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Britney Spears的《Everybody》 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody歌手:Britney Spears专辑:The Singles CollectionEverybodybritney spearsEverybody, everybody"s looking for somethingI"m ferociousWhen I see you instantlySo precociousAssuming that your into meSo fierce the wayYou pierce me with your energyMy heart"s on fireBoy come on and rescue meWhen I see youI need you right away(Taking me)Can"t control the way that I am behavin"It"s got a hold of meGrabbing me, rapidlyRomantic dancingDreams are made of this, yeahEverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep gridin"It"s so real to feel your samba next to meSo intense whenYou sense in my vicinityBody shakin"Achin" I can takeHow I want you so badBoy that I can taste it nowWhen I see youI need you right away(Taking me)Can"t control the way that I am behavin"It"s got a hold of meGrabbing me, rapidlyRomantic dancingDreams are made of this, yeahEverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep grindin"Lovers get wildStart flashing your moneyLadies go crazyAnd act a foolEverybody get downAnd do what you want toThe night is still youngTo be seducedTaking in every little thing I seeTriple tie dancingWith the tab completeLittle boys dancingCause they feeling meSweating cold, frettingIt"s the place to beCome and sit with meCome and sit with meSit back, you"ll see it so beautifullyLoving everybody, baby, is all you needLet go of the way things used to beEverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep grindin"EverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep gridin"(Everybody)Everybody(Everybody"s looking for something, everybody)Everybody(Everybody"s looking for something)

Britney Spears的《Everybody》 歌词

歌曲名:Everybody歌手:Britney Spears专辑:Break The Ice (Digital 45)Everybodybritney spearsEverybody, everybody"s looking for somethingI"m ferociousWhen I see you instantlySo precociousAssuming that your into meSo fierce the wayYou pierce me with your energyMy heart"s on fireBoy come on and rescue meWhen I see youI need you right away(Taking me)Can"t control the way that I am behavin"It"s got a hold of meGrabbing me, rapidlyRomantic dancingDreams are made of this, yeahEverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep gridin"It"s so real to feel your samba next to meSo intense whenYou sense in my vicinityBody shakin"Achin" I can takeHow I want you so badBoy that I can taste it nowWhen I see youI need you right away(Taking me)Can"t control the way that I am behavin"It"s got a hold of meGrabbing me, rapidlyRomantic dancingDreams are made of this, yeahEverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep grindin"Lovers get wildStart flashing your moneyLadies go crazyAnd act a foolEverybody get downAnd do what you want toThe night is still youngTo be seducedTaking in every little thing I seeTriple tie dancingWith the tab completeLittle boys dancingCause they feeling meSweating cold, frettingIt"s the place to beCome and sit with meCome and sit with meSit back, you"ll see it so beautifullyLoving everybody, baby, is all you needLet go of the way things used to beEverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep grindin"EverybodyCome on get to jumpin"EverybodyMovin" next to somethin"EverybodyFeel the temperature risin"EverybodyCome on let"s keep gridin"(Everybody)Everybody(Everybody"s looking for something, everybody)Everybody(Everybody"s looking for something)

what happened with him哪里错了

what"s the matter =what"s wrong 因此,what在这里被认为是主语,在从句中没必要改变语序.所以不能选B C介词应该是to D也是介词错误,而且,一般应该用happen to,不倒过来说 what happened to him就对了. I don"t know what"s the matter with him. =I don"t know what"s wrong with him. There is something the matter with him. =There is something wrong with him.

android swiperefreshlayout 有哪些属性

参考如下:通过上面的注释,我们队SwipeRefreshLayout的基本使用有了一个了解,下面我们看看它有哪些方法需要我们注意:1、public void setProgressViewOffset(boolean scale, int start, int end),用来设置刷新控件的起始位置和终止位置。下面是scale的属性值解释。scale: Set to true if there is no view at a higher z-order than where the progress spinner is set to appear1231232、public void setProgressViewEndTarget(boolean scale, int end),设置刷新控件的终止位置,scale属性设置同上。3、 public void setSize(int size),设置刷新控件的大小,系统默认给我们提供两个选项:SwipeRefreshLayout.LARGE(大图)和SwipeRefreshLayout.DEFAULT(小图)。4、public void setOnRefreshListener(OnRefreshListener listener),用于设置我们的下拉刷新回调事件,很重要的一个方法。5、 public void setRefreshing(boolean refreshing),设置是否进行刷新,刷新完毕后设置为false,则刷新控件消失。6、public void setProgressBackgroundColor(int colorRes),设置刷新控件的背景色。param colorRes Resource id of the color.7、public void setColorSchemeResources(int… colorResIds),设置刷新控件动画中的颜色。参数为资源id8、public void setColorSchemeColors(int… colors),设置刷新控件动画中的颜色。参数为颜色值。9、 public boolean isRefreshing()判断是否正在进行刷新状态。10、public void setRefreshing(boolean refreshing),设置控件是否进行刷新

如何搭建Percona XtraDB Cluster集群

一、环境准备主机IP 主机名 操作系统版本 PXC192.168.244.146 node1 CentOS7.1 Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-56-5.6.30192.168.244.147 node2 CentOS7.1 Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-56-5.6.30192.168.244.148 node3 CentOS7.1 Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-56-5.6.30关闭防火墙或者允许3306, 4444, 4567和4568四个端口的连接关闭SElinux二、下载PXC安装PXC yum源# yum install这样会在/etc/yum.repos.d下生成percona-release.repo文件安装PXC# yum install Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-56最终下载下来的版本是Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-56-5.6.30注意:三个节点上均要安装。三、配置节点配置节点一修改node1的/etc/my.cnf复制代码[mysqld]datadir=/var/lib/mysqluser=mysql# Path to Galera librarywsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera3/ Cluster connection URL contains the IPs of node#1, node#2 and node#3wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://,, In order for Galera to work correctly binlog format should be ROWbinlog_format=ROW# MyISAM storage engine has only experimental supportdefault_storage_engine=InnoDB# This changes how InnoDB autoincrement locks are managed and is a requirement for Galerainnodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2# Node #1 addresswsrep_node_address= SST methodwsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup-v2# Cluster namewsrep_cluster_name=my_centos_cluster# Authentication for SST methodwsrep_sst_auth="sstuser:s3cret"复制代码启动node1# systemctl start mysql@bootstrap.service注意:这个是CentOS 7下的启动方式,如果是CentOS 6,则启动方式为 # /etc/init.d/mysql bootstrap-pxc之所以采用bootstrap启动,其实是告诉数据库,这是第一个节点,不用进行数据的同步。利用这种方式启动,相当于wsrep_cluster_address方式设置为gcomm://。此时,可登录客户端查看数据库的状态mysql> show status like "wsrep%";主要关注以下参数的状态复制代码+------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Variable_name | Value |+------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| wsrep_local_state_uuid | 1fbb69e3-32a3-11e6-a571-aeaa962bae0c |...| wsrep_local_state | 4 | wsrep_local_state_comment | Synced |...| wsrep_cluster_size | 1...| wsrep_cluster_status | Primary || wsrep_connected | ON |...| wsrep_ready | ON |复制代码在上面的配置文件中,有个wsrep_sst_auth参数。该参数是用于其它节点加入到该集群中,利用XtraBackup执行State Snapshot Transfer(类似于全量同步)的。所以,接下来是授权 mysql> CREATE USER "sstuser"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "s3cret";mysql> GRANT RELOAD, LOCK TABLES, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO "sstuser"@"localhost";mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES;配置节点二修改node2的/etc/my.cnf复制代码[mysqld]datadir=/var/lib/mysqluser=mysql# Path to Galera librarywsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera3/ Cluster connection URL contains the IPs of node#1, node#2 and node#3wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://,, In order for Galera to work correctly binlog format should be ROWbinlog_format=ROW# MyISAM storage engine has only experimental supportdefault_storage_engine=InnoDB# This changes how InnoDB autoincrement locks are managed and is a requirement for Galerainnodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2# Node #2 addresswsrep_node_address= SST methodwsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup-v2# Cluster namewsrep_cluster_name=my_centos_cluster# Authentication for SST methodwsrep_sst_auth="sstuser:s3cret"复制代码启动node2# systemctl start mysql如果是CentOS 6,则启动方式为 # /etc/init.d/mysql start如果在启动的过程中出现问题,可查看mysql的错误日志,如果是RPM安装,默认是/var/lib/mysql/主机名.err启动完毕后,也可通过mysql> show status like "wsrep%";命令查看集群的信息。配置节点三修改node3的/etc/my.cnf复制代码[mysqld]datadir=/var/lib/mysqluser=mysql# Path to Galera librarywsrep_provider=/usr/lib64/galera3/ Cluster connection URL contains the IPs of node#1, node#2 and node#3wsrep_cluster_address=gcomm://,, In order for Galera to work correctly binlog format should be ROWbinlog_format=ROW# MyISAM storage engine has only experimental supportdefault_storage_engine=InnoDB# This changes how InnoDB autoincrement locks are managed and is a requirement for Galerainnodb_autoinc_lock_mode=2# Node #3 addresswsrep_node_address= SST methodwsrep_sst_method=xtrabackup-v2# Cluster namewsrep_cluster_name=my_centos_cluster# Authentication for SST methodwsrep_sst_auth="sstuser:s3cret"复制代码启动node3# systemctl start mysql登录数据库,查看集群的状态复制代码+------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| Variable_name | Value |+------------------------------+--------------------------------------+| wsrep_local_state_uuid | 1fbb69e3-32a3-11e6-a571-aeaa962bae0c |...| wsrep_local_state | 4 | wsrep_local_state_comment | Synced |...| wsrep_cluster_size | 3...| wsrep_cluster_status | Primary || wsrep_connected | ON |...| wsrep_ready | ON 复制代码通过wsrep_cluster_size可以看出集群有3个节点。四、 测试下面来测试一把,在node3中创建一张表,并插入记录,看node1和node2中能否查询得到。node3中创建测试表并插入记录root@node3 > create table test.test(id int,description varchar(10));Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.18 sec)root@node3 > insert into test.test values(1,"hello,pxc");Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)node1和node2中查询复制代码root@node1 > select * from test.test;+------+-------------+| id | description |+------+-------------+| 1 | hello,pxc |+------+-------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)复制代码复制代码root@node2 > select * from test.test;+------+-------------+| id | description |+------+-------------+| 1 | hello,pxc |+------+-------------+1 row in set (0.05 sec)复制代码至此,Percona XtraDB Cluster搭建完毕~总结:1. 刚开始启动node2的时候,启动失败,错误日志中报如下信息:复制代码2016-06-15 20:06:09 4937 [ERROR] WSREP: failed to open gcomm backend connection: 110: failed to reach primary view: 110 (Connection timed out)at gcomm/src/pc.cpp:connect():1622016-06-15 20:06:09 4937 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs_core.cpp:gcs_core_open():208: Failed to open backend connection: -110 (Connection timed out)2016-06-15 20:06:09 4937 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs/src/gcs.cpp:gcs_open():1387: Failed to open channel "my_centos_cluster" at "gcomm://,,": -110 (Connection timed out)2016-06-15 20:06:09 4937 [ERROR] WSREP: gcs connect failed: Connection timed out2016-06-15 20:06:09 4937 [ERROR] WSREP: wsrep::connect(gcomm://,, failed: 72016-06-15 20:06:09 4937 [ERROR] Aborting复制代码复制代码2016-06-15 20:27:03 5870 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to read "ready <addr>" from: wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 --role "joiner" --address "" --datadir "/var/lib/mysql/" --defaults-file "/etc/my.cnf" --defaults-group-suffix "" --parent "5870" ""Read: "(null)"2016-06-15 20:27:03 5870 [ERROR] WSREP: Process completed with error: wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2 --role "joiner" --address "" --datadir "/var/lib/mysql/" --defaults-file "/etc/my.cnf" --defaults-group-suffix "" --parent "5870" "" : 2 (No such file or directory)2016-06-15 20:27:03 5870 [ERROR] WSREP: Failed to prepare for "xtrabackup-v2" SST. Unrecoverable.2016-06-15 20:27:03 5870 [ERROR] Aborting

