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日文歌 planet 中文谐音歌词

PLANET苦牙呆 苦牙呆那尬 呕哇 kei你都哈那嗖嘎啊类那呆 哭类 大 呆艾啊 搜古 kei素以带苦类我苦哇kei迷路 苦啦呐t 那哇栗子 字改呆迷字我 给迷路 搜哇呆伯哭 咯尬搜艾呆 那给来到撒有那啦 男该 那一哟奶哦尬啦你 几我哈子类咯尬撒一够那奶古有 古代有 奶一也一 哈来 艾呆够大啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦 苦男呆 苦男呆kei一 都不 哦度奶大尬搜奶以西那白 干 足以呆 哇 萨拉 路度类牙西奶kei迷弄一 那一哈休蛮 口某哦你苦来呆毛一几那一 表苦窝 biang几那尬大 来开咯到卡迷撒嘛蓝(an)呆那一哟一字嘛呆嘛 呆嘛九呆九奶哇 哇来买噶那 系木有 大五到那猫 尬米西买 冷大kei米哇 伯苦u 呆哟组问呆奥猫艾西 奶该咯到 撒有那啦 男该 那一哟奶哦尬啦你 几我哈子类咯那撒一 够蛮奶古有 古代有 奶一也一 哈来 艾呆够大啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦


可数名词,例句:Earth and Mars are planets.

想要ラムジ的planet 的假名歌词,汉字要全部注音,非常谢谢。





歌名就叫 PLANET动漫 你的名字 主题曲




M.S.S. Planet【罗马音+平假名】M.S.S.Planetjuuyon no tokini 十四 の 时に     sa da me ugokida su さ だ め 动き出 す itsuwari no sekai de 伪り の 世界 で     kizu ku so sa e te i 筑 く ソ サ エ テ ィ inga no yami ka ra 因果 の 暗 か ら     ka o su ga umare ta カ オ ス が 生まれ た nanno konkyo mo na i 何の 根拠 も な い     ore no mousou da ke do 俺 の 妄想 だ け ど kurikae su rinne 缲り返 す 轮廻     shikkoku no enhonoh 漆黒 の 炎 daisan no me ga hira ku 第三 の 眼 が 开 く imi no na i goto ni 意味 の な い 事 に   imi ga a ru so re ni 意味 が あ る   そ れ に ki zu ku no ha 気 づ く の は     otona ni na ru ka ra 大人 に な る か ら fukakutei na sonzai de iki ru no ga 不确定 な 存在 で   生き る の が     ore ta chi ha ko no saki mo 俺 た ち は   こ の 先 も zetsubou ka ra nige ru tameni 绝望 か ら 逃げ る 为に   meza shi ta risoukyou 目指 し た 理想郷 soumei pu ra ne tto 聡明 プ ラ ネ ット mezame ru ginga 目覚め る 银河 shikkoku datenshi ha 漆黒 堕天使 は     doko ni i ru no ka 何処 に 居 る の か kyuukyoku pu ra ne tto 究极 プ ラ ネ ット dare mo kana wa na i 谁 も 敌 わ な い i tsu ka ko no sekai wo tobidashi te い つ か こ の 世界 を 飞び出し て ankoku no sekai 暗黒 の 世界   oimoto me te i ta 追い求 め て い た hiro i teigi de ha 広 い 定义 で は ko ko mo gya ra ku shi こ こ も ギャ ラ ク シ ー a n do ro me da ginga ア ン ド ロ メ ダ 银河   e ku su pu ro sho n エ ク ス プ ロ ー ショ ン shinsoushinri ga 深层心理 が   so ra wo motome te ru そ ら を 求め て る deki na i goto ba ka ri 出来 な い 事 ば か り     kangae te i ta 考え て い た genjitsu ha ama ku na i 现実 は 甘 く な い fukanou ga kanou ni 不可能 が 可能 に   na ra na i to wa ka ru shunkan な ら な い と わ か る 瞬间 otona ni na ru doki 大人 に な る 时 kanzen muteki no shounen no kioku 完全 无敌 の   少年 の 记忆   kie te i ku keshi te i ku 消え て い く   消し て い く nidoto modo re na i 二度と 戻 れ な い     juuyon no ginga to ji te i ku 十四 の 银河 闭 じ て い く boukyaku pu ra ne tto 忘却 プ ラ ネ ット   bokuha Ima ka ra 仆は 今 か ら shikkoku datenshi ni 漆黒 堕天使 に wakare wo tsuge ru 别れ を 告げ る pu ra ne tto MS プ ラ ネ ット     tsugi no wakusei he 次 の 惑星 へ tadoritsu ku goro ni ha 辿り着 く 顷 に は     wasure te ru 忘れ て る ? reimei pu ra ne tto 黎明 プ ラ ネ ット     mezame ru ginga 目覚め る 银河 shikkoku datenshi ha 漆黒 堕天使 は     boku no gokoro ni 仆 の 心 に kyuukyoku pu ra ne tto 究极 プ ラ ネ ット     gu ra n do ku ro su グ ラ ン ド ク ロ ス kokoni i ru kagiri ha 此処に い る 限り は   ore no kachi 俺 の 胜ち saikyou pu ra ne tto 最强 プ ラ ネ ット     ra gu na ro ku ラ グ ナ ロ ク kyokugen pu ra ne tto 极限 プ ラ ネ ット   e ku ri pu su エ ク リ プ ス shuuen pu ra ne tto 终焉 プ ラ ネ ット     bi ggu ba n ビ ッグ バ ン pu ra ne tto MS プ ラ ネ ット     ka o su a n sa カ オ ス ア ン サ ー




怎么做,这么做,嘿,还能和你说话吧? 即使那样,即使这样,现在马上苏醒吧。 我不停地围绕你的行星转动, 一直在你的身边,即使只是细数你的黑痣。 我不要说再见...却从今天开始偏离轨道。 目送你,直到最后,永远永远与你分离。 啦啦啦... 变成怎样,变成这样,结果只是孤影伫立。 迷失,醒来,事到如今,回不去了。 没有你的地方,无法生活。 虽然再一次感觉到你的引力。 不存在什么上帝,无论何时都在徘徊。 无法选择的悲伤,反反复复地咀嚼。 你是我的太阳,全部为你燃烧。 我不要说再见...却从今天开始偏离轨道。 目送你,直到最后,永远永远与你分离。


是《星空清理者》片尾曲。歌名:PLANET作曲 : ラムジ作词 : ラムジどうやって こうやって要怎么做?就这么做また ほら 君(きみ)と话(はな)そうか?嗯...现在还能和你说话吧?あれだって これだって那样也好,这样也好今(いま)すぐ気付(きづ)いてくれ真希望现在你能快点觉察到我仆(ぼく)は君(きみ)の惑星(プラネット)回(まわ)り続(つづ)けて我是一颗不停地围绕你转动的行星いつも君(きみ)のそばで我本会一直在你的身边黒点(ほくろ)数(かぞ)えてたけれど即使只是细数你的小缺点サヨナラなんてないよ...不要说再见...今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ今天我要开始偏离你的轨道最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ目送你,直到最后永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだ因为我将要永远与你分离ラララ...啦啦啦どうなって こうなって为什么会变成这样结局(けっきょく) 独(ひと)り伫(たたず)んで最终仍旧是我独自一人伫立在这失(うしな)って 勘(かん)づいて失去之后 才意识到今(いま)さら 戻(もど)れやしない事到如今 再也回不去了君(きみ)のいない场所(ばしょ)で在没有你的场所途方(とほう)に暮(く)れて我完全不知所措もう一度(いちど)引力(いんりょく)を你对我的吸引力感(かん)じたかったんだけれど到现在都还想感受一下神様(かみさま)なんていないよ可是这世上并没有什么神明いつまで待(ま)っても巡回中(じゅんかいちゅう)无论期盼到何时都只能在自己的轨道中巡回选(えら)ばれない悲(かな)しみを没有被选择的悲伤何度(なんど)でも噛(か)みしめるんだ究竟还要再尝多少次?君(きみ)は仆(ぼく)の太阳(たいよう)你就是我的太阳全(すべ)てを燃(も)やしたけれど已将我的精力全部燃尽サヨナラなんてないよ...不要说再见...今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ从今天起就要偏离你的轨道最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ目送你,直到最后永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだ因为我将要永远与你分离ラララ...啦啦啦ラララ...啦啦啦需知:《星空清理者》是由日本动画制作公司SUNRISE制作,改编自日本漫画家幸村诚的同名漫画的电视动画。2003年10月4日至2004年4月17日在NHKBS2频道播放,一共26话。NHK教育频道也自2004年7月14日(7月15日)起于每周星期三凌晨0:25时段播放,持续到2005年1月26日(1月27日)。故事以2075年的太空为背景,并围绕着一组太空垃圾收集人员发展。

日文歌 planet 中文谐音歌词

ue70e提问ue70cue711日文歌 planet 中文谐音歌词我有更好回答请输入您的回答,好内容帮助更多人…发布3条回答热心网友2018-02-23PLANET苦牙呆 苦牙呆那尬 呕哇 kei你都哈那嗖嘎啊类那呆 哭类 大 呆艾啊 搜古 kei素以带苦类我苦哇kei迷路 苦啦呐t 那哇栗子 字改呆迷字我 给迷路 搜哇呆伯哭 咯尬搜艾呆 那给来到撒有那啦 男该 那一哟奶哦尬啦你 几我哈子类咯尬撒一够那奶古有 古代有 爱一爱哦你哈拿爱得苦得啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦苦男呆 苦男呆kei一 都不 哦度奶大尬搜奶以西那白 干 足以呆 哇 萨拉 路度类牙西奶kei迷弄一 那一哈休蛮 口某哦你苦来呆毛一几那一 表苦窝 biang几那尬大 来开咯到卡迷撒嘛蓝(an)呆那一哟一字嘛呆嘛 呆嘛九呆九奶哇 哇来买噶那 系木有 大五到那猫 尬米西买 冷大kei米哇 伯苦u 呆哟组问呆奥猫艾西 奶该咯到撒有那啦 男该 那一哟奶哦尬啦你 几我哈子类咯那撒一 够蛮奶古有 古代有 爱一爱哦你哈拿爱得苦得啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦


PLANET老哥信我没错的 段友出征,寸草不生!






