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那个都不考虑,性能本身区别不大,所以性能不重要的,重要的是,980TI的功率太大了,超过了250W,买着便宜,全交了电费了。有拿交电费的银子,直接买新显卡了,RX5500XT 8GGDDR6这类显卡了,功率小一半,性能相当,显存还大2G,特效开的更高。

In the Wake of Poseidon 歌词

歌曲名:In the Wake of Poseidon歌手:king crimson专辑:The 21st Century Guide to King Crimson, Volume One: 1969–1974In The Wake of PoseidonKing Crimsonplato"s spawn cold ivyed eyes 柏拉图式的冷酷眼神snare truth in bone and globe 捕获着真相的精髓harlequins coin pointless games 盛装的小丑弄着把戏sneer jokes in parrot"s robe 无谓地说笑拾人牙慧two women weep,dame scarlet screen 二女对泣,红妆泪影sheds sudden theatre rain 如突降暴雨一般纷坠whilst dark in dream the midnight queen 与此同时午夜女皇在黑暗与梦幻间knows every human pain 洞悉着人间的痛苦交悴in air,fire,earth and water 空气,火,土地和水world on the scales 世界由此构成air,fire,earth and water 空气,火,土地和水balance of change 相生相克world on the scales 世界由此构成on the scales 由此构成bishop"s kings spin judgement"s blade 主教主宰着是非黑白scratch "faith" on nameless graves 在乱葬岗中榨取信仰harvest hags Hoard ash and sand 颗粒无受,沙积尘聚pack rope and chain for slaves 奴隶的桎梏层层叠放who fireside fear fermented words 谁人与危言耸听为伍then rear to spoil the feast 之后必将把灾祸酝酿whilst in the aisle the mad man smiles 与此同时疯汉在廊中暗笑to him it matters least 只有他才不感到惆怅heroes hands drain stones for blood 伟人从石头里拧出鲜血to whet the scaling knife 以此来磨练无边的锋芒magi blind with visions light 俗人被表象的光芒蒙蔽net death in dread of life 在生命的恐惧中网罗死亡their children kneel in Jesus till 他们的后裔膜拜耶稣they learn the price of nail 直到十字架上那钉子得偿whilst all around our mother earth 与此同时我们的大地母亲waits balance on the scales 在等待着阴阳的此消彼长http://music.baidu.com/song/52658898

手表poseidon编号 p00461 这是什么手表 昨天捡到的

















Preference of Poseidon 在中文中的意思是 "波塞冬的偏好"。波塞冬是希腊神话中的海神,也掌管地震和马匹。因此,Preference of Poseidon指的是波塞冬在特定情境下可能有的选择或倾向,通常与水、海洋生物或自然灾害有关。




