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"always online" 中文的意思是什么?


always online是什么意思

always online永远在线网络释义百科释义1. 永远在线例句:1.Receiving clients can either log on periodically and check for new messages or set up alistener component that is always online awaiting new messages from the provider. 接收消息的客户机可以周期性地上线并检查新的消息,或者也可以设立一个侦听器组件,令其一直处于在线状态以等待来自提供者的消息。


Always Online - 林俊杰变色的生活 平静的跳搏 疯狂的蒙住了头 短短的守候 是他的温柔 却还是少了点什么 还是少了点什么 遥远两端 爱挂在天空飞 风停了也无所谓 只因为你曾说 Everthing Will Be OK 我准备好了 three two one准备好了 three two one I"m always online 和你one to one 爱开始扩散 我们连接了穿越天空银河开始倒数 three two one 删除我的孤单 more and more既是深刻 爱亮了 爱笑了 I"m always online

always online

so,you think 表达 what

林俊杰《Always Online》的中文意思是什么?

一直在线吧? 翻译过来的话~

《always online》歌词是什么?

歌名:Always Online歌曲原唱:林俊杰编曲:陈建玮、蔡政勋填词:林怡凤歌曲歌词:变色的生活,任性的挑拨,疯狂的冒出了头单方的守候,试探的温柔,还是少了点什么遥远两端,爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓,只因为你总说Everything will be okay准备好了,three two oneI"m always online和你,one to one,爱开始扩散我们连结了,穿越天空,银河,oh开始倒数three two one,删除我的孤单More and more。尽是深刻爱亮了,爱笑了I"m always online变色的生活,任性的挑拨,疯狂的冒出了头单方的守候,试探的温柔,却还是少了点什么遥远两端,爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓,只因为你总说Everything will be okay我准备好了three two oneI"m always online和你one to one,爱开始扩散我们连结了,穿越天空,银河,oh开始倒数three two one,删除我的孤单More and more,尽是深刻爱亮了,爱笑了I"m always online准备好了three two oneI"m always online和你one to one,爱开始扩散我们连结了,穿越天空,银河,开始倒数three two one删除我的孤单,爱亮了,爱笑了I"m always online爱亮了,爱笑了I"m always online扩展资料:《Always Online》是林俊杰演唱的一首歌曲,由林怡凤作词,林俊杰作曲,陈建玮、蔡政勋编曲,收录在林俊杰2008年10月18日发行的专辑《JJ陆》中。该歌曲是联想IdeaPad S9/S10笔记本网络故事片主题曲。翻唱版本有:1、Always Online—庄心妍;时长:03:40。2、Always Online—3401告白;时长:03:38。3、Always Online—迷迷奚;时长:03:42。4、Always Online—李承洁;时长:03:41。

林俊杰的《Always Online》歌词是什么?

豪大大 - Always Online(DJ咚鼓版)作词:林怡凤作曲:林俊杰变色的生活任性的挑拨疯狂地冒出了头单方的守候试探的温柔还是少了点什么遥远两端爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓只因为你曾说Everything will be okay准备好了three two oneI"m always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连结了穿越天空银河oh开始倒数three two one删除我的孤单More and more尽是深刻爱亮了爱笑了I"m always online变色的生活任性的挑拨疯狂地冒出了头单方的守候试探的温柔却还是少了点什么遥远两端爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓只因为你曾说Everything will be okay我准备好了three two oneI"m always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连结了穿越天空银河oh开始倒数three two one删除我的孤单More and more尽是深刻爱亮了爱笑了I"m always online准备好了three two oneI"m always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连结了穿越天空银河开始倒数three two one删除我的孤单More and more尽是深刻爱亮了爱笑了I"m always online爱亮了爱笑了I"m always online

always online是什么意思

always online永远在线双语对照词典结果:网络释义百科释义1. 永远在线-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【满意】按钮