どうやって こうやってまたほら君(きみ)と话(はな)そうかあれだって これだって今(いま)すぐ気付(きづ)いてくれ仆(ぼく)は君(きみ)の惑星(ぷらねっと)回(まわ)り続(つづ)けていつも君(きみ)のそばで黒点(ほくろ)数(かぞ)えてたけれどさよならなんてないよ今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだらららどうなって こうなって结局(けっきょく)独(ひと)り伫(たたず)んで失(うしな)って 勘(かん)づいて今(いま)さら戻(もど)れやしない君(きみ)のいない场所(ばしょ)で途方(とほう)に暮(く)れてもう一度(いちど)引力(いんりょく)を感(かん)じたかったんだけれど神様(かみさま)なんていないよいつまで待(ま)っても巡回中(じゅんかいちゅう)选(えら)ばれない悲(なか)しみを何度(なんど)でも噛(か)みしめるんだ君(きみ)は仆(ぼく)の太阳(たいよう)全(すべ)てを燃(も)やしたけれどさよならなんてないよ今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだらららららら


PLANET苦牙呆 苦牙呆那尬 呕哇 kei你都哈那嗖嘎啊类那呆 哭类 大 呆艾啊 搜古 kei素以带苦类 我苦哇kei迷路 苦啦呐t 那哇 栗子 字改 呆迷字我 给迷路 搜哇呆伯哭 咯尬搜艾呆 那给来到 撒有那啦 男该 那一哟 奶哦尬啦你 几我哈子类咯尬撒一够那奶古有 古代有 奶一也一 哈来 艾呆够大啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦苦男呆 苦男呆kei一 都不 哦度奶大尬搜奶以西那白 干 足以呆 哇 萨拉 路度类牙西奶kei迷弄一 那一哈休蛮 口某哦你苦来呆毛一几那一 表苦窝 biang几那尬大 来开咯到卡迷撒嘛蓝(an)呆那一哟一字嘛呆嘛 呆嘛九呆九奶哇 哇来买噶那 系木有 大五到那猫 尬米西买 冷大kei米哇 伯苦u 呆哟组问呆奥猫艾西 奶该咯到撒有那啦 男该 那一哟奶哦尬啦你 几我哈子类咯那撒一 够蛮奶古有 古代有 奶一也一 哈来 艾呆够大啦 啦啦 啦啦啦啦 啦啦

想要ラムジ的planet 的假名歌词,汉字要全部注音,谢谢。

首先建议各位花些时间看一看50音图(浊音、促音。拗音),网上就能找到一些视屏,那么下面的这些罗马音就不是事儿,下面歌词中ん=n发鼻音,类似:恩,举例:勘(かん)发音就是卡恩(注意!勘在拼音中发一个音kan,在日语中是两个音ka n)。下面部分歌词中有注解《Planet》どうやって こうやってdo u ya te ko u ya te要怎么做?就这么做また ほら 君(きみ)と话(はな)そうか?mata hora (kimi) to (hana) so u ka ?嗯...现在还能和你说话吧?あれだって これだってa re da te ko re da te那样也好,这样也好今(いま)すぐ気付(きづ)いてくれ(i ma)su gu (ki zu) i te ku re真希望现在你能快点觉察到我(注解:日语外来语(惑星(プラネット) =Planet),发音相似)仆(ぼく)は君(きみ)の惑星(プラネット) 回(まわ)り続(つづ)けて(bo ku) ha (kimi)no (pu ra ne t)(ma wa) ri (tsu zi)ke te我是一颗不停地围绕你转动的行星いつも君(きみ)のそばでi tsu mo (ki mi) no so ba de我本会一直在你的身边黒点(ほくろ)数(かぞ)えてたけれど(ho ku ro)(ka zo)e te ta ke re do即使只是细数你的小缺点サヨナラなんてないよ yo na ra na n re na i yo不要说再见...(注解:(拗音Kyo))今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ(Kyo u)ka ra(mi chi)o (ha zu)re n da今天我要开始偏离你的轨道最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ(sa i go)ma de(mi)(o ku) te yo目送你,直到最后永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだ(e i e n)ni (ha na) re te ku n da因为我将要永远与你分离ラララ...ra ra ra...啦啦啦...どうなって こうなってdo u na te ko u na te为什么会变成这样结局(けっきょく) 独(ひと)り伫(たたず)んで(ke Kyo u)(hi to)ri (ta ta zu)n de最终仍旧是我独自一人伫立在这失(うしな)って 勘(かん)づいて(u shi na) te (ka n)zu i te失去之后 才意识到今(いま)さら 戻(もど)れやしない(i ma) sa ra (mo do)re ya shi na i事到如今 再也回不去了君(きみ)のいない场所(ばしょ)で(ki mi) no i na i (ba sho)de在没有你的场所途方(とほう)に暮(く)れて(to ho u)ni(ku)re te我完全不知所措(注解:(拗音Riu))もう一度(いちど)引力(いんりょく)をmo u (i chi do)(i n Riu ku)o你对我的吸引力感(かん)じたかったんだけれど(ka n)zi ta ka ta n da ke re do到现在都还想感受一下神様(かみさま)なんていないよ(ka mi sa ma)na n te i na i yo可是这世上并没有什么神明(注解:(拗音Ziu Qiu),Qiu类似发音:丘)いつまで待(ま)っても巡回中(じゅんかいちゅう)i tsu ma de(ma) te mo (Ziu n ka i Qiu u)无论期盼到何时都只能在自己的轨道中巡回选(えら)ばれない悲(かな)しみを(e ra)ba re na i (ka na)shi mi o没有被选择的悲伤何度(なんど)でも噛(か)みしめるんだ(na n do)de mo (ka) mi shi me ru n da究竟还要再尝多少次?君(きみ)は仆(ぼく)の太阳(たいよう)(ki mi)ha (bo ku)no (ta i yo u)你就是我的太阳全(すべ)てを燃(も)やしたけれど(su be)te o (mo)ya shi ta ke re do已将我的精力全部燃尽サヨナラなんてないよ yo na ra na n te na i yo不要说再见...今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ(Kyo u)ka ra (mi chi)o (ha zu)re n da从今天起就要偏离你的轨道最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ(sa i go)ma de (mi)(o ku) te yo目送你,直到最后永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだ(e i e n)ni (ha na)re te kun da因为我将要永远与你分离ラララ...ra ra ra...啦啦啦 ...ラララ...ra ra ra...啦啦啦 ...








兜牙..嘚 扣牙..嘚马它-吼辣-kimi兜哈那so ga啊类.哒..得 扣类 哒嘚 姨妈 苏虎key苏一嘚哭类波苦哇kimi 喽 扑啦内妈哇 力出卒 K嘚一促摸kimi no 搜爸嘚吼哭 喽卡so A嘚 哒给勒兜仨油那啦 难 嘚 哪一油Q哦嘎啦米 鸡窝 哪只 雷有 嘎塞一狗满得 一有苦得有爱一爱哦Ni 哈拿爱嘚Ku哒啦... 啦... 啦... 啦... 啦...兜哪..嘚 扣哪..嘚K哎 Q苦 ki抖腻 tia哒 租en嘚屋西那嘚 卡嗯租一嘚姨妈 萨拉 摸多类 呀洗那一kimi弄一 那一 八休嘚脱后 奥你 苦类嘚摸一 几兜一 邀Ku哦 勘 几哒卡阿哒 打开类多卡迷撒嘛 男嘚 那一哟咪促麻呆麻 待麻究呆究诶啦 扒类 乃卡那 西米喔难 兜 K 哞 卡咪C没 len哒 kimi哇伯苦no 哒一哟苏呗呆噢摸呀洗 哒K勒多仨油那啦 难 嘚 哪一由Q哦嘎啦咪 鸡窝 哈子 勒有 哒塞一狗买得 一有 苦得有爱一爱哦你 哈拿爱得苦得啦... 啦... 啦... 啦... 啦...

谁能告诉我planet的音译歌词,就是这首歌曲的谐音 音译下来 谢谢大神!!

