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shoppern.(名词)1. One who visits stores in search of merchandise or bargains.顾客:一个逛商店购买商品或便宜商品的人2. A commercial agent who compares the merchandise and prices of competing merchants.为商店打听行情的人:一个对互相竞争的商人的商品和价格进行比较的商业人商业员3. A commercial employee who fills mail or telephone orders.代客选购的人:一个按顾客的邮购或电话订单交货的商业雇员4. A newspaper containing advertisements and some local news, usually distributed free.商品信息报:一种登有广告和一些本地新闻的报纸,通常免费分发customern.(名词)1.One that buys goods or services.主顾:购买货物或享受服务的人2.Informal An individual with whom one must deal:【非正式用语】 家伙:必须与之打交道的人:a tough customer.强硬固执的家伙

super junior 韩文歌的音译歌词


SUPER JUNIOR 的MR.SIMPLE歌词!! 形式: 韩语(中文) 前面韩文后面括号带中文。

uc288ud37cuc8fcub2c8uc5b4(Super Junior) - Mr. SimpleBecause You Naughty, Naughty Hey!Mr. Simple Because You Naughty, Naughty uc288uc8fc uac04ub2e4! /SJ走吧!uc138uc0c1uc774 ub0b4 ub9d8ub300ub85c uc548 ub41cub2e4uace0 ud654ub9cc ub0b4uba74 uc548 ub3fc/这世界不能随我意时 不能生气uadf8ub7f4 ud544uc694 uc5c6uc9c0/那样没有必要uac71uc815ub3c4 ud314uc790ub2e4 uc791uc740 uc77cuc5d0 ub108ubb34 uc5f0uc5f0ud558uc9c0 ub9d0uc790 /就算担心也是你的命运不要过于纠结于小事ubab8uc5d0 uc88buc9c0 uc54auc544/那样对身体不好uc131uc801uc774 uc88buc558ub2e4uac00 ub098ube74ub2e4uac00 uadf8ub7f0 uac70uc9c0 ubb50 ud765!/成绩好 成绩坏 那有什么的 哼! uc2e4uc801uc774 uc62cub790ub2e4uac00 ub5a8uc5b4uc84cub2e4 uadf8ub7f0 ub54cub3c4 uc788uc9c0/业绩上去了 业绩掉下来了 那种时候也会有的uc5b4uca4cuba74 uad1cucc2euc544/该怎样释怀uc26cuc5b4 uac00ub294 uac83ub3c4 uc88buc544/息一下也挺好的ubaa8ub4e0 uac83uc774 ub54c, ub54c, ub54c, ub54c, ub54cuac00 uc788ub294 uac70ub2c8uae4c /所有的时候,时候,时候,时候,时候都会有的吧?uadf8ub300uac00 ub0a8uc790ub77cuba74 uce5cuad74 ub9ccub098 uc220 ud55c uc794uc5d0 ud138uc5b4ubc84ub9acuace0 /你是男人的话和朋友见面喝一杯就能驱散烦恼(Alright!) Alright Alright uadf8ub300uac00 uc5ecuc790ub77cuba74 uce5cuad74 ub9ccub098 uc218ub2e4 ub5a8uc5b4 ub0a0ub824ubc84ub9acuace0 /你是女人的话和朋友见面唠嗑就能将烦恼抛到九霄云外(Alright!) Alright, Alright ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple /瞧 Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838 /你 你 依旧帅气ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple /瞧 Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!) /你依旧美丽ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple /瞧 Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838 /你 你 依旧帅气ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple /瞧 Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!) /你依旧美丽uac00uc790 uac00uc790 uc5b4uc11c uac00uc790 ub9c9ud614uc744 ub550 ub3ccuc544uac00uc790 /走吧走吧快点走吧 觉得堵得慌的时候就回去吧uace8uce58 uc544ud30c uc8fduaca0ub2e4uba74 uc624ub298 ud558ub8e8ub9cc ub180uace0 ubcf4uc790/脑袋痛死了的话今天就试着玩上一天吧uc548 uadf8ub798ub3c4 uac70uce5c uc138uc0c1 uc8fduc5b4ub77c ub6f0uba74 ub098ub9cc uc9c0uccd0 /否则在这粗暴的世上拼死奔跑那只会让你累垮uae30ub2e4ub824ubd10 uc544uaef4ub46c ubd10 ub108uc758 ub0a0uc774 uace7 uc62c ud14cub2c8uae4c /等着瞧你珍贵的日子马上就会到头了Blow Your Mind uac00ub77c Mr. Simple /走吧Mr. SimpleBlow Your Mind ub54cuac00 uc654uc796uc544 ub450ub824uc6cc ub9d0uace0 /时机会到的不要害怕Blow Your Mind uac00uc790 Mr. Simple /走吧Mr. SimpleBlow Your Mind ub54cuac00 uc654uc796uc544 uc900ube44 