always online是什么意思

always online永远在线;一直在线;总是在线例句1.He always online, mom was angry.他总是上网,妈妈对此很生气。2.We have taken a number of mobile phone design concept, those who prescribe, always online, this is a very good product.我们采取了一些手机的设计理念,谁开谁用,永远在线,这也是一个非常好的产品。3.Files in the primary filegroup are always online if the database itself is online.如果数据库本身处于在线状态,则主文件组中的文件始终处于在线状态。4.Installed agents give you the flexibility of being able to support varied network topologies and scan systems that aren"t always online.已安装的代理为您提供了能够支持不同的网络拓扑和扫描并不总是在线的系统的灵活性。5.Finally, let"s hope together, "being rich for ever and always online while being thousands miles apart. " (network article) Thanks!最后,让我们一起祝愿:“但愿钱长有,千里共在线。”(网文)

always online 歌词

变色的生活 平静的跳搏疯狂的蒙住了头短短的守候 是他的温柔还是少了点什么遥远两端 爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓只因为你曾说 Everthing Will Be OK准备好了 three two oneI""m always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连接了穿越天空银河开始倒数 three two one删除我的孤单more and more既是深刻爱亮了 爱笑了I""m always online变色的生活 平静的跳搏疯狂的蒙住了头短短的守候 是他的温柔却还是少了点什么遥远两端 爱挂在天空飞风停了也无所谓只因为你曾说 Everthing Will Be OK我准备好了 three two oneI""m always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连接了穿越天空银河开始倒数 three two one删除我的孤单more and more既是深刻爱亮了 爱笑了I""m always online准备好了 three two oneI""m always online和你one to one爱开始扩散我们连接了穿越天空银河开始倒数 three two one删除我的孤单more and more既是深刻爱亮了 爱笑了I""m always online爱亮了 爱笑了I""m always online


1、含义不一gta online:是《侠盗猎车手线上联机》,是GTA5自带的联机模式。grand theft auto v:是《侠盗猎车手5》是一款游戏,通常分为GTA5单机和GTA5线上联机两种模式。2、模式不一gta online:是直接进入线上模式。grand theft auto v:是进入GTA5主菜单界面。3、进入方式不一gta online:不需要再从主菜单选择进入。grand theft auto v:需要再从主菜单选择进入。4、选择性不一gta online:只能选择进入线上模式。grand theft auto v:可以选择进入线下剧情,也可以选择进入线上模式。Grand theft auto v的介绍:游戏背景洛圣都基于现实地区中的美国洛杉矶和加州南部制作,面对滚滚而来的金融风暴,三个不同的怪咖绘制着自己生存和成功的蓝图。机缘巧合,他们走到了一起。为了自己想得到的一切,三人选择了一系列大胆而危险的犯罪行动。玩家可扮演三位主角并在任意时刻进行切换,每位主角都有自己独特的人格与故事背景,以及交织的剧情。多人在线模式时间线在故事模式结局后,崔佛作为NPC出现,麦克也可以在游戏中以路人身份碰到。之后的剧情将按照C结局第三条路的故事线继续。

“grand theft auto v”与“gta online”有什么不同?

“grand theft auto v”是进入GTA5主菜单界面。这里可以选择进入线下剧情,也可以选择进入线上模式。就是一个游戏的菜单界面。“gta online” 是直接进入线上模式。不需要再从主菜单选择进入。一个线上模式的快捷入口,你可以这么理解。“grand theft auto v”(侠盗猎车手5)是一款游戏,通常分为GTA5单机和GTA5线上联机两种模式。“gta online”(侠盗猎车手线上联机)是GTA5自带的联机模式。

grand theft auto v与gta online选哪个啊GTA5

第一项:grand theft auto v 是进入GTA5主菜单界面。这里可以选择进入线下剧情,也可以选择进入线上模式。就是一个游戏的菜单界面。第二项:GTA Online 是直接进入线上模式。不需要在从主菜单选择进入。一个线上模式的快捷入口,你可以这么理解。你看你需求来选择咯。

grand theft auto v与gta online选哪个啊GTA5


gta online和grand theft auto有什么区别?

