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computer rack and tower翻译过来应该是什么?请高手指教

rotoscope是速动观察器的意思,加d就不知道了。 是动画技术和设计卡通者踪影结束居住行动影片运动。 最初,预录居住行动影片图象被射出了a 毛玻璃盘

请问repute,reputation, fame,honor 都有什么区别呢?谢谢。

repute,reputation, fame,honor的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、指代不同1、repute:名誉。2、reputation:名声。3、fame:名气。4、honor:荣誉。二、用法不同1、repute:the state of being held in high esteem and honor受到高度尊重和尊敬的状态。2、reputation:reputation强调在人们心目中的印象,即公众评价,一般译为“名声”。3、fame:fame强调本身品质的高尚、能力高超、业绩非凡,一般译为“(较高的)知名度”。4、honor:a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction表示认可或区别的有形符号。三、侧重点不同1、repute:名义上的(多指赠给的名义,含尊重意)。2、reputation:在社会上流传的评价。3、fame:威望;为人仰望的名声。4、honor:光荣的名誉。

repute,reputation,fame,honor 都有什么区别

repute,reputation,两者是同义词,都有名誉、名声的意思.repute较正式,而reputation更常用.fame n.声誉,名声,名誉.着重指好的名声.honor n&v.荣誉,敬意,崇敬.作为动词,意思是给……以荣誉,赏光;使感到荣幸

请问repute,reputation, fame,honor 都有什么区别呢?谢谢。

repute 和reputation 一个是动词一个是名词,只不过repute也可以做名词。但比如说一个公司啊有好声誉什么的还是用good reputation这样的。fame 的话感觉很书面,比如说 一般说名利都会用wealth and fame.honor 更多的是荣幸和尊敬来使用,如it"s my honor to do sth,或者 为了纪念某人,in honor of sb.

football ballet piano computer 属于什么类?

football ballet piano computer 属于名词的单数形式。



C:Progrsm filesLuDaShiComputerZ_CN.ese 不是有效的win32应用程序


我去美国读Computer Science的研究生,想让大家比较一下NYU USC NWU哪个比较值得去读


Many teenagers become addicted to playing computer games.句中become是谓语addicted to是什么成分?

Many teenagers become addicted to playing computer games许多年轻人变的上瘾,对什么上瘾,对电脑游戏上瘾主语:many teenagers系动词:become,可以换成are表语:addicted ,过去分词作形容词,表示一种完成的状态,上瘾的介词短语作为表语补足语:to playing computer games

为什么在电脑重装系统没有出现beset computer

Windows failed to start. A Recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer.2. Choose your langugae settings, and then click next3. Click "repair your computer."if you do not have this disc,contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.File:Statas:Info :an error occurred while attempting to read the boot configuration data.整个信息记录下来,直接翻译一下:Windows无法启动。最近的硬件或软件的变化可能的原因。解决问题:1。插入您的Windows安装光盘并重新启动计算机。2。选择你的语言设置,然后单击“下一步”3。点击“修复计算机”。如果你没有这个光盘,请联系您的系统管理员或计算机制造商寻求协助。文件:现状:信息:在试图读取启动配置数据时出错再重装一次看看,再不行就换一种重装方式。U盘安装不行,就换光盘。

