uku0259l u02c8pi:pl][美][u02c8loku0259l u02c8pipu0259l]当地人民; 例句:1.Article 2 standing committees shall be established by local people"s congresses at and above the county level. 第二条县级以上的地方各级人民代表大会设立常务委员会。





求助,在SYBASE IQ中怎么用loca table 向表中导数据

message "load table t1" type info to client ;LOAD TABLE t1( id "|!" , name "x0a")FROM "c: 1.dat"FORMAT ASCIISTRIP ONESCAPES OFFQUOTES OFFNOTIFY 500000WITH CHECKPOINT ON;COMMIT;

一首英文歌是男的唱的 节奏很快 中间高潮的歌词好像是loca loca loca....找了好久 拜托谁知道 万分感谢~


衣服上的loca people啥意思?

这是西班牙DJ和制片人Sak Noel的一首歌。

注册表里这个代码 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinsock HKEY_LOCA

要重新安装Internet 协议。1:删除已损坏的注册表项1. 单击“开始”,然后单击“运行”。 2. 在“打开”框中,键入 regedit,然后单击“确定”。 3. 在注册表编辑器中,找到下列项,右键单击各项,然后单击“删除”:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinsockHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesWinsock2 4. 在系统提示您确认删除时,单击“是”。 步骤 2:安装 TCP/IP1. 右键单击网络连接,然后单击“属性”。 2. 单击“安装”。 3. 单击“协议”,然后单击“添加”。 4. 单击“从磁盘安装”。 5. 键入 C:Windowsinf,然后单击“确定”。 6. 在可用协议列表中,单击“Internet 协议(TCP/IP)”,然后单击“确定”。 7. 重新启动计算机。

tomcat locahost:8080访问和所有项目访问全是404

1、看下8080这个端口是否被占用了2、tomcat 在eclipse中 启动后无法访问端口8080


ChicalocaChicaloca是韩国一个插画大师笔下的卡通形象,后被作为一个时尚品牌,有很多插画相关的时尚产品,十分流行。Chicaloca是代表 年轻、积极、华丽、激情、时尚的品牌。如果你想成为性感、有型、自我的女人,你就该成为Chicaloca!Chicaloca她是性感尤物,年龄:20-30岁的单身女性,时尚:引领时尚潮流,趣向:不拘小节,不落俗套,追求享乐、冒险和刺激,个性:自我膨胀、享受生活的自信女人。“我要成为 Chicaloca….”每个女孩的梦想,每个女孩的偶像。成为时尚生活品牌, Chicaloca.Chicaloca 从时装品牌发展成为时尚全品牌服装– 内衣, 泳装、化妆品 – 化妆品, 指甲贴、饰品 – 首饰, 手表, 包袋、 其他时尚品 –鞋, 伞、 时尚文具 – 日记本等、 起居、厨卫用品等 Chicaloca时尚网络产品 屏保、壁纸、音乐视频,专辑、MTV插件。

Livin la vide loca的歌词

Livin" La Vida LocaShe"s into superstitionsBlack cats and voodoo dollsI feel a premonitionThat girl"s gonna make me fallShe"s into new sensationsNew kicks in the candlelightShe"s got a new addictionFor every day and nightShe"ll make you take yourClothes off and go dancing in the rainShe"ll make you live her crazy lifeBut she"ll take away your painLike a bullet to your brainCHORUS:Upside Inside OutShe"s livin" la vida locaShe"ll push and pull you downLivin" la vida locaHer lips are devil redAnd her skin"s the color of mochaShe will wear you outLivin" la vida locaShe"s livin" la vida locaWoke up in New York CityIn a funky cheap hotelShe took my heartAnd she took my moneyShe must"ve slipped me a sleepin" pillShe never drinks the waterAnd makes you orderFrench champagneOnce you"ve had a taste of herYou"ll never be the sameYeah, she"ll make you go insaneREPEAT CHORUSShe"ll make you take yourClothes off and go dancing in the rainShe"ll make you live her crazy lifeUntil you go insaneNo, you"ll never be the sameREPEAT CHORUS:Upside Inside OutShe"s livin" la vida locaShe"ll push and pull you downLivin" la vida locaHer lips are devil redAnd her skin"s the color of mochaShe will wear you outLivin" la vida locaLivin" la vida locaLivin" la vida locaLivin" la vida loca




Arsenium Feat. Natalia Gordienko - <Loca> http://upload.9sky.com/i_9sky/20080322063121_431345261.wma 歌词 http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/50565617.html http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Arsenium+%26+Natalia+Gordienko+Loca+Moldova&lm=-1那看看是不是这首?Ricky Martin-<Livin"La Vida Loca>http://mp3.baidu.com/m?f=ms&tn=baidump3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=Ricky+Martin+Livin%A1%AFLa+Vida+Loca&lm=-1

打开tomcat locahost8080 网站失败 提示500错误




谁知道Livin la vida loca是西班牙语吗?