1、含义不一gta online:是《侠盗猎车手线上联机》,是GTA5自带的联机模式。grand theft auto v:是《侠盗猎车手5》是一款游戏,通常分为GTA5单机和GTA5线上联机两种模式。2、模式不一gta online:是直接进入线上模式。grand theft auto v:是进入GTA5主菜单界面。3、进入方式不一gta online:不需要再从主菜单选择进入。grand theft auto v:需要再从主菜单选择进入。4、选择性不一gta online:只能选择进入线上模式。grand theft auto v:可以选择进入线下剧情,也可以选择进入线上模式。Grand theft auto v的介绍:游戏背景洛圣都基于现实地区中的美国洛杉矶和加州南部制作,面对滚滚而来的金融风暴,三个不同的怪咖绘制着自己生存和成功的蓝图。机缘巧合,他们走到了一起。为了自己想得到的一切,三人选择了一系列大胆而危险的犯罪行动。玩家可扮演三位主角并在任意时刻进行切换,每位主角都有自己独特的人格与故事背景,以及交织的剧情。多人在线模式时间线在故事模式结局后,崔佛作为NPC出现,麦克也可以在游戏中以路人身份碰到。之后的剧情将按照C结局第三条路的故事线继续。

Nonlinear Dynamics期刊Reviewers Assigned要多久

数学类的期刊审稿大部分偏慢,Reviewers Assigned状态看情况吧,这是在分配审稿人,等待审稿人的回复,一些审稿人不愿意审稿,就拖拉了。1月都有可能,如果找到的审稿人很愉快的接受审稿,3~7天也很常见,看运气吧在30天左右还是Reviewers Assigned建议发信问一下,有可能已经送审了,只是状态没有变更而已,这种情况当然是最好的。

请问online presence 是啥意思?

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: 今天翻译东西是有关电子商务的,里边有一个词组online presence,请高手翻译,这是啥意思? 解析: 视频会议,注意,不能直译。online是在线的,网络的。presense是出席,开会。 现在的会议出席的代表不一定要坐在一个办公室里开,通过电脑、视频等现代化办公手段,就可以进行互动式交流和讨论非常方便

请问online presence 是啥意思?




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Continental马牌轮胎马牌轮胎公司是一家全球领先的制动系统、底盘零配件、车辆电子元件、轮胎和高科技橡胶供应商。2005年,公司销售额高达138亿欧元。该公司在全球共拥有8万名员工。该公司利用高性能 IT 基础设施,保证高速创新和快速按需发展,在充满竞争的行业内立于不败之地。130年来,Continental一直制造高质量的轮胎,2004年,Continental年营业额114亿欧元,年产量7000万个汽车轮胎和450万个工业轮胎,是德国第一大轮胎制造商,欧洲排名第二,世界排名第四,工业轮胎排名世界第一。如今德国马牌公司是世界汽车工业供应商中的领导者之一,它为世界汽车工业提供在轮胎和制动系统,车辆动态控制技术,电子和传感系统方面的广泛技术和经验支持,保证个人驾驶的安全性和更卓越的舒适性是德国马牌不懈努力的目标。扩展资料:马牌轮胎的特点马牌轮胎以安全性和可靠性著称,低噪音,自洁性强。极高的瞬间过载能力,灵敏的操控应答和弯道稳定性,干湿地面卓越的刹车性能,更高的排水保护能力,全球唯一获准的以时速360公里驾驶的公路轮胎,载入吉尼斯世界记录。SSR防爆轮胎,在轮胎完全失压时,车辆仍能以80KM/小时,继续行驶80KM。马牌CPC2轮胎有助于提高汽车在干路面和湿路面上的刹车制动。在干路面上,当轮胎处于极度紧张状态时,马牌CPC2的轮胎设计会使胎肩花纹不弯曲,以保持最大可能的接触面;而在湿滑路面上,特别的胎纹就如同风挡刮水器一样割裂水膜,实现了更短的刹车制动距离。参考资料来源:百度百科-马牌轮胎公司


马牌轮胎(Continental )始建于1871年,总部位于德国汉诺威市,是世界第三大轮胎制造企业、欧洲最大的汽车配件供应商。公司最初的产品是橡胶制品和实心马车和自行车轮胎。 马牌轮胎公司是一家全球领先的制动系统、底盘零配件、车辆电子元件、轮胎和高科技橡胶供应商。2005年,公司销售额高达138亿欧元。目前,该公司在全球共拥有8万名员工。该公司利用高性能 IT 基础设施,保证高速创新和快速按需发展,在充满竞争的行业内立于不败之地。

publish online算发表吗

announce是通知或者宣布的意思,而publish则是发表的意思,区别可以从以下例子看出: They announced the new rule for city development, it was published in yesterday"s newspaper. You can read it if you want. 他们宣布了城市发展的新规则,它发表在昨天的报纸上。 如果你愿意,你可以阅读它。