要说清楚 就要说很多 简单的说说吧先从他们出生来说,海洋女神忒提斯Thetis的父亲是大地之母该亚和其次子深海之神彭透斯Pontus的长子友善海神涅柔斯Nereus 忒提斯的母亲海洋女神多丽斯Doris是地母该亚和其长子苍穹之神乌拉诺斯所生的长子大洋之神俄刻阿诺斯Oceanus和女儿沧海女神泰西斯Tethys的三千位女儿之一 涅柔斯和多丽斯生了50位海之女神,忒提斯是这50位海之女神或神女之首,她的其中一个姐妹安菲特琳迪Amphitrite是波塞冬的妻子 波塞冬是该亚与乌拉诺斯最小的孩子奸诈的克罗诺斯Cronus与女儿丰饶的瑞亚Rhea的次子 安菲特里忒(4)安菲特里忒(Amphitrite)海神涅柔斯(Nereus)与大海女神多里斯(Doris)之女,海洋神女涅瑞伊得斯(Nereides)之一,海王波塞冬的妻子。在罗马神话中对应的是尼普顿的妻子莎拉西娅。在赫西俄德的《神谱》里,她是涅柔斯和多里斯的女儿;而根据阿波罗多洛斯,她是俄刻阿诺斯和泰西丝的女儿。不过阿波罗多洛斯还是将她算在涅瑞伊得斯(海仙女)内。安菲特里忒对于海洋以及海洋生物的权威是如此之大,以至于她从未作为波塞冬的妻子出现在崇拜仪式或是艺术作品中,除非他们被作为地位相当的大海统治者而并列出现。安菲特里忒与其它海仙女的差别仅在于她王后的气质,据说当波塞冬第一次在纳克索斯岛见到她和其它海仙女在一起的时候就被她的美貌和舞姿所打动,将她携回宫殿。另一种说法是她为了躲避波塞冬的追求而逃到了大海的尽头,而波塞冬的海豚在那里找到了她,它因此获得奖赏化作不朽的星座。波塞冬和她有一个儿子“特里同”和一个女儿“罗得”(也有人宣称她是波塞冬和哈利娅的女儿,或者是阿索波斯的女儿)。阿波罗多洛斯还提到他们另一个女儿,名叫本忒希基墨(Benthesikyme)。在艺术作品中,安菲特里忒要么表现为头戴王冠坐在波塞冬一侧,要么同他一起乘坐海马或其它神话生物拉的战车内,周围簇拥着特里同以及海仙女们。她身着女王的长袍,头上带有发网。供奉她的神庙内有时会有龙虾的钳子作为附属物。在诗歌中人们用她的名字来称呼海洋。有一颗小行星29 Amphitrite以她命名。忒提斯(6)忒提斯(Thetis)海洋女神,海神涅柔斯(Nereus)和海洋女神多丽斯(Doris)的女儿,是海洋神女涅瑞伊得斯(Nereides)之中最贤慧者。在泰坦之战(Titanomachy)时曾召来百臂巨人(Hekatonchires)帮助宙斯反抗泰坦众神们。宙斯和波塞冬都追求过她,但忒弥斯预言忒提斯将生下比父亲更降大的孩子(普罗米修斯也知道这个秘密)后来宙斯得知这秘密以后,便把她嫁给了密尔弥冬人的王珀琉斯(Peleus)。在他们的婚礼上唯独没有邀请不合女神厄里斯(Eris),于是,厄里斯决意报复,暗中把一只金苹果扔在欢快的客人们中间,于是引发了金苹果事件,是特洛伊战争的导火线。她们生了个男孩也就是阿喀琉斯(Achilles),阿喀琉斯果然比父亲强大。伽勒涅(7)伽勒涅(Γαληνη, Galene,「海晏」)海之平静的化身,海神涅柔斯(Nereus)与大海女神多里斯(Doris)之女,海洋神女涅瑞伊得斯(Nereides)之一。格劳刻(8)格劳刻(Γλαυκη, Glauce)海之绿色的化身,海神涅柔斯(Nereus)与大海女神多里斯(Doris)之女,海洋神女涅瑞伊得斯(Nereides)之一。潘诺佩亚(27)潘诺佩亚(Πανoπεια,Panopea,「全见」)海之广阔的化身,海神涅柔斯(Nereus)与大海女神多里斯(Doris)之女,海洋神女涅瑞伊得斯(Nereides)之一。 伽拉泰亚(28)伽拉泰亚(Galatea)浪花神女,海神涅柔斯(Nereus)之女,海洋神女涅瑞伊得斯(Nereides)之一普萨玛忒(44)普萨玛忒(Ψαμαθη, Psamathe)海沙女神,海神涅柔斯(Nereus)与大海女神多里斯(Doris)之女,海洋神女涅瑞伊得斯(Nereides)之一。普萨玛忒在沙滩上被英雄艾亚哥斯(Aeacus,冥府三判官之一,攻打特洛伊的英雄大埃阿斯与阿喀琉斯的祖父以及特洛伊木马的设计师埃佩伊娥斯的曾祖父)抓住,于是嫁给了他,为他生下一子福科斯(Phocus,埃佩伊娥斯的祖父)。后来海神普洛透斯(Proteus)又娶了她,生下一对儿女:忒俄克吕墨诺斯(Theoclymenus)和厄多忒亚(Eidothea)。涅里忒斯涅里忒斯(Νηριτη09, Nerites,「涅柔斯之子」)俊美的海神,海上老人涅柔斯(Nereus)与大海女神多里斯(Doris)之子。涅里忒斯是美神阿芙洛狄忒(Aphrodite)的初恋情人,但阿芙洛狄忒被邀上奥林匹斯山(Olympus)时,他拒绝一同前往。他亦是海王波塞冬(Poseidon)的车夫兼情人,被嫉妒的海后安菲特里忒(Amphitrite)变成了海螺,后来成了海螺之神。

poseidon 是什么意思?

