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是正规的,都是经过国家相关部门认证的。汇付天下是国内著名的持牌公司,有国家央行授予颁发的第三方支付牌照,能够在全国各省市去开展银行卡收单业务,是合法的委托支付公司,确保使用POS机消费者的资金安全。只要是属通过正常渠道购买的pos机,基本就是安全的,但是注意市面上一些代理,有些是二清机,存在一定风险。汇付天下是中国领先的支付科技公司 ,基于聚合支付的数字化解决方案服务商,以数字化的技术与运营,为各类商户提供基于聚合支付的数字化解决方案,并提供数字化时代的支付处理和账户结算服务;保护客户数据资产安全,为客户持续创造价值。汇付天下于2006年7月在上海成立 ,2018年6月成功登陆香港交易所主板。汇付天下业务主要覆盖四大板块,即综合商户收单、行业解决方案、SaaS服务及跨境及国际业务。












一台绑定一个手机号。【拓展】用户通过汇付天下POS机使用银行卡支付,汇付天下为商户代为收款并进行支付结算的资金流通体系。使用POS支付方便快捷,是最受终端商户欢迎的收款方式。西安银付宝信息科技有限公司作为专业的POS收单及营销服务商,拥有强大的POS机办理团队,并配备业界一流的售后服务团队,POS机稳定故障少,申请手续简单,审批高效等特点,更有强大 的后台支撑系统,满足灵活设置结算时间、分配专属账号 、资金安全等个性需求。













《Sculpture of the Exposition》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Sculpture of the Exposition Palaces and Courts》(James, Juliet Helena Lumbard)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1mYauK1vWovZGIei2x2j44Q 提取码: v2pg书名:Sculpture of the Exposition Palaces and Courts作者:James, Juliet Helena Lumbard页数:56




当fill 和 stuff 同表"填满,充满"的意思时,fill+ with+ 有形的物质(固态,液态,气态都可以)或抽象的东西(如幸福感,快乐等~)例:.1.When I had read it I was filled with horror. 我读完它之后, 心里充满了恐怖。2.He filled my glass with beer. 他给我的杯子斟满了啤酒stuff+up/into/with+固态(或有形的物质)例:.He stuffed the suitcase with his clothes. 他把衣服塞满手提箱. suppose, suspect 和expect意思完全不一样喔~suppose:1.猜想, 以为[Y][+(that)][O2][O8]I suppose he is still in town. 我想他还在城里。2.期望; 认为必须, 认为应该[H][O2][O8]You"re not supposed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出屋去。suspect:1.疑有, 察觉The tiger suspected danger and ran away. 老虎意识到危险便逃跑了。2.怀疑, 不信任We suspected their honesty. 我们不相信他们是诚实的。3.怀疑(某人犯有过错)[+of][O2][+(that)]The police suspected that Bill did it. 警察怀疑那件事是比尔干的。4.猜想; 料想[O2][+(that)]I suspect they"ll come. 我想他们会来的。expect:1.预计...可能发生(或来到); 预料; 预期[+(that)][+to-v][O2]He expected to finish the work by March. 他预期三月份完成这项工作。We expected that you would succeed. 我们预计你会成功的。2.期待; 等待; 盼望That"s just what we expected. 那正是我们所期望的。I"ll expect you for supper at six o"clock. 我六点等你吃晚饭。3.认为理应得到; 指望; 要求[(+from)][O2]Don"t expect too much of him. 别对他期望过高。

postfix 和 suffix 的区别?

postfix 只是一种旧的提法,现在已普遍采用了SUFFIX这一说法

postfix 和 suffix 的区别

postfix是Wietse Venema在IBM的GPL协议之下开发的MTA(邮件传输代理)软件。postfix是Wietse Venema想要为使用最广泛的sendmail提供替代品的一个尝试。在Internet世界中,大部分的电子邮件都是通过sendmail来投递的,大约有100万用户使用sendmail,每天投递上亿封邮件。这真是一个让人吃惊的数字。Postfix试图更快、更容易管理、更安全,同时还与sendmail保持足够的兼容性。但suffix比较常用

be supposed todo和be supposed todos的区别是什么啊?