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on line,online,on the Internet 它们之间都相等吗

小故事: 很多年前, 一个爸爸和一个妈妈想休假,所以他们决定晚上去城镇。他们叫来最信任一个人来照看孩子。当保姆来的时候,他们的连个孩子已经在床上睡著了。所以保姆只是看了看孩子是否睡的好,就坐下了。 深夜,保姆觉得无聊就想去楼下看电视。但是她看不了,因为楼下没有电视(因为孩子的父母不希望他们的孩子看太多垃圾)。她就打电话给孩子的父母,问是否可以在他们的卧室看电视,当然孩子的父母同意了。 但保姆又想要最后一个请求。 她问是否可以用毯子或者衣服盖住那小丑雕像,因为那使她感到很害怕。 电话沉默了一会。 (此时爸爸在和保姆通话) 他说:带孩子离开房间…… 我们将会叫警察……我们从来没有什麼小丑雕像。 那小丑很可能是一个从监狱逃出来的杀人犯。 电话里沉默了一会儿。 (正在跟保姆通话的孩子的父亲)说:带上孩子们,离开房子……我们会通知警察……我们没有一个小丑雕像…… 孩子们和保姆被小丑谋杀了。 结果是,小丑是一个从监狱里逃出来的杀人犯 如果你不在5分钟内转发这个贴子,这个小丑在凌晨3点时将会拿著刀站在你的床前。 我在这里发了,这就是恶魔般的小丑没有杀我的原因

on line,online,on the Internet 它们之间都相等吗

on line 是一个词组 在线的 online 是单词 在线 意思没多大差别 只是用法上有差别 比如表达网购这个意思 可以说 online shopping 这是指网络购物 shopping on line 是指在网络上购物.说起来是没啥差别的 至于on the internet是比 on line online 要正式一点

上网是online还是on line?有什么区别



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继续深耕【继续深耕FPS游戏细分市场 腾讯联合动视暴雪发布COD,Online】

  2012年7月3日,腾讯公司与动视暴雪,在上海宣布建立长期战略合作伙伴关系,并将巨作《Call of Duty Online》带给中国游戏玩家。腾讯公司董事会主席兼首席执行官马化腾先生、腾讯公司总裁刘炽平先生、动视暴雪首席执行官Bobby Kotick先生、动视首席执行官EricHirshberg先生等高层悉数出席本次发布会。马化腾表示,“很高兴腾讯和动视暴雪这样顶尖的游戏公司达成战略合作,携手为中国玩家带来一款高品质的射击网游,期待《Call of DutyOnline》早日上线!”   《Call of Duty Online》这款一直被保密的作品,由动视暴雪旗下全资子公司负责开发,并且被深藏两年之久。而本次发布会的主题对外宣布腾讯获得《Call of Duty Online》在中国市场的独家代理权。   《Call of Duty Online》的中文名称尚未确定,很多人习惯性的将它称之为使命召唤online。但在接受媒体采访时,腾讯和动视暴雪的相关高层都反复强调,这是一款全新的游戏。“我想说《Call of Duty》单机游戏和《Call ofDuty Online》是完全不同的产品,《Call ofDuty Online》是重新开发的。”腾讯公司《Callof Duty Online》项目发行制作人董晓刚表示。   而对于什么是“完全不同”,动视暴雪首席执行官Bobby Kotick强调:“此次引入中国的新游戏《Call of Duty Online》,会结合《Can ofDuty》系列产品丰富的高品质多人游戏体验,并专为中国市场设计全新的游戏模式。这个新模式将会带来《Call of Duty》游戏前所未有的新功能,允许玩家进行武器、角色与装备的个性化定制。通过游戏内商城,玩家可以强化那些专为中国市场打造的武器、枪支和技能。这款新游戏也将同时拥有不同的游戏模式和地图,并通过一系列基于《Can of Duty:Modem Warfare》世界观的剧情任务展现原创故事情节。”   作为腾讯游戏代理的又一款FPS巨作,一经发布就引起了人们对于这款游戏和CF的比较,腾讯游戏的相关高层强调,《Call of DutyOnline》并非CF的替代品和升级版,腾讯公司副总裁马晓轶说:“射击类游戏是一个非常广阔的大种类,从我们看到的情况来说,射击类游戏人群是中国最大的游戏人群,这些人群的要求不一样,《Call of Duty Online》和我们现有或者是筹备当中的射击类游戏是不一样的种类。我们希望通过这样一个射击产品的组合,满足所有用户对于不同类型产品的多元需求。并不存在这样一个说法,说要替代任何的产品。”   不过对于这款大作何时上市,腾讯和动视暴雪的都还没有给出准确的答复,从他们的回答当中,应该可以看出玩家们还需要耐心等待。

