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情景剧是将话剧的形式扳到演播室的产物,对于环境、转场等都更加现代而真实,并且由于和观众(摄像机)的距离很近,表演起来自然就好,不必夸张。 话剧则不然,不但布景等要求简练,而且对演员的表演要求一定要真实的基础上有所夸张,这样才能够有效地表达出相应效果。












求职面试英语情景对话:提问问题   rank: I think we have had a very pleasant conversation, haven"t we?   主弗兰克:我觉得我们的谈话很愉快,不是吗?   Jack: Yes, I think so too.   杰克:是的,我也这样认为。   Frank: Do you have any other questions?   弗兰克:你还有其他问题吗。   Jack: Let me think...I want to know if the company can provide free accommodation for a newemployee.   杰克:让我想想……我想知道公司是否能为新员工提供免费住宿。   Frank: I"m sorry we can"t now.   弗兰克:很抱歉现在还不能。   Jack: I really hope that your company could provide living places; otherwise I have to rent a houseto live.   杰克:我真的希望公司能提供住宿,要不然我自己就必须租房子住了。   Frank: Maybe the company will build dormitory for the employees in the future.   弗兰克:公司在以后可能会建造职工宿舍。   Jack: That would work too.   杰克:这样也行。   Frank: Anything else?   弗兰克:除此之外呢?   Jack: Some companies will pay part of the phone bills for the employees. Will this company do so?   杰克:有些公司会给员工支付部分电话费,我们有这方面的待遇吗?   Frank: I"m sorry we won"t do so for a new employee. We only provide this benefit to employeeswho have made significant contributions to the company.   弗兰克:很抱歉,新员工没有这方面的待遇。我们只给为公司作出巨大贡献的员工提供此项待遇。   Jack: I understand. Will the company provide training?   杰克:我能理解。公司会提供培训吗?   Frank: Yes, we will, and the staff will have a chance to travel every year.   弗兰克:是的`,我们会提供的,员工每年还会有一次旅游的机会。   Jack: That"s great. Thank you very much.   杰克:太好了!非常感谢。   核心英语词汇总   shelter ["u0283eltu0259] n. 庇护所,避难所,庇护 v. 庇护,保护,隐匿   dormitory ["du0254:mitri] n. (集体)宿舍   lodge [lu0254du0292] n. 小屋,门房,支部 v. 临时住宿,安顿   workaholic [.wu0259:ku0259"hu0254lik] n. 工作第一的人,专心工作的人   treatment ["tri:tmu0259nt] n. 治疗   reimburse [.ri:im"bu0259:s] v. 偿还   further study 继续深造   release pay 遣散费   severance pay 解雇费   work permit 工作证   working condition 工作环境   office hour 办公时间   company time 工作时间   day off 休息日   pay scale 工资标准   unemployment compensation 失业赔偿金 ;




  英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的最佳途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面我为大家带来英语日常情景对话精选,欢迎大家学习!    英语日常情景对话精选1:   Jinny: Hey, Tommy.   Tommy: Hi, Jinny.   Jinny: What are you doing?   Tommy: I"m repairing a car.   Jinny: Can you do that by yourself?   Tommy: Of course,I can handle the small repairs.   Jinny: You"re great.   Tommy: Forget it. This is routine.   金尼:嘿,汤米。   汤姆:嗨,金尼。   金尼:你在做什么?   汤米:我正在修理一辆汽车。   金尼:你自己会修理那个吗?   汤米:当然,我能处理这些小修理。   金尼:你太厉害了。    英语日常情景对话精选2:   Suji: June,I"m sorry. I think I don"t be able to go to the airport to see you off.   June: Oh,don"t worry about that.I"ll definitely okay.   Suji: Well,I really wanted to go,but I have a terrible cold.What time will you leave home?   June: As soon as my father get home. Anyway,I understand you.Just take care of yourself.We can say our goodbye right here and now.   Suji: Okay, June. Have a wonderful trip.   June: Thank you very much. I should say goodbye for now.   苏吉:对不起。我觉得我不去机场给你送行了。   简尼:哦,不用担心。我一定会没事的。   苏吉:嗯,我真的很想去,但我得了重感冒。你什么时候离家?   简尼:只要我的父亲一到家。无论如何,我理解你。要好好照顾自己。现在,我们可以就在这里说再见了。   苏吉:好吧,简尼。旅途愉快。    英语日常情景对话精选3:   Mimi: Hello, Costa. What are you doing here?   Costa: Spring is here and they dandelion seeds are flying everywhere!   Costa: I want to get rid of them because they"re tickling my nose!   Mimi: But Costa, they have to do that otherwise they can"t bloom.   Costa: So what. I don"t care.   ChinChin: Hey,what"s going on Mimi?   Mimi: ChinChin, Costa is picking all the dandelions.   Mimi: What should we do?   ChinChin: Costa! Stop it!   Costa: It"s none of your business!   ChinChin: Oh yeah? We"ll see about that...   ChinChin: Will you listen now?   Costa: Ok. You win.   Costa: I"m sorry.   Costa: I"ll stop picking the other dandelions.   咪咪:嗨,科斯达。你在这里做什么?   科斯达:春天来了,而蒲公英的种子到处乱飞!   科斯达:我想摆脱他们,因为它们让我鼻子发痒的!   咪咪:但是,科斯达,它们必须那样,否则它们不能播种。   科斯达:那又怎么样。我不在乎。   晨晨:嘿,咪咪,这是怎么回事?   咪咪:晨晨,科斯达采摘蒲公英。   咪咪:我们应该怎么办?   晨晨:科斯达!住手!   科斯达:这不关你的事!   晨晨:哦,是吗?我们走着瞧吧......   晨晨:现在你听了吗?   科斯达:好的。你赢了。   科斯达:对不起。   科斯达:我会停止采摘其他蒲公英。   以上就是我为大家带来英语日常情景对话精选,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!