beset computer什么意思

beset computer 困扰计算机


词义 putex 为一派生辞汇 由 pute 派生而来,也有 the popularize of puter 电脑推广展的意思。 pute [ku0259m"pjuu02d0t] v. 计算; 推断; 估算 Computex Taipei : Taipei International Information Technology Show, 台北国际电脑展览会。 简称 为Computex。 地位 Computex大展是全球第二、亚洲最大的国际电脑展,地点在台北世界贸易中心.每年都吸引著来自全球各国的上千个厂商出席,IT业界的Intel、AMD、NVIDIA等这些国际巨头都将悉数登场。IT业界常言 道"新品看CeBIT、成品看ComputeX",ComputeX也就成为了IT成品的最大展会。 Computex美女 COMPUTEX TAIPEI为全球资讯产业界年度盛事,也是亚洲地区重要的经贸活动,已成为知名专业ICT采购展览会。近年来参展规模保持稳定成长,每年均吸引了来自全球150国及地区,包含知名大陆企业如:联想、北大方正、清华紫光等前来观展,为参展企业带来高达数十亿美元的庞大商机,是IT业者与全球商业往来的最佳贸易平台。 u200b成立 台北国际电脑展览会 (Computex Taipei)是由中国台湾""经济部"国际贸易局"与台北市 *** 指导,中国台湾对外贸易发展协会与台北市电脑商业同业公会联手举办之国际型专业电脑展览,于1982年首度办理,前身为"台北市电脑展",在松山机场的外贸协会展览馆进行展出,1984年订定英文展览名为COMPUTEX,1985年在外贸协会加入办理展览的行列后,正式冠上"国际"之名,走向国际舞台。 在台北世界贸易中心启用后,1986年起就固定在此展出,并且于1989年正式成为亚洲第一大电脑展,随着展览规模陆续扩增、展览馆纷纷启用的情况下,2003年,在台北世贸三馆正式纳入展区后,也宣告此展览成为世界第二大展,并在2004年起,形成"四展馆同步展出"的局面。 发展 COMPUTEX在第一届(1982年)创办时,是为当年台湾正在发展中的电脑(资讯)产业的中小企业而设,让投入电脑产业的中小企业有机会向国际买主展露他们的资讯产品,直到第四届(1984年)时,当时的台北市电脑商业同业公会理事长施振荣就决议将本展览的英文名称正名为"COMPUTEX Taipei",确立了台湾的电脑硬体产业的地位。 到了1990年代初,台湾的资讯技术产业起飞,台北国际电脑展的规模持续提升,也在第八、九届重新启用松山机场的外贸协会展览馆时,跃升世界第三,亚洲第一的地位。 后来,在台北国际会议中心、台北世贸二馆、台北世贸三馆的陆续启用与规模扩增,加上美国赌城拉斯维加斯的COMDEX展在2001年─2002年起,开始走下坡的情况下,主办单位在2003年,将台北世贸三馆纳入展区后,成为仅次于德国汉诺瓦CeBIT展之外的全球第二大电脑展(就展地面积、摊位数、参展厂商数、参观人次等指标来计算),并延续之今。 而在展览期间,各国大厂都会举行新产品、新技术的发表,进而引起各国媒体记者、电脑技术人员、财经分析师的注意,也是一项重要的指标,甚至也有厂商租借官方展区外的邻近商场与饭店,为自己的产品进行宣传。 英文资料 COMPUTEX Taipei, or Taipei International Information Technology Show (traditional Chinese: 台北国际电脑展), is a puter expo held annually at the Taipei World Trade Center in Taipei, Taiwan. The first COMPUTEX expo held in 1981 started out as a place where *** all and medium sized businesses in Taiwan"s nascent puter industry could display their products. As Taiwan"s information technology industry took off in the early 1990s, COMPUTEX has since rapidly expanded and bee an important showcase for IT industry. Now it has bee the second largest puter expo in the world (after CeBIT) and the largest in Asia, with participation from major manufacturers such as Intel, AMD, ATI, NVIDIA, and others. Because of the large number of panies involved in the production of puter hardware in Taiwan, COMPUTEX has bee a favorite location for observers hoping to get a preview of new hardware and trends in that field.



"_________ for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spi"

选 B过去分词blamed 表被动, 被指责由于被指责搞坏了学校的计算机网,Alice 情绪很消沉。

都作名词时controversy,dispute,debate 有什么区别?


