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gibson les paul custom reissue系列的问题

57有很多颜色和版本 我见过以下几种:颜色:金色有gold top 和金色二种,还有黑色,金属蓝,浅蓝,红色目前量产的是54 56 57 58 59 60配置各有不同

Epiphone les paul standard和 Gibson les paul standard到底有哪些区别?

1.材料:官方都说差不多,一个国产,一个美产,中国跟美国用的木头不太一样吧。外观嘛,肯定epi好,机器做的,gibson是手工的,看你自己喜好了,模型都是一样的2.拾音器肯定gibson好啦,看价格就知道3.价格。。。。。epi有2k到8k的,gibson没10k就算了,新琴价格。上海百度一下吧,哈哈哈4.可以,除非你太挑剔,耳朵太尖,老美自己都说made china的不差5.新手不是问题,问题是你的预算,建议买组合效果器,先初步了解什么叫效果器什么。有2k-3k买效果器预算的话,买pod不错,音响模拟,可以省不少音箱钱。以后再烧钱吧。6.学吉他找熟人吧,找老师不好说,我不是上海人,到一般琴行肯定有可以学,看看柏斯琴行吧

epiphone les paul model


再请问一下Gibson Les Paul Standard Premium Plus


epiphone les paul 的那些音量旋钮音色旋钮啊怎么每把都不一样的?有的歪歪扭扭的,有的紧得要命?


Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plustop和Les Paul Custom哪个好些呢

les paul custom

Epiphone Les Paul 的枫木贴面 是否对音色有影响?

这个影响完全可以忽略 因为只要你不是发烧级玩家 你的耳朵是绝对听不出区别来的 贴面而且可以防止木头直接与空气接触 防止氧化 又美观...何乐而不为呢

Epiphone LesPaul 适合布鲁斯和爵士风格的演奏吗?

SQUIER 的TELE 好一点SQUIER 的START也行总体是TELE 布鲁斯爵士更好。START适应种类更多。LES PAUL也可以。具体请自己去琴行弹弹。觉得可以的话就买。每个人对音色风格理解都不一样。这才是音乐。

Les Paul 断弦问题


买一把LES PAUL的琴要多少钱啊?


在下现在在美国 想在美国买一把Gibson les paul带回中国


关于 Epiphone Les Paul

Epiphone LP的三个主要型号,Classic 和Standard的产地都是在国内,最平常的两个型号。Classic应该价格稍低于Standard。这两个型号的最主要区别就是在拾音器上,琴体的配置基本完全一致,Classic的原形是60年代的LP,声音和Standard相比更亮一些,没有那么圆润的低频。琴颈采用60年代风格的薄琴颈,而Standard的原型是50年代的LP,主要采用50年代经典的圆琴颈,从厂家的参数看,两者的厚度差距只有2毫米左右,但是手感很明显有区别。Custom的配置要更高,是高一个档次的琴,产地主要在韩国。拾音器也更高档一些。也是以50年代的LP为原型设计的。至于50年代和60年代的琴的区别,最主要的就是琴颈的尺寸和拾音器的选择。60年代的琴,更适合摇滚乐手的速弹的要求(当然是和Classic相比,如果和Jackson那类的琴还是没得比),至于50年代的琴,更传统,更接近原始的LP的设计。这些是我的了解。这些型号的琴我都试用过。感觉都是不错的。有兴趣交流,发站内信

本人初学电吉他,想问一下Gibson sg和Gibson les paul哪吧比较适合?就单纯这两


新买Gibson Les Paul Traditional 手感很不错 但3弦1品到5品打品明显 其他品轻微打品

老板没忽悠你,不插电打品属正常的 万一你要觉得不行,可以把琴桥调高一点,LES PAUL的琴桥很好调

求Gibson Les Paul 1960 全部型号以及各种不同之处! 网上有很多种Gibson Les Paul 1960


我看到Gibson les paul 的一把吉他,全金色的,但只有两个旋钮,背板是黑色的。

还有双面缺角的SG风格Les Paul。但我们的宗旨是确立一个基本的Les Paul然后...Epiphone饰Gibson的竞争者,这两家公司在拱形吉他和拾音器领域并行。1957年,...

epiphone les paul 电吉他12品弦距多少才合适呢?急急急


gibson les paul signature t怎么样

不错,跟les paul traditional是一样的,几乎没区别,不同的是t的拾音器是无盖的57classic。。但几乎没什麼区别。琴体较重,声音温暖,使用AA级别的木料,适合大部分的音乐演奏。

epiphone les paul 57 goldtop这款琴怎么样啊 据说用的是gibson拾音器 音色会比较接近么?


Les Paul 型的电吉他怎样调弦距


请教各位,Les Paul 型的电吉他怎样调弦

平放吉他 琴头朝左 六角扳手从音孔内个里面放入 手握的一端朝上 向前推是降低琴弦 向自己的方向拉是升高琴弦

gibson les paul的拾音器是不是一定是封闭的?

1L歇菜,那个是ZAKK签名定制款,LP系列不只有GIBSON在做,最经典的ESP LP缺角部分是尖的,音色比大G的要尖锐有味道,SOLO的话大G的LP是向着“音色甜美”而制造吉他的,拾音器的话开放的出来的音色要沙哑,金属和弦冲击力强,泛音猛烈,封闭的一般音色中规中矩,有种电吉他里的古典琴感觉。

求专业人士讲解Les Paul四个旋钮的作用


电吉他,配备减重孔与共鸣腔的LES PAUL与不配备减重孔与共鸣腔的LES PAUL,二者有什么区别吗?

风格不同电吉他虽然是拾音器采集声音但是本身木头共振也是很重要的这也是为什么哪怕是同型号的lp也会有很大的价格差异。。木头年代..以及风干等等配备减重孔的是比较偏向布鲁斯风格的吉他布鲁斯主宰B.B king就是这类的吉他 可以看他的视频~不配备减重孔的其实就是比较现现代的比如前枪花主音slash就是传统的lespaul楼主可以试试看传送门B.Bking

请问gibson lp traditional pro的详细配置。这琴与Les Paul Standard有何区别?


Epiphone les paul 拾音器问题 高手来!


怎样正确使用Les Paul电吉他的四个旋钮

确有其琴, Gibson Lespaul Standard Doublecut。什麼颜色都有,这个型号产量最多的年份是98年和05年。但是这个琴的卷弦器修改过,出厂的应该是电镀Grover半圆形的。面板是AAA的枫木板。之後还有一个型号,叫lespaul standard doublecut pro,那个是22格的。 关於音量音色钮,两个钮的lespaul很常见。我还见过六个的呢。gibson从69年到现在,我看过的型号就有几十种了,所以没见过的太多了。 补充一下,这个琴不是仿制琴也不是定制款,而是制式琴,就是跟正常lespaul一样的生产线,也是使用8位standard序列号的。

求专业人士讲解Les Paul四个旋钮的作用

4个旋钮分两组 分别对应2个拾音器 每组分别为一个音量按钮volume和一个音色按钮tone 按钮的数值是越大音量越大 音色越亮 拿着琴正对着你的位置就是当前的位置,你拿着音量钮扭一圈就知道了 好好看看说明书吧,这些问题上面都有说明


电吉他演奏者起初只有两种选择.star型和les paul型.在70年代前吉他手会选择其中一种.也就是说后来所有其他的琴都是根据以上两种琴的特点设计的,star和les paul最明显的区别就是拾音器了.一个是单线圈一个是双线圈.开始学习吉他其实选择任何一种都可以,lespaul是个不错的选择.但star也完全可以.这个是看你喜欢哪个,音阶技术都是一样的.