  现在英语已经渗透入各行各业,想要一份理想的工作,一定要学好英语。我在此献上常用的外贸英语,希望对大家有所帮助。    外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about the Packing 谈包装   Section 1 Speaking talking about the Silk Garment Packing   谈丝绸服装的包装   In order to promote sales, Mr. James is offering very valuable advice to Mr. Zhang on packing the silk garments.   为了增加丝绸服装的销售量,詹姆斯先生正为张先生提供关于包装的宝贵意见。   Buyer: Are you online, Mr. Zhang? Our negotiation is going on well. We have already agreed on prices, quantity and order. Don"t you think we should have some ideas on packing now?   张先生,在吗?我们的谈判进展顺利。我们双方已经就价格,数量和订单方面达成一致。我们是否该谈谈包装方面的问题呢?   Seller: Glad to see you again, Mr. James. Do you have any suggestions on packing of our silk garments?   很高兴再次和你通话,詹姆斯先生。对于我们丝绸服装的包装您有什么建议吗?   Buyer: I think your silk garment is superb. The traditional hand-embroidered design is an irresistible appeal to us Americans. But do you mind if I give you any suggestions?   贵公司的丝绸质量上乘,上面的传统手工刺绣工艺深深吸引了我们美国人。但我有几点建议,可以谈一下吗?   Seller: Never mind. We appreciate any kind of suggestions or comments. They would be great help to our future work.   当然,我们感谢任何建议和意见,这对我们以后的工作大有好处。   Buyer: Well, there is no question of your garments. But have you ever thought of improving the packing of them?   你的服装没有问题,但你有没有想过在包装方面做些提升呢?   Seller: So great. It is grateful to get your sincere idea. Go on talking.   好极了,谢谢你中肯的意见,请继续说。   Buyer: As far as I"m concerned, packing is as important as the products themselves. Without good and attractive packing, the buyers just ignore your products or even refuse to have a look at them even if they are of best quality. Who knows what kind of product is wrapped inside with such a poor packing?   在我看来,包装和产品本身一样重要。如果没有好的吸引人的外包装,就算产品质量上乘,消费者也会对产品视而不见,甚至都懒得看上一眼。劣质的包装让人联想不到高质量的产品。   Seller: You sound really reasonable and convincing. Could you be more specific?   你说的很有道理,很有说服力。还能再具体一点吗?   Buyer: I find you have packed your garments in plain simple plastic poly-bags.   我发现你们只是用普通的塑料袋来包装产品。   Seller: Exactly. We have been using this kind of packing for many years. Does it have some disadvantages?   没错,我们已经用了好几年了。这有什么不好的吗?   Buyer: Yes, I think so. Packing should be improved day by day with time going. To make them more attractive, elegant and expensive, I suggest you use double-packing, for example, use an outer cardboard box with window display which can provide a look inside. The cardboard box should be designed with exquisite style to match the excellent embroidery of the garment. In one word, the packing should be tasteful and eye catching. Attractive packing promotes the sales.   我认为确实有一些不好的地方。产品包装应该随着时代的改变日益更新。为了让商品更具吸引力,更优雅,更有价值,我建议采用双层包装。比如说,外面可以用一个带孔的纸盒子包装,这样方便消费者看到里面的商品。这些纸盒要精心设计,和商品上的刺绣相搭配。总之,包装应该具有吸引力,能抓人眼球。有吸引力的包装能增加销售量。   Seller: That"s really a great idea. I think our designers can improve the packing. Thanks for your valuable suggestion.   这主意真棒。我觉得我们的设计部门可以改进包装设计了。谢谢你的宝贵建议。   Buyer: It is also a consideration of our sales purpose of your products. Customer"s needs are always our guidance.   这也是为了我们能多卖贵公司的产品。市场需求永远是我们的方向。   Seller: Exactly right. Your suggestions remind me of the importance of packing.   说的一点没错。你的建议让我想起了包装的重要性。   Buyer: What is it?   是什么呢?   Seller:I have a friend, who is a package maker for festival gifts. The products are moon cakes boxes and tea boxes.   我有个朋友是专做节日礼物包装的,他们生产月饼盒和茶盒。   Buyer: Very typical products. The advantages of these products package are more obvious in America.   很典型的一些产品。这些商品包装在美国的优势更加明显。   Seller: My friend told me secretly that 500g tea wrapped in a paper bag with a price of only RMB50.00 yuan will be sold with a price of nearly RMB400.00 packed in his elegant wooden box in a supermarket. This is the function of package!   我朋友私底下向我透露说,用纸袋包装的五百克茶叶售价50元,而用他们生产的木盒包装的同样茶叶在超市能卖到近400元。这就是包装的作用。   Buyer: It is really a good example of the importance of packing. Your silk garments are the same with tea!   这真是一个体现包装重要性的好例子。同理,你的产品也一样!   Seller:I see. I will consult with our designers soon to solve the urgent problem. I will send you pictures of sample package for your comments first.   我明白了。我马上和我们的设计部门沟通,解决这个燃眉之急。我会第一时间把包装样式图片发给你帮忙参考。   Buyer:I will also consult with our wholesalers again for further improvements of the packing then.   我也会和我们的批发商沟通,让他们改进包装。   Seller: Wonderful. In order to express our thanks to your precious suggestion, we promise to send freely ten sets of special silk garments to your family.   太棒了。为了感谢你给的宝贵建议,我们承诺免费送您家人十件商品。   Buyer: Oh, great. It seems I should often give you some suggestions.   噢,那太好了。看来我得经常给你们提建议了。   Seller: Haha, welcome!   哈哈,随时欢迎!    外贸交际英语情景对话:Talking about the Insurance 谈保险   Seller: Mr. Zhang? We made an appointment last time to have a discussion on insurance at 8:00 your time today. I"m here now.   张先生,在吗?我们上次约好八点讨论一下保险方面的事宜,我来了。   Buyer: Oh, I"m here waiting online for you now. You are always punctual. Of course we Chinese are always confidential too. Haha.   哦,我在线等着你呢。你每次都很准时。当然了,我们中国人也是讲信用的。哈哈。   Seller: I believe we will be surely successful in our cooperative business. We have so many points in common.   我相信我们的合作一定能成功。我们有太多共同点了。   