Ill Repute的《Stuck》 歌词

歌曲名:Stuck歌手:Ill Repute专辑:BleedStuckLimp BizkitPsycho female blowin up the phone lineYou need to tighten that screwIt"s been loose for a long timeI"ve been slammed with some bad luckSoon I"m gonna bring you doom with the buck, buckAnd now you duck duck goose, I"m lettin looseWith the thirty odd freestyleLabeled hostile by my profileMust be all the madnessYou and all your tacticsJonesin" for my cashGot to make them pockets super phatHey, I"m a humble manKicking out the jams like a trampnI"m gonna stick it like a stamp to this businessWhat"s with all the businessI get paid to take the microphoneAnd slay the stage stay awayFrom all the bros. in my bandAnd all the fans andAll my friends is when the cash is coming inOr I"ll be slammin" them balls to the wallWith the ink on my flesh and the yes, yes y"allNo 9 to 5, I"ll still surviveI keep my engine on that ampLike a Chattanooga champThat"s all we need, another bad seedPlanted on this earth motivated by greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAll I wanted was a Pepsi, just one PepsiFar from suicidalStill I get them tendenciesBringing back them memoriesThat I really miss when I reminisceRocking back in the "80s liveMy attitude to do or dieOnce I was a maggotNow I"m just super flyBound for the boundariesNo limits, GPhat ass rhythms driven by my destinyYour style"s in my pocketProclaimed to regain that essencePressin" "cause I"m hostileLabeled by my profileIndeed I am, I am indeed hostileWhen it comes to greedYou wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingBoy you wanna play that game bitchYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re soStuck in your head you don"t even knowAw yeah, ain"t nutin" like a greedy bitchDiggin", diggin", diggin", diggin",Diggin" so deep for that greenI got a little problemJust one question, beyatchWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatYou wanna be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy, why you wanna be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why you gotta be like thatWhy the fuck you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why, why, why you gotta beWhy, why, why, you wanna be like thatWhy, why, why you gotta dig inMy business you fucking whoreStuck on yourself, you areYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingStuck on yourself, you whoreYou take a dash for my cashIt"s your ass that I"m blastingYou"re bad luck, you"re so...stuckStuck deep down in that hole again,Stuck you got your brain on my green againStuck, you"re so, you"re so, you"re so stuckIn your head you don"t even knowhttp://music.baidu.com/song/15075475



我申请了美国的um amherst 我给中介说的是computer science 救过i20 表格上写的专业是engineer general

有可能胡涂仲介把UM的两个Major搞混了UM 有computer science和computer engineer, general 两项,一个注重软体 ,一个注重硬体,傻仲介大概根本不知道有任何分别,UM没有engineer general这玩艺。目前不要紧,录取报到後改还来得及。不过你可以趁机向仲介要求赔偿。 http://www.mymajors.com/schools/University-of-Massachusetts-Amherst

delegate 与depute有何区别


Computer e-book email哪个是不同类?


What does the computer industry thrive on apart from anarchy?翻译


what does the computer industry thrive on apart from anarchy是什么意思。谢谢

thrive on靠……健壮成长;因……蓬勃发展 anarchy 混乱; 无秩序apart from 除了 句意: 计算机行业除了无序状态外, 靠什么来蓬勃发展 ?


一般疑问句是Will his mother buy him a new computer?一般将来时的陈述句变一般疑问句的方法:确定句子的主谓语。句子的主语是his mother, 谓语是will + 动词原形buy,其它。把与主语做个简单的位置交换,即完成了一般疑问句的转变。例句:He will fly to Tibet next month.他将在下个月飞到西藏去。Wil he fly to Tibet next month?他将在下个月飞往西藏吗?


Do you have a new computer?

anew computer什么me a lot

lt took me a lot of money to buy a new computer =lt cost a lot of money buying a new computer

How to use a computer properly


beyond (all) dispute是什么意思

The facts are beyond dispute. (毋庸置疑)This is beyond all dispute the best book on the subject. 无可争议,这是有关该问题的最好的书。

谁能准确区别一下argue debate discuss dispute qurral reason senior junior superior inferior prior

1 argue:vi. 争论,辩论;提出理由 vt. 辩论,争论;证明;说服通常跟about连用2 debate vt. 辩论,争论,讨论 vi. 辩论,争论,讨论 n. 辩论;辩论会3 discuss vt.讨论4 dispute 争吵5 quarrel 吵架6 reason 原因7 senior adj. 高级的;年长的;地位较高的;年资较深的,资格较老的 n. 上司;较年长者;毕业班学生8 junior 大三学生9 superior 杰出的10 inferior 次等的,拙劣的11 prior 优先的,在前的

That the plates are moving is not beyond dispute.

beyond dispute 毫无争议,无可争议。not beyond dispute不是毫无争议的,即可以探讨的。一部分人认为是移动的,一部分认为是不移动的。这样看来,“并不都认为”这样的翻译是可以接受的。

英语which is beyond dispute怎么翻译?

