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真假CROCS区别: 1.包装 如果您不想买到假的或仿的CROCS鞋或您想买的是专柜的CROCS鞋。首先一定要确保所有的包装及赠品齐全,专柜的CROCS鞋全部包装包括(鞋,标牌,挂钩,塑料袋,纸或布拎袋),赠品一般都有(CROCS扇子,CROCS手机链,CROCS飞盘等)这样才能第一步避免购买到假货。 2. 材料真品:鞋底软,鞋轻巧 ,穿久会像人的皮肤一样有皱纹。 假货:材料是仿冒的,脚感和一般的塑料鞋差不多。 这点对网购的来说,只能是收货的时候现场验了3. 细节 (1.看鞋底的crocs logo,正品的logo很精细,仿品的粗糙2.看商标,正品的商标小恐龙的眼珠是两个叉的,而仿品的小恐龙的眼珠是一个黑色的三角形!3. 看勾鞋的挂钩,正品的挂钩上的小恐龙是正对着你的,而仿品的挂钩时反向的,而且会比较大)真品:因为一次性成形,偶尔也会有毛边,但字母和细节不会有问题。 假货:有的假货因为忽略了细节或仿冒者英文水平较差,会出现印错英文字母或印反方向的情况。还有的点点看上去就比较差。 4. 维护 真品:由于特殊的面料,即便真品有点折痕和压迹,用电风机一吹就能还原。 假品:这倒没有试过,不过料想不会和真品材料一样的反应。 5. 边扣 真品:用来扣鞋带的边扣,上面是水印上去的小鳄鱼标志,摸上去是平的,而且印刷精细。 假品:这个边扣上面的小鳄鱼摸上去是立体的,因为印刷技术不到那个水平。 6.关于扣子 市面上10元以下的扣子基本肯定是假的。其实真假扣子很好区别的,真的扣子背面的字是很清晰的。而且用指甲也划不掉。但是假的扣子背面的字用指甲一划就掉了。 7.相关新闻 据说,市面上已经有几万对仿的BEACH 和cayman,并且其它的款也在仿制了,各位淘友一般低于百元的crocs,就要小心真假了,千万不要为了几元钱买仿货,穿着的脚感可是完全不同的哦。

求歌曲:Wishing And Hoping歌手:Dusty Springfield 这歌的歌词,谢谢

Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying Planning and dreaming each night of his charms That won"t get you into his arms So if you"re looking to find love you can share All you got to do is hold him and kiss him and love him And show him that you care Show him that you care just for him Do the things he likes to do Wear your hair just for him, "cause You won"t get him Thinking and a-praying, wishing and a-hoping "Cause wishing and hoping and thinking and praying Planning and dreaming his kisses will start That won"t get you into his heart So if you"re thinking of how great true love is All you got to do is hold him and kiss him and squeeze him and love him Yeah, just do it And after you do, you will be his You got to show him that you care just for him Do the things he likes to do Wear your hair just for him, "cause You won"t get him Thinking and a-praying, wishing and a-hoping "Cause wishing and hoping and thinking and praying Planning and dreaming his kisses will start That won"t get you into his heart So if you"re thinking of how great true love is All you got to do is hold him and kiss him and squeeze him and love him Yeah, just do it And after you do, you will be his You will be his (2x)

tropical cyclone是什么意思

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