Buyer: Successful business is based on equality and mutual benefits. There is a great demand of linseed oil in our market recently. We have received so many inquiries and orders these days. We are thinking of placing an additional order with you for 1,000MT linseed oil of the same grade at once if this order of 1,000MT linseed oil is satisfactory.   成功的合作是基于质量和共同利益之上的。最近我们市场亚麻籽油的需求量很大。这些天我们收到了很多询单和订单。如果我们对这次的1000吨油满意,我们打算再订1000吨同样的。   Seller: Wonderful! It seems we have to quicken the negotiation process. Shall I have your specific requirements?   那太好了!看来我们的谈判进程得很快。你们有什么特殊要求吗?   Buyer: Thanks. Our price is confirmed by CIF Qingdao. That means your side will buy the insurance and bear the insurance premium. That will spare us the trouble to go to our underwriters and saves us much time.   谢谢。我们的开价是不变的,按照青岛到岸价。也就是说保险费由贵方承担。这样我们就不用麻烦我们的保险商了,能省下不少时间。   Seller: You said it. Actually, it is our interest to insure the goods ourselves. Besides, our insurance company Royale Beige, formerly called AXA Belgium, can offer good services. It has agencies in particularly all the cities of the world. If any damage or loss occurs, you may file a claim with your local insurance agent within 60 days after the arrival of the goods. Of course, your claim should be supported by a survey report. Then Royale Beige will undertake to compensate you for the loss according to the risks insured.   言之有理。确实,对自己的产品投保对我们自己也有益。而且我们的保险公司Royale Beige(此前叫比利时安盛)提供的保险服务也很好,他们的办事处遍布世界各个城市。如果货物受到损害,您可以在收到货物后60日内向当地保险办事处索赔。当然,你们要有调查报告作为证据,这样Royale Beige就会根据投保情况对你们进行赔偿。   Buyer: You are so professional and acquainted. Wait, I copy these down.   你真专业,对这些了解得很清楚。等一下,我把这些复制一下。   Seller: So lovely you are.   你真可爱。   Buyer: It"s OK now. Will you give us a premium rebate just as other underwriters do?   好了。你们会像别的保险公司那样给保险费回扣吗?   Seller: I"m afraid we are unable to comply with your request. The insurance rates offered by our underwriters run much lower than those in other directions.   这我们恐怕办不到。我们的投保公司的保险费率比别的公司都低。   Buyer: Well, in that case, I suppose we have to be content with what you can do. One more thing, you"ll cover WPA and War Risks that are general clauses of marine insurance, won"t you?   那样的话,我们只能听你们的了。还有一件事,单独海损赔偿和战争险都是海上保险的常有条款,你们也会包括的吧?   Seller: Well, we can cover all basic risks and additional risks as required so long as it is stipulated in the Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses of Royale Beige.   我们会包括所有基本的险种,除此以外,Royale Beige规定的一切海运保险条款也会包括在内。   Buyer: Then do you cover risks other than WPA and War Risks?   那除了单独海损赔偿和战争险以外还有别的吗?   Seller: Certainly. We can offer Risks of Leakage, Fresh and/or Rain Water Damage, Hook Damage, Breakage of Packing, Clashing, TPND and so forth.   当然了。我们还包含货物泄露险,雨水损坏险,钓损险,包装破裂险,碰损险以及偷窃提货不着险等等。   Buyer: I suppose they are classified under Extraneous Risks.   这些应该都是附加险吧。   Seller: Yes. PICC has almost the same insurance regulations.   没错。中国人民财产保险股份有限公司的条款和这也差不多。   Buyer: Another thing, I"d like to have the insurance covered at 120% of the invoice amount. Do you think that can be done?   还有一件事,保险能否按照发票的120%去做?   Seller: I think so. But please note that our insurance coverage is usually for 110% of the invoice value, not for 120%. Thus the extra premium should be born by the buyer.   可以。但是请注意,我们的保险范围一般都是发票面值110%,而不是120%。所以你们要承担那额外的附加保险费。   Buyer: I understand. So happy to talk with you.   我明白,这次谈话很愉快。   Seller: Does it mean you are leaving soon? How about complaints and claims?   你要下线了吗?申诉和索赔的事情怎么说?   Buyer: I"d suggest leaving this topic till tomorrow, as it"s rather late now.   我们明天再谈这个吧,今天太晚了。   Seller: All right. Let"s call it a day.   好吧,今天就到此为止。


【 #英语口语# 导语】英语情景对话作为真实生活的交际模式,作为语言输出的源头,作为语言练习的途径,作为语言教授的媒介,它对于把英语作为外语来学习的学生,扮演着非常重要的角色。下面我为大家带来生活英语情景对话,欢迎大家学习!下面学是由 为大家带来关于日常生活的英语口语情景对话,欢迎大家学习! 【篇一】关于日常生活的英语口语情景对话   Todd: OK. Hello!   你好!   Kevin: Hi! How you doing?   嗨!你好吗?   Todd: I"m doing pretty good.   我很好。   Kevin: Good.   好的   Todd: What"s your name?   你叫什么?   Kevin: My name is Kevin.   我叫凯文。   Todd: Kevin. And where are you from?   凯文。你来自哪?   Kevin: I"m from Pheonix, Arizona.   亚利桑那州的凤凰城。   Todd: OK. Nice.   好的,很棒。   Kevin: In the United States.   美国的凤凰城。   Todd: Wow, were you born in Pheonix?   哇,你出生在凤凰城?   Kevin: Actually, no. I was actually born in New York, because my parents happened to be living in New York at that time. My father was a Major League Baseball player, and the year I was born, 1971, he was playing with the Mets in New York City, and my birthday is in May, May 25th, to be precise, and so my mother happened to be with my father in New York cause it was baseball season, so I was actually born in New York, but I grew up in Pheonix. so Phoenix is what I consider to be my home town.   事实上,不是的。我出生在纽约,因为我父母那段时间正好住在纽约。我父亲是职业棒球大联盟的运动员,我出生的那年——1971年,他正在纽约和Met队比赛,精确地说,我的生日是5月25日,我母亲正和我父亲一起在纽约,因为那正是棒球赛季,所以我在纽约出生,但我在凤凰城长大。因此,我认为凤凰城是我的故乡。   Todd: Wow! That"s Amazing! Do you remember anything about New York?   哇!这真棒!你对纽约还有印象吗?   