英语which is beyond dispute怎么翻译?What do you mean check your social media?

That the plates are moving is now beyond dispute请




求翻译并解释答案they do not want to be involved in the dispute, so they exhibit ___ on s

选C.they do not want to be involved in the dispute, so they exhibit ___ on such matter.他们不想卷入这场纷争,所以他们对此事展现出保守的态度。a.intergrity 团结 b.morality 道德c.reservation 保守,有所保留d.justice 正义

beyond dispute是什么意思

超越争议beyond dispute[英][biu02c8ju0254nd disu02c8pju:t][美][biu02c8ɑnd du026au02c8spjut]毫无疑问; 不可争辩; 百口莫辩; 不容置辩;

a point of dispute是什么意思?


beyond any dispute什么意思


argue debate dispute都有可以 加that从句吗?



disputesn.辩论( dispute的名词复数 ); 争端; (劳资)纠纷; 罢工; v.辩论,争论( dispute的第三人称单数 ); 争夺; 阻止; 就…进行辩论; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.These territorial disputes are everywhere in asia. 这些领土纠纷在亚洲非常普遍。2.Both india and japan have unsettled territorial disputes with china. 印度和日本都与中国存在尚未解决的领土争端。

请问这个几单词有什么区别? argue controversy dispute debate altercate


都作名词时controversy,dispute,debate 有什么区别?


__________ [A] dispute [B] debate [C] discussion [D] argument

【答案】:A名词辨析与搭配。dispute意为“争论,争议”,与in搭配,如:The matter is in dispute.(这个问题存在争议。)debate意为“辩论”,可与under构成搭配,如:the question under debate(争论的问题);discussion意为“讨论”,也可与under搭配,如:The question is under discussion.(问题正在讨论中。);argument意为“意见不一致,争论,论据”,如:His honesty is beyond argument.(他的诚实是不容置辩的。)根据第3题和上面的分析,dispute为最佳选择。

dispute 是可数名词吗

是可数名词. 复数为disputes ,译为:纠纷、争端


dispute英 [du026a"spjuu02d0t; "du026aspjuu02d0t] 美 ["du026as"pju028at] vt. 辩论;怀疑;阻止;抗拒vi. 争论n. 辩论;争吵[ 过去式 disputed 过去分词 disputed 现在分词 disputing ]同近义词vt. 辩论;怀疑;阻止;抗拒discuss , debate , argue , stem , blockvi. 争论debate , argue withn. 辩论;争吵argument , debate , brush , controversy


读音不同、具体含义不同。argue:说服;争论;辩论,dispute: 争论;辩驳;争议;质疑、用法不同argue的基本意思是争,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论,argue作不及物动词时常接介词短语表示附加意义,argue用作及物动词时,可接the matter之类的名词作宾语,也可接that引导的从句。argue → 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。dispute → 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见。argue的基本意思是“争”,可以是双方为某事而争吵或争论; 也可以是单方运用事实或道理坚持自己的主张或证明自己的观点; 还可以是说服他人同意自己的观点。可以是激烈的争论; 也可以是沉着的辩论; 还可以是晓之以理的说服、劝说。argue还可表示为某事的真实性提供令人信服的根据,这时常可译作“说明”“表明”“显示”。dispute的基本意思是“辩论,争论”,表示激烈地争论以求说服别人。引申可表示“怀疑真实性或妥当性”。dispute可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词、代词、带疑问词的动词不定式或从句作宾语。