很高兴能够为您解答!当我们学习英语时,经常会遇到一些非常相似的词汇和表达,但其实它们之间有着微妙的区别。比如“be supposed to do” 和 “supposed to do”,这两个表达看起来非常接近,但又似乎不完全相同。那么这两者到底有什么区别呢?让我们来一探究竟。以下是我做的表格:总体来说,“be supposed to do” 表示一种期望或责任感,通常是从外部获得的规定、期望等;而“supposed to do” 则表示一种约定俗成的惯例或者大家都认为理所当然的情况。两者语法结构不同,在实际使用中要根据具体情境选择合适的表达方式。希望可以帮到你,祝你生活愉快!

be supposed to的用法

suppose如何用 suppose的基本意思是“猜想;以为;假定”,但在具体的语言环境中意义不止于此,其用法如下: 1. suppose + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”。如: I suppose that you are right. 我想你是对的。 You can suppose that A equals B. 你可以假定A等于B。 2. suppose +名词 / 代词 + to be...,表示“认为……是……”。如: Many people suppose him to be over 50. 许多人认为他已经50多岁了。 3. suppose用于祈使句中,表示“让……”。如: Suppose we go for a swim. (= Let"s go for a swim.) 让我们去游泳吧。 be supposed to 的用法 用法一: be supposed to... 其中to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形。当be supposed to... 的主语是“人” 时,意为“应该…… ”;“被期望……”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。如: Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. 每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。 Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike. 老师应该对所有的学生一视同仁。 用法:当be supposed to... 的主语是“物”时,它表示“本应;本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”。如: The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. 这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用。 The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago. 火车本应在半小时之前到达。 用法三: be supposed to后面接“have + 过去分词”时,表示“本应该做某事而没做”。如: You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。 He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago. 他应该一小时前就到了。 用法四: be supposed to... 的否定结构为be not supposed to...,它常用于口语中,意为“不被许可;不应当”。如: She was not supposed to be angry about that. 她本不该为那件事而生气的。 You are not supposed to smoke on the bus. 你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟。参考资料:baidu

be supposed to 的用法 举例说明

suppose如何用 suppose的基本意思是“猜想;以为;假定”,但在具体的语言环境中意义不止于此,其用法如下: 1.suppose + that 从句,表示“猜测;假定”.如: I suppose that you are right.我想你是对的. You can suppose that A equals B.你可以假定A等于B. 2.suppose +名词 / 代词 + to be...,表示“认为……是……”.如: Many people suppose him to be over 50.许多人认为他已经50多岁了. 3.suppose用于祈使句中,表示“让……”.如: Suppose we go for a swim.(= Let"s go for a swim.) 让我们去游泳吧. be supposed to 的用法 用法一:be supposed to...其中to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形.当be supposed to...的主语是“人” 时,意为“应该…… ”;“被期望……”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should.如: Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. 每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带. Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike. 老师应该对所有的学生一视同仁. 用法:当be supposed to...的主语是“物”时,它表示“本应;本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”.如: The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用. The train was supposed to arrive half an hour ago.火车本应在半小时之前到达. 用法三:be supposed to后面接“have + 过去分词”时,表示“本应该做某事而没做”.如: You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 现在你应该已经把作业交上来了. He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago.他应该一小时前就到了. 用法四:be supposed to...的否定结构为be not supposed to...,它常用于口语中,意为“不被许可;不应当”.如: She was not supposed to be angry about that.她本不该为那件事而生气的. You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟.

be supposed to和be supposed to have done的区别求助!


be supposed to 和should用法上有什么区别


be supposed to 的用法 举例说明


i suppose 和 he is supposed 和 he was supposed 什么用法?什么意思?求详细解释.