Kevin: Yes, actually, I do have a few memories because we spent probably three years there from the time I was born, obviously, until I was about two and a half or three years, we spent summers, or thebaseball season in, in New York, and we rented a condominium on the second floor, and I remember, it was right across the street from La Guardia Airport, and so of course, when I was a little kid, one, one and two years old, I used to love sitting by the kitchen windows, and I even remember it was a bay window, the kind where you can roll the window open, and I used to roll the window open, and just watch the airplanes take off and land all day.   是的,我还对纽约有点儿印象,因为自我出生,我们在那里大约度过了大约三年的时光,直到我两岁半或是三岁。夏天和棒球赛季我们都住在纽约,我记得我们租了一栋二层公寓,就在拉瓜迪亚机场对面,当然,当我还是个小孩儿,一两岁大的时候,我喜欢坐在厨房窗户边,我甚至记得那是一扇向外凸的窗户,是那种可以摇开的窗户,我经常会摇开窗户,整天看着飞机起飞降落。   Todd: Wow! That"s cool.   哇,真酷!   Kevin: And another memory I have is the people, the couple that lived below us was an elderly couple and they acted pretty much like our grandparents, so I actually called them Grandma and Grandpa, and, uh, Grandma Stevenson used to give me a bath in the, in her, in her kitchen sink, cause I was so small, that she would actually give me a bath in her kitchen sink, and I remember that as well.   我还记得我们楼下住着一对老夫妇,他们就像我的祖父母一样,所以我就称呼他们为祖父祖母,祖母史蒂文森经常在她家厨房的水槽里给我洗澡,因为我当时个子很小,我还记得她在厨房水槽给我洗澡。   Todd: Wow, those are good memories.   哇,这些都是很美好的会议。 【篇二】关于日常生活的英语口语情景对话   Todd: OK, Leath, you"re from Zimbabwe. Could you talk about that?   好的,利思,你来自津巴布韦。你能和我们讲两句吗?   Leath: Yeah, OK. Well, I"m from Harare, which is the capital of Zim. And I was born there. My folks are British. My dad is from Manchester and my mom is from Scotland. They went out a long time ago. And, yeah, growing up in Zimbabwe was "lacker" as we say there. That means really cool in Africans. It was like, you grow up in an open free place with animals and sunshine and it"s just a really healthy place to be. Well at least it was. Today it"s not doing to well because the economy has crashed, but growing up there was really slick.   好的。我来自津巴布韦的首都哈拉雷。我在那里出生。我家都是英国人。我父亲来自曼彻斯特,我母亲来自苏格兰。他们很久前就过世了。在津巴布韦长大被称为“拉克尔”,也就是很酷的非洲人。就好像是你成长在一片自由的土地,有动物陪伴,阳光沐浴,这里真的是一块利于健康成长的土地。事实正是如此。因为经济崩溃,现在津巴布韦的情况并不好,但在这里长大真的很棒。   Todd: Wow! What animals could you see?   哇!你都能看到什么动物?   Leath: Ah, just about an hours drive out of any city, you are liable to come across just about anything. I"ve seen leapords often at night about an hour out of the capital where I live. You see monkeys along the road, right up to the city outskirts. In certain areas you"ll have to stop for elephants. There"s quite a few buck warning signs because they are actually quite dangerous at night. They jump across the road and your cars hit them at windscreen height. It is a bit of a problem. So, there"s buck everywhere. And then away from residential areas, there"s you know your big five, rhino, lion being the most... well interesting and I guess for foreigners. They are never really never around human settlement cause they are very very dangerous. They do take people from time to time.   在津巴布韦只要一个小时的车程,你就可以去任何地方,做任何事情。我曾经在晚上花一个小时离开我住的市区去看豹子。你能在街边看到猴子,就在城市的郊区。在一些特定的区域你要停下等待大象经过。那里有一些牌子警示人们,因为大象在夜间是很危险的。他们会跨越马路,车的挡风玻璃会撞在大象腿上。这是一个很严重的问题,所以随处可见告示牌子。离开了居民区,你就能看到许多动物了,犀牛和狮子是最常见的,我猜外来游客一定会觉得很有趣。它们是你在居民区附近绝不会看到的,因为它们都非常危险。有时他们会袭击人致死。   Todd: Wow! That"s fascinating. Thanks a lot Leath.   哇!这太棒了。谢谢你。   Leath: You"re welcome buddy! OK.   不客气。 【篇三】关于日常生活的英语口语情景对话   Eli: At the moment I"m living in Japan and life here is pretty different to anything I"ve reallyexperienced before. I think just because the dailyroutine is so different. In England, in England, basically I was really lazy. I"d probably get up at you know 8:30 in the morning. Leave ten minuteslater, cause I always brush my teeth at work, eat breakfast at work, get to work for 9 o"clock, come home from work at 5:30, probably lie on the sofa, watch the Simpsons, cook some food, go to bed, and that was the sort of daily routine in England, a very lazy one. I mean, even if I needed to get to the supermarket which was probably what, like 3-400 meters away, I"d get on my scooter to do it. Walking anywhere would be just a massive hassle and so it was a bit of a shock when I got to Japan and all that changed, I mean, the one thing you have to do a lot of in Tokyo is walk. You have to walk everywhere. I mean the train systems areabsolutely amazing but you need to walk to get to the train. You need to walk between the trains and like when I first arrived, I walked my feet into the ground. After a week they were aching so badly after two weeks. They were just I don"t know, it took me at least a month to like wear my feet in. They"re still, still like now, after long walks, but it"s just apart from the walking, you just, it"s just a business of life here, I mean cause no one actually lives in Tokyo cause it"s so expensive.   艾丽:现在我住在日本,这里的生活与我此前经历过的完全不同。我想这是因为日常生活非常不一样的关系。基本上在英国的时候我非常懒。我可能会在早上8点半起床。然后十分钟以后就出门,因为我在公司刷牙、在公司吃早餐,然后9点开始上班,5点半下班回家,我回家后会躺在沙发上看《辛普森一家》,做些饭吃,然后*睡觉,这就是我在英国的日常生活,非常慵懒的生活。我是说,即使我要去3、400米以外的超市,我也会骑着小型摩托车去。走路对我来说是*烦,所以当我来到日本以后受到了些冲击,所有的一切都改变了,我的意思是,在东京你做的最多的事情就是走路。你要走路去所有的地方。我是说,东京的列车系统相当的了不起,但是你要走路去坐列车。