多丫爹郭丫爹 那卡 哦哇 ki努多哈娜嗦嘎阿俩那爹 郭俩那爹伊娃 素鲁 ki素依贴酷咧哦酷啊ki内喽酷啦咩~那娃一滋滋get爹一资末ki米录索娜咩~喔酷罗卡索at爹 大get俩多~塞哟麻辣嘛爹嘛依哟咔哦耷拉米鸡喔哈素俩噶撒依郭嘛爹逼哟骨爹哟诶依诶~米啊纳哈爹谷哒啦啦啦多呐爹郭呐爹kie诶giao骨奴ho丽哒哒索爹母西呐爹敢随依爹依嘛 萨拉 母多咧亚希买ki米喏依纳依大xio给左hoho你酷俩爹莫依鸡多依嗯多骨哦看~戏大噶~啊吧 爹get啦多噶米撒嘛男爹嘛依哦一资嘛哒嘛爹莫最改族诶啦吧啦买噶来死米哟男嗯多爹莫咔米细咩轮哒啊~ ~ki米哇无酷喏歹用丝get爹哦莫丫西 爹get俩多塞哟麻辣嘛爹嘛依哟咔哦耷拉米鸡喔哈素俩噶撒依郭嘛爹逼哟骨爹哟诶依诶~米啊纳哈咧谷哒啦啦啦


是《星空清理者》片尾曲。歌名:PLANET作曲 : ラムジ作词 : ラムジどうやって こうやって要怎么做?就这么做また ほら 君(きみ)と话(はな)そうか?嗯...现在还能和你说话吧?あれだって これだって那样也好,这样也好今(いま)すぐ気付(きづ)いてくれ真希望现在你能快点觉察到我仆(ぼく)は君(きみ)の惑星(プラネット)回(まわ)り続(つづ)けて我是一颗不停地围绕你转动的行星いつも君(きみ)のそばで我本会一直在你的身边黒点(ほくろ)数(かぞ)えてたけれど即使只是细数你的小缺点サヨナラなんてないよ...不要说再见...今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ今天我要开始偏离你的轨道最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ目送你,直到最后永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだ因为我将要永远与你分离ラララ...啦啦啦どうなって こうなって为什么会变成这样结局(けっきょく) 独(ひと)り伫(たたず)んで最终仍旧是我独自一人伫立在这失(うしな)って 勘(かん)づいて失去之后 才意识到今(いま)さら 戻(もど)れやしない事到如今 再也回不去了君(きみ)のいない场所(ばしょ)で在没有你的场所途方(とほう)に暮(く)れて我完全不知所措もう一度(いちど)引力(いんりょく)を你对我的吸引力感(かん)じたかったんだけれど到现在都还想感受一下神様(かみさま)なんていないよ可是这世上并没有什么神明いつまで待(ま)っても巡回中(じゅんかいちゅう)无论期盼到何时都只能在自己的轨道中巡回选(えら)ばれない悲(かな)しみを没有被选择的悲伤何度(なんど)でも噛(か)みしめるんだ究竟还要再尝多少次?君(きみ)は仆(ぼく)の太阳(たいよう)你就是我的太阳全(すべ)てを燃(も)やしたけれど已将我的精力全部燃尽サヨナラなんてないよ...不要说再见...今日(きょう)から轨道(みち)を外(はず)れんだ从今天起就要偏离你的轨道最後(さいご)まで见(み)送(おく)ってよ目送你,直到最后永远(えいえん)に离(はな)れてくんだ因为我将要永远与你分离ラララ...啦啦啦ラララ...啦啦啦《星空清理者》是由日本动画制作公司SUNRISE制作,改编自日本漫画家幸村诚的同名漫画的电视动画。2003年10月4日至2004年4月17日在NHKBS2频道播放,一共26话。NHK教育频道也自2004年7月14日(7月15日)起于每周星期三凌晨0:25时段播放,持续到2005年1月26日(1月27日)。故事以2075年的太空为背景,并围绕着一组太空垃圾收集人员发展。


《星空清理者》片尾曲。《PLANET》是日本组合ラムジ作词作曲并演唱的一首日文歌曲,收录于专辑《3ラムジ (3 Lambsey)》。《星空清理者》为日本漫画家幸村诚的漫画作品,后为谷口悟朗监督改编为电视动画。故事以2075年的太空为背景,并围绕着一组太空垃圾收集人员发展。剧情简介:2075年,人类的发展已不局限于地球而向太空进发,但人类的活动却令不少垃圾遗留于太空上,并危及周围的太空站及航天飞船的安全。隶属Technora公司的垃圾收集部门肩负太空垃圾的清除及收集任务,于地球及月球轨道上进行垃圾清理的工作。《Planet-ES》并不是一部以偶像作为卖点或者美女作为噱头的动画,而是有着优秀剧情和饱满人物的用心之作。




是可数的 The earth is one of the (planets).



Planet Of Weed 歌词

歌曲名:Planet Of Weed歌手:Fountains of Wayne专辑:Traffic And WeatherPlanet Of WeedFountains Of WayneTraffic and WeatherFountains Of Wayne - Planet Of Weedloving wm, always :)I"ve got everything I needHere on the Planet of WeedThere"s not much going onBut it"s just my speedThere"s no hatred and no greedHere on the Planet of WeedEveryone gets alongIt"s quite pleasant indeedOh baby babyWon"t you come with meSet your mind at easeSet your spirit freeWhat a wonderful life we could leadTogetherOn the Planet of WeedWe"ve got magazines to readWe"ve got Doritos to eatSo lay back on the couchAnd kick up your feetThere"s a movie on TVI"ve been meaning to seeIt"s by Oliver StoneOh baby babyWon"t you come with meSet your mind at easeSet your spirit freeWhat a wonderful life we could leadTogetherForeverLife is betterOn the Planet of Weed-- End --


star是恒星,planet是行星,恒星就是自身能产热发光的星体,行星是一般来说本身是不发光产热,但像木星,其成分和恒星类似,且存在一定的发热功能。 行星围绕恒星运动,此处的恒星为单星,因为如果是双星或以上,则在形成双星的过程中没有物质形成行星。 古代人通过观测将星星分为两类,在天空中位置不发生变化的称为恒星,而运动轨迹很奇怪的就为行星(此处排除了彗星等小天体)。


您好,我就为大家解答关于planet怎么读,plane相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、lane1KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 平面2. ... 您好,我就为大家解答关于planet怎么读,plane相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、lane1KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 平面2. 程度;水平;阶段;级Try to keep your work on a high plane.努力将你的工作保持在高水平上。 2、3. 【口】飞机4. 【空】机翼a.1. 平的,平坦的;平面的The surface must be completely plane.这表面必须完全平坦。 3、vi.1. 翱翔2. (水上飞机等)在水面滑行,在水面掠过3. 乘飞机旅行plane2KK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. 刨子[C]vt.1. 用刨子刨,用刨子刨成[O8]He planed the bench smooth.他将凳子刨平。 4、2. 用刨子刨掉[(+down/away)]There are still a few rough places on the surface of the table that need to be planed down.桌子的表面仍有一些粗糙的地方需刨平。 5、vi.1. 刨The carpenter is planing away at a plank.木工在使劲刨一块木板。 6、plane3KK: []DJ: []n.1. 【植】悬铃木(=plane trees)[C]。


