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progress什么意思 progress的意思

1、progress作名词的基本意思是“前进”,一般是指在空间中行进,用于抽象事物可作“进步,发展”解,一般是指某人在某个方面取得了比以前更好的成绩,也可表示进步的事物。 2、progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用; 在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。 3、progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。 4、progress通常只用作不及物动词,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在…方面取得进展”。 5、progress常用于进行体。


progress是进步的意思。释义:n.进步,发展;前进。vi.前进,进步;进行。n. (Progress)人名;(赞)普罗格雷斯。变形:过去式progressed、过去分词progressed、现在分词progressing、第三人称单数progresses。双语例句My mother is very satisfied that I have made progress in this exam.我妈妈对我在这次考试中取得的进步很满意。We are trying to progress the matter.我们正努力推进这件事情。After a month"s training, my singing skills progressed a lot.经过一个月的训练,我的演唱技巧有了很大进步。


progress名词 n. 1.前进; 进展 Our progress was embarrassed by lots of baggage. 大量的行李使我们行进困难. During these years the labour movement of the United States has made great progress. 这些年来,美国的工人运动已取得巨大的进展. 2.进步,发展 The Victorian Age is often boasted of as an age of progress. 维多利亚时代常常被夸耀为进步时代. 3.(向更高方向)增长、扩展 4.【社会学】人类(或团体、个人等)理想的发展 5.【生物学】进化 及物动词 vt.& 不及物动词 vi. 1.(使)进步; (使)进行 The work is progressing steadily. 工作在稳步地取得进展. In order to progress their project smoothly,they revised the plan several times. 为了使工程能顺利进展,他们几次修改方案. 及物动词 vt. 1.进步;改进;进展 2.(时间上)推移,流逝 不及物动词 vi. 1.发展;进步,改进 She is progressing in her studies. 她学习有进步. 2.(向更高方向)增进,扩展 It became hotter and hotter as the day progressed. 当天的天气越来越热.






progress ["prəuɡres, "prɔ-, prəu"ɡres] n. 进步,发展;前进vi. 前进,进步;进行


Believing in progress does not mean believing that any progress has yet been made.,                                                                                                       ——Franz Kafka 相信进步不等于相信某种进步已经达成。                                                                                                        ——弗兰兹·卡夫卡, 一、关于progress,你知道 哪些 用法? , n. , 1.进步,发展 [U] ,Modesty helps one to make progress; conceit makes one lag behind.,谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。, 2.前进;增长 [U] ,China is undergoing massive and rapid economic progress.,中国正经历全面、快速的经济增长。, 3.进化 [U] ,Evolutioni *** is normally associated with a belief in the inevitability of progress.,进化主义通常和一种相信进化不可避免的看法相联系。, v. , 1.发展;进步;促进 [I] ,He will visit once a fortnight to see how his new staff are progressing.,他会每两个星期来访一次,看看他的新员工进展如何。, 2.前进;进行 [I] ,Wherever he is satisfied with what he does, he has reached his culminating point, he will progress no more.,一个人对所做的事感到自满的,就达到了顶点,不会再前进了。, 二、词义辨析:都有“进展”意思的还有哪些? , advance, progress, proceed, move on, go ,这些动词均含“前进,行进,进展”之意。 advance主要用于具体的人或物,也可指科学技术和运动等。 progress指按某一既定目标前进,取得发展,目的性很明确,强调经常和稳定地前进。 proceed侧重指继续前进。 move on非正式用语,侧重从某一停止点向某地前进,但不表示前进的目的地。 go最常用词,含义宽泛而不确切,依上文确定其具体意思。, 三、你知道progress和哪些词更搭? ,progress report,工程进度报告,进度报表,进展报告,progress to,发展成..., 向...发展, 四、progress的意思你掌握了吗?来测试一下吧 ,The medical munity continues to make       in the fight against cancer 医学界在抗癌的斗争中不断取得进步。


n. 进步,发展;前进vi. 前进,进步;进行


progress[英][ˈprəʊgres][美][ˈprɑ:gres]n.进步; 前进; [生物学]进化; (向更高方向)增长; v.(使)进步,(使)进行; 发展; 促进; vi.发展; (向更高方向)增进; 例句:I hope we can make great progress in this new semester.我希望在新的学期我们都能取得很大的进步。

great progress是什么意思





v. 前进n. 进展,巡游

progress是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

Band 绝对正确 我法语八级 欧洲呆过半年多 望采纳




progress[英][ˈprəʊgres][美][ˈprɑ:gres]n.进步; 前进; [生物学]进化; (向更高方向)增长; v.(使)进步,(使)进行; 发展; 促进; vi.发展; (向更高方向)增进; 第三人称单数:progresses过去分词:progressed复数:progresses现在进行时:progressing过去式:progressed例句:1.We call that the progress principle. 我们称这为进展原则。