with its expensive furniture

答案:选C. 解析:用过去分词作定语,表示“精心选择的”如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

With its expensive furniture and carefully________color scheme,the room looked quite luxurious.




如何解决connection reset by peer

Problem Description: Error: "-27780: read to host failed: [10054] Connection reset by peer"The user gets the following error messages during replay of a Web script: "Error -27780: read to host <host name> failed: [10054] Connection reset by peer""Error -27790: Failed to read data from server <host name>" Diagnosis: The client sends a POST request to the server and gets a response with HTTP status 200, connection close and redirection using both JS code and meta-refresh. There is no content-length, so the client is supposed to decide when to close the connection. Internet Explorer closes the connection before sending the request to the redirection URL. But, LoadRunner does not; later the server closes the connection, and the result is the error message.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Solution: Use web_set_sockets_option ("CLOSE_KEEPALIVE_CONNECTIONS", "1")Add the following step after the POST step: web_set_sockets_option("CLOSE_KEEPALIVE_CONNECTIONS", "1"); This step closes all the open connections, and as a result, LoadRunner stops waiting for the rest of the response of the redirection.答案其实一样,打开socket后记得关。

JSP验证码刷新报错 Connection reset by peer: socket write error

建议你使用 Kaptcha 验证码插件,详细访问 这里,很简单实用。

这怎么解决 Connection reset by pee



以远程拨号(xauth)为例:netscreen_isg1000-> get event include Time Module Level Type Description2008-09-14 10:57:13 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 2 msg ID <6c0f2afe>: Completed negotiations with SPI <3eab9265>, tunnel ID <45468>,and lifetime <3600> seconds/<0> KB.2008-09-14 10:57:13 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 2 msg ID <6c0f2afe>: Responded to the peer"s first message.2008-09-14 10:57:13 system info 00536 IKE<>: XAuth login was passed for gateway <Test_Gateway>, username <xauthtest>, retry: 0, Client IP Addr<>, IPPool name:<VPN_TEST_POOL>, Session-Timeout:<0s>, Idle-Timeout:<0s>.2008-09-14 10:57:12 system info 00536 IKE<>: XAuth login was refreshed for username <xauthtest> at <>.2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received initial contact notification and removed Phase 1 SAs.2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Completed Aggressive mode negotiations with a <28800>-second lifetime.2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Completed for user <xauthtest>.2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received initial contact notification and removed Phase 2 SAs.2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received a notification message for DOI <1> <24578> <INITIAL-CONTACT>.2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received a notification message for DOI <1> <24577> <REPLAY-STATUS>.2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: IKE responder has detected NAT in front of the remote device.2008-09-14 10:57:08 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Responder starts AGGRESSIVE mode negotiations.Total entries matched = 12而不要使用以下命令:netscreen_isg1000-> get event | in 10:57:13 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 2 msg ID 2008-09-14 10:57:13 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 2 msg ID 2008-09-14 10:57:13 system info 00536 IKE<>: XAuth login was 2008-09-14 10:57:12 system info 00536 IKE<>: XAuth login was 2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received initial 2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Completed 2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Completed 2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received initial 2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received a 2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<>: Received a 2008-09-14 10:57:09 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: IKE 2008-09-14 10:57:08 system info 00536 IKE<> Phase 1: Responder

expected salary是什么意思

expected salary期望薪水; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Please send the english resume as e-mail text, with the expected salary and availabledate. 请将期望薪资,到职时间,连同英文简历。





求《风起天阑》里所有的歌的无损格式,flac或者ape之类的。 请发到邮箱


Peter Baumann的《Romance》 歌词

歌曲名:Romance歌手:Peter Baumann专辑:Phase By Phase我的世界 我的狂野为你放下我所有的矜持Romance教人心甘情愿 付出不后悔我的坚决不停歇是心中泛起了 涟漪的湖水La la... Fall in loveLa la... Fall in love为你而活就是我的表示时刻牵动着灵魂像温柔的轻风掠过了沙漠谁也抓不住痕迹所有爱情的滋味Romance为你放下我所有的矜持甜的安慰 咸的眼泪欢迎光临 天下网La la... Fall in loveLa la... Fall in love是温柔的情人 梦幻的包围RomanceRomanceLa la... Fall in loveRomance为你而活就是我的表示为你放下我所有的矜持听自己不能平静 躁动不安的心情每个清晨 每个黄昏Romance为你而活就是我的表示因为是你 无声无息就算对你不了解象闪亮的流星划过了天空一天天 一点一点的陶醉不能拒绝 只能妥协La la... Fall in love

求Britney Spears 详细成名史以及具体家庭背景?

中文名:布兰妮·斯皮尔斯外文名:Britney Jean Spears国籍:美国出生地:美国路易斯安那州出生日期:1981年12月2日血型:A型星座:射手座职业:歌手 昵称:小甜甜  身高:5尺3寸(约163公分左右)  天然发色:浅棕 (本人的最爱。)  眼睛的颜色:棕色   自己的座右铭:好好的过每一天   自己的个性:诚实,充满精力,意志坚定   就职于:Jive公司(和BSB,超级男孩一样)  爱好:购物,电影,浪漫小说,沙滩生活,睡觉,打电话聊天  偶像:玛丽亚·凯丽,惠特尼·休斯敦,麦当娜,迈克尔·杰克逊  最喜欢演员:汤姆·克鲁斯,梅尔·吉普森,布拉德·皮特  最爱的车子:LEXUS 奔驰  最爱的食物:饼干冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗  最爱的饮料:甜甜的冰红茶,雪碧(现在经常喝星巴克)  最爱的颜色:粉蓝色  最喜欢的电影:《我最好朋友的婚礼》,《决战尤玛镇》  最喜欢的球队:芝加哥公牛,纽约杨基队  最爱的动物:小狗狗(布兰妮养了一只可爱的挪威纳)   最爱的收集品:蜡烛、相框、娃娃   最喜欢的时装品牌:Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio Armani  最大的愿望:希望其它国家的朋友也能喜欢我的专辑   最爱的运动:篮球,游泳  最尴尬的经验:曾经在舞台上踩到蛋糕然后滑了一跤   最大的目标:一张成功的专辑和一个商学或者传播学的学位  最爱的电影:泰坦尼克号   前夫:亚历山大、凯文·费德林   儿子:肖恩、詹姆斯  父亲:杰米·斯皮尔斯(Jamie Spears)   母亲:林恩·斯皮尔斯(Lynne Spears)  哥哥:布莱恩·斯皮尔斯(Bryan Spears)  妹妹:杰米林·斯皮尔斯(Jamie Lynn Spears)


神经病 人家问的是PETE 你在哪里正什么语法...