les paul电吉他屏蔽问题~

对电吉他进行彻底的屏蔽处理,可以将干扰噪音降到最低限度,大幅度提高信噪比。如果你拆解过不同品牌不同档次的吉他,会发现虽然屏蔽在原理上非常简单,但是各家厂商的处理方法和重视程度却有很大差异。最基本的屏蔽只需要将大部分原件接入地线网络,要求稍高时可以在盖板内层粘贴金属箔片。大部分品牌只在其高档型号上使用了腔槽内壁屏蔽油漆、金属盖板等较为严谨的屏蔽方案。所需的基本技能 除非你对电路焊接很有把握,并且对吉他电路有基本的了解,否则最好还是找专业人员进行本文中所提到的操作。需要的工具 屏蔽使用的材料 1.铅笔和笔记本2.记号笔3.热缩管 绝缘胶布4.干胶条5.剪刀6.剥线钳或壁纸刀7.电烙铁(25-40w)8.细焊锡9.活动扳手 钳子等 1.带背胶的铜箔卷2.两芯屏蔽线3.单芯屏蔽线4.焊锡总体屏蔽 为了进行彻底的屏蔽,你需要拆掉或焊开吉他的绝大部分零件。建议你在拆解过程中详细记录下每个原件的连接方法,用胶带和标签记录下焊点和线头的连接位置,以便重新连接时不会有麻烦。如果对电路不是轻车熟路,那就一定要做到非常详细,因为一个标错或没标的线头在组装时会造成很大的麻烦。 所有屏蔽必须接入地线才能发挥作用。把屏蔽层接入地线有几种方法,使用铜箔时,可以直接用电线焊接,如果电位器外壳直接接触在铜箔上,那就可以不用另外焊接到地线。屏蔽漆也是屏蔽电路腔、拾音器安装槽、钻孔等腔体很好的选择,因为它很容易涂在细小的部位上,刚好弥补了单纯使用铜箔的不足。 给Strat类型的吉他屏蔽非常简单。将电路腔内壁粘贴的铜箔直接延伸到吉他正面护板下方靠近音色旋钮的螺丝孔上,这样安装护板后护板背面的屏蔽层就可以连接到电路腔内的屏蔽层上。另一个办法是用废铜箔折成一个焊脚用木螺丝拧到电路腔内壁上,然后用一根电线连接焊脚与电位器外壳。 单线圈拾音器屏蔽 (提问者用不着)LP经典的单线圈PU比较少 这部分所介绍的操作方法不推荐用在有纪念价值的或其他珍贵的拾音器上。同时由于这些操作较为精细,最好交给专业人员完成。这种处理方法还可能损失部分高频特性,因此需要考虑清楚。通过对单线圈拾音器的线圈和输出线进行屏蔽,可以消除很大一部分干扰噪音。输出线的屏蔽还让你可以更改拾音器的相位,而并不对屏蔽网络造成影响。把拾音器从护板上或电路腔内拆下来,记下哪条输出线是热端,哪条接地。注意千万不要弄断线圈引出后焊接到线轴基板上的两根裸露的细铜线。小心的拆开拾音器外壳,露出线圈或线圈保护带。如果拾音器外壳是粘贴在线轴底板上的,那就赶快联系一下专业人员吧。 如果已经顺利拆出了线圈,应该用黑胶布在线圈外缠绕一圈。胶布从线轴上的两个焊脚处开始缠,并且缠回这里时应该留下1/2"的重叠。胶布外层再缠绕一层铜箔,铜箔应在焊脚处重叠1/4",并且铜箔始端1/2"的背胶保护贴不要撕掉。缠好这两圈后,线轴的焊脚处由外到内就有铜箔、铜箔、背胶保护贴、黑胶布、黑胶布、线圈等很多层了。在这个区域重叠这么多层材料的目的在于避免在焊接时让线圈温度升高太多。焊接前,注意事先测试外壳是否可以正常安装。 切一段2芯屏蔽线,长度与拾音器原输出线相等。屏蔽线两端剥掉3/4"外层护套,并将编织屏蔽网拆散后拧成一个线头。两个线芯各剥掉1/8"护套,然后用烙铁给两端共6个线头分别镀一层焊锡。用万能表检测各线芯和屏蔽网之间是否有短路之处。小心的从焊脚上焊开拾音器的两条输出线,注意一定要记下每个焊脚对应的是热端还是地线。将刚才处理好的屏蔽线一段的线芯分别焊接到两个引脚上,记录下哪个颜色的线芯是热端。屏蔽线的编织屏蔽层捻成的线头焊接到线圈外缠绕的铜箔交叠处,并且建议你最好也把交叠处焊接在一起,这样不仅可以让屏蔽层在长期使用中更结实,而且可以加强屏蔽效果。装好拾音器外壳后,将地线和屏蔽层一同焊接到电位器外壳上,反复用万用表检测确认热端没有被短接入地线。双线圈拾音器 取决于琴上双线圈拾音器类型的不同,你可能根本不需要做任何额外的屏蔽。例如,Gibson类型的带有金属外壳的拾音器不需要额外进行屏蔽,而部分其他型号使用的那种分开的有塑料壳的双线圈拾音器就比较适合进行屏蔽。拾音器的输出线一般都没有屏蔽,所以完全用处理单线圈拾音器的方法就可以。其他大部分拾音器的输出线都有屏蔽,所以只在线圈和线轴外层增加一层屏蔽即可。如果你要给不带外壳的双线圈拾音器增加保护壳,可以将增加的金属壳焊接到底板上,如果是增加塑料壳,可以像对单线圈拾音器线圈屏蔽那样处理。电路腔 (我都是用烟盒子里的锡纸。。。其实也没什么区别,哇哈哈,铜箔去电子商店买) 在对吉他上的各腔槽进行屏蔽前,应该拆下拾音器、电位器、拨档、插孔等全部元件,注意记录下所有元件的连接方法。先从电路腔底部开始粘贴铜箔,将铜箔覆盖在电路腔上方,用手指沿电路腔边缘按出轮廓线,然后距离轮廓线外1/4"开始剪铜箔。剪下的铜箔应该在边缘有一些余量,以便与侧壁上的铜箔接触。较细的角落处可以剪几个小口,这样可以让铜箔更好的接触底面和侧面。粘贴铜箔前,注意将内壁上所有灰尘和碎片等杂物清楚干净。 粘贴好底板后,可以开始在侧壁上粘铜箔。注意铜箔交接处仍然要交叠一部分,并且焊接几个点,让屏蔽更彻底。用万用表检查所有铜箔之间的电阻,如果阻值较高,可以按紧交叠处观察阻值是否有变化。内壁上的铜箔应该延到盖板下方的螺丝孔周围,以便与盖板的屏蔽层充分接触。如果是给拾音器安装槽等部位屏蔽,别忘了连接到地线。护板和盖板 在盖板和护板背面贴上带背胶的铜箔,然后使之通过安装螺丝接入地线即可进行很好的屏蔽。如果正面护板面积较大,那么只在有电路的部分上方粘贴铜箔即可。组装 根据先前的记录,将所有元件按原电路焊接好。在焊接电位器外壳和拨档时,注意不要过度加热,否则可能损坏这些配件。注意小心处理所有热端连接,不要与地线网络有任何接触,可以在焊脚上套一层热缩管。连接线不必留得太短,否则一旦出现任何错误需要改动,很可能会造成很大麻烦。另外除非你使用主动拾音器,否则琴桥也一定要接地。其实写了这么多,简单的说,如果你想做出完美的屏蔽效果,1是用屏蔽线,2是电路仓里加屏蔽纸或刷屏蔽漆,3电器件换一些进口的,4找个好焊工。。。

Talent Les Paul和 Les Paul/Gibson是一样的吗?哪个好点?

你问的二款琴不是一样的,GIBSON LES PAUL好,另外一个是该品牌的下属公司生产的!图片贝司是TALENT的,价格大概在一千左右!这个价格的贝司只是练习琴也就没什么好与不好的区别了,如果是练习阶段只要买正品牌子的八度音都是准的就可以!

