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encourage and stimulate

Encourage me to give somebody support courage or hope. Or to persuade someone to do something by making it easier for them and making them believe it is a good thing to do. Stimulate me to make something develop or bee more active or to encourage something. encourage vt. 1. 鼓励;怂恿[O2] She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 2. 促进 助长;激发 Don"t encourage her laziness by doing things for her. 别替她做事 这会助长她的懒惰。 3. 支持 stimulate vt. 1. *** ;激励;使兴奋;促使[(+to/into)][O2] The ernment will do everything in its power to stimulate economic growth. *** 将竭尽全力去 *** 经济发展。 2. 促进...的功能 The optical system of the eye stimulates cells of the retina. 眼睛的视觉系统 *** 视网膜内的细胞。 Exercise stimulates the flow of blood. 运动促进血液循环。 vi. 1. 有 *** 之作用;起促进作用 参考: yahoo dictionary



encouragement 可以用什么形容词

my english teacher always give us some encouragement to improve our confidence

what is encourages?

I don"t think there is a noun called “encourage” So encourages cannot be a noun. Maybe you just find it in some sentences such as He encourages graduates from universities and colleges to find work in grassroots regions/ Shanghai Encourages Replacement of Old Cars…etc In the above sentences “encourage” is a verb after he/she/it so “encourage” must be added “s”. Then it bees “encourages”. Encourage is a verb which me to give someone the courage or confidence to do something. When someone is worried and depressed you may want to encourage or fort him/her. This word has another meaning which is “to persuade somebody to do something” Imagine that you were a football team member and you would like to play with more people so that you would like to encourage (persuade) him/her to join. Encouraged / Encouraging (adj) Encouragement (n.) Do you need further help? 参考: scintillating 英 : what is encourages? 中 : encourges是干什么的 verb (动词) : encourage 支持;鼓励;激励 "VN" = 动词+名词 例如 : My parents have always encouraged me in my choice of career。 在我选择职业时父母总是鼓励我。 adv (副词) : encouragingly 鼓励地; 勉励人地 opp (相反词) : discourage 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: englishstudy.info 祝您好运! You have all the meaning in Chinese . Encourage usually is a verb. Your proper questioni should be : what does encourages mean? what is the meaning of encourages ? encourage is a verb - I we you they encourages is also a verb for He or she or third person singular form 1 鼓励;怂恿 2促进 助长;激发 3支持 1 鼓励;怂恿 2促进 助长;激发 3支持 参考: me/yahoo dictionary 1. 鼓励;怂恿[O2] She encouraged him to talk to her. 她鼓励他与她交谈。 2. 促进 助长;激发 Don"t encourage her laziness by doing things for her. 别替她做事 这会助长她的懒惰。 3. 支持

英语作文《encouragement brings me power》

Encouragement is a kind of power which pushes me forward. Once I failed in a singing competition and felt so frustrated. Then my teacher gave me a smile and encouraged me to work harder. Such warm wor...

a lot of 可以接encouragements这句话有问题吗?

从语法上看,“a lot of”可以与“encouragements”搭配,因为“a lot of”意为“许多的”,“encouragements”意为“鼓励”,两者之间的搭配符合英语语法规则。然而,这句话并不是很完整,也不太符合常规英语表达。如果完整写出来,这句话可能应该是“we received a lot of encouragements”,即“我们收到了很多鼓励”,这句话就更加符合常规的英语表达方式。

courage encourage encouragement各造两句

courage1.We esteem courage . 我们敬重勇气。2.His courage revived.他的勇气恢复了。encourage 1.An enterprise should encourage innovation.企业应鼓励创新。2.Don"t encourage his laziness.不要助长他的惰性。encouragement1.Children need more encouragement. 孩子需要更多的鼓励。 2.Encouragement is oxygen to the soul. 鼓励是灵魂的氧气。 祝进步。

英语作文《encourage brings me power》怎么写?

英语作文《encouragement brings me power》如下:Encouragement is a kind of power which pushes me forward. Once I failed in a singing competition and felt so frustrated. Then my teacher gave me a smile and encouraged me to work harder. Such warm words brought me power and I had never lost my self-confidence ever since. I get encouragement from my teachers, parents and friends. Thanks to their encouragement, I get many achievements and become a confident girl. In a word, I believe all difficulties that we face in our life will be overcome with the encouragement from others.翻译如下:鼓励是一种力量,推动我前进。曾经在歌唱比赛我失败了,感到非常沮丧。然后我的老师给了我一个微笑,鼓励我更加努力地工作。这些温暖的话语给我带来力量和我从来没有失去我的自信心。我鼓励我的老师、父母和朋友。感谢他们的鼓励,我得到很多的成就,成为一个自信的女孩。总之,我相信所有的困难在我们的生活中我们面临来自于他人的鼓励将被克服。


encouragement,既是可数名词,又是不可数名词。翻译为激励、奖励、促进,不可数。翻译为鼓励的话或行为、刺激,可数。 扩展资料   encouragement基本含义   n. 鼓舞; 鼓励; 起激励作用的事物;   [例句]She was given every encouragement to try something new.   她得到充分的`鼓励去尝试新事物。   复数:encouragements   encouragement双语例句   We all need encouragement.   我们都需要鼓励。   He seemed to be there for the encouragement of all.   他在那里好象是为了鼓励每一个人。   I ask that you help me stir my passion through your encouragement.   我请求你们帮我激起我的热情,通过你们的鼓励。

