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pumpkin 用来做英文名怎么翻译?






在find dining-room behind pumpkin中i的发音哪个不同

find 英[fau026and] 美[fau026and] dining 英["dau026anu026au014b] 美["dau026anu026au014b] behind 英[bu026au02c8hau026and] 美[bu026au02c8hau026and] pumpkin 英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an] 美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an, u02c8pu028cm-, u02c8pu028cu014b-] pumpkin中i的发音不同。望采纳。




pumpkin译为南瓜,读作甜心,是对重要的人的爱称。pumpkin在美国的生活中比较常见,一般是用来称呼自己的妻子和女儿。美国这个国家是特别的喜欢南瓜,在万圣节南瓜就会被用来当做装饰物,当然南瓜也是可以吃的,经常用来制作成甜品,所以用pumpkin来称呼自己的妻子或者是女儿,表示的是甜美的,可爱的人。爱人的英语称呼1、my darling 我的亲爱的,我的宝贝darling亲爱的;宝贝,英文解释是:a way of addressing sb that you love,所以这个最准确。2、my lover 我的情人这个称呼呢,更加亲昵火热,因为lover是情人的意思。3、my sweetheart 我的爱人,我的甜心sweetheart 甜心,甜在心里的人,很浪漫、很亲密。4、my dear 我的亲爱的dear的中文是亲爱的,很直接的叫法。5、my honey 我的亲爱的honey 亲爱的,蜂蜜,像蜂蜜一样甜的人,就是honey。


pumpkin是恋人之间的称呼。pumpkin是一个英语单词,名词,作名词时意为“南瓜”。在美式英语俚语中,pumpkin是对心爱的人的爱称,跟honey、sweet heart是一样的含义。pumpkin例句:1、I like pumpkin lanterns. What do you like? I like puzzles.我喜欢南瓜灯。你喜欢什么?我喜欢拼图。2、In this town we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song.在这个我们叫家的镇里,每个人为南瓜歌而喝彩。


pumpkin的英式读音和美式读音相同,均为:[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]。pumpkin可作名词,其中文含义有:南瓜;南瓜大果等意思,例句:We like pumpkin pies.翻译:我们喜欢南瓜馅饼。一、pumpkin读音英式读音:[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]。美式读音:[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]。复数形式:pumpkins。二、pumpkin词性及释义(n.):南瓜;南瓜大果等含义。三、pumpkin固定短语pumpkin bomb:南瓜炸弹。Pumpkin Puff:南瓜酥。Pumpkin Pastry:南瓜酪。Steamed Pumpkin:旱蒸南瓜;旱蒸番瓜;蒸南瓜。Pumpkin Bread:田园南瓜面包;南瓜面饼;南瓜面包;南瓜馒头。PUMPKIN RICE:南瓜饭;番瓜饭;南瓜米饭。pumpkin lanterns:南瓜灯笼;南瓜灯。Canned pumpkin:罐头南瓜;南瓜罐头。giant pumpkin:笋瓜;巨型南瓜。




pumpkin的本意是南瓜,其他的意思都源自于美国俚语:1、甜心,指可爱、可爱或甜美的人,指南瓜蔬菜那令人愉悦的怀旧表情。通常用于男性对女性和婴儿的描述。2、缺乏智慧或关心的;愚蠢或粗心的。多用于形容别人笨。3、优秀的,出众的。一般形容重要的人物。4、美国乡村。扩展资料1、Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.翻译:南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。2、My pumpkin called me last night!!!翻译:我的甜心昨天给我打电话了!3、Grunngg has a pumpkin sports car of the mountains.翻译:格伦格有一个很棒的跑车。4、That ho be mad pumpkin.翻译:那个疯疯癫癫的笨蛋。


pumpkin 英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an] 美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an] n. 南瓜; 南瓜大果;


pumpkin的本意是南瓜,其他的意思都源自于美国俚语:1、甜心,指可爱、可爱或甜美的人,指南瓜蔬菜那令人愉悦的怀旧表情。通常用于男性对女性和婴儿的描述。2、缺乏智慧或关心的;愚蠢或粗心的。多用于形容别人笨。3、优秀的,出众的。一般形容重要的人物。4、美国乡村。扩展资料1、Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.翻译:南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。2、My pumpkin called me last night!!!翻译:我的甜心昨天给我打电话了!3、Grunngg has a pumpkin sports car of the mountains.翻译:格伦格有一个很棒的跑车。4、That ho be mad pumpkin.翻译:那个疯疯癫癫的笨蛋。


pumpkin[英][u02c8pu028cmpku026an] [美][u02c8pu028cmpku026an, u02c8pu028cm-, u02c8pu028cu014b-] 生词本简明释义n.南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊;〈俚〉重要人物复数:pumpkins以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义1.N-VAR南瓜;倭瓜A pumpkin is a large, round, orange vegetable with a thick skin.Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽。...pumpkin pie.南瓜馅饼


pumpkin英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an, u02c8pu028cm-, u02c8pu028cu014b-]n.南瓜; 南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊; 〈俚〉重要人物;[例句]Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽。[其他]复数:pumpkins


pumpkin 英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an] 美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an, u02c8pu028cm-, u02c8pu028cu014b-] n. 南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊;〈俚〉重要人物 名词复数:pumpkins [例句]Both pine nuts and pumpkin seeds are sexual adjuvants.松子和南瓜子都是性增效剂