求epiphone les paul系列电吉他和gibson les paul系列电吉他的详细信息

既然LS已经粗略的介绍了Gibson公司 就不再多说了 高端的E和低端的G音色差别应该不会太大 但是毕竟瘦死的骆驼比马大 两者的制作工艺和配件上都可以说不在一个档次 至于韩产E 日产E和国产E 日产E现在已经很难买到了 其高端日产已经很逼近G 二手价格大概在4000--5000 如果有条件 收一把还是很不错的 韩产E现在也不多了 我手里就是00年的韩产(00-06为韩产 以后均为国产)个人认为其音色要略好于现今的国产 但是并不会差太多 LZ可以买一把国产E 国产的做工和音色方面都不差 性价比绝对好 音色也是很不错的 普通版本价格在2500左右(限量版除外)

gibson(Les paul)的吉他是不是没有摇把得?


回答我几个电吉他 les paul 调试的问题 加分


Gibson和Epiphone LesPaul之间的区别

Gibson是目前最大的LP琴厂商,LP是gibson的元老 les paul的简称,所以这款琴也就叫这名子了。真货的除了一把SG customs 7000元,剩下都在万元以上,你看的slash的都是gibson,这是当今最牛最有名的lespaul standard。 epi其实是当初最牛的牌子,但是战后荒废了,被曾经的小厂子Gibson给收购了,这样epiphone后面就派出去生产低端琴了,我们现在手里的真货EPIPHONE其实都是美国之外生产组装的,包括目前青岛也设厂开始国产,价格都在万元以内。 两把琴都是著名的品牌,访的以后就不要再买了,外观什么都不代表 开闭的事情挺复杂,说简单点吧,开放闭合就看是不是拾音器盖盖的,2个捆在一起露着6个磁钉的就是开放的。 网上关于gibson和epiphone的历史你从来不看吗?成片成片的扫盲帖子

老师们好!请教:1、Les Paul的电吉他 50年代和60年代有什么区别?2、什么因素导致这种吉他原样很难仿制?

Les Paul型号的电吉他很经典啊……50年代和60年代的最主要区别在于琴颈的形状和拾音器的选用。50年代的Les Paul主要运用圆形琴颈(rounded)。60年代的则用的是细锥琴颈(slim-taper)。简单来说,就是60年代的琴颈相对50年代来说要薄一些,手感上更利于速弹,尤其我们东方人,手没有白人的大,多数人弹60年代的琴会舒服一点。但跟其他一些职业搞金属的牌子还是不能比,LES PAUL的琴颈就是厚啊,无论50或60都明显比一些金属厂牌的吉他要厚。有机会你可以自己去体验一下,很明显的。另外拾音器的运用也是不同的。简单说来,60年代的LES PAUL声音更加明亮一些,50年代的则厚重一些,温暖一些。首先,50年代那种厚重温暖的感觉,是LES PAUL区别于其他吉他最大的特点。但在60年代随着摇滚乐的发展,生产LES PAUL的GIBSON公司也更加注重新音色的拓展,比如SG系列的琴就是在这一时期诞生,同样的,60年代的LES PAUL也多少被染上了这个时代的风格,声音趋于明亮,手感也更适合速弹。回答你第二个问题。不知道你说的仿制,是什么意思?如果是GIBSON公司的话,重新制造50年代或60年代的原版并非难事。图纸肯定都有备份。只不过随着音乐的发展,技术的发展,拾音器的用料和工艺也在发展,现在各种特点不同的LES PAUL至少100多种,与原版相比,个性更加突出,且原有的优点也都有很好的继承和发扬,何必非要追求原版50或60年代?再说,人家做不做50或60年代原版,自然是他们自己说了算的事喽,没准什么时候做个仿古纪念版,甚至限量版出来,这样比较有噱头。至于重新拉出一条生产线重做50年代或60年的纯原版,真没啥大意义……如果你是说要造假,我就不多说了,对于造假商人来说,无论哪一年哪一个型号的琴,都不难仿制。但对于广大吉他爱好者来说,再真的仿琴,也还是假的……好运吧

电吉他Les Paul(LP)琴优点缺点 是否适合新手


请教Gibson Les Paul 的Standard 和 Classic 的音色区别

Studio,Standard,Classic是完全不同的三款。其中Studio可以算作Standard的低配版,没有枫木的贴面。Standard是最标准的Les paul型吉他,从20世纪50年代开始制作生产,同时根据现代工艺进行改良,音色是比较正宗的Gibson味儿。Classic是在Standard的基础上对拾音器和外观等做了一些改动,配置可以说是模仿1960年的Les paul Standard做的,由于拾音器功率更大且没有拾音器盖子,因此音色比Standard更加凌厉些。根据你的要求(玩朋克和流行摇滚),如果你价格预算够的话,建议你选择Gibson Les paul Standard款。如果预算不够的话可以考虑Studio。玩金属多一些一般选Classic。另外,你还可以考虑Gibson SG型吉他,那个比较另类,但是音色不失传统。美豪9012是FENDER的产品,音色比较流行化,但和Gibson Les paul是完全不同的风格。一般如果需要比较清脆干净的清音的话,那就选FENDER了。具体的差异最好能去琴行对比一下。另外Classic现在已经停产,新推出的系列叫Traditional。08年以后的Standard也开始在制作过程中对琴体做减重处理。希望对你的选择有所帮助。

关于les paul电吉他


gibson les paul 有多重?


les paul 单双如何切换



lespaul适合Blues、硬摇滚、朋克。Les Pual 的中频非常饱满凸出,它也因此成为了硬摇选手的必备武器。不过要是玩特别注重高低频的金属,或者需要像 Fender 这种轻快的音色,理论上 Les Paul 的音色还是不太适用,它还是更适合Blues、硬摇滚、朋克这些风格。lespaul吉他是由Flickr平台大神morimorilego设计组装的,并且还原了经典的50s单切口造型。虽然部件都是用乐高积木做的,但是将原琴的细节精心再现,琴颈、卷弦器、每一个部分都做的都很准确。lespaul的特点因为Les Paul在材质上用了桃花心木的琴体以及枫木贴面,这会让音色更加的厚实沉稳;枫木贴面也能让音色的中频得到提升,也就是我们常说的Les Paul音色很甜的原因。在琴体结构上,丰满的椭圆琴体也会让声音更加集中、自然。同时,使用轻薄、结实的硝基漆,也能让木材充分震动、并提升音色。




4.34公斤。Les Paul Standard是GIBSON吉他旗下Les Paul系列的一个子系列,lespaulstandard长100cm,款40cm,重4.34公斤。吉他,又译为结他或六弦琴。是一种弹拨乐器,通常有六条弦,形状与提琴相似。




lespaul多重指的是朱利安·“莱斯·保罗”·福特所亲自开发的吉他型号“Les Paul”的多重轨道录音(multi-track recording)技术。这种技术是将录音分成多个部分,由不同的音轨分别记录,再将多个音轨合成为一首完整的歌曲。这种技术不仅用于录制吉他演奏,也被应用于制作其他乐器的音乐。通过这种方法,艺术家们可以在录制时,更加自由地表达和阐释他们的音乐作品,同时也为录音技术的发展打下了基础。

Les Paul And Mary Ford的《Whispering》 歌词

歌曲名:Whispering歌手:Les Paul And Mary Ford专辑:The Hit Makers/Time To DreamEvanescence - WhisperCatch me as I fallSay you"re here and it"s all over nowSpeaking to the atmosphereNo one"s here and I fall into myselfThis truth drives meInto madnessI know I can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)I"m frightened by what I seeBut somehow I knowThat there"s much more to comeImmobilized by my fearAnd soon to beBlinded by tearsI can stop the painIf I will it all awayIf I will it all awayDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)Fallen angels at my feetWhispered voices at my earDeath before my eyesLying next to me I fearShe beckons meShall I give inUpon my end shall I beginForsaking all I"ve fallen forI rise to meet my endDon"t turn away(Don"t give in to the pain)Don"t try to hide(Though they"re screaming your name)Don"t close your eyes(God knows what lies behind them)Don"t turn out the light(Never sleep never die)

仿写一首英语小诗Simon Paul,Simon Paul.Come and see.A big cat is slee?