你要在列车之间行走,我刚到日本的时候,我走了非常多的路,特别的累。一周以后,我的脚依然非常疼,两周以后,我也不太清楚情况,我用了至少一个月的时间才恢复过来。现在长时间走路以后,我的脚依然会很疼,不过除了走路以外,东京这里是非常商业化的生活,我是说实际上没有人住在东京,因为太贵了。   We all live out sort of in the suburbs in what we call bed towns, and so actually getting into school every morning, I"m studying Japanese here, I have to get up pretty early just to get onto the train, to then travel, commute, an hour in, to get to school on time, which of course I never do. I"m meant to be at school at about nine, which would mean, sort of leaving my house at about 8, getting up at 7. I know this is not shocking for a lot of people, but after the routine I had, it"s a pretty shocking experience for me, especially the hour of commuting on the train where you"re kept in like sardines, you just would never have in sort of London and London underground in England where I"m from. On the London Undeground if the trains full people wait for the next train. Here if the train is full, people just push and push until they get on so you can end up being stood, never get to sit down, just standing for an hour, like squashed up, like sardines, so by the time you get to school you"re totally tired and then there"s a school until lunch time and after lunch I always say I"m going to come back and study but I never do I always come back and fall fast asleep.   实际上我们都住在郊区,我们把那里叫做卫星城,实际上我每天上午都去学校,我在这里学习日语,我必须要很早起床去赶列车,然后经过一个小时的路程准时抵达学校,当然这是我以前从未做过的事情,我要在9点左右抵达学校,这意味着我要在8点出门,7点起床。我知道这对许多人来说并不震惊,但是在我经历过以前的那些生活以后,这对我来说真的是冲击性的经历,尤其是坐列车的时间就要1个小时,而且在列车上人们挤得像沙丁鱼一样,根本不像英国伦敦的地铁那样。伦敦地铁的情况是,如果这趟车坐满了人,那人们就会等下趟列车。可是在东京,如果列车坐满了人,人们还是会继续上车,直到他们都上了车,所以就只能站在列车上,没有坐位,我要站一个小时,被挤得像沙丁鱼一样,所以在到达学校的时候,你已经筋疲力尽了,可是在午饭前还要学习,午饭后我总是说我要回家学习,但其实我从来没这么做过,因为我回家以后很快就睡着了。


  英语是我们生活无处不在的,我下面就给大家分享英语的口语,大家可以参考一下   Lending Money借钱   A: Can I borrow five bucks?   能借给我5美元吗?   B: No!   不行!   A: Come on! I"ll pay you back on Tuesday.   拜托!我周三就会还给你。   B: Last time I lent you money, you never paid me back.   上次你借我钱,到现在还没有还。   A: I promise if you lend me five dollars today, I will repay you in full next week.   我保证我今天借你5美元,我下周一定还给你。   B: Ok, but I"m taking your skateboard as collateral.   好吧,我拿你的滑板鞋作为抵押品。   A: Fine! I can"t believe you don"t trust me.   好吧!我不敢相信你竟然不相信我。   B: It"s nothing personal, just business.   这个和个人无关,只是交易。   Homeschooling 在家教育   A: I think we should home school our children when we decide to have kids.   我认为当我们决定有孩子的时候应该在家教育他们。   B: What? Why?   什么?为什么?   A: Well, our public schools here are not very good and private school are just too expensive. I have been reading up on home schooling and it has a lot of advantages.   嗯,我们这里的公立学校不是很好,私立学校又很贵。我读了有关家庭教育的书,发现有很多的优势。   B: Like what? I think that by doing something like that we would be isolating our children from social interaction.   比如?我觉得这么做的话会让我们的孩子很孤立,不会社交。   A: Well, first of all, I would be able to teach them everything they learn in school in a more relaxed and fun way. I also think that having a one-on-one class is much better since you can focus more on his or her strengths or weaknesses.   嗯,首先,我能够用一种更加轻松和好玩的方式教他们在学校里学到的一切。我还觉得一对一的教学方式可以有争对性发现他或者她的优缺点。   B: I think neither your parents or mine would agree to such an idea.   我想我们的父母都不会同意的。   A: I will bring it up over Sunday brunch.   我会在周末的早午餐的时候跟他们提的。   B: Good luck with that!   希望这个想法能被通过!   College Life 校园生活   A: Hey, Jordan, is that you? Long time no see!   嘿,乔丹,是你吗?好久不见!   B: Oh, hey, no kidding! I haven"t seen you since orientation three months ago! So how"ve you been? Settling into college life OK?   哦,嘿,真的是这样啊!自从上次分开我们已经有三个月没见了!你现在好吗?开始你的大学生活了吗?   A: Yeah, I think so! I pledged Phi Iota Alpha, so I"m living at the frat house now.   是的,我是这么想的!我向u03a6IA起誓了,所以我现在住在兄弟会的房子。   B: Oh, so you"re a frat boy now, huh? 哦,你现在是兄弟会的人了,额?   A: Yeah, yeah, I know, it"s totally cliche, but really, I think it"s been a good decision. I"ve got a lot of support and good suggestions from the guys. What about you? What have you been up to?   是的,是的,我知道,这完全是陈词滥调。但是,我真得觉得这是一个好决定。那儿的兄弟们给了我很多很好的建议。你怎么样了?你后来做了什么?   B: Not much. I"m still living at home and commuting to school. I ended up dropping that metalworking class I was so excited about. It just wasn"t as interestin as I"d hoped. The guidance counselor suggested that I focus on my prerequisite courses so that I can make sure the credits count.   没做太多。我还是住在家里然后往返学校。我没有上我很喜欢的金工课。这可不是我希望的。咨询顾问建议我把注意力放在预学课程上,这样才能确保能拿到学分。   A: That sounds smart... but kind of boring.   听起来这样做是明智的但是有点无聊。   B: Yeah, it is, a little bit. I joined the Great Outdoors Club, though, which has been a lot of fun. We"ve gone on two camping trips already, and I"ve made some good friends.   是的,是有点无聊。但是我加入了户外运动俱乐部,那里很好玩。我们已经去露营两次了,并且结交了一些好朋友。   A: That"s cool. Hey, so have you decided on your major yet?   酷。嘿,你已经决定你的专业了吗?   B: Definitely pre-med. What about you?   当然是医学预科。你呢?   A: I still have no clue... but we don"t have to declare a major till our sophomore year, so I"ve got time! Oops, I"m late for class. Gotta run!   我还是没有头绪但是我们直到大二那年才须要定下专业,所以还有时间做决定!哎呀,上课快迟到了。得走了!   B: OK, take care! Hey, nice running into you!   好的,保重!嘿,很高兴见到你!   A: Yeah, you too!   是的,你也是!