Britney Spears(布兰妮)个人档案

Full Name: Britney Jean Spears全名:布兰妮 简 斯皮尔斯Birthday : 2, Dec 1981 ( Wednesday )生日:1981年12月2日Zodiac Sign : Sagittarius星座:射手座Blood Type : A血型:A型Height : 163cm身高:163公分 Weight : 59kg 体重:59公斤Measurement : N/A三围:不明 Hometown: Kentwood, Louisiana 家乡:肯特乌 路易斯安那Nicknames: Bit-Bit, Brit 小名:Bit-Bit(点点),BritHair: light brown 天然发色:浅棕Eyes: brown 眼色:棕色Hobbies: shopping, seeing movies, reading romance novels,swimming, days at the beach爱好:购物,电影,浪漫小说,游泳,沙滩生活。 People she admires: Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Madonna偶像:玛丽亚凯丽,惠特尼休斯敦,麦当娜 Stats : Member of Mickey Mouse Club since 1993 Appeared in the 1991 Off-Broadway production, Ruthless正式出道前演绎经验:1993年开始加入米老鼠俱乐部,在未上档的舞台剧Ruthless中表演。 Goals: A successful album & a college degree in business or communications最大的目标:一张成功的专辑和一个商学或者传播学的学位。Favorite Food : Ice Cream, Pasta, Hot Dogs. 最喜欢的食物:冰淇淋,意大利通心粉,热狗Favorite Color : Baby Blue (leaning more towards pink now)最喜欢的颜色:粉蓝(现在越来越喜欢粉红) Favorite Movies : My Best Friend"s Wedding, Steel Magnolias 最喜欢的电影:《我最好朋友的婚礼》,《决战尤玛镇》Favorite Clothing Designers : Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio Armani最喜欢的时装品牌:Betsey Johnson, Bebe, A/X by Giorgio ArmaniFavorite Sports: Basketball, swimming 最喜欢的运动:篮球,游泳。Favorite Teams : Chicago Bulls, New York Yankees 最喜欢的球队:芝加哥公牛,纽约杨基队Favorite Actors: Tom Cruise, Mel Gibson, Brad Pitt 最喜欢男演员:汤姆克鲁斯,梅尔吉普森,布拉德皮特Favorite Drink: Sprite 最喜欢饮料:雪碧Parents: Jamie and Lynne Spears 父母:杰米斯皮尔斯和林恩斯皮尔斯Siblings: Bryan, 21 and Jamie Lynn, 8 as of March 1999 姊妹:哥哥,布莱恩斯皮尔斯。妹妹,杰米林斯皮尔斯。BCN独家整理翻译,转载请注明出处。所获得奖项:1999AOL Awards Best New Artist Billboard Awards Female Artist of the Year Album Artist of the Year Best New Artist Bravo Gold Awardss Best International Female Vocalist Capital FM London Awards London"s Favourite International Female Artist Echo Awards Best International Female Artist Europe Awards Most Fanciable Female Best Dancer Best Female Hair Gold Disc Awards Best International New Artist Golden Bravo Otto Awards Best Liked Artist of 1999 Hollywood Reporter Best female Artist New Artist of 1999 France Mellier M6 Awards Best Video for "...Baby One More Time" MTV Europe Music Awards" Best Song for "...Baby One More Time" Best Pop Act Best Female Solo Artist Best Breakthrough Act Much Music Awards Best International Artist Music Week Awards Highest Selling Singles Artist in the UK for "...Baby One More Time" Premios Amigos (Spain) Best International Artist Popcorn Awards Best International Artist Austria Rennbarn Express Awards Best New Artist Rockbear Awards from Aftonbladett (Sweden) Best New Artist Spanish Premios Amigo Awards Best International Female Smash Hits Poll Winner Best Female Solo Artist Best Dressed Female Most Fanciable Female Best Dancer Best Female Hair Teen Choice Awards Choice Single "...Baby One More Time" Holland TMF Awards Best Newcomer Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best New Artist - Baby One More Time (*tied wth Westlife) Best Female - Baby One More Time Best Pop Song - Baby One More Time Best Song - Baby One More Time (*tied with Backstreet Boys" I Want It That Way) Best Dance - (You Drive Me) Crazy Best Video - Baby One More Time Trendsetter Of The Year (special award) 2000American Music Awards Favorite Pop/Rock New Artist Billboard Awards Album Artist of 2000 World-Record Breaker Of 2000 For "Oops!... I Did It Again" Germany Bravo Gold Awards Best International Female Vocalist Bravo Supershow Awards Best Female Artist UK Capital 95.8 FM London Awards Best International Female Artist Dansk Grammy Award Best International New Artist Canadian Juno Awards Best-Selling Album (...Baby One More Time) Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards Favourite Female Singer Europe NRJ Radio Awards Best International Female Artist People"s Choice awards Best International Artist Smash Hits Poll Winners Best Dressed Female Best Female Best Female Haircut Best Dancer In Pop Music Most Fanciable Female Teen Choice Awards Choice Female Artist Choice Hottie Female TMF Music Awards Best Foreign Female Best Newcomer World Music Awards World"s best selling Pop Female Artist Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - Oops..! I Did It Again Best Song - Oops..! I Did It Again **Best Pop Song - Oops..! I Did It Again Best Album - Oops..! I Did It Again Artist Of the Year Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2001Blockbuster Entertainment Awards Favorite Pop Female Artist Echo Awards (Germany) Best Female Artist J-14 Awards Best Tattoo Best Piercing Nickelodeon"s Choice Awards Favorite Female Singer Rolling Stone Magazine Awards Artist of the Year Smash Hit Awards Best Female Artist Pepsi Awards Peoples Choice for Best Female Premios Mixup Favourite Female Artist Teen Choice Awards Choice Hottie Female VH1 Awards Best Bellybutton Appearance World Music Awards World"s best-selling Pop Female Artist World"s best-selling Dance Female Artist Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - Lucky Best Pop Song - Lucky Best Dance - Stronger Artist Of the Year Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2002Barbie Award Barbie Girl Cosmopolitan Magazine Fun, Fearless Female Of The Year MTV Asia Awards Best international female artist Neil Bogart Memorial Fund Children"s Choice Award Popstar Magazine Poptastic Female Singer Rolling Stone Magazine Award Best Dressed Female Best Female artist, Teen Choice Awards Choice Female Artist Choice Hottie Female Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female - I"m a Slave 4 U Best Dance - I"m a Slave 4 U Hottest Video - I"m a Slave 4 U (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2003Hollywood Life Magazine The 10 Most Toned in a new Hollywood Japan Golden Disc Awards Best International New Artist Best International Music Video ("I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman") Glamour Magazine UK Woman Of The Year Golden Music Awards Best International Video for "I"m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman" Popstar Magazine Poptastic Female Singer TRL Awards First Lady Award Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - I"m Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman Best Dance - Overprotected Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2004Billboard Awards Best-selling Dance Single of the Year- Me Against the Music Brasil Music Award Best International Female Artist UK Ivor Novello Award Most Performed Work ("Toxic") MTV Europe Music Awards Best Female Artist of the Year Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards Choice Song: Toxic Popstar Magazine Popastic Video Right Now (Toxic) Rockbear Awards Critics" Choice Best Video of the Year ("My Prerogative") Teen Choice Awards Choice Single ("Toxic") Holland TMF Awards Gridlock Award TRL Awards Gridlock Award Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Female Artist - Me Against The Music Best Dance - Me Against The Music Best Collaboration - Me Against The Music (with Madonna) Best Style in a Video - Me Against The Music (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2005BMI Cable Awards Best Television Theme Song ("Follow Me" from Zoey 101) Golden Music Awards Music Video of the Year - Toxic Rock/Pop Album of the Year - ("Greatest Hits: My Prerogative") Groovevolt Awards Video of the Year: Toxic Best Female Album: In The Zone Best Song Performance by a Female Artist: Everytime Most Fashionable Artist Grammy Awards Best Dance Recording - Toxic Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - Everytime Best Dance - Toxic Best Video - Everytime Artist Of the Year Hottest Female of the Year (special award) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2006Teen Choice Awards Best Female Singer (In Israel) Indonesia Magazine Music Awards Best Pop Song - Someday (I Will Understand) Best Unreleased Track/Song - I"ve Just Begun (Having My Fun) Vh1 Big In 06" Awards Big Mama Covina 06" Awards Best Female Artis Best Pop Song - Someday (I Will Understand) Yahoo! Top Searched Artist of the year 2008NRJ Music Awards Best International Album - Blackout Music Hall Awards Best International Female Artist Best International Album - Blackout Best Internatinal Song - Gimme More Imperio Musica Awards Best Female Video - Gimme More Sexiest Video - Gimme More The Most Anticipated Comeback Best Album - Blackout Basenotes Perfume Awards Best Celebrity Fragrance (Female) - Fantasy by Britney Spears Video Music Awards Video of The Year Best Pop Video Best Female VideoEurope Music Awards Act of 2008 Album of the Year - Blackou Bambi Awards International Pop Award 2009Teen Choice Awards Ultimate Choice Award Video Music Awards Best Pop Video

求一篇英语文章:the person i respect

Being a history teacher in a high school,she is so beautiful,noble,kind and learned that she is the person who the whole class respect most,of course,I included. Well,this is the one I would like to set down,to express my respect and love to her,my history teacher,Ms Zhang,who kepy my company when I was a senior student. I could not imagine a lady so pretty like her before. As it is,her eyes are not nice,nor are her nose or mouth.But everyone regards her as a beauty at the first sight.Why The answer lies in her temperament,which is so natural and noble.Actually,she never acts that way perposely.There is a saying goes that:"Beauty comes from temperament."I beliebe it after meeting Ms Zhang. It is her beauty that attracts us firstly,but what makes me respect her and love her is far beyond her appearance. As a history teacher,she knows a lot on History.She often told little history stories in the class and made us deeply impressed.We all liked her class very much.Besides,Ms Zhang never got angry when we did something wrong,nor shouted loudly to us.On the contrary,she always smiled and encouraged us to do things well. I can never forget the help and encouragement she gave me.As one of the top students in my class,I was not very diligent in fact,instead,I was quite lazy.I did not pay as much attension on study as I should.She was not content with me on this aspect,but she did not blame me directly. One day,she asked me to her office and said to me seriousely:"In my eyes,you are the most intelligent student in the whole class,you are very lively and smart,so I like you very much."And afterwards,she told me that she wished me a good result in the entrance examination.She warned me that if I continued to be lazy,I was wasting my cleverness and may not go to my favorite college."You can be better if you try,believe me and yourself!"she said frankly with sincere smile. I was deeply moved at that time and felt very ashamed.You can imagine how hard I studied after that unforgettable conversation. Today,I am sitting in the dormitory in PKU,the best university in China,I owe much to her,the person I respect most.