LZ你好、下面的诗是我原创的、若你满意请采纳谢谢、 Anna Green,Anna Green.【安娜格林,安娜格林】 e and see.【来看看】 My parents are out.【我们的父母都出去了】这句可以换一下、 We can play.We can rave.【我们能玩耍,我们能狂欢】 We can drink wine.【我们能喝葡萄酒】 We had a happy time, they all went out.【我们有一个快乐的时光,他们都出去了】,1,找一首英文小诗,要求中英文对照,不用太长. 再别康桥》英文版 Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again—— 再别康桥 by Xu Zhimo 徐志摩 Very quietly,1,仿写一首英语小诗 Simon Paul,Simon Paul. e and see. A big cat is sleeping behind the tree. We can sing.We can dance. We can eat the cheese. We can have a good time for he"s asleep.

Paul (skit) 歌词

歌曲名:Paul (skit)专辑:《Encore (Deluxe Version)》发行时间:2004-11-12语言:英文歌手:Eminem歌词:英文歌词:Hey Em it"s Pauluhm, listen, I just got a call from the label.And you"re probably not gonna be surprised but uhm,Micheal Jackson is extremely upset about the Just Lose It video,and uhm,I mean he"s pissed so uh I don"t know what he"s gonna do,but we gotta talk about how we gonna handle this.Uhm Oh yeah any way,somebody told me that uhmthey heard a roumer that you got a new gun uhm,I know it"s probably not true but I just need to talk about that,so uhm gimme a call.中文歌词:嘿,他们是保罗嗯,听着,我刚从标签调用。你可能不会感到惊讶,但是嗯,杰克逊非常担心刚刚失去它的视频,嗯,我的意思是说他很生气,所以我不知道他要做什么,但我们得谈谈我们如何处理这。嗯哦是的任何方式,有人告诉我,嗯他们听到一个roumer,你得到一个新的枪,嗯,我知道这可能不是真的但我只是需要谈谈,所以说给我打个电话。

Feel的《Paul》 歌词

歌曲名:Paul歌手:Feel专辑:FeelEminem - Paul (Skit)Hey Em it"s Pauluhm, listen, I just got a call from the label.And you"re probably not gonna be surprised but uhm,Micheal Jackson is extremely upset about the Just Lose It video,and uhm,I mean he"s pissed so uh I don"t know what he"s gonna do,but we gotta talk about how we gonna handle this.Uhm Oh yeah any way,somebody told me that uhmthey heard a roumer that you got a new gun uhm,I know it"s probably not true but I just need to talk about that,so uhm gimme a call.

Smoking Popes的《Paul》 歌词

歌曲名:Paul歌手:Smoking Popes专辑:Destination FailureEminem - Paul (Skit)Hey Em it"s Pauluhm, listen, I just got a call from the label.And you"re probably not gonna be surprised but uhm,Micheal Jackson is extremely upset about the Just Lose It video,and uhm,I mean he"s pissed so uh I don"t know what he"s gonna do,but we gotta talk about how we gonna handle this.Uhm Oh yeah any way,somebody told me that uhmthey heard a roumer that you got a new gun uhm,I know it"s probably not true but I just need to talk about that,so uhm gimme a call.

Zoe的《Paula》 歌词

歌曲名:Paula歌手:Zoe专辑:MTV Unplugged Música De FondoEminem - Paul (Skit)Hey Em it"s Pauluhm, listen, I just got a call from the label.And you"re probably not gonna be surprised but uhm,Micheal Jackson is extremely upset about the Just Lose It video,and uhm,I mean he"s pissed so uh I don"t know what he"s gonna do,but we gotta talk about how we gonna handle this.Uhm Oh yeah any way,somebody told me that uhmthey heard a roumer that you got a new gun uhm,I know it"s probably not true but I just need to talk about that,so uhm gimme a call.

Zoe的《Paula》 歌词

歌曲名:Paula歌手:Zoe专辑:Mtv Unplugged MúSica De Fondo (Standard Version)Eminem - Paul (Skit)Hey Em it"s Pauluhm, listen, I just got a call from the label.And you"re probably not gonna be surprised but uhm,Micheal Jackson is extremely upset about the Just Lose It video,and uhm,I mean he"s pissed so uh I don"t know what he"s gonna do,but we gotta talk about how we gonna handle this.Uhm Oh yeah any way,somebody told me that uhmthey heard a roumer that you got a new gun uhm,I know it"s probably not true but I just need to talk about that,so uhm gimme a call.



jake paul和alissa怎么了

让我详细跟你讲解一下Jake不是和一堆人还有alissa一起住在一个很大的house里嘛 那个house jake称作team ten house(team ten是jake自己和那堆人搞的一个牌子 买衣服小挂饰什么的 jake就相当于team ten的leader) alissa 之前也是team ten的其中一员。之前还出了款她跟jake接吻的衣服。然后就是jake前端时间开始就想让alissa搬出去 alissa也同意了 自己也在外面找了房子。但是应为租的房子的原因她没办法马上就搬出去。然后有一天早上,alissa就跑出去吃饭做指甲。但是等她回来之后,她所有的东西都被jake雇了一个搬家公司搬了出来,扔到了客厅里,还把她的门锁给换了把她房间锁住了。alissa就被吓到了alissa即刻就发了几条snapchat说了这件事,还说她以后不会再跟jake拍任何视频了,同时还说道jake这段时间都treat her like a shit blablabla. 然后发了张比中指的照片 并说jake是snake。过了会jake就在推特上说他之所以这样做是因为alissa伤透了他的心,他一看到她就会有不好的回忆所以才叫她搬出去。过了一会他又解释说 JALISSA WAS REAL. 就是说他之前跟alissa真的在一起过 但是alissa背着他跟他一个很亲近的人偷情。alissa回击。她说,他们根本都没在一起过哪里来的偷情?然后alissa还说,jake之前天天都给她说他爱她,但是每天都当着她的面带不同的女孩回来睡觉,她天天晚上都在哭。(也就是说alissa承认她之前喜欢jake但是他们从来没在一起过)然后jake就直接录了个视频发到推特。大概就是说,他早就知道alissa会胡说八道,所以告诉大家他说的才是真的。。。。。。还说是他帮助alissa从什么都没有到有几m的followers然后alissa就说jake是snake。然后jake发推说alissa是个很美丽很有才华的女生blablabla然后还说希望他们不要再吵了还能做好朋友alissa发推。她说,这就是jake用来操动人心的方法,让所有人都相信他。alissa还说,既然觉得我很美丽又有才华还想当朋友那干嘛在没告诉我的前提下把我所有东西请个搬家公司给丢掉了还把我房间门锁给换了呢?jake说。不吵啦 继续生活。alissa转了条推 “这就是为什么logan always is the better Paul brother”。然后他俩就彻底掰了。

jake paul和alissa怎么了?

