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particulate matter25正吗

A、煤属于化石燃料,燃烧会产生PM2.5,故A符合题意; B、垃圾深埋会污染土壤和水体,不会产生PM2.5,故B不符合题意; C、污水排放会污染水体,不会产生PM2.5,故C不符合题意; D、白色污染是不能降解的塑料引起的污染,不会产生PM2.5,故D不符合题意. 故选A

我国新修订的《环境空气质量标准》增加了PM2.5监测指标.PM2.5(particulate matter)是指2.5微米以下的


particle 和particulate区别

particulate:of or relating to minute separate particles 根据韦氏辞典的解释,这两个词可以通用,particulate为单数形式,不知道你用的什么辞典没写。另particulate可作形容词,微粒的,particle只是名词Let"s always meet each other with smile, for the smile is the beginning of love.让我们带着微笑相遇吧,因为微笑是爱的开始。




particulates 名词particulate的复数, 微粒;大气尘;微粒物质;空气中微小颗粒particle 粒子,质点; 极小量; 相比较 particulates体积上更小 ,属于微观粒子例句particulates 1.Other pollutants, especially particulates, were also present. 也有其他污染物存在,特别是颗粒物。2.And particulates on the shoe you got off the suspect. 你从嫌犯脚上脱下来的那只鞋上的泥土及微粒。3.Determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous pollutants emittedfrom exhaust gas of stationary source GB/T16157-1996固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定和气态污染物采样方法particle 1.A neutron is simply a neutral particle in the nucleus of an atom. 中子就是原子核里不带电的粒子。2.Today many radioisotopes are produced using the particle accelerator called a cyclotron. 今天许多放射性同位素是用被称为回旋加速器的粒子加速器来制造的。3.This energy uncertainty in turn appears as a variability in the apparent mass of the particle. 这种能量的不确定范围,又表现为粒子表观质量的可变性。