英语作文《encouragement brings me power》



是encourage鼓励 的名词形式 不可数 不能说老师给我一个鼓励两个鼓励


encouragement,既是可数名词,又是不可数名词。翻译为激励、奖励、促进,不可数。翻译为鼓励的话或行为、刺激,可数。 encouragement基本含义 英[u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt] 美[u026anu02c8ku025cu02d0ru026adu0292mu0259nt] n. 鼓舞; 鼓励; 起激励作用的事物; [例句]She was given every encouragement to try something new. 她得到充分的鼓励去尝试新事物。 复数:encouragements encouragement双语例句 We all need encouragement. 我们都需要鼓励。 He seemed to be there for the encouragement of all. 他在那里好象是为了鼓励每一个人。 I ask that you help me stir my passion through your encouragement. 我请求你们帮我激起我的热情,通过你们的鼓励。


encouragementn.鼓励; 支持(的事物); 激励; 促进(的事物)双语例句1. The encouragement of a friend spurred Chris into switching jobs. 在一位朋友的鼓励下,克理斯换了工作。来自柯林斯例句2. The man was crooning soft words of encouragement to his wife. 那个男人正温柔地轻声鼓励他的妻子。如有疑问,请追问!


鼓励双语对照词典结果:encouragement[英][u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt][美][u025bnu02c8ku0259:ru026adu0292mu0259nt, -u02c8ku028cr-]n.鼓励; 支持(的事物); 激励; 促进(的事物); 复数:encouragements

with encouragement意思(with encouragement)

您好,我就为大家解答关于with encouragement意思,with encouragement相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、with the ... 您好,我就为大家解答关于with encouragement意思,with encouragement相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧! 1、with the encouragement of: 在谁谁的鼓励之下particular:特别的literary:文学的,作家的在大学里,在一个特别的老师的鼓励之下,Cisneros提高了她的学分,同时也在学校的文学杂志社工作。 2、Cisneros:人名。


encouragement 英 [nkrdmnt] 美 [nkrdmnt] n.鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物 复数: encouragements 扩展资料   例句:The crowd yelled encouragement at the players.   人群大声叫喊着给运动员加油。   Thanks for your advice and encouragement.   谢谢你的建议和鼓励。


encouragement n. 鼓励,激励,支持 encouraging adj.令人鼓舞的

他对她的鼓励,如何翻译?要用名词形式. encouragement

你怎么又提这个问题了?1 his encouragement of her // his encouragement to her // her encouragement from him2 the encouragement of her by him------- 可以有多种翻译,这完全看你怎么理解 / 从哪个角度理解。英语是个活的语言。在你目前的英语程度上,你可能要纠结一段时间。 供你参考:1 the Soviet Union"s invasion of Afganistan 2 the invasion of Afganistan by the Soviet Union








encouragement鼓励双语对照词典结果:encouragement[英][u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292mu0259nt][美][u026anu02c8ku025c:ru026adu0292mu0259nt]n.鼓励; 支持(的事物); 激励; 促进(的事物); 复数:encouragements以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Japanese wives treat their husbands with encouragement andconcern. 日本妻子对待丈夫充满着鼓励和关心

cheer urge encourage 的区别和用法

cheer up 高兴起来;振作起来vt.1. 欢呼,向…欢呼;向…喝彩:The movie star was warmly cheered as he got on the stage.这位影星登上舞台时受到人们的热烈欢呼。2. 使重新感到喜悦或抱有希望;以欢呼声激励;为…加油:The spectators cheered the players again and again:“Come on! Come on!”观众一再向运动员高呼:“加油!加油!”3. 使高兴;使振奋;使快慰:They were cheered by the good news.这个好消息使他们感到振奋。Our visit has cheered the old man.我们的来访使老人很高兴。vi.1. (为表示赞同、鼓励、胜利等而)欢呼,喝彩:I saw many students on the stands shouting and cheering.我看见看台上有许多学生在欢呼和喝彩。2. 感到高兴,感到振奋(常与 up 连用):She cheered up at the thought of seeing her children again.她一想到又要见到孩子们,心里就高兴起来。urge vt 催促,驱使; 怂恿;强烈要求; urge sb. to do sth./urge sb. that+句子(句中要用should + 动词原型的虚拟,should可省) encourage v. ----- encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人干-----不知道能帮到你了吗,如果有问题,欢迎追问