process主要是过程的意思,名词,比如你的成长过程--growing up process,再比如说,做作业的过程--the process of doing homework;procedure有步骤的意思,比如实验步骤,我们老师上实验课的时候经常说(我在新加坡);progress进步的意思,同样的,新加坡的学校每天都要宣誓,最后一句就有这个词--为我们的国家追求幸福,繁荣和进步--其中的进步那个单词就是用的“progress”。


progress英[ˈprəʊgres]美[ˈprɑ:gres]n.进步; 前进; [生物学]进化; (向更高方向)增长v.发展; (使)进步,(使)进行; 促进vi.发展; (向更高方向)增进第三人称单数:progresses复数:progresses现在分词:progressing过去式:progressed过去分词:progressed形近词:Progressdigressegressregress数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句柯林斯词典同反义词英英释义百度百科百度知道新1A younger child will benefit more from an older sister"s help than from an unfavourable comparison between their progress.与一味地比较进步情况相比,年纪小一些的孩子会从姐姐的帮助中获益更多。




progress基本解释如下:n. 进步;前进;[生物学]进化;(向更高方向)增长v. (使)进步,(使)进行;发展;促进vi. 发展;(向更高方向)增进progress 用法和例句:Being negative isn "t how we make progress . "负面情绪并不能让我们进步。”Like the wandering herds that clog the streets of japiur , they get in the way of progress .就像斋普尔街头阻塞交通的那些四处游荡的牲畜一样,这些信念也会影响公司发展的进程。He promised to start looking , and keep them informed of progress .他保证会着手去找,并随时通知进展。Demonstrate progress and your own " skin in the game . "4.展示进步和创业者“自身的资金投入”。People believe apple when it cries progress .只要他们宣称进步,人们就会信服。


progress[英][ˈprəʊgres][美][ˈprɑ:gres]n.进步; 前进; [生物学]进化; (向更高方向)增长; v.(使)进步,(使)进行; 发展; 促进; vi.发展; (向更高方向)增进; 第三人称单数:progresses过去分词:progressed复数:progresses现在进行时:progressing过去式:progressed易混淆单词:Progress例句:1.I hope we can make great progress in this new semester. 我希望在新的学期我们都能取得很大的进步。2.But diplomatic progress should not be confused with real progress. 但不应将外交进展与实际进展混淆


progressn.  进步; 前进; 进展;v.  进步; 前进; 使?发展; 流逝;变形 过去分词: progressed 复数: progresses 过去式: progressed 现在分词: progressing 第三人称单数: progresses双语例句1. His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing.  他的辅导教师发现了他在阅读和写作方面进步的迹象。2. Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.  昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。3. The formalization of co-operation between the republics would produce progress.  正式确立合作关系将会促进共和国之间合作的顺利进展。4. He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.  他对那项工作的进展一直很关心。


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: progress的中文意思??? 解析: progress的最普遍的意思是”进步”,但也可以译为前进,发展之意,但不是process的”过程”的意思,不可混淆.


progress的意思是发展;前进。读音:英[ˈprəʊɡres],美[ˈprɑːɡres]释义:n.进步,发展;前进vi.前进,进步;进行例句:My mother is very satisfied that I have made progress in this exam.我妈妈对我在这次考试中取得的进步很满意。变形:过去式progressed,过去分词progressed,现在分词progressing,第三人称单数progresses。短语:progress report进度报告in progress在进展中progress successfully顺利进行progress swiftly迅速前进progress at a snail"s pace缓慢地前进progress的用法progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用;在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。progress用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在…方面取得进展”。

Progressive in the 21st Century?