在建筑施工图中的ground,frist,roof,upper roof floor 什么意思?

ground floor 一层first floor二层roof floor顶层upper roof floor阁楼一共四层(算阁楼的话)


Weaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overGentle music touching beautyRising in harmonyTeach us to listen, calling for wisdomGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overSpinning a web of ribbons and colorColors of historyStories together, laughing and dancingGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldDestinations crossing overTreasure secrets, stealing momentsPhrases of poetrySetting in motion, loving foreverGracing a tapestryWeaving silver and goldWeaving silver and gold

coat oil paper哪个和coal是同一类词

如果词性看:oil,paper,coal都是不可数名词名词。从含义看:coal , oil 都属于不可再生资源从发音看:coal ,coat前半部分发音类似





superjunior Hate u Love u 歌词


求super junior《hate u,love u》的中文歌词

미워하고 싶은데, 想恨你 다른 사람 곁에서 在别人身边 행복한 너를 보는것도 지쳐버렸어 이젠 幸福的你 现在已厌倦看到 아무것도 모른채 널 보내야 했던 날 什麼都不知的要把你送走的那天 너무도 오랜 일이라서 느낌조차 없지만 是很久远的事了 虽也没感觉到有多久远 너를 지우려 애써도 봤어 曾努力把你抹掉 하지만 있을 수 없는 일인 걸 但是看来是没可能做到的事 제발 내 곁에 있어줘 拜托 请你待在我身边 * 달라진 것은 없어 혼자인걸 没有改变 独自一个 또 다른 사랑이 올 거라고 别的爱情会再来的 나 믿어봤지만 이젠 숨쉬는 것 마저 힘이들고 我曾试著相信 可是现在连呼吸也吃力 이렇게 커져만 가잖아 就这样 严重下去 너를 향한 내 그리움이 조금씩 我对你的思念一点一点地 지워지지 않은 채 남아 있어 无法磨灭地留下 미워하고 싶은데, 想憎恨你 날 잊은 듯한 너의 뒷모습만 你好像已把我忘掉 你的背影 지키는 것도 지쳐버렸어 이젠 现在已厌倦守护 하루하루 힘없이 사는 내가 싫었어 讨厌了无生气地过每一天的我 이런 내 모습 바꾸려고 노력하지만 안돼 虽然努力改变我这个样子 却做不到 너를 지우려 애써도 봤어 曾努力把你抹掉 하지만 있을 수 없는 일인 걸 但是看来是没可能做到的事 제발 내 곁에 있어줘 拜托 请你待在我身边 * 달라진 것은 없어 혼자인걸 没有改变 独自一个 또 다른 사랑이 올 거라고 别的爱情会再来的 나 믿어봤지만 이젠 숨쉬는 것 마저 힘이들고 我曾试著相信 可是现在连呼吸也吃力 이렇게 커져만 가잖아 就这样 严重下去 너를 향한 내 그我对你的思念 조금씩 지워지지 않은채 남아 있어 一点一点地 无法磨灭地留下

求super junior《hate you,love you》的中韩音歌词

韩文歌词 [ub3d9ud574] ubbf8uc6ccud558uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub78c uacc1uc5d0uc11cud589ubcf5ud55c ub108ub97c ubcf4ub294uac83ub3c4 uc9c0uccd0ubc84ub838uc5b4 uc774uc820[ud76cucca0] uc544ubb34uac83ub3c4 ubaa8ub978ucc44 ub110 ubcf4ub0b4uc57c ud588ub358 ub0a0ub108ubb34ub3c4 uc624ub79c uc77cuc774ub77cuc11c ub290ub08cuc870ucc28 uc5c6uc9c0ub9cc[uaddcud604] ub108ub97c uc9c0uc6b0ub824 uc560uc368ub3c4 ubd24uc5b4 ud558uc9c0ub9ccuc788uc744 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc77cuc778 uac78 uc81cubc1c ub0b4 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc918[uc608uc131] ub2ecub77cuc9c4 uac83uc740 uc5c6uc5b4 ud63cuc790uc778uac78ub610 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub791uc774 uc62c uac70ub77cuace0 ub098 ubbffuc5b4ubd24uc9c0ub9cc uc774uc820 uc228uc26cub294 uac83ub9c8uc800 ud798uc774 ub4e4uace0[uc131ubbfc] uc774ub807uac8c ucee4uc838ub9cc uac00uc796uc544 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub0b4 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc774uc870uae08uc529 uc9c0uc6ccuc9c0uc9c0 uc54auc740 ucc44 ub0a8uc544 uc788uc5b4[ub824uc6b1] ubbf8uc6ccud558uace0 uc2f6uc740ub370 ub0a0 uc78auc740 ub4efud55cub108uc758 ub4b7 ubaa8uc2b5ub9cc uc9c0ud0a4ub294 uac83ub3c4 uc9c0uccd0ubc84ub838uc5b4 uc774uc820[uc774ud2b9] ud558ub8e8ud558ub8e8 ud798 uc5c6uc774 uc0acub294 ub0b4uac00 uc2ebuc5c8uc5b4uc774ub7f0 ub0b4 ubaa8uc2b5 ubc14uafb8ub824uace0 ub178ub825ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc548 ub3fc[uac15uc778] ub108ub97c uc9c0uc6b0ub824 uc560uc368ub3c4 ubd24uc5b4ud558uc9c0ub9cc uc788uc744 uc218 uc5c6ub294 uc77cuc778 uac78 uc81cubc1c ub0b4 uacc1uc5d0 uc788uc5b4uc918[ubaa8ub450] ub2ecub77cuc9c4 uac83uc740 uc5c6uc5b4 ud63cuc790uc778uac78ub610 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub791uc774 uc62c uac70ub77cuace0 ub098 ubbffuc5b4ubd24uc9c0ub9cc uc774uc820uc228uc26cub294 uac83ub9c8uc800 ud798uc774 ub4e4uace0uc774ub807uac8c ucee4uc838ub9cc uac00uc796uc544 ub108ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub0b4 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc774 uc870uae08uc529 uc9c0uc6ccuc9c0uc9c0 uc54auc740 ucc44 ub0a8uc544 uc788uc5b4[ub824uc6b1] ubbf8ub828uc5c6uc774 ubcf4ub0b4ub824 ud588uc5b4uacacub51c uc218 uc788uc744 uac70ub77c ubbffuc5c8uc9c0ub9cc uc544uc9c1 ub0a8uc740 uc0acub791[uaddcud604] ub354uc6b1 uae4auc5b4ub9cc uac00ub294uac78 uc9c0uaca8uc6b4 uc774 uc678ub85cuc6c0ub3c4 uc774uc820ud558ub8e8ub77cub3c4 uacacub51c uc218 uc5c6uc5b4 ub124uac00 uc810uc810 ubbf8uc6ccuc838[uc608uc131] ub2ecub77cuc9c4 uac83uc740 uc5c6uc5b4 ud63cuc790uc778uac78 ub610 ub2e4ub978 uc0acub791uc774 uc62c uac70ub77cuace0ub098 ubbffuc5b4ubd24uc9c0ub9cc ub354 uc774uc0c1 uc228uc26cub294 uac83ub9c8uc800 ud798uc774 ub4e4uc5c8uace0[ubaa8ub450] uc774ub807uac8c ucee4uc838ub9cc uac00uc796uc544ub108ub97c ud5a5ud55c ub0b4 uadf8ub9acuc6c0uc774 uc870uae08uc529 uc9c0uc6ccuc9c0uc9c0 uc54auc740 ucc44[uac15uc778] ub0a8uc544 uc788uc5b4 Hate you, love you (恨你):[Dong Hae]mi wo ha go si peun de【东海】想恨你da reun sa ram gyeo te seo在别人身边haeng bo kan neo reul bo neun geot ddo ji chyeo beo ryeot seo i jen幸福的你 现在已厌倦看到[Hee Chul]a mu geot ddo mo reun chae neol bo nae ya haet ddeon nal【希澈】什么都不知的 要把你送走的那一天neo mu do o rae ni ri ra seo neu ggim ju cha eob jji man是很久远的事了 虽也没感觉到有多久远[Kyu Hyun]neo reul ji woo ryeo ae sseo do bwat seo【奎贤】曾努力把你抹掉ha ji ma nit seul su eob neu ni rin geol但是看来是没可能做到的事je bal nae gyeo te it seo jwo拜托 请你呆在我身边[Yeh Sung]dal ra jin geo seun eob seo hon jja in ggeol【艺声】没有改变 独自一个ddo da reun sa rang i ol geo ra go别的爱情会再来na mi deo bwat jji man i jen sum swi neun geot ma jeo hi mi deul go我曾试着相信 可是现在连呼吸也吃力[Sung Min]i reo ke keo jyeo man ga ja na【晟敏】就这样 严重下去neo reul hyang han nae geu ri woo mi jo geum ssik我对你的思念一点一点地ji wo ji ji a neun chae na ma it seo无法磨灭的留下[Ryeo Wook]mi wo ha go si peun de【丽旭】你好像已把我忘掉na ri jeun deu tan neo e dwit mo seub man你的背影ji ki neun geo ddo ji chyeo beo ryeot seo i jen现在已厌倦守护[Lee Tuek]ha ru ha ru him eob si sa neun nae ga si reot seo【李特】讨厌了无生气过每一天的我i reon nae mo seub ba ggu ryeo go no ryeo ka ji man an dwae虽然努力改变我这个样子 却做不到[Kang In]neo reul ji wo ryeo ae sseo do bwat seo【强仁】曾努力把你抹掉ha ji ma nit seul su eob neu ni rin geol但是看来是没可能做到的事je bal nae gyeo te it seo jwo拜托 请你呆在我身边[All]dal ra jin geo seun eob seo hon jja in ggeol【全体】没有改变 独自一个ddo da reun sa rang i ol geo ra go别的爱情会再来na mi deo bwat jji man i jen sum swi neun geot ma jeo hi mi deul go我曾试着相信 可是现在连呼吸也吃力i reo ke keo jyeo man ga ja na就这样 严重下去neo reul hyang han nae geu ri woo mi jo geum ssik我对你的思念一点一点地ji wo ji ji a neun chae na ma it seo无法磨灭的留下[Ryeo Wook]mi ryeon eob si bo nae ryeo haet seo【丽旭】没有留恋 把你送走了geon ddil su it seul geo ra mi deot jji man a jik na meun sa rang虽然曾相信能坚持 可是仍然剩下的爱[Kyu Hyun]deo wook gi peo man ga neun ggeol ji gyeo woo ni woe ro woom ddo【奎贤】变得更加深 这难以忍受的孤独i jen ha ru ra do gyeon ddil su eob seo现在连一天也无法忍耐ne ga jeom jeom mi wo jyeo..你渐渐变得讨厌[Yeh Sung]dal ra jin geo teun eob seo hon jja in ggeol【艺声】没有改变 独自一个ddo da reun sa rang i ol geo ra go别的爱情会再来na mi deo bwat jji man我曾试着相信deo i sang sum swi neun ggeot ma jeo hi mi deu reot ggo连再吸一口气也吃力[All]i reo ke keo jyeo man ga ja na【全体】就这样 严重下去neo reul hyang han nae geu ri woo mi jo geum ssik我对你的思念一点一点地ji wo ji ji a neun chae na ma it seo无法磨灭的留下