M.S.S. Planet【罗马音+平假名】M.S.S.Planetjuuyon no tokini 十四 の 时に     sa da me ugokida su さ だ め 动き出 す itsuwari no sekai de 伪り の 世界 で     kizu ku so sa e te i 筑 く ソ サ エ テ ィ inga no yami ka ra 因果 の 暗 か ら     ka o su ga umare ta カ オ ス が 生まれ た nanno konkyo mo na i 何の 根拠 も な い     ore no mousou da ke do 俺 の 妄想 だ け ど kurikae su rinne 缲り返 す 轮廻     shikkoku no enhonoh 漆黒 の 炎 daisan no me ga hira ku 第三 の 眼 が 开 く imi no na i goto ni 意味 の な い 事 に   imi ga a ru so re ni 意味 が あ る   そ れ に ki zu ku no ha 気 づ く の は     otona ni na ru ka ra 大人 に な る か ら fukakutei na sonzai de iki ru no ga 不确定 な 存在 で   生き る の が     ore ta chi ha ko no saki mo 俺 た ち は   こ の 先 も zetsubou ka ra nige ru tameni 绝望 か ら 逃げ る 为に   meza shi ta risoukyou 目指 し た 理想郷 soumei pu ra ne tto 聡明 プ ラ ネ ット mezame ru ginga 目覚め る 银河 shikkoku datenshi ha 漆黒 堕天使 は     doko ni i ru no ka 何処 に 居 る の か kyuukyoku pu ra ne tto 究极 プ ラ ネ ット dare mo kana wa na i 谁 も 敌 わ な い i tsu ka ko no sekai wo tobidashi te い つ か こ の 世界 を 飞び出し て ankoku no sekai 暗黒 の 世界   oimoto me te i ta 追い求 め て い た hiro i teigi de ha 広 い 定义 で は ko ko mo gya ra ku shi こ こ も ギャ ラ ク シ ー a n do ro me da ginga ア ン ド ロ メ ダ 银河   e ku su pu ro sho n エ ク ス プ ロ ー ショ ン shinsoushinri ga 深层心理 が   so ra wo motome te ru そ ら を 求め て る deki na i goto ba ka ri 出来 な い 事 ば か り     kangae te i ta 考え て い た genjitsu ha ama ku na i 现実 は 甘 く な い fukanou ga kanou ni 不可能 が 可能 に   na ra na i to wa ka ru shunkan な ら な い と わ か る 瞬间 otona ni na ru doki 大人 に な る 时 kanzen muteki no shounen no kioku 完全 无敌 の   少年 の 记忆   kie te i ku keshi te i ku 消え て い く   消し て い く nidoto modo re na i 二度と 戻 れ な い     juuyon no ginga to ji te i ku 十四 の 银河 闭 じ て い く boukyaku pu ra ne tto 忘却 プ ラ ネ ット   bokuha Ima ka ra 仆は 今 か ら shikkoku datenshi ni 漆黒 堕天使 に wakare wo tsuge ru 别れ を 告げ る pu ra ne tto MS プ ラ ネ ット     tsugi no wakusei he 次 の 惑星 へ tadoritsu ku goro ni ha 辿り着 く 顷 に は     wasure te ru 忘れ て る ? reimei pu ra ne tto 黎明 プ ラ ネ ット     mezame ru ginga 目覚め る 银河 shikkoku datenshi ha 漆黒 堕天使 は     boku no gokoro ni 仆 の 心 に kyuukyoku pu ra ne tto 究极 プ ラ ネ ット     gu ra n do ku ro su グ ラ ン ド ク ロ ス kokoni i ru kagiri ha 此処に い る 限り は   ore no kachi 俺 の 胜ち saikyou pu ra ne tto 最强 プ ラ ネ ット     ra gu na ro ku ラ グ ナ ロ ク kyokugen pu ra ne tto 极限 プ ラ ネ ット   e ku ri pu su エ ク リ プ ス shuuen pu ra ne tto 终焉 プ ラ ネ ット     bi ggu ba n ビ ッグ バ ン pu ra ne tto MS プ ラ ネ ット     ka o su a n sa カ オ ス ア ン サ ー

请解释一下“奥巴马竞选胜利演说”中的“a planet in peril”


(Hed) Planet Earth的《Other Side》 歌词

歌曲名:Other Side歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth专辑:BlackoutHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everI heard your voice through a photographI thought it up it brought up the pastOnce you know you can never go backI"ve got to take it on the othersideCenturies are what it meant to meA cemetery where I marry the seaStranger things could never change my mindI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everPour my life into a paper cupThe ashtray"s full and I"m spillin" my gutsShe wants to know am I still a slutI"ve got to take it on the othersideScarlet starlet and she"s in my bedA candidate for my soul mate bledPush the trigger and pull the threadI"ve got to take it on the othersideTake it on the othersideTake it onTake it onHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everTurn me on take me for a hard rideBurn me out leave me on the othersideI yell and tell it thatIt"s not my friendI tear it down I tear it downAnd then it"s born againHow long how long will I slideSeparate my sideI don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I everHow long I don"tI don"t believe it"s badSlit my throatIt"s all I ever

谁能给我MJ的 Planet Earth(Poem) 歌词兼翻译

Planet Earth, my home, my place行星地球,我的家,我的地方A capricious anomaly in the sea of space宇宙海洋中奇特的异象Planet Earth are you just行星地球你是否只是Floating by, a cloud of dust一团飘荡的尘土A minor globe, about to bust一个快破的小球A piece of metal bound to rust一片必要生锈的金属A speck of matter in a mindless void 一点混沌无知的元素A lonely spaceship, a large asteroid一艘寂寞的太空船,一颗大点的飞行物Cold as a rock without a hue像毫无色彩的石头一样冷酷Held together with a bit of glue又像只用点胶水粘住Something tells me this isn"t true 不,真想已经表露You are my sweetheart, soft and blue你是我的甜心,柔弱而忧郁Do you care, have you a part是否介意,让我将你拥有In the deepest emotions of my own heart在我情意之最深处Tender with breezes caressing and whole 如微风轻抚Alive with music, haunting my soul. 如音乐不止,永远萦绕心头In my veins I"ve felt the mystery 深入肺腑,我体验了时间的奥秘,Of corridors of time, books of history历史的典籍Life songs of ages throbbing in my blood生命行进之歌在我血液里舞动Have danced to the rhythm of the tide and flood这舞动的节奏是大水和潮汐Your misty clouds, your electric storm你黯淡的乌云,你刺激的风暴Were turbulent tempests in my own form在我体内骚动,咆哮I"ve licked the salt, the bitter, the sweet我已遍尝咸涩,辛辣和甘甜Of every encounter, of passion, of heat可每次遇见你都会有激情和高潮Your riotous color, your fragrance, your taste你丰富的色调,你的馨香,你的味道Have thrilled my senses beyond all haste永远让我惊颤,越越过任何狂躁In your beauty, I"ve known the how在你的美丽中,我已知晓Of timeless bliss, this moment of now体会此时此刻,就是永恒的福报Planet Earth, gentle and blue行星地球,温柔而忧郁With all my heart, I love you 用我的全心,我爱你


《Lonely Planet London》(Sarah Johnstone)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 密码:u1hp书名:Lonely Planet London作者:Sarah Johnstone出版社:Lonely Planet Publications出版年份:2006-1页数:466内容简介:Diverse, energetic and perennially inspiring, London has a lifetime s adventures in one city. Stroll the Millennium Bridge from Tate Modern to St Paul s, browse the boutiques of King s Road and Brick Lane, explore Soho s buzzing streets or Hampstead s soothing heath. Temporary traveller or long-term Londoner, find the city s heart with this smart and stylish guide. o FIND YOUR WAY - getting around needn t be an Olympic event with our easy-to-use colour maps and detailed walking tours o SEE FOR YOURSELF - critical reviews guide you through London s maze of sights and attractions o EAT & SLEEP IN STYLE - our expert writers cover boutique hotels, hip hostels, Michelin-starred celebrity haunts and the world s best pub grub o GO TO TOWN - hand-picked entertainment options from elegant Covent Garden opera to Shoreditch bars and Brixton gigs o GET OUT & ABOUT - laze on Brighton beach, punt in Oxford and bathe in Bath with day-trip suggestions

Lonely Planet 歌词

歌名:lonely歌手:Nana编者:思露花雨I am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Remember first time we met day oneKids in the garden" playin" games heaven" funExcitin" and amazin" havin" a real friend of mineFeel my heartbeat and for real friend of mineFace to face and eye to eyeUsin" our hands to buy and supplyChillin" is cool from january to juneAnd we still stiked together like the glueAnd know the rulesForever you and I and believe it was clearIf I ever should fall I could count on you with no fearRunnin" out of time I see who"s fakeAlone without protection from all them snakesAll for one one for all I was toldBlack white yellow no matter if your young or oldNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I fell and damn I"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all I needI know I got to pay the priceTaht"s why I"m lonely lonely lonelyI"m so lonely lonelyTaht"s why I"m lonely lonely lonelyCheppin" thru the streets at night after a fuss and fightTears in my eyes I"m a man lookin" for the lightDark is the path I know he will rescue meThe lord is my shepard I"m cool despite emergencyWhom shall I fear exept the godThank you for the blessin" and the skils on the micFive years we know there"s no diggityFree at last see the light in meWhat goes up must come downI"ll be around while you heading towards deathtownAllways look forward hardly never look backSo many tears and the snakes on my jockNow I"m riding in my big fat rideYour ass is late so look for the lineNana in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I feel so leave me aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonelyGod help me help me to survive!Everybody"s tripppin" on meOh lord come help me pleaseI did some bad things in my lifeWhy can"t you rescue me "cause you"ve got all I needI know I got to pay the priceKnock on my door whom you lookin" forA dream or reality enemies at my doorEyes I realize it"s fantasize I must be highSo let me live before I dieOnce again grab the bottle twist the cap to surviveYour life is yours my life is mineNo emotions in this world full of liesStep by step and be versatileLove peace and cash that"s what is"s all aboutAlone by yourself than you lack there"s no doubt aboutI"m always into something making moves to improveWhat would you do if you were in my shoesBoom a letter oops another suicideMeet me for a ride at the boulevardNana"s in the house to let you knowWhat I see is how I feel and damn I"m aloneI am lonely lonely lonelyI am lonely lonely in my lifeI am lonely lonely lonely

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lonely planet 中文版国内各省哪几本最值得推荐?