ub410uc796uc544 /时机会到的要准备好了uc18d uc369ub294 uc77cuc774 ud55c ub450 uac00uc9c0 uc544ub2cc /费心的事情不止一件两件uc138uc0c1uc5d0 uc6b0ub9b0 uc0b4uc544 uadf8uac74 uc560ub3c4 uc54cuc544/我们在这世上生存就应该知道那个ubb50 uc774ub807uac8c uc5b4ub835ub098 uc6b0ub9ac uc798 uba39uace0 uc798 uc790uace0 ub610 uc798ud558uba74 /这有什么难得 我们吃好睡好又做得好的话uadf8ub807uac8c ud558uba74 ub418uc9c0 /那样做就可以啦uadf8ub300uac00 ud654uac00 ub098uba74 uce5cuad74 ub9ccub098 ub4b7ub2f4ud654ub85c ud480uc5b4ubc84ub9acuace0 /你若是生气了和朋友见面说说话就会释怀了(Alright!) Alrightuadf8ub300uac00 uad34ub86dub2e4uba74 ub178ub798 ubd88ub7ec uc18cub9ac uc9c8ub7ec ub0a0ub824ubc84ub9acuace0 /你要是觉得心里难受高声地唱歌将烦恼抛向九霄云外(Alright!) Alright, Alrightubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple /瞧 Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838 /你 你 依旧帅气ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple /瞧 Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!) /你依旧美丽ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple /瞧 Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838 /你 你 依旧帅气ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple /瞧 Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!) /你依旧美丽Dance uc790uc720ub780 uac8c ubb50 uadf8ub9ac ubcc4uac70 uc788ub098 /是自由的话怎会有分居一说呢Just Get It Get Ituc18cuc18cud55c uc77cud0c8uc758 uc7acubbf8 /脱离琐碎的滋味ub465ub465ub465 ucff5ucff5ucff5 /咚咚咚 空空空uc0b4uc544uc788ub294 uadf8ub308 ub290ub07cuace0 uc2f6ub098 /想感觉你自己是活着的吗Just Grab It Grab Ituac00uc2b4 ub6f0ub294 ub0b4 uafc8ub4e4uc758 uc598uae30 /让我心脏跳动的是我的梦想ub465ub465ub465 ucff5ucff5ucff5 /咚咚咚 空空空(Because You Naughty, Naughty)uc774uc81c uac71uc815 ud558uc9c0ub9c8 uc55euc5d4 uc88buc740 ub0a0uc774 uc62c uac70uc57c /现在不用担心好日子就在前方会来临的uc2ecuac01ud55c uc598uae34 ub2e4 ub4a4ub85c ubbf8ub904ub450uace0 /深刻的事都推到脑后uc624ub298uc740 ubc1duac8c uc6c3uc5b4ubd10 /今天就明亮地笑笑吧uadf8ub300uc758 ud658ud55c uc6c3uc74cuc5d0 ubaa8ub450 uae30ubd84 uc88buc544uc838 /你豁达的笑声会让大家都开心起来的ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple /瞧 Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838 /你 你 依旧帅气ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple /瞧 Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!) /你依旧美丽ubd10ub77c Mr. Simple, Simple /瞧 Mr. Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uba4buc838 /你 你 依旧帅气ubd10ub77c Miss Simple, Simple /瞧 Miss Simple, Simple uadf8ub300ub294 uadf8ub300ub85c uc608ubed0 (S J Call!) /你依旧美丽uac00uc790 uac00uc790 uc5b4uc11c uac00uc790 ub9c9ud614uc744 ub550 ub3ccuc544uac00uc790 /走吧走吧快点走吧 觉得堵得慌的时候就回去吧uace8uce58 uc544ud30c uc8fduaca0ub2e4uba74 uc624ub298 ud558ub8e8ub9cc ub180uace0 ubcf4uc790/脑袋痛死了的话今天就试着玩上一天吧uc548 uadf8ub798ub3c4 uac70uce5c uc138uc0c1 uc8fduc5b4ub77c ub6f0uba74 ub098ub9cc uc9c0uccd0 /否则在这粗暴的世上拼死奔跑那只会让你累垮uae30ub2e4ub824ubd10 uc544uaef4ub46c ubd10 ub108uc758 ub0a0uc774 uace7 uc62c ud14cub2c8uae4c /等着瞧你珍贵的日子马上就会到头了Blow Your Mind uac00ub77c Mr. Simple /走啦Mr. SimpleBlow Your Mind ub54cuac00 uc654uc796uc544 ub450ub824uc6cc ub9d0uace0 /时机会到的不要害怕Blow Your Mind uac00uc790 Mr. Simple /走吧 Mr. Simple Blow Your Mind uac00ub77c Mr. Simple/走啦 Mr. Simple 是这样吗????