1、pumpkin的本意是南瓜,其他的意思都源自于美国俚语: (1)甜心,指可爱、可爱或甜美的人,指南瓜蔬菜那令人愉悦的怀旧表情。 (2)通常用于男性对女性和婴儿的描述。 (3)缺乏智慧或关心的,愚蠢或粗心的。多用于形容别人笨。 2、例句理解 (1)Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving. 翻译:南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。 (2)My pumpkin called me last night! 翻译:我的甜心昨天给我打电话了!


pumpkin的本意是南瓜,其他的意思都源自于美国俚语:1、甜心,指可爱、可爱或甜美的人,指南瓜蔬菜那令人愉悦的怀旧表情。通常用于男性对女性和婴儿的描述。2、缺乏智慧或关心的;愚蠢或粗心的。多用于形容别人笨。3、优秀的,出众的。一般形容重要的人物。4、美国乡村。扩展资料1、Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.翻译:南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。2、My pumpkin called me last night!!!翻译:我的甜心昨天给我打电话了!3、Grunngg has a pumpkin sports car of the mountains.翻译:格伦格有一个很棒的跑车。4、That ho be mad pumpkin.翻译:那个疯疯癫癫的笨蛋。


pumpkin[英][ˈpʌmpkɪn] [美][ˈpʌmpkɪn,ˈpʌm-,ˈpʌŋ-] 生词本 简明释义 n.南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊;〈俚〉重要人物 复数:pumpkins 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 1.N-VAR南瓜;倭瓜A pumpkin is a large,round,orange vegetable with a thick skin. Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds. 将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽. ...pumpkin pie. 南瓜馅饼




pumpkin n. 南瓜; 南瓜大果; 复数:pumpkins 是可数名词啊




南瓜英语,英语名称是:pumpkin。其是以万圣节的南瓜灯和童话故事里面的南瓜作为背景的英语。重庆优维英语教育携手美国培生、圣智教育集团、迪士尼教育在2008年创造南瓜英语这一品牌。采用PearsonEducation美国培生教育出版集团携手WaltDisney迪士尼专门针对亚洲3-12岁的少儿研发的教材。南瓜英语秉承“语言塑造思维,思维改变未来” 的教学理念和“让中国小朋友更快乐、更快捷的学好英语”的宗旨来到中国,独创的“I.M.S.启蒙英语学习系统”,从激发孩子英语学习兴趣开始,通过快乐的体验过程,从而全面提升孩子主动学习意识,塑造英语思维。结合全球最大的定制学习方案提供商及终生学习方案的解决者——来自美国圣智学习出版集团、麦格希教育出版集团、MM国际教育出版社、培生教育出版集团、美国国家地理频道、探索发现频道,历经50年在全球140多个国家成功的教育实践经验,依托亚太、北美和欧洲三大海外研发中心及国内教学示范基地,自2008年以来,相继在广东、重庆、新疆、湖南、四川、河北等地开办了多所少儿英语培训中心。












pumpkin的本意是南瓜。pumpkin是对心爱的人的爱称,跟honey/sweet heart是一样的含义,这是一种爱称,对于关系比较亲近的朋友,或者恋人之间的一种称呼,类似于“亲爱的。”其他的意思都源自于美国俚语:1、甜心,指可爱、可爱或甜美的人,指南瓜蔬菜那令人愉悦的怀旧表情。2、缺乏智慧或关心的;愚蠢或粗心的。多用于形容别人笨。3、优秀的,出众的。一般形容重要的人物。 4、美国乡村。1、Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.翻译:南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。2、My pumpkin called me last night!!!翻译:我的甜心昨天给我打电话了!3、Grunngg has a pumpkin sports car of the mountains.翻译:格伦格有一个很棒的"跑车。4、That ho be mad pumpkin.翻译:那个疯疯癫癫的笨蛋。honey,dear,darling.




pumpkin 英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an] 美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an, u02c8pu028cm-, u02c8pu028cu014b-] n. 南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊;〈俚〉重要人物 名词复数:pumpkins [例句]Both pine nuts and pumpkin seeds are sexual adjuvants.松子和南瓜子都是性增效剂。


pumpkin译为南瓜,读作甜心,是对重要的人的爱称。pumpkin在美国的生活中比较常见,一般是用来称呼自己的妻子和女儿。美国这个国家是特别的喜欢南瓜,在万圣节南瓜就会被用来当做装饰物,当然南瓜也是可以吃的,经常用来制作成甜品,所以用pumpkin来称呼自己的妻子或者是女儿,表示的是甜美的,可爱的人。拓展:爱人的英语称呼①my darling 我的亲爱的,我的宝贝②darling亲爱的;宝贝,英文解释是:a way of addressing sb that you love,所以这个最准确。③my lover 我的情人④my sweetheart 我的爱人,我的甜心⑤sweetheart 甜心,甜在心里的人,很浪漫、很亲密。