用suggest aviod urge encourage 四个词分别造句

His pale face suggests bad health.他面色苍白,说明他身体不好。The reason for doing this is to aviod any law suit once the student get injuried.这样做是为了避免一旦学生受伤而当被告。He urged the horses on with a whip.他用鞭子策马前行。Her success encouraged me to try the same thing.她的成功鼓励我试做同样的事。


encourage v. 鼓励, 激励, 支持to say or do something that helps someone have the courage or confidence to do somethingmotivate v. 给...动机; 激发; 刺激to make someone want to achieve something and make them willing to work hard in order to do it


encourage:To inspire with hope,courage,or confidence; hearten. 鼓励,鼓舞:以希望、勇气或信心等鼓舞;使振作 stimulate:To rouse to activity or heightened action,as by spurring or goading; excite.See Synonyms at provoke 激发:激发活动或更兴奋的活动,如通过刺激或激励;使兴奋参见 provoke

__________ [A]encourage [B] frustrate [C] tempt [D] commit







我在美国三十年从来没发现foster有鼓励的意思。foster原义是培养,其它都是引申义。即使有点和鼓励的意思沾边,翻译成鼓励也不贴切。例如:to foster innovation 鼓励创新这是标准的翻译,但是绝对没有把原来的意思翻译出来。这里的foster,不是鼓励,而是包含一点一点地培养的意思。《空中英语教室(新教师教学)》杂志里一篇文章把to foster innovation翻译成"培养创新能力",就贴切多了。总之,foster有那么一点鼓励的意思,但是在使用的时候不能翻译成"鼓励"。


encourage: To inspire with hope, courage, or confidence; hearten.鼓励,鼓舞:以希望、勇气或信心等鼓舞;使振作stimulate: To rouse to activity or heightened action, as by spurring or goading; excite.See Synonyms at provoke 激发:激发活动或更兴奋的活动,如通过刺激或激励;使兴奋参见 provoke 赞同0| 评论




encourage造句如下:1 .That"s why many of them are thinking really very hard of how to foster entrepreneurship, how to encourage innovation.这就是为什么大家都在思索,如何才能培养企业家精神,如何鼓励创新。2. I just encourage people to breathe, to practice being in touch with their breath, "Breathing in I relax, breathing out I release."我只是鼓励人们调息,练习与呼吸建立联系,吸气,放松,呼气,释放“。3. Especially in labor-abundant countries, it may be a waste of resources to encourage the substitution of chemical pesticides for human labor.尤其是在哪些劳力充裕的国家,鼓励以化学药物取代人力可能是一种浪费资源的作法。4. It would be irresponsible of me to encourage you to invest in the poorly managed company.如果我鼓励你投资于该管理不善的公司,那是不负责任。5.Encourage others to do one unanticipated kind or helpful act at least once a week.至少一周一次鼓励别人去做从未意料到的类型的举动。

encourage 可不可数



en COU rage.


encourage 动词 encouragment 名词 encouraging 形容词 encouragingly 副词

Encourage sb sth有这样的从句吗?

没有Encourage sb doing sth的句式,一般来说都是动词不定式to do sth 居多。即一般常使用Encourage sb to do sth。原句不是从句,句中没有引导词。重点词汇解释:1、teachern. 教师;导师2、Encouragevt. 鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持3、aloudadv. 大声地;出声地扩展资料:Encourage的用法:1、encourage的基本含义是鼓励,指给予意志薄弱的人或缺乏经验的人不畏艰险、困苦的勇气和信心,或者提高某人的情绪,去迎接或完成艰巨的任务,引申可表示为怂恿,促进,援助等。2、encourage只用作及物动词,通常接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,此时动词不定式可能指未来的动作,也可指正在进行的动作。还可接介词in引起的短语,表示鼓励某人目前正在做的某种事情。encourage可用于被动结构。


Students are encouraged to ask questions during the class


没有Encourage sb doing sth的句式,一般来说都是动词不定式to do sth 居多。即一般常使用Encourage sb to do sth。原句不是从句,句中没有引导词。重点词汇解释:1、teachern. 教师;导师2、Encouragevt. 鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持3、aloudadv. 大声地;出声地扩展资料:Encourage的用法:1、encourage的基本含义是鼓励,指给予意志薄弱的人或缺乏经验的人不畏艰险、困苦的勇气和信心,或者提高某人的情绪,去迎接或完成艰巨的任务,引申可表示为怂恿,促进,援助等。2、encourage只用作及物动词,通常接名词、代词作宾语,也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,此时动词不定式可能指未来的动作,也可指正在进行的动作。还可接介词in引起的短语,表示鼓励某人目前正在做的某种事情。encourage可用于被动结构。


encouragement. n. 鼓励 例句:Friends gave me a great deal of encouragement. 朋友们给了我极大的鼓励。 扩展资料   They gave her cheers of encouragement.   他们给了她鼓励的.欢呼声。   Encouragement from parents is essential for a child.   父母的鼓励对孩子来说是至关重要的。   It was a great encouragement for an artist"s career.   这对一个艺术家的职业生涯是一个巨大的鼓励。   Your encouragement will stimulate me to further efforts.   你的鼓励会激发我进一步努力。   It gives them the encouragement, I think, to really go for it.   我认为,这给了他们鼓励,让他们真正去争取。   Finally, at the orphanage, Pineda began to receive support and encouragement.   最后,在孤儿院,皮涅达开始得到支持和鼓励。

encourage 词组

vt.鼓励, 怂恿v.鼓励, 鼓励习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉综合大辞典基本解释encouragevt.鼓励, 激励, 怂恿赞助, 促进, 助长encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人(做某事)encourage a man to work better鼓励一个人更好地工作be encouraged by受...鼓励[鼓舞]习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典基本解释encouragevt.-aged, -aging鼓励;怂恿I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination.我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results.校长鼓励参加全国数学竞赛的选手们争取最好的成绩。同义词cheer inspire invite promote sponsor support urge 反义词discourage 例句Encourage mergers鼓励兼并It encourage me.它鼓励了我。To encourage; hearten.鼓励;激励ENCOURAGE THOROUGH AND METICULOUS WORK提倡深入细致的工作Teachers often encourage class participation.教师常鼓励学生积极参与