苏醒唱过的那首歌啊《疯狂地生活》living 英语live+ingla vida生活loca 疯狂的


Pix4D是目前配合无人机生产影像、地形的主力军,用户人数最多,速度、效率、成功率目前来看都优于Smart3D。 数据成果:Pix4d生产数据的时候默认有个选项“合并数据”,因此pix4D生产的影像地形都包括至少两份,默认情况下是三份(分透明和不透明)。透明指边缘无数据的地方会以透明的方式显示,数据体积会变大,因为多了一个透明通道。分块指生产的最终数据是单个tif还是多个tif。默认情况下是都存在。 Smart3D选项较少,只有分块的结果一种数据。 数据的结果形式多数都是选择tif,影像和地形后缀都是tif格式,只是数据存储有所区别,一个是24位真彩色,一个是8位灰色。 数据量级:一般2公分辨率、1平方公里以上的影像数据可以达到3Gb以上(这里多数已经经过了tif本身的压缩),地形数据会稍微小一些。 之前测试过一次,打开10GB左右的单个tif,ArcGis、superMap基本都需要5分钟以上,机器配置如果不是特别好还经常会打开失败。 提升效率方法一:ArcGis、SuperMap这些传统GIS大佬,对大数据也有处理,处理方式是创建tif金字塔。这个过程很慢,而且操作比较复杂,失败率还比较高,对电脑配置要求也高。一般的GIS小白比较难以搞定(认识的很多做无人机数据生产相关的甚至都不知道这个方法的存在)。顺带提一嘴,GlobalMap在打开tif大数据方面的效率比上述软件要高很多。常规来讲通过此方法,数据打开效率可以提高几倍到几十倍。 提升效率方法二:数据预处理,把tif处理为可以快速加载的瓦片格式,这样浏览数据就像浏览在线地图一样,数据是动态加载的。很多离线导航数据包就是这个原理。通过此方法,数据浏览速度基本都是秒开(毫秒级) LSV两种方法都支持,对于第一种方法只支持创建金字塔后的数据浏览,不支持创建金字塔的过程。第二种方法,lsv不仅仅提供了数据处理方式,同时还支持数据合并、数据批处理。 具体操作流程可以参考其官方帮助文档: 10.1影像处理(离线数据制作) 对数据诉求的第一阶段,多数都是看,能看到基本就解决80%的问题,那如何看,如何更好的看? 数据的生产环节,基本情况是: 1.一个区域的航拍按照统一的形式进行,数据分辨率一致。 2整体情况是统一航拍生产,对局部地区进行更高精度的航拍生产(比如整体10cm精度,核心地带2cm精度) 3.多个地区的数据需要集中快速切换查看 4同一地区的数据周期性航拍生产,有历史数据。 5数据生产的时候是不透明的,加载后有白边或者黑边。 6数据直接提供给甲方,甲方并不关心数据格式,也不关心数据的形式,只希望想看的时候打开软件能看到数据就行 解决方案: 1.使用lsv的图层管理,对于处理好的tif数据(处理成果是lrp),直接添加到图层,软件每次打开这些数据都在(只要不删除元数据,或修改数据位置) 2.图层顺序:对于高低精度数据混用,可以高精度数据在上,低精度数据在下。浏览时无需关注,只要放大即可,软件会自动显示最清晰的数据。 3.对于白边或者黑边问题,在影像拼接的时候LSV可以进行处理。 4.多地区的数据,可以用拼接功能合并成一份数据,进行整体控制,及时不相连也可以。 5.对于历史数据,可以通过图层的勾选和取消勾选,快速查看不同时期的数据(建议数据名称取得规范一些) 6.对于甲方是技术上小白中的小白,可以直接给他配置好,他只需要启动查看即可。 7.如果想酷炫,影像、地形叠加显示,类似倾斜效果,只是立面效果纹理比倾斜模型差。但对于地形起伏较大的地区LSV的沉浸效果很强。

angular引入高德sdk后new loca显示找不到此方法怎么回事呢?

将library search paths里两个条目的顺序调整一下,这点很重要!!!


目前CGCS2000是标准,很多数据都要往2000上来靠。如何通过LSV生成2000的dxf数据呢?如何编辑并保存2000的dxf数据呢? lsv里面做GIS标绘简单,快捷,这里不做重复介绍。 这里就顺手绘制了一个面,一条线,标记了一个点,又通过搜索功能收藏了一个虎丘区的行政界线 导出为2000坐标的dxf格式的数据这里我们输入EPSG:4549 关于2000坐标系的EPSG代号选择可以参考:【 Global Mapper20生成可以进CAD的国家2000坐标系的DXF等高线 】这里我们用GlobalMaper打开看一下(笔记本上未安装CAD软件)我们打开步骤一中导出的数据,并通过编辑功能,切分行政界线 直接(自动)保存(删除图层、关闭软件也会自动保存之前做过的编辑操作)可以看到依旧是平面坐标,而且元素确实被编辑过了。

VFP中,我赋予一个日期型作为变量,如何使用LOCA FOR 去定位数据库中位置?


loca people歌词翻译

是不是local people

loca people什么意思

歌曲名:Loca People歌手:Sak Noel专辑:Loca People - SingleSak Noel - Loca PeopleAll day, all nightAll day, all nightAll day, all nightWhat the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sI couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta ...Viva la...I couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?What the f*ck!?