分手了。Jake不是和一堆人还有alissa一起住在一个很大的house里嘛 那个house jake称作teamtenhouse,alissa 之前也是team ten的其中一员。之前还出了款她跟jake接吻的衣服。然后就是jake前端时间开始就想让alissa搬出去 alissa也同意了 自己也在外面找了房子。但是应为租的房子的原因她没办法马上就搬出去。然后有一天早上,alissa就跑出去吃饭做指甲。但是等她回来之后,她所有的东西都被jake雇了一个搬家公司搬了出来,扔到了客厅里,还把她的门锁给换了把她房间锁住了。alissa就被吓到了alissa即刻就发了几条snapchat说了这件事,还说她以后不会再跟jake拍任何视频了,同时还说道jake这段时间都treat her like a shit blablabla. 然后发了张比中指的照片 并说jake是snake。过了会jake就在推特上说他之所以这样做是因为alissa伤透了他的心,他一看到她就会有不好的回忆所以才叫她搬出去。过了一会他又解释说 JALISSA WAS REAL. 就是说他之前跟alissa真的在一起过 但是alissa背着他跟他一个很亲近的人偷情。alissa回击。她说,他们根本都没在一起过哪里来的偷情?然后alissa还说,jake之前天天都给她说他爱她,但是每天都当着她的面带不同的女孩回来睡觉,她天天晚上都在哭。(也就是说alissa承认她之前喜欢jake但是他们从来没在一起过)然后jake就直接录了个视频发到推特。大概就是说,他早就知道alissa会胡说八道,所以告诉大家他说的才是真的。。。。。。还说是他帮助alissa从什么都没有到有几m的followers然后alissa就说jake是snake。然后jake发推说alissa是个很美丽很有才华的女生blablabla然后还说希望他们不要再吵了还能做好朋友alissa发推。她说,这就是jake用来操动人心的方法,让所有人都相信他。alissa还说,既然觉得我很美丽又有才华还想当朋友那干嘛在没告诉我的前提下把我所有东西请个搬家公司给丢掉了还把我房间门锁给换了呢?jake说。不吵啦 继续生活。alissa转了条推 “这就是为什么logan always is the better Paul brother”。然后他俩就彻底掰了。

Paul Anka的《Bad Day》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Day歌手:Paul Anka专辑:Classic Songs, My WayChiddy Bang feat. Darwin Deez - Bad DayDarwin Deez, Theodore Grams, yeahEverday oughta be a bad day for youThat"s right, uhWe used to be so strongBack then we was right, now we so wrongShe was Beyonce, I could"ve got my Hov onAnd when she hang up on me, I tell her hold onQuit that shit, I don"t use forceToday is a bad day, we"ve been divorcedWhen I think about stress, I don"t really need itBut this is plagiarism, cause my shortie just cheatedAnd shortie conceited(She out of her mind, I wish she had Louis and a card in decline)She had school with no aid, no HIVHope you don"t get in the club with that fake IDWhy would you hurt somebody that you called your man for?And I hope you get evicted by your landlordBut, she be messin" with meAnd I"m hoping she lose my number indefinitelySoEverday oughta be a bad day for youUhEverday oughta be a bad day for youI guess you can"t remember all the times that I was thereYour emotions on a roller coaster, no fun fairYou had me on the phone, but hate me when I come thereXaphoon, let"s cut it down to a drum snareYeah, yeah, just like thatI hope I hope you go deaf so you can"t hear shitYeah, I hope I hope you go blindCause you look me in the face and you laugh when I cryMaybe you should wonder why your apartment is always so empty(Maybe you should wonder that)Well I hope you get locked out of that apartment and have to call Jenny(Ohh, I hope you get locked out)Cause everday oughta be a bad day for youEverday oughta be a bad day for youShe"s way too complexWhen we argue, she takin" shit out of contextAnd, I know I could have did moreBut I"m never home, I was always on tourI could be anywhere in the world, had one wishTo be with you until you gave that dude a tongue kissAnd this is hard for me to say like a tongue twistMy heart don"t beat for you so let the drum hitAnd, you know I just got promotedNow I be the boss and I hope you get demotedHapiness is a warm gun, live it fully loadedAnd shit got worse when I explodedBoom, I wrote it soon, I hope you brought a cab payAnd I hope you get detention on a half dayI wish I could use your blouse for an ashtrayCause for you, everyday should be a bad dayEverday oughta be a bad day for youXaphoon you crazyBut so am IEverday oughta be a bad day for youEverday oughta be a bad day for youEverday oughta be a bad day for you



Paul Horn的《High Tide》 歌词

high tide演唱:Cara DillonDays, turning from red to greenIt"s hard to believe that springIs here so soon and I"ve been gone so longKeep, sending your letters onMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I am losing my wayHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll goKeep playing out favourite songCause sometimes I sing it so loudI"m praying that you might hearAnd sing alongDays turning from sweet to dryMemories of home are stillHaunting my days and I"ll wait for your replyHigh tide, changing moodsFamiliar faces I knowHigh tide, changing lightFamiliar places I"ll go

I have a big brother. nemame is Paul.

His 吧,他的。His name is Paul. 他的名字叫paul

Paul Brandt的《Now》 歌词

歌曲名:Now歌手:Paul Brandt专辑:Give It AwayPaul Brandt - NowI used to try to hold the future in my handsTried to make tomorrow turn out like I plannedAnd there"s no use in thinkin" about yesterdayI can"t go back there anywayIt"s a ‘What have you done for me lately?" worldWe only have todayThen it spins and turns and forever isn"t waitingAnd time keeps counting down to nowGonna make a move like it"s my last standDraw my line deep in the sandGonna take my time, give my life to loveYou can keep the fame and money cause there"s never enoughIn this ‘What have you done for me lately?" worldWe only have todayThen it spins and turns and all that"s gonna matterWhen it comes back around is to nowOh, how we spend our moments is how we spend our livesIt"s a ‘What have you done for me lately?" worldWe only have todayThen it spins and turnsAnd all that"s gonna matter when it comes back around to now

If paul had received six more votes in the last election,he?

A 首先在A和B两个选项中选,因为题目已经确定是虚拟句所以肯定是过去时态,而从句是过去完成时态,主句是表示的"现在",所以就是过去时态了.(根据虚拟句的法则,是过去的事情那么从句就用过去的过去即过去完成时态)而B选项的意思是"本该```"的意思,如:you should have finished your homework before supper.你本该在晚饭前完成作业.,2,a 条件句过去时虚拟语气 主句现代时虚拟语气 结构:would + do,2,A 很简单,用不着一堆语法解释。条件句是对过去的假设,主句是对现在的假设,都是虚拟的,就都按照正常时态倒退一个时态就好了。,2,D,2,答案 是 B 因为是对过去条件的 假设 是虚拟语气句型,2,B,2,选择B,过去将来时,俺是凭语感得出答案的,不用说了,你问问老外,肯定是B 如果paul在上次的投票中得到多于6票的选票,那他现在就应该是我们的主席了 这样看看,选什么?,1,A 这是个混合虚拟语气,从句是对过去的虚拟所以用的是had received,而主句是对现在情况的虚拟(用了时间状语now),所以用的是would be。,0,If paul had received six more votes in the last election,he ______ our chairman now. A.would be B.would have been C.will be D.must have been. 请说出选择的理由. 可是我的语感告诉我是B。 我很难理解A的感觉!

Paul、Sam、Francis、Lewis、Stephen、Andy、Scott 以上英文是什么意思?