dispute反驳v.英[du026au02c8spjuu02d0t]dis 不 + put 认为;思考;相信 + e → 认为不是 → 反驳dispute 变化形式复数: disputes第三人称单数: disputes过去式: disputed过去分词: disputed现在分词: disputing一般在重读的s后的辅音浊化也就是p, ,k等,要变为,d,g,例如:单音节的词:school中,ch本来要发k的音,但现在要发g的音,此种情况还有skin,storm, strange等。多音节的词:prescription, 重读在第二个音节,所以s后的/k/要读成/g/。此类情况还有:respect,等但有些国家没有浊化,或全部浊化。dispute 用法和例句提示:点击例句中的单词,就可以看到词义解释He referred the dispute to the board of directors .他将这件纠纷转给董事会处理。The dispute puts further pressure on the thai prime minister .这场争论给颂猜总理更大的压力。I began with what was not in dispute .我开始并没有提争议的事情。Better to make the bilateral dispute multilateral .最好让这种双边争端成为多边讨论。They had a drastic dispute over the draft .他们在草稿问题上有着激烈的争执。


vt.辩论;怀疑;阻止;抗拒vi .争论n.辩论;争吵dispute 释义:to argue or disagree with someone

谁能详细比较at issue, in debate, in dispute的异同?

at issue "对一个具体问题的讨论/争论"”主权和领土的争论“ (礼貌的动口)in debate”对一个观点/看法的辩论“ ”强调摆理由来辩论“(激烈的动口)in dispute”对一个日常生活中的纠纷的争论/争执“”主权和领土的争论“争论双方不断会发生口角说不定还会动手(可能动口又动手)1.The point at issue is whether we go to the party.争论点是我们是否去参加聚会。2. Don"t change the subject, that"s not the point at issue.别改变话题,那不是讨论的焦点。3. No one could cope with him in debate.没人能同他在辩论中对抗。4. He has no equal in debate. 在辩论中他没有对手。 5. The exact cause of the accident is still in dispute.事故的真正起因仍有争议.6. Workers are in dispute with management about the redundancies.劳方现就裁员问题与资方争论.

dispute resolution是什么意思

dispute resolution[英][disu02c8pju:t u02ccrezu0259u02c8lu:u0283u0259n][美][du026au02c8spjut u02ccru025bzu0259u02c8luu0283u0259n][计]争论的解决; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Its dispute resolution mechanism has proved robust and effective. 事实证明,其争端解决机制稳健且有效。2.W. t. o. dispute resolution panels do not have the authority to issue injunctions while theyconsider a case. 当世贸组织贸易争端解决委员会在处理一个争议的时候,其并没有权利发表有法律效率的命令。

argue debate dispute都有可以 加that从句吗? 引导宾语从句

它们都作动词的时候,argue 和 dispute 可以加that 从句,是宾语从句, 但 debate 后面最好接whether or not to do,如: Theydebated whether to have yet another double vodka (思忖着) 第一位网友给的例句中,debate 和 dispute 都 是名词,后面that 引导的是同位语从句


Resolution Centre 里可以看到,具体地址: * Home >My eBay >Summary>Account 下拉的菜单里就有Resolution Centre了,要注意的是客人的dispute要在7天内处理,如果不是,就会转到EBAY,这些对卖家有些不利,当然,转到EBAY也不要怕,有理有据就可以了

英语里,为什么dispute 需要加over阿?

dispute over sth.这是个动词词组,也可以称作 固定搭配。表示.: v. 辩论;对……进行质疑;争夺;抵抗(进攻)their assets 是介词over的宾语。也可以看作是这个动词词组的宾语。

discuss the budget dispute这里dispute是动词,为什么可以直接加在discuss后面,不用介词吗

除 reason 外,其余都是两人以上通过语言进行交流的动词。带有感情色彩(从重到轻):bicker,quarrel,argue,discuss (请自行查词典获得中文翻译)就某一问题发表不同意见:debate(通常是面对面,你说过来我说过去),dispute(可以自言自语)reason 是一种论证方式,可以是上面各种行为的工具,但和它们不属于同一类词。



dispute 和 row 这英语单词 怎么读

dispute 和 row 这英语单词 怎么读 dispute[dispju:t](迪斯皮油忒) row [ru0259:u]若鸥乌。读快。


争吵,拌嘴 下个是争论,辩论


做动词本来就是vt. 不是vi. 我想你说的dispute about sth, 是它的名词用法. we had a dispute about which shoes to buy.