Loca People (Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Loca People (Radio Edit)歌手:Sak Noel专辑:Loca PeopleSak Noel - Loca PeopleQQ : 349777127All day, all nightAll day, all nightAll day, all nightWhat the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sI couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta ...Viva la...I couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?What the f*ck!?http://music.baidu.com/song/57530093

Loca People (XNRG Mix) 歌词

歌曲名:Loca People (XNRG Mix)歌手:Sak Noel专辑:Loca People - SingleSak Noel - Loca PeopleQQ : 349777127All day, all nightAll day, all nightAll day, all nightWhat the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sI couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta ...Viva la...I couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?What the f*ck!?http://music.baidu.com/song/17221188

Loca People 歌词

歌曲名:Loca People歌手:Sak Noel专辑:Beach PartySak Noel - Loca PeopleQQ : 349777127All day, all nightAll day, all nightAll day, all nightWhat the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sI couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?When I came to Spain and I saw people partyI told to myself: What the f*ck!?All day, all nightAll day, all nightViva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta, viva la nocheViva los DJ"sWhat the f*ck!?Viva la fiesta ...Viva la...I couldn"t believe what I was livingSo I called my friend JohnnyAnd I said to him: Johnny,La gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?Johnny, la gente esta muy loca,What the f*ck!?What the f*ck!?http://music.baidu.com/song/59673494

Loca 歌词翻译 (Arsenium&Natalia唱的)

嘿,位置,给我,给我你的博卡 你是我的女孩你是我的位置 你打破我的心wowowowo 嘿,疯子,请埃斯佩拉取消波苏 和我给你我的巧克力 你想它呢? 每当我看到美位置 我觉得我发疯取消波苏 她是如此性感,她是这么热 每天晚上,她打破我的心 每当我看到美洛科 我明白他的疯狂联合国波苏 我们继续跳舞通夜 与我的孩子我永远不会感到孤独 嘿,位置,给我,给我你的博卡 你是我的女孩你是我的位置 你打破我的心wowowowo 嘿,疯子,请埃斯佩拉取消波苏 和我给你我的巧克力 你想它呢? 如果我想尝尝她的爱情今晚 需要亲吻她博卡一次 我可以飞走,达到星级 每当我淹没她的眼睛 如果我想尝尝他的爱今晚 我只是举行美紧机车 我可以飞走,达到星级 每一次,他期待我的眼睛 嘿,位置,给我,给我你的博卡 你是我的女孩你是我的位置 你打破我的心 嘿,疯子,请埃斯佩拉取消波苏 和我给你我的巧克力 你想它呢? 她有点发疯 有点椰子 有点高溜溜 有点小溜溜 有点拉丁 1 lilttle europio 有点巧克力 异国摩洛哥 她是一个好姑娘 她有点意思 身体很好的涵盖 杂志 眼睛就像深绿色 嘴唇像angeline 最beautifulGirl 你见过 嘿,位置,给我,给我你的博卡 你是我的女孩你是我的位置 你打破我的心wowowowo 嘿,疯子,请埃斯佩拉取消波苏 和我给你我的巧克力 你想它呢?


液态LOCA光学胶Liquid Optical Clear Adhesive,用于透明光学元件粘接的特种胶粘剂,具有无色透明,透光率98%以上的性质。它的粘接强度良好,可在常温或中温条件下固化,且具有固化收缩率小耐黄变等特点。与传统OCA胶带比较,LOCA在某些应用领域具有其特别的优势能解决OCA胶带面临的一些局限性。

Myriam的《Loca》 歌词

歌曲名:Loca歌手:Myriam专辑:Una MujerEvery night I need my LocaEvery night I need her bocaEvery night I need my LocoNeed him crazy just un pocoHey, Loca, give me, give me your bocaYou"re my girl, you"re my LocaYou"re breaking my heartHey, Loco, please, espera un pocoAnd I"ll give you my chocoDo you want it or not?Every time I see my LocaI feel I go crazy un pocoShe"s so sexy, she"s so hotEvery night she"s breaking my heartEvery time I see my LocoI realize he"s crazy un pocoAnd we keep on dancing all night longWith my boy I will never feel aloneHey, Loca, give me, give me your bocaYou"re my girl you"re my LocaYou"re breaking my heart wowowowoHey, Loco, please, espera un pocoAnd I"ll give you my chocoDo you want it or not?If I wanna taste her love tonightNeed to kiss her boca one more timeI can fly away and reach the starsEvery time I drown into her eyesIf I wanna taste his love tonightI just have to hold my loco tightI can fly always and reach the starsEvery time he looks into my eyesHey, Loca, give me, give me your bocaYou"re my girl you"re my LocaYou"re breaking my heartHey, Loco, please, espera un pocoAnd I"ll give you my chocoDo you want it or not?She"s a little bit LocoA little bit chocoA little bit tall yoA little bit small yoA little LatinoA little EuropioA little bit chocoExotic MaroccoShe"s a good girlShe"s a little meanNice body from the coversOf the magazinesEyes like deep greenLips like angelineThe most beautiful girlThat you"re ever seenHey, Loca, give me, give me your bocaYou"re my girl, you"re my LocaYou"re breaking my heartHey, Loco, please, espera un pocoAnd I"ll give you my chocoDo you want it or not?http://music.baidu.com/song/2835228