Online Romance 什么意思


帮忙写一篇关于studying online的英语作文。字数100-150

Studying Online_A Good Choice for Our Study In my opinion, studying online is a good choice for us to study better.As we all know ,science and technology developing very fast, it becomes possible for us to study online.There are many advantages of studying onlina as follows. First of all, I think it is of great convenience for us to search for effective information,which can not be acquired in the book. And also ,it is very fast for us to solve study problems, thus saving our time and improving our effeciency of our study.And on the other hand, studying online will supply us with kinds of latest information.And we can get the konwladge that will help us get to know the details about what is difficult to understand for us. With so many benefits contributing to our studies, I can see the glories of studying online,although it has some bad aspects,such as spreading unhealthy information, damaging our eyes etc.So as the saying well goes,"Every coin has its two sides".We must make good use of the material online,instead of surfing the Internet and playing computer games. In a word ,as far as I am concerned,it is of great use for us to study online .And we should spread it to study more effectively.

We can study on line.与We can study online.哪个正确?


以Study Online为题的英语作文

  网上学习 Study Online   Nowadays, with the development of technology, people can do a lot of things through computers. Some people can work at home because they can manipulate the business by Internet. In the developed countries, a new form of study has been carried out, many young people choose to study online.   如今,随着技术的发展,人们可以通过电脑做很多事情。有些人可以在家里工作,因为他们可以通过网络操作业务。在发达国家,一种新的学习方式已经开始实施,许多年轻人选择在网上学习。   On the one hand, studying online can save people a lot of time. For some people, the school is so far away from their home, it takes a long time to go to school. If they study online, they don"t need to spend the time on the road, they just click on the button and then the knowledge is presented.   一方面,网上学习可以节省人们很多时间。对一些人来说,学校是如此远离家园,走到学校需要很长的时间。如果他们在线学习,不需要花时间在路上,他们只需要点击按钮,然后知识就会呈现在眼前。   On the other hand, studying online also saves a lot of money. Without the large spend on the education and the fees on other sides, many families struggle to pay for their children"s educational cost. Studying online costs little, even for free. It provides a good way for some people who want to learn knowledge while without enough money.   另一方面,网上学习也可以节省很多钱。不用花大把钱在教育和其他方面的费用,很多家庭难以支付孩子的教育费用。在线学习成本小,甚至免费。对于一些想学习知识但是没有足够钱的人,它提供了一种很好的学习方式。   Studying online has certain advantages, it helps some people to improve themselves.   在线学习有一定的优势,它可以帮助一些人来提高自己。   网上学习的好处The Advantages of Online-Study   As the fast development of the technology, people use computer every day, it has become part of their life. With computer, people can do a lot of things, such as reading news, making friends and so on. The online-learning is more and more popular, because it has many advantages.   随着科技的高速发展,人们每天都使用电脑,电脑成为了我们生活中的一部分。我们可以用电脑做很多事情,比如看新闻,结交朋友等。网上学生越来越受欢迎,因为它有很多好处。   First, online-learning is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry about the location.   第一,网上学习是一种灵活的方式。传统方式的学习是坐在教室里面,但是现在,人们可以坐在家里,坐在咖啡店里,也能接触到知识。这是多么方便和高效率啊,只要人们想学习就可以学到,不用担心位置的问题。   Second, online-learning can save a lot of money. When people want to take the course, they have to hand in a lot of money, buying books, paying for the teachers. While study online can skip over these unnecessary stuff, people can listen to the course immediately, they just need to click on the button. How fast it is, people can save money and also gain knowledge.   第二,网上学习可以省很多钱。当人们想要参加课程时,他们要交很多的钱,买书,请老师。然而网上学习可以省略掉这些不必要的麻烦,人们可以立刻听课,只要他们点击按钮。多么快速啊,人们可以省下钱,也能学到知识。   Online-learning is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study will become more popular in the future.   网上学习是一种新的学习知识的方法,网上课程灵活,便宜,省时。有了这些优势,我相信网上学习在将来会更受欢迎。 以Study Online为题的英语作文