求 Paulina Rubio- loud 的歌词及中文翻译

The One You Love--- Paulina Rubio When you"re on top of the world Or it"s got you down When you"re flying through the air Or you"re crashing to the ground When you"re searching for the light And it"s nowhere to be found Just phone me baby And I know we"ll be the same The air won"t tie you down I won"t ever be the broken wings That keep you off the ground But when you start to see I will be the sound Just let me baby I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you love Baby you can tell me everything The secrets of your heart If you could look inside of me You"d see how beautiful you are I wanna show you everything Each and every part of me is yours Just take it baby I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you love Let me be the lover You want to uncover Let me be the one you love Hey baby I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you (The one you) I only wanna be the one you love (I only wanna be the one you love) I only wanna be the one you want (The one you want) Come and get me baby (Yeah, yeah, yeah) Let me loose inside your soul (Yeah, yeah, yeah) I only wanna be your every need (I only wanna be the love you want) I wanna be the girl in all your dreams (The one you want) I"ll do anything to be (Yeah, yeah, baby baby) The one you love (Yeaaaah) I only wanna be the one you love (Baby) I only wanna be the one you want (Baby) Come and get me baby (Don"t ever leave me baby) Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need (I only wann be the one you love) I wanna be the girl in all your dreams (The one you want) I"ll do anything to be The one you love (The one you truly love baby) I only wanna be the one you love I only wanna be the one you want Come and get me baby Let me loose inside your soul I only wanna be your every need I wanna be the girl in all your dreams I"ll do anything to be The one you love中文歌词没找到

Paul Marino的《Come To Me》 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me歌手:Paul Marino专辑:ShelterCome on~ come on~ come on~ come on~Come on~ come on~ come on~ come on~Goenhi gasumi dugungoryo nowa hamke issurtemyongoenhi orguri nan burgojyo ni mogsorir durur temyonijen gu maumur yorojwo na hanurur narsu igeyuri byong soge yojong chorom baraman bonungon shirhooh~ COME TO ME oh~ BABY YOU CAN BE WITH MEoh~ HOLD ME NOWnoui sarangur nukigo shiphoijen negero dagawa ne mamur jonhwasu igeijen ne sonur jabajwona phyonan hage swirsu igeije misorur boyojwonowa kumkursu idorogoh~ NOW COME TO MEoh~ NOW BE MY LOVEAmu marirado goenchanha gojimardo nan goenchanhanawa hamke hago shiphdanun gu hanmadimyon goenchanhagujo ne gyotheso memdonun narur kog ana jundamyonnorur wihe molle gamchwodun ne sarangur boyojurgeoh~ COME TO ME oh~ BABY YOU CAN BE WITH MEoh~ HOLD ME NOWnoui sarangur nukigo shiphoijen negero dagawa ne mamur jonhwasu igeijen ne sonur jabajwona phyonan hage swirsu igeije misorur boyojwonowa kumkursu idorogoh~ NOW COME TO MEoh~ NOW BE MY LOVEBABY RECOGNIZE MY LOVEBUST A U AT THE CURVEjinshimuro nor wonhe nan norhajiman morojyo gago inun gor BETTER NOT LET GOgyorkho gureso ni sarangunni modungor wonhago ini nukigo shiphniBABY COME ON GET IT GET IT GET ITije nan nor gajyosso nege jogumdo (jogumdo)BABY CAN YOU FEEL IT FEEL IT FEEL ITgu sarangur ije nukyo bwa nomanur wonhago inun naI CARE CAUSE I LOVE YOUoh~ COME TO ME oh~BABY YOU CAN BE WITH MEoh~ HOLD ME NOWnoui sarangur nukigo shiphoijen negero dagawa ne mamur jonhwasu igeijen ne sonur jabajwona phyonan hage swirsu igeije misorur boyojwonowa kumkursu idorogoh~ NOW COME TO MEoh~ NOW BE MY LOVEije misorur boyojwo

PAUL DAVIS的《I Go Crazy》 歌词

歌曲名:I Go Crazy歌手:PAUL DAVIS专辑:Paul Davis Greatest HitsHuey Ft. Colby O"Donis - I Go CrazyWooa little more power in this one we need itey yo BANG!!!we bout to have fun on this onelets go!hello?ya knownew over unonetthelloi ment theleroi see how ya move and shakin" that jelloya take drop epics back to that troubleevery guy in here likes how she movesso seriously that she got off her damn shoesno clue how she moves she just doright, left, up, and down im like oohif she gotta man and idceverythings done from nails to her hairusually chicks with beauty dont phase mebut this ones crazyi"m bout to make her my ladyi i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apartnow why would you wanna do thatif i was to ever leavei"d be coming right backand infactya love me too muchto just pack ya clothesand shoes and you whathey nowi"m done with play nowi"ve don" had hoessaint louis to eight towni"m ready for you and meyou ready for me and youyou want me to cop a ringfuck it i"m getting twoand together we will beforever we will feellayed up pillow case layedfrom fella seduce youmy M-A-I and layayup say ityou drive me crazyits too late for these gameswisdom hearts too much paini see pictures with frameswhen i think of youi need physic and physco physomaticdrama i know you can"t stand itmy world is big you can"t grasp itshes my number one mistress listeni i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apartso how do ya feel nowya wanna throw it awayor ya wanna live proudand smile the next dayyou forget that i seeframes from me and yougrew back memoriesi see from me and youwe"re stuck togetherlike lips school gluewhile we gotta think smartas students who doregardless who dois not what i amman i gotta planand as a man i promiseis she with another manis she with her girlfriendwhy she answeringwhats really happeningbaby i don"t go give her offmaybe i should find a friendmaybe take her to the cribmaybe show her the businessits too late for these gameswisdom hearts too much paini see pictures with frameswhen i think of youi need physic and physco physomaticdrama i know you can"t stand itmy world is big you can"t grasp itshes my number one mistress listeni i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my hearti want you forrealbaby dont tear us aparti i ask i go crazy (i go crazy)girl your my heart (i go crazy)i want you forreal (i go crazy)baby dont tear us apart (2X)

Sean Paul的《Hold On》 歌词

歌曲名:Hold On歌手:Sean Paul专辑:Tomahawk TechniqueWell now your here you are in your lifeAnd now your finding out whyYou"ve got to learn how to fightBefore you learn how to flySo stick your fist up prove them wrongDon"t lose the words to the songCoz its a long way downI guess you know that by nowBut if you hold onWell I will hold on tooAnd if you reach upYeah I will reach up tooWell now your here in your lifeIts such a long way downSomehow you figure it outSo now you turn it aroundBut I knowBut if you hold onWell I will hold on tooAnd if you reach upYeah I will reach up tooToo...too.. too.And one thing before you goJust let everyone knowYou refuse to regret itJust like everyone said you wouldJust like everyone knew you wouldJust say that you canSleep at nightJust say that you get nervousWith the struggle you fightYou cant believe what your toldAnd you cant be alone and you cant let it goand you cant lose control and you knowYou are not just anyoneNo your not just anyoneAnd if you hold onWell I will hold on tooAnd if you reach up.. then I will reach up tooAnd if you hold on.. and I will hold on tooAnd if you reach up..