液态光学透明胶,亦称LOCA,英文名称为:Liquid Optical Clear Adhesive,是一款主要用于透明光学元件粘接的特种胶粘剂。

whocaresjeep inside.中文意思是什么

英 [u02ccu026anu02c8sau026ad]美 [u026anu02c8sau026ad, u02c8u026anu02ccsau026ad]adj.里面的,内部的; 内幕的; 内侧的n.里面,内侧; 内脏; 内容,内幕; (道路或跑道拐弯处的)内侧adv.在内地,在内部地; 在内侧地; 在监狱里prep.在…以内; 在内侧或内部; 进入里面网 络内部;里面;在里面;内复数: insides报 错大家都在背:词汇量测试粘玉米怎么说?net weight 什么意思?要背就背有用单词双语例句词根词缀词组习语同反义词同义词辨析更多资料1. Eventually, you"ll learn to cry that on the inside. 终有一天,你会学会让泪往心里流。来自美剧《破产姐妹》2. Here"s an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall. 给你一个小忠告:爬得越快,摔得越疼。来自美剧《绯闻女孩》3. As soon as he got inside, the dog shook himself. 他一进来,狗就开始摇头摆尾。来自柯林斯例句4. Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside. 斯坦把装了钱的纸袋卷了起来。来自柯林斯例句5. All the welding had been done from inside the car. 所有的焊接都在车内完成。来自柯林斯例句查看更多例句>>柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典英汉双向大词典The form inside of can also be used as a preposition. This form is more usual in American English.亦使用 inside of 作介词,这在美国英语中更为常见。The preposition is usually pronounced /u026an"sau026ad/. 介词通常读作 /u026an"sau026ad/。1. PREP 在…里面;在…内侧(或内部) Something or someone that is inside a place, container, or object is in it or is surrounded by it. Inside the passport was a folded slip of paper... 护照里面有张折起的纸片。There is a telephone inside the entrance hall. 门厅内有部电话。Inside is also an adverb.The couple chatted briefly on the doorstep before going inside... 夫妇俩进去之前在门阶上简短地说了几句。He ripped open the envelope and read what was inside... 他撕开信封,看了里面的信。I could hear music coming from inside... 我能听到里面传来乐声。At a table inside, a man and woman were awaiting her... 在里面的一张桌子旁,一男一女正等着她。Inside, clouds of cigarette smoke swirled. 屋内香烟的烟雾缭绕。Inside is also an adjective....four-berth inside cabins with en suite bathroom and shower. 有4张卧铺并配有盥洗室和淋浴的内舱2. N-COUNT 里面;内侧;内部 The inside of something is the part or area that its sides surround or contain. The doors were locked from the inside... 门从里面锁上了。I painted the inside of the house... 我粉刷了一遍房子内部。Kiwi fruit can be eaten by cutting off the tops and scooping out the insides with a teaspoon. 可以把猕猴桃的顶部切掉,用茶匙把里面的果肉挖出来吃。Inside is also an adjective.The popular papers all have photo features on their inside pages. 通俗报纸的内页都有照片专栏。Inside is also an adverb.The potato cakes should be crisp outside and meltingly soft inside. 土豆饼应该外面酥脆,里面嫩软。3. ADV 在监狱里;在坐牢 You can say that someone is inside when they are in prison. He"s been inside three times. 他进过三次监狱。4. ADJ (马路车道)靠近路边的,慢(道)的 On a wide road, the inside lane is the one which is closest to the edge of the road. I was driving up at seventy miles an hour on the inside lane on the motorway. 我在高速公路的慢道上以每小时 70 英里的速度行驶。Inside is also a noun.I overtook Charlie on the inside. 我从慢车道上超了查利。in AM, use 美国英语用 slow lane5. ADJ (消息等)内部的,内幕的 Inside information is obtained from someone who is involved in a situation and therefore knows a lot about it. Sloane used inside diplomatic information to make himself rich... 斯隆利用外交内幕消息发了财。Keith Vass, editor, denies he had inside knowledge... 编辑基思·瓦斯否认他知道内部消息。It"s fascinating to get the inside story so many years after this incident. 事件过后这么多年方获知当时的内情,这实在是令人慨叹。6. PREP 在(组织)内部 If you are inside an organization, you belong to it. 75 percent of chief executives come from inside the company... 75% 的行政总裁来自公司内部。He hasn"t looked very carefully into what was happening inside the ruling party. 他没有认真研究执政党内部正在发生什么。Inside is also an adjective....a recent book about the inside world of pro football. 关于职业足球内幕的一本新书Inside is also a noun.McAvoy was convinced he could control things from the inside but he lost control. 麦卡沃伊确信自己能从内部控制局面,但他失算了。7. N-PLURAL 内脏;(尤指)胃 Your insides are your internal organs, especially your stomach. 8. ADV 在心里 If you say that someone has a feeling inside, you mean that they have it but have not expressed it. There is nothing left inside—no words, no anger, no tears... 整颗心都空了——没有语言,没有愤怒,没有眼泪。Do you get a feeling inside when you write something you like? 当你写下喜欢的文字时,内心会有一种特别的情感吗?Inside is also a preposition.He felt a great weight of sorrow inside him... 他内心感到极为沉痛。There was a little anger inside me. 我心里有点生气。Inside is also a noun.What is needed is a change from the inside, a real change in outlook and attitude. 现在需要的是内心深处的变化,在看法与态度上的真正改变。9. PREP 在(某段时间)之内;不到 If you do something inside a particular time, you do it before the end of that time. They should have everything working inside an hour... 他们应该会在一个小时之内使一切运转起来。New Zealand were ahead inside five minutes. 新西兰队领先了不到 5 分钟。10. PHRASE 里朝外地;翻面地 If something such as a piece of clothing is inside out, the part that is normally inside now faces outwards. Her umbrella blew inside out. 她的伞被风吹得翻转了。11. PHRASE 彻底地;完全地 If you say that you know something or someone inside out, you are emphasizing that you know them extremely well. He knew the game inside out... 他对比赛非常熟悉。We know each other inside out. 我们对彼此都了如指掌。12. PHRASE 颠倒;相反 If you say that something has been turned inside out, you mean that it is the opposite of what you expect or think it should be. Edinburgh is an American city turned inside out: the rich in the middle, the poor around the outside... 爱丁堡与美国城市相反:富人住在中心,穷人住在周边。War turns morality inside out: killing and cruelty are virtues. 战争颠倒是非:杀戮与残忍成了美德。





TP 贴合除了说OCA胶带和LOCA胶水的贴合有什么新技术呢?