What is Progressive in the 21st Century? Edward Miller Oct 8, 2010 Embrace Unity I have often referred to myself as a progressive but I have felt increasingly uneasy doing so. The word -progressive", like virtually every other term which refers to a political ideology, has become so broadly applied as to become virtually meaningless. Historically, the term conjured images of Teddy Roosevelt and “Fighting Bob” La Follette. Progressives were seen as outspoken and fiery advocates for the common man. They were trust-busters, anti-monopolists, and anti-corporatists. In terms of foreign policy they were at times divided, but when it came to economics their voice was loud and clear: “We demand that big business give the people a square deal.” The rest of that Roosevelt quote reads as follows: “in return we must insist that when any one engaged in big business honestly endeavors to do right he shall himself be given a square deal.” So progressivism was hardly anti-capitalist by any stretch of the imagination. It was simply a movement which sought to rectify the imbalances of power that had been usurped by the business elites. In the context of the era, this often happened through compromises, picking out “good trusts” from “bad trusts,” and later through the mixed bag of the New Deal. In the present day, the Democrats have dusted off the progressive moniker and appropriated it for themselves. At their best they see themselves as nostalgic curators of the memory of the post-war economic order. The one which propelled the longest period of sustained rising wages and growth in US history. At their worst, Democrats are merely the friendlier face of corporatism. Unfortunately, if opinion polls are to be believed, the image which seems to be prevailing is the latter one. Thus, the good name of progressivism has been dragged through the mud, and all the Democrats have to say to their disappointed public is, “ Stop whining .” Even if we for some reason concede the best of intentions to the Democrats, and conclude they are hoping to achieve progressive change through corporatist means, it is self-defeating lunacy at best. Defending these lunatics gets us nowhere. Virtually nothing hoped for by genuine progressives will come to pass unless our discourse changes dramatically, and we once again find that fighting anti-corporatist spirit. Perhaps it is blasphemy to say, but what if progressivism"s historic achievement, the New Deal economy, is no longer viable? Kevin Carson has written a number of damning critiques of the progressive movement. Instead of engaging in the quixotic task of perpetually reforming bureaucracies that will inevitably corrupt, we must recognize that the era of big business, big bureaucracy, and big infrastructure needs to come to an end. There are no “good trusts.” With its crowning invention of the Internet, the corporate-state apparatus has laid the seeds for its own obsolescence. I suspect Carson is wrong when he says that progressivism was fundamentally misguided from the start, considering the realities of the Gilded Age through the WW2 era and the fact that it"s doubtful the Internet would be here so soon otherwise. Though, since the Internet has arrived, perhaps it is time to recognize that now more than ever we need to re-orient our economy towards Lewis Mumford"s neotechnic ideal. We must usher in an era of flexible manufacturing networks, digital fabrication, and distributed production. This sort of resilient model is our only hope against the converging crises we are experiencing, from the economic to the ecological. Can progressives take the lead? We cannot go on defending the ever more draconian nature of the so-called “Intellectual Property” regime, the enormous corporate-captured regulatory system, the blood-sucking finance sector, and the gargantuan military-industrial-complex. We must stand firm against them, like a bull moose!A new concept of progressIn common parlance, the term "progress" is associated with technical and scientific advancement, or anything which enhances the comforts of life. Humanity is said to have made tremendous progress today because life seems so much more comfortable these days than it was a few centuries ago.People today can travel fast by automobile and airplanes, whereas only in the last century they were travelling by horse-drawn buggies and bullock carts. If we go back to ancient times, people had to travel on foot.Thus progress is commonly understood as an increase in living comforts through scientific inventions, which have eased our lives not only physically but also intellectually. The invention of paper has helped spread the ideas of scholars. People can now engage< Engaging> their minds reading novels and other literature. Thus, scientific discoveries may be credited with tremendous advance that humanity has made in the physical and intellectual realm.However, all this may not be progress.To be sure, it has resulted in a great change in the mode of living, but most scientific discoveries have created problems which were non-existent before. Faster travel today has increased the risk of accident; industrialization has resulted in environmental pollution and cancer and other diseases unheard of in the past; modern medicine quickly cures the malady but generates side-effects requiring further treatment. Even in the intellectual sphere, there is much available to keep the mind occupied, but people today suffer from emotional problems and neuroses that did not afflict them before Can you think of any invention which (while reducing life"s boredom) has not added to life"s danger at the same time? If dishwashers wash our dishes, air conditioners cool our rooms, laundry machines clean our clothes, automobiles do our walking and so on, life certainly appears blissful relative to what our forefathers had to endure in a science-less world. But then they did not have to contend with electric shocks, fatal accidents, air, water, land and noise pollution, noxious automobile fumes, urban congestion, super-selfishness, crime and so on.While the concept of progress in the material sphere is at best dubious, things are no better in the intellectual sphere.People in ancient times were intellectually backward, but they did not suffer from emotional stress and neuroses. One who is less scholarly is also less prone to mental disturbances, whereas an intellectual is highly vulnerable in this regard. He creates unnecessary problems in his own web of imagination, and experiences sleepless nights. Hencein the intellectual sphere also progress is unlikely, if not impossible, because the feeling of increased pleasure is likely to be balanced by one of increasing pain.The barometer of progress in the ultimate analysis must be mental pleasure which is really nothing