dispute简明释义vt.& vi.辩论,争论vt.就…进行争论,辩论;对…的真实或有效进行争论,怀疑;争夺,竞争;抵抗,抵制n.辩论;争端;(劳资)纠纷;罢工vi.激烈争辩;争执;争吵;吵架复数:disputes第三人称单数:disputes过去式:disputed过去分词:disputed现在分词:disputingdisagreement简明释义n.分歧,意见不合;异议,争论;不一致;不适合复数:disagreementsdispute是disagreement的升级版本

dispute 和 quarrel 有什么区别?



debate v. n.争论, 辩论 dispute v. n.争论, 分歧

这3个 英语单词 dispute / semester / tuition 怎么读

dispute 分两部分 dis 读"的士",pute 读"皮欧特"。semester 分三部分 se 读"色"; mes 读"卖丝";ter读"特儿"。tuition 分三部分:tu 读"秋";i 读"衣";tion 读"声"。

dispute,debate, contention这仨词啥区别?


dispute 和disputation有什么区别

dispute 多用作动词,而disputation多用做名词。dispute做名词时表示辩论;争端;(劳资)纠纷;罢工;而disputation表一一般意义的辩论、争论


s+p 两个字母在一起的时候发音就要浊化,字母P发音同于B。举几个简单的例子:sportspyspa

dispute 是可数名词吗

是可数名词。复数为disputes ,译为:纠纷、争端


argue → 指提出理由或证据为自己或自己一方的看法或立场辩护,着重说理、论证和企图说服。dispute → 侧重对分歧进行激烈或热烈的争论或争辩,带一定感情色彩,常隐含“各持已见”或“争论不休”意味。侧重指长时间,言词激烈,针锋相对的争辩。


dispute[英][du026au02c8spju:t][美][du026au02c8spjut]vt.& vi.辩论,争论; vt.就…进行争论,辩论; 对…的真实或有效进行争论,怀疑; 争夺,竞争; 抵抗,抵制; n.辩论; 争端; (劳资)纠纷; 罢工; vi.激烈争辩; 争执; 争吵; 吵架; 第三人称单数:disputes过去分词:disputed复数:disputes现在进行时:disputing过去式:disputed以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The dispute has had a marked impact on oil prices. 这场纠纷已对石油价格产生显著影响。


dispute英 [du026au02c8spju:t] 美 [du026au02c8spjut]vt.& vi.辩论,争论vt.就…进行争论,辩论; 对…的真实或有效进行争论,怀疑; 争夺,竞争; 抵抗,抵制n.辩论; 争端; (劳资)纠纷; 罢工vi.激烈争辩; 争执; 争吵; 吵架争论;纠纷;争议;争执复数: disputes 过去式: disputed 过去分词: disputed 现在分词: disputing 第三人称单数: disputes派生词:disputant disputer 双语例句1. The council recently drew fire for its intervention in the dispute. 委员会最近因为介入该起争端而遭到批评。2. There are few goodies and baddies in this industrial dispute. 在这次劳资纠纷中几乎没有绝对的好人与坏人。3. They agreed to try to settle their dispute by negotiation. 他们同意通过谈判来努力解决纠纷。4. The dispute culminated last week in a lawsuit against the government. 上周这一纠纷达到高潮,政府被告上了法庭。5. The company is currently in dispute with the government over price fixing. 该公司目前与政府在是否存在价格操控问题上存在分歧。

compaq computer corporation是什么意思?





Did you use your computer to do it?