Lonely Planet 歌词

歌曲名:Lonely Planet歌手:The The专辑:DuskThe The"Lonely Planet"歌词Planet earth is slowing downOverseas, undergroundWherever you look aroundLord, take me by the handLead me through these desert sandsTo the shores of a promised land.You make me start when you look into my heartAnd see me for who i really amIf you can"t change the world. change yourself.If you can"t change the world. change yourselfIf you can"t change the world. change yourselfIf you can"t change the world. change yourselfI didn"t care if the sun didn"t shine& the rain didn"t fall from the skyI just cared about myselfFrom this world to the nextAnd from the next back to thisBy our actions we are boundWe"re running out of loveRunning out of hateRunning out of space for the human racePlanet earth is slowing downYou make me cry when you look into my eyesAnd see me for who i really amIf you can"t change the world. change yourselfIf you can"t change the world. change yourself.If you can"t change the world. change yourselfIf you can"t change the world. change yourselfIf you can"t change the world. change yourselfIf you can"t change the world. change yourselfIf you can"t change the world. change yourselfand If you can"t change yourself things change your worldI"m in love with the planet i"m standing onI can"t stopI can"t stop thinking ofAll the people i"ve ever lovedAll the people i have lostAll the people i"ll never knowAll the feelings i"ve never shownThe world"s too big. and life"s too shortThe world"s too big. and life"s too shortThe world"s too big. and life"s too shortTo be be alone

Starship Planet《白色心动》中的女主角是谁

政敏与K-pop Star第一季中的13岁选手徐智苑出演。温馨的冬日气氛! qq音乐说是13岁嫩模

starship planet白色心动MV的男主角是谁。是演唱者自己吗?



皇家翻译来了嘟牙得口牙呆马达乌拉过米嘟哈拿搜嘎阿里哒嘚 口令哒一马苏狗t苏一苦类我苦爱t米喽苦啦奈毛袜里次子怎改一子莫过米喽搜八百哦苦喽嘎搜爱得带开来斗撒有哪啦那哪一由口哦卡那你鸡窝哈子你有哒噻一狗买得一有苦有爱一爱哦你哈拿爱嘚苦嘚啦.…啦.…啦.啦.…啦..…(34个啦啦啦..…)嘟拦带口拦带开爱乔鸡你手里哒哒搜奈卢西拿奈看卓一一马撒啦 我嘟类亚西奈过米诺一奈一拔小麦走哦阿里苦拦嘚毛一鸡闹一要个我看鸡他看见带开来斗嘎米撒马那得哪一由一子马达马带忙九改九爱啦马啦奈改啦西米由爱木斗得我卡米由奈等待啊啊..…啊啊..…啊啊..(3遍啊啊)过米啊波苦奈待一由苏爱待哦莫牙西带开来斗撒有哪啦那喂哪一由口哦卡那你鸡窝哈子你有哒噻一狗买一有苦有爱一爱哦你哈拿爱嚼苦得啦..…啦.….啦..…..啦.…啦.…(34个单声啦啦啦..…)34个合声啦啦啦……

Sugarcubes的《Planet》 歌词

歌曲名:Planet歌手:Sugarcubes专辑:The Great Crossover Potentialcrystal planecrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空The windows for sleeping rearrange带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚And I"m nobody所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚Well who"s laughin now所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站

Crystal Planet 歌词

歌曲名:Crystal Planet歌手:Joe Satriani专辑:Crystal Planetcrystal plane张瑶crystal planecrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站我都会陪你一站又一站

如何评价游戏《Planetary Annihilation》

说一说我在文字宣传上没看到的内容吧。这是一个网络游戏...玩家通过游戏客户端连接到服务器。我看到的每场游戏都是由服务器host的。客户端崩溃以后玩家只需重新登录服务器即可回到游戏,这是一个意义巨大的改动。Total Annihilation系列一直以设(sang)计(xin)超(bing)前(kuang)著称,这点相信老玩家都深有体会。TA的续作 Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance 于2007年发布,用现在(2013年)最高端的cpu跑多人游戏后期(12玩家每人1000单位FFA)仍然非常吃力。PA(Planetary Annihilation)的做法显著降低了游戏对玩家机器性能的要求,事实上PA客户端的游戏载入可以说是秒进。当然了,现在游戏内的单位和地形仍然十分粗糙,不知道正式发布会是怎样。从单位类型和科技树来看,这游戏更接近横扫千军的复刻版而不是最高指挥官的新作。貌似科技只分2级了,工程单位不分级,指挥官不能升级配件,单位经验系统(veterancy)目前还没有。另一个重要的改变是出现了随机地图。

Greenlight Planet Inc.怎么样

对的 我想的就是这样的

求STARRY PLANET☆ - HAPPY∞アイカツ!(Short Size)的罗马音+日文+中文歌词(急急急)

作词 : 矶谷佳江作曲 : 小野贵光编曲 : 玉木千寻行こうハート弾ませi kou haa to ha zu ma se满怀期待地出发吧まだ见ぬ世界へma da mi nu se ka i e前往尚未见过的世界ココロの羽広げko ko ro no ha ne hi ro ge展开心灵的翅膀HAPPY∞アイカツ yeah(片假:a i ka tsu)HAPPY∞Aikatsu yeahどんな私にもなれちゃいそうだよdon na wa ta shi ni mo na re cya i sou da yo无论是怎样自己都有实现的可能ここは可能性无限大のプラネットko ko ha(wa) ka nou sei mu gen da i no pu ra ne tto这里是无限可能性大的行星ドキドキに素直にdo ki do ki ni su na o ni怀着悸动坦率地心跳ほら 飞び出そうho ra to bi da sou来吧 就这样飞跃而出吧勇気のドレスをyuu ki no do re su o将勇气的礼服キュートにまとってkyuu to ni ma to tte可爱地穿上吧梦のようで梦じゃない场所があるyu me no you de yu me jya na i ba syo ga a ru心中似梦非梦的地方さあ ステージへsaa su tee ji e踏上舞台上去吧届けto do ke传达出去キラキラメロディki ra ki ra me ro dei这闪亮的旋律(Wo wo wo wo)リズムに乗ってこri zu mu ni no tte ko跟随着节奏アイドル活动a i do ru ka tsu dou偶像活动(Wo wo wo wo)笑颜レディゴーe ga o re dei gou带着淑女笑容あのね どんなときでもa no ne don na to ki de mo无论何时(Wo wo wo wo)希望は友だちki bou ha(wa) to mo da chi希望是朋友ギュッて握りしめてgyu tte ni gi ri shi me te紧紧地握住HAPPY∞アイカツ yeah(a i ka tsu)HAPPY∞Aikatsu yeah(Go go let"s go)(ア・イ・カ・ツ)(a--i--ka--tsu)(偶・像・活・动)オモイ繋ぐよ きっとね世界はo mo i tsu na gu yo ki tto ne se ka i ha(wa)世界一定会紧紧相连的目の前のひとつだけじゃないよme no ma e no hi to tsu da ke jya na i yo并不只是眼前的一个行くよ ハート弾ませi ku yo haa to ha zu ma se满怀期待地出发吧(Wo wo wo wo)まだ见ぬ世界へma da mi nu se ka i e前往尚未见过的世界何かがはじまるna ni ka ga ha ji ma ru有什么即将拉开序幕(Wo wo wo wo)予感连れてyo kan tsu re te带着心中的预感キミも 一绪に行こうki mi mo i ssyo ni i kou你也一起去吧(Wo wo wo wo)かがやく未来へka ga ya ku mi ra i e向着闪耀的未来ココロの羽広げko ko ro no ha ne hi ro ge展开心灵的翅膀HAPPY∞アイカツ yeah(a i ka tsu)HAPPY∞Aikatsu yeah(Go go let"s go)(ア・イ・カ・ツ)(a---i---ka---tsu)(偶・像・活・动)歌词提供:夜曲羽泉翻译贡献:夜曲羽泉(除假名,复制自网易云音乐)我自己打假名的习惯。。拗音都打的是cya sya 之类的(等于cha sha)没什么大影响,ha在句子里面读wa的我都在后面加括号了,然后所有长音都加在音的后面不空格(有的是双写),促音双写开头。有什么不懂的再追问就行。。

【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 1-3

For now though it"s still minus thirty degrees and the cubs must have the shelter of the den. It"s six days since the bears emerged and spring is advancing rapidly. But even now blizzards (暴风雪) can strike without warning. Being so small, the cubs are easily chilled and they will be more comfortable resting in the den. But their mother must keep them out and active. She"s becoming weak from hunger and there"s no food on these nursery slopes. The sea ice still holds firm, but it won"t last much longer. Day 10, and the mother has led her cubs a mile from the den. It"s time to put them to the test. They"ve grown enormously in confidence, but they don"t have their mother"s sense of urgency. At last it seems that they"re ready for their journey and they"re only just in time, for a few miles from the coast the ice is already splitting. Now the mother can start hunting for the seals they must have, but she"s leading her cubs into a dangerous new world. Nearly half of all cubs die in their first year out on the ice.

【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 1-9

Everything must be spick and span (干净整洁). All is ready. Very impressive, but no one is watching. The superb bird of paradise calls to attract a female. And he has more luck. But what does he have to do to really impress her? She retires to consider her verdict. It"s hard not to feel deflated when even your best isn"t good enough. The sun influences life in the oceans just as it does on land. Its richest parts are those where waves and currents bring fertilizing nutrients to surface waters that are bathed in sunlight. The seas off the Cape in South Africa (南非好望角) have this magic recipe and are hugely productive. Summer is the time of plenty and it"s now that the seals start to breed. The strike of a great white shark lasts a mere second. Slowing it down forty times reveals the technique and immense strength of this massive predator. If surprise fails, there will be a chase. The shark is faster on a straight course but it can"t turn as sharply as the seal, its agility versus power. Once the seals have finished breeding the giant sharks will move on.

planet earth翻译?