pumpkin是什么意思 pumpkin指什么

1、pumpkin的本意是南瓜,其他的意思都源自于美国俚语: (1)甜心,指可爱、可爱或甜美的人,指南瓜蔬菜那令人愉悦的怀旧表情。 (2)通常用于男性对女性和婴儿的描述。 (3)缺乏智慧或关心的;愚蠢或粗心的。多用于形容别人笨。 2、例句理解 (1)Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving. 翻译:南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。 (2)My pumpkin called me last night! 翻译:我的甜心昨天给我打电话了!


pumpkin 英[u02c8pu028cmpkin] 美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an, u02c8pu028cm-, u02c8pu028cu014b-] 复数:pumpkins n. 1.南瓜 2.南瓜的果肉, 南瓜囊 名词 n. 1.南瓜 I like white gourds, but not pumpkins. 我喜欢吃冬瓜, 但不喜欢吃南瓜. 2.南瓜的果肉, 南瓜囊 pumpkin ["pu028cmpkin] n. 【植】南瓜, 南瓜藤 [口]夜郎自大的蠢货, [美俚]重要人物, 大亨; [美俚]头, 脑袋瓜 [美俚]乡村小镇 pumpkin and squash 南瓜 继承用法 pumpkin-ash n. 【植】绒毛白蜡树 pumpkinseed n. 南瓜籽; (北美产的)一种小翻车鱼[太阳鱼] 习惯用语 some pumpkins [美口]了不起的人物[东西]


呵呵 南瓜


pumpkin ["pu028cmpkin]n.【植】南瓜, 南瓜藤[口]夜郎自大的蠢货, [美俚]重要人物, 大亨; [美俚]头, 脑袋瓜[美俚]乡村小镇pumpkin and squash南瓜 继承用法pumpkin-ashn.【植】绒毛白蜡树pumpkinseedn.南瓜籽; (北美产的)一种小翻车鱼[太阳鱼] 习惯用语some pumpkins [美口]了不起的人物[东西]


pumpkin[英][u02c8pu028cmpku026an][美][u02c8pu028cmpku026an, u02c8pu028cm-, u02c8pu028cu014b-]n.南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊;〈俚〉重要人物复数: pumpkins双语例句1.Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。2.Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving.南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。3.To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin.要做一个万圣节灯笼,你先得挖空这个南瓜。4.And this year I won for the biggest pumpkin.今年我获得了最大的南瓜。5.Quarter the pumpkin and remove the seeds.将南瓜切成4份,去掉籽。








pumpkin是南瓜的意思。读音:英[u02c8pu028cmpku026an],美[u02c8pu028cmpku026an]。释义:n.南瓜;南瓜的果肉,南瓜囊;〈俚〉重要人物。例句:This video is about how to grow pumpkins.这个视频是关于如何种植南瓜的。复数:pumpkins。短语:pumpkin seed oil南瓜子油。pumpkin head傻瓜。pumpkin seed南瓜子。pumpkin的近义词squash读音:英[skwu0252u0283],美[skwɑu02d0u0283]。释义:n.壁球;摺皱不堪;拥挤嘈杂的人群;浓缩果汁;美国南瓜。vt.压制;压扁。vi.变扁;挤进。变形:第三人称单数squashes,复数squashes,现在分词squashing,过去式squashed,过去分词squashed。短语:squash rackets软式墙网球。orange squash桔子水。true squash笋瓜。

series ; educator ; pumpkin ; lettuce 这英语用谐音怎么读??



pumpkin,南瓜,俚语中是男性对女性和婴儿的爱称。你可以用女性对男性的爱称,比如baby honey dear或者bae,个人觉得没特色,太普通。也可以用bnwbkiu(与pumpkin上下对称),或nikpmup(左右对称),或者pumpkin vine。

南瓜灯的英语是jack-o-lantern 还是 pumpkin lantern?

南瓜灯(Jack-O"-Lantern 或者Jack-of-the-Lantern,前者比较普遍,是后者的一种缩写方式)希望对您有所帮助!


【汉语】南瓜【英语】pumpkin【音标】英语读音【u02c8pu028cmpku026an】 美语读音【u02c8pu028cmpku026an】【例句】Pumpkin pie is a traditional American dish served on Thanksgiving. 南瓜馅饼是美国传统的感恩节食物。To make a Halloween lantern, you first have to gouge out the inside of the pumpkin. 要做一个万圣节灯笼, 你先得挖空这个南瓜.