studyonline中文 翻译


急需题目是"should student make friends online ?"的高中英语作文!!



还有几句:你是开端,我是终结。 你们无路可逃


1. 请以reading online为题写一篇作文 Reading online As the fast development of the technology, people use puter every day, it has bee part of their life. With puter, people can do a lot of things, such as reading news, making friends and so on. The online-reading is more and more popular, because it has many advantages. First, online-reading is a flexible way. The traditional way of study is to sit on the classroom, but now, people can sit at home, or sit at the coffee shop, they can have access to the knowledge. It is convenient and efficient, people can learn if they want, there is no need to worry about the location. Second, online-reading can save a lot of money. When people want to take the course, they have to hand in a lot of money, buying books, paying for the teachers. While study online can skip over these unnecessary stuff, people can listen to the course immediately, they just need to click on the button. How fast it is, people can save money and also gain knowledge. Online-reading is a new way for gaining knowledge, online courses are flexible, cheap and saving time. With these, I believe online study will bee more popular in the future. 2. 请以 Going Online 为题写一篇英文作文 Recently going online has bee more and more popular with middle school students . In my opinion , there are some merits for the students to go online . First , it can broaden our knowledge and make us know the latest news at home and abroad . Second , there are many learning material on the Inter which are useful for us to learn English . Also , we can make many online friends . However , there are some drawbacks . Most students play conputer games instead of studying their lessons , which will affect their study . What`s worse , going online too often can do harm to our eyes . Besides , without much experience , it`s easy for us to make bad friends and be influenced to do stupid things . So I think as students , we can go online properly . We shuold choose things which are valuable to our study and life . What`s more , we shuold have a time limit . We must place study , health and safety before other things . 3. 以The Advantages of Taking English Courses为题写一篇100词左右的 The English language is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world,and it is the official language of many countries. 英语是全世界使用范围最广的语言之一,也是很多国家的官方语言. English is used almost everywhere. 几乎全世界任何地方都使用英语. The ability to fluently speak the English language in addition to your native language can be beneficial if you"re seeking job opportunities with international panies. 如果你能流利使用英语和你的母语,这会提高你被国际公司录用的可能性. Major Hollywood movies have dialogue in English.The plot of these movies is easier to follow if the person watching the movie speaks English. 大部分好莱坞电影讲的都是英语.如果看电影的人会讲英语,那么他就能很容易跟着剧情. The English language is predominantly spoken throughout the world,so international travelers may find that speaking English can make their travels a little easier.Most hotel and restaurant employees,as well as store merchants,probably speak English to some degree. 现在英语是世界上使用的主流语言,所以你会讲英语,出国旅游讲会变的很容易.大多数的旅馆、饭店等都是用英语进行交流的. 4. 以shopping online为主题写一篇文章 您好,以下为本人按题目要求写的英语作文供参考,希望对您有所帮助: Shopping Online It is known that with the rapid development of information technology, inter and electronic merce is getting more and more popular in our daily lives. Currently there is an ongoing discussion about whether we should go shopping online. Personally I believe that by making good use of online shopping, we can get various products that are possibly not available in a traditional store. By browsing the products online, we can easily and conveniently choose the ones we like and get them paid and delivered without going out of room. In addition, the products are always cheaper than the ones in a traditional store. However, the disadvantage of online shopping is that sometimes we may not actually see the products until we receive them, which I think we may have the chance to buy something inferior. Although sometimes there may be potential risks for online shopping, there is no doubt that it is of great benefit and convenience for us to go shopping online. 5. 