图片参考:datalib.ent.qq/star/pic/info/2006-09-17/20060917161048531382182 姓名:保罗·沃克 组合成员: 性别:男 原名: 英文名:Paul Walker 出生年:1973年 生日:9月12日 星座:处女座 国籍:美国 地域:欧美 职业:演员 奖项:荷李或电影节突破男演员奖 身高:191cm 星路历程:1973年9月保罗获加出生在加利福尼亚的格兰岱尔,受模特母亲的影响,保罗很小的时候就在多部广告片中亮相,此后他出演了《Highway to Heaven》、《I"m Telling》、《Charles in Charge》等电视剧;14岁那年他在恐怖片《壁橱里的怪物》(Monster in the Closet)中首次触电,同年又出演了《Programmed to Kill》。此后几年他专注于学业,很少再接角色,即使如此观众还是可在以1991年影片《Who"s the Boss》中见到他的身影。两年后他在CBS肥皂剧《The Young and the Restless》中塑造了Brandon Collins一角,并出演了B类影片《Tammy and the T-Rex》。1998年,保罗在迪士尼的喜剧片《宝里宝气大追击》(Meet the Deedles)中首次担纲主演,尽管有大牌明星丹尼斯·霍珀(Dennis Hopper)的倾力扶持,影片仍未能取得理想票房;倒是同年与瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)联袂出演的《欢乐谷》(Pleasantville)大获好评,为保罗赢得人们的关注,他的演艺事业也从此一路攀升。次年,他与詹姆斯·范·德·比克(James Van Der Beek)、艾米·斯马特(Amy Smart)联手打造的橄榄球运动影片《主力难当》(Varsity Blues)取得票房大捷,在《窈窕美眉》(She"s All That)中他的表现同样令人称道。2001年的《狂野时速》(The Fast and the Furious)是保罗获加演艺道路的一个转折,片中的许多飞车特技都是由他自己完成的,凭借此片他分别获得青少年荷李活奖、荷李活电影节突破男演员奖,并与云狄素(Vin Diesel一起获MTV电影奖最佳银幕拍档奖。另一部《死神勾线》(Joyride)虽然票房不甚理想,却得到评论家的交口称赞。 Year Title 1994 Tammy and the T-Rex(变身暴龙) 1998 Pleasantville(欢乐谷) Meet the Deedles(宝里宝气大追击) 1999 Varsity Blues(主力难当) She"s All That(窈窕美眉) Brokedown Palace(铁狱魔难) 2000 The Skulls(黑金密墙) 2001 Joy Ride(死神勾线) The Fast and the Furious(狂野时速) 2002 Life Makes Sense If You"re Famous 2003 Timeline(迷失凶间) 2 Fast 2 Furious(狂野极速) 2004 Noel(圣诞夜奇迹) 2005 Into the Blue(兰海盗宝) 2006 Flags of Our Fathers(战火旗迹) Running Scared(夺命枪火) Eight Below(极地雪犬) 2007 The Death and Life of Bobby Z(生死交锋) 2008 The Heaven Project(苍天工程)(暂译) 2009 The Fast and the Furious 4(狂野时速4) datalib.ent.qq/star/2134/detail.s 我会提议你睇"Into the Blue",系同Jessica Alba做既,几好睇! 然后有套讲雪犬既,叫做"Eight Below",都好好睇,好感动!



求Paul McCartney的歌词!英文版,谢谢!

what if it rained?we didn"t careshe said that someday soonthe sun was gonna shine.and she was right,this love of mine,my valentineas days and nights,would pass me byi tell myself that i was waiting for a signthen she appeared,a love so fine,my valentineand i will love her for lifeand i will never let a day go bywithout remembering the reasons whyshe makes me certainthat i can flyand so i do,without a carei know that someday soon the sun is gonna shineand she"ll be therethis love of minemy valentine(instrumental)what if it rained?we didn"t care.she said that someday soonthe sun was gonna shineand she was rightthis love of mine,my valentine求分

Paul McCartney的《A Fine Day》 歌词

歌曲名:A Fine Day歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:Paul Is Live有没有那么多的时间让我寻觅在这人潮汹涌繁华浮躁的城市中在人们即将离开的那一瞬间你的沉默告诉别人你会继续留下来亲爱的!时间会冲淡我们(所有)的记忆美丽的斜阳、黄昏、晚霞还有你灿烂的笑容天空中飘着白色的云彩你像花儿一样绽放着灿烂的笑容理想是风 带你飞过无尽的原野没有忧伤 永远不知疲倦 A FIine Day有没有那么多的时间让我寻觅在这人潮汹涌繁华浮躁的城市中在人们即将离开的那一瞬间你的沉默告诉别人你会继续留下来亲爱的!时间会冲淡所有的记忆美丽的斜阳、黄昏、晚霞还有你灿烂的笑容天空中飘着白色的云彩你像花儿一样绽放着灿烂的笑容理想是风 带你飞过无尽的原野没有忧伤 永远不知疲倦 A FIine Day

Paul McCartney的《Jenny Wren》 歌词

歌曲名:Jenny Wren歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:2007 Grammy NomineesLike so many girls, Jenny Wren could singBut a broken heart, took her soul awayLike the other girls, Jenny Wren took wingShe could see the world, and it"s foolish waysHow, we, spend our days, casting, love asideLoosing, site of life, day, by, dayShe saw poverty, breaking all the homeWounded warriors, took her song awayBut the day will come, Jenny Wren will singWhen this broken world, mends its foolish waysNow we, spend our days, catching, up on lifeAll because of you, Jenny Wren

Paul McCartney的《Coming Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Up歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:Wingspan - Hits and HistoryLupe Fiasco - Coming Up (Feat. MDMA)L.A.S.E.R.S.发行日期 - March 8th, 20111st and 15th Up! 请大家支持Lupe Fiasco无敌大田@百度韦德吧This one goes out to the baby girlsIn a rush growing up in this crazy worldYeah your brother on the road and he never homeI know you feeling kinda sad now that daddy goneYou can"t let it get you sad, gotta carry onWe only lose things because it make us strongYou always had my love, and now you got a songFrom the biggest biggest fan that you"ve ever knownI know you want me, little girls, not for very longAnd you ain"t gotta have a man if you don"t ever wantCause I"m gonna make sure you got two of everythingThat you ever want, every time, like your very ownNot to make you hard to respectJust really really really really hard to impressIt"s a whole wide world for you to go and get your hands onUntil then, just come and get your dance on nowI see you coming upI"mma get you going downYou will never work, you"ll be wealthyJust as long as I"m aroundThis for everybody feeling goodYou know who you are, or you misunderstoodNever had money, or you living goodIf you from the burbs, if you in the hoodRecognize where we come fromIn my day, mane, I did a little somethin some-They like "how come you don"t rap that?"Cause that"s a backtrack and I ain"t tryna back backI"m only moving forward homie that"s thatDirection, a lot of shoulders lack thatI"m just tryna give it to "em like Sadd9Now I know I"m gonna make out like a fat ratThat"s cool as long as they don"t trap crackGraduate from school, and still let his pants sagNever catch a case, know how to let his cash stackWelcome to the left door, can you wait to tap that nahhI see you coming upI"mma get you going downYou will never work, you"ll be wealthyJust as long as I"m aroundWhen the floor falls outI"mma be there to carry youAnd if you want that starI"ll go get it out the sky for youIf you cry, shed a tearI"mma dry your eyesJust to let you know it"ll be alrightI know it"s like a whole lot going onThings going right, things going wrongMaybe baby, I"ve been waiting for you so longKnow that in this world you"re never really on your ownYeah I got a number, get him on the phoneHe"ll never put you places where you don"t belongPut you through the pain, to put you on the throneAnd I know that from the bottom of my corazonAnd if they looking at you sidewaysYou just wave right back, tell "em hi haterMad you ain"t hanging with "em in the drivewayNah we gon" keep it moving to the highwayShow is putting on, weeks all over like Friday, chillingShout out to King David for bringing in phillyAnd I"mma put the independent women in the buildingLupe Fiasco - Coming Up (Feat. MDMA)无敌大田@百度韦德吧