大家知道encourage这个单词吗?与encourage相关的知识,在英语中会常常考到,那么encourage是什么意思呢?下面是我给大家带来的关于encourage的用法和 短语 例句,以供大家参考,我们一起来看看吧! ▼ 目 录 ▼ ★ encourage的意 思 ★ ★ encourage的用 法 ★ ★ encourage的常 用短 语 ★ ★ encourage相 关词 汇辨 析 ★ ★ encourage的用 法例 句 ★ ▼ encourage的意思 v.激励;鼓舞;鼓励;支持;激发;促进;助长 第三人称单数: encourages 现在分词: encouraging 过去式: encouraged 过去分词: encouraged ▼ encourage的用法 encourage的用法1:company在表示“同伴,朋友,客人”的意思时,主要指想法相似,但没有深交的“同伴”“朋友”。作此解时,是不可数名词,常用于人数比较多的场合,还可表示“交际,交往,陪伴”。 encourage的用法2:company表示“一群,一队,一伙”时,用作可数名词,往往有强烈的贬义。 encourage的用法3:company作“公司,商号”解时,属可数集合名词。表示“某公司”时,可用单数也可用复数,用单数表示一个公司整体,用复数强调各个成员。 encourage的用法4:company用作名称时,前面可用一个姓,也可用两、三个姓。 <<< ▼ encourage的常用短语 用作名词 (n.) a company of fall into company with for company in company (with) in the company of inflict one"s company upon keep company keep company with part company <<< ▼ encourage相关词汇辨析 encourage,inspire,excite,stimulate encourage 指提高某人情绪,增强战胜困难,实现目标的信心和勇气。 inspire 通常指鼓起勇气,充满信心和希望。 excite 主要指某人的言行或 其它 外界因素使他人变得兴奋或感情冲动,多用被动态。 stimulate 尤指人或物因外界因素而受到刺激,使人振作起来或增强做某事的信心和勇气。 <<< ▼ encourage的用法例句 1. The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours. 其目的是促使人们结识邻居。 2. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity? 教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢? 3. The paper"sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers. 报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。 4. He bought me records to encourage my liking for music. 他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。 5. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth. 有一些更简单的 方法 可以促进财富的平均分配。 6. This is no way to encourage a love of literature. 靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不 通的。 7. Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity. 鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。 8. We want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off. 我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。 9. I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato. 我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。 10. The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote. 政府已发起一系列 广告 宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。 11. He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourageinvestment. 他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。 12. Their task is to help encourage private investment in Russia. 他们的任务是帮助鼓动在俄罗斯进行私人投资。 13. Various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing. 他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。 14. Do not overfeed them, as this will encourage soft sappy growth. 不要给它们施肥过多,以防其长得柔软多汁。 15. What can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways? 怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢? <<< encourage的用法和短语例句相关 文章 : ★ encourage的过去式和用法例句 ★ encourage的短语 ★ encourage的近义词常用短语 ★ engage的用法和短语例句 ★ discourage的用法和短语例句 ★ spread的用法和短语例句 ★ laugh的用法和短语例句 ★ promise的用法和短语例句 ★ plenty的用法和短语例句 var _hmt = _hmt || []; (function() { var hm = document.createElement("script"); hm.src = "https://hm.baidu.com/hm.js?6990a94c9bf3cca817150d7468a26be6"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(hm, s); })();


encourage用作动词,只用作及物动词使用,表示鼓励、促进、支持等含义,指给予意志薄弱的人或缺乏经验的人不畏艰险、困苦的勇气和信心。1.encourage的基本含义是“鼓励”,指给予意志薄弱的人或缺乏经验的人不畏艰险、困苦的勇气和信心,或者提高某人的情绪,去迎接或完成艰巨的任务,引申可表示为“怂恿”“促进”“助长”“援助”等。 2.encourage只用作及物动词,通常接名词、代词或“名词所有格〔物主代词〕+动名词”作宾语; 也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,此时动词不定式可能指未来的动作,也可指正在进行的动作; 还可接介词in引起的短语,表示鼓励某人目前正在做的某种事情。encourage可用于被动结构。 I have always encouraged him. 我一直鼓励他。 The general tried to encourage the troops. 将军试图给士兵们鼓劲。 3.encourage的主语一般是人,偶尔也可以物作主语,这时的意思是“有助于”。 4.encourage的宾语一般也是人,如接非人称宾语,则意为鼓励某人做、干、形成、使用等,可以理解为鼓励人去行动的省略形式。encourage在接“名词所有格〔物主代词〕+动名词”作宾语时,不可用于被动结构。 5.用作宾补动词 We should encourage the young to read more books. 我们应当鼓励青年人多读书。 All the family encouraged the boy in his efforts to become a doctor. 全家人都鼓励那个少年当医生。