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities and B-Sidesthe smashing pumpkins-EyeI lieI waitI startI hesitate I amI breathI meltI think of meIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughI tasteI loveI callI bleed enough I hateI mightI wasI want too muchIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchby 优质果冻http://music.baidu.com/song/52851475

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Deluxe Edition)BeautifulThe Smashing PumpkinsMellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Disc 2Beautiful, you"re beautiful, as beautiful as the sunWonderful, you"re wonderful, as wonderful as they comeAnd i can"t help but feel attachedTo the feelings i can"t even matchWith my face pressed up to the glass, wanting youBeautiful, you"re beautiful, as beautiful as the skyWonderful, it"s wonderful, to know that you"re just like iAnd i"m sure you know me well, as i"m sure you don"tBut you just can"t tellWho"ll you love and who you won"tAnd i love you, as you love meSo let the clouds roll by your faceWe"ll let the world spin on to another placeWe"ll climb the tallest tree above it allTo look down on you and me and themAnd i"m sure you know me well, as i"m sure you don"tBut you just can"t tell, who you"ll love and who you won"tDon"t let your life wrap up around youDon"t forget to call, wheneverI"ll be here just waiting for youI"ll be under your stars foreverNeither here nor there just right beside youI"ll be under the stairs foreverNeither here nor there just right beside youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31297348

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-Sidesthe smashing pumpkins-EyeI lieI waitI startI hesitate I amI breathI meltI think of meIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughI tasteI loveI callI bleed enough I hateI mightI wasI want too muchIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchby 优质果冻http://music.baidu.com/song/2698884

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rotten Apples: The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hitsthe smashing pumpkins-EyeI lieI waitI startI hesitate I amI breathI meltI think of meIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughI tasteI loveI callI bleed enough I hateI mightI wasI want too muchIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchby 优质果冻http://music.baidu.com/song/55321152

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Perfect》 歌词

歌曲名:Perfect歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesPerfect (Live)Simple PlanNo Pads No Helmets Just BallsHey dad look at meThink back and talk to meDid I grow up according to plan?And do you think i"m wasting my timeDoing things I wanna do?But it hurts when you disapprove all alongAnd now I try hard to make itI just want to make you proudI"m never gonna be good enough for youCan"t pretend that I"m all rightand you can"t change me"Cuz we lost it allNothing last foreverI"m sorry I can"t be perfectNow it"s just too late and we can"t go backI"m sorry I can"t be perfectI try not to thinkAbout the pain I feel insideDid you know you used to be my hero?All the days you spent with meNow seem so far awayAnd it feels like you don"t care anymoreAnd now I try hard to make itI just want to make you proudI"m never gonna be good enough for youI can"t stand another fightAnd nothing"s alright"Cuz we lost it allNothing last foreverI"m sorry I can"t be perfectNow it"s just too late and we can"t go backI"m sorry I can"t be perfectNothing"s gonna change the things that you saidNothing"s gonna make this right againPlease don"t turn your backI can"t believe it"s hard just to talk to youBut you don"t understand"Cuz we lost it allNothing lasts foreverI"m sorry I can"t be perfectNow it"s just too late and we can"t go backI"m sorry I can"t be perfect"Cuz we lost it allNothing lasts foreverI"m sorryI can"t be perfectNow it"s just too late andWe can"t go backI"m sorryI can"t be perfectFix By Waynehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2698866

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Hummer》 歌词

歌曲名:Hummer歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamHummerFaith lies inThe ways of sinI chased the charmedBut I don"t want them anymoreAnd in their eyes I was aliveA fool"s disguiseTake me away from youShame my tongueFat with promise all alongBut when I woke up from that sleepI was happier than I"d ever beenWhen you decideThat your life is a prizeRenew and reviveIt"s alright honeyIt"s alright, yeahHappiness will make you wonderWill I feel OK?It scares the disenchantedFar awayYeah I want something newBut what am I supposed to do about youYeah I love you, it"s trueLife"s a bummerWhen you"re a hummerLife"s a dragAsk yourself a questionAnyone but meI ain"t freeAsk yourself a questionAnyone but meI ain"t freeDo you feelLove is real?by 小癫http://music.baidu.com/song/55303330

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌名:《1979》歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins发行时间:2013-08-12所属专辑:《Aeroplane Flies High (Deluxe Edition)》歌词:shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeon a live wire right up off the streetyou and i should meetjunebug skipping like a stoneheadlights pointed at the dawnwe where sure we"d never see an end to it alland i don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesand we don"t knowjust where our bones will rest to dust i guessforgotten and absorbed into the earth belowdouble cross the vacant and the boredthey"re not sure just what we have in storemorphine city slippin dues down to seethat we don"t even care as restless as we arewe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsand poured cement, lamenated and assuredto the lights and towns belowfaster than the speed of soundfaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopejustine never knew the ruleshung down with the freaks and ghoulsno apolgies ever need be madei know you better than you fake itto see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesand we don"t knowjust where our bones will rest to dust i guessforgotten and absorbed into the earth belowthe street heats the urgency of soundas you can see there"s no one around