解决大屏全贴合现在的技术是相对比较难的。因为OCA 和LOCA 都是相对比较难操作。但是现在出现了一种叫做OCF 的膜片(Thremoplastic-optical clear film),热可塑性光学透明膜,是触控屏和显示屏结合的最佳选择。应用于透明光学元件以及TP/LCM各类型尺寸全贴合,在全贴合工艺中多项指标优于OCA光学透明胶,膜片经高温熔化后补差能力强:对于不平整的表面OCF的热可塑性完全可以填平凹陷之处,易于调整,膜片厚度100μm ~200μm,膜片处理简单,易于模切。能适用于各种材料的贴合,适用范围宽,对于多种材质均有很好的粘结能力,应付复杂界面的贴合更显突出优势。



3ds luma文件夹里的loca是什么文件夹




loca-user admin password simple 123456是什么意思?


西班牙语amiga loca是什么意思



首先为了保险起见,你先创建一个新用户,赋予这个用户管理员权限,一旦Administrator用户彻底损坏了,这个用户也可以当管理员用户使用。然后按下面的步骤做。1. 把c:UsersAdministrator这个文件夹改个名,比如改成Administrator_old 这个Administrator用户的profile文件就无效了。2.Windows+r键打开运行窗口,输入regedit回车,打开注册表,找到下面的位置。HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionProfileList在ProfileList这个目录下寻找Administrator所属的文件夹,这个文件夹名应该是以Administrator用的的SID命名的,每个系统都不一样,名称大概是S-1-5-21-1163057097-445318457-2126354740-500这个样子的。你的电脑上显示的肯定不和这个完全一样,不要紧,点击这个文件夹,你会看见右边窗口有个ProfileImagePath的项目,如果他的值是C:UsersAdministrator,那么说明你找对了,把S-1-5-21-1163057097-445318457-2126354740-500这个文件夹整个删除。3.登出系统,再重新使用Administrator用户登录系统,这时候系统就会重新创建Administrator的profile。问题就解决了。新的profile里肯定没有以前桌面或者我的文档,里的东西。这时候你就到刚刚改名的Administrator_old里面去找吧。


LocalStorage:使用方法与SessionStorage如出一辙,如下代码所示:此对象主要有两个方法:保存数据:localStorage.setItem(Key, value);读取数据:localStorage.getItem(Key);Key:表示你要存入的键名称,此名称可以随便命名,可以按照变量的意思来理解。Value:表示值,也就是你要存入Key中的值,可以按照变量赋值来理解。使用方法:保存数据:localStorage.setItem("website", "W3Cfuns.com");读取数据:localStorage.getItem("website");案例如下:<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><meta charset="gb2312"><title>HTML5每日一练之JS API-本地存储LocalStorage | 前端开发网(W3Cfuns.com)!</title><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = function(){alert("当你关闭此页面或者关闭浏览器的时候,localStorage中保存的数据才会消失,也就是说重新打开此页面的时候,点击获取数据,可以取到数据。")//首先获得body中的3个input元素var msg = document.getElementById("msg"); var getData = document.getElementById("getData"); var setData = document.getElementById("setData");setData.onclick = function()//存入数据 { if(msg.value){localStorage.setItem("data", msg.value);alert("信息已保存到data字段中");} else{alert("信息不能为空");}}getData.onclick = function()//获取数据 { var msg = localStorage.getItem("data"); if(msg){alert("data字段中的值为:" + msg);} else{alert("data字段无值!");}}} </script></head><body><input id="msg" type="text"/><input id="setData" type="button" value="保存数据"/><input id="getData" type="button" value="获取数据"/></body></html>


主要性能指标: 项目 指标描述   外观 无色或微黄色透明液体 目测 粘度cps 1200 Brookfield DV-Ⅱ黏度计,25℃,150rpm,SC 4-15转子 折射率nD 1.508 ASTM 542 固化特性: 项目 指标描述   紫外光固化时间 1 min 400W高压汞灯( 28mw/cm) 固化后特性: 固化表现 指标描述   硬度(邵A) 28 GB/T 531-1999 固化测试 剪切强度(不锈钢/玻璃) 3 MPa GB 7124-86 固化测试 断裂伸长率 % 300 GB/T 528-1998 固化测试



跪求!! 有一首外语歌 歌词里面有loca loca loca的 女歌手唱的 听起来像舞曲,慢摇 。。 不是夏奇拉的

老帖了Loca people楼主给分

西班牙语 tu madre es loca 什么意思

意思:你妈妈很疯狂 tu:你 madre 母亲 loca:疯狂

loca 歌的中文翻译

夜里我急需失水  每天晚上我都需要她博卡的  每天晚上我需要我的机车  他疯狂的只是联合国必备的需要    嘿,失水,给我,给我你的博卡的  你是我的女孩,你是我的失水  你让我心碎    嘿,机车,请espera联合国  我会给你我的choco   你想要它?     每次我看到我的失水  我觉得我已经疯狂的联合国  她很性感,她太热了  每天晚上,她是伤了我的心    每次我看到我的机车choco :桥科人