but a mental vibration expressed through the relaxation of the nerves; that is, pleasure is nothing but a mental vibration emitted by relaxed nerves. On the other hand, pain is just an opposite experience. When the nerves are under tension, the vibration generated in the mind is called pain. In evaluating the impact of science, people usually focus on the convenience it has provided, while ignoring the nervous tension it has created in our lives. The fact that progress is not possible in the material sphere only means that scientific change increases both pleasure and pain in the same proportion.A person who has won an argument over another is usually very happy and sometimes delirious with joy<欣喜若狂>. But after a while, he will experience an corresponding amount of pain in some other aspect of his mind. The reason is that human mind has a certain finite mass and volume. Purely intellectual study and analysis fail to enhance this mass; all they do is to increase the activity and play of ideas within a given intellectual arena. With a greater number of thoughts criss-crossing a given mental area, the result inevitably is an increased clash in the mind. Hence occur the mental breakdowns; hence the neuroses, hence the growing need for psychiatrists in intellectually developed societies. Is then progress possible at all? The answer is yes.Human existence has three aspects - physical, mental and spiritual. While the first two are not amenable to progress, the third is. Increased happiness in that sphere is not neutralized by increased misery. While physical and intellectual activities deal with the limited, spirituality is concerned with the unlimited. Hence the goal in the spiritual arena is not the finite but the infinite. Therefore, the feeling of pleasure resulting from spiritual activity is not accompanied by pain, or happiness by misery. This then is true progress. In the spiritual experience there is no negative movement; every effort there is a forward march unaccompanied by any deleterious side-effect.Spiritual activities include meditation and selfless living. Without providing help to the needy, the forward movement to the infinite is impossible. And since the mind"s goal is infinitude, the spiritual life results in an expansion in the volume as well as the mass of the mind. As a result, the mental conflict declines and the nerves get relaxation. The person becomes broad-minded. He or she seeks to serve others, to share in their pains. A community which respects the selfless beings and attempts to emulate them also then experiences increased happiness without corresponding pain. That is when true progress occurs in the entire society. The degree of selflessness, therefore, is the true gauge of society"s progress, not its material development, nor its intellectual attainment.While real progress is unlikely in the material and mental sphere, human beings should by no means abandon scientific and intellectual pursuits. But scientific advances should be "spiritualized"; that is to say, they should be accompanied by spiritual practices at the same time. For such practices enable us to gain increasing mastery over our body and mind. All detrimental effects of scientific and intellectual developments on the human organism can thus be brought under control. During the past century, thousands of remarkable inventions and new theories have almost totally transformed our way of life. But spiritually, we have stagnated and even moved backwards. Consequently, battles and wars have been deadlier in the current century than ever before. Rising greed, crime, drugs and environmental pollution threaten to overwhelm the delicate thread of life on our finite planet. The moral is that change in the physical and mental sphere, without spiritual advance, is ultimately self-destructive.What Is Progress In Our Modern Society? As defined by the Oxford dictionary, progress is: “development towards an improved or more advanced condition.” Merriam-Webster defines it as: “the process of improving or developing something over a period of time” or, more concisely, “gradual betterment.”As is the case with attempting to understand any word or phrase, we are confined by the boundaries of our own language. How can we attempt to explain what a word represents when we only have other replacement words to use in our explanation?补充材料But it is not our language that I wish to discuss, or more specifically, not the issue of our language being both an advantage and a hindrance. The issue at hand is the context of the word in which we use it. What its meaning is when we speak it, what we understand by the term when we hear it.Progress is a term that evokes positive feelings. When someone is said to have made progress then we consider it a good thing. Inherently then it seems that progress is a virtue rather than a vice.I believe this to be true, and I am sure many of you would agree with me. It"s highly likely that if we encountered someone that did not agree, that person would have a very difficult time in persuading us that progress is in fact a bad thing.This widespread belief then, that progress is good, immediately faces a contradiction when taken into the political sphere. Progressives are overwhelmingly people of the Left, and yet if what they advocate is inherently good, why are our societies not dominated by these sorts of political parties? Put simply, if we all agree that progress is good, and there is a progressive party in existence in our nation, why are we not voting for them every time?In political terms, and by its very definition, to be conservative is to avoid change. It is to be cautious and a believer in, and defender of, the status quo. Conservative can be seen as the exact opposite of progressive, and yet in the UK, we have had a Conservative Prime Minister for four years. Does this mean then that the people of the UK knowingly deprived themselves of something considered inherently good?The problem with politics is that words very quickly lose all meaning. Freedom, choice, promise, hero, progress. Evidence of this can be seen, oxymoronically, in the fact you can get Progressive Conservatives. People who are firm believers of cautious, conservative ideals, yet also claim to be progressive in what they wish for the society. And it is this that perfectly illustrates the problem of progress.Progress is a mercenary and a whore. It is picked up and put down more times than it cares to remember. The values and the beliefs that we have grown to associate with it become hazy. No longer are we confident in what it represents. Such is its over-usage that the word itself has lost almost all meaning。Progress in today"s society is more money in the bank, it is faster cars, and more devastating weapons. It is cheaper items