I suppose 是"我认为 我推测"be supposed to是"应该"你说的这几种 ,同样期待答案

be supposed to 的用法 举例说明

被动的假设,期望,认为等表示认为应该......You"re not supposed to take the books out of the room.这些书不能拿出屋去。

语法题。 be supposed 的用法


suppose后面能否跟动词,如果能跟动词,是跟to do还是doing

to do

be supposed to什么意思


provided that和supposed that的区别

http://cn.bing.com/dict/supposed%20that. 这个是supported that 解释 provided that+句子 只要什么什么,是条件状语从句点下采纳!!!


suppose 一般两种用法suppose + 宾语从句,表示猜,我认为,想be supposed to do是因为suppose前面有个谓语的,supposed在这里是被动语态用法,表示应该。所以两种用法而已,你可以说I was supposed to meet him at 2pm, but he didn"t show up.我该和他下午2点见的,但他没来。I suppose you knew it.我猜你早就知道了

be supposed to do 和be supposed to be doing 有什么区别?

be supposed to do sth 应该做 ; 应该做某事Be supposed to do something 本应该做某事 ; 应该 ; 应该做某事

be supposed to be和be supposed to do有什么区别


be supposed to do和supposed to do有何不同?

很高兴能够为您解答!当我们学习英语时,经常会遇到一些非常相似的词汇和表达,但其实它们之间有着微妙的区别。比如“be supposed to do” 和 “supposed to do”,这两个表达看起来非常接近,但又似乎不完全相同。那么这两者到底有什么区别呢?让我们来一探究竟。以下是我做的表格:总体来说,“be supposed to do” 表示一种期望或责任感,通常是从外部获得的规定、期望等;而“supposed to do” 则表示一种约定俗成的惯例或者大家都认为理所当然的情况。两者语法结构不同,在实际使用中要根据具体情境选择合适的表达方式。希望可以帮到你,祝你生活愉快!

be supposed to do的用法~谢谢~



suppose常指根据一些证据而得出的推断,强调暂时性,可接不定式(特别是to be)、介词短语、形容词等的复合结构,接从句等,作“假定,猜想”等解.如:We all supposed him to be an actor.我们都以为他是个演员.Let"s suppose he is right. 让我们假定他是对的.guess表达说话人在缺乏了解和证据时所陈述的见解,其后可接名词、复合宾语、从句.如:I should guess the old woman to be about sixty.我猜这位老太太六十岁上下.Guess how much it is worth.猜猜看这东西值多少钱.

expect supposed should的区别

expect希望 supposed建议 should应该



不准做某事的英文 suppose

supposed be supposed to 的用法 用法一:be supposed to...其中to是动词不定式符号,不是介词,其后要跟动词原形.当be supposed to...的主语是“人” 时,意为“应该……”;“被期望……”,它可以用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should.如: Everyone is supposed to wear a seat-belt in the car. 用法二:当be supposed to...的主语是“物”时,它表示“本应;本该”,用于表示“某事本应该发生而没有发生”.如: The new laws are supposed to prevent crime.这些新法令本应该起到防止犯罪的作用. 用法三:be supposed to后面接“have + 过去分词”时,表示“本应该做某事而没做”.如: You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 现在你应该已经把作业交上来了. He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago.他应该一小时前就到了. 用法四:be supposed to...的否定结构为be not supposed to...,它常用于口语中,意为“不被许可;不应当”.如: She was not supposed to be angry about that.她本不该为那件事而生气的. You are not supposed to smoke on the bus.你不应该在公共汽车上吸烟.


