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in silico prediction 中的 in silico 怎么理解

in silico有电子的意思,表示计算机,in silico prediction就是计算机预测,还可以表示生物信息学,in silico prediction在生物医学中可以理解为生物信息学预测。

make a prediction 后面跟什么介词

prediction on

英语作文:my prediction about the future

 Everyone of us is thinking about the future. What is mine? I have decided become a middle school teacher . Does it sound surprising?  I had his dream when I was only a child. I love children . I don"t think to deal with them all years round is just wasting time . On the contrary , to me it would mean happiness . As we all can see, teachers are badly needed in our country, but not many of us want to become teachers. One of the main reasons for this is that teachers work too hard but get too little . In spite of that, I"m determined to devote all my life to the cause of education.


你这样运行程序不会报错?i=2;j=3;修正:if prediction_l[n]~=1 改为 if prediction_l(n)~=1要是还不行,发完整的代码上来,给你看看原因:[]与()是2个完全不同的代码求提问者采纳

make a prediction

make a prediction 做预测; [例句]He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year他不愿意预测来年哪些书会有销路。

the prediction that is missing 什么意思?

缺少的预测prediction预测that is即missing adj.找不到的;不在的;丢失的; v.未击中;未得到;未达到;错过;未见到;未听到;未觉察;不理解;不懂

英语作文《my prediction》怎么写

My ambition is to be a writer. I want to be a famous writer, like Ke Aitao or Guo Jingming. I want to have many my own books. I want to live in Australia. Because Australia is a very beautiful country. There are so many beautiful beaches and kangaroos. I like them very much. I will have a big house near the sea. I hope to have a happy family. I hope to have a lovely baby. I hope to have a beautiful wife. My parents will be very happy and will be very kind to my child. They will be very good grandparents. I predict that I will be very happy and will have many good friends. When I am a man. I hope to have a lot of money. I will help poor people. I will buy a big car for my parents. I will buy a big house for my parents, too. I will go on a trip to the U. S. with my family. I hope that some of my classmates will be my friends when we are older! I will work hard at school. I will read many famous books. I will be good at reading. I hope I can make my dream come true.

英语作文《my prediction》怎么写

My ambition is to be a writer. I want to be a famous writer, like Ke Aitao or Guo Jingming. I want to have many my own books. I want to live in Australia. Because Australia is a very beautiful country. There are so many beautiful beaches and kangaroos. I like them very much. I will have a big house near the sea. I hope to have a happy family. I hope to have a lovely baby. I hope to have a beautiful wife. My parents will be very happy and will be very kind to my child. They will be very good grandparents. I predict that I will be very happy and will have many good friends. When I am a man. I hope to have a lot of money. I will help poor people. I will buy a big car for my parents. I will buy a big house for my parents, too. I will go on a trip to the U. S. with my family. I hope that some of my classmates will be my friends when we are older! I will work hard at school. I will read many famous books. I will be good at reading. I hope I can make my dream come true.

you prediction 这里写什么(be) righe?

你好这个句子是 Your prediction ___ (be) right.要填be动词的适当形式, 主语是 yourprediction , your表示你的, prediction是动词predict的名词形式, 表示预测,your prediction是第三人称单数, 所以be动词也要用三单形式, 句子时态是一般现在时, 填 is,如果时态是一般过去时, 则填was,所以填 is或者 was都可以, 句意是,你的预测是对的。 请采纳 !









prediction 指预言,预报。prophet 指先知,预言者。


They spoke about a prediction in the field.他们谈论了这个领域当中的一个预言。也就是说,它是个可数名词。


prediction如果当“多种预测,多种语言”讲时,可以看做是可数名词。复数后面+s,变为 predictions。除此以外,prediction是不可数名词。 扩展资料   例句:   Weather prediction has never been a perfect science。   天气预报从来都不是一门准确无误的.科学。   Browning"s prediction is no better than a wild guess。   布朗宁的预言只不过是胡乱猜测而已。   These results accord closely with our predictions。   这些结果和我们的预测相当一致。   Many of his predictions are coming true。   他的许多预言都在成为现实。