courage n.名词,勇气加前缀en-(多表示“使...”如able,enable“使...能够”)encourage,鼓励,即“使有勇气”反义词discourage,使气馁;使沮丧dis-为否定前缀(如like,dislike;agree,disagree)


encourage的各种形式如下:encourage是动词,其含义为“支持;鼓励;激励;鼓动;劝告;怂恿;促进;助长;刺激”。其第三人称单数是encourages,现在分词是encouraging,过去式是encouraged,过去分词是encouraged。encourage的名词形式是encouragement。补充资料:单词发音:英[u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292]美[u026an"ku025dru026adu0292] 。短语搭配:encourage athletics 鼓励开展体育运动。Encourage him 鼓励他 ; 多鼓励他。encourage yourself 鼓励自己。Encourage her 要好 ; 鼓励 ; 好 ; 地。encourage innovation 鼓励创新 ; 推动创新。encourage element 究极 ; 助长素。K Encourage 鼓励赠言。Encourage debate 激励的辩论。encourage to 鼓励。双语例句:We should encourage him together。我们应该一起鼓励他。He or she should encourage you and build you up。他或她应该鼓励你,帮助你建立信心。


encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人(做某事) encourage a man to work better 鼓励一个人更好地工作 be encouraged by 受...鼓励[鼓舞] 习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典 基本解释 encourage vt. -aged, -aging 鼓励;怂恿 I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination. 我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。 The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results. 校长鼓励参加全国数学竞赛的选手们争取最好的成绩。 同义词 cheer inspire invite promote sponsor support urge 反义词 discourage 例句 Encourage mergers 鼓励兼并 It encourage me. 它鼓励了我。 To encourage; hearten. 鼓励;激励 ENCOURAGE THOROUGH AND METICULOUS WORK 提倡深入细致的工作 Teachers often encourage class participation. 教师常鼓励学生积极参与


encourage 的词语用法如下:encourage的基本意思是“鼓励”,指给予意志薄弱的人或缺乏经验的人不畏艰险、困苦的勇气和信心,或者提高某人的情绪,去迎接或完成艰巨的任务,引申可表示为“怂恿”“促进”“助长”“援助”等。encourage只用作及物动词,通常接名词、代词或“名词所有格〔物主代词〕+动名词”作宾语; 也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,此时动词不定式可能指未来的动作,也可指正在进行的动作; 还可接介词in引起的短语,表示鼓励某人目前正在做的某种事情。encourage可用于被动结构。encourage的主语一般是人,偶尔也可以物作主语,这时的意思是“有助于”。encourage的宾语一般也是人,如接非人称宾语,则意为鼓励某人做、干、形成、使用等,可以理解为鼓励人去行动的省略形式。encourage在接“名词所有格〔物主代词〕+动名词”作宾语时,不可用于被动结构。encourage的现在分词encouraging常可用作形容词,在句中作定语; 其过去分词encouraged也可用作形容词,在句中作表语。



encourage 英译汉



  encourage通常用作动词,那么你encourage做动词都表达哪些意思吗?下面我为大家带来encourage的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!   encourage作动词的意思:   促进;支持;鼓励,鼓舞;鼓动   encourage的英语音标:   英 [inu02c8ku028cridu0292]   美 [u025bnu02c8ku025aru026adu0292, -u02c8ku028cr-]   encourage的时态:   现在分词: encouraging   过去式: encouraged   过去分词: encouraged   encourage的英语例句:   1. The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.   其目的是促使人们结识邻居。   2. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?   教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?   3. The paper"sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.   报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。   4. He bought me records to encourage my liking for music.   他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。   5. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.   有一些更简单的 方法 可以促进财富的平均分配。   6. This is no way to encourage a love of literature.   靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。   7. Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.   鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。   8. We want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.   我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。   9. I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.   我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。   10. The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.   政府已发起一系列 广告 宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。   11. He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment.   他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。   12. Their task is to help encourage private investment in Russia.   他们的任务是帮助鼓动在俄罗斯进行私人投资。   13. Various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing.   他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。   14. Do not overfeed them, as this will encourage soft sappy growth.   不要给它们施肥过多,以防其长得柔软多汁。   15. What can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways?   怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢?