suppose [su0259"pu0259uz] vt.1. 假使,假定:Supposing he isn"t out, how can I do then?假定他没出去,我该怎么办呢?Let"s first suppose the second defense line has been destroyed.我们先来假定这第二条防线已被摧毁。2. [用于祈使句]让:Suppose we wait until tomorrow.咱们就等到明天吧。Suppose I tell you.我来告诉你吧。3. 猜想,推测:I suppose he"ll come back now.我想他这会儿该回来了。You can"t suppose whom I met in the street.你准猜不着我在大街上看见谁啦。4. 认为,以为:What do you suppose I will do?你认为我会做什么?5. 意味着;说明(或证明)…的事实(或情况):The number of the cars supposes that the city traffic would get busier and busier.这些汽车的数量意味着该市的交通会越来越拥挤。That doesn"t suppose you were absent at the scene of the crime.那并不能说明你不在犯罪现场。6. 假定…的存在;需要…的存在为先决条件:First, we have to suppose that she was out to make money.首先,我们得假定她抛头露面是为了赚钱。7. [用于被动语态]认为应该,认为必须;认为…必要;[口语]认为可以:I"m not supposed to be at the party.我不该在聚会上露面。The motorbike is supposed to make annoying noise.摩托车当然会发出令人感到烦恼的噪音。vi.猜想,料想;认为:No need to suppose about.没必要胡乱猜疑。Say as you suppose.怎么想的就怎么说。conj.1. 假使,假如2. 假使…结果如何(或怎样)希望我的回答 对你有所帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你:天天开心 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O ...就是这样了








supposed这个单词的读音是 /su0259u02c8pou028azd/。supposed的意思是“假定的;所谓的;认为的”,通常做为形容词使用。它表示一种虚假的、未经证实的、假定的或理论性的情况。例如,We cannot act on suppositions, we must wait for concrete evidence. (我们不能凭假设行事,必须等待具体的证据。)同义词包括:1、Presumed: 假定的,假设的,推定的。2、Alleged: 所谓的,涉嫌的,声称的。3、Hypothetical: 假设的,假想的,推测的。supposed例句1、She is supposed to come at 8 o"clock, but it"s 9 now and she hasn"t arrived. (她应该8点来的,可现在已经9点了,她还没来。)2、The plane was supposed to take off at 3 o"clock, but it was delayed by bad weather. (这架飞机应该3点起飞,但是因为天气不好而延误了。)3、He is supposed to be an expert in this field, but he doesn"t seem to know much about it. (他应该是这个领域的专家,但他似乎对此不太了解。)4、The company is supposed to pay us on the 15th of every month, but they are always late. (公司应该在每个月的15号给我们发工资,但是他们总是拖欠。)5、Sarah was supposed to study for the exam, but she went out with her friends instead. (Sarah应该复习考试,但她和朋友出去玩了。)6、The phone was supposed to be fixed by yesterday, but it"s still not working. (这部手机应该昨天修好了,但还是没法用。)7、The hotel was supposed to be five-star, but the rooms were small and the service was poor. (这家酒店应该是五星级的,但房间很小,服务也不好。)8、You were supposed to call me last night, but you didn"t. (你应该昨晚给我打电话的,但是你没有。)9、The box was supposed to contain four books, but one was missing. (这盒子里应该有四本书,但少了一本。)10、The project was supposed to be finished by the end of the month, but it"s not even halfway done. (这个项目应该在月底完成,但现在连一半都没做完。)


supposed读音:英(su0259u02c8pu0259u028azd)、美(su0259u02c8pou028azd)。释义:adj:假定的,据说的;被要求的;被允许的;坚信的,期望的。v:认为,推断;假定,设想;(婉转表达)我看,要不;必须做;(理论)要求以……为前提(suppose的过去式和过去分词)。同近义词:1、adj:假定的;被信以为真的;想象上的。assumed/presumptive.2、v:假定(suppose的过去分词)。Presumed.双语例句:1、These supposed professional opinions are just a cover for late payment.这些所谓的专业观点不过是延迟交款的幌子罢了。2、He only valued the supposed benefits of the project and ignored the risks of it.他只看重项目可能带来的利益,而忽视了它的风险。3、These supposed claims will only cause unnecessary public panic.这些假定的说法只会引起公众不必要的恐慌。4、You"re not supposed to park here.你不应该把车停在这儿。5、Oh,that reminds me:I"m supposed to have dinner with my professor tomorrow.噢,这倒提醒我了,我明天应该跟教授吃晚饭。

supposed to be,为什么suppose加ed??

因为用法的be supposed to be. ..

有没有I supposed so这种用法 suppose用的过去式

be supposed to do…固定用法,相当于should。这里的supposed已经变为形容词,你可以在字典里查到。


这两个词:都是动词,都有“认为、想”之意; 不同的是:think “认为、想”;suppose“认为、以为”、“设想、猜想”. 相比较,think 的语气要比suppose更强,更肯定.后者较弱且有“猜测、设想”含义在内.