Planet Earth 歌词

歌曲名:Planet Earth歌手:Michael Jackson专辑:This Is ItPlanet Earth (Single Version)Duran DuranOnly came outside to watch the night fall with the rainI heard you making patterns rhymeLike some new romantic looking for the tv soundYou"ll see I"m right some other timeLook now, look all around, there"s no sign of lifeVoices, another sound, can you hear me now?This is planet earth, you"re looking at planet earthBop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop this is planet earth~~~~~~My head is stuck on something preciousLet me know if you"re coming down to landIs there anybody out there trying to get through?My eyes are so cloudy I can"t see youLook now, look all around, there"s no sign of lifeVoices, another sound, can you hear me now?Is is planet earth, you"re looking at planet earthBop bop bop bop bop bop bop bopThis is planet earth...~~~~~~Look now, look all around, there"s no sign of lifeVoices, another sound, can you hear me now?This is planet earth, you"re looking at planet earthBop bop bop bop bop bop bop bop this is planet earth...

翻译文章:Welcome to Planet Earth Museum,a museum whe


求视频《planet earth is you》地球就是你自己 英文字幕,谢谢!

humans what an incredible wordwe are considered the most intelligence species on the planethoweverwe are the worstwhat are we doing in this worldwho brought us herewhat"s our mission on these planetmay be we will never understand itbut it seems the only mission is continue with it"s distructionhave you ever consideredthat this planet does not belong to us either way爱护她都是我们的义务(这句实在没听出来)they were there already before usand we are nothing but their guestswe came in invaded their territoryand we are destroying their homethey"ve been tolerantwe"ve been forgiven countless timesbut we keep ignore their situationwe been their kidnapperstheir killers howeverthey accept us their ownerswe are the only species(听着像spicy) that attacks ,destroys and 毁灭contaminate and extinguish just for ambitionor just live betterthe world is your"sis our"sit"s for all of ushowever,remember it"s their world toowe have to understand that they can"t do anything to save their lifemuchlessto save their planet planet earth is dyingwe destroy it in a savagely waybut he"s hugry for lovehe"s getting weakand dispite it allhe keeps giving to us generously the best experience since we arrived this planetthe planet has been the best house for speciesthe thing you need to degnrtionif we were given to get the capacity to speak,think,createwhy we would been silent,ignorant,distroy and killingopen your eyesyou are dyingalong with your planetthe only planet in all solar system that we were given to privilege to livewe are billions on this planetwe are think of theserational,dominatewhy we haven"t notice itwe are capable of concurring countriesthe mooneven planetshowever,we are not capable of concurring along (our own) heartstouch your heartfeel what it"s trying to say listen to what it"s longing forlet"s understand that we have to co-exist on the same planetstrat by chasing yourselfengage yourselfmake sure your children know it and understand itand remind of have forgottenwhen the day human is stop existing in the other spicies find the planetthey will see that we are species that failed,fell downbut get up and fix our mistakesthe planet not the same anymorewe can not wait any longereverybody knows what we have to doour time is nowthe future of the planet still in your hands help him let"s help him because planet earth is you我也在找这个片子的英文字幕,以上是我自己听的,水平有限中间有些地方也听不出来,如果你最后找到了英文字幕的,能麻烦你也给我发一份吗?

(Hed) Planet Earth的《Fallen》 歌词

歌曲名:Fallen歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth专辑:BlackoutFallenHeaven bent to take my handAnd lead me through the fireBe the long awaited answerto a long and painful fightTruth be told I"ve tried my bestbut somewhere along the wayI got caught up in all there was to offerand the cost was so much more than I could bearThough i"ve tried, I"ve fallen...I have sunk so lowI have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...We all begin with good intentLove was raw and youngWe believed that we could change ourselvesThe past could be undoneBut we carry on our backs the burdenTime always revealsThe lonely light of morningthe wound that would not healit"s the bitter taste of losing everythingthat i have held so dear.fallen I have sunk so lowI have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...Heaven bent to take my handnowhere left to turnI"m lost to those i thought were friendsto everyone i knowOh they turned their heads embarrassedpretend that they don"t seebut it"s one missed stepyou"ll slip before you know itand there doesn"t seem a way to be redeemedThough i"ve tried, I"ve fallen...I have sunk so lowI have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...I have messed upbetter I should knowSo don"t come round hereand tell me i told you so...


一共6部 《星球大战前传1--魅影危机》、《星球大战前传2--克隆人的攻击》、《星战前传3--西斯的反击》、《星球大战4--新的希望》、《星球大战5--帝国反击战》、《星球大战6--杰迪归来》

(Hed) Planet Earth的《Hill》 歌词

歌曲名:Hill歌手:(Hed) Planet Earth专辑:(Hed)Pehed p.e - Hill‘静态脉冲"Q:21281770what was the reason?didn"t need onelike instinct born into a tradenot by choice but for a purposepush the rock move the stoneForever the hill your homeSo, have you come to resurrect meor have you come to crucifystep aside or get behind mei wish someone would get behind meAnd the hill so very highdoes not give comfortAnd the sweat upon your browwill go unnoticedYou see there will bethose who come and standCome and stand stand in the waythey can"t believe that a stone can be movedSo they laugh when you are stillthey"re waiting for that hillto swallow you and spit you outAnother casualty of artwhose only fault was being bornBorn between the rock and the stoneforever the hill your homeI was born to move a mountainI will die before I fade awayI always thought that I was chosenKing of the hill, King of the hillAnd when the light is dimwho will stand by my sideCrawling on bloody kneeswho will believe in meWho will stand by mewho will walk with mewho will fly with me?I was born to move a mountainI will die before I fade awayI always thought that I was chosenKing of the hill, King of the hill

【英文】BBC纪录片行星地球Planet Earth 1-5

Midsummer on the tundra and the sun does not set (固定搭配:sunset 日落) . At these latitudes the sun"s rays ( ray和light的区别:light表示光,既可以是physical层面的,也可以是mental层面的,如思想之光等,而ray更偏向于科学表达的射线,可以看到光的直射的路径的那种,如X-ray ) are glancing and not enough of their energy reaches the ground to enable trees to grow. You"ll need to travel 500 miles south from here before that is possible. These stunted shrubs mark the tree line - the beginning of the boreal (北方的) forest - the taiga(泰加林,针叶林带). The needle-shaped leaves of the conifers (针叶树) are virtually inedible (不可食用) so this forest supports very little animal life. It"s a silent place where the snow is unmarked by footprints. In the Arctic winter snow forms a continuous blanket across the land. But as spring creeps up from the south the taiga is unveiled. This vast forest circling the globe contains a third of all the trees on Earth and produces so much oxygen it changes the composition of the atmosphere.

planet earth中文歌词,,,,能给我解开心中之谜的大师我给他烧1星期香~~~~

行星地球,我的家,我的地方 宇宙海洋中奇特的异象 行星地球你是否只是 一团飘荡的尘土 一个快破的小球 一片必要生锈的金属 一点混沌无知的元素 一艘寂寞的太空船,一颗大点的飞行物 像毫无色彩的石头一样冷酷 又像只用点胶水粘住 不,真想已经表露 你是我的甜心,柔弱而忧郁 是否介意,让我将你拥有 在我情意之最深处 如微风轻抚 如音乐不止,永远萦绕心头 深入肺腑,我体验了时间的奥秘, 历史的典籍 生命行进之歌在我血液里舞动 这舞动的节奏是大水和潮汐你黯淡的乌云,你刺激的风暴 在我体内骚动,咆哮 我已遍尝咸涩,辛辣和甘甜 可每次遇见你都会有激情和高潮你丰富的色调,你的馨香,你的味道 永远让我惊颤,越越过任何狂躁 在你的美丽中,我已知晓 体会此时此刻,就是永恒的福报 行星地球你是否只是 一团飘荡的尘土 一个快破的小球 一片必要生锈的金属 一点混沌无知的元素 一艘寂寞的太空船,一颗大点的飞行物 像毫无色彩的石头一样冷酷 又像只用点胶水粘住 不,真想已经表露 你是我的甜心,柔弱而忧郁 是否介意,让我将你拥有 在我情意之最深处 如微风轻抚 如音乐不止,永远萦绕心头 行星地球,温柔而忧郁 用我的全心,我爱你

bbc纪录片planet earth雪豹出现在哪一集b站题库


this is my planet Earth.是哪首歌的歌词

this is my planet Earth出自歌曲《Planet Earth》。Planet Earth歌手: Duran Duran语言:英语所属专辑:Duran Duran (1983 Capitol Re-release)发行时间:1984-10-25Only came outside toWatch the night fall with the rainI heard you making patterns rhymeLike some new romantic looking for the tv soundYou"ll see I"m right some other timeThe Look now look all aroundThere"s no sign of lifeVoices another sound can you hear me nowThis is planet earthYou"re looking at planet earthBopThis is planet earthMy head is stuck on something preciousLet me know if you"re coming down to landIs there anybody out there trying to get throughMy eyes are so cloudy I can"t see youLook now look all aroundThere"s no sign of lifeVoices another soundCan you hear me nowIs is planet earthYou"re looking at planet earthBopThis is planet earthLook now look all aroundThere"s no sign of lifeVoices another soundCan you hear me nowIs is planet earthYou"re looking at planet earthBopThis is planet earthBopCalling planet earthBopLooking at planet earthBopThis is planet earth中文:   只有外面来  看雨的夜幕降临  我听说你做韵律模式  像一些新浪漫主义寻找电视声音  你会发现我是对的  看现在看周围  没有生命的迹象  另一个声音的声音你能听到我  这是地球  你看地球  防喷器  这是地球  我的头是困在珍贵的东西  让我知道如果你向下降落  有人试图通过吗  我的眼睛是如此的中心思想