encourage的意思是:鼓励;促进;支持。英 [u026an"ku028cru026adu0292]    美 [u026an"ku025cu02d0ru026adu0292]    例句:Her success encouraged me to try the same thing.翻译:她的成功鼓励我尝试做同样的事。短语:encourage one"s pity激发起某人的怜悯encourage的用法1、encourage只用作及物动词,通常接名词、代词或“名词所有格〔物主代词〕+动名词”作宾语;也可接以动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语,此时动词不定式可能指未来的动作,也可指正在进行的动作;还可接介词in引起的短语,表示鼓励某人目前正在做的某种事情。encourage可用于被动结构。2、encourage的主语一般是人,偶尔也可以物作主语,这时的意思是“有助于”。


encourage的意思:“鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持”。encourage,英文单词,动词,作动词时意为“鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持”。单词发音:英[u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292]美[u026an"ku025dru026adu0292] 。短语搭配:encourage athletics 鼓励开展体育运动。Encourage him 鼓励他 ; 多鼓励他。encourage yourself 鼓励自己。Encourage her 要好 ; 鼓励 ; 好 ; 地。encourage innovation 鼓励创新 ; 推动创新。encourage element 究极 ; 助长素。K Encourage 鼓励赠言。Encourage debate 激励的辩论。encourage to 鼓励。双语例句:We should encourage him together。我们应该一起鼓励他。He or she should encourage you and build you up。他或她应该鼓励你,帮助你建立信心。






您好:鼓励双语对照词典结果:encourage[英][u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292][美][u026anu02c8ku025c:ru026adu0292]vt.鼓励,鼓舞; 支持; 促进; 鼓动; 第三人称单数:encourages过去分词:encouraged现在进行时:encouraging过去式:encouraged以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Encourage your team to speak freely. 鼓励知无不言。----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮



encourage 后加什么

没有encourage to do sth的形式!encourage 是及物动词,后接宾语+宾补encourage sb. to do sth. 变为被动式是(sb) be encouraged to do sth.

encourage 后加什么

没有encourage to do sth的形式!encourage 是及物动词,后接宾语+宾补encourage sb. to do sth. 变为被动式是(sb) be encouraged to do sth.






Encourage somebody to do something这是一般用法。 其他的用法用的比较少,所以说这个及不及物,掌握这种用法就可以了,不是特别的高级词汇, 但是属于4级甚至高考的重点词汇吧。




encourage的形容词形式是encouraging。encouraging的意思是令人鼓舞的,振奋人心的,给人希望的。encouraging的例句:There are encouraging signs of an artistic revival(出现了鼓舞人心的艺术复兴的迹象)。 扩展资料 encouraging的"例句:The results have been encouraging(结果令人振奋);It was encouraging that he recognised the dangers facing the company(给人希望的是他认识到了公司面临的危险)。




  encourage表鼓励,鼓舞; 支持的意思,那么你知道encourage的同义词有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理encourage的同义词,希望对你有帮助哦!    同义词辨析:   encourage, inspire, excite, stimulate   这些动作均表"鼓励,激励"之意。   encourage : 指提高某人情绪,增强战胜困难,实现目标的信心和勇气。   inspire : 通常指鼓起勇气,充满信心和希望。   excite : 主要指某人的言行或其它外界因素使他人变得兴奋或感情冲动,多用被动态。   stimulate : 尤指人或物因外界因素而受到刺激,使人振作起来或增强做某事的信心和勇气。    encourage的例句:   1. The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.   其目的是促使人们结识邻居。   2. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?   教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?   3. The paper"sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.   报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。   4. He bought me records to encourage my liking for music.   他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。   5. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.   有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。   6. This is no way to encourage a love of literature.   靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。   7. Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.   鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。   8. We want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.   我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。   9. I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.   我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。   10. The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.   政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。   11. He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourageinvestment.   他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。   12. Their task is to help encourage private investment in Russia.   他们的任务是帮助鼓动在俄罗斯进行私人投资。   13. Various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing.   他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。   14. Do not overfeed them, as this will encourage soft sappy growth.   不要给它们施肥过多,以防其长得柔软多汁。   15. What can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways?   怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢?    encourage的同义词例句:   1. Our challenge is to motivate those voters and inspire them to join our cause.   我们面临的`挑战是如何调动那些选民的积极性并鼓励他们加入我们的事业。   2. These herbs will inspire you to try out all sorts of exotic-flavoured dishes!   这些香草会激发你去品尝各种异国风味的菜肴!   3. The caves cannot but inspire wonder in the beholder.   这些洞穴让观者无不叹为观止。   4. He has neither the policies nor the personal charisma to inspire people.   他既无谋略又无个人魅力来鼓舞人。   5. These are the people whom you hope to inspire with lofty ideals!   这些人就是你想用崇高的理想去激励鼓舞的人 啊 !   6. I would inspire you with repentance and not drive you to desperation.   我是想叫你听了翻然悔改,而不是要把你赶到绝路上去.   7. The muse does not inspire all poets equally.   诗神并不一视同仁地赐给所有诗人灵感.   8. The record of his triumphant passage will inspire free hearts for all time.   他的胜利航程将永远鼓舞着自由的心灵.   9. Perhaps the intense loyalty that these firms inspire is just an interesting idiosyncrasy.   也许这些公司所激发的强烈的忠诚感只是一种有趣的癖好.   10. The evidence available does not inspire confidence that commodity policies can solve farmers"economic problems.   现有的证据并不能使人确信商品政策能解决农民的经济问题.   11. Our job is to insPire, suPPort and eleCtrify.   我们的工作就是鼓舞、打气 、 支持.   12. Although her popular image was contrived It"served to inspire music and pageantry.   尽管她的大众形象是精心打造的,但是可用以给音乐会和大型表演增添气氛.   13. It is something that can inspire as well as sadden people.   爱情能够激励一个人也能使人悲伤.   14. Process consciousness can inspire all people attend the competitive activity.   过程意识对参与竞赛活动的各方,都具有启发意义.   15. If I do, it might inspire other Iranian women, she says.   如果我成功了, 这也许会激励其它伊朗妇女.   