Views vary from person to person.该如何翻译?


opinions on people vary

没有on, People"s opinions vary from person to person 翻译:不同的人,不同的观点. 楼主是对的.

Pearl Jam的《Hail Hail》 歌词

歌曲名:Hail Hail歌手:Pearl Jam专辑:Live 20-6-00 Arena - Verona ItalyAh, is there room for both of us? Ah, both of us apart?Are we bound out of obligation? Is that all we"ve got?I kiss the earth and then I get to thinking, I don"t want to think I want to feel.Oh how do I feel? And fucking how do I...Pearl JamLike you"re the only one and I"ll never be enough. Yeah.Hail, hail, the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.I swore I"d love you til the day I die. Oh and beyond.Oh are we going to the same place? If so can I come?It"s egg rolling thick and heavy. All the past we carry.Oh, I could be new. You underestimate me.Hail, hail, the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.I sometimes realize that I could only be as good as you"ll let me.Oh, are you woman enough to be my man? Bandaged hand in hand.I find it on the run in a race that can"t be won. Yeah.Hail, hail, the lucky ones. I refer to those in love. Yeah.If you"re my only one. I want to be your one.I want to be the one. Enough, you win. Enough, you won. Yea-ooh.Well, we"re making up for lost time here. Uh, thanks for waiting.

People views vary from person to person是什么意思


如果vary是谓语动词的话,那from people to people是什么成分?感谢您的帮助


views on this issue vary from person to person

语法没错,it is +adj/adv that句型,可以更换同类的词


Opinions vary from person to person看法因人而异双语对照例句:1.Unless the charge can be passed on from person to person. 除非这种电流能由人传给人.2.But balls vary from country to country. 不过足球在每个国家却都有所不同。

christmas tree eyelash viper是什么种类的蛇,有毒无毒在什么地区生存等

  全词直译是「圣诞树睫毛蝰蛇」,这种蛇应该是没有的。 Eyelash Viper 这种蛇是存在的,叫「扁斑蝰蛇」,这蛇生活在哥斯达黎加,资料也不好找。 viper 是蝰蛇的意思。蝰蛇都是剧毒蛇。