  有很多英语死记硬背是学不会的,我下面就给大家分享英语的口语,大家快快练习起来吧   Skincare 皮肤护理   A: You want to go get a facial with me today?   你今天想和我一起去做面部按摩吗?   B: Dude, what are you talking about? Only girls do that.   哥们,你在说什么呢?那是女孩子做的事。   A: Not at all, guys also get facials, manicures and pedicures. There is nothing wrong with looking after your skin and looking good.   才不是呢,男孩也做面膜,修指甲,足疗。保护好自己的皮肤没有错。   B: True. So what do they do to you at your beauty spa?   是的。温泉按摩之后做什么呢?   A: Well, first they exfoliate my face, getting rid of all the dead skin. Then I get a face mask with nutrients that keep my skin healthy and young. Afterwards, they apply some moisturizer and you leave feeling like a million bucks.   嗯,首先他们会做角质处理,去掉所有的死皮。然后会给我贴上一片能保证我皮肤健康和年轻的面膜。   B: That doesn"t really sound like something I would be interested in. In any case, I just wash my face every night and use sunscreen during the day.   听上去不是我感兴趣的那种。不管遇到什么,我只是每天晚上洗脸,白天涂些防晒霜。   A: Well you should come with me one day, I"m sure you"ll love it.   嗯,你应该和我去一次,我保证你会爱上它的。   B: Uh... no.   额,还是不要了。   海关检查   A: Good afternoon, passport and arrival card please.   下午好,请出示你的护照和入境证。   B: Here you are.   给你。   A: Where are you coming from?   你从哪儿来?   B: China.   中国。   A: Is this your country of birth or residence.   这是你的出生地还是居住地?   B: I just work there.   我只是在那儿工作。   A: What is the purpose of your visit to the United States?   你去美国旅行的目的是什么?   B: I"m here on vacation.   我来度假。   A: How long do you plan to stay in the United States?   你打算待在美国多久?   B: Almost three weeks.   大概三个月。   A: Sir, you didn"t fill out the information on your arrival card of where you will be staying.   先生,你还没有填入境证上你将到哪儿住的信息。   B: Oh, I"m sorry, but there are a couple of different places I will travel to within the United States, so I wasn"t sure what to put.   哦,抱歉,但是我在美国有很多地方要去参观,所以我不确定我应该填那个地址。   A: You must specify an address of the place where you will spend most of your time.   你必须填一个你待的时间最久的那个地方。   B: Ok, here you are.   好的,给你。   A: Do you have enough means to support yourself while you are here?   你到这里做好足够的准备了吗?   B: Yes. I have some travellers cheques and two credit cards.   是的,我有些旅行支票和两张信用卡。   A: Very good. Do you have anything to declare?   非常好。你还有什么要说的吗?   B: Nope. I only have my clothes and camera!   没有。我只有衣服和照相机。   A: Very well sir, welcome to the United States, enjoy your visit.   非常好,先生,欢迎来到美国,旅途愉快。   带什么酒去赴餐好?   Salesperson: Hello there, welcome to Wine World. Let me know if I can help you out at all.   你好,欢迎来到酒的世界。有什么可以帮助的吗?   Customer: Um, yes, please, I could really use some help. I"m going over to my boss"house for dinner tonight and don"t know what kind of wine I should bring.   嗯,是的,确实需要你的帮助。今晚我要去老板家里做客,但是不知道带什么酒比较合适。   Salesperson: OK, do you know what kind of food will be served?   好的,你知道你的老板会招待你们喝什么吗?   Customer: Well, his wife is Japanese. He said she makes really good sushi.   嗯,他的妻子是日本人。他说她做的寿司很好吃。   Salesperson: Hmm, that"s a bit of a challenge. Sushi is notoriously difficult to pair with wine. Well, let"s see. have to be a white wine, of course.   Customer: Why? Wouldn"t a red wine go well with sushi?   为什么?没有红酒可以和寿司搭配的吗?   Salesperson: No, I don"t think so. Sushi is a very delicately flavored food, and red wine would be a jarring contrast. You need a white wine, which has more subtle flavors, to complement the fish.   Customer: I see. So should I get a bottle of Chardonnay? That"s a white wine, right?   我知道了。我应该买一瓶雪当利,那是白酒,对吗?   Salesperson: Yes, Chardonnay is a white wine, but I"m not sure it"d be your best bet. Chardonnay is one of the more fullbodied whites, and tends to be a bit oaky. I"d suggest that you go for something brighter, like this Sauvignon Blanc from New Zealand.   是的,雪当利是一种浓烈的酒,还行吧。我建议你买一些淡一些,比如来自新西兰的白苏维浓。   Customer: Sauvignon Blanc? What"s that?   白苏维浓,那是什么?   Salesperson: That"s another varietal, or type of grape, just like Chardonnay.   那是用一种葡萄酿制的葡萄酒,葡萄酒的一种,就像雪当利。   Customer: Let"s see. The label says it"s got attractive citrus and grassy aromas that give way to crisp, mineral flavors and a bonedry finish. Serve chilled. Oh, no, how long will it take to chill the wine? I"m on my way to the dinner now.   Salesperson: It"s OK, don"t worry, we"ll just choose a wine from the cooler. We don"t have quite as extensive a selection over here, but...this Rhone Valley white would be lovely.   好的,不用担心,我们只是从冰箱里面选择一瓶酒。我们没有很多的选择,但是罗纳河白酒很不错。   Customer: All right. What varietal is that?   好吧,是用什么酿成的?   Salesperson: Well, this is a French wine, so they don"t always specify the varietal on the label. The French believe that the soil a grape is grown in is one of the most important factors in the final flavor of the wine. This wine is probably a blend of a few different types of grapes, mostly Viognier, I"d guess.   嗯,这是法国酒,因此他们不明确地标注是由什么酒酿造的。法国人认为葡萄生长的土地是酒最终味道的最重要因素之一。这种酒是不同葡萄在一起酿成的,我觉得最多的是维欧尼。   Customer: And you think this is a good wine?   你觉得这是好酒吗?   Salesperson: Yes, this is one of our best-sellers. It"s not quite as dry as the Sauvignon Blanc we were looking at earlier, which means it"s more approachable. It"s light and crisp, with a bit of a vanilla aroma.   是的,这是最畅销的就。它不像我们之前看到的索维农葡萄那样那么干,它更加容易入口。它又轻又脆,带有一点香草的香气。   Customer: Perfect! I"ll take it!   太好了!我就买这个了!