为什么很多underground rapper都看不起出道的饶舌歌手

看SMTM的时候感觉underground rapper们虽然很看不起idol rapper,但是很尊重bigbang的样子。



Lucy Pearl&Snoop Dogg And Q-Tip的《You》 歌词

歌曲名:You歌手:Lucy Pearl&Snoop Dogg And Q-Tip专辑:Lucy PearlJim Brickman - YouI never felt aloneI was happy on my ownAnd who would ever know there was something missingI guess I didn"t see the possibilityIt was waiting all the timeBut it never crossed my mindTill you opened up my eyesNow all I think about isYou in my lifeIn my dreamsIn my heart I know it"s trueThat I belong with youBecause of you in my worldIn my armsI have everything and nowI can"t imagine what I"d doWithout youI never thought that love could beSuch a curiosityBut what attracted you to meWas so unexpectedBut it was waiting all the timeAnd it never crossed my mindUntil you opened up my eyesNow all I think about isYou in my lifeIn my dreamsIn my heart I know it"s trueThat I belong with youBecause of you in my worldIn my armsI have everything and nowI can"t imagine what I"d doWithout youYou, in my lifeIn my dreamsIn my heart I know it"s trueThat I belong with youBecause of you in my worldIn my armsI have everything and nowI can"t imagine what I"d doWithout youIn my lifeIn my dreamsIn my heart I know it"s trueThat I belong with youBecause of you in my worldIn my armsI have everything and nowI can"t imagine what I"d doI can"t imagine what I"d doWithout youWithout you

求《梦道》的歌词、、日文、、中文翻译 d_page_type=0

RSP - 梦道作词:Reika Yuuki作曲:Reika Yuukiうまく见つからなくて暧昧な言叶でつなげた未来一人で抱え込んでたただ过ぎていく 时间の中でキミと出会い寄り添って梦追いかけいつだってどこだって行けるような気がしたどうしょうもないこんな仆と伪りのないココロで过ごしてくれてありがとう止めどなく溢れ出す想いを伝えよう一度きりの未来 手が触れるまで何気ない今いつか愿いが届くまでどんな辛い道もきっと歩いてくから时に迷いに负けて引き返すような臆病は日々もみんながくれた绊に映る想い出 思わず涙深い伤も悲しみも时间(とき)をわすれそうずっとそうちゃんと君と语りあえた弱虫で强がりな 仆のそばで优しさ笑颜くれて ありがとうもう一度确かめようかけがえない时间よ彷徨う日々の中で见失わないように変わらずに忘れずにいつまでも歌うよどんな明日が来ても歩いてゆくよ分り合えない 気持ち虚しくて手の届かない 距离も何もかもありあまる时间に変わる试练なのかも知れないずっと叫んでた想いきっと繋がり合ってたい绝えず流れてゆくあの空へ照らした愿い…仆らしい居场所见つけたならどんなだって守りたいよ 声を何度からしてもなお言いたいよ强くギュッと抱きしめるよとめどなく溢れ出す未来へ奏でよう光満ちた扉 そこにあるはず何気ない今いつか愿いが届くまでどんな辛い道もきっと歩いてくからもう一度あと一秒かけがえない时间よさまよう日々の中で弾けないように変わらない梦儚いココロが歌うよどんな明日もずっと歩いてゆけるとどんな明日もひとりで歩いてくきっと…lalala…その涙その笑颜もぜんぶlalala…爱しくて眩しくてlalala…共に歩こうまだ见えない未来へlalala…それぞれの梦道へumaku mitsu karanakuteaimai na kotoba detsunageta miraihitori de dae kon detatada sugi teiku jikan no naka dekimi to deai yorisotteyume oi kakeitsudatte dokodatteike ruyouna kiga shitadoushoumonaikonna boku toitsuwari nonai kokoro de sugo shitekuretearigatoutome donaku afure dasuomoi wo tsutae youichido kirino mirai tega fureru madenanigena i ima itsukanegai ga todoku madedonna tsurai michi mokittoarui tekukaradokiri mayo yiki nakede yikiga e nayoshinaoke byo nahikinominnagakureta kizuna niutsuru omoide omowazu namidafukai itamo kanashimi motoki wowasuresouzuttosouchantokumi to katari aetayowamushi de tsuyoga rina boku nosobadeyasashi sa egao kurete arigatoumou ichido tashika meyoukakegaenai jikan yosama u hibi no naka demiushinawa naiyounikawa razuni wasure zuniitsumademo utau yodonna ashita ga kite moarui teyukuyowakari ae nai kimochi munashi kuteteno todoka nai kyori mo nanimo kamoariamaru jikan ni kawa rushiren nanokamo shire naizutto saken deta omoikitto tsunaga ri atte taitae zu nagare teyukuano sora he tera shita negai ...bokura shii ibashomitsu ketanaradonnadattemamori taiyo koe wo nandokarashitemonao ii taiyotsuyoku gyutsu to daki shimeruyotomedonaku afure dasumirai he kanade youhikari michi ta tobira sokoniaruhazunanigena i ima itsukanegai ga todoku madedonna tsurai michi mokittoarui tekukaramou ichido ato ichibyoukakegaenai jikan yosamayou hibi no naka dehike naiyounikawa ranai yume hakanaikokoro ga utau yodonna ashita mozuttoarui teyukerutodonna ashita mohitoridearui tekukitto ...lalala ... sono namida sono egao mozenbulalala ... itoshi kute mabushi kutelalala ... tomoni aruko umada mie nai mirai helalala ... sorezoreno yume michi he

航海上observed speed是什么意思?

observed speed观察到的速度

基本式机械增压(roots supercharge)

机械增压器压缩机的驱动力来自引擎曲轴,一般都是利用皮带连接曲轴皮带轮,间接将曲轴运转的扭力带动增压器,达到增压目的。依构造不同,机械增压会经出现过许多种类,包括叶片式(Vane)、鲁氏(Roots)、温克尔(Wankle)等型式,而活塞运动最早也被认为是一种机械增压,时至今日,则以鲁氏增压器最被广泛使用,更是改装的大热门。鲁氏增压器有双叶与三叶转子两种型式,目前以双叶转子较普遍,其构造是在椭圆形的壳体中装两个茧形的转子,转子之间保有极小的间隙而不直接相连,藉由螺旋齿轮连动,其中一个转子的转轴与驱动的皮带轮连结,转子转轴的皮带轮上装有电磁离合器,在不需要增压时即放开离合器以停止增压,离合器则由计算机控制以达到省油的目的。机械增压的特征,除了在低转速便可获得增压外,增压的动力输出也与曲轴转速成一定的比例,即机械增压引擎的油门反应随着转速的提高,动力输出随之增强,因此机械增压引擎的操作感觉与自然气极为相似,却能拥有较大的马力与扭力。 涡轮增压则是利用引擎的废气排放来驱动压缩机。最早的增压器全部都是机械增压,在刚发明时被称超级增压器(Supercharge),后来涡轮增压发明之后为了区隔两者。起初涡轮增压器被称为Turbo Supercharger,机械增压则被称为Mechanical Supercharger,久而久之,两者就分别被简化为Turbocharger与Supercharger了。 涡轮增压原理利用引擎运转时所排出来的废气,用废气来转动涡轮增压器中的排气侧转子,而排气侧转子与进气侧转子(Compressor)是同轴异室,当Turbine转子达到一定转速时(约12000rpm左右)它带动另一侧的Compressor,使Compressor转子引进外来的新鲜空气,经过压缩倒入进气歧管内,因此Turbo车的进气是非自然方式,是经过"吸进来,再压缩"所以空气压力是大于大气压力的。涡轮增压由于是超高转速地运转轴承,随之而来的高温排除或增压过度的泄压就是关键。目前常用的就是机油导入来润滑与冷却轴承,也有用水冷式的。而过高的增压对引擎的压缩行程与动力(爆炸)行程发生时会造成伤害,所以,有机械式地用空气压力作为开关或电子式地用计算机直接控制泄放压力的动作。

the speaker of the house是什么意思

Speaker of the House 美国众议院议长; 例句: 1. The republicans point to nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house. 共和党人将矛头指向众议院议长佩洛西(nancy pelosi)。