prediction的动词是:predict。释义:预言之事,预报之事;预测(行为)。变形:复数predictions。短语:prediction model预测模型;推算模型。earthquake prediction地震预报。prediction error预测误差。prediction algorithm预测算法。linear prediction线性预测;线性预报。weather prediction天气预报。相关例句:1、His prediction was right on the money.他的预测准确无误。2、Weather prediction has never been a perfect science.天气预报从来都不是一门准确无误的科学。3、Browning"s prediction is no better than a wild guess.布朗宁的预言只不过是胡乱猜测而已。4、Not many people agree with the government"s prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。5、This is my prediction.这是我的预测。

prediction怎么读 prediction意思介绍

1、prediction,英式读音为:[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n],美式读音为:[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n],意思是预言;预测;预告。 2、示例: (1)Its difficult to make accurate predictions about the effects on the environment.很难准确预测对环境产生的影响。 (2)Skilled readers make use of context and prediction.阅读能力强的人会利用上下文及推测来理解文意。 (3)Not many people agree with the governments prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。

英语高手进来啊~ 为什么这个句子prediction不加S ?


英语高手进来啊~ 为什么这个句子prediction不加S ?

prediction既可作可数也可做不可数,参见朗文词典:prediction pre·dic·tion /pru026au02c8du026aku0283u0259n/ n [U and C] a statement about what you think is going to happen, or the act of making this statementprediction of predictions of a Republican victory The data can be used to make useful economic predictions .而any后面一般是跟单数,像every一样,所以不用加s




ropheciesn.预言,预言能力( prophecy的名词复数 )predictions英 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] 美 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] n.预言,预言的事物( prediction的名词复数 )


guessing 是猜测,动名词prediction是预言。


anticipation预期, 预想; 期待; 希望预用, 预备prediction预 言; 预言的事物

guessing和prediction的区别 先说区别在说例句 呵呵

guessing 是猜测,动名词 prediction是预言.



prediction & forecasting的区别




prediction 如果当“多种预测,多种语言”讲时,可以看做是可数名词。复数后面+s, 变为predictions.希望可以帮到你望采纳




He predicted that an earthquake was imminent.这里是及物动词。预言,预报(vt.)。许多动词加ion后表现为名词。预言,预报(n.)My optimistic predictions came true.




climate prediction 气候预报;oceanic prediction 海况预报,海况预测。 扩展资料 prediction的词性是名词,具有“语言、预测、预告”的意思,其中语言、预报是属于可数名词的意思,被语言的.食物是不可数名词的意思,比如climate prediction 气候预报;oceanic prediction 海况预报,海况预测。


按照我翻译的电子邮件内容来看,应该是有关外国人员驻我国的一个办事机构的名词。 馆长办公室估计是这个机构的BOSS的办公室吧~~ 办公厅


prediction,如果当“多种预测,多种语言”讲时,可以看做是可数名词。复数后面+s,变为 predictions.除此以外,prediction是不可数名词。prediction 英[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n] 美[pru026au02c8du026aku0283n] 1、prediction英 [pru026au02c8du026aku0283n] 美 [pru026au02c8du026aku0283u0259n] n.预言;[气]预测,预报;预言的事物。Weather prediction has never been a perfect science. 天气预报从来都不是完美的科学。2、predictions英 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] 美 [pru026a"du026aku0283nz] n.预言,预言的事物( prediction的名词复数 )。Many of his predictions are coming true 他的多种预言正成为现实。




prediction英 [ pru026au02c8du026aku0283n ] 美 [ pru026au02c8du026aku0283u0259n ]n.[气]预测,预报; 预言; 预言的事物例句1.Browning"s prediction is no better than a wild guess.勃朗宁的预测不过是妄加猜测而已。2.Not many people agree with the government"s prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。3.This great prediction is coming true.这一伟大的预言即将成为事实.

论文中的policy implication部分应该写些什么?policy implication and prediction

经管类论文或者社会类论文就是政策意义一般是通过论文已有部分的主要结论去辅助说明或者证明现有政策的有效性 如果无效 该用怎样的mechanism design去加强政策的有效性 如果是prediction就是说根据已有结论 在条件基本不变的假设下 预测未来经济情况的走势总得说来就是体现模型结论的“实用性”或者说“实际意义”比如一篇论文论证了当今中国房价高是由于游资或者热钱泛滥 那么这个部分就可以分析现行政策中遏制游资或者热钱肆意进入楼市的部分相比其他诸如打击上游产业提高成本的政策更加有效 抑或是预测在现有政策下 楼市价格的变化走势