Planet Earth 歌词

歌曲名:Planet Earth歌手:Prince专辑:Planet Earth我们相爱一年了拉!OH,YEAHImagine holding Planet EarthIn the palm of your handWith no regard for your place of birthOr claim to any landThe only thing between us now is the truth we understandIf Planet Earth was in the palm of your hand50 years from now what will they say about us here?Did we care for the water and the fragile atmosphere?There are only 2 kinds of folkAnd the difference they makeThe ones that giveAnd the ones that takeJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung你永远是最可爱的Imagine you could rid the EarthOf anyone you chooseWhich ones would you need the mostAnd which ones would you lose?Do we want to judge anotherLest we be judged too?Careful now... The next one might be youJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung我爱你,让我听,你的疲惫和恐惧,我爱你,我想起,你倔强到极限的心豆豆,每天我都想你念你想看你,可是有时真的没办法,但是我会把爱好好的保留给你的,当你需要我时我一定会尽我的全力,为我们的明天而努力的,豆豆我爱你Imagine sending your first bornOff to fight a warWith no good reason how it started and what they are fighting forAnd if they"re blessed to make it homeWill they still be poor?Pray for peace right now and forever moreJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sungJust like the countless bodiesThat revolve around the sunPlanet Earth must now come into balance with the one,That caused it all to beThen we"ll see His kingdom come,So shall it be written, so shall it be sung

求:迈克尔·杰克逊的Planet Earth 完整版 歌词?

sb 就15分tm的要完整版

《Planet 51》(51号星球) 英文简介

《第51号星球》是一部以银河系为背景的外星人动画冒险喜剧。故事围绕着一个美国宇航员Charles Chuck Baker船长(德韦恩·约翰逊 配音)展开。Chuck在第51号星球上着陆,他本以为自己是第一个踏足该星球的人类。结果他吃惊地发现,这颗行星上早就存在着居民。这些小绿人幸福地生活在白色木栅栏围起的家园里,他们的世界令人联想起美国快乐纯真的五十年代。他们唯一的担忧就是像Chuck一样的外星人入侵他们的星球。在机器人伙伴Rover和新朋友Lem的帮助下,Chuck必须穿越51号星球上令人目眩神迷的景色,以避免成为该星球外星入侵者博物馆的永久性展品。Planet 51 is a galactic-sized animated alien adventure comedy revolving around American astronaut Captain Charles Chuck Baker (voiced by Dwayne Johnson), who lands on Planet 51 thinking he"s the first person to step foot on it. To his surprise, he finds that this planet is inhabited by little green people who are happily living in a white picket fence world reminiscent of a cheerfully innocent 1950s America, and whose only fear is that it will be overrun by alien Chuck! With the help of his robot companion "Rover" and his new friend Lem, Chuck must navigate his way through the dazzling, but bewildering, landscape of Planet 51 in order to escape becoming a permanent part of the Planet 51 Alien Invaders Space MuseumLem(贾斯汀·朗 配音)只是一个普普通通的少年,整天忙于追求女孩和进一步发展自己在当地天文馆的工作;唯一不寻常之处在于,他是个外星人。51号星球上的媒体将宇航员描述成吸食脑浆并制造僵尸的可怕怪物,Chuck只得逃命,结果闯进了Lem的家里。赶在军事独裁者Grawl将军和疯狂科学家Kipple教授赶来消灭地球来访者之前,只能靠这个绿皮肤的本地人帮助笨手笨脚的宇航员回到他的宇宙飞船上。Lem (voiced by Justin Long) is just an average teenager working on getting the girl and furthering his career at the local planetarium -- except that he"s an alien. The media on this planet has tagged spacemen as brain-eating, zombie-creating monsters, causing Chuck to run for his life and into Lem"s house. Now it"s up to the green native to get the clumsy astronaut back to his spaceship before military dictator General Grawl and mad scientist Professor Kipple manage to exterminate the Earthly visitor.Lem冒着极大的风险坚持帮助Chuck。在Lem的几个朋友和Chuck的可靠伙伴Rover的帮助下,他们也许真的会成功。如果Chuck把自己的宏图伟业放在一边,他也许可以让51号星球上的居民们了解他们星球以外的世界。At great peril to himself, Lem continues to try and help Chuck. With the help of a few of Lem"s friends and Chuck"s trusty pal Rover, they just might succeed, and if Chuck can put aside his grand vision of himself, he just might be able to teach the inhabitants of Planet 51 a thing or two about what lies beyond.



The Golden Planet 歌词

歌曲名:The Golden Planet歌手:Eprom专辑:MetahumanThe Golden AgeI wished I lived in the golden ageGiving it up on the broadway stageHang with the rats and smoke cigarsJust have a break with Frank and count the starsDressed to the night, we"ve had too muchShiny jewels, casino cashTapping feet, wanna take the leadA trip back in time is all I needOh!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooI"m on my way, gonna make it bigGonna make these songs for the chicks to digIt"s really hot and a little bit sourWe"re getting your strength to the maximum powerFlying away from realityWhatever-ever happened to gravity?I see it clear, a shooting starAnd I"m really gonna sing it like da-da-daSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeYeah-yeah!Woah-oah!Wow!Ohhh silver screen on a rainy daySally balls in a cabaretShaking sticks, oh what a showFresh and jolly, from tip to toeRambling down the boulevardWith a fly, a bird, and a wooden heartMy mind is set, I walk the lineBut I never really thought that it would feel this fineYeah!Sing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself freeSing it out loud gonna get back honeySing it out loud get away with meSing it out loud on a trip back honeySing it out loud and let yourself free!Yeah!Hey! Hey!Whoo!Ooh!Oooooaaahh!Whoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-ooWhoo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo-oo

Stephen Hawking believes that the earth is unlikely to be the only planet_____life has developed

实际上是life has developed on the planet,但是在题目中没有on这个词,所以空格中应该填 on which=where望采纳

求像这样的日语歌ラムジ - Planet,越多越好,。



有谁知道《Planet Pop》中的Thinking Of You是谁唱的??


poison planet 歌词

歌曲名:poison planet歌手:Corrosion Of Conformity专辑:eye for an eyeBecause you"re old and richYou don"t care about this earthOnly about your filthy profitsCorrosion Of ConformityPoisoned Planet nuclear warIt"s not you"re problem anymoreThe problems belong to yourgenerationThe consequences to mineYou"ve spoiled my chances andBodies piled in rotting heapsMass-destruction empty streetsMartial law declared nothingleft to ruleDeath will soon come to thesurviving fewWhy should we pay the consequences?