哎。。。LOCA是西班牙语,疯狂的意思。读成漏嘎。amigo西班牙语,朋友。那句话是“小心点儿朋友”Sigo tranquila 我保持安静 Anguilla,Corona是地名。 merengue是一种舞蹈的名称。 Chica caliente火辣的女孩

loca 英文般歌词

LocaLocaDance or dieLocaLocaShe"s gettin" high all the timeJust to keep you from meShe get"s you on like(ahh!)Be careful amigoShe talks in the morning just to wake you upShe"s tied to your loveBut your love"s only mine, boySigo tranquilaLike I"m on a beach in AnguillaSippin" on CoronaLike it"s nothin" goin" onI ain"t leavin" you aloneTexting other girlsWhats it gonna take just to keep them offAnd I"m crazy, but you like it(loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy(loca, loca, loca)I"m crazy but you like it(loca, loca, loca)And I"m crazy but you like itThat girl is a nutterHot though, I heat up when I touch herChica calienteGot me rapping to merengueI feel so el presidenteI"m runnin" shit and I"m lovin" itShe"s got a mean lil" butt,But you should see what she does with itShe keeps it down low(down low, down low)I can never get enough(oh no, oh no)She gives me the runaround,But I stay chasin"But I mean, yo, I"m in loveWith a crazy girlBut it"s all goodAnd it"s fine by meJust as long as I hear her say, "Ay, papi"And I"m crazy, but you like it(loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy(loca, loca, loca)I"m crazy but you like it转载来自 ※Mojim.com 魔镜歌词网 And I"m crazy but you like it(loca, loca, loca)You"re the one for meAnd for her no moreNow you think she"s got it allI got one kikiYou"re the one for meAnd for her no moreNow you think she"s got it allI got my kikiI guess she doesn"t know the thingsThat I did to please yaTake you to the medico por el caminito??Cause we were dancin" MamboOh, what she do in the Laui?I really can"t help itIf I make the lady locaI don"t want no troubleI just wanna hit the(Ooh!)And I"m crazy, but you like it"Cause the kinda girl like meIs never far from the marketAnd I"m crazy, but you like it(loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy(loca, loca, loca)I"m crazy but you like it(loca, loca, loca)And I"m crazy but you like it(Dios Mio)That girl is(loca)That girl is(loca)That girl is(loca)LocaThat girl is(loca)That girl is(loca)You"re the one for meAnd for her no moreNow you think she"s got it allI got my kikiAnd I"m crazy, but you like it(loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy(loca, loca, loca)La loca, la loca(loca), la loca(loca)Loca(loca)





shakira loca的英文版歌词

Shakira - LocaLoca…Loca…Dance or die…Loca…Loca…She"s playin" dumb all the timeJust to keep it funTo get you on like (ahh!)Be careful amigoShe talkin" and walkin" just to work you upShe"d die for your loveBut your love"s only mine, boySigo tranquilaLike I"m on a beach in AnguillaSippin" on CoronaLike it"s nothin" goin" onI ain"t leavin" you aloneWhat is meant for meNo other girl is gonna takeSo keep them offAnd I"m crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy (loca, loca, loca)I"m crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)Crazy but you like itThat girl is a nutterHot though, I heat up when I touch herChica calienteGot me rapping to merengueI feel so el presidenteI"m runnin" shit and I"m lovin" itShe"s got a mean lil" butt,But you should see what she does with itShe keeps it down low (down low, down low)I can never get enough (oh no, oh no)She gives me the runaround,But I stay chasin"But I mean, yo, I"m in loveWith a crazy girlBut it"s all goodAnd it"s fine by meJust as long as I hear her say, “Ay, papi”And I"m crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy (loca, loca, loca)I"m crazy but you like itCrazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)You"re the one for meAnd for her no moreNow you think she"s got it allI got one kikiYou"re the one for meAnd for her no moreNow you think she"s got it allI got my kikiThere"s a lot of thingsThat I"d do to please youTake you to the medico por el caminito??Cuz we"re gonna get some MamboOh, what she do in the Laui?I really can"t help itIf I make the lady locaI don"t want no troubleI just wanna hit the (Ooh!)And I"m crazy, but you like it‘Cause the kinda girl like meIs never far from the marketAnd I"m crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy (loca, loca, loca)I"m crazy but you like it (loca, loca, loca)Crazy but you like it (Dios Mío)That girl is (loca)That girl is (loca)That girl is (loca)LocaThat girl is (loca)That girl is (loca)You"re the one for meAnd for her no moreNow you think she"s got it allI got my kikiAnd I"m crazy, but you like it (loca, loca, loca)You like that it ain"t easy (loca, loca, loca)La loca, la loca, la loca (loca)Loca (loca)