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Muzzle》 歌词

歌曲名:Muzzle歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Deluxe Edition)SMASHING PUMPKINS LYRICS - MuzzleI fear that I"m ordinary,just like everyoneTo lie here and die among the sorrowsAdrift among the daysFor everything I ever saidAnd everything I"ve ever done is goneand deadAs all things must surely have to endAnd great lovers will one day have to partI know that I am meant for this worldMy life has been extraordinaryBlessed and cursed and wonTime heals but I"m forever brokenBy and by the way...Have you ever heard the wordsI"m singing in these songs?It"s for the girl I"ve loved all alongCan a taste of love be so wrongAs all things must surely have to endAnd great lovers will one day have to partI know that I am meant for this worldAnd in my mind as I was floatingFar above the cloudsSome children laughed I"d fall for certainFor thinking that I"d last foreverBut I knew exactly where I wasAnd I knew the meaning of it allAnd I knew the distance to the sunAnd I knew the echo that is loveAnd I knew the secrets in your spiresAnd I knew the emptiness of youthAnd I knew the solitude of heartAnd I knew the murmurs of the soulAnd the world is drawn into your handsAnd the world is etched upon your heartAnd the world so hard to understandIs the world you can"t live withoutAnd I knew the silence of the world谨以此献给我热爱的碎瓜乐队!http://music.baidu.com/song/31300490

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Snail》 歌词

歌曲名:Snail歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:GishSnail作词:D·A·I 作曲:D·A·I 编曲:D·A·I/Seiji Kamedaあたしが昔见つけたモノは底无しの迷路であなたが常に探していたもの 雨の中のマリアあたしがすでに痹れ切らして壳をのぞき込んだキラリと光る足迹だけを悪戯に残して雨に曝す体に 歓び感じてジクジクしてる Ah-湿気た空気确かめせわしく动いて强い刺激に目を伏せる like a Snailあたしが今でも望むものは 不安のない明日あなたはいつも微笑むだけのただそれだけの人今更何をしても 手遅れ状态 ジタバタしても Ah-湿気た颜见せないで 泣かないで夜は明けてゆくもの 気づかない like a Snailやり场のない思いと あなたの存在 イライラするわ Ah-息が诘まりそうな程 待ちくたびれてたこのため息で 世界の果てまで 突き放したら気付いてくれるの?まるであなたは 臆病な like aSnail でしょAhhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2648081

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Today》 歌词

歌曲名:Today歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamTitle:TodayArtist:smashing pumpkinsToday is the greatestDay I"ve ever knownCan"t live for tomorrow,Tomorrow"s much too longI"ll burn my eyes outBefore I get outI wanted moreThan life could ever grant meBored by the choreOf saving faceToday is the greatestDay I"ve ever knownCan"t wait for tomorrowI might not have that longI"ll tear my heart outBefore I get outPink ribbon scarsThat never forgetI tried so hardTo cleanse these regretsMy angel wingsWere bruised and restrainedMy belly stingsToday isToday isToday isThe greatest dayI want to turn you onI want to turn you onI want to turn you onI want to turn youToday is the greatestToday is the greatest dayToday is the greatest dayThat I have ever really knownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2647361

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Disarm》 歌词

歌曲名:Disarm歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Siamese DreamDisarm you with a smileAnd cut you like you want me toCut that little childInside of me and such a part of youOoh, the years burnI used to be a little boySo old in my shoesAnd what I choose is my choiceWhats a boy supposed to do?The killer in me is the killer in youMy loveI send this smile over to youDisarm you with a smileAnd leave you like they left me hereTo wither in denialThe bitterness of one whos left aloneOoh, the years burnOoh, the years burn, burn, burnAnd what I choose is my voiceThe killer in me is the killer in youSend this smile over to youThe killer in me is the killer in youSend this smile over to youThe killer in me is the killer in youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55303308

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Zero》 歌词

歌曲名:Zero歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesSMASHING PUMPKINS LYRICS - ZeroMy reflection倒影, dirty mirrorThere"s no connection to myselfI"m your lover, I"m your zeroI"m the face in your dreams of glassSo save your prayers祈祷For when we"re really gonna need"emThrow out your cares and flyWanna go for a ride?She"s the one for meShe"s all I really needCause she"s the one for meEmptiness空虚无知 is loneliness孤独寂寞,and loneliness is cleanliness4洁癖And cleanliness is godliness虔诚,and god is empty just like meIntoxicated喝醉的极兴奋 with the madness,I"m in love with my sadnessBullshit fakers, enchanted施魔法 kingdomsThe fashion victims受害者 chew their charcoal木炭 teethI never let on, that I was on a sinking沉没 shipI never let on that I was downYou blame谴责 yourself,for what you can"t ignoreYou blame yourself for wanting moreShe"s the one for meShe"s all I really needShe"s the one for meShe"s my one and onlyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2698848