improve是改善,改进的意思,是动词 progress的意思前进,进步或者行进,可以用做动词,也可以用作名词.

progress 与improve的区别



我们常说make progress in......表示在什么方面有进步,advance 无此用法,advance 常用于短语in advance表示”事先”advance作动词用时它的过去分词advanced表示”高级的”,如advanced English




advance  progress这两个词汇都有名词,动词的词性,都含有“进步”是意思,区别是:▲advance(尤指知识、技术等)发展和进步,而progress,是改进提高,或发展(这里需要注意,是“或” 而不是“和”),如果翻译为“进展”时,解释起来就非常方便。Advance 指的进步,只有一个方向,往好的方面发展;而Progress 则可以往各个方向发展,既可以是好的,也可以是坏的,如:1、Medical technology has advanced considerably. 医学技术突飞猛进。在这里把advance换成progress, 意思相差无几。2、Medical technology has progressed considerably. 医学技术进展神速。(progress的内涵更丰富)但是如下这句就不可以了:3、Were you surprised that his disease progressed so quickly? 他的病情发展得这么快,您是否感到意外?再看看这句,都作为名词时:4、Their progress at work was mirrored by their children"s educational advance.  子女在学业上有所进步,他们在工作上也有所进展。▲当这两个词汇都作为动词,解作“前进”的意思时,区别是这样的:progress 指向前行进,“前进,行进”,  如:5. The line of traffic progressed slowly through the town.车流缓慢地穿过城镇。advance 侧重指为了攻击而前进, 如:6. Our soldiers advanced bravely against the enemy.我们的士兵勇敢地向敌人挺进。更多的在“词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关‘"(链接请百度“词不离句”)。●不要试图去记那些用法,是记不住的;而是把例句记下来,这样用法也就记住了!通过听录音,复述,默写,就轻松地把句子记住啦!在英语常用词汇里有哪些词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词呢?《词不离句:英语常用词汇8000分级过关》统计如下:从上可见,在英语常用的词汇8000多个里,有过半的词汇是同义词,近义词及易混词,这是很多人没想到的,我们都得区分清楚它们的用法。

review progress是什么意思

英语:review progress汉语:审查进展 审核过程中审查,审核、调查,或者说是对某项事情、情况的核实、核查。也指软件工程中的一个步骤。例如2004年6月民政部公布的《民政部门实施行政许可办法》规定,民政部门办理行政许可事项时,“民政部门一般采取书面审查的办法对申请人提交的申请材料进行审查。依法需要对申请材料的实质内容进行核实的,民政部门应当派两名以上工作人员进行核查,并制作现场检查笔录或者询问笔录。现场检查笔录应当如实记载核查情况,并由核查人员签字。核查中需要询问当事人或者有关人员时,核查人员应当出示执法证件,表明身份,询问笔录应当经被询问人核对无误后签名或者盖章。”“对行政许可申请进行审查时,发现该行政许可事项直接关系他人重大利益的,应当在决定前告知利害关系人。”“依法应当先经下级民政部门审查后报上级民政部门决定的行政许可,下级民政部门应当依法接受申请人的申请,并进行初步审查。申请人提交材料齐全,符合法定形式的,应在法定期限内审查完毕并将初步审查意见和全部申请材料直接报送上级民政部门。上级民政部门不得要求申请人重复提供申请材料。”

monitor progress是什么意思

monitor progress监测进展双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 监控进步例句:1.Monitor progress and give status of all testing activities; 监控进度,给出所有测试活动的状态;

能说What a great progress! 吗

此题应选C。容易误选D,误认为progress是可数名词。此题命题者主要考察了两个方面的问题:一是感叹句句型;二是名词progress的可数性。 感叹句的基本结构是: 1)How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! 2)What+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(主语为不可数名词或复数形式,其前不用a/an) 英语中除了像air,water,milk,iron等这些中国人一目了然的不可数名词外,还有一些不可数名词很容易弄错。其中典型的有:work(工作),news(消息),luck(运气),fun(有趣的事),home-work(家庭作业),advice(劝告、建议),harm(损害、伤害),progress(进步),information(信息、消息),weather(天气),wealth(财富),furniture(家俱),luggage/baggage(行李),等。注意以下正误句型: 误:I wish you a good luck. 正:I wish you good luck.祝你好运。 误:It"s a great fun for us to be with her. 正:It"s great fun for us to be with her.我们同她在一起很有趣。 误:He gave us some advices.

make progress与make a progress的区别是什么?

英文中没有make a progress这样的表达的。只有make progress,取得进步的意思。make progress. 取得进展。短语:make progress 进步,取得进步,进展;Make Much Progress 进步更大,提高更大,取得进展。例句1:And in the coming weeks and months, I hope that we can work together, Democrats and Republicans and Independents alike, to make progress on these and other issues. 而在今后几周和几个月里,我希望我们能够共同努力,不论民主党人、共和党人和无党派人士一样,在各类事务上取得进展。例句2:That"s a first for WHO, and another signal of the new way in which we are ableto mobilize the strengths of our Organization in coordination with our Member States to make progress. 这对世界卫生组织来说是一个开端,也是采用一种新方法的另一个信号,以这种方法我们能够调动本组织的力量,与我们的会员国协同取得进展。用法:make progress in   在…方面取得进步[进展] 。make progress on  朝著…(目标)前进。make progress with   把…向前推进;在…(方面)取得进展,进行。study hard and make progress everyday好好学习,天天向上。

make progress加不加a?

progress 是不可数名词?那为什么有make a progress????

make a progress不可数名词具体化的用法

make progress可数吗

make progress不可数。 make progress:前进;进展; progress: n.进步;进展;进程;前进; v.进步;改进;进展;前进;行进; 第三人称单数: progresses复数: progresses现在分词: progressing过去式: progressed过去分词: progressed 扩展资料   The kid is eager to make progress.   这孩子很要好。   As they make progress at school, they start wearing it.   随着他们在学校的"进步,他们开始穿上它。   Work on the new road is progressing slowly.   新路的修建工作在缓慢进行。   Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career.   缺乏训练会妨碍事业的发展。