I am supposed to do …… 这里的suppose是加了ed吗?

are supposed to是什么意思

are supposed tobe supposed to 英[bi: su0259u02c8pu0259u028azd tu:] 美[bi su0259u02c8pozd tu] v. 应该,被期望; [网络] 应该,理应; 应该,被期望; 被期望/被要求; [例句]And now that they were easy to trade, why shouldn " t they be worth what they were supposed to be worth&$ 500,000?不过,既然它们易于交易,为什么它们不应该按照它们原本应该具有的价值50万美元来进行估价呢?



Be supposed to do 的supposed什么词性

是动词suppose的过去分词,与be构成被动语态。supposed当adj讲时,是误以为的,所谓的意思。当过去分词讲时,是认为应该的意思。另外,be supposed to整体作为情态动词,后接动词原型,与to构成动词不定式。







be supposed to 和should用法上有什么区别

be supposed to 和should都有“应该”的意思 ,有时可互换,但它们的用法也是有点不同。1、be supposed to有人称和数的变化。侧重于强调“被期望”,就是说,大家希望你这样做但你不一定要这样做;也可用来表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于情态动词should。2、should 没有人称和数的变化.既可指有责任或义务 “应该”做某事,也可指建议或劝告某人“应该”做某事,还可指推测某事或某情况“应该”会发生“等。语气更强烈。如:1). You are supposed to liten to your boss.你应该听你老板的。2).He is supposed to work hard. 他应该努力工作。3). We should help each other. (表示责任)=We are supposed to help each other .我们应该互相帮助。4). You should see a doctor.(表示建议或劝告)=You are supposed to see a doctor .你应该去看医生。5).They should be there by now, I think. (表示推测)我想现在他们都已经到了。

How am I suppose to know?还是How am I supposed to know? suppose和supposed区别?

be supposed to (do):应该;被期望;理应.固定用法




be supposed to do与should是一样的意思“理应做某事”“被期望做某事”。You are supposed to get home at 5pm.你五点就应该到家的。be worry about没有这样的用法。因为be动词后面是不可以接动词原形的!be worried about doing 是担心做某事,担心而已,不存在强调动作或状态。



(高二英语) 关于suppose的用法

it是“to be sent as soon as possible”的形式主语.be supposed to do 是理应做某事的意思。句子翻译:这份报道很重要,所以应尽快的发出去。it is supposed to do 经常这么搭配。快给我分啊!


suppose常指根据一些证据而得出的推断,强调暂时性,可接不定式(特别是to be)、介词短语、形容词等的复合结构,接从句等,作“假定,猜想”等解。如: We all supposed him to be an actor.我们都以为他是个演员。 Let"s suppose he is right. 让我们假定他是对的。guess表达说话人在缺乏了解和证据时所陈述的见解,其后可接名词、复合宾语、从句。如: I should guess the old woman to be about sixty.我猜这位老太太六十岁上下。 Guess how much it is worth.猜猜看这东西值多少钱。


1想, 设想, 猜测; 认为, 以为;I suppose you are right.2[和given, provided 通用]假定;Let"s suppose (that) the news is true.3包含, 意味着; 必须有, 以...为必需条件;4[用于祈使语气]让, ...如何, ...怎么样;(=if)[口]如果Suppose your father saw you now, what would you say? 及物动词 vt. [W]1.猜想,以为[Y][+(that)][O2][O8]I suppose he is still in town. 我想他还在城里。2.期望;认为必须,认为应该[H][O2][O8]You"re not supposed to take the books out of the room. 这些书不能拿出屋去。3.必须以...为前提Every effect supposes a cause. 任何事的产生都必然有其原因。4.(用于祈使语气)让...[+(that)]Suppose we set out at six. 我们六点动身吧。5.假定[+(that)][O2]Suppose the car should break down again. 假定汽车又出毛病了。


读 se"poz原型是suppose

be supposed to do和supposed to do的区别是什么?