House Speaker n. 全称是Speaker of the House of Representatives(众议院议长),此处因用简称,故可译为“众院议长”; [例句]Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker, refuses to consider this possibility.众议院议长南希佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)则拒绝考虑这种可能性。



原谅我无知,zoom in super 是什么啊?


estimates of english speakers from 1950 to 2050 是什么意思



compel = 迫使impel = 推动

hyper kit mode 开不开

建议查到第三条pcie 16x上。如果觉得答案解决了你的问题,请采纳,有问题可继续追问,如未回答追问,可能不在哦


好多的形容词,都在后面加ally变成副词energetic - energetically historic - historically dramatic - dramatically systematic - systematically

无线路由器提供AP、Client、Router、Bridge、Repeater五种工作模式 ,这五种工作模式都是什么意思呀

1、AP,即无线交换机,一般是多无线台路由扩展信号覆盖用的。比如家里二层楼,一台放在一楼做Router,但是无线信号在二楼不稳定,那么可以在二楼放置第二台无线路由,路由用网线连接到第一台上,二楼电脑无线连接到二楼路由的无线网络上,而非一楼的无线网络。2、Client,客户端模式,将无线路由作为无线上网卡来使用,通过无线方式连接到其他路由上,而电脑则使用有线方式连接到本路由上。3、Router,即无线路由模式,这是最常用的一种工作方式,一般家里宽带连接,将宽带猫连接在无线路由的WAN口上,然后做拨号帐号设置,就用这个模式即可。4、Bridge,即桥接,和AP类似,同样是为了扩展无线信号的覆盖面积,桥接模式下则是第二台路由无线连接到第一台路由的无线网络上,然后发布自己的无线网络供使用。5、Repeater,即中继,和桥接有点类似,不同的是上面例子中两台无线路由有各自的无线网络,但中继是将第一台路由的无线信号中继和放大,并形成新的无线覆盖区域,所以只有一个无线网络。扩展资料Repeater(中继)模式和Bridge(桥接)模式都是通过无线的方式连接到一台可以上网的无线路由器上,放大该无线路由器上的无线信号;区别在于Repeater(中继)模式下放大后的无线信号名称和之前路由器上的一致,而Bridge(桥接)模式放大后的无线信号名称和之前路由器上的无线信号名称不同。参考资料:百度百科 - 无线中继百度百科 - 路由模式


AP模式:将优先网络转换为无线,提供无线接入点。Client模式:简单通俗点就是用路由器充当无线网卡使用来桥接无线信号给上网设备使用。Router模式:为多个无线终端提供无线网络,实现共享宽带上网。Bridge模式:通过无线桥接到前端路由器的信号,自身发射新的无线信号。Repeater模式:将已有的无线信号中继放大,扩大信号覆盖范围。默认AP模式 AccessPoint 将有线网络接口转换成无线网络,分配原有网段IP,相当于无线功能交换机的概念。原墙壁有网络接口,接入可以自动分配IP10.3.11.0段,将 TP-LINKMini系列无线路由器接入网口,则手机、笔记本可以自动获取10.3.11.0段的IP。即自动获取原有线路由器的DHCP分配的IP。 在AP模式下,虽然你也可以设置DHCP服务器(,但是不会生效,你不会得到192.168.1.2一类的网址。你所用笔记本无线网卡获得的还是墙壁上LAN网口所接交换机得到的ip。 DHCP设置里面,“禁用”“启用”“自动”,猜想自动就是在AP模式下,不需要的时候,自动关闭DHCP,而在选择Router模式下,又会自动开启。 如果你在AP模式下,连接上了,可以上网了,你的ip是10.3.11.2,这时,你是无法登陆路由器修改设置的,因为路由器的ip还是192.168.1.1或192.168.1.253,所以只能先改本机电脑ip与路由器同一网段后才可以。 无线路由功能Router模式将有线网络接口转换成无线网络,但是另外分配IP TP-LINKMini系列无线路由器,自动分配IP,分配192.168.1.0段IP。 正常情况下,公司里面,墙壁上的接口都是直接接交换机的,有LAN,用的是AP模式 ;家用的,无论是电信还是联通,电话线宽带拨号还是小区LAN,都要用户名、密码拨号,需要路由器替代电脑完成拨号动作,用的是 Router模式,Router模式下的向导才有地方可以输入用户名、密码。 中继模式Repeater模式将无线信号放大,本来的无线信号很弱,中继模式可以对其增强。延长无线传输距离。分配原有网段IP10.3.11.0段IP 区别于AP模式:将有线信号接过来,转成无线信号放出去。Repeater模式:将无线信号接收进来,依然转换成无线信号放出去。 Bridge桥接模式:类似于Repeater模式,主要用于放大无线信号。但是可以另外设置SSID,另设置无线路由接入密码,设置802.11b802.11g802.11ngb模式。分配的IP10.3.11.0段注意: TP-LINKMini系列无线路由器发出来的无线信号的信道,要和接收原无线路由信号的信道保持一致。否则会出现“正在获取网络地址”而一直获取不到。 Client(客户端模式)相当于做无线网卡无线网卡是直接插入USB接口;而Mini无线路由器是通过网线,连接到电脑的RJ-45接口。


Money, Power, Respect (Feat.Lil Kim & Dmx) - Lox(Lil Kim)See I believe in money, power, and respect.First You get the money.Then you get the muthafuckin, power.After you get the fuckin" power muthafuckas will respect you.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.(Sheek)Ayo my whole clique bout it, bout it.We take yours while you pout about it.Truck, step out the whore"s wanna" crowd around it.You could see me on optimum TV.Go in your bathroom turn the light out. Scream!Bloody Mary, 1, 2, 3. Sheek ain"t your usual friend.About to setchu" up like Kaiser and walk straight at the end.I"m done wit" ice and charms.I"m tryin" my whole casket when I"m gone.Pull up wit" class on the don".Once I meet em" I greet em".Kiss his feet for freedom.Tell em" thank you lord.Cuz on Earth I was gettin" bored.Now resurrect me back to this cat called Sheek.So I can make this album.And get back the cats that"s weak.Two thirty, six two.Me bust for you that"s like a cat vs. a pitbull.Gun, know clip full, keep hunger.And plan for the future, cuz you figureyou gon" be olderway longer than you gon" be younger.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.It"s the key to life.(Styles)Only time could tell how the clock ticks.I"m really loved here but I"m still a hostage.Two personalities check the posture.Smoke out the mouth clear out the nostrils.You think of death but the life seem scary.I"m past the graveyard seein" people Hail MaryI ain"t chillin til" I"m out parachutin".Race my man in mountain climbin" for about ten diamonds.Twenty five thousand a piece.Fuck streets!Tryin" to own the island.Forget about wilin".Try ridin" in the car that be glidin".If I showed you where I lived you would think I was hidin".Sling dick to chicks that don"t speak English.Wake up in Trinidad, like fuckin" em rich.Come back. Private jetlive on set.If you could shit gold like you split the decks.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.(JadaKiss)Yo nutin" but the hotness.Whenever we drop this.Monotonous for ya"ll to keep hatin",cuz ya"ll never gon" stop us.I keep my rocks spotless,and my hoes topless.Take time try to figure out who tha Lox is.Fear no one.Kick rhymes like Shoguns.You scared to blow one.Get robbed wit" your own gun.If I don"t respect you I"m ah check you.And if I don"t kiss you I"m a peck you,right before I wet" chu.I sneeze on tracks an" bless you.I"m special. And if you like workin" out,then I"m gon" stretch you.Husslin" is dead but we still get red.Turn the spots in the bakeries to get back bread.And ya"ll said my monies spent.But it"s in the Bent".So when the feds come the dogs can"t get a scent.For my story, self-explanatory that I"m the hottest thing on the street.An" yall ain"t got nutin" for me(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.(DMX)Bark! Bark!This is a beat that I can freak tojust drop the reals.Plus a nigga wit" the ill.Ya"ll niggas know my skills.Ass from the grills get em" up,split em" up, wet em" up.And watch em" come get em" up,Set em" up.When you do dirt, you get dirt.Bitch, I"ll make your shit hurt.Step back like I did worse.This ain"t no fucking game.You think I"m playin, till you layin.To where? The junkyard decayin".Mom"s at home prayin"that chu comin" home.But chu not, cuz you sittin up in the trunkstartin to rot.And hell is hot, I know because I"m here now Baby.It"s goin" down baby.Get the full pound baby.And let off up in a nigga,especially if he think he bigga"than my muthafuckin" trigga".Did I?Can I get my?Is it gone?DMX represent for one time.Tthen iIt"s on.(Chorus [Lil Kim])It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Help you sleep at night.You"ll see the light.It"s the key to life.Money, power, and respect.Whatchu" need in life.Money, power, and respect.When you eatin" right.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.Money, power, and respect.