不可数名词变复数形式往往会改变它们原本的意思,例如:water水(不可数) →waters水域wood木材(不可数)→woods森林,如果要表达不可数名词的数量或多少,前面要加量词例如:alotofwater大量的水或acupofwater一杯水


progress是一个不可数名词n.1. 前进,行进They made slow progress towards the mountaintop.他们向山顶缓慢地前进。2. 进步,上进;发展The boy has made great progress this year.这男孩今年进步很大。3. 进行,进展A grand reception is in progress.大型招待会正在进行。vi.1. 前进;进行The building of the railroad is progressing.铁路正在建造中。2. 上进,提高,进步The boy has progressed in his studies.这男孩学习方面有进步。

progress什么意思 progress的意思

1、progress作名词的基本意思是“前进”,一般是指在空间中行进,用于抽象事物可作“进步,发展”解,一般是指某人在某个方面取得了比以前更好的成绩,也可表示进步的事物。2、progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用; 在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。3、progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。4、progress通常只用作不及物动词,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在?方面取得进展”。5、progress常用于进行体。


不,它不是可数名词 progress是进步的意思

progress 是不可数名词?那为什么有make a progress?

progress是不可数名词,没有make a progress这种用法.可以说make great progress ,是取得很大进步的意思.







progress什么意思 progress的意思

1、progress作名词的基本意思是“前进”,一般是指在空间中行进,用于抽象事物可作“进步,发展”解,一般是指某人在某个方面取得了比以前更好的成绩,也可表示进步的事物。 2、progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用; 在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。 3、progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。 4、progress通常只用作不及物动词,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在…方面取得进展”。 5、progress常用于进行体。

progress 是不可数名词?那为什么有make a progress????




progress 是不可数名词吗?有没有make a great progress 说法?

是的 只有 make great progress 是取得很大进步的意思

what a great progress有没有a呢

误认为progress是可数名词,命题者主要考察了两个方面的问题:一是感叹句句型;二是名词progress的可数性。 感叹句的基本结构是: 1)How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! 2)What+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(主语为不可数名词或复数形式,其前不用a/an) 英语中除了像air,water,milk,iron等这些中国人一目了然的不可数名词外,还有一些不可数名词很容易弄错。其中典型的有:work(工作),news(消息),luck(运气),fun(有趣的事),home-work(家庭作业),advice(劝告、建议),harm(损害、伤害),progress(进步),information(信息、消息),weather(天气),wealth(财富),furniture(家俱),luggage/baggage(行李),等。注意以下正误句型: 误:I wish you a good luck. 正:I wish you good luck.祝你好运。 误:It"s a great fun for us to be with her. 正:It"s great fun for us to be with her.我们同她在一起很有趣。 误:He gave us some advices.




不可数名词变复数形式往往会改变它们原本的意思,例如:water水(不可数) →waters水域wood木材(不可数)→woods森林,如果要表达不可数名词的数量或多少,前面要加量词例如:alotofwater大量的水或acupofwater一杯水


进展。progress,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时译为“进步,发展;前进”,作动词时译为“前进,进步;进行”。progress基本用法:1.progress作名词的基本意思是“前进”,一般是指在空间中行进,用于抽象事物可作“进步,发展”解,一般是指某人在某个方面取得了比以前更好的成绩,也可表示进步的事物。2.progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用; 在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。3.progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。4.progress通常只用作不及物动词,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在…方面取得进展”。5.progress常用于进行体。短语搭配:progress bar 进度条 ; 进度指示器 ; 进度条控件 ; 进程条。Progress Station 进度站。in progress 在进行中 ; 进行中 ; 尚未完工 ; 有进展。


1、progress作名词的基本意思是“前进”,一般是指在空间中行进,用于抽象事物可作“进步,发展”解,一般是指某人在某个方面取得了比以前更好的成绩,也可表示进步的事物。2、progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用; 在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。3、progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。4、progress通常只用作不及物动词,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在?方面取得进展”。5、progress常用于进行体。


progress是不可数的,因为它就没有用在含可数意味的句子中,例如:the progress of science.但这种用法并非是错的,可以解释成抽象名词的具体化抽象名词的具体化一般在不可数名词前面加上不定冠词a/an,抽象名词就是表示状态,品质,情感的没有实物的名词。比如responsibility(责任), law(法律),love(爱情),peace(和平)具体化就是前面可加冠词(a/an),变成可数名词。比如 Give her a surprise.给她个惊喜。或放在姓氏前,表示只知道名字而不熟悉的人。比如 A Mr.Liu is waiting for you.一个姓刘的先生在等你。比如 Everyone must keep the law.每个人都要遵守法律这个the只是表示law是专有名词,并不是说把它具体成某一事物了。如果说 A new law is established.一项新法令颁布了。那这就是具体化了。因为把法律具体成一项法令了。比如我上面举的例子Everyone must keep the law.law前是必须加the的。因为是专有名词。