Shakira的《Loca》 歌词

歌曲名:Loca歌手:Shakira专辑:Live From ParisShakira - LocaEl está por mi y por ti borróY eso que tú tienes to"Y yo ni un Kikí.El está por miY por ti borró (borró)Y eso que tú tienes to"Y yo ni un Kikí.Ella se hace la bruta pa" cotizarConmigo en frente ella se hace la gata en celo contigoTe cotorrea el oído pa" tenerte en altaElla muere por ti pero por mi es que matas.Sigo tranquila como una paloma de e"quinaMientras ella se pasa en su BM al lado míoYo de aquí no me voy, se que está por míY ninguna va poder quitármelo de un tirónYo soy loca con mi tigreLoca, Loca, LocaSoy loca con mi tigreLoca, Loca, LocaSoy loca con mi tigre(Loca, Loca, Loca)Soy Loca con mi tigre(Loca, Loca, Loca)El está por míY por ti borró (borró)Y eso que tú tienes to"Y yo ni un KikíEl está por míY por ti borró (borró)Y eso que tú tienes to"Y yo ni un KikíMientras ella te complace con todos tus caprichosYo te llevo al malecón por un caminitoMe dicen que tu novia anda con un riflePorque te vio bailando mambo pa" mi¿Qué no lo permite?Yo no tengo la culpa de que tú te enamore"Mientras él te compra flores yo compro condo" (whooo)Yo soy loca con mi tigreCuando amarro ya mejora mira, es lo que dicenYo soy loca con mi tigreLoca, Loca, LocaSoy loca con mi tigreLoca, Loca, LocaSoy loca con mi tigre(Loca, Loca, Loca)Soy Loca con mi tigreDios mio! (ah)Se colán lo ra-ta-taNo te ponga" brutoQue te la bebeLoca (Loca)LocaEl está por miY por ti borró (borró)Y eso que tu tienes to"Y yo ni un KikíYo soy loca con mi tigreLoca, Loca, LocaSoy loca con mi tigreLoca, Loca, Locahttp://music.baidu.com/song/12647475









visual foxpro 中loca语句是什么意思?

locate,是查找、定位的意思。按顺序搜索表从而找到满足指定逻辑表达式的第一个记录。 LOCATE [FOR lExpression1] [Scope] [WHILE lExpression2] [NOOPTIMIZE] 参数 FOR lExpression1 LOCATE 按顺序搜索当前表以找到满足逻辑表达式 lExpression1 的第一个记录。 若 lExpression1 是可优化表达式,则 Rushmore 优化由 LOCATE FOR 创建的查询。为了获得最佳执行效果,可在 FOR 子句中使用可优化表达式。 详细信息, 参见 SET OPTIMIZE 和 用 Rushmore 查询优化数据访问速度。 Scope 指定要定位的记录范围。只有范围内的记录才被定位。Scope 子句有 ALL、NEXT nRecords、RECORD nRecordNumber 和 REST。 LOCATE 的默认范围是所有 (ALL) 记录。 WHILE lExpression2 指定一个条件,只要逻辑表达式 lExpression2 计算值为“真”(.T.),就继续查找记录。 NOOPTIMIZE 关闭 LOCATE 的 Rushmore 优化。 详细信息, 参见 SET OPTIMIZE 和 用 Rushmore 查询优化数据访问速度。 备注 被索引的表不必已有索引。 如果使用不带 FOR 表达式的 LOCATE 命令, Visual FoxPro 定位记录指针到第一个逻辑记录上。这在使用了筛选或 DELETED 设置为 ON 时比 GO TOP 更快。 若 LOCATE 发现一个满足条件的记录,可使用 RECNO( ) 返回该记录号。若发现满足条件的记录,则 FOUND( ) 返回“真”(.T.),EOF( ) 返回“假”(.F.)。若 SET TALK 是 ON,则显示满足条件的记录号。 LOCATE 发现一个满足条件的记录之后,可执行 CONTINUE,从而在表的剩余部分寻找其他满足条件的记录。当执行 CONTINUE 时,搜索操作从满足条件的记录的下一条记录开始继续执行。可重复执行 CONTINUE,直到到达范围边界或表尾。 若找不到满足条件的记录,则 RECNO( ) 返回表中的记录数加 1,FOUND( ) 返回“假”(.F.),EOF( ) 返回“真”(.T.)。 LOCATE 和 CONTINUE 只能用于当前工作区。若选择了另一工作区,则当重选原来的工作区时可继续原来的搜索过程。 示例 在下列示例中,定位德国顾客的记录,然后显示总数。 CLOSE DATABASES OPEN DATABASE (HOME(2) + "Data estdata") USE customer && 打开 customer 表 SET TALK OFF STORE 0 TO gnCount LOCATE FOR ALLTRIM(UPPER(customer.country)) = "GERMANY" DO WHILE FOUND() gnCount = gnCount + 1 ? company CONTINUE ENDDO ? "总的德国客户数: "+ LTRIM(STR(gnCount))


loca骨传导蓝牙耳机Z2主打拒绝漏音,久戴不痛,狂甩不掉,18g轻巧机,那么loca骨传导蓝牙耳机Z2怎么样?loca骨传导蓝牙耳机Z2值得买吗?下面我将为你带来loca骨传导蓝牙耳机Z2最详细的介绍和分析,使你拥有愉悦的购物体验,继续关注此站点,并有许多福利和惊喜等待着你~ . loca骨传导蓝牙耳机Z2怎么样 骨传导黑科技,不赛耳朵,舒适安全;6小时续航,300小时待机,电力十足; 高强度钛合金,轻盈柔韧,百折不弯;CVC通话,高清降噪,远离干扰; 蓝牙5.0,趋于零延迟,低功耗;IPX5防水等级,肆意运动,无惧汗水。 loca骨传导蓝牙耳机Z2值得买吗 #这款耳机是我找到的最精致的一款,非常适合像我这样喜欢携带外出的爱好者。声音清晰明亮,高音清晰,也没有延迟和杂音,佩戴很长时间耳朵也不会痛,续航能力特别强,充一次电可以续航好几个小时非常好。 #蓝牙耳机蓝牙5.0连接,低耗电,音质出色,无需入耳避免耳道压痛,开放耳道,可听到环境音,保证道路通行安全。 #声音清晰还不用入耳,可以长久佩戴。音质很好,听的很清楚的,耳机戴着很舒服,跑步的时候也不会掉落,没有夹耳的感觉,很棒,使用感受很好,听着声音效果也很好。