波塞冬(Poseidon)的名字可见于公元两千多年前的铭文,最初,他是地震之神和水神,被称为大地的震撼者,大地的占有者,他的威力与大地无穷无尽的生命力及洪水相匹敌。 古人赋予他名字的词源与“饮”和“河”有联系,但更接近与“做主人”的词根,这个词又见于拉丁语的“POTEN”(意为“有力的”)。 波塞冬(Poseidon):宙斯的兄弟;掌管大海;脾气暴躁,贪婪。波塞冬是希腊奥林珀斯十二主神之一,他是宙斯的哥哥,地位仅次于宙斯。他的罗马名字是涅普顿(Neptune),九大行星中的海王星。他与宙斯一同战胜了父亲克洛斯之后,一同分割世界,他负责掌管海洋,以三*戟主宰水域,在水上拥有无上的权威,是大地的动摇者。他能呼唤或平息暴风雨,轻易地令任何船只粉碎。波塞冬曾经与雅典娜争夺雅典,可惜最后还是败给雅典娜。一怒之下,他曾经用洪水淹没雅典。在争夺雅典时,他变出第一匹马,所以他也是马匹的保护神。


语法标注解释 Poseidon Poseidon的中文翻译名词 n. 1.【希神】波塞冬(海神)2.(美国海运配备的)海神洲际导弹1.海洋之神,海王与希腊神话和荷马史诗相关的GRE词汇 中国...08. Poseidon 海洋之神,海王

手表英文字母是POSEIDOn什么牌子 请各位高人帮忙谢谢



男生用poseidon的含义如下:一、含义意思为:波西登,波塞冬。Poseidon代表是希腊名字,男孩叫这个名字较多,最早出现于希腊语,Poseidon是个特色的名字,这个名字寓意规矩,内向。二、Poseidon的历史起源1、希腊文:希腊神话中的海洋、地震和马匹之神,可能源自希腊文ποσιu03c2(Posis)“丈夫,勋爵”和δα(Da)“大地”这个名字第一次出现在迈锡尼希腊碑文中的名字是posedao。在希腊神话中,波塞冬是不守规矩的海洋和地震之神,宙斯的兄弟。2、最初,他是地震之神和水神,被称为大地的震撼者,大地的占有者,他的威力与大地无穷无尽的生命力及洪水相匹敌。 古人赋予他名字的词源与“饮”和“河”有联系,但更接近与“做主人”的词根,这个词又见于拉丁语的“POTEN”(意为“有力的”)。3、波塞冬(Poseidon):宙斯的兄弟;掌管大海;脾气暴躁,贪婪。波塞冬是希腊奥林珀斯十二主神之一,他是宙斯的哥哥,地位仅次于宙斯。他的罗马名字是涅普顿(Neptune),九大行星中的海王星。4、他与宙斯一同战胜了父亲克洛斯之后,一同分割世界,他负责掌管海洋,以三戟主宰水域,在水上拥有无上的权威,是大地的动摇者。他能呼唤或平息暴风雨,轻易地令任何船只粉碎。波塞冬曾经与雅典娜争夺雅典,可惜最后还是败给雅典娜。5、一怒之下,他曾经用洪水淹没雅典。在争夺雅典时,他变出第一匹马,所以他也是马匹的保护神。