cattle 和water 等一样 是不可数名词 所以不能使用一般的复数形式


看起来相似,其实意思很好区分process是进程 in the process of something而progress是指进步 就像make progress 取得成绩 缺的进步记住这两个短语就可区分开来




  progress有进步;发展的意思,它的用法有什么,由它组合而成的 短语 以及例句呢?以下是我给大家带来progress的用法和短语词组例句,以供参阅。    progress的用法   progress的用法1:progress作名词的基本意思是“前进”,一般是指在空间中行进,用于抽象事物可作“进步,发展”解,一般是指某人在某个方面取得了比以前更好的成绩,也可表示进步的事物。   progress的用法2:progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用; 在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。   progress的用法3:progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。   progress的用法4:progress用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在…方面取得进展”。   progress的用法5:progress常用于进行体。    progress的常用短语   用作名词 (n.)   in progress   用作动词 (v.)   progress in〔with〕 (v.+prep.)   progress to (v.+prep.)    progress的用法例句   1. His remedial teacher sees signs of progress in his reading and writing.   他的辅导教师发现了他在阅读和写作方面进步的迹象。   2. Middle East peace talks in Washington showed signs of progress yesterday.   昨天在华盛顿举行的中东和谈有了取得进展的迹象。   3. Social progress is normally a matter of struggles and conflicts.   社会进步通常是斗争和冲突的结果。   4. The formalization of co-operation between the republics would produceprogress.   正式确立合作关系将会促进共和国之间合作的顺利进展。   5. The diaries are a mixture of confession, work in progress and observation.   这些 日记 里既有自白,也有当下工作记录,还有见闻评论。   6. He had retained a keen interest in the progress of the work.   他对那项工作的进展一直很关心。   7. The big clubs are becoming increasingly impatient at the rate of progress.   大牌俱乐部对缓慢的进展越来越不耐烦了。   8. Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground.   阅兵场正在进行早间检阅。   9. Parents will be able to discuss their child"s progress with their teacher.   家长将可以和老师交流谈论子女的进步情况。   10. There"sunlikely to be firm news about the convoy"s progress for some time.   一段时间内都不大可能会有关于车队行进情况的确切消息。   11. The government is making slow and fitful progress in these negotiations.   政府从这些谈判中正取得缓慢的、间断性的进展。   12. A ferocious battle to select a new parliamentary candidate is in progress.   推选一位新的议会候选人的激战正酣。   13. We"ve made extraordinary progress as a society in that regard.   在那个方面,我们的社会已经取得了巨大的进步。   14. His progress at school had been unspectacular compared to his brother.   和弟弟相比,他在学校里的进步很不起眼。   15. We"ve made progress in righting the wrongs of the past.


progress是不可数的,因为它就没有用在含可数意味的句子中,例如:the progress of science. 但这种用法并非是错的,可以解释成抽象名词的具体化 抽象名词的具体化一般在不可数名词前面加上不定冠词a/an, 抽象名词就是表示状态,品质,情感的没有实物的名词。比如responsibility(责任), law(法律),love(爱情),peace(和平) 具体化就是前面可加冠词(a/an),变成可数名词。 比如 Give her a surprise.给她个惊喜。 或放在姓氏前,表示只知道名字而不熟悉的人。 比如 A Mr.Liu is waiting for you.一个姓刘的先生在等你。 比如 Everyone must keep the law.每个人都要遵守法律 这个the只是表示law是专有名词,并不是说把它具体成某一事物了。 如果说 A new law is established.一项新法令颁布了。 那这就是具体化了。因为把法律具体成一项法令了。 比如我上面举的例子Everyone must keep the law. law前是必须加the的。因为是专有名词。

take progress还是make progress

make progress.读法  英 [ˈprəʊɡres]  美 [ˈprɑːɡres; ˈprɑːɡrəs] n. 进步,进展;前进,行进;(社会的)进步v. 进步,进展;使(任务,事业)取得持续进展;(时间)推移,流逝;缓慢行进;(占星)计算行星(或星象图各星及坐标)的位置短语:social progress 社会进步 ; 社会的进步 ; 社会在进步Construction in progress 在建工程 ; 未完工程 ; 建工程 ; 未落成程Practice and Progress 基石 ; 实践与进步 ; 构建英语的基石 ; 练习与进步Center for American Progress 美国进步中心 ; 美国进步研究中心 ; 美国前进中心词语用法:progress是不可数名词,一般不与不定冠词a连用,但当其有形容词等修饰语时,可与a连用;在表示“各方面都取得进展”时,可以用复数形式。progress的意思是向前进,即“取得进步,进展”,强调其行进的距离,变化及改进提高的程度。progress用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。用作不及物动词时,常与介词in, with连用,表示“在…方面取得进展”。progress常用于进行体。

an great progress为什么用an?


get (a)good progress 有A吗?


make a great progress与make great progress哪个正确?