encourage的形容词形式是encouraging;encouraging: adj.令 人鼓舞的;振奋人心的;给人希望的。The government is encouraging all parties to play a constructive role in the reformprocess.政府鼓励所有的政党在改过程中发挥建设性的作用。The surge in car sales was regarded as an encouraging pointer to an improvement in the economy.汽车销售量的激增被视为经济回升的指标。The President took care to make encouraging noises about the futu总统小心谨慎地表达了他对未来的乐观态度。




encourage的过去式和过去分词都是encouraged.encourage, 动词,鼓励,激励,怂恿,支持,劝告,助长。例句,这个消息给了投资者信心。Investors were encouraged by the news.他鼓励我好好学习。He encouraged me to study hard.


  encourage在初中英语中是比较常见的一个单词,也是容易混淆的知识点之一,它的用法很多,接下来我在这里给大家带来encourage的用法,我们一起来看看吧!   encourage的用法   用作及物动词   S+~+n./pron.   I have always encouraged him.   我一直鼓励他。   The general tried to encourage the troops.   将军试图给士兵们鼓劲。   Marx wrote back to say that Engels" praise had greatly encouraged him.   马克思回信给恩格斯说,他的赞誉对自己的鼓励很大。   The good news encouraged us.   那个好消息激励了我们。   S+~+v-ing   High prices for corn will encourage farming.   谷物的高售价将促进农业生产。   Good health encourages clear thinking?健康有利于思维清楚。   He encouraged our spending less and earning more.   他鼓励我们少花多挣。   He encouraged his son"s learning English.   他鼓励儿子学好英语。   用作宾补动词   S+~+n./pron.+to-v   We should encourage the young to read more books.   我们应当鼓励青年人多读书。   All the family encouraged the boy in his efforts to become a doctor.   全家人都鼓励那个少年当医生。   They are encouraged to voice their opinions.   他们受到鼓励,发表了自己的意见。   其他   v-ingasAttrib.   父母亲激励的话使他比以前更决心成为一名艺术家。父母亲激励的话使他比以前更决心成为一名艺术家。   She hopped when she heard the encouraging news.   她听到这个振奋人心的消息时,用一只脚跳了起来。   v-ingass-Compl.   It is encouraging to read that illiteracy is declining.   从读报中了解文盲情况正在好转,这是令人鼓舞的。   v-ingaso-Compl.   I find what you have said very encouraging.   我发现你说的话非常激励人心。   encourage的相关解释   vt. 鼓励,鼓舞;支持;促进;鼓动   encourage的例句   1. The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.   其目的是促使人们结识邻居。   2. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?   教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?   3. The paper"sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.   报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。   4. He bought me records to encourage my liking for music.   他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。   5. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.   有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。   6. This is no way to encourage a love of literature.   靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。


encourage 英[u026an"ku028cru026adu0292] 美[u025bnu02c8ku025aru026adu0292, -u02c8ku028cr-] vt. 鼓励,鼓舞;支持;促进;鼓动 第三人称单数:encourages;过去分词:encouraged;现在分词:encouragi... [例句]Encourage a positive school environment.鼓励正面的学校环境。

encourage 可不可数

encourage vt. 鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持是及物动词,第三人称要加sencouragement当做可数名词时,表示具体意义,意思是鼓励的事,有激励性的言辞等.当做不可数名词时,表示抽象意义的鼓励


encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人(做某事) encourage a man to work better 鼓励一个人更好地工作 be encouraged by 受...鼓励[鼓舞] 习惯用语 | 词性变化 | 参考词汇 | 更多...近/反义词现代英汉词典 基本解释 encourage vt. -aged, -aging 鼓励;怂恿 I encouraged her to work hard and to try for the examination. 我鼓励她用功并为这次考试做努力。 The headmaster encouraged the candidates for the national maths competition to strive for the best results. 校长鼓励参加全国数学竞赛的选手们争取最好的成绩。 同义词 cheer inspire invite promote sponsor support urge 反义词 discourage 例句 Encourage mergers 鼓励兼并 It encourage me. 它鼓励了我。 To encourage; hearten. 鼓励;激励 ENCOURAGE THOROUGH AND METICULOUS WORK 提倡深入细致的工作 Teachers often encourage class participation. 教师常鼓励学生积极参与