很高兴能够为您解答!当我们学习英语时,经常会遇到一些非常相似的词汇和表达,但其实它们之间有着微妙的区别。比如“be supposed to do” 和 “supposed to do”,这两个表达看起来非常接近,但又似乎不完全相同。那么这两者到底有什么区别呢?让我们来一探究竟。以下是我做的表格:总体来说,“be supposed to do” 表示一种期望或责任感,通常是从外部获得的规定、期望等;而“supposed to do” 则表示一种约定俗成的惯例或者大家都认为理所当然的情况。两者语法结构不同,在实际使用中要根据具体情境选择合适的表达方式。希望可以帮到你,祝你生活愉快!

supposed这个单词是什么意思,关于他的词组supposed to do只能这样用,不可以是suppose to do吗?

supposed是suppose的过去式和过去分词,他是一个单词,但不是词根。那个词组应该是be supposed to do,你那样说说明你没有理解,这是一个作谓语的词组,supposed不是过去式,而是过去分词,相当于表示被动,因为suppose有要求,期望,认为的意思,被要求做什么,意思就是应该做什么,你是初中生吧,记住这一个词组就行,其他不用深究。这个词组很重要。suppose [sə"pəuz]conj. 假使…结果会怎样vt. 假设;认为;让(虚拟语气);推想vi. 猜想;料想




adj 假设的;想像上的;假定的。 a supposed case 一个假设的情况。也可能是suppose的过去式或分词suppose 及物动词 1.设想,推测;猜想某事[某人]如何 (to do to be)。2.假定〔证题时用语,和 given, provided 通用〕。3.意味着;必须先假定,以…为必需条件。4.〔现在分词或祈使语气〕如果…好不好。5.〔口语〕如果(=if)。I suppose you are right. 我想你说得对。 I should suppose him to be about fifty. 我可也猜他是五十岁左右。 Supposing [Suppose] you miss your tiger, he is not likely to miss you. 你如果打不着老虎,老虎不见得吃不着你。 Purpose supposes foresight. 目的就意味着预见。 S- we try. 去试试吧。 S- we go to bed. 咱们去睡吧。 be supposed to (do) 1. …(在职务上)要,应该(You are supposed to be here at eight every day. 你应该每天八点钟到这里)。 2. 〔用于否定句〕〔口语〕不许,不准 (You"re not supposed to smoke here. 不许你在这儿吸烟)。不及物动词 推测,料想。 I suppose so. 我想是的。



Tammy. The Sounds的《Pos》 歌词

歌曲名:Pos歌手:Tammy. The Sounds专辑:Apopse Se Thelo - Oles Oi EpityhiesHed pe - P.O.S.‘静态脉冲"Q:21281770i"m sorry i couldn"t live up toso sorry i couldn"t be like youi"m sorry i couldn"t becomewhat you areI couldn"t have tried any lessI hate becoming your regretI kinda like what you put me throughMaybe you"re not like themMaybe they"re not really your friendsMaybe you think too fucking hardToo fucking hard...You can"t take it from meHow can you take what was never minei could have done so much morei could have been so much moreNow I"m one person less than I used to beSo what am I supposed to thinkSo what am I supposed to thinkSo what am I supposed to thinkSo what am I supposed to thinkI couldn"t have tried any lessI hate becoming your regretI kinda like what you put me throughBitch!Hoe!Cunt!Slut!Tramp!Liar!Whore!You can"t take it from meHow can you take what was never mineYou can"t take it from meHow can you take...what was never minehttp://music.baidu.com/song/7450472


介词结构preposition-predicate construction-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!