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Zero》 歌词

歌曲名:Zero歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rotten Apples, The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest HitsSMASHING PUMPKINS LYRICS - ZeroMy reflection倒影, dirty mirrorThere"s no connection to myselfI"m your lover, I"m your zeroI"m the face in your dreams of glassSo save your prayers祈祷For when we"re really gonna need"emThrow out your cares and flyWanna go for a ride?She"s the one for meShe"s all I really needCause she"s the one for meEmptiness空虚无知 is loneliness孤独寂寞,and loneliness is cleanliness4洁癖And cleanliness is godliness虔诚,and god is empty just like meIntoxicated喝醉的极兴奋 with the madness,I"m in love with my sadnessBullshit fakers, enchanted施魔法 kingdomsThe fashion victims受害者 chew their charcoal木炭 teethI never let on, that I was on a sinking沉没 shipI never let on that I was downYou blame谴责 yourself,for what you can"t ignoreYou blame yourself for wanting moreShe"s the one for meShe"s all I really needShe"s the one for meShe"s my one and onlyhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2647973

The Smashing Pumpkins的《For Martha》 歌词

歌曲名:For Martha歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:AdoreThe Smashing Pumpkins-For MarthaWhenever I runWhenever I run to you lost oneIt"s never doneJust hanging onJust past has let me beReturning as if dreamShattered as beliefIf you have to go don"t say goodbyeIf you have to go don"t you cryIf you have to go I will get bySomeday I"ll follow you and see you on the other sideBut for the grace of loveI"d will the meaning ofHeaven from aboveBut for the grace of loveI"d will the meaning ofHeaven from aboveYour picture out of timeLeft aching in my mindShadows kept aliveIf you have to go don"t say goodbyeIf you have to go don"t you cryIf you have to go I will get byI will follow you and see you on the other sideBut for the grace of loveI"d will the meaning ofHeaven from aboveLong horses we are bornCreatures more than tornMourning our way home谨以献给我热爱的碎瓜乐队!http://music.baidu.com/song/55322466

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Soma》 歌词

Soma歌手: The Smashing Pumpkins所属专辑:《Siamese Dream》歌词You"re sleeping i"m not sleeping and there"s miles of nightI see something shining where there is no lightI just want to bury it and throw away the weeds when they growWhat makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?What makes me so mad?That scream to wake the birds is only my heart beatingThat scream to wake the birds is only my heart beatingTranslucent skin i"m looking in i feel a ghostScared away and left the one i need the mostI just want to bury it and leave my tears to sink in the graveThe shouting in my room is only my heart beatingThe heart beat calls my name the pattern on my thumbThe waiting and the dream have all turned into oneYou"re sleeping i"m not sleeping and i wonder whyI love to think about the time before the lightI didn"t want to bury it and lift my head up into the skyThe bass drum through the floor is only my heart beating

Smashing Pumpkins的《Stumbleine》 歌词

歌曲名:Stumbleine歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie And The Infinite SadnessI"m not the kind of girl you bring to motherI"m not the kind of girl you kiss in publicMy manners leave a lot to be desiredAt least in not a liarI"m not about the subtle innuendoMore likely to throw rocks up at your windowWon"t walk on eggshellsSo you don"t hearThe crazy things I"m saying when you get near meAnyway, you like me yeah you know itI"d rather disappear than be faking itYou"re so transparentHow you stumble "round those words so wellYou like me there i said itDon"t need a dictionary helping me "cause I can spellMy foot was in my mouth the day I met youAll my friends they said I"d never get youBut they don"t know it when they see itThey need glasses to believe itThey don"t understand so be it...What can I sayAnyway, you like me yeah you know itYou"re so transparentHow you stumble "round those words so wellYou like me there i said itDon"t need a dictionary helping me "cause I can spellBy the way you turn me on to your favourite band,By the way you pour me coffee when I"m too tired to stand,The way you lift me up when I"m fading,Breathe me in when I"m suffocatingDon"t say that it"s just because you canDon"t be stupid, thinking I"ve misjudged youI know enough to know when someone trusts youWhy fight it now,It isn"t gonna hurt you anywayYou like me, yeah, I know itYou"re so transparentHow you stumble "round those words so wellYou like me, there I said itDon"t need a dictionary helping meCause I can spellYou like me yeah I know itYou"re so transparentHow you stumble "round those words so wellHow you stumblehttp://music.baidu.com/song/2699208

Smashing Pumpkins的《Beautiful》 歌词

歌曲名:Beautiful歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie And The Infinite SadnessBeautifulThe Smashing PumpkinsMellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness Disc 2Beautiful, you"re beautiful, as beautiful as the sunWonderful, you"re wonderful, as wonderful as they comeAnd i can"t help but feel attachedTo the feelings i can"t even matchWith my face pressed up to the glass, wanting youBeautiful, you"re beautiful, as beautiful as the skyWonderful, it"s wonderful, to know that you"re just like iAnd i"m sure you know me well, as i"m sure you don"tBut you just can"t tellWho"ll you love and who you won"tAnd i love you, as you love meSo let the clouds roll by your faceWe"ll let the world spin on to another placeWe"ll climb the tallest tree above it allTo look down on you and me and themAnd i"m sure you know me well, as i"m sure you don"tBut you just can"t tell, who you"ll love and who you won"tDon"t let your life wrap up around youDon"t forget to call, wheneverI"ll be here just waiting for youI"ll be under your stars foreverNeither here nor there just right beside youI"ll be under the stairs foreverNeither here nor there just right beside youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2699325