要点:self调用自己方法,super调用父类方法self是类,super是预编译指令【self class】和【super class】输出是一样的self和super底层实现原理:当使用 self 调用方法时,会从当前类的方法列表中开始找,如果没有,就从父类中再找;而当使用 super 时,则从父类的方法列表中开始找,然后调用父类的这个方法。当使用 self 调用时,会使用 objc_msgSend 函数: id objc_msgSend(id theReceiver, SEL theSelector, ...)。第 一个参数是消息接收者,第二个参数是调用的具体类方法的 selector,后面是 selector 方法的可变参数。以 [self setName:] 为例,编译器会替换成调用 objc_msgSend 的函数调用,其中 theReceiver 是 self,theSelector 是 @selector(setName:),这个 selector 是从当前 self 的 class 的方法列表开始找的 setName,当找到后把对应的 selector 传递过去。当使用 super 调用时,会使用 objc_msgSendSuper 函数:id objc_msgSendSuper(struct objc_super *super, SEL op, ...)第一个参数是个objc_super的结构体,第二个参数还是类似上面的类方法的selector,struct objc_super { id receiver; Class superClass;};当编译器遇到 [super setName:] 时,开始做这几个事:1)构 建 objc_super 的结构体,此时这个结构体的第一个成员变量 receiver 就是 子类,和 self 相同。而第二个成员变量 superClass 就是指父类调用 objc_msgSendSuper 的方法,将这个结构体和 setName 的 sel 传递过去。2)函数里面在做的事情类似这样:从 objc_super 结构体指向的 superClass 的方法列表开始找 setName 的 selector,找到后再以 objc_super->receiver 去调用这个 selector

歌词里有you leave me speechless 和you leave me breathless the way you look me

The Veronicas - SpeechlessFeels like I have always known youAnd I swear I dreamt about youAll those endless nights I was aloneIt"s like I"ve spent forever searchingNow I know that it was worth itWith you it feels like I am finally homeFalling head over heelsThought I knew how it feelsBut with you it"s like the first day of my lifeCuz you leave me speechlessWhen you talk to meYou leave me breathlessThe way you look at meYou manage to disarm meMy soul is shining throughCan"t help but surrenderMy everything to youI thought I could resist youI thought that I was strongSomehow you were different from what I"ve knownI didn"t see you comingYou took me by surprise andYou stole my heart before I could say noFalling head over heelsThought I knew how it feelsBut with you it"s like the first day of my lifeYou leave me speechlessWhen you talk to meYou leave me breathlessThe way you look at meYou manage to disarm meMy soul is shining throughI can"t help but surrenderOh noMy everything to youYou leave me speechless(the way you smile, the way you touch my face)You leave me breathless(it"s something that you do I can"t explain)I run a million miles just to hear you say my nameBabyYou leave me speechlessYou leave me breathlessThe way you look at meYou manage to disarm meMy soul is shining throughI can"t help but surrenderMy everything to youEND

The hairclip costs $35, but she has only $20 to ______. (spend / pay) 为何答案不能用pay?



是Love Lift Me么?歌词是这样的:Somebody told meOnce in a lifetimeDestiny finds you and blows you awaySpins you in circlesPulls you in piecesBleeds you like JesusAnd goes on its wayBut it"s oh so simple sometimesJust to lay your heart open wideIf you wanna get to heavenThen you gotta take the rideLove lift meWherever you areConvince meI"m safe in your armsLove lift meMake sense of it allTeach me to flyAnd don"t let me fallSomebody told meLove makes you stupidMakes you go crazyMakes you go blindComes uninvitedAnd leaves when it wants toCalls you at midnight and ties up your lineBut it"s oh so sweet when it"s right (there"s nothin" better)And you swear you won"t but you might (you"re gonna try)Gotta fumble in the dark if you wanna see the lightAnd when it"s all said and doneIt"s just the same for everyoneYou"re busy making your plansLove"s like a bird babyFlying out of your handsAnd it"s oh so hard to explain (we don"t know nothin")And your heart gets hold of your brain (but still we try)Better batten down the hatches babyHere we go again Love lift meWherever you areConvince meI"m safe in your armsLove lift meI"m waiting on you"Cause nothing can lift meThe way that you doLove lift meLove lift meLove lift me (only love can take me higher)I wanna fly