1. My father is work at work __at____ nine and five o"clock. 2. Ken"s exams are ____on______ the 14 th to the 20th of April . He is studying hard ____at___ present. 3. Let"s play football ______X______ next Saturday. 4. Shall we go to the cinema ____X___ this evening? The film will start __at____ eight. 5. We will phone you ___at___ about 10 o"clock___on____ Tuesday morning. 6. My father does not normally work ____at______ weekends but he had to work ____X_______ last Saturday. 7. I met my old friend at the bus stop _____X____ yesterday morning. He was going to MongKok __at_____ that time. We met again ___X__today. 8. The first day of school ____X____ this year is ___on____ 1 st of September. 9. I usually finish school __at_____ a quarter to four __in____ the afternoon. 10. Most secondary schools do not have classes ____on____ the weekend. 11. __On___ Christmas Day we had lunch with Lilian ____at____ noon. We visited her father _____in_____ the evening. 12. I always drink a cup of coffee ______for___ breakfast. __In___ the afternoon I drink tea. I usually drink hot milk __at_____ night before I go to bed. 13. Peter usually goes to the south of France ____in_____ winter. He usually goes ____in____ December but he could not go ____X____ last December because his son was ill. 14. It"s very cold here ____at______ night. 15. A fire broke out in the building _______X_______ last night. Luckily everyone was able to escape and the firemen put fire out ___in____ half an hour. 16. I can decorate the Christams tree ___in_____ o hours. 2008-08-24 21:24:20 补充: SORRY ! 更正 2. Ken"s exams are ____FROM_____ the 14 th to the 20th of April . He is studying hard ____at___ present. antongreen711解得好 2楼就..= =" Answers : 1. My father is at work __from__ nine and five o" clock. 2. Ken"s exams are __from__ the 14 th to the 20th of April . He is studying hard __at__ present. 3. Let"s play football __there/ X__ next Saturday. 4. Shall we go to the cinema __X__ this evening? The film will start __at__ night. 5. We will phone you __at__ about 10 o"clock __on__ Thursday morning. 6. My father does not normally work __on__ weekends but he had to work __X__ last Saturday. 7. I met my old friend at the bus stop __X__ yesterday morning. He was going to MongKok __at__ that time. We met again __X__ today. 8. The first day of school __in__ this year is __on__ 1st of September. 9. I usually finish school __at__ a quarter to four __in__ the afternoon. 10. Most secondary schools do not have classes __in__ the weekends. 11. __On__ Christmas Day we had lunch with Lilian __at__ noon. We visited her father __in__ the evening. 12. I always drink a cup of coffee __at__ breakfast. __In__ the afternoon I drink tea. I usually drink hot milk __at__ night before I go to bed. 13. Peter usually goes to the south of France __in__ winter. He usually goes __in__ December but he could not go __X__ last December because his son was ill. 14. It"s very cold here __at__ night. 15. A fire broke out in the building __X__ last night. Luckily everyone was able to escape and the firemen put fire out __in__ half an hour. 16. I can decorate the Christmas tree __in__ o hours. 参考: ^.^ Enjoy

preposition (on,in,at,for,)

Tony is not good (1) at English. He is afraid(2) of speaking (3) in/x English and he has difficultices municating(4) with foregners. To improve his English he attended a course(5) at/in a university (6) in Britain last summer. He stayed there (7) for o months (8) from June (9) to August and spent $20000(10) on the course However he made little progress(11) in his studies. Althought he is disappointed he will take part (12) in another couese (13) in the near future. 注意: 1 红字部份更正了原文错字或不合理表达。 2 花钱于 X 之上,英文是 spending money on X. 为了他而花钱,英文是 spending money for him. Cheers! (5) at others are quite correct. 1. at 2. of 3. in/X 4. with 5. in 6. in 7. for 8. from 9. to 10. on 11. in 12. in 13. in