Paul McCartney的《Coming Up》 歌词

歌曲名:Coming Up歌手:Paul McCartney专辑:Twin FreaksLupe Fiasco - Coming Up (Feat. MDMA)L.A.S.E.R.S.发行日期 - March 8th, 20111st and 15th Up! 请大家支持Lupe Fiasco无敌大田@百度韦德吧This one goes out to the baby girlsIn a rush growing up in this crazy worldYeah your brother on the road and he never homeI know you feeling kinda sad now that daddy goneYou can"t let it get you sad, gotta carry onWe only lose things because it make us strongYou always had my love, and now you got a songFrom the biggest biggest fan that you"ve ever knownI know you want me, little girls, not for very longAnd you ain"t gotta have a man if you don"t ever wantCause I"m gonna make sure you got two of everythingThat you ever want, every time, like your very ownNot to make you hard to respectJust really really really really hard to impressIt"s a whole wide world for you to go and get your hands onUntil then, just come and get your dance on nowI see you coming upI"mma get you going downYou will never work, you"ll be wealthyJust as long as I"m aroundThis for everybody feeling goodYou know who you are, or you misunderstoodNever had money, or you living goodIf you from the burbs, if you in the hoodRecognize where we come fromIn my day, mane, I did a little somethin some-They like "how come you don"t rap that?"Cause that"s a backtrack and I ain"t tryna back backI"m only moving forward homie that"s thatDirection, a lot of shoulders lack thatI"m just tryna give it to "em like Sadd9Now I know I"m gonna make out like a fat ratThat"s cool as long as they don"t trap crackGraduate from school, and still let his pants sagNever catch a case, know how to let his cash stackWelcome to the left door, can you wait to tap that nahhI see you coming upI"mma get you going downYou will never work, you"ll be wealthyJust as long as I"m aroundWhen the floor falls outI"mma be there to carry youAnd if you want that starI"ll go get it out the sky for youIf you cry, shed a tearI"mma dry your eyesJust to let you know it"ll be alrightI know it"s like a whole lot going onThings going right, things going wrongMaybe baby, I"ve been waiting for you so longKnow that in this world you"re never really on your ownYeah I got a number, get him on the phoneHe"ll never put you places where you don"t belongPut you through the pain, to put you on the throneAnd I know that from the bottom of my corazonAnd if they looking at you sidewaysYou just wave right back, tell "em hi haterMad you ain"t hanging with "em in the drivewayNah we gon" keep it moving to the highwayShow is putting on, weeks all over like Friday, chillingShout out to King David for bringing in phillyAnd I"mma put the independent women in the buildingLupe Fiasco - Coming Up (Feat. MDMA)无敌大田@百度韦德吧

Paul McCartney的《My Love》 歌词

歌名:《My Love》歌手:Wings / Paul McCartney发行时间:2013-12-19所属专辑:《Wings Over America》歌词:And when I go awayI know my heart can stay with my loveIt"s understoodIt"s in the hands of my loveAnd my love does it goodWhoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaMy love does it goodAnd when the cupboard"s bareI"ll still find something there with my loveIt"s understoodIt"s everywhere with my loveAnd my love does it goodWhoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaMy love does it goodWhoa-whoa, I love, oh-whoa, my loveOnly my love holds the other key to meOh-whoa, my love, oh-oh, my loveOnly my love does it good to meWhoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaMy love does it goodDon"t ever ask me whyI never say goodbye to my loveIt"s understoodIt"s everywhere with my loveAnd my love does it goodWhoa-whoa-whoa-whoa, whoa-whoa-whoa-whoaMy love does it goodWhoa-whoa, I love, oh-whoa, my loveOnly my love does it good to meWhoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa

paul mccartney演唱的 请问有没有人知道中文歌词的 跪求!

无论什么时候你都是我的爱honey you are my valentine 虽然你离开了我 但依旧是我的爱现在想起你 都不会觉得痛了 那些讨厌你的情绪开始融化慢慢想起喜欢过你的那些记忆 再也不讨厌你了曾经一起过的日子 我不能再拥有再也不会回来了吧 如果不是你 我可能不会懂 真的不会懂所以 我对你感谢Hey oh honey you are my valentine 无论什么时候你都是我的爱 babyhoney you are my valentine 虽然你离开了我 但依旧是我的爱你刚离开的时候 我真的很痛苦因为很痛苦 所以讨厌你 可是 随着时间流逝 伤口开始愈合 回忆被搁置慢慢开始找回笑容 oh yeah曾经一起的日子 现在变得很珍贵再也不会回来了吧 因为你 我才懂得 什么是爱情所以 我对你感谢 OhHey oh honey you are my valentine 无论什么时候你都是我的爱 babyhoney you are my valentine 虽然你离开了我 但依旧是我的爱RAP(离开哭着想要挽回你的我 那时候你的样子 看着渐渐远去的你的背影 不断地练习着怎么能忘记 曾看做是女神的你什么时候再想起你 我能够笑出来呢那时候 其实一点也没有自信 很讨厌你来着但是随着时间流逝 想法开始变了现在重拾笑容 thinking about all the timeI"ll let u always be my valentine)Hey oh honey you are my valentine 无论什么时候你都是我的爱 babyhoney you are my valentine 虽然你离开了我 但依旧是我的爱Hey oh honey you are my valentine 无论什么时候你都是我的爱 babyhoney you are my valentine 虽然你离开了我 但依旧是我的爱yeah my love forever oh honey you are my valentine

Nitin Sawhney&Paul McCartney的《My Soul 》 歌词

歌曲名:My Soul 歌手:Nitin Sawhney&Paul McCartney专辑:Tea House 3音 乐 人:福麟阁语 言:国语/英语作 词 人:Aofa作 曲 人:没有人编 曲 人:SLOS演(奏)唱人:Aofa想了解更多HIP HOP尽在●●那段日子总是起的很早 玩的很累但开心到每秒谈天说地在那里都好 什么都不做看著你就不会无聊下著大雨的那天 和你最后的那面阵阵的痛苦当我看见你爬在车窗边 哭红的双眼 我一生永远不会忘记的画面太远 太遥远的时间 太长 太漫长的想念不想再说话 用微笑做个纪念终点在眼前 全部都划清界限静静的看著你希望停止时间可是我从新回到孤单的世界再不会有如此深情和眷恋当我轻轻的闭上了双眼My love my heart 当你需要我会随时在你左右My love my heart my girl my soul很想有天 再回到你的身边 傻傻的只是为了看著你的笑脸回忆还存在 真实的一切 回忆还真实停在抱著你的那一夜是种贪心我还想要继续 很可笑 自娱自乐的玩笑谁能给我一杯忘情水 喝了它喝再多还是不能无所谓希望时间能后退 我用眼泪做后缀时间慢慢过去脾气已经改变你送的那枚戒指它依旧在身边悄悄的搜寻著你的每个消息默默的为你写下祝福的每句不再想著那些浪漫的结局只愿你 生命 能够开心的继续天还很蓝 风依旧很暖喜欢这样的感觉 自己很懒生活是必须 希望再继续最好的那份甜蜜已经种在我心底写这样的一首歌送给你记录下它曾经存在的点点滴滴做一个笔记 再添加写语气想像著你当新娘时的美丽总会见面 未来的某一天总想见面 可是愿望总是不能实现那就这样 祝你开心到永远 我用心再次为你默念I will see ya when ya 27It`s gone be nice for my vecationNobody knows how I love you so deepIt`s just a wish just let it be 。更多HIP HOP音乐尽在﹏﹏_﹏ ^-^END^-^﹏﹏_﹏

Queenie Eye Paul McCartney 中英歌词

there were rules you never told menever came up with a planall the stories that you sold medidn"t help me understandbut I had to get it worked outhad nobody who could helpso then in the end it turned outthat I had to do itby myself…that"s the game of rags to richesdogs and bitches hunt for fameuntil you think you know which way to turnmake the day all the switches, wicked witches fan the flamecareful what you touch in case you burnQueenie eye queenie eye who"s got the ballI haven"t got it, it isn"t in my pocketO-U-T spells outthat"s outwithout a shadow of a doubtshe could put it in about/a pout ?hear the people shouthear the people shoutplay the game, taking chancesevery dance is much the samedoesn"t matter which event you choosenever blame the circumstances,with romances seldom came, ?never pick a fight you"re gonna loseQueenie eye queenie eye who"s got the ballI haven"t got it, it isn"t in my pocketO-U-T spells outthat"s outwithout a shadow of a doubtshe could put it in abouthear the people shouthear the people shoutit"s long way, to the finishwhen you"ve never been beforeI was nervous, but I did itnow I"m going back for morehere the people shoutQueenie eye queenie eye who"s got the ballI haven"t got it, it isn"t in my pocketO-U-T spells outthat"s outwithout a shadow of a doubtshe could put it in a pouthear the people shouthear the people shout
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