《Killing Hope》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Killing Hope》(William Blum)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: s78i书名:Killing Hope作者:William Blum出版社:Common Courage Press出版年份:2008页数:469内容简介:Is the United States a force for democracy?In this classic and unique volume that answers this question, William Blum serves up a forensic overview of U.S. foreign policy spanning sixty years.Remarks from the previous edition:"Far and away the best book on the topic."—Noam Chomsky"A valuable reference for anyone interested in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy."—Choice"I enjoyed it immensely."—Gore Vidal"The single most useful summary of CIA history."—John Stockwell"Each chapter I read makes me more and more angry."—Helen Caldicott"A very useful piece of work, daunting in scope, important."—Thomas Powers, author and Pulitzer Prize--winning journalist"A very valuable book. The research and organization are extremely impressive."—A.J. Langguth, author and former New York Times bureau chiefFor those who want the details on our most famous -actions (Chile, Cuba, Vietnam, to name a few), and for those who want to learn about our lesser-known efforts (France, China, Bolivia, Brazil, for example), this book provides a window on what our foreign policy goals really are.William Blum is the author of Rogue State: A Guide to the World"s Only Superpower.作者简介:William Blum"s latest book is "Freeing the World To Death: Essays on the American Empire." He lives in Washington, DC.

till it happens to you mv什么意思

lady Gaga 的新歌。她的MV说出了在很多大学都有发生的事:(性别歧视,喝多了,被人侵犯等等)。歌的意思就是想告诉人这些事是会发生的,有可能发生在我们身边,千万别说这些人什么什么的,等你也经厉这些的时候才会明白。

Carpenters的《close to you》歌词意思有谁知道

的眼光可真独到,我也一样喜欢Carpenters的这首《Close To You》。先说说简介好了:这首火红的close to you,是讲述一个女孩对心爱的男孩的青睐,歌词直截了当表明心志却又不失矜持^^以下是我的翻译,希望楼主您满意^_^Why do birds suddenly appearEvery time you are near?(为什么鸟儿总会在你走近的时候突然地出现?)Just like me, they long to beClose to you(原来,它们就像我,一直想要靠近你。)Why do stars fall down from the skyEvery time you walk by?(为什么星星总是在你路过的时候从天空中坠落?)Just like me, they long to beClose to you(原来,它们就像我,一直想要靠近你。)On the day that you were born the angels got togetherAnd decided to create a dream come true(在你出生的那一天,天使们聚集在一起,她们想要让梦想成真)So they sprinkled moon dust in your hairOf golden starlight in your eyes of blue(所以,她们往你金黄色的头发洒上月尘,并在你深蓝色的眼里注入星星的光芒)That is why all the girls in townFollow you, all around(这就是为什么城里所有的姑娘都一直跟着你、围绕在你的身边)Just like me, they long to beClose to you(因为她们就像我,一直渴望靠近你)Why? Close to you(为什么?为什么总是想要靠近你?)Haa, close to you(啊,就是要靠近你,)Why? Close to you(为什么?为什么总是想要靠近你?)好了,歌词翻译完毕^_^请楼主您一定要采纳我的一片真心回答^_^祝:在卡朋特的音乐中找到生命与音乐结合的感动。



求一首英文歌 其中说唱有一句歌词是whatever happens happens

《Whatever happens》

音乐世界cytus中Chapter I - OPERATOR的隐藏歌曲在哪?


请教 error: conflicting types for ‘print’ 为什么我声明了print编译器还是报错呀


Xcode编程为什么总在sleep时出现错误,出现conflicting types for“sleep”,以下为我的程序

#include <unistd.h>而不是stdlib.h你可以试试

这个C编译错误提示什么意思。。。lvalue required as left operand of assignment

i == n?head->next=NULL:head->next = p; 改成:head->next=(i==n?NULL:p);

conflicting types for built-in function什么意思

conflicting types for built-in function内置函数的冲突类型

c语言报错,提示conflicting types for


conflicting types for C语言


@C语言大神:为啥函数会【conflicting types】呢,它们不是完全一样的类型吗?