Poseidon is a 2006 action-adventure disaster film and the third film adaptation of The Poseidon Adventure by Paul Gallico. It stars Kurt Russell, Josh Lucas, Emmy Rossum, and Richard Dreyfuss. It was directed by Wolfgang Petersen and produced and distributed by Warner Bros. in association with Virtual Studios. The film also had a simultaneous release in the IMAX format. It was nominated for the Academy Award for Visual Effects and was released on May 12, 2006. Poseidon generated US$181,674,817 at the worldwide box office and $19,725,028 in DVD sales, making its total gross $201,399,845.In the northern Atlantic Ocean, the ocean liner Poseidon, named for the Greek god of water, is sailing through the ocean. On one of its thirteen decks, we see Dylan Johns (Josh Lucas) running for an evening workout, stopping when he reaches the top to enjoy the last sunset of 2005. Meanwhile, in one of the 800 cabins, Jen Ramsey (Emmy Rossum) is with her boyfriend/fiancée Christian (Mike Vogel) when they are interrupted by Jen"s father, former firefighter/mayor of New York Robert Ramsey (Kurt Russell). Christian immediately starts treating him like a king, but he tells Christian, "Stop calling me sir....it makes me feel old." Jen stomps off to her room. Down below in the kitchen, an attractive Spanish girl named Elena (Mia Maestro), is hunting for her friend Marco Valentin. She finds Marco (Freddy Rodriguez), a waiter on the ship, and we quickly learn that he is smuggling her across from Europe so she can be with her sick brother in New York. He gives her some food from a nearby plate, but he tells her that she has to stay in the cabin. Elsewhere, architect Richard Nelson (Richard Dreyfuss) calling his boyfriend, but he only gets the answering machine, and we can tell that his lover recently broke up with him.That night, Captain Michael Bradford (Andre Braugher) welcomes everyone to his ship. He tells them a little about its namesake and then introduces musical act Gloria (Stacy Ferguson). While she performs we go up a few decks, Dylan and Ramsey are playing a game of Texas Holdem with two others, generic guy five and Lucky Larry (Kevin Dillon). Jen and Christian come up to say hello to Ramsey before heading over to the nightclub as he"s nearing a fifty thousand dollar betting mark with Dylan (Larry and guy five folded). Ramsey looks up at Dylan, who is grinning evilly and saying, "All in." Over at another table, we see Nelson telling some of his friends the story of his breakup and his ex"s quick turnaround while he orders a five thousand dollar bottle of champagne for the table just before excusing himself to get some air. Meanwhile, we see Dylan walking away with his winnings when he bumps into a kid playing with his PSP. The kid is Conor James (Jimmy Bennett) and he takes an immediate liking to Dylan, as does his mom Maggie (Jacinda Barrett) who quickly comes up looking for him. Meanwhile, we see Jen and Chris in the nightclub partying like crazy as Elena picks her way through the baot.Meanwhile, in the pilot room, we see the officer in charge get a feeling that "Something"s off," when the instruments suddenly detect a HUGE 150-foot tall, tidal wave coming towards the ship (Nelson, who was about to jump overboard, also sees this and it ironically makes him rethink the suicide). The officer on the bridge puts in an order to turn hard to starboard in order to avoid a direct hit, but it doesn"t matter. The wave hits the starboard side of the ship, sweeping dozens of people overboard (some of whom were in the on-deck pool), crushing others, flash-frying some, electrifying a few, and in general causing all sorts of hellish chaos. The Poseidon completely turns over, upside down and within seconds, all power on the ship goes off and the lights fail, plunging the capsized ship into darkness.After people have calmed down some and the general chaos has subsided, Captain Bradford calls for order and assures the people that as soon as the rogue wave hit the ship, a signal went off and rescue teams are on the way. As he"s talking, Maggie notices Connor stuck on a piano on the ceiling (it was bolted down). Ramsey comes over and with the help of a few others creates a slide out of a curtain for Connor to fall into. Meanwhile, we see Jen and Christian in the remains of the nightclub, where one of the spotlight girders has fallen on Christian, trapping his leg. Jen tries to get it off but is unable to. Looking around, she spots Elena and gets her over there, and the two girls try again. Ramsey has asked the captain to search for Jen but has gotten nowhere. Meanwhile, Dylan has been spotted leaving by Connor, and Dylan explains that they will probably be able to get out through the propeller area. Eventually, he finds himself joined by Nelson, Ramsey, Maggie, Connor, and Marco, who is serving as the map of the ship. As they leave, we see hatches seal behind them as the captain mutters, "God be with them." On the other side, the group picks their way through a messed up hallway and serving area, eventually coming to a service elevator that should get them where they need to go. To cross the shaft, they grab a flimsy metal table and use it as a bridge. Dylan tries to get the doors on the other side open, but they won"t budge. He notices the doors on the next level "up" are open, so Nelson volunteers as a stirrup to get him up there. Just as Dylan finishes getting the upper doors open, an elevator "above" them starts coming "down" and it becomes a race to get everyone through. Finally it"s down to Nelson and Marco. The table falls, and Marco grabs onto Nelson"s leg. Realizing they can"t save both, Dylan