求 酒店预定 情景英文 对话

Scene 1 Between the Guest and the Room Attendant Guest: Excuse me. We"re leaving today. Room Attendant: Is there anything I can do for youuff1f Guest: No, just tell the accounting desk abou it. Room Attendant: My pleasure. By the wayuff0cI"d like to tell you that the check-out time is 12u223600 noonuff0csiruff0e Scene 2 At the Accounting Desk Guest: I"d like to pay my bill nowuff0e Front Office Cashier 1: Your name and room numberuff0cpleaseuff1f Guest: George Wrightuff0cRoom 706uff0eFront Office Cashier 1: Have you used any hotel services this morning or had breakfast at the hotel dining roomuff0cMr George Wrightuff1f Guest: Yesuff0cmy friend and I just had breakfast at the dining roomuff0cbut we didn"t use any servicesuff0e u3000u3000Front Office Cashier 1: Fineuff0eThis is your billuff0cMr George Wright. Four nights at 90 US dollors eachuff0cand here are the meals that you had at the hoteluff0eThat makes a total of 665 US dollarsuff0eu3000u3000Guest: Oh, my God! How could it be so much? I didn"t expect it to be so much. Maybe there is something wrong with the meals.u3000u3000Front Office Cashier 1: I"m very to hear that, Mr George Wright. Don"t worry. I"ll check it at once.u3000u3000(The Front Office Cashier 2 calls the manager of Food and Beverage Outlets)u3000u3000Waitress A: This is the Food and Beverage Outlets. Can I help you?u3000u3000Front Office Cashier 2: This is the Front Office. I"d like you to reaffirm the meals of Mr George Wright. There is something wrong with the cost.u3000u3000Waitress A: OK. Just a minute.... Oh, yes, you are right. The cost should be $201.u3000u3000Front Office Cashier 2( turns to Mr George Wright): Sorry, sir,we made a mistake.u3000u3000Guest: What happened? How could you be so careless! I want to see your lobby manager.u3000u3000(The lobby manager comes. )u3000u3000Lobby manager: Sorry, sir. I"ve heard about the accident. Here I want to apologize to you for our carelessness and the delay and inconvenience that it brings to you. Please frogive us. We won"t make the same mistake again. And we""ll give you a small gift. Welcome you to here next time.u3000u3000Guest: That"ll be fine.(Turns to Front Office Cashier 1)u3000u3000Guest: Can I pay by credit carduff1fu3000u3000Front Office Cashier 1: Certainlyuff0eMay I have your carduff0cpleaseuff1fu3000u3000Guest: Here you areuff0eu3000u3000Front Office Cashier 1: Please sign your name hereuff0eu3000u3000Guest: Oh, yesuff0eIs it possible to leave my luggage here until I"m ready to leave this afternoonuff1f I"d like to say good-bye to some of my friendsuff0eu3000u3000Front Office Cashier 1: Yesuff0cwe"ll keep it for youuff0eHow many pieces of your luggageuff1fu3000u3000Guest: Just threeuff0eI"ll be back by 3u223600uff0eu3000u3000Front Office Cashier 1: That"s fine. Have a nice dayuff0eu3000u3000Guest: Thank youuff0eSee you later.

英文情景对话 出租车和乘客 简短的

Driver:Where do you want to go?Pessenger:To Diguo Building. How much?Driver:100 dollar.Pessenger:How experient it is? Why don"t you rob?Driver:You are right. I am the robby. Take you money to me.Pessenger:Help!!!Driver:I will kill you if you yell!Pessenger:Help!!!Finally, the driver killed the pessenger.


  学习英语的有效方法之一,进行会话。下面是我给大家整理的4人英语情景会话,供大家参阅!   4人英语情景会话篇1   B: Oh, itu2019s you, A..   A: Hey, B. Fancy meeting you here. Howu2019s things going?   B: So far so good. Look, Iu2019m going to the Tesco. I want to buy some daily use. How about you? A: To tell the truth, Iu2019m going there ,too.   B: Really?   A: Yes. Iu2019m going there for my new MP3 which bought there yesterday.   B: How do you like your new mp3? I also want to buy a new one.   A: Donu2019t mention it. It worked very well yesterday,but now it doesnu2019t work.   B:It sounds incredible. Have you checked the batteries?   A:Actually,I have checked all the things including batteries,but it still doesnu2019t work。 B:Let me have a look。   A: Here you are。   B:Er u2026..OK. Letu2019s go to the counter and ask for returning. Oh, have you picked the receipt? A: Of course. Itu2019s a must.   C: Good afternoon. Can I help you?   B: Yes, Weu2019d like to return this mp3.   C:Is there something wrong with it?   A: Yes, I bought it yesterday, but it doesnu2019t work now.   C: Well, our productionu2019s quality is always very good. Maybe you did something bad to it. Hmm, let me have a check, perhaps we can repair it for you freely.   B: Oh, no no no.. you didnu2019t get it, we want to return it, not repair it.   C: Hmm, I know your idea, but you checked it yesterday when you buy it, and at that time, it worked well. Iu2019m sure you have done something bad to it.   A: Iu2019m very sure that I didu2019t. Whatu2019s more, I remember it clearly that you said I can return the mp3 in three days and exchange it in seven days.   C: Hmm. I need to ask instructions from my manager.   B: Can we talk to your manager face to face?   C: Er, boss is very busy at the moment.   B: Then we can wait here until he finished all works.   C: All right, all right. Please wait a moment.   C: May I come in?   D: Yes, what happened?   C: Two customs bought a mp3 from our mall yesterday, but it didnu2019t work now, so they want a returning.   D: What? Itu2019s out of the question. Havenu2019t you made them realize that asking for returning in our mall is a stupid action?   C: I had tried my best, but they still want to talk with you.   D: Maybe you can prepare for your new job. Where are they?   C: Just at the counter.   D: Good afternoon,everyone. Iu2019m the manager here. What can I do for you?   B: The seller should have told you what happened. We want to return the mp3.   D: Hmm, generally speaking, digital productions especially mp3 sold by us are always in high quality and our quality and service is highly spoken ofu2026   A: Wait, good service? The seller told me yesterday that I can return the mp3 in three days and exchange it in seven days. But he changed just now. How do you think your service is good? At this time B call the 315   B: Hello, is that 315? My friend bought a mp3 in Tesco yesterday(声音渐小)u2026..   C:(轻拍经理提示)Boss,she is calling 315..   D: Wait .wait. wait, you may misunderstand me. I didnu2019t mean I wouldnu2019t return for you. B: So we can ask for the returning?   D: Hmmm. Iu2019ll do it if you donu2019t call the 315. Miss, would you please make a recalling for the 315? Then Iu2019ll have it returned.   C: But bossu2026   D: You stupid, canu2019t you understand my word?   