Michael Cooper的《So Good》 歌词

歌曲名:So Good歌手:Michael Cooper专辑:Get CloserElectrik Red - So GoodHow did I let him come backHow did I let him come backShe wants ya, I need yaPlease tell me to stayShe says that she loves ya like I love yaBut you know that it ain"t the sameWe had a fling… this I knowBut now we got a thing… she gotta let you goCause now I"m actin crazyI"m out here callin you babyI shouldn"t have let you hit thatCause now I can"t forget thatIf I don"t wanna really give a fuckBut now a bitch all in loveDon"t mean to be a haterBut ooo, shit, damn, it"s so goodSo good so good so good so good so goodSo ooo, shit, damn, so goodSo good so good so good so good so goodSo ooo, shit, damnI miss ya, I can taste yaPlease come back to meBaby lay in my armsAnd say you"ll never leaveI gotta thing…. and I know you knowSo boy don"t play with me, just stay with meAnd allow me to give you moreMy girls all call me crazyCause I"m out here callin you babyI shouldn"t have let you hit thatCause now I can"t forget thatIf I don"t wanna really give a fuckBut now a bitch all in loveDon"t mean to be a haterBut ooo, shit, damn, it"s so goodSo good so good so good so good so goodSo ooo, damn, so goodSo good so good so good so good so goodSo ooo, damnI can"t believe you…You put it on a girl like thatI can"t believe I…Just got off the phone with you but I wanna call right backI can"t believe you…Got me in the kitchen cookin for you like my first names BettyI can"t believe itBut you got that ooo ooo ooo oooOhoo ohoo ohoo hoo hoo hoo hoo...yeah…oo that feels good right thereOhoo ohoo ohoo hoo hoo hoo hooBut ooo, shit, damn, it"s so good…So good so good so good so good so goodSo ooo, shit, damn, so goodSo good so good so good so good so goodSo ooo,shit, damnSo good

rust in peace polaris 歌词

歌曲名:rust in peace polaris歌手:Megadeth专辑:Rust In PeaceTremble you weaklings,cower in fearI am your ruler,land,sea and airImmense in my girth,erect I stand tallI am a nuclear murderer I am PolarisReady to pounce at the touch of a buttonMy system locked in on military gluttonsI rule on land,air and seaPass judgement on humanityMegadethWinds blow from the bowels of hellWill we give warning,only time will tellSatan rears his ugly head,to spit into the windI spread disease like a dogDischarge my payload a mile highRotten egg air of death wrestles your nostrilsLaunch the Polaris,the end doesn"t scare usWhen will this ceaseThe warheads will all rust in peaceBomb shelters filled to the brimSurvival such a silly whimWorld leaders sell missiles cheapHigh priest of holocaust,fire from the seaNuclear winter spreading diseaseThe day of final conflictAll pay the priceThe third world warRapes peace,takes lifeBack to the start,talk of the partWhen the earth was cold as iceTotal dismay as the sun passed awayAnd the days where black as nightEradication of earth"sPopulation loves Polaris

crown graphic和speed的区别

Super Graphic 和 Super Speed Graphic 都是在1956-1973年间制造的.它是一个很棒的便携式外拍机,非常结实和轻巧.Super Graphic 和 Super Speed Graphic这两个型号的区别在于Super Speed Graphic拥有一个罗登斯德生产的Graflex Optar镜头,该镜头具有1/1000秒的最高快门速度,而Super Graphic则没有.这个系列的相机使用类似于Speed/Crown那样的顶端的旁轴取景器(但这两个系列的取景器不能互相更换). 该系列的相机采用类似Linhof那样的全金属结构床板,比以前那种木结构和金属结构混合的类型要好,相机的轻巧和紧凑是名列前茅的.由于不需要电池,这为在野外工作的人提供了可靠而方便的实用功能.



升级到openssh 7.5 p1,无法root登录


笔记本Type I/II PC卡插槽和Express Card插槽兼容吗?



一般格斗型游戏中会出现perfect 和combo这两个词。。在游戏中perfect是非常好的意思,combo是指一次的出击连续3下打中对手,也是很好的意思。

个人电脑PC(Personal computer)怎么读


Type-II pc express卡插槽有什么用啊


none of加可数名词,谓语动词用单数或复数的形式均可,但people做主语时谓语动词必须要用复

若以 none of +n./pron. 开头,则应以 none of结构为准,即使有 none of people 出现,则也应按 none of 结构语法,单复数均可。也应注意句子时态。通常 会以 none of the people +限定范围,none of people 所指范围较广。如:None of the people here have a good relationship each other.{ here,限定范围}



none of后动词的单复数情况.为什么none of my friends has ever beeen to Pairs. none of us are perfect.

none of 后面的名词是不可数名词时,谓语动词只能是单数;若后面的名词是复数,谓语动词单、复数皆可。(这是主谓一致的内容)

everytime -britney spears 歌词中文翻译

Noticeme让我成为你的目光焦点  Takemyhand握住我的手  whyarewe为何我们  strangerswhen矜持地像陌生人  ourloveisstrong虽然我俩的爱又如此强烈  whycarryonwithoutme?何不让我加入你的生命  EverytimeItrytofly每当我要展翅高飞  Ifallwithoutmywings却又从云间坠落  Ifeelsosmall渺小的我  IguessIneedyoubaby多么需要你的呵护  AndeverytimeIseeyouinmydreams每晚在梦中与你相见  Iseeyourface,itshauntingme你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦萦  IguessIneedyoubaby我多么渴望你的呵护  Imakebelieve我傻傻的假设  thatyouarehere你在我的身边  It"stheonlyway唯有这样  Iseeclear让我看清一切  whathaveIdone过去我的所作所为  youseemtomoveoneasy让你离开了我不再眷恋  AndeverytimeItrytofly每当我要展翅高飞  Ifallwithoutmywings却又从云间坠落  Ifeelsosmall渺小的我  IguessIneedyoubaby多么需要你的呵护  AndeverytimeIseeyouinmydreams每晚在梦中与你相见  Iseeyourface,you"rehauntingme你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦萦  IguessIneedyoubaby我多么渴望你的呵护  Imayhavemadeitrain错误已经造成  pleaseforgiveme请你原谅我  myweaknesscausedyoupain如果我曾带给你痛苦  andthissongismysorry这首歌就是我的歉意  AtnightIpray我夜夜祈祷  thatsoonyourface你熟悉的面孔  willfadeaway会渐渐地消失不见  AndeverytimeItrytofly每当我要展翅高飞  Ifallwithoutmywings却又从云间坠落  Ifeelsosmall渺小的我  IguessIneedyoubaby多么需要你的呵护  AndeverytimeIseeyouinmydreams每晚在梦中与你相见  Iseeyourface,you"rehauntingme你的脸孔总让我魂牵梦萦  IguessIneedyoubaby我多么渴望你的呵护