orders Nelson to kick Marco off, and Marco falls all the way to the bottom of the shaft before being crushed by the elevator which also falls to the bottom as well. The group recovers and heads on.Back in the nightclub, Elena and Jen are still struggling when they are approached by Lucky Larry. He repositions the rod they"re using for leverage and they are able to get the girder off of Christian just as the other group arrives. Ramsey and Jen reunite, and everybody is introduced (except for a very drunk Larry). They escape via a door that has a flash fire behind it but is defeated by Dylan and Ramsey, and they end up at the elevator in the main concourse of the ship. They use the fallen elevator as a bridge to the other side. Most of the group gets across, but when it"s Lucky Larry"s turn, he decides to do it without help. Just as he"s in the middle, something blows up and a giant chunk of floor comes through, killing Larry, destroying the bridge and causing a literal waterfall of oil ignited by fire. Ramsey says to find another way across, but Dylan grabs a nearby fire hose, dives into the water, swims across, and climbs up to where the others are, making a kind of bungee bridge. Ramsey still wants to find another way, but Jen is insistent on this way and shows him the ring finally. He settles, but then she ducks out and comes back with a little hook for him to hang onto. They slide across together with her piggybacking on him while he holds onto the hook, and the group heads off once more.Back in the concert area, we see people milling around when suddenly the captain notices the glass cracking. He gets about five seconds to digest this when suddenly all the windows burst open and water comes pouring in, drowning everybody. Meanwhile, Elena, Ramsey, Nelson, Jen, Christian, Dylan, Maggie, and Conor have found a shaft that they think might lead "down" to the next level. Ramsey checks it out and says it"s good, and eventually they all get in there, despite Elena"s claustrophobia. While they"re climbing, Ramsey congratulates Christian just as they reach the locked exit from the shaft. Ramsey tries to get his fingers around to unscrew it, but he can"t so he calls up Connor to unscrew. As Connor is climbing, Nelson suddenly slips on a part of the vent that had buckled. Elena freaks out, especially since the water is rising, but Dylan manages to convince her to push Nelson out. She does so just as Conor gets the last screw out. They narrowly escape the vent, although Dylan is nearly drowned. They end up in some kind of ballast chamber, and Dylan realizes the only way out of it is to flood the chamber so the vent on one side of the room opens. They let the water in and after a while, the vent opens and they swim for some stairs. On the way though, Elena gets caught on something and manages to cut herself pretty badly. By the time anyone notices she"s missing and gets back to her, she has drowned. The group leaves Elena"s dead body behind, and moves on. Among all this, see in the control room that the remaining rooms are filling up one by one, meaning the ship is getting that much closer to going under.Back with our remaining heroes, we see that the area they need to go get out is currently under more water than they could swim through. Discouraged, they regroup and try to think of another way out when suddenly the ship starts going vertical. They realize that this means the previous way that was blocked might now be clear, and they head that way when Maggie notices that Conor is missing. She and Dylan search for him while the others secure an exit and find him trapped behind a screen in an area that is rapidly filling with water. Dylan dives under and gets him out, and the trio rapidly make for the other four, who have made it into the engine room. Nelson sees the door to the propellers and opens it, only to get blown back by the hurricane-force winds the still-active propel lor is generating, While Jen looks after him, Christian proposes throwing something in there to block the propellers and get them to stop, but Ramsey points out they"d need to either stop them manually or get them turning the other way, which makes the two argue about who should make the hundred and fifty foot swim to the underwater control room. Christian says that he has better lung capacity so he should do it, and Ramsey reluctantly agrees. Christian moves to say a teary goodbye to Jen, and while he"s busy with that, Ramsey dives in and swims off. The other three arrive and are told what Ramsey is doing as we see Ramsey get in the control room. He finds the engine stop button, but it"s broken. He starts running out of air, and with his last breath manages to find the button to make the propellers turn the other way.Back in the propeller room, everyone notices that the blades are now turning the other way. Dylan moves to throw a nitrogen tank into the blades to get them to stop, but the tank gets caught crosswise in the narrow door frame. He manages to push it through, and there"s a huge explosion that blows out that pair of propellers on both sides of the ship. The remaining survivors come up and pick their way through the tube, stopping at the drop to the water. Dylan says they have to jump, and soon everybody is in the water and swimming for a nearby lifeboat. They get in just as the ship goes under, and Jen screams at them to row like crazy so they don"t get drowned in the backwash. They manage to escape it. Dylan fires off a flare gun to let any rescue teams know where they are. After a wait, a pair of helicopters arrive and pick the six survivors from the water, much to everyone"s relief.