原形是 int trans(int,int);具体定义 是 参数是数组。 所以矛盾。把 原形 声明 改成:int trans(int a[][3],int b[][3]);或int trans(int [][3],int [][3]);

刚学数组,编了一个程序,但是总是报错conflicting type, 求大神帮我看下

只说类型冲突这个问题。在开头这两个函数是这样声明的:void scoreinput(int, int);void scoreenter(int, int);参数是两个int 类型;而在后面的定义中却是:void scoreinput(int lcv, int projects[SCORE_NUM])和void scoreenter(int projects[SCORE_NUM], int lcv)参数是一个int数组和一个int类型。要知道数组在作为形参时,传递的是地址。所以开头的声明应该是:void scoreinput(int, int a[]);void scoreenter(int a[], int);其中a是形参的名字,当然可以随意改(不过应该是要和定义中的名字一样的),关键是要有后面的中括号"[]"。

Super X-Fi是一项怎样的音频技术?哪几款耳机支持该功能?

随着显示设备分辨率的提升,传统音频设备制造商也重新意识到了耳机在“营造沉浸式体验”中的重要性。 此前许多年,该公司打造的 SoundBlaster 系列 PC 音响系统,早已深入人心。但去年推出的 Super X-Fi 技术,为头戴式耳机带来了全新的 3D 体验。 创新设计了一款便携式放大器,可以让普通耳机营造出神奇的 7.1 通道 3D 环绕立体声。 而 SXFI AIR,就是旗舰级 Super X-Fi 产品线的首发。 除了外接音源,创新还为 SXFI AIR 内置了一个 microSD 读卡器,能够独立播放 MP3、WMA、WAV 和 FLAC 音频文件。而耳机上的触控键,支持切歌和音量调节。 相比之下,SXFI AIR C 则是一款纯有线(USB-C 接口)的 Super X-Fi 耳机。 创新 SXFI AIR 现已开放预售,价格为 159.99 美元(1098 RMB),预计发布时间为 2019 年 1 月底。有线版 SXFI AIR C 现已上市,售价为 129.99 美元(892 RMB)。



Today is the Open Day



cycle [u02c8saikl] n. 循环, 周期 词性变化 cycling [u02c8saikliu014b] n. 循环, 振荡 周期工作 (循环)变化, 周期性变化 发出脉冲 骑自行车 交变负载, 交变应力 反应堆功率循环 cycling life test 闪烁寿命试验 词性变化 cycle [u02c8saikl] vt. 使循环,使轮转 circulate [u02c8su0259:kjuleit] vt. & vi. (使)循环, (使)流通 repeat [riu02c8pi:t] vi. 重复说[做] (枪)连打 (小数等)循环 [美] 投票多于一次的违法行为 (食物)留有味道 loop n. 环, 圈, 弯曲部分, 循环 vt. 使成环, 以圈结, 以环连结 vi. 打环, 翻筋斗

Perhaps we van make it later.这句的van是不是错了

范德萨,范佩西,范尼斯特鲁伊,范不隆霍斯特……的van吧van还有货车的意思。这里是can Perhaps we can make it later

shape of you里van the man什么意思

“VAN THE MAN” had its roots in the highly successful Sydney wine bar circuit of the 1970"s. “Hogan & The Becketts” (the backbone of Van the Man) played all the hits through the 80"s and 90"s, with Van Morrison being one of the favourites. In 1999 “Van the Man” was formed and started its career with a bang, being invited to perform at the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games. According to Richard Jinman of “The Age” ….. “sound right … oh yes! Van the Man do the business。。。。。。。。这个已经解释的很清楚了 网页链接参与过2000年悉尼奥运会演唱的音乐bank

the room is too small to hold 2200 and people.

(isn"t big enough ) 这句话的意思是:这间房子对于住10个人来说太小了(不是足够的大).)太...而不能.) 2.isn"t + 形容词 + enough + to do something.(是它的同义句,指不是足够的.去.) 此乃小女子之见解, 就是这样子的吧!