为什么我们老师说这是个特殊的,加上修饰词后就变为可数了,所以应用made a great progress,求解啊~~



【可数名词变复数之规则变化】1. 一般在名词词尾加-s。如:dog-dogs, house-houses, gram-grams.2. 以-s,-sh, -ch及-x结尾的名词加-es构成其复数形式。如: kiss-kisses, watch-watches, box-boxes, bush-bushes.3. 以-o结尾,注意以下几点:(1)一般在词尾加-es.如:tomato-tomatoes, potato-potatoes(2)如果是外来语或缩写名词, 则加-s。如:piano-pianos, dynamo-dynamos, photo-photos, kimono-kimonos, biro-biros。(3)有些以-o结尾的名词,其-o前是元音字母则加-s。如:studio-studios, radio-radios.(4)以-oo结尾的名词只加-s。如:zoo-zoos。4. 以“辅音字母+ -y“ 结尾的名词,则先把-y改成i,再加-es。如:baby-babies, university-universities, fly-flies, impurity-impurities.5. 下列以f或-fe结尾的名词,须先将-f或-fe改成-v,再加-es。这些名词是:calf, half , knife, leaf, life, loaf, self, sheaf, shelf, thief, wife, wolf 等。如:wife-wives, wolf-wolves, calf-calves.(像roof等词直接加s,如果是初中阶段,掌握roos一个特别单词就行了)6. 以下几个名词scarf, wharf, hoof, handkerchief等的复数形式,可先将-f或-fe改成-v,再加-es;也可直接加-s,即scarfs或scarves, wharfs或wharves, hoofs或hooves, handkerchiefs或handkerchieves。 【分辨可数、不可数】物质名词或抽象名词一般都是不可数的。不可数名词没有单数和复数的区别,例如:water 水 ice 冰 tea 茶 meat 肉 milk 牛奶age 年龄 time 时间 help 帮助 luck 运气 work 工作有少数物质名词也有复数形式,不过它们的含义则有所不同了,例如:glass 不可数名词 玻璃 glasses 可数名词 眼镜water 不可数名词 水 waters 可数名词 某个河流、湖泊的水顺便说一下,有些物质名词本身也是可数名词,但其含义也有所不同了。例如:物质名词 可数名词glass 玻璃 a glass 玻璃杯paper 纸张 a paper 报纸;论文wood 木头 a wood 树林gold 金子 a gold 金牌(若不懂请追问,若满意请采纳)

make a great progress与make great progress的区别


make progress和make a progress怎么区分,怎么用?

progress通常是备被用做不可数名词,make progress.

such great progress 和so great progress哪个正确

such great progress


因为它是不可数名词。progress是不可数名词,没有单复数形式,make a progress只是一个固定搭配,可数名词有复数形式,不可数名词一般没有复数形式。

progress 用more还是much


make little progress和make a progress的区别?

没有make a progress,因为progress是不可数名词,make little progress意思是没取得多少进步,可以用make a little progress意思是取得一点进步。

I am making good progress . Progress不是可数名词吗?为什么good前没有a,请详解,谢谢。

make progress是固定词组,取得进步

make a progress 和make a great progress哪个对?


rapid progress可数吗

rapid progress 快速的进展 飞速的发展 rapidly 副词 rapidity 不可数名词 扩展资料   例句:   What rapid progress he had made!   他取得了多么大的进步啊!   But Ford is making more rapid progress.   但是福特的进度要快得多。   AT the rapid progress he has made.   他进步之快使我感到惊异。

能说What a great progress!

此题应选C.容易误选D,误认为progress是可数名词.此题命题者主要考察了两个方面的问题:一是感叹句句型;二是名词progress的可数性. 感叹句的基本结构是: 1)How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! 2)What+(a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语!(主语为不可数名词或复数形式,其前不用a/an) 英语中除了像air,water,milk,iron等这些中国人一目了然的不可数名词外,还有一些不可数名词很容易弄错.其中典型的有:work(工作),news(消息),luck(运气),fun(有趣的事),home-work(家庭作业),advice(劝告、建议),harm(损害、伤害),progress(进步),information(信息、消息),weather(天气),wealth(财富),furniture(家俱),luggage/baggage(行李),等.注意以下正误句型: 误:I wish you a good luck. 正:I wish you good luck.祝你好运. 误:It"s a great fun for us to be with her. 正:It"s great fun for us to be with her.我们同她在一起很有趣. 误:He gave us some advices.

make progress与make a progress的区别

只有make progress,make a progress是错误的表达。

我有了进步可以翻译成 I had a progress吗?请问progress前面可以加a吗


I made great progress中progress是可数名词为什么不加es?

progress 进步是不可数名词,不能加esI made great progress.我取得了很大的进步。
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