C: Ok, you are the boss. Hmmm do you have the receipt?   A: Here it is.   C: Ok, hereu2019s your money. Check it once more if you want to buy something next time! A: Iu2019ll, thank you.   B: I think it should be check it once more if you want to sell it next time!   C: Er. Welcome to our mall next time.   AB: We will!   A: B, you are so brave!   B: Just so-so.   A: How useful 315 is!   B: I just called 10086.   A: Eru2026u2026u2026u2026u2026.   4人英语情景会话篇2   Xiao Ling and Lanlan are on their way to the dormitory. Xiao Ling drops a book and Yani and Songtao who happen to be right behind them, pick up the book and give it back to them. Y: Excuse me, is this your book?   X: Thank you so much.   Y: You are welcome. Are you new admits?   X : yes. We just came to register yesterday. My name is Xiao ling. Nice to meet you. This is my best high school friend Lanlan.   Y: My name is Yani. Nice to meet you, too. This is my friend since childhood, Songtao. S: hi! We both came from xxx.   L: really? I am from that city, too. We are all town fellows arenu2019t we?. Itu2019s such a small world. S: absolutely. We both major in computer science. Whatu2019s your major?   X: accounting. I donu2019t really like it. But my parents said this school offers excellent accounting programs and it will be easier for me to get a job later on.   L: My major is education. I want to be a teacher. I think it is cool.   S: I picked my own major because I know what I want. I just like computers a lot. I would like to be a computer programmer in the future.   Y: Well, I donu2019t know wether I really like it or not. I just follow Songtao where he goes. X: I feel bad for those students who make it to the top but had to quit school because of financial problems.   S: My parents paid some of my tution and I said to myself that I want to be a somebody. But no matter how much I do, I will never be able to repay my parents for what they have done for me.   L: I think I will find some off campus jobs in summer. I donu2019t want to be a burden to my family . My parents have been working hard all their lives.   X: Lanlan, you are great.   S: look. The boys are playing basketball now. I will join them. See you !   X: letu2019s keep in touch, ok?   L: I donu2019t have a cell phone. Can I send you e-mails?   Y: Sure. Here is my cell phone number. 12345678   And this is my e-mail address. Please write to me.   L: I will.   X: this is mine.:22334455.I am so glad to meet you. Take care!   4人英语情景会话篇3   A: What did you think bout the fashion show last night?   B: It was dumb. In my opinion , itu2019s stupid for women to wear clothes like that.   A: I didnu2019t see anything wrong with the clothes ; they look pretty nice to me .   C: Hello, A and B , What are you talking about ?   B: Hey, C and D, We are talking about the fashion show last night .You didnu2019t know the people wearing miniskirts at the show.   D: Really? Do you think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets?   A: Yes, I do, At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth.   B: Well, I still think theyu2018re dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes. What do you think of girls wearing miniskirts?   C: Some people believe that good girls should never wear a miniskirts because it is too revealing. On the other hand, there are girls who prefer to break with tradition, play a new ,independent role in society, and therefore they choose to wear something daring and rebellious such as a miniskirt. D: As for me , Iu2019m in favor of the farmer point of view and donu2019t like those who wear a miniskirt . A: Ha Ha ,You are go out(You are out of date) .We need fashion and I want to dreaming of being a fashion model.   D: Well, What is the fashion models?   C: Fashion models are people employed by fashion house to show off their new designs.   B: Yes ,Top models like Claudia Schiffler and Naomi Campboll may appear in fashion shows in Pairs ,Milan, New York and London in the course of a month.   A: Well, they are also wanted frequently by fashion magazines to be photographed wearing the latest styles .   D: Oh, That I know ,attractive models in the world appear form behind a door and walk down along raised runway, stopping ,turning, posing as they go, all with the purpose of showing the advantages of the new designs.   C: Yeah, you say right .The fashion house hold shows to present their latest creations.   D: Oh, that sounds great, Butu2026When you are wearing something new or fashionable, do you feel shy or proud?   B: Some people are daring and self-confident by nature. They feel proud of themselves when putting on new, fashionable clothes.   A: That self-confident people is me .I donu2019t feel shy and on the other hand , I want to be the center of public attention.   D: Well, I tend to be shy. The last thing I wish to do is to seek the spothight. Naturally, I may feel ill at ease with stylish clothes.   C: As far as Iu2019m concerned, I would feel confident in a new dress, This has something to do with my childhood experience.   B: Do you think fashion shows are necessary in todayu2019s society?   A: Obviously fashion shows have been around for a long time in various parts of the world. This fact shows that they are an indispensable part of the modern culture .   D: However , I u2018d like to point out that the pursuit of fashion should not take up the greater part of our live. After all ,work and study are far more important than fashion show.   A: I agree with you .But do you think people react to you differently when you wear different clothes? C: Some people do treat me differently according to what I u2018m wearing. They are often called snobs. Fortunately, those people do not represent the majority.   D: Most people judge you by your ability, intelligence and moral integrity rather than by the clothes you u2018re wearing.   B: I agree with you.


电视动画《PUPA》改编自由日本漫画家茂木清香原作的同名漫画。2013年4月1日,在“アニメコンテンツエキスポ2013”活动上发表TV动画化的决定。电视动画于2014年1月9日首播,全12话,每集约3分钟。作品主要描写了一个究极的兄妹爱的故事,讲述长谷川现与妹妹梦虽然生长在严酷的家庭环境中,但两兄妹还是一直相互扶持生活着。然而,随着未知病毒“pupa”的到来,他们的境况变得更加绝望了。妹妹因为受到病毒的侵染而变成了吃人的丑陋怪物,哥哥为了妹妹的生存则决定奉献自己的身体给妹妹作为食物。扩展资料:《pupa》是由日本漫画家茂木清香创作的漫画,于《月刊Comic Earth Star》2011年4月号上开始连载。作为著者的商业连载出道作,本作曾荣获了第一届Earth Star Comic大奖漫画部门的佳作奖。兄长长谷川现,长久以来守护着重要的妹妹;妹妹长谷川梦,天真烂漫仰慕着自己的哥哥。由于残酷的家庭背景而受尽痛苦的兄妹二人,互相依靠,过着相依为命的生活。有一天,梦遇见一只红色的蝴蝶,因此感染了未知的病毒“PUPA”,化作一头异形怪物袭击啃食了周围所有生物,包括人类。目睹了这一惨剧的现,从“PUPA”研究者玛利亚那里得到了抑制病毒发作的方法。为了不让梦痛苦而决定以自己的肉体给妹妹喂食。
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