1.by 的运用 used to show the person or thing that does something: The motorcycle was driven by a tiny bald man. We were amazed by what she told us. I"m reading some short stories (written) by Chekhov. 2.for 和of的分别与运用 for: 1. intended to be given to: e.g There"s a phone message for you. I"d better buy something for the new baby. There"s a prize for the fastest three runners in each category. 2.because of or as a result of something: e.g I"m feeling all the better for my holiday. "How are you?" "Fine and all the better for seeing you!" She did fifteen years in prison for murder. 3.used to show an amount of time or distance: e.g We walked for miles. She"s out of the office for a few days next week. I"m just going to bed for an hour or so. Of: 1. used to show possession belonging or origin: e.g a friend of mine the president of the United States employees of the pany the colour of his hair 2. used in expressions showing position: e.g the top of his head the back of your dress on the corner of the street 3. beside 的运用 1. at the side of next to: e.g Come and sit here beside me. Our school was built right beside a river. 4. Beyond 的运用 1. further away in the distance (than something): In the distance beyond the river was a *** all town. From the top of the hill we could see our house and the woods beyond. 2. outside or after (a stated limit): Few people live beyond the age of a hundred. We cannot allow the work to continue beyond the end of the year. 3. INFORMAL If something is beyond you you are unable to understand it: I"m afraid physics is pletely beyond me. 5. round 和 around的分别 round : In a circular direction or position; around: The Moon goes round the Earth. We ran round (the outside of the house) to the back looking for the dog. around: We sat around the table. He put his arm around her. ** MAINLY UK round US USUALLY

preposition 为什么翻译成介词 而不是 前置词?

你好。1 非常简单。在这里“介”的意思就“媒介”,把其前後的 词 / 词组 连接起来。2 一般来说,在某个语种裏面如果有“前置词”,那就一定会有“後置词”。而英语中只有“介词 / 前置词”,没有“介词 / 後置词 ”(请参考-----牛津高级英汉字典----第七版-----page 1560)。因此,为了阻止人们的联想,汉语翻译大师们就采用“介词”来替换“前置词”---------因为“前置词”会让人联想到“後置词”。You see, the above is what I think of “介词 / 前置词”, thanks.

What is preposition????

Prepositions of time 1 A.We use at with an exact point of time times of the day and festival Use Examples Exact point of time : I get up at six in the moring. Festivals : Children like to see christmas Father at Christmas. Meals and mealtimes: I shall see you at lunch-time. Times of the day: I used to study at night. B.We use on with days and dates. parts of particular day or special days. Use Examples Days and dates: Ther will be a test on Monday. Parts of a particlar day: We webt shopping on Monday evening. Special days: We go to the church on Easter Sunday. C.We use in for longer periods of time and parts of day. Use Examples Longer periods of time: It is very hot in August. Parts of the dat: What are you doing in the afternoon? Prepositions of time 2 A. We also say in the past and in the future. B. We use in before a period of time t talk about when something will happenin the future. C. We use from...to ...or from...till( untill )...to say that something began at one time and finished at a certain time. D. We can use beeen...and...instead of form...to... E. Do NOT use a preposition before last naxt this every tomorrow or yesterday. 2009-01-18 12:31:06 补充: A preposition is a word used to show the relationship of a noun to something else usually a location in space or time. A preposition is one type of a larger grammatical category referred to as adpositions. 参考: me and book me and yahoo In grammar a preposition is a part of speech that introduces a prepositional phrase. For example in the sentence "The cat sleeps on the sofa" the word "on" is a preposition introducing the prepositional phrase "on the sofa". In English the most used prepositions are "of" "to" "in" "for" and "on". Simply put a preposition indicates a relation beeen things mentioned in a sentence. (extract from Wikipedia) en. *** /wiki/Preposition I hope I can help you. 参考: Wikipedia The general meaning of preposition is [placed before] Generally used prepositions are : in on at to from up down towards away off about around round under and above e eg. in the box on the table under the tree near the window prepositions are always placed before nouns. Sometimes prepositions can be placed after nouns. eg. a man of great power a book about philosophy a flower with different colors a cup of coffee a bundle of bananas e Prepositions can form prepositional phrases to modify nouns or verbs. eg. The children are playing in the garden. [in the garden] is an adverbial prepositonal phrase of place to modify the verb [are playing]. The monkey is looking at a girl with long hair. [with long hair] is an adjectival prepositonal phrase to modify the noun [girl]. In some languages a word placed before a substantive and indicating the relation of that substantive to a verb an adjective or another substantive as Englishat by in to from and with. 参考: yahoo me a word or group of words e.g. in from to out of on behalf of) often placed before a oun or pronoun to indicate place direction source method e
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