爱普生R330 打印机连接不上电脑. printer(Hi-speed)这个驱动一直显示黄色叹号. 求解答


寻布兰妮 brienty spear everytime的歌词


标致3008仪表盘显示top upengine oil level是什么意思

top up engine oil level加满发动机机油油位

HFSS中Frequency Dependent Material Setup Option介绍

PS:CSDN对创作者太不友好了,准备转战啦!Piecewise Linear Input : defines the material property values as a restricted form of piecewise linear model with exactly 3 segments(flat,linear,flat).You specify theproperty"s values at an upper and lower corner frequency. Between these corner frequencies, HFSS linearly interpolates the material properties; above and below the corner frequencies, HFSS extrapolates the property values.This dataset can be modified with additional points if desired. 分段线性输入:将材料属性值定义为具有恰好 3 个段(平坦、线性、平坦)的分段线性模型的受限形式。您可以在上下角频率处指定属性值。 在这些转角频率之间,HFSS 对材料属性进行线性插值; 在拐角频率之上和之下,HFSS 推断属性值。如果需要,可以使用附加点修改该数据集。 选择这一项之后,会弹出如下对话框:Frequency Range表示在此频率范围内,材料的属性值不变,也就是保持线性; 下面的选项:Relative Permittivity表示相对介电常数,Relative Permeability表示相对渗透率,Dielectric Loss Tangent表示介电损耗角正切,Magnetic Loss Tangent 表示磁损耗角正切,如果材料的这些参数不随频率变化,可以在这些项中输入上面的Frequency Range选项中低频和高频对应的值。其实就是在上下频率角处指定一些值。 Neither the piecewise or the loss models ask for frequency dependent conductivity because there the constant sigma represents the DC loss and the frequency dependent loss tangent represents the polarization losses. 分段或损耗模型都不需要频率相关的电导率,因为常数 sigma 代表直流损耗,而频率相关的损耗正切代表极化损耗。 Debye Model Input :a single-pole model for the frequency response of a lossy dielectric material. In some materials, up to about a 10-GHz limit, ion and dipole polarization dominate and a single pole Debye model is adequate. HFSS allows you to specify an upper and lower measurement frequency, and the loss tangent and relative permittivity values at these frequencies.You may optionally enter the permittivity at optical frequency, the DC conductivity, and a constant relative permeability. 德拜模型输入:用于有损介电材料频率响应的单极模型。 在某些材料中,最高可达 10 GHz 的限制,离子和偶极极化占主导地位,单极德拜模型就足够了。 HFSS 允许您指定测量频率的上限和下限,以及这些频率下的损耗角正切和相对介电常数值。您可以选择输入光频率下的介电常数、直流电导率和恒定的相对磁导率。Frequency Range和之前相同,表示在此频率范围内,材料的属性值不变,也就是保持线性; Relative Permittivity相对渗透率:如果材料的渗透率参数不随频率变化,可以在这些项中输入上面的Frequency Range选项中低频和高频对应的值。也可以选中复选框指定一个值。 Conductivity or Dielectric Loss Tangent电导率或介电损耗角正切 - 选择 At DC 以指定电导率,或选择 At Lower Frequency 以指定 LossTangent。 单击“确定”返回“查看/编辑材料”窗口。新的默认函数名称出现在材料属性文本框中。 为每个材料属性自动创建一个数据集。 基于变化的属性数据集,HFSS 可以在解决方案生成期间以所需频率插入属性值。 Multipole Debye Model Input: allows you to provide the data of relative permittivity and loss tangent versus frequency. Based on this data, the software dynamically generates frequency-dependent expressions for relative permittivity and loss tangent through the Multipole Debye Model.The input dialog plots these expressions together with your input data through the linear interpolations. The generated expressions provide the new value for the material properties of relative permittivity and loss tangent. Both the expressions and data triples can be saved and reloaded. 允许您提供相对介电常数和损耗角正切与频率的数据。 基于此数据,该软件通过多极德拜模型动态生成相对介电常数和损耗角正切的频率相关表达式。输入对话框通过线性插值将这些表达式与您的输入数据一起绘制。 生成的表达式为相对介电常数和损耗角正切的材料属性提供了新值。 表达式和数据三元组都可以保存和重新加载。 这上面会包含一个表,可以在表里填写每个频点的Relative Permittivity和Dielectric Loss Tangent。 注意:最小频率是0,没有上限限制,最小Relative Permittivity是1,没有上限限制,最小Dielectric Loss Tangent是0,没有上限限制,推荐至少提供5个频点。 可以自己输入,也可以插入.tab文件,tab文件格式如下:从左到右分别代表频率,Permittivity和Loss Tangent。还可以将数据输出为tab文件。 输入数据的时候,图形也会同步更新,输入的数据会使用多级迪拜模型进行线性差值。Djordjevic-Sarkar Model Input:for low-loss dielectric materials (particularly FR-4) commonly used in printed circuit boards and packages. In effect, it uses an infinite distribution of poles to model the frequency response, and inparticular the nearly constant loss tangent, of these materials. This allows you to enter the relative permittivity and loss tangent at a single measurement frequency. You may optionally enter the relative permittivity and conductivity at DC. 适用于印刷电路板和封装中常用的低损耗介电材料(特别是 FR-4)。 实际上,它使用无限分布的极点来模拟这些材料的频率响应,尤其是几乎恒定的损耗角正切。 这允许您输入单个测量频率下的相对介电常数和损耗角正切。 您可以选择输入 DC 处的相对介电常数和电导率。首先输入频率的属性,包括频率大小,相对介电常数,损耗角正切和高频角,其中高频角的值至少要比频率的值高十倍。 再输入DC的属性,包括相对介电常数,电导率

comm.Parameters.append comm.CreateParameter 变量

不知道你在哪个语言环境里编写的,这里以vba为例子先定义一个变量并赋值,如下:dim i as datei=#10-01-2008#然后使用下面的语句将变量i赋给“@inpudate”comm.Parameters("@inputdate").value=i应该就可以搞定了

魔兽世界单机版为何使用.learn all_myspells后 天空全是白光

maxskill 将已会技能学至Max/Max(单手剑熟练度..等)



Black eyed peas的《Boom Boom Pow》的中文歌词?




Never Take Friendship Personal 歌词

歌曲名:Never Take Friendship Personal歌手:Anberlin专辑:Blueprints For City Friendships: The Anberlin AnthologyAnberlin - Never Take Friendship PersonalThere"s a hatchet, got a knifeWhen I awoke there was nothing real in this lifeBut dreams are so intoxicatingwhen you"re doing this aloneGun, rope, brick on the wayBut words have no meaningwhen it"s you that says, "I really do care"No baby I, I really do careInnocence GoneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?Once a skeptic, now the criticAnd you figured you finallyfound a place of your ownAmongst the cold and timid soulsWhere only failure knows your nameLook around for the closest to blameBut look no further than thehands beneath your armsAnd now you"re six feet downburied with, with your passing fame,fame,fame, FAMEInnocence GoneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?oh, oh, oh, you lieTell me something more than what you tried to hideIf you can"t find yourselfThen how can i expect to find youoh, oh, oh, you cryTell me something more than what you tryThe greatest tragedy is not your deathbut a life without reasonlife has no purposea life has no reasonlife has no purposeInnocence goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?In a sense goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?Innocence goneNever take friendship personalIf you can"t hold yourself togetherwhy should I hold you now?

You will find that with each repetition you will get something more 句子成份,语法点!that应该是代

that 在这里是引导宾语从句的,后面的with each repetition是宾语从句中的状语,然后you是宾语从句的主语,will get 是宾语从句的谓语,something是宾语,more做后置定语修饰something。

大学泛读3课文翻译why not speed up your reading?


be well up to speed with是什么意思希望可以有例句

be well up to speed with好了,速度双语对照例句:1.All these foods provide roughage as well as water to speed up a sluggish system. 所有这些食物能提供些粗粮和水一样,加快发展缓慢的系统。2.He spoke too rapidly for us to keep up with the speed of his speaking. 他说的太快了,因此我们几乎跟不上他讲话的速度。


  speed表速度; 快速; 昌盛的意思,那么你知道speed的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了speed的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!   speed的同义词辨析1:   haste, speed, hurry, dispatch   这些名词均含"迅速,急速"之意。   haste : 中性词,用作褒义指动作迅速,事情做得又快又好;作贬义用时,指做事急躁,行为鲁莽,得不到预期的结果。   speed : 多用于褒义,指行动敏捷快速,效果好。   hurry : 指急速从事某项活动或匆忙对付一件事情,含明显慌乱的意味。   dispatch : 指迅速、敏捷地结事某事,强调敏捷和及时。   speed的同义词辨析2:   speed, rate, velocity, pace   这些名词均含"速度,速率"之意。   speed : 普通用词,指单位时间内行进的固定速度或速率,也指可能达到的最高速度。   rate作"速度"讲时,与speed同义,可换用。作速率解时,指相对增长的速度,也指两种相比较而得出的标准速度。   velocity : 技术用词,指物体沿着一定方向运动时的速率。   pace : 普通用词,指步行的速度,常引申指活动的进度或生产率。   词组习语:   at speed   1. 迅速地   一辆车从他们身边疾驰而过。   a car flashed past them at speed.   up to speed   1. 以合适的速度或标准生产某物或执行某事   2. 【非正式用语】 悉知的,熟悉的   我对这些事情还不熟悉   I"m not up to speed on these issues yet.   speed的例句:   1. He pushed everyone full speed ahead until production hit a bottleneck.   他催促所有人拼命干活,直到生产遭遇瓶颈。   2. The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed.   这款相机既坚固耐用,又有超凡的光学性能和快门速度。   3. It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal.   比赛开始的时候形势大好,斯皮德以一记精彩的进球拔得头筹。   4. The train"s average speed was no better than that of our bicycles.   火车的平均速度比我们骑自行车的速度快不了多少。   5. The vehicles have a top speed of 80 kilometres per hour.   这些车辆最高时速为80公里。   6. Action had been taken to speed up the release of cheques.   已经采取行动加速支票的发放。   7. Despite its demonstrable speed and safety, the boat failed to become popular.   虽然其速度和安全性都可得到证明,但这种船还是不受欢迎。   8. Many motor accidents are the result of unthinkingly mixing speed and alcohol.   许多机动车事故都是不计后果地酒后开快车造成的。   9. We can build up the speed gradually and safely.   我们可以逐渐稳妥地提高速度。   10. Speed was of the essence in a project of this type.   对于这种项目来说,速度至关重要。   11. Its speed is probably in the neighbourhood of 380mph or even more.   它的时速大约达到了380英里,或者更快。   12. Her orbital speed must be a few hundred meters per second.   其轨道速度一定是在每秒几百米。   13. The officers pulled him over after a high-speed chase.   警察们一路狂追后截住了他。   14. This new design will offer undreamed-of levels of comfort, safety and speed.   这种新设计将会给您带来意想不到的舒适、安全和快捷。   15. The government has been caught out by the speed of events.   事情发展之迅速暴露了政府的无能。

Speed Limit 歌词

歌曲名:Speed Limit歌手:Kerli专辑:2011年1月欧美新歌速递2Speed LimitOh what a rideI wanna make you mineSpending my timeIn the waiting lineOh what a rideI don"t think you should lieEvery green lightThere is a warning signLet"s speed limit like a … from the roadLike 5 o"clock traffic on a FridayI know where I wanna goBut the road seems to be curvySpeed up slow downGet away come aroundNo stopping no turningI am sick of all my CdsAnd the radio is not playing CurlyI don"t know where we end upBut this journey gets me downOh what a rideI wanna make you mineSpending my timeIn the waiting lineOh what a rideI don"t think you should lieEvery green lightThere is a warning signLet"s speed limit like a … from the roadLike 5 o"clock traffic on a FridaySpeed up get aheadNo passing on redShow me the finger baby.. too hot.. like a parking lotPlease stop driving me crazyHate me break meRoll …This is about to get hazyFeels like time is passing me byWhile i am standing stillOh what a rideI wanna make you mineSpending my timeIn the waiting lineOh what a rideI don"t think you should lieEvery green lightThere is a warning signLet"s speed limit like a … from the roadLike 5 o"clock traffic on a FridayCan"t get through to youI can"t get through to youCan"t get through to youI can"t get through to you

up to speed 是什么意思?


we musr speed up



speed up加速at a speed of……速度为某某有帮到你吗?

微星usb speed up 什么意思

usb speed up通用串行总线加速
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