你好,我的电脑上写着windows 无法启动 wired AutoConfig服务

1、打开“开始--运行”,然后输入“regedit”回车打开注册表编辑器;(修改注册表有风险,建议事先备份注册表);  2、然后依次定位到:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetservicesNdisuio项;  3、在窗口右侧查看其DisplayName键值是NDIS Usermode I/O Protocol,如果有缺损的话,可以自己新建一个; 4、接着双击右边窗口的 Start 编辑DWORD值(没有找到的话可以自己新建一个),并将该数值数据修改为2 ,点击确定,按F5键刷新;  5、在同样的打开运行对话框,输入CMD,回车打开命令提示符窗口,在打开的窗口中输入netsh winsock reset,回车执行开启无线服务命令,完成之后重新启动计算机即可解决。

系统配置实用程序中的wired autoconfig能禁止吗?


win7系统wired autoconfig服务无法启动,提示错误2:系统找不到指定的文件。请教如何启动此服务?


系统配置实用程序中的wired autoconfig能禁止吗?

wired autoconfig服务可以禁止,具体方法如下:准备工具:电脑1.打开电脑,同时按住win+R键调出运行框,在运行框中输入如下字符”msconfig“。2.输入完毕后,在运行框页面中找到确定选项,点击该选项进入到下一页面中。3.在新弹出的页面中找到服务选项,点击该选项进入到服务页面中。4.在服务页面中找到wired autoconfig选项,点击勾选选择该选项,效果如下图所示。5.选择完毕后,在该页面中找到全部禁用选项,点击该选项即可禁用勾选的wired autoconfig服务。


MoCA也以 MOCA表示,它不是一种专用符号,在不同的地方代表不同的意义。作为化工产品,它代表3,3"-二氯-4,4"-二氨基二苯基甲烷(英文名称3,3,-dichloro-4,4,-diamino-diphenylmethane),又名4,4,-甲撑二(2-氯苯胺)(4,4"-Methylene bis(2-chloroaniline)),对二邻氯苯胺甲烷[P-(bi-O-chloroaniline)methane)],俗称莫卡(MOCA)。分子式为C13H12N2Cl2。



be occupied with造句

he is occupied with his work.他忙于他的工作 这个用法和be busy with 是一样的

be occupied with 和 be occupied in doing 意思

忙于做某事,专心于;忙碌等同于 be busy with sth 和be busy in doing sth.

be occupied with doing sth? 是不是错了?


be occupied with的用法

1. 忙于做,专心于2. 忙碌3. 被……所占据 1. The citizens seem to be occupied with their own business, and even the pedestrians look so leisurely.街上的市民各做各的活儿,行人也都从容不迫。 2. Increase their sincerity, so that with all humility and contrition they may turn to Thy kingdom and be occupied with service to the world of humanity.增进他们的诚挚,以使他们怀着全然谦卑和悔悟转向祢的天国,竭力为人类世界服务。 3. It seemed to him sometimes that they were all rejoicing as he was himself, and were only trying to conceal that joy, by pretending to be occupied with other interests.有时候,他又觉得,所有的人都同他一样高兴,只不过他们尽力掩饰这种高兴,假装他们的兴趣在其他方面罢了。

be occupied with和be occupied in分别什么意思哦?

be occupied in doing sth/with sth牛津高阶译为,无暇,忙碌例句,she is occupied in looking after /with 3 children.她忙于照料3个孩子。

pre-occupied 是什么意思?


be occupied with和be occupied in分别什么意思哦?

be occupied in doing sth/with sth 牛津高阶译为,无暇,忙碌 例句,she is occupied in looking after /with 3 children. 她忙于照料3个孩子.

be occupied to do还是doing

是doing。be occupied (in) doing sth.的意思都是“忙于做某事”。是现在进行时。

occupied in his work

选 B 因为忙于工作,那个男孩没有注意到我. be动式是表达“被.占据”.此句理解为被工作所占据. 所以选择B

keep sb occupied是什么意思


请问是be occupied with还是be occupied by?

by 被占据with的话应该是被用什么占据

大洋洲中文电视台 Oceania TV

大洋洲中文电视台(Oceania TV),总部位于新西兰首都惠灵顿,覆盖大洋洲各国,以中文为主要传播语音的全球化媒体。以报道全球重大新闻立台,集卫星电视、手机电视、高清数字电视、网络电视等为一体的融合性媒体。与大洋洲同步心跳!大洋洲中文台(OTV)长期服务于大洋洲各国国会,及主要城市市政府的中文媒体,并与当地主流媒体建立良好的合作伙伴关系,与中国在大洋洲各国使领馆,中国文化中心,孔子学院等单位有良好的沟通渠道,成为大洋洲地区的政治、经济、文化、旅游、交流的宣传平台及传播中国声音的主要舆论阵地。中国表达,全球视野、新闻立台,多元发展。以中国的视野介绍大洋洲,以世界的眼光看中国。为世界立体报道一个真实、全面的当代中国。大洋洲中文台app(澳新尼亚),国内可以看到节目。

be occupied with 和 be preoccupied with有什么区别?能否举例说明

be occupied with sth忙于做某事be preoccupied with被。。。迷住,被。。占据思想eg.1、He is fully occupied with his three children. 他完全忙于照顾他的三个小孩了。 2、He is always preoccupied with money. 他总是财迷心窍。
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