一、详细释义: , v. , 鼓励,激励 [T] , 例句: ,She encouraged him to talk to her.,她鼓励他与她交谈。, 例句: ,Old and young cadres learn from each other and encourage each other.,新老干部相互学习,相互激励。, 促进,助长;激发 [T] , 例句: ,Don"t encourage her laziness by doing things for her.,别代她做事助长她的懒惰。, 例句: ,Burning the field to encourage new plant growth.,焚烧原野以促进新植物生长。, 支持 [T] , 例句: ,Industrial countries tend to support domestic production and thereby inhibit imports and encourage exports.,工业国则倾向于支持国内生产,从而阻止进口和鼓励出口。, 例句: ,Encouraged and supported by her father, she brilliantly displayed her talent on the poetry.,在她父亲的鼓励和支持下,她能尽情的发挥她在诗歌上的天才。, 二、词义辨析: , encourage,inspire,excite,stimulate ,这些动作均表“鼓励,激励”之意。encourage指提高某人情绪,增强战胜困难,实现目标的信心和勇气。inspire通常指鼓起勇气,充满信心和希望。excite主要指某人的言行或其它外界因素使他人变得兴奋或感情冲动,多用被动态。stimulate尤指人或物因外界因素而受到 *** ,使人振作起来或增强做某事的信心和勇气。, 三、参考例句: ,We encourage it.,我们对此表示鼓励。,Encourage those around you.,你应该多鼓励他们。,We encourage to reapply!,我们鼓励求职者再次申请。,An enterprise should encourage innovation.,企业应鼓励创新。,There are tax incentives to encourage saving.,有税收激励政策鼓励人们进行储蓄。,We encourage diversification in the school system.,我们鼓励办学模式有多元代的发展。,Might these encourage others to follow suit?,这会不会鼓励其他人的跟风?,You should encourage your students by heart.,你应该由衷地鼓励你的学生。,We will encourage the people to read.,倡导全民阅读。,We should encourage reclamation and recycling.,我们应当鼓励废物的回收和利用。


encourage作动词的意思:   促进;支持;鼓励,鼓舞;鼓动   encourage的时态:   现在分词: encouraging   过去式: encouraged   过去分词: encouraged   encourage的英语例句:   1. The idea is to encourage people to get to know their neighbours.   其目的是促使人们结识邻居。   2. How can faculty improve their teaching so as to encourage creativity?   教师们如何才能改进教学以激发创造性呢?   3. The paper"sprice rise will encourage readers to desert in even greater numbers.   报纸价格的上涨将导致更多的读者不再订阅。   4. He bought me records to encourage my liking for music.   他给我买了唱片,希望培养我对音乐的兴趣。   5. There are easier ways to encourage the even spread of wealth.   有一些更简单的方法可以促进财富的平均分配。   6. This is no way to encourage a love of literature.   靠这种办法想激起对文学的热爱是行不通的。   7. Encourage her to get involved in fund-raising for charity.   鼓励她参加慈善募捐活动。   8. We want to encourage people to go fishing, not put them off.   我们希望鼓励人们去垂钓,而不是打消他们的热情。   9. I encourage oboe and clarinet players to use plenty of vibrato.   我鼓励演奏双簧管和单簧管的乐手们多使用颤音。   10. The Government has launched an advertising campaign to encourage people to vote.   政府已发起一系列广告宣传攻势鼓励民众参加选举。   11. He said the government must introduce tax incentives to encourage investment.   他说政府必须推出税收激励政策来鼓励投资。   12. Their task is to help encourage private investment in Russia.   他们的任务是帮助鼓动在俄罗斯进行私人投资。   13. Various inducements are offered to encourage employees to wear safety clothing.   他们提供各种奖励以鼓励员工穿安全服。   14. Do not overfeed them, as this will encourage soft sappy growth.   不要给它们施肥过多,以防其长得柔软多汁。   15. What can be done to encourage convicted offenders to change their ways?   怎样才能激励这些罪犯洗心革面呢?


encourage是鼓励的意思。encourage,英文单词,动词,作动词时意为“鼓励,怂恿;激励;支持”。短语搭配:encourage athletics:鼓励开展体育运动。Encourage him:鼓励他 ; 多鼓励他。encourage yourself:鼓励自己。encourage的双语例句:1、We should encourage him together.我们应该一起鼓励他。2、He or she should encourage you and build you up.他或她应该鼓励你,帮助你建立信心。3、How do you encourage yourself?你是怎样鼓励自己的?

encourage怎么读 英语encourage怎么读

1、encourage英[u026anu02c8ku028cru026adu0292]美[u026anu02c8ku025cu02d0ru026adu0292],vt.支持; 鼓励; 激励; 鼓动; 劝告; 怂恿; 促进; 助长; 刺激。 2、[例句]The Government is openly encouraging the transfer of one of our greatest public buildings into private hands.政府在公开支持将我们最伟大的公共建筑之一转与私人管理。




鼓励双语对照词典结果:encourage[英][u026an"ku028cru026adu0292][美][u025bnu02c8ku025aru026adu0292, -u02c8ku028cr-]vt.鼓励,鼓舞; 支持; 促进; 鼓动; 第三人称单数:encourages过去分词:encouraged现在进行时:encouraging过去式:encouraged很高兴为您解答祝你生活愉快,学习进步答题不易,您的采纳是我答题的动力如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问如果满意记得采纳哦·~~
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