——a book in the library,enter a key in the computer.A.To find B.Find B项为什么不对?谢谢

To find,不定式短语作目的状语.Find是动词,用find无法构成句子成份.

computer arcade 什么意思

computer arcade 电脑游戏arcade 英[ɑ:u02c8keu026ad]美[ɑ:ru02c8keu026ad]n. 商场,游乐中心; 拱廊,连拱廊; 有拱廊的街道;[例句]I just told you. I went to the arcade.我告诉你了,我上街去了。[其他] 复数:arcades

computer arena什么意思

computer arena 计算机领域arena 英[u0259u02c8ri:nu0259]美[u0259u02c8rinu0259]n. 竞技场; 表演场地,舞台; 活动或斗争的场所或场面; 古罗马圆形剧场中央的竞技场;[例句]He made it clear he had no intention of withdrawing from the political arena他清楚地表明他无意退出政治舞台。[其他] 复数:arenas

跪求Computers in Students’ Dorm为题的英语作文一篇,120字左右?

puters in Students" Dormitarie It is well known that with the development of the IT technology,puters are very mon on the college campus.Almost every student has a one in his or her dormitary.Different people have different opinions on that.Some people think puters can do good to the students" studies.They can be used by the students for searching for information they need,for relaxiation and so on.Others,howers,believe that puters have influence on their studies.Many students just get online,playing games and viewing unhealthy materials.Some even sit up at night,chating online and watching movies. As far as I am concerned,puter themselve are OK.As we can see,they have caused great benefits to the students.The problem es from the way they use the puters.What we should do is that we shoud e up with some measures to instruct them to use the puter in a right way. 【俊狼猎英】团队,10, mfn123 举报 ........ 加油 puters in Student"s Dormitories It is well known that with the development of the IT technology,puters are very mon on the college campus.Almost every student has one in his or her dormitory.Different people have different opinions on that.Some people think puters can do good to the students.They can be used for searching for information they need,for acplishing the assignments and so on.Others,howers,believe that puters have influence on the students.Many students just get online,playing games and viewing unhealthy materials.Some even sit up at night,chatting online and doing something unrelated to their studies. As far as I am concerned,puters themselve are OK.As we can see,facts prove that they have caused great benefits to the students.The problems e from the way they use the puters,not the puters themselves.So,what we should do is that we shoud e up with some measures to instruct them to use the puters in a proper way instead of banning them in the dormitories. 【俊狼猎英】团队。请尽快采纳!,跪求puters in Students" Dorm为题的英语作文一篇,120字左右 1).现在大学生宿舍几乎人手一台电脑   2).有些人认为会促进学生的学习,有些人认为会影响学生的学习   3).你的看法 最好事自己写的

The computer promptly crashes是什么意思


crawling from bed to computer 中crawling做什么成?


computer science and engineering是什么专业

computer science and engineering是指计算机科学与工程。Computer Science(CS)、Computer Engineering(CE)、Computer Science and Engineering(CSE)很多国内人认为这三个专业是差不多相同的。都要学编程语言,汇编,离散等课,但其实是完全不同的三个专业。具体的你可以看授课课程、。


CTP(Computer-to-plate)系统的分类,从曝光系统方面可分成:内鼓式、外鼓式、平板式、曲线式四大类。在这四种类型中,使用的最多的是内鼓式和外鼓式;平板式主要用于报纸等的大幅面版材上;曲线式用的最少。从版材品种方面,可分为:银盐版、热敏版(烧蚀式热敏版、非烧蚀式热敏版)、感光树脂版和聚脂版(非金属版基)等;从技术方面可分为:热敏技术(普通激光成像)、紫激光技术、UV光源技术;从自动化程度方面可分为:手动单机、半自动型、全自动型和混合型(CTF-computer to film和CTP-computer to plate)。从印版在鼓上的固定方式方面,可分为:全吸附式和中间吸附,首尾用卡夹固定两种。全吸附式对版材的尺寸没有限制,而卡夹式使用的版材幅面必有固定尺寸。从应用方面可分为:商用CTP系统和报用CTP系统。
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