暮光之城3里面Jasper Hale贾斯帕·黑尔将他以前的那段经历


在篮球中jumper / drive / post up等是什么意思?

jumper 弹跳力drive 进攻post up 背身单打NBA篮球英语术语 投 篮 方 式 篇 dunk 灌篮 bank shot 擦板球 double pump 拉杆式投篮 fade-away shot 后仰式跳投 hook shot 钩射投篮 jump shot 跳投 layup 带球上篮 perimeter shot 中距离投篮 set shot 立定投篮 three-point shot 三分球 统 计 术 语 篇 assist 助攻 block shot 阻攻 defensive rebound 防守篮板球 field goal percentage 投球命中率 field goal 投球命中 free throw percentage 罚球命中率 free throw 罚球 offensive rebound 进攻篮板球 rebound 篮板球 scoring 得分 steal 抄截 three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率 turnover 失误 场 地 装 备 篇 backboard 篮板 back court 后场 freethrow lane 罚球圈 freethrow line 罚球线 front court 前场 game clock 比赛用时钟 halftime 中场休息时间 hoop 篮框,篮圈 mid-court 中场 net 篮网 painted area 罚球圈 restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域 rim 篮框,篮圈 scoring table 记录台,记分台 shot clock 时限钟 three-point line 三分线 top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端的三分球线附近 wing (左、右两边)底线区域 规 则 篇 blocking foul 阻挡犯规 buzzer 蜂鸣器 charging foul (带球)撞人(犯规) dead ball 死球 defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分 delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行 disqualification 犯满离场 double dribble 两次运球 ejection 驱逐出场 elbowing 打拐子 expiration 时间终了 first half 上半场 first period 比赛的第一节 flagrant foul 恶性犯规 foul 犯规 foul out 犯满离场 foul trouble 快要犯满离场 full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停 goaltending 干扰投篮得分 hand-checking 以手掌推挡对方进攻球员之犯规动作 held ball 持球 illegal defense 防守违例 illegal offense 进攻违例 jump ball 争球,跳球 loose ball foul 双方均无持球权时的犯规 offensive basket interference 进攻方干扰投篮得分 out of bound 球出界线 overtime 加时赛 referee 裁判 second half 下半场 shot clock violation 违反24秒内必须投篮时限之规定 substitute 换人 suspension 停止出赛 technical foul 技术犯规 ten-second violation 进攻方10秒钟之违例 three-second violation (篮下)3秒钟之违例 throw a punch 出拳打架 throw in 发球入场 traveling / walking 走步 twenty-second timeout 只有20秒钟之暂停





perfect slim减肥药

此类产品相关标准为国际食品法典委员会公布的《减肥用低能量配方食品标准(Codex Standard for Formula Foods for use in Very Low Energy Diets for Weight Reduction )》,如日本的soypaldiet和美国的Slimfast,其产品特点是高膳食纤维、低热量、易有饱腹感,因此,无疑可以减肥。减肥效果不好的顾客一定是方法不对,或者配合不好。如果严格按照方法食用,并配合饮食控制及适量运动,一定可以减肥。

GTA4里的Phil Bell和Jimmy Pegorino问题(弱弱地问)

你再等一会,Phil会打电话告诉你Jimmy需要你,然后Jimmy任务线开启,完成Jimmy的两个任务后,Phil的第二个任务开启 打不通Jimmy是当然的,你给Bell打个电话试试

以撒的结合重生妈妈的珍珠Mom*s Pearl有什么用


以撒的结合重生妈妈的珍珠Mom*s Pearl有什么用

掉落的“红心”本身有一定概率被“魂心”所替代——饰品:妈妈的珍珠(Mom"s Pearl)可以提升此概率(10%)可以与被动道具"主教皇冠"(Mitre)所重叠(此道具可提升此概率大约50%)

求Super Junior 《bittersweet》的歌词 标明谁唱哪一句 谢谢



- -!没听明白。
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