Smashing Pumpkins的《drown》 歌词

歌曲名:drown歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:rotten apples: the best of the smashing pumpkinsSmashing Pumpkins"Drown"歌词No matter where you areI can still hear you when you drownYou"ve traveled very farJust to see you I"ll come aroundWhen I"m downAll of those yesterdaysComing downNo matter where you areI can still hear you when you dreamYou traveled very farYou traveled far, like a starAnd you areAll of those yesterdaysComing aroundIs it something someone said?Was it something someone said?Yesterday the sky was youAnd I still feel the sameNothing left for me to doAnd I still feel the sameI wish, I wish I could flyI wish, I wish I could lieI will, I will tryI will, Goodbyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14232394

Smashing Pumpkins的《drown》 歌词

歌曲名:drown歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:rotten apples: the best of the smashing pumpkinsSmashing Pumpkins"Drown"歌词No matter where you areI can still hear you when you drownYou"ve traveled very farJust to see you I"ll come aroundWhen I"m downAll of those yesterdaysComing downNo matter where you areI can still hear you when you dreamYou traveled very farYou traveled far, like a starAnd you areAll of those yesterdaysComing aroundIs it something someone said?Was it something someone said?Yesterday the sky was youAnd I still feel the sameNothing left for me to doAnd I still feel the sameI wish, I wish I could flyI wish, I wish I could lieI will, I will tryI will, Goodbyehttp://music.baidu.com/song/14755297

Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2699220

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Eye》 歌词

歌曲名:Eye歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rotten Apples, The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hitsthe smashing pumpkins-EyeI lieI waitI startI hesitate I amI breathI meltI think of meIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughI tasteI loveI callI bleed enough I hateI mightI wasI want too muchIs it any wonder I can"t sleep?All I have is all you gave to meIs it any wonder I found theseThrough youTurn to the gates of heaven to myself feel downTurn away from EyeIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchIt"s not enoughJust a touchby 优质果冻http://music.baidu.com/song/2647942

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Blew Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Blew Away歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities & B-SidesBlew AwayCompose / Lyrics / Vocal / Smashing Pumpkins.blew, blew awaybut i don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you love heryou know it will come trueand if you need heryou know that she"ll be therestay awake, i lie herewith her and i falland when i wake inside youi know you know i"m yoursblew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you"re sad, toountil the angel sings and touches youdon"t confuse my only lifei said blew, and please don"t ever leaveAnd i will greive, and member theeHope to meet you therei wanna let her knowAnd i wanna let her goi wanna let her knowThat i love her soi"m blew, blew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna-blew, I love youblewBEYOND再见理想http://music.baidu.com/song/2698858

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Blew Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Blew Away歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Pisces Iscariot (Deluxe Edition)Blew AwayCompose / Lyrics / Vocal / Smashing Pumpkins.blew, blew awaybut i don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you love heryou know it will come trueand if you need heryou know that she"ll be therestay awake, i lie herewith her and i falland when i wake inside youi know you know i"m yoursblew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you"re sad, toountil the angel sings and touches youdon"t confuse my only lifei said blew, and please don"t ever leaveAnd i will greive, and member theeHope to meet you therei wanna let her knowAnd i wanna let her goi wanna let her knowThat i love her soi"m blew, blew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna-blew, I love youblewBEYOND再见理想http://music.baidu.com/song/14965521

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (Deluxe Edition)《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31291405

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness (2012 - Remaster)《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/31303928

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Today》 歌词

歌曲名:Today歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities and B-SidesTitle:TodayArtist:smashing pumpkinsby:文刀韦舀Today is the greatestDay I"ve ever knownCan"t live for tomorrow,Tomorrow"s much too longI"ll burn my eyes outBefore I get outI wanted moreThan life could ever grant meBored by the choreOf saving faceToday is the greatestDay I"ve ever knownCan"t wait for tomorrowI might not have that longI"ll tear my heart outBefore I get outPink ribbon scarsThat never forgetI tried so hardTo cleanse these regretsMy angel wingsWere bruised and restrainedMy belly stingsToday isToday isToday isThe greatest dayI want to turn you onI want to turn you onI want to turn you onI want to turn youToday is the greatestToday is the greatest dayToday is the greatest dayThat I have ever really knownhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52854668

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rarities and B-Sides《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/52853297

求smashing pumpkin的 today 的歌词

the smashingpumpkins-todaytoday is the greatestday i"ve ever knowncan"t live for tomorrow,tomorrow"s much too longi"ll burn my eyes outbefore i get outi wanted morethan life could ever grant mebored by the choreof saving facetoday is the greatestday i"ve ever knowncan"t wait for tomorrowi might not have that longi"ll tear my heart outbefore i get outpink ribbon scarsthat never forgeti tried so hardto cleanse these regretsmy angel wingswere bruised and restrainedmy belly stingstoday istoday istoday isthe greatest dayi want to turn you oni want to turn you oni want to turn you oni want to turn youtoday is the greatesttoday is the greatest daytoday is the greatest daythat i have ever really known