以“travelling online”为题写一篇字数80~90词的作文,急 "People who like travelling have their reasons. They maintain that travelling can help them expand their scope of knowledge, especially geographical and historical learning. They go on to point out that touring will provide more chance for them to enjoy food and try on clothes that they otherwise cannot possibly have. Those who dislike travelling have their reasons. They would argue that travelling means a considerable amount of money and energy. For example, traffic and acmodation require money walking while seeing sights often tires you. In practice, travelling does more good than harm. If you finance and health permit, you might as well do some travelling from time to time. It will at least enable you to get familiar with people and thing that you will probably grow to like and love." 6. 请教关于online courses的问题 请跟你的目标读研大学确认他们是否承认远程教育的学分online credits(或者让他们直接推荐提供在线课程学校),社区大学不一定会有distance course, 你可以找专业提供这类课程的机构。 这个学校Harvard Extension School你可以看看(对英语要求比较高,雅思7.0 托福100).:(Harvard Extension School courses are accepted toward degrees at most colleges and universities. Because transfer policies and degree requirements vary among schools, students should confirm their home or prospective schools" policy about transfer credit before enrolling in courses。成绩单上不注明是远程教育The transcript does not specify if a course is pleted via distance education or not。 外国学生可以申请,用visa卡付款即可。 考核方式可能有 每周作业,测验exam, 报告paper等,视频通常会在一个学期内有效,可以凭账号登陆后无限次观看。作业和考试根据学校的时间安排进行,各个学校的补考政策不一样,基本补考都要收费,能补考多少次就得看学校了,如果补考超过规定次数还是不及格,就只能全额交费重读。 授课模式大致有两种video 和 web conference, 对电脑的操作系统,使用的浏览器或者播放器,还有视频软件会有一定要求。 Video courses 视频(有的时候可以同步观看-可参与,有的时候是24小时内放上网) Most of our distance education courses feature videos of faculty lecturing on campus. You watch each week"s online lecture at your convenience, submitting assignments as scheduled. In some cases, classes meeting on campus are broadcast live; check course syllabi or websites to see if you can watch videos live during class meeting times and to learn if live participation is required. Live web-conference courses 在线会议模式(可参与,定时举行) These courses are conducted live at a scheduled time each week. Instead of watching videos, you log in to a virtual classroom to participate. 7. 以Shopping online为题写一篇英语作文 Shopping online As a result of the increased inter munication, online shopping has been an indispensable part in the modern life today. However some people hold disapproval attitudes towards this thing. In my opinion, it both has positive and negative aspects, just as the proverb goes like this: every coin has o sides. When it es to positive aspects, it"s very convenient and time-saving pared with traditional shopping. What you need to do is just clicking your mouse and waiting instead of going out by foot or driving. Moreover, more choices than real store are another attraction to customers. However, in spite of convenience and more choices of online shopping, we cannot turn a blind eye to its advantages. Obviously, quality problem is its first advantage. It"s mon that articles aren"t so good just as they are described online that customers always buy fake modities. What"s more, it"s troublesome and annoying for many customers to make a change when they are not satisfied with what they bought online. To make a better environment for shopping on-line, effective measures should be taken to make it better. Specifically speaking, government should work out strict regulations and rules to prevent unfaithful and unlawful activities of online shopping owners. Only by this way can online shopping bee really safe and attract an increasing number of customers 8. 谁现在能帮我写篇作文~~ "online learning" ~~字数100 The Inter as a Beneficial Learning Tool for Students The Inter, monly referred to as the “information superhighway,” is a tool that has been introduced to classrooms around the world because of its popularity, which has been gaining steadily in the past years. The Inter is a neork of puters in which users can share files and plete many other tasks. Many people and groups have voiced concerns of whether the Inter"s benefits in classroom and educational use oueigh the negative effects. From recent studies and personal experiences, I have e to the decision that the benefits certainly oueigh the negative effects. I believe that the students who use information technology such as the Inter regularly in their schoolwork are benefiting greatly rather than losing out。

online 和cyber的区别

cyber是个比较新兴的词.伴随着网络经济的到来而出现,用法很广。可以解释为与网络通讯有关的.比如,网吧,叫cybercafe。网络犯罪,cyber crime. net是名词,就是‘网"的意思。引申可以解释为网络。

online 和cyber的区别



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