  20  镲片的常识  首先,我们在对一张镲片进行分析的时候,可以从以下几个方面来做参考:品牌、型号、类型、尺寸、材料、做工等等。  例如:Zildjian? Avedis Zildjian Series Master Sound 14” Hi-Hat Brilliant Top,Zildjian是品牌名称,Avedis Zildjian Series是型号名称,Master Sound 14” Hi-Hat是类型名称,Top是指踩镲的上面一片,尺寸是14英寸(1英寸约等于2.55厘米),材料是Zildjian Cast Bronze铜合金,工艺特点是Brilliant(镜面抛光)。  再例如:Zildjian? K Zildjian Series 18” Dark Crash Medium Thin Brilliant,除了我们所说的品牌、型号、类型、尺寸、材料和做工以外,从这里还给“尺寸”的概念里增加了一个新的元素:厚度。这片Dark Crash的厚度标准是Medium Thin。  我们应该知道,抛开镲片作为商品所具有的标识性品牌名称和型号划分以外,无论是类型、尺寸、厚度、材料还是做工都会对一张镲片的音色产生本质的影响。  1、镲片的类型  镲片一般可以简单的分为Hi-hats、Crash、Ride、Splash、China和Bell六个大类。  Hi-hats(嘻哈音镲):我们俗称踩镲,一般使用左脚和双手演奏的,上下两片相互扣住,几乎是使用频率最高的镲片。标准尺寸是14英寸。  Crash(碎音镲):我们俗称吊镲,一般使用双手演奏。它的作用是渲染音乐的气氛。标准尺寸是16英寸和18英寸。  Ride(叠音镲):我们俗称叮叮镲,这是因为它能在镲顶的弧冒上演奏出清脆的“叮叮”声。它的标准尺寸是20英寸。  Splash(泥浆音镲):我们俗称水镲,能发出急促的类似于水泼溅的音色。它的标准尺寸是10英寸。  China(中国镲):来源于中国的锵。它现在依旧保留着原始的锵上面用手捏住的圆形镲头。在中国这个镲片的使用方法是:双手各持一个镲头,互相敲击。在锵传到西方后,诞生了这种改良的China镲片。它的音色很特殊,保留了一些原始的中国味。它的保准尺寸是18英寸。  Bell(钟音镲):几乎没有一般镲片的那种飞碟状镲身,只有一个圆弧形的镲顶。声音急促明亮。它的标准尺寸是6英寸和8英寸。  有了以上的几种基本的镲片之后,人们又把两种基础的镲片类型的音色柔和在一张镲片上,于是就有了:Crash/Ride、Splash/China等等类型。  把两种镲片叠加在一起,互相牵制音色,于是有了Dark Buzz China、Paper Splash Hat等等类型。  一些镲片还具有特殊的工艺,例如很多品牌都会有那种下片呈荷叶状波浪边缘的Hi-hats甚至是Crash。Zildjian? Avedis Zildjian Series Master Sound 14” Hi-Hat Brilliant PAIR就是这样的镲片,在Zildjian?的产品里,这样的Hi-Hats都叫“Master Sound”。同样的工艺在PAiSTe?的产品中称为“Sound Edge”,例如:PAiSTe? 2002 Classic Series 14” Sound Edge Hi-Hats PAIR。而Roland MEINL?的产品则命名为“Sound Wave”。  2、镲片的尺寸  从直径上讲,无论是Hi-hats还是China,或者Crash,它们都有各式各样的直径大小。这个尺寸对音色产生了巨大的影响。  Hi-hats的标准尺寸是14英寸;Crash的标准尺寸是16英寸和18英寸;Ride的标准尺寸是20英寸;Splash的标准尺寸是10英寸;China的标准尺寸是18英寸;Bell的标准尺寸是6英寸和8英寸。  从厚度上讲,一片16英寸的Crash可以是Paper Thin、Thin、Medium Thin、Medium、Medium Heavy、Heavy和Extra Heavy。  一般来说,镲片越厚,音色越聚合,越高仰;镲片越薄,音色越散开,越低沉。镲片直径越大,延音越持久,音量越大;镲片直径越小,延音越短促,音量越小。镲片镲冒越大,音量也越大。  3、镲片的材料  制作镲片的材料主要是铜合金,铜合金分为青铜合金(Bronze)和黄铜合金(Brass)。这两种合金是由以下的金属混合而成的:Copper(铜)、Tin(锡)、Silver(银)、Zinc(锌)、Manganese(锰)、Aluminum(铝)等等。  目前世界上大部分的镲片都是使用以下4种铜合金制作的。  B20 Alloy Bronze:80% Copper + 20% Tin + Traces of Silver。  B8 Alloy Bronze:92% Copper + 8% Tin。  MS63 Alloy Brass:63%Copper + 37% Zinc。  MS70 Alloy Brass:70%Copper + 30%Zinc。  另外还有一些特殊的铜合金也用来生产镲片。  B12 Alloy Bronze:88% Copper + 12% Tin  FX9 Alloy Brass:69% Copper + 15% Zinc + 15% Manganese + 1% Aluminum  镲片的材料和其它元素一样直接影响到最后的品质。作为镲片的主要构成物,金属铜具有非常良好的延展性,这使得它适合锻造加工和捶打。在气温20摄氏度的时候,固体铜传导的声速3560米/秒,所以铜具有的非常优秀的振动性能。但是如果我们使用纯铜来制作镲片的话,镲片将会在击打下发出非常单一的声音频率,并且音量将受到限制。所以目前各个品牌的镲片都加入了少量的:铜、锡、银、锌、锰、铝或其他金属,使得这些合金所产生的音色频率非常丰富饱满。这就使得铜的单一频率变成了复合频率。  一般来说,人的耳朵可以聆听的范围约在20赫兹到20K赫兹之间,但是这个只是一个纯科学的说法,在现实生活当中,一般人能听到15K赫兹就非常少,能听到20K赫兹的微乎其微;同样,20赫兹的频率几乎让人很难察觉。  这些合金制造的镲片所产生的复合频率,均匀分布在6K赫兹到12K赫兹之间,是人耳可以敏锐感知到的高频范围。  目前世界上最优秀、最受鼓手青睐的几乎都是B20青铜制作的镲片。通过优秀的制作工艺,B8青铜也能做出优秀的产品。但B8青铜主要还是用来生产中档镲片。MS63和MS70是目前制作大多数黄铜练习用镲片所使用的材料。  与黄铜镲片相比,青铜镲片的音色会更加的具有表现力:无论你需要的是干净还是嘈杂;明亮还是黯淡;圆润还是纤细;饱满还是干涩……青铜镲片都能提供给你想要的音色。  常见的使用B20 Alloy Bronze制作的镲片有:Zildjian? K Custom Series、Zildjian? K Zildjian Series、Zildjian? A Custom Series、Zildjian? Avedis Zildjian Series、Zildjian? Z Custom Series、Zildjian? Sound Effects Series、SABIAN? V Series、SABIAN? Hand Hammered Series、SABIAN? HHX Series、SABIAN? AAX Series、SABIAN? AA Series、SABIAN? Xs20 Series、MEINL? Mb20 Series、MEINL? Byzance Series、MEINL? Candela Series的部分产品……  常见的使用B8 Alloy Bronze制作的镲片有:Zildjian ZXT TITANIUM Series、Zildjian ZXT Series、Zildjian ZBT Series、SABIAN PRO Sonix Series、SABIAN B8PRO Series、SABIAN B8 Series、PAiSTe 2002 Classic Series、PAiSTe Rude Classic Series、PAiSTe Exotic / Percussion & NoiseWorks Series的部分产品、PAiSTe Innovations Series、PAiSTe Dimensions Series、PAiSTe Alpha Series、PAiSTe 802 Series、PAiSTe 502 Series、MEINL Amun Series、MEINL Raker Series、MEINL Classics Series、MEINL MCS Series、MEINL Candela Series的部分产品……  常见的使用MS63和MS70黄铜制作的镲片有:Zildjian PLANET-Z Series、SABIAN Solar Series、PAiSTe 302 Series、PAiSTe Exotic / Percussion & NoiseWorks Series的部分产品、MEINL Headliner MS63 Brass Series、MEINL Generation X Series的部分产品……  常见的使用B12 Alloy Bronze制作的镲片有:MEINL? Sound Caster Custom Series和MEINL? Sound Caster Series……  常见的使用FX9 Alloy Brass制作的镲片有:MEINL? Generation X Series、MEINL? Headliner FX9 Brass Series……  4、镲片的做工  一张镲片的制作有很多种方法,也有非常繁复的工序。这里把高档镲片制作的方法和工序总结成三大要素,它们分别是成型、捶打和抛光。  Sheet Bronze(延展青铜)还是Cast Bronze(浇铸青铜)?  Sheet Bronze是通过几十吨的瞬间高压把镲片压制成型。  Cast Bronze是铜水浇铸模具成型。  一般说来,Cast Bronze的质量是高于Sheet Bronze的。  Hand Hammered(手工捶打)还是与Hand Made(手工制作)?  Hand Hammered是指机械辅助成型之后的镲片交给有经验的工匠进行反复的手工捶打校音。  Hand Made是指整个成型到定音的过程全部由工匠手工处理,当然,他也需要使用工具。  一般说来,Hand Hammered的镲片就已经具有相当顶级的音色水准了。但是Hand Made这种富于人性的斑斓音色和纯手工气质还是Hand Hammered无法企及。  Traditional Finish(传统抛光)还是Brilliant Finish(镜面抛光)?  抛光的不仅影响镲片的外貌,同样会影响到镲片最终的音色。  一般说来:Brilliant Finish的镲片会比Traditional Finish的镲片更加的明亮。  当然,镲片的制作工艺比以上介绍的要繁复得多,除去Hand Hammered和Hand Made的制作方式,还有几乎是纯机械批量生产的镲片。因为“匠人手工”和“机械加工”的界限有时候是很模糊的,机械加工也需要人来掌握,同样匠人手工也需要机械辅助。另外就是抛光的类型是非常多的,我们只例举了最常用的两种方式。  Zildjian所有B20 Alloy Bronze制作的镲片都是Cast Bronze,所有的B8 Alloy Bronze制作的镲片都是Sheet Bronze。Zildjian除了K Zildjian Series中有部分产品采用Hand Hammered程序以外,其余都是机械加工。  SABIAN的HHX和Hand Hammered也是Cast Bronze,这两款也有Hand Hammered的加工程序。AAX和AA是70吨压力下瞬间成型的Sheet Bronze。其余的B8 Alloy Bronze也采用Sheet Bronze技术。  PAiSTe的高档系列都采用了不同程度的Hand Hammered程序和Cast Bronze成型。  MEINL的Mb20 Series、Byzance Series、Sound Caster Custom Series、Sound Caster Series以及Amun Series都是Cast Bronze,其中Mb20 Series和Byzance Series是Hand Hammered。其余都是Sheet Bronze和Sheet Brass。

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