Smashing Pumpkins的《Blew Away》 歌词

歌曲名:Blew Away歌手:Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Pisces IscariotBlew AwayCompose / Lyrics / Vocal / Smashing Pumpkins.blew, blew awaybut i don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you love heryou know it will come trueand if you need heryou know that she"ll be therestay awake, i lie herewith her and i falland when i wake inside youi know you know i"m yoursblew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna fadeblew, blew, ooohand if you"re sad, toountil the angel sings and touches youdon"t confuse my only lifei said blew, and please don"t ever leaveAnd i will greive, and member theeHope to meet you therei wanna let her knowAnd i wanna let her goi wanna let her knowThat i love her soi"m blew, blew, blew awaybut I don"t wanna-blew, I love youblewBEYOND再见理想http://music.baidu.com/song/2699178

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Shame》 歌词

歌曲名:Shame歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:AdoreSmashing Pumpkins - ShameYou"re gonna walk on homeYou"re gonna walk aloneYou"re gonna see this throughDon"t let "em get to youSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameLove is good and love is kindLove is drunk and love is blindLove is good and love is mineLove is drunk all the timeSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameYou"re gonna walk on homeYou"re gonna walk aloneYou"re gonna walk so farYou"re gonna wonder who you areSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameSh-sh-sh-sh-sh-shameShameShameLove is good and love is kindLove is good and love is blindLove is good and love is mineLove is good all the timeHello, goodbye, you know you made us cryHello, goodbye, you know you made us cryhttp://music.baidu.com/song/55322591

谁知道碎南瓜乐队(Smashing Pumpkins)的所有专辑的经典歌曲

Bullet With Butterfly Wings1979DisarmDrownCherub RockTodayZeroTonight TonightTristessaRhinocerosI Am OneThirty-ThreeStand Inside Your LoveHere Is No WhyHomerpaloozaUntitledTarantulaSuperchristG.L.O.W.Ava AdorePerfect

The Smashing Pumpkins的《1979》 歌词

歌曲名:1979歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:Rotten Apples, The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits《1979》Sung By "The Smashing Pumpkins"Shake down 1979, cool kids never have the timeOn a live wire right up off the streetYou and I should meetJunebug skipping like a stoneHeadlights pointed at the dawnWe where sure we"d never see an end to it allAnd I don"t even care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowDouble cross the vacant and the boredThey"re not sure just what we have in storeMorphine city slippin dues down to seeThat we don"t even care as restless as we areWe feel the pull in the land of the thousand guiltsAnd poured cement, lamenated and assuredTo the lights and towns belowFaster than the speed of soundFaster than we thought we"d go, beneath the sound of hopeJustine never knew the rulesHung down with the freaks and ghoulsNo apolgies ever need be madeI know you better than you fake itTo see that we don"t care to shake these zipper bluesAnd we don"t knowJust where our bones will rest to dust I guessForgotten and absorbed into the earth belowThe street heats the urgency of soundAs you can see there"s no one aroundhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2647977

帮忙翻译歌词Smashing Pumpkins Today

已经有人翻译过这个了Today Smashing Pumpkins击溃南瓜(台译;非凡人物)今天是我有史以来最棒的一天我不想活到明天了明天是太长了我将会被烧坏我的双眼在我离开它之前我想要得更多比生命所能给予我的还要多厌倦了面子上的这些例行公事今天是我有史以来最棒的一天我等不到明天了我也许活不了那麼久我将挖开我的心在我离开之前粉丝带带来的创伤永远也忘不掉我很努力的去尝试了去清除了这些悔意我的天使翅膀被伤害以及剥夺我突起的刺今天是今天是今天是最棒的一天我想要启发你我想要启发你我想要启发你我想要撼动你今天是最棒的今天是最棒的今天是我有史以来的最棒的一天http://blog.roodo.com/coolfu/archives/2126402.html

The Smashing Pumpkins的《Blank Page》 歌词

歌曲名:Blank Page歌手:The Smashing Pumpkins专辑:AdoreSmashing PumpkinsBlank Pageblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimestop sign told me stay at hometold me you were not aloneblank page was all the ragenever meant to hurt anyonein bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restyou haven"t changedyou"re still the samemay you rise as you fallyou were easy you are forgottenyou are the ways of my mistakesI catch the rainfallthrough the leaking roofthat you had left behindyou remind meof that leak in my soulthe rain fallsmy friends callleaking rain on the phonetake a day plant some treesmay they shade you from memay your children play beneathblank page was all the ragenever meant to say anythingin bed I was half deadtired of dreaming of restgot dressed drove the state linelooking for you at the five and dimebut there I was picking pieces upyou are a ghostof my indecisionno more little girlhttp://music.baidu.com/song/2647918
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